A2 WA/2019/0388 Erection of 2 buildings to provide 4 dwellings and H Dennis associated parking and landscaping at Land At Rosefield (Rowledge) Limited 81 Boundstone Road, Rowledge GU10 4AT 13/03/2019 Committee: Western Area Meeting Date: 06/08/2019 Public Notice: Was Public Notice required and posted: N/A Grid Reference: E: 482624 N: 143636 Town: Farnham Ward: Farnham Wrecclesham and Rowledge Case Officer: Mr Chris Turner Expiry Date: 07/05/2019 Time Extended Date: Neighbour Notification Expiry Date: 16/04/2019 RECOMMENDATION That, subject to conditions, permission be GRANTED 1. Introduction The application has been brought before the Area Committee at the request of a Ward Member. 2. Location or Layout Plan Page 1 of 26 3. Site Description The application site is located on the south eastern side of Boundstone Road. It comprises a two storey detached dwelling with large garden area to the rear. There are two accesses provided to the site off Boundstone Road. 4. Proposal The application seeks permission for the construction of 4 flats. The flats would be contained within two separate buildings. The buildings would measure 8m (height) x 20m (width) x 8.9m (depth). Unit 1 and 2 would be orientated to face north west, access would be provided via the main access route through the site. Parking spaces would be provided to the front of the units. A garage would be provided for unit 1. Unit 3 and 4 would be orientated to face north east, access would be provided via the main access road through the site. Parking spaces would be provided to the front and side of these units. A garage would be provided for unit 3. 5. Proposed Block Plan 6. Proposed Elevations Units 1 and 2 Page 2 of 26 Front elevation South west elevation North east elevation with units 3 and 4 also shown. Units 3 and 4 Front elevation Page 3 of 26 Southern elevation North elevation Rear elevation Page 4 of 26 Proposed Floor Plans Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Page 5 of 26 Unit 4 7. Relevant Planning History No relevant planning history on the site. 8. Planning Policy Constraints Built-up Area Boundary – Farnham Neighbourhood Plan Ancient Woodland 500m Buffer Zone Developed Area of Farnham Thames Basin Heaths SPA 7km Buffer Zone Wealden Heaths I SPA 5km Buffer Zone Section 52 Agreement – Not relevant (adjacent site) TPO 03/05 9. Development Plan Policies and Guidance The development plan and relevant policies comprise: Waverley Borough Local Plan, Part 1, Strategic policies and sites (adopted February 2018): SP1, ALH1, ST1, AHN3, TD1, CC1, NE1, NE2 and NE3. Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002 (retained policies February 2018): D1, D4, D6, D7, D8 and D9. Farnham Neighbourhood Plan (made May 2017): FNP1, FNP12, FNP13 and FNP30. Page 6 of 26 South East Plan (saved policy NRM6) Godalming and Farncombe Neighbourhood Plan 2019: N/A In accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) due weight has been given to the relevant policies in the above plans. Other guidance: National Planning Policy Framework (2019) National Planning Practice Guidance (2014) Residential Extensions SPD (201) Statement of Community Involvement (2014 Revision) Planning Infrastructure Contributions SPD (2008) Cycling Plan SPD (April 2005) Vehicular and Cycle Parking Guidance (Surrey County Council 2012) Waverley Local Plan Strategic Highway Assessment (Surrey County Council, 2016) Council’s Parking Guidelines (2013) Residential Extensions SPD (2010) Farnham Design Statement (2010) 10.Consultations and Town/Parish Council Comments County Highway Authority No objection subject to conditions Town/Parish Council Farnham Town Council objects to the proposed 4 dwellings to the rear of 81 Boundstone Road not being in line with the Farnham Design Statement and Farnham Neighbourhood Plan Policy FNP1, the layout and density is out of keeping and destroys the character of the area and has a negative impact on neighbours’ amenity. Additional side roads and entrances will further reduce the distinctive green boundary of the Boundstone Road. Surrey County Council Highways No objection subject to conditions. County Archeologist No objection subject to conditions. Representations Neighbour notification letters were sent on: Page 7 of 26 12 Letters of objection have been received, objecting on the grounds of: The development being incongruous to the surrounding area. The application will set a precedent for development. Over development of the plot. Harm to the character of the area. Harm to the trees. Urbanisation of the area. Harm to the streetscene. Not in conformity of the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan and Farnham Design Statement. Inappropriate density. Loss of trees Overlooking and loss of privacy. Overbearing impact on adjoining neighbours. 