E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2019 No. 86 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was Senator from the State of Tennessee, to per- Already, our legislation has earned called to order by the Honorable MAR- form the duties of the Chair. the support of leading voices like the SHA BLACKBURN, a Senator from the , American Cancer Society, the Amer- State of Tennessee. President pro tempore. ican Academy of Pediatrics, the Amer- Mrs. BLACKBURN thereupon as- ican College of Cardiology, the Amer- f sumed the Chair as Acting President ican Heart Association, the American pro tempore. PRAYER Lung Association, the American Osteo- f pathic Association, the National Asso- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- ciation of Secondary School Principals, RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY fered the following prayer: the Foundation for a Healthy Ken- LEADER Let us pray. tucky, the Kentucky Hospital and Med- Our Father in Heaven, supply the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ical Associations, and many others. needs of our Senators. Meet them with pore. The majority leader is recog- Here are just a few things these sup- new insights for the good of our Nation nized. porters of our bill had to say: and world. Lord, provide them with f One advocate called it a ‘‘critical fresh strength so they will not become step forward that will profoundly im- weary in doing what is right. Give S. 1541 prove the health of our children and fu- them the long view of their work. In- Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, ture generations.’’ spire them with the vibrant belief that on Monday, I introduced legislation to Another stated our legislation ‘‘will it is better to fail in a cause that will raise the national minimum age for be instrumental in stemming the epi- ultimately succeed than to succeed in a purchasing tobacco products from 18 to demic of vaping that is afflicting chil- cause that will ultimately fail. 21. I walked through the long history of dren as young as middle school.’’ Strengthen them this day with the our Nation’s complicated relationship Yet another said our bill could poten- positive assurance of Your eternal with this major cash crop. I laid out tially ‘‘save hundreds of thousands of presence. the challenges facing tobacco farmers lives.’’ We pray in Your loving Name. Amen. in Kentucky and in other States and This should be an area where we all f the new opportunities some of them lock arms to get results. I am proud are actually turning to. I explained this body will have a chance to take PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE why, as we see signs of a new public action and stem the tide of addiction The Presiding Officer led the Pledge health crisis of nicotine addiction in among our Nation’s youth. I am proud of Allegiance, as follows: the younger generation, now is the to be standing with Senator KAINE. I I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the time to take decisive new action. hope each of our colleagues will recog- United States of America, and to the Repub- Together with Senator TIM KAINE, nize the opportunity before us, avoid lic for which it stands, one nation under God, who represents another State with a making this important issue any kind indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. very long history of tobacco produc- of partisan football, and join in sup- tion, I was proud to introduce the bill f porting the Tobacco-Free Youth Act. that builds on the existing structure f that is already in place and simply APPOINTMENT OF ACTING NOMINATIONS PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE raises the minimum age to 21. Rather than reinvent the wheel here in Wash- Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ington, it would set one national stand- since President Trump took office in clerk will please read a communication ard for enforcing new age-21 restric- 2017, the Senate has confirmed 41 well- to the Senate from the President pro tions. It is a bill designed with States qualified individuals to serve on our tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). in mind, and it would allow States to Nation’s circuit courts. No. 41 was Dan- The legislative clerk read the fol- take measures even more restrictive iel Collins of California, whom we con- lowing letter: than Federal law if they choose. firmed yesterday to the Ninth Circuit U.S. SENATE, Senator KAINE and I have been grate- Court of Appeals. As I have noted al- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, ful to see—already, even in just the ready, Mr. Collins came before the Sen- Washington, DC, May 22, 2019. To the Senate: past few days—substantial support and ate with every conceivable indicator of Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, recognition from public health advo- a brilliant legal mind and an impec- of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby cates that our approach is the right cable professional record. I was proud appoint the Honorable MARSHA BLACKBURN, a way to address this pressing issue. that the full Senate followed up

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:57 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.000 S22MYPT1 S3018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 the Judiciary Committee’s favorable In the Midwest earlier this year, woman’s freedom to make her own report with a majority vote here on the storm surges flooded whole swaths of healthcare choices. Actually, if you be- floor. States and racked up millions of dol- lieve the polls, there are hundreds of But our work this week is just begin- lars in damages. As one expert recently millions of Americans in that category. ning. Yesterday, the Senate also ad- put it, ‘‘We have points in and Il- Republican legislators across the vanced four more nominees—these to linois that have been in flood stage for country have passed some of the most serve on district courts across the over 30 days’’—30 days—‘‘which hasn’t extreme restrictions on a woman’s country. Today, we will vote to con- occurred since we started keeping right to choose. With breathtaking firm all four. records—and some of them go back 150 speed, they are trying to take us back- The first, Howard Nielson, has been years.’’ ward, but they have already provoked a nominated for the District of Utah. As Across the Southeast and gulf coasts, fierce reaction among the American I mentioned yesterday, Mr. Nielson has recent hurricane seasons have left last- people. clerked for both the Fourth Circuit and ing scars. Hurricane Michael, which Just yesterday, I stood with hundreds the Supreme Court and has assembled swept across Florida into South Geor- before the Supreme Court to speak on an impressive record at the Depart- gia last October, has itself produced behalf of Americans everywhere who ment of Justice and in the private sec- nearly 150,000 insurance claims in Flor- believe that women don’t deserve to be tor. ida alone. treated this way by their government. Next will come the nomination of In Alabama, more tornadoes have al- Meanwhile, here in the Senate, the Re- Stephen Clark for the Eastern District ready been recorded in 2019 than in all publican leader is once again stalling— of Missouri. Mr. Clark is an accom- of last year. One that touched down in it seems to be his MO—on a bill to im- plished litigator with nearly three dec- Lee County on March 3 left 23 people prove legal protections for women who ades of experience in practice. dead. are victims of domestic abuse, assault, The third nominee is Carl Nichols, Nearly 2 years after Hurricane Maria and stalking. This is VAWA, or the Vi- the President’s choice to serve as dis- tore across Puerto Rico, too many olence Against Women Act. trict judge for the District of Colum- storefronts are still shuttered, too VAWA has been a landmark piece of bia. You will start to detect a pattern many homes still lack roofs, and power legislation, and it has greatly reduced because he, too, is a thoroughly im- remains too unreliable. the abuse of women. Well, there was an pressive nominee—clerkships for the And the list goes on. improved and expanded VAWA that DC Circuit and for the Supreme Court This is hardly the first time facts was passed by the House of Representa- for Justice Thomas, service at the De- like these have been laid out here on tives on a bipartisan basis. It got sig- partment of Justice, and recognized ex- the floor. In fact, this legislation has nificant Republican votes. It brings cellence in private practice. already taken far too long—far too much needed updates to existing Fed- Finally, we will vote on Kenneth long—to deliver. But now that we are eral law. It finally expands protections Bell, nominated to serve in the West- in the home stretch, it is past time to to women who are victims of violence ern District of North Carolina. Mr. Bell put partisan politics aside, move past from domestic partners or former part- has under his belt nearly two decades any tangential questions, and secure a ners, not just current or former of service in the Office of the U.S. At- final agreement that can become law; spouses. It also says that if you are torney—distinguished by national hon- that is, something that can both pass known to stalk your partner or have a ors for his accomplishments as a pros- the Democratic House and earn the restraining order against you, you ecutor—as well as extensive experience President’s signature soon. That is how shouldn’t be allowed to purchase a gun. in the private sector. to make a law in this situation. Thanks to the work of some of my col- So if I am sounding like a broken The Senate will vote on disaster re- leagues in both Chambers, it also record, it is because the White House lief this week. The Members of this brings renewed attention to violence continues to submit one extremely body will not return home for Memo- against Native American women who well-qualified and highly impressive rial Day without taking further action are so often overlooked. nominee after another to sit on the to help these struggling communities, I thank Senators SMITH, KLOBUCHAR, Federal bench. These are men and which, by the way, include a number of and CANTWELL for bringing attention women who are bright, talented, well- military installations that need assist- to this bill later today. regarded, and committed to applying ance to recover and to rebuild. Unfortunately, Leader MCCONNELL what the text of our laws and our Con- It is my sincere hope that we will be has indicated that he will not bring the stitution actually say. able to vote on a negotiated, bipar- House-passed VAWA bill to the floor, Today, we can take four more steps tisan, bicameral solution. That is how despite these many commonsense re- in that positive direction. These nomi- we can get to an outcome. That is what forms. Why not? I hope it is not be- nees deserve big bipartisan votes, so I affected Americans deserve. cause the gun lobby reflexively opposes hope each of my colleagues will join I suggest the absence of a quorum. any restrictions on gun purchases— me in voting to confirm each of them. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- even for convicted stalkers. I hope that f pore. The clerk will call the roll. is not the impediment here, because as Senator KLOBUCHAR has pointed out, if DISASTER RELIEF The legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll. you are abused by your husband, then, Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I you are protected by VAWA. If you are now on one final matter, several of our ask unanimous consent that the order abused by a boyfriend, you are not. Senate colleagues and their counter- for the quorum call be rescinded. What is the difference? What is the dif- parts in the House are continuing to The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ference? zero in on long-overdue legislation to pore. Without objection, it is so or- VAWA is yet another example of how deliver additional help to Americans dered. Leader MCCONNELL has turned this all across the Nation who are strug- f Chamber into a legislative graveyard. gling to rebuild from natural disasters. Even the most commonsense bills, with This ought to have been a fairly RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY broad support from one end of America straightforward process. We shouldn’t LEADER to the other, that are passed by the need to explain why the need for this The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- House—here, a bill protecting women relief is urgent, but just for good meas- pore. The Democratic leader is recog- from violence—meet the grim fate at ure, let’s remember the Americans who nized. the hands of the Senate’s self-pro- are counting on us. f claimed Grim Reaper. In California, last year’s string of What a shame. The Violence Against wildfires included the deadliest and VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT Women Act is precisely the kind of leg- most destructive fire on record. It Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, it islation the American people expect killed 85 people and burned more than has been a frightening 2 weeks for tens the Senate to consider. During a dif- 150,000 acres. of millions of Americans who support a ficult few weeks for women across

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:57 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.002 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3019 America, the Senate could have sent a put a single thing on the floor. The families. Our Nation’s Gold Star fami- strong, positive signal by moving for- American people see the effects of cli- lies may not have laid down their own ward on the Violence Against Women mate change in their lives, and they lives for our country, but they gave Act. Instead, Leader MCCONNELL know Congress must act. Only the Re- their loved ones, their fathers and carved out another tombstone for his publican majority stands in the way. brothers, daughters and sisters. For the legislative graveyard—another popular I yield the floor. sake of our freedoms, they live with bipartisan bill buried with no action by I suggest the absence of a quorum. empty spaces at Thanksgivings and the Senate and tied by the leader in The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- birthdays, at weddings and gradua- partisan gridlock. pore. The clerk will call the roll. tions, at their dinner tables and Little f The legislative clerk proceeded to League practices. We owe them a debt call the roll. also that we can never repay. CLIMATE CHANGE Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask I have been privileged to visit more Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, unanimous consent that the order for than one veterans cemetery, such as earlier this month, a report from Ha- the quorum call be rescinded. our own Black Hills National Cemetery waii’s Mauna Loa Observatory found The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ROM- in South Dakota—which we recently that carbon dioxide levels in our at- NEY). Without objection, it is so or- expanded to ensure that our soldiers mosphere have now reached the highest dered. will have a resting place for genera- level in human history—in human his- f tions to come—Arlington National tory. It was a chilling reminder that Cemetery, and the American Cemetery the threat from climate change is real, RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME at Normandy. There is a special immediate, and existential. Almost ev- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under hallowedness to the ground at these eryone accepts this science and the the previous order, the leadership time places. Valor and sacrifice still linger gravity of the threat it portends. The is reserved. in the air, and a deep peace abounds— only group of folks that still seem the peace of the warrior who has f skeptical of climate science are Repub- fought the good fight and found rest licans and the Trump administration. CONCLUSION OF MORNING from his labors. Yesterday the New York Times re- BUSINESS General George S. Patton once said: ported that the Trump EPA is planning The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men to rewrite the established benchmarks business is closed. who died. Rather, we should thank God that for unsafe levels of air pollution. You such men lived. heard that right. They are planning to f I might disagree with General Patton use dubious math to obscure the real EXECUTIVE SESSION on the first part, as it is right and and long-known health risks of air pol- proper that we should mourn our dead, lution. These new formulations would but with General Patton, I say: Let us result in fewer predicted deaths than EXECUTIVE CALENDAR thank God that such men and women what the experts have long agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under lived. People will still die. The numbers will May the memory of our honored dead the previous order, the Senate will pro- just be wrong about the effect. be eternal. Why, might you ask, would anyone ceed to executive session to resume I yield the floor. want to obscure the full health risks of consideration of the following nomina- I suggest the absence of a quorum. air pollution? Because then the Trump tion, which the clerk will report. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The administration could use the fake The senior assistant legislative clerk clerk will call the roll. math to justify further rollbacks to read the nomination of Howard C. Niel- The senior assistant legislative clerk clean air rules at a time when global son, of Utah, to be United States Dis- proceeded to call the roll. warming is increasing and when Ameri- trict Judge for the District of Utah. Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I ask cans know the danger. This Trump ad- MEMORIAL DAY unanimous consent that the order for ministration and the Republican ma- Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, Monday the quorum call be rescinded. jority are rolling the clock back—more is Memorial Day. It is the day our Na- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. carbon, more coal, more oil, and more tion pauses to remember all those who SASSE). Without objection, it is so or- gas, when we need less. We all know laid down their lives in defense of our dered. that. country, from Saratoga to Yorktown, HEALTHCARE What kind of Orwellian nonsense is to Iraq and Afghanistan. Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I this? The Environmental Protection We enjoy tremendous freedoms as come to the floor again today to dis- Agency making it easier to pollute the Americans, tremendous privileges, but cuss Washington Democrats’ one-size- environment? It is a textbook defini- we do not enjoy these privileges by fits-all healthcare scheme. Every tion of ‘‘dystopian.’’ chance. They are hard-fought gains se- American needs to know about this As my colleague Senator WHITEHOUSE cured for us again and again by each very radical plan. so often points out, dark money lurks new generation of American soldiers Democrats essentially want Wash- behind so much of what the Trump ad- who lay down their lives in the cause of ington, DC, to take over all of ministration does. Big Oil, Big Gas, the free. It is important that we do not healthcare in this country and to abol- and big polluters everywhere are the take what they have secured for us ish private health insurance that 180 only possible boosters of this decision. lightly, that we remember our free- million Americans get through their It is their money, funneled to political doms have been paid for in blood. jobs. Incredibly, this proposal offered organizations and politicians without a Near the end of the film ‘‘Saving Pri- by Senator BERNIE SANDERS has the trace of disclosure, that motivates vate Ryan,’’ the dying Captain Miller backing of many leading Democrats folks in the Trump administration to tells Private Ryan of the sacrifice that running for President and 109 Demo- make it easier to release more pollu- has been made on his behalf. He says: cratic Members of the House of Rep- tion into the air. ‘‘Earn this . . . earn it.’’ resentatives. We should be using the Senate to de- I am not sure we can ever fully earn So I want to continue the debate bate climate policies in search of com- the gift that has been given to us by today by focusing on the terrible im- mon ground, but Leader MCCONNELL those who have laid down their lives in pact this radical scheme will have on has decided to bring forward his our defense, but we can attempt to live all of the fine men and women who pro- version of the Green New Deal just so lives worthy of their sacrifice and to vide healthcare to people across the his party could vote against it. We defend the cause for which they gave country. Of course, the impact on them know what Leader MCCONNELL and the the last full measure of devotion. will impact the patients for whom they Republicans are against. What are they When we remember the fallen on Me- provide care and services. for in dealing with climate change? So morial Day, there is one other group I am talking about the Nation’s dedi- far, nada, zero, nothing—they haven’t we should remember, and that is their cated medical professionals, especially

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:18 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.003 S22MYPT1 S3020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 those who serve in our community hos- one-size-fits-all healthcare plan passes? want a one-size-fits-all healthcare sys- pitals. I actually know many of these Just ask the New York Times, of all tem. Many doctors and many small healthcare providers because I am one people. Last month, the Times ran community hospitals cannot afford it, of them. For many years I practiced or- with this headline: ‘‘Hospitals Stand to and they will not survive it. Certainly, thopedic surgery in Casper, WY. I was Lose Billions Under ‘Medicare for many rural communities can’t survive a medical doctor, a physician, and All.’ ’’ Hospitals stand to lose billions. it. chief of staff at the Wyoming Medical The Times cites a study from George As the Presiding Officer knows better Center. Mason University that found Medicare than most, as he has traveled his State When practicing medicine in Casper, provider reimbursement rates are more and as I have traveled mine, if a small WY—or anywhere in the Presiding Offi- than 40 percent lower than private in- community loses a hospital, it is hard- cer’s home State of Nebraska—you surance rates—40 percent lower. At er to attract doctors, nurses, teachers, really treat patients from all over the these payment rates, the Times says, businesses—all of the things that are State. That is because many people in ‘‘[s]ome hospitals, especially strug- vital for a community to have. So the Wyoming live in small towns. I am gling rural centers,’’ like those in the threat is very real in terms of what the talking about patients in towns like Presiding Officer’s home State and Democrats and what BERNIE SANDERS my wife’s hometown of Thermopolis, mine ‘‘would close virtually over- and the one-size-fits-all healthcare WY. My wife’s parents are there. When night.’’ plan would bring to our country. they need specialty care, they go to There would be an overnight closure Let me just tell people who are Casper. For those who haven’t traveled of hospitals under BERNIE SANDERS’ watching the debate right now: Demo- in Wyoming, it is about a 2-hour drive and the Democrats’ one-size-fits-all crats’ one-size-fits-all healthcare— one way when the weather is good. scheme for medicine in America. what this will mean for you is that you My point is, when you work in the I am sure a lot of people listening out will pay more to wait longer for worse Casper hospital, you are actually cov- there are thinking, maybe it is all a care. That is what it means. That is ering a large area in our State, and mistake; maybe Democrats don’t really what it means to you. You will pay that is often the case in many States. mean to threaten hospitals. Well, the more to wait longer for worse care. So when I hear that Washington Demo- fact is, Democrats have long argued That is what is at stake. crats want to have a one-size-fits-all that hospitals need to close. That is We all need to make our voices heard healthcare plan, I wonder if they have what they have said. loud and clear: no to Democrats’ one- given any thought to people in the Na- Look at what Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, size-fits-all healthcare scheme, yes to tion’s heartland, to people out west. who is an architect of ObamaCare and real reforms that improve healthcare Are they considering people in rural a professor in Philadelphia, said on the and bring down the costs for all Ameri- communities at all? subject. He actually wrote a book out- cans. I will state that I think about the lining all of this. It is titled, ‘‘Rein- I yield the floor. people of Wyoming every day. I am venting American Health Care.’’ I suggest the absence of a quorum. there every week. The staff at small He predicted that 1,000 U.S. hospitals The PRESIDING OFFICER. The hospitals who serve rural communities would close by 2020. Well, we are ap- clerk will call the roll. like Thermopolis, Rawlins, Lusk, proaching that year. We haven’t closed The bill clerk proceeded to call the Kemmerer, and at the Lovell hospital, 1,000 in this country, but over 80 have roll. where I attended a health fair this past closed, and those are rural hospitals. Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask Saturday, talking to all of the folks Last year he published an op-ed in unanimous consent that the order for there—their needs are things I am not the New York Times—the same Dr. the quorum call be rescinded. convinced Washington Democrats have Emanuel—ominously titled, ‘‘Are Hos- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. any knowledge of or care for at all. The pitals Becoming Obsolete?’’ He writes: LANKFORD). Without objection, it is so people at these hospitals work hard Hospitals are disappearing. While they will ordered. just to keep the doors open so that never completely go away, they will con- ENERGY INNOVATION they can continue to care for patients tinue to shrink in number and importance. Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, it seems right there. This is inevitable and good. a bit surreal but necessary, nonethe- So alarm bells go off when I see head- Well, not in rural America—‘‘good,’’ less, to come here to the Senate floor lines like the one from the Washington he says, that thousands of hospitals to talk about the perils of socialism Post that said: and patients who rely on them are and its sudden resurgence within the ‘‘Who’s going to take care of these peo- forced to close their doors for good. I Democratic Party. ple?’’ As emergencies rise across rural Amer- disagree fundamentally with this prin- We have seen our Democratic friends ica, a hospital fights for its life. ciple and what he is saying. push for policies like Medicare for All, That is the headline in the Wash- Of course, all people who practice which would completely wreck the sys- ington Post, referring to a community medicine in small towns want to keep tem that provides healthcare for our hospital in Osage County, OK. The hos- the doors open because they know the seniors and force all Americans onto pital has a sign out front that reads: impact on the lives of the people who the same plan, regardless of the fact ‘‘A small community is only as healthy live in those communities. Just last that they never paid anything into it, as its hospital.’’ That is the truth. week I had a chance to visit with Dr. like our seniors have, and regardless of Hospitals across rural America are Mike Tracy, a family physician in Pow- the fact that they may indeed like struggling. Many are, in fact, fighting ell, WY. He is past president of the Wy- their private health insurance that for their lives. Still, Democrats are of- oming Medical Society. He is pas- they get from their employers. fering a plan that will destroy private sionate about caring for his patients, Do you remember when the Obama health insurance in America, which is and guess what. He doesn’t participate administration promised in 2013, ‘‘If the lifeblood of our Nation’s healthcare in Medicare at all. Instead, he provides you like your plan, you can keep it’’? system; 180 million Americans get his services privately by charging his Well, I don’t really think they meant their insurance this way. patients a set, transparent monthly it, but that is at least what they said. Democrats want to drastically reduce fee. He does what he does to keep his Democrats have gotten so much more provider payments which, of course, practice open. His focus is on his pa- radical today that their motto should would drive many doctors from prac- tients, not on Washington paperwork, be, ‘‘If you like your plan, you can’t tice and shutter many small hospitals. and his patients are very happy. His keep it under Medicare for All.’’ The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid practice is successful. The patients are They have also promised things like Services Administrator has said a one- happy with the time he is able to sit free college—and, believe me, ‘‘free’’ is size-fits-all system ‘‘would decimate and be with them and look at them and popular, especially if you don’t think physician networks, creating a perma- focus on them, instead of the mandates you are ever going to have to end up nent physician shortage.’’ of a Washington computer screen. paying for it—promising anyone and So how can rural hospitals survive So you see, there are doctors like everyone that they can go to college with no financial cushion if Democrats’ Mike all across the country who don’t for free.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:18 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.006 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3021 Now, there are some smart things we The only estimate I have seen is a $93 parison—China’s annual carbon dioxide can do to help prepare high school stu- trillion price tag, but that is an impor- emissions have increased roughly by dents and college students to hold tant piece of information that you double—twice what they were during down their debt and to make sure that would think the public would have a the same time period. they get the sort of advice and coun- right to know, and that is not some- So I would say that we can blame seling they need to make sure they are thing the advocates of the Green New America first for all sorts of problems. studying something that is going to be Deal have been particularly proud of. I don’t think that is fair, nor is it accu- able to provide them an income with Even if this is something a majority rate, and, particularly, when you start which they can repay the loans that of Americans want, we don’t currently talking about the environment and they take out, and there is some work have the technology or the resources to controlling ozone-depleting CO2 emis- we need to do in that area. make it happen. Our Democratic sions. I think there is a better way to Across Texas, I have had a chance re- friends know that. So they are, in es- approach it, and we need to start with cently to go to a number of middle sence, making a promise for something the facts. schools and high schools, and in that they can’t deliver because of the I think the facts are that we need to Texas—and I am sure we are not price and because the technology has form partnerships to leverage the capa- alone—there are many high schools not yet been invented. bilities of the private sector and where students can get dual credit, col- So what was really bizarre here on achieve cost-effective solutions. None lege and high school credit, and some the Senate floor was that when the ma- of the people advocating the Green New of them graduate from high school jority leader provided our Democratic Deal can really tell you how much you with essentially 2 years of college be- colleagues a chance to vote on this res- would be paying for electricity if we hind them, and it costs them nothing. olution on the Senate floor, not a sin- were able to implement the Green New It is free. I guess that is free. Actually, gle Democratic colleague voted for it. Deal, how much you would have to pay it is not free, either, but they don’t They voted ‘‘present.’’ for your transportation costs, or how have to pay anything more for it, and Well, that is a new one on me. I much you would have to pay to heat or their parents don’t have to pay any- thought when we came here to the Sen- cool your house. We need policies that thing more for their property or sales ate, our job was to represent our con- make sense, that are affordable and tax for it. stituents and vote yes or no on legisla- achievable, and that will actually bring So that is a smarter way to approach tion. To show up and vote ‘‘present’’ down the cost of each of those items this, rather than this radical idea that seems to me like an abdication of that for the American people. things like college can somehow be responsibility, but it also is some evi- The solution isn’t a $100 trillion free, knowing that, actually, there will dence of how really cynical and insin- Green New Deal; it is good old-fash- be somebody that pays for it, whether cere this proposal really is. ioned, all-American innovation. By it is our children, when they grow up That is not to say that it isn’t pop- incentivizing research into the devel- and they have to pay back the money ular when you start offering free things opment of new technologies, we can that we have recklessly borrowed in and you start promising things that keep costs low for taxpayers, while se- our deficits and debt, or by raising are unaffordable or unattainable. curing our place as a global leader in taxes, and you can’t raise taxes enough Instead of talking about these poli- energy innovation. One great example on the rich people in order to pay for cies that are unwanted, unachievable, of the type of solution I am suggesting this. So, inevitably, that burden will and unaffordable, let’s talk about some you could learn about by taking a trip fall on the middle class. real solutions. I think that is the re- To put the icing on the cake on these to the NET Power plant in La Porte, sponsibility of people like me who say radical policies, you have to look at TX, right outside of Houston, which I the Green New Deal will not cut it, to this Green New Deal proposal that the did recently. NET Power has developed Democrats have rolled out and really which people might ask: Well, what are a first-of-its-kind power system that call this the icing on the cake in their your suggestions? And I think that is generates affordable, zero-emissions socialist proposals. an important and fair question. electricity using their unique carbon They want to take over the entire en- No matter what your perspective on capture technology. They have taken ergy sector of the economy, and they energy issues and the environment, I natural gas—one of the most prevalent want to regulate it, and they want to think every single one of us can agree and affordable energy sources that tax it in such a way as to promise on at least one point: We need smart there is—and they have made it emis- somehow something that is never going energy policies that will strengthen sion-free. This is a shining example of to be realized. our economy without bankrupting the environmentally and fiscally re- For example, they say they want to American families. sponsible policies we should be advo- achieve net zero emissions in 10 years. I would just note, parenthetically, cating and supporting. Well, Texas, Oklahoma, and other that we have actually made some pret- Last year, renewables accounted for States generate a lot of electricity ty good progress when it comes to only 17 percent of our total energy from renewable sources, particularly emissions control. Between 1970 and sources. That includes hydropower, wind-generated energy, but there is no 2017, combined U.S. emissions of six wind, solar, biomass, and various other way in the world you are going to be criteria air pollutants have gone down sources. Seventeen percent. Natural able to eliminate things like natural 73 percent. During that same period of gas already accounts for more than gas and other sources of energy be- time, the American economy grew by double that. So if we could take this cause the wind doesn’t always blow and 262 percent, the number of vehicle incredibly common and affordable en- the Sun doesn’t always shine. So you miles traveled grew 189 percent, and ergy source and make it more environ- are going to need something to provide our population grew 59 percent. We mentally friendly, why wouldn’t we do the baseload when the wind is not were able to reduce pollutants by 73 that? Why wouldn’t that be a more sen- blowing and the Sun is not shining. percent at a time when the population sible, fiscally responsible way of ad- This pie-in-the-sky idea of net zero was growing, people were driving more, dressing this? emissions in 10 years by going entirely and our economy was growing. These policies are important for con- to renewables is simply fantasy. More recently, between 1990 and 2017, servation but also for securing our They also want to overhaul our the United States reduced sulfur diox- competitiveness on the world stage. If transportation system. They want to ide concentrations by 88 percent, lead American companies don’t produce rebuild and retrofit every single build- by 80 percent, nitrogen dioxide by 50 these technologies first, well, you bet ing in the country, but they offer no percent, particulate matter by 40 per- somebody else will. real details, and, in fact, I think there cent, ground-level ozone by 22 percent, The heavyhanded government ap- is a reason for that, because they don’t and carbon monoxide by 77 percent. proaches we are seeing from our Demo- even talk about the details of what From 2005 to 2017, carbon dioxide cratic colleagues are not the answer. needs to be accomplished or the cost emissions declined nearly 15 percent in Instead, we have to harness the power there would be associated with trying the United States. During that same of the private sector and build partner- to accomplish it. period of time—and this is a fair com- ships to drive real solutions.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:18 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.007 S22MYPT1 S3022 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 Yes, we need to invest in innovative House Democrats recklessly blocked I applaud President Trump for turn- solutions and encourage the private this reauthorization of VAWA because ing up the volume on this issue last sector to continue prioritizing reliable, they were seeking to add controversial summer. That is when the President affordable, and environmentally sound provisions that should never be a part announced his administration’s blue- energy sources. of a consensus bill—certainly not one print to lower drug costs for all Ameri- When you implement government that enjoys broad bipartisan support. cans. He found out—and we all found policies that get government out of the In the face of this political jockeying out—that is a goal that has widespread way and let the experts do their jobs, by House Democrats, I am proud to say support that includes Republicans and you can be pro-energy, pro-innovation, that the Appropriations Committee did Democrats, as well as urban and rural pro-growth, and pro-environment. I the right thing: It continued to fully Americans. will soon be introducing some legisla- fund all Violence Against Women Act Of course, the President can only do tion that I think will help us move programs through the remainder of so much—whatever law passed by Con- down that road. We know the United this fiscal year. So this means that gress allows the President to do and States leads the world in emissions re- House Democrats, when they tried to that doesn’t solve all the issues. So duction, and this bill will build on that kill VAWA by refusing to reauthorize even though I applaud the President, success without a one-size-fits-all man- it, actually failed to accomplish their that doesn’t mean I exclude in any way date that would bankrupt our country. goal if their goal was to deny women the responsibility of Congress to take DEBBIE SMITH ACT and other victims of violence the crit- action. Mr. President, on another topic, as I ical funding needed for these programs. There are many good ideas to build highlighted earlier this week, the Sen- Despite the efforts they undertook to upon that share broad, bipartisan, bi- ate has unanimously passed the Debbie let VAWA expire, critical domestic vio- cameral support. There is one policy, Smith Act of 2019, which would provide lence and sexual assault prevention however, that some Members are talk- critical resources for law enforcement programs will continue to receive full ing about that I don’t agree with, and to test rape kits, prosecute criminals, Federal funding until we can reach a that is repealing what is the noninter- and deliver justice for victims. This bipartisan consensus agreement and ference clause in Medicare Part D. I was a major bipartisan achievement, update the law. So good for the Appro- would like to explain why Congress and I look forward to working with our priations Committee for making that kept the government out of the busi- House colleagues to get this legislation happen, but my point is that VAWA ness of negotiating drug prices in the to the President’s desk as soon as pos- should never be used as a political Medicare program. Some 16 years ago, sible. plaything or pawn. when I was formerly chairman of the But there is more we need to do to I am somewhat encouraged by ongo- Finance Committee, I was a principal assist victims of violence and sexual ing, bipartisan negotiations here in the architect of the Medicare Part D pro- assault. For example, today I am filing Senate, and I commend Senator ERNST gram. the Help End Abusive Living Situa- for her commitment to this effort and For the first time ever, Congress, in tions—or HEALS—Act, which will pro- look forward to supporting a long-term 2003, added an outpatient prescription vide domestic violence survivors with extension of VAWA that is done in the drug benefit to the Medicare program. expanded access to transitional hous- right way—through negotiation and Maybe I ought to explain for my col- ing. This will help these victims per- agreement, not political gamesman- leagues why it took between 1965 and manently leave their abusers, rebuild ship. That is the wrong way to do 2003 to include drug benefits in the their lives, and begin a long-term heal- things. We know better—if people will Medicare program. Remember, in 1965, ing process. simply stop the political posturing and prescription drugs or drugs generally Even more pressing, folks on both political games and do the work the didn’t play a very big role in the deliv- sides of the aisle agree that we need to American people sent us here to do. ery of medicine like they do today, but reauthorize and strengthen the Vio- Mr. President, I yield the floor. over time, they have become more im- lence Against Women Act, also known I suggest the absence of a quorum. portant. as VAWA. It is something I strongly The PRESIDING OFFICER. The That is why great support at the support and an issue our friend and col- clerk will call the roll. grassroots, both bipartisan and bi- league Senator ERNST continues to The senior assistant legislative clerk cameral, evolved into what we call the champion here in the Senate. proceeded to call the roll. Medicare Part D program, adopted in Republicans and Democrats say we Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask that year, 2003. So we came to the con- must do more to provide services for unanimous consent that the order for clusion that adding the prescription victims of domestic violence and sex- the quorum call be rescinded. drug benefits for seniors was the right ual assault, and while we certainly had The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without thing to do, but it needed to be done in some disagreements on the way to do objection, it is so ordered. the right way—right for seniors and that, there is no question that VAWA PRESCRIPTION DRUG COSTS right for the American taxpayers. By has traditionally been a bipartisan Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I am that, I mean allowing the forces of free commitment. That is why I was so here to discuss with my colleagues enterprise and competition to drive shocked earlier this year when House issues dealing with the work of the costs down and drive value up. Democrats blocked the Republican ef- Senate Finance Committee and pos- For the first time ever, Medicare re- fort to reauthorize this critical law be- sible legislation that hopefully will cipients in every State had the vol- fore it lapsed last February. come up this summer to keep untary decision to choose a prescrip- The current violence against women healthcare costs down, particularly tion drug plan that fit their pocket- law lapsed in February because House prescription drugs. books and their healthcare needs. Democrats refused to allow us to ex- In the process of doing that, I want The Part D program has worked. tend it. Why would they do that? If to set the record straight on an issue Beneficiary enrollment and satisfac- they claim to be supportive of efforts that affects every American who is eli- tion are robust. The Part D market- to protect women and others from vio- gible for Medicare. More specifically, I place offers consumers better choice, lence and assault, why would they let am here to talk about efforts to reduce better coverage, and better value; yet the very law that authorizes the var- the rising cost of prescription medi- here we are again. It has been 13 years ious programs Congress has paid for in cine. since Part D was implemented, and the past—why would they let that Prescription drugs save lives. Mil- once again, I am hearing the same calls lapse? Well, sadly, this is where poli- lions of Americans like myself wake up to put the government back into the tics rears its ugly head. every morning and take their daily driver’s seat of making decisions on We were seeking a short-term reau- medication, but there is something what you can take in the way of pills thorization of the existing Violence that has become a very tough pill to or what your doctor might be able to Against Women Act so bipartisan nego- swallow for an increasing number of prescribe to you based upon what a for- tiations could continue on a long-term Americans, and that is paying for the mulary might be. We want the private update and extension of the law, but rising cost of prescription drugs. sector to decide the formulary, not the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:18 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.008 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3023 government. So these people happen to saving medications. Iowans want to While the Part D program has provided be the same backseat drivers who make those decisions with a physician beneficiaries with a crucial lifeline through think that centralized government who is treating them. Last year, 43 access to prescription medications, improve- knows everything and knows best. ments are needed to lower high out-of-pock- million out of 60 million Medicare re- et costs and to realize better value for the As the Senator who, once again, cipients were enrolled in the Medicare taxpayer-supported Medicare program. Some chairs the committee with jurisdiction Part D program. That is the vast ma- have suggested that allowing the Secretary over Medicare policy, I am not going to jority of Medicare beneficiaries nation- to negotiate for the price of drugs will let Congress unravel what is right wide that don’t have coverage through achieve those aims. I believe that talk of about Medicare Part D. Remember, I a past employer or similar coverage eliminating the non-interference clause is was a Republican leading the charge to from another source. misguided and counterproductive. I ask that add a new benefit to a government pro- you answer the questions below as to inform Plan sponsors design different plan the policy debate on this matter. gram. A lot of people think that is very choices and compete for beneficiaries If the Secretary was given authority to ne- uncharacteristic of a Republican, but I based on what those plans cover and gotiate by Congress and used that authority, told you why I did that: because medi- what they cost. Beneficiaries can pick would it be possible to obtain savings in cine was becoming an increasing part from many options, with over 3,000 Medicare? Could negotiating by the Secretary over of the delivery of quality healthcare. plans offered across 34 geographic So you heard me correctly, I was a Re- drug prices obtain savings for the Medicare areas. In other words, you don’t have program if those negotiations were limited publican chairman working with my one plan dictated by the government. to selective instances? Democratic ranking member, Max Bau- Most beneficiaries were covered by a Thank you for your attention to the Part cus, to accomplish Part D. We nego- prescription drug plan, and a growing D program that has benefited millions of tiated an agreement to add prescrip- number were covered by a Medicare ad- Medicare beneficiaries. Please contact my tion drug coverage for seniors. vantage prescription drug plan. staff if you have questions. Sincerely, For me and other Republicans— The Part D base premium amount is namely President George W. Bush— CHARLES E. GRASSLEY, low and has remained stable over many Chairman. there were a few key caveats. First, it years. Looking back to our negotia- must be voluntary. Second, bene- tions in 2003 to get this bill to the CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, ficiaries would share the cost with the President of the United States, we U.S. CONGRESS, taxpayer because having skin in the wondered how high these premiums Washington, DC, May 17, 2019. game keeps check on spending and on would go, and we were fearful they Re: Negotiation Over Drug Prices in Medi- utilization. Third, we must allow com- care. would just go out of the atmosphere petition—not government mandates— and that they would not be stable like Hon. CHUCK GRASSLEY, to drive innovation, curb costs, expand Chairman, Committee on Finance, they have been over a long period of coverage, and improve outcomes. It U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. wouldn’t work if the Federal Govern- time. So the noninterference clause en- DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: You asked for up- ment interfered with delivery of medi- sures that plan sponsors create plan dated answers to two questions that CBO ad- dressed in a letter to Senator Wyden in 2007. cine and dictate which drugs would and options that respond to what the bene- ficiaries—not the government—says it Those questions relate to the Medicare Part would not be covered. That is why we D prescription drug benefit and options for wrote a noninterference clause in the should be. The nonpartisan congressional score- allowing the Secretary of Health and Human law. Services to negotiate over the prices paid for My friend, Senator WYDEN, the cur- keeper, the Congressional Budget Of- drugs under that benefit. Under current law, rent Democratic ranking member of fice, has repeatedly stated that repeal- the Secretary is prohibited both from inter- the Finance Committee, voted for final ing this noninterference clause would fering in the negotiations between drug man- passage in 2003. By the way, we are not save money, unless there was a re- ufacturers and the prescription drug plans having very good bipartisan coopera- stricted formulary. As I stated, we (PDPs) that deliver the Medicare benefit and from requiring a particular formulary or in- tion in our Finance Committee on, wrote this bill in 2003 so the govern- ment wouldn’t get between you and stituting a price structure for the reimburse- hopefully, legislation to be debated in ment of covered drugs. our committee in June in regard to your doctor on what you ought to have The questions and the key conclusions lowering drug costs. in the way of prescription drugs. So in from CBO’s response in 2007 are below. CBO The noninterference provision ex- regard to the cost, I asked CBO to up- continues to stand by those conclusions. pressly prohibits Medicare from, one, date, and they did. CBO sent me a let- If the Secretary was given authority to ne- negotiating drug prices; two, setting ter stating the same thing. gotiate by Congress and used that authority, Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- would it be possible to obtain savings in drug prices; and, three, establishing a Medicare? one-size-fits-all list of covered drugs. sent to have printed in the RECORD the The key factor in determining whether ne- That list is called a formulary. I re- May 10, 2019, letter from the CBO. gotiations would lead to price reductions is member that many of my friends on There being no objection, the mate- the leverage that the Secretary would have the other side of the aisle voted for this rial was ordered to be printed in the to secure larger price concessions from drug policy; yet some are now pushing for RECORD, as follows: manufacturers than competing PDPs cur- rently obtain. Negotiation is likely to be ef- repeal of that provision. U.S. SENATE, fective only if it is accompanied by some Here is a list of Democrat leaders COMMITTEE ON FINANCE, source of pressure on drug manufacturers to who supported and voted to ban Medi- Washington, DC, May 10, 2019. secure price concessions. For example, au- care from negotiating drug prices: KEITH HALL, Ph.D., thority to establish a formulary could be a when he was in the Senate, Senator Director, Congressional Budget Office, source of pressure. In the absence of such Biden; Senator Kennedy; Senator Bau- U.S. Congress, Washington, DC. pressure, the Secretary’s ability to issue cus; Senator Reid, the former majority DEAR DR. HALL: As an author of the Medi- credible threats or take other actions in an care Part D program enacted in the Medicare effort to obtain significant discounts would leader; Senator SCHUMER now in the Modernization Act of 2003, I support the stat- Senate; LEAHY; DURBIN; STABENOW; be limited. Thus, CBO concluded that pro- utory provision that prohibits the Secretary viding broad negotiating authority by itself CANTWELL. On the other side of the of the Department of Health and Human would likely have a negligible effect on fed- Capitol, the list included Speaker Services (HHS) from interfering with nego- eral spending. PELOSI and chairman of the Ways and tiations between drug manufacturers, phar- Could negotiating by the Secretary over Means Committee, Chairman NEAL. macies, and plan sponsors. The Part D pro- drug prices obtain savings for the Medicare There is something else that I have gram structure that uses private entities to program if those negotiations were limited learned in all my years talking negotiate and compete to enroll beneficiaries to selective instances? healthcare policy with Iowans at my has worked. Program spending has been The authority to engage in negotiations annual 99 county meetings where I lower than estimated at the time the pro- limited to a few selected drugs or types of gram was enacted. Beneficiary enrollment drugs under exceptional circumstances could enjoy a Q and A with whatever agenda has been robust, and enrollee premiums have potentially generate cost savings. For exam- my constituents call upon me to dis- remained low and stable. Enrollees are large- ple, negotiations could be focused on drugs cuss with them. ly satisfied with their plan. The statutory with no close substitutes or those with rel- At the end of the day, Iowans don’t ‘‘non-interference’’ clause is a key reason for atively high prices under Medicare that are want the government prescribing life- the program’s success. needed to address a public health emergency.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:57 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.009 S22MYPT1 S3024 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 In such cases, CBO expects that the effect structures that have been damaged, As the soldiers were coming back of the Secretary’s actions—if he or she took but the flooding has been far worse home from World War I, many of whom advantage of the new authority—would pri- than the tornadoes and the high winds. were African-American soldiers who marily reflect the use of the ‘‘bully pulpit’’ Just 2 nights ago, in one of our coun- had served with great dignity and to pressure drug manufacturers into reduc- ties, Osage County, we had severe flash honor there, they returned back home ing prices. Thus, CBO concluded that the overall impact on federal spending from ne- flooding, where from 10 p.m. to 2:30 in with skills that they had picked up gotiations targeted at selected drugs would the morning, over 100 different homes overseas and with a tenacious patriot- be modest. Beyond that general conclusion, had to be evacuated in the middle of ism and work ethic. They returned the precise effect of any specific proposal the night. Many of those folks had law back to America to go back to work, would depend importantly on its details. enforcement, firefighters, and first re- but they were greeted by a lot of White If you would like further information on sponders arriving at their home with a business owners and a lot of White this subject, we would be happy to provide it. boat or with a truck to get them out, workers in the country who said: You The CBO staff contact is Tom Bradley. literally, in their pajamas so they may have served overseas and fought Sincerely, could escape. Many of those homes the war, but you are not welcome to KEITH HALL, have 4 to 6 feet of water in them now. Director. work here. And White neighbors start- It has been intense for those folks ed setting homes and cities on fire. Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, re- who are in the area. In fact, it is inter- There were riots. There were pro- pealing the noninterference clause esting. The director of emergency man- tests. There was a national pushback means a restricted formulary, which agement for that area spent the entire that happened in the summer of 1919. places limits on the drugs that are night saving homes and helping people Chicago and Washington, DC, were available to seniors, maybe excluding get out. When dawn broke and they some of the worst. Oklahoma really some drugs that your doctor wants to knew they had gotten everyone out, he survived it well. prescribe for you. I don’t believe that headed back to his own house only to Interestingly enough, in Oklahoma, Medicare beneficiaries want the gov- find out he could no longer get to his we have 30 towns that were considered ernment interfering in that process. home anymore because of the flood- Black towns, scattered all across the Then, as policymakers, we must keep waters. State. The first folks who actually in mind that we are making decisions We have had folks all over the State, came to Oklahoma who were African that affect healthcare choices for the whether that be in Perry, where we had American actually came with the five people whom we are elected to rep- two homes that were destroyed in a Tribes when they were relocated. They resent. tornado that night that, thankfully, were brought by the five Tribes who Let’s all remember to first do no did not hit the center of town. We had had held them as slaves. When they harm. Repealing the noninterference other spots, like around Eufaula, where moved from the southeastern part of clause may sound good, but not even a we had some serious flooding; Still- the country, and they moved to East- spoonful of sugar will help that bad water, where there has been flooding. ern Oklahoma and were relocated there dose of policy medicine go down. In Dale we had a very dangerous over- in that tragic walk, they brought their I come to the floor today to hope night tornado that came in, literally, slaves with them. that I can put this issue to rest and, as while everyone was sleeping. There are In the land rush after 1889 and then we try to work in a bicameral and bi- pockets of folks who are there who years later as we became a State, land partisan way to reduce drug costs, that have been affected by this, literally, all started opening up and individuals and we don’t get held up by people who over the State. families who were African Americans want to do something different by hav- For the department of transportation moved from all over the country com- ing the government more involved, folks, for the folks in our police and ing for new hope and opportunity. when it isn’t going to save any money fire departments, for the emergency There were 30 different towns that and will restrict formularies. It will management individuals—both for the sprung up all over Oklahoma that were get the government between you and State and the counties—for mayors and predominantly African-American your doctor. city managers, for hospitals, for coun- towns. One of those was Greenwood. In other words, I am trying to save ty workers, for city staff, for the Corps At that time, it was affectionately Part D. It has been a great success. It of Engineers, and, quite frankly, for known as ‘‘Black Wall Street.’’ It was is accepted by the people. Let’s keep just neighbors down the street, it has one of the most prosperous African- drug costs down without having this been a long week. There have been a American communities in the entire issue interfere with our process. lot of folks serving each other to take country. It was right on the north end We need to preserve the foundation of care of those needs, and there will be of Tulsa. private enterprise on which Part D is for a while. Although, when they left from Green- I thought this body would need a based—in other words, the marketplace wood and came into Tulsa to work, to quick update because sometimes people working. We need to get to the real shop, or whatever it may be, they were feel a long way from the center of the work of reducing prescription drug limited. In Greenwood, there were country when you are in Washington, costs. shops, stores, movie theaters, lawyers, DC, but we need to understand what is I yield the floor. doctors, and all kinds of activities. Ev- happening in the center of the country I suggest the absence of a quorum. erything was there. But if they walked right now—literally, the center of a few blocks from Greenwood into The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ROM- America. It is affecting all Americans. Tulsa, they found themselves not being NEY). The clerk will call the roll. TULSA RACE RIOT ANNIVERSARY The senior assistant legislative clerk welcomed. Mr. President, I did want to tell a In fact, in downtown Tulsa, there was proceeded to call the roll. story, though. It is a little bit of a dif- only one place where a Black man Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, I ask ferent story. It is about 9,000 people in could actually go to the bathroom— unanimous consent that the order for Tulsa who were suddenly left homeless. one. It was in that building that a gen- the quorum call be rescinded. It wasn’t this week, and it wasn’t a tleman named Dick Rowland took the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without natural disaster. It was actually on elevator up to go to the bathroom. On objection, it is so ordered. June 1, 1921, when the worst race riot/ the elevator, there was a White girl FLOODING IN OKLAHOMA massacre happened in American his- there named Sarah Page. Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. President, just tory. That story is still one that this We have no idea what happened in to give the Senate body a quick update body needs to remember. that elevator, but when the elevator of what is happening in my State right I brought this up a few years ago, and door opened, she screamed, and a crowd now, we have had some pretty dra- I thought it may be time to bring it up quickly grabbed Dick Rowland and matic flooding and over 15 tornadoes in again. The reason is that we are quick- pulled him off, accusing him of all the last 48 hours across the State. ly approaching the 100-year anniver- kinds of things, and hauled him off to Thankfully, most of those tornadoes sary of a whole series of riots that hap- jail in downtown Tulsa, where, within hit in open areas. They did not hit pened around America in the summer a few hours, a lynch mob gathered structures. There have been some of 1919. around that jail.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:18 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.001 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3025 To their credit, law enforcement in determined that she was going to chal- home for dinner?’’ Interestingly Tulsa went out to the streets and said: lenge 100 new businesses to start in enough, the response I get back from You all go home. But they did not. The Greenwood, to bring life back to that most people when I ask that is, they mob stayed there. area again with business and entrepre- will smile at me and say ‘‘I have Soldiers who had served faithfully in neurship. For its 100th anniversary, friends of another race,’’ to which I World War I, who were African Ameri- there would be 100 new businesses. will smile at them and say ‘‘That is not cans, who lived in Greenwood, picked Donna lives and breathes Greenwood. what I asked. I asked, has your family up their rifles and gathered together to She was born in Morton Memorial. She ever invited a family of another race to go in and support law enforcement who goes to church in North Tulsa, she your home for dinner?’’ was at the jail in downtown Tulsa to works in North Tulsa, and she believes Being able to have real dialogue so protect Dick Rowland. in North Tulsa’s future, as do I. She is that your kids can sit with kids of an- As they marched down to go help, the going to make her goal of 100 new busi- other race and can watch you interact law enforcement there apparently said: nesses there. She is doing the work to as a parent with people from another You all leave as well. We have got this help introduce people to North Tulsa race and see that it is normal conversa- handled. and to be engaged. There are compa- tion—our kids believe only what they But as they left, there was a scuffle nies that are from outside the area see, and if they never see someone from in the street, and a shot was fired. We that are coming in, such as the new QT another race in our home, they just as- have no idea how it happened or which that just opened there. There are lots sume we don’t have friends of another happened first. The news never re- of individual businesses that continue race. ported that. But we know that those to start and thrive again in North I like to say we will never get all the groups of African-American men left Tulsa. issues about race on the table until we and ran back to Greenwood, and the North Tulsa is a place where we get our feet under the same table and mob followed them. They marched should practice basic reconciliation, start talking this out as friends. Rec- their way to Greenwood, and they where America should stop and look onciliation is not something we can burned it down, destroying Greenwood again and say ‘‘What can be done, and legislate; reconciliation is something and wiping out that city. what have we done?’’ and fix it. we do, it is who we are, and it comes That night, all night long—May 31 Josh Jacobs was born in North Tulsa about by action. into June 1—America experienced one in 1998 and graduated from high school Next week, folks will gather in Tulsa, of its darkest moments. There were in North Tulsa. He ended up making a OK, again to recognize that 98 years 1,200 homes destroyed that night in very bad decision. He left North Tulsa ago, the city was on fire, and most of Greenwood. There were 9,000 people to go play football for the University of the White community looked away who were left homeless. There were Alabama—clearly a terrible decision. while Greenwood burned to the ground. 6,000 African Americans who were Josh ended up being drafted 24th over- Two years from now, the entire coun- rounded up by the police in Tulsa and all by the Oakland Raiders last year. try will probably pause for 24 hours and jailed ‘‘for their protection.’’ They He is a tremendous, shining example of will look at Tulsa and will ask a simple were the ones who were held, not the somebody who grew up in North Tulsa question: What has changed in 100 rioters who actually caused the mas- and is representing us well. years? It is a fair question. I think sacre. His dad made an interesting state- Tulsa will stand up and say: We will The numbers are all over the place of ment. He said that as Josh was growing not just show you the structures that how many people actually died that up, he was a great athlete. He could it changed, but we will show you the night. There are numbers as small as 35 have traveled anywhere in the area to hearts that it changed. and as large as 300. We will never know. play football in high school. He chose Tulsa is a very different community But let’s just say there were many— to stay there on the north side. He now. We still have a ways to go, as does very likely, hundreds of people—who said: ‘‘This is the north side. Why not the rest of the State, but we are mak- died that night. One-third of the people build up our side of town? Why take off ing tremendous progress. While much were gone, and we have no idea what and leave?’’ of the world ignores race and chooses direction they went. One-third of the You would be pleased to know that never to deal with race, we as Ameri- people packed up and moved and left, Josh has on his own Twitter account ‘‘2 cans embrace each other and say: What and one-third of the folks stayed. But Peter 3:9.’’ That is what is pinned at do we have to do to restore what is bro- interestingly enough, that Sunday, the top. ken and to make sure we see each after the fire, after the riots, after the The Lord is not slow in doing what he other as friends and neighbors again? destruction and after Greenwood was promised, the way some people understand We are doing it differently, and that is left leveled, folks from Greenwood slowness. But God is being patient with you. a great benefit to us. gathered that Sunday for worship. He does not want anyone to be lost, but he Mount Zion Baptist Church was Dr. Olivia Hooker passed away just wants all people to change their hearts and founded in 1909 by Rev. Sandy Lyons. It this last November. She was one of the their lives. was originally just a one-room school- last survivors of the Tulsa Race Mas- That is a pretty good message, Josh. house. In 1916, the church began a sacre. In an interview shortly before I believe we are still a nation of rec- $92,000 endeavor, which I can assure she passed away, she told the story of onciliation. The first step in reconcili- you was a lot of money in 1916. They hearing the men with axes destroy her ation is not forgetting who we were took out a $50,000 loan to build a new sister’s piano during the riot. With her and who we have been as a nation and church. Construction was completed in three siblings, she hid under a table as to make sure we take the steps nec- early 1921. On April 4, 1921, they held her home was literally destroyed essary to resolve broken relationships. their first service, and on June 1 of around her. There is not a law we can pass in this that same year, a riot burned it to the You would think that devastation body that will solve the race issue. ground. Worse yet, the White insurance would be the end of her story. It was There are ways we can protect and company refused to pay their insur- not. In World War II, she became the make sure every person has every op- ance, saying it was their fault that the first African American to join the portunity, whether it be in housing, riot happened. Coast Guard. She earned degrees from employment, or whatever it may be. That congregation could have been two universities and ended up being a Race is not a political issue; race is a bitter; instead, they stayed put, and professor at Fordham University. That heart issue. The primary issue with they rebuilt that church. They first is tenacious resilience. race begins in your own heart and in paid off the mortgage for what had She reminds me of my modern-day your own family. been burned to the ground, and then friend Donna Jackson. In 2013, Donna Several years ago, I started asking a they rebuilt the church in that same Jackson determined that North Tulsa very simple question of folks in Okla- location. in Greenwood was known for its entre- homa. I asked that same question of Vernon AME Church still stands in preneurship. That is why it got the people here. ‘‘Has your family ever in- the same spot. The only thing left of name ‘‘Black Wall Street.’’ In 2013, she vited a family of another race to your that building was the basement, but

