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2-12-1910 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-12-1910 Journal Publishing Company

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Hy Mull 50 a Single B THIRTY-SECON- D YEAR. CXXV., ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1910, (. Month; Copio, ceute. Vol. No. 43. liy Carrier, 6(1 cents a Month.

!r:liip Forth. Minn., and ficow Dearth human Ileum v Hi,. Intent or not mf Dos .Muirles wi'i'p the others In- lulfUling that which h,. undertakes to jured. ,!n ns inioultous. The preHiiiii pi ion in FRENCH LINER UNITED STATES SMOOT STURDY VAST SUMS FOR 'business i iich s is thai an lioimiu Ide KNOX BRAND OF Millions lor Now nu.; ', holding till honorable position K.illimoro. Feb. 11. The ilir.-i- ot th,. business community is neither n tors ot tin- - linliimor,. - Hilo railroad, Iraud nor a , heat." ' besides making hire,. appropriations .Mr. Mu rsh doccrihed the membership for roadway Improvement, Imv,. tin-- ; and Inn. thins ol the exchange and ad- ' tliorit-.i'i- i $:i.iiiio,fiiin for motive ionvr FRIEND TO DEFENDER OF RIVERS AND mitted that llier,. were some specula-liv,- . WRECKED, ;in a, 'cor, th,. $ 1 " or.: Li DIPLOMACY lame with :;.'. : transactions. 01 ,1,1 for o, omoli MS lllil fill's HOW In'-- ; ll. Insisted that 111,, pi, sent s.vstom ing filled. of transactions amounied to actual delivery, lint decline, to lurnisli ally RIVALRY IN 'details of Ills own business to show FRIENDLY jusl how much aelual delivery was Al RACE TOWARD SOUTH POLE! RAILROADS T F HARBORS performed under his contracts. SCORED IN Ml "The world is inn prod ucing riunmh IF " potion for Its needs, he dotialed. "This vent- - It is producing ;!.0no.0OD to London, Fob. II. In 1111 Interview ;. 500.1101) hales less than 11 consumed Wit ll til,' Associated PlVHS concerning last year. There has never beep n ex- he proposed American nnarrtic GOVERNMENT FROWNS ON PAYNE-ALDRIC- H BILL WATERWAY PROJECTS THIS :tim,. In the history of the cotton SURVIVES pedition Captain Scott todny said: when there has been more, u 'Tho Anii-ricc- project was no sur- INDEPENDENT STEAMERS BEST EVER, SAYS SENATOR; YEAR TO COST $42,355,276 uneasiness legnrding III - pric,. of cot-- ; 1 enrespond-In- g prise to me as had been ton than now. This will continue tin-- ; with Commander Peary for some til the world normally produces liy time. Xo step wns taken lilm until . . , enough for its needs or ill,, needs ule he, consulted mound h:id received the Proposed Line From Pacific Denies' It Has Caused Increased; Appropriation fraVOi ablV ," ""lu 'bvvn to the production." Hundred and Fifty-si- x People assurance that I heartily welcomed j. " t'liairman Soolt asked if thole were Congressman Harrison De- American The rivalry Coast to Panama Discour-- , Cost of Living a d Points Out Reported to nOLISe ailu much speculation In cotton on 'chungo, Perish When Doomed Vessel between the British nnd American ex-- I or liy Its memlvers. Iv entering into' clares State Secretary's Bold I y peditions will he cutir, friendly hut Advance in Price of Articles Srong Effort Will Be Made to; contracts for purchase or sale of col-- i ' aged for Fear of Injurymgj Strikes Treacherous Reef in urn fly each will he keen thnt men tun h lili t li,. hope ot prol II, Strokes Lack Success; Which of lis own nnlionnlity shall tirst reiich Transcontinental Roads, on Free List, Pass it at Once, "The i'e Is no member of the e'-w- the pole. .Mr. Would be Their Only Justifi- Mediterranean Sea, ' hunge Marsh's reply. "The Americans will hnvc the long. "whose entire lol'tlllle is Hot I'espoll- - er lint possTidy itn easier one cation, , route I II Morning Jonrnnl Siwciul Mornlinj Spclu: !'il,e ' ii his contracts with fellow lire indications of it gradual (By Mnrnlnff Journid if,iat Wire) l.Ukrd Wlrrl IBr Journal I.es4 Wlrr' j there Jud 11. ... , , . , . . membi Xew Vork, Feh. Senator Iteed - ....W MAN SAVED IS RAVING dope from W'eddell .sen to the pole Washington, Feh, II. Hecause an ilSOIUglOU, I'CO. Ull'I IUIJ ,Mr. Marsh chara, terize, th,. Scut difficulty will be to find, Smoot of t'tah, rcpiililiean defended: proje t throughout tlie country at a Their main independent steamship line to the I'nyni-Aldrl- ch ill to regulate cotton exchange trans- spot on the tariff law tonii;ht at M of 4 ..'.ii,,- -, t, o'i which i ,'J0tl,- - RECENT EXAMPLES OF MANIAC FROM SUFFERING imitable wintering font's SI actions as full!,, and unconstitutional. islam). isthmus of l'anama on the l'aeilic the lianqnet of the Ik association. n is for continuing contracts nre pro- - const would enter into competition "The tariff hill parsed at the last' villi ,1 for In the rivers and liarbors FAILURE POINTED OUT session of on Kress" said Senator Voted Olnilholoiil-- t Dead. NEVER SAID ROOSEVELT with transcontinental railroads, wns appropriation bill reported to the Chicago. Feb. F. Vaudeville' Smoot, "Is the host tariff measure ev- lunise today by the comniltte, on rlv- - II. John Feirv. Three American er enacted Into law." u noted ornithologist connected with ROTTING MEAT; ers a barbie's. city, USED tion hy Secretary of War Dickinson of "In America we live in better lions- -' up In the Field Museum of this died Nicaraguan Imbroglio, Players Among Victims; Pas The bill will be called the today. Mr. Ferry had nnule several Chinese an offer made to the sovernment by n es." he continued, "we sleep In better house Monday in an to press' effort expeditions along const of tile n - beds; we eat more and better food: we - : the Railway sengers Mostly French Off syndicate of fiultlmorinns. the measure to passage us expeditious- sea anil the (!ulf of Mexico. Note and Central Washington. Feb. 11. Food Inspec- wear warmer and better clothiiiK; our ly as possible. The 7,1)00,000 out-- j were en-- Algeria, be- Details of the offer given to children attend better schools: we I ex-- j American In- cers Returning to tor Dodse says he never testified the on tide the cash appropriation Is for (iniiiM Strength. Declaration fore the congressional committee on somite committee interoccanie joy more of the comforts of life than penditures that may hereafter be, klim Ciivinv canals by B. N. Haker. former presi- any people in any conn-- ! - Stockholm, Feb. 11. The Improve- the cost of livinif that beef "ready to other other made under the continuing- contract j stances of Untenable Posi- dent of a Hnltimore steamship line try on the globe. i 'I ment in the condition of King (iiistav - fall to pieces"' was served the While system. lie bill Is theoretically an (fly Morning Jonrnn1 Saetí; T.:ii, rt- nl the "1 !i vviio on ap- ad- 'in hearinfi of the take it we aie alike Inter-- ' budget although no regular! recently was operated for tions, Says New Yorker, Majorca, 11. House in 'resident Itoosevclt's bill for the of a annual pendicitis He is constant- - Palma, Island of fob. ministration. He now says thnt he establishment este.l in the general prosperity of our river and harbor bill has been continues. owned line on the west coast. ration. We arc alike, desirous of so ...1 ul,,... ,, .,...1 I, t Un- - gaining strength and recovering his Driven helplessly from her course in: testllied that venison bought for the .Mr. ,l linker said that when the sa f, Harding' our industries as to In-- 1 In great one of the wildest storms, that has! White House in the administration of .Mail Steamship company the haste with which the was 99.. his pulse Illy .Mornlni Joiirunl SUmiuI LtM4 Vlr one was not used until it save sute our prosperity. We have such bill was prepared totals In the re- - i and swept sea in president notice It upon re-- II Washington, the .Mediten anean forty that would Insist a safeguard and we cull protec- port nam-- j Feb II. Secretary Vf was ready to drop to pieces. r of the committee disclose a seventy per i years, the French Transatlantic Steam- - ivins ent of the joint tion, her of minor dlsercpencies which ill Stalf. Knox was subjected to oritieisnt rate on business via tlie isthmus In-- ! "1 deny 909 is ship company's steamer General that the tariff net of was Impossible to tonight. The 11 th,. today of li v per it correct house by Representative t'lianzy crashed at full speed, in the stead cent had received 'the cause of the advance in the cost, figures as given are those f utnlshed dead night, on treacherous for ninny years, he offered to put on a ot living:. The greutesi advances have, Francis I'.urton Harrison of New of the If were- by Ihe committee, FIGHT TO FREE near of and OOñrin line he given a mail contract been upon articles on the free list, or - Vork during consideration of the reefs the island Minorca TO to All projects already under improve- all except one of the 157 persons on JURY similar those uiven other lines. Such upon which duties were decreased, or meni aggregate 7,4oO Includ- - and consular appropriation a line as he proposed to said w S.l.til hoard polished. establish upon hich no advance wns made lug the Mississippi river from Cairo loj bill. Mr. Haker. would with no- - Tho sol,, survivor is an Algerian have connected over the Dingley rate, it is also the head of the Passes. Further pro-- ; .New ar,-- ; Many customs official. Marcel Rodel, who the government vessels between i cable thnt the extreme advances Jects 'favorably reported by the en- - bold strokes In diplomacy. was rescued by a fisherman and who York and Colon. upon products of the lurm, yet the ad- gineers bul not adopted by congress slid Mr. Harrison, were Justified only "Why was your rejected?" ask-- ; in-- lies tonight in the hospital at Cinda- offer vance received by the farmer Is ; amounting u $; 7,.',4 s.liiM) or a total of CONVICTED bv th. lr success, ns in th,. instance of ed i In-- 1 dela, raving a a result of the tor- Senator llrlstow. significant in comparison with the S:!"!i.."itl,oiiii, Including: pro- - President Clci eland's Venemielnn PROBE .Mr. replied secretary projects tures Uuoitgh which he passed and Is SIPE linker that the crease paid by the consumer." vlded for under the present bill, would message. Hut that hud not been thft th,. of war was of the opinion that he tiad Investigation, said Senator Smoot, case with some bold diplom- unable to account for disaster. ' ' leave $297.000,01111 vet unacted upon lf strokes of In ship's company there were no jurisdiction in the matter. lie hnn shown in some instances that congress measure, acy mude by Secretary Knox, the added he udopts the present he said. eighty-seve- n passengers, of whom that understood Postmaster there Is an Increase of from 200 to The total amount rerpilred to com-- j The Nl, ariigunn Imbroglio, the wcr,. in first The lltieheoek would have favored the i sun per cent in the price nnld bv the! - .Maiicliurliin thirty the cabin. plan Phi.- adoption projects, except the' railway matter and the crew numbered seventy. It is not if it had met the approval of the ultimate consumer over the cost of; Mississippi river, fools up 70,s Ü9, ot), seel clary's declaration that he won hi thought any Americans wei aboard. myste bend of the war department. inn nu fact lire of ninny Imported and and for the .Mississippi river $17,ñ01,- - make it his duty to see that Ihe dem- Cup-tai- n "The whole thint? here is that the is Tho ship wns command of diTiieHic articles. "Something ti.'iO liotn t be moiit ll ol the Ohio to tlie; ocratic forms of government aro 1'nited does not Intend to do a system dis- - t Cayol. one of tile most caieful of- Stales wrong," he said, "in of mouth of ihe Missouri and $ ,'." W - maintained in Central Ameren, were ' - ' - anything would trans- , fice! of the line. In his long c:;pi.-ri- that hurt the tributioil that will allow such results.; ."pi thence to Minneapolis examples of failure in the dlplomacy ejaculated Mr. j he hud never met w ith an acci- continental railroads "I'rices are advnneing all over the I'esides this the cost of projects, ol Mr. Knox. ihv In as well - SENSATIONAL AFFIDAVITS He had to r. from liritow. ' world free trade countries li congress, having- pre-- ; "This position so dent. intended tire sup- - wlih started, is untenable," he th,. service soon. ACCUSED PHYSICIAN a In protection countries. The sumnbly Intends to complete, Is cstl- - added. reteriiiiR to up to demand." FILED IN COLORADO CASE the niullitenanee Passengers of the t'lianzy wire TALK;HERMANN CONSPIRACY plv has not kept the mated at $9,:i4K,'Oii and Ihe cuniilUn- - of democratic government)! In Cenlrol mostly French officers and officials HYDE DECLINES TO lion of the oblo a nine foot depth America, "that some day vv , will he . lor returning to their pots in Aliri-riit- ne. CASE GOES TO JURY TODAY practically adopted In Ihe hill npprov- - obliged to retire from It with morti- -- -, 'noarii i'. bv 'h"ir wives and ,tiii- - t 0 ed March rt. lllllil. is pla, I'd at .! Imboden and' Hill Serving Time fication." . - dren: a few soldiers, some Italians and Jmi.iPiO, making i I 77. ii I 7.4110 which There hud been nn obvoiis difficulty Turks and one priest. The only Professes' Utmost Confidence . , NDTHiriG DOING "congress may lie considered lis com- - j in of in procuring men of proper character , nr- - Penitentiary as Result op passenger list i roruano inc.. ii. in an d Saxon names the ,.r mitt, to." and ability to serve th, 1'nited smtcs wcr,. Oreen and Stakely. They wore II Result and Will Tell His that hem m,. attention The hill provides not only increased abroad, sold Mr. w Illegal Prosecution is Charged Harrison. opera of eleven ciowdod colín room and ith the Jurv tribu-- i members of an troiiP,. -- appropriations 'for the various "The French mission was vacant l it .1. beep engaged to sing at the StOI'V rll'St t0 ia JUI'V vlnii undivided attention, Finn, is talles of the .Mississippi but fixes 1 a man of proper that had J ,....,. I ,.. .. by Attorneys, lor months until rnsino in Algiers. ll.,... hi. time limit w hen permanent Improved caliber could h,, found," he added. ,Case Trial, 1,'tni ot is- against run-'rinun- The lletural ('liiinzy sailed from Comes to the former hiinnels shall be completed. The! "Tak,. Austria, wher,. u man I It. gr, n 11 PEARY f. Maiseilles Wednesday noon and was ssma charged with FOR polli y adopted III the bill for the Mis-- j Kerns) has been sent to represent the' lile to arrive at Algiers Thuisdny aft- OOliHpimey 1,, dcfr.inii Ihe government slssippi river between Cairo and the-gul- (By Mnrnhif Jniirnul Siif,-l,'- t tVlrtl I'nlted having h,. Stales alter his fitness ernoon. Illy Morning J iornul Sneelul I.nioril Wlrrl of part of public domain. anticipates an expenditure oT JL-- ! Denver, Feb. 11. Attornc.s repre-sentln- for the position measured chiefly by The I'hanzy is a total wreck. Steam- !ari:-a- s City, Feb. 1 1 lega id less All that remains is tile charge to noo, Oho cash each .venr for twenty Leonard lmboilcii and James the sir.,, of his campaign contribu- ers have been (died tiom Spain of the fact that tomorrow is tlie last the jury w hich Judge Cliarb's K. Wol-verto- n years, which will complete a perma- Hill, who are now serv ing lei ins in tion. Take th,. Fngiish mission. will After and points In the I'.alearle Islands to day of di,' week and Lincoln's birth- make tomorrow. nent nine fool channel from Cairo to tlie penitentiary on charg-e- of having Hint posilion had heell declined piib-liel- y Mr, Il closing fol- scene of the catastrophe. day the gruiid jury summoned todny 'iuy's, the gull. wrecked Ihe Deliver Savings Hank, by t noted ( Dr. Kllot , It the lowing th,. ROUSE educator Among the victims was th,. cele- to investigate tlie Svvope mystery will the conclusion of analysis II The nil, Idle Mississippi from the filed two sensational nliidnvils with has been offered by h New Vork of testimony and the final pb-- Hie seek- brated Parisian music hall sinner. tile examination of witnesses. the mouth of .Missouri to ihe rc.outh of the Inte board of pardons today i newspaper to Paul Morton and If Mr. Francis Dnfor. as well a other prom- While It is not the purpose of the for aoouiiial begun yesterday by Col- the Ohio in twelve yearr. will have a ing to show thnt Imliodcn nnd Hill Morion Is appointed that act will be inent music hall favorites. The Chanzy prosecutor to rush the inquiry, ii will onel Wortliiipiluli. perman, lit eight fool channel 2, Mill wcr,. the victims of a conspiracy nnd to reward a sell confessed violator of struck at 9 o'clock Thntmluy night be conducted with dispatch. I'lilike his opining address. Honey's le, wide, A six I'oot channel troni the were really the scapegoats for the law and It will become patent to all ex- Is was vigor. Is after Captain Cayol with all his It expected that the jury will be manner todnv full of lie SENATE PLAN TO MAKE Missouri river to St. I'aul provided wrongdoings of others. The affidav- i the world that the pa ill of the rohiiter in ; o; . C. a perience had been unable to cope session about ten days. attacked with merciless severity tho its are signed by A. Itaistow, real 'is to lend lo the foot of I with a tempest of almost unprece- If uu indictment Is returned against principal continuous of the defense. HIM ADMIRAL FROWNED ON The Missouri river gets $1.000,000 estate denier. This difficulty In finding good men up $.1,0011,-lui- n dented violence, other ships in the any one in connection witli the deaths, Taking' Ihe testimony of Henry and tlie Ohio approximately Today Ihe state hoard of pnidoiis for loreigu missions, .Mr. Harrison - yor Oregon,, a run-t- ncigborhood had snteb- ridden out the the case against Dr. n. C. Hyde, Meldrum. former siirv, of year for twelve .years is i listened to iirgtiments on th I"'"""" siiid. wu. Hi., result or the destruc-Ih- e f H to In tne of W. which th,. defense yt slcribiy nssailed, mplat,d. for of l"'ls- - - storm, but the chanzy P'ey court Justice the Immediate release j tion of ijiplomaev- by the oeeiin cable, the elements, was lifted off her ionise L. Loar, in independence, will he the prosecutor font, nded that the ., Congressmen Fail to See Any All appropriation of $1.10,000 Is oners and at the conclusion took the "Today Ihe ambassadors ore too IhroiiKh the llnloaric an hipeluKo. dismissed. This case is set for a hear- had placed u wrong construc- made for commencing work under the cose under advisement. often messenger bovs in silk knee The French consul lit Cindadela ing, February 17. but it will be con- tion on some of Meldrum's Washing- Advantage to Navy or the project for Pug-e- Sound-Luk- e Wash 1. Ward Ilannister urging the denial brooches with swords who spend their teports that inrtfo numbers of bodies tinued from time to time until the ton testimony and had placed too ington waterway t he Lake Washlng- - of the petition declined that Leonard lliiie being photographed ns the hosts are floatinif at si a, but "thai the grand Jury completes its investigation, much importance on testimony which Country in Commander's. caiiul which Is to provide tor Imboden had sought to secure his of royalty or playing tlie part of storm continues to mak,, their ncdY-cr- v provided ihe Inipilry is not disposed of it had brought to combat it. comnierenil, Industrial, naval and mil- - through the payment of $12,-.10- 0 across sea.' " he is 'i 'hands the continued. Impossible before the casi' called for the first he advocate ridiculed the claim of fresh water harbor near and contended that any man "To tin active, vi rile man such a posi- It no Her-- Discovery ot the North lit' 11 of the steamir is said to lime. Indictment is returned lock of knowledge pro!ei;aed bv ' Pole.i,,;; I'.l.iiilO aereas aren ami who would accept his freedom by tion would He, ni Impossible." The vvil evidence that an explosion, prob- there probably be no further effort mann while. n the witness stand that ' 100 mll"s SllOll line. Comraots to the such means ought not receive consid- ill Unisphere hear ton. b, ooo "Into this of decadence ably of boilers, occurred. at proseen! frauds were ing perpetrated on the extent of $'.'.,? for its completion eration of the board, Mr. n of the Hyde city us- f (By Morning Journal Hnrriul Knox has injected breath Dr. was about the iregon mid California school hunls. Wlrrl a re :i ill Ion ized comlltional or local Attorney Henry J. Mersey, for the fresh air by a suggestion of dollsr ual today seemingly unperturbed by He charged that Hermann wns in- -' Washington. Feb. 11. Commander1 prisoners, reviewed the case at length, iii HiiK AXi: liisrovsusr.K on Hie diplomacy' or the policy of valuing his arrest yesterday charge of sincere in his stated policy of opposi- K. of tin A bill also In, bid, s $.100.000 for closing with the declaration that tit bv van ik.iusihw: catastkoimh; murdering- wile's He says Robert Fcni'v, discoverer foreign representatives Hie amount Marseilles, Feb. 11. News' of the his uncle tion to the creation of reserves and iiminntions, survevs contingencic the time the receiver was appointed of cash they luto the channels he is glad a grand jury has been called ' no ,,,, nu, I turn of th,. Chin.y caused thai, on the contrary, be was not """" "",, rlt, S:ino,ooil lor the bank wai ell, til charging lot' fit wreck General he believes more the case Is of rear In the navy, as pro- - ,,..H.r,o,ooo - - Ann an trade. here, whence the ves- tor the averse to lluir million except when admiral emergei n les ami for a pernio- that Us wreck is the result o'f "con- "This diplomacy will no consternation left to the investigation of disinterest one In on pin t persons dollar sel Balled Wednesday for Algiers. IUI. was created which his friends' posed in recognition of his services neiit International committee spiraey the of the jilonlit cause a thrill of horror In the ed parties more publicity it is v - pnssengers and the did not have large holdings." an explorer, If congress approves oi oa iga iohi. Instrument.-- in securing the nppolnt- alives nnd filenos of the given, sooner he will be cleared of as tu, - minds of those ambassadors who to the steamship of- the ml of a receiver and his subse- in society of and cievv rushed suspicion. the action of tlie of the - spend their dais tlie fice Imploring detnils of the accident. iuent iieti.'li- people Where Ihe mere mention of "We arc not ready to talk yet," said house commilti r oi naval affairs. This j Mr. Herzy charged the prosecution They were informed Hint, with the ex- lliaile iH vulgar." per- - Frank H. Walsh, Hie physician's at voted todny to report Willi "Jockeying" Ihe case to secure ception of one passenger, all had torney. Hvde will not tell LEFÍ FREEI ANTI OPTION BILL Replying. Chairman Perkins of the . - "Dr. hli jits hearing before Judge Mulllns. IHlieu. i no M' ' muí. i., .n story until he tells It to the jury that rail adversely the lulls offered by .Senator Mr. ller.y reviewed the legislative committee on foreign affairs said lie crew, who, to assist Hip families of the r(, him for his life, if ever he is Hule l!i liresentatlve Allen. The; Investigation many Inns Inclined to believe with him that ol Ule and and found therein were members .viecciiani tried. he will explain every- - of- :it would be impructicabl,. to see that Then riiinmltii'i' of six members voted ;n- statements contradictory to those government were Marine. thing and knock the props out from , fered by Ihe prosecution during the republican forms of l. nanzy imi-"- : nnlmousiy against bestowing hou-- AROUSES BITTER When Hie sallen iroio under all the cha. 10 DECIDE Oil the trial which he sub- iestahllsltoii in Central America, but reaching, or upon Mr. l'cary. . and contended port, accoiding to the details An p,,r, semen t of the Svvope es stantiated Ills claim that the bunk was ln did not b.iiev e that Hi,, prestige of hero, tonight, of heading l" - A letter from Secretary Meyer wns (he In th,. hnél instead tat,- t,,da v showed its total value to hi lolvcnt al n was, I'nlted States far east Algiers, hngüed const received by I ho naval committee, glv-- ; ihe time receiver Injured. success of Ameri rect for she the nlxuu three nnd a half million did appointed, lie charged the con-- ! been The as us Hnrcelona to avoid storm lug Mr, Peary's naval record and that In lining far the );U's, I duet of the case violated neat ly cv-- j can bankers out. participa finally ran the shelter ;. PRO stating that he should he designated OPPOSITION in was on d and under of cry form of legal practii and do. lar-du- v tion the Chinese loan M: as engineer'' and - t It the Islands of Minorca and jorca. nAOTA r n r m "civil not "comnian- c, and an tt dene,, of effect of Mr. Knox's I that "Imboden engines broke down, however, and TUO Iri ifunrnO iii'i'." The Uf IOL DUdMNCdO In the slate penitentiary becmise r course, the vessel was powctii ss. " Secretary Meyer said that Mr. 1'eary by Mr Harrison asked whether the SHOWS HEAVY INCREASE in' navy on stereotyped falsehoods llltllll'.i The storm hurle, her against the enlisted the October 2, conspirators ill the proseeut ion.' American shale of that loan hud not rocks on the north coasi of the Island Qornli Pnn-ii-n- l lro-- i flúl mm i n oc 1MS1. and that lie had a total of over by of New VwlV'l CllU J Vyillll,lllV'V LUIVIIIHIIIVJ Vice President of New York been obtained bankets of Mtnoica. near Cimladeln and she ten years in vari us leaves of absence, ork w ho wer,. known as the "money Mr. (,, iieral Meade Die immediately. The 1 of Peary's I went down almost Wcsliing.on, eh. 1 A n ii nufiua !!y That Islanders Have Right Cotton Exchange, Before F.oslon. Feb. Itrigadi r Co ner-- ( trust." while other bankers had been sol,, survivor, .viaiccl Kodel, look the h y as n "self-i- lo gel a of it. ai increase reported nt the fifty i0',,l;:r'',posed" nmst al Robert L. Meade, F. S. M i - unable share news to Palmii. but commendable tasl, Mr. while he largest poslol'i'i s of i he country ilui - Enact Their Own Liquor military or signif- Committee on Agriculture, tired i, died al his home ir Lexington Perkins replied that According to the stenmshlp com- ins the of January. having no naval following illness if Severn! j did not know about that phase of the - month i'ortv recommended Mr today an pany's sailing list. ill,, steamer Mar- if fifty Laws, icance nnd that Grows Angry Questions, i matter, the fact remained that Hi' nine the offices reported ml Peary he retired as a civil engineer at months. tiel lltigeuud should have s liled Wed. ease in receipts as compared Willi! loan had conic to the I'nlted states. nesday, but was replaced by the with the pay '.I roar admiral. Rv Ihe ":i yeively hand th, corresponding month of last year. ve of Mass- ( 'niiiil rv Posloli'ii-- ICoblwil. influence of Chnnzy. Many pass, inters booked in, s Representa! Roberts and big stick administration com- Th vaiy tior.i 1.72 per cent Ty lfirniui ,1ii,irn:il murcia! Wlrrl achusetts, a number of the (liy Mornlnf Journal ftacclnl Lait4 Wlrr Rlltle. Mont.. Feb. II. The fo r Algiers had wailed to go by the Da i Mini, 27. I Inel .v Iv bined'' til,, state department, said Mr. at ton. lo per cent at 1. t ll.- - reason al Divide, .Mont., t enty-- i e miles Clinnzy because of lb, great eon ti Washington. Feb. Whether sniii that he saw no Washington, Feb. 11. "1 regard Fitzgerald. In extending American H.irtf old. Colin. whatever for conferring such an hon- SOUlllWeSt of Rlltle was cidi nl last dene,, in captain. Hawaiian islands shall be "dry' will' 'picslion an to I In- - in II,. expressed lur Th, live postal' lies showing the! or as was contemplated upon Mr. that as insult me and nlghl and Jl'i" Ink, n In bsenee trade Manchuria. The French line nuthiiilties say that greatest pere, n;ag,- - ol be - surprise thnt American shipbuilders sum,, passengers iiiereas,. In left lo the peop'e themselves audi Penrv. to every member of the cotton ex- of the postmaster. they have hopm that over January of last .year were by congress. pole." had been able to obtain contracts to have escnperl and land'-- on other will not be determined "His discovery of the north bango," declared battleships for Argentine Martlonl. Conn., Sprimrfi. id, Moss., it- -, absolutely build two of Minorca. 'lilis was determined today by raid Mr. Rob. "has been R. Marsh of N'-v- cot- COLONEL ASTOR AND possibility some parts of Ihe Island Portland. Or'., C,.o., in,, aitien tin- t,. the Vork and suggested th,. of Cb. i of no benefit to I'nlted States, - It is believed thai three American be committee on Pacific be- measure by til,, state depart- caco. The geiieial ii.crciisr. over the mate clvili.nlion or to the naval service, as ton exchange at today's hearing WIFE MAY MAKE UP!; oorciie vaudeville "layers hailing iroin San nl li' 1' adopt-tha- lienl. 11,. Spoke of the lul'll recently sanj,. peii, oi last year is 11.27 per lids nnd U'lo Rico, it t I can m, Me has been nhsent fóle th,. house commute,. on ngriciil- - Francisco were on board the far hk made io Honduras by American hank- cellt. a - navy anti-optio- are id report providing the ipies- from duty in the department uu, ni the n bill, thing. steamer. Their names Kisie llenn a e idei., of ii ii.- -, - ers as pointing to the same Tb,s is tiik'n d a Hpeeiul most of the time lo- has been connect- Messrs. Dronda and Delyman. s tion shall be sabmitt to Co of T nnessce I I 1 .a vv v s ill were don,. In the Inter- and cidi d nuprov. na nt in b.isiii ss ed It and done nothing to ireselllalive Sims New York. Feb. el These tbinus elcetiou. with has had Mr. Marsh were bv oil est, said, of a "select band of thr. oich. mi ill,, country. entitle him to this honor. sk.d if there the suit brought Mrs John Ja he w ii. i ti:mpi:st it Tin- - lact that uoporteis op probably congress might illy vuy "I eliminating transa, lions Astor for divorce Irom olollel J, dill financier under the hrotecting in,t ;i; and "! think - ox mi:diti:rkxi:x on giving him pome that lid int contemplate actual deliv- Jacob Astor had nothing t helpml ninu of the state department." 1 MEXICO SURRENDERS poni'iiis and dr.istli prohibition legis look witli favor , Algiers. Feb. I Ships arriving I y ausiiig, in business in reg.i rding tin- report the Asters upon the theory that they involve a lation d other kind of recognition. For that her,, today report Hint, a wild have eiulors this law lor. to coin i a volition of regular rules of Hi, may be I'eeolleiied. ben, lieicnt extension of trade. - FUGITIVE MURDERERS if bis friends wanted him . W :,n. he eai'ts a st. ntest. l o.ehani.-o- of New York lííginL- in ihe diterran. i nit. receive a g"ld or something of The report arose from the failure; Representative Fassett Ciinrl, 'IIX. w ca ITl" Mr. Maisli 11 v with-- j in n plv battleship sti aniel hieh A number of h, ugs have been I would be favor of it Rut. omphalic oi Mrs. Asior s counsel to apply declared that the s to , that sort. a n imputation a confirma-- ! mad,, possihlp by into port luda; forced take giv n in ihe liiSt tew weeks at which I am not In favor of giving Mr. Puirv that th, members of in the Inst three da.vs for contracts had been tempoialy refug, the harbor of Douglas. Ariz.. Feb. 11. With the several I' and ti mperanee nr. a pension fur what he has done. 1 th,. exchange counti nan, d fraud or Hon of ihe intcrlo, titni'v decree grant- - he cheaper pric,. of armor alone. I '.ill e, 'in,l ehr alillg. ed by Mills. It custom i lon.i. consent ossistanee of the Mexican aiinizatioiis of th island appeared in don't t hlnk lie is entitled to It." Justice the a in horit íes the four M xi'-aii- churg-,- d a. iv oeacy of aeibi n bv congress. The vvhi.-- look n Mr. Sims explained that what lie for counsel to apply at the earliest Road Ovcr-c- cr I utallvr Stabbed. In -- t .luvk' lip-an- was to final Cripple Creek, t olo., Feb. 11. -' Three Mini Train Wreck. with the killing of Krn i The In I'.rlnts were concluded today, today coii.-irte- .i of .Messrs. Rol- whether the business couid moment to the coot make the. i overseer, Dis Moines. Imva. I"h. 11. Three and iiwen "iimli and who after- Action by congress was opposed bv ler. Rob, Pales. Knglebright. not be so otidiicted as to elnninale decree of divorce. Mrs. Astor Is now' ter linker, a deputy road was fu.-ill.'- . ii. ! lin- I dole-g-,t- "ii, st.ibiie, lim, s ut an early in,ii weie injured, on., loiiuips ward fed to Mexico were brought the leuisiatui e of Haw ai, by the e c.rcgg and Macon. Representative gambling, that Mr. Marsh or in Kurope nnd Colonel Astor left five hour in a head-o- n hetvv, "n tin across the boundary line today into in eon-i"s- s nnd by a number of was absent oth.-- nicnib, is ar, . consciously guill y cil v v osier, lay. this morning after a street quarrel and Can-i'Oe- D.iusun con- - Wabash paríen:.-- train to-a- i li- t. to- Arizona. Th'-- were arrest. ,1 in .i eommerelai booies on tne ground Ilia, The salarv that Mr. Peary would-hav- of Hltiil ora, lie, The divorce proceedings were is probably fatally injured. Andrew ! , re-- de- - ogesscr. day. F.lluhl",-- William of and wer,- surrendered to ihe action w as an i . in- as a rear admiral j "I am against ail lni,iiit." duct",! Inst fall before Justice Mlllsi j a former I'nlted States lor reeoiv.d ar-- , v. f- Mr. were ilier. nnd Albert Seidlor see under Mohrrly, Mo., as badly cruslii d and authoiiti.s without 'he vasion nl nt which the; loe. I for th.- LSI of his life would dared Marsh. "I pronounce nil and names mentioned thai would' will probably die. Ora Risbop of of extradition. island lias er.j. .;.,,! for :.-- years. ' have he. n ah.eit $'1.'"" u venr. I mid. I takings oil'iod Into by anvlmakc liilfieult a reconciliation r. st. '.


mines at tti.- - lorn. í .í.ííív ,1 in. Í BURIED UNDER H SSOUR BANDIT The rein I:- K ,f lili r tí1 t - PLOWS s GHOOL AT OWN LATEST CURE BLANKET OF PLEADS GUILTY TO Í spa FOR ANCIENT PLAGUÉ l or Curly Spring Tlovtlof EXPENSE SNOW TRAIN ROBBERY i) .i.ij ? .7 f if'. ta," 'ir. ni ;v Deere" Breaking Plows" H "Jolin . - i I I .1". r i ,ft- - rt.-t- l f T Ha- e.-- c S P..,.,. íiV., Who GROCERY GO. Seciet. -- Hela ARE THE BEST l " lr. r íes .'k My to A.tia!ti.c. .Coast; Flood fs Near utt" I. a a nii'i :i J f Ask to see the Deere" Rod Breaker. It works easier Hardships as Result Vt.. Foa'ccí ii E'.ent of Than. Eureka Makes Osn Breast "GOOD THINGS TO EAT" l lii-i- ' It-- . and costs less. t e,.t Tieasu.y Ruiii;;:, ii I (' nfi. . (" 'I - - M tu-- i ', M"'u," MBji rr, I .., , a. ,i rr. r.' lir irtal Wlr .W.mlu Joarnai trirr) j!,, , t"tl Iwl r ..i ..s r,- - s tl'-.-I j I .."...4rit... I '. 1.. ..i t .St. j.oni. .!,, p. I4 aluii titkf uwnirv wlrf ii . i . . ,.. . - . . . . i i Steel Road Scrapers "i'.'n "til..- ..r v i;. T,;ii.r ;.! vioii litai h.- f'.-- r i.'t in ih ill trtitl.- - itiili ii.. .It W."k!;lfCti.. I", ij. V-- tw: h t ii ii.. Sli"i ..J ..!.. ;.K ix rv of - . . . ;, , ....,. ... t h Mi... i'k.ifio ir.iin tl.iulilv a'KaiUMtrrtm for t llltltr. It"- oiillr.Mi.,.-- ,f .1'. i A. ...t i v At the Lowest Prices. i ; - t in- i km j i v..ti t.. iikt- ailvaittaut bí fu- - (i,iitnm-n- t I. i - . ..f rh.- . ins III of nir iavtiivfil !r. ri-- Li;.t. t r!'.j"!i .i .. iHIS.BENNETT ( ti. iiTitf. i..;.hitin : in.', i 1ST rr: t:e r.irseeiit frtt. I . . r I i it , iir- - mi Ohii'. ti. cM.t!ttiii1 th. ,r Aitr ... j Ktji -- hiVt 1. .v. y I, ! i . U Vl riinjt linn i II..i &. xp.'lts-- , U "I'M I I. i !!? it. Own -- RAABE MAUGER l;i .: (In !.. r-- I;,. S'.nne. ik.. r.!. . 11 . ir..ii fi. pt bur. 1 tciUv n..--- ii.-- . Saturday :uiz í I ..,.i. J ii 115-11- Za.i ere atf'tatti.;; tía PAY, .'-:'.- :. r .1 Ai'tit Ii- Ill r. i I K .11 I ',! Í. . . I II fii ljr..iK-- r.: iivi 7 North .!' First Street ..-- r .!!- - rT 115,000 l..v h. h iiiik k ll.'J trie to T.ttll - J.-- re , ,K: r Í: i l it...) r .trip a iM'...t.í .... , H.t!i;-il..,- -. .. - MAIL OUDEP.S SOLICITED. . t:. i f ti.t- j'...;ir i j ni.i'í-- J T. In I fii'-'- i' k"-- Specials aiM us !i! Kt).'im t tí.- - -. t Ail ritrtap-- it he w rf at j ;,- - i ".. I h, ! rii- -r ts.'Mt ir' .!t.i,1"tv wilfn tl.t.i fff il DAMAGES Ii.-- . Th ir.iiti" i.ilii I I'lii-lmr- :. r- k lulu Iiu at . i, U.-- m!.ir !.. 'f !" im..-.l- aa.-,- J 3;(. it.-t--i:. K.-l- - . j r. .!. ii, .t Ikuirr. i.n ! t:. itv--it 4-- 4 4 !.v !iit- ) :t an, u:nr-- tl ! i.:. - f i:i:T i! . i,( ..,;;. j . rf.-i-.'- .n. k .,",i;i:t Kmr!"it jT'i.'.- H ..ii lf !!. "( Tt-- "i.i.-i.- í...i;i un I '.: f. i'i ii'l .! .! Ihf f;..n:h not In riLje u'i iuiuiifi ii .tu v..!'in J - - Ktsti. UK cai:i:y ii.,;") JiK! "f th.- r., Hi his 2 I II.'.- the urGi:sT stock ok i'oi.iuri) ri.ATrs. iri i . iitr-.--l- .n h..u: "ft . liti"M .sr líi.ii nwii C.He:i-!'- j !'i lr;;...'. WIMKilV AND FAXCV GLASSES IV NEW WHEN l. - ivi;! e of Charles - m':...... : I'..t"'f tir T,o in. rci- H!n .. , i n ..lift I."...- t ii d lirmT-"v.- t ( S I OIV : : ( : '. 1 1;,-- . ii - . f . u I i ; NEED Of GLASS W1UTC OH CAM. OX rJlHT.S. t.i. i:f ,,v' .. m.l I art in ti- - i.;y. ... . dik i'eceíu ercl'ct ..n r.. P.,.i'.ii Rjjei. r t f i A-- . - ...ti-- u til-- iri-- - in.. ..i" 1!... I' il'i ii.!!.- iihi.. r.,.'r tt '' (.! .r.t i tkt-- n 3'J.- ' ! m i .11 vh r..ln rfl.iwiy wt A:ar,st ACtiess tor i Jill ti tii Ki' ih Sr.t(.i't-t- l ilirei-- s A!c:ation!' t '.' . '. . r 1...... 1 tit. I.t. xj.rt-y- SUPERIOR LUMBER AND MILL CO. I .Mi-x- h- - nf U.,,t A If- - - ' """" ii jar.' STOLEN STEAMER r ti.-.-- . t wi.-H.- . i T:L?' ,""'' ,h" ''"';'- " ; t i,t.- i".'i"-i- ) I "r.j- - .ii: v;.ii. y tu w r in,".! lit J.. i( j ii t.. Rfn'Uliir. ii Tli" Miu- - :;,l" l.;.ii. t ti n h! iv r.,rm ni'if .. lit. Prl n i k !i'C IB. M'irnlM 'ti - . .ir,.-i,.- Oat. J'.orrwl ur,nl ,v 4 tVIrr) I ' un trl f'ff n. i.i u un- - .. ; I 1! rut. f :t ;i - - .'" I'crk II. A .if tin; .1 .'!".'.- i! t l'i.i ,5. ; rn!.- t,t sis. kt.-- i .".. v.rilld i:- -. n..u.rfl thy ..I'tniD- J J! M.I.I I,.- - v- 'i t'i ii in. ' RECOVERED I.. I!i. - .ro'n 2 .',i"! r.'.if.j-- :5.-- m Ik. n.t'i.'i'ts tu ..tti'nali.'ii Kim Unrf: S tU .1 ...iril.ii i.'ij.n In j !. iti York. l.'"' sr Importftl Mr. Ciiiirl.. I' llliii!4 Sifiin.-s- . ;r.o

HitKi.r-H.iu- i' ' I). - ti f..rrii.-- i V 't''n l!"f i f M AÍ0R GAYNOR SV .an l.!tt r Arc You on the Fence? . ,! artr. 11 "'''-I- u.. imiiiii; !i..,,!,!, t.f i1""''' n.T tii.. .ilv I' t.i.ttlt' .il.ttl ir-M!n- . Orí From m i i 1,1 Small Vessel Run .Mr, H. h.lri. h rr. I "" h.iu nlt'iK tr.iiti If rr .'ti h. Kit ii l?..s I'.tt Klowr I'Ifri. f. il.Tt ,rl. Mrs II- - iKiti. k in fi. Iiurt.'.r. $!' V w - Pi'tut-v-- Managua by Foes of Gov- i,..i.ii' r vt ,v .lr"'-T- . It'ii ii.t iTr.- ' h.-- r hi-!- - 11. TO In r t i ti lt.ic.-- yvstftn. Til. N. ft th.' i. m mi i iv;iUI j'1"'!' "fl H....k lii tli.- smi.tlicr BE RIS OWN CHIEF J Ir.ift.iliii.t; ""se ft fart that ! (.ui lir-- ;n .tut Í 1"" tc-- ir..-- . I." i S LEL- - ernment Found Deseited I" in in (;i:!(..rn! i n..r ti'lrl' k n.v nf riahi Ihü.Iih' l'iitv fi fin tin LEAF l: J. !' ... rt-i- :i I - i. i. OKU. is tii it tire PRACTICAL. Aii'"!: SAVING ani Ci.. Irl.ii. 'ii th. ir .I'.t . ;.r.,f th.f With Bady ci Captain Aboard. Fr'-f- Ti'ttit.. Si' i'íiíiü-f'.v.-- SAKj:. "iir ii the JjaCiíSitlláSi Mrw l.íiiitrf liiKK'.r-l:- , !:r.. tt ar.i r.r. i Iliin-- un.. Hit I'lt.riiiH Calif.. rni.i H-- atl 'Icirl. ll. ii.jrli k urf kn'.nn T..?.t. Kin.. K b )1. NViu in, OF POLICE f. J!.!ish.'s. X.itiv.- - l in A ht-r- i. MAJESTIC LEDGER Marwlflg J,.rKil KtwWat Wlr.l tiii.iu.r.iif. i.ti'i Bill lie Uuf innichl .if t.rn!fk j lj-tt'i- IHf l4n4 í - Pni'.ns;, W'iiil' mt.. í,h hi ni- rlt.íi,..- m'-rii.- ! j 1 1 TI"- - lili n .rupi l. ant! in il.o inukllc th Mn..fUii. !!! r- - t.v.--i-t i 1,,'! -- - . Fi. i i,j ii,,. I. v. Hint; A m ill itf.' ihr- Mannirii.-i- ,m I""'i il.'v t.'.t.'i i.r n.i n.i'r B -- .,: .... nhi.h . li li ffttkte j ( I..ik- iini.l - ( J 'i HI tl .1 DiillV t'i risf tin mm.' .'rti iv n ntin wti ; , ". hi.H Kil! - tlr í .f IÍ5' fail 19"S .r. k 'pt-- ! Th- stitlluti n ...) n ( -'- ouri m?r .i the "..rm. i ií i.'" iM?' fl IHridii. h .v Yc.k Execut'vO Desoairs ,ir. :i , ' warn r. . ) it at (.iiiiniiii .iriíi .H.i.' in i"n". ."! init"!.- itiiu i'i'i4r i i. In Our Bakery Department wH tnr. """ - rli;. itiniii.T f tiioi i ! r.. !.! n ti ,n1 r'.u- T Q O "too .n Utv M.iri'i.-r- f t t k'.i j r tCdi -i- 1 Slii Qlfj ltumi'ii ' - i . ? -- "a I" th- - I rourtii. t i t a J tl ni.-'!- , JlwiiHKn ! iic orif !nif in - HIK xSH.TMI XT H' ...i (, r.-.- . ,. v . ! P.!T i"".- ,,, i i (it tl th- - ih- - ..- ( Ii'iiii ñ J.tSI unit iltstiai T c ;',n ri ft! t.i ;y!Qy oOiVC Kl'Cf 1 by Aog!" n.''i:l tr-ii- ,. I ! lj,y-- I'ttktu .irr. nit i, jutlKf .r ''' it n .rm j ... .r' main. . . . rt- .; i!; t ti s 'nj-o- .nt.'jit.i.t .f uii'l. r'f!'.'r!-- i n.u .in.i u f iittia Cakt Mi h:i4 !k mi iii.if....i.- - i !. Kn t. n.iirt tifón numl'r nf Siti C UtltC . M .(Kíiiust i hi- - I r. liiiiMii.ti In I - TI.. !.-- . ni (. i ..ri.i:.i.ii 1. r. ttt lü'.'tt. lik'.l suit ttiknvtl. Ai ff!i l. CakfS If. I i t in-- . nfr - j . . Toran.i. f'.itml utM.nt.l. Unix n c mi. Tlil ft! rt f :tv nn.l K.ittik-- .'.'.in- kimU if ISrt itil hii.I .li.titi j ! "I ! i ..( . All Ii"ll. - ! tilt' tri:!. t. ihf "jlili.tlliii .it tit 'T Th- Mmiuirii: i '' :(B Vorntnc Jmirsnl (o-t- jl Vlrr I s. . .1 - .In r rt .jii.T- "In C:ik. fi'-- Ii..viiibfirun l. r 'sun u ih" I ! M (.rn I '( i,t h. i Td,t..r ' I:. r:tt-- h I Sun ft;. n ;..i4 .( t.ltil to PVi't MlínCit. tli.n Ir.iilt it N-- . r.i.r ii! .i M ..r.- ;i .iii t.' liott u.l.-'"- i in. I li.r-(kt- STRIKE Hr,r,;',,,;;;';ii- - M.t.Ie Willi ftlunil!i'.im cn?t DaK. metal fiinirí?, h itinil in l'st of llus- - l Th.- - ..f il..- - M . Sf f in úti C'ir.itiroy, th eximitüi.Mt "f lo "ter f.H. tiiirmh i th" '.:;! r..,.r th., Ih- ( .in.- ,,f tin- ti'ittii' r k. itiriK t.v:iitj in Jl.tny lirms int f,,. ruletl tttitl rint. d Fiit" ts i'"r tiielr special of - ( jit ir , t li.tii . t . r , "r- - fui!.--- i 'it. tltiit!ti r r h.,.i itt'i .in. We priuipt 'l . io ai! at ipc-cki- l ruling i it- i! itii'T ! are thír"ujrl!r knuls if ili - ii iu Ii : til-i- itij iorn l..rhi) , . iliii'i'i-r't'i.- -. j f.ti .1 ti iv.s VI!.-- ,.r,1 t v - ir. r it! A the ml printlna. Sheets rande t lit any style of bitnler. Ih.-'. kni.l i'litt'-.r'- s r- - I 'Uint!. mnir (.(. .it 8 OUTERN f .... i ;is I'...k.-- Lets e t th. r ami talk it ov. r. ."nii ih"ii" yjt. InqtiSrit-- by trail WHi. H íf'.'.'l .'t mi I", ill'. t t.. tíí'l I 'nmi'.ri'i ttitiiiti .Mr. JAFFA'S v.i); I...' pr. ft) prompt '.ttentitin. t.'.-'i"- . .i II ir and full .til Xltx lil AMIT i , - r v Itlfair. Thr.. ..f .T I t! .tn 'rtt- i. w i?h h I . I l.'lill l thf if.iiM'íiiit íiiiin. .lit i.i. llll DlVtllvlV 'worJs- Mu n ii t . i - !t.--.!r- - titi ui P.liuik Ilooks. Loose .itin-iti- , !." Ailtii'l.K ljtiii-.- nf tupui i hnK'.'l tiiv r , i I ti-r ,. - tí...', ...!!. t UK Itl.-l- n!tl R'l . l;.n:;it:. ii.i tt,.s krt.'ttt, .,n tit.- tttift'. PAG F G Leaf lVtiirti and linhlM.r Slainpa. i t Tí; 7" H. Illlíí!' I S. - (fi.-"ii- . .? Lithgovv i.i.l Ittk'tt'tr. itfi'--l tvltii it.tM, it Mil, Alltiqiifnii, X. M. ttuoitiir r.eii'- .ii'itr i If r. ti.?r..K i? n ,.. 1,.- - Phono T- - It.'i.-.- . tvi - ,t fi.k r it wiil iii tus1 ini ii'i'i ..f tills in, ti'.l.u ivtti ' - iti..r in i.m .'iiit' it ti'ir'.-h.'i'i- i tr.- st.-.- k :.n.l Iti i'i- - !!ir:nk v:"' ii: TUMI .r....!T. it.'i'fiftíí :int.,ufl tn iiiit'"!rt' ítitr Mu. jn.lnuii tii "' Ihroutilt g'ixKK fi.T i'k- - í.tr ;.im,íi lt.1,1 I,.-- i, M tii.'ii f,irntr'vt( - t'iii....n: K. II- - i A i'iil h,.f,.r.. lit,. ti...' fii.KIid. I S(M .'I IIIU II' I. I;.. .11 i.jt Mu t'l)nrl.-- r.'lri. k o I MILD PUNISHMENT FOR i'.ntm - i:..-i'.r- t N.-- Tii,i a, i "vtiiK i. i nf T'H- MAI.:.-:'!!- ! ) ..!- - i, Oef!.iy - tiii'itniiim .t" si..!."n r-- III. t l t i ft i r i r- PMi'-i- t vk t r, r litiiir tvhti'fi tr.- - i:'-.-! l t'li r:iiir ih. i '.. r. ,nii 'I tl.. ki invthins i'.'iit tiicj q . (, , ! nnhorri . Ne-- . 'AVAL ;f.t! v !;.?it;.i"iri . ARTHUR E. WALKER i'tii'.. int ..i- t. iiiit . uílíaui.-.- i ill tli'-- l Ol't-tl- acta No Cause it ii'. st. k. ?'1i;í'('. ru 1 W ' tit- - 'rnniilii-.- - I.!.-!- Ct.t Th." ..t..rt.m.-.- t IH un ttlitih ir.'in tuv ." í !!! IGERSOLL'S CLAIM Fire Insurance, Secretary .' - Mtitnal t" tt u-l- fXÜOWII Ts CLítle; tli" rut.- was i - i! Mi H. i.n-- tMisisht" H- - hjl Train i.i" than ttto ISiiiltlin " r.til f..iitn.- t iatiiin. Phone 494, tm.r r.o I- .- . I - ii 1 i j. n it ".'r.i-- A.K tit- i .. III a;..-;ti...l- Itli.i- u..initiict.t !"! t. lit ttn 2 hum. n .i, .i,, . . 217 Wot Central Avenue. it' n.i i'ii:ir ., it ju.ic- - ííU'O Nwt AttectfU t t.ii V i. t.r.-:- i f ni.. ,t.;- - i'. t.ttniinu. iir- nf m t!t. 111' :,k I'. tHI 111 til. ('.llrtl!: I l.. r.. .:,!, ,.y I ?' ?i M'.trtnif'tit h . I .r t.ii'i t.f f-.- -' i . ..- - ipi tü ar, i' r." r n ikí 0 lit" ;.."' ..rt tn,. .!.,.. W...i tiriitt.f.., I.t'irv .n ...... - . t in i ... i t t.i .r tit,- - tit..-- H-- ! rt mi,. 'ir:ai- i,v.t FOR LEGAL FEE I i t . . . ! t;;. i t.t - 't I..-- fn u - .tii ;. :s... ;.. i i . .. r . .. i i . tnv ?: t. .1 Htlll tilt ful .ttlv..r tnr nraln. nv. At!t.i!iM Snr- ..f ti- tr vtttii 'i '..i twl.l mt, !!' ilit-t- , 1 i.'-.:- t i J..rl 0 AttZ.'V ;tiul- - it ,i 1. i, K'-- t - II. tv. r. itn ii.ttti. r.'i.uitifiu tn ..1 t ktrinífh iiU tiw l f ,.t'4 in nut. un !; n... N.A . tii.- mti- - !"t,iwtt, iiit'. i'n-(.-!- iii i Iwrifi-t- l ,t!i i t tint'-vtitin- nj .'f-f'- Í.11V .'.'I I !"- - !.-- ' in ii 'i.M ,lt t ! I! f'l'- ,t r in i" ilf- rk- - it if. til S lit'l' H'l.ti'". wii ii" ttiil !'. t:; .('it: . ".'. . I .. .I w .s ' ;ttni ii. t', ri'h" Iriisitrtr.'iii. ;..:"i3in i !',. - I. tl. Itim f"''i,t""i Hi ti.i i. i.n.l m t ia tl in '.iiitr IT ( 'in-.!- , ( -- . . . . '.t .i r.'i'Mli5.-'- ! 11" 'Ttt iitt ItiC" "1r iti rvi. r tii.-.r- f it i..l ti..' rr - RECOGNIZED hn. ,', i V . j In ni- -- Í i'i,- :. ..f I.' lit t.' nr.". ti.i. 'fin. tt. m . tl Anl.i. tl . !.. ' - H it.t rt. k i In I:.. 'irft v.-- j r.:i;r. r ii.iju I.t tin- ttt fl IT Mtiia ,!,t i,!.i,.itiv th .t ti r. CABINET COUNCIL I tl Ktui l... r IHTM I I M 'M til, ,.siii!.. ir..:s ti i;t'''r'.tiifci i miif !. lili un I t V. s (a ttio if H.Í.. ' or ..t,-i- ' If, tr .ni'ft ai.'i rMtft1 O'it'. T!v aitlfl'l.'Mf. I! I"! i'i '..i: lit' ti- - y , '1S-- . iiTn;,tití ..i tit,, t i ttn.l i,. jr i In to t'"i i t..i v it., ii i. th. .tit. ti"t it It ii j ri.i'tiw.i tiit j sv - t t. . t-. If., i.- tt 'r !. Supreme Court - a Massachusetts lict t,' ; r i.ii.'ti i ii.. i i .'"' ' "I ('!. ,t It;.... it T- ii In !!,. t ..: C...I, i: . .ii.-n- . -- T,) M.'il'l I'I till' I" l.l.,tl.-- '.,!'. FUGITIVE. tti. ',t l .. ;.,,. tn. tt.- UNITED ON 'It SEIZED '. l .- v. f t.t I'.ttti Orders Butte Client to Pay! i'i' t'.kt it ilt't t'l.iiv Li it., ti t '.. .'rt..- ii. s.. rt. i 1 In it. ol lt.. ti.,r;t!.rs r.-t- i itii-l'- " i in hit. -- r.i.l' i.ri.l 1,,. iLi ...r.i. r.'-- i t tttiif Ih.'.i i tl'i.-- .i.-.- l i.i rt !,".i.- .nii'!".'H tti'i tt .iri;r't . ! t r SI 70,000 to Widow of Fam r,i'i t. i..-.- ii .t .:.-- t.'.t i v in,' ;r;k". An ft.'m i i tin.) t" nrutt. I' r..i al. :'l. Bkirll H t",'. ii ' HI.' I' t t.. jr. t tt;!.. ..itittititttt ..ti.-t- . , itt. ti- - th-.- i . 1..M i.-- . ,. ous Orator and Lawyer. THEFT OF - I It t' l.i.','itK tilIK iiit- i h;,t Il ftl'.'l.'l POLICY IfMIl A. I'll'! ti l". ,!' !i,l, fOR I" . X. .v . I I :t ,x , i : f '.t'rict i t"!'i in irr...... i., ,t i i', i, ..tti'. t.t',i!i-ti"t- tr!..! 1 't .. ti" ft '. l;i:ii-- t I'.t. I ir. ' .. 1 I . ' I ' : 1; Iitthi'-- Hitl u t (Br .vtitrninc flal I.aiietl .KC 'i ' it, 'mi Journal Wlrl ii..i.ti-- ' M'ti, .ti, ' it' "ii -- e. . ; ; 1 ;' i il...: v. il'i tl.. n li. I'"i i - fit t !.. I ' H...-'t'.i-i. C.ii, !!. i.ecral ..nii-r- f.f v ,,. .ii't-Kfr- You Will In t v. it Drop ir liicti 30.000 t.r.t'.t -i f.r tit. th" nf flTe.Ot'O. .... C'.'.' If . Passsce cf Budget First cr.j ..hie ittHifiet' 'Ir- r '. it !,i. :, "tniit-iiii- ' j. itt.-tt- - tn ttn- f N'S C(j'iF!DENT!AL j: hit,' li"!i, ;. Ini;. tv r. i. t his bakery totiay. e . i I t.i-- v. l t rt tt'il.. ..' sou win bread, ". In .' f. tti AJ"!. f r i'i', .' It .i i; Tiie i Cilmp I'i of . -- House Lords rolis, 11. ic in 'Il'i. V:A STRONGLY i..iri"ti ! er.t f t.", I, l...t:!.v in a il.'fr.e 'V Juiisr Hum. cakii" an.i that will prove 111. tlL'-- i ;''( , t : it t ! t.r-.- ' t.i I'll,' ,.'.;, s Program of British ni'.r.'l .! the M is.!'-- ' hn. tti. ft.i r. tii' how fi.t.iiii it is to bother with home M.-n.- ,.y . C t ",1 IM ! , ... rt, ,,t W - Liberals h r ' lis,. purtn.. futrt. you M- '5Í. , , 1 lakins. i!ien have tried ..o liii. -l - , v r nr.! S ' ' Mrs II tIT!'li, '. i.i'. it e! ttli- f ". Jlli'V , ; i,,- - ' s !1 - - - i.- t them en your you til, 1.'.' il'i,. s Charte of! it.t iti. it fiirlTl'.i i'i i'i- ,i' i'nt t .'t- an'l .irtit'ir. - eti, '. it :v.i Py tii" table will be sti'.l .1 ir! : t VIr r.-.' ,t S.'ll ,i; y,!'! it, 'I It! ..r I 'i. IBf M.'rnlnt Joonim LaM4 : f:'ii'iit;i:c tli'.' tie. tin mare stit usly eonvineed of the same i it... ttt l t .'f it '..i r.. t , ;I - v. i.. . K. 1. a .Itsttiti - , t!L-Fi- - Off .ti. tr. li'li Ifll ...If I'f "..! ivdi !.'! i"li. ii. AfilTiiil' t,' .til pi'ii..!.. t.i.irt .'if fin. fa, t. Trv !.!..- IVi si oMv- -- v v. . t y .'.ir- -. ., if-- ' " 1, ' - s r ii., h.i, i.)., .r. Mr. - t tit ,. tii.'ni- 'r:i : f. i i'1- - "I III" M.t. till. .'tirt.i.H .i' tit" j ' ' I't.tti' "i t'-.- siai,.!n''i!t th c If , ' .. if.- i'. ""t -, .ir,'. ii !.;.-;- .fit Itt.t t M. I t i. ' 'It, tirtvy juM. " ,ij tin. t .if .i!!'l!'."V J. '.!.- il t'Tin. t! tbttt tr. !.' t. . i.tsiK.i i "Ti..' ti ttllte I ! l,t ' t l K (! ..,.1 j. t ..I tl . T" I .rrivi j II "It lit.ti.. . . j ti '.,. tii'!, " tiiJi.i.' rti'ir... ii. ,i íiiíi1'íí it itr'-- .I",. litirtf TT "t . , it't un trf.tii.ji;.. i;.'i I.t,. tiit-t- . ti- - ' (,I tl ." i.M .1 ft.- tit, ' : s i."l f"- - "ii t.. ('"(":.'! f. ti; ' PIONEER BAKERY ftl'tl ."ti', t'i.'f it.. .ii 'i.t.t'i'rt' tt lcirt'ii. t it. ,r Titi, tn.-i- . :e t.. I::.. tn.v fit. 1. . f" li . J " mi, , i r t. iTniri.irn ft.ti. ti, aui'tn-'V- T.-- ";,it.i in if .;,i"tt ti',,- i mi-- i . .1 i 1, ltj J. t."-- f i.t;".,.- tti. ons "ii'H It Moriiitif .until iiK,ri.i 'illl'.'-i- i ."!- - ; ,. ' rttr.i.iii. M it ! ; t ".i.ii.i-.- in. 207 South First tf'ttl tri I. in I tti filitl'.! Street - t. '.til.í.í t t - t : . i . -- ain.'t.i; tu- tii:rii-1- it".--- t',. '! ' t t it . t t ik tai;,' . tthti i. n 1:1 ill lit.rnr,f, ." tiit'ii kit'i it. i, rt,. tii. n. JitliHitni r- Tha .".. " I..- i...;-:..- Í - !ilir r iritr.iiiitr tin ....i- t n. i. ''l.i ITl'lt t ' "l it ::, .v I - j : ! - "ii no.v :! ill, tli..- i.. i.i litni u!t- C"..:,. Vh:t.. t.i.- ti tti mai: i. i.i - ; . i I Iiit? '! .i ti ;..r ,,n t (t i .: - int.."! ir. in; o.,tr. .!,..( !.."i 'n.t rt . ti n.''.-- . ta:.!. t Mr r. ti tn ii is tn..t. tit.. p,i-- . .- 'llj'it il. ft. All t H,- - 11, t li,- - ,4. . lit, it. ft n.t,: lit. it.' i. .1 tr, t 'ti t nvir-- i : i .i , ! trie ku.Uet. it hi' i.'inttit.s tin . . - mm. i' ..'li- I. .1 utt- - t,-- i . i . . t ... 11 .'. rt'it t,,t i.r.. ,i, i., .i t.i ni .i '..r-l- b- - - ...i..., .....!- tr.. .f ti . H.4,4.t.. i t'w sMinttu:::- iiíiii.i" ..i i r . j t.t mil !. l.i. i;" :,.m K !:' in tit.,. .... It. IV.' 'I A lrt lit - ifi-it- - fen ' i.rv :i th.- I' i e ! in.- , i.T t t . !.i"f itt.rk . tit tit ' 1'. -. k. it..i.. :h.' .i p.".- IS'itiftit- iti i' t 'lit: iit .'...,r..r. t i "t j ! ;t,n 't. n : , - s t'..- .11 ÜMALOY'SI I .. wi", i" t.,t t th.- in I - i'.t Cn:t..l Su t. r- - niiül .r! tin' tt t u.'itj. rstfOd r At- n nt: it it i' f. that M.Tl.,'1 Ifl .111.1 llit-- r .1 '..,'1 !,!' , III!! a- - .; I'i' i t r An'.tl t !,. ". v., n . If.' - FAILED TO ha I'rnpf. ii i,tt k- tfi'.l.t in ti. 1 1 t' - an t. n i.,i If u ,,, in fc'. .TA UTCJf It.ttl. t iih ..i.ii tt i kiKi-ri.'-.t- I"- . t, ti.n in ai r.' t.n.t miail? lite Aia-k- a. .viivrf "t - Nttrtii.rii "ir" s t- tri.-ni- . i REVf.H FOLE pviltiisfi ' . k. SOUTH . I t" lie will "Ti I Ill i.'ti. !ü,.i ii!t v lit It h-- i I f.f. n TP. jh'i f J. li. ii lini'.n a: !,'!-- -. t ., 'I it . "'ri. tit t ;"tt ...t ,s. i i... t I I ú lri.-- li .. "f KANSAS RANCH X U. , t'i tlf. .le. ".i tut. :!-- : EGGS lit'.:. t t.. I.t i ir. .f .:':. r it'ii.'.iit!!. 1,1', ,. ! j i..t tin r.iíl't ? .).! .i' . "1 - -- , ."-.- i i I t iitH-r.i- l 2 fUitlfrittti in .; doz. for 65c r ' ;;. tne An nUf'r-- o the crip is often I I it- lit !i. pti itiiii p.triy rtiy l y ; ,. . nt i. - ioweil C'.t!h. Uhich t.C '' b tn.- ni.'".i"rale ..I tli' . ' V. '! pr-- - , a a ;'n.-- t j r .i.-- i.trej an m.inv irr- at nn.. r. rv't i. t" I.... !..!-.'- '.".i-:- .tit ni t' h Club t'r. TO tMitti'i'.- - tí i a t il . :it- -!,, hiitt Kvii House Mince Meat X CRUELTY COSTLY I" . iv - . ii.-n t . , villi with r.1.",! sit,- .1,11 I' i "irr.t-- tr.,- H"t rv. l.'tt lit ttarm-- . t;. ,J IN f . ;..r tt-,- r, J 1 lb. full SIlllit kil r .,. i t ;tt ht k.-- i; ilif ne.ii cure of pkgs., weight. I',.,,' I t ra!it . thi', t i: ha.' b.-e- im ii ni pi:imii i; - f ! tti.-ri- t.uch. Matte s httVtr ' -- - tit.- e:t-- tt a tas. i:, i "- .rttitit: itiin .i.l"t't . f':!, te i ." .t. r...n v - ft. r t .. r tj ü f... ..:., ti-.- t ,.1. ii tt Just like homemade ti- i . ,iii.e.'.;5 ...!!t iiifri tl.e h.'Ufi' lalteii. i" - I- "- " ! t St.; i I iir .;i2;-- i .' STOCKMEN f i. ril" ha.--, r- - i- .t 15c a pkg. X Mr. U'Li.itti riv., a - . . , l t.v t t P.I I I. .I . i .i t, tti itin.-r- ..i ll ,PK, MIT. X.-v- . ' . Pur.,!' : "i-.- - Ti,f .N.iti .n. ti;, i Iv .;!'. r..ii,.. ,.f j:,....! r. ".i t 't.t' I'ii t: ..i"! ti- - M.trntnft Ije.tti-- r. LIQUID par- - VENEER , I M i e -- lift) I Ccc Tl a eJ ,111 ti ;...i; t a t r t I" t "ti akes Old Things New t , r !. I ..: , . . . I i rt t Ktaliii. Tl"t " re per IP. l Lü1 y c ti MllllIM ll'Pt v . . -! a. - j ("i iit r t ' htn.t ' i mcm:Il'i ( M l I M irii 25c and 50c a bottle tt.l a r.i-- ps. p. ih , ... . ' , it iinalitlt.l.M? i'i C'tt' r WC., .;. I I. i it . J r,"rt fiir. iri-- f 1 .... h. i i i" r i "'itii"n,1 has '"ti l" t... t.f . n I b..f;-- . .. t t.-,- tti t' Kit, rx lv iir'i"1 t 11. ,t .1 Cra-itii- i .Tiv I...1..I i as ..I trK t s.i. J Homemade Bread. Cakes Y r. r . . í .I'll. f. .tl.-!'- Kit and Doughnuts ' M. tV' i HER V.iCTlM Of 1U V'.r.nn, J'HirKal X f iif'.ri.: r. ..f Citrtft" lit".. K rtitl tmf4 ii: i. 11 I. i. th. tT"ii.'i h" tiPil -. t i : i "tt ,11 9 ..r ct"--' rr-- p. ,t.r": - I rf.r v rt r..- - .' r r l. . t , ! tt , .11 . It tr... ,,i f r t a .j r l.t-n- ; I i U n'ts. . - - t '., I p : ' ,- - t ; I Naif r l k tt n itt.-t- .1 ' " I . ": c. "i. i. ..mi ..i I j at, nr. r ,th-- f, H -- r.'t:St.- - p. i; t ''"' ' A. l.rt r n r.. raid. c:. ' 1 v. j. Ma!oy r. h. t i.f.-j- tt . -- t, I.'- i., ... 1 a ' ti t ! i t - !n it A in i t rt t...rt? t.. K"t rr't t r-- , r a tli.-- t II t"n t c rat t,t ..! - . t It' v , it.r.-- trlv.rt .'r.-'tt- " e t 'ir-e- tt-..- t tl-- t - 214 C&V'TRAL AVE. . i ..nrtf 't Iv, tt . t t. tt a ' I .a tt . '1 ;:,' "ft u "t TÜH.-- I , " . Tit. rt ,.,.' " - f.. in !'i-- ii. ' i ? t it.- :, . .. PHONE 72. ". 1 HI M . t l". V i ;i r..i.'"'".i t m. Kll KE. IT..K



.11 THE WAY SALE TODAY 1 ALL HflanK. (Hommerce Establishedof1800 Albuquerque, JV, M. Played Biilliant Game; Splendid l.ii'tt of Assoitod' CU'ITAT, AMI M I'.l'I.l S, ?2M,0l)0.00 j Visitors I Officers mi. oral, second Dl, third. ' Olívelo: 1 Wpi'ft Dnfpnifíl In- w nni riDAnn mapi i 'lime, :3 7. Rut w -i Stock Worth Up to Three Second luiiongs. selling S. IE. . MKURITT I I I lace, six SOLOMON' T.rNA, W. STinCKT.l:!!, IV II III II 1HI III II1HII Mr. Siilurty, won; Star Over, second; dividual Work of U, N, M, Fifty to Go at the Golden Rule A8"t. CashleB IlILL í l'r':ddcnt Vice 1'rcs. and Cashier M W T Vi My Henry, --.. VX 1TW n II third. Time. 1:16 .1 11 M A. IU'IIUBUj R i C l'.AI.DUIDOi: linl'CIIKH'I'I FRANK 11 -- - r--m Third race, six furlongs, selling - at One Dollar. X II II IImm II jPil Hi II Players, A. M. Hl.ACKU Will, M II II I r ll BUI l III lAlll l Kuble, won: Tres.ioli, Karl's V. KKI.l.Y Mcl.NTÜStt hmJ1 IhJ U LU y Ml-- H IIHSHI HK I N Court, third. Time, 1:15 1 1 Fourth race, seven furlongs, purse II IIILLI U LUI ILL Ull Vl,ls 'I'd fo I'll. .iMlltlllV el' 111 time I Sager. wm; I'ulka, second; 1'ni-vers- In uallle l'1'" unlit oil PJ. THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS third. Time, 1:31 I'ulka both de Irom the first to (b,. last euro la.'tes' ll.i I'll S u a at vd 1 bu- won. but was dis.i'.ia lif led and placed oi pl .v, the l.i's V ecus Normal pri. e I. a la ol Pel. Al DID YOU READ ON PAGE SEVEN TODAY? MARCH 17 second. MclUll wills last evenin- - weal OUt'l'tnie. Ulll I, it in llí. e- - ibn gantle .leu-da- y .i Hie ncelden J''iltil, . race, mile, sellillli Mt.'llO- to ,, fea I at tile hau.i ,u die Varsity day t...l. t'oduy Is waiM maii, won; l'aradise Queen, second; Kills al til.- - Armorv L iln- - . ,,f, "U" all , a lid lit oi U h, 1:4 f--l T. vi-,- 'I'V ud a asol'tlllt flora third. Time, I.I The visitors aliea ali - Sixtli hut, mile and a sixteenth, the en, of the tirsi Ic th,. .,,,. tbiei liun. In cl 111 ISIS, CtOI- taller,., I all wool, IF YOU WANT QUALITY USE s. llini: Ouauiia,' won; Hilly l'ulhnati, standing 7 to !i in He it r. as tin sistillg el Completed for i an,! Arrangements second; Malediction, third. 'lime. clever t In batistes. I'aiu;. loll as. resuli of their work. h usua ' 1:51 th,. t lie ..! av Ibstitllteil olhel niateri.i is. .hi. ale Saturday Between second half $:i ."ai w III at FLINT-K0T- Wrestling Match .Me.Miilln a I. a ivar.l sold at and li.. be sold REX E ROOFING Miss as and idle ly one I I Al KiiiPryillf. ly assisted in tile eMreiiu leu price of dollar Two Heavy Weights on St, undoubted materially eaeh. Oakland, l'eb. II. Shilling Tap-li- n winning for her team, lairing the and ;,!, leu l;u!e v.. is e,l I, i in to- twenty of pl.iv she suc. eed. .1 The erouil. 423 n. First street Day, were evidence at Fmeryville minutes yester.lax w itli lm er eager, Albuquerque Lumber Company, Patrick's day, two in piling up eleven point nd by the doors CASH ONLY the star jockeys currying her ly taking a,l am.ige .,1 the slaughter succe,!-n- sor 1: At.i off the riding honors. Shilling hand- splendid work Vi'l', will one ; xr i. prices. 'I'odav, limit be led Al. Irian In clever style and the her leanimates to tore. big d.lxs ill' tile sale. 11 girls n , of the banner A 11K wrestling- mutch be Sprcckl.-- colt won the two year old The 'egas a lili- are a de- MeAlilpn lí ng Good waists alwavs uilleh p.tllerl off in Albutiueriiuo. on St. T'at-- j event all way. pbatie objeclioll to Mií sired article bv the and it is ay, won game, ciainiuu: a.-c- rick's iliiy, March IT, when Joe Lord Clinton, heavily played, into Ihe linn ling' unite likelv Dial very b-- itl" the IPiO DON'T FORGET WE HAVE i ligibb Jr., llio champion hea y weight tlie opening race. Turret, was plung to the rules she was nut An waists on sale today will lie on h .nd wrestler of Colorado, and Simon ed on in the Hilfroy handicap and cío. . xasnera ing ileluy of nly minutes tomorrow. DON'T WAIT MOVED Deshlor, champion' heavy weight oí ing gamely won from Miss Finnic. ensued Idle the ni in: , wrangled. ii-r- von; (oi, iv m roiti; thi:, i iiisr stou.m M.'Xi.'i), 111 Un; race, futurity course, selling: Tile V was finally "I.tustcd to the tr.