THE TEACHINGS of IBRAHIM in JUDAISM and ISLAM Muhammad Alfi Nurbaihaqi 35.2014.2.1.266 Ibrahim Is the Father of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

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THE TEACHINGS of IBRAHIM in JUDAISM and ISLAM Muhammad Alfi Nurbaihaqi 35.2014.2.1.266 Ibrahim Is the Father of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam THE TEACHINGS OF IBRAHIM IN JUDAISM AND ISLAM Muhammad Alfi Nurbaihaqi 35.2014.2.1.266 DEPARTMENT COMPARATIVE STUDY OF RELIGIONS FACULTY OF USHULUDDIN UNIVERSITY OF DARUSSALAM GONTOR 1440/2019 THE TEACHINGS OF IBRAHIM IN JUDAISM AND ISLAM THESIS Presented to University of Darussalam Gontor In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Licentiate (S1) In Faculty of Ushuluddin, Department Comparative Study of Religions By Muhammad Alfi Nurbaihaqi Reg. Number: 35.2014.2.1.266 Supervisor: Asep Awaludin, M.Ag. DEPARTMENT COMPARATIVE STUDY OF RELIGONS FACULTY OF USHULUDDIN UNIVERSITY OF DARUSSALAM DARUSSALAM MODERN ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL GONTOR PONOROGO 1440/2019 ABSTRAK AJARAN-AJARAN IBRAHIM DALAM YAHUDI DAN ISLAM Muhammad Alfi Nurbaihaqi 35.2014.2.1.266 Ibrahim merupakan ayah dari agama Yahudi, Kristen, dan Islam. Ketiga agama tersebut telah mengalami perdebatan dalam beberapa isu dan berperang dalam beberapa pertempuran. Salah satu cara untuk memecahkan tembok yang berdiri di sekitar mereka adalah dengan mengetahui asal-usul ketiga agama tersebut. Dalam hal ini, Ibrahim adalah seorang figur yang diakui oleh masing-masing agama tersebut. Maka perlu adanya pengkajian lebih lanjut terhadap Ibrahim untuk menjawab persamaan dan perbedaan dari ketiga agama itu. Kisah tentang Ibrahim sendiri masih mengilhami penganut ketiga agama untuk menjadi Yahudi, Kristen, dan Muslim yang baik. Namun peneliti hanya memfokuskan studinya pada dua agama saja, Yahudi dan Islam. Karena ajaran Ibrahim dalam Yahudi dan Islam lebih terintegrasi pada konsep monoteisme bahwa hanya ada satu Tuhan yang layak untuk disembah dan menentang segala jenis paganisme dan politeisme. Penelitian yang ditulis oleh peneliti ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui lebih jauh tentang ajaranIbrahim dalam Yahudi dan Islam, serta mengeksplorasi hal-hal fundamental dalam masing-masing agama yang kemudian dikaitkan titik persamaan dan perbedaannnya. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif yang berupa literatur atau kepustakaan dengan menggunakan pendekatan Historis dan Teologis-Normatif. Adapun metode yang peneliti gunakan ialah dengan menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif dan komparatif, yaitu sebuah penelitian berdasarkan data-data,menganalisis, dan menginterpretasi yang bersifat komparatif dan korelatif. Hal ini akan diterapkan ketika penulis membangun pandangan dasar tentang ajaran Ibrahim dalam Yahudi dan Islam, serta menganalisa beberapa poin dalam ajaran Ibrahim di antara keduanya dengan mencari letak titik persamaan dan perbedaannya. Penelitian ini secara umum didasarkan pada sejarah umat manusia, kemudian menitikberatkan studi pada Alkitab (Perjanjian Lama) dan kitab suci al-Qur’an yang kemudian hasilnya dibandingkan dan dinilai oleh pembaca.Namun dalam konteks ajaran- ajaran yang diwariskan oleh Nabi Ibrahim, terdapat perbedaan-perbedaan yang tak jarang memicu konflik di antara kedua agama tersebut. Di antara ajaran nabi Ibrahim yang terpampang jelas pada kedua agama adalah Khitan, Qurban, dan Haji. Pada akhirnya, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa perbedaan mendasar antara keduanya disebabkan oleh cara yang berbeda dalam mencerna ajaran warisan dari Nabi Ibrahim. Jika dilihat secara historis, Nabi Ibrahim menyeru umatnya sesuai dengan apa yang diwahyukan Tuhan kepadanya. Perubahan-perubahan dalam kitab Taurat dan kemudian Perjanjian Lama-lah yang menyebabkan ajaran Nabi Ibrahim dalam kedua agama tak lagi sejalan. Lain halnya dalam Islam yang meyakini bahwa ajaran Ibrahim disempurnakan oleh nabi terakhir, yaitu Muhammad SAW dan Al-Quran, kitab suci umat Islam adalah sebagai penyempurna bagi kitab-kitab terdahulu. Padaakhirnya, peneliti menyadari bahwa dalam penelitian ini masih terdapat banyak kekurangan di berbagai aspek. Maka dari itu peneliti menyarankan bagi para pembaca dan peneliti di kemudian hari agar mampu melengkapi kekurangan-kekurangan dari penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan hasil yang baik dalam beberapa tujuan akademik. iv ABSTRACT THE TEACHINGS OF IBRAHIM IN JUDAISM AND ISLAM Muhammad Alfi Nurbaihaqi 35.2014.2.1.266 Ibrahim is the father of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The three religions have experienced debate on several issues and fought in several battles. One way to break the wall that stands around them is to know the origin of the three religions. In this case, Ibrahim is a figure recognized by each of these religions. Then it is necessary to have further study of Abraham to elaborate the similarities and differences of the three religions. The story of Ibrahim himself still inspires adherents of all three religions to be good