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:23 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.013 S22MYPT1 S3026 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 they rebuilt, by 1928, right on that time, choices central to personal dig- had gotten beyond that, and now we same spot. nity and autonomy, are central to the see that we are moving in the wrong di- Dr. Turner there is a friend and is a liberty protected by the Fourteenth rection. pastor there. He made this statement: Amendment.’’ Empowering women is one of the I’m humbled every day to walk through a The Court prohibited States from most important things we can do for place that has seen so much terror but has passing statutes that placed undue bur- the future of our country. Core to also been a vessel of hope for so many people. dens on a woman’s right to make her women’s constitutional liberties is au- After the massacre, people who lost their own healthcare decisions. Yet Repub- tonomy over their own health and well- homes and their belongings still went to lican leaders continue to introduce and being. If we truly want to support church on Sunday morning. pass laws that interfere with a wom- women, we need to safeguard and im- Believing in a God of reconciliation, en’s autonomy over her health and prove, not limit, access to comprehen- whom I still believe in today, let’s con- well-being. sive healthcare. tinue to get better, but let’s not forget Last week, for instance, the Repub- I hope we can all agree that on this where we came from so it never ever lican Governor of Alabama signed a 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage, happens again. bill into law banning almost all abor- we should be looking at ways to re- As we think about the summer of tions in that State, with no exceptions move discrimination based upon sex 1919, when the Nation was on fire from for the cases of rape or incest. The law and not moving in the wrong direction so many riots around the country, let’s not only prosecutes women, but it also by taking away from women their continue to finish what has begun in includes unprecedented criminal pen- right to make their own healthcare de- our hearts until that is complete. alties against doctors, threatening cisions. I yield the floor. them with life in prison for treating I yield the floor. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- women. The Alabama law exposes doc- I suggest the absence of a quorum. ator from Maryland. tors to felony charges punishable by up The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ABORTION to 99 years in prison for providing or clerk will call the roll. Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I rise to attempting to provide an abortion, The legislative clerk proceeded to express my deep concern over the con- making this the most extreme ban of call the roll. stant attacks on women’s health we its kind to pass in nearly 30 years. Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. President, I are seeing all across America. From Since the beginning of 2019, bills at- ask unanimous consent that the order this administration’s policies, to Don- tempting to restrict abortion have for the quorum call be rescinded. ald Trump’s judicial nominees, to Gov- been filed in 45 States, including Ala- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ernors and legislators in States like bama, Missouri, and Georgia. objection, it is so ordered. Earlier this year, Georgia’s Repub- Alabama, Georgia, and Missouri under SENATE LEGISLATIVE AGENDA Republican leadership—they are deny- lican Governor signed a 6-week ban Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. President, we ing women their constitutional right into law that would make it illegal for are now 5 months into the new 116th to make their own personal and women to terminate a pregnancy and a Congress. During that 5-month period, healthcare decisions. doctor to perform the termination the new Democratic majority in the Women and their healthcare should after a fetal heartbeat is detected. I House of Representatives has passed a must tell you, many women don’t even not be under constant threat. We as a series of bills on issues important to realize they are pregnant at 6 weeks. nation have made great efforts to pro- the overwhelming majority of the The Alabama and Georgia bills im- mote equal rights for women and men. pose burdensome and medically unnec- American public. They include legisla- In this Congress, we will celebrate the essary limitations on women and their tion to reduce the death toll from gun 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage. doctors, particularly those in low-in- violence by requiring universal crimi- It took a long time for women to get come, medically underserved areas. nal background checks and legislation the right to vote, and we continue to The bills harm women who are victims to end the millions and millions of dol- make progress on equality. Yet, in the of sexual assault and minors who are lars of secret money flowing into elec- 21st century, the Trump administra- victims of incest. These provisions ap- tions and polluting our politics. The tion continues to push and adopt poli- pear to be designed to perpetrate a cul- House legislation includes a bill to en- cies that are setting this country and ture of not believing women and trying sure that women receive equal pay for women in a wrong direction. to discredit the victims of assault. equal work, and the House has also The Supreme Court made it clear in It is hard to understand how many passed legislation to strengthen the Griswold v. Connecticut and Roe v. Republicans are talking about getting protections under the Violence Against Wade that there is a constitutional Big Government out of people’s lives Women Act. Those are just some of the right to privacy that includes making but not when it comes to one of the initiatives the House has passed in the healthcare decisions such as the use of hardest and most intimate decisions a last 5 months. contraception and the right to access woman can make—a decision that she Here in the Senate, what has the abortion. wishes to make between herself and her Senate done on those important issues? Through advancements in women’s doctor. In those circumstances, these What has the Senate done with the leg- health and access to contraception and same colleagues believe that Big Gov- islation that the House has passed and education, the number of unintended ernment, and not the woman herself, is now sitting in this body? We have pregnancies has significantly been re- knows better. They believe that gov- done nothing—zip. We haven’t taken up duced, with a corresponding reduction ernment, and not the woman, should any of those bills. In fact, the Senate in abortion. Yet we see Republican dictate whether she can or cannot have Republican leader has refused to allow leaders trying to reverse the advance- control of her own body. They believe this body to consider those important ments our Nation has made in women’s that government should have the measures. health, access to contraception, and power to force a woman to forgo a What are we doing instead? Instead, education. medically necessary procedure. They the Senate is consuming all of its time For nearly 50 years, the Supreme believe that women should be stripped not on the matters most important to Court has upheld the legal precedent of of that power and stripped of the the public but on debating and con- Roe v. Wade, including its affirmation choice to decide what is best for her- firming judicial and executive branch in Planned Parenthood v. Casey in 1992. self. Many believe that even in cases of nominees. Here is the thing: If you In that case, the Supreme Court held incest and rape, where the woman is a look at these judicial nominees—let’s that ‘‘our law affords constitutional victim of a crime, that the woman just take the ones we are looking at protection to personal decisions relat- should be compelled to bear the child this week—you will find a very dan- ing to marriage . . . contraception, against her will and bring the preg- gerous pattern. family relationships, child rearing, and nancy to term. Talk about being intru- This week, in looking at the five education. . . . These matters, involv- sive. nominees, the pattern is selecting ing the most intimate and personal Basically, the rights of women are judges who will strip away women’s re- choices a person may make in a life- being trampled to death. I thought we productive choices and who will strip

