Table of Contents

What is TPQ? ...... 3 TPQ’s Board of Advisors ...... 4 Support TPQ ...... 6 Premium Sponsorship ...... 7 Print Advertising ...... 10 Online Advertising ...... 13 Sponsor a TPQ Roundtable ...... 15 Subscriptions ...... 19 Contact Info ...... 19 TPQ in the Media ...... 20

Appendix I – List of Contributors to TPQ ...... 22 Appendix II – Past Issues of TPQ ...... 24 Appendix III – TPQ Roundtables ...... 26 2 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

What is TPQ?

Turkish Policy Quarterly (TPQ) is an Istanbul-based journal aiming to foster original thinking and constructive policy debates on Turkey and its neighborhood. The journal has been published on a quarterly basis since 2002.

TPQ is independent and non-profit, with a track record of including diverse and inter-disciplinary perspectives and encouraging critical opinions on every topic it covers. Subscriber Profile

14% 14% 47% 25% of total of total of total of total

Individual Institutional Individual Institutional Subscribers Abroad Subscribers Abroad Subscribers in Turkey Subscribers in Turkey

TPQ serves as a platform for decision makers to voice their visions for the future. To date, heads of state including the Presidents of Georgia, Cyprus, Estonia, and Turkey as well as the King of Jordan and the Prince of Monaco have contributed to TPQ. We have also featured exclusive articles by ministers from Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Romania, Ukraine, Sweden, and Turkey.

Print Circulation 3000

Current and past issues of the journal, as well as further information can be found at 3 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

TPQ’s Board of Advisors

Morton Abramowitz Mustafa Aydın Former U.S. Assistant Rector, Kadir Has University Secretary of State, Former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Turkey

Carl Bildt Ahmet C. Bozer Minister of Foreign Affairs and Executive Vice President Former Prime Minister of the and President of Coca-Cola Kingdom of Sweden International

Matthew J. Bryza Richard Burt Director of the International Senior Advisor at the Center Centre for Defence Studies in for Strategic and International Talinn, Former U.S. Ambassador Studies, Former U.S. to the Republic of Azerbaijan Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany

Hikmet Çetin Kemal Derviş Former NATO Senior Civilian Vice President and Director Representative in Afghanistan, of the Global Economy and Former Minister of Foreign Development Program at the Affairs of the Republic Brookings Institution, Former of Turkey Minister of Economic Affairs of the Republic of Turkey, Former Head of the United Nations Development Program Üstün Ergüder Jeffrey Gedmin Emeritus Professor at CEO of the Legatum Institute, Sabancı University, Chairman Former President of Radio Free of the Board of the Third Europe, Former Director of the Sector Foundation of Turkey in (TUSEV), Former Rector of Boğaziçi University 4 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

Emre Gönensay James F. Jeffrey Former Minister of Foreign Philip Solondz Distinguished Affairs of the Republic of Visiting Fellow at The Washington Turkey Institute. Former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Turkey

Fred Kempe Şule Kut President and Chief Executive Rector of Okan University Officer of the Atlantic Council

Ian Lesser Gerard Libaridian Executive Director of the Historian, Former Senior German Marshall Fund’s Advisor to the First President of Transatlantic Center in Brussels Republic of Armenia

O. Faruk Loğoğlu Alan Makovsky Vice President of Senior Professional Staff the Republican People’s Member at U.S. Congress, Party (CHP), Former Turkish House Foreign Affairs Ambassador to the Committee

Philip Mansel İlber Ortaylı Fellow of the Royal Professor at Galatasaray Historical Society University and Bilkent University

Soli Özel Mark Parris Lecturer at the Department of Non-Resident Senior Fellow International Relations at Kadir at the Brookings Institution, Has University Former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Turkey

Alexander Rondeli İlter Turan President of the Georgian Professor at Istanbul Bilgi Foundation for Strategic and University, Former Rector of International Studies Istanbul Bilgi University 5 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

Five ways to support TPQ Support intellectual discussion and advancement in Turkey and its neighborhood

