CERS Returns to the Yangtze's Source

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CERS Returns to the Yangtze's Source VOLUME 1 NO 1 A lllessage from the Presidenl, Wong How Man J1 Yikesl On a wildlife expedilion, wild yaks attack ) Fading Tibetan mural paintings get an expert facelift '7 An unexpected sandstom delays wong How l4an's Dunhuang departure CERS Returns to the Yangtze's Source .. lll-rr '.'r. J...r . 8 \- i ,,' ,'' 1.".'.' lo.l, -'\" | ,r. CERS educaies Yunnan villagers rhe L.!c nrure oirhc Dighr! \'!n!17c Rnq HLeh on r]t libeoi l,laleau, h. md hl\:onK.igee, aboui an auspicious bird 16. rtrrccd a 6,:1il0-k]lonnr. totrrnc! hcn mad. a decrde ig. ll bn)ught b niind the $ell 1..\r (lhire,e \.tilg "\\hen dfnk n-e Mrcr. thlil,.hout j[ vrc"As \..g Dot.d ir his dirry I0]elrsahd hi5lir{Iisn. Tlicnar.rMsirilllr.e/ilsAnd\rlllir\ mcdDrhelnl, t2 Thc Jociety hd: ltrdctcll mdi_r rrc{ li'.Dds tutrl Jpoini \. eager lo sum.n iG .\tlor ior $d THANK YOU! we spotllght CERS' en:cnatror ldirts lr (llrina! r!m.r. ar.as \o\: CLIts [urchcs r],1\ re]\Lenc, ,6 rh,r. nrr qenerous sponsors n.hiercDerl\ \ith $Lpl,.rcrs rnd rclnro(lcde. thet rihdhk ..nri hurn)n. (r our c Ee Dircctors: \\'ON(i HOW 1L{\. Bsd.i IIIIN ,t Di\lEL \(i. Dremr (.iw,tri, J{)HN HnREll. o,r i, E $,1t . EXPLORERs CIII\\ E\PLORlTIO\ i\D R[5tIRCII 5OCIITI' [!C\f S BIRTIETT. r,ft dor CERS Iield Sraff: ZrL$L FlN tuiil4 corsr.ir d, .eokL rlo do. d ftolr{ \lrirs{ d thr (0n! ! ?lun lc Hci! s |ct lal,,ll, and sliile! N cHE\ )ir,\oPr\c. ft! ( vmur : a or,rs m? to do nt]ir nor? ol,rhai a |ra!s asp rNd tr arcoTp sh lhan{s l0 humai aid lnanca l.L O llO\(i. koaL !ur(r rescries!,ilh r llr rgg 0r Ab!.,,g a CEBS 1rlrdsand (]HI HI]A\(; XIN $0N0rs r S0rlr?asl Asa share slon0 iln01ltd rFlml.gr Pii.d Iee lhha Thr0uqhlisr0nn0na0ireTn l,]ecar Dr L$IIL\ LOC,I\ rL.F( jbug.L ilsiN Notnl cx I cl)is sletl sul]0ort,hase enrs 0r [iERS as an rr!ai:al0n lful s r8speiled'c Itot \l{\C lll\CllLlA. Datur er00mit l];h nasrar.rlerE! ail!,? tparlc i "rs laln! \nrnn{ {h&,f!u hniR lhriar Lboitu ,r0$ft : nalursani aLr:LrB rirnserral0i rrrl?ds and ( strr 1995 Yanqlze Erpediii0n leam membe6 enr Nh r0 tlre ,e h0od 0l r n.r l) cmC el (,hose lLl.lliCN D,*!s!( s{*, ' lt (lrcnt to hack) wonq How Man, tartc ?s r0!er m,irelhai ia I01Ci na Cha0 Zhonqyu, Zhang Fan, Chen XiaDpinq, (,]ur Dr \\'ll l lA\t BL S(IH !iEr!,.rnL Liu Honq, XiZinonq rqan/alr,ihcLrd mitt Lrf 1ll n p,,isina lil ,ril'al I acks n sft \iie ih0u d be a[e 10 nr 1! rl0 ERGUN $mrL$.!. ad.rn ani rBspNnd l0 sluaions !rlh 1".r1 lI [e n:ed i0 be ri0lll\ie atd Nteal!e r laNk fq N![rl]e] (lH,NG HLlBiN. ui.l.!,n.mrd,i o, pr0ir,e[s i C |erhals m0sl np0r,tnlI0rr hard-rcrknq sla11n$dsl0 ha!?lui CENS enl0,,s srpr.0rl 0l nani lrd 0 Ja s a1d NNrporaL Tl! ltesl ui]! l! lhank re s lhrcLrql ll ZHINON(i. \,ldlLrr (trft inn llt '. ons :r9rt0 ZEAO AIONGYI l:BS sutress r ie led li ik tlLrr e ]|f rad r! il..1ed re00rls n t 5 5itd dii h0pelutr sstt! r,; bt n! r ljrrs anc beller Esu Editor: lcJ 0llltre h LlIH\ lIt.lloR\ ii: rrff x nr sirrn! rni ,*-)- Design Dheciorl \\\ll.lll lalllSO\. D6gf d rlsLar, I Production SupcrYisor: ILDY CH\\. {: a,sD(tr{ rrhdr,l CEBS Tai Tam Research Centre 654 2809 4181 (8521 2809 2909 lo out R@d*: lt you have q enail ad&*i please sharc it wnh CEFS. Serd a messrge to 4agaw@ashonfne,net>, Do yau knaw soheane else who woutd tike ta rccdve th6 newsleftq? Please sqd us then dehils. Colour Separation: qfie \l llA\1\L\C !u4trr Dn.r{ Wth resp@t to the cont@ts of this rewslefter, nctudihg ns photog,aphs: Al Brbhts Feseryed, Coqright 19 - @ China E,ptoratian and Aesearch Saciety- Aease contact CERS tu repnnt pmissian. Prhterl K[\r"t]H aHt NG. uolsraIhor ND"Et]3 OFF we ve movedl Near Aberden, overlooking ihe Maina Club,'E:J we'llbe archivins one of lhe most impona China slide collections. The new address is: Unit 9,23lF SouthMark, Tower 8,11 Yip Hins strcet, wons chuk Hans, Hons Kons, (a52) 2555 7776!tux (35r) 2s55 1661 Lt,9 fult sj]l].:.+j] Big yak attack . \l I r-!u rr,! r1,r r,llrdrli f, .Ii rL.1!!1: fl:Ller d.r! 1h. LjLNr (1,! (rl R 1.,. Ni rr.., l f-RS :,,i i sr .\|1.'.d Lin \tnnr.r \\.,i1\',9 ll.rt,irldlti Lrir\rln.ijrr,.i..rirr:n.drniro\r,1:lti,?\i,1.11i,,r1r.,,,,,1lri:r.ilfrtr:rlt 1\ui.'. r.:\nhi1m!.:rr'.Inlr Ln.l,r.i /:. ,i:rf,\ \r\.[ L,.trrh r]r,..i.!r.i r:rel [. r s.'. ni'].r'.li.r*ai!!b.iniuli:11!.!r*i(jllrrrlc\hirir:lLrAi.I Jr: [S !r r1].1rll.t: Tlr. rn.r \.: rirr.r !il'd lil d'!illi! rr.r re b!i. .l h|.r. fr i.. md r.irarh.,,o,.rn,.+,Lli!r,.\\1,.i:h.ilril,.l,.Jrf.rin.ied,:litrnr.li-{oriror !hrs..1.rrr.rn,sNalirf.i,fri.arn.r:niftenrf.LrtL-.u9,'LbLtr.,rrrh.rnh.n By William 8le sch ll'eL: I ndr aN:nihrr n ildi'i. ro it nj. mi fl'ir,! r, L,.f.Lir hl. \\e Jrr.l!.!!1' nnn!'glr mdl.ss.*r1. lelLllrlc* Lar Lirr 1r..hi!r!e\ if 1L lNniji:.1 Dunhuang. Cansu Ptavince r r l.D ..