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:23 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.014 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3027 away and potentially eliminate the to interfering with a woman’s right to All of these measures to help prevent rights under Roe v. Wade. That is the choose, they want the government unplanned pregnancies have also clear pattern. smack in the middle of that decision. helped to significantly reduce the num- If you look at the records of these That is what Alabama has done. That ber of abortions. Yet we have an ad- nominees, they indicate hostility to- is what the other five States have ministration that wants to go after ward a woman’s right to choose and done. those family planning programs, and hostility to Roe v. Wade. Take, for ex- Now we have judicial nominees com- we have a number of judges who would ample, Stephen Clark. He is the nomi- ing before the Senate who are going to side with the administration. I will nee for the Eastern District of Mis- sign off potentially on those State mention a couple of important family souri. He drew the outrageous compari- laws. planning programs. son between Dred Scott and Roe v. It gets even more alarming because One is title X. This administration Wade, including Roe as bad law. He we also see a pattern from the judicial wanted to severely undermine title X. also opposed provisions in the Afford- decisions that have been made and It has not been successful. Why not? able Care Act that would expand access from the records of a lot of the nomi- Because it was taken to court. So far, to contraception to help people avoid nees who are before us now of judges or the courts have stayed the administra- unintended pregnancies. people being appointed, who not only tion’s decision. Then there is the nomination of Ken- want to strip away a woman’s right to Let’s look at the Teen Pregnancy neth Bell to be a judge in the Western reproductive choice but who actually Prevention Program, which I men- District of North Carolina. He has ar- want to go after programs that help tioned, that is so important in Balti- gued that abortion rights, the pro- provide family planning, programs that more. The administration wanted to choice position, is ‘‘indefensible’’ and help prevent unwanted and unplanned eliminate it, and so we had to go to went on to say that ‘‘there is no middle pregnancies. So, on the one hand, court. The judge said that it was an il- ground’’ on this issue. In other words, States are passing these laws restrict- legal action—an unauthorized action— he is another judge who would deny ing a woman’s right to choose, but at by the Trump administration. women the right of reproductive the same time they are saying that Let’s look at the contraception pro- choice, and the list goes on if you look they want to get rid of or severely visions—the provisions on access to at the list of judges who are before the limit programs that prevent unin- contraception—in the Affordable Care Senate this week. tended pregnancies. Act. This administration wants to wipe Looking at the figures from the Cen- This would be alarming at any point them out. The only reason they are ters for Disease Control and Preven- in time, but the timing of these nomi- still there is due to the courts. The tion—and they keep statistics on all nations is no coincidence. Just in the courts have been very important not sorts of health indicators—you will last couple of months, we have seen only in protecting a woman’s right to find that from 2006 to the year 2015, States around the country passing laws choose but in protecting these impor- there was a 24-percent drop in the num- to take away a woman’s right to tant family planning programs that ber of abortions in the United States. choose. have prevented unintended pregnancies There was a 24-percent drop in the Let’s take a look at Alabama. In the and, therefore, have also reduced the years between 2006 and 2015. Research- case of Alabama, they passed a law number of abortions. that denies a woman’s right to choose ers who have looked into this have de- Now we have a whole bunch of judges to have an abortion even in the case of termined that the biggest driver behind who are coming before the Senate who rape or incest. Under the Alabama law, this decline in abortion has been in- would rule differently in all of these doctors who perform abortions could be creased access to contraception and cases. That is why I believe the Amer- locked up in prison for up to 99 years— family planning. Yet the Trump admin- ican people need to really be alarmed a prison term longer than that of a rap- istration is going after and targeting about what is happening here. We are ist. for elimination the very programs that not acting on important measures that We also have Candidate Trump argu- help reduce unintended pregnancy and, are coming out of the House that I ing that not only should doctors be therefore, also help reduce abortions. mentioned earlier. What we are doing punished but women who exercise their So this administration is trying to is spending the full time passing rights to reproductive choice should be take a hatchet to title X. They want to through judges—in a factory-like pro- punished too. essentially take Planned Parenthood cedure here—who will undermine a Meanwhile, in addition to Alabama, out of the equation, even though woman’s right to choose and go after five other States have passed laws that Planned Parenthood provides family important family planning programs. would outlaw abortion at a very early planning services to 4 in 10 women. stage—in fact, at a stage of pregnancy As we all know, Planned Parenthood We have a lot to think about, and I when many women do not realize they is barred by law from spending any hope all of our colleagues will recog- are yet pregnant, especially if the preg- Federal dollars on abortion. They nize what is happening here. nancy is unplanned and unexpected. spend most of their time counseling I will go back to where I started. I think people recognize how out- their patients on family planning and Instead of churning out judges who rageous it is to see State legislators helping people make decisions about are going to strip away the rights of and other elected officials who nor- contraception to avoid unplanned preg- women—and other nominees who side mally take the position that the gov- nancies. with big corporations against con- ernment has no place in regulating or This administration tried to target sumers—let’s take up the legislation being involved in any aspect of our the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Pro- that is in front of us right now that has lives, who then take the position that gram. I know that because it went come over from the House. they want the government right be- after a program in Baltimore City that We have before us H.R. 8. It is the Bi- tween a woman and her most sensitive has been very successful in reducing partisan Background Checks legisla- decisions with respect to reproductive teenage pregnancy. tion. It was bipartisan because it came choice. In fact, if you look at Baltimore from out of the House on a bipartisan vote. We have legislators who say they a period during the year of 2000 to 2016, It was bipartisan because, if you ask don’t want the government protecting we saw a 61-percent decline in teen the public, 85 percent of the public is in people from air pollution. They don’t pregnancy. That was as a result of a favor of the simple idea that we should want to pass any regulations to protect number of programs, easier access to have criminal background checks and people from air pollution or water pol- contraception, the Teen Pregnancy that the people who have committed lution. We have some legislators who Prevention Program that was targeted crimes shouldn’t be able to go to gun say they don’t want any legislation to for elimination by the Trump adminis- shows and purchase guns. If you have a protect consumers from predatory tration, and, after the Affordable Care record of posing a danger to the com- lending or other scams in the economy. Act went into effect, the ability to ac- munity, my goodness, why would we They don’t think the government has a cess contraception as a result of the want to put a gun in your hand and en- role there, but, by God, when it comes Affordable Care Act. danger the community?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:23 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.018 S22MYPT1 S3028 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 It is a pretty straightforward piece of money in politics. That is sitting over We are doing our constitutional job of legislation, and it has been in this Sen- here and has been for 74 days. confirming judges that the President is ate for 83 days now. For 83 days, it has What else has the House sent over? It constitutionally required to nominate. been sitting right here in the Senate, sent over the Equal Pay Act, which has We are going to vote on a Missouri but the Republican leader will not let a pretty straightforward idea, and I judge today, Judge Stephen Clark, to us take it up to debate it or to vote on think most Americans agree with it. In be a judge on the U.S. District Court it. fact, public surveys show that people for the Eastern District of Missouri. I mentioned another bill that came agree that if you put in an equal day’s In the process of churning out judges, over from the House that would get rid work—if you put in the sweat equity, if Judge Clark—or soon-to-be Judge of secret money in politics. What do I you do the job—and if a woman does Clark, I hope—was told by the White mean by that? the job just like the man does the job, House in July of 2017 that he was going After the Supreme Court decision in by God, obviously, she should get paid to be its nominee for this place on the Citizens United, we had two things the same amount. It is a pretty simple court. If it were July of 2017 and it is happen. One was that just a flood of concept. That came over from the now May of 2019, the churning is, obvi- corporate money flew into elections be- House. In fact, it came over from the ously, not going very well. In fact, to cause, before that decision, corpora- House just 55 days ago. For 55 days, it get people to even serve in these jobs is tions could not spend money directly has been sitting here. going to get increasingly difficult. to try to elect public officials. The Another bill that has come over from In the case of Steve Clark and his Congress had previously passed a law the House also relates to making sure family, he had a pretty unique practice to prevent that, and previous Supreme that we address issues that are impor- that was focused on him and a couple Courts had upheld that ban on cor- tant to all of us, but it has specifically of associates. I am not even sure of the porate spending to try to elect public dealt with the Violence Against kind of law they practiced, but I am officials. In Citizens United, they de- Women Act. What we say within the sure it was not the kind of law that cided, well, corporations are people, Violence Against Women Act, in the was referred to a minute ago. His wife too, for the purpose of spending money House bill, is that if you have someone was the assistant in the office, and I in elections. So they got rid of that who is abusing you in a relationship— think they had an associate or two. law. it doesn’t have to be your spouse; it Yet, if all of your clients have been If you read that opinion, even those could be someone else who is abusing told for 20 months or so that you are who voted to overturn those laws said you in a relationship—they shouldn’t going to be a district judge, the first that what is going to protect the sys- be able to go out and buy a gun. What question they ask is, Can you handle tem will be the public’s knowing who we have seen from the sad statistics is this case? will be spending all of that money. that those kinds of situations often es- The answer you give is, Well, I don’t They said: All right, we are going to let calate into somebody’s getting killed know, but probably not. Eventually, corporations spend all of that money. when someone is in a relationship in Congress will get to this, and, eventu- We are going to let 501(c)(4)s spend all which one of the people in that rela- ally, I will be confirmed. of that money. Do you know what? The tionship is abusing the other. From the time of July 2017 to Novem- public will know, and that will serve as Just as we prevent the sale of guns to ber 2018, there was nobody coming in a check on the system. That will pro- spouses who have records of domestic the door anymore, and the law practice vide transparency, and the trans- violence and domestic abuse, we should closed, as it should. It was not forced parency will provide accountability. extend that prohibition on running out to close. Clearly, the best thing to do Guess what. It didn’t happen. In fact, and getting guns to other abusive rela- was to go ahead and admit that the the Senate’s Republican leader has tionships. That was the reauthoriza- supporting effort of that practice had been one of the arch opponents of any tion of the Violence Against Women gone away but that the overhead was kind of transparency and disclosure. I Act, and it passed out of the House 47 still there. Since November, Stephen have had a long-running back-and- days ago. So, 47 days ago, the House Clark has been waiting for this day to forth with him on this issue because, passed the reauthorization of the Vio- happen. This is not churning out even if you look at the proponents of lence Against Women Act. judges, and I may get back to this the terrible Citizens United decision, as It passed the Paycheck Fairness topic in just a minute. I said, those Justices said: Well, trans- Act—equal pay for equal work—55 days Certainly, for nominees like him who parency will take care of it. The re- ago. are willing to have their names sub- ality is that people spend millions and It passed the For the People Act 74 mitted—who are willing to say yes millions of dollars in secret money in days ago, which includes the provision when asked if they would be willing to elections. to get rid of secret money in politics. be nominees—we have to do a better Let me just tell people that it may be It also passed the Bipartisan Back- job, not the job of suggesting that secret to the public, but it is not a big ground Checks Act—to reduce the somehow this happens easily to people secret to the candidates who are run- death toll from gun violence in our who aren’t qualified. ning. It is not a big secret to them who country—83 days ago. Steve Clark has been a respected, is spending millions of dollars to try to All of those bills are sitting right practicing attorney in the Eastern Dis- get them elected or to defeat them. here in the Senate. We could be debat- trict of Missouri for 28 years. He knows That is a farce. Years ago, when I was ing them today if the Republican lead- the law; he knows the community. The in the House, I authored something er would allow them to come up. In- American Bar Association rated him called the DISCLOSE Act. It passed the stead of taking up that important ‘‘well qualified’’ to hold this job. House. It died here by one vote. We got work, we are here, acting like those in He has been approved by the Senate 59 votes on an almost identical bill. It a factory who churn out more judges Judiciary Committee twice now, once didn’t get 60. So we still have secret who have records of stripping women of in 2016—see if I have that right; there is money in politics today. their right to reproductive choice. It is so much history here, it is hard to even My view is that voters have a right a very, very dark time in the Senate, know what the book would look like— to know who is spending millions of and I hope that we will get about the and once before the 2018 election. Then dollars to try to influence their deci- business of the American people and all of these nominees had to be sent sions, and that is a big part of the bill stop stripping women of their constitu- back to the White House, so after the that came over from the House 74 days tional rights. 2018 election, after the Congress start- ago. It is called the For the People Act. I yield the floor. ed work again in January of 2019, his It has a lot of other important provi- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. name had to be resubmitted. The com- sions in it to protect our elections and PERDUE). The Senator from Missouri. mittee had to vote on him again. They important provisions to make sure NOMINATION OF STEPHEN R. CLARK had to look once again to see that he that we uphold the right to vote. Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I think, was ‘‘well qualified’’ to hold this job. Among the important provisions is by any standard, it is a stretch to sug- They had to once again verify that he the DISCLOSE Act—to get rid of secret gest that we are churning out judges. had 28 years in private practice.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:23 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.016 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3029 We even had a past president of the when the 30 hours is only 24 minutes, it I hope my friends on the other side Missouri Bar Association, who is a is no criticism at all. It is a ridiculous will begin to work with us and begin to Democrat, say: ‘‘Steve Clark will make position to take. You don’t have to be understand that everybody has caught an excellent addition to the federal a genius to see that it is designed to on. The people in this building and out- court bench.’’ not allow the President to have the side this building know what has been The very idea that we characterize jobs confirmed in the government that happening for almost 2.5 years now, judges we are putting on the courts as the Congress has determined that the and more responsibility is going to enemies of any group of people is pret- Senate would have to confirm. There have to be taken than has been taken ty offensive when you think about it. are, I think, about 970 of them. By the up until now. The law of the land is the law of the way, if you took 30 hours for each of I will say, again—almost 2 years land. Judges are bound by precedent. the 970, I think it would have been im- after Steve Clark was nominated—I be- Certainly, lawyers are bound by prece- possible—and we were proving it was lieve we will finish that job today, and dent. There is nothing to suggest any- impossible—for the President to ever if we do, it will be a good day for him, thing other than the ‘‘well qualified’’ get a government in place. a good day for his family, and a good status of the bar association. Then the judicial vacancies that day for people waiting to get an oppor- We need to fill this vacancy. We even occur—this is a vacancy we are filling tunity on the Federal court docket in have a temporary judgeship in the today that was vacant months before the Eastern District of Missouri to Eastern District. The workload is so President Trump was elected, maybe 3 have a person not decided by me to be great that the temporary judgeship months, maybe 4 months, but we well qualified for the job but decided should become permanent, but that is haven’t had anybody in this judgeship by the American Bar Association and not the judgeship we are talking about now for well over 2 years. In fact, as I twice approved by the Judiciary Com- here. said earlier, we have had, for 22 mittee of the U.S. Senate. While this We are talking about somebody who months, somebody who was told they work has taken a long time to get is ready for this job, willing to give up were going to be the nominee and to done, it will be good to see it done. his law practice with what should have prepare to serve. I yield the floor. been an absolute certainty he would be In the 3 weeks we were in session be- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- confirmed, but no absolute certainty fore the rule change, we were able to ator from Illinois. he would be confirmed. I certainly wish confirm seven nominees in 3 weeks, and INFRASTRUCTURE the process hadn’t taken so long, but I that was the principal work we were Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, this am glad we were able to adjust the doing in that 3 weeks. These nominees morning we had a meeting in Speaker rules of the Senate last month to start fill jobs that are running the govern- PELOSI’s office of the Democratic con- getting more people through that proc- ment or court positions that they are gressional leaders. It was in prepara- ess. Without that, people in this case in appointed to serve in for a long time. tion for a meeting with President my State—the people in the Eastern We filled seven of them in 3 weeks. Trump. District of Missouri—would have to In the 3 weeks after we had the rule Three weeks ago, NANCY PELOSI and wait even longer. We may have never change, we cleared 24 nominees in that CHUCK SCHUMER, the Democratic lead- gotten this judgeship filled if we hadn’t period of time. ers of the House and Senate, asked for changed the rules. By the way, the debate spent an aver- Unfortunately, there are still a whole age of 3 minutes—of the 2 hours that a sit-down with the President in the lot of people waiting to be confirmed to were available to those 24 nominees, Cabinet Room to discuss the infra- important jobs in the government. the average time spent debating was 3 structure of the United States of Amer- There is still too much obstruction for minutes. The minority is still sug- ica—the backbone of our economy, a no real reason. gesting that we are going to use the part of America that, sadly, has been In fact, in past Congresses, judge- maximum time no matter how little neglected for too many years. ships like this would have been filled time is used, no matter how little time President Trump promised in his by unanimous consent. We would have is called for, because even if it is not 30 campaign there would be an infrastruc- filled five or six a day if we had vacan- hours—it is now 2 hours—we can force ture program—put America to work to cies of well-qualified candidates at the 2 hours of no legislative opportunity build the roads, the bridges, and the end of the day with no debate, but our and no legislative planning as the Sen- airports, and I might say broadband friends on the other side have decided: ate tries to do part of the job that only and so many other things that need to No, we are going to take the maximum the Senate can do. The House doesn’t be done—so that the strength of this amount of debatable time available for, do this; only the Senate can do this. economy would be there to entertain say, a Supreme Court Justice or the This is a job that is done by the Presi- new business opportunities, to attract Attorney General of the United States, dent, who nominates, and the Senate, new jobs. and we are going to apply that to every which confirms. We had this meeting 3 weeks ago, and job—district judges, the assistant sec- If you can keep the Senate con- it was amazing how well it went. I was retary of whatever, who is the lowest firming part to a maximum use of sitting just a couple of seats removed person appointed in whatever Cabinet time, if you are in the minority, you from the President and heard an agree- office there is. We are going to apply can keep the legislating opportunities ment in the room from the Democratic the 30 hours to them. Of course, what to a minimum. leaders and the President—$2 trillion, you did to do that is use up all of this Now, somebody might say: Well, gee, the President said. He rejected our time because nothing else can happen what would they bring to the floor? offer of $1.5 trillion and said: No, make on the floor during that 30 hours. There are a lot of things we would it $2 trillion that we will spend on our Was debate happening on the floor bring to the floor if we had the time to infrastructure. during that 30 hours? Of course not. get on them and stay on them. Everybody sat up straight in their The average debate time used during Of course, we would really like to chairs and said: Well, this President is that 30 hours was 24 minutes. So for bring the appropriating bills to the serious. the other 29 hours and 36 minutes, floor soon and do those. We said: Mr. President, will it be 80 nothing happened that related to that We cleared 24 nominees with an aver- percent Federal spending and 20 per- judgeship. age of 3 minutes of talking about each cent local, the way it has always been? This morning, when I was driving to one—maybe a few minutes. I think Yes. the Capitol, I actually heard somebody that even includes the time just mak- Can we include rural broadband in on one of the news programs say: Now ing aspersions about these nominees in here so those of us who represent small they are forcing judges to be confirmed general, which don’t relate to anybody. towns—rural areas that don’t have the with only 2 hours of debate instead of That would be included in that 3 min- benefit of broadband services—can get the 30 hours that should have been utes as well. into the 21st century in terms of edu- used. We continue to have a lack of co- cation and telemedicine and all of the That would have been a valid criti- operation to do the job of the Senate in things that brings? cism if the 30 hours were ever used, but the way that for 200 years it was done. Yes.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:23 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.019 S22MYPT1 S3030 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 He signed up for all these things—$2 until the investigations end, there will crats who are debating a bill right now trillion, 80 percent Federal—and the be no infrastructure bill. on the high cost of prescription drugs? list was long of things that we were His statement went quite a bit be- I would. And we certainly have the going to do together. yond that, but I think that was a fair power and responsibility to manage We went into detail in that meeting summary of his conclusion. He turned that issue, but we don’t do it. We have 3 weeks ago with the President about around and walked out. done virtually nothing in this Chamber some of the aspects of it. For example, So the meeting that he had called, for this entire year. the President said—and I think he has the meeting we responded to so that we Senator MCCONNELL has one goal: fill been quoted before—that he does not could come up with an infrastructure up Federal judicial vacancies with life- approve of public-private partnership program, ended right on the spot. time appointees as fast and as often as programs. He argues there is too much The President then went out into possible. We have seen men and women litigation. That is all right with me what is known as the Rose Garden next come before us, clearly unqualified to and for most of the people in the room. to the White House and held a press be judges, who are being given lifetime We didn’t have to have that if the conference with posters and signs say- appointments. Why? It is part of a President didn’t want to include it. So ing: As long as Congress is inves- plan—a political plan to fill the courts there was back and forth in this con- tigating me, we won’t be discussing with judges friendly to the Republican versation. issues like infrastructure. point of view. And so we do nothing There was one element missing, and I That is an unfortunate develop- else. Nothing else. remember RICHARD NEAL—who is the ment—unfortunate for America, first, I have been here a few years, in the chairman of the House Ways and Means because this President and this Con- Senate and the House. There is an issue Committee, the critically important gress, regardless of party, have a re- called disaster aid. I have seen 100 dif- committee, the counterpart of Senate sponsibility to the American people to ferent variations. There will be some Finance—said to the President: Now, do the basics to make sure that we pro- horrendous weather event—a fire, a Mr. President, we have to pay for it. vide what Americans need, what cities drought, a flood—and we have re- Two trillion dollars—how are we going need, what businesses need, what fami- sponded time and again wherever it oc- to do that? lies need to grow the economy and cre- curred. Without concern as to whether And the President said: Wait. I am ate good-paying jobs. it was a red State or a blue State, we not going to say that at this meeting. The President walked away from have come together as an American I know you want me to blink first as to that this morning. So here we are at a family and said: We will give you a how we are going to pay for it. I am not point in history. I am not sure which helping hand. going to get into that. way to turn. You see, every President We have a disaster bill that has been There had been some proposals from would like to make this claim: I am pending here for weeks, if not months. Democrats of tax increases for wealthy not going to do business with Congress We can’t even reach an agreement on people and corporations and such, but if you investigate me. But the bottom how to send disaster aid to areas that the President said: I won’t to get into line is, every President is investigated. have been hit by flooding and tornados, that today. Let’s meet 3 weeks from Their administration is investigated. and it is an indication of what the now and talk about how we are going That is what we do. That is what the problem is right here. The Senate is to do this, how we are going to pay for U.S. Congress does. That is what hap- not being the Senate. It is not legis- the $2 trillion. pens in a democracy. No President can lating. And now the President an- So many of us sat down, Democrats— say: I am pulling down the shades, and nounced this morning that he has gone I hope Republicans, as well—and start- I am closing the doors. You can’t look fishing. He is not going to be around to ed thinking in positive terms about at me, and you can’t look at what we discuss issues like the infrastructure of what this would mean for the economy. are doing, either in activities as indi- this country. We can create tens of thousands of viduals or as agencies. What can we do about it? Well, you good-paying jobs across the United No. There is accountability in our can appeal to your Members of Con- States, rebuild our infrastructure, and government. This Congress, the Sen- gress and tell them you are fed up with be ready to compete with countries ate, the House—we appropriate the it, and I hope you do. That is what a like China and others that believe they funds for the executive branch, and we democracy is about. But you can also are building faster and better than we investigate them as we appropriate the make sure that you participate and are. money. How are you spending the tax- vote in the next election. Ultimately, The meeting was scheduled for today. payers’ dollars? Are you wasting them? in a democracy, the American people We started this morning with a brief- Is there corruption involved in it? We have the last word at the polling place ing. The Democrats sat together in ask those questions not just of this on election day. If you are satisfied Speaker PELOSI’s office, about 20 of us, President but of every President. That with an empty Chamber doing nothing, and went through it and talked about is the nature of democracy, of account- ignoring infrastructure, delaying dis- what our presentation would be to the ability, and this President can’t get off aster aid, if you think that is a good President and some ideas that we had the hook. He may be weary of inves- thing for this country, I suppose you to move forward. tigations—and I can tell you that know how you should vote. But if you We accepted the President’s invita- President Obama was weary of inves- are fed up with it and looking for tion. We went to the White House, tigations, too, and President Bush be- change, I hope people across this coun- gathered in the waiting room there, fore him—but that is the nature of ac- try will see what happened today as a and then we were invited into the Cabi- countability in a democracy. For this call to arms—maybe, importantly, a net Room. We walked into the Cabinet President to say: No more. It is out of call to the polls. Room, took our assigned seats, looked bounds for us to be investigated, and I IRAN across the table, and there was the Sec- won’t do anything necessary for the Mr. President, yesterday there was a retary of the Treasury, people from the economy and future of this country as briefing for Members of the Senate, Office of Management and Budget. The long as the investigation continues— Democrats and Republicans. It was a President’s daughter was there. There that is a sad day in the history of this closed-door briefing in an area of the was quite a gathering of people getting country. I hope cooler heads will pre- Capitol the public has no access to. In ready for this high-powered meeting. vail, but I am not sure they will. that briefing room, they close the We waited, and we waited, and then We have so much we need to do. Look doors; they take away your telephone; the door opened, and the President at this empty Chamber here. My speech and they ask if you have any other walked in. Without greeting anyone or in this Chamber each day is basically electronic devices to make sure that sitting down he said: We are not going what you are going to hear if you are a when you walk in that room, you can to have this meeting. We are not going visitor to Washington, DC. You are not hear things, classified information, to have this meeting because Congress going to hear a debate on legislation. sometimes top-secret information, continues to investigate me. I think we Wouldn’t you like for this Chamber to which is not available to most Ameri- have had enough investigations, and be filled with Republicans and Demo- cans and should not be. It is sensitive.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:23 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.021 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3031 It is important. It relates to our na- said there was no doubt that they office—more than 10,000 false claims in tional security. We don’t meet there a would. less than 3 years. So you will under- lot—maybe once a month at most—and President George W. Bush claimed stand my skepticism in trusting this when we meet, we are together as the war was his last choice, and then administration of the President’s to Democrats and Republicans for a brief- he provocatively tried to link al- tell us the truth about the next war ing. Qaida—the terrorists responsible for they are planning in the Middle East. The briefing yesterday was from the 9/11—with Saddam Hussein, the leader In fact, within a single week, President Secretary of State, Mr. Pompeo, and of Iraq—a specious claim that has Trump tweeted that he had hoped not the Acting Secretary of Defense. They never been proven and was restated by to go to war with Iran and then went came in and talked to us about the sit- Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. on to tweet that he would lead the uation in Iran. I can’t disclose the spe- Rumsfeld even tried to claim that a fight ‘‘that will be the official end of cifics—I am duty bound not to—but I war in Iraq would last—listen to this— Iran.’’ You can’t keep up with this can speak in general terms about what ‘‘five days or [maybe] maybe five President and his tweets. was said and what I think it means to weeks or five months, but it certainly Does this not trouble or give pause to the rest of America. isn’t going to last any longer than any Republican colleague whose con- I listened in disbelief yesterday to that,’’ said our Secretary of Defense, stituents might be called to serve in the administration’s briefing justifying Donald Rumsfeld. We are now in the the third Middle Eastern war that the a confrontation with Iran. While I was 18th year of that war. United States is participating in? listening, I thought to myself, before Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Let me also remind my colleagues America plunges into another Middle Wolfowitz and Vice President Cheney that before any one of us can vote on Eastern war, we ought to take stock said that when the Americans arrive in the Senate floor, we walk down this and remember how we got into the two Iraq, we would be welcomed as lib- aisle, over to this corner, and wait for wars in that part of the world—two erators. Wolfowitz went on to say—he the Vice President of the United States wars, one of which is still raging, that estimated that this call for hundreds of to ask us to take the oath of office, to left American soldiers subject to injury thousands of American troops to fight swear to uphold the Constitution of the and death every day and cost American there was way off the mark. United States. taxpayers billions of dollars. Five days or 5 weeks or 5 months? The Constitution of this country Well, the war started not long after When we got into wars in Afghani- makes it expressly clear that the deci- these claims. It included deploying stan and Iraq, we were led to believe sion to go to war cannot be made solely more than 150,000 American troops over that suddenly there were urgent events by a President; it is to be made by the and over and over again, and it has spiraling out of control in the Middle American people through their elected lasted for 18 years. No weapons of mass East that could only be stopped by U.S. representatives in Congress, in the destruction were ever found. We were military intervention. Some of my col- House and in the Senate. Before there not greeted as liberators. The Iraqi oil leagues still in Congress today were is any war, the American people should interest did not pay for the cost of the here during that debate. On the floor of have the last word, according to our war; the American taxpayers and fami- the Senate, we voted on the question of Constitution. the invasion of Iraq. I remember it be- lies did. Sadly, more than 4,500 Ameri- What I find most stunning about the cause it was about 4 weeks before the cans gave their lives in that war, and administration’s march to war in Iran election. The vote was taken around 32,000 were wounded, some gravely is that its actions have really contrib- midnight, and most Members, as they wounded. uted to the current tension and con- voted, left. I stayed because I wanted One of those wounded veterans is my frontation we have in Iran. President to hear the final vote. colleague in the Senate, Senator Obama worked for years to come up There were 23 of us who voted against TAMMY DUCKWORTH. She was in the Na- with an agreement and to bring to- the invasion of Iraq: 1 Republican— tional Guard as a helicopter pilot. gether an alliance to make certain that Senator Chafee—and 22 Democrats. I Twelve years ago, when she was flying Iran could never develop a nuclear can recall that some of my colleagues over Iraq, a rocket-propelled grenade weapon. who voted against that invasion of Iraq came into the cockpit and exploded. As lingered in the well. One of them was the helicopter came to a crash on the Listen to the participants in this al- Paul Wellstone of Minnesota. ground, Tammy lost both of her legs liance: of course, the United Kingdom, Wellstone was up for reelection—a and was at that point in danger of los- our longtime ally; France; the Euro- tough reelection in his home State. ing her arm, which she didn’t, thank pean Union; the United States; Ger- The popular sentiment was on the side goodness. Today, she serves as my col- many; Russia and China. They are all of the invasion of Iraq. Wellstone voted league in the Senate. part of this agreement to stop Iran against it. In one of the many cruel ironies in from developing a nuclear weapon. The I went up to him, and I said: ‘‘Paul, what I believe to be one of the worst Republicans opposed it to a person, but I hope this doesn’t cost you the elec- foreign policy disasters in American the President was able to implement it. tion.’’ history, the unintended consequence of That agreement called for constant He said to me: ‘‘It is all right if it our invasion of Iraq was to give the na- inspection by United Nation’s agen- does. This is who I am. This is what I tion of Iran a strategic victory by vir- cies—nuclear agencies—to make cer- believe, and the people who elected me tually turning Iraq into a client state. tain that Iran lived up to the terms of expect nothing less.’’ Make no mistake—our war and inva- the treaty and did not develop nuclear Sadly, Paul Wellstone died in a plane sion of Iraq emboldened and empow- weapons. It worked. The inspectors crash before that election a few weeks ered Iran. How do some of the current came and told us, time and again, there later. I still remember him right there occupants of the White House driving were no locked doors, there was no de- in the well, talking to him about that policy against Iran feel about the Iraq nial of entry, no denial of access. They vote. war disaster? Well, in 2015, National were able to look behind closed doors At the time, we had been told by Vice Security Advisor John Bolton said: ‘‘I and came to the conclusion that Iran President Cheney and others that Iraq still think the decision to overthrow was complying with the treaty and not had weapons of mass destruction, Saddam was correct.’’ He made that developing nuclear weapons. which threatened not only friends and statement 1 month after writing a New Then President Trump announced he allies, like Israel, but could threaten York Times op-ed—this is John Bolton, was walking away from this agree- the United States of America. the President’s National Security Ad- ment, walking away from this require- Former Pentagon adviser Richard visor—an op-ed entitled: ‘‘To Stop ment under the treaty for neutral in- Perle argued before the invasion of Iraq Iran’s Bomb, Bomb Iran.’’ spectors to crawl all over Iran and that the Iraqis were going to pay for Now match this painful lesson in his- make sure they were living up to the the war from their oil wealth. They tory with the current President having terms of the agreement. That was the would pay for this—whatever it would surpassed 10,000 false or misleading beginning of the Trump policy on Iran cost the American taxpayers—and he claims so far in a little over 2 years in that leads us to where we are today.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:23 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.023 S22MYPT1 S3032 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 President Trump has been pursuing a Let me talk about my friends in the There are issues where our Demo- provocative and incomprehensible pol- House of Representatives first. I have cratic friends and my Republican icy of regime change in Iran, trying at great respect for them. I wish I had friends have more in common than we one moment to flatter and meet with served in the House. I would have loved don’t. We need to bring the bills to the President Rouhani to negotiate and to have had that experience. So far, our floor of the Senate. Everyone has their then the next moment threatening to friends in the House—at least the lead- own list, and everyone in the Senate obliterate Iran from the planet. Presi- ership—have done two things. No. 1, knows what I am talking about, wheth- dent Trump withdrew from that nu- they have passed bills they know have er they will say it or not. clear agreement and tried to starve not a hope in Hades of passing the U.S. What is one of the things that moms Iran of the agreed benefits it was to re- Senate. We call those bills messaging and dads worry about when they lie ceive from that deal. bills, as you know. They are not de- down at night and can’t sleep? The cost Let me be clear, there is no doubt signed for the next generation. They of prescription drugs. There is bipar- that Iran is responsible for dangerous are designed for the next election. tisan support for prescription drug re- conduct around the world, which I will They don’t do anything to make the form. never approve of, but an Iran with nu- American people any more secure or I just read a study in the Journal of clear weapons is dramatically more improve the quality of their lives, and the American Medical Association. dangerous than one without. The Presi- we all know that. They studied the U.S. healthcare deliv- dent doesn’t understand that basic The second thing that my friends in ery system and the healthcare delivery fact. Why not push back against Iran the House leadership have done—and I systems of all other wealthy countries. without withdrawing from the nuclear say this with all the respect I can mus- So it is apples to apples. In America, agreement? Why give them the pretext ter—is to harass the President. we pay about $1,500 for every man, for belligerence and undermine our Again, I say this gently, and I say woman, or child every year for pharma- credibility with the global powers that this, hopefully, constructively to my ceutical drugs. In the average rich joined us in that nuclear agreement? friends in the House leadership: The country, other countries pay $750. The tragic end result of this Presi- House leadership needs to urinate or I am not criticizing our pharma- dent’s incoherent policy in Iran is that get off the pot. The House leadership ceutical drug companies. What they do our allies are united against us, and needs to indict the President of the is marvelous. We live longer. They save Iran may restart nuclear activities United States, impeach him, and let us money. They keep us out of hospitals. within the next few weeks. President hold a trial—he will not be convicted— But why is everybody else paying $750 Trump’s policy at the direction of Mr. or they need to go ahead and hold in and our people are paying $1,500? There Bolton seems to have only increased contempt every single member of the are things we can do that will help regional tensions, incentivized Iran to Trump administration so we can move make the pharmaceutical industry bet- restart its nuclear weapons program, those issues into our court system and ter but also help consumers. Do you know what we are doing about it? and fomented a pretext for another get back to doing the people’s business. Middle Eastern war. Now, if they decide to go the court Nothing. We need to bring a bill to the This Congress, too often a route, I would caution my friends to be floor. I could give you another example. We rubberstamp for this President’s worst very, very careful because once it en- all know there needs to be reform of behavior, must do more in the next few ters the court system, it becomes a our National Emergency Act. We know weeks and months to stop this effort zero-sum game. One or two things are that. It is not about President Trump. based on the briefing we received yes- going to happen. Either the adminis- terday. Wars are so easy to get into It is about institutions, checks and bal- tration will win, in which case the and so difficult to get out of. When I ances, and Madisonian separation of oversight authority of the U.S. Con- hear our advisers, in general terms, powers. gress will be undermined, or the House talking about short wars, I think about We could do something together to leadership will win, in which case no Iraq, and I think about Afghanistan get rid of spam robocalls. I get about 12 American with a brain above a single- and the fact that, 18 years later, with a day. cell organism is going to want to run gravestones all across the United ROB PORTMAN has a great bill that for President of the United States, be- States, we are still paying the price for would end government shutdowns. We cause Congress will be able to find out decisions that were made so long ago. have more in common on that than we everything about your life, even the Let us think twice before we engage in don’t. direct military confrontation with any most intimate details, whether it is We need a supplemental disaster bill. country and, certainly, with Iran. relevant to your job or not and whether We have Americans who are hurting. In I yield the floor. it happened when you were President my State, after Katrina, we were flat The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- or not. on our backs. If it hadn’t been for the ator from Maine. What I hope happens is that my American taxpayer, we would have (The remarks of Ms. COLLINS per- friends in the House leadership and the never risen to our knees, much less to taining to the introduction of S. 1602 administration sit down and talk—not our feet. We have other Americans and are printed in today’s RECORD under talk like 8-year-olds in the back of a friends in Puerto Rico who need help. ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and minivan fighting but talk construc- We ought to be able to work it out. Joint Resolutions.’’) tively about how their behavior could I could keep going. Everybody has Ms. COLLINS. I yield the floor. impact important institutions in this their own list. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- country—and work it out. I don’t care whether we move a bill ator from Louisiana. I thank the Attorney General for through committee or whether we SENATE LEGISLATIVE AGENDA making overtures to the House leader- bring a bill directly to the floor of the Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I don’t ship to try to find common ground. Senate—I am in labor, not manage- have a speech prepared. I just want to Now, let me talk about the Senate. ment; that is above my pay grade—but share a few thoughts with my col- We need to do more. I am not saying we need to try. We need to try. leagues. What I am about to say I in- we haven’t done anything. We have I understand it is an election cycle. I tend to say gently and constructively, confirmed some very important nomi- get that. I say to the Presiding Officer, and that is this: We need to do more. nees to the Trump administration. It is I am a politician. You know that. But We need to do more. By ‘‘we,’’ I mean long overdue. They are fine men and we are always in an election cycle. the U.S. Congress. women. We have confirmed some very When are we not in an election cycle? We have completed almost 25 percent fine men and women to the Federal Ju- And I understand some of my col- of the time allotted to this current diciary, and I believe they will make leagues with a lot more experience Congress. And what have we done? this country safer and will make this than I have—and I listen carefully to Other than nominations, which are im- country better. I am very proud of that them, and I try to listen carefully to portant—and I will come back to effort. So let me say it again. I am not them—are thinking right now: Ken- that—we have done nothing—zero, saying we have done nothing. I am say- nedy, that is just not the way it is done zilch, nada. ing we need to do more. here.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:23 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.024 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3033 Well, by God, maybe it is not, but It found shared post office mail drops, of its money came from those anony- maybe it should be. common contractors and officers mous and Koch brothers’ donations. I know some of my friends are think- across nominally separate entities, The National Review jumped into the ing: Kennedy, if we do that, we are tak- even common presidents of nominally fray and noted the Medium post on its ing too big of a political risk. separate entities. In these characteris- website. The nub of their criticism was Maybe we are. Maybe we will win. tics, it has some resemblance to money that although I was right, the Scalia I just think that there are bills that laundering and crime syndicates. Law School had indeed received mil- will make the American people able to What else did they find? They found lions in anonymous and Koch brothers’ live better lives, and we ought to spend dark money funders, anonymous adver- money. That money had gone to fund a little more time thinking about the tising, enormous pay packages for the scholarships, not to the anti-regu- next generation than the next election. operatives, and judicial lists prepared latory Center for the Study of the Ad- With that, I suggest the absence of a secretly. It found $250 million in dark ministrative State. quorum. money flowing through this apparatus. Let’s start by assuming that is true. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The story turns up familiar dark I will tell you, if I gave $30 million to clerk will call the roll. money political funders like the Mer- my alma mater ‘‘for scholarships,’’ I The senior assistant bill clerk pro- cers and the National Rifle Associa- would expect a thank-you. I expect ceeded to call the roll. tion, but it also exposes groups that they would see a gift of $30 million in Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I are harder to spot, which may not have scholarships as a benefit to the school. ask unanimous consent that the order garnered much attention before but If they were asked ‘‘Has Senator for the quorum call be rescinded. serve central functions in Leonard WHITEHOUSE ever given you a gift?’’ I The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. COT- Leo’s court-fixing apparatus. would expect them to say ‘‘Yes, he TON). Without objection, it is so or- A few weeks ago I delivered remarks gave us a $30 million scholarship fund.’’ dered. on the Senate floor about the sweeping I might even expect a nice press re- THE FEDERALIST SOCIETY influence of Leonard Leo and the Fed- lease. So I don’t buy the ‘‘this was just Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, on eralist Society court-fixing scheme. I scholarships money’’ dodge around tell- Tuesday, the Washington Post pub- touched on one Federalist Society ing the truth to the Judiciary Com- lished an important piece of investiga- product of this scheme in particular: mittee. tive journalism. The journalists looked the newly confirmed DC Court of Ap- But look a little more. In 2016, into a very narrow, very wealthy group peals judge, Neomi Rao. I described George Mason University, indeed, re- of special interests seeking to control some pretty straightforward facts ceived a $10 million donation from the our Federal judiciary. It was a reveal- about Rao. Her connection to the Fed- Charles Koch Foundation and, indeed, ing story, one that matters a great eralist Society is no secret. Sitting on did receive a $20 million donation from deal to the Senate and to the people we the DC Circuit right now, her bio still an anonymous donor. Both gifts came serve. I come to the floor today to dis- appears on the Federalist Society with grant agreements, and these grant cuss that tightening special interest website along with the list of 26 times agreements were among the Virginia grip on our courts. she has been featured—26 times she has open records documents. So we can The central operative in this court- been featured at Federalist Society learn a little bit more. fixing scheme is Leonard Leo of the events. The grant agreements stipulate that Federalist Society, the organization at Before being nominated for one of the the money was intended to fund the center of this effort. As I described most influential courts in the country, ‘‘scholarships’’ but also specify that here on the Senate floor several weeks which some call the second highest gifts were conditioned on the school’s ago, there are three incarnations of the court in the land, she had never been a providing ‘‘funding . . . and support Federalist Society. judge, she had never tried a case. In- for’’—you guessed it—Neomi Rao’s The first is a debating society for stead, she had served as the Trump ad- Center for the Study of the Adminis- conservatives at law schools. They con- ministration’s point person for helping trative State. vene panels and forums for like-mind- big Republican donors tear down Fed- That is not all we found. Private ed, aspiring lawyers to talk about con- eral safety regulations. She did this as communications revealed with the servative ideas and judicial doctrine. the head of the White House’s Office of grant agreements show that the Koch That is all fine. Information and Regulatory Affairs, Foundation and their handpicked law The second is a flashy Washington, OIRA. That is not disputed. school administrators viewed all of this DC, think tank. They attract big-name Before that, she founded something money as fungible. lawyers, scholars, and politicians— provocatively called the Center for the I earlier said that if I gave $30 mil- even Supreme Court Justices—to their Study of the Administrative State at lion, I might expect a press release. events. They publish and podcast. They George Mason University’s Antonin The Antonin Scalia Law School did a hold black tie galas. I don’t agree with Scalia Law School. Her center is a cog press release. Its announcement of this the work they do, but I don’t question in Leonard Leo’s machine. funding stated: ‘‘The scholarship their right to do it. Let’s revisit Rao’s testimony before money will also benefit the institution The third Federalist Society is what the Senate Judiciary Committee about because it frees up resources that can was exposed in the Post article. It is the funding for the Center for the be allocated for other priorities, in- something much, much darker, both in Study of the Administrative State. She cluding additional faculty hires and its funding and in its function. It is a testified that neither the Koch Founda- support for academic programs.’’ vehicle for powerful interests seeking tion nor any anonymous donors had It didn’t end there. The documents to ‘‘reorder’’ the judiciary under their funded her center. Well, a trove of doc- keep telling us more. They include a control so as to benefit their corporate uments obtained by me, the New York progress report—a progress report—to rightwing purposes. It seeks to accom- Times, and others showed that was not the Koch Foundation. Under the head- plish by judicial power grab what the true. A Virginia open records request ing ‘‘most pressing needs,’’ Dean Henry Republican Party has been unable to had revealed that an anonymous donor Butler wrote to the Koch Foundation: accomplish through the open Demo- funneling its dark money donation ‘‘Cash is King (scholarships are cash).’’ cratic process. through Leonard Leo and the Charles In that same memo to the Koch Foun- This third, dark Federalist Society Koch Foundation in fact donated $30 dation—which, by the way, is kind of a understands the fundamental power million intended to flow to her organi- bizarre document to exist in the first through the Federal judiciary to rig zation, her Center for the Study of the place, unless this is kind of a front for the system in favor of special interests. Administrative State. Koch brothers’ political activities— So what did the Post find out about Well, my remarks drew quite a reac- Dean Butler also made clear that Rao’s how our judges on the most important tion. The center’s current director center had indeed received hundreds of courts in the country are selected? It took to Medium to post a 2,500-word re- thousands in funding from an anony- found a network of front groups. It buttal. He claimed I was all wrong mous donor, just as I charged, and fur- found shell entities with no employees. about the center’s funding—that none ther made clear that Rao’s center was

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:23 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.025 S22MYPT1 S3034 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 being funded with $400,000 from ‘‘nam- three or four times, not even a dozen or lentlessly dismantle government Agen- ing-gifts scholarship revenue’’—the two dozen times, but 73 times. If you cies that are sworn to keep us safe and Koch brothers’ ‘‘scholarships’’ money look at the Court’s cases during Chief secure. that was earmarked for Neomi Rao’s Justice Roberts’ tenure and look at the How do you push back on this ma- center. It was being rerouted to fund 5-to-4 decisions and look at the 5-to-4 chine wherein the big-money special Leonard Leo and Neomi Rao’s project decisions wherein the breakdown be- interests select a nominee by contrib- to gut public protections in this coun- tween the five and the four was par- uting to the Federalist Society and try on behalf of those donors. The dark tisan and look at those 5-to-4 partisan Leonard Leo’s secretive judicial lists plot thickened. decisions, for the ones in which there and judge-picking process? They spend Here is the most interesting part of was a clearly apparent, big Republican money campaigning for their selected all. The open records documents also donor interest, you will find that every judge’s confirmation through the Judi- show that the law school dean, Henry single one of those 73 decisions was cial Crisis Network. They then spend Butler, regularly reported to Leonard won—was decided—in favor of the big money through amicus briefs and argue Leo on developments at Neomi Rao’s Republican donor interest. There were before the judges on whom they have center, including faculty hiring and 73 victories delivered for big Repub- spent money to select and confirm. other Federalist Society priorities. The lican interests with there being no Sure enough—bingo—it is 73 to 0 in the emails are very cozy. The dean is def- Democratic appointee who joined the important decisions in which they can erential. There is even a calendar entry majority. get the Republican appointees to gang for lunch at a Washington, DC, res- Here is one case study—a recent deci- up in a group of five and deliver and de- taurant for Neomi Rao, Henry Butler, sion after the 73. It is Lamps Plus v. liver for the interests of the center of and Leonard Leo. Cozier still is that Varela. The plaintiff, Frank Varela, this, which you can’t properly identify another condition of the Koch Founda- sued his employer, Lamps Plus, after a because it is not transparent. tion’s massive gift was that Henry But- company data breach led to a fraudu- The Federalist Society doesn’t dis- ler be protected as dean because they lent tax return being filed in his name. close its donors. The Judicial Crisis viewed him—specifically him—as ‘‘crit- An appellate court looked at the case Network doesn’t disclose its donors. ical to advancing the school’s mis- and relied on a State contract principle The Supreme Court rule doesn’t get at sion.’’ That mission? Doing the Koch to agree with plaintiff Varela. That is who the real donors are to this phony Foundation and Leonard Leo’s bidding a traditionally conservative principle— front group, Amici. You find out later to help cripple public interest protec- deferring to State laws. Along came on who the winners are—73 to nothing. tions in this country for big special in- the Supreme Court in this case, and it How do you push back on that ma- terests funding Leo, funding the cen- ditched the conservative principle to chine? You push back with sunlight, ter, and funding the Federalist Society. rule in favor of the corporation in a 5- with transparency. We must have Neomi Rao’s defenders were quick to to-4 partisan decision. transparency in our campaign finance push back on this point and argued There is another case study pending system. We must have transparency in that my criticisms of her center’s work before the Court now—Kisor v. Wilkie. this special interest conveyor belt that was stifling their academic inquiry. On its face, Kisor addresses an obscure is filling our courts. We should also They pointed to the center’s research administrative law doctrine about judi- have transparency in the courts. Right roundtables and public policy con- cial deference to Federal Agencies, but now, the dark money-funded front ferences as evidence of its fair and Kisor has been described as a ‘‘stalking groups behind Leonard Leo and behind independent academic bona fides. horse for much larger game.’’ The larg- the Federalist Society’s judge-picking Sorry, but it is tough to buy when, in er purpose is to strip away judicial def- operation are probably also behind one private fundraising email, Dean erence to administrative Agencies’ ca- those amicus briefs. With a little trans- Butler was revealed to have asked one pacity to regulate independently in the parency, we would know. It is through wealthy donor for a $1.5 million gift public’s interest. these amicus briefs that the judges who ‘‘to entice Neomi [Rao] to return home You have to understand that if you were selected and confirmed by these to Scalia Law after she dismantles the are a mighty corporation, you come to folks get instructed on how they administrative state.’’ an administrative Agency from a posi- should rule. This is a recipe for corrup- Tell me, who is the real threat to tion of terrific advantage ordinarily, tion. academic inquiry here? and where administrative Agencies are The Court itself should require real Perhaps more to the point, now that willing to stand up, that is important, transparency from so-called friends of she is a judge: Who is a present threat but if you can get your judges on a the Court. These amicus groups come to judicial independence on the DC Cir- court and strip away that deference, in under a Supreme Court rule. The Su- cuit Court of Appeals? now you can put the fix in through the preme Court rule only requires them to Fancy lunches and weird, cozy rela- courts. disclose who paid for the brief. Yet who tionships between public law school Imagine a world in which Federal is really behind the group? We don’t deans and DC power brokers can seem Agencies get virtually no judicial def- know. The Supreme Court could cor- a bit in the weeds, so let’s not lose erence and in which Leonard Leo’s spe- rect that. It could correct it like that, sight of the bigger picture here. This cial interest, handpicked judges rule on but then it would start to expose who stuff matters because Americans are Americans’ disputes with big corpora- is here. now seeing their courts fill with tions. If these big special interests are If the Court will not, Congress must. judges, like Neomi Rao, who are ex- sick of protections for workers in the Democracy dies in darkness, it has pected and chosen to reliably rule for workplace, let the judges get rid of been said, and so does judicial inde- big corporate and Republican partisan them. Dismantle the administrative pendence. The American people deserve special interests—the ones funding the state. If a big special interest is sick of to know when powerful special inter- Federalist Society’s selection of these safeguards for our air and water or ests are paying to sway Federal judges judges, the ones funding the Judicial dangers in toys our children play with, with self-serving legal advice. If those Crisis Network’s confirmation of these dismantle the administrative state. same interests paid to get those judges judges, the ones funding Amici, the Tear down the safety regulations. They selected and paid to campaign for their front group Amici that shows up to will have the judges to do that. If cor- confirmations and then paid to have argue in court. porations are sick of a guardrail that the amicus briefs put before the Court, I recently looked at the numbers for keeps our financial system from drag- the need for the American people to the Federalist Society-dominated Su- ging down millions of Americans’ fi- understand what is going on becomes preme Court. Under Chief Justice Rob- nancial security, these judges stand even more profound. erts’ tenure, through the end of the Oc- ready to dismantle the administrative I close with a big thank-you to the tober term of 2017 to 2018, Republican state that protects investors. Washington Post for its reporting. appointees delivered partisan 5-to-4 Leonard Leo’s dark Federalist Soci- Thanks to its careful investigative rulings that favored corporate or Re- ety element is installing judges who work of its pouring through tax records publican partisan special interests, not are poised to systematically and re- and interviews, we now know a lot

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:23 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.027 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3035 more about the Federalist Society’s ment. President Trump supports over- year and renew them for 3 years. If you court-fixing operation. turning the law that provides protec- live in Fulton County, GA, your insur- Our President likes to describe inves- tions for people with preexisting health ance costs will be 30 percent less tigative journalism that pokes and conditions at the same time he is ex- against the typical ObamaCare bronze probes at the mischief of his adminis- panding these junk plans that don’t plan and even more against the silver tration as fake news. There is nothing provide those very protections. If this plan. fake about this news. This is in the isn’t straight-up sabotage, I really This is the latest Democratic at- best traditions of investigative jour- don’t know what is. tempt to increase the cost of what you nalism, and I am grateful for its work When I was 9 years old, I got sick. I pay for healthcare out of your own to illustrate how our courts are being was really sick. I was in the hospital pocket. Their next attempt will be captured by corporations and runaway for 3 months. Now, I recovered, but my Medicare for All, which, if you have partisanship that is fueled by dark family still struggled because I had health insurance on the job, will take money. been branded with the words ‘‘pre- that health insurance away. I yield the floor. existing health condition’’ and I was I object. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- denied insurance coverage. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- ator from Wisconsin. That family and personal experience tion is heard. HEALTHCARE has driven my fight to make sure that The Senator from Wisconsin. Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, I rise every American has affordable and Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, I am today to speak about the ongoing quality healthcare coverage. certainly disappointed that my Repub- threat from the Trump administration Today, because of the Affordable lican colleagues have chosen to object to healthcare and the guaranteed pro- Care Act, those with preexisting health to protecting people with preexisting tections that millions of American conditions cannot be discriminated conditions. families depend upon. against. They can’t be denied It is my contention that some of the President Trump has tried to pass re- healthcare coverage, and they can’t be very opposite impacts, because of these peal plans that would take people’s charged discriminatory premiums. junk plans, are occurring than what healthcare away and allow insurance I want to protect the guaranteed my colleague has recited. In fact, I companies to charge more for people healthcare protections that so many hardly consider them insurance plans. with preexisting health conditions or millions of Americans now depend Many have argued that they are not those insurance companies could deny upon. I have introduced legislation worth the paper that they are written them coverage altogether. along with my colleague Senator DOUG on. They don’t cover many essential When that repeal plan failed to pass ONES J of Alabama to overturn the benefits. They are not required to in the Senate in the summer of 2017, in- Trump administration’s expansion of cover people with preexisting health stead of working in a bipartisan way to junk insurance plans. conditions. They can drop people. They lower healthcare costs, President The entire Senate Democratic cau- can charge outrageous prices. What we Trump turned to truly sabotaging our cus, including the two Independents found—and the reason that the Obama healthcare system. who caucus with us, have supported What do I mean by that? this legislation. They have signed on to administration went from yearlong The Trump administration made it this bill. The Nation’s top healthcare plans to 3-month plans—is that they harder for people to sign up for the Af- organizations, representing tens of saw the distortion in the markets. fordable Care Act coverage. They have thousands of doctors and physicians, They saw that people who had believed done so by limiting the window of time and patients and medical students, and that they might not get sick—healthy, when people can enroll. They have other health experts have supported often younger people—were availing truly created instability in the this legislation and endorsed it. Any- themselves of these plans, making the healthcare market, and their sabotage one who says they support healthcare Affordable Care—— has contributed to premium spikes coverage for people with preexisting Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, that we have seen across the country, conditions should support my legisla- will the Senator yield for a question? including in my home State of Wis- tion. Ms. BALDWIN. I would yield to one question, and then I want to wrap up consin. UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 1556 The Trump administration has even Mr. President, as in legislative ses- my comments. gone to court to support a lawsuit in sion, I ask unanimous consent that the Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, is order to overturn the Affordable Care Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- the Senator of Wisconsin not aware Act completely, and that, of course, sions Committee be discharged from that the short-term healthcare plans would include protections for people further consideration of S. 1556; that do not change the law of preexisting with preexisting health conditions. the Senate proceed to its immediate condition? They have essentially gone into court consideration; that the bill be consid- Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. President, these to ask the court to strike down the Af- ered read a third time and passed; and short-term plans do not have to cover fordable Care Act. Now, if they were to that the motion to reconsider be con- preexisting conditions. I can tell you, succeed, insurance companies will sidered made and laid upon the table, as I have inquired— again be able to deny coverage or with no intervening action or debate. Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, charge much higher premiums for the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there may I—— more than 130 million Americans who objection? Ms. BALDWIN. I yielded already for have some sort of preexisting health The Senator from Tennessee. a question. But I want to say—— condition. The number with pre- Mr. ALEXANDER. Reserving the Mr. ALEXANDER. She gave the existing health conditions includes right to object, this is the latest Demo- wrong answer, Mr. President. some 2 million Wisconsinites. cratic attempt to raise the cost of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- What is the President’s plan to pro- healthcare paid for out of your own ator from Wisconsin has the floor. tect people with preexisting health pocket by taking away an ability to Ms. BALDWIN. It may not be to the conditions? He doesn’t have one, and I provide lower cost health insurance Senator’s liking, but I was going to tell don’t believe he ever will. that preserves preexisting condition you about the plans that I read the fine In fact, he has acted in just the oppo- protection and the essential health print on from the State of Wisconsin. site vein. This administration has ex- benefits. These short-term health bene- Now that these short-term plans are panded junk insurance plans that can fits were available under President renewable for up to 3 years, in these deny coverage to people with pre- Clinton. They were available under junk plans, you can see the fine print. existing conditions, and they don’t President Bush. They were available Many times they start with this: We have to cover essential services like under President Obama right until the will not cover a preexisting condition. prescription drugs or emergency room last few months of his office, when he Every single one of them refuses to care or maternity care. cut them down to 3 months long. cover maternity care. That means none I ask my friends on the other side of President Trump has simply said of these junk plans cover that essential the aisle to think about this for a mo- that you may now have them up to a benefit. Most of them don’t cover

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:56 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.029 S22MYPT1 S3036 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 emergency room care. Most of them The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there the definition of the rule allows for don’t cover prescription drugs. So re- objection? protections for people with preexisting gardless of how the law impacts people The Senator from Tennessee. conditions to be discriminated against. who have other types of insurance, I Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, re- I am sorry that we weren’t able to feel strongly that these junk plans are serving my right to object, section 1332 bring up this piece of legislation be- very distorting of the market and not is the innovation waiver that is part of cause healthcare insurance should be worth the paper they are written on for the Affordable Care Act, passed by the healthcare insurance. And what we those who have chosen to take that Democratic majority. That act in- worry about are two things. First is route. cludes protection for preexisting condi- that by allowing for the marketing of Last fall, we heard all my colleagues tions. Using the flexibility granted these junk plans, you are going to have across the aisle say, often repeatedly, under section 1332 does not change any- all sorts of people who today aren’t that they support protections for peo- thing about preexisting conditions. So sick jumping into those plans, coming ple with preexisting health conditions. it is misleading to the American people off of the plans that protect people Today I just offered an opportunity for to suggest that it does. with preexisting conditions. The people Democrats and Republicans to come This is another Democratic attempt who are going to be left behind on together to protect people’s access to to make it more expensive, to cost those regulated plans are people who quality, affordable healthcare when more for what you pay for healthcare are sick, people who have preexisting they need it the most, but there was an out of your own pocket by taking away conditions. So you are, all of a sudden, objection. flexibility from the States to find a bifurcating the insurance market. You I say to the American people that we less expensive way for you to afford are going to have a market for people must not lose sight of the fight right in healthcare and, at the same time, not who are currently healthy, and then front of us. We have a President who changing the preexisting condition pro- you are going to have a market for peo- time after time has sabotaged our tection that is provided by the Afford- ple who are sick or have ever had a pre- healthcare system, raised healthcare able Care Act. This is the latest at- existing condition. costs, and pushed these junk insurance tempt to do it, but the boldest attempt You do not have to be an actuary and plans that don’t have to cover people to raise the cost of your healthcare is you don’t have to have taken classes in with preexisting conditions. We have Medicare for All, which if you have in- healthcare insurance economics to an administration that is asking a surance on the job, as 181 million know that when that happens, rates court to strike down the Affordable Americans do, would take that insur- skyrocket for people who have a pre- Care Act and its protections for people ance away from you. existing condition—for the millions of with preexisting conditions in their en- I object. people around this country who have tirety. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- The choice for the American people had a serious diagnosis at some point tion is heard. during their life. could not be more clear. We want to Mr. MURPHY. Thank you, Mr. Presi- make things better, and my Republican So as you sell these junk plans, there dent. Again, I share in Senator BALD- colleagues refuse to join us in this ef- is no way but for costs to go up. That WIN’s disappointment that we can’t is on top of the increases we saw last fort, which would be to prevent this ad- move immediately to this legislation. ministration from making things year. Last year, insurance companies This isn’t a political game. These are worse. priced in the costs of Trump adminis- individuals all across the country who I yield the floor. tration sabotage. They priced into The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- are relying on us to make sure that their premiums the attacks on our ator from Connecticut. they are not subject to the abuses of healthcare system from the Republican the market. They are relying on us to PROTECTING AMERICANS WITH PREEXISTING Congress. CONDITIONS ACT OF 2019 make sure we don’t return to the days In many States, we saw insurance Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, the in which insurance companies could plans pushing 60 percent, 40 percent, House recently passed a piece of legis- prevent you from getting healthcare and, in some cases, 80 percent increases lation called the Protecting Americans simply because you were sick or return in premiums. Now on top of that, for with Preexisting Conditions Act. The to the days when you bought an insur- sick people, for people with preexisting substance of this legislation would pre- ance product and then it didn’t turn conditions, the rates are going to be vent a Trump administration rule from out to ultimately be insurance. even bigger because of the flight of going into effect that would allow for Let’s be clear. The waiver that the those without preexisting conditions States to license the kind of insurance President has allowed States to take into marketplaces set up specifically plans that Senator BALDWIN was refer- advantage of would absolutely—it for them. ring to. These are plans that do not would by definition of the rule—allow The second thing we worry about is cover preexisting conditions or the es- for States to waive the preexisting con- that these junk plans market them- sential healthcare benefits. dition requirement. The rule itself says selves as insurance, but they aren’t. I am going to offer right now a unan- that the innovation that happens at Here is a list of things that I would imous consent request to proceed to the State level does not have to comply generally consider to be covered under immediate consideration of this bill. I with the essential healthcare benefits my insurance plan. suspect it will be objected to. After an requirement. It says in the rule that If I bought an insurance plan, if I opportunity for Republicans to object, you do not have to comply with pre- handed over a check to the insurance I will speak to the merits of this legis- existing conditions requirements. That company, I kind of think that if I go to lation. So let me start with a request is the reason that they are so cheap. So the emergency room, I am not going to to bring this legislation that will pro- I am at a loss as to why we have Re- have to pay for it out of my pocket. I tect people with preexisting conditions publicans on the floor saying that pre- am thinking to myself: Well, you know and the essential healthcare benefits to existing conditions will be protected what, if I need prescription drugs, they the floor. under this rule. That is not true. The are going to cover some of that. Well, UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—H.R. 986 rule says that States do not have to if I have a mental health diagnosis, Mr. President, my motion is as such: comply with the preexisting require- doesn’t insurance cover my head as As if in legislative session, I ask unani- ment. It says that States do not have well as the rest of my body? mous consent that the Senate proceed to cover essential healthcare benefits. These are the things that I would as- to the immediate consideration of Cal- That is why these junk plans are at- sume that insurance covers, but these endar No. 90, H.R. 986, Protecting tractive, because they aren’t actually junk plans don’t cover these things. Americans with Preexisting Conditions insurance, and they are only insurance Junk plans do not cover trips to the Act of 2019; that the bill be considered for people who are at the time very emergency room. Junk plans often read a third time and passed; and that healthy. don’t cover hospitalizations. They the motion to reconsider be considered We have to get on the same page don’t cover prescription drugs. Almost made and laid upon the table with no here. We have to be reading from the none of them cover maternity care. intervening action or debate. same script. The fact of the matter is, Your checkups might not be covered

