A lllessage from the Presidenl, Wong How Man J1 Yikesl On a wildlife expedilion, wild yaks attack

) Fading Tibetan mural paintings get an expert facelift '7

An unexpected sandstom delays wong How l4an's Dunhuang departure CERS Returns to the Yangtze's Source .. lll-rr '.'r. J...r . 8 \- i ,,' ,'' 1.".'.' lo.l, -'\" | ,r. CERS educaies villagers rhe L.!c nrure oirhc Dighr! \'!n!17c Rnq HLeh on r]t libeoi l,laleau, h. md hl\:onK.igee, aboui an auspicious bird 16. rtrrccd a 6,:1il0-k]lonnr. totrrnc! hcn mad. a decrde ig. ll bn)ught b niind the $ell 1..\r (lhire,e \.tilg "\\hen dfnk n-e Mrcr. thlil,.hout j[ vrc"As \..g Dot.d ir his dirry I0]elrsahd hi5lir{Iisn. Tlicnar.rMsirilllr.e/ilsAnd\rlllir\ mcdDrhelnl, t2 Thc Jociety hd: ltrdctcll mdi_r rrc{ li'.Dds tutrl Jpoini \. eager lo sum.n iG .\tlor ior $d THANK YOU! we spotllght CERS' en:cnatror ldirts lr (llrina! r!m.r. ar.as \o\: CLIts [urchcs r],1\ re]\Lenc, ,6 rh,r. nrr qenerous sponsors n.hiercDerl\ \ith $Lpl,.rcrs rnd rclnro(lcde. thet rihdhk ..nri hurn)n. (r our c Ee Dircctors: \\'ON(i HOW 1L{\. Bsd.i IIIIN ,t Di\lEL \(i. Dremr (.iw,tri,

J{)HN HnREll. o,r i, E $,1t . EXPLORERs CIII\\ E\PLORlTIO\ i\D R[5tIRCII 5OCIITI' [!C\f S BIRTIETT. r,ft dor

CERS Iield Sraff: ZrL$L FlN tuiil4 corsr.ir d, .eokL rlo do. d ftolr{ \lrirs{ d thr (0n! ! ?lun lc Hci! s |ct lal,,ll, and sliile! N

cHE\ )ir,\oPr\c. ft! ( vmur : a or,rs m? to do nt]ir nor? ol,rhai a |ra!s

asp rNd tr arcoTp sh lhan{s l0 humai aid lnanca l.L O llO\(i. koaL !ur(r rescries!,ilh r llr rgg 0r Ab!.,,g a CEBS 1rlrdsand (]HI HI]A\(; XIN $0N0rs r S0rlr?asl Asa share slon0 iln01ltd rFlml.gr Pii.d Iee lhha Thr0uqhlisr0nn0na0ireTn l,]ecar Dr L$IIL\ LOC,I\ rL.F( jbug.L ilsiN Notnl cx I cl)is sletl sul]0ort,hase

enrs 0r [iERS as an rr!ai:al0n lful s r8speiled'c

Itot \l{\C lll\CllLlA. Datur er00mit l];h nasrar.rlerE! ail!,? tparlc i "rs laln! \nrnn{ {h&,f!u hniR lhriar Lboitu ,r0$ft : nalursani aLr:LrB rirnserral0i rrrl?ds and

( strr 1995 Yanqlze Erpediii0n leam membe6 enr Nh r0 tlre ,e h0od 0l r n.r l) cmC el (,hose lLl.lliCN D,*!s!( s{*, ' lt (lrcnt to hack) wonq How Man, tartc ?s r0!er m,irelhai ia I01Ci na Cha0 Zhonqyu, Zhang Fan, Chen XiaDpinq, (,]ur Dr \\'ll l lA\t BL S(IH !iEr!,.rnL Liu Honq, XiZinonq rqan/alr,ihcLrd mitt Lrf 1ll n p,,isina lil

,ril'al I acks n sft \iie ih0u d be a[e 10 nr 1! rl0 ERGUN $mrL$.!. ad.rn ani rBspNnd l0 sluaions !rlh 1".r1 lI [e n:ed i0 be ri0lll\ie atd Nteal!e r laNk fq N![rl]e] (lH,NG HLlBiN. ui.l.!,n.mrd,i o, pr0ir,e[s i C |erhals m0sl np0r,tnlI0rr hard-rcrknq sla11n$dsl0 ha!?lui

CENS enl0,,s srpr.0rl 0l nani lrd 0 Ja s a1d NNrporaL Tl! ltesl ui]! l! lhank re s lhrcLrql ll ZHINON(i. \,ldlLrr (trft inn llt '. ons :r9rt0 ZEAO AIONGYI l:BS sutress r ie led li ik tlLrr e ]|f rad r! il..1ed re00rls n t 5 5itd dii h0pelutr sstt!

r,; bt n! r ljrrs anc beller Esu Editor: lcJ 0llltre h LlIH\ lIt.lloR\ ii: rrff x nr sirrn! rni ,*-)- Design Dheciorl \\\ll.lll lalllSO\. D6gf d rlsLar, I

Production SupcrYisor: ILDY CH\\. {: a,sD(tr{ rrhdr,l CEBS Tai Tam Research Centre 654 2809 4181 (8521 2809 2909 lo out R@d*: lt you have q enail ad&*i please sharc it wnh CEFS. Serd a messrge to 4agaw@ashonfne,net>, Do yau knaw soheane else who woutd tike ta rccdve th6 newsleftq? Please sqd us then dehils. Colour Separation: qfie \l llA\1\L\C !u4trr Dn.r{ Wth resp@t to the cont@ts of this rewslefter, nctudihg ns photog,aphs: Al Brbhts Feseryed, Coqright 19 - @ E,ptoratian and Aesearch Saciety- Aease contact CERS tu repnnt pmissian.

Prhterl K[\r"t]H aHt NG. uolsraIhor ND"Et]3 OFF we ve movedl Near Aberden, overlooking ihe Maina Club,'E:J we'llbe archivins one of lhe most impona China slide collections. The new address is: Unit 9,23lF SouthMark, Tower 8,11 Yip Hins strcet, wons chuk Hans, Hons Kons, (a52) 2555 7776!tux (35r) 2s55 1661 Lt,9 fult sj]l].:.+j] Big yak attack

. \l I r-!u rr,! r1,r r,llrdrli f, .Ii rL.1!!1: fl:Ller d.r! 1h. LjLNr (1,! (rl R 1.,. Ni rr.., l f-RS :,,i i sr .\|1.'.d Lin \tnnr.r \\.,i1\',9 ll.rt,irldlti Lrir\rln.ijrr,.i..rirr:n.drniro\r,1:lti,?\i,1.11i,,r1r.,,,,,1lri:r.ilfrtr:rlt

1\ui.'. r.:\nhi1m!.:rr'.Inlr Ln.l,r.i /:. ,i:rf,\ \r\.[ L,.trrh r]r,..i.!r.i r:rel [. r s.'. ni'].r'.li.r*ai!!b.iniuli:11!.!r*i(jllrrrlc\hirir:lLrAi.I Jr: [S !r r1].1rll.t: Tlr. rn.r \.: rirr.r !il'd lil d'!illi! rr.r re b!i. .l h|.r. fr i.. md r.irarh.,,o,.rn,.+,Lli!r,.\\1,.i:h.ilril,.l,.Jrf.rin.ied,:litrnr.li-{oriror !hrs..1.rrr.rn,sNalirf.i,fri.arn.r:niftenrf.LrtL-.u9,'LbLtr.,rrrh.rnh.n By William 8le sch ll'eL: I ndr aN:nihrr n ildi'i. ro it nj. mi fl'ir,! r, L,.f.Lir hl. \\e Jrr.l!.!!1' nnn!'glr mdl.ss.*r1. lelLllrlc* Lar Lirr 1r..hi!r!e\ if 1L lNniji:.1 Dunhuang. Cansu Ptavince r r l.D ..{.i.. rli.t aiei iile hei l,, :r.LrL \ !.hl.nl llr. ru,r,nin \j \!.Lrb rlr. isril n rll.ll.r's.nrsi'!!IiiIndl1ft:1,\r.l!L..ihre'kf]!.d.,.i.1!..!!rlL When lhe yaks linal yseise !urNol\Tnnlol'ri9.z.ll. rdn'ldali.\ir.diuhhi:h. rr\|.l:!r,!f.flSnrliN. our presence, nol more lhan 200 r, ! rlrdn l0 il.Lr \lt.ti orlr lds.l. d il !.rl1D1g Lrr':lkell meleN away.lhey srrprise us Th. rr\1Llq: nr.drp bctofLt irr. liiri[ oi olr lln aLl{\ l]it. a)ur turil, lnil.s jar l]e lnslead ol rnnin0 away lhey oilt rd\ nnrdra :..A o I i. L]r t..ro| rh iluJ er: \\e drnc lirjrll rf rlr. rf J. rt rrn about in a rhurnir! massol ri-q r,. r,fs. rronras nn.r. rr,. ( hrc LLrltl.J. n r r\ hl! s.!r rlrr l!ilr-! i..N \i ll]ln ror. rl !, :rr i Lld si rlr'r a|orlr i'ed .rr rnll,J: i,l ,1., [if: nf\ l] !f rle , .rllc\ s:: on n!. i.,\ nril'!1!ri1.n ,\[:1]rer! I .).1 I I b r.i not.. r!.o!irzdl,L t\ rll ij r Lld\r1,, .\s nt ornr ltl rlr 1 dh\r ,\t 1'.s . I'u!e I r[ (! . r1\ mr,n1 r r]., i. .f:rda tr! xln.n dc ltrr Lhrrr.rr.Lt;!i!.r|ors.\r1rri Hrlirre|,l!l.rLhlr.nl\[t.LJ,r,i..!o!!li.] . im r, rr.DsL.!! Lrer\e.rrl:J: \\rrl.f],rftrlnnd.lJu-! r.riL\ hrlt:lrt.leri.l 1trr.r'rdNron di:lt LJ. tre r.u,r r:,.i' L!nlng rl,..tr' li,r r cL,\!,I ok he \ Lif rrdr:lie\.hiLLrg.rrtr\l].idbr.i..u\\rrLrr\li:ir.,llt\rLrlrtrfr.\.!.. 1r-.t trn,rc lltj r llllr rtlrs r\ i}. Lj.) ulri\i r': hlt.rd.ir![ni!]r1.r\ lr.\ rfndbftrl ra.hLtrrirgfr.F\ . i h rrL ,r, .1J Lr,:1. ( )r r\I]..ef.r,' !r.ii: t]i br.!frs ..si.i.a (.i,.1,r.i lr.rclL,ih Llir rif Ll' L E, \ i .h:.:!: fc.f :l \rix, \r lf ,r l rul or.onnni. rli rg li.nires. h.tr l .rJ- . Ll$ I nrngire h.n .Lul:ll\ Llr. u d bfJjr Lit (undi.. tr.ft!. tr!. rrtl lco{ rnL. ti[.e Lr] run. NIy shutte, fitercs in the icv wi.4 and I {)ur experienced g[ide also The next moming, at ftrst lieht, they de n e h ro ordlc thc camco .ext to my chest stutre spo! restitrg. Bnt b,y E .10, thcy dc on t\c t becomes agitaled. "Come back!" ber$re! each picnu! to warnr it. Fl.oily, the moe. gmzin-P otr t\c tu. he yells into lhe wind. "They will yaks chdge cou$e ed run of ercss t\c No{ they re spt d out jn a long N people!" ftozd river ro die ldlcy on drc onu sidc. charge ams i\e slope, likc clurgirg cahuy. marcn Sooa, fiey'r out ofricsl nrg abreat. HN do tlcy mainta,n s@h pr i- Elxled by onr closc cncounter. s! state gilDh bluc sheep, liuillesly.]ing 10 stalk thc sio!? It occuE 10 .re fiat perlaps each ydk jts acrcs tu ln,er ic. b@l to tlc j*p. Tlc lcath- wary Tit ta. s@elLe. Then, at ,nidatcn@n. kccps placc by keepins exactlr wi, ward ol d !1 lhe top of dE lrley is noioriously bad Nild yaks appea. on $e hor7o.. hcadng jts ncdcst ncighto. As the hdd .hanges diiec and ou. guides $ill not lel us cmp herc. T]lcy doivn thc iallcy'lhey one to\arls tlE rir* tio!, t\e llanl sccms to align itselfl. the dnec \an thal (he .hdce of beinS sno\Ed jn is md slowlv app,oach od camp. I count 52 ol lio! ol dr wind \\hen walklng into or awiy vcry real w! desdd fie valley back to t\e them: This musl bc the sanre hcrd wc spotted Aom the wjnd, the h{d is in nearly slngle nle. clifi\ drll olTer some prclection. Bu1 a nag+rg }elbE. A gronp of ll lollow bchnd .nd \l']En the], torrl pe.pendicula. to the wiid. que(ion mins: \!'18rc a! thc h*G going? anothcr group of Nft lhan 20 approachcs thcy s'alk xbreasl I rvatch then l vel lron will lhey stay nr thc Kliartan Valley all virt{. suup to last light aid pny tu a wlnd change or do Lhey lnlel wjdc\r p{lnps crcn crcsl.g Thc mllcy sudddrl-v s*ms likc a livcly lo tcsl q, h)?otlesis, bui it stays neady aLl he pas nro Qinehaj? CERS and nrc Ll(sa) Ilacc, !it\ moE than 80 wlld yaks, mI d.y IlE rcxt momiDe, I can iut se the lst ol connunlry ho!! lo sa\c rdllc) s Mldlilc, ofwild 6s and Tibekn gEclle gmzing. L\e phal.N ths,1 out of ricw ifto rh -sroups N mch bul il wiu be nnch h.rdclfnrcy cm ody po IE lar-qcst gonp ofylks files br onr cmp on le0l the herds h a portion ofth.tr ruBc. th. other sid. ol t\c irq. madiing nearly in \early out of food, w musl rctum to Tlo da,vs l.ter w. $al

