Hintonburg Community Association MINUTES - October 5, 2020 Attendees: Larry, Cheryl, Linda B, Emily, Paulette, Gerry, Kevin, Andrew, Gillian, Stefan, Jessica, Radha, and Matt Regrets: Wayne Guests: n/a

#: Topic: Resolution/Decision/Discussion Responsibility – Action Items 1. Call to Order and Approval of October Agenda M/S: Larry/Cheryl /unanimous Larry amended agenda to include new item regarding the opening of the new Furniture Store on West Wellington. 2.Approval of September Minutes M/S: Larry/Emily/unanimous 3. Treasurer's Report & Bills to Pay Report for September - Eddie will be sending end of September financial statements. Bills to Pay: ● HCA Zoom Account (outstanding invoices) - Linda Brown is sorting out the Zoom account for HCA. Nicholas Olmstead (former Board member and former Treasurer) has agreed to do the accounting for the HCA. 4. Items involving guests: There were no guests at October meeting 5. Action items from previous meetings There were no items from last meeting. 6. Items arising from our last meeting a) Election of New HCA Board of Directors:

President: Linda Brown Cheryl/Paulette/ unanimous Vice President: Emily Addison Cheryl/Larry/unanimous Secretary: No volunteer found so Paulette/ Wayne/unanimous, that the role of Secretary be rotated throughout Board members on a monthly basis. Treasurer: Cheryl Parrot Paulette/Larry unanimous Motion: Emily/Larry/unanimous

Signing Officers - any 2 of the following: Linda Brown, Cheryl Parrott, Paulette Dozois and Matt Whitehead. Moved by C. Parrott, seconded by Paulette Dozois Carried.

Chairs of Committees: ( no motions needed) 1) Anti-Racism/Diversity: Radha 2) Arts: Radha 3) Communications: Larry 4) Environment: Gilian and Gerry 5) Heritage: Paulette 6) Membership: Linda and Emily Sponsorship co chairs Jessica and Kevin brought up possible changes in uniting the two committees. 7) Schools: There are no outstanding school closure or boundary issues, so no need for a committee at the moment. If a volunteer is found, the post can be filled. 8) Security: Cheryl and Wayne 9) Sponsorship: Jessica and Kevin 10) Strategic Planning: Emily and Linda 11) Transportation: Matthew, Gerry and Andrew 12) Zoning and Planning: Linda Hoad and Jay Baltz. Because neither of these long term Board members remain on the board, it was decided that Board member Chris Lee be authorized as the Liaison between Board and Committee.