{.i.. rli.t aiei iile hei l,, :r.LrL \ !.hl.nl llr. ru,r,nin \j \!.Lrb rlr. isril n rll.ll.r's.nrsi'!!IiiIndl1ft:1,\r.l!L..ihre'kf]!.d.,.i.1!..!!rlL When lhe yaks linal yseise !urNol\Tnnlol'ri9.z.ll. rdn'ldali.\ir.diuhhi:h. rr\|.l:!r,!f.flSnrliN. our presence, nol more lhan 200 r, ! rlrdn l0 il.Lr \lt.ti orlr lds.l. d il !.rl1D1g Lrr':lkell meleN away.lhey srrprise us Th. rr\1Llq: nr.drp bctofLt irr. liiri[ oi olr lln aLl{\ l]it. a)ur turil, lnil.s jar l]e lnslead ol rnnin0 away lhey oilt rd\ nnrdra :..A o I i. L]r t..ro| rh iluJ er: \\e drnc lirjrll rf rlr. rf J. rt rrn about in a rhurnir! massol ri-q r,. r,fs. rronras nn.r. rr,. ( hrc LLrltl.J. n r r\ hl! s.!r rlrr l!ilr-! i..N \i ll]ln ror. rl !, :rr i Lld si rlr'r a|orlr i'ed .rr rnll,J: i,l ,1., [if: nf\ l] !f rle , .rllc\ s:: on n!. i.,\ nril'!1!ri1.n ,\[:1]rer! I .).1 I I b r.i not.. r!.o!irzdl,L t\ rll ij r Lld\r1,, .\s nt ornr ltl rlr 1 dh\r ,\t 1'.s . I'u!e I r[ (! . r1\ mr,n1 r r]., i. .f:rda tr! xln.n dc ltrr Lhrrr.rr.Lt;!i!.r|ors.\r1rri Hrlirre|,l!l.rLhlr.nl\[t.LJ,r,i..!o!!li.] . im r, rr.DsL.!! Lrer\e.rrl:J: \\rrl.f],rftrlnnd.lJu-! r.riL\ hrlt:lrt.leri.l 1trr.r'rdNron di:lt LJ. tre r.u,r r:,.i' L!nlng rl,..tr' li,r r cL,\!,I ok he \ Lif rrdr:lie\.hiLLrg.rrtr\l].idbr.i..u\\rrLrr\li:ir.,llt\rLrlrtrfr.\.!.. 1r-.t trn,rc lltj r llllr rtlrs r\ i}. Lj.) ulri\i r': hlt.rd.ir![ni!]r1.r\ lr.\ rfndbftrl ra.hLtrrirgfr.F\ . i h rrL ,r, .1J Lr,:1. ( )r r\I]..ef.r,' !r.ii: t]i br.!frs ..si.i.a (.i,.1,r.i lr.rclL,ih Llir rif Ll' L E, \ i .h:.:!: fc.f :l \rix, \r lf ,r l rul or.onnni. rli rg li.nires. h.tr l .rJ- . Ll$ I nrngire h.n .Lul:ll\ Llr. u d bfJjr Lit (undi.. tr.ft!. tr!. rrtl lco{ rnL. ti[.e Lr] run. NIy shutte, fitercs in the icv wi.4 and I {)ur experienced g[ide also The next moming, at ftrst lieht, they de n e h ro ordlc thc camco .ext to my chest stutre spo! restitrg. Bnt b,y E .10, thcy dc on t\c t becomes agitaled. "Come back!" ber$re! each picnu! to warnr it. Fl.oily, the moe. gmzin-P otr t\c tu. he yells into lhe wind. "They will yaks chdge cou$e ed run of ercss t\c No{ they re spt d out jn a long N people!" ftozd river ro die ldlcy on drc onu sidc. charge ams i\e slope, likc clurgirg cahuy. marcn Sooa, fiey'r out ofricsl nrg abreat. HN do tlcy mainta,n s@h pr i- Elxled by onr closc cncounter. s! state gilDh bluc sheep, liuillesly.]ing 10 stalk thc sio!? It occuE 10 .re fiat perlaps each ydk jts acrcs tu ln,er ic. b@l to tlc j*p. Tlc lcath- wary Tit ta. s@elLe.
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