Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa (S.E.A.), nº 56 (30/06/2015): 187–190. ISSN: 1134-6094


Miguel Carles-Tolrá1 & Catarina Prado e Castro2

1 Avda. Príncipe de Asturias 30, ático 1; E-08012 Barcelona, Spain — [email protected] 2 Centro de Ciências Forenses, Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses, Largo da Sé Nova, 3000-213 Coimbra, Portugal — [email protected]

Abstract: Continuing with the study of the dipterans associated with pig carcasses, we present here the results obtained in the Coimbra district for the families Carnidae, Heleomyzidae, , , Sepsidae, Sphaeroceridae, Tephritidae, Trixoscelididae and Ulidiidae. A total of 39 species have been identified. We highlight the following new records: a) 5 genera (Hemeromyia Coquillet, Platystoma Meigen, Meroplius Rondani, Phthitia Enderlein and Euxesta Loew) and 9 species (Hemeromyia anthracina Collin, Meoneura freta Collin, Meoneura triangularis Collin, Homoneura ericpoli Carles-Tolrá, Platystoma lugubre (Robineau-Desvoidy), Meroplius fukuharai (Iwasa), Coproica acutangula (Zetterstedt), Phthitia empirica (Hutton) and Euxesta pechumani Curran) are new to Portugal, and b) 8 families, 17 genera and 29 species are new to the Coimbra district. Key words: Diptera, pig carcass, faunistics, Coimbra, Portugal.

Algunos dípteros recogidos en un cadáver de cerdo en Coimbra (Portugal) (Insecta: Diptera) Resumen: Algunos dípteros recogidos sobre un cadáver de cerdo en Coimbra (Portugal) (Insecta: Diptera). Continuando con el estudio de los dípteros asociados a cadáveres de cerdos, se presentan los resultados obtenidos en el distrito de Coimbra, Portugal para las familias Carnidae, Heleomyzidae, Lauxaniidae, Platystomatidae, Sepsidae, Sphaeroceridae, Tephritidae, Trixoscelididae y Ulidiidae. Entre los resultados destacamos las siguientes citas nuevas: a) 5 géneros (Hemeromyia Coquillet, Platystoma Meigen, Meroplius Rondani, Phthitia Enderlein y Euxesta Loew) y 9 especies (Hemeromyia anthracina Collin, Meoneura freta Collin, Meo- neura triangularis Collin, Homoneura ericpoli Carles-Tolrá, Platystoma lugubre (Robineau-Desvoidy), Meroplius fukuharai (Iwasa), Coproica acutangula (Zetterstedt), Phthitia empirica (Hutton) y Euxesta pechumani Curran) para Portugal, y b) 8 familias, 17 géneros y 29 especies para el distrito de Coimbra. Palabras clave: Diptera, cadáver de cerdo, faunística, Coimbra, Portugal.

Introduction Material and Methods

Despite the many additions to the knowledge of Diptera fauna The experimental study was conducted during 121 days, in Portugal in recent years (Andrade, 2014; Andrade & Al- from the 27th May to the 24th September 2004 at the Botani- meida, 2010a, 2010b; Andrade & Gonçalves, 2014; Carles- cal Garden of the University of Coimbra (UTM 29TNE45), Tolrá, 2006, 2008, 2009a, 2009b; Carles-Tolrá & Andrade, in the centre of Coimbra city, central Portugal. The climate 2011a, 2011b; Carles-Tolrá & Jacinto, 2011; Carles-Tolrá & of the region has both Mediterranean and Atlantic influ- Kameneva, 2008; Carles-Tolrá & Prado e Castro, 2011; ences. The study site was in an area inaccessible to visitors, Carles-Tolrá & Rosado, 2009; Ebejer & Andrade, 2010; with Ailanthus altissima (Simaroubaceae), Laurus nobilis Evenhuis et al., 2009; Grosso-Silva & Andrade, 2011; (Lauraceae), Celtis australis (Cannabaceae), Olea europaea Grzywacz & Prado e Castro, 2012; Mota Almeida & Cle- (Oleaceae) and Eucalyptus spp. (Myrtaceae) as dominant ments, 2010; Munari et al., 2009; Munari & Mota Almeida, surrounding vegetation. 2014; Prado e Castro & García, 2009, 2010; Prado e Castro et A modified version of the trap designed by Schoenly al., 2010a, 2010b, 2011a, 2011b, 2012a, 2012b; Roháček et (Prado e Castro et al., 2009), baited with a freshly killed al., 2009; Roháček & Andrade, 2010; Stuke et al., 2012; van piglet (Sus scrofa L.) of approximately 5 kg weight, was Zuijlen, 2003), it still remains a scarcely studied group. Some used to collect the entomofauna. The trap was positioned in of this information was obtained from succession stu- an exposed area, with direct sunlight practically all day. dies on carcasses, in which the main objective was to During the first 30 days the captures were performed obtain ecological information concerning cadaver colonizers, daily, and afterwards in alternate days. A 40% ethylene essentially Diptera. During the course of works, there was the glycol solution was used to kill and preserve the opportunity to study a large amount of specimens collected in the trap, after which they were moved to 70% ethanol. and several faunistic novelties were (and still are being) ob- In the present paper 9 families of the order Diptera are tained for Portugal. included. A total of 629 specimens have been studied and The aim of this paper is to provide faunistic informa- 39 species have been identified by the first author. The tion about Carnidae, Heleomyzidae, Lauxaniidae, Platysto- material is preserved in alcohol and mainly deposited in the matidae, Sepsidae, Sphaeroceridae, Tephritidae, Trixosce- private collection of the second author; some exemplars are lididae and Ulidiidae species collected on pig carrion and in the private collection of the first author. thus contributing to a better knowledge of these Diptera families in Portugal.