Liaison with Local Groups: 1) Rosemount Library: Paulete 2) BIA a) Placemaking: Emily and Paulette b) Advisory: Larry, Linda and Jessca 3) FCA: Linda and Cheryl 4) K-9: Emily b) AGM Postmortem Linda/Emily and all --open discussion - what worked, what we would do differently? --complete event template? --finalize draft AGM minutes --finalize board contact list c) Confirm meeting dates for this next year Linda/All Nov 2, Dec 7, Jan 4, Feb 8, Mar 8, Apr 12 (April 5 is easter monday), May 3, Jun 7, July 5, Aug 9 (Aug 2 is long weekend), Sept 13 (Sept 6 is long weekend)... and AGM tentatively on Thursday Sept 23 d) Looking forward to this next year Linda/Emily/All --Board Handbook - A few highlights https://docs.google.com/document/d/18q1DO3e5LzBFe27ul8o6tatmQM1DKn0U- 38e6LIvAFI/edit?usp=sharing P5 Board member expectations; P8 role of committee chairs; P8-14 committee descriptions; P18 annual calendar; P24 our new strategic priorities --Committees reflect on their mandate & structure (consider the new Board strategic plan) e)Question about Google doc file ownership Emily https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-BARC- 0UV4vSVBldDk1QVA1Q1k?usp=sharing f) Communications Survey and Bi-monthly newsletter Larry g) Collection for Al Norris h) Furniture Store opening party 7. New Business-Discussion Items a Proposed meeting with Catherine McKenna (date tbd) Gillian/Gerry Throne speech Sept 23, 2020 said "This pandemic has reminded Canadians of the importance of nature. The Government will work with municipalities as part of a new commitment to expand urban parks, so that everyone has access to green space" b) Contract renewal for website support and maintenance Larry Same price as last year. $720 plus HST. c) Tom Brown Arena Park Staging for LRT Cheryl d) seeking endorsements on Budget 2021 asks re affordable housing near transit (cafes Radha ) 8. Committee Reports – To be submitted electronically prior to Good yes qmtg a) Anti-Racism/Diversity b) Arts c) Communications d) Environment e) Heritage Linda will reach out to Linda Hoad f) Membership Linda/Emily 11 new members since the AGM! Have had an offer from Ravi Philar to work on Membership. Emily is interested in exploring the idea of a volunteer per street/block (CPCA and others do this.) g) Schools h) Security 1. Vacant properties – have contacted the City to add a few properties to the list and are trying to get property owners to secure the properties. Concern about break-in and fire potential as several have had people sleeping on the porches and inside. 2. Homeless camps along – several there and they move around. City and Police visiting the camps. A couple of them have had lots of syringes around them. 3. 2 reports of trespassing – (i) a man using a resident’s hose to drink and wash himself, neighbour asked what he was doing and he left (ii) post on facebook someone was on a resident’s porch and then a neighbour’s porch returning pillows he took to keep warm. 4. Bottle pickers going into yards, porches, etc. 5. Cars gone through, one report of truck window smashed. 6. Suggest that we put the monthly discarded syringe data on the website so people are informed. i) Sponsorship j) Strategic Planning Emily The last meeting of this committee was held on September 2nd. We are shifting any final tasks to individuals. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1utt87lXkf- yKHxTPSU6MbNlcMVcRHJlDE6cWMfoBRZo/edit?usp=sharing Main item that is left is the event template to track how events are planned. k) Transportation Matt l) Zoning and Planning Committee activity updates: 1. The Zoning Committee meetings were held on September 15 and September 30. 2. The next meeting will be October 13. 3. Members on the Zoning Committee email list have been asked to confirm whether they wanted to remain on the committee or not. 26 were on the list: 21 yes; 3 no; 2 no response after two attempts (removed); 4 new members were added from Board or through requests by email or from AGM. There are now 25 confirmed current members of Zoning Committee (7 are also Board members). 4. The wording for our circulation templates was updated by Helen Pitt and Emily Addison and the updated template approved by the committee at the Sept. 30 meeting. Applications: 5. 52 Garland The applicants presented at the Sept. 15 meeting their proposal for a 4-storey building with retail at grade and 12 apartments. The zoning is commercial (LC1) so these uses are permitted. This is a Site Plan Control application including an application to the Committee of Adjustment. The main variance requested is rear yard setback. Neighbours were circulated and attended. There were numerous concerns, principally the large variance needed for the rear yard setback and many other variances needed to accommodate the large number of units planned. The committee position is to oppose the current application. Comments were sent to the planner reviewing the file and the councillor’s office. 6. 24 Spadina The applicants presented the plans for a “long semi” (one semi-detached behind the other) At the Sept. 30 meeting. There will be 4 units (one secondary dwelling unit in the basement of each). This is the site where a previous building was destroyed by fire and is currently vacant land. The lot is narrow, so a variance for lot width will be required from the Committee of Adjustment. Neighbours were circulated and several attended. The committee did not oppose the application but conveyed several requests that included green landscaping in the rear yard rather than stone and protection of the city tree in front. 7. 106 Sherbrooke The applicants presented the plans for a 3 storey triplex with one parking space. It is going to the Committee of Adjustment on Oct 7 for variance for lot width and area. Questions were raised about landscaping and privacy of rear balconies. The committee did not oppose. 8. 979 Wellington Jeff Leiper’s office held an open house on a proposal for an 18-storey building that would take up the entire block bounded by Wellington, Garland, Armstrong, and Hilda. The 18- storey tower would be situated in the interior closer to Hilda, with 4- to 6-storey portions nearer the streets. The applicants propose to entirely close the small dead-end portion of Wellington and make it public space. This will require an Official Plan amendment as well as a Zoning By-law amendment, since the West Wellington Community Design Plan permits only 6-storeys (with 9-storeys permitted via a previous amendment only at the corner of Wellington and Garland). No application has been submitted yet. The recommendation to the Board will likely be that this be opposed. 9. 178 Carruthers This is a longstanding problem property. The proposal is to demolish the existing building which is in very poor condition and build a 4-storey apartment building. The zoning permits this. Variances are needed to permit 16 units. The Committee had previously considered this proposal and had some substantial concerns. We opposed a previous iteration that was heard by the Committee of Adjustment in August and adjourned. A revised plan is coming back on October 21. In response to HCA concerns, the owner has agreed to recess the rear balconies and provide opaque screens at the sides. They will move the building further north to provide more separation from the neighbour to the south. They will also consider a fence, landscaping and frosted windows if needed to ensure privacy to the south. With these, the recommendation is that the HCA not oppose the application. 10. 2 Garland We have received notice of a new planned development at 2 Garland (previously a site being developed as a multiunit building by 2B Developments, who are, however, no longer involved). The plan now is to sever the existing house on Garland and build a new single- family home facing Manchester. The new house will require a variance for lot area. The existing house will require variances when severed, to allow the existing side yard and lot width and to permit a reduced lot area. This should be presented at the next Zoning Committee meeting. 11. R4 Zoning review The new R4 Zoning that will permit 8-unit apartment buildings on all of the residential zones in Hintonburg was approved by City Council. Linda, Cheryl, Emily and Jay presented at Planning Committee, but no amendments were made. If not appealed, it will go into effect after 40 days. 12. Local Planning Appeals Tribunal filing fee increase As of this past July 1, the cost for filing an LPAT appeal was increased by the provincial government from $300 to $1,000. There is a provision that it may be reduced to $400 if a “private citizen or citizens’ group” requests a reduction at the time of filing. 9. Other Committees/Organizations – To be submitted electronically prior to mtg a) FCA Linda ● Membership in the FCA is now 50 community associations and allied community groups. The FCA's financial position for 2020 was positive, based on modest membership revenues and contributions. The FCA Board will review the FCA's 5-Year Plan at an upcoming retreat (TBC). Board Executive: President: Alex Cullen (Belltown Neighbours Association; Vice-President: Robert Brinker (Carlington CA); Secretary: Roland Dorsay(Champlain Park CA);Treasurer: Lorne Cutler(Hampton-Iona CG) ● General meeting - October 21 - Key speaker Rideau-Rockcliffe Councillor Rawlson King, Council Liaison for Racism and Ethnocultural Issues. He will be speaking to us about the City's strategy to deal with systemic racism in Ottawa. ● Zoning Committee meeting - October 14, 7pm ● Transportation Committee meeting - October 22, 7pm b) K9 Meeting held on September 10th. Meeting notes circulated electronically to the HCA Board after that meeting. c) Coalition d) READ - Rosemount Library e) WWBIA General Liaison d) WWBIA Placemaking Committee Meeting held on September 10th. Meeting notes circulated electronically to the HCA Board after that meeting. e) WWBIA Advisory Committee 10. Announcements/ Upcoming Meetings November Board meeting on November 2 (7-9 pm zoom) 12. ADJOURNMENT M: