University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 2-12-1910 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-12-1910 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-12-1910." (1910). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/3920 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. Hy Mull 50 a Single B THIRTY-SECON- D YEAR. CXXV., ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1910, (. Month; Copio, ceute. Vol. No. 43. liy Carrier, 6(1 cents a Month. !r:liip Forth. Minn., and ficow Dearth human Ileum v Hi,. Intent or not mf Dos .Muirles wi'i'p the others In- lulfUling that which h,. undertakes to jured. ,!n ns inioultous. The preHiiiii pi ion in FRENCH LINER UNITED STATES SMOOT STURDY VAST SUMS FOR 'business i iich s is thai an lioimiu Ide KNOX BRAND OF Millions lor Now nu.; ', holding till honorable position K.illimoro. Feb. 11. The ilir.-i- ot th,. business community is neither n tors ot tin- - linliimor,. - Hilo railroad, Iraud nor a , heat." ' besides making hire,. appropriations .Mr. Mu rsh doccrihed the membership for roadway Improvement, Imv,. tin-- ; and Inn. thins ol the exchange and ad- ' tliorit-.i'i- i $:i.iiiio,fiiin for motive ionvr FRIEND TO DEFENDER OF RIVERS AND mitted that llier,. were some specula-liv,- . WRECKED, ;in a, 'cor, th,. $ 1 " or.: Li DIPLOMACY lame with :;.'. : transactions. 01 ,1,1 for o, omoli MS lllil fill's HOW In'-- ; ll. Insisted that 111,, pi, sent s.vstom ing filled. of transactions amounied to actual delivery, lint decline, to lurnisli ally RIVALRY IN 'details of Ills own business to show FRIENDLY jusl how much aelual delivery was Al RACE TOWARD SOUTH POLE! RAILROADS T F HARBORS performed under his contracts. SCORED IN Ml "The world is inn prod ucing riunmh IF " potion for Its needs, he dotialed. "This vent- - It is producing ;!.0no.0OD to London, Fob. II. In 1111 Interview ;. 500.1101) hales less than 11 consumed Wit ll til,' Associated PlVHS concerning last year. There has never beep n ex- he proposed American nnarrtic GOVERNMENT FROWNS ON PAYNE-ALDRIC- H BILL WATERWAY PROJECTS THIS :tim,. In the history of the cotton SURVIVES pedition Captain Scott todny said: when there has been more, u 'Tho Anii-ricc- project was no sur- INDEPENDENT STEAMERS BEST EVER, SAYS SENATOR; YEAR TO COST $42,355,276 uneasiness legnrding III - pric,. of cot-- ; 1 enrespond-In- g prise to me as had been ton than now. This will continue tin-- ; with Commander Peary for some til the world normally produces liy time. Xo step wns taken lilm until . , enough for its needs or ill,, needs ule he, consulted mound h:id received the Proposed Line From Pacific Denies' It Has Caused Increased; Appropriation fraVOi ablV ," ""lu 'bvvn to the production." Hundred and Fifty-si- x People assurance that I heartily welcomed j. " t'liairman Soolt asked if thole were Congressman Harrison De- American The rivalry Coast to Panama Discour-- , Cost of Living a d Points Out Reported to nOLISe ailu much speculation In cotton on 'chungo, Perish When Doomed Vessel between the British nnd American ex-- I or liy Its memlvers. Iv entering into' clares State Secretary's Bold I y peditions will he cutir, friendly hut Advance in Price of Articles Srong Effort Will Be Made to; contracts for purchase or sale of col-- i ' aged for Fear of Injurymgj Strikes Treacherous Reef in urn fly each will he keen thnt men tun h lili t li,. hope ot prol II, Strokes Lack Success; Which of lis own nnlionnlity shall tirst reiich Transcontinental Roads, on Free List, Pass it at Once, "The i'e Is no member of the e'-w- the pole. .Mr. Would be Their Only Justifi- Mediterranean Sea, ' hunge Marsh's reply. "The Americans will hnvc the long. "whose entire lol'tlllle is Hot I'espoll- - er lint possTidy itn easier one cation, , route I II Morning Jonrnnl Siwciul Mornlinj Spclu: !'il,e ' ii his contracts with fellow lire indications of it gradual (By Mnrnlnff Journid if,iat Wire) l.Ukrd Wlrrl IBr Journal I.es4 Wlrr' j there Jud 11. ... , , . , . membi Xew Vork, Feh. Senator Iteed - ....W MAN SAVED IS RAVING dope from W'eddell .sen to the pole Washington, Feh, II. Hecause an ilSOIUglOU, I'CO. Ull'I IUIJ ,Mr. Marsh chara, terize, th,. Scut difficulty will be to find, Smoot of t'tah, rcpiililiean defended: proje t throughout tlie country at a Their main independent steamship line to the I'nyni-Aldrl- ch ill to regulate cotton exchange trans- spot on the tariff law tonii;ht at M of 4 ..'.ii,,- -, t, o'i which i ,'J0tl,- - RECENT EXAMPLES OF MANIAC FROM SUFFERING imitable wintering font's SI actions as full!,, and unconstitutional. islam). isthmus of l'anama on the l'aeilic the lianqnet of the Ik association. n is for continuing contracts nre pro- - const would enter into competition "The tariff hill parsed at the last' villi ,1 for In the rivers and liarbors FAILURE POINTED OUT session of on Kress" said Senator Voted Olnilholoiil-- t Dead. NEVER SAID ROOSEVELT with transcontinental railroads, wns appropriation bill reported to the Chicago. Feb. F. Vaudeville' Smoot, "Is the host tariff measure ev- lunise today by the comniltte, on rlv- - II. John Feirv. Three American er enacted Into law." u noted ornithologist connected with ROTTING MEAT; ers a barbie's. city, USED tion hy Secretary of War Dickinson of "In America we live in better lions- -' up In the Field Museum of this died Nicaraguan Imbroglio, Players Among Victims; Pas The bill will be called the today. Mr. Ferry had nnule several Chinese an offer made to the sovernment by n es." he continued, "we sleep In better house Monday in an to press' effort expeditions along const of tile n - beds; we eat more and better food: we - : the Railway sengers Mostly French Off syndicate of fiultlmorinns. the measure to passage us expeditious- sea anil the (!ulf of Mexico. Note and Central Washington. Feb. 11. Food Inspec- wear warmer and better clothiiiK; our ly as possible. The 7,1)00,000 out-- j were en-- Algeria, be- Details of the offer given to children attend better schools: we I ex-- j American In- cers Returning to tor Dodse says he never testified the on tide the cash appropriation Is for (iniiiM Strength. Declaration fore the congressional committee on somite committee interoccanie joy more of the comforts of life than penditures that may hereafter be, klim Ciivinv canals by B. N. Haker. former presi- any people in any conn-- ! - Stockholm, Feb. 11. The Improve- the cost of livinif that beef "ready to other other made under the continuing- contract j stances of Untenable Posi- dent of a Hnltimore steamship line try on the globe. i 'I ment in the condition of King (iiistav - fall to pieces"' was served the While system. lie bill Is theoretically an (fly Morning Jonrnn1 Saetí; T.:ii, rt- nl the "1 !i vviio on ap- ad- 'in hearinfi of the take it we aie alike Inter-- ' budget although no regular! recently was operated for tions, Says New Yorker, Majorca, 11. House in 'resident Itoosevclt's bill for the of a annual pendicitis He is constant- - Palma, Island of fob. ministration. He now says thnt he establishment este.l in the general prosperity of our river and harbor bill has been continues. owned line on the west coast. ration. We arc alike, desirous of so ...1 ul,,... ,, .,...1 I, t Un- - gaining strength and recovering his Driven helplessly from her course in: testllied that venison bought for the .Mr. ,l linker said that when the sa f, Harding' our industries as to In-- 1 In great one of the wildest storms, that has! White House in the administration of .Mail Steamship company the haste with which the was 99.. his pulse Illy .Mornlni Joiirunl SUmiuI LtM4 Vlr one was not used until it save sute our prosperity. We have such bill was prepared totals In the re- - i and swept sea in president notice It upon re-- II Washington, the .Mediten anean forty that would Insist a safeguard and we cull protec- port nam-- j Feb II. Secretary Vf was ready to drop to pieces. r of the committee disclose a seventy per i years, the French Transatlantic Steam- - ivins ent of the joint tion, her of minor dlsercpencies which ill Stalf. Knox was subjected to oritieisnt rate on business via tlie isthmus In-- ! "1 deny 909 is ship company's steamer General that the tariff net of was Impossible to tonight. The 11 th,. today of li v per it correct house by Representative t'lianzy crashed at full speed, in the stead cent had received 'the cause of the advance in the cost, figures as given are those f utnlshed dead night, on treacherous for ninny years, he offered to put on a ot living:. The greutesi advances have, Francis I'.urton Harrison of New of the If were- by Ihe committee, FIGHT TO FREE near of and OOñrin line he given a mail contract been upon articles on the free list, or - Vork during consideration of the reefs the island Minorca TO to All projects already under improve- all except one of the 157 persons on JURY similar those uiven other lines.
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