11. Planning Considerations Principle of development Impact on visual amenity Impact on residential amenity Impact on Trees Biodiversity and compliance with Habitat Regulations 2017 11.1 Principle of development The site is located within the developed area of Farnham wherein development may be considered acceptable subject to its impact on visual and residential amenities. 11.2 Layout and Impact on visual amenity Policy TD1 of the Local Plan 2018 (Part 1) requires development to be of high quality design and to be well related in size, scale and character to its surroundings. Retained Policies D1 and D4 of the Local Plan 2002 are attributed substantial and full weight respectively due to their level of consistency with the NPPF 2019. The site is located within the Rowledge Character area as defined by the Farnham Design Statement. Any new development should respect the local architecture in terms of scale, form and materials. The impact of new development should be carefully considered, to avoid undue pressure on the existing infrastructure and off-road parking must be adequate. Page 8 of 26 The existing site comprises a large detached dwelling with large garden which extends to the south east. There are two accesses to Boundstone Road. To the immediate south of the site there are four dwellings. Two of the dwellings are accessed from a track leading to Boundstone Road and two are accessed from The Avenue to the south. To the east and west of the site there are residential dwellings on The Copse and another residential development known as fair acres. Boundstone Road is a residential area with hedges and trees lining the road. There are many mature trees in the area and TPOs. The area has a sylvan character. The proposed flats would comprise two blocks of residential flats each providing two dwellings. Units 1 and 2 would be orientated to face to the north north west and units 3 and 4 orientated to face to the north east. The proposal would infill the existing garden area of the host dwelling. However, Officers consider that the proposal would not be out of keeping with the pattern of development in the surrounding area, given the siting of the no. 83 and 85 Boundstone Road. The two residential buildings would be similar in design with part render on the first floor and brick on the ground floor. Whilst the design is not typical of the surrounding area, the design of the buildings is considered to be appropriate and would not be harmful to the character of the surrounding area. The buildings would be well set back from Boundstone Road. From Boundstone Road, there are views of the host dwelling, but longer views into the rear garden area are limited. Officers would be satisfied that the proposed dwellings would not be highly visible from Boundstone Road and would not be harmful to the streetscene. The proposal seeks to use the existing access and therefore there would be no alteration to the front landscaping. The access road would run along the east of the site and would run parallel to the access to 83 and 85 Boundstone Road. Whilst parallel tracks are not generally considered to be best practice in design terms. However, the harm within the settlement boundary from the additional access would not be sufficient to warrant refusal of planning permission. The layout includes landscaping and grassscrete parking areas. The extent of hardstanding on the site would generally be considered to be acceptable and would not be out of keeping with the character of the area. Furthermore, despite the extent of hardstanding, Officers would be satisfied that the inclusion of landscaping and the large amenity areas would mean that there were not large areas of hardstanding across the site. Page 9 of 26 There would be some loss of trees on the rear of the site, however, these trees are not of high public amenity and their loss would not be considered harmful to the character of the area. The proposal would therefore be considered to accord with Policy TD1 of the Local Plan (part 1) 2018 and retained Policies D1 and D4 of the Local Plan 2002. 11.3 Impact on residential amenity Policy TD1 of the Local Plan 2018 (Part1) seeks to ensure that new development is designed to create safe and attractive environments that meet the needs of users and incorporate the principles of sustainable development. Retained policies D1 and D4 of the Local Plan 2002 are given substantial and full weight respectively due to their consistency with the NPPF 2019. The proposal site is located within the built up area boundary and as such is surrounded by residential dwellings. The effect of each of the surrounding dwellings is considered below. 81 Boundstone Road In relation to the host dwelling at no. 81 Boundstone Road, the proposed dwellings would be considered to be adequately separated from this dwelling and would not have an overbearing impact or result in a harmful loss of light or outlook. Units 1 and 2 would have first floor windows which would measure approximately 15m to the shared boundary with no.
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