A2 WA/2019/0388 Erection of 2 buildings to provide 4 dwellings and H Dennis associated parking and landscaping at Land At Rosefield (Rowledge) Limited 81 Boundstone Road, Rowledge GU10 4AT 13/03/2019

Committee: Western Area Meeting Date: 06/08/2019

Public Notice: Was Public Notice required and posted: N/A Grid Reference: E: 482624 N: 143636

Town: Ward: Farnham and Rowledge Case Officer: Mr Chris Turner Expiry Date: 07/05/2019 Time Extended Date: Neighbour Notification Expiry Date: 16/04/2019

RECOMMENDATION That, subject to conditions, permission be GRANTED

1. Introduction

The application has been brought before the Area Committee at the request of a Ward Member.

2. Location or Layout Plan

Page 1 of 26 3. Site Description

The application site is located on the south eastern side of Boundstone Road. It comprises a two storey detached dwelling with large garden area to the rear. There are two accesses provided to the site off Boundstone Road.

4. Proposal

The application seeks permission for the construction of 4 flats. The flats would be contained within two separate buildings. The buildings would measure 8m (height) x 20m (width) x 8.9m (depth).

Unit 1 and 2 would be orientated to face north west, access would be provided via the main access route through the site. Parking spaces would be provided to the front of the units. A garage would be provided for unit 1.

Unit 3 and 4 would be orientated to face north east, access would be provided via the main access road through the site. Parking spaces would be provided to the front and side of these units. A garage would be provided for unit 3.

5. Proposed Block Plan

6. Proposed Elevations

Units 1 and 2

Page 2 of 26 Front elevation

South west elevation

North east elevation with units 3 and 4 also shown.

Units 3 and 4

Front elevation

Page 3 of 26 Southern elevation

North elevation

Rear elevation

Page 4 of 26 Proposed Floor Plans

Unit 1 Unit 2

Unit 3

Page 5 of 26 Unit 4

7. Relevant Planning History

No relevant planning history on the site.

8. Planning Policy Constraints

Built-up Area Boundary – Farnham Neighbourhood Plan Ancient Woodland 500m Buffer Zone Developed Area of Farnham Thames Basin Heaths SPA 7km Buffer Zone Wealden Heaths I SPA 5km Buffer Zone Section 52 Agreement – Not relevant (adjacent site) TPO 03/05

9. Development Plan Policies and Guidance

The development plan and relevant policies comprise:

 Waverley Borough Local Plan, Part 1, Strategic policies and sites (adopted February 2018): SP1, ALH1, ST1, AHN3, TD1, CC1, NE1, NE2 and NE3.  Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002 (retained policies February 2018): D1, D4, D6, D7, D8 and D9.  Farnham Neighbourhood Plan (made May 2017): FNP1, FNP12, FNP13 and FNP30.

Page 6 of 26  South East Plan (saved policy NRM6)  and Neighbourhood Plan 2019: N/A

In accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) due weight has been given to the relevant policies in the above plans.

Other guidance:

 National Planning Policy Framework (2019)  National Planning Practice Guidance (2014)  Residential Extensions SPD (201)  Statement of Community Involvement (2014 Revision)  Planning Infrastructure Contributions SPD (2008)  Cycling Plan SPD (April 2005)  Vehicular and Cycle Parking Guidance ( County Council 2012)  Waverley Local Plan Strategic Highway Assessment (Surrey County Council, 2016)  Council’s Parking Guidelines (2013)  Residential Extensions SPD (2010)  Farnham Design Statement (2010)

10.Consultations and Town/Parish Council Comments

County Highway Authority No objection subject to conditions Town/Parish Council Farnham Town Council objects to the proposed 4 dwellings to the rear of 81 Boundstone Road not being in line with the Farnham Design Statement and Farnham Neighbourhood Plan Policy FNP1, the layout and density is out of keeping and destroys the character of the area and has a negative impact on neighbours’ amenity. Additional side roads and entrances will further reduce the distinctive green boundary of the Boundstone Road. Surrey County Council Highways No objection subject to conditions. County Archeologist No objection subject to conditions.


