The Journal of America's Foremo t Bu ines Fraternity Summer 1995 - Volume 84, Number 4


1995 Collegians of the Year Announced

Models for Improving Your Business or Chapter

Expansion and Reactivation

Collegiate News


1994 Lifetime Achievement Award Honoree Michael R. Mallonee c S ON THE FRATERNITY

Ask any alumni Brother about and their first thoughts usually tum to their collegiate chapter. Ask that Brother about his or

her days as a collegiate member and a srrule is normally your fir t reward. That smile is often contagious since you are then immediately

regaled with orne of the most extraordinary tales. Usually, they begin with- "Well, there was that time we ...";followed by- "You

wouldn't believe what we did!" By the time the tale is done everyone has a glow about them. Like a great potato chip, you usually can't just

stop at one. Of course, none of us ever embellish our stories!

Most of us fondly remember our days as a collegiate Brother. We worked hard- we played hard. We all have our own favorite tales to tell

of what it was like in the "good old days." Recruiting ... Pledging ... Initiation ... Road Trips ... Fund Raising ... Community Service .. .

Professional Events ... Meetings ... Parties ... Brotherhood. Powerful words- each capable of generating extremely vivid images.

It is often tempting for some of us to assume that the standards we set back then couldn't possibly be upheld by the collegiate chapters and

Brothers of today. "Things just aren't the same ... it was better in the old days." How many times has someone you know

made that comment? Perhaps you've said it yourself.

Elsewhere in this issue you will find articles that highlight the activity of our collegiate chapters this past year. Like most

of us, I suspect that your chapter's article was one of the frrst things you read. Did it bring back some memories? Remember

that old cliche, the more things change- the more they stay the same?

Just as we did, the collegiate Brothers of today are facing their challenges with enthusiasm, courage and comrrutment.

They recognize that opportunities usually come disguised in the form of challenges.

Our collegiate chapters and Brothers continue to participate and excel in the fundamentals that have sustained our Frater­

Grand President nity throughout its history. They do so in the context of a world where the pace of change is faster than anything most of u Randy L Hultz ever experienced in our own collegiate days. They aspire to fulfill the Purpose of Delta Sigma Pi in a manner we can all be

proud of.

Recruiting ... Pledging ... Initiation ... Road Trips ... Fund Raising ... Community Service . .. Professional Events ... Meetings ...

Partie ... Brotherhood. Every year the torch is passed on and those simple, yet powerful words continue to provide the stimulus for genera­

tions to come.

The legacy that IS Delta Sigma Pi lives on!

-fL-YX1J4 Randy L. Hultz

Grand President

2 Summer 1995 eThe s - Features

Page4 Page 12 1994 Lifetime Achievement Teamwork, Problem Solving, Award pre ented to Michael R. Leadership- Models for Mallonee. Improving Your Business or Chapter.

Page6 Page 19 Expansion and Reactivation 1995 Mr. & Mrs. Sidney A. • Roger Williams Sparks Collegian of the Year. • St. Thomas • West Virginia • Nebraska-Omaha • Michigan State

Page 10 Depart01ents 1995 Clyde Kitchensffhoben Elrod Regional Collegians of Page 2 Focus on the Fraternity the Year. Page 14 Collegiate News

Page 20 Alumni Notes

Page 22 Bits and Pieces

Back Cover Volunteer Spotlight

The Deltasig of Delta Sigma Pi is published four times annually by the International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi in the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. Second class postage paid at Oxford, Oh io 45056, and at additional mailing offices. USPS 152-940. © Copyright 1995 by The International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi, Inc.

Send address changes, articles Editor Contributors Member of: and letters to: William C. Schilling Dale M . Clark American Assembly of Collegiate Managing Editor Catrina L. Conway Schools of Business Delta Sigma Pi Managing Editor C. Dean Ferguson College Fraternity Editors Association 330 South Campus Avenue Hilda J. Krueger Shawn Gregory Professional Fraternity Association P.O. Box 230 Randy L. Hultz Professional Fraternity Executives Oxford, OH 45056-0230 Collegiate News Editor Judith A. Jaspers Association (513) 523-1907 Carla S. Tousley Dr. Stephen Stumpf FAX (513) 523-7292

The DELTASIG of Delta Sigma Pi 3 ae • a onee -IS 0 -, 994 I- e c -eve ent

The Lifetime Achievement Award is the highest honor an Fraternity member can receive and is is ued annually to the one Brother who has demonstrated exemplary support, service, and leadership to the Fraternity.

Grand President Randy L Hultz presents the 1994lifetime Achievement Award to Brother Mike Mallonee at a banquet in his honor, held in Phoenix.

tanding ovation Pi Leader hip Foundation ince Tru tee. greeted Brother 1970. The li t of Fraternity Elected a Grand President Michael R. po ition he ha held read like the thirty- econd Grand Mallonee of an organizational chart. Oklahoma City a Mike . tarted hi volunteer he recei ed the ervice a a Di trict Director; 1994 Lifetime Achievement became the Director of ward from Grand Pre ident Alumni Activitie in 1975; Randy L. Hultz. The Lifetime and was ub equently chiev ment Award i the elected in 1979 a the highe t honor any Fraternity twenty- e enth Grand member can recei e and i Pre ident. After hi ervice i . ued annually to the one on the Fraternity' · Board of Brother who ha demon trated Director ended in 1985, e emplary upport, ·ervice. and Mike became a Tru tee of leader hip to the Fraternity. the Delta Sigma Pi Leader- Thi year'. award wa pre- hip Foundation. For fi e ented February 26, in Phoenix. year . he al o erved a During the merger of the leadership Brother Mallonee has Chairman and Pre ident for Fund and the Education Foundation M~d American Provincial Vice President Nonn Kromberg, R. Nelson continuou ly erved the Mike is congratulated by Education the Leader hip Foundation Mitchell, lois and Joe S. loomis, Catherine Merdian, and Greg Howell Fraternity and the Delta Sigma Foundation President Jimmy gather at the Award Banquet to honor Brother Mallonee. in addition to hi dutie as a Pendergrass.

4 Summer 1995 \ t ... ' Numerous scholarships and grants were added and funded during this term as Foundation President. In 1994, the first summer Leadership Academy was sponsored in Oxford with Deltasig and invited guests learning the fundamentals of good leadership. In his professional career, Mike is a First Vice President with Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc., and has been with the firm since February of 1988. He currently specializes in fixed income securities, asset management, and retirement planning. He is registered with the New York Stock Exchange Cathy Trostheide from the Phoenix Alumni Chapter visits with (from left) Golden Council members Bill leonard, Joe Goldblatt and John Richardson and is a member of the at the award banquet. Brother Mallonee is a familiar face at Fraternity meetings. Here he makes a Oklahoma Bar Association. presentation at the 1989 Grand Chapter Congress in New Orleans. His prior career positions include those as an investigator President for Professional The Brothers of Delta Sigma on the Oklahoma Securities Activities, and President. He Pi are honored to recognize the Commission and as General graduated with a Bachelor of exemplary service, support and Business Administration leadership it has received from Chapter Congress in Atlanta, Counsel and Director of the management level was added Division of Investigation and degree in Finance. He later Brother Michael R. Mallonee, Mike's tenure as Grand with four Provincial Vice received his law degree from 1994 Lifetime Achievement President was a period of Enforcement. After three years Presidents being included on of working as an Estate Tax Oklahoma as well. Award recipient. A growth and change. Twenty the Fraternity's Board of new collegiate chapters were Attorney for the Internal Directors. Revenue Service, he opened a installed and several reacti­ While serving on the vated. The first computer private practice of law which Leadership Foundation Board focused on the areas of system was purchased for the of Trustees, Brother Mallonee Fraternity and a new Execu­ probate, estate planning, and oversaw the merger of the securities law. Prior to his tive Director, Michael J. Leadership Fund and the Mazur, Jr. was hired. A new current position with Dean Educational Foundation. Witter, Mike was the Assistant Vice President for the Broker­ age firm of E.F. Hutton. Mike also serves as the Dean Witter representative to the Oklahoma Securities industry Association and is mutual fund coordinator for the Oklahoma City office. He is a trustee of the Oklahoma Securities Industry PAC, and a member of the Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma Associate Board. He has frequently been invited as a guest lecturer on securities law at the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, and Oklahoma City University. Initiated in 1966 at Beta Epsilon Chapter at the Univer­ Several of Brother Mallonee's family and friends attended the lifetime Brother Mallonee's international service spans many years. Here, as Achievement Award BanqueL From left: Father and Mother Bob and Ina sity of Oklahoma, Mike served Grand President, he presents the 1982 Deltasig of the Year Award to Mallonee, Niece Jennifer loser, Sister Lettie lee, and friend Ben Collum. as Chapter Secretary, Vice Brother R Nelson Mitchell.

The DELTASIG of Delta Sigma Pi 5 ... New Chapters in Rhode Island, and West Virginia ... Deltasig returns to Univerity of Nebraska-Omaha and Michigan State a

Grand President Randy L Hultz presents the Gamma Eta Chapter charter to Chapter President Philip Smysu. Joining them is (left) Mid-American Provincial Vice President Norm Kromberg and (right) North Central Regional Director Marc Bowman.

Delta Sigma Pi Celebrates Quintuplets !

vote, the Board of Directors the process in 1992. Roger Williams In the early 90's an existing approved the petition for a The group experienced the University - Home of Student Business Organization chapter charter and installation Nu Sigma Chapter many ups and downs typical in contacted all national bu iness plan began. any organization and learned fraternitie for information and Board of Director member There wa no fooling on through experience what it two, Delta Sigma Pi and Alpha Randy Hultz, Fred Lip ey, and April 1, in Bri tol, Rhode really take to build a strong Kappa P i, were invited to David Henne!, along with I land, but rather, the celebra­ foundation for uccessful make special pre entations on Director of Chapter Service tion of in ta1ling a chapter into chapter operation . Much of campu . The Delta Sigma Pi Dale Clark, traveled to the Delta Sigma Pi . The Rho Iota the learning came from pre entation wa made by waterfront campu to conduct Phi Colony at Roger William attendance at national functions Brother Richard (Nick) the initiation ceremonies. An Univer ity became Nu Sigma and putting that information to Steinkrau s and a i ted by important a et to the day' Chapter with 21 collegiate , 5 u eon campu . In 1993, one other Brothers from the New events wa the effort of Nick faculty, and 3 honorary initiate . member attended Grand England Region. The tudent Steinkrau s who had al o Thi i the Fraternity' fir t Chapter Congre in Anaheim, decided, by unanimou vote, to devoted many hour as the chapter in the State of Rhode pur ue colonization with Delta California, and everal attended Colony Di trict Director and I land. Sigma Pi and formally began OTiS in Storr , Connecticut. In Pledge Ed ucator. Nick i al o 1994, two tudent , Jay Tracy a Leader hip Foundation and Jennifer Gray, attended the Tru tee and Golden Council Summer Leader hip Academy member. AI o as isting were in Oxford, , and twenty­ Eastern Regional Director five attended the Regional Spy, numerous District Conference in Hyanni , Doug Ma achu ett . Directors, alumni, and Recruiting became a major collegiate from Connecticut, focus a many member began Bentley and Bo ton. graduating before charter The in tallation banquet wa requirement had been met. held on the waterfront in They realized the need to Newport, Rhode Island, at the recruit underclassmen to Naval Ba e Officers Club. enhance the future tability of Many parents and Univer ity the group and launched an officials attended the event and aggressive recruiting program were given recognition for for the 1994 fall emester. their many acts of support to They were ucce ful iri their Nu Sigma Chapter. In efforts and freshmen repre­ addition to the charter presen­ Nu Sigma Chapter members gather for their installation banquet held sented 56% of their petitioning tation and Fraternity officer April 1 at the Naval Base Officers Club in Newport, Rhode Island. membership. By unanimou remarks, the featured speakers

6 Summer 1995 included Brother Anthony a group of students who and 1 honorary initiate. Many tained audience of parents and West Virginia Santoro, President of the formed the Collegiate Manage­ Brothers assisted including fellow Deltasigs. Julie Ohman University -Home of University, and Brother David ment Association in November Regional Collegian of the Year, and Mark Dorn were recog­ Nu Upsilon Chapter Melchar, Acting Dean of the 1993. Fraternity members from Aaron Wilson from Wayne nized for their many efforts School of Business. Nick the State, Nebraska, and collegiate with the Colony and within the West Virginia University in Steinkrauss spoke about the and District Director John Zak Morgantown, West Virginia, is visited the University of St. Colony's history and was later the home of Nu Upsilon Thomas to give a presentation presented with a nice gift from Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi, the on Delta Sigma Pi to five the new initiates for his many Fraternity' 24lst collegiate members. act of friendship and support Chapter. During the installation In February 1994, Delta during this endeavor. The on April 22, 32 collegians and Sigma Pi officially recognized two faculty members joined the Chapter gave awards to each the Colony of Sigma Delta ranks of our Brotherhood. member and Nick made several Chi. Colony members devel­ In the late 1920's, student in special presentations. These oped a mailing list of students the Department of Economics, included the first Nu Sigma from which to recruit and Busi ness and Sociology formed Life Membership to Chris coordinated a calendar full of a Colony with the intent of Schmidt, the longest participat­ various activities. They quickly becoming a part of Delta Sigma ing member in the chartering learned and used the Chapter Pi . The students were in effort; a jeweled badge to the Efficiency Index as a manage­ contact with Grand Secretary­ University President and Acting ment tool for successful Treasurer H. G. Wright and Dean (who were both charter­ operations and 21 members developed programs in all areas ing initiates) and a pearl badge attended the Regional Confer­ of operations. Unfortunately, to Chapter President Jay Tracy ence in Des Moines, , in they pursued other interests and to begin a tradition of passing it November 1994. They Nu Sigma Chapter members look on as Grand President Randy L Hultz their year of work and effort did presents the Chapter Charter to Chapter President Scott Brooks. down to each future elected received support and encour­ not lead them to their goal of President. agement from numerous chapter status. This was not the case with the group of students in the College of Busi ness and Economics North Central Region. members from Mankato State, who formed the Delta Theta The new Brothers are now Winona State, St. Cloud State, Sigma Colony in the Spring of well on their way to gaining and Minnesota. Board 1993. The Colony evolved many business opportunities members in attendance from the Busi ness and Econom­ and leadership skill s through included Grand President ics Club, an organization their membership in Delta Randy L. Hultz, Regional formed to bring students Sigma Pi . Director Marc Bowman and together to discuss classes and past Regional Director Mark I&' Dorn. Dale Clark represented the Central Office. A recep­ tion was held poolside at the Radisson Hotel followed by a banquet and dance. Several University officials delivered encouraging words and historical information Nu Upsilon Chapter Members about the University of St. Thomas and Grand President Hultz conducted the charter University of St. Brothers in the area, especially and gavel presentations. Holly Thomas - Home of their appointed District Shoden and Meighan Krager, Nu Tau Chapter Director and Pledge Educator President and Historian Julia Ohman. By this January respectively, provided a Following eleven short but charter requirements were recollection of Colony events active months, the Board of fulfilled and a petition was and gave a slide presentation. Directors approved a petition submitted to charter Nu Tau Then, all new initiates joined for a charter at the Univerity of Chapter on April 8, 1995. in a group song telling their Nu Tau's charter celebration included (from left) Regional Director Marc St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minne­ Initiation ceremonies were story to the tune of "The Bowman, Grand President Randy L Hultz, President Holly Shoden, District sota. Interest first began among conducted for 26 collegiates Brady Bunch" to an enter- Director Julia Ohman and past Regional Director Mark Dom.

The DELTASIG of Delta Sigma Pi 7 Following the in tallation a banquet wa held for Brother and guests at the Hotel Morgan. Allegheny Regional Director Yurochko erved a toa tma ter for the ceremony. The invoca­ tion wa given by Dr. Sydney V. Stem, Dean of the College of Business and Economics, and greeting were extended from the University by Faculty Advisor Dr. Cyril Logar. A hi tory of the College of Busine s and Economic wa Nu Upsilon Chapter members get together before their installation. presented by Richard Gardner, Associate Dean of the College of Business and Economic , College of Business and career path a well a become and the history of the Delta Economics T-shirt sales. Three involved in campus activities. Theta Sigma Colony was of the Colony member The members of this club presented by David Johnson, traveled to Pittsburgh for an realized they could attain Nu Upsilon Chapter Historian. area conference this January higher goal in each of these Northern Provincial Vice where they had the opportunity area by affiliating with a President Lip ey pre ented the Gamma Eta Chapter members. to meet chapters from aero national organization. Thus, charge and charter to the Nu the Allegheny Region and the deci ion was made to Upsilon Chapter, which gather more information and e tablish a chapter of Delta Chapter President Kristian idea . have their petition approved by Sigma Pi and approval was White accepted. Fraternal Jasper , a well as collegiate Hard work and efforts the Board this February, after granted by Dr. Cyril Logar, greetings from chapters and members from Nebraska­ culminated with their initiation three years of operations. then Dean of the College of Brothers across the country Lincoln, South Dakota and Busine and Economics. and installation as Nu Up ilon The reactivation team was were presented by Director of Wayne State College. Chapter on April 22. They compri ed of Brother Throughout the next two Chapter Services Clark. A banquet followed the year , the Colony received were joined by Deltasig from Kromberg, 1993 Collegian of reactivation ceremony with a i tance from the Delta the Northern Province to the Year April Garrett, North Brother Bowman serving as Omega Chapter at We t Liberty celebrate this noteworthy event. Central Regional Director Toastmaster. Gamma Eta State College, District Director Northern Provincial Vice Gamma Eta Chapter Marc Bowman, Great Lakes Chapter member and past Amy Balog, past Gulf Western President Fred Lipsey served a returns to the Regional Director Kathleen Colony president Doug Taylor Regional Director Lisa Headmaster for the Ritual team. University of Jahnke, Midwestern Regional provided the invocation. Blackwood, the Central Office Other members of the installa­ Nebraska-Omaha Director Shanda Gray, District Randy Burns, CEO and taff and their Allegheny tion team included Denni Director Christa Catherall and President of Enterprise Bank, Regional Director, Denni Yurochko, Amy Balog, It was 1978 when Gamma Chapter Consultant Judith addressed the Gamma Eta Yurochko. During this time Leader hip Foundation Trustee Eta Chapter wa forced to cease many activitie were organized, Nick Steinkrauss, Director of operations on the campu of the from profe ional peaker Chapter Services Dale Clark, University of Nebraska-Omaha di cu ing intern hip , health Chapter Con ultant Catrina due to failing operation . care reform and career path , to Conway, member of Delta Seventeen years later, on April community ervice projects Omega Chapter at West Liberty 22, 1995, the Chapter wa uch as Project S.H.O.P. and State and member of Alpha reactivated. Twenty-four the United Way, to fund rai ing Omicron Chapter at Ohio reactivating members were activitie including a raffle and Univer ity. initiated. The colonization of Nu Gamma Eta began early in 1992 with the help of Norman Kromberg, now Mid- merican Provi ncial Vice Pre ident, and Jeanette Medewitz Diamond, a faculty initiate of Mi ouri-St. Loui . The Colony e p ri- en ed fluctuation in member­ hip number and Colony Chapter Advisors (from left) Cyril Logar, Cindy Martinec and Tim Person Effi iency lnde performance. join Chapter President Kris White and Northern Provincial Vice President Nu Tau Chapter members. but overcame tho e ob tacle to Fred Lipsey (holding charter) at the Nu Upsilon Chapter installation banquet.

Summer 1995 Univer ity officials to begin reactivating Gamma Kappa Chapter. She wa a sisted by Ronald Staten, President of the Ea t Lansing Alumni Chapter and alumnus David Farner (whose son Jay became the Colony president and is now Chapter President). A mem­ bership grew, Colony members visited chapters at Wayne State and Grand Valley State to learn more about officer position and chapter operations, as they relate to the mission of Delta Sigma Pi . Gamma Kappa Chapter members at the installation banqueL To meet the requirements for reactivation, a calendar was planned full of exciting professional, service, fund Kappa Chapter charter to Erin Campbell, Huron raising and social events. Chapter President Jay Farner Regional Director, and Fred Colony members planned trips (first presented on October 29, Lipsey, Northern Provincial to Sandusky, Ohio; Traverse 1949.) The Chapter presented Vice President, provided City, Michigan; and Chicago. gifts to its four graduating numerous means of support An aggressive recruiting Brothers and to Dave Mayhew, during the colonization Gamma Kappa Chapter President Jay Farner with his Mother and Father campaign continually brought a Grand Valley State alumnus process and participated in all after the May 13 reactivation banquet in East Lansing, Michigan. Jay's in new members representing who administered their pledge of the reactivation events. Father, Dave, a 1964 Gamma Kappa initiate, passed his Fraternity badge eight major fields of study in education program. Also participating in the on to Jay. business. By spring semester Twelve alumni members of celebration were Central 1995, requirements were met Gamma Kappa Chapter Office staff members Bill for charter reactivation and the attended the festivities coming Schilling, Executive Director; Brothers and guests on his tion, Continuing Studies, Colony members submitted a from as far away as Tampa, Dale Clark, Director of experiences and philosophy for Education, Fine Arts and petition which was approved by Florida. A standing ovation Chapter Services; and attaining success. Former Public Affairs and Community the Fraternity's Board . resulted in honor of 1949 Kathleen Dinius, Chapter Colony president and reactivat­ Service. UNO asks that it be The ceremonies took place at charter member, Brother Fred Consultant. The new initiates ing member Lori Hendrick remembered that brick, stone, the Eli Broad College of Tyson. The group of alumni are now on their way to presented the Colony history. timber and steel do not make a Bu iness with member assis­ presented the reactivated making Gamma Kappa an Grand President Hultz pre­ University; it is the people tance from Western Michigan, Chapter with a $400 check to outstanding Chapter in Delta sented the original Gamma Eta with principles. The same Grand Valley State, and Wayne support their Chapter programs. Sigma Pi . • charter to Phillip Smyser, concept may be applied to State . Allegheny Regional Chapter President. Special Delta Sigma Pi as well; it is the Director Dennis Yurochko, presentations were made to people, such as those initiated District Directors and other Chapter members by Smyser into the Gamma Eta Chapter, alumni al o helped with the and Chapter Historian Cindy that make the Fraternity. Allen. Chapter Consultant initiation ceremonies. An Judith Jaspers delivered evening reception and banquet fraternal greetings from followed at Signatures Restau­ Chapters and Brothers across Gamma Kappa rant and Banquet Hall in East the country. The evening also Chapter returns to Lansing. included a video presentation Michigan State A series of speakers and about Chapter members and a presentations followed a buffet dance. After a 20 year absence, dinner enjoyed by parents, The University of Nebraska­ Gamma Kappa Chapter at spouses, friends, and many Omaha is part of the Univer ity Michigan State was reactivated Deltasigs. The Chapter's of Nebra ka system and was with 24 new member on May Faculty Advisor, Fred Jacobs, founded in 1908. It i the 13 . Six additional reactivating gave a presentation about econd large t campus of member and a faculty member Michigan State and Dan higher education in Nebraska were initiated at a later date. Dalpra, Chapter Hi storian, with enrollment of over 16,000. In September 1993, then moderated a hi story slide how UNO offers 133 baccalaureate Chapter Consultant Carla May of Colony activities. Randy L. degree programs in Arts and Tousley vi ited Michigan State Hultz, Grand President, Attending the reactivation ceremonies were twelve alumni Brothers of Science , Busines Adrninistra- and obtained approval from returned the original Gamma Gamma Kappa Chapter, including founding member Fred Tyson (far left).

The DELTASIG of Delta Sigma Pi 9 The Clyde KitchensFilloben Elrod 1995 Regional Collegians of the Ye Editor's Note: See page 19 for National Collegian of the Year and page 23 for Chapter Collegian of the Year.

ineteen scholarships were awarded th.i year on the ba i of fraternal involvement, campu and community ervice, and demonstrated chola - Heidi Gibons, Pacific- We tern Region tic achievement. The e winner were selected from the nominee ABu ine s Administration major with concentration in ubmitted by chapter in the region. Each Brother elected receive a Finance and a minor in Japanese Language and Culture, with cholarship in the amount of $250 made possible by an endowment from a 3.9 G.P.A., Heidi has served Lambda Mu Chapter a the Kitchen /Elrod Foundation. Pre ident and Trea urer. Activitie and Honor include The Clyde l(jtchen Foundation wa e tabli hed by Brother Thoben Pre ident of Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society, Alpha Delta Elrod in 1975, "to perpetuate the memory of Clyde l(jtchens and to Pi Sorority, and the Dean' Honor Roll five academic enable future generations to carry forward hi intere tin Delta Sigma Pi ." The name erne ter. was later changed to reflect the leader hip provided by Brother Elrod. The Foundation's funds were the result of proceed from an endeavor by Kappa Chapter Brother and other busines tudents at Georgia Tech in the 1930's. The e tudents formed an inve tment club which purcha ed tock and real e tate that led to the formation of a lodge which wa u ed by the Chapter for many year . The ale of thi William E. Homan, San Diego -Pacific Coa t Region property in the 1970' ha provided funding for a variety of other invaluable programs. A Bu iness Admini tration major with empha i in Market­ Brother Clyde Kitchens was initiated into Kappa Chapter at Georgia State in 1929 ing, and a minor in International Relation , with a 3.0 G.P.A., and served a Chapter Advi or. He pa ed away in 1969. Brother Thoben Elrod is an Bill erved Lambda Pi Chapter a Pre ident and Vice initiate of Pi Chapter at the Univer ity of Georgia where he served as Chancell or. He President for Pledge Education. Other activitie and Honors al o erved a a national officer and i a member of the Golden Council. He currently include the Dean's List, Alcala Leader hip Program and live in Lake Pana offkee, Florida. intramural referee.