For each species we indicate the date and the number of ● (Fallén, 1826) specimens (males/females). The new species for Portugal are 1.8.2004 1/0, 5.8.2004 2/0, 2.9.2004 1/0, 9.9.2004 1/0, commented. 24.9.2004 1/0. New and species for the district of Coimbra.

CARNIDAE ● Minettia inusta (Meigen, 1826) 9.7.2004 1/0, 13.8.2004 1/0, 9.9.2004 1/0, 16.9.2004 1/0. This family includes very small associated to decaying New species for the district of Coimbra. organic matter. It contains coprophagous, saprophagous and necrophagous species. 5 common species have been col- ● Minettia tinctiventris (Rondani, 1868) 2.9.2004 3/0. lected. This family has been the second one in number of New species for the district of Coimbra. specimens collected (246). New family for the district of Coimbra. ● Prosopomyia pallida Loew, 1856 28.8.2004 1/0. ● Hemeromyia anthracina Collin, 1949 New genus and species for the district of Coimbra. 31.5.2004 0/2, 1.6.2004 1/0.

Common species known from Europe, North Africa and the Near East. New genus and species for Portugal. PLATYSTOMATIDAE

● Meoneura exigua Collin, 1930 The species of this family are mainly big and very common 30.5.2004 6/0, 31.5.2004 19/0, 1.6.2004 24/0, 2.6.2004 34/0, on decaying matter, although not very abundant in number. 3.6.2004 19/0, 4.6.2004 8/0, 5.6.2004 3/0, 6.6.2004 3/0, The only species collected in this study is very common. New 8.6.2004 1/0, 10.6.2004 1/0. family for the district of Coimbra. This species has been the second most abundant with 118 specimens. New genus and species for the district of Coimbra. ● Platystoma lugubre (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830) 12.6.2004 0/1, 20.6.2004 2/0, 21.6.2004 2/0, 23.6.2004 1/0, ● Meoneura freta Collin, 1937 25.6.2004 1/0, 27.6.2004 2/1, 29.6.2004 3/1, 1.7.2004 0/2, 5.6.2004 1/0. 5.7.2004 1/0, 11.7.2004 1/0. European species also known from the East Palaearctic. New A very common European species. New genus and species for species for Portugal. Portugal.

