ilnitfpritirr Stndft WElWEgOAT. ATWIOW » IW i ' Avsrsgt Omp Cireahitioa Ths Wtsthsr hw stoma that furatabad to r m o aarirth at M y . ISSO ta aapa wU T o F o n n V F W I of On oowMe to be Many Dealers I wem Otnatys Market. Moo- T o Hold Legion Fanaaat af O. 8. WmOM .own Legion Elects m In tho im^rm tielalHr ia tba iH kst and Obwald’a fonnatloB o OMatnad f I am tandtad to npoct 61G1 • owty thto attaraaon MosBy ( Btaward Laggatt at tba ____ ig »«abemhlp earda Help Carnival worn that a tbraag or cloae to g,ooo Outin^unday ’ tNdghti Monday Night Tills yaors anoual Matteoal Oon- Boy Corps Here TeatnUvu oOtoen wM-ba toeetid ohOdma woqU to la attoodanea tor ttm cny, H. a. •*• vanUeo in B oston to tbo naataat aver toaigbt amLoutltna of p tim tor the tba fun BiUI frelto that had been ar- Manche$ter—A CUy ef Viliage Charm n-n--^ K n ­ Id In thto Man and It to mpaelad fan and winter ndmdkb of aUiMoa taaged Igr Raereattoa Osatera. it U KMdli Tom* Charled Hollistcr Slat^ tbnt tbs targaat mnrebing group Orgnnigntion to B e Effecle l%mlStaiy traltong wUI bo mndo by Nearly a Doaga Doaate Annual Event to Be HeM lorn tbo post ovar to'attand a major VOL. LVnL, NO. S77 AdveHtolBg a t Fags I0> MANCHESTER, OONN^ THURSDAY, AUGUST 24. 1939 (TWELVE PAGES) To Be Gomlmuider of ratbartng of tho VFW win be ready ed Tonif^ «t Home; G a^ Thiiiga for Di»* At Rod und Gnn Quit PMICR THRRR CRin w tbs pOgrieeaga ta Boaton early 20 SigBM Up. tribudoB at Globe. Pl^ground Show R. Fukoir- Post for Next Year. nest ’lUaadny meming. At Gtveotry. r tn « f aw Wd«nB atTMt and waa Oemmandar Nathan MUtor will M!m Beer Is Guest ItaMM iBa «m y . a n viattbif raU* A slato of omears for ltt»-ao of bead the post’s unit in tho parade The Boya* Corps of Andoraon- Naatiy a deoM local macchanto Tonight at Green The annual outing of DUwerth tl«M friaiW K IfUwaukea, and DUwortb-Oomell Post Antoiloaa and an aSleom of tho unit wni bo Shaa Post, VFW, a youth oeganlaa- At Coventry Party am ooopomting in pravidlag Cornall PosL Amerleaa Logion wQI Lh Imi. haaded by Charlaa RoOlstar In Uno. ttott for tbo tmlMag of boya and friibmwito tor tho huge etewO o f bo htod noat Sunday at tba Maa« of HoHlatar atraat for Oonnaandar, young man In mUtary reutiaa, boya aad glito that lavadH CHubo A cant of thirty boya aad gtrta of cheater Rod aad Qua Club, Coventry JofeB CUnw IWiaaHy of Middla will ba presented for action of the etolly tor theoa arlth spactol qnabA- tbo Maaeboator Orotn Playground Roosevelt Appeals to It^y to Help Avert Wa Tanmfta Tnaf baa M t for Us borne post on Monday night at tba state Mm. Kennoth Bear and her atotor, Holtow thto aftofMon ^ tho an­ Lake. Membem of tho poet, anaO- cations as musicians or advnncod has been rehesrtong tor the peat two la vRubutth, P a, after a abort aUy armory. Officers for the srsar will ,Mancheater Boy Scout training, wiU ba organ- Mrs. Oustava Andereen antortainad nual chUdran’s water dtmlval. The lary, Bona of the Legion aitd Junior be alsetsd by the mambera at tba toad this ovanlag at d:S0 at tbo with a mtocanaaeouB abower last program wan aehoduiod to get un­ wsaks tor a nUnatml show which Olrla will toko part In tba outdoor enwiiei msstlag and will taka thair Daie Book VFW Homo, Manebootor Otaaa. wiil bt pmsiatod tonight nt 3:19 at event. AvnMs Hitting Twa Boys T night bonorlM Mm. Baer’s atotor- derway at 1:80 «yOoek and Inchidad Arrangements have been made by poMs Inunedlately. Ovar 30 young nMn have alrandy the Oman Bebeot Auditorluim. Tka JapsThr^ten Mr. and Mn. Alfred W. Muck- Arrangements arlU ba made at the bi-law, Mias Evelyn B. Beer, wbeae a slate K a^uktle raeaa under tba William PltUn. ebairmaa ef thO Than Dias Front tha Shnek { U. S. Ambassador Checks W ar Situation tow of Haarr atraat bare retunad Nast Wash slgnad up tor tho Oerpa. The Oorpa marriage to Bte^en H. Bmith of program coaMsta ef local talent meeting for holding tba annual Jolat Aug. IT—Amertean Lagtoa fam­ Instructor win ba Captain Marcel dlroctlon of Ufaguard BUI gacbei'ab. outing oommltteo for ewlmmiag, freas tbatr Taeattaa la Middlebury, Taunton, MSas, wiU toko pineo 8op- numbon fi^ tboM ranging from boraeshoes. softball, and other eporto Stamford, Aug. 34.—^I and games wars anjosred. Miss Hut- for the one-day event. Several of the offlcera of the post are taking **"*'1fconato ly” th a tit would to boot tor Umm “Nobody would to b o ip ls r ___ Ofoot Brttata dwtoNt) tan lacalead many beautiful and In the whole week of the Conven­ I't Beans 2 C sss BruailUs. Aug. 34-«p>—Tha heps atoo to doporL useful gifts. Ik e origlaal Japaaooo ptoa v „ that King Leopold’s forcofui appM oor Fuahror tt tho Fetoo aoeoptad tion which opens Sunday, August 3t arid to hava caitod for cutting off With tha Naria assking tto aatah- our ooadlttoao orlthout with the annual Memorial eerdee la for peace would biapire stmllnr ox- tR in Appeal llBkmoat of OarmaiDra pro-wor Mr. and Mrs. Charlaa D. Whitch- Scotch Clan an ridi auppUon tor tbo aotttomoat's Repeat Peaee Pleas Tha aoooaooK to Symphony Hall. populatkm ef 1430M> Oilnoao. Tbo prooalaaa by Fraalrtont Roooavolt aad oastora boundattoo, oaa high ferolga At tho somo ttoso, to tto ssaho-o8 ar and daughter, Lola, of Main Conniilg Jars offlea official dsetorad It wao orod o r ^ to Kteg Membara planning to attend the tontoa pepqintlea ef tho aotttomont. r r m j tto otontag of tho Roallaa-aonwn tml by too atraat am visiting relatives in Convention on Tuesday with tba otbar bands ef aoutral natioas waa To Italy^s King asrswaty " for Pottsh Forriga MUi- teduiWng Jnpanono, to 3S.9gS. volead by palaea aottroM hi Bnia- paet. thsro woro ladtoottoan that a poet parading unit are requested by GIobs Top PLAIDS Thto m on. tt was auppoaod, would Only Step l^ ft to U. S. totor Jooof Book to go to Hitter otoar imdsrotooaM already oatoIsS Chairman WlUlam Fortin to regta- Wwtolty rtoe rteto w S S b e v e been aala today, tt waa Indleatod boro qutokly to kto BavariM omimtato baterasaBsetto aad Mawoor ao to Mr. and Mrs. P. C Salmonsan ter with Steward WlUlam Leggett that tbara waa no axpaototlan that 'i’csident Renews H b Ef> ratroat what to So aboot Potoad to tha oooat and daiMbtar, Ftorsnee, of Holl Pints $1.00 doz. Quarts $1.10 doz. ■pomdle in the paat tow daya. WhM at the club rooms not later than tba rituatlon waa daamad by tbo tba Bolglaa moaareb'a atlrring can High O fficial at Washiiig- EavtoogliM 4^ poMStta raMaetasmtt of oror. atraat are spending a week at Friday night. A uniform conaletlng Ja pwioao to bo out of hand thmr in- would roaolt In aay dlraet axpraa- U. S. Travelers forb to Avert \ .^ a r; by Book of Urn trip ta HUtor’o ehatet Aloag u(|th tho orSsni to ttoUtob Palat O’ Wooda. of white slacks, eport ahirte, VFW Mason toodad to march teto tba attttomanL tooaa from tha haada of olthor the ton Says There b no tootMhreh by PraoMrittBaHHaoha eoaooto tor a goaaral or acuattoa of tt ww aald. on tba grouada that I Brittoh-Fraaeh or tho Gormaa-Ital- af OMohealovakto, Um tofolga odSeo ttoa won imabla to maintain oed ton grey of aatloaa. Other ‘W ay Out;* New afftatol oaMi . Sm* SriiW ^ Pints 81c doz. Quorts 95c doz. 69® Asked to Leave Waohlagtaa, Aug. 34. — on *Tto Folia know axooUy what wo aona npport to r thaaa laporto Tho Ktag, urging tho aatagoatotle Developmtmts Awaited w tttth o anoaptt Pinthurtf FrMh Fish Gorgeous fdaida tai all colom. In 17 Qt Enamel Canners m m gtvon by tba Japanaao army powora to aatar la to “e p n nagotla- Prsoldsat |tooaovolt ranawod today ------^ thorn.* Sora aad a tow really authentic patterns of Scotch at today'a prtaa oc tioaa~ of tholr dUfomcoo, fnahly 1ito Bfforto to avart a B u rp b u toforsaea waa that FotoM Washtagtosi. Aug. 31—(A)— As ..rtood fully of Oor* Mackml or Battciibh, Williams'Spices 3 c«»25e Clana. You will want aeveral lengths tonnea whan, ba aald that unh . rirproxiid hope that heads of ether Tourists in British fit war, by appoaUag to King Vletor *’* R oa ^ Asatoaoai for dieases, skirts or Jackata. With Enamolcd Covara. Fitted With Sattlaamnt anthoetttoa wan abte aatton^wwOdJjte Praaldaat Rooaavait sped back to laoay’o'dMMiadi, bat that pochapa toadiotoM n lrtt psonatod . whohl imoit. W irt FrtflM To Hold 7 J t n to aolva tba rioa Mtuatlon tba Jap- tba capital, a high official said today Advised to Sail for Emamnual of Italy “to fonsulato no oaro haar yot had boaa sot tor won toSovod to torn b m s u a l- od by Cod BonaltM $1.00 anaaa "W B ^ totl bound ta taka op- Souroas etosa to tha throna nid propoaala tor a apadfto aebitloa ef Inaattoa of tho FrasSt ------tba 0^ atap toft epaa tor tba Their Homes at Once. Pnlhrlr Fillots of Haddock the dlmaxliig ths thapraai t cstoto.’* ONot’o tatoattoa to oImm by Dattad SUtoa ta tha Batoaaqa Wlwle Haddock and IS Pk,. 5c J a m F rssldwit aoat wort ta. tto Tho anoav..aoltoS. a t tho 39” Spaa Rayoa Waahablt waa a rriteratkm af Ito daalrt~iair ttw lba. Am- to —ito— Vnttod dllbtaftey I M H a U i m t Solo jr , however, wan not MmU. lydal ar Tnnea 20 Q t Cannera by (M t Okmn'Tamnda. the“-•ssawaj atalao AaMboasaSar Jeaaph F. 3b Ha aald ba sow «to wty ouf* af of tto oaraaat aympathy of tto tbo attaattea, which might oaoM to a Boty today toauad a ataiimsat i to AdattRtttor CoBtor O ta af Bloefc bJand to ewrttsi ‘ a apacUl bitor- it from aa nppor ehaatoar ef riatog oB Amartoaa tourtate te tha ttettod Stotoa. Aaahoaooder Hr N orSo______a rk tth the pdaeo In tho praasaee of tbo haad at aay tbaa. Thto waa roltoMy “Again a ertato la world affalra ^ ------1 hto rspoitX Motor Oil 2 Qu. 29c itbai Brtttoh U as to sail for beam at Tsdoy tho Toatlteitoo of both m - SWORDFISH pound 29c CHALLIES $ 1 .2 5 VsnidBa used tha oeeaaton to ax- totwign asiatotora ef tho Oslo group rapertod to ba tha toner of tho te- makaa ctoar tto raapoariblllty of tbaso was aAssIMig that tho bOoatoo woro pOsS arlth fUrmation which Sqpretary of State pran n g n t tor •kBavaldabto’ ef aatfciuo. Aftotwarda ha anisrtala- baadi of aatloaa tor tto toto of ------woo that ttoty wouM •nd fnengWe bombing of third power property. ad tba miatotors at diapar at tha Bun and Undor-aaeratary Wallas AnMsleaa offlclato ssttmatod that Umir own paepto aad ladaad of hu­ H A N . . pound 49c Beautiful new colors and patterna 'aaloa of adnotar hi eompaay wttb had fof ths Praaldaat on bto Ntnrn tbara are now betwaaa SAM aad 4.- manity Itooif. R to hocauaa of tor Fall. Quarantaed washable, and 000 A marl pan tourtots la m»g«f.»d ShreddedTww BhM Dtabaa FREE! Wheat 2 nw 23c 24 Q t Canners their aaooototoa and Bolgtaa poHtleal from a north Atlaatlc erntoo t ^ af- trodtttoaal aooerd botwasa Italy W t U net pull at aaama. dnSa b2hnin*M **** TELIX>W CORN ...... ,doM n 19c aad third powar nattwiBl ” aneb aa toadora. aeottaad Bad Watoo. aad tho UMM atateo aad tba ttoa 50* ’*• mWreatment aad ttnppliigat bnvo Foaowtogthadtonarthakhigad- Hun. who rotaraad yaatarday tea- naaatoaoM doria atotomaat aald mMswmasa HnahanO Thursday nwat special win be fresh, nuchhie siloed s» K n obtofly baennaa of tha aaaad bto gasato axtompesaaoeualy. aad and raatod from hto own vaea- that *Tb a day or twu~ It aSight aot iC British, French A&sioiis L b. Uon, daeldod to go to Ualoa atattoa to nMbto for tham to gat aaOlags Balled (Ooalmd) HAM, awtlfs Prewdam, at She lb., 4*a tOe, %•» Cabbage $ 1 .4 9 toaguaga dUdentty, tha dW amea la Ra tbaakad tba leraign adatotors of 36” Washablt A R C tho nortbam Bnropaaa nations for to give Mr. Rooaovalt paraoaally tha tor Now Tork aad waraad thorn that Ida. Wo wM hava fmah BraBera and Frykig Chlckena at 30e lb., ' p ■ 1^— euKoma aad uaaga aad wnrtlBM 3klwh sM u n had nahaa c a n to avoid anieh eonjaeturo hart. moraiag aad wsat to the atosstetatry Mourns W riter Ow Highland Park Faramr starts work on a pirklag af bow «Hh tedddata" and would taha ad that the can tor paaea would ba tiations With Sovl^ Man la SoPaS Ool to aooSIr Ktagriay Wood, tho olr Flashes! ocup FELLOW CORN, early taasorraw . . tt wtU sell at lie dos. FtiM quality woven plaida la all ty*taf 8S< waa and Savlat offirtols aaueb to the Mar af n Bavonlb 1 dmtt of M h to . daalaiM an lavstvwd m tha “ • omvodhy a dootio to too eoateMttag porttoo noansnUag tho atatoofs a u Of paaos ho- aiaaaar ef a Ulumpbaat bora. iWUhAVaB ( M M K B I ) Stainless Sled Paring Knives ...... l O e , 2 5 c wuidd ratam to La Pas If ht wuta' The oaam Riiawan offlclato who • A. IL to 3 r . > Oa Oonaoim and too H. tL s . R. to 7 to 13 I tto spirit of tho peuriatoaw eterivoty by frisadty snot ad Mbs ooly yasterdoy ware at H tH O M i Buy G. E. Refrigerators ...... 1 ^ . 0 ^ Paatright baSaswe PUsV sre.'s.u: of tto tottUua iy tn aty of ApsO, oplBlsai or. tf r (to alcitott to bid him tarowoO. H Taara. OsL Ctonami BoMtodsod of a Proa Otty $1.25 Vegetable and FmH toad ta Ha aaat goal baeaiiaa af bkrattoa eeoun Tto staff of tto Oarmaa amtiaaay t iM ------— - 1 ip nttoitytod Thahr torma to affh VL Itoad 1 9 aoeorolBg to rank. Van Ktto Ai%. 84—teV-Tto aWlatol , and be Safe dw thaf 1. Tto proasnt tioaty iriB c______boa tfup otook hands wttb ooeb aad onto OKR. la a tha etty Hka a t Ms SI M toe. BGaRM “ tL ,____ . ,a period of ton yean with tho eoa- ~wa the Naal salute. Cm m !■ aai Jeta,the J. W. H ab G. B . Club. PRESSES _ _ said. -Ihay iSvtoB frrat oM d or t8M0 tint I t h o two aaatroritog gaittoo oMt- ttoa that tt naittor of tto oeatraot- Cted to cHrOlaa elotlma, to waa Use theCoBviadcnt Budget Pkal B o p 'jam kiMtlaa e f every tastaasa- M by Bollriai l8on88r Htrtt gato thoamslvaa la aafrato fraoi I hw paittoa aaneaaoao tto ahsuanthm tbo Srat to board tha ptoaa. Oar- . _ Mario Fleros j*!K»J*?y^ggydvo rtoa^ of ma amay and Biaaia have bound tboaa- lie Per Day P»ya to • S Cu. PL Gwwrul Elwtrir to have btsa mSiitli' toanSaraMri aatvaa not to war agalaat each otbar to no.’* Toto, whp sMa owarthswwa tor nuttiaally tor i ported of avo — “ ----- to mmtaeiatm ^ 1^ ^-t o . W and wtwattwsqnSl Trade la Tour Preasnt Rafrigerater.- ^ $1.00 wtth at altbar. At a OtoMI Egtra ABawancM Duriag TUa MoaUi! rrioar.t Theajgtoeeet teoety ahtol to tato naath Worraat NOw Tosh. Ang- •718 a of thto DMoosatle quarters axnraoaad tto ■i ton# J t t C G U N the ohjaet of Tho imwiattoa that Aitida IV of tto G I V Z N W i n i SALES. I 9 r 6 tofe ■ ■toda Lao 111 u. s. aad Sww w a to ao w»y Tha treaty l _____ o%a Isaaa Mt. ^*f*to*y l^pQS BlgMitafOe • toOdwea- r-IIp. wtth ‘teinr otbar grouping of paw- ita th a i tosoa of tho Drawn ty to tww toai C to r- •aad otarnd. at tholr aatioo— was sd at Vhlor to _____ IM tr, oto tho daath waaiuat tor aay proopaat ih JiK IIA M CORR Mooeow. 33 of Augnat, 1S|P of aStomeo with toittain and FranoA M A i K N i S T M C o m m * 6 . E . AppSSBBSB i .ttS K Om M a f the drboSM'tw lofthootatoosi BcUtohasd Ptooeb hod _ l e Haaw or Generd Blactite la UaMhaatar j j •S tha- "M I a t i g aty Of tha govor-naeat m. IV- ofttou.a.aa.

^ V'fe ETWO WAWCHcbiflit CVCNIWG BBBALD. ■ANCTrESTER. CONN, THUBfiDAT, AUGUST 24.193S V UANCHE 8 TER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. rONN„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 24.198® Fin* woolra drtia m«UrUl h «j b tn unitedly,'* Chamberlain said aate:__ jtextile Locals^ Klvta by th* J. T. StavMi CempAny Roosevelt Makes ly and the House roe* and chcertd. Italy Hotdt Out Hope of Rockville. A 9 X IS broedloom The prime minister said Hitlar's carpet ti the Rift of the Bigelow- Bon Ami Gives Pick Canadian British and French P lf^ to Italy claim to a free hand In easteni Eu­ For Peaceful Accord Ltpcal Stocks i Smith Outlines List Classifications Highlights o f Chamberlain pKcnic Saturday Hanford Weave™ In Thompaonvllle, rope without Interference came aa Cheney Brothera have donated a reply to a mceeage delivered to Set-Up o f Euii^pe^sNational Rome. Aug. 2* — baseball j faced at any time In Its history " Ts Aaalat Poland taking that action, the Army, .Navy Inflammable of all material*. foreign policy. meeting yesterday afternoon be­ games between the locals and Merritt Parkway Near "The chief danger of war." ha away * u u In a foreign land. ladnstrtal The apt waa Intended to hike tha ^ y gardeners who are not mem­ and National Guard would be ready during her farewell to Holland were her non-aggresat(xi pact with Ger­ German-induced changes to tha i They failed to mention, however, Acme Wire ...... ] 4ti ... , rate to-1 1-2 percent beginning next "Although another may bt- able to tween Von Rlbbcnirop nnd Picmier- many neither to use fore* against of Europe. sports. said. "Is Germany's refussl to be- Prtadplaa iVe Y, Stocks bers of the club will compete In the for service. "It must. I think, be agreed that "If all efforts to find a peaceful Forelgn Commissar Vyacheslalt (ireenwieli. that both the Biitlab and French Am. Hardware...... ]• 21 I January, bringing the annual total serve you more ably, there ivlll never In the face of this campaign, decla­ Germany alone or with ethers nor Yugoalavia— Ropes to b* E A good speaking program has lleve that we are In earnest In w hat "W# shall be flghtlng for the pres­ ambaaaadora la Rome had Informed eecUon for them. "CIm s 8." ThU Bees Showdown Soon solution—-and God knows I have Molotoff. Von RIbbentrop and Molo- been planned to take place at 3:30 we aay," ervation of thoaa prlnclplea, tha da- Arrow H and H. com. 3514 32, I In the state to about $18,000,000. Includes artUtlc arrangements of An official who U generally well be another who will love you bet­ rations by the Polish statasraen done my beat fall and we find our- to support warllkssaete by a third pendent, but lies between the ptoN I^ralgn Minister Count Galeazto Adami Exp. Blllinga and Spencer. s ^ . But Congress this year amended th# ter.” toff signed the accord. power against Germany. of Roma and Berlin, p.m.>.m. Emil Rieve, President of thethe' Stamford. Aug. 24 'VTi-Three Chamberlain made this statement "truettap of which would involve the . 7 flowrera, any varieties, In containers Informed believed a European show- have ahown great calm and aelf- aelvaa forced to emh.srk upon a The pact shifted Europe's bal­ aano In categoric terms thatI \ Air Reduc .. Bristol Brass ...... 33 ij 3g, act to continue the one-per cent rate In her call to Salvationists restralnt. .. .They have always been Textila Workera Union of America: ■ ihree-car aa he asked Csrllament to give the destruction of all poailbUlty of France and Britain would . 90 provided by the exhibitors. A ape-! down might come at the end r.f thU struggle bound to be fraught with ance of power In one of the most answer; Alaska Jun Colt's Pat Firearms.. 73 2* * next year. throughout the lyorltl to unite m ready, as I am t ire they would be sufferfag and misery for .ill m.mklnd win Addrana the group. Charles I •f'^<«tnt on the Merritt Perkway In government virtually dictatorial peace and eeeuiity for tha peoples Poland's call for help. i Alleah«.v . 7 cUl prize will be zvi-arded in thU! "r the beglnlng of next week. critical periotls since th* World ture o f Stalin, von RIbbentrop and Irwin, Public Relatione Counsel of | "* 11:49 a. m. today, powers to desi with the Inlematlonal of the world. I tniet those with ! Eagle Lock ...... gi^ I In discuaalng other effects of th* I He Mid solution of the Polish ques- prayer for God's blessing on the de­ really now. to discuss difference with and the end of whim nian cannot The press retained hope that Lnn- Allied Chem' % War . Apparently It barred any Molotoff across Its front page. the Amalgamated Clothing Workera ^ driven situation. whom the rasponalblllty lie* wUI ra- I Fafnir Bearing ...... 109 ; ! 1939 security Ux law amendment* _ , . . _ . tion had become intensely a matter liberations of the High Council, she the German government, if they foresee, we shall not he fighting tor don and Pari, would J^eld at the I . .161 " I upon the more than 500.000 Connec- Garden club members are u rgrt, u to Hitler, added; "My prayer* cannot but be agreement among th* Soviet Union, In the accompanlng editoriaL tbe and Leo KryiakI, General Kxecutlve ” Mandac of New York "New and ilrasllc...... stepa.. . _.. .. member the millions of mankind . 93 Grey Tel Pay Button 8 could be sure that those dlscuaslona the political future of a faraway Britain and France on mutual as­ newspaper said, "The enmity be­ Norfolk Paint I Hart and (Jooley . ... iig j I ticut participants In the program. to compete in m many aa possible | Sports from person* who have colored by the thought of th* burden would be carried on without threats stat*.... AND PAINTEET BUFFUm Bnard Member of the Amalgamated *’“ */’■ fnntrol and after hitting , qulred by the gravity of the situa- w’hoae fata depends on their *c- 94s of the following classifications: ...... sistance in the face of German de­ tween Germany and tbe U. 8. 8. R Hons," laid Chamberlain. The Danzig Benate waa expected ; Am Smelt .. ' I Mr. Smith Sild that employers will seen Hitler recently, he explained, of leadership to be lifted from my of force or violence and with some "We shall be fighting for the Clothing Workera, one of the most I automobile mounted the cen- lion ’ the prime minister said . 40'» I Hendey Mach., Jom. . 6 ‘ 4 Artlstlo Arrangetnenta mand* on Poland. has come to an end. The dlffereness I The prime minister's speech, de­ to vote the Free nty'a return to; Am T and T Landers, Frary A CTk. 24 U * ’ be required to furnish workers with say that tor the first time Der shoulders, but fa no aensq','will the confidence that If agreement waa preservation of those principles the G. B. WILLIS A SON. INC mitatandUlg apaakera In the Labor lo rroe* and ram>an- | '«ka Emergeary Powers .157 I Class A: Arrangement of large Russian official quarters, however, of Ideology and political ayatema 2 Mato Btftat 1W. BIBB MovemenL will Uao apeak other coming In the opiH.,slte direr- The prime minister’s profsinala livered In solemn tones and with ob- P^^baps by tonight, so' Am Tob B .. . New Brit. Mach , Com, 23'j ‘ 6 , [ tax deduction receipts Fuehrer is introducing the question Army ever be lifted from (hy heart. reached. Its terms would be re­ destruction of which would involve . 783* I “ ' Hurricane Work flowering zinnias, mixed colors or of prestige Into his peraonal con­ So long aa I live I shall have Its have Insisted that the pact was not ought not and cannot serve as an — -r ■ (Inn I were emlHulled in a brief hut eween- vloiia emotion, recalled to many In do . prf ...... 100 spected afterward both In the letter the destruction of all po.ssihlllty ot Fir# boxing bout* hv CVmnerll '" 'P * *be action 'Am Wat Wka . 93* I one color. versations. Incompatible with s defensive al­ obataci* to establishment of good The injured: li__\ Ing .."emergency------powers ------bill" which membera of Parliament the similar­ o ni* ***^^!^^ Tannenberg next AnaennUs North and Judd .... 26 _ I Of Interrat to wood'ot owners In glorious opportunities, its remark­ and fa the spirit." peace and security for the peoples Xent'a beet amateur* wtlf take place Anaconda • 23 I (Jlaas B; Arrangement of small Another offlclal expressed belief able accompllsbraenta and Ita press­ liance Unking Moscow to Parts and neighborly relations between both Candidn Mandac. chauffeur for was Introduced at the opening Of ly grave speech of Lord Grey, Brit­ Sunday There were some who Armour III .., j Peck. Stow A Wilcox 314 28 j Connecticut and other New England of th* world. I trust those with in. the late afternoon. . 3H ' St, , states la the announcement that, un- flowering zinnias, mixed colors or that any showdown 'would await ing problems In my thoughts. With "Military preparations hav* b—n London. countries. John Rurke of 147 I-exlngton sve- Parliament's emergency session. ish foreign .. . eecretary, , on the— --- eve ...of thought armies might be In action Atchison .... Russell Mfg. Co...... IB whom the responsibility lies will re­ "The friendship betwresn the peo­ ‘Valuable prlxea have been donated oy Monday, . 23 20 I der the amendment, applications one color. three things: swifter march the Army must go made in Germany on auch a scale member the millions of mankind Informed by Radio by the manufacturing companle* In • niie. New York. In Greenwich hiis- TJhe menaure woul.l give the gov- ' '*'• " ‘' ‘ break of the World War in Aviation Corp . Scovllle Mfg...... IB ples of the U. 8. B. R and Germany, I pital, poasible fracture of the Isft Some announcements of Italy's . 3N : may now be filed at the Revenue Classes C and D: Flower arrange­ 1. The return of German Foreign on. The Flag will see more glorious that that country la now fa a condi­ whose fate depends on their ac­ Russians, long coached to hate v^oaa planta the union members are •rnment power to put into oimts , ’'J,* . . Baldwin Cl . .. : .Sllex Co...... ! IJ Minister Von RIbbentrop from Mos­ which had been driven into a dead­ I Bureau for refunds of ta-ies paid on ment* In niches triumphs. I make this call to prayer tion of complete readme— for war." tions." Nazi Germany, wore Informed of l«g- Hon Immediately any mens\ires-con ” ‘ b* mobilization plan waa expected to­ B and O ...... Stanley W orks...... 33 cow. ' lock by the machinations of enemlaa •mployed. The Romersville Mfg. Mrs Clara F. Iliirlhurl. 178 sldereil necessary for the nallorml which Chamberlain hlmaelf day. The government has been silent : !'^l wages of workera engaged In aalveg- For these classes screens w1U be with my eye* upon the brightness the accord through an early morn­ On. haa donated six yard* of exrel- Bendlx ...... ' do., p fd ...... 28 2. The speech on Saturday by of Germany and the U. B. 8. R from .North .Seventh street, Newark. N safely , delivered September 28 last year aa to Ita preparedness measures the • 21V 1 ing timber or clearing debris in thd provided for backgrounds fa two our beloved Army will see in days "We cannot agree that national "Nothing that we have done or ing radio broadcast. To the average laat quality camel hair (^oatlng. Beth 8tl ___ . 94 I Torrlngton ...... 26 wake of the 1038 hurricane. siaes, the large size 24 Inches deep, General Von BrauUtsch, chief of the to come.” Interests can only be secured by the that we propose to do, menaces the now on hsa to get the necessary I J., Greenwich hospital, poaalhle These would Include such steps 1 r,"** past few days, but rumors of mili­ Veeder Root ...... 47 German general staff. Ruaalan ths agreement meant neu­ condition! for Its development and fracture of the right leg, posalhle as- [stances at the height of the criala tary activity have been rife. Beth 8tl 7 Pf . ,110',i -Such hurricane work Is hence­ 86 Inches high and 24 Inches wide; The retiring general was bom In shedding of blood or by the destniC; legitimate interests of Germany." trality In event of European war and Borden ...... New York Banka forth exempt. 3. The speech by Hitler on Sunday London 74 yeara ego. but Is a citi­ growlh.’’ broken rlha, and a hrulaed fore­ 1 Taking over railways and other , -----— " " ------Ciecho-- -- Continue Appeals 19»i the small size 20 inches wide, 20 at Tannenberg. an unthreatened western frontier In Izvestta adopted a stmilar line to head. I transportatlon Slovakia. . . .. The press Increased 1^ urgent ap- Can Pac ...... 3-3» Bank of New York . . 395 4 i Another Important local apnllca- Inches deep and 27 Inches high. Ac­ zen of the United States and It ts case of war with Japan fa the east. (.1. 1.1 ... Bankers Trust ...... 3114 her purpose to live In this country. a front page editorial and also ear- William P Hart, Newark. In 2 (Suontrol of food supplies. As he spoke he received, an invl- I peal to France and England to avert 63', ' tion of the amendment le being cessories may be used In these Moscow's government and party Cerro De P . . . Central Hanover . ... gg 1, ri(>• e»iMkli>i Mart on the east hound lana. Mra, been and la ready now to discuss ^ \Z M'|'*r y«*‘ »rday "made "We want still to refuse to be- ...... u. S. Truat ...... 1390 las ble for a table a— ting eight people. spun the crank, the tractor leaped held at the Natchaug State Forest and Foreign Minister Count Clano, Deutschland, New York. The newspaper strasasd that es­ also continued tha casaa of Ray­ I ■’mi.wtk rssr kMssn or Mxtder Hurlburt wan an occupant of the .155'* $45 per quarter, exclusive of their BhanghsI, Aug. 22. Empress of tablishment of peaceful Tclatlona be­ I her differences with the German I ^ **’*’ "•'*»« should lleve that extreme consequences Kod .. .1.393, Cla— K: Vegetable arrangement forward and struck him with such fa Eastford on Thursday. Auguat had an audience with King Vic­ mond Cralto, 20, of 82 Mato straat, 1 . 1* ■jbs st^ssr IvhM ss4 ilur. I Hart car. government If they coidd be sure *"^.'^'"'■"1 were resolved may arlae. Not only In our heirta a. Aulo-L . ., room, board and tuition. 31. The outing will be an all day Japan, Vancouver: Tatuta Msni, tween Germany and Russia wras MORTGAGE a * ssiseseus soots aioiu, oion . 32 The amendment also gives exemn- suitable for table seating eight. force It bulged a garage wralL-tan tor Emmanuel at 2 o'clock Italian Bouthbrtdge, MaasachusatU, aad : Police Mid the Injuries to that these dlaciisslona could be car- I /!! '•'npioy without de- ----men. *■but ' -more - nnd ((Imvii all In Gen Elec ...... inches. affair, with the party leaving Clolum- time (8 a. ro. e. s. L). San Francisco. "bassd on sxtensiv* scoaomie con­ • 33', I tlon for services performed by Indi­ eSa— L: Picture frame miniature: Sailed; Joseph RabagUo of 129 Blaaill I nccupanta did nnt appear to rled on without threats of force or ; xhi 1 / '" " " Gen Foods...... Curb Stocks Cut plant materiaU to be staged The Plajrwrigbts' company, of bia at 10 a. m. It waa also announc­ The text of the communicattoh nections,’’ and said of th* non- FUNDS I aerioua. No arrests were made "*.’ '» " .n t to reason cooi;, • <7>2 i _ vidual, In the employ of membera Cherbourg, Aug 23, AqulUnl*. aggressloo agreement; ■treat, both ohargad srith raeklaaa Sfc52.3S5;.C?..a:i£ffi violence and with aoma confidence" i u.. " ‘‘"•■‘ ''L » ’bo wrung we And motives for not believing in Gen Mot ...... In an unllghted niche, vlth gold wrhlch Howrard w m a member, had ed at tb* meeting that the regular then waa made public here by Sec­ driving aa tha result of an aoddaat of their families. for New York. "It renders relations between the bb Then, turning to the new German- "" the complete abcrriition of those Gillette ...... frame approximately 7 Inch— long, planned to present "Benjamin Sunday morning bcmIoiu of church retary Hull as the President him­ 8 B i i f yoE fumbled with hia spectacles, sat . . By The Associated Press Formerly an employer w m aiih- Curacao, Aug. 23, Santa Elena, two largest powers fully normal and yesterday morning at Cbopar HIU [ Ruaalan pact. Cham Heckor Prod 8 inch— high. Fraqi— wll] be pro- Franklin" next- spring as Ita final school will begin September 10. self hurried to Washington for con­ balMlng a Four New Hoiigca down after he had spoken 83 min­ I sIblU'v'nf" 'h" reapon 10(4 CIU Pow and Lt B ___ i ', lect to an excise tax on the entirs A meeting of the officers and New York. by this alone must contribute to and Fairfield straate. CMtlnuaaoa I berlaln aald Britlah-Frrnch-Rusalan utes. Hudson .Mot . .. vidsd hy th* (21ub. production of th* 1939-40 season