Wong How Man & trhich discorcred impoftmt sildlife rsouMs cnnked rhe lil$ Fep to stal i! rhor usd ir 1o William Bleisch in lhe iegion The ti.ld tcam induded How Mdch A 1996 Man, Bill Bleisch, Zhans l:m.nd Xi Zinory All leam mcmbcrs nudc obscnation\ Dunhuang, Gansu Ptovi@ ftont CERS' Kunmins Ccnrer..nd six wlnle Be dro\c Our KaTak guides excelled ar Kaz.ts Hnmr Depdy Chicf of Atsay spotrirg lhe drtdrr \yhite dots ol a m.!i,rg \( l4n.rqr Llkd \irhin rhe spm Cou4,, accompdricd u on fic 125 kilonE hei.l of gazellc or \.ild slcef among the ock\ ,,'-\ r I ot 40 mLnurc. lhdl! z5luol lhe and d$ert ninBci Tlrclr exDerie.ce \vas \, hcr,l said A.h!.ai. chieloiAkMv In this high mountai. lallcl, at an eleva invaluable s'hcn s! nlcd to set close. ro $e Colnry s Asri-lncstock euea,. ue *as don ofl.io0 to 4.000 nrctcN nalue is ba$h inimah. Humaer took tlE l.id. To kcep our Econnrrng lasl .lulyls disrs(er. whs naLure md unprdicrable. Humxcr said this winler s.enl lron rlerting them. Bcry no$ .nd tlrur, claimcd ,nuch ol lhen liv$lock. Thirryiilne bronght die xosl drought in 40 ye s We nn he would lick np some dn1 drd dFD it slo$ly oul of:19 |ftls ol sheep \ifil! tlie Khdln inlo tflcks dcliqjng watcr ro rcmote sheep lo deremirie drc {ind's drrcdion. Tnc.. he heds .s rheir pNturc gF{s mgind. Lrst $ould pi.k . roule doirNind. Tlral \u,ntu* nomlE, the Kuk tumds spring saw one of lhc lcavrest srwlilLs in Couching lotrt we kept below tu ad-ee lue had nmded up lhef sl'eep for slie.dng, a memory. Hence. compctiion for grazing pas N we apFrached rhe valley shee Humaer prErlcc truditio.ally done al lhat lireol!rr. rue berween wildlife dd dooe(ic Lne(ock sensed lhe nilmh iotrld be e rg. As \e But !}cn drey drcle di denuded h*ds back rui\ed our hedds .!er lbe rldge to!. $e gor a to ctun! tnat aRc, noon, r rihr{,m bn,ke onl. Nlarch 2nd wN olr scond nighl ca,npi.s rure slimpr ol l\ro wild slEp kneehie o! lhc Iiihoui ficn woolen oa( lhe shee! qulckly oul. Al I a.m.. the empqntlE inslde hdd oppo\ite slope. Sndded): my iSht kncc clinb€d 10 milus 125 dcgEes Cdligride b.ushed igain$ . thomy slmb, its spik* Dcn- Wc icr! \.lsilirrg Kazak nonlids ol lhe ltun fie pbions momiry\ lor ol nlnus 132 draling drongh tuee laycN ol pants But Qili.tr lvlountain in Chiu\.o.thw*L r. $.- degBs I1 nride no dilleience lo ou. bolicd llrere rvas no llne l. cry "o!ch as I mised ny ducl a wnx{\.ildlili $nry lnddeli\e!rlan walcrj il fmained lro2en solid. Fbr healilg a.d clnrera anrl dicked fie shlner to procn th. rd! xnimals \nrile taki,rs int. qx,kins, s€ usd a mtuml fl'el: \heep Llu.g Thcse wcre lhe nrelv sighled .nd s'en i.courr local mmxds xxocsts Thiswork lsa Facl momi,rg. onr Kazak dnle,s u\cd a nDrc urd! (udi.d Argali big honi slieep. follosap of lasr ycari CERS .xElliti{nr bl{Nlorch lo h.at Lhe oilprn. Thev ha.d- olie. callell Nlr.o lolo sheep Bie s.mc lNtrtcs \illinely pay up1erds of US$20.000 plgu alier ns most noriceable lealur!: a trtute aside for rhoto \alaris. poidi.g an oruortu to bag ore. The locals say rhal lheir honrs b@kside Golden ergles ald lalcons uc com nlly lor mlut loven to get a glimpsc of could masue nore dan 50 lnches i. lenerl mo! sights. as aE the pikeN and rubbits the,v We drcoLdlered sevenl h*ds: dre blsg*t lEr upon The abundant wildlifc olates a Lrgun is ! nrdem Kaak with a deg,lc in nmrberd dhno( l0 annnals. mtuml spedrde nrely seen dlulrcrc in Asia. rccounling. Devising a F)gram thal vill Orhd h..lcd xnim,l\ ln lhe Khxrbr nler CIRS Fes conse^arioD of die Khanan vallcy artacl visllos and provide lnce.livcs to the lxlley incltrde blue sheep, wlld as !.d sild xildlili as a lop pilorl$ prcjecl. Ki2aks to prcled tre $,lldlife will ldke borh rak. Here. the fauna ol the l lbelan fllledu a.d Ir8ul, a 21 yer old Kazal. is a CaRS bnsin*s frf and tracking skllh. Ils sccess ldkhnakan deserl mee! lllractirg thc taince leamirs to condnn wildlili \u^,cys tul inplementnton rill provide a nuch red- Nlongolian or soiteEd g,ellc and tfic Tibctan Ths ls ihe fiBl srep itr a long rem rlan to con ed nodel for wildlife consdlatlon lrqecls laalle. The latter i5 k.ow. tucalh as thc bai sqlt \ildiife We hope drr al rEa can bc sr a Bathing the gods at Baiya Monastery

'2,-.1 ,qrr \c so., \r'coo .'...u,.r \n ir o Jnrt) . "r . r*r, I .. , . . .( - o . .", ou , t. trdt.dinrir'l\r oe.. I - , a.r --0 \J^,,,.,,", i, ,,...,.." .p;.., "".,'." de s.ience olre(oralnh. Ihi\ week-long cour\e al Bail,a Monurcry is ody an inhoduction. In faslei the at will t l