Sharon Lee Bailey, Clemson- South Central Region Kevin Robert Johns, Hawaii- South Pacific Region An Accounting major with a 3.6 G.P.A., Sharon erved ABu ine Admini tration major with a minor in Econom­ Kappa Tau Chapter as Treasurer and Vice President of ics, with a 3.2 G.P.A., Kevin erved Lambda P i Chapter a Finance. Other activitie and honors include Pre ident of Pre ident and Senior Vice Pre ident. Other activitie and Beta Alpha P i Fraternity, Beta Gamma Sigma, Golden Key honor include the Dean' Li t, College of Art and Science Honor Society, Dean' Li t and Mortar Board. Tuition Waiver, and Who' Who Among Student in Ameri­ can Univer itie and College .

C. Rene Foster, Oklahoma State- South we tern Region Nancy C. Mallery, Baker - Midwe tern Region A double major in Accounting/Management with a 3.8 An International Bu ine major with a 4.0 G.P.A., Nancy G.P.A., Rene erved Gamma Ep ilon Chapter a Pre ident erved Mu Up ilon Chapter as Secretary. Other activilie and and chairman and member of several committee . Honor honor include ationaJ Collegiate Student Government include the Pre ident' Honor Roll three time a well a the Award and Student Activitie Committee, member hip in Dean' Li t of Di tingui hed Student twice, Golden Key Alpha Mu Gamma, Gamma , Phi Eta Sigma, Honor ociety, and winner of numerou cholar hip . Sigma Delta Pi, Sigma Tau Delta.

tanley Gelzini , delphi- Ea tern Region Jennifer J. Meilan, Auburn- Southeastern Region Busine · Management major with a 3.7 G.P.A., Stanley An International Bu ine major with concentration in erved Kappa Rho Chapter a Pre ident, Senior Vice Pre i­ Marketing and Spani h with a 3.5 G.P.A., Jennifer erved d nt, Vice Pre ident for Pledge Education, and Chancellor. Beta Lambda Chapter a President and Secretary. Other Honor and other a tivitie include Delta Mu Delta ational activitie and honor include Golden Key Honor Society, Bu ine ociety, and a member of the Student Ad vi ory Auburn Univer ity Special Programs Certificate of Board. Achievment, and Delta Delta Delta Sororoity.

10 Summer 1995 0 f .. ,. Miriam E. Pecbar, Georgetown- Mideastern Region Karen Truttmann, Illinois State -Central Region A double major in Finance and International Business and a An Accounting-Financial Sequence major with a 4.0 G.P.A., minor in Government with a 3.5 G.P.A., Miriam served Mu Karen served Iota Chi Chapter as Treasurer. Other activities Chapter as President. Other activities and honors include an and honors include Student Accounting Society, Red Tassel/ internship with American Express Government Travel Mortar Board, Honor's Program and Dean's List every Management Services, numerous awards in piano and semester, State Farm Companies Foundation Exceptional ballroom dance. Student Fellowship, Bone Scholar Award and participated in the College of Business Study Abroad Program in England.

Sbanna D. PhiUips, Texas A&M- Gulf Western Region Angela D. Twardy, Valparaiso -Huron Region An Accounting major with a 3.5 G.P.A. , Shanna served A Business Administration major with a concentration in Lambda Nu Chapter as Vice President for Professional Marketing and a minor in Interpersonal/Business Communi­ Activities and Treasurer. Other activities and honors include cation with a 3.8 G.P.A., Angela served Kappa Phi Chapter Aggie Professional Forum Scholarship, member of the as President and Senior Vice President. Other activities and Business Student Council and several committees that assist honors include Dean's List every semester, Valparaiso the University with developing policies, activities, and University Presidential Scholarship, Schererville Rotary serving the student body. Club Scholarship and Mortar Board Scholarship.

Lesli M. Powell, Florida Southern -South Atlantic Region Lynne Marie Verst, Xavier -East Central Region An Accounting major with a 3.6 G.P.A., Lesli served 'Delta An Accounting major with a 4.0 G.P.A., Lynne served Theta Iota Chapter as President and Vice President for Pledge Lambda Chapter as Senior Vice President and Vice President Education. Other activities and honors include Florida for Professional Activities. Other activities and honors Academic Scholar, Florida Methodist District Scholarship, include Financial Executives Institute Outstanding Student Agnes Johnson Rowe Award Nominee, Dean's List and Award, Gold Key Leadership Award, Trustee Scholarship Renee Turbeville Memorial Accounting Scholarship. Recipient and Dean's List all semesters.

Jose A. Rivera, Loyola-New Orleans- Gulf South Region Aaron Wilson, Wayne State-NE -North Central Region A Marketing/Management major with a 2.7 G.P.A., Jose A Business Administration/Finance major with a 3.8 G.P.A., served Delta Nu Chapter as President and Vice President for Aaron served Eta Pi Chapter as President, Senior Vice Professional Activities. Other activities and honors include President, Vice President for Professional Activities and the International Student Association and a volleyball Treasurer. Other activities and honors include John G. official for the Loyola Intramurals Department. Neihardt Scholars Honor Prog~am , Blue Key Honor Frater­ nity, and the Wall Street Journal Student Achievement Award.

Mary Ann Miller, Marquette- Great Lakes Region Parry A. Shen, SUNY-Buffalo- Allegheny Region An Accounting major with a 3.5 G.P.A., Mary Ann served Delta Chapter as Senior A Business Administration major with a concentration in Vice President and Chancellor. Other activities and honors include Marquette Univer­ Marketing with a 3.3 G.P.A., Parry served Alpha Kappa sity Academic Scholarship for four years, Witmeyer Business Administration Scholar­ Chapter as President and Vice President for Pledge Educa­ ship for two years and Dean's List for five semesters. tion. Other activities and honors include Tennis Club Treasurer and co-founder, Dean's List, SA Video Network Ella Marie Oxford, West Alabama- Mid South Region Editor and Student Association Assemblyman. A Business Administration major with a 3.8 G.P.A. Ella served Lambda Rho Chapter as President and Senior Vice President. Other activities and honors include Business Professional of-America, Livingston University Envoy Ambassador, Alpha Sigma Tau, President's List and National Dean's List. .A.

The DELTASIG of Delta Sigma Pi 11 Leadership Conference Lessons for Chapter or Business k, b e01 Solv -by Dr. Stephen Stumpf and Brother Shawn Gregory

rother attending the Dr. Stumpf centered the helped participant increa e model i called the W-Cubed involved with your chapter. "Our South Atlantic Region Conference on building team­ their under tanding of team­ Model and a k three ery ba ic chapter would like to have our Leader hip Conference work, problem olving and work, problem ol ing and que tion : What do we want? faculty participate more in our thi Spring were in for leader hip by eparating it into leader hip and helped build new What do they want? What can acti itie ." a treat. The Conference two egment . The fir t entailed friend hip among many of the we do? was conducted by Dr. challenging outdoor leader hip Brother . Wbat do they want? Stephen Stumpf, Dean group activities. The e activitie The econd egment centered What do we want? The econd que tion you need of the College of included the Web, Carpet Square on bu ine model that can What doe my Delta Sigma Pi to a k i 'What do they want?" Bu ine and a faculty Brother of (Sy tern Thinking Exerci e), help organization (individual chapter want to accompli h thi In thi ituation, they would be Ep ilon Rho Chapter at the Ball To (Creative Speed bu ine e or Delta Sigma Pi year? Thi month? In thi your chapter' faculty Brothers. Univer ity of Tampa. Exerci e), and the Teamwork chapter ) reach their pecific ituation? Apply thi que tion to In what way do they want to gel Tarp. The e activitie goal . Dr. Stumpf poke on the an i ue that i facing your involved with your chapter. Do model he helped develop at chapter or bu ine . An example they want to get involved or do New York Univer ity. Thi may be getting your faculty they feel that it would be a waste of their time?

Wbat can we do? The last que tion i , "What can we do?" What re ources do we have available to u ? What can we do over time? What are some method that we have available to u e o that we can motivate our faculty Brother ? One method to determine what we can do i to conduct a SPOT analysi . Thi type of analy i breaks out your chapter' trength , problem , opportuni­ tie and threats.

Applying W-Cubed Each of the three central que tion i a ociated with a ommuoication and coordinated teamwork are needed in circle, which ignifie all "Carpet quares." It requires looking beyond the immediate ne t tep to ee the whole picture with other behavior that are po ible team members. an wer to one of the que tion (See chart on page 13). The object i to move your chapter to the areas where all three circles inter ect. Thi area is called the " weet pot." What do we want? We want our faculty Brother to attend profes ional even . What do they want? After a king the faculty Brother we found out that they would like to help our chapter locate peaker for the College of Bu ine . Faculty Brother attendance would increase at profes ional events if they were involved in the peake election proce . What can we hallenging outdoor group leadership activiti were jt t one part or the uth do? The Vice Pre ident of Uantic Region Leadership ooference this pring. Dr. tephen tumpr. Brother and Busin Dean at Tampa, combined these activities with busin Profe ional Activities can ask models d igned to help achieve goals. Here,Brothers use different trategies to "BaU Toss'' involves teamwork, the ability to analyze a for the help of our faculty enable all m mbers or their team to tay on the maU t piece or tarp ror eight ituation rrom a different perspective, and intense Brothers in attracting profes- seconds in 'Teamwork Tarp." participation by all members. ional speakers.

12 Summer 1995 Leader h

Focusing on W might you develop/leverage over 3 series of questions to a k time? Are you addres ing the mo t W andSPOT ving around each of the three critical problem? Are you pursuing n question will help you focus in opportunities that leverage at a Glance tht: " weet pot." trength ? Have you protected "our wants": If you against threats? Are pos ible actions get everything, what can you quick, flexible and right for now? ENVIRONMENT ? Is this enough for "Round 1"? Of course, each chapter will have it quick, flexible, and right for its own priorities. Which objectives What would you need to get do you find most important? Which to be quick, flexible and right they's are most important? Which now? they's will most likely affect the • Who is we? Que tions to ask about "their accomplishment of your objec­ -use same WE as above include: Do they really tives? Are the wants the they's have • Who are THEY? • What CAN we really do now? all this from you? What would really important? -which stakeholders? -SPOT analysis -list irutial ideas accept? Can you ensure they Brothers attending the South -identify all significant THEY s • What can we do over time? get what they don't want? Can Atlantic Conference not only • What do they "really" want? • Why can't we do or don't target some THEYs for "Round enjoyed some fun team-building • What don't they want? want to do? Would this be quick, flexible exercises, they were able to focus right for now? What would they on setting priorities for chapter by when, to be quick, flexible improvement. Using the simple right for now? method outlined here, your chapter Finally, focus questions for "can -or your personal business- can ": Are you leveraging your make great strides to meet the What other strengths challenges abroad ..& •Who is WE? -apply to one WE at a time Leadership • What do WE "really" want? • What don't WE want? · Leadership comes from different people at different times • a function of: Knowledge, willingness, necessity and ORGANIZATION'S ORGANIZATION'S problem solving skill. MISSIONNISION OBJECTIVES Leadership behaviors vary as a matter of preference. Some prefer to be more forceful. Others tend to be more AND VALUES ~ticoranmyti~

SPOT Analysis- What Can We Do? Teamwork • Groups need both leaders and foUowers. STRENGTHS: PROBLEMS: • Team activities can build personal confidence. • Diversity can be a strength. What do we do well now? What is wrong now? • What gaps should we work on? • Coordination is frequently needed -which requires • Can it be leveraged? • What gaps should we ignore? suggestions, listening and learning. • Within what context? • Toward which objective ?

OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Problem Solving What possibilities exist? What can go wrong? • Clear definition of problems or issues facilitates • Which possibilities draw on • Is there a contingency plan? processing solutions. our strengths? • Have we identified preventive • Teams work best if there is an open climate of • Which possibilities will help us steps? listening and building on each others ideas. accomplish our objectives?

Tltt DELTASIG of Delta Sigma Pi I I 13 e e NEWS

ANGELO STATE assisted with the Lo Angeles ETA THETA Marathon, helped prepare for fre hrnan orientation, and The Chapter ha had an exciting year in profe sional, counted money for the March community ervice and fund of Dime Walk America. rai ing activitie . Our profes- ional program included an CLEMSON array of bu ine topics and KAPPA TAU speaker discu sed time and During the Fall we spon ored tress management, invest­ Career Expo Day, where over I 00 employer vi ited campu ments, keeping good credit, Brothers Reuben Morales and and organizing bu iness Adam Cohen share a visibility to recruit graduating enior in parties. jersey during Arizona's Adopt-a­ all academic major . Brothers Highway clean-up. In the San Angelo commu­ al o played a part in the Adopt­ nity, we participated in the a-Highway program, food drive Highway Trash Pick-Up collection, clothing drive, and program and organized a the children' Halloween Fair. Faculty Breakfast on campus. Profe ional activities During the Fall semester we included di cu ion on educa­ pon ored a shower for the tional advancement the local changing bu ine s environ­ Concho Valley Home for Illinois State Brothers visit the Central Office. Girls, and in the Spring, ment interviews, investment renovated a house through the banking, and entrepreneur hip. Christmas in April program. The Chapter also pon ored an Eta Theta Chapter success­ BOWLING GREEN High-Technology Business Easter Egg Hunt for Shriner's fully implemented a flower THETA PI Forum" and ''The Global Hospital, and rai ed money by Theta Pi Chapter celebrated Marketplace-Opportunities delivery fund raiser. We Brothers and pledges of Bellarmine hosting a pool tournament and delivered flower on enjoy burgers and hot dogs after a 25 year of history with an Overseas." car wah. Valentine' and Mother's Day game of football. anniversary celebration. We Meals-on-Wheels and with the proceeds donated to ho ted Dr. Karl Yogt, who was Habitat for Humanity philan­ COLORADO Ho pice. Dean of the College of Busi­ thropies gave the Chapter a MUCHI -Suzanne E. Henson ness Administration when the chance to a sist the Berkeley Some of the stress that comes Halloween party for the Chapter was founded. Brothers community. In addition, we the last weeks before final ARIZONA children at the Tucson Meclical and alumni attended the events challenged the Theta Chi examinations was relieved by a GAMMA PSI Center. and reflected on our achieve­ Chapter members to a game of unique fund-raiser held by Mu Gamma Psi Chapter -Christian Sanich ments. broom ball. Chi's pledge class. The pledges member developed two The Chapter hosted several - Ronal Bhagat decided to make some dough eparate bu inesses to u tain BELLARMINE peakers who poke about by having a "Faculty Pie To s" and fund our activitie . One health care, tre s management, CALIFORNIA-RIVERSIDE on campus. For a buck, project, the Delta ig Coupon The Chapter began the year career opportunities, and LAMBDA CHI students could toss a pie at their Book, will be marketed and by having pumpkin-gram sales resume writing. We also had A few years ago the Chapter "favorite" professor or other old to the local community to the dormitory re ident . The the opportunity to tour the embarked on an innovative faculty member (all of which each erne ter. Chapter proceed funded a gathering of Toledo Zoo and gain insight fund-rai er which has proven were willing participants). member ell ad , approve alumni and collegiate to into the Zoo's marketing and succes ful. For the first two Not only did Mu Chi' artwork, monitor printing, and celebrate the founding of accounting y tern . weeks of each quarter, we staff pledge cia make money, but a emble the coupon book . We collected pennies for the a table near the bookstore and also built Brotherhood among The mo t important commu­ United Way went caroling at b fore ale begin. The econd provide a venue for student to Brothers and pledge . One Ia t proj ct, Bu in Week, offer· nity ervice project we partici­ Bowling Green Manor Nur ing buy and sell textbook at a low note: a tronger bond has been a Recruiter Fair, eminar and pated in thi year wa our Home, and a isted at a faculty price. We work on consign­ formed between Delta Sigma faculty/ tudent interaction Scleroderma Awarene Week. breakfast. ment, using the profit to fund Pi , the Uni versity and the ev nt . Both new fund rai er The Chapter ho ted a peaker -Kelly M. Steffan the year-end banquet and Busines faculty, with the help dance, and golf cramble, and are profitable and how the Chapter retreats. of a little whipped cream! Chapter' entrepren urial through our effor , were able CALIFORNIA - BERKELEY Brother also volunteered -Stephanie Spencer pirit. ommunity ervice i to pre ent a check to the RHO their time to a i t with variou another high light ea h erne - cleroderma Federation of In a continuing quest for community service projects. CONNEcnCUT Ohio. The money upport ter and the Brother partici­ excellence, the Brother tarted We worked with children in the THETA lorA re earch on the cau e and cure the Spring seme ter full of pated in both dopt- -Park Fir t Step Child Development This has been a special year of thi di ea e. energy. We ponsored profe - and dept-a-Highway cleanup program, collected food and for Theta Iota because it -Jennifer E. Kimpjlein sional events inducting "The effort . We al o pon ored a clothing for local charities, marked our 25th Anniversary.

14 Summer 1995 We celebrated the occa ion on Drake Univer ity' College of coming Weekend wa a bu y March 8, with our parents. Business and Public Admini - time for u as we participated Cake and refre hment were tration. in the float competition, held a provided and a profe ional Brothers had the opportunity welcome dinner for alumni, and peaker attended. We had an to tour the De Moine Public ho ted the College of Bu ines enjoyable time haring thi Water Work , and Dalla Admini tration Alumni event with our families. We County Brewing Company. We Reception in the Lupton sponsored weekly speaker and al o enjoyed listening to Building. We at o worked toured the New York Stock speakers di cuss international behind the cenes at the COBA Exchange and the Foxwoods busine s, plurali m in the work Faculty and Staff picnic held at Ca ino in Ledyard, Connecti­ place, the operations of a credit the Fair Road Recreation cut. Fund-raising wa a fun company, the importance of Center. experience when we managed union , and salary negotiation. The Chapter was recognized concession tand at both the During our Spring Break we by the campus newspaper for visited New York City and met our family adoption and food Brother from Alpha and donation during the holiday Kappa Rho Chapters. season. In the pring, the -Rebecca A. Risley Chapter presented the Delta Sigma Pi/ Bulloch Chamber of EASTERNIWNOIS Commerce Businessman of the Year Award to Raybon Ander­ EPSILON OMEGA Brothers from -Purdue tour the Archives Room at the Central To become more focu ed on son, Bulloch County Commis­ Office. ervice event in the Charleston sion Chairman. area, we spent time raking -Stacy Jordan ILLINOIS STATE leave , feeding, and visiting tive student with the opportu­ nity to learn about professional IOTA CHI residents at the Charleston The past year has been a year dress in the bu ine s environ­ Manor Retirement Center. We of change and growth for Iota ment. Brother Brent McPherson, also assisted the M.B.A. and Chi members. The Chapter Chapter Advisor for Colorado at The Chapter donated money Computer Management offered an etiquette dinner with Colorado Springs, gets a pie in to the Children's Trust Fund, Department in their annual Marjobelle Young-Stewart, a the face. visited Brookcre t Nursing telefund, and provided tours of renowned speaker and frequent Home, participated with Junior the business school to pro pec­ White House guest. Ms. Achievement, and worked at Men's and Women' Basketball tive students. Chapter members Stewart provided tips on dining the WGVU/WGVK television Games. volunteered their time to help with prospective employers and telethon for service activities. Chapter members a isted the American Red Cross with a customers. Richard Tuck, We also adopted a family at with three Blood Drive and a campus blood drive. Founder and President of Christmas and provided Swim-a-Cros for the American Other activities included Lander International, a man­ clothing, food, and gift as a Red Cros As ociation. Other tours of First State Bank, agement consulting and goodwill gesture. Lambda Xi service project included a Illinoi Con olidated Tele­ executive search firm, visited purchased a popcorn machine book drive and Jeep out for a phone, Anheuser-Busch, First us from San Francisco. Mr. and sold popcorn and soft local shelter, and frequent trip American Bank, and Kaiser's Tuck spoke on "Hot Job Brother Elizabeth Sherman is drinks twice a week in the to a local convalescent home. Department Store. Speakers honored as the 100th initiate of Markets of the 90's" and Seidman School of Busines . -Teri Jamaitis discussed internships, real Hawaii-Hilo. presented considerations when The weekly sales were profit­ estate sales, interviewing making an important job or able enough to pay for the DRAKE techniques, and network career move. Iota Chi ended the machine. We received two marketing. GRAND VALLEY school year by sponsoring a fund raising awards at the Tri­ Alpha Iota Brothers began LAMBDA XI coin walk for the World Regional Conference for our many new activities thi year. GEORGIA SOUTHERN We began the year with an Wildlife Fund. The money annual submarine sandwich Brothers compiled our first EPSILON CHI aggressive recruiting program rai ed will be used to protect ale. recruiting video and tarted the Brothers raised funds during and the purcha e of a banner. endangered species and wildlife tradition of a yearly composite home football game by The annual fashion how wa around the world. HAWAII AT HILO photograph. We al o de igned watching the parking lot across the highlight of our recruitment -Julee Ann Haab and old the first sweatshirt for from Paulson Stadium. Home- period and provided prospec- LAMBDA PSI In March the Chapter initiated our tOOth member. INDIANA-PURDUE The lucky new Brother is IOTA LAMBDA Our fall recruiting plan Elizabeth Sherman, who was included a cookout and recognized at the Spring information meetings. Other Banquet and presented with a event include recruiting table cake a Lambda P i members during the fir t three week of and friends looked on and ang school and a free lunch day Happy Birthday. open to all bu iness students The Chapter actually reached pan ored by our Chapter and I 02 member at their pring area fast-food restaurant . initiation and members are Some of our past profe - looking forward to celebrating sional activities that left Ia ting number 200 in the future. impressions with our Chapter

Theta Iota Chapter at the University of Connecticut.

The DELTASIG of Delta Sigma Pi 15 LOYOLA.CHICAGO elderly at Mary and Catholic GAMMA PI Home, and pent an afternoon Gamma Pi achieved recogni­ with children at the Children tion as the be t tudent organi­ Outing A ociation. zation on campu for the -Caroline J. Sep econd year in a row. Tours included the Harley David on MARYI.AftD factory, the Chicago Board of GAMMA SIGMA Trade, U.S. Steel, the Chicago The Chapter had a very Mercantile Exchange, and ucce sful community service Motorola. Some of the profe - program during the academic ional peaker were Pat Arbor, year. We vi ited and played Pre ident of the Chicago Board game at Foxcha e Center, of Trade, Dave Lerman, distributed information on Director of Marketing for the sexually transmitted disease , Chicago Mercantile Exchange raised money for the Have A and Harold Smith, Chairman of Heart Foundation, and cleaned lllinoi Tool Work and ection of University Boulev member of the Northern Trust The faculty were al o recog­ Bank Board of Director . nized at our faculty breakfa t. The Univer ity pre ented the Brother toured the New York Chapter with the Out tanding Stock Exchange and BCN & Community Service Award. Company Communication Chapter member painted during a trip to the Big Apple. Louisiana State Brothers celebrate their 65th anniversary at the LSU Faculty Club. home for area senior citizen During the Fall semester, during "Make a Difference collegiate and alumni Deltasig's are event such a a tour of the own selling prices and the ing Parade and attended a Day," and prepared and served joined together to attend the Central Office, interviewing Chapter to receive a ten percent meeting at the Chamber of meals for the homeles in Preaknes hor e race in Balti­ techniques, a tour of the commission. Thi program Commerce. conjunction with the Univer ity more. For a fundrai er the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, benefited tudent by lowering Although member hip has Ministry. Chapter old conce sion at two the Chicago Board of Trade and book buying price and rai ing decreased over the last year, the -Stephanie Schank football games. promoting a teamwork environ­ refund opportunities. The Chapter was sti ll able to ment. Book wap has become the maintain its finance through focal point of our Chapter and our daily food sale in the will be instrumental to our bu ines building, a car wa h, IOWA financial stability. Brother raffle, cleaning blackboards, EPSILON assi ted in several community and completing Sear credit Profe sional enhancement ervice projects including card application . We also wa our focus thi year. We canned food drive for a made Valentine card for toured KSDK televi ion tation homeless shelter, clothing ho pitalized children. and Anheu er-Bu ch, as well a drive for a battered women's -KimBolman poke to gue ts regarding helter, and a dance for the entrepreneur hip, dressing for American Red Cross. LONGWOOD ucce , manufacturing, -Sherry and Shelly Rollins KAPPANU accounting in the Big 6, The Chapter continued its changing trend in the bu ine excellent profes ional, fund world, and busine ethic . raising, and community service Nu Omicron Chapter at Our Lady of Holy Cross Brother monitored student projects during the winter election voting booths, and erne ter while starting to make participated in both a highway plans for the upcoming year. MARQUETTE MERCER cleanup and park cleanup. We We ho ted John Adams, DELTA ALPHA TAU adopted a child in a dance Pre ident of Martin Adverti ing Our 75th year at Marquette Thi year marked a time of marathon, and pon ored a Agency, and Don Bier, Lieuten­ has been a pecial one. We rejuvenation for the Chapter book ale for the Children' ant Governor of Virginia. won the Spirit of Marquette and we have made several Miracle Network. Brother are Kappa Nu participated in Award for Distingui hed accompli hments. We have a! o preparing for the Chapter' philanthropy project with the Service in Promoting Racial inducted record number of KEIIT STATE 75th anniver ary celebration in Girl Scouts and the Adopt-a­ Under tanding and Human pledge into the Chapter, BETA PI October. To finance Chapter Highway program, and old Relation . participated in an increa ing During the Fall erne ter, activitie and thi event, barbecue and doughnut during The Chapter' profe ional number of community ervice Brother learned about elf­ member old baked good and two ucce ful fund rai sing activitie included a trip to the activities uch as the March of moti ation and goal , aviation, cup , and cleaned th ' pOrt event . Chicago Board of Trade, a tour Dimes Walk. We also orga­ union . and the outlook on job arena. For ocial activitie , we of the United Center, and a nized and implemented in the Chapter' profe ional entered in and won the co-ed visit to Quad Graphic . We "Bu ine Week '95," a five program. We al o pon ored a KENNESAW STATE oozeball/mud volleyball al o pon ored eminar on day event featuring eminar pa ta dinn r for the United fiiU PI tournament. The year came to personal finance and tre on leader hip and ucce s. Way. a luncheon for the faculty, During the winter quarter u a clo e at the Ro e Ball with management. Additionally we Career panels with noted local and collected canned good for Pi initiated a Book wap Director of Chapter Service planted trees, held a bowling busines leaders and guest charity. Beta Pi Brothers pr gram. Th Book wap Dale Clark in attendance. ba h which rai ed money for lecturer al o spoke on a participated in the Homecom- allo~ ed tudent to et their Ea ter Seal vi ited with the myriad of topics.

16 Summer 1995 NORTHERN ARIZONA ment, and ushering at gradua­ OUR LADY OF HOD' CROSS ZETA OMEGA tion. We also walked to rai e NUOMICRON Zeta Omega Chapter money for the American During it first year of exi t­ uccessfully implemented an Cancer Society in the Making ence the Chapter made history by AIDS awareness benefit, called Stride Again t Cancer Walk. being number one in the nation "The Fight for Sudden Expo- A a fund raiser, we blew up throughout the 1994 Fall ure". The concept underlying twelve thousand balloons for semester and we hope to make the event i a competition in the Bapti t Medical Center' the Honor Roll. which everal local bands annual River City Kid Day. The Chapter ho ted power compete for a ca h prize. lunche with speakers such a the Throughout the evening, founder of Abita Beer and various AIDS awarene and Zapp' Potato Chip who met the peer support group spoke member and told their stories of about the programs available success. for HIV, or AIDS affected During the year, we partici­ individual and their families. pated in the "Walk for the Additionally, the Chapter Hungry" program, held Faculty pon ored it annual faculty San Diego Brothers get together Tea parties, a clothing drive for before their recruiting event. appreciation dinner, partici­ the Salvation Army and a food pated in crafts and games at Kappa Pi Brothers are also drive to benefit Second Kinsey Elementary School, looking forward to working the Harvesters Food Bank. Epsilon Kappa Chapter at Shepherd. and collected aluminum can concession stand during the -Ashley A. Chatelain tabs for the Ronald McDonald upcoming Jacksonville Jaguar House. We held two car football season. PENN STATE - BEHREND -KANSAS CITY NE MISSOURI STATE washes, cleaned the highway -Teresa L. Turner MUPI NUXI IOTANU and toured Little America. Mu Pi sponsored many events Nu Xi Chapter is now one The Chapter has completed a OHIO this year including a food drive year old. During our first year successful year filled with fond NORTHERN ILLINOIS ALPHA OMICRON for the Erie County Second of Chapter operation, we have memories, fun, and opportuni­ ETAMU Throughout the year the Harvest Food Bank. Chapter focu ed our efforts on recruit­ ties for growth. Eta Mu Chapter has had an Chapter participated in a members also participated in a 10 ing. This is a challenging task Professional speakers this exciting and busy year. Some multitude of professional, mile walk for Muscular Sclero­ and we have found out just how year included William Duane of the topics discu ed in the community service and sis. Alumni and collegiate aggressive recruiting must be at Benton, a Missouri Supreme professional program included fundraising activities. Our members gathered for the Fourth a commuter school. We were Court Justice and Certified the insurance industry, inter­ annual Spring trip was to Annual Rose Dance at Sabella's presented our charter during the Public Accountant and Brother viewing and resume tech­ Toronto. The five day trip Restaurant. Professional speakers Midwestern Regional Confer­ Brittney Puetz, who spoke of niques, corporate travel, included a visit to the Toronto from the Erie community talked ence and we won the award for her experiences as a school­ marketing and selling, writing to the Chapter about the business the highest percentage of teacher in Japan. At a campus­ contracts, and the history and world with emphasis on market­ members at the event. The wide event Joe Batten, Chair­ operations of Nestle. We also ing, management, finance and Brothers at Baker University man and CEO of The Batten participated in the campus sales. Guests provided insights invited us to participate in Group, and an alum us of Delta blood drive, ate dinner with the on the current and future busi­ initiation ceremonies during the Sigma Pi, spoke on leadership. residents at the Hope Haven ness environment and its effect fall semester. Nu Xi initiated Our Rose Formal was coordi­ Shelter, taught Business Basics on job searching. several faculty members this nated with a professional tour for Junior Achievement, and -Tanya Q. Alexander year including Dean William of the Anhuser-Busch distribut­ sponsored a food drive for the Eddy, Assistant Dean Betty ing company. local food pantry. To assist in SAGINAW VALLEY STATE Glick, and Jerry Hamilton, B.A. Community service activities funding Chapter activities, MUPHI Program Coordinator. included highway cleanup, Brothers helped inventory at Thi year the Chapter has bingo at a nursing home, visits the Nestle Warehou e, spon­ Lambda Pi Chapter at San Diego involved its member in many to the Humane Shelter, and the sored a cash raffle, and hosted a events. We sent four brothers to NEBRASKA-LINCOLN annual run for Cystic Fibrosis. euchre tournament. Our the Tri-Regional Conference and ALPHA DELTA -Nina A. Hoang greatest successes this year Dominion Bank to attend hosted speakers from Franklin Our spring 1995 semester has were the initiation of study separate seminars on marketing Quest who spoke about organiza­ been an overwhelming success. tables and focus on Chapter and business law and then tional skills. Brothers also We have made improvements in management. financing and the economy of welcomed an entrepreneur who recruiting and Chapter manage­ Canada. We then visited the discussed marketing skills and ment and are striving for the NORTH FLORIDA Toronto Stock Exchange as his per onal business develop­ Delta Sigma Pi Honor Roll. KAPPA PI well as the CBS televi ion ment. For Homecoming we sold Alpha Delta Chapter held food The Special Olympics has network. corsages to the football fans and and clothing drives to assist the been our mai n community Friday night, dinner wa upported Brothers Gerald Smith needy in the Lincoln commu­ service project thi academic eaten at the Hard Rock Cafe and Sheila Welling who won the nity. Additionally, the Chapter year. Our Chapter has volun­ followed by a visit to Pantages 1995 Homecoming King and cleaned the Devaney Center, teered numerous hours to work Theater to watch The Phantom Queen titles. We also volun­ helped Tabitha with Meals-on­ with the handicapped children of the Opera. We were also teered for Mu cular Dystrophy, Wheels, and participated in and adults of Jacksonville, fortunate enough to see the an Adopt-a-Family program for everal painting project . We Florida. Other community and Cleveland Indians beat the the Chri trna holiday, and the al o te ted our marketing kills Univer ity ervice activitie Toronto Blue Jays at Skydome Adopt-a Highway project. Southwest Missouri State during the weekend. -Sheila Welling by helping the Gallup organiza­ members participate in a community include a free car wash for tion with urvey . service event. campu police, Junior Achieve- ~

The DELTASIG of Delta Sigma Pi 17 ST. AMBROSE cycle ride from Co ta Mesa to current Faculty Advisor. THDA OMICRON San Diego to benefit the San The spring ernester brought The Chapter ucce fully Diego Children' Center. All the election of a Deltasig as conquered many ta k during particpants received a free t­ President of the College of the pring emester including shirt, food and beverage during Bu ines Administration in the raffling a $100 shopping pree the ride. Student Government As ocia­ at the local mall, and participat­ Our Fall recruiting campaign tion for the econd consecutive ing in the Ea t Area Special will include the di tribution of year. Two Chapter member Olympic Track n Field 40,000 Super- aver di count also were out tanding graduate events. In January, three teams card to San Diego State nominee for the Spring 1995 played a part in the Junior tudent . Thi i an event which commencement. Achievement Bowi-A-Thon. give us the opportunity to -Kevin B. Ward Theta Omicron ho ted a market our elve to all Univer­ repre entative from RaJ ton ity tudents. SW MISSOURI STATE Western Kentucky Brothers celebrate at their Spring Fonnal. Purina' Human Re ource -Stephen E. Ko KAPPA OMICRON Department and watched a We had a very productive Our profe sional program ment. During the winter motivational film featuring Lou SHEPHERD year and one of our greate t wa al o a ucces with topics erne ter we delivered Valen­ Holtz. We celebrated the EPSILON KAPPA accompli hment was our 24 including non-profit organiza­ tine card to the Gunnison Chapter's 25th Birthday with a The Chapter started the fall Hour Volleyball-A-Thon. We tion , trend in U.S. banking, Health Center and old cotton party. emester by taking a trip to played continuou volleyball the F.S.I. and U.P.S. We had candy for Earth Day. Membe~ Chesapeake Bay where we for 24 hours and raised $2,500 the opportunity to tour al o howca ed their athletic enjoyed a weekend of boating, for the benefit of AIDS Chry ler, E quire Movje talent in a bowl-a-thon and crabbing, and water-skiing. Research and Awarene . We Theater, Po t Di patch, ba ketball tournament. The seme ter highlight was a were joined in thi effort by Anheuser-Bu ch, Lambert trip to regional conference in Sigma Kappa, Alpha Kappa Airport, the Federal Re erve WEST FLORIDA Arlington, Virginia. Epsilon Lambda, and Alpha Kappa P i. Bank of St. Louis, Boatmen ETA UPSILON Kappa won two award , Our mo t recent achievement Bank and A. G. Edward . We tarted the year by including Mo t Improved wa capturing fir t place in pon oring a Kobe Relief effon Chapter for the Midea tern Corporate Games. For the fir t with the College of Bu ine . to Region and Mo t Profitable time in the hi tory of Corporate WESTERN KENTUCKY aid the earthquake victim,. Fund Raising Award. Games, the Chapter defeated ZETA THETA Brothers cleaned a tretch of The Spring Formal this year Other event included di cu.- Northeast Missouri State , the other wa held at the Nancy Ward ion on inve trnent planning, members welcome the spring road to upport the We t pledges. Virginia highway cleanup Room in Nashville Opryland marketing for a utility com­ project. Tours of Dulle Airport Hotel.The member and their pany, and di tribution of and the Byron Tannery, dates danced the night away a products in food store . Chapkr SAN DIEGO profe ional peaker , and bake they li tened to the electrifying members volunteered their bJTI( LAMBDA PI ale rounded out the busy fall mu ic of up-beat dj c jockey and pent an afternoon bowHn~ Lambda Pi Chapter worked seme ter. Mad Dog. It wa a plea ure to with the A ociation of hard to become a dominant have Mid-South Regional Retarded Citizen . We al o organization on campu thi SOUTH FLORIDA Director David Brooks and his gathe~ed 118 pound of food year. Our hard work and THETA PHI wife Jennifer join u . for the Manna Food Bank, dedication paid off when we The Chapter i very proud of On April l , member were collected food and other were awarded the Inter-Club Brother Tara Petryni. With a bright-eyed, bu hy-tajled and article for the Humane Council ward for Mo t major in marketing, Tara Western State Brothers enjoy a enthu ia tic as they helped Society. To finance Chapter Out tanding Greek Organiza­ graduated with the Univer ity ski weekend. organize Bowling Green' activities, we sold Easter c tion. Honor Program and rhe annual Easter Egg Hunt. -Dana A. Mille We ho ted everal intere ting Marketing Honor Program. The Chapter aJ o inducted profe ional event thi year, bu ine fraternity at Southwe t hapter member al o Joe Medalic at the annual including a Ore for Sue e Mi ouri State. We left with congratulate Brother Daryl Bu ine Man of the Year eminar with Nord trom and a proud mile on our face , in 0 ' ain, Marcy Bru cino, Olivia Banquet. work, hop to teach and lie n e the hope of continuing thi dki on, lex Akerberg, Tone people with the u e of well into the future. Dial, Bridget Green. Carrie WESTERN STATE Pepper pray. We al pon- -Kimberly Bay Bebber, Laura Varnum, Mary ZETA KAPPA . red the pecial Olympic Hamilton, Mi helle Jacob and For the third year in a row luncheon and campu blood WASHINGTON-ST. LOUIS Kelli Kenneally upon their the Chapter ponsored a free drive, and played bingo at a ALPHA CHI recent graduation. ki weekend at Crested Butte local retirement home. ki re ort in Colorado. Many The highlight of the fall SOUTHWESTERN Delta ig attended and enjoyed SAN DIEGO STATE erne ter wa a weekend retreat LOUISIANA kiing and professional events. IOTA PI where Brother focu ed on KAPPA XI We are planning another ski leader hip development, team In the fall th hapter co- weekend for the upcoming building, goal etting and pring me ter wa a i ting h ted a Career Fair along with winter eason. at th Billy Joel/Elton J hn Chapter moti ation. Member the ni ersity' Career Place­ Brother participated in a concert. W al ho ted and participated in the Great ment Center whi h wa very tutoring program and blood won th pring Fie ta c mpeti­ Pumpkin Walk. and during the u ce ful. Weal o ini.tiated drive and attended v~ous tion f r th third time. Iota Pi pring, as i ted the Special two di tingui hed faculty of the profe sionaJ seminars on al painted the orphanage Olympic and pon ored Peter College of Bu ine Adrnini - budgeting, banking, marketing home, and pon ored a motor- tration and Dr. Ron Heady,our Rabbit' Egg ellent Adventure. Alpha Chi Chapter at Washington­ and small busines manage- St. Louis.