-a- In New meet "for best First malt. A few nili.ult'H d. lay ill t B89D33 Lord won: Hall, sec of belli ales, Ib - antiii: in; a.mi:iuca isrocK two out of Olivo falls mu! to decide Clinton Faiicuil sallKl.ulion and casi- of croup, even the length VII - w sonic i lie I!' st. the heavyweight, wrestling champlon- ond: Furlieg, third. Time, 1.11 gam,, went on. Albuiler.pie Inning it. 11 of-T- -, W. H. HA!!!! CO. of time takes to jr. for doctor ( I 1 i t t 1 ump race, 3 2 furlongs: Aldrian a fight. .Miss Xor.ih '1'raliev, i.i;ii (ialliij. l 16 ibs. Sugar.. .$1.00 ship title of the south wont. Arrange- Second alter bard tori proves dangerous safest ivuj Mill, wo. ill ments for the Pout were eomijlcted won; Soon, secoim; crank J' erry. mini a forward for the visitors, was the is to keep Chamberlains Couirh Kem- - Ib-- I'AlldUV WOOD rJione in Time. 2:03 'tar ,01 lier side. sister. Miss fily in house, and al !lu) llrst In- tUni Greeley -- I the I 13 lbs. Potatoes. 25c, Fourth race, 6 furlongs, handicap: .onis, at running cnbr. and Miss dication of croup give the chibl a Clilt li, I, MI',', III U.IUNC. Sri'1'l.II.S jallaii's and give Ihe .Mbu.nirru.ue fans Turret won: Miss Picnic, second; old Moyd. a euard. also played' a splendid dose. Pleasant to lake and always I some .Mexico, Time, 1:10 Miss nroln RllttPr OEp ri al interesting nthl.ilc cxhihi third. i:an,e. Miss Franklin, center: cures. So 1.1 by nil druggirtK. tions. MeCrars Is well known in Fifth race, mile and 20 yards: Sir Alisa Me.MHIin, forward, and Miss Denver and throughout t ..lora. hi as Jon won; Dr. Downie, second; Special at center, In 111., game Alii'-ilio- avi: iiA.vni.i: iim: ok ORANGES 200 Size, Cyypp4.a good man at the wrestling game Delivery, third. Time, 1:10 nil tie time. The was ipiitc mi m rir; Montezuma Trust Company During a recent meet at Denver In Sixth race. 6 furlongs: Margaret strenuous. Fouls w re numerous and itm. twM'ii imns.. l!n-bcr- piiom: I S VOl ll OIIDI'H. i run up a strung fight against Frank Randolph won: Adeiia. second; tu several times play ha, P. In. stopped MEXICO-Capita- Ones, best of the season being only he PP.X'IT .V CO., II S. Sl.tO.Ml ST. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW Ootcb. worsted alter third, 'lime. 1:16 hile the pla.crft recupera!.!. While i'jiom; id. Box ffave the strnno- man a fierce tussi not as last' and sfientuic as ii might , $2.25 It is planned to have the two nicii hav,. been. Hie g.'.nie was in the main and Surplus, $100,000 Dii. rlninn Oft I welsh in on the night of the meet at TURK WINS FROM CUTLER Pleasing and tile fails ere Well Uncle Sam's Growing Pay Roll. TCI pounds. will place uuCtl tuu. The bout take IN ON (In the iCIks' opera house, and it I" STRAIGHT FALLS The line-u- p follows: INTEREST ALLOWED SAVINGS DEPOSITS " S1,f'' to sav that every seat ill the Las Vegas N. Trah-- . Hay FIHIWII .1. ...,... ,,.;n i...... I,..,-- ..u 1, ;u ol.l,,!.. f'"';t It is Well thai the ,eople ,,f this vnrtls; j. 'I'rahcy, running T-'- a of wrestling have an op i fonntry should realize what burden Mackerel, each 10cj that lovers Kansas City. Feb. 11. Yussiff Mali, ICIirich. center: Tooker ami '"yd, tiicn- gov. is coming to be. I poooooooooocooooooooo portnnitv to see a good here - rnuiiiit match mout defeated Charles "Kid'- Cutler una rds. vie--t spent I Al- - know what siiui'i have been The bout has been landed for of Chicago by slraiglit falls in a wrest- !. X. Al. Marsh. McMillt n an.l-i(ll- spent armv Bloaters, each 5c a. persistent by an. being for and buuueroaie after effort ling mutcli-her- e tonight. The lirst Nieklas. r.ii wards; s, running navy pensions, we ,h not al- K ! and but Manager Ortiz. .MeCray's backers 1 Rolled Herring, WW; ... fall ivas won with bar arm and s. center; Franklin, cent Kelly and Mo. ways how great lias been the GROSS, KELLY& CO. each... i...l ,..,1. iUr. nff l.i il... holds in 32:30 seeorid guards. the. and the Colluin. increase in tie- ui'dinury expenditures. ( o r a o u i o ) Denver auditorium, as fume of with a hold ( Mi ieials innl "omstock, duiiiig Inn f j Milker Herring, each 5c nbrotid to crotch and half Nelson Skinner It was jtointe.l out the las! Deshler's ability has Kone in 24:21'.. refer,.,, and uiiitir,. ulo rna 1. ly. campaign Hint almost lnu.oiiO nntnes 21b. box the Colorado town. Manairer Ortiz de lost a hundiean Following name ; pleasant pu Best Codfish, 30c D. 'Siller, líaoul Uouen the had been added to the nation's and however. decided thai match to I'at Connelly, failing to ob- dance was given in honor of the roll during ndminisl of Pres- Wholesale Merchants and Dealers prefer aii.u- - Ua the ration OdimUII, v Odllb fnr 7nfi!tn,'v would to tain n fall. De ttouen had agreed to Vegas girls. Yest'i'duy a f ternoon ident Koosev. lt. "1'liis involved an In- mier.pie the benefit of his Initial ef , Uirow Connelly twice In 1111 hour. they w the guests of th, Varsity it! crease of salaries of Í 7i. .(nni. 000. The in Wool, Hides and Pelts fort m American wrestling- and the about cuy In was at rate 111 v an automobile ride the Increase employs the Ranch Eggs, per bout take place here. Met ra is Ho- year doz.....40cj game today Hike lüilers Still Tied. of 14.U00 a year, in last full Navajo Blankets, Pinon Nuts, Ecans, Chili, Potatoes and one of the best men in the 11 o'- - in, rea so n couple of clean Newark. N. .1.. Fell. 11. At NOÜMAI, t.lltl.S MAY of liooscveli this rale- of 'and if Deshler takes 1:1 em- Native clock tonight five tennis were tied PI. AY' ('. . TOMf.lll was ev .led. Hie tiumh.-- of ne.v Other Products N. B. C. Crackers, 3 boxes, 25c j falls out of hint his reputation as V... 1. th com-plelc- .l ployes bolus 22, no. And the figures wrestler will be made. the si day bicycle race here. Of I'r.o'iding arrang'eiiieins are Houses HI Fast 1.ns egns, '. M.: Albn.picr.pie. X. f.; TucumClirl, five teams it lap behind last today, a gauie ,,f are still climbing. We now have :t70,- - j begin Inimedi- - other basket bill N. M.; Pecos, SI.; l.omui, N. ,M.: mid Trinidad, Deshler will training loni.-'iit- 0011 ig.lllist 22S. OOO .. Pineapples, best on market, i.'itely with Hobble Fuiiinglon as a night, one team lost another . will be plaM'd at lb" armory t .niglit public servants, as score tin- last year. CXXXXX)COOGOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOTO i ' w '1 armory The follows: bet w. en the jis Vitus girls and rest ling partner. lie will Law-so- n, pause. nr - Kramer and Fenn, Moran and Y. VV. C. A. The exhibilton. In These llgures should give us 3 lb. can, eaCIl OCi probably be secured as training; .puir- 0 . .111- -j We are now paying tin, re limn $4till.-- tCl-B- H.liirand Fye, Bedell and lie.lell. the event It is played, should be OOOOOCKX)OOCXX)OCOOOO YVilley and Lawri-ne- e 10'it; miles. 4 usually intorertliiK as both aggrega- Oil. 0 0 11 in salaries alone. Kach man. YVcsi and rnacli.-.- l woman and child N la ing taxed tt.f.u Corn, per can ...10c laps: Krebs and Anderson, tions are pillo evenly and J 'J nr.o Pul-tne- r's -- n Pirales Sinned. Col-lin- llFSir CWDV IIYT IS I'ltKslI. pound. Wright's anil Calvin. Mitten and Kiipprecht. e, of putting up an exciting jeach year simply for the ordinary 11. Seventeen capable - I'ittshurff. Feb. of hp t'ov.-r- nieni a sum Sfác Mb- 3 lb. can Tomatoes. :.10c players t f. the ara now and Hurdgett, tl)üt,3; Snútli u.nd game. ilienses Pii finiM'r.v ainl Inix, Jlaiiilsmne cnlendiirti Fittshurs Hill, lOBti.2. '.which used to enough to Is muí . under rontrnct. The last addition meet all expenses, ordinary uní extni-- I Blvon uivjiy. Cull get One. f ,!"A!,15. liuyard Sharpe of Westciieslci gov- Sweet Cider, per gal 40c llhldl ( I lies Willi I : ii.lil. r Tied. iMAÜAEmwTÑ or.linarv . No one doubts that Ihe Fa., dialled from the Newark Kastern iirllss 1 1 Hainmondsport, N. Y .. Feb. 11. ernment could, if it were organized - 7 W, Centra! i . r--r league t"am. lie will ho tri."d out at CLAIMED BY DEATH Williams Drug Co., m ... Willi of his tied, and con. in. ted 011 business principles pis., ouc, first base ,vti, jack Fiynn. the rudder it. be iviarascnino uiernes, Ol. tjtt today mad-- several as probably lover will be ooooooocooooocoo Jl. lf j to curried on lor the amount Navy Beans, 4 Ibs 25c s'liccessl ul flights demonstrate that ' f now used to lnniiilaiii it. ills machine is not an infringement I iiloiiiinaie Woiimn. ' li.v ri-- j even if we get on a bus- -' j u.j.111 of the Wright bro'li is Slie lis Circiit Itut cannol Lima Beans, 3 lb 25c RACING RESULTS ll'liee Ai'tli'ss. iness basis, we ought to be abb' to and to disprove their theory recaní tus ' 11. removed make some retrenchment In our py Head Rice, per lb 10cj bal.'.ncint;. Cincinnati. Feb. Dentil roll. The laud Is tilled with special today one of the most uni.iue and pa-- I ROYAL DYE WORKS AND HATTERS Agnlu ili.j stage. genis, secret service iii.ii. inspectors Morniimslar l'f''ntrl. Ihelie figures of American and inspectors of inspectors. Special Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs. 25c At iTimrt'.. Cb'velaiiil, Feb. II. Willie- lloppe "Ma. In nit, Periwinkle" lias jaissed .Tiiiir..v l..v lf..l. I I The 1'nvnl counsel have been hired to do work defeated Ora Morningstar at billiards away, convinced to the en,j that t lie men were paid for doing OLD i Fi'ince, 1ÜS equalled IK. 2 .which oilier HATS MADE NEW Grape Nuts, 2 pkgs. 25C carrying pounds, twice today. This afternoon at Jeering audiences that greeted ht.r a al- - ... I niid have done. Assistant the world's record for 3 ! furloliRs balk line Hc.pne made bis ail" in four generation ago really acclaimed her should Ü tornevs have multiplied beyond all to 1 when he won tile year old 1. llew Hats Made Order Cream of Wheat, pkg. 15Clt(';'v runs. Morningstar liaving iibl. llie greatest iress of In r iim. 'reason. And Is now Indole event: at Terrazas park. He stepped Tonight IS. I balk line, the score years ago Susaniie Martin. the result 1 -- at Twenty 'us, Nor have we reached the end. now distance in 10 This Tecurd 1111- - to Farinose, pkg . 15C'tne. flat. was 300 to 210. "Madaiiu- Periwinkle" her mind II. Hint jiresi-Ide- nt ' Is is not surprising the AS TIIFV WANT TO now held Jointly by Donan, A. J. balanced by the loss of her husband mu Small and Jioyal Frince. Frank should have a good deal to at all expense they can afford ts the RELIEF WORKERS AT conceived ihe idea that she was a about economy. II is ail oid fashioned a troublcsoino itiestlon for 2 Racks Honey. .25c Mullens, a very speedy youngster arid '' A manager great actress. foigoll.-- v ill ue. In these many women. One grunt help favorite, made the running to the ! land almost PRIMERO FEAR VIOLENCE fores, ein.g a uniuiie feature cncoiir-- days ot high prices and 111,, nut ing tax- - is to git all tin? wear jmsslblB final furlongr when he tired and the aged and Madam.: Fet'lu bi- Largest Prunes, per lb..10c; llojal taking command won the belief es it Is well we (dn mid give sonic out of your ;iiput'el, Frince lk I. a ppearc.l In vaudeville. iitt.iilion lo favliig money. All this lb by a length. Two la vol ites w,.m. She could neither sing nor daiu-- people, uní. h oi i! m i im.' Medium Prunes, 3 25c - money conns out of lio' AMI t I.I YM.Vfi Summary: Denver, Feb. 11. Slate Labor Com- ind h.-- osttime was made ni. of weird f wilt, cannot shift. Hie First race. Helling, furl. inca: - it from will make a uevv Wardrobf! out Apricots, per lb 5' missioner Drake pit today tor I'd- ill fitting odds and ends but again and 1, ,.,,. f is. the poor-- . 15c Fox, 1 07, Jib e, 3 to 1, won; taxation of your old garments. Send us t'harles mero in response to a telegram from appeare.t .1 w.lcd e i e lSlackstoi k, 107, Austin. 10 to again she neiore r it, the talked of ultimate a w aisi, skirt or cofit that you James Itirce officers of Ihe I'uited Mine liouses and received Ihe jeering i'''!,11" consumer.-- -- Indianapolis News. Wedding Breakfast Coffee, 25c 1, second; Judith Fago. 100, J. Wil- Workers of America, w ho said they as genuine ajipreciat ion. he .lou t wear because it Is Boiled son, 4 1, 1:07 dils or sialiie.l. You'll be proud to to third. Time feared harm would be done them novelty last wore off apd her lei it is often impossible to pre- - Second race, selling, one mile: Sad tor at Willie It atler wo have exercised Apple in while they were distributing cash ble brain gave wav entirely. vent an accident, it is never iinpossl-- : mm (.kill Heinzs' Butter Crocks, 1Ó2, Ü0 to 1. won; Duch- - - our on it. News. Kice. tin- relief of the families of miners! 01 (lid at the titn II. Is beyond Molitcbello, s to She uas xcai's ble to in' not of !... tiarner. killed in the rocont disaster. ,1. pur"-- . Invest 2"i cents each 45c 'X second; Arcoiirl. Hi!', Diigan, t to alii. 'any. one's In' The national organization of miners a bottle of CUnmbeii. lie's l.llilni.iit Phone 419. Our Wagon Will Call. 403 W. Central Ave. i tliird. Time 1:11 donated $1,000 'lor the relit I of the r.allance li.a.l. race, 2 year olds, fur- iind you me prepared lor s.ralni, SOAP Third 3". bcrca '1 families and sent, three of; 111., ,i,. 11. News of Moles-wortl- i, I'ettria. bruises and like injuries. S..!,l by al longs: Tile Itoyal Prince, 10. Its officials to Primero to make the sil.l, !eu ol lb iiernl John i ' 7 to 1, won; Mullens, dcalh druggists. 7 bars White Russian . .25c Frank distribution. It is alleged that the trio, llaib.nci-- a i lei iirigadier g llera Louder, even, second; Fue, 101 th- old-tim- e 11,' encountered opposition liiM nlglit at .Mi: I. Fin. w as re eive.l 6 bars Flake White .25c Hice, 10 to 1. third. Time :10. if tin- - Colorado Fuel A Iron company here today. Education in Russia. Seeds, Bulbs, Vines, Efery Woman Fourth race, seven furlongs: to the appearance, of organizers or of-- I 101, McCarthy. 3 1. won: PJ.nnts, Robes, Shrubs, ii luUTcn tMi auu noun! aui 6 bars Swifts Kstlier. to fliers of unions in th.Sr eump and I ElJ won.i-'ifu- l White... .25c IT. I alibeli il.. ill .Mexico. al.otlt M,.a,llin.r ll,imeiti j Fruit and Ornamental tensehotell. It they violence hunda I 1 that feared at the llgin ' I i Is- -i kMARVELWhirlfngSpray Tide, 104, Fice, S Mexico Cii. el. ,.. ni, rd in a lion has just Xreea. Acres. 4 bars Fcls Naptha 25Clf) second; Farly of the company's agents. shok.-oiut- see-- .' 300 lie u:w t AKfnfii rittf-r- .. j Be ,1 ea tin Ue lasting vera In (Is ii report- - In i l:-'- Orbed sued anot r sp" J niiV"lP to 1, third. Time l! oscillal. in character, was Fríe Ctíf(r.t:. f..r It toJ,,y t't YY and a o Ibs. 25CiLl111 ,ini1 Al Mullir also raw. Tclegi'tiiilM'rs Sign I - sit" .f contribution of 8 Sal Soda tigc Seiilo. I. It lo re at I'' o clock. ins morn- j.the MARTIN J. CULLtN Nfc. ,. i Fifth race, selling, six furlongs: Cincinnati. Feb. 11 There will be pages oil ni a loll ill : ussia Int't Nurrtt.fx íülo. 'N73i3 7 ing. Telegrams received at he AnK 10S, I,ouder. lo I. I Tnia iln Florence fttvers, no strike ot telegraphers and Biatlon v, .Mr. .in. la liington, 1;A 4 oat b, r bureau lid that the shock iate Th is K .Ul til" Hand, Oarncr, -, V 'won: Hidden D", agents on the lin.innati, New iiiieaas at Xilaeayonpa in lh-- : Insp. etoi-.- M V Ii i: I., ft. "i.l no ' SO was strong, st the board's , ., ...... a ...1 .num. f .r XSw JÉ to 5, second: Klder, 1o7, Smith, I Texas Itjueen .vi in. Pacific railroad 1,'a rr. ."c Cbilapaii'-ing- a n r, ju.rl. w ho b is dos, i!! I, . . 1 . tii.ak It IflWH 1 1:14 2- -V I slate of 'lii,. i !...' to third. Time Crescent route. An agre anient was f'-- . ...trtt'ac o au til' lígula Iso a Ireirior which was la ot lev . 5 furlongs: lu- -' a th- - lory i. bor tin.,-- . xi l. . Sixth race, selling, 'ü signed b ere today increasing wages s Slight at p, No (hiiiiage jH v. 1 1 ltl terpose, lor, (arner. S to 0. won; Miss ten ,hi ,.,,iui ,..' many i Ml t.M U'lllllU. i :icr ilOlle. Caithness, 105, Molefworth, 3m to 1. . il.c 111 rials .,1 Mr. Darlington Shctcct Ifcuuetf! Monarch . , si - UBmWmmWmtmEaSMmSSEBM second; '. . Kennou. 10.. Jloinstcr, ml it ii., an lust ori- Try a Morning Journal Want Act ! 1. THE DAY IN CONGRESS I som fountains or ctstwHtnt to third. Time 1:07 The Matter of Temperament..;:;, Ii... , r. ,;..ri...r ai .. , ,..,. .., 11 I.. : . . yv iiiiiii-rii..u,i.- . , - v,.l,,,l,v A" man .ai- cs.iipe 11 ih 1 IB - At T:muih. AVasliingfi.n. II.---- Th. , . and I G tS Feb. dipb.. I,,,,.,,,.,.,,, 11... fh-.- t 'sides a l.ibli.e.'iaid.--- Vlrlginul Tampa. Todays hii..r - Fla., Feb. II matie and consular bill was p 11 Goods li:;,';,1..l'V! "I"' liaii-iio- i It. None .0 us thine studs earn- 4- card was run in a heavy rain and the the bouse today. It carried ii .., ti.' &fB HaPF'i!? Id I'.;. Hut h, ,a,e .11 oi C... a. Hi, mal j sloppy track caused many upsets, only propriation or more $S Tmi, I " h" hi cl. H Q 1 I K A?' y CURES than Í"""' I I mm I 1....L- tl.-.- j. ,1 ... ii- ,1 M f SI VA 3 s coot lie ,t ' tie. B B H t .V two favorites winning. The senate today jnissed Fan-- ! a4 I'.ll ' r b d 1 tlu be- a !...-- body, let dS-!',B- " ... ,.,., " " THE BEST ON EARTH The feature of tlie d.iy was the 'fifth net "while slave" bill viiiicb luid pre- - If be is him , r While r. hut. US." ZT mZm m- f.U.I&WUíTitlI V f , h- , - Q CIvr-rui- c P - i a m.iky , Iim lif for nnnir;r j rae.-- in which Honnie Hee and viousiy passed tiie house. The mens- - iribiite arms. H.,lin,, Kind ,.r n.ioiber I -- t.W J1 M nose nose dis- U ' ' . I, 1)1 1 f or ran and the entire nr.- was so a mended as to elimínalo j '"' "'.11 " ,,!,! Pi Kll. - Lii y inib.'.oiiA l"' '"," oleic I...." mnciiu tance, the former vinniny i-- í ir."mhfiix'. Die Interstate regulations originally n. l riuiu Hie "! .'.""."'"'.ir,i';.,.H e..,;.i. m . (,u..rrtiiim-t- to ..iii account of Ihe condiiioii of liiilained In tlie lull, tlie t ot l lie. ' ' "" n, a - W W f. .let w in- "" "' "'" r.IKel.- I.I.I.. lo tía, If 'l liuffi' tva.ek. the hai tile la.-- as turned b.-i- to 'livor.e Ihe lumitgra- - the., ano.,,-- en wlt-r- e lueaiinei; ,,.,.,, , iV ( V .. I s'iiate ,a.,l H A . a r. ira-a- r;io- - s: ' ven--'- ct ', ..w,,.lV ft,. .v.v. II a .... i IVZU ..I. in .rmi'Hi. ir to over the flat. ti'Ui It ot rom Co. ill,- cane- lost. are .o.,l.'..l ,nl...ñau. ,!,. j rs Ot ature tlie .Uesti"ii all if ' i r o t, ll.JV, I .. i ... i. o .1 !.i 1,1. 1 ! "!'" rn o i , I.... n r...... la. i.c. the action un... r- - othe rs. i mu. 8 i" nuil '"v tiCn MÍLit. mRl.1 wMAin tMnHUI.Px rünjuun Y . 'u o' iw, .... , . .1 .. I i I ..- First race, six furlongs, house v.i!l i: t i '.,,.....a ,u .... h t o vi a., i'i.ii, ,a ti.- t.ti'-- loun'rv it- ' IhrculAr miulob runa! ' " fe- Uol.eii 1'o.iell, won; Orunevvald. see-oii- i siak-- ,n .1. . , xTb Chímií! O. :di If he is the Kurt.i.e." iMftt I If 1 J . I i.nv f I.M Oil ust Hud, third. Time, '. ni- ,,. w ti:.- lili,." if - .VA rilt- 4 nilinvr. i from 'Tu' to I. ol Somcthllnr al! too ,ir: i.p pre) r lii.n', ÍU v ..,.,,, " Spot Cas 1:21 "Y'oil haven't any work like al hi'" ha tt.e nuil age s jroin tin- p.. In' f, I OR race, mil- - r eighth. ID!tlt Oil "I LICK V ami "No; I'm wailing, Vr h.v of In e may a'! hav ,,. ,,,,, i,K. I,,-- TT' tk'-üf,-- won- sec-l'.ns- Jut ' despair. 'off. ,.,,,.!,.,.!,,, j.i,,.t iv n . ptftikal bom s lli.iiiiH. i I Hing ip.ors. p.- 'ik ep.iiiog 'I'hen the if we ot .mi d.'i'o. ,,., i m " Al Time, 1' : US 4 á. wt! tin idas .v, rom tha rt ot.rt olid: third. cars. No , ,. ,. I I race, six luiiougs. selling- doors of motor " vti'-- ! e lain tuto r. r'o"e alio ...... ,., i..,. ,.! i.. . ,. - Third liM a- ropin lies ni rfady. v t be b u r- C. in. won. occidental, sec- t,g the - imua.i.iice h , .,,,. ,,,, - ,,v Ad Belli Pele Mi lo. ,.,- AlimUrpTrn c I t Try a Morning Journal Want third. Time. l --'a. si. mi ond: M.riz. ,, vm m...v race, sir ft.rioiigs. selling-F- en " h;n..h;.. ,,r. ..iinv out ', ,,,, . 1 I ..xi. uim no. Store Fourth .,(,,..,,. o ... 11...1 ni I l.usa...i. How,-- won; vveakn.s- - ..a: ; c:src on; ,,t ' - A fiOPAf? l.ucniliis, sound; rufe'ins , , 11 - ' 1, ,. I W .) I poli'V til, I : S ,1 a L SfsKA 1. ,. I, r V Q Convide, third. Time. ,.ye- I.' i'.'!l' if f "' ...,,1 ua. t9 1:1.. i 1..-- I ',11- - , ' "' '.' '' . - .... !.!. not s f ?l " e-- 'AV EiCHAR & REYNOLDS Filth race, five fuiionus. S'lling :u i.tiiiii.i . in.'..- v.. I.lil .ni - "7 T"" '' w ' v. - . r i , I III en. I .. I V C 1 ' Cumio P.. e. won: liys-m- second; .h.iil the s...... tr...t tinv isiti, J J í,:,,r,,V . ., ill .vt-- a , t). Time. Pi. third. "I Bowling Alleys ' 1. S. ix Pi. j - ,, A im..-..-lw,t.- s Sixth race nub- a Wlei nth. i Tiler.'', otii. lis all of us V l.rli S1,;i,r.,, been us., f!.. v in! ff ....k.l..t V - -- BY CVI selüag Ir. Y'oiiitf. woo: i.o'd Div.n. ,. . .,...,;,, ,,.!. r airs s.en, .',!,... ,t ..!,.., ,.,i n. f'..r t- SOlfl K1H RE I A ' MvDtid.-- TP ,,.,,, , : . j s.i.eul. John Ilird :,:br.atbe. kirn! r iallieims lo ( ,,f mi p. raí s. and l " l Í? :.7 West Gold Avenue . . . . ' .'.j'-- PHONE 47 i 208 t!:! anil .v. ...n.i- r : t ..ur own goodness...... , ... a a "i.n mi ill', u ' I I VJ Sanders-oi- A ( r, Irops, j Al .lacUsolHille. l raim CORNER SECOND AND GOLD Jacks. tllMlie. Pl.t., 1'el. ymuü t mtiiiiihd I L L trains eoevtrtcd ri.ok at Filst class aUi y ami eouipnif-n- I P S. J s ! , today sj.i.rt Kv . n-- .1 ,...... ,...... Opposite First National Bank inio a sea mud and the a' oinnio.ii.tion TQ ! Mir.- 1 -t . , . hfVrR f IPttM fiH Mf I'"!" so suiier.-- I as a ein--'iii- no-- Mister to both anaitf ur ami profession- ly'? m..'vy an txeel.-i.- showing in - . WATCH US GROW. John made JÍ, J 111' ' ' ' " ' l IC - al b.twWr. special rabo (' ti'I' ll l,','íi f M r "r '. t.eJ..vl W , the ,.,,)t ,v delvalilli Insii.- tor d f . ll .. r. Ilu ' - I Ii ,! V f - t" .. ,. 1. a.1'11, N ,.híi J ..if.rof fila .Jen-ra- l a bowling parties. n ty and fr:, . f- a afi.i K,ii. ilin.i (j.. Í!Í- :us.o,t'wekn..,:-fe.;,.,',be.Pv,a.,.m- ,, M.lein I ' str.-t- . h ri in I. '-t" A' 'VxC t.esu'ts right. , v .1 iva-- s a::;, er.-iT-i- r s a . - i ..-.- I M . " I'.i st I t.rl, ic-'. i; II. v.e lie old ni". '.' " ñu,', three . c. r.- : , l .' . . f. a '. ri; . i. I. ' i i, bíia,. it - i i I fjZl THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY; FEBRUARY 12, 1910. Live NeT&s From New cMexico andArizona Better Than Any PJIeriScSne" Maloys Grippe Cured and Her Health Restored TIius wrote Mrs. Gibson of Har-rell- s, What's 'Doing all Over the Great Southwest Ala., who now enjoys good health after she had

1 constant sufferer from a svstem or v Ihuikix with our and Is ni ill in a daa d condition from been a museum nhiih e. i l tesuli in the pi. 11 the '.Vet d the drti. lie wa grippe for years. ALBUQUERQUE Itle here ol Vllhlatj!,. collections irorn 117 DEGREES WHS throiiKii circulars sent out i"kS various nails of the (iiuiittv. Tin hy tin. shciiff of Iiiv ( rside. His father I- - "I was yr;irs old lire Jinl i f secretary of Hi,. Instiiu-- m For Smithsonian t ha ofiered a re ai d of $25 for his or. livalih IkpI i lion haw cskiii hi saUsfac-- (civ. My lad for scv real ' r(;. . tlon wlih the development of a first! eral vcars, cstitd from grippe, ami I LOVES WIFE AND 111 class museum Sania IV, and tli"j JANUARY RANGE lint! that DuflVs Pure .Mnlt Whiskey illinKtHss of the iiistittitioii and tin SAN MARCIAL MAN Km s me incrO pkkI than any tiinjici;:.' national inus tun to assist III up GETS tniildini; now tliyt its peirnam n e and; $2,500 DAMAGES I have taken. 1 have been using it for character K To-d- assured. ". -- f, Z" and wish I had ay FORGIVES HER The hiireau of American el lir.oloyv OF MERCURY 'FROM THE RAILROAD j nearly a year, that lias of Amen-ca- it aeo. It-i- s the be t Joined wilh the school Si known of yenr? ethnology here for reseaiches in tasting whiskey 1 ever used. I the archiieolocv c, linnlony of Sprcliil Corrtupiiudrar to .Wnrnlnx and Journal) i( ailiiiji friend.;, New Mexico. Work under liiis ioini S in Marcial, .V M., r'eb. .1 .;. j. t';d! my Sensational Alleged "Affinity" a i tee nil 'lit V.ÜI;in oil . Jeuicz Precipitation Deficient in Month Hutiter returned from El f'áíió and I expect you will get. several or- pi ul an in Jlitv cuntiniie iiniil ( H Wciliiiday moiiiini; a salivfac-toi- y and after ders from here soir.e time soon. Th Case ir Which Local People toller. lly this joint iirr.iiit. 1111111 a; Whose Heat and Cold Were settlement of his case for dam-air- e much Inrjicr amount iH win k w ill :iLr:iins( In- Mi,ci ...... - Lord bless you for your charitable act . Only Figure is Brought to Light in in the soiithwist th.iii PllPlinniPiinl Sliminni V A ""l'""nt!"' was effected beVore tlie "1 SlVí as your great kindness in building me heretofore. The lesups ot Ih,. ri - - ...... M I, l.ll. 1, Is re hurt Santa Fc searches will h,. puldished hy tie' na- of Weather Bineai eil that Mr. Hunter secured two thou MRS. Jt.NMfc ClCoU.I, tARa up will be a great help. 1 am a poor tional uuvcrnni'iii sand the hundred dollars. widow with one daughter A serie of pi hi í( a ( ion havy hc.-- 1ÍV' .!! purpos,. of making A the oil 1. n and We sew for Our DLpulib to I lie MurnlM started for the lire at house about Joorull knovn th,, of tie. vork of tin l.oiKi Office, C. S V itle. r Jhir- aii o'eloi k Monday eveiiini? laused uuitt Sincr " r'- m . - "" mi. aii over- si hoo arel museum under tht. iiaini Santa Fe. X. . , hit excitement, but was extllitulsh- - i New Ministers of the irospcl, floctors of medicine, nurses and pcopl.' '' ímntjliiB ni lie Mee .f j,.,(, t. of "The Paper of the School of Mexico Section. Jan.. 1910 d be for any ( oicaderable damage - " s (.cticrnl Whiskey One Dozen Cans Good Fruit, Juki ire Jo.- Maria i:,ini,i is nil that nicrlcan Archaeoloev Ten niim-her- liinaiic Siiiiiinury. was doiii everywhere unite in commendintr DulTv's Pure Malt the onlv puii-llshc- lie IllOlltll remains l t.'ll ..f the romance ol :' the painrs arc ulreadv with íell ..ral perfect tunic stimulant, the one true medicinal whiskey. Campbell of AlluiurrU, mho. and will he ready lor disirihu-tio- n warmth, whith iv:i followed mi the olliiw-- ( ais hart. Plums, It third to l,y vi Peaches, Apricots, lt all, Ki d run away with his 'arfin-- " within a few day. Ahmit ten filth a s. re and enera JnllleH V. t'ullins and Miss Bessie i " ii (dd wave, n few ilaya i an, J Uill9 brought more papel arc almost ready for with t' mperature nau f'apeharf were married at Socorro on, below u ro In - and , Blackberries to bay this mnrnliiic bv a pence and will he ..viicd ilarinjí ih" tlu- northern countiiH jn Vedne.da v nioriiing. Duffy's Malt Whiskey I Purs warrant sworn' nut liy tin- - in- year. Thcs,. papers will hi- kept on the 'th. th and 9tli. Th,. local min in order to elude their friends Mr. imum temperature dignant liuHtjaml. John Harry' Thump, sale at !he museum. 'iuitc X'ollins went to the county seat on If von wish to keep voting-- strong and vigorous ant! have on your torn. iil.Hii of Albuiiucripie. 11 An expedition from Santa K- touched a luwer point than during thi- the alt. moon train Tuesday, he c llic'.-ei- - u). starts . where uTlil. tol-- rtiiffi-'- t Porn Mnlr W pears Unit Thompson to ith! vveik. for Ih,. exploration of ver., cold of Hi e mber muí, and was joined hy Miss Capehart win cheeks the glow of in few en-.;- i prosecute Campbell inl Mr. Thomp-"'- n ancient ruin in fíuatamala and Hon- a instance the Invent w. ni up on No. In that nluht. Tiny regularly, according to directions. $1.75 is hy tin,, on reemd. A slow return to were once under the Kdmuttd'tt law Inn duras. Tin expedition financed married at and returned m. modera!,, a It tones and strengthens the heart I"K his wife's tears and remembering the 'st- - htaiu h 01' th.- institute. tciriperatar,. followed, ami on No. Wednesday morning. Their til.- - vow he had taken to love her. the alter the tenth, temperatures were secret got out Thursday niornliiK ana action and purifies the entire sys- husband Krcw t ruler hearted and for. bar ued With 4. rami l.nrccny. moderate, a u rule, until the close of just for fun one of .Mr. Collins' friends; tem. It is recognized as a family TELMO BRAND CLAM JUICE enve the uife 11 well ii the man who Tdounted I'ollciinan fiomez: the month, trivini; as n rule, the billed the tow n with posters w hich 1 medicine everywhere. had run away with her. li.ported toil;, that l ilcmon rlokev euiiieraiur occurred irura tile I'Ztiil n ai! ".Married last night. You can phi II 10 2. wa see 11 1,'e of Depart- For Making Soup and I!ut dun mill hail some lierlfT of fllorh ta. Santa Ke county, has me nn; mo mi cencr.-tl- J by their faces. good to f In fiffd advice, writ Medical (list to Keltic for. ahout $ .".on nay 01 ine mi.iiiin, ai- - inciii. ment. Iliillv 1lt Whiskey Company, kuch-te- r. tl.f.u worth, been placed under bend for the' "'Oi"'"i New Vork. stating your Our luckitii. prevail-e- d iiinuy si Mr. and Mrs. Collins on th. cate fully. Chowder, 20c can for ""il the rollateral he Kiand jury on the charite of Htciliim iiiuuMi reeoriieii ine tuiftti left doctor will ftend ynu advica free, together upon the innKlsirute to allow him handis,, J. V. local temperature on th.. 1st. 2ml or noon train Thursday for the south. to men from the More of with a vnluahle Illustrated medical booklet, leave his overcoat ns security. I Inn Ivon at I'ecos. San MIkik I cnurily. anil. Hatlicr low nmht temperatures The best wishes of many friends ko containing rare common aense rulea fur The trio then relume, to A I ln- - obtained from the 2 7th to th,. close ot with them wherever they may hi- - health, which you cannot atlord to be with- out some ot many ipieroiie, Campbell ImviiiK borrowed. It I ithe month. Iving. as a reule. the cate. and the thousands of grati- I iilini iled. . , received from men women is wild. oil a IJO Hit ease, 10 (rrcntcM daily mill;!-- .v ,.Aci-ss- fying letters and in pay í.í0 Ilnswell local No. 711 todc libdl all olks ol life, bnth old and young, who 15c his tare home. in oc( urrco reaeiuni; to1 J.i i l Seav is now S In the office of Se. relary with the .nú have been cared and benefited by the use of ' It is wihl 10 have heeii s a (lav In por w en-o- y another raw Jaffa union lain I of tin ntiov.. normal Fe in the fioatine; water service, LI. this trreat medicine and ho continue to of Artist-Katie- " uffmity. Nnthaii the tion,,, iriMd Sc.d bv druirgMta, yrocer Humor has 1'nited f'.t ot hi of t 'arpeiili and of the ltin Cranur valley. Grant, llend: ickson succeeds Jack at Jest hcath. il that Campbell was an urtlst or at rhood is Lincoln and Chaws counties, and, Hurry's-- and dealers, er direct, $1.04) a large buttle. 11 Joiners of America. least photographer, and that he from normal to 3Ji ;i'n n a day above! met .Mr. Thompson at come social in all other districts, except the. San' Charlie N.ittr.:-- s is a full fledged runetloii and ivíik olarlcx l'oblic iioinleil. Juan vulh v a "awaaBaaaaaaTOaaijivui u jml f.1 mtcaoams JataauBfJLWLIW WA lulaluat'd. (overnoi Curry todav appoinieii; and northwest, where mechanic now. having tinishij hi A Nice Fat Mackerel He (ailed lit her home occuslnnu llv shyht deficiency occurred. amonntiiiK four-yea- r apprenticeship at tin; shops. lh following puliile: John! half-poun- and then more frequently tnkine her notaries to more 3 a day He d C. San .jo. Lincoln than decrees at' left Thursday morniiiK lor Clovis The can of out to uncial iilTuim and the theaters, West of IMtrh Chanui. Th month proved to b,. a v'.'hi he will visit Hairy ThnlllpMon countv ; J. W. limine of Sania liosa fe Crawford thollKlll little of Hie mat- severe and stormy one in in,. San Juan for u. couple ef dais, ret urnlnc Sun- -' ter at the time, it s mild, hut a few (luadalupe county. valley, mid aloiitr th lower reach day. Mrs. Xaitrcss wiil then Join him days niro he missed Ills wile. Campbell '"r ""' Jl,a" ratine in Kio Air, ha for a trip to Kl I'aso. Afn-- this little Baicer's 15c missed, iff of I '" as also it is sutil Ciimnbcll iiiliiecr. Cliarlie will and Sul-,- toaniv vacation return and Ills iifTlnltv eame to Santa !" Tirtitorlal Kimmeer Vernon ' c, lion vvaH deficient in prac- - sctilo do'.vn as a mucliinisi for the ral day no and oidstcri d at a livan In Installing in Ins ofuc,, in the u, ,:iv . parts of the t. rrüorv. ex- - Santa Ke hotel. Just what name thev went un capitoi a system ot ineiiiia snei i)t, upper irande val!. C. llrovles of San Jose. Cal., is; Breakfast Cocoa Ih Thornp-si'i- l der not cric rally known. i mu cases and lias also nnP j eastern Kio Arriba, western Socorro in town looking filer propertv inter- - printiln,' w FILET OF DEEP SEA FISH followed them here and went to electlie Idue machine hich j extreme .:iKitlb y ChtS. the room Where 11 in wife was llvluii will he th,. only one In the t tritoi y i eounti es A nail of Ho. tirrilorv bul mm There wn 110 hiIiiIiik seine i Mr. and which w II laciliiate the work Coctaiu:-- cit;ht ounces of jnire cocoa, Cooked Fish and Vegetables Thompson "' no pi eciniintion. or a trace, while was found alone. Deputy th,. office greatly. nearly three-fourth- s h id a of ti;e finest iiuality, delicious Si leis th:n lot Sheriff ferino linen wimi had Camp- an I wo In ouaiter of inch. precipitation! YESO THE; flrivor, it ii cl possessing all Ready to cat bell court and lor a few minuten I hi of Tobucri hy School liildrcn. periods occurred; ih.. Mm thej CLAIMS the it 11H iroin looked tlioimh it would uit hard The ofllc,. ol the ti rrilorial super- - of tit,- month to strength that a pure, unadulterated with beinuiiii; the étb.j SOMETHING GOOD the home breaker inteiidi lit of public instruction todav and thi second on ih, I HIi and l"t;i. eoc',.;. can have. I Inlcn-IIoii- h mil linmpHon losi hi.H . i - harsh received ail iniiuiry from public school i i.- to the I'iih and lith in, II he had any (taw i - when he bow hililren cskini? whether the us.- of many l.x a lii ics. Cm h v. i re, a rule, 2 cans for 25c w as NEW ARTES AN Higiietit Awards ia Earope dejei ti d and repentant his ile had tobllcco On tile school premiSIS can lie 52 AaMrtca become. periods of raih.r local fli'iwtiü, and ti '! would not for the world piohlbited and whether tin- hoy who a lew thui!ih.T,avr:!s occurred durini:' have woman to ' thai no the had oil nc. olllcls ill reMp.-c- should (t Kiev,- - mod- - count o till man or any lleliestlle this the first. This il ied also WALTER BAKER & Co.Ltd. other who be disiiii.sycd. The teat le i will be to h 'avr .'(now In he northern! may llave tried t" lead her astray" asked to ascertain the person higher nations he Ik as hav 111; d. district and at the GUSHER Majft. iiiote( remark' Then tobacco to school children, so tin- - - 1780. Dorrbcater, LIFE BUOY The , . , lhal with rapidiv falling- .'iiiut..lii) of Health Soap h 11 the in.misii.iie that sin h person or persons iiiii:hl be pros- the ::i d and li h nol wish to 1, roseate f. implicit ecuted th law. 6 bars for 25c or his ivlfc cither tor thai matur and under TciiiM'ii:Uii'c. would he ,tilte willing to have the Th,. iin itii leniteratiii c oi ih lerri- - ch.irm-- iiuaslicd. tm v. deleritiini d from the rvi" rds o Boosters Declare Ricaido is ..'ill. si.vti.-W- x stalcios llaiillif a un-- i alti MAN MAKES The little mutter of Jl however. . GINGERBREAD I; Intel lend with famnhcll's nina hack ICON ENTERING lUile ol about .'..(MM! ieet. W.i' .7 ih-- Not Nearest Railroad Station; In A lliuiiie- lie's climate. Kree.1. or II d ees alec, e .r:ual HIT IN LAS VEGAS! Territory of N'civ Mexico, However a happv t hoiurht k the in.i ."in ll. 1.. IV ll nn an ol Yeso Experiencing Boom, Uliice of the Secictury. sirm I !,,e:il a KANSAS RANCH EGGS man and he volunteered to hrave the l.lllllarv . !'' 'I'll,. bo a de:.;l m a I l)n'i;i tloie c I'm In il lar I. i hillv ololHlll. lile:, vas .'laucan 5 1 winds and leave his overcoat as I'll ( ( y lsccl In neon s Ccrl fKate. ON NEW ERA OF Cailsbaii. and :.- hlchesl ceo riled lever icra l:ci Monda Now 2 doz. for curltv. Justice Cirila, rcalizlim lslMi-ia- l 65c j w as ib t the te Ule s ilion on Orrrnh'iHlrnre t" Jrta2 ilaernal) Mli(. the pliHht of the man decided that if ."i -- i hi-h- r.i- j Ves,,, .v. y,,t o. !i.- An sian 1. ,1'ff.i. s. i Thompson could torulve man who Hi,, lsl This the .sl nip ;if, Xalhan rclary of the j well In i fw had inn nwa with his win. he. the lur,. that h's en r. rde niiruii; has n struck scveiiieen Ill'ieH CiirrrslKiiiili'iife Mnrninc Journal th,- Territory of rs'c.v Mexico, 'i hi valley. I magistrate, J.tlli'.il v situ i o r clinc iic li- urds fi.rj v'llli of the Cuna C e i as '. S. ..!.. no ccflily lhal: not he outdone. So he told W i , M llii !l It'S a il kelled bilSllteKM ill GROWTH . be an. The lo local this I .1 a a: , !Mh t'amphell that the coat would he ac- ten ib. ( Che i,;iii;. rbi', .Man plavi to Win n mi the day :if I 'ii'- 111 S. il a vouiiLT town. year ajio 'e;io led l cepted. molitlilv an was t lie' ed li"ils.- iil lU!!-"- "ler,! iliHI"- March, A. H. COl'i, flic Albll-(p- l' Hopewell : ad Hi-- , lowest r, i filed :!! st.iibai and coal chale, - v. lo- People who knew the details of the loihiy dry lonie'it. The i'(.iiii''!i' '' rune ('iiir.eii was designated below . ro at Ki d r caii- - she has tour i.rocery and ease were somewhat surprised to see ,..e,..S l;iv í. ner al! tie' tii:oa;ii and the ma- ( ict.-i-l loW'eSt muís st if' s. on-- lumia r vard. one us the iff Newspaper of the trio ot A lhi,UcriUeans rcturnlnu von on the Mh which is the lic a- btitiiit .i.i.l i.iliefli as can be. l.e, yard, two hoieb, hutchec shop, . New Mexico, and 011 the Kauie today Hppanntlv since cliniatie t .con!" Uiii-- s Sn-iA- lia- coaiiiiia li, i' train Building of Eagle Dam aiKi:;';':i":',v;,r.'nl shop. n,-i- hiitíinií A pi (iiln r low blacksmith school house ;. - s, When as, mill lbiiiucr':i(j at ace with the world. Hut Camphell territore. ticml-e- I'o'iiekiii,- ream tiirouKhoiil and Home .tul cite school, a barber ii publa-alioii- ; I'll CH:'.: d f hiven d now and then when the wind In- inpi i. nun .ere trrces at I lie lonipany is ri:;lit up to his has ceasi Development of Mining de-- shoii iiinil rcsiijeni es. The I, to I hi IN di I lopevvell. I ( ami several Now. hlew hard as he was on way to lee. .l ees at sev.-ra- lliei'cloi'c, public notice; ! 'land miles Ml -- is :.l talan for - i the ih pot. in cr. es in kroek. 'i'', s at Th- - pativ ,p in A! aiiHicr- Is herrby ven in com-Phai- dustry Results Business ( .irotmd ami koo, suhstaiitial settlers that: i d i .. beliilow II 21 il' s at 'llama M. nili'v niirlil. Sf iv ho iliC wilh section !. chapter M'inii'difi The nf.rilet-- lo.-a- ' ni' iiit business. Activity in Junction Town. and The pi ople of Vi sn would like to "I' of th,. laws of l:i!i:i. re(,ulr-lr.:- -: ; w s iii'iulhl.c am.'. pera tar,, ti-- fin the Morning Journal correct its WOMAW '.lie Srcie'arv of the Terri- at KKcr ccH- on ami tin ' ROSWELL DIES Ij Ranch Eggs THE ARCHAEOLOGY ;iini'.is a bv a Kicurdi. corres:-- 1 tory a (b cK lial- - nnoiineenieni to d..;:h;ii;ue Official meatcst d.ri'.y use I ar. ai poodt-n- t ISpnlal ' b- that liicar.lo s the nearest M( CurroooDdruo to Jiumlnr Jmirnnll plant!!!1-,- -I -1 AS RESULT OF SEVERE Ni w's'.i.p. r New ii o: Hie lifi..s ' on Ih.. point to new well. cf N M , iiuilwav Ih" artesian KIihoii. b. Ill 'j'!:. ...I f:rces. The local monthly r llLre ' by .lhii(iiei(jti(. Xoriiiu .loiirnnl Th- - Veso is the nearest railway point ATTACK OF HICCOUGHS!! Hincón. in, Hy known yea r vv as d -- r at I.a;an.i. !s a tpiod is !n ri by i!esii;iiate, ns sneli lor main N. ten ralles alii1 there road all COMMITTEE HOLO S past as the of ;; tdn; n on ine.itm. for tic- district." Wile Hie way to the s' of the strike. The Nevvsiiaiicr til ovv site fee! :!;..-- , s; .No. T "t.-- . der.-- die dei, V e!l Is lareetp (.Special IMMpa'i-- fo tlm Mernlmr Mi Villi. the Santa Ke and plan- vv he c you south of here. 4.mrnufl. Doz. the s. o !:;: N'i. !'. 2 3.1 ú: tin M . 10 A 40c i;. C. .si bl bis: Mon- Coswcll. X. violent! K- - Smith hotel mi Civ. 'ii under mv liaiv.! pn! l up early in the iiiornlnR to enter I'rerlpHatioo. ' day to Mrs. i;,isa I.ansrc. :'.nd prolone.I aitack ei h'ecouh'r. 9 tl:c Cnat Seal of the Territory a red painted H.irvi-- is Th,- precipii.ition the .ai.'-'e- d the in In.-- niviht house C. V. Spurlock. .i. J. Join s and c. death Cosw of New M ieo ib i. lll'llell iiom the .r,l A. f Mrs. Jane Cole. mki-i- ibirtv at the City of "nr. Kincon lakiinj a l.ll, a sold their loW llsde slock to l IETNG 1 4M l- ii'-e- v. Santa e, ih,. of S' Van "' inch, or e.lM C A. Cyan and K. Smith. K. c. The as.-d- ho was a Well known Capital, on 'this Jump and tnliiK nv, r the ,., Is of I t'. inch below til not mal. . nd l'.l inch ' Smith sold Ills store builditijt. lately refill, lit, l;:(l In ill wi'll pile m oil la fourth day of October, A. I., j some towns hav- - - , w ic- - other wnu h always nr. ;.l. r lb. oi til., pl'.clpit lion of Jan- pur; ha.-- d of lir. J. I'. r.runtoii. I.i Ji. 'or two days hen ihc att.'i '; of n I'biO. I St , w !i.-l- regarded Hincón as just a Junction, ll irv. .'.'. 'I'iie creat lliolllhiv J. J,-n- s, and fi. A. Kyan stdd his store cciieln set in physicians were (Seal.) NATHAN t:-- JAFFA. . iv . Til d I'.ivoi buili-Mn-- - r h Kiiu-o- a ni o ii "..'lo inches it , to C. A. I. as. iiowcrhss! to s'ton and her death en- viubt-'uii- no more or s. n shm i IM hi, la Secretary of Nevr Mexico. Hiiienean i ai oauia rei eaiivoii. and .miHiins in ' ''.OSS Of tWO V". p. a The burial occurred in Uos ' waKeii up. Tin- i, in of Atv.uml has Just Mulshed KANSAS .nine em.nt ini bes w r.. record d at Asp. If liini-.- - av e- - well today. SWEET POTATOES - t nood f. .i,b nee on Spurlock Reports in (.lOüec- w.,rk on the Kicat i;i. phant Hutu- pro. . lomcss firm ( ' I. IIopeVV.ll and Arapoli. mi...... , , jei i win n i lanil manv lines The in tvenly- - very 4 lbs. for 25c tion of LXlllOltS aiUI ,,f lerme valley trihutary to Hincón: fcle.ltest amount ailv Mrs. Allison, who has been bCllCial! WilS I. I'd inehe. w imi-ro- the increased over the Santa four ri.H"..'!!1 liours sick, at this ritiiiir is inrr. business on Ci. 'v jiiMtions i i f a Reaseaich Woik l e and the activity in at Vi's.i in need nanibei lie nnusual the had no pi', tion and fin, I'll b id I ku ksmith and a 'fiirn'.ti;rc store. nilniiiK districts in this part of the fo- ' but a tr.i. Th. nv rai-'-e saov fall territory are ail reflected in the novel h'-s- . ibs-re- the timierv w is 2 T iin The CALIFORNIA CAULIFLOWER, 1 bustle ami ailivüy jn this man's town JOHN STEIN MEMBER !(' till li.Mil.ll li II. Mnrnlna trii t No. T. 0 No. No "IFS" Jnurnatl j w "ANDS" Is or hi, I . .11.. I i O A h Kt'ouiiii; visibly and cl'. Santa III, ri "i. ('.ÍT ::n.l 'o . 0.rt inch, HEAD , prosperous. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE LETTUCE, CELERY, li o Hi,, i ll i III 11 , ci'lllllllt !ei th. TI:..,. of d.ij wiCi , J. V. Calmer pul Cineon In tin number Museum o im l ii h ha, 'VIM o i' was an An van ot progress with ah electric Inch in.vre prccipit'ition OF HOTEL MEN'S BUNCH SPINACH. ETC. s held at III, lai c bu Id at; hi re lih: eel ill, , en i,cerai;e of t el. ,ir. About It .1 Ice plant which is a model ol its d.-v- his lllot III!!:; (Ii nor I'urrv um it , . 4 i'iir-ei- si..-- Mr. I'liliiur who is perlcpv He nv i n.l clo'idv lobn j; M, l ie. .N.lhali in 4 nc. prcv ailini; ibfe. "entaiv profircs.-iv- e 11 in th.. Th. Ja i n. I i .most cllizi the plaee al- - la ni i lie,., u. ,.r lii-- 1.1 " John Si in. s.: in of ail is a No i i n - ,oi :i w.if.-- 11 .irku . lion the aid vvns frolil the pel ll'h nib IV III nun lllt. l IH lie W . I a ;,. of re. II . - lioll nyi.teni. cleil trom a biK will which fiirnisiii-- tl'";l h ncinis't stations ai.ii'; HOMEMADE BREAD. CAKES lar., ot auih. a iy.i d Hi, Lin ' 1 I -- , th.- l,,ii rt.-- t I Kii-i- . a die institution, a pore i r ni K i tr wilier us van '"" .i!iiii.c or northwest .as at "llovvin aiiiioniii eiui nts at the (on- - Mound in New M.vleo Willi I" viiiliiit: local, dircvlion. i.iu:í,. a tileetillii e tlie V,s rn Hi.ii Mi ll s ,n , , : : central and DOUGHNUTS he ol the n 'ele, in,- if liavs v. ere V. 1'lld ;nb s I'n.b ctiv'e s..:ocial io hi I'liic i: :o last We )i;his. water works and ice - Will . -, t- Close ,, 'fin Ins! ii,,. ',, i.ilit,, olii-- i I. I'OIS I'llU- the w e, , was ll a m the for a lory nii,i sli.ill on ' '"''e "ft,.: it ml"r in o siv Kim llav She -. He ll us ai" I.i tin; In- - ! ,M - L'Tth: -- executive of the a Soria- ; is a ci.nier. .Mih i.. il"' ''lii "lllllllt'.e.. i. I l lih-'- i in., Co m will he open to Tin tin- i;c: il.iv' wph winds IOU. . I'.liicon Unorder, tcw !l"i'l i e plibli, now ; "o- At in, th, trmn j new spapcr st.iitiil bete has !''a ai:v li naits "f Cus till 'lii. aeo Fresh Stock of w alieadvim 1. as--- a t a Hcadlcy's Fine '( hat lile school ll- - place in ')! AI'.I.KS C. I.INVCV. stern ia taken into taken the front rank of' . v ri-i- . i I v Feb.-1- by n a IH' r lilac- 9 S. ol .. w Mai. O Weeklies It is of S ""ll Section lb:'' nal rii.. v i t i i . Good Chocolate Just Unpacked nt u i,i it ,,pe:i I'lillci iv iiocrapnii illy. It is i.' in. t the ii ra nn li al'c .We-- I . I I j l cre.-ini- I. ''. ""Ik III l lies' sv and We i it ll and is lining vi le; nchlv fll.l II., tb. !,..- j I ii Ii - i, v BOY DRUGGED: ; c. n i ;. la. :dr. ,.!i rule. ni. i n si i i, in hoosuio; Kinioii. SMALL :i sai ssl irfht lloll- is .ippoi i. d i. 'i .ml, j I peek 1111.11 and tiie ..fe- 1: r o! I..,,. FROM HOLO .'id U a:; ll' b. e.,,,,1 l s ESCAFES bent. eeo;;ii:r l, I l: lucí all tile si or. "Ik ol . - rn bleu, aatl iol hiela .1 Cie:a Mr. lioimi new i m .priuill is thi 'V AND HOME5 Only li' e in. Illsl.. ' , RETURNS niekim; lb i I. I', 7 More Buying Days lit.'! Kilt. s a i'li ir eilo'l. afl'l". it Cení ral store rvpcil . HI. .1 - ' ' e .1- - hotel, lie l.,...d trade and J M Hoy the pionco. rsoli 'Mml- a un i ...i a. i ' t l'lneon i ml wao Ih con iii ini' d aaioii'; all l, o h"b IF YOU 11 has ell in CAN'T COME lit 111 'I'll'-- i h What we have left stock goes your to! .i:.b j s.vt. in ,i li i r in n ' I'.irial t Ha 3li,rBi Joviiaat oi villi lubina to at own price. bi-t- lis in, in for ririnuürDrr . t; ., ' - I. IV S oi ill XeW lll,.iy v . a t is , iieour.iK-,- 1 ,v Cb 11?. r CO. s I':.. l.lioll, to be IH ll In il,,,-- -, 1. ' iiuec III. 1. po- sll.l. o- - ; v le-- ,1.1 K.- - p. - We tie Ih, basin. s oil! look Mr iv has i: i old boy r,v tu i foru tile 11,'tel IS' l'o- may have just what you want at half of .boo Hav l l. r IS 111,11, ll Mi. li'l l.le il.Velo,,, a p. cull 11 Iv clilllUS-jl.isfl- e a .iKrv lo a ii l".'!. (or b eli II!. ll I IIV I 1 I HIILIol! I ..i-- !;. : IO i il! e ii it ' PH. I, il. ball." HP bO' ,..,l.p Ib it l"f arlim, icts ni lb. what would cost you elsewhere - VII!, a 1. W..I, i" i ,1,1'Kbtirs. M.ssi S.I,:,.. ,,t,, .Iis.s'1 :,.v, olor, b'o-- ' b.'o.a i r a lii Hsu lid .1 I... I, v, hol-- i. le ii"V ale illetldini; ti e .Volt, ni s, heo I '11, bov. le, is tic ;.; .. , ,. v. p. - IO-- Come in and Look But ihoivf...- !' at Siin r I'Hv and M isi. s.olie ha-- b. . n 1". Sh, n: f :'.. tn 'I'll,, oi ho .il I III.- You'll Have to Hurry hone i., ' II W i:.- l 72 t S o: Uisk.-- Kiv r....!,. a kl lie, ni;. li. ilt. made c.ipt.iin ih, bull team ' 'li'l Sim 111,! ,- 1- j v i. , -- .n 11' An.atii-- liauu'.ilir Miss I..ttv i at- - roni sb i i 1.. muht 'f J.illiiarv on, ha. rn i r.t: l.'.ir i 1 . m.;n li Crv I A I, i.t .r tíos oik have inlii'tj the ilcmv at L,.s ;in l;:s la IT S hoiiie-- bv a v ma n of - s ne. . IV .l WW, ol.l.l..! Iiom I'.iti.-- 'I ill be "ru. i h. I I a s' I... I.I- t. li s n,-i- .i ., : II : C iv...r.l T. lies. KS Til. i I'.'.iibiia ; i.t Ibe In, i i lo m l no t" rit l'i. 111 i eiiit.iry i It ,1 I ' i 11, !! ,1 :il I, -- V. - IT l,"l. ...'b b ss ad Cut to .1 I Ills ill lll- -i lie fl- nn llillliile-.- v. l; i p.- ,.r Am. ..:, I ,b p, ople . lii fhibbl'ie-- s .11.1 .11 !i 1. Wope .1 :t. 1! . by , 11 Crap, -e Oi' is. Cot. I.ll'.l! :l tin foe ' II Sollie lin.B th" Ml P.'llt L i: s, us- . ICempenich am ol r.u a re in n hu liini'1 to liis Sam c for' '.rid el I11..I. r ret lili u .ta n.oii, Is !t .:i M i! '."l'.i. !'i.,i": f I.ii 1.. in. in T line of I' l i..rll . Ii .ill.) ill, t t. . nix. Wa o P.I...- - , intuís ,.!ied t. I'lv" nit. Centra! . "Ini!;-!.- , Avenue lit Io ,11 ... and Third ri bran pr S. V th,. hob'.S .lull his II.. I..' Street , - 11 ,. v . iiiLoy h r- f II. . i. I. . IV bv th- p.,b. "'l N M J THE ALBUQUERQUE' MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1910. ,5'

' , 1 dozen Hack; The Croat Northern Is prepar Man-He- II. 25, Of Swvct oranges I3c He dinners has been carried In New ing lo extend tne use ui in lepunne MatKCII. (1. A 2.i. OO Pest Oi iters ,.,..100 can York was Indicated by a dinner which over e,ui;c main inn, muu .uniiie- - SIGNS GUNTRACT AND Moon. 10. W 25.00 13u WAVE OF GOODNESS PALATIAL TRAIN IS lis 25.(10 Jar Apple Butter was held by the Thirteen club at the oIIh to tile, Ziwu mill's. Melitoya. A Hotel Majestic, one fashionable ai 50.00 Cranberries , PJc .' of the 4 Moore, Deo licit residences hotel? of the cUy, a few days Matthews, J. 10 50. Oil Primrose Untie." , ...35olb. of ago. The sole and only purpose DIFFERENT VIEWS. Nicolaccl. F 25.00 Pest lOggs 40c dot. is :o A. M. . 2 5.00 Ilanch LITTLE OLD existence of the Thirteen" club ABANDONED DEPARTS FOR Norrls. Mrs. Hound apples 5c lb. HITS defy the superstition of New lander, John . . 50.00 HO. 00 Plums, Urnpes, AprIcots lo the number thirteen and Nobl, F. A Peaches, ü Incidentally to have us enjoyable r. Nlriseii, il 25 00 2 cuns for -- time as possible while doing so. At O'llielly, J. II 100.00 Large Can Tomatoes Uo guests were seat- PITTSBURG (berg, I., A 100 00 NEW YORK Ibis last d'nn r the THE DESERT 15.00 ed thirteen at each tubio and begin Owens, 1. S Cash Buyers' Union IVel'loll, 1 25.00 their baiuiuct at thirteen mlnut'M S. Powers, Co o. V. . . 50.00 . POl.PIO. 210, 21S 2ml St. past seven. Over each guest's chalí 100.00 as was open umbrella Pratt, F. I! ho sal down an 10 50.00 were begun by Made With Plnney. SHOW DECREASE and the proceedings Salt Lake Road Leaves Los Final Arrangements leld Co 11)0,00 ARRESTS breaking of a mirror. The can- Porten the J, H, Barrett for Building Palmer, C, 10 12.50 TWENTY-FIV- E dles on tlie table wero set in miniature Angeles Limited .Marooned; i' W. 10 25.00 .OF PER CENT gruesome reminders , y iS Pratt, Going Out of skulls and other Trolley Line; To Post el, Andrew C. . 25.00 were scattered about in plenty. The Freight Train Lost in Desert, Highland PorterficUl, S. M. . 200.00 Thirteen club is proud of tho fact Begin Work in Two Months, Porter, M. 10. 2,1. 00 Figures by Nationalties Show that, its members thus far have been ,S V fl W Penman, (.'has 25.00 Business In defy.tig ill . . 50.00 particularly successful The Halt has deserted a pala Payne, Chas. N. Russians Lead Other Races luck, but the fact that a flourishing Perkins, Planche . . 25.00 Some rare bargains in the organization can exist on so slight a tial train in the Meadow Valley wash. The contract for the building of an Patcliln, F. J 2 5 00 - i'Iigh-land- in Number Pinched; Gossip foundation shows how firmly tho club the scene of the disastrous washouts vi w- i turn electric street railway in the Penman. Chas ÍI5.00 house furnishing line. Every- and dinner fad has fixed 1(3 hold on of the first of the year. work on which is to commence I'l I'Cilleld, Jollll . IO.0O by 11. 50.00 From Gotham, the metro;io!lu. swept in sixty day.), was signed lesterday Hay. II thing must sell within the next When the great wall of water Kiigiiner j. II. ll.nreit of Pittsburg, Kalpli, Frank 50 no . 1 50 00 While a large part of the country down the valley It left thc. eastbound and he left yesterday for that city to Itaynolds. II. . . ten days regardless of cost. ar- A 50.00 Is increased cost of l.os Angeles limited isolated, with the return in a short lime and make Koluel'o, (Special Correspondence la Mornbut agitated over the ! of rangements to start construction. ltice. I.. 50.00 Beautiful Souvenir Plates at half living, there Is ono class citizens roadbed swept away on sid,, , Now' York. Feb. 10. each The full list of subscriptions to the KeeM-s- It, 11 50.00 Notwithstand ore not troubled by the question. 5 no who it. The passiiigcrs were taken over- in iol-- 1 Koge.'S. W. 10 2 Iron ing: the fact that ll?,.'0!i arrests wore They ore Immisrants arriving at $15.000 stock the enterprise price; large show case, the land to the point to which : 25 .00 who, during their stay nearest o Koheris, .left made here durhiR 1909, according to Filis Island, was . .00 expense service maintained and then Into SI l!S( TO lllfill- - KosellW'illd ISl'os. loo Safe, National Cash Register, fed at the of the well-ell- t the ItlPTIONS 2 5 (Hi figures .lust compiled by tho chief there are Salt Lake Oily. Th(, brakemen "Ixiok, Freddie, that's little 1.1 I loss, P A bids the con- 1.AMI STIti:i:i I'.VK F. 0 clerk of the board of magistrates, government. The lor lo guard Ihe train, but now they where your father and I wers Hiss, Pitt 25.0 Delivery Horse, Wagon and for- church Mi . mi tract for feeding these incoming hav,. been called in. " Perfecto C, C, 511 nn New York is rapidly becoming the coming year have married. A son, I O '.Ti.OH (in on eigners during the (iiarihd only leisure in fl 111. M. P open evenings. best behaved nml most iIiiiíul' Ihe I'allier shotted it lo iu Slam Harness. Store Just been opened and indicate that hours of a nearby rancher. Mho of- "Yes, inn. Anionic. Leon Stars Co 2 5.0" city in tin- world. In other words dur- tluir daily menu is probably the most fered his services when the company yest'Tdny, but he didii iall k n Angelí. M. V Shall Ichiiiger. J, II. I no. on W U Lc Co. ing til past year one arrest made inexpensive In country. Thirteen expense it a li'ap. .said Alger, N. J.'i.oo N. 10 5. 00 Eti. Breton Furniture bus the sought to reduce the of main, church: lie called and I r, Steven. T. A . on for about each, thirty of tbo total bidders put In estimates for the con- t. lining the liral.'iuen a watchmen. was fool enough to Anderson. Steven, Frank .'15.00 it war. where he .1. no I W. Gold Avenue. W . 115 the prices run from twenty th(. palatini ui on the Anderson. St urges, frank . . 50.0(1 population, a decrease of nearly liven tract and eiiiiiiii stands Ml . on thirty-Viv- e a for de- be caught." Auge, II W. 11. 00 . 00 ty per coat as compared to 1908, in cents to cents day track. In' the midst of an almost ."ill. 00 Spiincei', each person, or an average oi from serted cornil! r. The sleepers have Arnot, íleo Stroiip, A. It 50 00 which year more than 175,000 arrests Anion, A. W ' 50. no 50.00 about seven to about twelve cents a luen locked to prevent the enierlng on Strong Urns wore or one twenty WAS CORIttCT Pitttu Fruit Co do. 75 . no made, for each meal. The lowest bidder figured that of holios who might chance to brave CHARGE no San .lose Market liiitner, I). A 100. nn . on five residents. So if the city contin he could supply breakfast for flvn the perils of the abandoned railroad. on Superior Plan. Mill liorradaile, John .1. A 50 on uca to Improve 11 deportment mark cents, nine cenas, and sup- A freight train Is also stranib d n no Skinnel dinner for --- -- I'.riggs. H. II 50 nn per minimi next bid the i alter, but fifteen of the curs that ' Si ewa rt, Peter nt Ihe rate of twenty cent per for six cents. The lowest Poatrighl. IL 11 on 5 0 ml Elks' Theater once wi le Included In It, are missing. Sterling. W. D ly, It will rot be long before infrac contained tie; same estimates for I'.llleher. ilei'iuaii 100, 00 2 5.00 It is said that parts of these cars are on Sablilra, S become so uncom breakfast, but figured two cents mere Fa I t ll. i uae I'OO 2 5 . 011 tions of the law sup- scattered, with their contents, over a Stewart. F. C for dinner and one cent more for !', K J. . mi 2 mnn as to be a rarity. Indeed at pres mili in along Ilailej, Seotli, Joe 5,00 per. It is Improbable however, that stretch ninety HO on Oil out there are only two infractions o'f th, course. licrger. into Stiwart, M James nil at present prices meat would be a river 1'ylilri.lRc. .1. c. I1 00 . oo 25.00 to cii'e. hundred of the Seth, S. II the law each leading dish on the menu even on this Pariiett. Joe 5 an . nil :io.oo ivaonday, popiilntlón, 147, 000 .New Auto Cars. on Slruiiiiiuist. Jobii since of the. ar extravagant estimate. The contract l.i i ',ce. Win. 50. W. 1!. 2 5.00 9 The r!nn Hun says: . no Springer. rests made during lit" the number of immigrant pays llernardino Ila.-s- 50 . no tins for whiclu the Agent 1.. Üo. Sellers. D K. II. February i"lty Passenger U. Voris of üra-.ili- .1 no was Mrs. M. 10. . . 2 5. no persons' convicted or held for trial out of ids own pocket if he wants ail-ici- -s Shelley. F. the .Southern Pacific has received I no only M,9i3 or about 1U.000 less thai: them and can afford to do so, and it la re In. Jui'n Schroder, John 15.011 that the I'nion Pacific and Pri wrr, en. 'Z i . no I2 5.0U in Only-101,- orrept.s ivero made Is naturally to such sales that the Scollei'.., Jacob ltl( 10 AMI VAPM.V. Offer Ihe lf0S. Konthern. Pacific a: o having construct- nO I on of many luí ton, S. I.. ,1. M, . . no In-in- d for burglary and 1GU7 for felonious also Includes the prices ed 750 car? tor use in traf- 00 Sollle, Host of All Musical Hits looks chiefly for his prof- automobile Hube. I,. V. Sontliwi stern I'.l'i 500.00 nml from New assaults', majority being for fic. A. AI. ro 2 lirect the it even though the figures for these Ilailev. Swan, N. I!. 5.01) York City. The I'nion Pacific has placed orders C, H . .1 . no 1,0.00 vagrancy, intoxication ilud the like. account in r.iaking the li.Mis. Smith, Cilrl .'I. . are taken into for :!50 box ears, now being built at Ttiei M. oo 50.0(1 Of tho total number of persons ar award. 40 lironson. Strong. 10. J. llamminl, ind. These cars will be Pulley. A. V t. fiO W. U 100.00 Hook ami l,yrlcs, by Frederick restad American citizens to the num feet long, .nine feet wide and 10 feet oo Trimble, 211,293 discoveries 1'iill. John 1. Trol ler. Frank , . 50.00 bcr of or about IS per cent One of the most curious high, with eight feet diagonal doors. S. X Oil . oo of charitable, Palling, Trimble. A. A- . 150.00 easily place. Next in or ever made by officers It is expected cars will be . tr,o. un take first that these Hlrd Paiterson Thornton. W. T. 2 5 . 00 Music, P.y A. Ilalilwlii Sloane. employment agencies .'ifl . institution and to bo placed in this i on I der of nationality came Kusssia with rcadv service 1'ai hechi. o Ta ó'. C. . . 20.00 just been brought to light by 00 . 00 O.fiíC; Italy with 9,502: Ireland with here has month. Hank of Commerce Taylor, K, I.. .. 25 . on tho compilation figures which show is 500 I ,1 00 6,529; Germany of The Southern Pacific building Carson, L. K Thai'P. C. A. .. 50.00 THli 8,703; Greece with among Indigent, height, far -- V fill, 01 that tho standard box cars for the nine traffic. Cliincy. F. Venable, . 100.00 with 5,171. England with 1.570. .' John and from being an asset. Is a positive han- They will be feet long, nine feet and á ...... Cushman, C. O oo W. 25.110 While figures do not of course difficulty of two no. no Van Clove. J. these dicap which adds to the two inches high and nine feet Craig. Alex U : In i, 10. . . - 25.00 "stag- I'll Gingerbread indicate, tho relative law breaking ten obtaining work. Particularly this is inches wide. They will have Magistrate- Officer, did I under- Ciiftiird, Dakey .... 1:5.00 Va'in, S. J'. & Sen. 7 5. 00 IT, dency of ihe various nationalities true of men over fifty years of age. gered" side doors and one end door. say litis prisoner ia Carter, II. S .00 Wl 10. 40. no stand you to that 2 le', l.aur.i for-- although it applies in a lesser degree The arrangement of these doors makes Cozlne, W. N 5.00 Whitney . li . . 25.00 mentioned, since the size of the charged with arsqn? . T. 25.00 I 5 Man loading unloading of automobiles E. 10. cign colonies here vary greatly, they to young men. Even a youthful and f'noney, Wood, rancis 0.00 it 's pointed out, is more con- easily accomplished. Officer Ves, yer honor; he burnt a Cornish. P. ti. 100.00 Western Meat Co. 2"n.OO do when compared to previous years 2 Willi spicuous for his ihabbiness tha.i a A new features of the ears, both of rube with a bum dollar. Ci i kmon. W. U 5.00 Walld r, Mrs. C. . . . 25.00 in a Pa- ! 1, CAST uliow that Xcw York making smaller man and therefore less lilt 'y the L'nion Pacific and Southern Carson, K. I.. 25.00 Wilson, 10. N ion .00 ITS P.MJ ST.MI OF . no 1 1 1 I 1 ,S. I i 10 101 strong bid for the distinction of be ttJ receive employment. Uut after the cific, is.lo b the provisions- miub. for Chapman, K P. 50 Wa P. I 5 . on P P A A M M ills' known as the ivorld's most law half century mark ia passed tho h double decking. Willi the two decks JUST SUITED HIM. Crist y, K. H 25.00 We'll'. Ciiis i.on OIU 1U0STKA AM abiding municipality.. of hoight is greatly increased. the cars will be able to hold eight Cannon, IValti.-- IÍ. 211.00 Wooii'i. N H'. .00 15.00 On nt Ensemble-5- 9 The reason for this uuoor state of af- small automobiles each, thus permit- Chavez, P Wilson, John W t.O. as explained by the head of a ting tlio loading of cars of minimum Chavez, A 2 5.00 IVarllck, W. C 15.00 fairs 25.00 10 This is the time of the year when large employment agency is found in weight of 12,1100 pounds, now provided Collins, 11. J Walk. !'. A. 100.00 on C. T 50..00 C $1 the office of the commissioner of the tho fact that as soon as a man lose for automobiles. Cole. Wlerta, Frank 50.00 Prices, 75c, and $1.50 It Is not us yet jlcfinitey known Clark. C, P .00 Welller - llenjamln . . 50.00 is his carriage every inch of his . department of street cleaning fair erect when the cars of the Southern Pa- Capilli.. N 00 Wonlsoy. T. S 50.00 ly height hurts him in the estimation of Seats on sale at Malson's P.ook deluged with all sorts of weird and cific make will be ready for service. Codington. Mrs. A. M. 15..00 Woodford, Fred 25.00 Store, Friday, February ut his employers. The hort old man 10. II 50. lltll wonderful suggestions for tho remov old Dunbar, Weinman I.ewinsoii 50.00 7 o'clock. never stoops so much as the tall nrury, .1. H 25.00 ,1 25.00 ul of .snow from tííf i'oy"strects, or is Tucunieari ICxneets to I.aii:l New Wilson, K man, never slouches so much, and Purling-- J. I. 25 . 00 A 25.00 even to prevent its ever falling on own way. Sluio. While, John never so much in his For McLeün, Texas, Iiaily. C. W. and A. N.. 25.00 W rig 111, C. A 25.00 them. Investigation has shown thnt tall J. M. Iiaffron of this reason his advantage over the was in Tucumcuri this week looking Dragóle, Marco 50.00 Yanow, II 25.00 of these suggestions come from old man in getting a Job la marked. brouglil llu Holds. Win 50.00 no! after his interests and w) persons who are too lazy to shovel off So after all the short man need news that the Hock Is'and railroad Davis, Charles C 100.00 their own dooi'fcleps and who, when envy his taller brother, unless for rea- company has Just purchased one lam If Downs. Mrs. II. F. 10..00 1 .on they ale not busy in making sugges- sons of personal vanity, for hs would dred acres of land at McLean, Texas, Do Tullio, A 00 PROPOSITION FOfi seem to be the best chance. for shop and roundhouse purposes. Davis, K. Wood 100..00 ELKS' THEATER tions to the man who has to keep the Divine, M. I. .00 city clean, are diligent, in making all He says the citizens of the McLean country are very much enthused ovei mm m m Klwood, li. S 100..00 sorts of crilkibiiitj of the conduct oV A COMIC OPERA OF the action of the railroad company Kitlrein, A. S loo..00 Ills office. Any of them could han- Filis, tico. K 2 .00 QUALITY and believe it will be onlv a sWirl , NEW BANK FOR dle tin: Job to the perfect satisfaction DELIGHTFUL they will move the shops Fidel-- J. W 25.00 lime until V. V 2 5.00 public, nccoriliio; o own from Sayrc. Okla.. to Futridle, of tho their IS GINGERBREAD MAN and roundhouse Fox. II. F 25.00 TUESDAY, 4 C c; tímalo, provided they had the op- McLean. 2 McLean, Texas, is seventy-on- o miles Kuber. Albert 5.00 I portunity to so. 2 D do Nevertheless of on tho plains and is Fn id berg Bros 5.00 February east Amarillo . . . GOO. 00 ALBUQUERQUE many of the suggestions arc amusing. ipial- - way First National Hank A comic opera of delightful just to a mile half between K One man recently proposed that the anil lvl Heno, nkln.. the Fielder, K. 25.00 ity and unusual merit, both in book, Tucumcuri 1,. U. . . . 25.00 snow be .saturated with kerosene and greatest division point of the Pock She You seem lo think It very fun- Franklin, Mrs. lyrics and score is "The Gingerbread FleiMcher, A 25.00 burned up, while another with a Island lines in the southwest. The ny that I should refuse you. 50 00 The World's Greatest Man" which will be given at the Kills' between McLean Amar- French, C. F somewhat similar idea, in mind distance and He Jones bet ni a fiver you would Fox, Anna II 15 00 Illinois Capital Backing Project theater Monday night with the orig illo being too short for a division, the on wanted the city to utilize a machine getting the not refuse anyone, and I win. Field, K. A 50 Coloratura Soprano 1 company, a prospects of Tucunieari M ::o 00 is With En- on which he held the patent to force inal No. fresh from tour look good, us it Feiileii. F. Which Meeting shops and roundhouse Wm. Co 1 00 on a sheet of flame on the snow thus of the larger cities where it has will lie tin. western termini ot the Fair. unusual success in this tho third Faueetl, T. W un couragement in This City, melting it at once. Perhaps the most Itock Ialnd lines In New Mexico. REAL NEED. 1 ) 1111 year of its presentation. The reason upon Cill, F ambitious scheme so far suggested Humors are also current that ler, C. 1Í I Mil on Ellen Beach Yaw for this Is obvious. The piece Is of Ai leek 9 that of the man who wanted the the completion of the Tucunieari Jr. mile, C. A ; mi mi rtain merit first of all, for Its par Memphis road, ltoek Island will II. Smith I.llicoln, III, con- city to build a vast elevated reservoir, ticularly beautiful music, which, by the mzales. J. J nil Carl of into which all the snow gathered from put on some thlough equipment and Ciegolilt, mi nected with Ihe First National hunk the way, as composed by A. l'.ahlw'ni possibly a through from Mem- lira With Her Company tin; streets, be dumped. On tune- train W. A 2 0 t should Sloane.. who has given su such pie-vai- ls doll'. of tin t city, is in Albiuiueriiie Inter phis here. If no bad weather 2 ". nil the arrival of spring the melting snow compositions as "The Mocking (inl'f. C. D es- ful be in thirty ' esting local people in a project to would u lake which by the road will finished .1. .1 2.1 turn Into from llird." ".lack and the Pean i'talk." lileasner. Mr. Smith discharging the water through a pipe Kilty. "Mroadway to To days. Hope. W. C. ,11.1111 tablish a IK v: bank here. I HO. i condi- iniignilicciil rango - Lloyd 00 have xamlned Tlio of sufficient power could be generated kio,' and "Coming Through the liye. Seeking uiisaki'l. and assoi lzies omy - IliMk Island Men. A Ll''',WrTs- (le . W. 50.110 carefully anil believe Hiere ful voice to run the city's electric cars. Pre- Mr. Sloane s music is no? iiine- seg- r lllckox tions bile tun's miiiuIi'i ami licr 11. Since . ventive ideas include the roofing of lul. but it is written in a musieuiners New Yolk. Feb. the llayilcn, A w. 125.011 is a good opening ben' lor nimHo'i' engaging personality liavc won or regation of the Rock Island and llarscli, F. 5n. no bank. W. S. Dunham, director ol ihe the city with gluss and the spraying style, and although it luís a trick 1 sorts of rumors 5. lie I II.. highest eiicoiiiluiiis all nice lie Intd the uir during each storm chem- catching the ear. It has class which Frisco properties nil Ilnvdeii, c. S people's 'a ii li of Allanta. .""1 have been eireulateil concerning pos- A Mail. M. 0. on hacking muí nearly every icals which would melt the snow be- its i i.'inposer to rank with the J. olhirs are the proposiuou. I'niliil Stales sible new aeiiiisitl(iiis to the executive ' I un. on lie has re- fore It reached the ground, nut in beet that America produces. me ISA Hopewell, W and Mr. Smith sais that country in lOuropc. of ltoek Island, which Is OO.iin il , encouraging reception spite of all these inspirations of gen- charm about .Mr. Sloane s works is staff the - fail iltioing, A. cele, most that be never writes alike anil his known to be severely crippled in this Ilodgin, I K. 2 5.00 Irian llmse in this city whom he h is ius no more satisfactory method of by separation of the 5. no Mr. Dun now in use themes are so varied that the fault department the Harris, A. W. am roaelied on the subject. enow disposal than that offieeiH of the two companies. "I say obi chap, will you lend a 25. On a large In Illinois shoveling it into the wagons of samenesH so noticeable in many Hudson. C. ham is landowner Prices: $1, $1.50 and $2 that K E. . Wnt'field. now freight traffic 5. On and high In llnainlal circus. It Into rivers has composers, some oven who have Trieml a dollar." Hammond, J. stands and dumping the hi noticeable. manager of the Mallory Shamship Hopping, .Mrs, Among Ihe others who are Interested yet achieved greatness, not a "Is he reallv in need of il?" been discovered. He has no particular style anil musi company, lias been mentioned as lleald, J II 25 nil i, wealih..' haulier of Oklahoma and He wants to pay with 1111 cians that are familiar with his work possible new vice president of the "Rather. nie Hii kev, M. F. 50 tin ri is a'ready enough capital in Seats on sale at Malson's, Sat- The lengths to which the craze for ire often surprised ot the broadness of Itoi k Island. Mr. Warticl,) is n close it.' Hall. Mrs. K. J. 2 5.(01 sight 10 i n.i i t ii ally .insure the success for-- m urday morning, February 12. organizing societies holding pub- - In He personal I'll, oil of J. M. Corniau 10 1 5.00 f the deal. Mr. Smith Is aireau.v and liis Held the musical literature. Hull. Mrs a has gotten to that point where he r freight traffic manager of Ihe Hobhell, Frank A 100 00 taking up Hie in. liter ot a choice ol dominates with almost every author Atchison, but now first NATURE HAD DONE THAT WCHK Holios. Mrs. C. II 10.00 location. It is to siarl bus that hi corroborates with, and fre-i(i- ii of the Lock Island. ' Hyde. Win. F IO.011 iness with a eapilalinlion of $I0ii.0i. Uip-b-- v prooao- - iyly lyrics are to his in. usure, Mr. lioimai was close K. P. Hayes, 1 25.011 A meeting i.i local men will NEW RASPBERRY &S written I. next Va-BOUGi- v brie the usual mode Is that Hu- of the Atchison and Is npuieil to liolmuii. Mrr. Clan 25. on I, be held with Mr. Smith earlv DELICIOUS "Vn'."! In h ib Milito Moll w ill lie ll lies are written first, and the music he mill of the best traille nu ll the Hopping, Carl cek at whli in ifto ti'riMt iiH Drnuih, Brr afterward. This is a rule insures a country. For this reason Mr. Kiplcy llli hl, Louis 25.01) taken In the premises. lif 1nrf, tktrk rrri. witli n stKti-- i b I lav or. Matt sueces-- to mi, i 25.00 nblr. Us mole l ill anil ill "The was loath let him but the ltoek 101 s, Marion ttioMIU- 2'lC , - s ort knnwn. $3350&$4.SH0ES , I flinaerbnad Man" we rind almost a Island had to have- him. mM? .1,, bus, ,11. A. I 50.00 In llolt'i-- and Ccnl. lor 5ic-- S if 91.W. rt perl eel one. This may probably be It is said on good auihnriiy that sa- Airs. Mary 25. "0 I'o a good woman is a liberal Cttiiloffuc of I tuil nl Shtl Johnston, love J , ilhruM. Ltc. BOYS SHOES Miliary - P'i 20.111 n ii iourited for from the fact that Fred- Ml. loiiiiiin'H with tile Atchison J.iei.bsi n. J. F educa To love a lailv ol üihiiküi R(.R 1 v lCr:": lion. ' Bol in muN erick 5. Kanken and A. t'aldwin was $ 0,000 a year. The ltoek Island Johnson. W. J Is a couiiiii nial i iliieation. Lcslli M HtHUl Sloane were in perfect uecoril. offered him $0.oo0. which the Atchi Jenks. Win , 50.011 Weekly. hniihhr. - Coloraiki VA son met. The Kock Island then K.'llv, Marcus P 25,00 v 011 $ZW him tJe.000, which the Atchison l.orinr, .1 ion. ihm In IMvorvo nml the Kicli. ' Just a little millionaire, again nut. The Unci; Island then Kill her, Jesse. 12.50 Just a little wile, made an oiler oi u.wuu a year aou 31 Kelldis. M. I! 50.0(1 TfSSpi Above üsádc Sard's Mightly little ha opines. h bonus of i 13.000 if a conirai t were tico. I 100.00 Awful lot of strife. signed within five mluutis. Mr. Gor- r.amkin. W. I! 25.00 v Rigid Lavs, Stands Just sonic little lawyers, man signed. VisitorThere's inching In here Lillll.Ke, lid 125.00 r II 111 l.ilhgow, II. S 50.00 Just a tie fee. Von make n monkey of Then a little evidence 'Phono itculs . isn't l.ilels.ii. Win J 511.00 H. McBRAYER'S - I u s . . 2 '. OO W. To a referee. Chicago, Feb. I). Tin- recent bli.- (irrrd know il; loo late, but W. J , . s -- 25 mi Jui-- l a little courtroom. r.u-il- west and alsn you won't have to u.: nature for laiki ns. J throughout tic 25.0(1 Just a whispered line. cast of Chicago liaM- - ilcmnnMiated to breach of emtrset i.a that score. I.ici le r. C. i: Scratching of tin- Judge's pen Ihe satisfaction of railrcad managers I.oki 11 it White 5n nn And everything is line. Hie superiority of the telephone over I. ukeiis. Dr. C. !; 25 iii " Chicago Journal. Hie dispatching of Wm. II 2 the ti legraph for MAJOR CM MINOR. nn trains. It is Haled that hail It lint Mi Million, W. II inn. Only Way. been for the telephone the railroads Me.Miihn. A. H. 7 5. no THE LARGEST MAKER ANO RETAILER Tin J. 1; rn billar do "I wish I knew how to keep a ser- would have been ceinplcti ly tied UP MeColluiii, OF MEN'S FINE SHOES IN THE WCRLD. primls. Mi CI. II. in, W. W 5n i"i orci!! vant." during heveral On Botiled in Bond man across the way can help lltw een Hoclu ster and Sj racusi on M. Crea, C. F. 15. "3UPERIO TO OTHER MAKES." "That 5?. ír- MeMilleii. Chas 25.111 "I have worn W. L. Douglas Bhos tor Ihe 5 on." the New York Central, for example, is. V, past years, always they intelligence was not a single telegraph wire .Mel 'anna, P. I'' 25. "0 i ala and find are far be a;t there s "Dims conduct f::-:- 7, l,. .i,ii''li. M 25(111 ulterior to all oilier hinh srade In style, off Ice?" working for days. I he telephone line fB fi Arred in charred oakea casks 2 to comfort and durability.'' W. Q. llwJONES. .Meyers, Krnest 25.011 r mb".!mir." Houston in Ihis case was crossed in seviial 110 N. V. "No; he's an A J government Howard Ae.. Utica. Tost. placen by Mone wires, und was fur- Ma. phcrson. P. lno.iin 4 years longer than the If I could take you into my large fac- by a Me ley. A. J 5(1.110 ther interferid with breaknnvin " requires. tories at Brockton, Mms, and show you In the Niagara power eompuliy's hlgb-ten.'lo- n Momio & llainmoiid bow carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are lien our Joints Arc. Stiff trunsniissiun line. On Mi H alf, W. P 21'O iin Cedar Brook, is the one perfect made, you they J. A 25. mi would realize whr bold and your muscles sore from cold or division o the Pennsylvania I Miller. Mrs. 25. 'in whiskey. their shape, fit better, wear longer, and , when you slip and read, not u ingle through line was Miller. Minnie rhiumatitni. Miz.-- J in for end nlthiuich I sd-r- , J. improve the quality or greater value than any other make. sprain a joint, strain your sido or Finite ilas. Mr. non- - iippopr I may . We couldn't 'of lain Men-Ill- Pnlliel ''.l'TI!--ti.- v , rwis-- i pw-du- l rr-- e w there wire lin iks in the leliphnni bruise j oin self, rainkilliT iil take on iri-- you as n:.:i' Krery man, J 25 nn flavor even if we asked more. right-Alway- cliiip.'it.'hing ih't uits nod viouihIs I yf.ii, t -r rt, W l you s r,M, nth IKm. out the soreness ami fix were l.i the si" sou thei ri si0"-- á írrn.s to lis M.yeis. Joseph BROOK DISTIUXFT lor Mu t i lou. lliwktum.;;. liie line I'le dispatchers able to (m . H. WcBRAVCR S CEDAR J ot.i i w.l ,l.ii')ad. have it witli you, and use It Murker, Jerome 50 liy. , . jx &Ain - talk the entire h ngin of the division. l colono! or a uir !or. iii Lrwrcoccbttrft, ? ar freely. Avoid substitutes, there is l'oriy-sev- i n Ule pal .Moses. J. H 00 S T X of pine roaiis Tesa Bill I'm do wjor; I'm a nn 4. SIMON E It but one Painkiller, Terry Pa vis". in the country are now the tel-- . Mordí. John 25. miner W 5'5 nn Prh-- fr.c. 35e and fnc. pie hi nearly I j.' miles if M inis. A. 0 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1910.

