EELLIIAASS EEaarrllyy LLaanngguuaaggee aanndd IInntteerrccuullttuurraall AAccqquuiissiittiioonn SSttuuddiieess Editor Kristin Kersten Contributors Suzanne Akerman, Petra Burmeister, Aafke Buyl, Maria Büllesfeld, Jutta Daszenies, Martina Drewing, Michael Ewig, Anna Flyman Mattsson, Eva Frey, Lydia Gerlich, Lena Gotthardt, Jessica Granados, Alexandra Hähnert, Gisela Håkansson, Alex Housen, Jaklin Isensee, Sonja Janssens, Elke Kalbe, Holger Kersten, Kristin Kersten, Julia Kögler, Barbara Leloux, Annette Lommel, Sylvia Luft, Ute Massler, Katharina Neils, Svenja Pahl, Kai Perret, Thorsten Piske, Andreas Rohde, Marion Salentin, Christina Schelletter, Anke Schneider, Annelie Schober, Anja Steinlen, Sarah Taylor, Ramona Thierer, Shannon Thomas, Inge Strunz, Christine Tiefenthal, Christian Trumpp, Martina Weitz, Insa Wippermann, Henning Wode Final Report Public Part 142355-LLP-1-2008-1-DE-COMENIUS-CMP ELIAS – Early Language and Intercultural Acquisition Studies Project information Project acronym: ELIAS Project title: Early Language and Intercultural Acquisition Studies Project number: 142355-LLP-1-2008-1-DE-COMENIUS-CMP Agreement n. 2008-3378 / 001-001 Sub-programme or KA: Comenius Multilateral Project Project website: Reporting period: From 01/10/2008 To 30/09/2010 Report version: 1 Date of preparation: 25/11/2010 Beneficiary organisation: University of Magdeburg, Germany Project coordinator: Dr. Kristin Kersten Project coordinator organisation: University of Magdeburg, Germany Project coordinator telephone number: +49.391.6716.655 Project coordinator email address:
[email protected] This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. © 2008 Copyright Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency.