Nato Enlargement: Qualifications and Contributions—Parts I–Iv Hearings

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Nato Enlargement: Qualifications and Contributions—Parts I–Iv Hearings S. HRG. 108–180 NATO ENLARGEMENT: QUALIFICATIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS—PARTS I–IV HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS UNITED STATES SENATE ONE HUNDRED EIGHTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION MARCH 27, AND APRIL 1, 3 AND 8, 2003 Printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Relations ( Available via the World Wide Web: U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 90–325 PDF WASHINGTON : 2003 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Internet: Phone: toll free (866) 512–1800; DC area (202) 512–1800 Fax: (202) 512–2250 Mail: Stop SSOP, Washington, DC 20402–0001 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 17:42 Nov 12, 2003 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 5011 Sfmt 5011 90325 SFORELA1 PsN: SFORELA1 COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS RICHARD G. LUGAR, Indiana, Chairman CHUCK HAGEL, Nebraska JOSEPH R. BIDEN, JR., Delaware LINCOLN CHAFEE, Rhode Island PAUL S. SARBANES, Maryland GEORGE ALLEN, Virginia CHRISTOPHER J. DODD, Connecticut SAM BROWNBACK, Kansas JOHN F. KERRY, Massachusetts MICHAEL B. ENZI, Wyoming RUSSELL D. FEINGOLD, Wisconsin GEORGE V. VOINOVICH, Ohio BARBARA BOXER, California LAMAR ALEXANDER, Tennessee BILL NELSON, Florida NORM COLEMAN, Minnesota JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER IV, West Virginia JOHN E. SUNUNU, New Hampshire JON S. CORZINE, New Jersey KENNETH A. MYERS, JR., Staff Director ANTONY J. BLINKEN, Democratic Staff Director (II) VerDate 11-MAY-2000 17:42 Nov 12, 2003 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 5904 Sfmt 5904 90325 SFORELA1 PsN: SFORELA1 CONTENTS Thursday, March 27, 2003—Part I Page Allen, Hon. George, U.S. Senator from Virginia, opening statement .................. 3 Joint Baltic American National Committee, Inc., John Bolsteins, chair- man, letter/statement submitted for the record ...................................... 6 Baltic American Freedom League, Inc., Valdis V. Pavlovskis, president, letter/statement submitted for the record ............................................... 6 Biden, Hon. Joseph R., Jr., U.S. Senator from Delaware, prepared statement . 28 Bradtke, Robert A., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs; accompanied by: Heather A. Conley, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs and Janet L. Bogue, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Department of State, Washington, DC ............................................................... 8 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 10 Brzezinski, Ian, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Affairs, Department of Defense, Washington, DC ................................. 15 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 17 Responses to additional questions for the record from Senator Biden ........ 35 Feingold, Hon. Russell D., U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, prepared statement .. 32 Lithuanian-American Community, Inc., Regina F. Narusis, J.D., chairman, National Board of Directors, statement submitted for the record ................... 33 Tuesday, April 1, 2003—Part II Lugar, Hon. Richard G., U.S. Senator from Indiana, opening statement ........... 45 Congress of Romanian Americans, Armand A. Scala, president, letter/ statement submitted for the record ............................................................. 108 ‘‘NATO’s New Front,’’ article by Thomas J. Friedman, New York Times, March 30, 2003 .............................................................................................. 96 PANEL 1: ‘‘A VIEW FROM BRUSSELS’’ Burns, Hon. R. Nicholas, U.S Permanent Representative to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Brussels, Belgium ............................................................ 50 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 56 PANEL 2: ‘‘NEW MEMBERS AND A CHANGING ALLIANCE’’ Asmus, Dr. Ronald D., senior transatlantic fellow, German Marshall Fund, Washington, DC ................................................................................................... 87 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 90 ‘‘We Need to Repair the Rift,’’ commentary by Ronald Asmus, Wall Street Jounal online [], March 31, 2003 .................................................. 93 Jackson, Bruce Pitcairn, president, Project on Transitional Democracies, Washington, DC ................................................................................................... 