11hr!thct LcnEd.rcd}:rrltrontolocJ snt.Nr md tc..lr.r s Tlr.i! \cdl!fr.lcdtrll D-hl\'r.Sirg. J ghtrripro.nn.nt l.cdlirtist \rinaTscrng x.J $.thrr {udcrr Thrie nucrrr'i.cnL .LlLLli;.1l!\ Lnctrrllrutlrr.ccsls'tonn.r tilDB \r.nhidri'r(cs:ibledrlr d n\)r i, h(riba.k As.mhled ,rre u thn Bn.i. dr(i heiuriliLl ,rlLe). the nuderG r.g.Ll) Lenn rirfnrnr aon CEt ILLlir. r.adru: 1 lmhirrl.r dfd.ri olllcc lrd chrnristr\ ldb jj j[.dd o\{ thc k]nfLr afoL aLeding ,,lnu,n,r(]". rn.le.l nurA l. rot unlile tc]ti,i! r \i.r old n!r. rir ou, !,,n re i.ck Liolrls .r'\,\rnt rlsk rrte,: giu^...lron $lrt,t. fN,ft btrtrI,$. o hr i! d./en diilrrenl [n'ds il gfuc SnN \ nrJ.r]rluLl\. ( rih xrd Dor. i.$ d fiir.ri ..airng i.rl ilLEr Ther \td \itll flxirnrlrrrnr dtnt\ slLorgernn\rnrt. rnxlllr.opninm.onbinali(,r t|nt\cfnfur*r.li f u Jii I hr ! t]deri! 6I i llrou:nrd qu.n:.is lrJ lrh .xr. iiLL ..re\

lhe di,m\.lorr\".k 1.!,g cou.c l\ ! dctdJmft r$t dr at.niln n, r en\ c I \.1 I :e(- lilD ,,|:nu,nL Lift 11'e.ii\ \rlL Tln\ frlc u:.. Dona.xfl.rn\. s nc.$:rr L,cceL:e thc nr l\ de buckLl.g-rnd Eprn rorl o. rLc rron.nc \ eoi nill crdii.!. tlt rurl. T,, tullt dctuch t1!o \! . rorrh olinu.rLs sl L r$rtrrc N! minr][: dris nillhal. io \at unt I i.\t ).dr \rrll. n!tur:eth..cc.$rr\lund\\\hcir.sn!!.rh.snrd.!i!nilllr.lfrllrrlr.tr! Th m.:t l,nn,i:lng rr I ocrlu:LlL, b. nbl. to r.D! r mumh i r rh.[ o\n l.r three drt,. L|r Lrlo rpllie\ rx\cr\ olclorlr aid rlu. o ! tr\ter+l/cLl rdn,. rinnrrl. Ther :h. m.ni:ri ol hrh: L\ er\ .r. iroldi llrcil lrr.ath !: ( rr l(, r.J llifu cft Lulll lr.rl lL'. Assembled here in lhis nmlf .m llk \:Lll $|eri(\llr. nrclr\r.tlutllr..ldl\.prrrl.dcLe$l:.[dr...ourrr: remole and beaulilrl ualley, Ihe sludenls eagerly leam conseruali0n Ur ilrtlirc\.Erc.d:1(,idr!rd\ lrnnrBiitr.ouri.aml.jgrcni ci$. ile.ncbighrf|) lrom lheir llalian teache6. linr lr \: nranlsu.l thi: p,iir$ tu nu lrdl.Imr.iob tr.1q: No\ r mtr\t bcgin lhc diilnLll Tlrey ask a lhousand questions, .b .f nrnd rdjiln{-.nol o,,l} ni cor.r rhc c.i il rlE lnul d.tachinrit nn\ioi. bul r $ ol' and lake carelul notes. rqrdr ii rh. s!.ed oLd buiLdil! l\(;[ 6 aIlt\.\ r\Fr oR\Tr(J\ Smothered by desert sands

look. deep breadr is I l{Dked in dic nii,roL I camotecooi/e mlkll udquicuvtake. liclxrer I !r) lnre 10 iiil until l'm 7i)to look rlris gre] .gairi. Nh ratdi sils 6J0 p !r so Fe rNst hne been nuck i. rhc snrd\tonn lirr scr.n or eichr lionN. \t\ r,iRl r\ rritt djsorienred. my ey*ighr blLred I Liel like I ho. a halgou NIy lbrclie.d l\ ristrt. Thc 'd extdience ofoN olthe ner$l tums l\e e\cr cncouficr.d rs stilldarire tlntrLgh mv lrcarl I likr olTlour lay. old.rh$ r.d the i.nsnrosr slrll r nlled i!i(h sard. \!e L.'i our Dunhuang Gnr.r ]r nLroul N:.10 onr Thc Sllk Road Du u.ft Hokl. Nncd br Ircler \\ing ol Ho.g K..g, ]]rcl)artd sc\ eitl lo\c! of crlssafis lor us to eat dnring rhc ncxr i$o da)\ $e s.re on our tri) ri) LuNue. Tilir Siaiion. ll0 kilometres iuay b: car, o carcli die I 1:t0 ffain for . ,10 lionr roume! ro xixn. TheE, J &uld carcli a llieht back ro Horg Ko.g

By 9:i0 i m.. .nd lss tran halfta_! b LuN ue.. $ c \lcrc lr it by . suddcn sandsl{rrn \\ irhin D u nh uan s, G an su P t ov i nce rturutes. di. sll tumed ftor! bdshr lelld\: 10 o.angc. rlcn borr .nd purpl. 1Ve coukl \.c no mor dia! onc mexe in tionr of !s. Ttrice, Zhxns l-in lch dr. car ro look 1br dic edge o fuhc roid. Bodr ti'!cs.nrcwind loodad him do$n. xnd he n usgl to gn b.ck on hs ti.t .nd i.to tlrc car ( ds nr ioff of us slE all trn'rg aiouid \\l did ! riih dilUcull_r By thor. nrls\i,rg tlr. raiD Ns oflltl. colcem \\'e ju( \inted b gel hack 10 Dunhu.B.nd efell

