BIBLIOGRAPHY Note: Bracketed items refer to those works not in the original thesis, and include both John Fletcher’s additional writings of relevance and others’ more recent scholarship on Kircher. Bracketed pagination, numeration and other minor details refer to those parts of Fletcher’s original bibliography left incomplete which the Editor has not been able to verify. A. Kircher’s Works 1. Printed Works (in Chronological Order) 1 Ars magnesia. Würzburg, E.M. Zinck, 1631, 4o; [viii] 63 pages. Dedicated (25 Sep- tember 1631) by J.J. Schweigkhard von Freihausen to Franz, Graf von Hatzfeld, Bishop of Bamberg-Würzburg. 2 Primitiae gnomonicae catoptricae, hoc est horologiographiae novae specularis. Avignon, J. Pilot. 1635, 4o; [xii] 228 [xvi]. Dedicated (10 May 1633) to J. de Cambis, P. Carre, D. de Lagnes, D. d’Orsan, B. Siffredy and C. Sylvestre of the Avignon City Council. 3 Prodromus Coptus sive Aegyptiacus. Rome, Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1636, 4o; [xviii] 338 [ii]. Dedicated (2 August 1636) to Francesco, Cardinal Barberini. 4 Specula Melitensis encyclica. Naples, S. Roncaglioli, 1638, 4o; [viii] 63. Dedicated (6 January 1638) by S. Imbroll to J.P. de Lascaris-Castellar. 5 Magnes, sive de arte magnetica. Rome, H. Scheus, 1641, 4o; [xxxiii] 916 [xxxii]. Dedicated (4 May 1641) to Emperor Ferdinand III. 5a Magnes, sive . Cologne, J. Kalcoven, 1643, 4o; [xxx] 797 [ixl]. Dedicated (4 May 1641) to Emperor Ferdinand III. 5b Magnes, sive . Rome, B. Deversin and Z. Masotti, 1654, 2o; [xxxii] 618 [xxviii]. Dedicated (1 January 1654) to King Ferdinand IV. 6 Lingua aegyptiaca restituta. Rome, H. Scheus, 1643, 4o; [xxv] 622 [lxvi].
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