GUIDE to FLORIDA the FLOJU'da Panlianol.E
T.H'EBOOK .LOVER'._$.. ·.-GUIDE. TO..... .... .... FLORIDA. ..... •, . ···-·�·-·----· , ,; EDITED BY KEVIN M.MCCARTHY I Pinenpplc Press, Inc. Sarasom, Florida I . I •• �· -¢:i: I i 10 THE FLORIDA ,,,,, .. ... PANHANDLE } DEAN DEBOLT .:,.-:;-,,,.!-~"'-··, Aj,alacf1icola River Valley ··,,~ Drlvingwcsl on lntcrstOlc 10, <i>doy's 1r:welers cross 1he Apnlachi ~i~~~i\~'?~~~··· ~- -:. cola River and immediately adjust their watchei. This river mark.s "·'\. n timc.:a2011cbounda,·y placing much of Florida in the c:lstcro time ... :::.,,, z.oneand the Florida Pnnlmndlc in the c::entrultime Yet lhis ..... ,j --. river :,nd the Ap:tlochicola River Vall�y hnve played a strategk part in Florida . hhitory. De Soto•s men crossed the river on their trek into the int:rior1 nnd ...... ,. """·- \�I! .... Spanish, British, and Indian residents placed ST<."clt imporl."lnce on the rc "·' &ources of the valley. '" "' · ~ . For lhe Indians, lhc vnllcy sm·rounded by fertile londs ond lush forest '"' ' ' ~'.l!..:,..,......., l' ; provided food, ttade goods (fur pelts), and security. During the Seminole Indian wars, 1he Indians used the Ap:tlochicola River valley to evade army • rcgulm·s who found the junglcHkc terrain nearly impm1s:1blc. Robert Wilder's . ~::t;,,,. ~~\\ ~~/ ',;, Brig!UFearkr (New York: Putnam's, 1948) provides n fiction:tlaccount of life I . ~ ,,~~"''''"'' -A\\ . in this region during the Second Seminole Wnl'. ,., ... ;,.::~~- \\',;.. !\ ... In the 1840s, with the growth of King Cotton n.s the predominantsouthern I ,., ._.,. ..... commodity. the v:illeytook on new iinponancc. The Apalachicola River valley ,.,, . provided a transporlntion conduit from the: interior of Alabama nnd Georgia ..... to the Gulf of Mexico. A thriving movement of crops� passengersJ and l>.,.,:t·-•rr.,x,.i}i?~:ir,~~ .
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