PREMIUM SPONSORSHIP Premium Sponsorship oers a full-year package with numerous benefits

PRINT ADVERTISING Full-page advertisement inside the cover, or within other pages of the journal

ONLINE ADVERTISING There are dierent versions of advertisement banners on our website


SUBSCRIPTIONS Bulk subscription orders are available at a special rate 6 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

Premium Sponsorship

Cost for Premium Sponsorship: $12.000 + VAT

Premium Sponsorship offers a full-year package with numerous benefits:

You will become the premium corporate sponsor of a designated TPQ issue 1 and receive a full-page advertisement on the inside of the front cover.

2 Your company’s name and logo will appear on page 5. 7 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

3 100 copies of that TPQ issue will be delivered to your company.

Your company’s name and logo will appear in the TPQ newsletter announcing 4 the issue, which will be sent out to our mailing list of over 8000 contacts worldwide. 8 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

Your company will be included among the corporate sponsors of the following 5 three TPQ issues; you will receive a full page advertisement in the inner pages and you will be provided with 30 copies of each of these issues.

Your company’s name will be mentioned in the editorial of all these (four in 6 total) TPQ issues.

Your company’s online advertisement will be featured for the three months 7 following the release of the designated TPQ issue. 9 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

Print Advertising

Advantages of buying a full-page advertisement:

A one-page advertisement (color or black and white) inside the back-cover, or 1 within other pages of the journal will be provided.

2 Your company will be mentioned in the Editorial of the same issue.

Prices for advertisements in Turkish Policy Quarterly:

Location Type Size Price

$ 10000 Color Whole Page + VAT inside Back Cover

$ 2000* Color Whole Page + VAT Inner Pages

$ 1500** Black/White Whole Page + VAT Inner Pages

** Cost of one-page advertisement for four issues: $ 7000 + VAT ** Cost of one-page black/white advertisement for four issues: $ 5000 + VAT 10 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

The following companies and institutions have supported TPQ




Online Advertising

There are different versions of advertisement banners on our website. TheTPQ website provides an effective way of reaching your target audience.

All prices apply for the period of a year. 13 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

Visitor Map (

Less visitors More visitors

Length of Visits (

0-30s 31-60s 1-2min 2-4min 4-8min 8-16min 16+min 14 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

Sponsor a TPQ Roundtable

TPQ roundtables are organized several times a year to stimulate discussion on critical political, social, and economic developments in Turkey and its neighborhood. In recent years, Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Sweden’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt, and Emeritus Professor Lord Anthony Giddens have participated in our roundtables as speakers.

• TPQ roundtable discussions serve as deliberative platforms by bringing academics, students, civil society representatives, business people, and the media together.

• Following the speakers’ presentations, vibrant debates are always anticipated.

• To date, TPQ has organized 28 roundtable discussions in İstanbul, Ankara, Brussels, Washington, and Baku.

• TPQ Roundtables have been held with distinguished partners and corporate sponsors including BP Turkey, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, MATRA Fund of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Istanbul, the German Marshall Fund of the United States – Black Sea Trust, The Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SAM), Istanbul Bilgi University, and Kadir Has University to name only a few.

• TPQ roundtables generate high interest among the press, which greatly increases the outreach of the events.

• For a complete list of roundtables to date, please see APENDIX III. 15 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

Why and How to Support TPQ Roundtables Cost for Sponsorship: 5.000 €

If you are a sponsor of the designated TPQ roundtable, your company‘s logo will 1 be placed on all related documents, posters, announcements, and invitations. (100x100 pixels square format)

You will have the option to display your company’s banner at the roundtable 2 venue.

Your company’s name and logo will also be added to our newsletter, which 3 will be sent to our database of 6000 journalists, academics, and policymakers constituting TPQ’s network of followers from around the world. 16 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

Your company’s advertisement –full page in color– will be included in either 4 TPQ’s Summer or Fall 2014 issue according to your preference.