Neighbour notification letters were sent on:

Page 7 of 26 12 Letters of objection have been received, objecting on the grounds of:

 The development being incongruous to the surrounding area.  The application will set a precedent for development.  Over development of the plot.  Harm to the character of the area.  Harm to the trees.  Urbanisation of the area.  Harm to the streetscene.  Not in conformity of the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan and Farnham Design Statement.  Inappropriate density.  Loss of trees  Overlooking and loss of privacy.  Overbearing impact on adjoining neighbours.

11. Planning Considerations

Principle of development Impact on visual amenity Impact on residential amenity Impact on Trees Biodiversity and compliance with Habitat Regulations 2017

11.1 Principle of development

The site is located within the developed area of Farnham wherein development may be considered acceptable subject to its impact on visual and residential amenities.

11.2 Layout and Impact on visual amenity

Policy TD1 of the Local Plan 2018 (Part 1) requires development to be of high quality design and to be well related in size, scale and character to its surroundings. Retained Policies D1 and D4 of the Local Plan 2002 are attributed substantial and full weight respectively due to their level of consistency with the NPPF 2019.

The site is located within the Rowledge Character area as defined by the Farnham Design Statement. Any new development should respect the local architecture in terms of scale, form and materials. The impact of new development should be carefully considered, to avoid undue pressure on the existing infrastructure and off-road parking must be adequate.

Page 8 of 26 The existing site comprises a large detached dwelling with large garden which extends to the south east. There are two accesses to Boundstone Road. To the immediate south of the site there are four dwellings. Two of the dwellings are accessed from a track leading to Boundstone Road and two are accessed from The Avenue to the south. To the east and west of the site there are residential dwellings on The Copse and another residential development known as fair acres.

Boundstone Road is a residential area with hedges and trees lining the road. There are many mature trees in the area and TPOs. The area has a sylvan character.

The proposed flats would comprise two blocks of residential flats each providing two dwellings. Units 1 and 2 would be orientated to face to the north north west and units 3 and 4 orientated to face to the north east. The proposal would infill the existing garden area of the host dwelling. However, Officers consider that the proposal would not be out of keeping with the pattern of development in the surrounding area, given the siting of the no. 83 and 85 Boundstone Road.

The two residential buildings would be similar in design with part render on the first floor and brick on the ground floor. Whilst the design is not typical of the surrounding area, the design of the buildings is considered to be appropriate and would not be harmful to the character of the surrounding area.

The buildings would be well set back from Boundstone Road. From Boundstone Road, there are views of the host dwelling, but longer views into the rear garden area are limited. Officers would be satisfied that the proposed dwellings would not be highly visible from Boundstone Road and would not be harmful to the streetscene. The proposal seeks to use the existing access and therefore there would be no alteration to the front landscaping.

The access road would run along the east of the site and would run parallel to the access to 83 and 85 Boundstone Road. Whilst parallel tracks are not generally considered to be best practice in design terms. However, the harm within the settlement boundary from the additional access would not be sufficient to warrant refusal of planning permission.

The layout includes landscaping and grassscrete parking areas. The extent of hardstanding on the site would generally be considered to be acceptable and would not be out of keeping with the character of the area. Furthermore, despite the extent of hardstanding, Officers would be satisfied that the inclusion of landscaping and the large amenity areas would mean that there were not large areas of hardstanding across the site.

Page 9 of 26 There would be some loss of trees on the rear of the site, however, these trees are not of high public amenity and their loss would not be considered harmful to the character of the area.

The proposal would therefore be considered to accord with Policy TD1 of the Local Plan (part 1) 2018 and retained Policies D1 and D4 of the Local Plan 2002.

11.3 Impact on residential amenity

Policy TD1 of the Local Plan 2018 (Part1) seeks to ensure that new development is designed to create safe and attractive environments that meet the needs of users and incorporate the principles of sustainable development. Retained policies D1 and D4 of the Local Plan 2002 are given substantial and full weight respectively due to their consistency with the NPPF 2019.

