The Colchester Archaeological Trust is an I FA-registered full-time professional unit, providing developers and others with a full range of Front cover: Nigel Rayner archaeological services, from consultancies and site evaluation to full of the Trust excavating excavation. We have over 25 years' experience of working in partnership fragments of a large storage with construction industry professionals and local government planning jar (1st century AD) on departments. the Abbotstone site. The Trust is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. Inset: Julian Richards on site The work is carried out by a team of fully trained and insured archae at Spitalfields, London (photo, ologists assisted by paid excavators and volunteers. courtesy of the BBC). The Trust also designs and publishes its own reports, books and magazines in-house. The Colchester archaeologist, Issue number 13 (2000) With thanks to all the contributors to this issue of the magazine: Published by the Colchester Archaeological Trust Ltd, Dr Janet Cooper of Victoria County History of Essex 1 2 Lexden Road, Mike Corbishley of English Heritage Education Colchester, the Heritage Conservation Group, Essex County Council Essex C03 3NF James Fawn Andrew Phillips tel./fax: Julian Richards (01206) 541051 email: Mark Taylor and David Hill, Glassmakers
[email protected] WWW: — and thanks to: Richard Shackle of Colchester Library Mark Girdlestone and Sean O'Dell The Colchester archaeologist is largely funded by the Friends of the Colchester Archaeological Trust — see pages 32-33. unattributed text by The Trust is grateful to the Colchester Borough Council for Philip Crummy placing an advertisement on page 27 and its support of the produced by magazine.