Interfraternity Council of Colorado State University General Assembly XIII: April 23, 2018 I. Roll Call Tardy- Alpha Gamma Rho, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia II. Call to Order III. Approval of Minutes IV. Guest Speakers 1. Multicultural Greek Council- Philanthropy Position Statement (attached at the end of the document) V. Executive Reports 1. President: Jacob Epperson,
[email protected], i. Office hours are Friday’s: 10-11am; 12-1pm ii. Please remind chapter presidents of our dinner on Thursday from 3:30-5 in LSC 304-06 2. Executive Vice-President: Sam Baxter,
[email protected], i. Office hours are Tuesday’s 12-2pm ii. Chapters that have not paid IFC New Member Dues (With # of New Members) 1. Alpha Epsilon Pi (2), Alpha Sigma Phi (1), Kappa Sigma (17), Phi Delta Theta (8), Sigma Chi (8), Theta Chi (15), Triangle (2) 3. Director of Finance/Parliamentarian: Ian Sukle,
[email protected], i. Office hours are Tuesday’s 12-2pm ii. No Report 4. VP Judicial Affairs: Evan Torres,
[email protected], i. Office hours are Mondays 12-1pm, Friday’s 2-3pm ii. Happy to hear that all the formal’s are going well and no problems have arose. Keep pushing towards the end of the semester, but don’t forget if you have any events coming up to please register them with Zach Kehmeier 5. VP Risk Management: Zach Kehmeier, ,
[email protected], i. Office hours are Mondays 12-1pm and Wednesdays 12-1pm ii. Tailgate plans should be up for discussion. Make sure your chapter is prepared for the season come the first week of school iii.