78 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 81 Thursday, April 3, 2003—Part III Voinovich, Hon. George V., U.S. Senator from Ohio, prepared statement ......... 111 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 17:42 Nov 12, 2003 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 5904 Sfmt 5904 90325 SFORELA1 PsN: SFORELA1 IV Page Voinovich, Hon. George V., U.S. Senator from Ohio, prepared statement— Continued Lithuanian-American Community, Inc., letter/statement on NATO Expan- sion Ratification, Regina F. Narusis, J.D., chairman, National Board of Directors .................................................................................................... 121 Baltic American Freedom League, Inc., Valdis V. Pavlovskis, president, letter/statement, recommending NATO membership for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania ................................................................................................ 123 BULGARIA AND ROMANIA Bugajski, Janusz, director, Eastern Europe Project, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC ............................................................. 124 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 127 LATVIA, LITHUANIA, ESTONIA Larrabee, Dr. F. Stephen, senior staff member, RAND, Arlington, VA .............. 114 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 117 SLOVAKIA AND SLOVENIA Simon, Dr. Jeff, senior research fellow, Institute for National Strategic Stud- ies, National Defense University, Washington, DC .......................................... 131 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 134 Tuesday, April 8, 2003—Part IV PANEL 1: ‘‘NEW MEMBERS, NEW MISSIONS’’ Grossman, Hon. Marc I., Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, De- partment of State, Washington, DC ................................................................... 154 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 158 PANEL 2: ‘‘THE FUTURE OF NATO’’ Clark, General Wesley K., USA (Ret.), former SACEUR, Chairman and CEO, Wesley Clark & Associates, Little Rock, AR ...................................................... 184 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 189 Kristol, William, editor, The Weekly Standard and chairman, Project for the New American Century, Washington, DC ................................................... 193 Prepared statement .......................................................................................... 197 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 17:42 Nov 12, 2003 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 5904 Sfmt 5904 90325 SFORELA1 PsN: SFORELA1 NATO ENLARGEMENT: QUALIFICATIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS—PART I THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2003 U.S. SENATE, COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, Washington, DC. The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 3:02 p.m., in room SD–419, Dirksen Senate Office Building, the Hon. George Allen presiding. Present: Senators Allen, Brownback, and Biden. Senator ALLEN. Welcome and good afternoon to everyone. I want to welcome Deputy Assistant Secretaries Heather Conley, Robert Bradtke, Janet Bogue, from the State Department, and Deputy As- sistant Secretary Ian Brzezinski from the Department of Defense to be with us. We have a number of ambassadors here from the seven NATO-aspirant countries in attendance at the hearing. And I would like each of them to rise as I state their names so they can be recognized. First from Bulgaria, the Deputy Chief of Mission, Emil Yalnazov. Welcome. From Estonia, Ambassador Sven Jurgenson. Around here, we say Jurgenson, as you well know, a famous quarterback. From Latvia, the Deputy Chief of Mission, Janis Eichmanis. Glad to have you here. From Lithuania, Ambassador Vygaudas Usackas. And from Romania, Ambassador Sorin Ducaru. Welcome. From Slovakia, Deputy Chief of Mission, Peter Kmec. Welcome. And from Slovenia, Ambassador Dr. Davorin Kracun. Welcome. Welcome to you all. The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the qualifications and the contributions of the seven NATO-aspirant countries, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Romania, and Slovenia. It was intended to be the second of three hearings dealing with NATO enlargement. The previous session scheduled for earlier this week with Secretary Powell was postponed until next Tuesday. We understand the many pressing matters on his agenda. There will be a followup session to this hearing to be held next Thursday at 2:30 in the afternoon. And I am going to place my en- tire statement in the record, along with letters from the Joint Bal- tic-American National Committee and the Baltic-American Free- dom League. And I am going to make some remarks. And if a coun-
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