Remote Sensing in the North an AUFEIS CASE STUDY by W
THE NORTHERN ENGINEER applied science in the north Volume 17, Number 2 Summer 1985 . ,.,. STAFF: Editor, Carla Helfferich; Editorial Advisor, Lee Leonard; Associ· ate Editors, Barbara Matthews and K. Fiedler Morack; Editorial Assistant, Sue Keller; Finance Officer, Neta Stilkey. EDITORIAL BOARD: John Bates, DOTPF, Juneau; Joseph M. Colonell, Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Anchorage; Mark Fryer, Consulting Engi neers, Anchorage; Paul Goodwin, Special Assistant to the Commissioner of Education, Juneau; Keith B. Mather, Vice Chancellor for Research, UAF; Janet Mathesdi'i, Architect, Fairbanks; John M. Miller, Geophysical Insti tute, UAF ;·Tunis Wentink, Jr., Geophysical Institute, UAF; John Zarling, Mechanical Engineering, UAF. The Northern Engineer, Vol. 17, No.2 THE NORTHERN ENGINEER The Geophysical Institute Volume 17, Number 2 University of Alaska-Fairbanks Summer 1985 CONTENTS______________________________ A Learning Tour of Scandinavia: Energy-Efficient Living and Research by Richard Seifert and David Olivier ........................ .4 Principal Achievements in Soviet Geocryology by Pavel I. Melnikov .....................................8 18 A Radiotracer Technique to Evaluate Gold Recovery by Gravity Concentrators by Daniel E. Walsh .....................................13 Monitoring Temperatures in an Offshore Arctic Well: A Brief Note by Alan Taylor and Alan Judge ............................18 Diary of a Cheechako Builder by Ken L. Larson ......................................20 An Aufeis Case Study by W.J. Stringer, T. H. George, and R. M. Bell ................25 Back of the Book Noted, Meetings, Publications, Letters, Book Reviews, Errata .....30 COVER----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solar living in Denmark may look like this if the monitored design in the experi mental Hjortakaer village proves successful, as discussed in the article beginning on p. 4. The photo, taken by author Richard Seifert, was enhanced in the darkroom by Evelyn Trabant.
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