Sard sccl)s iroueh $q) crck aromd th. ri.d{N 5 and ums of thc door ts} 11):10 a nr . rhc uns mcror n fillcd wiih a 1!ai'cerdmereA oi li.e sand lnd ir is go$ir-e deepe. by rhc mmu.. Lr.rynrng groud ro a smndsdll. er.etr 6e 5r.cdring *ind and drc und. \,i\ibilir! drrlpcdtoalmostzco.1\tcoLrld nol *'en see.llrrrars slnirrg righr lio.tolus. [rcn insjdc rhc *r ] could bael] re. Nl] e\* ncre coltcd lviih serd and alnon glued \hur \L rcmo\ cd thc scatcorcs .nd lscd rliem lo r! 1o fil1 o&ks d.ound tlrc {Rlors. ll \u\ nsi ly nrilc \h lccr \!r. ti..zD8..trd b\ I f.n.. I ((n,[ ou m! s].c!De bae ro cor* n) l.ss I did n\ a'! rhr dlst.nd dtr1 Ftr gefting iilo tuy cxrensn! do$n }.9. lrcry1hue, iilou, dorhcs Wiihin minules, the sky lumed and lL'geaec. *rs sand co\!rcd. uniinnnl) broNr. lrom briqhi yelhw. io onnge,lhen Br'5 p.nr.. $c{iDd subsdcd.litle \\t cat(n)uslv ln]l$!cd odrr cai5 lnd rrxcks and i,r.hed brown and puele. We could see Iack roiad lh'rliLan.e. ,\1on8 lh. \r\r $e satr ddr lccidcnrs. Sonr. \lhrclcs \eE sl.mded in no more lhan one mdre in lionl ol nr. end. oth$ brokc dou probably bec.uk :ud had trortcd rts \r1 irxo thc cngire. Ts! cds us. TwiDe. Zhanq Fan hfl lhe car lud dasned inlo car in tionl ofthem Xia. Chen. our dnlcr o,d.1ocal ofDnDluog. s{E tlui io looklorlhe edqe ollhe road. he had n4'er se asrormlikethisinhis2.1)e8 wc couficd ous.lr* lbnxnale. hd\irg finll Boihlimes,lhe wind kno*ed him down, and he slruqgled h qel back The \vnrd hs trot slopled. Tomorro$. M $ill prubd,lv bu\! ou,'lal isain ft is, alld all. rhc on hisieeland !nlo ihe car. onl_ {r! ont ofDnrhu.ry at this nlie offie year it Pitutctl lhe lilk Rnrn Durh) r Hntei

.HINA F ]i PI ORATIO\ ,\\D RISE]\R'H S']CILI I PA(;IJ 7 -,,,<' . -'i:ll '*rlZ The mystery of the hanging coffins

elweel 29 and March 18, CERS condldcd a ol lhe mysterious liare Febfl -a surcy i,rg corins in nothcasunYutuEn. No pevions Eslcmdtic study hN ever been done of lhse mique cofiitr siles. We lqged 2,600 kilonelrs, corcring Y).gxian. Dagum. Yanjin, $tiiin. zhe iory,Ylliang and Ludian counlies.nd Zhaotong Clty. \\l conducled nmy l.tcrvlcvs a.d documened local inhabirinh' knowledge md visvpoinh on tler colfi.s We also reseallhed bcil loltloE dd legends. The nDsr valurble esult oitlris study sas rc dis- Liu Hong & Sun Dehui evqy ol an aged mn. Guo Sliupei. aI Neillnt Ch.ryan lvashi Jiatao Villase. He revealed March,1S96 nnne imNflanl cl es for dctemnnng hos Lhe disppca,ld.

Zh a oton g, Yu nn an Prcv in ce Our suney revealed dE lblloiving coffin disff]blllion: Yonexm Counry. rlu.ghu village Qjao Wan Qiao siter lotm Dislrio. Shunjiang No. 2 Comune Clit CNe (hvo collins); Yairin Counry. Dousha Dislrict, Shimo Vilhge Gun Ko (alne corrN)i Xinglo.g Di\tricl. (iao2hi Vjllxgc, Diping: xinglong Dislricl. Lingguan ChII ColTins Cliff! Wcain Cou.!. ( hans An Distict, Wa Shl village Corins Clill Gev€n .olTins. of ihich lbur s!rc rcmounied by lhe Counq Cultu.e dnd lielics BuEau)i and eighr additioml sites at Long Tan Bai Hn Cll[. In nr l9lj0s. road conslructior desffoyed fie Diao Zhotrg Cliff srrc and the Lian Yu CNe slte. Ai Yongrio Codtyt Humg Long Taa Disald. workes dymiled thc.lilT{hile buildine a road at Jlndl Sevenl cofi6 feli to ihe gromd ard locals tlucw irenr i.lo $e Ymgtze ri1,er ,\ccordirs to Wang Qingnme offolrn Dislricl's -A.gricultuml St$on, more than 10 coJlins sus pcndcd o! the clill! could be sed in lhe edly 1990s $'hile lerryi.g aross inlo Sichnan. But ivhu thc road sas widened. they disapledtd. l-hc cight sites noted ab6e aie in a Fecaridus silrDlon. Ody lhrcc sitcs actully have colTins Emai.irgr the rest are pockm*ed sitb lell-lale holes. -4. fer still hold rvooden $lts. These coflins ofYunar are an extelslon ofthose in sonthern Slcliuan. fte occwlnls oi$ese coJIiN in northebtem Yunnm $€E called "Bo Rs Ji" (Bo leople\ so!s). Thc \€rous strles ol bur' ''cliflhangilg ial include mainly suspended on llilG" llT,e. natunl c e' rypc, sEl as those at Yanjin Dou Sha Cun md Yongxianl Fn Tan Shmjiang No. 2 Comnne, md 'Mmadc CarC t?c, such as those at Yanjin's Xi.glong Dist ict (iu.yil Cli[. E&I counry hs bcdl legends lhat desc.ibe tle Bo peoplel! dlsrppeddce. Most suggcst that t\c Bo pcoplc were fince lighle* sho could flir But lhey adnlEd the intclliecnce ofthe idnons nlliiuy stEtcgist.lu Ge Liang. Ju spead a n.ry thtuugh spies ofthc Do peolle vithirl tbe Sichuo amry. The tso aE nseless Onlr iltey bury lheir anc*toB lD]l\uy W lhe cliffcm The lrue identiiy olihe Bo poople, thcy b.comc ru1e6 Lmder healsl'The Bo believedde (ory ard put rhcir cofii.s up high. n.l lhelr philosophy, reason lor such rercline th str)- .or touchlng the groud. Gadull)1 lhey passed inlo obscurty. a burial ritual, and iie melhod The true idcntiry of the tso p€ople. thei. phlhsophy. reason for such a buial rilual, and the ihey used to move lhese cofiins method they uscd to move thek cofins into sucl ircrcdible lla.es remin to bc discovered Still. inlo such incrcdible places the sighl of L\e lmgiig corins malcs onc appreciate tle abilily ol lhse loblc mccstors ofa remain Io be discover€d.