Your company’s name will be mentioned as a supporter of the roundtable in the 5 editorial of the relevant TPQ issue. 17 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

Our Upcoming Roundtable A Critical Juncture for the Southern Corridor: Will All Pipelines Lead to Turkey? Date: 15 October 2014

For the past five years, Turkish Policy Quarterly (TPQ) has held annual roundtable discussions focusing on regional energy dynamics, related policies and projects, and their geopolitical implications. The 2014 energy roundtable, planned for 15 October, in academic collaboration with the Caspian Center for Energy and Environment (CCEE) of the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA), will focus on the following issues:

• Debates concerning the Southern Corridor • Strategic relevance and current status. • Contribution to European energy security. • Risks posed to its realization. • Possible expansion options such as the inclusion of natural gas from Iraq and the Eastern Mediterranean region • The rising sectarian strife in Iraq and its implications for natural gas flows from Iraqi Kurdistan. • Its potential for fostering diplomatic breakthroughs on the Cyprus Question. • The implications of the potential South Stream pipeline for the regional energy powerplay. 18 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014


Many diplomats, parliamentarians, think tanks, international organizations, universities, and libraries in Europe, Turkey, and the U.S. are subscribed to TPQ.


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Bulk subscription orders are available at a special rate. Please contact [email protected] for further information.

Contact Info

Administrative Supervisor Cemile Çetin [email protected] [email protected]

Address Kadir Has University Cibali Kampüsü Sosyal Sorumluluk Birimi (Beyaz Ev) Kat: 1 No: 9 Fatih/Istanbul

Telephone +90 212 621 44 42 Fax +90 212 531 87 18 Website


TPQ in the Media

TPQ has been featured more than 500 times in reputable news outlets such as: AGOS, Al Monitor, CNN, CNN Turk, Cumhuriyet, Euractiv, , Huffington Post, Hurriyet Daily News, Hürriyet, Jerusalem Post, Milliyet, Radikal, Taraf, The Globalist and Today’s Zaman.

Media outlet appearances in the past 3 years Total appearances in English 135

total appearances 240 in past 3 years

Total appearances in Turkish 105

Turkey mulls ‘bold steps’ of Armenia to begin ‘new era’ “In an article published in the spring edition of the Turkish Policy Quarterly journal, Davutoğlu wrote that Erdoğan’s statement should be the foundation for further steps. “Erdoğan’s message of condo- lence should not be seen as a conjunctural step. It should be seen as a prelude for transformation of minds and memories because this is not only an offer of condolence but also a sincere invitation to all par- ties to ensure a common future based on lasting peace,” he wrote.” –Hurriyet Daily News, 25 June 2014

PM can’t afford to lose; does that mean electoral fraud? “Cem Toker, the chairman of the Liberal Party in Turkey, has penned an article listing his concerns of transparency and oversight with tech- nical details, which was published in the winter issue of Turkish Policy Quarterly. As he has mobilized the liberals in the European Parliament, 18 MEP’s led by liberal Dutch MEP Marietje Schaake have sent a letter to EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and European Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Füle to request that they set up an EU election observer mission for the monitoring of municipal elections.” –Hurriyet Daily News, 18 March 2014 20 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

Ilves: Türkiye, Güney Kafkasya’nın Avrupa sürecine yardımcı olabilir “Estonya Cumhurbaşkanı Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Turkish Policy Quarterly (TPQ) dergisine verdiği röportajda Türkiye’nin, Ukrayna’daki gelişmelerin ışığında Azerbaycan, Gürcistan ve hatta Ermenistan’ın da Avrupa-Atlantik bütünleşmesi sürecinde önemli bir rol oynayabile- ceğini söyledi.” –Euractiv, 1 April 2014

Estonian President gives his backing to Turkey’s EU bid “In an exclusive interview with the Turkish Policy Quarterly journal, President Toomas Hendrik Ilves said a country’s culture, history, or religion should not determine what kind of political civilization the country chooses to belong to, in reference to Turkey’s EU member- ship bid.” –Hurriyet Daily News, 4 March 2014

Turkish businesses targeted after Erdogan comments “In an article published on Friday in the journal Turkish Policy Quarterly but written in April, Rahmi Koc, the octogenarian honorary president of the group, made clear his reservations about Mr Erdogan’s bid to make Turkey, the world’s 17th-biggest economy, one of the 10 largest by 2023.” –Financial Times, 13 September 2013

Türkiye ile Doğu-Batı koridoru kuruyoruz “Gürcistan Devlet Başkanı Mikheil Saakashvili, Turkish Policy Quarterly (TPQ) dergisine röportaj verdi.” –Milliyet, 22 July 2013

Rasmussen: ‘Suriye’de siyasi bir çözüm gerekiyor’ “NATO Genel Sekreteri Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Turkish Policy Quarterly’ye verdiği mülakatta ittifakın Libya’da üstlendiği rol, Suriye ve Gürcistan’ın ittifaka katılımıyla ilgili değerlendirmelerde bulundu.” –Euractiv, 3 December 2012 21 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

Appendix I – List of Contributors to TPQ

SELECT DECISION MAKERS & POLITICAL LEADERS WHO HAVE CONTRIBUTED* King Abdullah II, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; Winter 2012 Irakli Alasania, Minister of Defense of Georgia; Fall 2013 Prince Albert II, Sovereign Prince of Monaco; Summer 2012 Ayad Allawi, Former Prime Minister of Iraq; Summer 2005 Bogdan Aurescu, State Secretary for European Affairs of Romania; Spring 2011 Ali Babacan, Minister of State in charge of Economy of Turkey; Fall 2003 & Winter 2004 Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Istanbul; Spring 2011 Carl Bildt, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden; Fall 2009 Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO; Winter 2012 Emine Bozkurt, Member of the European Parliament and Rapporteur on Women’s Rights in Turkey; Summer 2013 & Spring 2007 Philip M. Breedlove, Commander of U.S. European Command and NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe; Winter 2014 Marc Perrin de Brichambaut, Secretary General of OSCE; Spring 2009 İsmail Cem, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey; Spring 2002 Demetris Christofias, President of the Republic of Cyprus; Spring 2012 George Ciamba, Secretary of State for European Affairs of Romania; Winter 2014 Zafer Çağlayan, Minister of Economy of Turkey; Fall 2011 Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE); Summer 2010 Agim Çeku, Prime Minister of Kosovo; Winter 2006 Hikmet Çetin, Senior Civilian Representative of NATO in Afghanistan; and Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey; Summer 2004 & Summer 2007 Ahmet Davutoğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey; Fall 2009, Spring 2014 Süleyman Demirel, Former President of the Turkish Republic; Summer 2005 Kemal Derviş, Former Minister of Economic Affair of Turkey; Summer 2002 & Summer 2003 & Fall 2004 Cristian Diaconescu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania; Spring 2009 Laurent Fabius, Minister of Foreign Affairs of France; Fall 2012 Joschka Fischer, Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany; Fall 2004 Stefan Füle, EU Commissioner Responsible for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy; Summer 2011 Vecdi Gönül, Minister of National Defense of Turkey; Spring 2010 Abdullah Gül, President of the Republic of Turkey; Summer 2003 & Fall 2004 & Winter 2007 22 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of Estonia; Winter 2013 Mai bint Mohammed Al Khalifa, Minister of Culture of the Kingdom of Bahrain; Winter 2012 Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Chairman of the Republican People’s Party (CHP); Turkey; Winter 2010 Leonid Kozhara, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine; Spring 2013 Faruk Loğoğlu, Vice President of the Republican People’s Party (CHP); Turkey; Summer 2003 & Fall 2011 Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defense of Canada; Spring 2010 Elmar Mammadyarov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan; Fall 2007 John McCain, United States Senator from Arizona; Fall 2012 Louis Michel, EU Commissioner and Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium; Summer 2003 Artis Pabriks, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia; Fall 2006 Supachai Panitchpakdi, Director-General of World Trade Organization; Winter 2002 George Andreas Papandreou, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece; Spring 2002 Solomon Passy, Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria; Fall 2004 Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Secretary General of NATO; Fall 2012 Olli Rehn, EU Commissioner responsible for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy; Fall 2005 & Summer 2008 Lord George Robertson, Secretary General of NATO; Winter 2002 Mikheil Saakashvili, President of Georgia; Spring 2013 Wolfgang Schäuble, Minister of Interior of Germany; Winter 2006 Jaap de Hoop Scheffer,Secretary General of NATO; Winter 2008 Peter Semneby, EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus; Summer 2006 James G. Stavridis, Commander of the U.S. European Command (USEUCOM) and NATO‘s Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR); Spring 2010 Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Former Finance Minister of France and Member of Parliament in the French National Assembly; Fall 2004 Fatma Şahin, Minister of Family and Social Policy of Turkey; Spring 2012 El Hassan bin Talal, Prince of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; Summer 2002 Mehmet Ali Talat, President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus; Fall 2005 & Fall 2008 Frans Timmermans, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands; Fall 2013 Kadir Topbaş, Metropolitan Mayor of Istanbul; Summer 2012 Hayati Yazıcı, Minister of Customs and Trade of Turkey; Spring 2012 Taner Yıldız, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey; Summer 2010 & Fall 2012 İsmet Yılmaz, Minister of National Defense of Turkey; Fall 2011 George Vassilou, Former President of the Republic of Cyprus; Winter 2005 Guido Westerwelle, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany; Spring 2011