ferences' with hla advisers on for­ ‘ks Mss4. Oot Dsss'o Ptll., |Fra!fr^' f'"f'*''d and AK ' Amn Super P o w ...... u payroll, but henceforth wages will tniatecs of the church waa held at Havre and Southampton. Aug. 23, the consoUdatloD and ataUllty of tha data In both instancas wraa aat Bap- n , I military diacuaalona were going well Int. fiarv ...... Cla— M: OoDtalner of wild flow­ Other company members are MaX' eign ailalra. N b C bi______^ i Blue Ridge ...... /.A * be subject to tax on only the first the parsonage Tuesday evening for Normandie. New York. Intematlonal political ayatema of tembar 8. Kllllflintf for Holl * b '" ‘ bis bombahell came IntYdek ...... ers, bsrriss, or rines. well Anderson, S. N. ^hrm an The President told the King: N b 8«rrkt Ckaigi# ck ■■B rii announcement of the pact Poland Tukeg Stepg 4.3'i ...... ’ 5-I8 $3,000 paid annually to each am- the purpose of transacting bualneM Manchester and Liverpool, Aug. boUi countries x x x Int T and T ,.. CIU Sve ...... *, plove. Cla— N : Arrangement of mixed EHmer Rice and Robert E. Sher' "It Is my belief and that of the _____ I came aa an “unpleaaant aurprlwe to .\ o s i Party Leader wood. which hjss come up during the sum­ American people that Tour Majes­ 23, American Importer, New York. Pravda, organ of the Communist Big KUItag By U aa b mi Johns-Man Do Pfd ...... Tax returns for the calendar year flowers in a metal container. mer months. party, said: Wliiteiu F I Tepth To Meet Emergency ty and Tour Majesty's government Naples, Aug. 20. Excamblon, Bos­ Ellcnsburg, Wash.— A mountain Auguat h.dkllng totals, already I ' Kennecott , ... El Bond and 8h ...... 1939 are due Jan. 1. 1940, but a Any foliage desired may be used In Rrlme af Life Mrs. Joseph Hutchins, Lecturer Tho Monchol high, have been swelled . " ,7,“ ' The Russian government, he con- I Made Danzig Head can greatly influence the averting ton and New York. "The pact waa concluded wrhen Hon took a crack at th* lagandary anotner > tinned, while carrying on dlscuislons ___ Leh Val R R . .. Nlag Hud P o w ...... ■ " ■ g 90-day extension may be granted W fa soy of th* preceding claaw. J. Henry Smith, Jr., chairmaii of Olum bla Orange la attendfag tbc 118,700 hy the award of Mrmit'/Vnr carrying on dlscuislons Warsaw. Aug. 34 — (Jp) - Swift of an outbreak of war." New York. Aug. 24. Hamburg. tbe Intematlonal aituatlon had Uttla Utlor’a record by killing 86 steps to meet any emergency. In- Danzig, Aug. 24— n n ’ "nd My B Pennroad ...... ” ! ! ! ! 11 prepare data. Flower* used In the— class— need th* Benjamin Franklin cemmltUs New England Lecturara' (Tonferenca Hamburg; 23, Vulcania, Triest* vis reached a vary high state of aeute- Trust Comi Pltney-Bowe, 7,’ net bs grown by tha exhibitor. AO w m Btoftr srith ona blow. eluding military defenae 'of PolUh , Senate In solemn aea.rion voted I LoriUard...... Another amendment Claus* apply* of the National Society of th* at Rhode Island State (tolleg* fa Boston. neas and tension. Tb* peaceful act M raik i i h . R M " Uni Gai ...... Ing nartlcularly to Connecticut re­ Pris— will be given tor first and Sons of tha American Ravloutlon, KIngaton. Bh* expects to return on "Any general (srar wrould cause Tha Mg eat knocked over on Hiaap teiJllorV' wore taken throug'hout : 'o make Albert Forster Nazi Mont War.i...... to suffer all nations whether Palta. Aug. 28, SanU Ines, New which th* nonaggreasiaa pact bo- for supper, and tb* other 88 died to PB<«rBl Ddf^aH It garding liquor ta.xes. providei that second, and a sticker for third fa ■aid today, ‘It waa terrible for Thursday. York. twreen Germany and tbe Soviet Un­ The houses, all sin Poflind today *• P«rty gauleiter of Danzig, the ■ -Free '! belUgsrent or neutral, wbather vic­ « pilc-up when they ■tampeded. Jrcli of>f Ihrifytheir Aprelgn pollc>>llry AN wf refund# may be made on taxes oa Me— A to N, iBcluBlv*. such an outstanding playwrlHhL Sunday evening fa place of the Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 23, Argen­ ion consUtutea svill undoubtedly eon- they are false. U Buiiiaguma are darkoarK and I ''u-in * with attached garages, undorstood After a serlea of conferences be- ' '''x'h? "tale, -Nat Bijc stock# of liquor destroyed ot render, CMtsrsI Classes fa the midst of work on what regular meeting of the (Thrlatlan tors or vanquished, and wrould tood It/O twrrn government leadcrj »*•- i ni« mcAnji clearly bring devastation to ' the tina, New York. tribut* to an alleviation of th* tan- unnatural-looking with teeth dlnxv ^ *’“ * '*P' P"'''*'' street i The Mmi.-r cyfpl'edrihls atAlemrnt ed '’Timarketable hv the floods of Amniala and perennials to be might hav* been one of Ms grMteat Endeavor society there islll be an slon in tbe international Mtuatlon." and stained, a Kleenlts bath w'hUe' .“''ookncld street. 'Hie pre.^identlal realden<'e and __ Aviation Newg 1936 and 1938. judged for quality of bloom. Oon- plajra, to have been cut off fa the open air vesper service at OelumbU peoples and pertiapa to the gov­ ernments of some .nations moat di­ The public had teamed of von y*u drtaa, or ovsrnight,;'l»r '^rquTcWv ! '"""'eil " " Porter street ^ . / ( ’ahlnet meeting late last night new I ";a'.o.''