Meladv June25-2021

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Meladv June25-2021 THE MELVILLE Friday, $1.50 PER COPY GST INCLUDED June 25, 2021 Vol. 95 No. 21 Agreement # 40011922 PROUDLY SERVING MELVILLE AND SURROUNDING AREA SINCE 1929 • WWW.GRASSLANDSNEWS.CA • 1-306-728-5448 National gold for Melville student welder By Emily Jane Fulford Grasslands News This year’s Skills Can- ada National competition came close to home this year, in fact, close to many people. The 2021 event was held nationwide by means of virtual reality. In the past, the competi- tors would travel to take part in Quebec City but this year, the venue was switched to an online for- mat due to COVID-19. So when competitors took to the virtual stage, they were all playing on home turf, including Melville’s own, Kyan Ell. If the name of this Melville Comprehensive School (MCS) student seems familiar, it may be because he was rec- ognized earlier this year after winning gold in the welding category at the provincial level. On May 28th he did it again, this time winning gold for Sas- katchewan on Canada’s skill stage with a nation- wide audience. For Kyan, DENNIS MUZYKA | GRASSLANDS NEWS it’s not as much about Welding gold winning as it is about the .\DQ(OOKDVEHHQRQDZHOGLQJZLQQLQJVWUHDNDWWKH&DQDGD6NLOOV&RPSHWLWLRQVÀUVWWDNLQJKRPHJROGLQWKHSURYLQFLDODQGWKHQ trade he has a passion for. on June 15th he was announced as the gold medalist for the national competition. “I love welding be- cause the fact of build- thought it was so cool to strict guidelines for how not allowed to oversee the come up with a way to do ing stuff with metal, it’s do that and I would just the whole day would pro- competition process so a the event at all. so fascinating to me,” sit in the shop and prac- ceed. proctor supervisor must be “On June 15, the vir- explains Ell. “I got into tice.” “Because it was the appointed to make sure all tual award ceremony welding because I would The competition itself National competition the competition rules and was held and it was watch dad do it and I was no easy task, with the student’s teacher is procedures are followed,” announced that Nova explains teacher, Dennis Scotia had place Bronze, Muzyka. “John Svenson Alberta Silver, and Sas- took on the role of compe- katchewan Gold,” said Former Melville mayor candidate running tition proctor. During the Muzyka. “Kyan Ell had competition, at specified won the Gold medal for time intervals, photos of MCS and Saskatchewan.” for federal Maverick Party in Saskatchewan the welding process had “I would like to thank to be taken and sent to the Dennis Muzyka for all of Submitted Skills National committee his time he put into help- A former mayoral candidate from Melville is plac- for process approval. Six ing me out and teach- ing his hopes in the new federal Maverick Party. hours were allotted for ing me; it was very Richard Goebel, 42, joined the party last month. blueprint interpretation, appreciated,” said Ell. “I Richard In 2016, he ran for Mayor of Melville and got 19 structure assembly, tack- couldn’t have asked for Goebel votes. ing, welding, and cleaning. a better teacher, as well Goebel notes that the Maverick Party is polling at After the competition was as the school for allow- or near seven per cent by Angus Reid this past May. complete, all the projects ing me to use their fa- Interim Leader Jay Hill says Conservative Party from across Canada were cilities.” of Canada’s leader Erin O’Toole’s recent move to back sent to Edmonton where Quebec’s right to unilaterally amend the Cana- the Skills Nation Judging dian constitution is a “body blow” to Western committee for welding Conservative members. would make their final as- Goebel agrees, saying “Western Canada is sessments.” better off on its own. We should separate or While many of the com- join the United States.” petitors missed out on the The Maverick Party of Canada has six opportunity for a trip to Saskatchewan Electoral District Associa- Quebec City, credit was tions preparing for a federal election this given where due to the .\DQ(OO·VZHOGLQJWDOHQWKDVZRQDQDWLRQDOJROG fall. ability of Skills Canada to FREE DELIVERY Melville, Grayson & Neudorf by calling 306-728-5625 or to shop online go to... New Business Hours: 306-728-5625 Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. – Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 135 - 3rd Ave. E. Melville, SK Holidays 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 2 June 25, 2021 0HOYLOOH$GYDQFH:KLWHZRRG*UHQIHOO+HUDOG6XQ)RUW4X·$SSHOOH7LPHV Grasslands News Harding resigns from QVCA, remains an activist By Alan Hustak Jim Harding was educated in In 1984, Harding, along with his spouse Grasslands News Regina, Saskatoon and Vancou- Janet and their family, bought 80-acres of ver. He has a degree in political land in the valley which he has turned “When I turned 80 I never science, an Honours and Mas- into an ecology preserve. He subsequently expected to find a world as ter’s Degree in Psychology and became involved in the battle to save the turned upside down as it is,” a Ph.D. in