The proposal site is located within the built up area boundary and as such is surrounded by residential dwellings. The effect of each of the surrounding dwellings is considered below.

81 Boundstone Road

In relation to the host dwelling at no. 81 Boundstone Road, the proposed dwellings would be considered to be adequately separated from this dwelling and would not have an overbearing impact or result in a harmful loss of light or outlook. Units 1 and 2 would have first floor windows which would measure approximately 15m to the shared boundary with no. 81 Boundstone Road. The Residential Extensions SPD advises that there should be 18m from proposed windows to the residential amenity areas of adjoining neighbours. Whilst this separation distance would fall short of the recommended separation distance, Officers note that no. 81 is served by a large garden and views from these windows would not be over the primary amenity space of this dwelling. Therefore, despite the shortfall, Officers would be satisfied that the proposal would not result in a harmful loss of privacy to this neighbour.

Units 3 and 4 would have windows on the north east elevation. These windows would have oblique views over the amenity space of no. 81. Officers are therefore satisfied that the proposal would not result in a harmful loss of privacy to this neighbour.

83 and 85 Boundstone Road.

Page 10 of 26 The proposed dwellings would be adequately separated from these dwellings and therefore, would not be considered overbearing and would not result in a harmful loss of light or outlook. From facing windows on the rear elevation of units 1 and 2 to these dwellings would measure over 25m. From the windows to the shared boundary there would be a separation distance of approximately 15m. However, owing to the layout of these neighbouring dwellings views from these windows would not be into amenity areas, but would be over the front parking areas.

In relation to units 3 and 4, no windows are proposed on the southern elevation which would have views towards no. 83 and 85 and the first floor windows on the north east elevation would have oblique views towards these properties. Therefore Officers would be satisfied that there would be no loss of privacy to these neighbours.

The Copse

The Copse is a residential housing development which sits to the south west of the site. The area of the Copse immediately adjacent to the proposal site comprises a landscape buffer and the internal road of the development. There is approximately 25m from the nearest residential dwelling 6, the Copse on this development to the shared boundary of the proposal site. Therefore Officers would be satisfied, given the separation distance from this dwelling the proposal would not have an overbearing impact, loss of light, loss of outlook or loss of privacy to the dwellings to the south west on this development.

2 Fair Acres

To the north east of the site, there is a detached residential dwelling known as 2 Fair Acres. This property is part of a collection of dwellings adjacent to the site and sits within a large plot.

Plots 1 and 2 sit approximately 12m from the shared boundary of this dwelling. Officers are satisfied that there would be no loss of privacy or outlook to this dwelling and that the proposal would not result in an overbearing impact.

No windows are proposed in the north east elevation facing towards the amenity space of this dwelling. Windows on the north western elevation would have oblique views to 2 Fair Acres and its amenity space.

There would be a terrace/patio area above the garage serving plot 1, however, the applicant proposes screening on the north eastern elevation of

Page 11 of 26 this terrace area which would be obscure glazed to a height of 1.7m. A condition would be attached to ensure this screening remains in place in perpetuity. Officers would therefore be satisfied that there would be no loss of privacy to this dwelling or the amenity space serving this dwelling from plots 1 and 2.

Plots 3 and 4 would face directly towards Fair Acres, although the separation distance of approximately 36m is considered great enough that there would be no loss of privacy from these dwellings.

The proposal is therefore considered not to result in a materially harmful impact on the residential amenity of the surrounding neighbours and would therefore be considered to accord with Policy TD1 of the Local Plan (Part 1) 2018 and retained Policies D1 and D4 of the Local Plan 2002.

11.4 Impact on Highways and Parking Provision

Policy ST1 of the Local Plan 2018 (Part 1) states that development schemes should be located where it is accessible by forms of travel other than by private car; should make necessary contributions to the improvement of existing and provision of new transport schemes and include measures to encourage non-car use. Development proposals should be consistent with the Surrey Local Transport Plan and objectives and actions within the Air Quality Action Plan. Provision for car parking should be incorporated into proposals and new and improved means of public access should be encouraged.