18 Summer 1995 & Mrs. Sidney A. Sparks 9 5 Collegian of the Year

oyd J. Pederson, a Peer Advisor (freshmen advisor for graduate of Western cour e election and general campus State College in information.) He was selected for two Gunnison, Colorado, and years to participate in the Western Skiing an alumnus of Zeta Scholar Program doing public relations Kappa Chapter, has been work for Western State College by chosen as the 1995 skiing and working at Crested Butte Collegian of the Year. Mountain Resort while advertising the With a major in Accounting, Boyd college. He also answered questions maintained a 3.8 cumulative grade about the school and area for prospective point average during his four years students when they visited the campus. at Western State and was honored on In September he will embark on his the Dean's list six out of eight career in public accounting with Arthur academic terms, making the national Andersen & Co. Dean's list as a freshman. He has Boyd is a very achievement-oriented earned numerous scholarships person and sets high standards for including the Crismon Scholarship - himself. He believes that honest, hard the largest and most prestigious work, and a good attitude are the keys to merit-based scholarship on campus. being successful and happy in life. His Boyd was initiated into Zeta Kappa in 1991 and served as hobbies include golfing, skiing, travel­ President, Vice President for Chapter ing, reading and hiking and camping in Operations and Chancellor. With a the mountains. strong executive board and dedi­ As Collegian of the Year, Boyd begins cated supporting Brothers, he was a two-year term of service on the Board able to guide the Chapter to achieve of Directors and Executive Committee the Honor Roll for the ftrst time in of Delta Sigma Pi and receives a twenty years. He wa elected as the graduate scholarship. In every way, delegate to the 39th Grand Chapter Boyd Pederson exemplifies those Congress in Anaheim and was qualities for which the Collegian of the selected to serve on the Ritual team Year program was established. for the initiation of National Each chapter in the Fraternity has the Honorary Member Karen Hendrick . opportunity to nominate a member for Also during the week of Grand this award. From all regional nominees, Chapter Congress, he participated a regional finalist is elected by a with Mike Mallonee on a Leadership screening committee within the region Focus Group. and, from these finalists, a national In addition to working with Zeta winner is chosen by the Executive Boyd J. Pederson, Zeta Kappa Chapter, Western State College (Gunnison, Colorado) Kappa, Boyd ha served as Senator for Committee. Human Resources with the Student The Brother selected as Collegian of Government Association, has been the Year receives a schblarship- made involved with the Honors Program for possible through the generosity of Mr. four years and was a member of the and Mrs. Sidney A. Sparks. The Mr. and Mrs. Sidney A. Sparks Collegian of the Year award Student Ad vi ory Board to the Honor Brother Sidney ("Sparky") A. Sparks recognizes the most outstanding collegiate member of the Fraternity, as Program, which interact with a Faculty is a 1935 initiate of Beta Kappa Chapter evidenced by scholarship, extracurricular activities, Fraternity service, Advisory Board. He completed a at the University of Texas and served the and demonstration of responsibility of conduct according to the highest scholarship assistantship in the spring of Chapter as Senior Warden and President. standards of business ethics and integrities. 1993 for the Honors Program, which Professionally, Brother Sparks was a included administrative duties, setting CPA for his own ftrm, Sidney A. Sparks, up banquets and speakers, and writing CPA. and compiling the Honors Program Brother Sparks has provided continual Newsletter. support to the Fraternity for many years. During his college years, Boyd was He and his wife Buttercup are residents employed on campus as a Library of San Antonio and are regular partici­ Assistant, Accounting Tutor, and as a pants in the Grand Chapter Congress. A l'lu DELTASIG of Delta Sigma Pi 19 NOTES

Troy E. Weinberg, Adelphia, Criminal Sentencing Commis­ Bloomington, and Ursula i a CPA with Goldstein, sion. The Commission is a 17- Patrick-Mo'lll, Indiana­ Golberg and Goldman in New member body created by the Bloomington, were both York. Ohio General Assemby that is recently promoted to major in Caroline Moreno Foote, reponsible for studying Ohio's the United States Air Force. Akron ha been promoted to sentencing Jaws and correc­ Currently, Justin i an Opera­ Account Manager Per anal tional re ources, recommending tions Research Analy t in the Lines Marketing with The comprehensive sentencing Air Force Studies & Analy Traveler In urance. She live plan to the General Assembly, Agency; and Su i chief of the in North Canton, Ohio with her monitoring the plans when personnel policy branch of the husband and two sons. enacted and advising the office of the Air Force Judge Ron Thayer, Akron, i Senior General A sembly. Suster has Advocate General. They live in Application Developer with served on the Commission Alexandria, Virginia with the1r Michael J. Mazur, Jr. Daniel S. Doyle Arthur Ander en Technology since 1993. daughter and son. Solutions in Sarasota, Aorida. Jon Lopez, Jr., Central P.R. Sweeney,Indiana L. Claire Smith, Alabama, i Florida, i Distribution and State,has been appointed Michael J. Mazur, Jr., Daniel S. Doyle, Pacific, Timber Accounting Supervisor Circulation Director with President of Security Bank and Georgia State, former Executive who has served in variou for Union Camp Corporation in Orient Magazine, a division of Trust Company by the bank' Director of Delta Sigma Pi, has capacitie at the Central Prattville, Alabama. She ha Orient Publi hing, Inc. in board of directors. He joined been appointed Director of Office of Delta Sigma Pi since recently been elected Pre ident Longwood, Florida. Security Bank and Trust in Meeting and Programs with 1988, mo t recently as of the Montgomery Chapter of Steven M. Berg, Drake, is 1969 as an auditor, was Total As ociation Management Managing Editor of The the Institute of Management Director of Sales for five promoted to vice president and Service , Inc. in Atlanta. A DELTASIG Magazine and Accountants. properties with Wi co Partners controller in 1975, then wa graduate of Georgia State, he Executive Vice Pre ident of Keith W. Dean, Angelo State, Hotel Group based in Madison. named vice president and wa employed in variou the Delta Sigma Pi Leader hip retired from GTE as Section Brother Berg was previously cashier in 1980. accounting and auditing po i­ Foundation, accepted a Manager of the art billing a sales manager with John Q. Brother Sweeney also was tion in the life insurance po ition Ia t October with the sy tern in Augu t, 1993. In May Hammons Hotels (Holiday Inn this year's recipient of the indu try. After everaJ year of National Headquarter of the of 1994, he was elected Most West). Community Service Award volunteer Board leader hip for Alzheimer's Association in llJustrious Grand Master of the J. Elizabeth Betsy Bowers, from the Vincennes Area Delta Sigma Pi, in 1981 , Brother Chicago. The Alzheimer's Grand Council of Royal and East Tennessee State, was Chamber of Commerce. He Mazur was appointed Executive Association is the only Select Masters of Aorida. promoted to Inspector General lives i.n Verne, Indiana. Director. During his tenure, he national voluntary organiza­ This is an 8,000 member body in the office of Inspector David M. Gasway, Iowa, i at o erved the Profes ionaJ tion dedicated to conquering affiliated with the Masonic General at the University of Regional Sales Manager/ Fraternity A ociation a Alzheimer's di ease through Lodge. West Florida-Pensacola. She is Account Executive with Trea urer (two term ), Vice research and to providing Scott E. Angle, Ball State, is also president of the Northwest Mikimoto (America) Company. President and Pre ident. education and support to Senior Product Manager on Aorida chapter of the Institute Ltd., covering 16 states and TAMS, Inc., provides a broad people with Alzheimer's Enfarnil, an infant formula of Internal Auditors. Canada from St. Paul, Minne­ spectrum of ervice to its clients disease, their families and manufactured by Mead Johnson A cancer survivor, Brother sota. including: general management caregiver . Nutritional , a divi ion of Bowers is also active with the Donald E. Dooley, Kansas, and admini tration, member and A an A ociate Director, Bristrol Myers Squibb in Escambia/Gulf Breeze Unit of will be attending the 54th public relation , program and Brother Doyle i responsible Evansville, Indiana. the American Cancer Society. International Conference of the curriculum development, for administering the Kemala J. Purcell, Cal Poly­ She works with the "Work Well Institute of Internal Auditors in meeting and conferen e plan­ acknowledgment program of San Luis Obispo, is Administra­ Cancer Free" program that goes Paris in June. He served as ning and management, member the A ociation, en uring that tive Services Coordinator with to workplaces and promotes pre ident of this 50,000 need a e ment and trategic the over $21 million received Hoge, Fenton, Jones & Appel, education on the risk factors for member group 30 years ago. planning. annually from more than Inc. in San Jo e, California. an early detection of cancer. Doreen K. (Williams) In July. manag ment of the 600,000 individual donor i David G. Luff, Cal State­ Jonella Byroad Beal, Kuster, Kent State, has been Society of Corporate Meeting appropiately recognized. Chico, i Vice Pre ident of the Evansville, ha a po ition with promoted to Business Financial Profe ional wa a umed by . Brother Doyle i al o re pon­ Partnership Programs with NBD Bancorp in Lafayette, Manager, Great Lakes Region TAM and Brother Mazur ha ible for managing the Affinity Partner of Wellesley Indiana. with the Goodyear Tire & be n app inted Executi e ociation' memorial and Hill, Ma sachu etts. Affinity Robert J. Yacko, Jr., Rubber Company. Director. tribute gjft program which Partner i a national marketing Illinois, received hi Master of Mary Terhoeve Gardner, He live in tlanta and al o rai e in exce of 300,000 firm for affinity and co-branded Bu ine Administration degree Louisiana State, is Corporate rve a an admini trative each year. a member of the credit card . from Emory Univer ity in Internal Auditor with Travelers. volunteer with Proje t Open Marketing Support ervice State Repre entative Ronald Atlanta. He is currently Inc. in Duluth, Georgia. Hand- tlanta. a meal -on­ Department, Dan al o J. Suster, Case Western employed as a Conttoller with John Schmidt, Louisiana wheel pr gram that provide provide daily a i tance in Reserve, ha been re-appointed Peachtree Center Management Tech, has been promoted to Tax o er 1,200 meal daily to men, managing donor relation . by Ohio Hou e Speaker JoAnn Company. Manager with Arthur Andersen. women and children with AIDS. Davidson to erve on the Ohio Justin Moul Indiana- in Destrehan, Louisiana.