P\Ll 8,' \cl\l Otr.ln\ \',r The urgent call of an auspicious bird

imc is getting loughl I never had to buy chicken belore. But no$,, I, too, havc to go 10 the ma*et for it," exclained the 62-ycd old man, slaking lis head. He is rle key io the larSest concentration of Bltuknecked Cnnes (BNC): They are in his zhaotong, Yun nan Prcv ince slonach. md the stomachs oflis friends. "Whencvcr the local cadres hetud that l'm home fton a hunling tdp. they came around lo teast'Ic .dded. Recomting his "glorioul' younger days, he tells of succestully huriing morc than 200 BNCS. O!ce. he bla$cd sry Eprcsanl lonqevily and prcsp€rily. crdl at oncc with a single shot from a matchlock shotgun he m.de himselt Ard ih counship and pai nq (liven the n*v sflen'year.jail sentence for cach BNC a man kills,le codd luve been aclivilics have come h symbolize a imprisoned until the 35th century. Thath yhy hc agreed io speat with N only if$c didn't long afld sra e rclaiionship. rcveal his name. Tle conversatron lool place at ,rhaotong. a prefbctre city ir nortlteasrern Yuman. Even today, this hunter hold! no regds md pmfesed ihat he would continue io huDt if his hcalth permits. Afier all, the local peoplc have aiways considered the IINCS only as akind ofgccsc. ftcy callthem aa,Iz, E/ {ld Cander Geese. Sun Denui, an a,utcur field biolosist under CERS'S suppo( joined in rle intenis{ He leamed lhal thc Mr didnl let mrct olthe bid go to waster His pipe is made ftom fie leg of a IINC; Ns fa! fioD the primary flight fealheB of a win8. Sun. who is conducting BNC wintd habilat studies in northeaslem Yurn 4 aicd 10 contain his anger. Poirtcdly. he askerl this cxpericnced hunter wherc his hu ing gouDds $eE and how he closed ln on the cranes. This inlormation isjNt as viial tbr oul biologists as for the hunters. Since thc early I 990s, the BNC has been hiSh on the agenda ofYunun consemtion elions. F.very ycd. random rcports c.rne into Knnming regarding new winlcring sites of these stately bi s. Sun filed one such report about the 250 cranes at Dashmbao in Zhaotong. Since his fiBt visit tlere in I 992. he has retumed i 8 limes and rmtc a detailed repod. I am at Dashanbao oi the 1a!1 leg ofmy tour of BNC winteing siles. At Guizhoul Caohai Resene, we tbund llal lhe BNC was grddually mnltiplying i, number a consenarloD a CERS Btaelzn kel Ctune Ptok.t i resulls were apparenl as wc closcd in to within 20 necn of lhe cruncs in two open boats. tu?poted l,! Sttetl Cltiia Cacd Cok Cti,n At HuiTe\ Changhaize, we rtrc tl lied io count 84 cranes. tsut at Ludi.n near |l d Ha"gkjng Bdnh Snqr?are,




h lLXl. aFRS besir ib;erlrrms flt|. ll\L nDnn.r b:.Jilg S:!Lr(l:,!r rll' Tib. rfhrlurdr rirn-!gturdsin)unn r ord (nrl2lu! fro,irc$ ll.n. i:1. adi iiDrn ilu L L rr lrib lil i rd f .fnlirL.D oi dre B\( .\..fr tr: ir \.: rh. r.\: irr. in Chma. \lrh ret irli i,r l.ii Ilrin (r()i)b rd; S r.e tIsr. ( |ir$c s.i..tists d t}. I n.fidlionrl l uro I orrr],rlr if .r-!r:r /ed r n.r mL nt. a t \ . notr cstirrile nr( r|.rr.tr. lbor L-i.:{)! B\as Gtr.rrlre.ire!lor er\.dunm rI.. rhi: ii:rLlll snxll rurb.r llrh. Ll\( r! 1. srd'n. Lr r ll r.qntre fN..l.n T r. ChiI.i. t.otl. h,r . frif\ .,rn.d eanrt hr fL etetr L rg ilr. B\ a Thr oulh.ut I st.!! dr. Chir.\. i1r. orrldr:l llr..Lrir :l, h. ii Jr|:r,oui bid lnd.i.l r}e (lrirese.n.r.rllrhi'.raDc\l&ll..L,r"lrer,nrlro .'fr.lnn.rrt'sfldr.lmfJril l',rlllcr n Bei irg n, th. siDpi. \rr \err |lin!:: or Lh. trlll o r f .N nlr h. n. n' ri'r nru,rrid.. tle IDbuloflh..rdr. srx.s rLct urlroL(lrnrsr lrt. Ii;elegarrt lornl hai Lorg he.r ll!i..d b: rfcl: rnd ir5 g,rceanl nu.rn!,,l\ defined br turn\' rnre hfflr,rFk- \lor\ ahlr.sc Lrns dnl le!rr\I. r!\ol'. rrnlod rhe orne Aid 1r (tu 1th t) xn,j pri ry rdi\ ilic! ,u, . .Lite 1,, \\ frLrrrLv. ,r lofg i rd nihl. r.litL.tnr iI T|.t.r L5 sf c.i$ ol.mr$ rn 1l,c \ond: alrrf ,r L.orsl\ rri re T}e B\C (nus,r g i- cnllist ii lle LrLen Ii i\ th. onl) .rdrc trlidr :Ircnli ir5 .fLir'e lrl: .!de .i llre lirgll thL.ar \Lnifg atu1 brcJin! lriDg th. ! nnncr il l ibcL dnl Qi,'Sl]rL. rrdei.end! t. ll'e \lighl ) lL\ltr elel rtirnr fi) Lrnnu ud Cri/hor Lhing thc r if Ld: l)Lnrs th. |iLJr {irn.r moffhs, rh. .rdncs tr.. rh.ir sr.!r.n di,rlln'!e\ llxm mu. As theb rds il,.l n,g.th.r iD largcr nL ml.d: Lh.) arc mor. rr:lcFibleI. ore liref.. b\ mm\ a.rtriti.'. b. ir por.nnrs o ubrrt lrs! llr!,. ls,r!r irnreLtnl contlrrt,l\ llre .rnes torgc.D lnnc^ llLlo,!, por,rrf.rulr| The orlrofnrid' be..ines norr in,le during lh.:tring: I h. lrnn.^ |larl thcir ne\\ \eu 5 \ccrLliils. \lrrdr t|. mtes ptuIuL lrdfl ourTr,rcn,[. .htunli.l.lLltShrsbeJunaftugrrmrosr\el]enruLhcnxnoir nrnreang sir..Iihc Bi\a ir \unJidr aful) fIYumu 1h. t,tr glrri rr.lLic\ cflclr fl!nreb..lvillr! s lbt\Lr ihc.rin.i s1(1cftr,t.clcll : flri lt !l'o Iernifd\ rlun olth. trliLnr,rral belieltlrt thc Rn. L con' .r.d u r!'ti.ioL6 cr.lrure. CFITS .ondull' 'l!ll rri!\ nr .lldr stul.rts to '.. rh. L,i s: il hr. il\, illroJ!.cl e\s.r! rbfrt liic *rr.i rf the li..xlotrriurhrr Lo.!lLri lr rr.hins 1,{N h.b ro bolller the l,]!al .cfDo nl. CFRS otli s r{adi lir r.torlirg B\C pordrirg ddi\iri.':i lra. sel ul a unt} lJ\cIr.,..\e lltd lrelt)s Io..rrr!ltl. B\( i rd]rnd hrt]itu:. lhe rinrl(.! r|e lird ltfu ol.ons.\ltior !.rL\ iti- sh\1 rhlr lh! \irncirg o.!r. foru[liorhai inb]li7.d At liiriDg.ran.\ N r.nrlirizedlirrdr.i lory anl n!,r1. rlr lid\hip rilh earlr .rlrn: ir ii hnfed tIaI su.h r rel.Iionthl) { ill 1,.comc xn irst inti,.r iornuio l\e il lirrn.nr {rlh dre n.n'E.Durd hrm.