The proposal would be accessed from an existing access to Boundstone Road and the access driveway would run parallel to the existing access serving two bungalows to the rear of the proposal site. The County Highway Authority has been consulted on the application. It has raised no objection to the application subject to conditions.

The NPPF supports the adoption of local parking standards for both residential and non-residential development. The Council has adopted a Parking Guidelines Document which was prepared after the Surrey County Council Vehicular and Cycle Parking Guidance in January 2012. Policy ST1 of the Local Plan (Part 1) 2018 states that development schemes should have appropriate provision for car parking. Development proposals should comply with the appropriate guidance as set out within these documents.

Appendix two of the Parking Guidelines Document requires that outside of the Town Centre there should be a minimum of two parking spaces per two bedroom dwelling.

Page 12 of 26 The proposal would meet this parking requirement, with two parking spaces proposed for each unit. Officers note Unit 3 would have a third parking space located within a garage, however this would result in a triple, tandem parking arrangement, which is not best practice and not generally supported. Regardless of this, this unit would still be served by two other parking spaces.

Two visitor parking spaces are available on the site and the garages would provide secure cycle parking spaces, which would accord with The Council’s parking guidelines. Whilst it is not clear how access would be shared between residents for use of the garage for parking vehicles, Officers would be satisfied that regardless of this, there would be secure space to the rear of the units which would allow for the parking of cycles securely.

The proposal is therefore considered to accord with Policy ST1 of the Local Plan (Part 1) 2018.

11.5 Impact on Trees

Policy NE2 of the Local Plan (Part 1) 2018 states that the Council will seek, where appropriate, to maintain and enhance existing trees, woodland and hedgerows within the Borough. Retained Policies D6 and D7 of the Local Plan 2002 are attributed full and significant weight respectively due to their level of consistency with the NPPF 2018.

Within the surrounding area there are a number of individual and group TPOs. In relation to the proposal site there is a group TPO fronting onto Boundstone Road (TPO 03/05) and group TPOs to the east and west (TPO 11/10 and 12/99) of the site. The Council’s Tree Officer has therefore be consulted on the application.

The proposed units would be considered to be adequately separated from the surrounding TPOs and therefore the Officer is satisfied that there would be no direct impacts from this development.

The proposed development includes some amendments to the existing access and an internal road which would be within proximity of the group TPO to the east of the site. However, Officers consider the proposal to be acceptable with regard to the TPO trees subject to the implementation of conditions.

The Council’s Tree Officer has highlighted the loss of trees which are not subject of a TPO from the development and some remaining trees which would be under pressure. This is considered to be a negative aspect of the scheme which will be weighed into the planning balance. However, the Tree

Page 13 of 26 Officer has identified that refusal on the grounds of tree loss and future pressure may not be strong in isolation.

The proposal would therefore be considered to accord with retained Policy D6 and D7 of the Local Plan 2002 and Policy NE2 of the Local Plan (Part 1) 2018.

11.6 Standard of Accommodation

Policy TD1 of the Local Plan (Part 1) 2018 seeks to maximise the opportunity to improve the quality of life, health and well-being of current and future residents through the provision of appropriate private, communal and public amenity space, appropriate internal space standards for new dwellings, on site playspace provision, appropriate facilities for the storage of waste and private clothes drying facilities.

The Government Technical Housing standards – nationally described space standards (2015) requires dwellings to meet certain internal space standards in order to ensure that an appropriate internal standard of accommodation has been provided for future occupiers. Until the Council has a Local Plan Policy in respect of these standards, they should only be given limited weight and used as guidance to inform the decision on this proposal.

The proposed units would provide 4 dwelling houses, with two bedrooms which would provide bedspace for 4 persons.

The following table provides a comparison between the proposed floor area and the technical housing document:

Technical Requirements Proposed internal floor for gross internal floor areas. areas. Unit 1 Proposed 102sqm 70sqm dwellinghouse two bedroom, one storey. Unit 2 Proposed 112sqm 70sqm dwellinghouse two bedroom, one storey. Unit 3 Proposed 102sqm 70sqm dwellinghouse two bedroom, one storey. Unit 4 Proposed 112sqm 70sqm dwellinghouse two

Page 14 of 26 bedroom, one storey.

The following table provides an analysis of the bedroom sizes against the nationally prescribed space standards.

Unit 1 Technical Standard Proposed Floor Space Bedroom 1 11.5 12 Bedroom 2 11.5 14 Unit 2 Bedroom 1 11.5 12 Bedroom 2 11.5 14 Unit 3 Bedroom 1 11.5 12 Bedroom 2 11.5 14 Unit 4 Bedroom 1 11.5 12 Bedroom 2 11.5 14

The proposed dwelling houses would meet all the required standards regarding floor area and bedroom sizes. Furthermore, all habitable rooms are served by an appropriate level of light and outlook. As such, the proposal is considered to provide an adequate standard of accommodation for future residents.

On promoting healthy communities, the NPPF sets out that planning policies and decisions should aim to achieve places which promote safe and accessible developments, with high quality public space which encourage the active and continual use of public areas. These should include high quality open spaces and opportunities for sport and recreation which can make an important contribution to the health and well-being of communities.

The proposed dwelling would be served by an amenity area to the rear which would be considered to provide an appropriate amenity area for future occupiers.

In the interests of retaining control over extensions and amenity space it is considered reasonable to remove PD rights.

The proposal would therefore be considered to meet the required internal space standards and would provide suitable private amenity space in accordance with Policy TD1 of the Local Plan (Part 1) 2018.

Page 15 of 26 11.7 Impact on Archelogy

Retained Policies HE14 and HE15 of the Local Plan 2002 require that appropriate desk based or field surveys should be submitted with an application and appropriate measures taken to ensure any important remains are preserved. These policies are afforded full weight owing to their consistency with the NPPF.

In support of the application, the applicant has submitted an archaeological desk based assessment, produced by Archaeology South East, that aims to identify and assess the potential for any Heritage Assets with archaeological significance to be present, and to determine the potential impact of the proposal on any such Assets, so enabling decisions to be made on whether further archaeological work is necessary.

The County Council’s archaeologist has been consulted on the proposal. The report concludes that the site has a high potential for post-medieval archaeology with a low potential for prehistoric and Roman remains and that the proposed development therefore has the potential to impact upon undesignated heritage assets.

The County Council Archaeologist raises no objection but due to the potential for archeological remains of a site of this size has advised that a condition is attached which requires that a scheme of archeological works is submitted to and approved by the local planning authority ahead of works beginning on site.

Subject to the implementation of this condition, the proposal would be considered to accord with retained Policies HE14 and HE15 of the Local Plan 2002.

11.8 Waste and Refuse

In accordance with the ‘Refuse and Recycling Provision at New Developments’ Guidance by Waverley Borough Council Environmental Services Department, the developer would be required to provide:

Bin Provision (Each Unit) 1 x 140litre black wheeled bin 1 x 240litre recycling bin 1 x Green Caddy for food waste.

The applicant has submitted a swept path of the site which demonstrates that there would be adequate room for a bin collection vehicle to enter, turn and

Page 16 of 26 leave the site in a forward gear. Bin stores are provided to the front of the units and garden waste provided in a separate store on the eastern boundaries. The separation distance from this store to the units would not be so significant such that it would be unreasonable for residents to use, Officers consider this to be acceptable.

11.9 Accessibility

Policy AHN3 of the Local Plan Part 1 (2018) states that the Council will require the provision of new developments to meet Building Regulations M4 (2) Category 2 standard: “Accessible and adaptable dwellings” to meet the needs of older people and those with disabilities.

The supporting text to the policy states that this will be delivered through the implementation of planning permissions. As such, this will be picked up by the building control process when planning permission is implemented.

11.10 Sustainability

Policy CC2 of the Local Plan 2018 seeks to ensure all new development includes measures to minimise energy and water use. The Policy goes on to say that new dwellings shall meet the requirement of 110 litres of water per person per day. A condition is recommended requiring the submission of details to confirm that the dwellings have been designed and completed to meet the requirement of 110 litres of water per person per day, prior to the occupation of the dwellings.

11.11 Effect on the SPAs

The site is located within the Thames Basin Heaths 7km SPA Buffer Zone and the Wealden Heaths SPA 5km Buffer Zone.

The proposal would result in an increase in people (permanently) on the site. However, due to the availability of alternative recreational opportunities within the area, which could divert residents from use of the SPA, the proposal would not have a likely significant effect upon the integrity of the SPAs in accordance with Policy NE1 of the Local Plan 2018 (Part 1). An appropriate assessment is not therefore required.

11.12 Biodiversity and compliance with Habitat Regulations 2017

Page 17 of 26 The NPPF requires that when determining planning application, local planning authorities should aim to conserve and enhance biodiversity by applying the following principles:

If significant harm resulting from a development cannot be avoided (through locating on an alternative site with less harmful impacts), adequately mitigated, or, as a last resort, compensated for then planning permission should be refused.

In addition, Circular 06/2005 states ‘It is essential that the presence or otherwise of protected species and the extent that they may be affected by the proposed development, is established before planning permission is granted.’

The application property does not fall within a designated SPA, SAC, SNCI or SSSI. It is not within 200m of ancient woodland or water, and is not an agricultural building or barn. Having regard to this, and the completed biodiversity checklist, it is considered that a biodiversity survey is not required in this instance.

11.13 Town Council and or Third Party Representations

It is considered the bulk of comments made by third parties have been considered in the report, however in response to comments made by third parties, Officers make the following comments:

Harm to trees- The Council’s Tree Officer has considered the impacts of the proposal and considers the proposal would not have an unacceptable impact on trees.

Inappropriate density – Officers consider the proposed development would be in keeping with the development pattern. Whilst the development would be higher than the surrounding residential dwellings, Officers do not consider that the density would be so high as to harm the character of the area.

Urbanisation of the area – The proposed dwellings would be located within an existing large garden area. Whilst the proposal would introduce built form the host dwelling would remain

11.14 Conclusion

The proposal would create four residential units within the built-up area of Farnham where development may be acceptable subject to its impact on residential and visual amenity. The loss of trees is considered to be a negative aspect of the scheme. However taking into account the scheme as a whole,

Page 18 of 26 which by virtue of its design and layout would accord with the surrounding pattern of development, the loss of trees is not considered to result in sufficient to harm to the character of the area to warrant refusal of the scheme.

The planning balance assessment concludes that there are no adverse impacts that would outweigh the benefits. As such, planning permission is recommended for approval.


That permission be GRANTED subject to the following conditions:

1. Condition The plan numbers to which this permission relates are ITP - 215-1-02 Rev P1, 1239-P-201 Rev D, 1239-P-202 Rev A, 1239-P-29 Rev B, 1239-P-211, 1239-P-212, 1239-P-213, 1239-P-214, CM/171869, 224126612/20/2018 TPP, 224126612/20/2018 LS0.1, 224126612/20/2018 AS. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans. No material variation from these plans shall take place unless otherwise first agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

Reason In order that the development hereby permitted shall be fully implemented in complete accordance with the approved plans and to accord with Policy TD1 of the Local Plan 2018 (Part 1) and retained Policies D1 and D4 of the Local Plan 2002.

2. Condition Prior to any above ground works (not including demolition and below ground works), samples of the materials to be used in the construction of external surfaces of the development hereby permitted shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason In the interests of the character and amenity of the area, in accordance with Policy TD1 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2018 (Part 1) and Policies D1 and D4 of the Local Plan 2002.

3. Condition

Page 19 of 26 Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no development as defined with Part 1 of Schedule 2, Classes A-E inclusive of that order, shall be constructed on the site of the dwelling hereby permitted without the written permission of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason In the interests of the character and amenity of the area in accordance with Policy TD1 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2018 (Part 1) and Policies D1 and D4 of the Local Plan 2002.