20 Summer 1995 James Wittenberg, Loyola­ Thomas J. Hoeferlin, Wolfensohn in New York. operations and currently lives Lakeview Regional Medical New Orleans, i teacher-coach Northeast Missouri State, ha Bradley Thomas Wolfsen, in Slidell, Loui iana. Center in Mandeville, Louisi­ al St. Paul' Epi copal chool in joined the accounting staff of , i Busine ana. New Orlean , Loui iana. The Lockwood Group, a real Analy t with Deloitte & Touche Joanne Shafer, Virginia Mary Ann Hess, Mississippi, e tate firm, in St. Louis. LLP in Philadelphia. Commonwealth, a Human is A si tant City Clerk for the Jennifer L. Ludlow, Christopher Yu, Pennsylva­ Resource Major, wa chosen City of Greenville, Mi is ippi. Northeast Missouri State, i nia, has been promoted to Vice to be recognized in Who's Who John A. Schuchart, Ne­ Asset Protection Manager with President for J.P. Morgan in American Colleges and braska-Omaha, ha retired a Venture, in Liberty, Missouri . Trading Company in New Universities for academic Chief Executive Officer of David B. Meyer, Northeast York. accomplishment . MDU Re ource Group, Inc. in Missouri State, has a position NormanS. Jung, Philadel­ Jeffrey H. Link, Virginia Bi marck, North Dakota, after in the Executive Development phia Textiles, is a volunteer in Commonwealth, an Information 45 year in the energy and Program with Dillard's Depart­ the Peace Corp and will be Systems major, received an natural resource indu try. He ment Store in St. Louis. stationed in Slovakia. He will award for his leadership service will remain a a Director and Jason Michael Willett, be working in the Small to Virginia Commonwealth Chairman of the Board. Northeast Missouri State, is a Business Development Program. Univerity. In recognition of hi accom­ Marketing Intern with Alexan­ Chris Komnick, Purdue, has Albert S. Gordon Kenneth D. Halsey, Wayne plishments the building that dria Ace Baseball Club in been named Pre ident of Group State-Nebraska, has received will serve a the headquarters Alexandria, Virginia. 42, Inc. Group 42 develops and the 1995 Teaching Excellence of the company was renamed Kurt Patrick Brown, Our markets graphics utility AlbertS. Gordon, SUNY­ Award from the Nebraska State the "Schuchart Building." Lady of Holy Cross, i Accoun­ software specifically designed Albany, has joined Tweeter, etc. College Board of Trustees. The Mary R. Dittman, Nevada­ tant-REO Division with Latter for image manipulation and as the company's new Chief Trustees give one of these Reno, i Marketing Manager and Blum in New Orlean . transfer of the Internet and Financial Officer. A Certified awards each year to a faculty with the Florence Morning Liz M. Hartmann, Our other on-line services. Public Accountant, Brother member within the State News in Florence, South Lady of Holy Cross, is the John M. Honsa, St. Cloud Gordon holds a B.S. in Ac­ College System. Carolina. Mary has also joined owner, and VP-CFO of Destin State, has been appointed to counting from SUNY-Albany Brother Halsey has received the Board of Directors of Corporation in Harvey, Supervisor of Dry Sausage and a M.B.A. from Harvard a number of other awards, University. He comes to "Hope for the Pee Dee", an Louisiana. Packaging at Hormel Foods in including Outstanding Profes­ Tweeter from Boston Publish­ AIDS ervice organization. Michael Robert Lyons, Our Austin, Minnesota. sor from the Blue Key in I 989 Simone Theiss, North Lady of Holy Cross, i As istant Charles M. Choate, ing Compat:lY· a consumer and Business Faculty of the pecialty catalog firm, where he Year Award in 1989, 1991 , Carolina-Greensboro, is Director of Supply Processing Jr.,Colonel, USAF, Shepherd, served as Chief Financial Officer. 1993 and 1995 from Wayne International Coordinator with Distribution with Oschner has recently retired after 26 Tweeter etc. is a specialty State. He has also been the Society of Competitive Ho pital in New Orleans. years in the Air Force. He consumer electronics retailer, nominated by Delta Sigma Pi Intelligence Professionals in Staton Francis, McNeely retired as the Director, Supply purveying high quality audio, for the PFA Faculty Award of Alexandria, Virginia. ill, Our Lady of Holy Cross, is for the Air Mobility Command Accounting Assi tant with re ponsible for military airlift video and car stereo equipment Excellence. Stewart & Stevenson in throughout the world. and cellular phones, from 17 Harvey, Louisiana. Hi duty locations have retail locations. Michele B. Allen, Pennsyl­ included 17 different bases in 6 Stephen A. Stumpf, Tampa, vania, ha been promoted to different countries, including has been appointed Dean of Project Director with Informa­ Norway, Canada, Portugal, the College of Business at the tion Resources, Inc. in Germany, and Thailand. He University of Tampa. He has a Fairfield, New Jer ey. plans to remain in the St. Louis degree in chemical engineering . lxchell C. Duarte, Pennsyl­ area. from Rensselaer, an M.B.A. vania, ha a po ition with Kenneth P. McGregor, from the University of Roches­ Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P. in South Dakota, has been ter, and a Ph.D. in organiza­ Orlando. tran ferred to Wai-Mart Stores tional behavior from New York Judith M. Hutchison, Super Center Division and University. He has written over Pennsylvania,i Credit Analyst promoted to a Directors 100 papers, article , and business cases, and authored Sara Schneider with Nations Bank in Balti­ position in Gainsville, Georgia. Kenneth Halsey more. He ha been with Wai-Mart several books. His material are Victoria Lynne Quarles, since 1991 as an Assistant widely used in management Robbi E. Wright, West Manager in Spirit Lake, Iowa. development program by Sara Schneider, Northeast Pennsylvania, has been Liberty State, has tarted a Diane Hartzler, Southern dozens of Fortune I 000 Missouri State, i Receptionist/ promoted to Specialist with home based interactive Mississippi, has been relocated companies. distributon system in Wheeling, Admini trative A sistant at American Telephone and with Shell Oil Company to Dean Blankenship, Jr., West Virginia. She, along with Maring & Kanefield, Inc., a Telegraph Co. (AT&T) in New Orleans. She is working Texas A&M, has been promoted a partner, is expanding nation­ full-service advertising and Somerset, New Jersey. with the planning and finance to Assistant Director of marketing communication Stefan Whitwell, Pennsylva­ wide and in orne foreign group for Shell's offshore Environmental Services with company ba ed in St. Louis. nia, is Analyst with James D. countries.£.

The DELTASIG of Delta Sigma Pi 21 S &PIECES

Ruth Spadaro, a econd son, Mergers 17, 1995, to Karen Ann Kemdt, Florida, on May 27, 1995, to 9, 1994, a son, Chri topher Jame Madison, at Alexandria, Tim Freeman, at Mobile, Michael. Chri topher Franci . Virginia. Alabama. To Brother Kemala J. To Brothef John Schmidt. Amy L. Daugherty, Akron, Nicolette Schmitt, James Richard L. Cassidy, West Purcell, Cal Poly-San Luis Louisiana Tech, and Monica on November 5, 1994, to Sean Madison, on May 28, 1995, to Florida, on March 18, 1995, to Obispo, and Michael Purcell, Schmidt, on March 18, 1995, T. Demlow, in Akron, Ohio. Curti Buermeyer, at Vienna, Stephanie Kay Brown, at on August 28, 1994, a daugh­ twin , a daughter, Kimberly Karla Evelyn King, Akron, Virginia. Pensacola, Florida. ter, Ka ie Jane. Ann, and a on, John Chri to­ on April 15, 1995, to Charles H. Kevin Ray Brewer, Louisi­ Victor H. Hotopp, West To Brother April Arnold pher Jr. Edward , in Cuyahoga, Ohio. ana State, on May 27, 199 5, to Florida, on December 17, Wiskur, Central Missouri To Brother Randy M. Jennifer Maddox, Angelo Shay Marie Melancon, at Baton 1994, to Vikki W. Kelley, West State, and Ru ell Wi kur, on Berkow, Maryland, and State, on January 7, 1995, to Rouge, Louisiana. Florida at Pensacola, Florida. March 17, 1995, a daughter, Brother Andrea J. Berkow, Cody Klien, at Harper, Texas. Douglas J. Koch, Memphis Michael N. Tano, West Mallory Kay, who join a si ter Maryland, on December 26, Tori McPherson, Angelo State, on March 4, 1995, to Florida, on May 20, 1995, to Kendra LeighAnn, age 2112. 1994, a son, Alex Jonathan. State, on September 14, 1994, Jennifer Tapscott, at Memphi . Lindy R. Sluschewski, at Mary To Brother Ross E. To Brother Steven to Matt Jone , at San Angelo, Michael Abend, Nevada­ Ester, Florida. Bradshaw, Colorado at Silverman, Miami, and Debra Texa . Reno, on May 13, 1995, to Colorado Springs, and Lori A. L. Silverman, on Apri114, Carl Miller, Angelo State, in Carolyn M. Thper, Nevada­ Dividends Brad haw, on April 27, 1995, a 1995, a son, David Alexander. June, I 994, to Deidre Gray, Reno, at Lake Tahoe, Nevada. son, Layne Nicholas. To Brother Lynn Schirmer­ Angelo State, at Dallas, Texas. Lou Lee Chartier, New To Brother Louis Hausle, To Brother David K. Woods, Miami-Ohio, and Dale Lori J. Olivieri, Arizona Orleans, on February 11 , 1995, Adelphi, and Brother Arac Humphrey, Dayton, and Vicki Wood , on March 28,1995, a State, on December 4, 1994, to to Glenn Augustine. Nibur, Adelphi, on February S. Humphrey, on April 20, on, Hayden John. Erich Meyer, at Scottsdale. John Peltier, New Orleans, 14, 1995, twins, a daughter, 1995 a daughter, A hley To Brother Kim Mann Thomas G. Sisture, on April 20, 1995 to Cara and a son, Louis, Jr. Nicole. Vorchheimer, Miami-Ohio, Connecticut, on June 25, 1994, Giovannina Fusco, at Atlanta. To Brother Christine To Brother Dennis P. and Ethan Vorchheimer, on to Cheryl A. Kolbusz, Con­ Vonda K. Wood Northeast Mancino-Mage, Adelphi, and Klocke, Dayton, and Brother December 17, 1994, a econd necticw, at Sim bury, Missouri State, to Bryan Joseph Mage, on April25, Vicki Corron Klocke, Dayton , daughter, Rachel Frances. Connecticut. Greenwalt, at Owensv ille, 1995, a son, Thoma Michael. on March 19, 1995, a girl, To Brother Sarai Schweitzer Jonella Byroad, Evansville. Missouri. To Brother Lori Spraitzer, Kristin Jean. Morrison, Missouri-Columbia, on Augu t 6, 1994, to Michael Christopher Yu, Pennsylva­ Akron, and Greg Enochian, on To Brother Jonella Byroad and Stuart Morrison, on April Wayne Beale. nia, on June 3, 1995, to Wendy September 15, 1994, a on, Beal, Evansville, and Michael 14, 1995, a daughter, Sydney Ralph (Pete) W. Coleman, Marie Yu, at Philadelphia. Stephen Gregor. Wayne Beale, on April 21, Lauren. George Mason, on December lxchell Garcia, Pennsylania, Aimee L. Geiser, Akron, on 1995, a daughter, Brooke To Brother Meshelle 22, I 994, to Hena Ha an, at on May 5, 1994, to Hugo R. April 14, 1995, a daughter, Elaine. Augustin Boruch, Nebraska­ Vienna, Virginia. Duarte, at Orlando. Kate1yn Charlene. To Brother James M. Lincoln , and George Boruch, Dawn LeAnn Nelson, Denyce B. Katz, South To Brother Ron Nickolas Norton, Ferris State, and Fran on May 4, 1995, a on, Nicho­ George Mason, on October 22, Florida, on March 25, 1995, to Thayer, Akron, and Brother Norton, on January 7, 1995, a la Glen. 1994, to Jeffery Todd Bob Gilbert. Christina Quesenberry daughter, Samantha Kay, who To Brother Jack Perkins, Wieczorek, at Sterling, Vir­ M. Christine Johnson, Thayer, Akron, on February 18, joins sisters Amy Marie, age 5 Nevada-Reno, and Brother ginia. Southwest Missouri State, on 1995, a son, Andrew Nickolas. and Kari Ann age 3. Diana Barlow Perkins Su an E. Shand George November 12, 1994, to Dexter To Brother Allen Jefferson To Brother Walter G. Nevada-Reno, on February 8, Mason, on October 15, 1994, to Wi1 on. Sanders ill, Alabama, and Tillman, Georgia Southern, 1995, a on, Gordon Jacob. Gordon Warren at Mana a , Tara R. Bessler, Valparaiso , Brother Sarah J. Wagoner and Carole G. Tillman, on To Brother Laurie Blackert Virginia. on June 3, 1995, to Michael Sanders, Western Kentucky, on February I, 1995, a on, Walter Hamlin, Ohio and Jeff Deborah L. Neary, Georgia Crou e, at LaPorte, Indiana. April 5, 1995, a daughter, Scott, fifth child, third on. Hamlin, on January 27, 1995, a State, on March 4, 1995, to Julie A. Conrad, Valparaiso, Emily Stuart. To Brother Amy Koehler on, Alexander William. Robert A. Ethridge. on May 13, 1995, to Kevin To Brother Tori McPherson Preston, Indiana-Bloomington, To Brother Scott F. Snider, Jana Lynn Fahl, lllinoi Schmidt, at Mi hawaka, Jones, Angelo State, and Matt and Andy Preston on Novem­ Oklahoma, and Brother Paula tate, on ovemb r 26, 1994. Indiana. Jone , on October 15, 1994, a ber 9, 1994, a son, Benj amin Klusmeyer Snider Oklahoma t Matt Berg chneider, at Jouko Y. Salko, Valparaiso, on, Rhett Reagon Allen. David. State, on March 24, 1995, a Morri onville. lllinoi . on pri1 29, 1995, to Beth Ann To Brother Vickie Smith To Brother David M. Gasway, on, Stephen Forre t. There a Marie Gibbon , Rath ack, at Milwaukee. Angelo State, and Mark Smith Iowa, and Brother Susan Lake To Brother lxchell Garcia lllinoi tate, on March 18, Karen Mitchell, Valparaiso, in February, 1995, a on, Gasway, Iowa, on November 8, Duarte, Pennsylvaina, and 1995, to Wade Meyer, at on June 10. 1995. to Stephen Holden Lewi . 1994 a daughter, I abel Hugo R. Duarte, on March 30, Downer Gro e, lllinoi . Campbell. at Ann Arbor. To Michael L. Tyler, Barry, To Brother Brian Schultz, 1995, a daughter, Ashley Nicole. cott . KiUion, /ndiana­ Kenneth L. Farer, Washing­ and Maria Tyler, on December James Madison, and Elizabeth To Brother Elizabeth Diane Bloomin ton. on Dec mb r 17. tori-St. Louis, on pri1 30, 1, 1994, a on, Steven Patrick. Schultz on April J 5 •. 1995, a Waskom, Pennsylvania, and 1994, to Tracy L. Me mer. 1995. to Sharryn J. Bamberger. To Brother Amy Wright on. Chri tian Lyall. Keith Wa kom on September Thomas Doane Perry, at St. Loui . Gartner, Bellarmine, and To Brother Michael J. II, 1994, a daughter, Kailey l ame Madison, on December Arnie Biel-Lamb, West Michael Gartner, on December Spadaro Sr. Lo Salle, and Abigail.