* The titles are those which the author had at time of contribution. 23 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

Appendix II – Past Issues of TPQ

Summer 2014: Rethinking Turkey’s Trajectory: Perspectives on Growth and Governance Spring 2014: Historical Legacies in the Region: “What’s Past is Prologue”?

Winter 2014: Whose Neighborhood?: Power and Value Struggles in Europe’s East Fall 2013: Turkey’s Neighborhood: A New Strategic Landscape? Summer 2013: Can Turkey Rebound to Achieve its 2023 Targets? Spring 2013: Turkey and its Neighborhood: Trending East or West?

Winter 2013: Gender Rights and Freedoms in Turkey and the Arab World: Spring or Winter? Fall 2012: Seeking Security in an Age of “Awakening” Summer 2012: From the Caspian to the Mediterranean: Securing Energy and Protecting the Environment Spring 2012: Turkey and the EU: Towards Free Movement and Free Thought?

Winter 2012: The Arab World in Flux Fall 2011: NATO’s Future in Turkey’s Neighborhood Summer 2011: Across the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Spring 2011: Turkey & the EU – Stronger Together?

Winter 2010/11: Opportunity Amidst Turmoil in Turkey’s Neighborhood? Fall 2010: Viewpoints Collide: Shifts in Turkey and its Neighborhood Summer 2010: Sustaining, Sharing and Securing Energy Spring 2010: Towards a New Strategic Concept: Re-Imagining the Alliance 24 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

Winter 2009/10: Democratization and Disputes in the Neighborhood: Is Taking Sides Inevitable? Fall 2009: Turkey and the EU: Soft Power Synergy Summer 2009: The Road to Economic Recovery in the Region Spring 2009: Between Europe and Eurasia: The Search for New Paradigms

Winter 2008/09: The Atlantic Alliance and Turkey’s Neighborhood Fall 2008: Turkey’s Pivotal Role in an Uncertain Era Summer 2008: Dilemmas Ahead for Turkey’s Regional Policies Spring 2008: State, Religion, Identity and Politics: Turkey Updated

Winter 2007/08: The International Architecture of Global Governance and Turkey Fall 2007: Europe’s East: Changing Landscapes and Mindscapes in the Caucasus Summer 2007: Central Eurasia: New Faultlines with Global Implications Spring 2007: Women in Turkey: Prospects and Challenges