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:56 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.037 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3037 under a junk plan. Preexisting condi- for ourselves and our families. It af- ma to arthritis. I met with some of tions will cost you more. Contracep- fects all of us, whether we are Demo- them earlier this month during the Na- tion isn’t going to be in lots of these crats, Republicans, Independents, vote, tional Brain Tumor Society’s Head to plans. They are not required to cover don’t vote, urban, rural from any State the Hill event. lab services or pediatrics. Mental in the Union. Tiffany, who is from Livonia, was health isn’t going to be in many of In fact, when people tell me their just 17 years old when she was diag- these junk plans. As for rehab services, healthcare stories, they don’t start by nosed with a brain tumor. Since then, if you get injured, you are not going to telling me their political affiliation. her tumor has reoccurred six times. find those in some of these plans. And They talk to me about what has hap- She has been through seven surgeries, if you have a chronic disease, there is pened to them, what has happened to chemotherapy, and radiation treat- nothing in the law that requires treat- their mom and dad, what has happened ments. The location of her tumor ment for those to be covered. to their children. Political affiliation means that Tiffany has also lost some So all of a sudden, as for the things doesn’t matter. of the use of her left arm and hand. Tif- you thought insurance covered, they People in Michigan simply want to fany doesn’t have a choice. Her life de- don’t cover it, and you have been pay- know that the healthcare they depend pends on having comprehensive health ing a premium for years. Then, when on will be there for them and be afford- insurance. Unfortunately, that kind of you finally need access to the system, able for them and their family today insurance is getting less and less af- it is not there. That is what these plans and into the future, and that is the fordable. can do. That is what the law and the fight that we have as Democrats. We So when our Republican colleagues Trump administration rule allows will continue that fight. come to the floor and say that we just States to license as insurance. And Unfortunately, they have reason to want to raise prices, let me tell you that is why we are on the floor today, be worried about the rise of short-term, what has really happened in the last to ask—to plead—to our colleagues to limited duration insurance plans. They year. The sabotage by the Trump ad- bring legislation before this body, ei- should be worried about what these ministration, the unravelling of the Af- ther Senator BALDWIN’s legislation or plans don’t cover—junk plans, as we fordable Care Act, the junk plans, now Representative KUSTER’s legislation are calling them. As Senator BALDWIN the instability and going into court to that has already passed the House, that said so well, they are junk. They don’t try to totally repeal the Affordable would stop these junk insurance plans really cover anything. They make you Care Act, all of that instability—every- from being sold all around this coun- feel good, as long as you are healthy, thing that has been done—means that try, which will trick many Americans that you have got insurance, but then comprehensive health insurance costs into believing they have insurance you find out, when you get sick, that have gone up 16.6 percent this year, so when they don’t and will dramatically your child is not covered or you are not somebody buying insurance is paying raise the cost of care potentially in covered. an average 16.6 percent more than they many States for people who have seri- The fact many of these plans are did last year because of all of this ef- ous preexisting conditions. medically underwritten, which means fort to sabotage, undermine, and un- I am not surprised at the objection to that the insurance company—by the ravel the healthcare system. both of our unanimous consent re- way, junk plans are about putting deci- quests. Nevertheless, I am disappointed sions back in the hands of the insur- Tiffany should be able to focus on in it. We will continue to be down here ance company, instead of you knowing getting the treatment she needs and on the floor for as much time as it that you and your doctor can decide living her best life possible, not how takes to try to rally the whole of this what you need and that it will be cov- she will pay for the insurance she body to protect people with preexisting ered. The insurance companies can needs. We all know Tiffany isn’t alone. conditions, to fight back against the charge whatever they want based on It is estimated that 130 million people sabotage of the Affordable Care Act somebody’s health, gender, age, or in our country are living with pre- and the healthcare system by this other status. existing conditions—130 million people. President. Hopefully, one day we will Remember when being a woman was That is 130 million people who could be be successful. considered a preexisting condition? I hurt either directly or indirectly by I yield the floor. do. These plans are bringing that back. these short-term junk plans. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- One recent study found that none of Two weeks ago, I had the chance to ator from Michigan. these plans that have been approved by speak at the Detroit Race for the Cure, Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, I am the Trump administration so far cover which raises money for breast cancer proud to be here on the floor today to maternity care—none of them. We research and services. As I stood on the join with Senator BALDWIN and Senator fought hard—I fought hard—as a mem- stage and looked out at over 10,000 peo- JONES on their resolution with Senator ber of the Finance Committee to make ple, a lot of beautiful pink all sur- MURPHY. I have to say to Senator MUR- sure that women’s healthcare and ma- rounding us in downtown Detroit, I saw PHY, before he puts that down, I have ternity care were covered. Our people with preexisting conditions. One to look at that list and tell you that, healthcare is as basic a healthcare as woman, who was standing on the stage before the Affordable Care Act, I would any man’s healthcare and ought to be near me, asked me the question: Why is get calls like this, and I am sure you covered the same. it that I have to worry about whether did, too. I want to repeat this. We have a ma- or not I will be able to get insurance in Someone calls me and would say: I ternal health crisis in this country, the future? Why do I have to worry paid into healthcare all my life and and the administration is pushing about that? plans that don’t cover basic coverage never gotten sick, and then I finally She added: Why don’t President for women. On top of that, these junk needed surgery. What do you mean it Trump and other Republicans under- plans can exclude people with pre- only pays for 1 day in the hospital? stand this is my life? Well, it never paid for more than 1 day existing conditions—yes, they can—and in the hospital, but they didn’t know it impose yearly or lifetime caps on care. It is not political for her. It is per- because they didn’t get sick. Remember when you had to worry sonal. It is her life. I think that is a So folks buy the junk plans—and about how many cancer treatments the very good question: Why don’t Repub- thank you for the list—but they buy insurance company would pay for? licans understand that people like Tif- the junk plan being healthy and then Now, there aren’t caps so that you can fany and those women in pink deserve will never know that it doesn’t cover decide and your doctor can decide with healthcare protections? those things unless they get sick. When you on what it takes to put you in re- Protecting people with preexisting they find out, it will be too late. mission and put you on a healthy path. conditions isn’t about politics. It is So that is why we are here because It is estimated about half of Michigan about saving lives. I urge my col- we know that healthcare isn’t polit- families include somebody with a pre- leagues to support this commonsense ical. It shouldn’t be political. It is per- existing condition—about half—with legislation and the efforts of Senator sonal for every one of us. It is personal everything from heart disease to asth- BALDWIN and JONES.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:10 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.038 S22MYPT1 S3038 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Mr. President, I want to take an ad- any other Senators in the Chamber de- LANKFORD). Are there any other Sen- ditional moment to talk about a sec- siring to vote? ators in the Chamber desiring to vote? ond issue that is about saving lives. The result was announced—yeas 51, The result was announced—yeas 53, For almost 25 years, the Violence nays 47, as follows: nays 45, as follows: Against Women Act has helped prevent [Rollcall Vote No. 123 Ex.] [Rollcall Vote No. 124 Ex.] domestic violence and provide sur- YEAS—51 YEAS—53 vivors with the things they need to Alexander Fischer Paul Alexander Fischer Paul build a better life for themselves and Barrasso Gardner Perdue Barrasso Gardner Perdue Blackburn Graham Portman their families. This important piece of Blackburn Graham Blunt Grassley Risch Portman legislation is now expired. Blunt Grassley Boozman Hawley Roberts Risch Boozman Hawley The House passed a VAWA—Violence Braun Hoeven Romney Roberts Braun Hoeven Against Women’s Reauthorization bill Burr Hyde-Smith Rounds Romney Burr Hyde-Smith Capito Inhofe Rubio Rounds 48 days ago and sent it to us. It con- Capito Inhofe Cassidy Isakson Sasse Rubio tained important updates to protect Cassidy Isakson Cornyn Johnson Scott (FL) Sasse Collins Johnson people from violent dating partners Cotton Kennedy Scott (SC) Scott (FL) Cornyn Kennedy Cramer Lankford Shelby Scott (SC) and stalkers, and it helps restore Trib- Cotton Lankford Crapo Lee Sullivan al jurisdiction over certain crimes Cramer Lee Shelby Cruz McConnell Thune Crapo Manchin Sullivan committed on Tribal lands. Daines McSally Toomey Cruz McConnell Thune Unfortunately, just as in the case of Enzi Moran Wicker Daines McSally Toomey Ernst Murkowski Young junk insurance plans, we have seen no Enzi Moran Wicker action on this floor—no action—by the NAYS—47 Ernst Murkowski Young majority leader. I think, in fact, it has Baldwin Hassan Rosen NAYS—45 been over 2 months since we have had Bennet Heinrich Sanders Baldwin Hassan Rosen Blumenthal Hirono Schatz actual legislation and votes on legisla- Bennet Heinrich Sanders Booker Jones Schumer tion that would solve problems and ad- Blumenthal Hirono Schatz Brown Kaine Shaheen dress concerns of the American people. Booker Jones Schumer Cantwell King Sinema It has been 48 days since the House of Cardin Klobuchar Brown Kaine Shaheen Smith Cantwell King Sinema Representatives sent us a bill to con- Carper Leahy Stabenow Casey Manchin Cardin Klobuchar Smith Tester tinue support and funding for domestic Collins Markey Carper Leahy Stabenow Udall violence shelters and other important Coons Menendez Casey Markey Tester Van Hollen Cortez Masto Merkley Coons Menendez Udall support. Warner Cortez Masto Merkley Van Hollen Well, people with preexisting condi- Duckworth Murphy Durbin Murray Warren Duckworth Murphy Warner tions have waited long enough. Sur- Feinstein Peters Whitehouse Durbin Murray Warren vivors of domestic violence have wait- Gillibrand Reed Wyden Feinstein Peters Whitehouse Gillibrand Reed Wyden ed long enough. People whose lives are NOT VOTING—2 being threatened by violent dating NOT VOTING—2 Harris Tillis partners or stalkers have waited long Harris Tillis enough. The nomination was confirmed. The nomination was confirmed. Here is my question for the Senate ORDER OF BUSINESS majority leader: What are you waiting The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- for? ator from Wyoming. f I yield the floor. Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- I suggest the absence of a quorum. mous consent that the remaining votes EXECUTIVE CALENDAR The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. be 10 minutes in length. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The CRUZ). The clerk will call the roll. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there clerk will report the next nomination. objection? The assistant bill clerk proceeded to The bill clerk read the nomination of Without objection, it is so ordered. call the roll. Carl J. Nichols, of the District of Co- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- f lumbia, to be United States District ator from North Carolina. Judge for the District of Columbia. Mr. BURR. Mr. President, I ask unan- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR imous consent that the order for the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The PRESIDING OFFICER. The quorum call be rescinded. clerk will report the next nomination. question is, Will the Senate advise and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The legislative clerk read the nomi- consent to the Nichols nomination? objection, it is so ordered. nation of Stephen R. Clark, Sr., of Mis- Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I Mr. BURR. I ask unanimous consent souri, to be United States District ask for the yeas and nays. that we start the 4:30 votes now. Judge for the Eastern District of Mis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a I ask for the yeas and nays. souri. sufficient second? The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. The There appears to be a sufficient sec- objection, it is so ordered. question is, Will the Senate advise and ond. The question is, Will the Senate ad- consent to the Clark nomination? This is a 10-minute vote. vise and consent to the Nielson nomi- Mr. WICKER. I ask for the yeas and The clerk will call the roll. nation? nays. The bill clerk called the roll. Is there a sufficient second? The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a Mr. THUNE. The following Senator is There appears to be a sufficient sec- sufficient second? necessarily absent: the Senator from ond. There appears to be a sufficient sec- North Carolina (Mr. TILLIS). The clerk will call the roll. ond. The assistant bill clerk called the The clerk will call the roll. Further, if present and voting, the roll. The legislative clerk called the roll. Senator from North Carolina (Mr. Mr. THUNE. The following Senator is Mr. THUNE. The following Senator is TILLIS) would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ necessarily absent: the Senator from necessarily absent: the Senator from Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the North Carolina (Mr. TILLIS). North Carolina (Mr. TILLIS). Senator from California (Ms. HARRIS) is Further, if present and voting, the Further, if present and voting, the necessarily absent. Senator from North Carolina (Mr. Senator from North Carolina (Mr. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there TILLIS) would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ TILLIS) would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ any other Senators in the Chamber de- Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the siring to vote? Senator from California (Ms. HARRIS) is Senator from California (Ms. HARRIS) is The result was announced—yeas 55, necessarily absent. necessarily absent. nays 43, as follows:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:10 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.032 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3039 [Rollcall Vote No. 125 Ex.] Daines Kennedy Rounds others, manufacturing and ag jobs that Enzi Lankford YEAS—55 Rubio are the bedrock of our economy depend Ernst Lee Sasse Alexander Gardner Perdue Fischer Manchin Scott (FL) on balanced trade. That goes for our Barrasso Graham Portman Gardner McConnell Scott (SC) trading partners around the world, but Blackburn Grassley Risch Graham McSally Shelby particularly for our two biggest neigh- Blunt Hawley Grassley Moran Roberts Sinema bors: Mexico and Canada. They are, by Boozman Hoeven Romney Hawley Murkowski Sullivan Braun Hyde-Smith Hoeven Paul Rounds Thune far, Ohio’s biggest trading partners. Burr Inhofe Hyde-Smith Perdue Rubio Toomey Since 1994, we have linked our econ- Capito Isakson Inhofe Portman Sasse Wicker omy to Mexico and Canada in the form Cassidy Johnson Isakson Risch Scott (FL) Collins Jones Johnson Roberts Young of the North American Free Trade Scott (SC) Cornyn Kennedy Jones Romney Agreement, or NAFTA. In 2018, Ohio Shelby Cotton Lankford shipped 39 percent of our exports to Cramer Lee Sinema NAYS—43 Crapo Manchin Sullivan Baldwin Hassan Sanders Canada, more than twice the national Cruz McConnell Thune Bennet Heinrich Schatz average. Along with our trade with Daines McSally Toomey Blumenthal Hirono Schumer Mexico, this accounted for $20 billion Enzi Moran Wicker Booker Kaine Shaheen in trade. In all, trade with Mexico and Ernst Murkowski Young Brown King Smith Canada now supports 450,000 jobs in Fischer Paul Cantwell Klobuchar Stabenow Cardin Leahy Ohio. So it is important. NAYS—43 Tester Carper Markey Udall We all know that the existing agree- Casey Menendez Baldwin Hassan Sanders Van Hollen ment—again, called NAFTA—has to be Bennet Heinrich Coons Merkley Schatz Warner Blumenthal Hirono Cortez Masto Murphy updated. It is 26 years old. It needs to Schumer Warren Booker Kaine Duckworth Murray be modernized. It needs to be improved. Shaheen Whitehouse Brown King Durbin Peters Smith Wyden We need to be sure that we are doing a Cantwell Klobuchar Stabenow Feinstein Reed Cardin Leahy Gillibrand Rosen better job of leveling that playing field Tester that we talked about and be sure that Carper Markey Udall NOT VOTING—2 Casey Menendez Van Hollen we are reflecting the nature of the 21st Coons Merkley Harris Tillis Warner century economy. Cortez Masto Murphy Warren Duckworth Murray The nomination was confirmed. Think about it. Back when NAFTA Durbin Peters Whitehouse The Senator from Ohio. was negotiated, there was no digital Wyden Feinstein Reed TRADE economy. So we need to have new rules Gillibrand Rosen Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I am with regard to digital economy, as we NOT VOTING—2 here on the floor today to talk about do in our more recent trade agree- Harris Tillis international trade. It is a very com- ments. The nomination was confirmed. plex issue, but also a really important Also, as an example, there were no issue to our country. Our goal with biologics. So we have no protections in f trade should be pretty simple: It is to the NAFTA agreement for biological level the playing field for America’s pharmaceuticals. Of course, we need to EXECUTIVE CALENDAR workers, America’s farmers, and Amer- have that in the new agreement, but it The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ica’s businesses. is more than that. Labor standards and clerk will report the next nomination. One, we have got to be sure they are environmental standards that have The senior assistant legislative clerk not hurt by unfair imports coming into been in all of the more recent trade read the nomination of Kenneth D. our country, so that is really a fairness agreements need to be incorporated Bell, of North Carolina, to be United issue and a trade enforcement issue. into the NAFTA agreement. There are States District Judge for the Western Second, we should expand our ex- lots of reasons for us to update the District of North Carolina. ports. Opening up more foreign mar- North American Free Trade Agreement The PRESIDING OFFICER. The kets to our products is great for Amer- and to improve it. Although no trade question is, Will the Senate advise and ica. That is the balance. As a trade agreement is perfect, the new USMCA consent to the Bell nomination? lawyer and as the U.S. Trade Rep- does those things. Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I ask for resentative in the George W. Bush ad- By the way, according to a recent the yeas and nays. ministration and as a member of the study by the Independent Trade Com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a Finance Committee, which has juris- mission, the new USMCA, which is sufficient second? diction over these issues, I have used to replace NAFTA, is estimated to There appears to be a sufficient sec- worked on the trade matters quite a raise wages and add 176,000 jobs to the ond. bit. It is really important to my home U.S. economy. That is good. I support The clerk will call the roll. State. this U.S.-Canada agreement, or The senior assistant legislative clerk Ohio has products that are manufac- USMCA. called the roll. tured by workers and crops grown by Last week, President Trump and his Mr. THUNE. The following Senator is our farmers that are shipped all around administration took a major step to- necessarily absent: the Senator from the world. In fact, in Ohio, 1 of every 3 ward realizing the USMCA by announc- acres is now planted for export. So our ing they would be lifting the so-called North Carolina (Mr. TILLIS). Further, if present and voting, the farmers are dependent on trade, and 25 section 232 steel tariffs on steel and Senator from North Carolina (Mr. percent of our factory workers—manu- aluminum coming from Mexico and facturing workers—have their jobs be- Canada. This is really good news. It is TILLIS) would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the cause of exports. Twenty-five percent something I had advocated for, as had is a big part of our manufacturing others, in order for us to pass the Senator from California (Ms. HARRIS) is necessarily absent. economy. USMCA here but also to be sure that These jobs aren’t just good for Ohio’s The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. other countries—Canada and Mexico— economy. They are great for the people could ratify the USMCA. BRAUN). Are there any other Senators that have them. Trade jobs pay, on av- It ends the retaliation by Mexico and in the Chamber desiring to vote? erage, 16 percent more than other jobs, Canada on Made in Ohio exports to our The result was announced—yeas 55, and they have better benefits, so we northern and southern neighbors. This nays 43, as follows: want more of these jobs. was really starting to bite in my home [Rollcall Vote No. 126 Ex.] With 95 percent of the world’s popu- State and around the country. YEAS—55 lation living outside of our country, we By the way, it also protects against Alexander Braun Cornyn want to sell more of our stuff to the import surges and transshipments, par- Barrasso Burr Cotton rest of the world to continue to grow ticularly with regard to steel and alu- Blackburn Capito Cramer Blunt Cassidy Crapo and maximize the potential of our minum. We worry about trans- Boozman Collins Cruz economy. So in my State and a lot of shipments coming from China into

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:56 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.003 S22MYPT1 S3040 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 countries like Mexico and Canada and One reason to be careful is if you Again, in the meantime, the adminis- then being shipped or sneaked into the were to impose tariffs on cars and tration has made the right choice by United States. You don’t want that. automobiles, as the Commerce Depart- delaying the imposition of these 232 That protection is in there as well. I ment has said you could do, it would tariffs on longtime allies with regard think this was a good agreement. really cost U.S. consumers and busi- to autos and auto parts. Tariffs, especially on our allies, nesses. As I said earlier, balanced trade is ought to be something we try to First, on average, U.S. cars would about enforcement, being sure that it avoid—used tactically, sparingly, and cost about $2,000 more, and I am told is fair in terms of what imports are targeted as to when we are going to use that is a conservative estimate. We coming into this country for our work- them. don’t want that. ers, for our farmers, and for our service There has been a lot of talk recently Second, if you put these 232 tariffs on providers. about the use of these section 232 tar- cars and auto parts with no fairness ra- It is also about exports. Do you know iffs by the administration not just on tionale, the retaliatory tariffs on our what? Because of that goal of balanced steel and aluminum but also with re- exports would be swift and painful. trade, I support what the Trump ad- gard to automobiles and auto parts. Finally, if you misuse this 232 tool, I ministration is doing vis-a-vis China. Section 232, the law that this will be think you risk losing it altogether. Unfortunately, when you look at what done under, is really an exception to The World Trade Organization might has happened to our relationship with our trade laws. Our trade laws say that not have too much influence these China, we have more and more reasons if you unfairly trade with us—in other days, but they do have the ability to to say that China is not playing by the words, if you subsidize your products say whether something is legal under rules. overseas or if you dump them, mean- international trade rules. They have an China needs to make structural ing, you sell them below their cost— exception for these national security changes in our trade relationship in then that is illegal, and we get to re- waivers, but not if they are misused. order for us to have that level playing taliate by adding tariffs to your prod- So I think we have to be careful about field we talked about earlier. Right uct. how we use it. now, this U.S.-China economic rela- We also have laws that say if there is President Trump and his administra- tionship lacks equity, balance, and an import surge that domestic indus- tion made a decision over the last sev- fairness. It also lacks durability. tries are substantially harmed by, that eral days that I applaud them for. They The big trade deficits and the struc- is a time for us to step up. But our decided not to move forward on these tural problems we have can’t last. To other trade laws require one of those 232 tariffs against auto parts and auto- put it simply, China is not playing by two things: either a finding of injury to mobiles. They decided to put it off for the rules. a U.S. industry or some kind of unfair 6 months. I commend them for that. First, they unfairly subsidized their trade. Again, I hope we would never go exports. We talked about this earlier, Under section 232, which is an excep- there, but I think it is really important but it is not fair for another country to tion to that, you don’t have to do that. that we put that off for 6 months so say ‘‘We are going to use government You can block imports simply by say- that we can get not just the U.S.-Can- money to subsidize what we send to the ing it is a national security issue. ada-Mexico agreement accomplished United States,’’ and then have our It is a pretty powerful thing that the but so that we can also focus on other workers and our farmers have to com- executive branch has, but it has been things, specifically, our issues with pete with that. Subsidies are unfair used very infrequently, and that is how China. under international rules and under Congress intended it. Congress in- I recently introduced a bipartisan our trade laws. tended it just to be used for true na- bill on section 232. It is a commonsense China does it in a number of ways. tional security purposes. approach that says: Let’s be sure we One, they have a bunch of State-owned The agency in charge of investigating are going under the original intent of enterprises, and they have actually ex- these 232 tariffs is the Commerce De- section 232, that we are not misusing panded their State-owned enterprises partment. A recent Commerce Depart- it. It is really simple. It says that in- at a time when it looked as though ment investigation concluded that im- stead of having the Department of China was going the other way, that ported automobiles under the 232 cri- Commerce make the decision, it should they were going to have a more mar- teria would be a national security be the Department of Defense. The De- ket-based economy, where the govern- threat. I think that is not accurate. I partment of Defense has the expertise ment wouldn’t be controlling indus- think minivans from Canada, as an ex- to determine whether something is a tries. But they have also committed ample, aren’t a national security national security issue. massive subsidies to some of their fa- threat to us. It may be that if they are With regard to the recent decisions vorite industries, companies, and tech- unfairly traded, then we should enforce on these 232 tariffs, the Department of nologies. our trade laws. It may be that if there Defense did not agree with the Com- Second, China doesn’t grant recip- is an import surge that hurts our do- merce Department and thought that it rocal access to U.S. investors and en- mestic industry, then go after them. was not a national security concern. gages in coerced technology transfer in But I think to use this tool in that sort They said that explicitly with regard intellectual property theft from U.S. of way is not appropriate. to steel and aluminum, as examples. I companies. Often, that intellectual That is why, over the past 50 years just think the men and women who are property or technology then goes to a since this has been in effect, the sec- hired to protect our country ought to Chinese company. tion 232 tool has been used only a few be the ones who decide whether that is To be clear, as a condition of doing times. In fact, it hasn’t been used in a national security threat. business in the huge Chinese market, the last 33 years. Second, our legislation increases U.S. companies regularly have to hand One President tried to use it—George Congress’s oversight here and allows over their intellectual property, their W. Bush, for whom I worked—and his for Congress to have an expanded role, technology, and their innovations, like Commerce Department said: You know, to provide a legislative path for Con- manufacturing processes, let’s say, or that is not a national security issue. gress to disapprove one of these 232 tar- blueprints, designs, trade secrets, and So he used another trade provision iffs decisions if we think it is the other things of value. Then, typically, that, again, required that you showed wrong way to go. I think it is impor- a Chinese competitor uses these advan- material injury to a domestic industry. tant to bring some of the power back tages to compete against U.S. compa- That is the 232 issue. to Congress, where it resides in the nies. Again, that is just not acceptable. I think it is important to have the Constitution. I encourage you to check out the ad- tool. I think if it is a true national se- I hope my colleagues on both sides of ministration’s section 301 report on curity concern, it is good to have it in the aisle will help us with this com- USTR.gov. Go on USTR.gov, and you the toolbox, and we ought to be able to monsense legislation and avoid the will see the section 301 issues that are use it. But we have to be judicious misuse of section 232 on issues like laid out in that report. If you want to about it and not misuse it. autos and auto parts. learn more about it, it is pretty clear.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.039 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3041 Let me give you an example of how again, more sophisticated, more tech- of advantages in this country, but we this technology transfer works. If a nology. They should want to protect do need a level playing field. All we ask U.S. automaker wants to make cars in their own intellectual property. They for is fair and reciprocal treatment China—and a lot of them have wanted should want to be engaging with us and from our trading partners. The sweet to and have made them there—China other countries around the world on a spot for America is that balanced ap- requires joint ventures in order to gain more fair basis. proach—again, opening up new mar- access to production technology that While I urge the United States to kets for U.S. products while insisting then helps foster China’s own domestic hang tough, the administration should on trade enforcement so that our work- auto industry. work quickly to try to bring these ne- ers can compete. In a number of businesses, China re- gotiations to a close because a com- As we talked about today, right now, quires a 51-percent Chinese partner in a bination of the retaliatory tariffs on we have a lot of balls in the air in rela- joint venture. Again, that is one way U.S. exports and tariffs on Chinese con- tion to trade. This has caused some un- that technology transfer happens. sumer products here in America is certainty among our trading partners, At first, China’s foreign investment causing pain for our farmers, for our with American businesses, workers, catalogue encouraged—that was the workers, and for our service providers. and farmers that rely on trade. I get word—foreign auto investment. I was So it would be good to bring these ne- that. in China back in 1984, I believe it was— gotiations to a conclusion. Let’s prioritize passing USMCA with maybe 1985—at a Jeep plant. And I We were very close to doing that only Canada and Mexico. That will provide watched the first American vehicles go a few weeks ago, and the reports back some certainty. Let’s support the ad- off the production line in China. I was were that China had changed its view ministration in bringing home a strong there. I saw it. It was very positive. on some of the concessions they were agreement with China. That will pro- People were thinking: This is inter- willing to make. Let’s get back to the vide a lot of certainty. And let’s not esting. We are going to do business table, and let’s make a fair and en- impose new section 232 tariffs. That with China. Those Jeeps can then be forceable agreement. will also provide some certainty and sold in China and sold in other parts of As part of increasing pressure on predictability. Asia. It wasn’t going to compete with China, as the new tariff increases are With that predictability and cer- the U.S. market. This was good for designed to do, the United States must tainty further leveling the playing Jeep and good for China. That was at a also better leverage our allies. The Eu- field, we can help American farmers, time when they were encouraging for- ropean Union, Japan, Korea, Canada, American workers, American busi- eign auto investment. But as China Australia, not to mention Vietnam and nesses, and our economy. learned about auto manufacturing lots of other countries in Southeast I yield the floor. from these investments—in other Asia—all share our concerns that the I suggest the absence of a quorum. words, they got knowledge about how administration has raised with regard The PRESIDING OFFICER. The to manufacture automobiles them- to China. They are all experiencing the clerk will call the roll. selves—the foreign investment cata- same thing. Leveraging our allies helps The senior assistant legislative clerk logue changed its position on auto in- put pressure on China by dem- proceeded to call the roll. vestment from ‘‘encouraged’’ to ‘‘per- onstrating the broad consensus that Mr. CRAMER. Mr. President, I ask mitted’’ and then, more recently, in exists among those who believe China unanimous consent that the order for 2015, to ‘‘restricted.’’ often acts contrary to our rules-based, the quorum call be rescinded. Again, this is an evolution, initially, multilateral trading system. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without bringing in a joint venture partner and When I was U.S. Trade Representa- objection, it is so ordered. getting the technology. It goes from tive, I laid the groundwork for a num- f ‘‘encouraged’’ to ‘‘permitted’’ and then ber of successful World Trade Organiza- finally to ‘‘restricted’’ now that China tion complaints against China by ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, MAY 23, has that technology. That is kind of working with our allies. Key to our vic- 2019 leapfrogging us, isn’t it? Again, that tory in those cases was our ability to Mr. CRAMER. Mr. President, I ask doesn’t seem fair, and it certainly is rally and to kind of come up with a unanimous consent that when the Sen- not reciprocal because we don’t do the posse—the EU, Canada, Mexico, Japan, ate completes its business today, it re- same thing here in this country. and other countries—to show China cess until 9:30 a.m., Thursday, May 23; This problem of fueling Chinese inno- that the world was watching and cared. further, that following the prayer and vation with the hard work of U.S. com- The administration’s work with the EU pledge, the time for the two leaders be panies is even more pronounced in the and Japan on WTO reform and sub- reserved for their use later in the day. electric vehicle sector. There, China sidies, right now, is a good step in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tries to incentivize the production of right direction. It shows how much is objection, it is so ordered. vehicles in China rather than imports possible when we can rely on our f from overseas. We would love to sell friends and, therefore, gain more lever- IRAN American electric cars in China, but age. It is why it is important we don’t they prevent this with a combination adopt policies that actively undermine Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, many of of things: tariffs, which are relatively our ability to work with allies also. us are increasingly concerned that, high; subsidies for domestically pro- That is another reason I was glad to since President Trump’s reckless deci- duced electric cars; and a credit system see the administration delay any tar- sion to abandon the multilateral nu- that requires all automakers selling in iffs pursuant to this 232 we talked clear agreement with Iran, which by all China to produce a portion of their about on automobiles and auto parts. A accounts Iran had been complying electric vehicles in China or face pen- lot of those 232 tariffs would have been with, the administration has been on a alties. Again, we don’t do that. imposed on our allies. Not only do collision course that could draw us into It is clear from this experience that autos and auto parts from our allies or a war with Iran. Although the Presi- China’s unfair trade practices are at anywhere else in the world not threat- dent insists that is not what he wants, odds with the current rules-based, mul- en our national security, but it also in- he is known to change his mind on a tilateral trading system. vites retaliation on U.S. exports and whim, and the statements and actions I will continue to support the admin- poisons the well of good will we need of others in his administration, includ- istration’s efforts to increase pressure with our historic allies as we pursue a ing some who were vocal proponents of on China in order to reach a strong but resolution of our differences with the unnecessary and costly war in Iraq, fair and enforceable agreement. I argue China. leave little doubt that they favor a pol- that this is in China’s interest, as well Let me end where we started—about icy of regime change. as in our interest. They are now a ma- balanced trade. All America needs is a We all deplore Iran’s support for ter- ture trading partner. They are now the level playing field. We can compete. We rorism, its ballistic missile program, greatest exporter in the world. They have the ability to innovate. We have its horrific violations of human rights, have an economy that is growing— the ability to be flexible. We have a lot and its constant outpouring of hateful

