Tyrese's inside experience What is Herpetology? • Herpetology is the study of and • Most of a Herpetologist work is done in the summer time • All of the paper work is usually done and checked twice over the winter months • Herpetology in my opinion is an awesome career. Missouri Conservation Department • The Missouri Conservation Department has been in business for 75 years now • The Missouri Conservation Department has many jobs, such as herpetology, conservation agents, wildlife rangers (park rangers), and ecologist. Pros? Cons? • Cons: Boring winter months • High chance of fatality • Constant calling from locals • Pros: Summers are packed with exploring • You get to travel the world • You research the you like • You get exclusive work on endangered animals Jeff Briggler • What made you want to become a Herpetologist? He stated that in college he wanted to do a project on many different things but each one was eliminated because he didn't like it. Until he came along a pond survey, then it was love at first sight. • What is your favorite or ? He told us that he can't have a favorite until he retired. Because he had a bet with his friend. • What do you enjoy about being a Herpetologist? He said that he liked the hunt he had to do every summer to find certain animals that he had tagged the previous years. Also he travels the world and document animals. How do i be a successful Herpetologist? • To be able to talk to a crowd • Not to be scared of handling the animals • Not to be squeamish of blood and diseases. • Being able to do paper work. What do i feel about this job? • I love the summer months of being able to mess with the critters • I, personally, am great paperwork. Sometimes i find it stimulating if it isn't tedious. • Any needed skills? • In order to be a herpetologist I need to be able to swim • I need to have a masters degree in • I need to learn about biology • I need to learn more about math • and the rest is mostly common sense Over-all • I guess I'd say this experience as something i wouldn't want to miss • I learned a little more then I wanted to about Hell Benders, but it was cool • I also found out there is a downside. If there is a nuisance reptile/amphibian in the area I would have to exterminate it. So thanks for watching

• It was fun to get to experience this.