4. Condition Prior to first occupation of the dwellings hereby approved details of 1.7m high screening on the north-eastern elevation of the terrace serving unit 2 shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Once approved the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details prior to first occupation of the dwellings. The screening shall remain in the approved form and location in perpetuity.

Reason Having regard to the relationship with neighbouring properties and to accord with Policy TD1 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2018 (Part 1) and Policies D1 and D4 of the Local Plan 2002.

5. Condition No part of the development shall be first occupied unless and until the vehicular access to Boundstone Road has been provided with visibility zones in accordance with a scheme to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and thereafter the visibility zones shall be kept permanently clear of any obstruction over 1.05m high.

Reason In order that the development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users in accordance with Policy ST1 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan (Part 1) 2018 and the NPPF 2019.

6. Condition The development hereby approved shall not be first occupied unless and until space has been laid out within the site in accordance with the

Page 20 of 26 approved plans for vehicles to be parked and for vehicles to turn so that they may enter and leave the site in forward gear. Thereafter the parking and turning areas shall be retained and maintained for their designated purposes.

Reason In order that the development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users in accordance with Policy ST1 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan (Part 1) 2018 and the NPPF 2019.

7. Condition No development shall commence until a Construction Transport Management Plan, to include details of: (a) parking for vehicles of site personnel, operatives and visitors (b) loading and unloading of plant and materials (c) storage of plant and materials (d) measures to prevent the deposit of materials on the highway (e) on-site turning for construction vehicles has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Only the approved details shall be implemented during the construction of the development.

Reason In order that the development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users in accordance with Policy ST1 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan (Part 1) 2018 and the NPPF 2019.

8. Condition The development hereby approved shall not be occupied unless and until each of the proposed dwellings are provided with a fast charge socket (current minimum requirements - 7 kw Mode 3 with Type 2 connector - 230v AC 32 Amp single phase dedicated supply) in accordance with a scheme to be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and thereafter retained and maintained to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason In recognition of Section 9 “Promoting Sustainable Transport” in the National Planning Policy Framework 2019.

9. Condition

Page 21 of 26 No development shall commence including demolition and or groundworks preparation until finalised detailed, scaled Tree Protection Plans (TPP's) and the related Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) is submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority (LPA). These shall include details of the specification, location and phasing of exclusion fencing, ground protection and any construction activity that may take place within the Root Protection Areas of trees (RPA) shown to scale on the TPP, including the installation of service routings. All works shall be carried out in strict accordance with these details when approved.

Reason To adequately protect all trees worthy of retention from development harm and to provide for their amenity contribution to the character of the area thereafter in accordance with Policy NE2 of the Local Plan Part 1 2018.

10. Condition a) No development, site remediation, groundworks or demolition processes shall be undertaken until an agreed scheme of supervision for the arboricultural protection measures has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The supervision and monitoring shall be undertaken in strict accordance with the approved details. The scheme shall include details of a pre- commencement meeting between the retained arboricultural consultant, Local Planning Authority Tree Officer and personnel responsible for the implementation of the approved development and timings, frequency & methods of site visiting and an agreed reporting process to the Local Planning Authority.

b) This tree condition may only be fully discharged on completion of the development subject to satisfactory written evidence of contemporaneous monitoring and compliance by the pre-appointed tree specialist during development.

Reason To adequately protect all trees worthy of retention from development harm and to provide for their amenity contribution to the character of the area thereafter in accordance with Policy NE2 of the Local Plan Part 1 2018.

11. Condition Before work begins, cross sections/details indicating the proposed finished ground levels, surface materials including sub-base and depth

Page 22 of 26 of construction and method/materials used for edging, within protected zone around retained trees shall be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason To adequately protect all trees worthy of retention from development harm and to provide for their amenity contribution to the character of the area thereafter in accordance with Policy NE2 of the Local Plan Part 1 2018.

12. Condition Prior to commencement of any works on site, details of any services to be provided or repaired including drains and soakaways, on or to the site, shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing and shall be carried out as shown. This requirement is in addition to any submission under the Building Regulations. Any amendments to be agreed with the Local Planning Authority in writing. Reason To adequately protect all trees worthy of retention from development harm and to provide for their amenity contribution to the character of the area thereafter in accordance with Policy NE2 of the Local Plan Part 1 2018.