Jews, Christians and Muslims. But researchers only focused on two religions, Judaism and Islam. Because Abraham’s teachings in Judaism and Islam were more integrated into the concept of monotheism that there was only one God worthy of worship and opposition to all kinds of paganism and polytheism. This research is aimed to find out more about teachings of Ibrahim in Judaism and Islam as well as to explore fundamental things in each religion which are then linked to the point of similarities and differences. This research is a type of qualitative research in the form of literature using the theological approach. The method that the researcher uses is analysis, descriptive, and comparative techniques, the technique is a study based on data, analyzes, and interprets comparative and correlative things. This will be applied when the author builds a basic view of Abraham’s Theology in Judaism and Islam and analyzes several points in Abraham’s teachings between them by looking for points of similarity and difference. This research is generally based on the history of mankind, then focuses on the study of the Bible (Old Testament) and the Holy Qur’an in which the results are compared and assessed by the reader. In the context of the teachings inherited by Abraham, there are differences that often trigger conflicts between the two religions. Among the teachings of the prophet Abraham which are clearly displayed in both religions are Circumcision, Sacrifice, and Hajj.In the end, the authors conclude that the fundamental difference between the two is caused by different ways of receiving inherited teachings from Prophet Ibrahim. historically, Prophet Ibrahim called upon his people according to what God revealed to him. It was the changes in the Torah and the Old Testament which made the teachings of Prophet Ibrahim in both religions no longer in line. Another case in Islam that believes that the teachings of Abraham were perfected by the last prophet, namely Muhammad SAW and the Qur’an, the Muslim holy book is as a complement to the previous books. Finally, the researcher realized that in this research there are many weakness in several aspects. Therefore, the researcher suggest the readers and researchers in future to complete the shortage in this research in order to obtain the great result in academic aims. v vi vii viii ix MOTTOES َ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ ُ َ ُّ َ ْ َ َ َ َ ُ َ َّ ْ َ ُ َ ْ ُ يا أهل ال ِكت ِاب لِم تحاجون فِي إِبر ِاهيم وما أنزل ِت التوراة واﻹن ِجيل ْ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ ُ َ َ َ ْ ُ ْ َ ُ َ َ ْ ُ ْ َ َ ُ ْ إِﻻ ِمن بع ِدهِ أفﻻ تع ِقلون )65( ها أنتم هؤ ِﻻء حاججتم ِفيما لكم ْ ٌ َ َ ُ َ ُّ َ َ َ ْ َ َ ُ ْ ْ ٌ َ ُ َ ْ َ ُ َ َ ْ ُ ْ َ بِ ِه ِعلم ف ِلم تحاجون ِفيما ليس لكم بِ ِه ِعلم واللَّ يعلم وأنتم ﻻ َ ْ َ ُ َ َ َ َ ْ َ ُ َ ُ ًّ َ َ ْ َ ًّ َ َ ْ َ َ َ ً تعلمون )66( ما كان إِبر ِاهيم يه ِوديا وﻻ نصر ِانيا ول ِكن كان ح ِنيفا ُ ْ ً َ َ َ َ َ ْ ُ ْ َ َّ َ ْ َ َّ ْ َ َ َ َّ َ مس ِلما وما كان ِمن المش ِر ِكين )67( إِن أول الن ِاس بِإِبر ِاهيم لل ِذين َّ َ ُ ُ َ َ َ َّ ُّ َ َّ َ َ ُ َ ُ َ ُّ ْ ُ ْ َ اتبعوه وهذا الن ِبي وال ِذين آمنوا واللَّ و ِل المؤ ِم ِنين )68( “O People of the Book, why do you argue about Abraham, even though the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed but after Abraham. Don’t you think? This is how you are, you (naturally) argue about what you know, so why do you argue about things you don’t know? God knows, while you don’t know. Ibrahim was not a Jew and was not (also) a Christian, but he was a straight person who surrendered himself (to Allah) and was never of the polytheists. “Surely the people closest to Abraham were people who followed him and this prophet (Muhammad), as well as those who believed (to Muhammad), and Allah is the Protector of all who believe.“ (Ali Imran: 65-68). x Dedicated to: I dedicated my work to Allah, without Him I’m nothing. My beloved idol Muhammad, peace be upon him. To all of my familly: Mom and Dad; Mrs. Lilis Suryani & Mr. Ade Komar Aunty Elis, Teh Ade Nurjanah, Mbak Nana, Teh Asas Annatsa, Fauziah Nurul Putri, The Great Family of Ma Haji. My Brothers and Sisters: Muhammad Anugrah Nursya’ban, Evi Devi Sulistiyani, Audina Yasyfa Al-Azka, Nabila Izzati, Asma Athifa, Noor Amalia. My Best Friends: Yoga Arif Kurniawan, Bagas Tri Satria, Maulana Malik, Ziyad Azzam, Iqbal, Fajar Setiananda, Rohul Akbar, Rodhi Hakiki BCM, Dani Zakaria, Ronaldy, Ajeng Aini, Achmad Resa, Achmad Farid, Bima Sakti, Dicky Hasanudin, Dyah Ayu Rejekiningtyas, Gandarasakata, Auliya Putranto, and those who has given me motivation and support. My Best Crew: Suara Gontor FM Radio, Multimedia Proffessional Sound System, Shuttercount Team, Magnetic Still Alive, Gontor Marching Band Community, Oesama FC, Emperor Mazaya FC, Cafe MJW, Tabassam Tshirt Project, Brilian Niqob, Lilis Suryani Collection. My Beloved Campus III My Dear Friends My Graduate 2014 Smart Generation xi xii xiii xiv xv Table of Content Indonesian Abstract ................................................................................
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