22 Summer 1995 To Brother Mark E. Olson, Virginia L. Venable Berry t. Cloud State, and Nancy Clemson - 3/95 Editor's Note: See page 19 for Nationtll Collegian of the Year I on, on April 26, 1995, a son, and page 10 for Regiontll Collegians of the Year. icholas Mark. David J. Gleeson To Brother Charles E. DePaul - 11/95 weeney, St. Cloud State, and University of Akron -Scott Lindenmuth ody Sweeney, on February 28, Max J. Levine Barry University - Kenneth Ida 995, a son, Graham Alexander. Maryland- 4/95 BeUarmine College-Amy Walsh To Brother Arthur S. BowUng Green State University- Emily Huelsman University of California-Riverside- Jeffrey Kelemen udman, San Diego State, and Richard Charles Hageman Miami-Ohio - 5190 Cal Poly State San Luis Obispo-Laura Baker rother Rosemary Contreras California State University-Fullerton - Hayley Philbrick udman, San Diego State, on California State University-Long Beach -Vera Armoudikian Edgar F. Raseman, Jr. pril6, 1995, a daughter, Hope California State University-Northridge- Devang Mehta Mia. Michigan-Ann Arbor- 5/95 Central Missouri State University - Christina Inman To Brother Nancy Brubeck Duquesne University- Jill Bowers Karl F. Brunkow eiman, San Diego State, and University of Florida -Steven Grave de Peralta Minnesota-Minneapolis- 3/95 Florida Atlantic University- Kristen Thomas eter Brubeck, on October 30, George Mason University - Elizabeth Watson 1994, a son, Kevin Robert. Diane T. Pearson Guyton University of Georgia- Karen Kiser To Justin M. Schnauder, Mississippi- 2/95 Georgia Southern University - Stacy Jordan SUNY-Buffalo, and Dawn Georgia State University -Ashley Padgett arie Schnauder, on December Melvin White Sneed Indiana State University -Joseph McBride 10, 1994, a daughter, Samantha Missouri-Columbia- 2/95 James Madison University- David Bergman Marie. Kennesaw State College-Andrew Casto To Brother Sabrina L. Cecil V. Gary Kent State University -Timothy Augustine Lewis University-Megban Paruszkiewcz Smith-Bello, Texas-Arlington, New York- 1/95 Longwood College-Jon Purdbam and Stephen Bello, on March Fred E. Carlstedt Louisiana State University -Brian Kennedy 23, 1995, a daughter, Loyola-Marymount University- Kimberly Perrin Northwestern-Chicago- 3/95 Alexandera Elizabeth. University of Maryland-College Park - Sonal Gandhi To Brother Michael J. University of Memphis -Crandall Millikin Theodore E. Voigt Kettner, Valparaiso, and Karen University of Minnesota-Troy Ehlers Northwestern-Chicago -5/95 Kettner, on January 16, 1995, a -Columbia- Jennifer Otto daughter, Katharine Amelia. University of Nebraska-Lincoln- Theresa Augustin Delmar E. Norton University of New Mexico- Richard Slaby To Brother Kelly Jones, West Northwestern-Evanston- 2/91 University of New Orleans-Leslie Estes Florida, and Dan Jones, on j University of North Florida- Mary Shedesee January 2, 1995, a son, Jason John L. Woods University of North Texas- Jennifer Wilcox Scott. Northwestern-Evanston Northeast Missouri State University - Michael Scheidt To Brother Gretchen Northern IIUnois University- Eric Lynch Wieczorek Lynch, Winona Michael W. Bagwell Ohio University -Jason Gies State, and Ed Lynch, on March Northeast Louisiana- 8/94 University of Oldaboma-Lisa Crawford 25, 1995, a son, Kevin Edward. University of Pennsylvania-Paul Sbrater Robert J. Agnew - Jennifer Perfect Pittsburgh- 9/94 Saginaw Valley State University - Charlene Klaczkiewicz In Menlorian1 Shepherd College-Andrew Patterson The Fraternity, its officers, staff Robert T. Southward University of South Dakota- Douglas Barnett and the editor of the magazine Rutgers- 3/95 University of South Florida - Daryl 0 Cain Southern Methodist University- Eric Stetenfeld do not assume responsibility or Southwest Missouri State University - Tamra Elbert John J. Duffy liability for the accuracy of this St. Cloud State University - Christopher Clark column. Information in this Shepherd State University of New York-Buffalo -Parry Sben column is printed as it is University of Tampa -Shawn Gregory reported to the Central Office Curtis Thomas Texas Christian University -Rebecca Haywood for record keeping purposes. Texas Christian 12/94 Troy State University-Michelle Jackson Washington University - Lawrence Andler Lynn Renneisen Willenbrink Jach H. Edwards Wayne State University -Jennifer Wiatr Bellarmine - 11/94 Texas Tech - 1195 West Liberty State College-Weldon Williams Western Kentucky University - Tonya Parnell Robert I. Place Lyell J. Thomas Winona State University- Maggie Staff Cal State - Chico - 4/95 Virginia University of -LaCrosse - Heidi Rechtzigel

William E. Shelton ill Norman J. Nachreiner Christian Brothers - 3/95 Wisconsin -Madison - 5/95

The DELTASIG of Delta Sigma Pi 23 Vo u leer Spot ight Volunteer Spotlight has been developed to recognize Brothers who hare serred the Fraternity in an "over and above" capacity as volunteers. The inaugural group hare serred in many diverse ways. Let us know of Brothers you feel should be "in the Spotlight"!

Bill and Karen Stebelski are Ken Halsey, a faculty initiate John Rudolph, Philadelphia Amy Balog, a Brother at Bill Honan, an initiate of both members of the St. Loui at Wayne State College in College of Textile and We t Liberty State College in Alpha Kappa at SUNY-Buffalo Wayne, Nebra ka teache Science, is the Advisor for Beta We t Virginia, now serve as Di trict Director for Finance in Nu Chapter the the Mid- the Division at Pennsyl­ Chapter's ofBu iness. vania. Di trict A Brother John i for 24 active years, he within the ha served a Faculty Advisor Region and for nearly ten. He is very has served Director active in chapter program , on a national committee thi and Pledge ummarize regional event and i 1995 year. He i the Manager of Educator report ubmitted within the in numerou Fraternity recipient of the Profe ional Student Employment for for Delta Theta Sigma Colony, Mid-American Province. Bill program . Karen i a North­ Fraternity Association' Faculty federal work tudy program now Nu Upsilon Chapter at is employed in the Office of ea t Mis ouri State Brother and Award of Excellence. and job referral ervices at the We t Virginia in Morgantown. Motor Carrier with the Federal i Di trict Director for the St. Univer ity of Penn ylvania in Amy i an Administrative Department of Tran portation Loui Alumni Chapter. She i Philadelphia. Secretary at West Liberty State in Arne , Iowa. an Accounting Manager with Dean and Kristine Palmer and is pur uing a Master of Eclip e Capital Management, are both faculty initiate at Science in Higher Education Inc. Bill a California State­ Longwood College in Dave Mayhew, Grand Valley Administration from West Julia Ohman, Minneota, i Sacramento Brother, i Di trict Farmville, State (Allendale, Michigan) Virginia. affiliated with the Twin Citie Director for Alpha Beta Virginia, recently erved a the Pledge Alumni Chapter. She ha Chapter at Mis ouri-Columbia. where Kris Educator He i a Sy tern Engineer with i the for the Lisa Allen, Connecticut, i The Future Now a computer Chapter reactivation active in many Fraternity Director con ulting and ale company. Faculty of Gamma events. She serve a District and Pledge Advi or. Kappa Director Educator "-----' Kris was the Chapter at for Theta for Sigma Christine Moomey, Western fir t recipient of the Faculty Michigan Iota Delta Chi Michigan, is now affiliated Award of Excellence given by State. Dave Chapter Colony, with the Atlanta Alumni the Profe ional Fraternity just and ha nowNu Chapter. She has served a A sociation. Both have been completed a year of post been Tau Chapter at the Univer ity Di trict active and upportive in baccalaureate tudie in Food affiliated of St. Thoma in St. Paul. She Director Delta ig event at the local, Systems Management there. with the i an Accountant with Moo­ and regional and national level . L.-=.a_ _.___.c....~ Connecticut Ray, Inc., in Minneapoli , a Receiver Both are on the faculty at Alumni Chapter and assists upplier of door and window . for Beta Longwood' College of with regional expansion. She is Lambda Bu ine s where Kri teache a Programmer Analyst with Chapter at ccounting and Dean teache Dianon Sy tern , Inc., a cancer Auburn. Marketing. laboratory. Chri i a Senior Co t Analy t with Wachovia Bank in Atlanta.

Delta igma Pi Fraternity 3 0 outh ampu venue Po t Office Box 230 Oxford, Ohio 45056-0230 (513) 23- 1907 (513) 23-7292 FAX