Winter 2006/07: Turkey in Flux: Wrestling with Emotions, Identity and Values Fall 2006: The Euro-Atlantic: Fit for Global Action? Summer 2006: The Wider Black Sea Area: Region, Crossroads or Buffer? Spring 2006: Turkey’s European Future: Youth is the Key

Winter 2005: Turkey and Neighbors: Moving Beyond the Past? Fall 2005: Turkey-EU Relations: Thinking Ahead Summer 2005: Democracy in the Middle East: Inevitable or Impossible? Spring 2005: Turkey-US Relations: Redefining and Rebuilding

Winter 2004: Turkey’s European Odyssey 2: An Economic Perspective Fall 2004: Turkey’s European Odyssey 1: A Political Perspective Summer 2004: The Brave New World of Global Security Spring 2004: The Evasive Crescent: The Role of Religion in Politics

Winter 2003: European Foreign Policy: Is Turkey an Asset? Fall 2003: The Economy Reloaded: Economic Governance in Turkey Summer 2003: State of Disunion: Transatlantic Relations Today Spring 2003: Reviewing Post-Election Turkey: What is New, What is Not?

Winter 2002: Security and its New Dimensions: From Theory to Practice Fall 2002: Seeking Full Membership: A Yearly Review of Turkey-EU Relations Summer 2002: Globalization from a Regional Perspective Spring 2002: The Future of Turkish Foreign Policy 25 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

Appendix III – TPQ Roundtables

Book Launch: Lotfi Maktouf on Tunisia Lotfi Maktouf, Founder and President of Almadanya 16 December 2013

Emine Bozkurt, Member of the European Parliament, Dutch Labour Party, European Parliament’s Rapporteur on Women’s Rights in Turkey Aylin Nazlıaka, Member of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Republican People’s Party Women and LGBT Rights in Turkey - Fatma Bostan Ünsal, Lecturer, Muş Alparslan University Progressing or Regressing? 6 November 2013 Hülya Gülbahar, Lawyer, Representative of the Women’s Constitution Platform Binnaz Toprak, Member of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Republican People’s Party Serdar Manavoğlu, Former Policy Advisor on Emancipation, Diversity, and “Honor” Crimes at the Municipality of Amsterdam, Promoter and Programmer of Paradiso Amsterdam Yasemin Öz, Lawyer, Deputy Chairperson of Kaos GL Rojda Tekin, Spokesperson, Anti-Capitalist Muslims

New Regional Opportunities: Can Turkey be an Energy Hub by 2023? 1 October 2013 Mehmet Öğütçü, Chairman, Global Resources Corporation Hakan Türker, Vice President – External Affairs, BP Turkey Gulmira Rzayeva, Principal Research Fellow, Center for Strategic Studies of Azerbaijan (SAM)

Efraim Inbar, Professor in Political Studies at BarIlan University and Director of Begin-Sadat Center for The Evolving Relations Strategic Studies of Turkey and Israel Nimrod Goren, Founder and Chairman of Mitvim - 2 July 2013 The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies and Teaching Fellow in the Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Kadri Gürsel, Columnist, Milliyet and Al-Monitor 26 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

The Prospects for Stability and Instability in the Caucasus in 2013 -A View from Georgia- 25 March 2013 Eka Tkeshelashvili, President of the Georgian Institute for Strategic Studies, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia

The “New Game” of Energy in Turkey and its Neighborhood Matthew J. Bryza, Director of the International Centre 31 October 2012 – Istanbul for Defence Studies, Talinn Reha Aykul Muratoğlu, Head of Transit Petroleum Pipelines, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Turkey Jean-Arnold Vinois, Acting Director for Internal Energy Market of the Directorate General for Energy, European Commission

Bahrain What lies ahead? Shaikha Mai bint Mohammed Al Khalifa, 25 April 2012- Istanbul Minister of Culture of the Kingdom of Bahrain

Paving the Path for the Southern Corridor: Challenges and Opportunities 30 November 2011, Istanbul Heinz Hilbrecht, Former Director for Security of Supply and Energy Markets, European Commission Wolfgang Sporrer, Country Manager for Caspian Region of OMV Gas & Power, Republic of Azerbaijan