13. Condition No development shall commence on site until a scheme for the landscaping and replacement tree planting of the site, including the retention of existing landscape features, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Landscaping schemes shall include details of hard landscaping, planting plans, written specifications (including cultivation and other operations associated with tree, shrub, and hedge or grass establishment), schedules of plants, noting species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities and an implementation programme. All hard and soft landscaping work shall be completed in full accordance with the approved scheme, prior to occupation or use of the approved development or in accordance with a programme agreed in writing with the local planning authority. All new tree planting shall be positioned in accordance with guidelines and advice contained in the current British Standard 5837. Trees in relation to construction. Any trees shrubs or plants planted in accordance with this condition which are removed, die or become damaged or become diseased within five years of planting shall be replaced within the next planting season by trees, and shrubs of the same size and species.

Page 23 of 26 Reason In the interest of the character and amenity of the area in accordance with Policy TD1 of the Local Plan 2018 (Part 1) and retained Policies D1 and D4 of the Local Plan 2002.

14. Condition Prior to first occupation of the dwellings, details of external lighting shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason In the interests ecology conservation and neighbouring amenity in accordance with Policy NE1 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2018 (Part 1) and Policies D1 and D4 of the Local Plan 2002.

15. Condition No development shall take place until the applicant has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a Written Scheme of Investigation which has been submitted by the applicant and approved by the Planning Authority.

Reason To ensure that any important archaeological remains are preserved and that there would be no adverse archaeological implications in accordance with Policy HA1 of the Local Plan Part 1 2018 and retained Policies HE14 and HE15 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002.

16. Condition Prior to the occupation of the dwellings, details shall be submitted to and be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority to confirm that the dwellings have been completed to meet the requirement of 110 litres of water per person per day.

Reason To ensure sustainable construction and design in accordance with Policy CC2 of the Waverley Local Plan Part 1 (2018).


1. COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE LEVY (CIL) The development hereby permitted is CIL liable. 'CIL Form 6: Commencement Notice' must be received by the Council prior to the

Page 24 of 26 commencement of development. Commencement of development is defined in Regulation 14 of the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended). Failure to adhere to the CIL Regulations and commencing work without notifying the Council could forfeit any rights you have to exemptions, payment by instalments and you may also incur surcharges. For further information see our webpages (www.waverley.gov.uk/CIL) or contact [email protected]

2. ''IMPORTANT'' This planning permission contains certain conditions precedent that state 'before development commences' or 'prior to commencement of any development' (or similar). As a result these must be discharged prior to ANY development activity taking place on site. Commencement of development without having complied with these conditions will make any development unauthorised and possibly subject to enforcement action such as a Stop Notice. If the conditions have not been subsequently satisfactorily discharged within the time allowed to implement the permission then the development will remain unauthorised.

3. There is a fee for requests to discharge a condition on a planning consent. The fee payable is £116.00 or a reduced rate of £34.00 for household applications. The fee is charged per written request not per condition to be discharged. A Conditions Discharge form is available and can be downloaded from our web site. Please note that the fee is refundable if the Local Planning Authority concerned has failed to discharge the condition by 12 weeks after receipt of the required information.

4. It is the responsibility of the developer to ensure that the electricity supply is sufficient to meet future demands and that any power balancing technology is in place if required. Please refer to: http://www.beama.org.uk/resourceLibrary/beama-guide-to-electric- vehicle-infrastructure.html for guidance and further information on charging modes and connector types.

5. This permission creates one or more new units which will require a correct postal address. Please contact the Street Naming & Numbering Officer at Waverley Borough Council, The Burys, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1HR, telephone 01483 523029 or e-mail [email protected] For further information please see the Guide to Street and Property Naming on Waverley's website.

Page 25 of 26 6. The Council confirms that in assessing this planning application it has worked with the applicant in a positive and proactive way, in line with the requirements of Paragraph 38 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2019.

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