● Meoneura neottiophila Collin, 1930 30.5.2004 1/0, 2.6.2004 1/0. SEPSIDAE New species for the district of Coimbra. Family with median species and specially abundant on ex- ● Meoneura triangularis Collin, 1930 crements. Four species have been collected, one of them 1.6.2004 1/0. interesting. New family for the district of Coimbra. A common Holarctic species. New species for Portugal. ● Meroplius fukuharai (Iwasa, 1984) ● Meoneura sp. 11.6.2004 0/1. 29.5.2004 0/1, 30.5.2004 0/6, 31.5.2004 0/24, 1.6.2004 0/21, A rare Palaearctic species. New genus and species for Portugal. 2.6.2004 0/31, 3.6.2004 0/9, 4.6.2004 0/7, 5.6.2004 0/6, 6.6. 2004 0/6, 8.6.2004 0/1, 9.6.2004 0/1, 10.6.2004 0/1, 11.6.2004 ● Nemopoda nitidula (Fallén, 1820) 0/1, 12.6.2004 0/1, 15.6.2004 0/2, 17.6.2004 0/2, 21.6.2004 0/1. 30.5.2004 1/0, 1.6.2004 1/0. New genus and species for the district of Coimbra. In general the females of this genus are not identifiable. ● Sepsis fulgens Meigen, 1826 HELEOMYZIDAE 6.6.2004 0/2, 8.6.2004 1/0. New genus and species for the district of Coimbra. Very common family with small to median species related to mainly decaying organic matter, quite of them are fungi- ● Sepsis lateralis Wiedemann, 1830 colous. Only two very common species have been collected. 31.5.2004 0/1, 9.9.2004 0/1. New family for the district of Coimbra. New species for the district of Coimbra.

● Suillia affinis (Meigen, 1830) SPHAEROCERIDAE 23.8.2004 0/1, 9.9.2004 0/1. New genus and species for the district of Coimbra. This family includes small to median species, which are ex- tremely frequent on organic matter in decomposition. It has ● Suillia variegata (Loew, 1862) 18.8.2004 1/0. been the most abundant one in this study, in specimens (328) New species for the district of Coimbra. as well as in species (19). All the species of this study, except- ing one, are very common and frequently collected. New family for the district of Coimbra. LAUXANIIDAE ● Bifronsina bifrons (Stenhammar, 1854) Family with very diverse biology and size. Some species are 2.6.2004 1/1, 3.6.2004 0/1, 6.6.2004 0/1, 7.6.2004 0/1, found on cadavers. In this study five very common species 10.6.2004 1/0, 12.6.2004 0/1, 13.6.2004 0/1, 15.6.2004 0/1. have been collected. New family for the district of Coimbra. New genus and species for the district of Coimbra.

● Homoneura ericpoli Carles-Tolrá, 1993 ● Coproica acutangula (Zetterstedt, 1847) 18.8.2004 0/1. 1.6.2004 1/0. A common species known only from western Europe. New ge- A common almost cosmopolitan species. New genus for the dis- nus for the district of Coimbra and new species for Portugal. trict of Coimbra and new species for Portugal.


● Coproica ferruginata (Stenhammar, 1854) ● Trachyopella lineafrons (Spuler, 1925) 31.5.2004 0/1, 1.6.2004 2/0, 2.6.2004 1/0, 3.6.2004 1/3, 14.6.2004 1/0. 4.6.2004 3/1, 5.6.2004 2/1, 8.6.2004 1/2, 10.6.2004 1/0, New genus and species for the district of Coimbra. 11.6.2004 0/1, 12.6.2004 3/1, 13.6.2004 1/0, 14.6.2004 2/4, ● Trachyopella straminea Roháček & Marshall, 1986 15.6.2004 8/2, 16.6.2004 0/1, 17.6.2004 2/2, 20.6.2004 2/1, 22.6.2004 1/0. 22.6.2004 0/1, 25.6.2004 2/0, 27.6.2004 1/0, 3.7.2004 1/1, New species for the district of Coimbra. 5.7.2004 0/1. New species for the district of Coimbra. TEPHRITIDAE ● Coproica hirticula Collin, 1956 2.6.2004 7/7, 3.6.2004 6/8, 4.6.2004 0/5, 5.6.2004 2/3, 6.6.2004 This family is normally associated to vegetals.