Transition in Afghanistan: The Way ahead 3 November 2011, Istanbul

Ambassador Sir Simon Gass, Civilian Representative of NATO in Afghanistan 27 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

Upheaval in the Middle East: Semih Idiz, Columnist in Milliyet and CNNTurk What is the Turkish Strategy? Ian Lesser, Senior Transatlantic Fellow of the German 12 May 2011, Washington, DC Marshall Fund of the United States

Marietje Schaake, Member of the European Parliament representing Democrats 66/ALDE Developments in Turkey’s Democracy and Regional Ambitions Ian Lesser, Senior Transatlantic Fellow of the German 24 March 2011, Brussels Marshall Fund of the United States Kadri Gürsel, Columnist in Milliyet

Evaluating Turkish-EU Relations in 2011 25 February 2011, Istanbul Marietje Schaake, Member of the European Parliament representing the Democrats 66/ALDE

Shifting Turkish Foreign Policy: A Challenge for the Transatlantic Alliance? 26 November 2010, Ankara Ariel Cohen, Senior Research Fellow, The Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies, The Heritage Foundation Metehan Demir, Ankara Correspondent of Hürriyet Uğur Ziyal, Former Ambassador, Advisor to the President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB)

Shifting Turkish Foreign Policy: Ariel Cohen, Senior Research Fellow, The Kathryn and A Challenge for the Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies, Transatlantic Alliance? The Heritage Foundation 25 November 2010, Istanbul Soli Özel, Professor of International Relations at Kadir Has University, Columnist in Habertürk Gürkan Zengin, Columnist in Star

Turkey and the Regional Vladimir Socor, Analyst in Jamestown Foundation Energy Power-play Necdet Pamir, Board Member of the World Energy 29 June 2010, Istanbul Council Turkish National Committee 28 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

Efrat Aviv, Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA) Old Friends, New Enemies? Who can Aslı Aydıntasbas, Columnist in Milliyet Mediate between Turkey and Israel? 11 March 2010, Istanbul Anat Lapidot-Firilla, Department of International Relations, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Kadri Gürsel, Columnist in Milliyet Efraim Inbar, Director of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA) Asım Mollazade, Member of the Parliament in the Republic of Azerbaijan

The Question of Nuclear Iran and Missile Defense 21 October 2009, Istanbul Ian Lesser, Senior Transatlantic Fellow of the German Marshall Fund of the United States

Renewing the Brand of America William Schneider, Senior Political Analyst in 6 July 2009, Istanbul CNN International

Turkey’s Pivotal Role in Peter van Praagh, Senior Director of the German an Uncertain Era Marshall Fund of the United States 24 March 2009, Istanbul

Mark R. Parris, Former Ambassador to the Republic Security Challenges in Turkey’s of Turkey Neighborhood and Turkey’s Hikmet Çetin, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Changing Global Role NATO’s Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan 8 November 2007, Istanbul Fred Kempe, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Atlantic Council

Women in Turkey: Situation, Madeleine Korbel Albright, Expectations and Problems Former Secretary of State of the U.S. 10 July 2007, Istanbul 29 TURKISH POLICY QUARTERLY PRESENTATION KIT OCTOBER 2014

Turkey’s EU Membership Prospects – The Role of Emotions, Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Member of the European Identity, and Values Parliament 5 March 2007, Istanbul

Emre Gönensay, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Professor at Galatasaray University Is Turkey Diverging from the West? 20 December 2006, Istanbul İlter Turan, Professor at Istanbul Bilgi University Şule Kut, Professor at Istanbul Bilgi University

How to Define the Problem(s) of Europe 27 May 2006 Istanbul Lord Anthony Giddens, Emeritus Professor at London School of Economics

Clouds over Turkey’s EU Perspective Carl Bildt, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the 24 March 2006, Istanbul Kingdom of Sweden 30