VOL. XX NO. 1 SPRING 2012 CRYSTAL HI-LI TES CelebratingCelebrating 8080 yearsyears ofof EducationalEducational ExcellenceExcellence inin thethe XaverianXaverian TraditionTradition malden catholic high school magazine Today’s Outstanding Students…Tomorrow’s Outstanding Leaders CRYSTAL HI-LITES Headmaster Mr. Edward C. Tyrrell Principal Brother Thomas Puccio, C.F.X. Director of Institutional Advancement Mr. Robert J. McCarthy, P 2007 Director of Advancement Operations and Constituent Relations Mrs. Jean Campbell Assistant Director of Advancement for Annual Giving Ms. Carolyn Rolfe Archivist/Editor Brother Edward Bozzo, C.F.X. Advancement Office Assistant Ms. Lisa Schlosberg Advancement Office Volunteers Ms. Patricia Chisholm 1965 Brother Robert J. Green, C.F.X. 1964 Mrs. Nicole O’Callaghan, P 2014, 2015 Design Sands Creative Group Crystal Hi-Lites A publication of Malden Catholic High School, a Xaverian Brothers Sponsored School since 1932. Comments and contributions to this publication, as well as updates should be directed to: Advancement Office Malden Catholic High School 99 Crystal Street Malden, MA 02148 781.475.5331
[email protected] Address Changes For parents whose son(s) are away at col- lege or have new addresses, please send us a note if you prefer that future editions of Crystal Hi-Lites, other publications, and mail be sent to them directly. Please email ad- dress changes to
[email protected]; and we will be sure to update our records. HEADMASTER’SLETTER TABLE OF CONTENTS Dear Alumni and Friends of Malden Catholic, With this first 2012 edition of Crystal Hi-Lites, we proudly announce that Malden Catholic is embark- 4 Feature Story- ing on a period of growth and renewal.