5/7, 7.6.2004 0/6, 8.6.2004 4/9, 9.6.2004 3/7, 10.6.2004 5/7, ● Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin, 1790) 11.6.2004 7/6, 12.6.2004 9/11, 13.6.2004 4/2, 14.6.2004 9/7, 28.7.2004 1/0. 15.6.2004 7/10, 16.6.2004 1/8, 17.6.2004 6/10, 18.6.2004 0/1, 19.6.2004 0/1, 20.6.2004 1/3, 22.6.2004 1/0, 27.6.2004 1/2, 29.6.2004 2/4, 1.7.2004 0/3, 3.7.2004 2/2, 5.7.2004 0/2, TRIXOSCELIDIDAE 15.7.2004 0/1, 17.7.2004 0/1. Family containing small species, some of them related to This species has been the most abundant with 215 specimens. decaying organic matter. New family for the district of Coim- New species for the district of Coimbra. bra. ● Coproica hirtula (Rondani, 1880) ● Trixoscelis approximata (Loew, 1865) 1.6.2004 0/1. 9.9.2004 1/1, 16.9.2004 1/0. New species for the district of Coimbra. New genus and species for the district of Coimbra. ● Coproica pusio (Zetterstedt, 1847) ● Trixoscelis sp. 1.6.2004 0/1. 15.6.2004 0/1. New species for the district of Coimbra. The females of this genus are sometimes not identifiable. ● Coproica rohaceki Carles-Tolrá, 1990 2.6.2004 0/1. ULIDIIDAE New species for the district of Coimbra. Family with small to median species. Some of them are asso- ● Coproica vagans (Haliday, 1833) ciated to organic matter in decomposition. New family for the 2.6.2004 0/2, 3.6.2004 3/0, 4.6.2004 0/1, 6.6.2004 1/0, 8.6.2004 district of Coimbra. 1/1, 10.6.2004 1/2, 16.6.2004 0/1. New species for the district of Coimbra. ● Euxesta pechumani Curran, 1938

● Elachisoma aterrimum (Haliday, 1833) 31.5.2004 1/0, 1.6.2004 1/2, 2.6.2004 1/1. 31.5.2004 0/1, 9.6.2004 1/0, 17.6.2004 1/0. A common species known from Europe and the Near East. New New genus and species for the district of Coimbra. genus and species for Portugal.

● Elachisoma bajzae Papp, 1983 3.6.2004 1/1, 4.6.2004 1/0, 6.6.2004 0/1, 7.6.2004 1/0, 8.6.2004 0/1, 12.6.2004 0/1. Conclusions

New species for the district of Coimbra. A total of 629 specimens of dipterans belonging to 9 families ● Elachisoma pilosum (Duda, 1924) have been studied, 39 species have been identified. The most 22.6.2004 1/0. abundant family, in number of specimens (328, 52.14%) as New species for the district of Coimbra. well as in number of species (19, 48.71%), has been the ● Ischiolepta pusilla (Fallén, 1820) Sphaeroceridae, followed by the Carnidae (246, 39.1% and 5, 2.6.2004 0/1, 4.6.2004 0/1, 7.6.2004 0/1, 5.7.2004 1/0. 12,82%, respectively). The most abundant species have been New genus and species for the district of Coimbra. the sphaerocerid Coproica hirticula Collin (215, 34.18%) and

● Leptocera nigra Olivier, 1813 the carnid Meoneura exigua Collin (118, 18.75%), both spe- 12.6.2004 1/0, 16.6.2004 1/0, 19.6.2004 0/1. cies are common on decaying matter. We highlight the fol- New genus and species for the district of Coimbra. lowing new records: a) 5 genera (Hemeromyia Coquillet, Platystoma Meigen, Meroplius Rondani, Phthitia Enderlein ● Lotophila atra (Meigen, 1830) 19.6.2004 1/0. and Euxesta Loew) and 9 species (Hemeromyia anthracina New genus and species for the district of Coimbra. Collin, Meoneura freta Collin, Meoneura triangularis Collin, Homoneura ericpoli Carles-Tolrá, Platystoma lugubre ● Phthitia empirica (Hutton, 1901) (Robineau-Desvoidy), Meroplius fukuharai (Iwasa), Coproica 3.6.2004 0/1, 4.6.2004 0/1, 27.6.2004 1/0. acutangula (Zetterstedt), Phthitia empirica (Hutton) and Interesting capture as it is not a common species, although it Euxesta pechumani Curran) are new for Portugal, and b) 8 presents an almost cosmopolitan distribution. New genus and species for Portugal. families, 17 genera and 29 species are new to the district of Coimbra. With this paper we increase the knowledge of the ● Pullimosina heteroneura (Haliday, 1836) order Diptera in Portugal, but specially that of the district of 28.5.2004 0/2, 29.5.2004 0/1, 30.5.2004 0/1, 14.6.2004 1/0. Coimbra. New genus and species for the district of Coimbra.

● Spelobia clunipes (Meigen, 1830) 28.5.2004 1/0, 21.6.2004 0/1. New genus and species for the district of Coimbra.



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