Canadian Fisheries Reports No. 15 - July 1970
CANADIAN FISHERIES REPORTS NO.15 - JULY 1970 CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATION AND MECHANIZATION IN THE FISHING INDUSTRY DFO - Libraty: MPO - Bibltothrïque 1111 NIH 12005404 SPONSORED BY: THE FEDERAL-PROVINCIAji ATLANTIC FISHERIES COMMITTEE I I ndustrial Development Branch, F isheries Service, Depart ment of F isheries and Forestry, Ottawa, Canada. CANADIAN FISHERIES REPORTS NO. 15 - JULY 1970 Proceedings conference on automation and mechanization in the fishing industry montreal, canada, february 3-6, 1970 SPONSORED BY: THE FEDERAL-PROVINCIAL ATLANTIC FISHERIES COMMITTEE L © Queen's Printer for Canada, Ottawa, 1970 Cat. No.: Fs4-24/15 r-1 CONTENTS Page Address by Hon. Jack Davis, P.C., M.P., Minister of Fisheries and Forestry . 1 Chairman's Opening Remarks - Dr. A. W.H. Needler . 7 Welcome to Montreal-John Lynch-Staunton . 7 SESSION 1 Moderator -Dr. J.R. Weir Systems Analysis in the Design and Operation of Fishing Systems - T.B. Nickerson, P. Eng . 11 Mechanization of Gear Handling and Fish Working on Board -N.M. Kerr, Ph.D., C. Eng., M.I. Mech. E. .. 17 Fishing Operations of the Future - Jean Frechet . 43 Discussion ............................................................. 49 SESSION 2 Moderator - Brian Meagher New Concepts for Canadian Fishing Vessels - W.G. Scott, C. Eng., P. Eng., M.R.I.NA . 57 I Trawler-Seiner Catamaran - Its Commercial Features, Possibilities andProspectiveUse-YouriKadilnikov .... ................................. 81 Containerization and its Application to Fishing Vessels of the Future - G.E. Kristinsson . 111 Medium and High Speed Diesel Engines in Fishing Service - P.B. Palmer : . 133 The Introduction of Computers into British Stem Trawlers - M.J. Hatfield, C. Eng., M.I. Mech. E .
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