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.041 S22MYPT1 S3042 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 anti-American, anti-Israel rhetoric, tration are more interested in regime change privilege to support his confirmation in but a war with Iran would be far worse, than in policy change—and by military ac- 1975. It was a vote I have long been and no one can be certain how it would tion if necessary. There are shades here of proud of. Justice Stevens had a storied end. As tensions increase, a misunder- Iraq 2003, when the George W Bush adminis- tenure on the Supreme Court and ulti- tration was desperate to prove that Saddam standing or provocative act by either Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. It mately became the third longest serv- Iran or the United States could quickly is nonsense to claim, as Pompeo did last ing Justice in our Nation’s history. trigger retaliatory strikes that spiral month, that ‘‘there is a connection between Justice Stevens’ commitment to the out of control, drawing us, our allies, the Islamic Republic of Iran and al-Qaida. law and conduct on the bench was be- and our adversaries into protracted Period. Full stop’’. Al-Qaida’s roots are in yond reproach. His legacy is one of in- hostilities. Rather than risk that po- Sunni, Wahhabist Saudi Arabia, and it hates tegrity, dedication to public service, tentially disastrous result, the admin- Shia Iran almost as much as it hates the US and a recognition that the Constitu- istration should be partnering with our and its allies. tion protects all Americans equally. He The Europeans have never disagreed about European and Middle Eastern allies on the nature or extent of Iran’s destabilising was part of majorities that protected a strategy of negotiations to reduce re- activity in the region. But they don’t buy LGBT rights, disability rights, and gional tensions. In that regard, I ask the regime change argument, knowing from limited the death penalty. unanimous consent that a recent op-ed experience that outside pressure is more The Supreme Court has never been in ‘‘The Guardian’’ by Peter likely to strengthen rather than weaken the perfect. Justice Stevens would be the Westmacott, former British Ambas- hardliners. They also still believe that the first to acknowledge as much, but I sador to the United States, be printed best way to prevent Iran acquiring nuclear cannot help but compare his many weapons is to stick with the deal. years on the Court with today. Today, in the RECORD. There is now a real risk of the world find- There being no objection, the mate- ing itself with another Middle Eastern con- the Supreme Court almost reflexively rial was ordered to be printed in the flict on its hands, by accident or miscalcula- sides with corporate interests over in- RECORD, as follows: tion. What can be done? As many of us have dividuals’ interests, even when prece- [From the Guardian, May 21, 2019] been saying to Iranian officials for some dent or so-called textualism and TO DEFUSE THIS CRISIS THE US MUST START time, they should help others to stand up for originalism stand in the way. We have TALKING TO IRAN the nuclear deal by moderating Iran’s behav- also seen an unprecedented blockade of (By Peter Westmacott) iour in the region: stop supplying sophisti- a Supreme Court nominee, and we have cated weaponry to Hezbollah in Lebanon; a President intent on nominating the As Washington raises the stakes, the risk and stop supplying missiles to the Houthi of a misunderstanding is high—and it could militia in Yemen that perpetuate the hor- most ideological nominees to the bench lead to a new conflict in the Middle East. rific civil war. Iran could use its influence I have ever seen, nominees who have Washington’s foreign policy hawks—and by over President Bashar al-Assad to press him been preapproved by opaque far-right extension for the rest of us. Donald Trump to avoid further bloodshed in Syria. And it special interest groups. Many of these says he doesn’t want a war with Iran, but his could end the imprisonment and abuse of nominees have long records of outright national security adviser, JJohn Bolton, has dual nationals and other Iranian citizens on despatched warships and bombers to the re- hostility toward reproductive rights, specious grounds. gion while the US secretary of state Mike environmental protections, and voting Some suggest that current tensions may be Pompeo has been sharing worrying intel- and civil rights. They even refuse to partly the result of misunderstandings be- ligence about Iranian intentions with close tween Tehran and Washington. That accept that Brown v. Board of Edu- allies and congressional leaders. wouldn’t be surprising, given the long his- cation, a foundational civil rights deci- What’s going on? It’s now a year since tory of distrust and the absence of diplo- sion settled 65 years ago, is indeed set- Trump tore up the nuclear deal with Iran ne- matic relations between the two countries tled law. It is equally predictable and gotiated in 2015 by the Obama administra- for 4o years. But it serves as a reminder that tion along with Britain, France, Germany, deeply unfortunate that Americans in- some form of direct communication is essen- Russia, China and the EU. Since then, egged creasingly view the courts as a purely tial: both sides should move quickly to acti- on by Israel and the Gulf states, he has an- political institution. vate private channels. nounced new sanctions, despite Iran’s full Our Constitution and laws are in- Back in 1987—when the UN security coun- compliance with the terms of the deal, and tended to serve the people, protecting cil was trying to stop the Iran-Iraq war Sad- tried bullying the Europeans and others into dam had started (with western encourage- the freedom of individuals from the applying US sanctions in order to deny Ira- ment) seven years earlier—the council tyranny of government and helping to nians the economic benefits they were prom- passed a resolution calling for an immediate organize our society for the good of all. ised. ceasefire and a withdrawal to international After a year of waiting to see if the other It is up to the judiciary to ensure our borders. It didn’t manage to stop Saddam signatories would make the deal work with- laws have meaning. This is a duty Jus- launching another, ultimately unsuccessful out US cooperation, the Iranians announced tice Stevens’ recognized and relished. offensive. But tucked away in paragraph earlier this month that they would no longer How I miss his jurisprudence, his eight was a request to the secretary general fully comply with the uranium and heavy steady voice, and his leadership. ‘‘to examine, in consultation with Iran and water restrictions of the agreement—and I ask unanimous consent that a May Iraq and with other states in the region, that, unless the Europeans could help with measures to enhance the security of the re- 11, 2019, feature by Robert Barnes from oil and banking within 60 days, more drastic gion’’. The Washington Post entitled, ‘‘John measures would follow. Western govern- That resolution is still valid. Why not look Paul Stevens looks back on nearly a ments sometimes forget that the Iranian again at the idea of all the regional powers, government is not a monolithic entity, and century of life and law, but worries under UN auspices, coming together with a that the officials they are used to dealing about the future,’’ be included in the view to lowering tensions? A recent OpEd in with, such as president Hassan Rouhani and RECORD. the New York Times by Abdulaziz Sager, a foreign minister Javad Zarif, are under con- There being no objection, the mate- Saudi Arabian academic, and Hussein stant pressure from hardliners who point to rial was ordered to be printed in the Moussavian, a former Iranian nuclear nego- the lack of any return on the investment tiator, argues that the time for the region’s RECORD, as follows: Iran made four years ago. [From the Washington Post, May 11, 2019] Since Trump pulled the plug, the Euro- two big rivals to sit down and try to bury the peans have been working on a scheme to hatchet might just might have come. So JOHN PAUL STEVENS LOOKS BACK ON NEARLY allow some forms of trade with Iran to con- much is at stake that it’s surely worth a try. A CENTURY OF LIFE AND LAW, BUT WORRIES tinue independently of the US. Its effects f ABOUT THE FUTURE (By Robert Barnes) have been limited, leading the supreme lead- TRIBUTE TO JOHN PAUL STEVENS er, Ali Khamenei, to convince himself— FORT LAUDERDALE, FL.—John Paul Ste- wrongly—that the Europeans were only ever Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, it has vens spent more than a third of his near-cen- playing good cop to Washington’s bad cop. been nearly a decade since Justice tury on Earth at the Supreme Court, where As US sanctions continue to damage the Ira- John Paul Stevens retired from the Su- he often was on a different page from a ma- nian economy, Trump says he is still inter- preme Court. His absence on the bench jority of his fellow justices. ested in some kind of grand bargain. Tehran is perhaps felt more now than ever. ‘‘It happens so often that you have to get should call me, the president says, perhaps used to losing,’’ Stevens, 99, said during an not realising that there would be huge polit- Justice Stevens’ nomination was the interview this last week at his condominium ical consequences for anyone who did. first of 18 Supreme Court nominees I here, just steps from the Atlantic Ocean. But outside the US, the impression has have considered in my years in the ‘‘My batting average was probably pretty grown that the hawks in the Trump adminis- Senate. As a young Senator, it was a low.’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.007 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3043 But one particular loss lingers and, Ste- claim to fame,’’ he writes—and in the audi- ments, Stevens said of Thomas. ‘‘I guess I vens says, brings grim reminders almost ence at the Democratic National Convention was kind of dreaming a little bit.’’ weekly: the court’s 2008 decision in District that summer when Franklin D. Roosevelt ex- But Stevens said the effort did succeed in of Columbia v. Heller, which found the Sec- plained the New Deal on his way to becoming getting Kennedy to insist Scalia include lim- ond Amendment protects a right to indi- president. His father, Ernest, who took Ste- iting language that states and cities have vidual gun ownership unrelated to possible vens to the speech, was a Warren Harding used to defend their gun-control measures. military service. Republican, however. In the book, Stevens refers to U.S. v. ‘‘Unquestionably the most clearly incor- Amelia Earhart told him he was out too Nixon, in which the court said the president rect decision that the Court announced dur- late for a school night when she attended the must turn over White House tapes to con- ing my tenure on the bench,’’ Stevens writes grand opening of the Stevens Hotel in Chi- gressional investigators, as ‘‘the high point in his new memoir, ‘‘The Making of a Jus- cago, at the time the largest in the world. for judicial independence.’’ tice.’’ Charles Lindbergh passed along a caged dove He wrote the court’s unanimous decision in Heller and the Second Amendment, Ste- someone had given him. On a trip to the Clinton v. Jones, saying that a sitting presi- vens said in the interview, produce ‘‘such South, Stevens and his family attended dent does not have immunity from all civil disastrous practical effects. I think there’s ‘‘Gone With The Wind’’ the week it in opened lawsuits for actions when he was not in of- no need for all the guns we have in the coun- in Atlanta. fice. try and if I could get rid of one thing it The invitations that come to a Supreme Both were unanimous and ‘‘easy deci- would be to get rid of that whole gun cli- Court justice provide other celebrity tidbits. sions,’’ Stevens said, but he declined to be mate.’’ He was as smitten as others when he met drawn into the current battle between con- He continued: ‘‘Just the other day there Princess Diana, and an encounter with the gressional investigators and President was another school shooting in Colorado, and composer and conductor Leonard Bernstein Trump. every time it happens, it seems to me we provides a surprisingly bawdy anecdote from He is asked: Nothing to say about the don’t have to have this kind of thing in this the mannerly Stevens, who often prefaced president? ‘‘Nothing that you don’t know al- country, and we should do everything we can his questions on the bench with a courtly, ready,’’ he said. to try to change it.’’ ‘‘May I just ask . . . ?’’ f Stevens writes of his efforts to try to make It was during a dinner at the French Em- the 5-to-4 decision come out the other way. bassy in Washington when Stevens and his TRIBUTE TO BISHOP THOMAS C. His 531-page book, to be published Tuesday, wife, Maryan, were seated with Bernstein, ELY details the life and career of a World War II who had just conducted the Orchestre Na- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, today I Navy code-breaker from a solidly Republican tional de France at the Kennedy Center. pay tribute to a wonderful friend, family, nominated to the federal bench by Maryan wondered about the emotions that Bishop Thomas C. Ely, who is retiring one GOP president (Richard M. Nixon) and accompany performing a masterpiece. elevated to the Supreme Court by another ‘‘It’s like [making love] in a cathedral,’’ from his leadership position of the (Gerald R. Ford) who retired in 2010 as the Bernstein replied, according to Stevens in Episcopal Diocese of Vermont. court’s most outspoken liberal. Although, the memoir. The justice dutifully used the f- Bishop Ely has been an outstanding Stevens believes the court changed more word to authenticate his reporting. servant of the Vermont diocese since than he did. ‘‘The Making of a Justice’’ is Stevens’s his consecration as bishop in 2001. Dur- In the interview, he expressed generalized third book since leaving the court; the oth- ing his tenure in the Green Mountain distress at the state of the world and the na- ers chronicle the chief justices with whom he State, he has served as the leader of tion’s politics. ‘‘You wake up in the morning served and how he would remake the Con- the 45 Episcopal congregations in and you wonder what’s happened,’’ he said. stitution. He said he is unsure if there is a Still, he retains a judge’s reticence even lesson in it for readers. ‘‘I didn’t have a spe- Vermont and one more across Lake years after leaving the bench: ‘‘But I cific mission in mind, I just started to Champlain in Essex, NY. He has visited shouldn’t say more.’’ write,’’ he said. all parishes once a year and counseled He does wonder why it is so challenging for One lesson from childhood that informed many clergy members. Bishop Ely’s de- his former colleagues to recognize that par- his career, though, involved his father. The votion to human dignity and dignity tisan gerrymandering is a constitutional vio- Depression hit after the Stevens Hotel education influenced every church in lation, as they do with racial gerry- opened, and the place faltered. The hotel bor- the diocese. He demonstrated this as mandering. ‘‘It’s the same issue,’’ he said. rowed money from an insurance company chairman of the board and as an educa- ‘‘Public officials, including state legislators, controlled by Stevens’s grandfather, an act have a duty to act impartially. The whole that a Cook County prosecutor viewed as tor of Rock Point School in Bur- point [of partisan gerrymandering] is to cre- embezzlement. Ernest Stevens was found lington, where his wife Ann worked all ate an unfair result.’’ guilty, only to have his conviction over- through his tenure as bishop. Bishop And he expressed surprise about Chief Jus- turned by the Illinois Supreme Court, which Ely, as a promoter of social justice and tice John G. Roberts Jr., whom he respects found not a ‘‘scintilla’’ of evidence of crimi- equality, also showed leadership in and admires. ‘‘I must confess he’s more con- nal intent. many other ways. He has been active in servative than I realized,’’ Stevens said. ‘‘Firsthand knowledge of the criminal jus- immigrants’ rights, marriage equality, ‘‘But that doesn’t go to his quality as a chief tice’s fallibility’’ made Stevens skeptical for justice.’’ the rest of his career, he said. ‘‘The system improving the lives of those living in During the interview, Stevens was pre- is not perfect—it’s pretty good, but it’s not poverty and in Bishops Against Gun Vi- paring for a reunion of his clerks—more than perfect’’ olence. His work on human rights is il- 90 of 125 were expected to attend. He must Stevens was part of majorities that handed lustrated in his long commitment to steady himself with a walker, but he remains important victories to gays, limited the the human rights organization active. Tennis has been replaced by ping- death penalty and mostly held the line on Cristosal, which works in Central pong, he said, but he still plays nine holes of abortion rights. America. golf each week. On the latter, he said he is puzzled by Recently, Bishop Ely completed the ‘‘I don’t go in the ocean as much as I used ‘‘more and more state legislatures’’ passing to, and that’s really my favorite activity restrictive laws in hopes of getting the Su- successful Partnership Campaign for down here,’’ he said. ‘‘A strong guy’’ to help preme Court to revisit the court’s rulings. Rock Point, raising over $2 million to him in and out of the surf is now ‘‘an abso- ‘‘I thought that was an issue that had been assure the future of the 130 acres owned lute necessity,’’ he said. resolved,’’ he said. ‘‘I have no idea what the by the Church on Lake Champlain in It is hard to imagine that at his 1975 con- present court will do.’’ Burlington. The funds will improve the firmation hearing, soon after he became one In the book, he detailed his efforts to de- trails and facilities in partnership with of the first to receive a heart bypass oper- rail the Heller majority. He adopted Justice the city of Burlington and the Lake ation, the main obstacle was ‘‘did I have a Antonin Scalia’s originalist approach to sufficient life expectancy to justify the im- show, in his opinion, that historical texts Champlain Land Trust, preserving 93 portant appointment,’’ he writes. He was ap- supported the view that the Second Amend- acres for public access. proved unanimously. The memoir is a tale of ment was aimed at preventing federal disar- I am proud to say that Bishop Ely a privileged childhood in Chicago, the rav- mament of state militias, rather than forbid- lives his faith, through worship, leader- ages of the Great Depression and a family ding efforts at gun control. ship, and through action to improve scandal, service as a wartime cryptologist He wrote that he circulated his dissent five and enrich the lives of all Vermonters. and a charmed legal career as a Supreme weeks before Scalia’s majority opinion, in His journey of faith and action would Court clerk, appeals court judge and the hopes of persuading Justice Anthony M. Ken- not have been possible without the love third-longest-serving justice in the court’s nedy and—somewhat surprisingly—Justice history. Clarence Thomas. and support of Ann Ely who, in addi- Stevens was in the stands at Wrigley Field ‘‘I think he’s an intellectually honest per- tion to her work at Rock Point School, in Chicago when Babe Ruth called his shot in son, and I just thought there was a chance he has also been deeply involved in St. the 1932 World Series—‘‘my most important might be persuaded’’ on the historical argu- Paul’s Cathedral in Burlington.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.009 S22MYPT1 S3044 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 The outpouring of gratitude and love Ely said that he and his wife, Ann, will Vermont: Darn Tough doubles down on for Tom and Ann has been enormous, take up residence in their house in Newfane, Northfield facilities.’’ It describes the in particular at the May 18, 2019, con- Vermont, upon his retirement. In the mean- hard work that goes into making each vention, where Vermont Episcopalians time, he says, ‘‘I plan to use these months Darn Tough sock and highlights Darn ahead to continue encouraging full and pas- elected their next bishop. The applause sionate engagement in our local mission ap- Tough’s commitment to Vermont and would not cease until Bishop Ely mo- proaches, and I plan to continue my efforts Vermont values. tioned for quiet, so that proceedings related to a sustainable Rock Point and all There being no objection, the mate- could continue. Bishop Ely is loved by that means to our life as the Episcopal rial was ordered to be printed in the his people and greatly appreciated by Church in Vermont.’’ RECORD, as follows: many Vermonters for his principled f [From VTDigger, March 31, 2019] leadership. He made a difference, help- RECOGNIZING DARN TOUGH SOCKS MAKING ITINVERMONT: DARN TOUGH ing us to live up to our ideals, and will DOUBLES DOWN ON NORTHFIELD FACILITIES Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, Darn be fondly remembered, as he and Ann Ask Kirk Smith how many colors of yarn enter a new phase of their lives. Tough Vermont says that their factory are used at Cabot Hosiery Mills, and he’ll Marcelle and I are delighted that Tom in Northfield, Vermont, is the ‘‘Sock tell you: ‘‘Too many.’’ and Ann will continue to be citizens of Capital of the World.’’ I’m loath to ob- The family-owned factory that produces Vermont, living in the beautiful town ject to that claim. Over the past 15 Darn Tough socks will include up to 16 dif- of Newfane. We both value their friend- years, Darn Tough has steadily grown ferent threads in a single design. The oper- ation spins out 22,000 pairs of socks every ship. from a small sock producer for other companies into a world-renowned single day. In honor of Bishop Ely’s retirement, From the outside, the Northfield produc- I ask that the December 5, 2017, Epis- brand of their own. They’ve created tion facility isn’t much to look at—it’s big, copal New Service article ‘‘Vermont good paying jobs to Vermont and have beige and unmarked. But inside, thousands Episcopal Bishop Thomas Ely an- a deep commitment to American man- of spools of multicolored yarn hang from the nounces plans to retire,’’ be entered ufacturing. Darn Tough is a great ex- ceiling, while computerized machines knit into the RECORD. ample of the many hearty small busi- the threads into socks. There being no objection, the mate- nesses that drive Vermont’s economy. ‘‘If you had seen me when they took me on It is with pride that I recognize their my tour when I was being interviewed here, rial was ordered to be printed in the I was like a kid in a candy shop,’’ said RECORD, as follows: achievements. Marc Cabot opened Darn Tough’s fac- Smith, the plant’s manager of manufac- [From the Episcopal News Service, Dec. 5, turing operations. ‘‘I didn’t want to leave 2017] tory, Cabot Hosiery Mills, in 1978. He the line. I just wanted to keep seeing what started by producing private label VERMONT EPISCOPAL BISHOP THOMAS ELY was going on.’’ ANNOUNCES PLAN TO RETIRE socks—other companies sell these Lined up in rows with their electronic dis- under their brand name—for large com- plays blinking, the mill’s 184 knitting sta- The Right Reverend Thomas C. Ely, tenth tions resemble slot machines at a casino. bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Vermont, panies like Brooks Brothers and Old But they have a more predictable output: recently announced his intention to retire Navy. This was a steady business. But roughly every five minutes, each one dis- and resign his ministry, no later than Sep- things became difficult in the 1990s penses a fresh new sock. tember 30, 2019. He has agreed to remain in when many of those customers began Darn Tough is in the midst of an ambitious his position until a successor is chosen and is to move their production overseas. By five-year expansion plan. In order to increase in place. the early 2000s, Cabot Hosiery Mills production, they’re adding more machines, Ely, 65, was consecrated as bishop of the was struggling. bringing their total to 236—for now. Ric Vermont diocese in 2001, having previously Marc’s son, Ric, who had been in- Cabot, the company’s president and CEO, served as a priest in the Diocese of Con- said those machines will increase the mill’s necticut for 20 years. In a message to the volved in the family business from a production by 1.5 million pairs of socks per people of the Diocese of Vermont, Ely said young age, came up with an idea to year. that by the time of his retirement he will save the company. He decided to tran- ‘‘Accommodating the new equipment re- have served in the priesthood for nearly 39 sition Cabot Hosiery Mills from a pri- quired moving their packaging and distribu- years. vate label producer to its own brand: tion areas to another building about a mile ‘‘There are other interests and ministries Darn Tough Vermont. Ric envisioned a down the road. That means the company’s to which I am feeling called to devote my superior, outdoor-oriented sock that annual ‘‘sock sale’’—two weekends in No- time and energy while my health and stam- was knit right in Vermont. Its quality vember when locals walk the warehouse ina are still good,’’ Ely said, ‘‘including fam- looking for deals on factory seconds—will ily, community theatre, various justice min- would speak for itself. take place at the company’s satellite loca- istries and a bit more golf.’’ At first, Ric had to give Darn Tough tion this year. During his episcopate, Ely has been a lead- socks away to get noticed. He gave out There are two sock seasons each year, and er both within the diocese and throughout 3,500 pairs of Darn Tough socks at the the factory works about six months ahead of the wider Episcopal Church on such con- Vermont City Marathon in 2004, and schedule. Right now, they’re mainly pro- troversial issues as marriage equality, the soon after word, began to spread about ducing fall socks. ordination of LGBT clergy, increased gun a mysteriously durable sock with a Each piece is knit, washed, dried, boarded, safety and racial justice. He is also a leading lifetime warranty produced right in folded, inspected and packaged in Northfield, voice on matters of environmental and eco- before being shipped off to the company’s nomic justice. Vermont. Darn Tough’s brand and sales have been growing steadily ever since. distribution center in Cleveland, Ohio. As part of his global outreach, Ely serves ‘‘The Cabots have always been very dedi- on the board of Cristosal, a nongovernmental Over the past 15 years, the Cabots have rebounded from the brink of cated to their Northfield roots,’’ Smith said. agency based in El Salvador that works to ‘‘Could there be better places in the state? advance human rights in Central America. bankruptcy to a company nearing $50 Maybe, but this is where they started. This Additionally, he is a co-founder of the million in sales annually. Ric, who is is where they have a connection and this is Vermont chapter of Kids4Peace, a grassroots now the CEO and president, is leading where we’ll be.’’ interfaith youth movement dedicated to end- Darn Tough in its latest expansion. f ing conflict and inspiring hope in Jerusalem They’ve added over 50 new knitting and divided societies around the world. More BUDGET SCOREKEEPING REPORT locally, Ely is a leading advocate for the stations and are in the process of ex- Vermont Ecumenical Council and Vermont panding their workforce of over 250 Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I wish to Interfaith Action. Vermonters. Darn Tough doubled down submit to the Senate the budget Ely has been instrumental in the steward- on American manufacturing when their scorekeeping report for May 2019. The ship and revitalization of Rock Point, a 130- partners wouldn’t—now they’re seeing report compares current-law levels of acre property in Burlington, owned by the their reward. spending and revenues with the Vermont diocese, known for its natural I am proud to recognize the contribu- amounts the Senate agreed to in the beauty and peaceful atmosphere. Each year, tions and achievements that Darn Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, BBA18. nearly 10,000 people visit Rock Point, and Ely is overseeing a $1.7 million partnership Tough and the Cabot family has made This information is necessary for the campaign aimed at improving facilities, over their over 40 years in Vermont. I Senate Budget Committee to deter- strengthening leadership and expanding pub- ask consent to enter into the RECORD a mine whether budgetary points of lic access. VTDigger article titled ‘‘Making it in order lie against pending legislation.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:59 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.008 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3045 The Republican staff of the Budget million below the level assumed in the TABLE B.—SENATE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE— Committee and the Congressional budget resolution. Further, Social Se- ENACTED REGULAR DISCRETIONARY APPROPRIATIONS 1 Budget Office, CBO, prepared this re- curity revenues are at the levels as- [Budget authority, in millions of dollars] port pursuant to section 308(b) of the sumed for fiscal year 2019, while Social Congressional Budget Act, CBA. Security outlays are $4 million above 2019 This is my fourth scorekeeping re- assumed levels for the budget year. Security 2 Nonsecurity 2 port this year. My last filing can be CBO’s report also provides informa- Statutory Discretionary Limits ...... 647,000 597,000 found in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD for tion needed to enforce the Senate pay- Amount Provided by Senate Appropriations Subcommittee April 10, 2019. The information included as-you-go, PAYGO, rule. The PAYGO Agriculture, Rural Development, and in this report is current through May scorecard shows deficit increases in fis- Related Agencies ...... 0 23,042 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Re- 20, 2019. cal year 2019 of $1,957 million, $427 mil- lated Agencies ...... 5,499 58,619 Since my last filing, Congress has lion revenue loss, $1,530 million outlay Defense ...... 606,340 129 cleared only one measure, S. 1436, a bill Energy and Water Development ...... 22,440 22,200 increase; over the fiscal year 2018–2023 Financial Services and General Govern- to make technical corrections to the period of $3,373 million, $894 million ment ...... 31 23,392 computation of average pay under Pub- Homeland Security ...... 2,058 47,353 revenue loss, $2,479 million outlay in- Interior, Environment, and Related lic Law 110–279, with significant budg- crease; and over the fiscal year 2018– Agencies ...... 0 35,552 etary effects. This bill made changes to Labor, Health and Human Services, 2028 period of $443 million, $634 million Education, and Related Agencies .... 0 178,076 the calculation of retirement benefits revenue loss, $191 million outlay de- Legislative Branch ...... 0 4,836 for certain employees who staff the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, crease. and Related Agencies ...... 10,332 86,804 dining services for the U.S. Senate. This submission also includes a table State, Foreign Operations, and Related Those services were privatized in 2008. Programs ...... 0 46,218 tracking the Senate’s budget enforce- Transportation and Housing and Urban Budget Committee Republican staff Development, and Related Agencies 300 70,779 prepared tables A–C. ment activity on the floor since the en- forcement filing on May 7, 2018. Since Current Level Total ...... 647,000 597,000 Table A gives the amount by which Total Enacted Above (+) or Below each Senate authorizing committee ex- my last report, no new budgetary (¥) Statutory Limits ...... 0 0 points of order were raised. ceeds or is below its allocation for 1 This table excludes spending pursuant to adjustments to the discre- budget authority and outlays under the All years in the accompanying tables tionary spending limits. These adjustments are allowed for certain purposes in section 251(b)(2) of BBEDCA. fiscal year 2019 enforceable levels filing are fiscal years. 2 Security spending is defined as spending in the National Defense budg- required by BBA18. This information is I ask unanimous consent that the ac- et function (050) and nonsecurity spending is defined as all other spending. used for enforcing committee alloca- companying tables be printed in the TABLE C.—SENATE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE—EN- tions pursuant to section 302 of the RECORD. ACTED CHANGES IN MANDATORY SPENDING PROGRAMS CBA. Over the current 10-year enforce- There being no objection, the mate- (CHIMPS) able window, authorizing committees rial was ordered to be printed in the [Budget authority, millions of dollars) have increased outlays by a combined RECORD, as follows: $3.4 billion. For this reporting period, 9 2019 of the 16 authorizing committees are TABLE A.—SENATE AUTHORIZING COMMITTEES—ENACTED CHIMPS Limit for Fiscal Year 2019 ...... 15,000 not in compliance with their alloca- DIRECT SPENDING ABOVE (+) OR BELOW (¥) BUDGET tions. As a result of passage of S. 1436, RESOLUTIONS Senate Appropriations Subcommittees Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies 0 the Senate Committee on Rules and [In millions of dollars] Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies ...... 7,285 Administration is now in violation of Defense ...... 0 2019– 2019– Energy and Water Development ...... 0 its allocation for both budget author- 2019 2023 2028 Financial Services and General Government ...... 0 ity and outlays over the fiscal year Homeland Security ...... 0 Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies ...... 0 2019–2028 period. Budget Authority ...... 2,414 4,249 3,123 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Re- Table B provides the amount by Outlays ...... 1,401 1,797 70 lated Agencies ...... 7,715 which the Senate Committee on Appro- Armed Services Legislative Branch ...... 0 Budget Authority...... 0 0 0 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related priations is below or exceeds the statu- Outlays ...... 0 0 0 Agencies ...... 0 tory spending limits. This information Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs ...... 0 Budget Authority ...... 21 285 382 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and is used to determine points of order re- Outlays ...... 20 285 382 Related Agencies ...... 0 lated to the spending caps found in sec- Commerce, Science, and Transportation Budget Authority ...... 41 77 91 Current Level Total ...... 15,000 tions 312 and 314 of the CBA. Appropria- Outlays ...... 11 74 90 Total CHIMPS Above (+) or Below (¥) Budget tions for fiscal year 2019, displayed in Energy and Natural Resources Resolution ...... 0 Budget Authority ...... 0 ¥10 ¥24 this table, show that the Appropria- Outlays ...... 0 ¥10 ¥24 U.S. CONGRESS, tions Committee is compliant with Environment and Public Works Budget Authority ...... 2 4 ¥333 CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, spending limits for the current fiscal Outlays ...... 2 4 ¥333 Washington, DC, May 22, 2019. year. Those limits for regular discre- Finance Hon. MIKE ENZI, Budget Authority ...... 378 1,128 ¥889 tionary spending are $647 billion for ac- Outlays ...... 159 1,120 ¥892 Chairman, Committee on the Budget, counts in the defense category and $597 Foreign Relations U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. Budget Authority ...... 0 ¥5 ¥20 billion for accounts in the nondefense Outlays ...... 0 ¥5 ¥20 DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: The enclosed report category of spending. Homeland Security and Governmental Af- shows the effects of Congressional action on fairs The fiscal year 2018 budget resolution the fiscal year 2019 budget and is current Budget Authority...... 0 2 4 through May 20, 2019. This report is sub- contained points of order limiting the Outlays ...... 43 48 49 Judiciary mitted under section 308(b) and in aid of sec- use of changes in mandatory programs Budget Authority ...... 13 209 497 tion 311 of the Congressional Budget Act, as in appropriations bills, CHIMPs. Table Outlays ...... 13 205 492 Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions amended. C, which tracks the CHIMP limit of $15 Budget Authority ...... 0 ¥36 ¥84 The estimates of budget authority, out- billion for fiscal year 2019, shows the Outlays ...... 0 ¥36 ¥84 lays, and revenues are consistent with the Rules and Administration Appropriations Committee has enacted Budget Authority...... 0 0 1 allocations, aggregates, and other budgetary $15 billion worth of full-year CHIMPs Outlays ...... 0 0 1 levels printed in the Congressional Record on Intelligence May 7, 2018, pursuant to section 30103 of the for this fiscal year. Budget Authority...... 0 0 0 In addition to the tables provided by Outlays ...... 0 0 0 Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Public Law Veterans’ Affairs 115–123). Budget Committee Republican staff, I Budget Authority ...... 4 3 ¥729 am submitting CBO tables, which I will Outlays ...... 4,402 4,400 3,668 Since our last letter dated April 10, 2019, Indian Affairs the Congress has not cleared any legislation use to enforce budget totals approved Budget Authority...... 0 0 0 for the President’s signature that affects by Congress. Outlays ...... 0 0 0 Small Business budget authority, outlays, or revenues in fis- For fiscal year 2019, CBO estimates Budget Authority...... 0 0 0 cal year 2019. that current-law levels are $2.9 billion Outlays ...... 0 0 0 Sincerely, above and $3.3 billion below enforceable Total MARK P. HADLEY levels for budget authority and out- Budget Authority ...... 2,873 5,906 2,019 (For Keith Hall, Director). lays, respectively. Revenues are $426 Outlays ...... 6,051 7,882 3,399 Enclosure.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.012 S22MYPT1 S3046 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 TABLE 1.—SENATE CURRENT LEVEL REPORT FOR SPEND- TABLE 1.—SENATE CURRENT LEVEL REPORT FOR SPEND- a Excludes administrative expenses paid from the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust ING AND REVENUES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019, AS OF ING AND REVENUES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019, AS OF Fund of the Social Security Administration, which are off-budget, but are MAY 20, 2019 MAY 20, 2019—Continued appropriated annually. [In billions of dollars] [In billions of dollars]

Current Current Level Budget Current Level Budget Current Over/Under Resolution Level Over/Under Resolution Level (¥) (¥) Resolution Resolution

On-Budget: Off-Budget: a Budget Authority ...... 3,639.3 3,642.2 2.9 Social Security Outlays 908.8 908.8 0.0 Social Security Revenues 899.2 899.2 0.0 Outlays ...... 3,550.0 3,546.7 ¥3.3 Revenues ...... 2,590.5 2,590.1 ¥0.4 Source: Congressional Budget Office. TABLE 2.—SUPPORTING DETAIL FOR THE SENATE CURRENT LEVEL REPORT FOR ON-BUDGET SPENDING AND REVENUES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019, AS OF MAY 20, 2019 [In millions of dollars]

Budget Authority Outlays Revenues

Previously Enacted: a,b,c Revenues ...... n.a. n.a. 2,590,496 Permanents and other spending legislation ...... 2,271,360 2,169,258 n.a. Authorizing and Appropriation legislation ...... 1,886,507 1,949,120 ¥302 Offsetting receipts ...... ¥890,012 ¥890,015 n.a. Total, Previously Enacted ...... 3,267,855 3,228,363 2,590,194 Enacted Legislation: Authorizing Legislation Medicaid Extenders Act of 2019 (P.L. 116–3) ...... 120 8 0 Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019 (P.L. 116–6, Division H) d ...... 2 2 1 Pesticide Registration Improvement Extension Act of 2018 (P.L. 116–8) ...... 0 ¥5 0 Medicaid Services Investment and Accountability Act of 2019 (P.L. 116–16) ...... 52 32 0 Subtotal, Authorizing Legislation ...... 174 37 1 Appropriation Legislation: b Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019 (Divisions A-G, P.L. 116–6) b,c ...... 480,297 311,586 ¥125 Total, Enacted Legislation ...... 480,471 311,623 ¥124 Entitlements and Mandatories ...... ¥106,128 6,756 0 Total Current Level c ...... 3,642,198 3,546,742 2,590,070 Total Senate Resolution e ...... 3,639,324 3,550,009 2,590,496 Current Level Over Senate Resolution ...... 2,874 n.a. n.a. Current Level Under Senate Resolution ...... n.a. 3,267 426 Memorandum: Revenues, 2019–2028: Senate Current Level ...... n.a. n.a. 33,272,518 Senate Resolution e ...... n.a. n.a. 33,273,213 Current Level Over Senate Resolution ...... n.a. n.a. n.a. Current Level Under Senate Resolution ...... n.a. n.a. 695 Source: Congressional Budget Office. n.a. = not applicable; P.L. = Public Law. a. Includes the budgetary effects of legislation enacted by Congress during the 115th Congress. b. Sections 1001–1004 of the 21st Century Cures Act (P.L. 114–255) require that certain funding provided for 2017 through 2026 to the Department of Health and Human Services—in particular the Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health—be excluded from estimates for the purposes of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (Deficit Control Act) or the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (Congressional Budget Act). Therefore, the amounts shown in this report do not include $771 million in budget authority, and $767 million in estimated outlays. c. For purposes of enforcing section 311 of the Congressional Budget Act in the Senate, the resolution, as approved by the Senate, does not include budget authority, outlays, or revenues for off-budget amounts. As a result, current level does not include those items. d. The Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019 (P.L. 116–5), as amended, extended several immigration programs through February 15, 2019, that would otherwise have expired at the end of fiscal year 2018. The estimated budgetary ef- fects of those previously enacted extensions are charged to the Committee on Appropriations, and are included in the budgetary effects of P.L. 116–6 shown in the ‘‘Appropriation Legislation’’ portion of this report. In addition, division H of P.L. 116–6 further extended those same programs through the end of fiscal year 2019. Consistent with the language in title III of division H of P.L. 116–6, and at the direction of the Senate Committee on the Budget, the budgetary ef- fects of extending those immigration programs for the remainder of the fiscal year are charged to the relevant authorizing committees, and are shown in the ‘‘Authorizing Legislation’’ portion of this report. e. Section 30103 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 requires the Chair of the Senate Committee on the Budget publish the aggregate spending and revenue levels for fiscal year 2019; those aggregate levels were first published in the Congressional Record on May 7, 2018. The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 also allows the Chair of the Senate Committee on the Budget to revise the budgetary aggregates: Budget Authority Outlays Revenues

Original Aggregates Printed on May 7, 2018: ...... 3,547,094 3,508,052 2,590,496 Revisions: Pursuant to sections 311 and 314(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 ...... 921 0 0 Pursuant to sections 311 and 314(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 ...... 69,464 38,556 0 Pursuant to sections 311 and 314(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 ...... 0 ¥214 0 Pursuant to sections 311 and 314(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 ...... 1,680 25 0 Pursuant to sections 311 and 314(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 ...... 20,165 3,590 0 Revised Senate Resolution ...... 3,639,324 3,550,009 2,590,496


2018– 2018– 2018 2019 2023 2028

Beginning Balance a ...... 0 0 0 0 Enacted Legislation: b,c A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection relating to ‘‘Inci- dent Auto Lending and Compliance with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act’’ (S.J. Res. 57, P.L. 115–172) ...... * * * * Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protections Act (S. 2155, P.L. 115–174) d ...... * 22 329 490 Trickett Wendler, Frank Mongiello, Jordan McLinn, and Matthew Bellina Right to Try Act of 2017 (S. 204, P.L. 115–176) ...... * * * * An Act to amend title 38, United States Code, to authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to furnish assistance for adaptations of residences of veterans in rehabilitation programs under chapter 31 of such title, and for other purposes (H.R. 3562, P.L. 115–177) ...... * * * * VA MISSION Act of 2018 (S. 2372, P.L. 115–182) c ...... * * * * Whistleblower Protection Coordination Act (S. 1869, P.L. 115–192) ...... * * * * All Circuit Review Act (H.R. 2229, P.L. 115–195) ...... * * * * American Innovation $1 Coin Act (H.R. 770, P.L. 115–197) ...... 0 3 3 0 Small Business 7(a) Lending Oversight Reform Act of 2018 (H.R. 4743, P.L. 115–189) ...... * * * * Northern Mariana Islands U.S. Workforce Act of 2018 (H.R. 5956, P.L. 115–218) ...... 0 0 0 ¥3 KIWI Act (S. 2245, P.L. 115–226) ...... * * * * To make technical amendments to certain marine fish conservation statutes, and for other purposes (H.R. 4528, P.L. 115–228) ...... * * * * John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (H.R. 5515, P.L. 115–232) ...... * * * * Miscellaneous Tariff Bill Act of 2018 (H.R. 4318, P.L. 115–239) ...... 0 304 690 ¥118 Tribal Social Security Fairness Act of 2018 (H.R. 6124, P.L. 115–243) ...... 0 * ¥1 ¥3 Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2019 (H.R. 6157, Division B, P.L. 115–245, Division B) ...... 0 0 18 18 Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act of 2017 (S. 97, P.L. 115–248) ...... * * * * Department of Veterans Affairs Expiring Authorities Act of 2018 (S. 3479, P.L. 115–251) ...... * 2 * ¥3

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:49 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.016 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3047 TABLE 3.—SUMMARY OF THE SENATE PAY-AS-YOU-GO SCORECARD AS OF MAY 20, 2019—Continued [In millions of dollars]

2018– 2018– 2018 2019 2023 2028

Elkhorn Ranch and White River National Forest Conveyance Act of 2017 (H.R. 698, P.L. 115–252) ...... * * * * FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 (H.R. 302, P.L. 115–254) f ...... * 44 42 26 Patient Right To Know Drug Act of 2018 (S. 2554, P.L. 115–263) ...... * * ¥11 ¥52 Orrin G. Hatch-Bob Goodlatte Music Modernization Act (H.R. 1551, P.L. 115–264) ...... 0 0 13 ¥24 Congressional Award Program Reauthorization Act of 2018 (S. 3509, P.L. 115–268) ...... 0 * 2 4 America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (S. 3021, P.L. 115–270) ...... 0 2 16 ¥230 SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act (H.R. 6, P.L. 115–271) g ...... 0 * * * Hizballah International Financing Prevention Amendments Act of 2017 (S. 1595, P.L. 115–272) ...... 0 * * * To authorize the National Emergency Medical Services Memorial Foundation to establish a commemorative work in the District of Columbia and its environs, and for other purposes (H.R. 1037, P.L. 115–275) ...... 0 * * * Gulf Islands National Seashore Land Exchange Act (H.R. 2615, P.L. 115–279) ...... 0 * * * Frank LoBiondo Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018 (S. 140, P.L. 115–282) ...... 0 10 34 0 Making further continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2019, and for other purposes (H.J. Res. 143, P.L. 115–298) ...... 0 * * * Amy, Vicky, and Andy Child Pornography Victim Assistance Act of 2018 (S. 2152, P.L. 115–299) ...... 0 * * * A bill to establish a procedure for the conveyance of certain Federal property around the Dickinson Reservoir in the State of North Dakota (S. 440, P.L. 115–306) ...... 0 0 0 ¥4 A bill to establish a procedure for the conveyance of certain Federal property around the Jamestown Reservoir in the State of North Dakota, and for other purposes (S. 2074, P.L. 115–308) 0 0 0 ¥7 Anwar Sadat Centennial Celebration Act (H.R. 754, P.L. 115–310) ...... 0 * * * Larry Doby Congressional Gold Medal Act (H.R. 1861, P.L. 115–322) ...... 0 * * * Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act of 2018 (H.R. 1872, P.L. 115–330) ...... 0 * * * Protecting Access to the Courts for Taxpayers Act (H.R. 3996, P.L. 115–332) ...... 0 * * * Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (H.R. 2, P.L. 115–334) ...... 0 1,399 1,785 0 Nicaragua Human Rights and Anticorruption Act of 2018 (H.R. 1918, P.L. 115–335) ...... 0 * * * 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (H.R. 5759, P.L. 115–336) ...... 0 * * * Chinese-American World War II Veteran Congressional Gold Medal Act (S. 1050, P.L. 115–337) ...... 0 * * * USS Indianapolis Congressional Gold Medal Act (S. 2101, P.L. 115–338) ...... 0 * * * Naismith Memonal Basketball Hall of Fame Commemorative Coin Act (H.R. 1235, P.L. 115–343) ...... 0 0 0 0 Sanctioning the Use of Civilians as Defenseless Shields Act (H.R. 3342, P.L. 115–348) ...... 0 * * * Correcting Miscalculations in Veterans’ Pensions Act (H.R. 4431, P.L. 115–352) ...... 0 * * * Strengthening Coastal Communities Act of 2018 (H.R. 5787, P.L. 115–358) ...... 0 * * * Walnut Grove Land Exchange Act (H.R. 5923, P.L. 115–361) ...... 0 * * * To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to extend through 2023 the authority of the Federal Election Commission to impose civil money penalties on the basis of a schedule of penalties established and published by the Commission (H.R. 7120, P.L. 115–386) ...... 0 * * * First Step Act of 2018 (S. 756, P.L. 115–391) ...... 0 11 120 317 Abolish Human Trafficking Act of 2017 (S. 1311, P.L. 115–392) ...... 0 * * * CENOTE Act of 2018 (S. 2511, P.L. 115–394) ...... 0 * * * NASA Enhanced Use Leasing Extension Act of 2018 (S. 7, P.L. 115–403) ...... 0 0 5 5 Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018 (S. 2248, P.L. 115–407) ...... 0 * * * Stephen Michael Gleason Congressional Gold Medal Act (S. 2652, P.L. 115–415) ...... 0 * * * Veterans Small Business Enhancement Act of 2018 (S. 2679, P.L. 115–416) ...... 0 * * * Forever GI Bill Housing Payment Fulfillment Act of 2018 (S. 3777, P.L. 115–422) ...... 0 * * * National Integrated Drought Information System Reauthorization Act of 2018 (S. 2200, P.L. 115–423) ...... 0 * * * To authorize early repayment of obligations to the Bureau of Reclamation within the Northport Irrigation District in the State of Nebraska (H.R. 4689, P.L. 115–429) ...... 0 * * * 75th Anniversary of World War II Commemoration Act (S. 3661, P.L. 115–433) ...... 0 * * * Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards Program Extension Act (H.R. 251, P.L. 116–2) ...... 0 * * * Medicaid Extenders Act of 2019 (H.R. 259, P.L. 116–3) ...... 0 8 63 * Further Additional Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019 (H.J. Res. 28, P.L. 116–5) ...... 0 * * * Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019 (H.J. Res. 31, P.L. 116–6) h ...... 0 125 229 9 Pesticide Registration Improvement Extension Act of 2018 (S. 483, P.L. 116–8) ...... 0 ¥5 ¥23 0 John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act (S. 47, P.L. 116–9) ...... 0 0 ¥10 ¥10 Medicaid Services Investment and Accountability Act of 2019 (H.R. 1839, P.L. 116–16) ...... 0 32 69 27 Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act (H.R. 1222, P.L. 116–17) ...... 0 * * * An act to make technical corrections to the computation of average pay under Public Law 110–279 (S. 1436) ...... 0 * * 1 Impact on Deficit ...... * 1,957 3,373 443 Total Change in Outlays ...... * 1,530 2,479 ¥191 Total Change in Revenues ...... * ¥427 ¥894 ¥634 Source: Congressional Budget Office Notes: P.L. = Public Law, * = between ¥$500,000 and $500,000. a On May 7, 2018, the Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Budget reset the Senate’s Pay-As-You-Go Scorecard to zero for all fiscal years. b The amounts shown represent the estimated effect of the public laws on the deficit. c Excludes off-budget amounts. d Pursuant to section 232(b) of H.C. Res. 290 (106th Congress), the Concurrent Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2001, the budgetary effects related to the Federal Reserve’s surplus funds are excluded. As a result, the amounts shown do not include estimated increases in revenues of $655 million in fiscal year 2019, $570 million over the 2019–2023 period, and $454 million over the 2019–2028 period. e The budgetary effects of this Act are excluded from the Senate’s PAYGO scorecard, pursuant to section 512 of the Act. f Division I of P.L. 115–254 contains the Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act, 2018, which provided $1,680 million in supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 2019, and designated as an emergency requirement pur- suant to section 251 of the Deficit Control Act. At the direction of the Committees on the Budget, and consistent with the language in section 1701, those amounts are shown as discretionary spending. g The budgetary effects of this Act are excluded from the Senate’s PAYGO scorecard, pursuant to section 8231 of the Act. h The budgetary effects of title I of division H are excluded from the Senate’s PAYGO scorecard, pursuant to title III of division H of the Act.


Vote Date Measure Violation Motion to Waive Result

127 June 18, 2018 ...... H.R. 5515—John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act 4106(a)-Senate-Pay-As-You-Go Violation 1 ...... Sen. McConnell (R–KY) 2 ...... 81–14, waived for Fiscal Year 2019. 192 August 23, 2018 ...... S. Amdt. #3695 to H.R. 6157, the Defense, Labor, HHS, and Edu- 314(a) CHIMP with Net-Costs ...... Sen. Leahy (D–VT) ...... 68–24, waived cation Appropriations Act 3. 1. Senator Sanders raised a section 4106(a) of H. Con. Res. 71 (115th Congress) point of order against the bill because the bill would increase the on-budget deficit. 2. By unamious consent the Senate proceeded to a roll call vote to waive the point of order. 3. This surgical point of order would have struck lines 7–8 of page 270 in Division B (Title III) of the substitute amendment, which was related to the Pell Grant program. This provision was a Change in Mandatory Program (CHIMP) es- timated to increase spending by $390 million over 10 years.