Cbc Albuquerque run-dow- farm. Another In to be limit may Introduce the bill. The taken In the northern part of the Idea is to construct a monster trunk late mil one in the Mohawk valley, line, which will líhe un all rail routo Crystal worn-ou- Albuquerque Tribute Mexico, to t New York throuKh Pays morning journal to show what can be dono with from to land, to the end that farmers may Central America, to the principal cap- (Offk-la- l NrwurmiKT nf New Mexico) he drawn to the soil and local freights itals of .South America. liy (lie 1'ulillsJiiNl may Increase. Commercialism is back of the JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. President Drown ha the common American 'capitalists lire Memory of Abraham Lincoln sense Idea that a railroad farm after the markets of the .southern con- 1. A. MACPHKilSOX President should not run to fails or be conduct tinent. The total commerce of the W. 8. HUKKK Kdltor ed at heavy xpense. The first n twonlv 1 n republic is he had been invited to participate In 8. City Lincoln; Tribute from I JAMES ULACK KJitor tiMcfulni ys In am h an eoi.ei valued at enormous sum of t-- the flair raising commemoration of a U. tv U W '! N, inisite of the l!?vírí, j Advert lsln MumiK oao, ashington's birthday. In spite of prise is moderate cost: the second Is U(ia, lion a. jwir. The share, of the 00111 BIRTHDAY OF the early hour a large audience was Henry Watterson Entered second matter at 4 1 (S, f. k. ni class bookkei pintf. It I of no usr I'niied states in llms was fi 2 4 a present, among being father th potofflee lit Albuquerque, N. M fair them the 1 merely to show farmers what can be which was nan, 000. 000 less than'dur-lui- r of the artist, Stephen J. Ferris, to under ct of Congress of March whose recollection of the event bis StJ MM- I- ""SSi ? done; th y want proof that they en tin- proeeiiint? year. The reduction From Caesar to P.lsmarck and Gin li ! son is indebted in executing this great rz oV stono make moni y by iloinj; It themselves was due (o the financial panic 1907 THE painting. At the back of the plut-for- the world has had its soldiers VI1K MOHMNCJ .IOIRN Al IS Till Its statesmen, rose I.K4IIING HI I'l ItLHW I'AI'l HOI and Unit the investment In not beyond and liHi.S. The balance of trade, ÍRT1D the man with the full beard. Is and who to emi detec- nonce ana power sten by step through wnw mi:xhx, M Till aniouiitinif to more than $1,400,000,-000- , Allan Pinkerton, the famous - their niwiifl. tive, who personally looked after Ihe a series ol arithmetical progression piti.vrii'i ns in- run ui rini. was time when was enjoyed by Kurope, which as It were, following vy party i. Then- a railroad safety of the president-elec- t. This pic- encli promotion ai. Tin: timk. ami ; in presidents were practical rio-r- as well for years has been almim? quietly to PRESIDENT should lis place as cnu of regular order, the whole obedient die Minnoiis Ol' TIIK 111 I'l 111 I ture take to CAN complete possession tre- the most important American histór- well establshed and well understood PARTY WIIKN THIJV AIU practical railroaders, i'onunndor obtain of this laws of causo and effect. These wen. RIGHT. mendous ica! pa in tings. VatKlrrhUt could run a farm or a fer market. "J. L. li. Ferris was born In Phila- not what we call "men of destiny TICa.MS OF KI'HNt'ltlPTION. ry, bos, a seitnm nans with appro;) Various causes have operated delphia in 163. He is tho son of an They were men of the time. They o iNilly, by carrier, one month BO ilute vocabulary or haul u steamboat a Kii ns t the commercial supremacy of1 Held Yes- artist, and his mother was a sister of were men whose career bad a begin SEALED BOXES I Dally, by one 60 Patriotic Exercises ning, a middle, and un end, rounding mull, month the Isthmus of Panama on th l.itilled --'lates in the soul hern con- - Thomas Moran, the noted landscape A TRIUMPH IN SUCA MAKING! iiross En- painter. After a preliminary training off a life with a history, full, it may terday in Schools With t larger circulation Ihmi uny olla skids The modern Idea of a railroad llnent. The first and most Important at home, under his father, he spent a be, of interesting and exciting event!-bu- BmSWARfORTiAANDCOnU! imper In New Tin- - only iiais- president Is too often a Wall street has been the lack of direct communi number of years in Kurope, where he comprehensible and comprehen EVERYWHERE f tertainment at Congrega- sive. simule, complete. BY GROCERS In r Mexico Uuued cicri luy in man, a of tho ticket-tap- ond cation. I he second has been the ab- studied under some of the great mas- clear, student ters, The inspired men are fewer. Whence worse Hie sence of banking tional Church Last Night, and his pictures are to be fuund the for railroads and th facilities. Measures among notable collections In this and their emanation, w hero and how they The Morning ilonriuil linn n lilirlit country! have been taken lo overcome the lat- other countries. In recent years he got their power, and by what rule they Journal Want Ads Get Results Iitin-Amerlca- being, we (irciilutloii rating I huii In accorded to Modern railroadinir shows at its ter throuKh the' creation of a n has devoted his attention to paintings lived, moved and had their ny In Mojloo." Today, day of February, cannot see. There is no explication to other iier Now lust in sncli efforts as President bank, financed by Cnlted the twelfth illustrating American historical inci- Hie AnierlcMii Nev.uicr lHrcetory, Is the anniversary of the day on which dents and events." their lives. They rose from shadow Drown Is beginning to build up Indus Stales capital. they went In mist. We see I hem. Abraham Lincoln first saw the hirht and i p. mi-xic- tries. development is part of Toward providing direct comniunl- - feel them, but we know' them not. AMU'Qi roí ... m:w Farm a of day in a humble cabin in Kcn- - Do you know that croup can be pre upon J. l,a They arrived. God s word their James Hill's title to ureatness. It Uloll with the tueky. Tho birthday the martyred vented? fiive Chamberlain's Cough lips; they did their office, God's holy AI1KAIIA.M I.JMOIA. has received much attention from it slates, an effort has been made to president has cuno' to be one of the Remedy n soon as the child beeom light between the world and them, subsidize lines of steamers, most lenifican! and important holl- - hoarse or even after the cronpy cough leaving a memory half mortal I. Yoakum. The lonii Island rail but the In .... I...... ,,iot I li , i behind ilnvu tlx. ' appears and it will prevent the attack. they STYLISH to- to One hundred and one yema upi road farm, n recent Innovation, has bills Introduced In conKress have been , , . and half myth. From first last ,lu,ln? yi.Hnj urretK of the It Is also a certain cure for croup and were distinctly the creations of some day. In the darkest eorner of I lie done Rood work. Model farm make of such a character as to create the day awakens stronger sentiment of bus never been known to fall. Sold special providence, baffling the wit ivlldwoods of Kenueky, under ilrciim-Ftance- f one response to tho problem of the suspicion that their only object wns patriotism and pride of country in the by all druggists. of man to defeating the ma Americans. fathom, to money fa- hearts ol all chinations of world, the flesh, and Unit ciiuld not have been made ost of living. put Into the pockets of The Keiielal celebration of the day the SHOES lens jiromlsiiiK, horn a man vored shipbuilder. the devil, until their work was done there wim was held yesterday in this city, the Railway Accidents jn the and passing from the scene as inys child, of whom It was truthfully maid TIIK SITUATION IX I'M.LAM). It is proposed to encourage various ward schools holdiiiK approp- teriously us they had come upon it In after yearn, that he was one of the private capital to finance connectiiiK riate exercise ami the day bolng like- United States. Luther, to wit; Shakespeare, Hums, wise suitably remembered In tho sec- war, no how' mom products of re- links of existing railroad systems and even Honaparte, the archangel of Jlcmeniber that matter remarkable the .Miw that the llrltlsh elections lire tarian school. Last niRht an elab- havoc, and ruin: not to go back Into markable possibilities of American in this way permit of transportation orate "Lincoln Day Kntertalnment" becoming the rest of your ap- over and the count of party alrenulh The railway in Ihe United States the dark ages for example of the hand life. Coming up In poverty In which by rail from the Canudlan boundary drew a large crowd of people to thu of God stretched out to raise up, to is, your shoes must bo ompleted, t'ho present week has been first Cnnireiíational church, the pro- - which do not kill passengers are parel born, to Argentino Republic. longer Ku-Tli- is protect, and to cast down. ho was through the rouith sur it one I the than all th,, railway of is A busy 'mr the J be ml atatemcn Krnm of the pveninir boine rendered rope. Tried by this standard, und observ- right or the effect lost. rounding: of a frontier town and tin only ImrlriK the lioosevelt administra under the auspices of the Sunday is a literal statement of rremier Asuulth ha had not to fact. In years. 1DU6-7-- 31fi ed In an historio spirit, where shall of our dainty shoes. Ox- crude methodH of frontier Boelety, dis- tion an Item v as Inserted in the sun- - school. the three more impres pair ake up the question of the reorganiz public companies, operating 11M.0D0 mile of we find an illustration by dry civil law a Investí-natio- n in the schools short talks on sive In Lincoln, whose fords or Pumps will set oft couraged early bankruptcy and the ation of the ministry, bul he has uthorlzlnif 'm life by road, did not kill a single passenger. than Abraham th a the of Lincoln were Iven the life, career, and death might be chant many eruel rebut fa of fortune, he rose vastly more Important by competent person on tho teacher and, responding to roil call. Th, passenger mileage of these roads your new suit or dress to the and difficult surpassed by 1,000,000,000 mile- ed by a Greek chorus, an at once the In politic to the chamiUnlil) of tin llroad situation In Central and South pupils wave intercsiliiR-fact- regarding the advantage-whil- task before him of drafting a program age of the rnads in Kngland which prelude and the epilogue of tho most best their cost Ion and when the two seem America and the resources of the Vill tile career of Lincoln. Imperial of modern times? freedom of action. That program will disclose At Conception boasted of a. like clean record. In theme is only nominal. Incnnslslont, never lout ous In compliance with the Immaculate Horn as low as the son ot owl in ed utterly he countries. pro-Rra- m fact, the length of these railways in his uwn interpretation of the verdict school tho following interesting ;i hovel; of what real parentage we hla faith when both seemed hopeless, this provision President lioosevelt ap- was af- the I'nlted States exceeded that of all f the nation upon the Issuen present- - carried out yesterday know not; reared In penury, squalor, Men's Dress Shoes i;i.,0 to $3.00 wan pointed Charlea M. pepper to obtain ternoon at 1! o'clock: the railways in England, France. Ger- and brutally miatched from d at the elections, but In the mean many. Austria, Hungary Italy with no gleam of light, nor fair sur life when both hail been secur the information desired bv eoniiress. America, Chorus. and roundings; a young manhood vexed Men's Street Shoes $2.00 to $1.00 time lie Is receiving- a vast amount of Lincoln's Day, L'dward Dradlcy. combined. The freight train over by visions, tior- - ed, mainly through It In w hie and pat-le- Mr. Pepper visited every republic weird dreams und advice on the subject from friend and Kaise the Finar, K. Ooff, tlehrudc railways are a contributory cause of derlug at times on madness; without AVomen's High Shoes long bloody and tii'Kod on Hippo, I. II. accident, nnd the freight ton mileage efforts. Kor four and 'or, particularly the latter. All that the Kovernment the Trusrti a grace, natural or acquired, singu- .81.75 to $5.00 ypflr he carried the moat crushing erouiid of national and International Like Lincoln, L, lCspinosa. of tho American railways w ith score larly awkward, ungainly, even among appctirH to be renmiiiahly certain is Tier-ne- -. clean of all totality lor years burden ever pliued upon man, ptand policy to stimulate within their bur The American Flag, Frank three the uncouth about him; grotesque in Women's Low Shoes that the btidiret will be promptly ticnt together exceeds that of the count!-:.- ' his aspects and ways; it was reserved d rs r, .$1..,0 to $1.00 ing between the fire of a brave tirm--- tip to the lords and will he by them he construction of the links in History of the Star Spangled Dan-nc- of Kurope named above, with Japan, for this strange being, late in life, enemy In the front and skulking the rnuiu Interconti- Chester Hcbber. AiKentina and Australia thrown in. name or or preparation, as promptly passed. Kven the most figures 1909 incomplete. without fame Shoes for Hoys ..'$1.13 to $2.73 treaHon In tho rear. Though endowed nental system. The star .Spannled Ranner, Chorus. The for are to be snatched Irom the obscurity, xtreme the peers have never i in the Happanhannock, liei italion, but the bureau of railway news of su- by with u tdrcngih, of The bill or resolution which is to raised to supreme command at a Shoes for Girls ..$1.00 to $2.50 nature glunt's he laimcd for their house the nhsolule Miu-- Seotlllo. Chicago has received returns tnal!in-- t preme moment, and entrusted with Ued It ever In the cause of gentleness power of veto, and now that the result e introduced will not ask for an The Dlue and the (Day, High it to state that 10 roads, operating tiie destiny of a nation. Shoes for Viables .. 50c to $1.50 and mercy. Kubjoct rontiuually to a to build the road, hut will School, over Ifia.Ulin miles ot railway, have The great leaders of hla party were their reference of the buditet to th,. A Flag Exercise, Patrick Armijo. kept their score clean. Ten other com ptand exper- greater mensure of íiIiuho, mlsrcprc-aentallo- e. so framed as to act as tin indorse. made to aside; the most people has been what It ÍH, there is no America, M. More'.li. panies, operating zn.tiwii miles, were so ienced and aecomplithcd public mm ridicule and contumely than limner room for debate on that mat men! of the scheme on the part of The Hod, White and lilue. J. Hern-do- n unfortunate as to kill each a single of the daymen like Seward and government. K. passenger. The clean score of 23,100 t'Ver before fell Id one. mini's lot, bin ter. The other portions of the liberal the federal and Letarte Chase and Sumner, statesmen famous preat a moment See My Flag, I). Truswell. miles of Pritisli railway seem not and trained, were sent to the rear. heart never failed for prournm have not their pnthwny very compared fig go Columbia, the Hem of the Ocean, extraordinary when while this unknow n and fantastic (o out In the klndlleit of IuiimiIhch learly marked out. Sayings; Wise Chorus. with the deaths of only ten passen ure was brought by unseen hands to to the bitterest of his foca. No better Editorial our Flag, F. Iiinelle, n. Haca and gers upon n mileage exceedingly all the front and given the reins of pow- Illustration of thin spirit eould be glv- - I!. Knnpp. Kurope combined. er. It is immaterial whether we be- l AIINfi Till-- WHOM' TIIINtJ. and Otherwise Something M. n pity this fine record, ex- n than is found running' through the better, Heaven. It is that lieve in what he said or did, whether Cod of ,lilit, Chorus. tending through several years, began we aro for him or against him; that inaugural mldn-s- In ilsease-proilucIn- delivered entering In ii lecture on "I Is it Possible. to be blemished in the closing months during four years, carrying with them upon en- All to safety pressure responsibility as hla second term. Take this ml Heallh-tllvln- ii Foods" delivered Kl Paso enjoya Hi,, distinction uf be- - I JALO! TI". IMtO;ltM AT of lauil. the artificial aids such a of ATION'AI; lSCH were certa inlv better than in the world never witnessed before tente na a sample: under the auspices of the Chicago hm envied and nut pitied. Kl Paso t'ON'filil'ti t lll the had lines. Tlio .iiiditerium of the Congrega- period for which trie score was clean. he filled the measure of the vast space ''With malice toward none, with Mcdleiil colicué, I'r. Torek warned his tional church .was well filled last The suggestion has boon made that allotted him in the notion of man- hurlty lor nil, wlih llriuiicss In the o;i re ra nlghl when Wright Mandolin of discipline through kind and in the eyes of the world, is to anahist cathiK the wroiir kind Phew! ihe deterioration Tight as (oil glvis un to "C the light, club with a medley of national airs trades union netivitv is u cause of sav that he was inspired of God, for food. Dow est V irWnia a ni n Ini New York Times. he acquired an-in- opened the very attractive program fatality. nowhere else could have let nit ito forward In the work we dlsease-proilucli- ip "The hastily meal need in ral acres of land nut is prepared lor the occasion. The read- the enormous equipment indispensa to bind up woiindr-- - going i t a i N i w f the nailon' of tin- .sew KiiKiander" he said, "made in h kuiik farm. ings by Mr. Foist Carl wrlght and with indigestion, consti- ble to the situation. to une one i oiil-- hue the land ad ioiii- - If troubled I Shakespeare get bis ge eme fur him who tihiill have borne J of pock and beans, hot biscuits, the singing oí Mr. Carl wrlght and pation, no appetite or feel bilious, Where did tag and shirt a K'ue lactoryl 'I'm on C. A, were feat- nius? Where did Mozart get his mu- WeC Suit Mrs. Frank notable Liv- an the battle and for lila widow and his douifhiiuts and nilnce pies, Vu Hoy give Chamberlain's Stomach and washed News. ures of the entertainment, while tho you will be sic" Whoso hand smote the lyre, ol orphan, ami to do all that may be own a er Tablets a trial and stayed the with ice water, has made race duet, "Don I'asiiuale" (Doni- pleased with the result. These tab- the Scottish nlowman and done to achieve and a Jimt nasal-speakliu- c priest? God alone, cherish lank, lean, dyspep The t ra I'l y Thomas. zetti by Miss Aliene Hixler and Miss lets lnvlgorato the stomach and liver life of the German Hi en- were raised and la n ir peace tunong ours, w Tagger i lead-lu- st Plancho Porterfleld was much and, as surely as these ivs tic hich has spread over tho entire Tom one of Indiana's and strengthen the digestion. Sold of God was Abra Ing politicians, an eye hunl-no- joyed. The "Song and Axe Drill" by up bv God, inspired and with all nations." ind." while t by all druggists. Lincoln, and, a thousand years Ing. Tom will lie disabled by the nine boys of the Helping Hand class, j. ham , That van hla last public J story, no tragedy, no epii anions hese remarks of Dr. Turck kuhk' st acciiieut as he can nee mor,, political and Hie pretty "folumbia Drill," by hence, no YOU wli'-- the war wan practical- nine girls and poem will be filled with greater won aspect of 'the cost of living which trlrls-- ili one eve than a good many from the Cleaners' Problems Men Have Puzzled life ly over the victory won, von pollticianK Sunshine classes were both as clever der than that which tells of bis and nt has aiipareutlv uem-ra- atteii- - can Bee with two Taos and death. If Lincoln was not in will In throughout, Valley .News. us Cliu, be. Over. look valu the in. uon, luit which, nevertheless. Is as Mrs. l'.ciiadum, director, won many spired of God. then were not Luther, tire uddrea for a single word or painful as price for sucness of the two or Shakespeare, or P.urns. If Lincoln the of porterhouse, encomiums the Inspired i yllnble that even hint at u aplrll of ni'iil, The loiat lo the Ittcue. drills given under her direction. In the una not of God. then there milk, butler, ckst and other Tin. goat has at last won recogni- all problems no Bitch thing on earth as special boustfului s over the crushed and fal- "Columbia'' drill the girls were fif the that have Horses, Shetlands articles which a family Just must tion and has butted into Ihe realm ol' dressed, thre(. in red, race, none providence, or the Interposition of Di len Confederacy, but from 'first to hint each, the white Puzzled the human have ot men. have, table dollciloics on eastern tables, lie and blue, and at the close Mrs. Frank lieen so hopeless as the famous three, vine Power in the uffalrs the sumo spirit of gonl U ni'sn, klnd-ne- Then tiie thoiiKht of (he influence pauses there under the guise of lamb sang th,. "Star Spangled liaiincr." Tho which are sometimes called the three Henry Watterson. chops, though In Un- west he has long mercy and charity, Coming an of food on character, so beautifully axe drill was tinl'iue, the boys being follies of science perpetual motion, or Burros b cn an aid in the house culinary de- in nnd carrying stone, squar- Hhortly before the "doi p damnation I dressed overhaula the philosopher's and the developed by ir. Turck and others, partment, but he has been freely axes, Ihe song having as its "motif" ing of the circle. DOUBT DISAPPEARS of hi taklliK off," It may properly be self-qu- may comes to move one to doubt and i acknowledged as Just goat. He lh, splitting of rails a la Lincoln. The And now the news conies that culle, his benediction Upon the peo- Ktioniim's, "You may make man ns help solv,, the meat problem, for Hilly hoys a complicated manual young London engineer claims to have ple of bin reunited country. is an easy keeper ami an animal that of arms drill wilh the axes which solved the most famous of the thrr.v you feed him," said the doctor. What has an internal machine thut. can con- if HI place In the uiiiuiIh of the na- mad,, a hit. He declares thut he has Invented a Xo One in Albuqueniiie Ut Has a wonder thut the eater hesitates when sort tin cans Into palatabh' meat Is concluding solo by Mrs, Frank, machine which, the applica not yi t tu The without tion has rn flxeil. We are ho may be converting himself Into an not to be despised. Tun Valley News. "The Death of a Soldier Coy," was an tion of fuel or ot any outside force. Had Hack Cnu Ignore This Double Hot jet mil fii lctitly ri moved from the enemy of society mid ft disKiace to bis exi dingly touching thing. will run for ever, T until It falls to J'roof. Jmw-lon- s of war period to be A MOM ii The most Impressive thing on the piece with old age. wtmm the able family by tiling. (iniii limit u Change catiliK the wronif program was Mi's. Cartwright's read is a problem delightfully simple to weliih bin character In the balance Heart. It ever Uhc is IVi u to tin- - conclusion that ing of Mary Shlpmsn Andrews' "Per- lo solve, if only the solutions would Does your back ache? of absolute Justice ami without preju- MIVMIMOX TK.V was DIUNKl'liS. the ci l el sio of Senator lleverldg.- fect Tribune" to, Lincoln which work. Have you suspected your kidneys?, dice, Comiiuf up from a cnu I fate to th,. cause of stall hood for New listened to with close attention. "The What could be simpler than this, for .Mrs. Cart- - Kackai'ho Is kidney ache. which kuvc him bin alart and Introduc. It is said on the authority of the Mexico is- brought about by the frci Court of lloyville" was example, for running an omnibus by ol a good con- - ' w rigni s .01. i m - neipetual Let weight of 'il him to a cheerlcHH world In tin' caterer of the liiritsh house of com- use a lub. Like many oilier reunios. motion? the With It comes dizzy spells, verts to on,- - cans,, or another i,a w right s first baritone solo was "The tiie body of the bus and of the bodies ailb-eell- of poverty Sleepless tired, dull days, and the twilight mons that each member of that au- senator nun indiana walks in the Soldier's beautifully rendered that sit on the bus all fall on cylin nights, of civilization, he rose by his own ef- gust body drinks 16 cups of tea daily, oath of ih.. new liL-b-t mil,- - because nn appropriate to the occasion. jirs ders of water placed Just above the Distressing urinary disorders. too well fort and hi own merits to The Is h lias In cn compelled to do so, either Frank's singing Is uulle axle. Now. If pipen lead this water the renlih casual sojourner in London n.-e- kidneys to cure it all. b upei policy or known to comment and as usual awav past the back of the bus and Cure the of worth and power, and when history. aware his ct-- irrcristihh that llrltlsh host cxpi force. On no other theory can his she thoroughly pleiisvd her bearers. then curve round and end in tho Doun'a Kidney pills bring quick re- In the ne to come. Moid write the him lo adapt his ways to Ihe le Inure I)' connection with stutelmod legislation How in Siing ami Ave Drill. background of the bus, it Is obvious pal-nx- Hnldt, lief. Impartial Mory of the American habit oí the metrópolis, which s b(, explained. Iludidlo HernundeJ!. Chester that the great water pressure is now Stanley- - Haden, of nanus ( not It does not reuniré a far reach of llrown. Wilson Harry driving the bus ahead, and that the liring thorough, lasting cures. immortal were a li neral Mispcmdnn of labor Arthur Taylor, Karl Schra- - passengers li the imagination lo conclude that the more there nre the faster You have read Albuquerque proof. bora to die, brightest ami most at p. m. for participation in the cup " - der. liyron Wilson. .Carl Anderson. w go. "oulctns put upon Senator liev- I the bus ill In the patentee's Albuquerque Sequel. m now tht iIicm- llaniciit.-irian- ' He!. II, Read of all will bine tin' that cheers. Tim pai . ridge's pet project nnd visionary Lcsle captain, pinna, indeed, there appears a cow- In Drill, I lienowed testimony; tested by time. sí Tin tin- of AllIt.vII.VM 'l.N. cup Would not ex- for tie- of "A tlreat-- i (.iris tViluiiibln catcher! Hut for some reason no bus UNCi Itith have Mimed scheme creation Kva Selh. Kthel Mrs. E. Adair, SIT S. Kditli jftrect, er Arizona.' to Include both Ih,. lent-- 1 Kvelvn 1'rolter, of this sort has yet been put on the traordinary to a tea drinker of the ( i. Louise f'.ell, Hours lories of New Mexico and Arizona, re- - McClaskv. Z. lla Hankin. London streets. Albuquerque, N'. M., says: "Two nnd Three I'lt CT1CAI. M AN At.l M I NT. I'Ucity of grew Kilei-- Drown. Flor Doctor Johnson, who suited in injuring his pride not a lit-- i Washburn, Carrie Another Ingenious device, variations a half years ago I used Dunn's Kidney I ence Hull, Airs. 1. Impatient when an admirer remoii-I- lie. II,. made some of his best audi ollie llinil. i. of which have often been patented, is and was so well pleased w ith the Í physical culture Pills "Abandone,) inn;;'' hae been on a led with Mm for taking most eloquent iipeeehcs on a "Creater Henndutu. director a wheel with narrow shelves instead This and an 1Mb W A , drill benefit I obtained that I was glipl to Includes Skirts ! C. directed the a the maiket in New Knsiaini 'or more cup. Ai isuii i." ami rninplcd bis locks most j repro- of spokes. On each shelf runs lead hecoiniiigly ih., process, "Lincoln in '61." a beautiful ball. It is claimed that once tho whe-- publicly recommend them. In giving than a Rener. ilion, and som e other in in short, of painting by Fer- Leggins lie hiins, li. duction this great has been started the balls on the fall- this second statement, It is my desire flection of Hie coanuy now- spread And he did it to. ris, was appropriate arc be. uu a. ! tiie souvenir ing side keep running out the to show that I value remedy an i:ii.wav to honii ami such an extent that his supine ntut-- given , person ores. nt. The toward this Dinning to w a few. I'llt the ehiel was most in ach circumference, and so outweigh those highly ever. I such severe oniv uicollsidel atcly trod nir id. turo was aecoinpniiied by as had We have complete West-e- m fouiv,. of Mipp'v ill this line seem, Tla lab ft railway on upon. Maybe Ih,. s. nalor remembers oim on the rising side, which run in tow- my my p'opc ilion a lenllci containing the following In wheel, then, pains across loins and between lli.s,. things in with pres-- i s: ard the center. The to bo New Knclaii id, end the lact of a grand ile conieiiiplales con-fro- innnection teresting us to the paint-iln- shoulders that I was greatly Incon- if you the cut Xe.v A'cxic, legislation. He ought Information once stinted, should revolé,, for Outfits wish the u bun, la nv of s: li It lll.tti rial ic M ruction f an all-ra- route the a fact, stops a venienced. When I Rut iloi) the to. Lot Wc hope til,, club Wll be used! "The greatness of any man As matter of it after your that ! th CMin(l- lias b'l.g eoniiuercj I i rs c , a misery was so much In evidence that pictures taken. uuarUr cnu of this unit to stiil Utile mole. Las Vigas optic. cannot be properly Judged during hi few turns. been f' it. Soaii'M I; t nneonif"! t ab!', t all II Important places In South During the middle ages all it seemed as if I couid not endure it. ill own life time, nor even during his to discover by the r.u!ro;t,ls, h ,ii prodnc- - A m own scientists tried The contents of one box of Doan's ni rice, aiM tin idea si ems to hao generation. While Abraham the philosophers stone. This wiip a RIDING LESSONS I Lincoln was unquestionably one of Kidney relieved me Su greatly live farms in tie busine but tune liiune-ia- Miviigih enough b bind mystirious and decidedly useful Mih-sta- Pills Lhni l j for. hiost figures of nil epoch mak-- . nun h u e for tie it - il the of turnip lias,, that I could not do otherwise than rot aband la foil, to main- at least plausible. At any ing period, his real place In history capable metals ;.o pl-o- ot-i- into and gold. It had also the praise them. In vii of tin .o oi thi- rale the l i,,u is no t ha'! as remain, d for futuro generations to silver Horses Broke to Ride t.