interdisciplinary old Fort Sanatorium as a heritage property says Jim Harding, the life studies. and convert it into a veteran’s rehabilita- long community activist who Harding took part in the first tion centre. “We could have built on our recently resigned as head of protest demonstration, which cultural history with those buildings, but the Qu’Appelle Valley Cen- led to the founding of Green- we lost the battle. We could have given the tre of the Arts. “My heart is peace. He taught environmental town something more than light industry making me retire from pub- studies at the University of Water- to depend on.” lic office, but I’ll never retire loo and later joined the University He’s at work editing a book, The Long from activism.” of Regina as a professor of justice 60s, with contributions from eight people The former mayor of Fort studies. who made a difference. If his 80 years have San celebrates his 80th birth- Accused by some critics as suffer- taught him anything, he says, “ideology is day on Monday (June 28.) ing from “excessive idealism,” Hard- not helpful, but knowledge is.” He’s been an environ- ing says he was never a rigid leftist, In spite of his jaundiced view of the mental, heritage and peace but has always been critical of the sys- world and where it is going, he remains an activist since he was a teenager. tem. “I’ve always been independent in optimist. “It’s a big world, but local gov- Harding comes from a family with my thinking which has allowed me to ernments are losing perspective and are “a rich, rich history” of activism. get out of the trap of polarisation and let often petty. Now we have people running He was born in Swift Current where me follow a third way.” the political system who aren’t qualified to his father Bill, was a research He was elected to Regina City Council deal with the issues facing us. You no lon- farmer “trying to get shelter belts where he became involved with commu- ger have the co-operative sentiment people growing during the dirty 30s in land nity policing, slum landlords, youth rec- had coming out of the 30s. We’re not in that that should never have been culti- reation and in the campaign to save the mind-set anymore. The pandemic turned vated.” When the CCF was elected in city’s old fire hall from demolition. “That out to be a good thing. It could bring sci- 1944, Harding’s father became a civil later gave me a sense that we could save ence and democracy together. Science and servant and eventually secretary of the old high school in Fort Qu’Appelle,” he democracy go hand in hand. It is already the NDP. says. happening in Europe.” An impaired driving charge and con- In 2020, 32 people in Saskatchewan lost Enjoy summer, plan a safe ride home - SGI viction can ruin more than just your their lives as a result of impaired driv- summer plans. Consequences start with impaired. If your plans involve alcohol ing. Provincial News an immediate licence suspension and or drugs, please plan for a safe ride Grasslands News vehicle impoundment. Upon conviction, Other results reported during May home. offenders are faced with a criminal re- • 727 distracted driving tickets, includ- SGI is issuing this gentle reminder, As the province begins to re-open cord, Safe Driver Recognition penalties, ing 617 for using a cellphone while driv- this summer, many are likely planning given the results of the May Traffic Ignition Interlock requirements, man- ing. to go more places, see more people and Spotlight on impaired driving. For the datory driver education, along with any do more things. month of May, police reported a total of fines or jail time imposed by the court. • 7,113 tickets issued for speeding and Restrictions may lift and rules may 507 impaired driving offences, including While an impaired driving conviction aggressive driving offences change, but one thing will remain con- 366 Criminal Code charges and 141 road- can cost you dearly, an impaired driv- • 525 tickets for seatbelts and car seat stant: you’re still not allowed to drive side administrative suspensions. ing collision can cost you everything. offences. 7KH0HOYLOOH 'LVWULFW&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFH LVSOHDVHGWRDQQRXQFHWKH¶/RYH:KHUH<RX /LYH«6KRS/RFDO«6KRS0HOYLOOH·SURMHFW 2XUEXVLQHVVPHPEHUVDUHGLVWULEXWLQJ VKRSSLQJEDJVFRXUWHV\RIWKH0HOYLOOH 'LVWULFW&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFHHQFRXUDJLQJ WKHUHVLGHQWVRI0HOYLOOHWRVKRSORFDO 3OHDVHJRRQRXUZHEVLWH ZZZPHOYLOOHFKDPEHUFRPDQG)DFHERRN Why shop local? WRYLHZWKHYLGHRVRIORFDOEXVLQHVVVWRULHV • You support community sustainability :HDUHDOVRRIIHULQJWKH¶3RVLWLYHO\2XWUDJHRXV • You support local jobs 6HUYLFH·VHPLQDUWRDOOEXVLQHVVHVLQ0HOYLOOH • You keep more money in the local economy WRLQFUHDVHVHUYLFHH[FHOOHQFH • You conserve your tax dollars For further information contact: MELVILLE & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE P: 306-728-4177 E: [email protected] W: Thank you to the Government of Canada and the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce for supporting this project.
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