?1CE l0 ( rn\r FrPLt)ri\ conservation at Luguhu \"1Jd \r l:\ in akd o,'h. ut nrl ard si,.hur. I ugxhr F tinoL\ tb- 15 rri.h,c J.eo c \Fraurr r'l urll L co hrgh nol,Lin lalr , \er Lh( .u oeccde. nucn r,{b ha ber \J*,*- , r.ml rql M6o peop e i. ,l-. , (.nN oi Ltxs tdlc. touri,m N .\cnm8 - 'r sone adveBe eIIecLs on the tradiional lif$ryle dd culhe ofdre Moso pmple. [bng How Man fi$t visitcd ttc Ga in 1981. S]nce tten, CERS has mitrtained rcserch inleesr ln lhe Moso'.s uique matrilincal osloms Thmugh CERST iNolvcmont. Fnen& oft\e llnited Nations presentsd two vina_qes withh Lhe communiry, Luo Shiu md Li8e, one of ihe 50 Communities A$ards to @mcmonte ihe Ll.l's i995 50th mnvcMry. The cmhuiry $6 honouEd for upholding wonent posilion ed n es in thc homc and sciery. In May 1995, CIRS initi.tcd . prcjecl b help lrreseNc lhc Mosot culture ed life$ylc We Chen Xiao Ping E kl*ted LiSe and the family oflakc sigred a contract with CIRS, allNing us to hy to pEscrc fien ageold lnditioMl lamily hous. Wc coNtrucled a ns tome lor tte family Nirh sepaEic livesbct q!aa6 throush CERS tunding. TIE dcient ho6e can nw be eshblished d a r'!di Lusuh u, Yunhan Prcvinces nonal liring dafrple and oonserution stino! ofthe rojtrt. CERS puchNed a Ltaclor $at is opcnred by Lake's family to hclp Ligc! 15 housltrolds 8et to the Yongling mrkeL, I0 kilometcrs Nay, md a generator to providc clcctricir), when thc vil lage hm spNixl fundnins Ber$en Ecbmary and Marct of 1996, Ddi rhe seond $n of the fmily. went ro Kdming. tle was traincd in consoralion lffhniqEs at CIRS Nalure & Cdnre Coneflation Cenrer He etumed b Luellu to coll*l examples of unishing objecrs ofttc Moe fo. display at the fatrily housc. When the neiv houc was ready, fic villages lhB a housewami.g party. Il included the r!- ditioml cemony oi "lighting dre firc hcarth". For the Moso. the Firc tlcarth Coddess is onc of the most important deities.

An eduatioml smey in the aB Bmled a mjd deliciflcy aoong wcn vilages: an elemcn Coca-Col, China is a CERS sponso.. tq .tqHul nle oi 304(}/0 k is dE lo the long dlshnft ttat studcnrs must walk tD $lNl. @u lis presidenl, Johtr Farell, made a pled with lhe cmshinls ofan illstuipp.d, nndeNatred l@l slml Iis $le rc@h( prclides onh slop al tige durifiq hisvisillo tlre ),m oleducadon 11] suddlts. But thcE is good news on the horiTon Yunnan ir July 1995. Since his14, Coca Cola China isa Ct RS sponsor Its pEsidot. John Foell, mldc a stop ai Llge during Coca-Cola has eamarked Lige lo his lisil toYrDnan ln.luly 1995 Sincc his trip, Coca{ola has cdmarkcd l-igc to Eceive onc of rcc€ive one ol lhe manyPrciect $e ndiy Itoject llole Schools $at Coca Col. is domting ro Chin!. Ttc compary silt al$ tlope Schools lhal Coca-Cola h doale a libraryr The lGals havc .ircady elected a sile and n is hopcd rhar son, shoolchildren donalinq lo China. The Domnanyrill $i11 be able to *udy in a ncwly-linished sh yer el€mcnrary $hool. a

( I ]]\A EXIL']L\ I loN A N D RLSI.ARI'I I SO('IFTY P.{GE 11 a "Arl nighr, I kepr rcrrins down one s de ol the lenl Aenndra David Nee and Peler Math essen and as we w6re pirched on lha hillside. lsd l've learned blaes some new ldils oJ her olvf. Cotrlacl CEBS if you somorh nq: Nen time, l'd know th6 sleepinq matr s rourd ike to oder a copy ol the 2eL&page b@k. su ppNed ro be innarad,i! @mmenled c ERs Dnedor a DL wiliam Bleisch, Iomerly oi Widliie oan er Ng aJts h s Msil io cERs Kunming center in Conserualion Sociery ol New Yo/k, s conduclins a cfll'Jl9 ea y Decemb6i Friends oI CERS Shu Kamau and winler ui dlire sudey at Aksay Kazak A'nonomoug Mclor Cha also joined the tean ror a lield visil lo the counry ar tle Imthirr or lha oi .n Mountain. Bill wil a She I China co,ftnus ils Cd*enary xundian Blacknecked CEnecon* alion sil6. prepare a tun repo/l and prcpoullor cERs ro pB. Pbg6m wfi CERS. rt donated HKss00,000 lor a Havrng spent tuo months ln lhe lJ s. mosly al sfle $e Bre animals ol Chinab nodhwesl 19S6. Tho morey sill b. us.d to suppon C€RS NASA'S Jel PDpulso^ LaboEtory CERS Drcclor of a Kaihy Youig. romeiy with IBM Pub c A1h,6 116 prciecls and lo l6in 6ve young Chln6e r€ld Hes6arch, Di Pamea Logd compleled lmase pG aq@d tr vorunraer subslnla lme to handle cERs coss fg wod( on 6dar dala pBv ded by NASA on two D! biic €rat om activ 1i6 and sosia poiects. a shen donarad T-shirrs bearlns ilE simple 1994 Space Shut36 I ghls. The* imases ae benq a Wonq How Man spoke b mo IBM Hodo Kons slafi mesge, "BlackreckEd cEne, hylriend' lo used to ocale a specific ost c ly a ong the ancient silk ar a local saihenng n January, The corpomilon is one sch@lchildEn livins ne, the cErels habilat or cERss imoonaflsFonsoE donaunq equ pmenr a Ubnq How Mrn d.liv.red a lectuE and . as a oollaboElins proiect wilh rhe xinjiane lor dur 6srch and feld us. ln February, wons How Epon to sh€rls *nior .r.ff on April 11, Archaeolosical hslilula! a qrcundrruihins efediuon Man aEo dellvercd a Shell CandLdat luo Honq is conduoi nq a oJ{re silk Road lhal las orisinally slated lorihis pasl corcseondents' club. I]1e club qave hih an teasibiliry sludy on lh. conFMlion of the spnng has been posrponed ldr sr monlhs al lho hansins coihs ol lho Bo peode. The p6ent cou*l of lhe sooietyl xinilanq counremarr, a kst Novembe( Wong low Man gave trc ectures so* rees on rhe ilde knNn nodheastem Pror.ssor Wans Binshua, Dnecd ol lhe Xnians on conseruaton ai slngapoE\ NaiioM Mus6um 0i Archasosca lnslilule, visiled Hons Xons and Febtuary 1s1, he paftclpaled na lve hall hour inter a sh6ll candidaie chen xiaoping conlinu6 CERS March 23-2s, on his way io lnd a. ,ewwt[AsaBusness Nev]s,1tum Slnsapoe tualur his wo* ar Uge vina96 bode ns Yunnan and a Hoi on the P6s: Pame a Logan rcdenl y pubL shen ing slyearsloth Annive6aryretumlhplolhesource , srudvinq $e mat in*lMoso people. Anonq Warjore: A MaEal,4.l,!l iir The book ouf a 199s Shell SDlar xi znong mad. nere in nes her lEve s to rhe wilds ol 6lem'bea T b.i in search a Annette Tens, a Matei.l S.ienlid nlm California s ttE Chire* media, including Peop/6t D.ily or know edse and insp alLon lor her kaEte pmcrice. Siicon lhlley ls volunleerins sveE days perw@k rnd cnft. Dalr, ror saving a palch ol iorcsl in Sho lEces oulEs lsed by famous H ma ayan rEVe eE Yunnan! Tibetan Prelelu6. the lorest Ms a Ju ie Gaw a gmduale n h story and Mandadn fiom eama*ed Io/ rogging unril xi poinied od thal M nne$lal Carlelon Co ese wilh e:peien.e wodt ns lhe lo@rion is home io aboul 200 oI Chlna! n China. loned CERS n May. Julie is now the 1,fixl rtunhan Snubbedno* Goldtr Mohkeys, coodnaror of the soc eiy\ Naturc and culure Consetuaron cenlre n lhe norlhwesl. The posuon s a Sh.ll China orcanred a rojor .wnl to . ruciaL n s! pporr ol cERs's onsolns prclects a ons the lnircdu@ cERs to media lii.nns in B€ii ns. Neady m redia qloup€ eme out to rcPod M a ln June, sev6ml CEFS lriends and supporteE visit. Wons Hou Man's pE$nlalion rcq6rdins thre ed our Nature & cuhrrc conseNaton center in key consflrnon prclects. shen ako honoored ounhuang, They included Mr Eic wu or Shinkohg Iourchine$*holaEwfthe ircaleslorlheir Grcup n Taiwan, Mr Po Chung or DHL, Mr Peler disringuished contibdions to hes. proie.ts, wans or Na'nica and Mr John Lee ol Tom Le lvusic

at nd Row oI tE U.K d.rEt d a lw Discovery CEFS ferd wor( the @mpany has comm(ied a Bill Simn, Chaiman oI lhe North Face, conri.. lor CERS, u* in Hong K.{lg. h 5ko cn'riroes to ues hE rong y.a6 oI $pport, p@iding cERs wnh sr,Fp, spare vehicle pals hr the iN Delende6 a Dennis Sun, ot Fuji Pholo Prodocls ih Hong lents, dephs bass, backptcks .nd clolhins. tGng, hs prcuded CERS wfi . lreial &count a Bushnel de wred ils laiesl bin@ulm a'd spothio alhbuqh lho mnlinued suppod ol Mr liomas \tuen @Binq CERS film, pr@ssing, dlargemem, pno- scopes lor us al CEHS5 ounhmq Centei A las (a coiounder oJ ,€I), Asla On ins wlll moMde qrcup rmopyins, duplical,ng and equipfeil needs, cnsefinder much soughl'attq in rhe f,E'kel is aho a Hoigkmq Bankl1996 China cdenda renbG p'n acde irro$lulure wlditu su eywod(

a rnchcap€ P.cilic d.naled an condibb.e6, d.hu- cEFs D ctu6 fim t€ tud kid€ weo cEo oI awiElrhe q6nercus$pp6 ol Pel.rwonq, cEBs midif€E, a @py machinej a lar nacnin. ahd . Hongkong aak crri@ domle-d HKS100,0m ic cEFs ha3 op€red its NaruE and cultlE consdalion

rcnig€Eior ro cERs, ld u$ at ihe ah.d€€n ofice ir [,t4, 1 996 nE Honqkonq Balk in snoapft made a Cenlre in his fine slk Red Dunhuang Hoi6l. and rhe Tai Tam Re*tuh c.nrE. Ihanks ro Paul siqnifrcar domlioi id tE Ea.k{eked Ctre pbFcl. a Dr Minq Chls or Fi6l hltrnafmal Cmputd of Ch.ng, the ohaiman, M1o hrs be€n a lons-lime O Shinle {sonyl roundalion oJ Taiw.n mrd. a US Taiwan dmred hc rfr! lal6l mteb@k cmpuEc, slqmo don ts ro cERsi summer expediiion, c@rer enh cD-HoM ddves aHo KwM Eng,Chaim olSngapocPw a Dminic Ch6ng oi Onio madoE donad O Kflreth chunq ol Evebest h'inrins co. sup- hosled a dinrer irr Wong Hry M ar h s home. Cd o Alt-Them walcha ald a Brclhs computer pods cEfls by underu? ins the p nling @st ol Pmelia L*, Sd or Direcror or sLnqap.e! Touism tltu nereletter d update lo ow bbchures, Bed, who anended the p6rty, hade a dml on lo a The China Club donal.d two memberchips to a N,tegelhn Systms li6 dmted l*! Globar lhe Blackneked C@ Pbjecr in \tnn SS. Wonq, cERS. The prcstgious club is cenlElly localed, Pos lion ns Syslem lor CERS'ield us. Chairun ol B@dway Comp.ny, cor inued his sup idsr lor hording special s@iery tuncliore and a tbdi@ Hong Kong has doiated odual clolhing. pod oi cEFs wdr a qendous donalion a Andr& Ys, Maiaging 0 r4ior or van Shunq a Di Moris chang, tlE Chaiman or Taiwan a Go€'Tex suppods CEFS wdlr rssed ouil@r chdng Hordhgs, made a donar on lo cERs'small s€mioondocior c.Domrion r$rcl hade a 0M- clolhinq md bools lor erpedibon use. I hs dhiqied qtrE pbgm in Yunnan P6v ne. emus don ton ol US$60.000 ro CEBS. 2n0 eeia -ed ion ekeltslhe CERS SoMlure a Billy Yung, MaEsing Di€ctor ol SMC, donared a prcducls rhe a Pe6y woathe€ , fi,!ffisins DLreclor of Hongkong Sedelo be sld in Go€-T.x s1G n Hong Koiq. micrcwave, lan and righfhq ior tai bnd.mlninueddreidomo yspldqeiosuprod AI fi.m rhe r eLe wl I be donared io cEBs Tam R**rch C.nlre and Abeden orfie. '6eipb