SRI LANKA While the end of the war was a I also remain concerned about recent Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, this week counterterrorism victory, we have violations of human rights and reli- marks the 10th anniversary of the end since learned the ugly cost of this ef- gious freedom in that country. of Sri Lanka’s decades-long civil war. fort. According to International Crisis Since the end of the war, there has Group, in the final months of Sri On May 19, 2009, Sri Lanka’s 26-year yet to be real progress made on rec- Lanka’s civil war, Sri Lankan Govern- conflict between the Liberation Tigers onciliation and accountability for ment ‘‘attacks on its own self-declared of Tamil Eelam, LTTE, and the govern- Tamils through domestic processes, as ment of Sri Lanka came to a close with ‘no-fire zones’ killed tens of thousands recommended by the UN High Commis- the LTTE’s military defeat and sur- of [Tamil] civilians . . . claims range render. This anniversary comes on the from 7,000 to 147,000 dead.’’ For several sioner for Human Rights 2015 Inves- heels of the horrible Easter Sunday years, I have been calling for an inter- tigation on Sri Lanka, OISL. Human terrorist attacks on churches across national, independent mechanism to rights violations against Tamil, Chris- Sri Lanka for which we are still seek- investigate allegations of war crimes tian, and Muslim minorities continue, ing answers and accountability from and crimes against humanity com- and the Sri Lankan Government has ISIS and its affiliates on the island. mitted during the Sri Lankan conflict.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:49 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.029 S22MYPT1 S3048 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 failed to bring to justice the perpetra- family support to her, especially at the pices of the Senate National Security tors of attacks against journalists, re- end. She is truly loved. Working Group to observe the negotia- ligious, and ethnic minorities and op- Ellen touched so many lives, and tions and meet with the Russian and position politicians. anybody who has worked with her, had U.S. delegations. Ellen was so proud of Sri Lanka has a long way to go on its dinner with her, drank a little Cali- the treaty, and so are we. path to reconciliation. In addition to fornia wine with her knows the special She proved just how strong she was pursuing meaningful justice and ac- person she is. during this most difficult period. She countability, the Sri Lankan Govern- Ellen was one of the first women and did much of her work on the treaty ment must implement comprehensive the youngest woman ever at the age of while suffering from esophageal cancer, security sector reform, fully 25 to become a member of the New but she never let it slow her down. operationalize the Office of Missing York Stock Exchange in 1977. When she retired from the Federal Gov- Persons to provide families with an- I was president of the San Francisco ernment, a new world would open. swers on what happened to their loved Board of Supervisors at that time, and She was appointed by Governor Jerry ones, repeal the controversial Preven- I can tell you, being a woman on the Brown to the University Of California tion of Terrorism Act, PTA, release po- Stock Exchange at that time was a Board Of Regents, she chaired Califor- litical prisoners as called for by our very big deal. nia’s Military Advisory Council, and own State Department and required by Ellen was to go on to work in finance she served as vice chair of the Atlantic fiscal year 2019 Appropriations bill and for 14 years as a successful investment Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strat- address the root causes of the civil war banker and bond trader. egy and Security. and the government’s responsibility to A few years after she moved west, Just last year, she showed she was protect citizens of all communities. Ellen gave birth to her pride and joy, still a player in California politics, Concerns over intercommunal strife the wonderful Katherine Tauscher. As working with Katie Merrill to create a are exacerbated by the horrific April 21 a new mother herself, Ellen struggled Political Action Committee called Easter attacks on churches and hotels to find good childcare, and she used Fight Back, and that was just what across the island that killed over 200 that experience to create the ChildCare Ellen did. Ellen was brilliant. She was warm civilians. We are learning that ISIS-af- Registry, a service to help parents and loyal to her country, her family, filiated entities were behind the at- check backgrounds of childcare cen- and her friends, and she had a wonder- tacks. As Sri Lanka deals with the ters. ful sense of humor. I saw this con- very new threat of Islamic extremism, You see, that was how she was. When stantly over a glass of wine and dinner it is critical that its government not she saw a problem, she worked out a in Washington. She was always ready repeat its pattern of suppressing solution. When Ellen Tauscher put her with something that made friends media, civil society, and religious free- mind to something, there was no stop- smile and even laugh. ping her. Achievement was a given. dom under the veil of counterter- She was, for me, a best friend, and Ellen ran for a seat in Congress in rorism. The government’s abuse of that will never change. Thank you. emergency powers, recent ban on Mus- 1996. The newly created district was lim face-covers, coupled with retalia- conservative, and few people thought it f tory attacks against mosques and Mus- would go to a Democrat, but Ellen ap- TRIBUTE TO LAWRENCE E. lim businesses with little response pealed to moderates on both sides of HENNING from Sri Lanka law enforcement is the aisle, and success, I always Mr. TESTER. Mr. President, today I problematic and only serves to height- thought, was a given. She went on to wish to honor an American hero who en tensions between religious and eth- win that seat and hold it for 12 years. served bravely in the European Cam- nic communities. I urge the Sri As a Member of Congress, Ellen made paign of the Second World War. Lankan security forces to exercise re- a name for herself as a centrist, some- Lawrence E. Henning of Great Falls, straint in their response to the Easter one who could work both sides of the MT, served in the Third Army under attacks. aisle. Her colleagues, many of whom the command of General George S. Pat- While horrific on their own, the attended the memorial service earlier ton. He marched with thousands of Al- Easter attacks were a stark reminder this week at the National Cathedral, lied troops across the Continent, that, as we come upon the 10th anni- knew she would always do what was through France, Luxembourg, Belgium, versary of the end of Sri Lanka’s civil best for her district and for the coun- and finally into Germany, deploying war, intercommunal conflict remains a try. his expertise of the tank destroyer in reality on the island. The Sri Lankan Ellen sat on the House Armed Serv- the final, decisive year of the war. Government’s response to the Easter ices Committee and became chair of Lawrence’s courage and ingenuity attacks echoes of the country’s history the Strategic Forces Subcommittee. were critical to the effort. His re- of conflict and oppression under cover Not necessarily what you would expect sourcefulness allowed the battalion to of counterterrorism. As we remember from an elementary education major maintain a maximum number of tank and commemorate the tens of thou- from New Jersey, but Ellen was a real destroyers on the front line. His skills sands of lives lost leading up to May force. and bravery on the battlefield earned 2009, I urge Sri Lanka, the United She developed an expertise and sub- him commendations decades ago; it is States and the international commu- stantial knowledge in arms control, my honor to finally deliver them nity to continue to pursue justice, ac- nonproliferation, and nuclear weapons. today. countability, and reconciliation for a It was a good fit since her district was I am proud to present you, Lawrence, war-torn nation. home to Lawrence Livermore National with the Bronze Star Medal for your f Laboratory. Meritorious Service in connection with That expertise and the ability to be military operations against an enemy REMEMBERING ELLEN TAUSCHER effective in a critically important post of the United States in France, Luxem- Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I was a big reason why then-Secretary of bourg, Belgium, and Germany during wish to speak about the wonderful spir- State Clinton selected her and Presi- the period 15 September 1944 to 30 it and dedication of Ellen Tauscher, dent Obama nominated her to be Un- March 1945. who was taken from us far too early on dersecretary of State for Arms Control I am also presenting you with: the April 29, 2019. She was a one of a kind and International Security. American Defense Service Medal, the of person and very special to me. One of Ellen’s biggest accomplish- European-African-Middle Eastern Cam- Ellen is survived by her daughter ments in that role was shepherding the paign Medal with 3 Bronze Service Katherine, who is an amazing young negotiations over the New START Stars; the World War II Victory Medal; woman. I have seen her through some Treaty and helping with its ratifica- and the Honorable Service Lapel But- of the most difficult days and she has tion through the Senate in 2010. ton—World War II. an equanimity and an ability second to As a matter of fact, it was at her sug- These medals are a small token of none. Ellen’s sisters Sally and Kathy gestion that former Senator Jon Kyl our nation’s appreciation for your serv- and brother Jack provided very strong and I went to Geneva under the aus- ice and your sacrifice.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.013 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3049 Lawrence, you are an American hero, way, the standards of excellence upon tary Academy at West Point after hav- and Montana is proud to call you one which America’s service academies are ing attended the Military Academy’s of our own. built. preparatory school. He served as the f Carson James Angeroth will be at- student body president of the Utah tending the U.S. Merchant Marine Military Academy, where he was cap- NATIONAL SEERSUCKER DAY Academy after graduating from Cot- tain of the Ranger Team. Enoch was Mr. CASSIDY. Mr. President, today I tonwood High School, where he was awarded the JROTC Cadet of the Year rise in recognition of seersucker manu- part of the State champion baseball Award, earned his Eagle Scout Award, facturers and enthusiasts across the team. He served as a church camp and attended Boys State. He served in United States. I wish everyone a Happy counselor for 3 years and served his the Civil Air Patrol, as president of the National Seersucker Day. This unique- neighbors by helping them clean and Strategic Gaming Club, and as a mem- ly American fashion has a storied his- renovate their homes. As a leader in ber of the Cyber Patriots. tory dating back to 1909. Louisiana is the youth organization through his Camryn Lynlee Karras, from Weber proud to have played an important part church, he is as an example for his High School, accepted an appointment in introducing the country to seer- peers. He is often found outdoors hik- to the U.S. Air Force Academy. An sucker apparel. The first seersucker ing, biking, and skiing. outstanding soccer player, Camryn suit was designed by Joseph Haspel at Jackson Thomas DuPaix accepted an captained both her high school team his Broad Street facility in New Orle- appointment to the U.S. Naval Acad- and her national league club team. She ans, LA. emy. He earned his diploma a year is a member of the National Honor So- This lightweight cotton fabric, early from Rockbridge County High ciety, the Robotics Club, and Health known for its signature pucker, has School and has been attending South- Occupations Students of America— been worn and enjoyed by Americans ern Virginia University. An Eagle HOSA. Each year at Christmastime, across the country during the hot sum- Scout from Riverton, UT, he was part she looks forward to providing gifts mer months. Mr. Haspel said it best, of his high school’s drone club and la- and breakfast to the Boys and Girls ‘‘Hot is hot, no matter what you do for crosse team. He served as president of Club in her community. a living.’’ In the 1990s, Seersucker Day his church youth group and stayed ac- Spencer Burnett Knudsen will be was established by Members of this tive in his community by helping with joining a family history of Army serv- Chamber to honor this unique Amer- home renovations, city landscaping ice when he attends the U.S. Military ican fashion. I proudly resumed this projects, and putting together Christ- Academy at West Point. He is already tradition in 2014 in the U.S. House of mas boxes of food and toys. building his leadership credentials as Representatives by designating Cassidy Ann Eiting is following in the student body president of Monti- Wednesday, June 11, as National Seer- her father’s footsteps and attending cello High School, captain of the bas- sucker Day. I have continued this tra- the U.S. Air Force Academy. After ketball team, and head lifeguard for dition in the U.S. Senate and wish to graduating from South Summit High the city of Monticello. Spencer is a designate Thursday, June 13, as the School, she attended the Northwestern member of the National Honor Society, sixth annual National Seersucker Day. Preparatory School. She was a leader the Future Business Leaders of Amer- I encourage everyone to wear seer- in high school as the student body vice ica—FBLA—and serves his community sucker on this day to commemorate president, captain of both her swim- as a volunteer EMT with San Juan this iconic American clothing. ming and soccer teams, and a member County. f of the two-time State champion soft- Karsten Korb Matosich will be at- ball team. Inspired by her mother, a tending the U.S. Military Academy at TRIBUTE TO UTAH’S SERVICE commissioned Air Force officer, she West Point after graduating from Bing- ACADEMY APPOINTEES stayed active in her school and commu- ham High School. An Eagle Scout, Mr. LEE. Mr. President, it is that nity as a member of the MiteE Team, Karsten serves his community as an or- time of year where I am privileged to Interact Club, and National Honor So- ganist for his church and at local re- recognize exceptional young men and ciety. tirement homes, winterizing homes on women from the great State of Utah Jacob Joseph Frederick, the student the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, and who have answered the call to serve by body president of Skyline High School, coordinating the assembly and dona- applying to the U.S. Air Force Acad- will follow his father to the U.S. Mili- tion of hundreds of oral hygiene kits. emy, the U.S. Merchant Marine Acad- tary Academy at West Point. He at- He served as cocaptain of his debate emy, the U.S. Military Academy, and tended Boys State and earned his Eagle team and played in the Bingham Sym- the U.S. Naval Academy. It is one of Scout Award, while being active on the phony. my greatest honors to recognize these basketball and lacrosse teams. Build- Levi Daniel Montoya will be attend- fine Utahns in the U.S. Senate. ing his leadership skills, Jacob served ing the U.S. Military Academy at West Under title 10 of the U.S. Code, each as first chair trumpet for the concert Point. As a graduate of Juan Diego year, Members of Congress are author- band and jazz band, coach of a youth Catholic High School, Levi stayed busy ized to nominate a number of young basketball team, and as a summer as the team captain of both his high men and women from their district or camp counselor. He worked on projects school and club lacrosse teams. A State to attend the country’s service benefiting veterans at the Fisher House member of the National Honor Society, academies. Each of these students is of in Salt Lake City. he also was a member of the Key Club, sound mind and body. This will serve Christina Gillespie accepted an ap- Pre-med Club, and the Boy Scouts. them well in Colorado Springs, Kings pointment to the U.S. Air Force Acad- Levi was inspired to attend West Point Point, West Point, and Annapolis, but emy, joining a long family tradition of by his father and grandfather, both to succeed, they will need more than Air Force service. She graduated from Army soldiers, who told the stories of this. Clearfield High School where she main- his great-grandfather, Army Medic Al- The journey on which these young tained a 4.0 GPA and captained the bert Montoya, who served valiantly on men and women will soon embark re- swimming team, earning the MVP title the beaches of Normandy on June 6, quires more than mental and physical twice. She served as president of her 1944. aptitude. It also demands strong moral church youth group and as the student Samuel Austin Nafus, who was of- character: leadership, courage, hon- body officer over service, where her fered multiple academy appointments, esty, prudence, and self-discipline. It school raised $50,000 for local charities. has chosen to follow his brother to the calls for a commitment to service and A member of the school choir, Chris- U.S. Naval Academy. A member of the a love of country. Ultimately, it pro- tina is also a member of the Oratorio State champion academic olympiad vides a chance for some of Utah’s finest Society of Utah, a nondenominational team for Bountiful High School, Sam to stand up for our country. choral organization. also participated in DECA, debate, and Today, I would like to congratulate Enoch Austin Horning, a member of Model UN. He maintained a 4.0 GPA each of these impressive students, all the Utah Army National Guard, will be while being active in his community as of whom embody, in their own unique continuing his service at the U.S. Mili- a lector for Saint Olaf Catholic Church,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.034 S22MYPT1 S3050 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 attending Boys State, and earning his years of missionary service for the uel A. Greaves, Director of the Missile Eagle Scout Award. Sam received var- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Defense Agency, on the advent of his sity letters for both football and track. Saints in the Australia Brisbane Mis- retirement from the U.S. Air Force Jaxon Jefferson Porter will be at- sion. Trevor played varsity baseball after 37 years of military service to tending the U.S. Military Academy at and football for Corner Canyon High this great country. West Point after having served for 2 School. He earned his Eagle Scout General Greaves’ long and storied ca- years as a missionary for the Church of Award and spent time in Taiwan with reer began when he was commissioned Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the TIYEA leadership camp where he in 1982 through the Air Force Reserve Armenia. Jaxon graduated from Weber taught English to children. Officer Training Corps Program after High School in 2016, where he chal- David Sperry White is returning to he graduated from Cornell University. lenged himself by taking a difficult the U.S. Military Academy at West Throughout his service, he has held a course load of AP classes. He served his Point after serving 2 years speaking variety of assignments in operational, community through projects with the Korean as a missionary for the Church acquisition, and staff units, including Boy Scouts and with the Bates Elemen- of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in assignments at Headquarters Air Com- tary School library. Jaxon has been the Korea Seoul Mission. A proud grad- bat Command; the National Reconnais- recognized as being goal oriented, uate and former student body president sance Office; and on the Air Staff. He which will serve him well as he enters of Uintah High School in Vernal, UT, commanded the 45th Launch Group at the academy. David is an Eagle Scout and published Patrick AFB, Florida, the Launch and Alma Helaman Redd comes from a author. He attended Boys State and Range Systems Wing, the Military Sat- military family. His father and all of was president of the service club, ellite Communications Systems Wing, his brothers have served in the mili- Vernal Youth in Action. also served as vice commander, Space tary, including an Air Force Academy Michael Ammon Wintercorn has been and Missile Systems Center at Los An- graduate and a graduate of West Point. attending Brigham Young University geles AFB. He later served as the direc- Alma is following their examples and while preparing himself to attend the tor, strategic plans, programs and attending the U.S. Military Academy U.S. Naval Academy. He graduated analyses, Headquarters Air Force at West Point. He graduated from the from Jordan High School, where he ran Space Command, Peterson AFB, Colo- American Heritage School and is cur- for both the cross-country and track rado, and then was assigned as the dep- rently attending Utah Valley Univer- and field teams. Michael, an Eagle uty director, Missile Defense Agency, sity after service as missionary for the Scout, served on the Sandy Youth City Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. Prior to Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Council and as president of his church his current assignment, he was the Saints. He is an Eagle Scout and a fan youth group. He spent 2 years speaking commander, Space and Missile Sys- of ultimate frisbee. He attended Boys Japanese as a missionary for the tems Center, Air Force Space Com- State and was a member of the year- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day mand, Los Angeles Air Force Base, book staff, National Honor Society, Saints in the Fukuoka Japan Mission. California. and the honors band and honors choir. A member of the National Honor Soci- His operational experience is excep- Gabriel Rosa, a graduate of Skyline ety, Michael also played trumpet for tional and includes work on the space High School, has accepted an appoint- the symphonic band and for a local el- shuttle, Titan, Atlas and Delta space- ment to the U.S. Naval Academy. A derly care center. launch systems. He currently wears the leader in the making, Gabriel served as Miles Stanley Zembruski is following Command Space Badge, a joint Air a captain and squadron commander in in the footsteps of the many NASA as- Force and Army award for training, ex- the Civil Air Patrol and as the chair- tronauts he has long admired and ac- perience, and assignments in space man of the Utah Wing Cadet Advisory cepted an appointment to the U.S. warning, satellite command and con- Council. He captained his ice hockey Naval Academy. A graduate of West trol, missile operations, space surveil- team, served as president of the Future High School, where he participated in lance, and/or space lift. Business Leaders of America—FBLA— the Navy JROTC and the Civil Air Pa- During his tour, the Agency and the and as the State party chairman at trol, Miles was a member of the Model Department of Defense made signifi- Boys State. Gabriel is a nationally Rocketry Club, the National Honor So- cant progress in addressing current and qualified fencer in men’s saber. ciety, and the cross-country team. He emerging ballistic missile threats by Ethan James Schofield will be enter- founded an independent philosophy/lit- fielding, upgrading, and improving mis- ing the U.S. Air Force Academy after erature publication and a volunteer sile defenses to provide U.S. military having served as a missionary for the community service organization, all commanders a highly effective ballistic Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day while maintaining a rigorous academic missile defense capability to defend the Saints in Indonesia. A graduate of schedule of AP and IB classes. Lone Peak High School, Ethan stayed It has been inspiring to nominate United States and its deployed troops, active in sports and served as the cap- each of these exemplary young men U.S. allies, and friends around the tain of the football team and as a mem- and women. Doing so has given me an world. He also laid the groundwork for ber of the lacrosse and track and field unshakeable confidence in the future of the Agency’s pursuit of technologies teams. He earned his Eagle Scout this great Nation and future of our and systems to track and defeat Award with a project for the city of Armed Services. hypersonic glide vehicle threats. Gen- American Fork, where his team ran a To these 20 students and to all their eral Greaves implemented a clear tree inventory. He is an avid mountain future classmates from around the strategy focusing on maintaining the biker and downhill skier. country, do not forget: This is but the reliability of the Ballistic Missile De- Matthew Walker Schvaneveldt will beginning of your journey. fense System, BMDS, to build again join the cadets of the U.S. Mili- You would not have arrived at this warfighter confidence, increasing capa- tary Academy after having served in point were it not for your hard work bility and capacity of fielded missile the Japan Sapporo Mission with the and sacrifice and for the service and ex- defense systems, and making measured Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day ample your parents, family, teachers, investments to address the advanced Saints. Matthew graduated from the coaches, and mentors. What matters threat. Northern Utah Academy for Math, En- most now is not your past accomplish- While serving as the director, Missile gineering & Science, NUAMES, where ments, but what you will achieve in Defense Agency, General Greaves dem- he was president of the National Honor the future. onstrated superior leadership, extraor- Society. He earned his Eagle Scout Thank you. dinary dedication, and exceptional pro- Award, attended Boys State, and was f fessionalism as the key interface be- honored with the Volunteer of the Year tween MDA and the Office of the Sec- Award from McKay-Dee Hospital in TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT retary of Defense, Joint Staff, Combat- Ogden, UT. GENERAL SAMUEL A. GREAVES ant Commands, Services and Military Trevor Dean Smiley is returning to Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I rise Departments, the Department of State, the U.S. Air Force Academy following 2 today to pay tribute to Lt. Gen. Sam- and international partners. He also

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:35 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.023 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3051 worked very closely with the adminis- This test demonstrated the effective- ployment of a critically needed space tration and Congress to support signifi- ness of the European phased adaptive sensor layer for hypersonic and missile cant improvements to the Nation’s approach phase 3 architecture and sup- defense, the need for which can be best missile defense programs and plans in ports a critical acquisition milestone summed by the general himself when 2017, known as the missile defeat and for the SM–3 Block IIA missile pro- he said: ‘‘If you can’t see it, you can’t defense enhancements, that resulted in gram. shoot it.’’ As a result of his efforts, the Congress increasing the Missile De- General Greaves also laid the founda- Congress continually funded the MDA fense Agency’s budget request for fiscal tion for the Long Range Discrimina- to develop such a capability. In 2019, year 2018 from $7.8 billion to over $11.5 tion Radar, Homeland Defense Radar- the general partnered with DARPA and billion, which represents both the larg- Hawaii, Pacific Radar, and other dis- the Air Force on the Hypersonic and est single year increase and total budg- crimination improvements to improve Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor Pro- et in MDA’s history. homeland defense against emerging gram, which is now working with in- General Greaves placed a high pri- threats. He further advanced the devel- dustry to reduce the key risks for this ority on increasing the ground-based opment of two-stage booster capability space sensor layer. midcourse defense’s, GMD, fleet reli- to provide additional homeland defense He also successfully completed the ability and confidence by upgrading battle-space capability by enabling development and deployment of a net- fielded GBIs, implementing improve- shorter engagement times without the work of sensor payloads hosted on com- ments in new production GBIs, and in- expense of a separate development pro- mercial satellites, called Space-based corporating reliability, producibility gram. He also continued improvements Kill Assessment, or SKA. This program and sustainability improvements in fu- in the command and control, battle will collect data on missile intercepts, ture GBI designs. General Greaves management and communication infra- and inform the post-intercept assess- oversaw GMD ground system mod- structure, which provides persistent ment by the warfighter. This capa- ernization, to include delivery of acquisition, tracking, cueing, discrimi- bility will provide the warfighter the Ground System 7A, which removed ob- nation, and fire-control quality data to option to adjust their shot doctrine to solete equipment from the kill chain, Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD), more efficiently manage interceptor eliminated cyber defense GMD, Terminal High Altitude Area De- inventory, thereby dramatically in- fense, THAAD, Patriot, and coalition vulnerabilities, and improved redun- creasing the number of threats the sys- partners to support homeland and re- dancy for the warfighter. He also tem can engage for the defense of the gional missile defense. pressed forward with key reliability homeland. In fact, when warfighters General Greaves was further respon- took part in simulations involving improvements, including the develop- sible for major BMDS capability en- ment of the redesigned kill vehicle, SKA they were so highly impressed by hancements and asset deployments this new capability they requested it RKV, and upgrading of the GMD Com- around the globe. He guided program munications Network, and launch sup- be made operational sooner than MDA plans to strengthen regional defenses had planned. The SKA program has port equipment. by continuing deliveries of Standard General Greaves also successfully been so impressive that the Depart- Missile–3, SM–3, Block IBs, for use on completed the expansion of the Na- ment recently recognized MDA, under Aegis BMD ships and at Aegis Ashore- General Greaves leadership, for its ac- tion’s deployed GBI fleet to 44 intercep- Romania, and THAAD interceptors. tors in 2017, known as 44 by 17, which quisition success by presenting it with After fielding the THAAD Battery to the Packard Award for Acquisition Ex- resulted in a nearly 50 percent increase South Korea, in late 2017, the com- in the number of deployed interceptors cellence for the development of SKA. mander of United States Forces Korea General Greaves demonstrated his available for use by the warfighter. requested tighter coupling between Moreover, in response to the growing commitment to expand work with U.S. THAAD and Patriot units in theater. North Korean ICBM threat, in Decem- international partners, to include con- General Greaves worked with Army ber 2017, General Greaves began exe- ducting joint analyses to support part- PEO Missiles and Space on proposed so- ner missile defense acquisition deci- cuting Department and congressional lutions to address the request and im- guidance in the missile defeat and de- sions, cooperative research and devel- prove regional ballistic missile defense. opment projects, deploying BMD as- fense enhancements plan to further ex- He also pushed for the development of pand the GBI fleet to a total of 64 de- sets, foreign military sales, FMS, and a future THAAD system, including de- coproduction efforts. Under General ployed GBIs by 2023 through the rapid velopment of a remote launcher capa- and efficient construction of a new, Greave’s leadership, the Agency exe- bility, integration of Patriot MSE in- cuted an historic FMS case with the fourth missile field at Fort Greely, AK, terceptor and launcher into the which will add 20 additional oper- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for seven THAAD Weapon System, and improved THAAD batteries and accompanying ational silos to the GMD system. interoperability by enabling Patriot If this were not enough, he oversaw launchers, radars, and interceptors. In Launch-on-Remote (THAAD). addition, he continued work on the co- multiple successful flight tests. This He also continued advancement of includes flight test ground-based mid- development with Japan of the SM–3 the Aegis BMD system in collaboration Block IIA missile that will be deployed course test 11, FTG–11, a GBI salvo test with the Navy to counter growing and against a complex, threat representa- to the operational Aegis Ashore missile more complex threats, including im- defense sites in Romania and Poland. tive ICBM-class target. This intercept provements in system and missile reli- flight test was so successful that the His exceptional leadership style in- ability as well as increases in Aegis fluenced an organization of over 10,000 director for the Department Oper- BMD engagement capacity and ational Test and Evaluation, DOT&E, personnel across 13 time zones. These lethality, including work on the Aegis distinctive accomplishments of Gen- Agency directed DOT&E staff to refer Weapon System, Aegis Ashore-Poland, to FTG–11 as the first operational eral Greaves are monumental. As he the SM–3 IIA program, and Sea Based and his wife Patricia prepare for retire- flight test of the ground-based mid- Terminal defense. General Greaves course defense system. FTM–45, also ment, I want to thank them for their kept the Agency on track to deliver service to the United States of Amer- conducted under his direction, dem- the initial SM–3 Block IIA missiles de- onstrated an Aegis BMD organic en- ica—General Greaves and Patricia— veloped in cooperation with Japan to Bravo Zulu. gagement using a SM–3 Blk IIA against support European phased adaptive ap- a MRBM, a key milestone for the SM– proach, EPAA, phase 3. He oversaw the f 3 Block IIA return to flight. In addi- construction of the Aegis Ashore sys- ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS tion, he directed the flight test inte- tem in Poland in support of EPAA grated 3, FTI–03, an operational live Phase 3 to improve European NATO de- fire test demonstrating the engage-on- fenses against medium- and inter- TRIBUTE TO ELIZABETH remote capability of the Aegis Weapon mediate-range ballistic missiles, which GUILLOTTE AND RICHARD System to track and intercept an is expected to be delivered in 2020. ‘‘RICKY’’ MAZUR IRBM target with an Aegis Ashore- General Greaves has been a tireless ∑ Ms. HASSAN. Mr. President, I am launched SM–3 Block IIA interceptor. advocate for the development and de- proud to recognize Elizabeth Guillotte

