Between Stress and Tone - Leiden University , The Netherlands, June 16, 2005 - Reconstructing Tonogenesis in Zapotec* 1. Background Gwendolyn Lowes y Zapotec languages belong to the larger Otomanguean language family, as do University of Oregon Popolocan, Otopamean, Mixtecan, Chinantecan, Chiapanec-Mangue and
[email protected] Amuzgoan languages. Within the Zapotecan family are Zapotec and Chatino languages. The vast majority of Zapotec variants are spoken in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. What is the role of tone in Zapotec languages? Figure One shows Oaxaca in the greater context of Mexico And Change said, ‘let the consonants guarding the vowel to the left and Figure One: Oaxaca the right contribute some of their phonetic features to the vowel…’’ (Matisoff, 1973:73) ________________________________________________________ 1. Background 1.1 Literature Review 1.2 Esposito’s Study 1.3 Tonogenesis Literature 2. Teotitlán del Valle Zapotec Phonology 2.1 Phonological Sketch 2.2 Acoustic Study 3. Comparative Morphology – Potential Aspect 1.1 Literature Review 3.1 Type I Marking y Primary contrast is tone (2/15) 3.2 Type II Marking with predictable glottalization 3.2.1 Teotitlán del Valle Zapotec Coatlán-Loxicha, Tlacochahuaya Zapotec 3.2.2 San Pablo Güilá Zapotec y Primary contrast is phonation (4/15) with predictable and/or unimportant tone 3.3. Summary Mitla, San Juan Guelavía, San Lucas Quiaviní, Zoogocho Zapotec 3.4 Free Variation in TdVZ • Both tone and phonation are primary (9/15) 4. Summary and Historical Implications Cajonos,