-;i- A!,K property of conferring eternal votith. 111 Flavor pr;u a, III! e U the bitterness tuorv i'o ll. "w I'd." ill this day of iinmi i Illa n ri:c determine. Now that Xnhndv succeeded in finding it. but n I h. t II of sc. tioiial strife has passed awav. or Drive raiiw ay of i.f lit ry hac eial pos.Mlillitli s as was Hie Id. i if a many useful discoveries were made on A VKI5Y UTTLi; MOM V WILT. !v in- the figure of tho beloved Lincoln In en Impres 'i d lll'po.-lane- i .MiSMi-ir- o: in ordinary, - wav instance, CO A WAY wlih tl raüio.ol from rl points i looms up large in the pages ot the Glauber's salts, lor MlMi WITH I'S AMI i , by a n im.'d Glau-'-"- r. ADM). to the railwan" of ruu: tlo ii tlr- Km ky nioiintai p. th, ! ....!- never in Bu- Aiiu rl an hlstm-v- beside the heroic German alchemist YC (UMi: AMI KXAMINK Indeed, it was in for n a. .v. HORSES CLIPPED ; - personaliM Washington. the search ni stock, r. pkatt to., uhmidoiKd f irms to - of f. rtil- I'a. coast, at I In- tMin that under-d- . ril W.:Ua. of I I he In the picture. "Lincoln the philosopher's stone that the foun- su s. sl:com sr. rnoK 4. It y. Tin re are a r Hi lll.'lllV JOIeh taking wan Col- ' artist. f:i( .iiel i dation of the science of cnemistrv w,s íkkiM' . t'J.iL'e fiavor of 'in '6 1." has undertaken lo depict the p., w l . l I., laid. chemistry show n fsrius in its of New 1'i'k as Il I. attained to li- Souia j martyred president as he appeared on And modern has ... . . j 111 iiu'i is loo prr-- ; that the plea was not quite as absurd i in N v rrK,!'U-l- ai I'CK,, Am. in ni i rot, woubl Hi i t,. the tiir, shohl of the most trying L. B. PUTNEY ni - i ! any- as it sounds, different metals, ' - i i ru n 'caiei-- eould come to man, for th" Drown, ol II e New York ll'.l al per- f mu. Ii si cali r !;,-i- a t y aiUin too that Cash ' of seeing his country engage in we are told are really the on., sub- ESTAUIJSirED 1STS. la vi 1. : ' . ;that .i', iles l!ii ir it ma to'ii otiai 13 point of . ra r. Tliat u why ,1.11 it:. uo.l be como. II..,! stance in different stages. lamdniij Wholesale tirooer. Hour, I ced and miq , i tie oí Kreül ille t b r".e.. belli I poli a.v I be hem,- I, a. lb a r.i-.- ' 'V:.'.5 favor J, through year of bloodshed, to direi t Answers. Snlc Asrnt for Mitchell Wniron. . l - - Im Is m.ikiio; some xeprme nil In at Ol ', iiiaiic't rs and ,lip!o:n.. in :iiu I Moris li uell llie Finn-- ii will. III OlntOI P M'W MKtlOn j oi- I - way 1.1 Y.-i- cm. in lliiii .no- on nis tn Heart Trouble. this line, and the oi t. the and ,i'ilngion. and s b, ,r. h from lii home At Springl id. Ill . to Yes. I lotnemher him." said Alkali Wright's Riding H ! Third ftoi ) ÜS folio pronn d bv former Sena lor p. ni y i i. Washington, to be in lugurated. Mr. Hi" "He died very middin." Street Meat Market -- la Monroi ounty, a liaviMoi o.,t It lb-- Lincoln ma le speí'ch- at a th-- - bah Hio'e Yiic;nia, and has number "Heart disiase?" asked tastern ALL OK U r of Tho shows him as MMS ITtFSII AMI SALT Pennington Vt., as the onli-- I bin king of ihe Chited Stab gov , re int. artis' tourist. , MLAT. VTKAM he stood on the platform, which liHd "Waal, now-- T don't Know as you SAlAt.K School & Livery I Ni w v. pui-i York "ity's heat h iiiji on r.t. A bill i'l be in V.,. oat-s'U- Inn dllced been i re, te,i for tho purpofcc Just e kin shv it was the heart any moro n FACTORY. ion th ai a i I'liT'irv rtzo. in,. N - In the few ,:, h Independence in I'lniiiil.-l-- : "in;n- mAt intend. hall the rlnb, npnde or diiniond. Anyway. X 1S J'-- h'ili-p- ., Fmil Y. Silver Atc. I'hone 'i! t ... 1 111 -- i l""i. r.t i t ex o fio.'k on ihe ! hi.;-- fo-,- Kleinworth. North 3d St. Hi t,ir e i4i - UiPl'.. tl,c t.l l Wty. dr ill it Pli;!.iii-- l jira !a.:, vf l'íU..t: i.', i'l, in'i - lo,; I ... MV.-o.M- t LIJLM.MÍ THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL', SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1910. 7

Iloston Con. C. and C. (rcts ... In the said articles and who have Bos. and Corb, Cop. and Sll. Ms 18 sined the. sume, and their sueees-o- r I tulto Coalition 24 Va and assigns, are hereby declared to FINANCE Calumet and Arizona 72 be from this date until the Ninth day Calumet and llecla 63 of February. Nineteen llundtvd and 10 by Cenlennlnl 23 Sixty: a Corporation the name und Copper HariBw Con. Co 77 4 for the purposes set forth in said ar- ttast Putte cop Mine T ticles. Given under my hand and the Great In These Columns Franklin 20 Of 10 Seal of the Territory of N. v Mexico, LotS Bargains filroux Consolidated COMMERCE Cranhy Consolidated 90 at the City of Santa Fe, the Capital, Creene Cana ilea ÍVá on this Ninth day of February, A. D. 1910. Isle Huyale (copper) , 22 Kerr Lake i 8 "A (seal) NATHAN JAFFA. ljike Copper 82 'i Secretary of New Mexico. 3k 45..Vj&:itO E La Salle Copper '. 15V4 Wall su-iet- . Miami Copper 234 tp.hiutouy "r WW n:xi( ). PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS STORAGE ,vw York. Fob. 11. The stork Mohawk 4V Office the MONEY TO LOAN -- ÍVk of Si'cretir. Nevada Consolidated .' Y LOAN. WANTED , household goods, iiiarktt was affected today by the 97n CEKTIFIOATK F COMPAHISON mom: TO We hav money Jn han! to promptly make desirable ri:y sh'l country holiday Nipisíinar Mines On plsnei, Ononis. Hemei, etc., stored at reasonable m p. ncl ins' and the inclination 33 Furniture. Wu of tillo to u 11 lards in operator up North Dutte H I, Nathan Jaffa, Secretary "of the Warrni and mlier I'lmtuds: Snlmi.. rates. Advances made. Phone 540 real estate loan make abstracts ,il professional to close 19 V't ana Kncelpts. a Warehouse, Improve- llllo county. Notary Public ud convflynn.;lnf . ilny.i in- North Lake Territory of New Mexico, do herein Wureliiius The Security and Fire nsur.tnce. contracts with u two closed 43 l.iBh n .' quickly mn.le 3 no through. old Dominion certify was filed for rec- J1S0.U0. bfinns ment Co. Offices, rooms and 4. & terval to l')l that there and iirl.'tly private. Timo " iieauh to Cen-tr- sl or:sTiu:icii dhown Osceola In ynur Grant Hlock, Third blrtet and 13 Much was made In the speculation (stiver and cop.) 20 ord in this office at Three o'clock P. uno ipviMi. .1001 le rmimlu 2 and I Stern Itl.cb. riiono Parrot ' rensoiwt'le. svenuo nl' ilic intention oí President Ta ft to SS M., ae. sci. ui. Our rni.'" nr .'all Qnlncy on the Ninth dayiof February, A. onil Mte un imrrutv ins. Si .imshqi a speech 1" Now York some H. make time Shannon 15 D.. 1910; Articles of Incorporation of tbkcl- - t nmi ir.Mi nil ('..rt "f 110 vorlO. Male inniorrow on the administra ir'uperlor r.7 The Young Women's Christian Asso- fllK IIOlSI LOAN t'OMI'ANY, JjEUMVANTED pons attitude toward the corporation Huston Min 14 ciation of Albu.pieique, New Mexi- H, ion, 1. nnd 4, .rn.ll lllilg , MEN WANTED To prepare for rail- FOR SALE Real Estate Thi- - Superior and ..... OKFICKB, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. problem. Intimation' was broadly lif'-- i co No, 6300. 1 rillVATH way Commence- Superior and pilts. Cop and also, that have KVKNINO. mall examinations. conveyed that tills spueoli was to he , compared following copy ov: $800. Tamarack the of the S03VÍ Wfot, trnlrul Avnn. ment salary, Preparation (no 1 of a reassuring character to capital C. S. Coal and Oil 39 same, with the original thereof now Franklin Institute, Dept. 4:19, 1.., osi 1 :op ins. nial finance in Its statement of Inten I'. S. Sm Hcf. and Min 4 6 on file, and declare it to be a correct N. Y. FOR SALE Piece of business prop- Pit. c. 11. 0w1.11 4 9V4 All Siicccs-i'oll- v tions. do. pfd transcript therefrom and of the whole FOR RENT Dwellings WANTED A Hide permanent erty, only $3, luí.) cash, owner wants Disease Treated Developments In the money market awake N. T. Armll.i Did' Tel. tr.ft. Ctah Consolidated 'v. thereof. district m;innner to hainlie meriior-iou- s money, bettor see us quick. Hiin.saker Olfl.f were calculated to. stimulate an In Given under my (Jio Winona '2 hand and Great 15 8- -i proprietary remedies direct to & VS securities. The 1 FOR H ENT February oom the Thaxton, 205 W. Gold. . , X.VI'll!sL. vestment demand for Wolverine Seal of the Territory of N,;v Mexico, trade; exclusive territory giv.n; ne- growing ubundunco bunk resource house, 1109 Kent K of at the City of of Santa Fe, the Capital, modern lirlck cessitates a sin. ill investment .our W. J EN S In foreign markets induced expectation on this day ave.. Apply C. May'B Shoe Pture, 314 A sea y sr. hh-ui- : if Trade. Ninth of February, A. D money and good ion or in' a prolonged period of ease, on t llonr.l 1910. Mining M 11. prices fell W. Central nve. services assur. d. P. o. Ilex L' ifi. FOR SALE modern brick and eiullurglcnl Engineer. unit was seen in cabled reports chicaKo, Feb. Oraln 1P19 Went tlie today. touched (seal) NATHAN JAFFA. i N. "4 SI, cottage, cash payments; buy Fruit Avenue, that New York wa again borrowing off (jencrallv Pork F7ut" It F.NT ítil th avt WANTED- Responsible nica lio or postot'l'lce p.ox-- or $22.85 at the outset, pro- Secretary of New Mexico. room cottage, screen- some represent owner, 115 i;;, at ofiice of F. intnc sums in London supposedly to s hinh as AKTTCLRS OF INCORPORATION modern brick have means to and from N. Din St. II. Kent. 112 South Third Street. be designed for employment In the visions also showing an upward trend ed and shaded porches, apple tree, sell a first class specially: $10, $15 will 1 May .11 " of the FOR SALE on p.'omonls or y.rtt Wheat closed with nl in J range window shades water and $25 daily according P.. hustle. jiivku stock market. May (HlTiC. YOCNi WOMF.N'K CHRISTIAN AS connected, (rade for vacant property, una four Corn closed with at Call Savoy Hotel. Saturday afternoon I . Y AN The International trade movement MX'IATIO.N of Albuipieripj paid, $22.50 per mo.itli. Inquire Oito or one five-roo- Hox R. W. HI! Outs closed with May at 4G ::C and Sunday, 10 to 8 p. m. .M.mul.ic-lurer- . liouso. Address shows London still in u position to New Mexico. Dieckmann or Mrs. M. J. Tillen al 273, City. Attorney nt Law. extend credits to New York, the ex KNOW ALL MKN H Y THKSli Grand Central hotel. Office In First National Habit Build-iip-- r, ports of agricultural products from the St. Lewis Wool. PKF.SLXTS that we. the undersigned WANTED Ore miners. inquire al FOR SALE ol! RENT Ranch at A- Albuourrque, N. SI. I'nlted States for January having St. Louis. Feb. 11. Woo! dull M e members ol a benevolent society, d FOR KENT Five-mo- m modern Hat, St. Cintro Hotel. lameda, 100 bearing fruit trees and fallen more than $ 22.000,1.00 in value diuni Rra,des rnmhin and clothing. 24 hereby, in accordance with the rub' partly furnished; hath. lit and cold : best of garden land. No fertilising. Jno. W. Wilson Jno. A. White la low those tor January year. WS9o: light fine, 22 ?B 27c heavy fine, of such society by water; gas range in kitchen. Inquire HELP Female Apply Will. A. Drown, Alameda. WILSON & W.IIITE. lat and virtue of the A. W. 823 St. WTED principally l.y reason or the heavy 12j 21c; tub washed, 23'y:'Cc. Laws of the Territory of New Mex Anson. North Fourth MODERN home for sale at two-thlnl- s Attorney)! at Law ihrinkaKe In value of cotton exports. ico, Incorporate ourseives and form FOR RENT The Rodey resilience for WANTED At once, first class woman actual cost; seven large rooms. ll'inms Cromwell Rulldlnfr. - cook. Apply Hotel, 1st Discussion of supposed trade reees- The Metals. corporation as follows, to-w- rttt lor one year, lease or longer; Southern hardwood floors, ste.iin heat, windmill EDWARD A MANN pres Mrs. 1!. a nd I.ea.l. 50 nlon dropped out of sight in the New Yolk, Feb. 11. The market First 'j nat the name of this cor- unfurnished. Inquire of S. and complete Irrigating system; lot Attorney at T.nw. enco of the upward movement of poration is THH YOl'NG WO.MP.N'S Rodey, 802 Kent Ave. WANTED- Girl for goneral houbé by Sua. 710 E. Central ave. E. L. Room 2, N. T. Artnijo Hblg 2!S for standard copper on the Now York ' Phnna mocks. Humors Were renewed of was dull with spot CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF Al FOR i: ENT Prick cottage, 5 rompí work out ot town. Apply A. A., 'alibai 11. AlbuiHiei'one, M. merger of niotal exehanKe and '" '""""' : progress in the projected $1 I Hl'QUKRQCK, NBW MKNICO. Modern conveniences: care Journal. I II l February closing at 3.00 3.25: and bath. .. I'h s. the meat copper uroduolng interests. April May Second That this corporation is furnace heated. 818 West Tijeras. A WANTED -- Competent woman to care dividend dls- - March. and at il.l.flOsr FRLFuniiTe DÍÍT J. K ix lt A FT" The announced stock 13.20. Th... closed formed lor charitable and benevolent ply S20 West Tijeras. for two small children. Mrs. M. by company has London market VAiVT f.D I1 uriiiititB to repair, vv. a. Dental Surgeon. trlliution the Pullman spot 69, 10s, fu- purposes and, especially A house, All O. Cbailliourne, r.Oti v. Tijeras. In in steady with at and Kliíi RENT furnished Goff & Co, phone fifi. Rooms Harnett Ritilding. Thone been foreshadowed the advance 50, (is 3d. Kx cop- ta) The accumulation of funds for lo- - -- girls A heavy con- tures at ports of modern conveniences. Centrally WANTED Millinery apprentice He.'is 74 4. A1.00I11I memo .nade bv mall the price of the shares. per by steamers front Atlantic ports the relief of sick and destitute per rated. P. o. Hox 185. city. al Mrs. Wehari's. 312 W. Central. $35 Rrass $37."l 14 W. Gold Ave. tho 1 ' traction In the actual loan item of sons, an.i lor other charitable pur P V S H I K D S t I ( i 1 ;o N s liq- for the week were 9.411 tons, making WANTED -- Lady 110111.10110 players Foil SALE Red room furniture; Ji hanks reflected the stock market 14,743 tons this month. Im- poses connected and commensurate New Hlcycle, coaster brake; chesp. uidation of the week. The actual cash ofar with the alms and objects of this As FOR RENT Rooms for a mandolin club. Austin, care A. G. SHORTLE, M, D. unexplained porta were 2,170 tons ineludinfi matte Morning Journal. 909 Forrester Ave. Priictl.o limited to Item ave no clue to the ore week. Local sociation: and for the dealers At FOR SALE Household goods suita- Tubetvulosls, discrepancy of that item last week 1 (b) To cultivate social Intercourse FOR RENT Thu most sani.ary and WANTED--- once girl for night litote lake at Í13.62 V? ñ 3.75; electro 4 113 W. known of money among to work in restaurant, $35.00. of ble for room cottage. Call Hours: 10 to 12. with the movements lytic, 113.251? 13.50, and casting, $13.00 its members; and assist in im rooms at the Rio Grand. Out f:y which sollip $15,000,000 of bank proving and ameliorating the moral B19 West Central . (dt; also, woman lor general house- Marble Ave. Rooms Slate Natl. Hank BldfT. fi 13.37VÍ. . cash apparently disappeared. Clos- easy social condition of its beneficiarlos; to FOU Furnished room, work. Colburu 10 111 Agency, 210 W, Lead with snot u $4.6? Vx1 HL'NT front Ave. - ing stocks: $4,4 0 fi- promote spiritual, intellectual, social roomers, 505 West Silver FORSLE- pfi) 41 1.72V2 New York: 1.50 Kast fit. young modern, no other ytjMk W?J. HYDE, V. Allist Chalmers Louis. 13. 8s, and physical conditions of wo Fruit. Amalgamated Copper 70 Vi London uncliMn'd. WANTED Positions 2 sad- Graduate Vcterlnnrv, 9.1. men: and, lor that purpose, to nsso A FEW real bargains, gentle American Agricultural 43 V4 Its.,! FOR RENT 2 new adjoining rooms, dle 2 Phone Oil. .1(15 West Oold. with spot cloRlnu at cíate with other like coritoraiions WAN'nÍD--Wo- horses and saddles; runabouts American Hod Sugar JO Snelter weak within the Territory of close in, north and south puroh. No rk cail'at .loTSouiTi Hue Riding fi.00 York $3.35 R.43 New Mexico and 51(5 and pair Ladles English American Can pfd 7 6 in.l'.n New and organization sick. Inquire East Central. 3rd St. Hiding Fast St. Louis. London unchanced at with the known as the boots. Call early, Wright's Tí. I,. GT'YNN, Am. Car and Foundry 60 National Young Women's Christian FOR 'RENT Nicely furnished rooms, School, 313 W. Silver. Painter cud CoRnn Oil f23. f.s. Silver. 5lV4c; Mexican do! light La Vein, WANTED Room Decorator. American '0 41c. Association. electric and bath. anjojrd 'i'O SELL AT ON'CE Gentle" horse", Phone 1133. Am. Hide and Leather pfd 35 3i lals. e) To purchase and own such 113 W. Lead. canopy . TXvírÍTpUoTiT Tdarcíi brsl, by broke to ride or drive; also, American lee securities real estate and other property as ma FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, top 508 Linseed . 13 St. Louis W.k.I. healthy married couple, two unfurn- buggy and harness. Inquire American be necessary for the purposes of th steam heat free, bath, by day. week ished rooms with bath, in private fam- West Copper avenue...... 49 11. Lead, f'f American Locomotive I.nis, lVb. $4.52i Association, and ior such purpos.s or month; reasonable. Highland ily; lowlands preferred; also privilege SANTA FE TIMETABLE. Am. Sm. and Hcf . 82 Spelter, 5.55. to receive donations; to receive, man House, 204 E. Central ave. Phone Foil SALE Two Jersey cows. Call of three meals for lady and supper 700 V. do pfd .107 aire, take and hold real nnd personal 392. Ad- Central. .122 ',6 for man; reference if desired. American Sugar Retliilnii i'hU'iit'o l.lvcio.i'k. property by gift, grant, devise or be FoR RENT Furnished rooms and dress Frank, care Journal. R A III UTS FOR SALE Fine young Tel. Tel. . . . .137 0,1! Very American and I'hicrtKO, Feb. Receipts est. board. 7 I 0 S. Hroadway. Relgluli does for breeding. pl'd ... . 2 It. Cattle X., American Tobacco 4.0OO; ?4. 1 0 (a 7.80 ; Third That pecuniary profit is not rheap. P. care Journal. . 84s steady. Hecves. FOR RENT Furnished rooms In pri- American Woolen Texas steers. $4.00 0; western WTe object in this incorporation, and Anaconda Mining Co. . r.oíí is no capital and vate family, gents only.' No sick. steers, $4.20 a (1.00 ; packers and feed that there stock FOR SALE Miscellaneous Atchison .ni'; there are no shares of stock Address F. H., care Journal .. ra, f3.I5 ft.30; cows and belters, Í2.2Í Two nicely furnished do. pfd .io:u fc5.85; calves. Fourth That the term for which FOR RENT $100 Organ $20, 114 XV. Gold Ave. Atlantic Coast Lino .128 $7.009.40, corporation exist is fifty rooms for light housekeeping; also Hotis Heeclpts, 22,000; 10c this shall . Ohio hlshcr. 519 West Gold; $50 Crown Kunges now $3G. 114 W. mu Fa..-.-- . lion. nry Ilaltlmore and .ill LlRht, .4 5fi'K.S0; mixed, S8.45(ii years. furnished bedroom, CLASSIFIED 4DS t, itiu. do. i.fd . in place at phono y43. Gold. I.M IIIIIMI Arrive Iiipnr 8. SO: ÍS.ROíi. S.95: roufc'h. Fifth That the principal 1. r'nllt.u t:xprea . Steel . 28 heavv. $8.50 corpora 114 tila 1:4. r.othlohcm f(U which the business of the FOR RENT Furnished rooms for $10 $0.50 W. Gold Ave. 3, i'nlM'nrnLa . 1 fl: L'.in 1:00 Rapid .. , 71s 8.03; itoo.l to choice heavy, 18.65 I.lmlleil t.ioogjyn Transit tion shall be transacted shall he in light housekeeping. 724 S. Second. FOR SALE -- Cheap buggy practically Nr.. Mfx. .'nl. tfxiirc... tn:.',5p 11:4()p .liiO'L--: S.95; pins, $7.S0a 8.U0; bulk of sales. No. y, m:.u. .'anadian Pacific ...... the City of AlbuMuenjue, Territory cl FOR furnished rooms. new. 420 S. Arno. caiu.irr.1.1 ll:úup l:45a . '.' . S9ti $S.75ii $8.85. RENT Three KMIiOlNI. Central Leather New Mexico. 4 12 sigo Z, 4:0tSp pfd - H.l 7 Sheep, six thousand, steady; native, ' modern, South lirudway. Call Foil SALE Full 'Upright piano TeurUt J'" do...... - ' Mi. ; Sixth That the number of 'Direc H. 4, Chh'HfO l.ttnlted Stfiop . . . . 292 western, J4.00 ' 85 417 Arno. Dr. Wilson. In perfect condition. For sale cheap. t.ion of Xew Jersey $4.50$6.76; Twenty-on- e Strictly K. Kll.Xiertl V'.XI'WKft . . , . 41,1 T a r. Central ; tors shall be and th. r . 2 vearlintís, $ 7.25 It Í8.40 native, 4 .. Chesapeake and Ohio .... lambs, names and residences of those who FOR It ENT Furnished rooms for Address X.. care of Journal. p., uverli.iul r:Kpr.'-.- 8:0U l:.Cit Chicago Alton . Mi, $i).75íí Í7.00; western. .75 ti $9.00. light housekeeping. 724 S. 2nd St. 1.1 I'i.h. I'r.iin. and are appointed and elected for the first o . . ZOyg Ka.iMK ('ityl.ivc Slock. RIO HA N CES ro'l, Mixii Kxlimfls 11:50 Chicago Great Western ííü year and until the election and qual- Foil NT Large furnished room JSU SJN ESSJD Ni. SI"., Kl IM."il i'I.N 1:30 . 1 Kansa City,. Feb. 11. Cattle, 1,000; Chicago and Northwestern ification of their successors are: close in. No sick. Apply 223 North Nn. K:.n. .'Itv A 1:05 Including 1100 steady; na- CASH l.-- I, (hi.... Chicago, Jill, and St. Paul .144 southerns; Margaret G. Cartwright, Lillian 4th St. i.0 PER WORD inserís classit Nu. Mil. Km 11. t'lly CHI.... '., C, C. and St. Louis . . . . 78 tive ateers, $0,25 f S7.25; southern Cartwright. Artlmlsia Hryson, Kittle ads in 30 lending papers In tho 11. H. )t..Mwrtl nn.I Amurillo. 8 6 A FOR JÍENT Nice sunny rooms over Nn. Sil, )' Vnllny Colorado Fuel and Iron . . . steels, $4.50C'i $6,25; southern cows, A, Marsh, Mary Senile for list. Tho Dake Advertising líx.... I:I0S i Katherine P. Heald, postofTiee. Nd. 812. Hx 11:40p . 57 SiLOO-f- cows heif- the Lo Colorado and Southern .. $4.75; native and Sterling, Charlotte E. Hrooks, Anna Agency, 427 SoutU Main street. WII.L.1AU BAbFürtIlt. do. 1st pfd . 81 ers,, Í 2.80 (fi $0.00; stackers and feed- W. Strunvpiist, Anna T. Kapplo, Mary Angeles. Cal. Ant . 7 Mi 1.00 $5.25 ; do. 2nd pfd ers, $3.75ii $5.75; bulls, fi K. Paetznick, Margaret K. Wnrliek, FOR RENT Miscellaneous I WILL sell my contract for stock in Consolidated Gas .142 calves. $1.00(ii $9 (i.); western steers. Maria C. Ross, Florence C. Shaw, WANTED Miscellaneous New Mexico Life Insurance Com- THE WM. FARR COMPANY Corn Products . 1 S Va $4.75 ii $0.50: western cows, 3.00Í1 Maddox, Flora C. Richards, pany deliver slock .173 Sarah GUNS TO RENT W. A. Goff & Co. at a discount. Will Delaware and Hudson $5.25. Gertrude I Keeping, Sarah Lawrence WANTED Plumbing to repair. W. If company is organized. Address M Wholesale and retail denier ta HIo . . . 3 0.-:- . Hogs, 0.(100; hulk phone 568. anil Menta, Su Denver and Grande ten cents lifcher; liarnev, Minnie A. Field, Jane jMordy, " A. Golf & Co.. phone 508. M. Rriink, Roswell, N. M. Fresh Salt usa nil a . 79 1 ' do. pfd of sales, $8.45W $3.75; heavy, Í8.70W Delia W. P.enadum. AL VI R 1 E N 1 5 at re garden',' fruit spcclully. For cattle and hogs th . SO' íí Carrie lirott. WANTED Horses to clip. Wright's SALE Rest rooming house, in Distillers' Securities $8.85; packers and butchers, $8.55 All of said Directors being residents trees; furnished adobe house; poul Foil bigcet marliet iiricen sr paid. s . 28 plKs, $7.50 Hiding School, 315 W. Silver. the city ; centrally located: 31 rooms Eric $8.88: liitht, Í8.35ÍÍ $8.05; of the City of Albuqucnpio, New Mex- try houses and tools; will sell horse n. m . a: furnished complete: bargain. Call do. 1st pfd I.1 9.00. ico. wagon and harness. Inquire Pass- - WANTED Clean cotton rags at The . 34 Vi or address Sil S. First street, do. 2nd pfil Sheep. 3,000; stronc; muttons. $5.00 said more & Son. 414 S. 2nd. Journal office. H. Sí Seventh That an eloction of. I A l B. ERIGGS CO. General Electric .ir.iv S lambs, $?.f.u & $8.7 ; west-e- OH SM I: AT DAHG .1MB $.50; led Dire, tors was held in the City of WANTED house of not mil- - Croat Northern pfd wethers and yearlinas. S5.25 (íí S.13 Territory of New Mexico, 'legal'notices' Furnished First class pool hall In best . 09 Vi less 8 rooms; good location. Druggists ilreat Northern Ore CU fed westei'n ewes, $5.00 $0.25. or. 1909, than road town in New Mexico. Three new .141 it the ninth day of August, and Address C, care Journal. 00.1 Illinois Central th - majority of members of this As- LK4ÍAL NOTIcíf tables everything lirst class mid proprietors of Intorborough Met . 20 WANTED Sewing bv Ihe day. Ad- trade. A snap for the right man. Ad- Alviirado 51) Weekly Hank Sislcnient. sociation were present nnd voted nt Last will of rum I'liaiiiiacy. Cor. Oold and pfd . and testament Ren dress 424 W. Atlantic Ave. dress H. F. Peiiil.on, Helen, N. M. do. . S4Va New Yol k, Feb. 11. The statement suc'i election. The persons above O. Wright, deceased To Jessie Smith First; Highland Pharmacy, Or. Inter Harvester were duly elected WANTED Ticket to Chicago, Ad- Ca-- I e.ilral nnd . 19Ü of eleiirinti house banks for the week named Directors Wright, ex'ecutrlx and sole devisee ItroluluHT. Inter Marine pfd ípiall-fiCetio- n .. VL- Is for first year dress E. Journal office. Paper . 1 2 (five days. as follows: the and until the and 10 all whom it mav concern: I5ÍSÜL International S 1,223, 30 7,000, $!),. of their successors. Margaret You al- buy high second . 48 Loans. decrease, are hereby notified that the WANTED To frame 8 im-- j. International Pump Caitwr'ght was elected President and leged Last hand bicycle: lirst class condition. TO LOAN $2,000 at per cent m W. L. TRIMBLE & CO. Iowa Central 321.000. Will and Testament of roved real estate security, no com- ! Deposits, $2.2,15,110,600,, Carrio M. ltrott was elected General Pert rum . of Call i U11 Kansas City Southern 30 s Wright, late the county North First. mission. Address P. O. box 20R. . Secretar1 of the said Association. of Rernalillo, ol New Mexico ma- cnn.vrcn and copper i 68 $10.303.900. Torritorv WANTED Second hand sewing ist st. av. do. pfd decrease, IN WITNKSS WHRIIKDP, we nave deceased, l ivery. Feci nu.l Sale Louisville Nashville . . .148 Cil culution, $50.510,000, has been produced and read chine, state malic and price. Ad- Stables. Mrs and hereto set our hand and seal on this In County ( Turnout., t Minneapolis and St. Louis . 4 2 Vi $200,800. Ihe Probate Conn of the dress P. 1. Hox 124. ,21p!?9!JiL lau Rc.isonahle It a les. M. .138 Tenders, $08,060,500, decreasG. lirst day of February, 1910, in the of Rernalillo, Torritorv of New Mex Tclcplione 3. North .Second Minn... St. P. and Sault St I.esal Ber- WANTED To let you know now Is Realty Co., before Rlreel . 9 Va City of Albuquerque, County of ico, SEE Southwestern . . . $1,890,900. al an adjourned Resillar Term get your rigs Missouri Purine r $4,-$- ,- nalillo, Mexico, the time to painted you buy estate. Texas 4 1 Specie. $204,7iiii,?0O, decrease, Territory of New thereof, held on the 7th day of Feb real .Missouri. Kansas and ... (Signed ) and have a new rig. passmore Ai Son. . 72 (, 728,900. ruary, l'GO, and the day ot the prov do. pfd MARGARET G. CARTWRIGHT, LEGAL NOTICES National ISIseult .110 Reserve, $3:13,027.200, decrease ing ol said alleged Will and Tes LOST . SO SARAH MADDON. was by of the Judge of National Lead 025.800. lament order Notice. ptfl 1 $208, H5 1,1 50, d. - KITTI F A. MARSH. said Court thereupon fixed for Al Nat. Hvs. of Mexico" 1st ... Hetercc reonircd. Y Li 1ST P.lur silk bag, containing pair County Commission- .119 $4.075,975. ARTF.M1SIA lili SON, day, the 4th day of April, A. D. 1910. The Hoard of New York Central crease op. ra glasses. Card enclosed bearing V of Sandoval hereby Western i.1,o50, as( $2.