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.018 S22MYPT1 S3052 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 of Hill, NH, and Richard ‘‘Ricky’’ tem in Maine, has improved the lives County, Pittsfield is home to roughly Mazur of Franklin, NH, as the May 2019 and health of many residents of west- 4,200 residents who help make it a Granite Staters of the Month for their ern Maine. thriving Maine town. dedication to helping their classmates Although Bill is originally from Long Incorporated as Warsaw in 1819, the whose financial and/or family cir- Island, he has proudly called Maine town became Pittsfield in 1824, named cumstances render them unable to af- home for almost five decades. He stud- after one its prominent citizens, Wil- ford basic necessities like clothing and ied and specialized in Internal Medi- liam Pitts. Early on, most of the toiletries. cine at Wesleyan University and then town’s occupants were farmers, grow- When the Franklin High School at the University of Rochester School ing so much corn and wheat that they FIRST robotics team sat down to dis- of Medicine. Following his medical used the grains to pay their taxes. Like cuss how they could give back to their residencies and 2 years of service in the many Maine towns, Pittsfield began to community, Elizabeth and Richard had Air Force, Bill and his family relocated develop a strong mill industry that an idea: They could revamp the make- to western Maine in the early 1970’s. flourished along the Sebasticook River. shift thrift shop at their school. Now, Throughout his career, Bill has dedi- This assortment of textile, saw, and students at Franklin High School who cated himself to improving the quality grist mills created hundreds of new are in need of anything from clothing, of healthcare in Maine, specifically in jobs and Pittsfield saw its population to toothbrushes, to cereal, can get all the rural area he has worked and lived. nearly double in just 40 years. Closures these items anonymously and for free His efforts to achieve this goal have and relocation of many of the town’s at the new and improved ‘‘Karma taken many forms, from serving as a mills lead to some decline, but the citi- Korner.’’ trustee at Western Maine Health Care zens of Pittsfield helped reinvent the Elizabeth and Richard were inspired Corporation and MaineHealth to his 45 town, and today, Pittsfield is as vi- to act after they noticed that some of years as an internist in the Oxford brant as ever. their classmates were walking the Hills region. Perhaps one of the most Maine Central Institute, an inde- halls in the same clothing that they symbolic aspects of Bill’s hard work is pendent high school, opened in 1866 and wore the day before and learned that the growth of the local hospital in Nor- continues to serve many of the town’s some classmates were eating their only way, ME. At first a small facility when residents and foreign students from meal of the day in the school cafeteria. Bill arrived, it is now a fully equipped, such countries as South Korea, Spain, With the support of their FIRST Ro- modern hospital known as Stephen’s Guatemala, and many more. The botics teammates, the two students Memorial and provides quality school’s Manson Essay contest con- moved an already existing makeshift healthcare to the rural region. tinues to bring members of the commu- thrift shop to a wheelchair-accessible In early 2016, an expansion of West- nity together every year to hear pres- room with better lighting and brightly ern Maine Health, was named the Wil- entations by students on their univer- colored walls. They added food to the liam L. Medd, MD, Health Center. This sity level research papers. Along with inventory of items available for stu- new facility integrated new models for its high-level academics, MCI’s impres- dents and started a program that al- delivering primary care and relocated sive athletic program has produced a lows students to bring home a back- other Western Maine Health units. For number of professional athletes, many pack stuffed with pantry items so that the last 3 years, Bill has had the of whom have gone on to play profes- they do not go hungry over the week- unique opportunity to work out of the sional basketball. end. facility that bears his name. A hallmark of Pittsfield’s economy, Ensuring anonymity and, as a result, On March 30 of this year, Bill was Cianbro was founded by Carl reducing stigma was important to Eliz- presented the Legacy Award at the Ox- Cianchette in 1946. Cianchette and his abeth and Richard. If a student wants ford Hills Chamber of Commerce an- brothers would go on to grow this com- to check out an item, all they need to nual dinner. Not only does this award pany into the largest construction do is record what they are taking on a embody Bill’s commitment to company in Maine, providing thou- clipboard, so that the students working healthcare in Maine, but speaks to sands of jobs throughout the State. the pantry know what needs to be re- other contributions he has made to his Now nationally recognized and 100 per- plenished. community, from fundraising for local cent employee owned, with locations Many businesses in the surrounding scholarships to supporting youth pro- stretching into the mid-Atlantic re- communities have also lent their sup- grams in the region. His work in these gion, Cianbro is still headquartered in port in the form of gift cards or do- fields outside the medical profession Pittsfield. nated items. By collaborating with demonstrate Bill’s commitment to It is an honor and a privilege to con- local businesses and charities, Karma more broadly improve his community. gratulate Pittsfield on this historic oc- Korner recently received washers and I would like to thank Dr. Medd for casion. For 200 years the town and its dryers for student use, which were his decade’s long work in the State of residents have repeatedly dem- bought and installed at no expense to Maine. Thanks to his determination onstrated the hard work and commu- the school. and drive to make a difference, the fu- nity spirit found throughout Maine. I In establishing Karma Korner, Eliza- ture of healthcare in western Maine is hope the residents of Pittsfield take beth and Richard have recognized and bright. Dr. Medd’s passion for his pa- the opportunity during this yearlong elevated the dignity of their friends, tients, community, and State sets an celebration to reflect on their rich his- peers, and classmates, and they have example for the medical professionals tory and strive to make the next 200 reminded us of our shared humanity who will follow him. years as prosperous as the last. Happy and shared promise. I join the rest of Congratulations, Dr. Medd, on a suc- 200th birthday, Pittsfield, and con- the Franklin High School community cessful career and happy retirement. I gratulations to all who have made this in thanking Richard and Elizabeth for look forward to seeing your continued a vibrant Maine community.∑ their efforts to help make their school contributions to your community.∑ f a more supportive and welcoming place f TRIBUTE TO T. MICHAEL PUTNAM and congratulate them for being hon- 200TH ANNIVERSARY OF ored as May 2019’s Granite Staters of ∑ Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, today I PITTSFIELD, MAINE the Month.∑ wish to recognize the Honorable T. Mi- ∑ f Mr. KING. Mr. President, today I chael Putnam, who is formally step- wish to recognize the town of Pitts- ping down from his 32-year term as a TRIBUTE TO DR. WILLIAM MEDD field, ME, which is celebrating its 200th U.S. magistrate judge, effective on ∑ Mr. KING. Mr. President, today I anniversary this year. Throughout its June 7, 2019. Judge Putnam served the wish to honor the efforts of Dr. William long history, Pittsfield has continually Northern District of Alabama as a Medd and his work with Western Maine displayed a rich heritage of hard work, magistrate and chief magistrate judge Health and Stephen’s Memorial Hos- entrepreneurship, innovation, commu- during his many years of service to the pital. His dedicated work with nity, and family spirit. Situated along court. He is the longest serving mag- MaineHealth, the largest health sys- the Sebasticook River in Somerset istrate judge in the history of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.021 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3053 Northern District of Alabama, and I tain disabled veterans, and for other pur- EC–1341. A communication from the Gen- certainly commend him for this accom- poses. eral Counsel, Federal Energy Regulatory plishment. At the time of his appoint- H.R. 1812. An act to amend title 38, United Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, States Code, to furnish Vet Center readjust- the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Hydroelectric ment, Judge Putnam was the youngest ment counseling and related mental health Licensing Regulations Under the America’s magistrate judge in the country at age services to certain individuals. Water Infrastructure Act of 2018’’ ((RIN1902– 32. H.R. 1947. An act to amend title 38, United AF59) (Docket No. RM19–6–000)) received in Instrumental in the expansion of the States Code, to exempt transfers of funds the Office of the President of the Senate on role of magistrate judges, Judge Put- from Federal agencies to the Department of May 21, 2019; to the Committee on Energy nam worked to highlight their value in Veterans Affairs for nonprofit corporations and Natural Resources. the judicial process. He acted as the established under subchapter IV of chapter EC–1342. A communication from the Direc- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, chair and vice chair of the Northern 73 of such title from certain provisions of the Economy Act, and for other purposes. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- District’s Criminal Justice Act Admin- H.R. 2045. An act to amend title 38, United ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- istrative Committee, playing a signifi- States Code, to establish in the Department titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Georgia: Permit cant role in ensuring the highest qual- the Veterans Economic Opportunity and Exemption for Fire Fighting’’ (FRL No. 9993– ity of representation of indigent crimi- Transition Administration, and for other 89–Region 4) received in the Office of the nal defendants in the Northern District purposes. President of the Senate on May 21, 2019; to under the Criminal Justice Act. H.R. 2326. An act to amend the Social Secu- the Committee on Environment and Public rity Act, to amend the Dignified Burial and Works. Judge Putnam is widely known for Other Veterans’ Benefits Improvement Act EC–1343. A communication from the Direc- his volunteer work at the Cumberland of 2012, and to direct the Secretaries of Vet- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, School of Law in Birmingham, AL. He erans Affairs, Defense, Labor, and Homeland Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- has taught a pretrial practice and pro- Security, and the Administrator of the ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- cedure class since 2006 and directed Small Business Administration, to take cer- titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Georgia; Miscella- many trial advocacy and moot court tain actions to improve transition assistance neous Revisions’’ (FRL No. 9994–14–Region 4) programs. The Cumberland School of to members of the Armed Forces who sepa- received in the Office of the President of the Senate on May 21, 2019; to the Committee on Law named Judge Putnam the 2019 re- rate, retire, or are discharged from the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. Environment and Public Works. cipient of the Friend of the Law School H.R. 2333. An act to direct the Comptroller EC–1344. A communication from the Direc- Award in recognition of his time and General of the United States to conduct an tor of the Regulatory Management Division, dedication to the betterment of stu- assessment of the responsibilities, workload, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- dents at Cumberland. The Young Law- and vacancy rates of Department of Veterans ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- yers Section of the Birmingham Bar Affairs suicide prevention coordinators, and titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Illinois; Redesig- for other purposes. nation of the Illinois Portion of the St. Association also selected him for the Louis, MO–IL Area to attainment of the 1997 Judge Drayton Nobles James Award in H.R. 2340. An act to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide to Congress no- Annual Standard for Fine Particulate Mat- 2016, where they honored his spirit of tice of any suicide or attempted suicide of a ter’’ (FRL No. 9994–11–Region 5) received in volunteerism. veteran in a Department of Veterans Affairs the Office of the President of the Senate on As an advocate for the Northern Dis- facility, and for other purposes. May 21, 2019; to the Committee on Environ- trict, Judge Putnam played an active H.R. 2359. An act to direct the Secretary of ment and Public Works. role in using technology to improve ef- Veterans Affairs to submit to Congress a re- EC–1345. A communication from the Direc- port on the Department of Veterans Affairs tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ficiency. He has been a judicial re- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- source for the Office of the Clerk while advancing of whole health transformation. H.R. 2372. An act to direct the Comptroller ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- implementing procedural changes to General of the United States to conduct an titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Indiana; Volatile the electronic filing system. Judge assessment of all memoranda of under- Organic Liquid Storage Tank Rules’’ (FRL Putnam led the Court in establishing standing and memoranda of agreement be- No. 9994–10–Region 5) received in the Office of the eVoucher system, making it easier tween Under Secretary of Health and non- the President of the Senate on May 21, 2019; for attorneys and courts to process Department of Veterans Affairs entities re- to the Committee on Environment and Pub- lating to suicide prevention and mental lic Works. vouchers for appointed counsel in EC–1346. A communication from the Direc- health services. criminal cases. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Judge Putnam received his bachelor f Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- of arts from the University of Alabama EXECUTIVE AND OTHER ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- and his juris doctorate from the Uni- COMMUNICATIONS titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Kentucky: Jeffer- versity of Alabama School of Law. He son County Process Operations’’ (FRL No. The following communications were graduated in the top 5 percent of his 9993–90–Region 4) received in the Office of the laid before the Senate, together with President of the Senate on May 21, 2019; to class and was a Hugo L. Black Scholar. accompanying papers, reports, and doc- the Committee on Environment and Public Judge Putnam’s contributions to uments, and were referred as indicated: Works. Alabama’s judicial system are truly re- EC–1347. A communication from the Direc- markable and will have an impact for EC–1338. A communication from the Direc- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- generations to come. I am proud to Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- take this time to recognize and thank ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Massachusetts; him for his service to the people of our titled ‘‘Fluensulfone; Pesticide Tolerances’’ Nonattainment New Source Review Program great State and his unwavering com- (FRL 9992–69–OCSPP) received in the Office Revisions; Infrastructure Provisions for Na- mitment to the rule of law. I join of the President of the Senate on May 21, tional Ambient Air Quality Standards; Non- Judge Putnam’s friends, family, and 2019; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nu- attainment New Source Review Require- colleagues in wishing him the best of trition, and Forestry. ments for the 2008 8-Hour Ozone Standard’’ EC–1339. A communication from the Pro- (FRL No. 9993–84–Region 1) received in the luck as he transitions into a new chap- gram and Management Analyst, Natural Re- ter of his life.∑ Office of the President of the Senate on May sources Conservation Service, Department of 21, 2019; to the Committee on Environment f Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant to law, and Public Works. the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Miscellaneous MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE EC–1348. A communication from the Direc- Conservation Provisions’’ (RIN0578–AA69) re- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, At 12:57 p.m., a message from the ceived during adjournment of the Senate in Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- House of Representatives, delivered by the Office of the President of the Senate on ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, May 17, 2019; to the Committee on Agri- titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; NC; Permitting announced that the House has passed culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. Revisions’’ (FRL No. 9993–97–Region 4) re- EC–1340. A communication from the Sec- the following bills, in which it requests ceived in the Office of the President of the retary of Energy, transmitting, pursuant to Senate on May 21, 2019; to the Committee on the concurrence of the Senate: law, a report entitled ‘‘Department of En- Environment and Public Works. H.R. 1200. An act to increase, effective as of ergy Activities Relating to the Defense Nu- EC–1349. A communication from the Direc- December 1, 2019, the rates of compensation clear Facilities Safety Board, Fiscal Year tor of the Regulatory Management Division, for veterans with service-connected disabil- 2018’’; to the Committees on Energy and Nat- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ities and the rates of dependency and indem- ural Resources; Appropriations; and Armed ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- nity compensation for the survivors of cer- Services. titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Ohio; Revisions to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.022 S22MYPT1 S3054 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 Particulate Matter Rules’’ (FRL No. 9994–12– Homeland Security, transmitting, pursuant Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate Region 5) received in the Office of the Presi- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Adjust- is authorized and directed to make appro- dent of the Senate on May 21, 2019; to the ing Program Fees for the Student and Ex- priate copies of this resolution available for Committee on Environment and Public change Visitor Program’’ (RIN1653–AA74) re- distribution to the President of the Senate, Works. ceived in the Office of the President of the to the Speaker of the United States House of EC–1350. A communication from the Direc- Senate on May 21, 2019; to the Committee on Representatives, and to each member of the tor of the Regulatory Management Division, the Judiciary. congressional delegation from this state. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- EC–1359. A communication from the Regu- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- lation Policy Development Coordinator, Of- POM–64. A resolution adopted by the Sen- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air fice of Regulation Policy and Management, ate of the State of Georgia urging the United Quality Implementation Plans; State of Department of Veterans Affairs, transmit- States Congress to award the Congressional Montana; Missoula PM10 Nonattainment ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Gold Medal to the World War II Merrill’s Ma- Area Limited Maintenance Plan and Redes- titled ‘‘Core Values, Characteristics, and rauders; to the Committee on Banking, ignation Request’’ (FRL No. 9993–66–Region Customer Experience Principles of the De- Housing, and Urban Affairs. 8) received in the Office of the President of partment’’ (RIN2900–AQ60) received in the SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 466 the Senate on May 21, 2019; to the Committee Office of the President of the Senate on May Whereas, in August, 1943, President Frank- on Environment and Public Works. 21, 2019; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- lin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister EC–1351. A communication from the Direc- fairs. Winston Churchill proposed creation of a tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EC–1360. A communication from the Assist- top-secret, ‘‘expendable’’ American ground Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ant Director, Office of Regulation Policy and unit to engage in a ‘‘long-range penetration ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Management, Department of Veterans Af- mission’’ behind enemy lines in Japanese oc- titled ‘‘Approval of Air Quality Implementa- fairs, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- cupied Burma to cut off communications and tion Plans; New York; Cross-State Air Pollu- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Streamlining Annual supply lines and capture northern Burma’s tion Rule; NOx Ozone Season Group 2, NOx Rate Publication for VA Educational Bene- only strategic, all-weather Myitkyina air- Annual, and SO2 Group 1 Trading Programs’’ fits’’ (RIN2900–AP99) received in the Office of field; and (FRL No. 9993–69–Region 2) received in the the President of the Senate on May 21, 2019; Whereas, President Roosevelt issued a 1943 Office of the President of the Senate on May to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. call for volunteers for ‘‘a dangerous and haz- ardous mission,’’ answered by approximately 21, 2019; to the Committee on Environment f and Public Works. 3,000 American Infantrymen from stateside, EC–1352. A communication from the Assist- PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS the Caribbean, and the South Pacific, rep- ant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, Depart- The following petitions and memo- resenting 15 ethnic groups from every state and including a Bataan Death March sur- ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to the rials were laid before the Senate and Case-Zablocki Act, 1 U.S.C. 112b, as amended, vivor, Nisei interpreters, a Native American the report of the texts and background state- were referred or ordered to lie on the code talker, and Pearl Harbor survivors; and ments of international agreements, other table as indicated: Whereas, the top-secret unit, expecting no than treaties (List 2019–0032 - 2019–0036); to POM–63. A resolution adopted by the Sen- survivors, was officially designated in Janu- the Committee on Foreign Relations. ate of the State of Georgia urging the United ary, 1944, as the 5307th Composite Unit Provi- EC–1353. A communication from the Direc- States Congress to pass funding legislation sional (CUP), code-named ‘‘Galahad,’’ which tor, White House Liaison, Department of that will secure the southern border of the later became known as ‘‘Merrill’s Maraud- Education, transmitting, pursuant to law, a United States; to the Committee on Appro- ers,’’ after their leader, Brigadier General report relative to a vacancy in the position priations. Frank D. Merrill; and Whereas, in February, 1944, the Marauders of Chief Financial Officer of the Department SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 114 of Education, received in the Office of the began their approximately 1,000 mile march Whereas, it is imperative that the United through dense Burmese jungle and up the Hi- President of the Senate on May 20, 2019; to States Congress pass the laws needed to pro- the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, malayan Mountains with no artillery sup- vide the necessary funding for securing the port, carrying only what they could pack on and Pensions. southern border of this great nation; and EC–1354. A communication from the Acting their backs or mules, and would become the Whereas, the growing crisis of illegal im- first Americans to engage the Japanese on Director, Office of Management and Budget, migration threatens the security of United Executive Office of the President, transmit- the ground in Asia and the first Americans States citizens; and to fight there since the 1900 Boxer Rebellion; ting proposed legislation relative to the re- Whereas, in 2017 and 2018 alone, approxi- sponsibilities of the Office of Personnel Man- and mately 235,000 illegal immigrants were ar- Whereas, the Marauders fought valiantly agement (OPM) within the General Services rested; more than half of those arrests were during their five-month march to the Administration (GSA); to the Committee on for violent crimes against Americans, 4,000 of Myitkyina airfield, defeating the much larg- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- whom were murdered; and er and better equipped elite Japanese 18th fairs. Whereas, each week, 300 Americans die of Division in five major and 30 minor engage- EC–1355. A communication from the Gen- using heroin that comes to this country ments, and no other WWII U.S. combat force, eral Counsel, Office of Management and through drug smuggling at our southern bor- except the First Marine Division which took Budget, Executive Office of the President, der; and and held Guadalcanal for four months, expe- transmitting, pursuant to law, two (2) re- Whereas, a high steel barrier along 234 rienced as much uninterrupted jungle fight- ports relative to vacancies in the Office of miles of this nation’s southern border would ing; and Management and Budget, received in the Of- effectively prevent illegal immigrants and Whereas, the Marauders endured starva- fice of the President of the Senate on May 16, contraband from reaching the United States; tion, disease, monsoons, and isolation, which 2019; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- and were exacerbated by inadequate aerial resup- rity and Governmental Affairs. Whereas, the Trump administration has re- ply drops, and malaria, typhus, dysentery, EC–1356. A communication from the Assist- quested $5.7 billion for the construction of a and other jungle maladies inflicted more cas- ant Attorney General, Office of Legislative steel barrier along the southern border, $4.2 ualties on the Marauders than the Japanese; Affairs, Department of Justice, transmit- billion for detention center materials and and ting, pursuant to law, an annual report on personnel, $563 million for additional immi- Whereas, only several hundred Marauders applications made by the Government for au- gration judges and support staff to reduce remained fit enough, after climbing the thority to conduct electronic surveillance the backlog of immigration cases, $211 mil- Himalaya’s disease infested, 6,100 foot Naura for foreign intelligence during calendar year lion for additional border patrol agents, $571 Hkyat Pass, to seize their objective of the 2018 relative to the Foreign Intelligence Sur- million for additional ICE personnel, and Myitkyina airfield, which enabled supplies veillance Act of 1978; to the Committees on $675 million to prevent illegal drugs and to be flown into Burma to connect the Ledo the Judiciary; Banking, Housing, and Urban weapons from crossing our borders; and and Burma roads so a crucial Allied pathway Affairs; and Select Committee on Intel- Whereas, Congress has not yet responded could be forged into China; and ligence. to the Trump administration’s request to se- Whereas, on August 10, 1944, when the EC–1357. A communication from the Asso- cure the nation’s southern border; and 5307th CUP was deactivated, without even a ciate General Counsel for General Law, De- Whereas, if Congress imposed a tariff on all formation, only about 100 skeletal-looking partment of Homeland Security, transmit- moneys wired by individuals with no proof of Merrill’s Marauders were left in Burma with ting, pursuant to law, a report relative to a citizenship or who are not in the country le- the remainder evacuated due to jungle dis- vacancy in the position of Assistant Sec- gally, it would provide the funding for the eases, exhaustion, and malnutrition; and retary/Director, Department of Homeland necessary infrastructure to secure the south- Whereas, for their bravery, sacrifice, and Security, received in the Office of the Presi- ern border: Now, therefore, be it success, Merrill’s Marauders were awarded dent of the Senate on May 16, 2019; to the Resolved by the Senate, That the members numerous medals and decorations, including Committee on the Judiciary. of this body urge Congress to pass funding the Presidential Unit Citation, and each EC–1358. A communication from the Chief legislation that will make the security of the member of the 5307th CUP has the ‘‘rare dis- of the Regulations Unit, U.S. Immigration southern border of the United States a re- tinction’’ of being awarded a Bronze Star; and Customs Enforcement, Department of ality; and be it further and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:19 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.027 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3055 Whereas, although Merrill’s Marauders ated and protected by Congress, should con- Whereas, approximately 6,000 people in the were a short-lived commando unit, the leg- duct their business in the open and be as United States are diagnosed with ALS each acy of their bravery is honored by the transparent as possible; now, therefore, be it year; and Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment, which traces Resolved by the Senate of the One Hundred Whereas, the incidence of ALS is two per its lineage to the 5307th CUP, wears the Eleventh General Assembly of the State of Ten- 100,000 people, and it is estimated that more Merrill’s Marauders patch as their crest, and nessee, the House of Representatives concur- than 20,000 Americans may be living with named their military intelligence building ring, That we strongly support the passage of ALS at any given time; and ‘‘Melillo Hall’’ in honor of Georgia’s last the Tennessee Valley Authority Trans- Whereas, ALS occurs through the world original Merrill’s Marauder, Vincent Melillo; parency Act of 2019; and be it further with no racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic and Resolved, That an appropriate copy of this boundaries and can affect anyone; and Whereas, Georgia is honored to commemo- resolution be prepared and transmitted to Whereas, military veterans are approxi- rate 2019 as the 75th anniversary of the the Speaker and the Clerk of the United mately twice as likely to develop ALS; and Merrill’s Marauders mission in the China States House of Representatives, the Presi- Whereas, the onset of ALS often involves Burma India Theater, known today as the dent and the Secretary of the United States muscle weakness or stiffness as early symp- Forgotten Theater of WWII, and salutes the Senate, and each member of Tennessee’s del- toms. Progression of weakness, wasting, and state’s large Ranger presence: the 75th Rang- egation to the United States Congress. paralysis of the muscles of the limbs and trunk, as well as those that control vital er Regiment, 3rd Ranger Battalion, and Air- POM–66. A joint resolution adopted by the functions such as speech, swallowing, and borne Ranger Training Brigade, all at Ft. General Assembly of the State of Tennessee later breathing, generally follows; and Benning; Camp Merrill in Dahlonega; and 1st memorializing its support for the enactment Whereas, there can be significant costs for Ranger Battalion, Hunter Army Airfield in of legislation that requires all board com- medical care, equipment, and home health Savannah; and mittee meetings of the Tennessee Valley Au- caregiving later in the disease; and Whereas, U.S. Representative Peter T. thority Board of Directors to be open to the Whereas, under current law, individuals King (R–NY) introduced H.R. 906 with Con- public; to the Committee on Environment must wait five months after becoming dis- gressman Sanford Bishop (D–GA) as a major and Public Works. cosponsor, and U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson abled before their Social Security Disability SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 192 (R–GA) introduced S. 743 in the 116th Con- Insurance benefit payments can begin; and gress, the ‘‘Merrill’s Marauders Congres- Whereas, established in 1933, the Tennessee Whereas, last year, Congress considered sional Gold Medal Act,’’ and this third at- Valley Authority (TVA) is a corporate agen- legislation that would eliminate the five- tempt might be the last since only 13 out of cy of the United States that provides elec- month waiting period for disability insur- the original 3,000 Merrill’s Marauders are tricity for business customers and local ance benefits for individuals with ALS, but still living: power companies, serving ten million people it unfortunately did not become law; and Now, therefore, be it in parts of seven southeastern states; and Whereas, this body recognizes that persons Whereas, TVA also provides flood control, Resolved by the Senate, That the members living with ALS cannot wait for benefits. navigation, and land management for the of this body commend the 75th anniversary Now, therefore, be it Tennessee River system and assists local of the WWII Merrill’s Marauders mission and Resolved by the Senate that this body urges power companies and state and local govern- urge the Congress of the United States to act Congress to eliminate the five-month wait- ments with economic development and job favorably on legislation to award the Con- ing period for disability insurance benefits creation; and for individuals living with amyotrophic lat- gressional Gold Medal, the highest honor Whereas, Tennessee Congressman Tim eral sclerosis (ALS). Be it further Congress can bestow, to Merrill’s Marauders; Burchett has introduced the Tennessee Val- Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate and be it further ley Authority Transparency Act of 2019, leg- is authorized and directed to make appro- Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate islation to require that committee meetings priate copies of this resolution available for is authorized and directed to make appro- and subcommittee meetings of the Tennessee priate copies of this resolution available for Valley Authority Board of Directors be distribution to the President of the United distribution to President Donald J. Trump, transparent and open to the public; and States Senate, to the Speaker of the United Vice President Michael Pence, Speaker of Whereas, the bill would amend the Ten- States House of Representatives, and to each the House Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader nessee Valley Authority Act of 1933 Section member of the Congressional delegation Mitch McConnell, and each senator and rep- 2(g)(2) to include a provision on transparency from this state. resentative from Georgia in the Congress of that would require meetings of the TVA the United States. Board to be held in public, properly noticed, POM–68. A concurrent resolution adopted and with minutes and summaries of each by the Legislature of the State of Louisiana POM–65. A joint resolution adopted by the meeting made available; and urging the United States Congress to take General Assembly of the State of Tennessee Whereas, it is vitally important to the citi- such actions as are necessary to pass the Dis- memorializing its support for the enactment zens of Tennessee that TVA, as an entity cre- ability Integration Act of 2019; to the Com- of legislation that requires all board com- ated and protected by Congress, should con- mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and mittee meetings of the Tennessee Valley Au- duct their business in the open and be as Pensions. thority Board of Directors to be open to the transparent as possible; Now, therefore, be it SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 8 Resolved by the Senate of the One Hundred public; to the Committee on Environment Whereas, the Disability Integration Act of Eleventh General Assembly of the State of Ten- and Public Works. 2019 has been introduced as S. 117 and H.R. nessee, the House of Representatives concurring, SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 192 555 in the One Hundred Sixteenth United that we strongly support the passage of the States Congress; and Whereas, established in 1933, the Tennessee Tennessee Valley Authority Transparency Whereas, in enacting the Americans with Valley Authority (TVA) is a corporate agen- Act of 2019; and be it further cy of the United States that provides elec- Resolved, That an appropriate copy of this Disabilities Act of 1990 (herein referred to as tricity for business customers and local resolution be prepared and transmitted to the ‘‘ADA’’). Congress recognized that ‘‘his- power companies, serving ten million people the Speaker and the Clerk of the United torically, society has tended to isolate and in parts of seven southeastern states; and States House of Representatives, the Presi- segregate individuals with disabilities, and, Whereas, TVA also provides flood control, dent and the Secretary of the United States despite some improvements, such forms of navigation, and land management for the Senate, and each member of Tennessee’s del- discrimination against individuals with dis- Tennessee River system and assists local egation to the United States Congress. abilities continue to be a serious and perva- power companies and state and local govern- sive social problem’’ and intended that the ments with economic development and job POM–67. A resolution adopted by the Sen- ADA assure ‘‘full participation’’ and ‘‘inde- creation; and ate of the State of Georgia urging the United pendent living’’ for individuals with disabil- Whereas, Tennessee Congressman Tim States Congress to eliminate the five-month ities by addressing ‘‘discrimination against Burchett has introduced the Tennessee Val- waiting period for disability insurance bene- individuals with disabilities [that] persists ley Authority Transparency Act of 2019, leg- fits for individuals living with amyotrophic in critical areas’’, including institutionaliza- islation to require that committee meetings lateral sclerosis (ALS); to the Committee on tion; and and subcommittee meetings of the Tennessee Finance. Whereas, while Congress expected that the Valley Authority Board of Directors be SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 276 ADA’s integration mandate would be inter- transparent and open to the public; and Whereas, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis preted in a manner that ensures that individ- Whereas, the bill would amend the Ten- (ALS) is commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s uals who are eligible for institutional place- nessee Valley Authority Act of 1933 Section disease; and ment are able to exercise a right to commu- 2(g)(2) to include a provision on transparency Whereas, ALS is a progressive and fatal nity-based long-term services and supports, that would require meetings of the TV A neuromuscular disease; and that expectation has not been fulfilled; and Board to be held in public, properly noticed, Whereas, the average time to diagnosis is Whereas, the holdings of the Supreme and with minutes and summaries of each more than 12 months; and Court in Olmstead v. LC, 527 U.S. 581 (1999). meeting made available; and Whereas, the majority of ALS patients die and companion cases, have clearly articu- Whereas, it is vitally important to the citi- within two to five years of receiving a diag- lated that individuals with disabilities, have zens of Tennessee that TVA, as an entity cre- nosis; and a civil right under the ADA to participate in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:19 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.043 S22MYPT1 S3056 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 society as equal citizens; however, many Whereas, every poem contributes to an in- lion and Pennsylvania has an output of $156 states still do not provide sufficient commu- formed appreciation of the natural world and billion in comparison to West Virginia’s out- nity-based long-term services and supports the interconnectedness of all beings; and put of $18 billion; and to individuals with disabilities to end seg- Whereas, the five student finalists in this Whereas, Ohio and Pennsylvania have over regation in institutions; and prestigious contest have demonstrated with 300,000 jobs in natural gas intensive industry Whereas, the right to live in the commu- their effort and their words an extraordinary sector while West Virginia has over 30,000 nity is necessary for the exercise of the civil level of skill and talent as writers and a fine- jobs in the natural gas intensive industry rights that the ADA was intended to secure ly discerning eye for the wonder of the nat- sector; therefore, be it for all individuals with disabilities and the ural word; and Resolved by the House of Delegates: lack of adequate community-based services Whereas, Connie McDonald, teacher at That we, the members of the House of Del- and supports has imperiled the civil rights of Louisiana State University Laboratory egates of the 84th Legislature of the State of all individuals with disabilities, and has un- School and Wes Dannreuther, teacher at West Virginia, support the ongoing and con- dermined the very promise of the ADA; Broadmoor Middle Magnet School have nur- tinued development of West Virginia’s en- therefore, it is necessary to recognize in tured a new generation and in turn have pro- ergy resources, pipeline, and energy infra- statute a robust and fully articulated right duced imaginative, informed, and heartful structure in the State of West Virginia; and, to community living; and earth stewards, prepared to address the sig- be it further Whereas, states, with a few exceptions, nificant environmental and social challenges Resolved, That we, the members of the continue to approach decisions regarding of the Twenty-First Century. House of Delegates of the 84th Legislature of long-term services and supports from social Therefore, Be it Resolved, That the Legisla- the State of West Virginia, support ongoing welfare and budgetary perspectives, but for ture of Louisiana hereby commends Haley economic development efforts to attract end- the promise of the ADA to be fully realized, Binder for her winning poem entitled ‘‘Start- users of electricity and natural gas to ex- states must approach these decisions from a ing Sundays,’’ Billy Creed for his winning pand our state’s economy and create family civil rights perspective; and poem entitled ‘‘Berwick,’’ Rafael Espinoza sustaining jobs; and, be it further Whereas, states have not consistently for her winning poem entitled ‘‘Nature Resolved, That the Clerk transmit duly au- planned to ensure sufficient services and sup- Sleeps,’’ Daniel Koepp for his winning poem thenticated copies of this resolution to the ports tor individuals with disabilities, in- entitled ‘‘Beyond My Window,’’ and Chris- President of the United States, the President cluding those with the most significant dis- tina Welsch for her winning poem entitled Pro Tempore and Secretary of the United abilities, to enable individuals with disabil- ‘‘Wet Nurse’’; and be it further States Senate, the members of the West Vir- ities to live in the most integrated setting Resolved, That the Legislature of Louisiana ginia Congressional delegation, and the news and, as a result, many individuals with dis- hereby commends Connie McDonald and Wes media of West Virginia. abilities who reside in institutions are pre- Dannreuther for not only sharing their tal- vented from residing in the community and ents with these students, but for teaching POM–71. A resolution adopted by the House individuals with disabilities who are not in them respect for and an understanding of the of Delegates of the State of West Virginia institutions find themselves at risk of insti- natural world, as well; and be it further memorializing its support of the Atlantic tutional placement; and Resolved, That a copy of this Resolution be Coast Pipeline; to the Committee on Energy Whereas, the continuing existence of un- transmitted to Haley Binder, Billy Creed, and Natural Resources. fair and unnecessary institutionalization de- Rafael Espinoza, Daniel Koepp, Christina HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 11 Welsch, Connie McDonald, and Wes nies individuals with disabilities the oppor- Whereas, The Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Dannreuther. tunity to live and participate on an equal others are critical to the economic and en- basis in the community and costs the United ergy future of the State of West Virginia, POM–70. A resolution adopted by the House States billions of dollars in unnecessary providing our state’s natural gas production of Delegates of the State of West Virginia spending related to perpetuating dependency with unprecedented access to new markets; memorializing its support of ongoing and and unnecessary confinement: Therefore, be and continued development of West Virginia’s it Whereas, Studies indicate construction and energy resources, pipeline, and energy infra- Resolved, That the Legislature of Louisiana operation of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline structure; to the Committee on Energy and memorializes the Congress of the United alone will generate massive economic bene- Natural Resources. States to take such actions as are necessary fits for West Virginia, including almost $478 to pass the Disability Integration Act of HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 6 million in additional economic activity dur- 2019; and be it further Whereas, West Virginia’s natural gas and ing the construction period and more than Resolved, That a copy of this Resolution energy reserves and production have in- $15 million in additional economic activity shall be transmitted to the secretary of the creased significantly in recent years due to each year after the facility begins operating; United States Senate and the clerk of the the exploration occurring in the Utica and and United States House of Representatives and Marcellus Shale formations; and Whereas, The Atlantic Coast Pipeline and to each member of the Louisiana delegation Whereas, West Virginia is now the ninth- others will create thousands of new job op- to the United States Congress. largest natural gas producing state in the portunities for the working men and women nation, providing five percent of our coun- of West Virginia and significant new tax rev- POM–69. A concurrent resolution adopted try’s total energy; and enues for many West Virginia counties; and by the Senate of the State of Louisiana com- Whereas, The natural gas and oil industry Whereas, The Atlantic Coast Pipeline and mending finalists of the annual international supported over 70,000 jobs both directly and others will help promote our nation’s energy environmental poetry and art contest spon- indirectly and added $8 billion to the West independence, helping make the burgeoning sored by the River of Words; to the Com- Virginian economy; and natural gas production in West Virginia and mittee on the Judiciary. Whereas, Pipelines and transmission lines adjacent states more available to millions of SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 89 serve a critical role in delivering natural consumers and reducing the need for energy Whereas, River of Words is a non-profit gas, petroleum, and electricity in order to imports; and arts and environmental education program, meet our growing energy needs; and Whereas, The Atlantic Coast Pipeline’s en- founded in 1995 by then United States Poet Whereas, Denying the expansion and con- vironmental impact has been repeatedly and Laureate, Robert Hass and writer Pamela struction of existing and new pipeline thoroughly analyzed by state and federal Michael, which annually, in affiliation with projects would stop the significant revital- agencies, including the West Virginia De- the Library of Congress Center for the Book, ization of communities and manufacturing partment of Environmental Protection, the conducts an international poetry and art industries in West Virginia; and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and contest; and Whereas, The U.S. Department of Energy the U.S. Forest Service, among others, with Whereas, the River of Words contest is con- has identified the benefits that West Vir- all of the agencies finding that the project sidered by educators as one of the most pres- ginia can accrue with the establishment of can be built and operated in a manner that tigious contests in the country, and an ethane storage and distribution hub to protects the natural resources of West Vir- Whereas, poems written by the five out- promote diversity of supply and geography, ginia and the other states in its path; and standing students from the Greater Baton alleviating the strategic risk our country Whereas, Despite the enormous energy and Rouge area, the only Louisiana finalists, faces as a result of a lack of redundancy and economic benefits, as well as the positive were selected from tens of thousands of en- flexibility; and findings from a broad range of environ- tries received from the United States and Whereas, West Virginia is business friendly mental regulatory agencies, some groups many other countries; and and welcomes investments in the state and have launched an all-out assault on the At- Whereas, the natural world as seen through local economy; and lantic Coast Pipeline project, with the ulti- the eyes of its children is heartening, hum- Whereas, West Virginia’s neighbors, in- mate aim of forcing its cancelation; and bling, fresh, and life-affirming; and cluding Ohio and Pennsylvania, have bene- Whereas, These attacks are not based on Whereas, the watershed art and poetry sub- fitted from using natural gas to attract in- the facts regarding the Atlantic Coast Pipe- mitted to River of Words is exhibited around dustry; and line but are part of what the U.S. Chamber of the globe and is seen by millions of people Whereas, The natural gas intensive indus- Commerce describes as a nationwide ‘‘keep it each year; and try sector in Ohio has an output of $160 bil- in the ground’’ strategy by some groups to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:19 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.069 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3057 end all uses of fossil fuels in power genera- sources, all of which must be backed up with S. 1328. A bill to designate foreign persons tion; and fossil fuel powered generation, such as nat- who improperly interfere in United States Whereas, These unwarranted attacks have ural gas; and, be it further elections as inadmissible aliens, and for resulted in regulatory and legal proceedings Resolved, That we strongly urge the groups other purposes. that have repeatedly delayed both the Atlan- spearheading these assaults to stop their at- By Mr. BURR, from the Select Committee tic Coast Pipeline and the related Supply tacks and delaying actions and in the proc- on Intelligence, without amendment: Header Project; and ess help pave the way for a cleaner and S. 1589. An original bill to authorize appro- Whereas, In response to court orders stem- stronger energy future for West Virginia and priations for fiscal years 2018, 2019, and 2020 ming from these attacks, the Atlantic Coast for the entire nation; and, be it further for intelligence and intelligence-related ac- Pipeline and Supply Header Project have Resolved, That the Clerk transmit copies of tivities of the United States Government, been forced to lay off or delay hiring thou- this resolution to the President of the the Community Management Account, and sands of skilled construction workers in United States, the President Pro Tempore the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement West Virginia and also in Pennsylvania, and Secretary of the United States Senate, and Disability System, and for other pur- Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina, posing the members of the West Virginia Congres- poses. significant hardships for working families sional delegation, and the news media of f and depriving them of paychecks and steady West Virginia. work; and EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF Whereas, The U.S. Chamber of Commerce POM–72. A concurrent resolution adopted COMMITTEE report estimates that these delays, through by the Legislature of the State of North Da- August 2018, have already resulted in the loss kota urging the United States Congress to The following executive reports of of $2.3 billion in the U.S. Gross Domestic pass Savanna’s Act; to the Committee on In- nominations were submitted: Product as well as $500 million in lost tax dian Affairs. By Mr. RISCH for the Committee on For- revenue for U.S. states and localities; and HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 3041 eign Relations. Jeffrey L. Eberhardt, of Wisconsin, a Ca- Whereas, The Chamber’s study also found Whereas, homicide is the third leading reer Member of the Senior Executive Serv- that the delays have already deprived U.S. cause of death among American Indian and ice, to be Special Representative of the consumers of $377 million in energy cost sav- Alaska Native women between 10 and 24 President for Nuclear Nonproliferation, with ings; and years of age and the fifth leading cause of Whereas, The General President of the La- the rank of Ambassador. death for American Indian and Alaska Na- borers’ International Union of North Amer- Nominee: Jeffrey L. Eberhardt. tive women between 25 and 34 years of age; ica (LIUNA) recently said obstructions to Post: Special Representative for Nuclear and the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and other vital Whereas, in some tribal communities, Nonproliferation. (The following is a list of all members of energy infrastructure ‘‘from activist groups American Indian women are murdered at my immediate family and their spouses. I is costing our members jobs and the entire more than 10 times the national average; and country opportunities’’; and Whereas, Native American and Alaska Na- have asked each of these persons to inform Whereas, The LIUNA General President tive women are at least two times more like- me of the pertinent contributions made by also emphasized that the economic damage ly to experience rape or sexual assault and them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- caused by this opposition to new energy two and one-half times more likely to expe- formation contained in this report is com- projects is ‘‘being shouldered by the hard rience violent crimes compared to all other plete and accurate.) working men and women who build our na- races, and those factors often are tied to Contributions, amount, date, and donee: 1. Self: none. tion’s energy infrastructure’’; and cases involving a disappearance or murder; Whereas, These assaults and delaying tac- 2. Spouse: N/A. and tics are also a direct threat to West Vir- Whereas, the National Crime Information 3. Children and Spouses: Jeffrey T. and ginia’s energy production industry, which di- Center reported 5,712 cases of missing Amer- Michelle Eberhardt: none; Joshua and rectly employs more than 22,000 men and ican Indian and Alaska Native women and Stefanie Eberhardt: none; Grant McElwaine women and pays more than $6 billion in girls in 2016, yet the United States Depart- (ss): none; Heather Leigeberger (wife of wages annually; and ment of Justice’s federal missing persons Grant): none; Andrew McElwaine (ss): de- Whereas, Although the current employ- database only logged 116 cases; and ceased. ment and payroll figures are impressive, fur- Whereas, in 2016, North Dakota had 125 4. Parents: Richard Eberhardt: $50, 10/2018, ther growth will be severely hampered unless cases of Native American women and girls Tammy Baldwin; $35, 8/2018, Tammy Bald- new infrastructure such as the Atlantic reported missing to the National Crime In- win; $35, 7/2018, Tammy Baldwin; $35, 4/2018, Coast Pipeline and other pipelines are built formation Center, with many cases likely Tammy Baldwin; $25, 10/2016, Russ for Wis- to transport West Virginia’s energy produc- going unreported; and consin; $25, 10/2016, Russ for Wisconsin. Es- tion to market; and Whereas, Savanna LaFontaine-Greywind, ther Eberhardt: none. Whereas, In addition to this economic for whom the federal legislation is named, 5. Grandparents: Earnest and Aleda damage, the attacks on the Atlantic Coast was a member of the Spirit Lake Tribe and Eberhardt—deceased; Leroy and Marie Pipeline and other interstate natural gas vanished when she was eight months preg- Still—deceased. projects have great potential to harm the en- nant; and 6. Brothers and Spouses: Richard A. vironment, since other forms of electric gen- Whereas, Savanna’s Act will improve tribal Eberhardt, none. eration powered by fossil fuels, such as nat- access to federal crime information data- 7. Sisters and Spouses: N/A. ural gas, are needed to back up the expan- bases on missing persons and cooperation sion of the intermittent generation from re- among tribal, federal, state, and local law Kenneth A. Howery, of Texas, to be Ambas- newable resources such as solar and wind en- enforcement, and will mandate the Attorney sador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of ergy; therefore, be it General consult with tribes and submit a re- the United States of America to the King- Resolved by the House of Delegates: That we, port to Congress on how to resolve the bar- dom of Sweden. the members of the House of Delegates of the riers tribes face; Now, therefore, be it Nominee: Kenneth Alan Howery. 84th Legislature of the State of West Vir- Resolved by the House of Representatives of Post: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plen- ginia, categorically condemn these counter- North Dakota, the Senate concurring therein, ipotentiary of the United States of America productive and economically damaging as- That the Sixty-sixth Legislative Assembly to the Kingdom of Sweden. saults on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and urges the Congress of the United States to (The following is a list of all members of other urgently needed energy infrastructure pass Savanna’s Act; and be it further my immediate family and their spouses. I projects; and, be it further Resolved, That the Secretary of State for- have asked each of these persons to inform Resolved, That we note that these attacks ward copies of this resolution to the Speaker me of the pertinent contributions made by are denying steady employment and income of the United States House of Representa- them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- to thousands of West Virginia workers and tives, the President Pro Tempore of the formation contained in this report is com- their families who would otherwise be em- United States Senate, and each member of plete and accurate.) ployed in the construction and operation of the North Dakota Congressional Delegation. Contributions, amount, date, and donee: the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the related 1. Self: $2,000, Oct 7, 2016, Tiberi for Con- Supply Header Project; and, be it further f gress (Patrick J. Tiberi). Resolved, That we find that the attacks are REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 2. Spouse: N/A. also damaging West Virginia’s energy pro- 3. Children and Spouses: N/A. duction industry, the source of more than $6 The following reports of committees 4. Parents: Charles Kenneth Howery, none; billion annually in wages to our state’s were submitted: Karen Elaine Howery, none. working men and women; and, be it further By Mr. GRAHAM, from the Committee on 5. Grandparents: Fred Charles Howery—de- Resolved, That we find that the assaults on the Judiciary, without amendment: ceased for more than 5 years; Dorothy Ann these projects have great potential to dam- S. 1321. A bill to amend title 18, United Howery—deceased, none; Hubert Robert age the environment by hindering the de- States Code, to prohibit interference with Jurek—deceased for more than 5 years; Alice ployment of electric generation powered by voting systems under the Computer Fraud Albina Jurek—deceased for more than 5 solar power, wind and other renewable re- and Abuse Act. years.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:19 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.073 S22MYPT1 S3058 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 6. Brothers and Spouses: N/A. be Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni- By Mr. SANDERS (for himself and Mrs. 7. Sisters and Spouses: Christina Ann potentiary of the United States of America GILLIBRAND): Howery, none; John Phillip McLellan, none. to Turkmenistan. S. 1587. A bill to impose a tax on certain Nominee: Matthew S. Klimow. trading transactions to invest in our families Bridget A. Brink, of Michigan, a Career Post: Ambassador to Turkmenistan. and communities, improve our infrastruc- Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class (The following is a list of all members of ture and our environment, strengthen our fi- of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Ex- my immediate family and their spouses. I nancial security, expand opportunity and re- traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the have asked each of these persons to inform duce market volatility; to the Committee on United States of America to the Slovak Re- me of the pertinent contributions made by Finance. public. them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- By Mr. CRAPO (for himself and Mr. Nominee: Bridget A. Brink. formation contained in this report is com- RISCH): Post: Slovak Republic. plete and accurate.) S. 1588. A bill to repeal certain provisions (The following is a list of all members of Contributions, amount, date, and donee: of the Federal Switchblade Act to allow do- my immediate family and their spouses. 1. Self: None. mestic manufacturers to ship and sell their have asked each of these persons to inform 2. Spouse: Edith Gunnels: $50, 4/15/2018, Lisa products to buyers located in other States, me of the pertinent contributions made by Lloyd 4 Congress; $250, 6/16/2017, Fairfax to permit the importation of certain knife them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- County Republican Committee. parts, and for other purposes; to the Com- formation contained in this report is com- 3. Children and Spouses: Daniel A.T. mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- plete and accurate.) Klimow (Son), None; Mrs. Elizabeth Klimow tation. Contributions, amount, date, and donee: (nee Finan), None. By Mr. BURR: 1. Self: Bridget A Brink, None. 4. Parents: Stephen Klimow—deceased S. 1589. An original bill to authorize appro- 2. Spouse: Nicholas B. Higgins $100, 10/05/16, since 2007; Dorothy Klimow—deceased since priations for fiscal years 2018, 2019, and 2020 Hillary for America. 2003. for intelligence and intelligence-related ac- 3. Children and Spouses: Jack M. Higgins 5. Grandparents: Matthew Klimow—de- tivities of the United States Government, (minor), None; Cole A. Higgins (minor), ceased since 1936; Elizabeth Klimow—de- the Community Management Account, and None. ceased since 1945; Anthony Dyjur—deceased the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement 4. Parents: Gwendolyn D. Brink, None; since 1980; Frances Dear—deceased since 1981. and Disability System, and for other pur- John C. Brink, None. 6. Brothers and Spouses: No Brothers. poses; from the Select Committee on Intel- 5. Grandparents: Donald M. Brink, De- 7. Sisters and Spouses: Susan Klimow ligence; placed on the calendar. ceased; Margaret Brink, Deceased; Robert J. Micks (Sister), None; John Micks (Brother in By Mr. MERKLEY (for himself and Ms. Williams, Deceased; Cecelia Williams, De- law), None. COLLINS): ceased. S. 1590. A bill to amend the State Depart- 6. Brothers and Spouses: Mr. RISCH. Mr. President, for the ment Basic Authorities Act of 1956 to au- 7. Sisters and Spouses: Joanna Brink, Committee on Foreign Relations I re- thorize rewards for thwarting wildlife traf- None. port favorably the following nomina- ficking linked to transnational organized crime, and for other purposes; to the Com- John Jefferson Daigle, of Louisiana, a Ca- tion lists which were printed in the mittee on Foreign Relations. reer Member of the Senior Foreign Service, RECORDS on the dates indicated, and By Ms. CORTEZ MASTO (for herself, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambas- ask unanimous consent, to save the ex- Mr. DURBIN, Ms. HARRIS, Mr. sador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of pense of reprinting on the Executive MERKLEY, Ms. WARREN, Mr. WYDEN, the United States of America to the Republic Calendar that these nominations lie at Mr. MARKEY, Mr. BOOKER, Ms. of Cabo Verde. the Secretary’s desk for the informa- DUCKWORTH, Mr. BROWN, Mrs. MUR- Nominee: Daigle, John Jefferson (‘‘Jeff’’). RAY, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Post: Cabo Verde. tion of Senators. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. SANDERS, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. KAINE, (The following is a list of all members of Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, my immediate family and their spouses. I objection, it is so ordered. Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Ms. ROSEN, Ms. have asked each of these persons to inform Foreign Service nominations beginning BALDWIN, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. MENENDEZ, me of the pertinent contributions made by with Kenneth H. Merten and ending with Mrs. FEINSTEIN, and Mr. COONS): them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- Kevin M. Whitaker, which nominations were S. 1591. A bill to nullify the effect of the formation contained in this report is com- received by the Senate and appeared in the Executive order that makes the vast major- plete and accurate.) Congressional Record on March 25, 2019. ity of unauthorized individuals priorities for Contributions, amount, date, and donee: Foreign Service nomination of Lisa Anne removal and aims to withhold critical Fed- 1. Self: none. Rigoli. eral funding to sanctuary cities; to the Com- 2. Spouse: Cuenca-Daigle, Matthew Tito: Foreign Service nominations beginning mittee on the Judiciary. none. with Timothy Ryan Harrison and ending By Mr. COTTON (for himself and Mr. 3. Children and Spouses: NA. with Rachel Lynne Vanderberg, which nomi- JONES): 4. Parents: Daigle, Warren Roland (fa- nations were received by the Senate and ap- S. 1592. A bill to amend title 31, United ther)—deceased; Daigle, Carole Kaye (moth- peared in the Congressional Record on April States Code, to provide a safe harbor for fi- er), none. 10, 2019. nancial institutions that maintain a cus- 5. Grandparents: Gordon, Katherine Marie (Nominations without an asterisk tomer account or customer transaction at (grandmother)—deceased; Evans, John Mur- the request of a Federal or State law en- ray Evans (grandfather)—deceased; Daigle, were reported with the recommenda- forcement agency, and for other purposes; to O’Neal James, Sr. (grandfather)—deceased; tion that they be confirmed.) the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Daigle, Eva Coureges (grandmother)—de- f Urban Affairs. ceased. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND By Ms. SMITH (for herself, Ms. COL- 6. Brothers and Spouses: Daigle, Douglas LINS, Ms. HIRONO, Ms. DUCKWORTH, James (brother), none; Daigle, Wanda Sue JOINT RESOLUTIONS Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, Ms. STABENOW, (spouse)—deceased. The following bills and joint resolu- Mr. HEINRICH, Mr. GARDNER, and Ms. 7. Sisters and Spouses: Duplechin, Cheryl tions were introduced, read the first HASSAN): Marie (sister), none; Duplechin, Daniel Jo- and second times by unanimous con- S. 1593. A bill to require the Secretary of seph, Sr. (spouse)—deceased; Thibodeaux, Energy to establish an energy storage re- Nancy Gayle (sister), none; Thibodeaux, sent, and referred as indicated: search program, a demonstration program, David Dwayne (spouse), none; Tortorich, Me- By Mr. CASEY (for himself, Mr. CAS- and a technical assistance and grant pro- lissa Eve (sister), none; Thibodeaux, Patricia SIDY, Ms. HASSAN, and Mr. YOUNG): gram, and for other purposes; to the Com- Daigle (sister), none; Thibodeaux, Danny S. 1585. A bill to amend the Higher Edu- mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. Paul (spouse), none; Daigle, Peggy Anne (sis- cation Act of 1965 to provide students with By Ms. CORTEZ MASTO (for herself ter), none; Daigle, Janet Elizabeth (sister)— disabilities and their families with access to and Mr. CRAPO): deceased; LeJeune, Dawn Daigle (sister), critical information needed to select the S. 1594. A bill to amend title 38, United none; LeJeune, Tommy Jason (spouse), none; right college and succeed once enrolled; to States Code, to provide for unlimited eligi- Schexnaydre, Katherine Daigle (sister), the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, bility for health care for mental illnesses for none; Schexnaydre, Lance Paul (spouse), and Pensions. veterans of combat service during certain pe- none; Perera, Shane Elizabeth (sister), none; By Mr. CRUZ (for himself, Mrs. HYDE- riods of hostilities and war; to the Com- Perera, Jeremy Paul (spouse), none; SMITH, and Mr. INHOFE): mittee on Veterans’ Affairs. Hannegan, Eva Daigle (sister), none; S. 1586. A bill to abolish the Federal Insur- By Mr. BOOKER (for himself and Mr. Hannegan, Jason Paul (spouse), none. ance Office of the Department of the Treas- BROWN): ury, and for other purposes; to the Com- S. 1595. A bill to amend the Truth in Lend- Matthew S. Klimow, of New York, a Career mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- ing Act to limit overdraft fees and establish Member of the Senior Executive Service, to fairs. fair and transparent practices related to the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:19 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.068 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3059 marketing and provision of overdraft cov- S. 1604. A bill to amend the Federal Water mass’’ under the renewable fuel program; to erage programs at depository institutions, Pollution Control Act to reauthorize certain the Committee on Environment and Public and for other purposes; to the Committee on programs relating to nonpoint source man- Works. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. agement, and for other purposes; to the Com- By Mr. UDALL (for himself, Mr. By Mr. BOOKER (for himself and Mr. mittee on Environment and Public Works. ROUNDS, Mr. PETERS, Mr. MORAN, Mr. TESTER): By Ms. WARREN (for herself, Mr. HEINRICH, Mrs. CAPITO, Mrs. MURRAY, S. 1596. A bill to impose a moratorium on BLUMENTHAL, Mr. MARKEY, Ms. HAR- and Ms. BALDWIN): large agribusiness, food and beverage manu- RIS, Mr. DURBIN, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. S. 1615. A bill to amend titles 10 and 37, facturing, and grocery retail mergers, and to SANDERS, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. United States Code, to provide compensation establish a commission to review large agri- MENENDEZ, Mr. KAINE, Mr. CASEY, and credit for retired pay purposes for ma- culture, food and beverage manufacturing, Mr. BENNET, and Mr. MERKLEY): ternity leave taken by members of the re- and grocery retail mergers, concentration, S. 1605. A bill to make available necessary serve components, and for other purposes; to and market power; to the Committee on the disaster assistance for families affected by the Committee on Armed Services. Judiciary. major disasters, and for other purposes; to By Ms. BALDWIN (for herself and Mr. By Mr. MERKLEY: the Committee on Homeland Security and VAN HOLLEN): S. 1597. A bill to designate certain Bureau Governmental Affairs. S. 1616. A bill to amend title VII of the So- of Land Management land in the State of Or- By Mr. WYDEN (for himself, Mr. PAUL, cial Security Act to improve the Social Se- egon as wilderness, to authorize certain land Mr. MARKEY, and Mr. MERKLEY): curity Administration’s procedures to close exchanges in the State of Oregon, and to S. 1606. A bill to ensure the digital con- or reduce access to field offices, and for other convey certain Bureau of Land Management tents of electronic equipment and online ac- purposes; to the Committee on Finance. land in the State of Oregon to the city of counts belonging to or in the possession of By Mrs. MURRAY (for herself and Mr. Mitchell, Oregon, and Wheeler County, Or- United States persons entering or exiting the CORNYN): egon, for economic and community develop- United States are adequately protected at ment purposes; to the Committee on Energy the border, and for other purposes; to the S. 1617. A bill to amend the Federal Food, and Natural Resources. Committee on the Judiciary. Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect to the By Ms. HIRONO (for herself, Ms. MUR- By Mr. KENNEDY: listing of patents in the Orange Book; to the KOWSKI, Mr. SCHATZ, Ms. CORTEZ S. 1607. A bill to amend title XVIII of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and MASTO, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. BOOKER, Social Security Act to provide protections Pensions. Ms. ROSEN, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. for patients scheduling non-emergency pro- By Mr. SCHATZ (for himself, Mr. BROWN, Ms. HARRIS, Mr. KAINE, and cedures at in-network hospitals, and for KAINE, and Ms. MURKOWSKI): Ms. CANTWELL): other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- S. 1618. A bill to amend the Public Health S. 1598. A bill to exempt children of certain nance. Service Act to expand the capacity to im- Filipino World War II veterans from the nu- By Mr. WICKER (for himself, Mr. prove health outcomes and increase access to merical limitations on immigrant visas, and BROWN, Ms. SINEMA, and Mrs. CAP- specialized care; to the Committee on for other purposes; to the Committee on the ITO): Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Judiciary. S. 1608. A bill to provide for the publication By Mr. PETERS (for himself, Mr. ROB- By Mr. KAINE (for himself and Mr. by the Secretary of Health and Human Serv- ERTS, and Ms. DUCKWORTH): JONES): ices of physical activity recommendations S. 1619. A bill to amend the Public Health S. 1599. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- for Americans; to the Committee on Health, Service Act to provide for a national cam- enue Code of 1986 to create a refundable tax Education, Labor, and Pensions. paign to raise awareness of the importance credit for foster families, and for other pur- By Mr. VAN HOLLEN (for himself, Ms. of, and combat misinformation about, vac- poses; to the Committee on Finance. KLOBUCHAR, Ms. DUCKWORTH, and Mr. cines in order to increase vaccination rates; By Ms. HARRIS (for herself, Ms. WHITEHOUSE): to the Committee on Health, Education, HIRONO, Mr. MERKLEY, Ms. BALDWIN, S. 1609. A bill to amend the Securities Act Labor, and Pensions. Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. JONES, Mr. of 1934 to require country-by-country report- By Mr. KING (for himself, Mr. PAUL, DURBIN, Mr. KAINE, Mr. BROWN, Mr. ing; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Mr. ALEXANDER): MARKEY, Ms. WARREN, Mr. BOOKER, and Urban Affairs. S. 1620. A bill to amend the Federal Meat Mr. CASEY, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. CARDIN, By Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself, Mr. Inspection Act to exempt from inspection Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. WYDEN, Ms. VAN HOLLEN, and Ms. DUCKWORTH): the slaughter of animals and the preparation DUCKWORTH, Ms. STABENOW, and Mrs. S. 1610. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- of carcasses conducted at a custom slaughter GILLIBRAND): enue Code of 1986 to modify the global intan- facility, and for other purposes; to the Com- S. 1600. A bill to support States in their gible low-taxed income by repealing the tax- mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- work to end preventable morbidity and mor- free deemed return on investments and de- estry. tality in maternity care by using evidence- termining net CFC tested income on a per- By Ms. BALDWIN (for herself and Mr. based quality improvement to protect the country basis; to the Committee on Finance. TILLIS): health of mothers during pregnancy, child- By Mrs. FISCHER (for herself, Mr. S. 1621. A bill to amend title 38, United birth, and in the postpartum period and to SCHATZ, Mr. GARDNER, and Mr. BOOK- States Code, to authorize the Secretary of reduce neonatal and infant mortality, to ER): Veterans Affairs, in awarding a contract for S. 1611. A bill to ensure appropriate eliminate racial disparities in maternal the procurement of good or services, to give prioritization, spectrum planning, and inter- health outcomes, and for other purposes; to a preference to offerors that employ vet- agency coordination to support the Internet the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, erans, and for other purposes; to the Com- of Things; to the Committee on Commerce, and Pensions. mittee on Veterans’ Affairs. Science, and Transportation. By Mr. WICKER (for himself, Mr. By Mr. JOHNSON (for himself, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, and Ms. CANTWELL): By Ms. DUCKWORTH (for herself, Mrs. COTTON, Mr. CASSIDY, Mrs. BLACK- S. 1601. A bill to direct the Secretary of FEINSTEIN, Mr. DURBIN, Mrs. SHA- BURN, and Ms. ERNST): Transportation to issue a rule requiring all HEEN, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, and Ms. S. 1622. A bill to amend the Controlled Sub- new passenger motor vehicles to be equipped SMITH): with a child safety alert system, and for S. 1612. A bill to amend the Higher Edu- stances Act to list fentanyl-related sub- other purposes; to the Committee on Com- cation Act of 1965 to support community col- stances as schedule I controlled substances; merce, Science, and Transportation. lege and industry partnerships, and for other to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. DAINES (for himself, Mr. BOOK- By Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Mr. HEIN- purposes; to the Committee on Health, Edu- ER, Ms. MURKOWSKI, Ms. WARREN, and RICH, Ms. SMITH, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. cation, Labor, and Pensions. Mr. BROWN): COONS, Ms. MCSALLY, and Mr. KING): By Mr. MARKEY (for himself, Mr. CAR- S. 1602. A bill to amend the United States PER, Ms. BALDWIN, Ms. HARRIS, Ms. S. 1623. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Energy Storage Competitiveness Act of 2007 SMITH, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. WHITE- enue Code of 1986 to allow for distributions to establish a research, development, and HOUSE, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. CARDIN, from 529 accounts for expenses associated demonstration program for grid-scale energy Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. with registered apprenticeship programs; to storage systems, and for other purposes; to BOOKER, and Mrs. GILLIBRAND): the Committee on Finance. the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- S. 1613. A bill to amend the Safe Drinking By Mr. CORNYN (for himself, Ms. KLO- sources. Water Act to update and modernize the re- BUCHAR, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, and Mr. By Mr. KING (for himself, Mr. CORNYN, porting requirements for contaminants, in- SCOTT of South Carolina): and Ms. KLOBUCHAR): cluding lead, in drinking water, and for other S. 1624. A bill to require the Secretary of S. 1603. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- purposes; to the Committee on Environment Housing and Urban Development to improve enue Code of 1986 to increase the standard and Public Works. services for survivors of domestic violence, charitable mileage rate for delivery of meals By Mr. WYDEN (for himself, Mr. RISCH, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking to elderly, disabled, frail, and at-risk indi- Mr. KING, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. MERKLEY, and their families; to the Committee on viduals; to the Committee on Finance. and Ms. COLLINS): Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. By Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself and S. 1614. A bill to amend the Clean Air Act By Mr. WICKER (for himself, Mr. COT- Mr. RUBIO): to modify the definition of ‘‘renewable bio- TON, Mr. WARNER, and Mr. MARKEY):