- - FLORENCE C. SHAW, Term of said Court, at 10 o'clock In ers of the Count New York, Ontario and 47; Surplus. $24.l derri SARAH LAWRENCE HARNEY, name of Miss Joyce Chase. Dr. I!. advertise for SEALED RIDS for the Norfolk Western 101 549.825. the forenoon of said ilav. Uooin 12, N. T. Afinijo and V CHARLOTTE E. IIROOKS, Fred Pettit. work required to be done and for the .North American 78 Plates deposits, $21,599.-12- 5 Given under mv hand and Ihe Seal nidg. upon public íaos. DELLA J. RENADt'.VI, of this Court, this 7th day of Feb repairs to be made the Northern Paclho decrease. $2.542,300. T Pil- in . oiiniy crossing the Rio 2ÍCH MARY C. STERLING. ruary, A. D. 1 91 0. LOS Knight Templar "charm. bridge said Pacific Mall The p. reentaiie of actual reserves of 3. al or near Pena Hlanca, 132H was ANNA T. KAPPLK. A. E. WALKER, grim Conimandery No. Return to Grande river Pennsylvania the cl"arlnir house bunks today L. office for ami which said SEALED RIDS for People's fías 109'.'. 27.40. GERTRCDE KEEPING, (seal) probate Clerk lonrual reward. bridge Vi MARIA C. ROSS, .said work and repairs to said Pittsburg. C. C. and St. Louis. 97 The statement of banks and trust 19. 20. & LOST Wednesday or earlier, small County Seat of MARGARET E. WARL1CK, on n will be opened at the Steel Car 40VÍ companies of New York npf 1 s gold medal with name back. Mex- Pressed Greater kxi: 0Tic1:. .1 said at I'.crnallllo. New 198 FLORA C. RICHARDS. riiix II. H. , office and Couiilv Pullman Palace Car reporting to (he clearing house shows: In Hie Probate Court. lo Journal ico, on the 1st day of March, 1110. 4 0 ii LILLIAN CA RTW RIGHT, get reward. Hallway Steel Spring Loans, $1,155, 938,400, ú crease MINNIE A. FIELD, Territory of New Mexico, County of at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said Itcadlnii 12 353.200. Rernalillo, ss; to publicly opened 37 KATHERINE P. HEALD, day, said RIDS be rtormhlie Steel Specie, $127, 27, 700. Increase In of Tomas C. Gutierrez, MILUNEOUS and said County Commissioners of do. pfd 9 9 U. MARY E. PAETZNICK, said ANNA W. STRCMgl'IST, deceased. tiXNÍNÍT SAN A'nTIÍÍrM for'Tliber-culosi- s. said county will then so award P.oek liand Co 47 tí Legal Tenders, $20,959,800, increase Notice is hereby given that the un- public work by contract to tho low-tu- t 8 4 JANE MORDY. Panning.-Souther- n Califor- fin. pfd t'. f. 585.a00. dersigned was on the Ml", day of Feb- responsible bidder. 4:.'-- CARRIE M. P.ROTT. Dry. V't. Louis and San Fran. 2nd pfd Total deposits, $ 1,229, 35,300, de- ruary, 1910, by Court of nia. Elevation 2315 feet. Dated Hernalillo, New' Mexico, the 2 8 Territory of New Mexico, the Probate St. Louis Southwestern er, ase, $1 4,080,300. Rernalillo county. New Mexico, duly mountain air. Hygienic bungalows. Stb day of February, I Hi" . 73 County of Rernalillo, ss. dlrrc-tor- s. do. rdf me, appointed executrix of the eslate of Experienced matron. Medical Hy order Hoard of County Commis- sioss Steel nnd Iron . "0 Personally appeared before the Sheffield New York Cot'on. undersigned authority Margaret G. Tomas C. Gutierrez, deceased. All only $50 a month. Complot sioners Sandoval county. íl Southern Pacific .124'. persons having claims against the es- ALFREI M ONTO YA, FOR SALE . 28 Niw Yolk, Feb. 11. Cotton closed Cartwright, Kittie A. Marsh, charlotte circular. Southern Hallway tate of said decedent hereby re- Probate Clerk and clerk of the cot- . net two points higher to live E. Hrooks, Mary E. Paetznick. Flor- aie ÍVIRs! $2.1101 4 modern brick Tenn. Copper . 32; quired to present Hie within the ARCHER Masseur Weltmer Hoard ol Count v Commission- loom . 'Ü ence C. Shaw. Gertrude. L. Keeping, easy do. pfd 64 points low time prescribed hv law. Method. 422 Kelelier Ave. ers of Sandoval Co. inly. tage, N. 2nd Si., terms. . Mordy, Lillian Cartwright, Kath- Texas and Pacific ü9',; Jane LEONOR ZAMORA GCTIER- - We make a specialty of preparing vi ki. finuo adobe, good tone . . erine P. H. ald. Anna W. Strum. piist, inn Toledo, St. I.ouls and West 43'. Hovlo.i Wool Msrl-e- l!EZ, Executrix. copy of any kind for Die printer's Hill Will b !' o- -l IIP !" 1" "VI"' foundation, shingle roof, corner . 6 Margaret E. Warllek. Surah Maddox, I 111 Ha. do. pfd 4'. Doston, Feb. 11, The Commercial 11 2.19,20 hands: typewriting, reading, revising m. en I 11. tin-- KeOiiiiv I'd'.. lot, North 4lh St. Harnev, Delia V. H.-.- "f y I'nlon Pacific .1S2'n say Sarah Lawrence .111.1 editing of nuiniiscripl: compiling ..nice el- Hi.. "i bsiul cam o Huiletiji wil of thu wool market Hryson, Mary IM...1I1II..i" miy I ihe $l.-n- brick, shade and do. pfd Renadum, Artlmlsia prool-ea.lin- el Applications (.raing I"nulls. f booklets, pamphlets etc., and f- - Saturday: T. C. for H..11 f ci.niy. -r the ..inn rut' trees, largo barn, S. Hroad- Vnlted States Realty Sterling. Anna Kapplo. Maria ap- adver- - C..UII fruit trading Is sUH st j. comprtrative Notice is hereby given that all primers, publishers, l 0.O11 tll brink of . 41H The Ross, Flora O. Richards, and Min- t..n of n mi way. Cnlted States Ttubber I cat- all persons in lirst -, .v.- - 8- - sliiiidstill. he carded woolen mills plications to graze tis. isand interested 11.,. 1:1,1 ni. tl.n . 7 A. M. P.rott, each for permita .mi.. r ISHKMi elec- nie Field and Carrie II li I w h frame, liatli, I'nite, States Steel eonliniiinir to take the bulk of the w work in 1b.1t lino will tul t S11I1I ..ik o. it. ni" I" not one for the other,' tle, horses, sheep and goats ithin the nr- - In; do. pfd .119!. purchases. The ship-- for herself and tin Ir n.lvaiiiage In consult us Let us iiii ... i oe.l i.y ho tric lights; Highlands, close I . 4S Verv limited ' acknowledge to me she has read JK.MKZ NATIONAL F .REST during i., hick hy lilnl. mi- - 'tab Copper s ebrn-ar- v that P. Hox No. r,:i, U Hi" easy r, nn-nt- from Roslon to l show oi. (. terms. . 1 of wool Incorpora- .. 11 cmiik-o-- n. hl ireinla Carolina Chemical the foregoing Articles of the season 1910 must be liled In my N. M. ,. r ln ho ri. und 5 10 inclusive were 20,871,288 con- 'S Ci lices, ... $2:',oo loom modern frame, Wh bash .' 21 tion and is acquainted with the Mexico, on enlire k;. wf c i 28.7 1.702 pounds office ut Santa Fe. New fir .1 p. S. St., easy do. pfd pounds against for tents thereof, and that she subscribed 'I'll.' ñil. l.fil.ler will h req.llrr corner lot, Walter 4fi; year. before March 10, Full Informa- POULTRY AND PET STOCK - "I Western Maryland 4fi'f. the name time last the same as her free act and deed, 19u EH,- a H:.!lJf;..1.iry tlni February 10 inclus- In crazing fees, to i i.telitl-.ti.- th' The receipts to to tion regard to the r..ninili...Tii, . $10011 bungalow, WestliiKho.iKe and that she does not wish retract Singio Comb While Leg- hi- - modern. Electric were S3. 933. 890 pounds airalnst f to be Ft'R SaIE fiolirul p. I ai in. n of ...nli.u-.- 71 ive same. be charged and blank irms eggs 15. .ej.-.- l ny South st. I'nlon same period the horns; line layers; $1.50 for The t.. I ris. rn " llio ru;ht In Walter r. y. 29,4 15,123 pounds for the be . Wheeling nnd Lake Krie . . . t Signed) used In making applications will $2.'o. for 30; strong kerels, $2. 00 .r I.; filir.o brick, mod- (asi e:! r . Wisennfln Central . GEORGE S. KLOCK. furnished upon request. each. .1. G. Gentry. Albuquerque, N. l:v 4.1. r ( f tím b our.i rf cmmt- ern, good cellar, highlands. 20Sfe County Vittshursr Coal Notary Publie hi and for the FRANK E. ANDREWS. Supervisor. M . P o. Hox 45. Telephone 1551. $2fl..!i In If It. modern. Urge m. r, 8 of Rernalillo, Territory of New A. K. W.M.KKI!, Ork. Steel Foundry LEGAL NOTICES SALE-famo- us S. C. Leghorns, corner lot. K. Coal ".. 118 . Mexico. Kol! While IÍIIW V N ! I 1. cellar, I'nlt. d Dry Coods Application for Gru.u.g Permits. $ 1 5. 1 W koff strain. l.:,i per 1i ofYicc of Mií $2T.".o 7 room, story, brlcK, La. led- - Cas 101 (Notarial Seal). NOTICE hereby ni.-- all I'.iiH wIM 'i OK MAV .MEXICO. is "lat $2.5.1 per ,'!... !.o cent fertility l.oi,i. . y r m m 1 ' t K t b Total day T44.fl0 TKRitlTOItY Mv commission expires July 3rd. graze cat- cl.rk r.f lt- modern, en sales for shun. - applications permits to 11. a Addr.-ss- f h .lsm nf Office of IIh- 1912 for e id. Van der Sluis. of II, ,:i Miit.' court w.iid, ni car hue. l:,,nd firm. Total wiles par and lions f.:i4. up 1" (n hp f. ir V;.l "ere I tle, horses, sheep, noils, la.x 21;. plume f.iirilV, t" $2.5M.0. I NOOK P H ATI ON Cr. P.T F1CATK ENDORSED: f . T. hr' I.i. f .r Several good pb cea of tuslnea l within the MANA No NATIONAL SALE Eggs for setting: line B 3 - No. 3"i FOR A t utiiM-r- til :n In aU nite,i Stnt. coupon and 4's I. Jaffa, S- cr. lary of the I ho 'h nu'tirt properly. Lo and houses Nathan during season or 1910. iavclx. Haired Rocks: HUT Rocks: . h - and 3's Cor. Itee'd Vol. Page 38 FOREST the with ii.ii.a on,! spc ii.c.iil.Iiii city. and ive advanced the hereby ', Hlvi-- r and parts r.f the- Ranchea I 4 Territory of New Mexico, do of The roust fib-- in mv of:i '' at Albu- While Rocks: Wyaodoites it t y .'isaered Wblle til- - coupon de- - Arlales Incorporaiion of be 1. 1.11 s. Money In IxvaiU 'i, S. C While Leghorns; K. mid I S:ii. t.. I un.Tr th fi)!"n Kiiburban hn,..i 14 p,.r certify that there was filed for record Young Women's Christian Association querque, New Mexico, on or before ok .,.nt in the bid price oh prize Ergs: ami the of lh 'cun- - :1! till), we, k. In this office at Three o'clo. k P. M. of Albuquerque, New Mexico, Fib d February 20. 1910. l ull information lair winners. entirf on day February. A. I In Office of Secretary of New Mexico, $1 r.d and $1 25 per 13. H. I. Rlalr, A. FLEISCHER the Ninlh of in gr.17.1ng tees to be 1 he fu--- v.ful wi't 3 p. regard to the 2 I :l Granite A v. . M.Urr BOSTON CLOSING 1910: Articles of Incorporation of Feb 9. 1910; III. 1"! used 4 i.oh-- f .p the f .i'hfiil of Ileal I' Fire lusuranc SIÍIN Asso-clitio- n charged and blank form Laiigshau and t'if "'o.iet 4 The Toung Women's NATHAN JAFFA. FOR SALE hm p.iim.K'i. T!. thi TifUi 'Uniils 1'! In making application. will be fur- 11 re"'!I y Surety AmalMmated Copper of A IhiKiueruue, New Mexico, Secretary, loldell Yellow Hi. Cochin rati t m v or h'I of 7t. nished upon request $1 CO per 13. 4U2 h n Ml nf rummif"""'-'- ! j Second St. l'bon tl "i Zinc Sm 31 . Number í3fl. Compar.-- C F. K. to J o. for seitin! al Nmlh cunl' tt's. lad and . A- I. Wt.Ki:u. C'crk. Arizona C.,n,m rein) 41 '4 Wherefore: The ..ri orators named W. II. MATTOO.Y, 2nd St. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING j'H FMIJ, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1910.

pOOOOCOOOOOCOOCJOOOOOOCXDOOCXXOCOCCOOOOa FRENCH & LOWBER GtO W.HICKOX COMPANY IXXEILAE DirUXTOItS New Mexico Pioneer .leuden Lltx'iiKi 1 Emhulmcra Our Specialties: "Ihiimonds," "Aqterlcun Watches." r.opnlrlng Pine LADY ASSISTANT Watches, Correcting Eye 1 roubles, nnd Monogram Engraving-- . YV. Conlrnl. Telephone 680 THE AKCH ITtONT 113 SO, MX OX I) ST. ftul Saturday Special coooocooooooooooooo In th that yiti ihould not your morriln p:ipr An Art Exhibition th postal Ti:i.i;i;nfii ' en. kIvIhk jeur muni and uilurt-- whlcli you are ooidially tmlteO CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. mi J in iiiwr will h dfllvfrd by a Hliuclal Alt Ttie t t ti n ADMISSION Mtum, Hangc. lluuw Furnish Inn mmI, Culler) anil Iron Mu. 3 FREE Tool. s eo ni h Alii) rr. oo 100 Pairs of Pip. Valve and Fittings, riuiiililiiK. lcittliijt, TI:, nnd Copper Work TIi abfvi reward Mil ln paid fot the arrest uml .lonvlt linn of any. MONDAY AND Tl'ESDAY, EEH. II I1M WEST CENTRAL AVENUE PHOXE Zi one cituKht oopti-- of tl. alornloic Journal from tli (lotr-wa- AND 3 TO . of mihm rihem. . EVENINOS 8 JUUIt.N'AI, pmblHIMNO CO. TO 10.' t Douglas This pxliibltlon liows what oUtor Hanan and AS FINE AS YOU EVER x TRONG BROTHERS finiiiiMu-- )i.'ivi dono ami whnt you Í LOCAL NEWS OF INTEREST! can ilo. Instructive nnd entertnlnlnK HAD ON YOUR urits I Ions by l rprcsentMlives Mrs. It. It. I'i , l.mly demonstra of TABLE I nihnlnier. the EuHtninn Kodak Company, I oi cciml . Shoes Stronor I'.l'x K. r. copper and AV'n I I Mi Second. Phono No. 7.1. riiit n. Keli. r Knights of Hall AriKoriit unci Wi'Mlorn : Columbus Bartlelt Pears .yiitiirlny Mini jnolialMv H m In y. Kverybndy Invited to attend. Drink Glorieta lierr. T'honn 4S2. Broken Lines Worth $3.50, Wallace Hcssclden M l liml for Perfect Fruit in heavy cane CONT1S ACTOIt. nielli l.EN EHAi. i'lioenlv and "ther Arizona pointH to STRONG'S BOOK STORE, Figures and workmanship count lie K""e about twelve days. $4.00, $5.50 and $6.00, for sugar syrup We guarantee more for your money Door to I'oMoflicc. Plume 1101. V. ('. Kelin, Hie Souiliw'eHtern Xct thnn any contractu , firm In of other I I iin. a THE HUNT QUALITY , ivh Mhuquerqna. to Suem-ro- morning. Mill, Office nt llm Superior Planing , Cheap our regular price M. W. Hurdi'i-s- of t'lili-MKO- ari'lved at PHONE &77. In the clly yeHlerday anil will lie here of 30c a can for Heveral d;iv (lie kuohI of his .90 brother, A. Iloitlerw. $1 ALBUQUERQUE Today only FOUNDRY and l.vron Jlarviv of tin- Ilarvev svh- - 25c tem and inananer of lis dlnliiK earl il- MACHINE WORKS rvlee wan In Albuquerque yeHlerday l.-. repiiks pkomitey made. on his w ay to a hi urn la. Don't overlook this splendid opportunity Last Day for Iron nml Urn Castings Ml Sadie Toolter, of l,a Ve)?aK, AMltyiEltQlE, NEW MEX. lit unai'il of tin- New Mexico Nor- Ward's Delight Coffee mal univeiKily basket ball learn. Ih the to lay in a supply of shoes Hie Hi of her aiinl, Mrs. I). ). McDon- - N E HERE at 25c ald, South Third street. HEY Mr. anil Mis. W. ('. lloberlsiin, left THE KLEAN KITCHEN nionims tor Kansas Clly. North Second SU they will reside hereafter. Mr. llfl Koberlson reeeiitly reKlii'neit as man- - The best service nt the, least coat afier of the Crystal and rartlnie to bfl had In Albuquerque. SITE OF NEW TERMINALS SIMON STERN Store Promptness, Cleanliness and I til. Xalban .laffa, Meeretary of the Ward's - Quality. lerillory soen; several hours In Albu- IUi riUe last TilKht eominu from Sania The "Central Avenue Clothier ocoooocoooocoooooooocoootx and leavliiK early tills inoinlnn for Homer H. Ward, Mgr. lloswell where he oes on iiersonal HI THOSE WHO WEAH TVK-MOW- business. OF NEW MEXICO CENTRAL lit Marble- Av. Phone an COM.AU5S tll'H NEW BOTH The ladles of the (!. A. I!. are re- - CFNTIIIY vOI.I.AIt KlIM'Ell Of-- I lliesled to meet at Ibe ('entral si hool 5 a. Sunday, Keb. ! ÜS lili'. PEHEECTIO.N OK COI. liiiibllnH nt 10:1 m. I, HOESNT CHACh 13. lor the purpose of nttemlitip; the ll to.MI'OUT Lincoln erviee ai ihi- - M. i:. I'lmri'li. HORSES CLIPPED I HEM. EITIIEIt, AND LETS Till Hy order of the president. Froperty East of the Santa Fe Tracks Which Has Been Un- must be ll1 EASY. IMPKHIAI. TREES sold HE si Ml Gilbert I'ox, who served as a conch TREES (ICS I'llliM I4M - Will WRIGHT'S RIDING SCHOOL ill I'm- the Central J Huh rehool football der Option for Some Time Past Be Transferred at team last fall, leaves this niornlnt; lor Thousands of local grnnn shade trees. yon arc, planting litis season 315 W. Silver. St. I.ouis, where he will spend the Once, Giving Final Confirmation to Statement That Buyers If get liusy Iwst gone. ::rc SOc Kiinuner. Mr. expecls lo return Are Ready to Over Once. licforci the are lo each. Alio fruit to Albuquerque In September. Take the Railroad at Trees: Ornamental, Shrubs and Climbers. The territorial board of osleopalhy, Standard Plumbing & Heating tlirmtRlt IIH we re titry Or. Charles A. FEE'S VV'heelon, of Sania Ke, have cxleuded g J.W00DWARD, Old Albuquerque, N. M. COMPANY, a temporary license to ,1. o. Sehwenl-iier- . CANDY IS FRESH lornu rlv loealed in I.os Aúneles. IDENTITY OF PARTIES .mummm vwwmwmmimmuMif.miivmBwaim it 113 W. Central At. New Mexico, 10 praeilcit osteopathy Prompt nud Ciin ful attention to all Every until the nevt rcKular meeiiim of the beard In April, whi n he will he nivel- Order. Day an opportunity to aplicar for another BEHIND CENTRAL DEAL TELEPHONE 81. exa Initiation. & n1 '. BERGER i The funeral of the lulo Oeori.o Tí. BRACHVOGEL Williams, who die. Thursday nlirbt. 114 Went Popper Ave. Albuquerque, N. M. Tolephonn 10. HIE l.l will occur from the lUiptist church, CAREFULLY CONCEALED Sunday aflernon at. l:!h) o'clock, llev. Dealers in Hay, Grain, Flour, Meal. WALTON CORNER J. A. Shaw, officiating. The follow - Seeds, Bran, Alfalfa - s W (il'llK- e be-iii- llllf Kelllleniell, all of llllln tire Options winch have been outstand- The fact that tlu-s- option arc ff Seed Meal Kisls and wi.'ie associated Willi Mr. Cotton W I ing for Home time past upon property taken up is the stronMesf confir- HIT Wllllamn In a business and social vey yet received of well con- all kinds Of Condition Pondera Slock anil Poultry Foods along the east side of the Santa Ke mation the and A firmed statement thnt the sale of the W III! - i Try a Morning Journal Want Ad trackH, hptween the Southwestern New- Mexico Central properties has Also agency for all of William Cooper and Nephew's Sheep lU'ewery aHiV Tijeras avenue, and practically been closed nml is walling Dips; Kemp's Marking Paint; DutRcon (Sheffield) Sheep Shears; whli h were taken out with a view to only i.-- r the clenrlnfr of certain IckoI Cooper's Dipping Hooks, and many other things used and needed by Nothing Starts Your Blood to Circulating these cool mornin&s usiiiK the land as a site for terminals dilVU'iilties to come to a. definite torm-i".afio"- .. Sheepmen. lor the .'w Mexico Central railroad, Full supply always on liana. Quick deliveries made same day ) tukjL.ii today prop like good American Block Coal fire. We have will up or tomorrow The purchase of the terminal order is received. a by represenatlveH of the Interests who erty is beiiiB made by representatives are to take over the New Mexico of the Intercuts buying iho rnllroad. - I Centra!. T ,- Hevond tills brief statement nothing The American Block Coal The trnnwetion is hcitiK made definite can lie learned. Thene was a throush one of the Albuquerque banks rumor current on the streets yester- AZTEC FUE L CO. TELEPHON E2b which was advised yesterday by tele- day afternoon to the effect that the I graph that the money Is availaole for Frisco system is the buyer. It can he CARPENTERS VVILLiOR. GHAPñflAN WILL OOCKXXXXJCXXXXXXKXOOOOOOOOO tile purchase of the properly and that definitely stated upon whnt seems to it Is desired to close Ibe matter up al be very excellent authority, that this once. rumor is not true. The purchasinii in- The Dairy & Supply Co. When the New Mexico Cendal de- terests, it Is said, are equally as sironii Matthew termined to build its line into Albu- ;is those behind the Frisco system, but MAKE DEMAND FOR REMAIN AT HIS For CLEAN, SWEET, MILK and CREAM querque options were secured upon hevond this nothinff has been nseor-(-- pmpertv i Imicr Tijeras avenue, east )..,!, ntOIH'i El IMll'lt THE MOST of the Santa Fe riitht of way, for use It is stated thnt there are certain S VN1T.VK V CON III I IONS as a terminal site. As the railroad IcL-a- l matters to be straightened out WAGE fN E Pliono,42) 1700 N. St. matter proKrenHcd i rom obstacle to before the transfer of the railroad CREAS PRESENT POST obstacle these options were extended property can be made; that theee dif- uooc cxxxxxxxooooooonooocox from time to time, up to the passage ficulties are in a. fair way to be ad- of the railroad into the hands of the justed immediately and that ns soon Dry Goods receiver. The options would have n they are adjusted the deal will be and! " i jipired within a short lime. The prop- closed. Construction of the Central's Contend That Bricklayers Rabbi of Temple Albert Unani- - erty beloiiKH to the Jesuit fathers of line Into Albuquerque will follow at iilii AlbuqueVqiU', John A. l.-- i t al., once and it Is Intimated that this will Other Workmen Make More mously- - Re-elec- to Serve EVERITT and oilier parties and the total amount be followed bv other cniistruclion v- - Company's involved is. somethiiiK inore Iban $L'0 en more important to the railroad and in Eight Hours Than They Do. Another Term at Meeting una. ; I to Albuquerque as it trade center. Leading Jeweler Last Night. PAEACE - ..-...- - CENTHAL AVENCE THE M.IMONP A an t 111 .. mu unll hearers- It Unone W ' new wage scale, constituting Y. H. N. 1'acki rt, S. Vunn, J. increase in wages, will probably be Walton. A special J. Hamilton, F. W. Sehinalmaack. FOR THE NEXT 37 DAYS prcHcnlcd in the near future by the meeting of the member- ship of Temple .Albert was called for Adjutant Oenernl I!. A. Ford and KING LENT local Carpenters and Joiners t'nion of Mis. Ford were in Albuquerque yes- PI America, to the various contractors lust cvonintr. lor the consideration of terday. The adjutant Keneral en me 1 will run a special Fish V.lll throughout the city. The carpenters important mutters. here to look after the delivery of tint-lorn- of Fare. Every variety of lish will hold a meeting; next Thursday President I!. Spitz was In the equipment to Company I',. chair CLEARANCE and the market affords will bo serv- nilthl nt which the new scale will he and a very lartre number of the mem- and lilt this mornini: for Koswell to ed. We use niuliinp; but fresh prepared and presented to the con- Inspnt Ibe company there. ranch crrs for table use. tractors. It is said the new scale will bers was present. One of the import- was occupied in ask for an Increase of live cents nn ant. matters brought before the meet-ini- r .Indue Abbott Tho only restaurant in was the of llabbi Chap- chambers yesterday bearliiK evidence where hot cakes and hour, or forty cents for an ehrht hour man, whose, vs. Per- day. The present scahf is filly cents term of olfico will expire In the ease of i'eler .lacobson waffles are served at all hours on last day The tin- - plaintiff an eit;bt and the of AuKust next. fecto Armijo in which of the day. hour lor hours and time of unan- have i hall, or seventy-liv- e cents an hour result the nieeiinr was the SALE seeks jsoii damaues aliened to imous choice of fiabbi Chapman to by for overtime. to new' been sustained When entile owned Fashion Cafe, 211 S. 2nd Accordini? the another term of office, as spiritual the defendant entered bis fields. The schedule it is understood that eip;hty-tiv- e the been he- cents an will be unido of the conirregation. Cheer-u- p the pessimism is ail old one and has hour overtime lóle the court for some time. It will asked. Aceordinii to the carpenters Felix Inula It proved so they are not, receiving CMtT) OF THANKS. be nmued today. Attorney mrioer. successful the waives that Wo of Fall has given way to for .lacobson and .i at home Hint Mr. Marsh realized Its the bricklayers plumbers and other the undersigned take this meth- lcstcr appears od of expressing our I Saca for Armijo. alue and had the Idea patented for building tradesmen receive nnd they heartfelt thanks the optimism of Spring. her. It was thi n put on the market, are uoinjr to demand reeounition from to the many kind friends in Alhuquer-on- e New Tailored with the result thnt the Kill made a their plovers. during the sickness and deatn of Young America's Inventiveness It is claimed thai the sentiment our loved one John C. Selber. We feel People are once more considerable sum of money. we ran never Miss Sophie lieilbrun, n yount; amonff the carpenters in regard to the that be urnteful enouiili increase Is unanimously In favor of it for the many acts of kindness that loosening up with their Waists Xivcr in the history of the country woman of I'll years, has patented a each and everyone machine open and that an uliimntum will be pre- offered in our hour have so many hoys and Irls been which will 4"0 letters sented to the contrai tors before the of sad bereavement and Such kindness Stcin-Bloc- h a mlnulis Some saw coin. CjNew in practical sel ntü'ic and me- time uno she end of the present month. While the will always he rememehrcr! and cher- BIG VALUE GIVING FOR that it required too much time and la- ished in our Especially do we chanical inventions and !XI- rimelits. carpenters are adverse to iliseussinR hearts. clothes arrived today; bor to open the day's mall. The pres- what may happen if the contractors want to thank nil the nrinters, and all SATURDAY, FEB. 12, From const to const, lioin the lakes to ent machine is designated to obviate refuse the increase, it is said they are who are in any way coneeted with the $20 to $30 Ask for the tiuir, come reports of achieve- this, an,! opens about 10, mil) b iters a prepared to make efforts to enforce offices where Mr. Seiner worked, nnd them 10 a. in. day. F. W. Splint In Van Norden all oliier offices in Albuquerque. ments Hint are posiiively astonndiiii;. . their demand Tlu records "t the patent olfico (Signed) Mrs. John Selber, Mrs. E. L. A show ilorlnn the last year many Toothpicks as a Oict. Mary Selber. F. M. Seiner and family. WASHBURN CO. Splendid Waist Oppo- that Mr. family. boys and j;irls. from II lo Li) years of INmr 1 'at her. A well known sculptor tells tin fnl- - nnd .Mrs. Omer Dolan and rtunityFor this one day ane. applied for and received biters Matidie l'a, will our new mamma lowinir story: Kokomo, ind., Feb. 0, 19 lw. of (latent on a variety ul inventions Ro mad after a while'.' "Whenever T sec a toothpick I think a corn-busk- a I If yon need a carpenter, telepliono vvc will place on sale 300 running from to new Fa tht What a question? Why did of a dinner that was ven in Rome un- - w young you triink of pucli a '.' Hcssclden; phone "77. mkii.i1 MliK device hicli the thine in noblemen." New Tailored Waists, as- inventor refused $1.001. Maudie Well. ) heurti her tell the honor of two Turkish "I sat beside the younprer of the of course, the early training; that cook that she not badlv bitten when I n II of Meanins- - with sorted sizes, in all Linen, the inoib rn boy receives do. s much lo ht. married you Exchange. noblemen. He glittered rold The schoo! teacher tol.1 Tommy to stimulate tils inventive f.icultV.". Man and srreat diamonds, bui using-- - write a sentence the word all Wool, Batiste, Best ual now- in I pitied training is t.iimhl i:pu.i-io- n. nevertheless hm sincereiv. for "iisiarsinate." Tommy wrote: "Nate schools, and the bos and girls are "So your w ife is a he was sdranpe to our tahie manners Fancy Madras and Lincne Insiru-l'lil- s suCrac. lie ?" was a school teacher who didn't like neouraixeil lo ui ike tools and "Yes," Mr. nnd some of his errors w ro both lu v au.sw.rtd Mecktoii. lo be sussed, fo the bad boys je' materials. In plain white of which tht tiny lv in need. "Why docs she want to vote?" dieroUs and painful. Wireless telegraphy has ' ! whipped for a sassin' Nale." Kans;' hundreds (lon't think Henrietta really de-sii- "Toward tho dinner's end n servant of d, nmoiiKT the boys, tint it Is City Times. and Novelty effects. All volees to voie. She's merely of to man n plate of Blvina way to aeronautics, which tired extended the .vouiik has talkina to me. She wants a larger toothpicks. He waved plate new viii-- a bold on the Juvenile Inventor the awn, PIIEEP MEN. and worth up to $3.50 no; more InVlltcent audlem-e.- sayinw in a low and bitter voice: that a larse club of juni r b is been ishmmon tnr. Ton want Kood warm lambins place each. Your choice for organized tor the purpose of further- - " 'Nn, thank you. I have already and shady summer raniic for your uk Ibe manufacture of miniature Only eaten two of the accursed things and sheen. I l.ave It in Jeinez mniinlain''-floo- CHARLES s. One OI ININ1" I Great Clearance Sale. neiopianes and diiKibli wnnt no more" Imleprndi nt. v.aler and near dip; fees That is QFIN-1X- H.-s- i Woiiiii rful as is. the i, ml ov these EWATlVi: IlROMO reason. i hie. lambiims in terri (Only two to ir.v. fr Mst.-f- Look the signature K tory vprms. Sj pi ! per x eni. a customer) hev ntors. tin are not lar lor of Snnlfnry rinmhin" Tlentln? Co. last behind Uiem exercise nt GROVK. i:scd the to n - limbs prow beiler. Write i their evtr líriMih-l- a siim inltv. 1IM Snnth ' HUt' íívtirytíi: ttiveativv allies. The coinj..iMin. ni jCure a Cold in One Pay. for l.lutikt' ni:d informa t ion. Reserve i.k ;5c Itrouiluay. U 1 it or 111 truy for'lroldiiiK cKs s.ifely while in I'booe a place whlo von ma v. US VEGAS AI.BITJERQÜÉ SANTA ROSA $1.00 each tinnsit was invented by Fila i.i xcs i,. supt. fifteen-year-ol- Tii': nt. the d daughter of 'Journal Want Ads Get Results Journal Ads San Diego Ira Want Get Results Albuqiu rque, X. M.