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.059 S22MYPT1 S3060 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 S. 1625. A bill to promote the deployment S. 400 macy-negotiated price concessions to of commercial fifth-generation mobile net- At the request of Mr. TOOMEY, the be included in negotiated prices at the works and the sharing of information with name of the Senator from West Vir- point-of-sale under part D of the Medi- communications providers in the United ginia (Mrs. CAPITO) was added as a co- care program, and for other purposes. States regarding security risks to the net- works of those providers, and for other pur- sponsor of S. 400, a bill to gather infor- S. 679 poses; to the Committee on Commerce, mation about the illicit production of At the request of Ms. BALDWIN, the Science, and Transportation. illicit fentanyl in foreign countries and names of the Senator from Michigan By Mr. LEE: to withhold bilateral assistance from (Mr. PETERS) and the Senator from S. 1626. A bill to require the National Tele- countries that do not have emergency Kansas (Mr. ROBERTS) were added as communications and Information Adminis- scheduling procedures for new illicit cosponsors of S. 679, a bill to exempt tration to estimate the value of electro- drugs, cannot prosecute criminals for from the calculation of monthly in- magnetic spectrum assigned or otherwise al- the manufacture or distribution of con- located to Federal entities; to the Com- come certain benefit paid by the De- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- trolled substance analogues, or do not partment of Veterans Affairs and the tation. require the registration of tableting Department of Defense. machine and encapsulating machines. S. 784 f S. 429 At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the name of the Senator from Michigan SENATE RESOLUTIONS names of the Senator from New Hamp- (Mr. PETERS) was added as a cosponsor The following concurrent resolutions shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) and the Senator of S. 784, a bill to amend the Elemen- and Senate resolutions were read, and from Connecticut (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) tary and Secondary Education Act of referred (or acted upon), as indicated: were added as cosponsors of S. 429, a 1965 to expand the military student bill to require the establishment of ex- By Ms. HIRONO (for herself, Mr. BEN- identifier program to cover students NET, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BOOKER, change programs relating to cybersecu- with a parent who serves in the reserve Mr. BROWN, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. rity positions between the private sec- component of the Armed Forces. CARDIN, Mr. CASEY, Mr. COONS, Ms. tor and certain Federal agencies, and S. 851 CORTEZ MASTO, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. for other purposes. At the request of Ms. BALDWIN, the DURBIN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Ms. HARRIS, S. 457 names of the Senator from Michigan Mr. KAINE, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. MAR- At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the (Mr. PETERS) and the Senator from KEY, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. MERKLEY, New Jersey (Mr. BOOKER) were added as Mrs. MURRAY, Ms. ROSEN, Mr. names of the Senator from Tennessee SCHATZ, and Ms. SMITH): (Mr. ALEXANDER), the Senator from cosponsors of S. 851, a bill to direct the S. Res. 218. A resolution recognizing the Missouri (Mr. BLUNT), the Senator from Secretary of Labor to issue an occupa- significance of Asian/Pacific American Herit- Indiana (Mr. BRAUN), the Senator from tional safety and health standard that age Month as an important time to celebrate North Carolina (Mr. BURR), the Senator requires covered employers within the the significant contributions of Asian Ameri- from Louisiana (Mr. CASSIDY), the Sen- health care and social service indus- cans and Pacific Islanders to the history of ator from Arkansas (Mr. COTTON), the tries to develop and implement a com- the United States; to the Committee on the Senator from Idaho (Mr. CRAPO), the prehensive workplace violence preven- Judiciary. Senator from Montana (Mr. DAINES), tion plan, and for other purposes. f the Senator from Iowa (Ms. ERNST), the S. 852 ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS Senator from Iowa (Mr. GRASSLEY), the At the request of Mr. SCOTT of South Senator from Oklahoma (Mr. INHOFE), Carolina, the name of the Senator from S. 177 the Senator from Louisiana (Mr. KEN- Texas (Mr. CORNYN) was added as a co- At the request of Mr. ROBERTS, the NEDY), the Senator from Idaho (Mr. sponsor of S. 852, a bill to provide for name of the Senator from Vermont RISCH), the Senator from Alabama (Mr. the consideration of a definition of (Mr. SANDERS) was added as a cospon- SHELBY), the Senator from South Da- anti-Semitism for the enforcement of sor of S. 177, a bill to amend the Inter- kota (Mr. THUNE), the Senator from Federal antidiscrimination laws con- nal Revenue Code of 1986 and the Small North Carolina (Mr. TILLIS), the Sen- cerning education programs or activi- Business Act to expand the availability ator from South Carolina (Mr. GRA- ties. of employee stock ownership plans in S HAM), the Senator from South Dakota S. 880 corporations, and for other purposes. (Mr. ROUNDS) and the Senator from In- At the request of Ms. STABENOW, the S. 203 diana (Mr. YOUNG) were added as co- name of the Senator from Delaware At the request of Mr. CRAPO, the sponsors of S. 457, a bill to require that (Mr. COONS) was added as a cosponsor name of the Senator from Maryland $1 coins issued during 2019 honor Presi- of S. 880, a bill to provide outreach and (Mr. CARDIN) was added as a cosponsor dent George H.W. Bush and to direct reporting on comprehensive Alz- of S. 203, a bill to amend the Internal the Secretary of the Treasury to issue heimer’s disease care planning services Revenue Code of 1986 to permanently bullion coins during 2019 in honor of furnished under the Medicare program. extend the railroad track maintenance Barbara Bush. S. 916 credit, and for other purposes. S. 569 At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the S. 237 At the request of Mr. YOUNG, the name of the Senator from Michigan At the request of Mr. BROWN, the names of the Senator from Louisiana (Ms. STABENOW) was added as a cospon- name of the Senator from Louisiana (Mr. KENNEDY) and the Senator from sor of S. 916, a bill to improve Federal (Mr. KENNEDY) was added as a cospon- Idaho (Mr. RISCH) were added as co- efforts with respect to the prevention sor of S. 237, a bill to amend title XVIII sponsors of S. 569, a bill to direct the of maternal mortality, and for other of the Social Security Act to permit Secretary of Transportation to issue purposes. nurse practitioners and physician as- regulations relating to commercial S. 943 sistants to satisfy the documentation motor vehicle drivers under the age of At the request of Mr. SCHATZ, the requirement under the Medicare pro- 21, and for other purposes. name of the Senator from Connecticut gram for coverage of certain shoes for S. 640 (Mr. MURPHY) was added as a cosponsor individuals with diabetes. At the request of Mr. KENNEDY, the of S. 943, a bill to amend the Higher S. 249 names of the Senator from Mississippi Education Act of 1965 to provide capac- At the request of Mr. INHOFE, the (Mrs. HYDE-SMITH), the Senator from ity-building assistance to institutions name of the Senator from Colorado Arkansas (Mr. COTTON), the Senator of higher education to examine and ad- (Mr. GARDNER) was added as a cospon- from Tennessee (Mrs. BLACKBURN), the dress inequities in college student ac- sor of S. 249, a bill to direct the Sec- Senator from Montana (Mr. TESTER) cess and success, and for other pur- retary of State to develop a strategy to and the Senator from Georgia (Mr. poses. regain observer status for Taiwan in PERDUE) were added as cosponsors of S. S. 944 the World Health Organization, and for 640, a bill to amend title XVIII of the At the request of Mr. SCHATZ, the other purposes. Social Security Act to require phar- name of the Senator from Hawaii (Ms.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.061 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3061 HIRONO) was added as a cosponsor of S. HIRONO) was added as a cosponsor of S. At the request of Mrs. BLACKBURN, 944, a bill to enhance the security oper- 1083, a bill to address the fundamental the names of the Senator from Iowa ations of the Transportation Security injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhu- (Mr. GRASSLEY), the Senator from West Administration and the stability of the manity of slavery in the United States Virginia (Mr. MANCHIN), the Senator transportation security workforce by and the 13 American colonies between from Indiana (Mr. YOUNG), the Senator applying a unified personnel system 1619 and 1865 and to establish a com- from North Dakota (Mr. CRAMER), the under title 5, United States Code, to mission to study and consider a na- Senator from Wyoming (Mr. BARRASSO) employees of the Transportation Secu- tional apology and proposal for repara- and the Senator from Florida (Mr. rity Administration who are respon- tions for the institution of slavery, its SCOTT) were added as cosponsors of S. sible for screening passengers and prop- subsequent de jure and de facto racial 1235, supra. erty, and for other purposes. and economic discrimination against S. 1258 S. 952 African-Americans, and the impact of At the request of Mr. SCHATZ, the At the request of Mr. COTTON, the these forces on living African-Ameri- names of the Senator from Massachu- name of the Senator from Georgia (Mr. cans, to make recommendations to the setts (Mr. MARKEY) and the Senator PERDUE) was added as a cosponsor of S. Congress on appropriate remedies, and from Alaska (Ms. MURKOWSKI) were 952, a bill to provide that the Federal for other purposes. added as cosponsors of S. 1258, a bill to Communications Commission may not S. 1170 prohibit the sale of tobacco products to prevent a State or Federal correctional At the request of Mr. ENZI, the name individuals under the age of 21. facility from utilizing jamming equip- of the Senator from Tennessee (Mrs. S. 1328 ment, and for other purposes. BLACKBURN) was added as a cosponsor At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the S. 980 of S. 1170, a bill to amend the Employee name of the Senator from Vermont At the request of Mr. BURR, the name Retirement Income Security Act of (Mr. LEAHY) was added as a cosponsor of the Senator from Colorado (Mr. 1974 to establish additional criteria for of S. 1328, a bill to designate foreign GARDNER) was added as a cosponsor of determining when employers may join persons who improperly interfere in S. 980, a bill to amend title 38, United together in a group or association of United States elections as inadmissible States Code, to improve the provision employers that will be treated as an aliens, and for other purposes. of services for homeless veterans, and employer under section 3(5) of such Act S. 1337 for other purposes. for purposes of sponsoring a group At the request of Mr. SCHATZ, the S. 1007 health plan, and for other purposes. name of the Senator from Vermont At the request of Mr. WARNER, the S. 1174 (Mr. SANDERS) was added as a cospon- name of the Senator from Rhode Island At the request of Mr. SCHATZ, the (Mr. REED) was added as a cosponsor of sor of S. 1337, a bill to amend title 18, name of the Senator from New Hamp- United States Code, to establish an Of- S. 1007, a bill to amend the Horse Pro- shire (Ms. HASSAN) was added as a co- tection Act to designate additional un- fice of Correctional Education, and for sponsor of S. 1174, a bill to provide that other purposes. lawful acts under the Act, strengthen 12 weeks of leave made available to a S. 1340 penalties for violations of the Act, im- Federal employee shall be paid leave, prove Department of Agriculture en- and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the forcement of the Act, and for other names of the Senator from Florida (Mr. S. 1200 purposes. RUBIO) and the Senator from Delaware At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the (Mr. COONS) were added as cosponsors S. 1015 name of the Senator from Arizona (Ms. At the request of Mr. BURR, the of S. 1340, a bill to authorize activities SINEMA) was added as a cosponsor of S. names of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. to combat the Ebola outbreak in the 1200, a bill to create protections for de- ROBERTS), the Senator from Colorado Democratic Republic of the Congo, and pository institutions that provide fi- (Mr. GARDNER), the Senator from Idaho for other purposes. nancial services to cannabis-related le- (Mr. CRAPO), the Senator from Texas gitimate businesses and service pro- S. 1343 (Mr. CORNYN), the Senator from North viders for such businesses, and for At the request of Mr. BOOKER, the Dakota (Mr. CRAMER), the Senator other purposes. name of the Senator from Michigan from North Dakota (Mr. HOEVEN), the (Ms. STABENOW) was added as a cospon- S. 1209 Senator from Massachusetts (Ms. WAR- sor of S. 1343, a bill to amend title XIX URBIN REN), the Senator from Massachusetts At the request of Mr. D , the name of the Senator from Minnesota and XXI of the Social Security Act to (Mr. MARKEY), the Senator from Min- improve Medicaid and the Children’s nesota (Ms. SMITH), the Senator from (Ms. SMITH) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1209, a bill to amend the Federal Health Insurance Program for low-in- Michigan (Mr. PETERS), the Senator come mothers. from West Virginia (Mr. MANCHIN), the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with re- S. 1394 Senator from Arizona (Ms. SINEMA), spect to approval of abbreviated new At the request of Ms. BALDWIN, the the Senator from Illinois (Ms. drug applications. names of the Senator from Alaska (Ms. DUCKWORTH), the Senator from Ohio S. 1210 MURKOWSKI) and the Senator from (Mr. BROWN), the Senator from Con- At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the Maryland (Mr. CARDIN) were added as necticut (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) and the name of the Senator from Wisconsin cosponsors of S. 1394, a bill to provide Senator from Alabama (Mr. JONES) (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- were added as cosponsors of S. 1015, a sor of S. 1210, a bill to amend the Inter- collective bargaining rights for public bill to require the Director of the Of- nal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase safety officers employed by States or fice of Management and Budget to re- and make permanent the exclusion for their political subdivisions. view and make certain revisions to the benefits provided to volunteer fire- S. 1403 Standard Occupational Classification fighters and emergency medical re- At the request of Ms. DUCKWORTH, System, and for other purposes. sponders. the name of the Senator from Con- S. 1081 S. 1235 necticut (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added At the request of Mr. MANCHIN, the At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, as a cosponsor of S. 1403, a bill to name of the Senator from Wisconsin the names of the Senator from Colo- amend the Child Care Access Means (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- rado (Mr. BENNET) and the Senator Parents in School Program under the sor of S. 1081, a bill to amend title 54, from Michigan (Mr. PETERS) were Higher Education Act of 1965. United States Code, to provide perma- added as cosponsors of S. 1235, a bill to S. 1416 nent, dedicated funding for the Land require the Secretary of the Treasury At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the and Water Conservation Fund, and for to mint coins in commemoration of name of the Senator from Washington other purposes. ratification of the 19th Amendment to (Mrs. MURRAY) was added as a cospon- S. 1083 the Constitution of the United States, sor of S. 1416, a bill to amend the Fed- At the request of Mr. BOOKER, the giving women in the United States the eral Trade Commission Act to prohibit name of the Senator from Hawaii (Ms. right to vote. anticompetitive behaviors by drug

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.055 S22MYPT1 S3062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 product manufacturers, and for other S. 1599. A bill to amend the Internal becomes fuel for catastrophic wildfires. purposes. Revenue Code of 1986 to create a re- For months, each summer, Oregonians S. 1461 fundable tax credit for foster families, in every corner of the state, from At the request of Mr. BOOKER, the and for other purposes; to the Com- Astoria to Adel and from Medford to name of the Senator from New York mittee on Finance. Madras, suffer from smokey skies, haz- (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- Mr. KAINE. Mr. President, today I ardous air quality, and the almost con- sponsor of S. 1461, a bill to require am introducing the Foster Care Tax stant threat that a wildfire may burn health insurance coverage for the Credit Act, with my colleague Senator down their homes. In the eastern por- treatment of infertility. Jones. Enacting this bill would go a tion of the state, invasive species like S. 1500 long way towards helping families with juniper trees pose challenges, on both At the request of Ms. ERNST, the the expenses that come with taking in private and public lands—lowering name of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. and providing homes for foster chil- water tables, posing fire risks, and en- MORAN) was added as a cosponsor of S. dren. croaching on sage grouse habitat. It is 1500, a bill to amend title 10, United Currently, foster families are only el- time we stopped putting our heads in States Code, to improve and enhance igible for the Child Tax Credit if the the sand, hoping the environmental protections for members of the Armed same child lives with them for at least ship will right itself. Forces who are victims of a sex-related six months. Many foster families take Instead, this excess woody biomass or domestic violence offense, and for in children for shorter periods, and should be contributing to U.S. energy other purposes. sometimes take in multiple different independence by being converted to S. 1506 children throughout the year. Even if transportation or electricity fuels. At the request of Mr. ROUNDS, the these placements add up to more than This bill makes that economically fea- name of the Senator from Louisiana six months, these families are poten- sible. It would make it more cost effi- (Mr. KENNEDY) was added as a cospon- tially not eligible for the tax credit. cient for private landowners to remove sor of S. 1506, a bill to amend title 18, Further, state funding for foster care low-value brush, like juniper. The bill United States Code, to permit certain families often fails to cover the cost of also helps pay for programs to reduce individuals complying with State law meeting the child’s basic needs. dead and dying trees that fuel cata- to possess firearms. The Foster Care Tax Credit Act strophic wildfires and helps thin out S. 1578 would create a new refundable tax unhealthy second-growth forests. The At the request of Mr. HAWLEY, the credit targeted at these families that bill ensures that all residuals from the name of the Senator from California take in foster children but are not eli- milling process and certain biomass (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) was added as a co- gible for the Child Tax Credit. The tax from national forests and BLM forests sponsor of S. 1578, a bill to protect the credit would help ease the financial qualify for the RFS standards. privacy of internet users through the strain that many of these families face. Importantly, under this new defini- establishment of a national Do Not Further, the bill instructs the Sec- tion biomass materials harvested from Track system, and for other purposes. retary of Health and Human Services federal lands must be done so in ac- S. CON. RES. 9 and Secretary of the Treasury to con- cordance with all federal laws, regula- At the request of Mr. ROBERTS, the duct outreach to state and tribal agen- tions, and land-use plans and designa- name of the Senator from South Da- cies to better educate foster families tions. In addition, the bill pays specific kota (Mr. ROUNDS) was added as a co- about provisions of the tax code that attention to biomass removal from in- sponsor of S. Con. Res. 9, a concurrent may benefit them. sect and disease ridden forests and resolution expressing the sense of Con- I hope my colleagues will support wildfire prone areas. And, to ensure en- gress that tax-exempt fraternal benefit this bill to provide assistance to fami- vironmental problems are being solved, societies have historically provided lies who have chosen to offer a loving not created, the bill restricts the types and continue to provide critical bene- home for children who need it most. of biomass materials that can be har- fits to the people and communities of vested from federal lands so that old the United States. By Mr. WYDEN (for himself, Mr. growth trees and stands will continue S. RES. 135 RISCH, Mr. KING, Mr. CRAPO, to be protected. At the request of Mr. BOOZMAN, the Mr. MERKLEY, and Ms. COL- At the end of the day, the small di- names of the Senator from Maryland LINS): ameter trees, the limbs, the debris, (Mr. CARDIN), the Senator from Wyo- S. 1614. A bill to amend the Clean Air even sawdust at the mill presents real ming (Mr. ENZI) and the Senator from Act to modify the definition of ‘‘renew- opportunities to generate green energy, Florida (Mr. RUBIO) were added as co- able biomass’’ under the renewable fuel generate green jobs, lower wildfire sponsors of S. Res. 135, a resolution ex- program; to the Committee on Envi- risks in rural areas across the country, pressing the gratitude and appreciation ronment and Public Works. and better position the United States of the Senate for the acts of heroism Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, Orego- to meet the RFS. and valor by the members of the nians have a strong interest in using There is a lot of bipartisan support United States Armed Forces who par- biomass as a source of renewable fuels. for the biomass definition in this bill. ticipated in the June 6, 1944, amphib- This desire, coupled with how well we It balances sound energy policy with ious landing at Normandy, France, and grow biomass in Oregon, creates the sound environmental policy. commending those individuals for lead- opportunity to use carefully selected I want to thank my colleagues Sen- ership and bravery in an operation that wood waste as a source for cleaner ators RISCH, KING, CRAPO, and helped bring an end to World War II. transportation fuel. If we do it right, MERKLEY for joining me on this impor- S. RES. 217 this effort will lead to healthier for- tant bill. At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the ests, more carbon sequestration, clean- name of the Senator from Virginia (Mr. er transportation fuels as compared to By Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Mr. KAINE) was added as a cosponsor of S. traditional gasolines, and protected old HEINRICH, Ms. SMITH, Mr. GARD- Res. 217, a resolution expressing sup- growth forests. NER, Mr. COONS, Ms. MCSALLY, port for the designation of June 7 Current law excludes the use of fed- and Mr. KING): through June 9, 2019, as ‘‘National Gun eral biomass in the making of renew- S. 1602. A bill to amend the United Violence Awareness Weekend’’ and able fuels as defined by the Renewable States Energy Storage Competitive- June 2019 as ‘‘National Gun Violence Fuel Standard (RFS). The bill being in- ness Act of 2007 to establish a research, Awareness Month’’. troduced today eliminates that exclu- development, and demonstration pro- f sion. gram for grid-scale energy storage sys- In addition to being an energy mat- tems, and for other purposes; to the STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED ter, this is an important forest man- Committee on Energy and Natural Re- BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS agement issue. Over many decades sources. By Mr. KAINE (for himself and there has been an unnatural buildup of Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I rise Mr. JONES): woody material on the forest floor. It today to introduce the Better Energy

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:35 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.057 S22MYPT1 May 22, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3063 Storage Technology Act. I am pleased Furthermore, energy storage systems contributions of generations of Asian Ameri- to be partnering with Senator HEINRICH are technology neutral. This bill will cans and Pacific Islanders who have enriched on this initiative. I would also like to foster innovation and enhance deploy- the history of the United States; ment of these innovative technologies Whereas the history of Asian Americans thank Senator GARDNER, Senator and Pacific Islanders in the United States is SMITH, Senator COONS, Senator without picking winners or losers. inextricably tied to the story of the United MCSALLY, and Senator KING who have Specifically, our bill would do the States; joined us as original cosponsors of the following: It would focus energy stor- Whereas the Asian American and Pacific BEST Act. age research on highly flexible, longer Islander community is an inherently diverse Our bipartisan bill supports narrowly duration, and seasonal storage sys- population, composed of more than 45 dis- tailored energy storage research to de- tems. It would support five energy tinct ethnicities and more than 100 language velop the next generation of tech- storage demonstration projects. The dialects; nologies at the Department of Energy. bill would create a strategic plan and Whereas, according to the Bureau of the allow the Department of Energy to de- Census, the Asian American population grew Advancing next generation energy faster than any other racial or ethnic group storage technology will allow us to in- velop cost targets. It would coordinate over the last decade, surging nearly 72 per- tegrate more renewables into the research and support the coordination cent between 2000 and 2015; power grid, such as wind energy or of research. Finally, the bill would au- Whereas there are approximately 22,000,000 solar energy which, in turn, will help thorize $60 million annually for each of residents of the United States who identify to reduce emissions and slow climate the next 5 years. themselves as Asian and approximately change. I am pleased to report that our bipar- 1,600,000 residents of the United States who Energy storage systems provide a tisan bill has earned very broad sup- identify themselves as Native Hawaiian or wide range of benefits. First, these port, including the endorsements of the other Pacific Islander, making up nearly 7 percent of the total population of the United technologies increase the reliability Bipartisan Policy Center, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions, States; and the resilience of the electric grid Whereas the month of May was selected for by limiting potential disruptions. En- ClearPath, Edison Electric Institute, Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month be- ergy storage helps us to better manage Energy Storage Association, the Infor- cause the first Japanese immigrants arrived supply and demand on the grid and al- mation Technology and Innovation in the United States on May 7, 1843, and the lows for the expanded use of renewable Foundation, the National Audubon So- first transcontinental railroad was com- energy. The reliability of our grid and ciety, the Natural Resources Council of pleted on May 10, 1869, with substantial con- grid-scale storage systems go hand-in- Maine, the National Hydropower Asso- tributions from Chinese immigrants; ciation, Solar Energy Industries Asso- Whereas section 102 of title 36, United hand. States Code, officially designates May as Second, this type of technology can ciation, the Union of Concerned Sci- entists, and the U.S. Chamber of Com- Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month and decrease energy costs, a goal that we requests the President to issue an annual all share. In Maine, the price of elec- merce. proclamation calling on the people of the tricity rises steeply during the coldest Frankly, it has been a long time United States to observe the month with ap- days of the year. For example, in late since I have seen a bill be able to at- propriate programs, ceremonies, and activi- 2017 and early 2018, very cold tempera- tract that much support from groups ties; tures in New England led to higher en- that have different ideological goals, Whereas 2019 marks several important milestones for the Asian American and Pa- ergy costs—more than a billion dollars and I am very proud that we were able to line up the support of all of those cific Islander community, including— in the wholesale energy market—in (1) the 25th anniversary of the establish- just 15 days. groups. The BEST Act will help advance en- ment of the Congressional Asian Pacific The next generation of energy stor- American Caucus, a bicameral caucus of ergy storage technologies to improve age technologies could help to trans- Members of Congress advocating on behalf of the efficiency of our Nation’s electrical form our grid, meaning that we would Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, grid while helping to promote the no longer need to generate more expen- which, in 2019, is composed of 73 Members, wider use of clean, renewable energy. including 19 Members of Asian or Pacific Is- sive power to meet demands during the The goals of this bill are those which I lander descent; hottest and coldest days of the year. would hope every Member of this body (2) the 25th anniversary of the establish- Instead, we could use more affordable ment of the Asian Pacific American Insti- could embrace. I urge my colleagues to energy sources that have been stored tute for Congressional Studies, which was support this legislation. founded alongside the Congressional Asian for later use. Thank you, Mr. President. Third, energy storage systems can Pacific American Caucus by former Sec- f retary of Commerce and Secretary of Trans- allow for more intermittent renewable portation Norman Y. Mineta and former Del- sources, such as wind and solar power, SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS egate to the United States House of Rep- to be placed on the grid and used pre- resentatives from Guam Robert Underwood; cisely when they are needed. The Aqua (3) the 40th anniversary of the first Asian/ Ventus, a floating, deepwater offshore SENATE RESOLUTION 218—RECOG- Pacific American Heritage Week, designated wind project being developed by the NIZING THE SIGNIFICANCE OF in 1979 by President Jimmy Carter through University of Maine and a consortium ASIAN/PACIFIC AMERICAN HER- Presidential Proclamation No. 4650; ITAGE MONTH AS AN IMPOR- (4) the 45th anniversary of Lau v. Nichols, of groups, could benefit from energy 414 U.S. 563 (1974), in which the Supreme storage innovation. Off the coast of TANT TIME TO CELEBRATE THE Court of the United States determined that Maine, there are very strong and con- SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS OF inadequate supplemental language instruc- sistent winds where offshore wind tur- ASIAN AMERICANS AND PACIFIC tion for students of Chinese ancestry with bines can produce electricity almost 50 ISLANDERS TO THE HISTORY OF limited English proficiency violated the THE UNITED STATES Civil Rights Act of 1964, expanding equal percent of the time. This next genera- educational opportunities and paving the tion storage technology will ensure Ms. HIRONO (for herself, Mr. BENNET, way for bilingual programs and additional that we can use this wind power closer Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. English language instruction in public to 100 percent of the time by storing BROWN, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. schools; electricity to use when the wind isn’t CASEY, Mr. COONS, Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, (5) the 95th anniversary of the enactment blowing. Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. DURBIN, Mrs. of the Immigration Act of 1924 (commonly known as the ‘‘Johnson-Reed Act’’) (43 Stat. One of the biggest hurdles to com- FEINSTEIN, Ms. HARRIS, Mr. KAINE, Ms. 153, chapter 190), which imposed national ori- mercializing energy storage is cost. To KLOBUCHAR, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. MENEN- gin quotas that limited the number of immi- overcome this obstacle, our bill specifi- DEZ, Mr. MERKLEY, Mrs. MURRAY, Ms. grants allowed entry to the United States cally directs the Department of Energy ROSEN, Mr. SCHATZ, and Ms. SMITH) and prohibited the entry of Asian immi- to work to decrease the cost of this ex- submitted the following resolution; grants; and citing technology. This is similar to which was referred to the Committee (6) the 150th anniversary of the completion the Department’s SunShot initiative on the Judiciary: of the first transcontinental railroad, which— that decreased the price of solar power S. RES. 218 (A) in 1869, connected the Central Pacific by approximately 75 percent in less Whereas the people of the United States Railroad and the Union Pacific Railroad at than a decade. join together each May to pay tribute to the Promontory Summit, Utah; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22MY6.026 S22MYPT1 S3064 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 22, 2019 (B) involved more than 12,000 Chinese la- (2) recognizes that Asian American and Pa- West Virginia, and David Austin Tapp, borers who faced racial and wage discrimina- cific Islander communities enhance the rich of Kentucky, to be a Judge of the tion despite being entrusted with the most diversity of and strengthen the United United States Court of Federal Claims. laborious tasks; States. COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS AND Whereas Asian Americans and Pacific Is- f landers have made significant contributions ENTREPRENEURSHIP to the United States at all levels of the Fed- AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO The Committee on Small Business eral Government and the United States MEET and Entrepreneurship is authorized to Armed Forces, including— Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I have 9 meet during the session of the Senate (1) Daniel K. Inouye, a Medal of Honor and on Wednesday, May 22, 2019, at 2:30 Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient requests for committees to meet during who, as President Pro Tempore of the Sen- today’s session of the Senate. They p.m., to conduct a joint hearing with ate, was the highest-ranking Asian American have the approval of the Majority and the Subcommittee on Regulatory Af- government official in the history of the Minority leaders. fairs and Federal Management of the United States; Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph Committee on Homeland Security and (2) Dalip Singh Saund, the first Asian Governmental Affairs. American Congressman; 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- (3) Patsy T. Mink, the first woman of color ate, the following committees are au- COMMITTEE ON VETERANS’ AFFAIRS and Asian American woman to be elected to thorized to meet during today’s session The Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Congress; of the Senate: is authorized to meet during the ses- (4) Hiram L. Fong, the first Asian Amer- COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES sion of the Senate on Wednesday, May ican Senator; (5) Daniel K. Akaka, the first Senator of The Committee on Armed Services is 22, 2019, at 2:30 p.m., to conduct a hear- Native Hawaiian ancestry; authorized to meet during the session ing. (6) Norman Y. Mineta, the first Asian of the Senate on Wednesday, May 22, SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING American member of a Presidential cabinet; 2019, at 9 a.m., to conduct a hearing. The Special Committee on Aging is and COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC (7) Elaine L. Chao, the first Asian Amer- authorized to meet during the session ican woman member of a Presidential cabi- WORKS of the Senate on Wednesday, May 22, net; The Committee on Environment and 2019, at 2:30 p.m., to conduct a hearing. Whereas, in 2019, Asian Americans and Pa- Public Works is authorized to meet SUBCOMMITTEE ON FEDERAL SPENDING cific Islanders are serving in State and Terri- during the session of the Senate on OVERSIGHT AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT torial legislatures across the United States Wednesday, May 22, 2019, at 9:45 a.m., The Subcommittee on Federal Spend- in record numbers, including in— to conduct a hearing. (1) the States of Alaska, Arizona, Cali- ing Oversight and Emergency Manage- fornia, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Ha- COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS ment of the Committee on Homeland waii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, The Committee on Foreign Relations Security and Governmental Affairs is Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Min- is authorized to meet during the ses- authorized to meet during the session nesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, sion of the Senate on Wednesday, May of the Senate on Wednesday, May 22, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, 22, 2019, at 10:15 a.m., to conduct a 2019, at 2:30 p.m., to conduct a hearing. Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Ten- hearing. nessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, f Wisconsin, and Wyoming; and COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (2) the Territories of American Samoa, The Committee on Foreign Relations RECESS UNTIL 9:30 A.M. Guam, and the Commonwealth of the North- is authorized to meet during the ses- TOMORROW ern Mariana Islands; sion of the Senate on Wednesday, May The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Whereas, in 2019, Asian Americans and Pa- 22, 2019, at 1:45 p.m., to conduct a hear- the previous order, the Senate stands cific Islanders honorably serve throughout ing. in recess until 9:30 a.m. tomorrow on the Federal judiciary; Whereas there remains much to be done to COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY Thursday, May 23, 2019. ensure that Asian Americans and Pacific Is- The Committee on the Judiciary is Thereupon, the Senate, at 7:12 p.m., landers have access to resources and a voice authorized to meet during the session recessed until Thursday, May 23, 2019, in the Government of the United States and of the Senate on Wednesday, May 22, at 9:30 a.m. continue to advance in the political land- 2019, at 10 a.m., to conduct a hearing on f scape of the United States; and the following nominations: Daniel Whereas celebrating Asian/Pacific Amer- Aaron Bress, of California, to be United CONFIRMATIONS ican Heritage Month provides the people of the United States with an opportunity to States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Cir- Executive nominations confirmed by recognize the achievements, contributions, cuit, Michael S. Bogren, to be United the Senate May 22, 2019: and history of, and to understand the chal- States District Judge for the Western THE JUDICIARY lenges faced by, Asian Americans and Pacific District of Michigan, Stephanie HOWARD C. NIELSON, JR., OF UTAH, TO BE UNITED Islanders: Now, therefore, be it Dawkins Davis, to be United States STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE DISTRICT OF UTAH. Resolved, That the Senate— District Judge for the Eastern District STEPHEN R. CLARK, SR., OF MISSOURI, TO BE UNITED (1) recognizes the significance of Asian/Pa- STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT of Michigan, Jason K. Pulliam, to be OF MISSOURI. cific American Heritage Month as an impor- United States District Judge for the CARL J. NICHOLS, OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, TO tant time to celebrate the significant con- BE UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE DISTRICT tributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Is- Western District of Texas, Frank Wil- OF COLUMBIA. liam Volk, to be United States District KENNETH D. BELL, OF NORTH CAROLINA, TO BE UNITED landers to the history of the United States; STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT and Judge for the Southern District of OF NORTH CAROLINA.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:34 May 23, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\A22MY6.070 S22MYPT1