‘.7l'''i, " president, i n ,• t Distill . tafaeis will be provided by the club. prime of hla life." He waa 48. Lake fa the lot owned by Harvey Ribbentrop'a preaenea hers only glv# your teeth the defepilvc measures were reported ' 1 be chief executive. ' m rectly concerned.’’ I clean, •'right, j *< 7 9 0 Chamberlain h ('.herred Y Central From State Dept. Claas O: Annuals and perannlaU Howard, eon-fa-law of Walter CoUfaa next to tha boiQe of Mr. and ■hortly befoft last midnight whan at^actlve lustra of H v .' teeth o n « .. Brook held ; to have been decreed and P'aoed Inm .Dnnzlga customs officers " P " ’’'' : N Y N H and H rnkladest Cot Mra. Donald Woodwaid. The service Tbla waa th* aecond appeal ad- Meeting Tonight street Agure at $4,,900 (thr— stalks'to a container). Damroaefa, noted musical conduC' the news wras brttfly broadcast. M^rAl-looking gum« and pUte and J4,7,Vti Immediate...sss.M a,, operationwpviauim. i r*n\mr,An i l " r 1 . ----t-UtjAV in«t to'lav th«; Nor I Am tor, won the PuUtsw prise in 1928 will begin at 7 o'clock. (iresaed by tkia government to ' AlftO Chicago- All summer Mkrgaret . annla; 2, Calendula; 3, Marigold Italy in four montba. Tbe first PoUib eircisa professed not to be Cook—and Keeps You Cool J leP is aU you do: Simply pul a \\ Ith nearly 1,000.000 men already | twera^ "**!? be- By Csaaoctloat Pspartiueat of 4. Aster; 8, (3o*m— ; 6, Any other for hU play, "Tbsy Knew What Delegate* from th* local C. E. ider arms, it was rellahlv renorteil 1 Poland Md Danzig at 11:00 Packard ...... Belllno. 18. refused to have her hair was mad* by Beerstory Hull, on bo- To Oust Hayes concerned although tbetr country littto K i e . - i t r i „ T a i r ; '7 i . M ‘ o r . — I Ixindnn. Aug. 24. (43 Prime under ...... vnnuiv rriiorirurcllahly . reporte;i• m - —— "i?-*^®"*** at l l ”6o| Aersaantloa aasual or perennlaL They Wanted." One of hia most Society, the Mlaaaa Shirley Trythatl a large numlier of additional' ~ ' * “t- ESTi Param Plct . cut and proudly groomed her long half of th* Prsaident, to MuaaoUnl now to. In affset, fa tha grip of a w*rm water, stir; out In youe den-! " y"" " " 'he moon you Mmlslrr Chamberinlu derlarr.l In Penn R R . . . • *■ ^*Yll Aeronautics Cla— P: Ros—. 1, One bloom, recent success— was *"rha Ghoit and Jean laham, left Wednesday to potential ptocan with Germany on the House of Common.s loil.iy that re^ervLAt* had been called to Danzig's officials earlier had Authority haa Just announced that black curls. attend a^conference at Camp Ylu April 14, at th* Mm* time Uuit 2° mmutes. I'b' «‘«rs at the|^l^„f (iff j^iephone connections Phelps Dodge The other morning nhe awoke, aay color (no buds attached). of Tank— Doodle,” which be (OonttaMd Prom Page Om ) the wreot and RuasI* on the east. wO BRU8HINO~Jujt liUM and re« * MEBrnr tim^, Adolf Hitler had demanded a free (olors overnight. It was ''''derstoo.l ' o d " , . ' with during the past year, only 2 per wrote for Ethel Barrymore. Ch’fag fa Somers. This eonterence the President sent hia appsal to fdftcc. ‘ ~~ ------Phil Pet ...... and there were her curl* on th* Thr— blooma, any color (no buds Rnmer la Danlad hand for Germany in eastern Eu­ hat atm more men might be mobll.! p ri«l was n„u „Mid .. to 'be " a " re-- cent of the appllcanU for student His first hit waa "Swords” fa la similar to the Northfleld Con HlUer. •tains vulsh iiks megic and f " ^ ' Ized. Pnsai against Polish action In refua- Pub Sve N J . pillow beside her, snipped off clean attached). ference, but for younger girls. Hull said today be did not recall ^wro-thlrda majority naceasary under Soviet clrclee emphatically denied rope and had told Britain that any Radio ...... pilot licenses were rejected for fail­ Cla— Q: Dahlias. 1, DeeoraUva 1921. Then followed "8. S. Tenac­ country which Interfered was to It wa# cmpha#lzed. however that I tf * ‘’*“* D'*-'’” **- ure to meet the physical require­ aa a whistle. The police are still This week might wtell be "Colum­ that any rsply had ever been re­ the charter to remove a city official. rumon tbat any agrsement bad been K - a p‘Jii?ri£?a,‘-:';:: i L Personal Noiirrs Reading looking for the mysterious barber type, ono bloom, any color 2. Chetua ity," tCasanova," "Saacho Panxa,” Th# Democrkjlc bloc thwarted a c u m ’ PETffT*** Kleenite be- blame for an ensuing war, the new measure# were almply ad- fh. *»nounced officially that ments. ^ and "Bewitched.” He oollaboratod bia Weak” at tb* World's Fair, ftir ceived to the mesaags to Mussolini. made with the Raich for “dhtribu- "God knows I have done all that ditional Rem Rand .. . who eildently Jimmied a window t y ^ oiM bloom, any eolor; L Single this towm will b* well rapreaqatsd move to suspend Hayea 18 montha tlon” of Polish territory or terri­ Card of Thanks Republic StI . screen to enter the bedroom. type, OIM bloom, any eolor. with Chari— MacArthur in 1926 fa 6ffo whan tb* charge of conspiracy but be sure you get is possible In efforts for pearo " Secrecy concerning the exact United SUtes export* of aeronau- writing "Salvation.” Hla moving an during tbs weak. Mr. and Mrs. tory of the Baltic atatea. W « U U — know you aro rrtttnr u ChsrU, .1 Zlmmrr would visit the Free CItv. anchor­ Rey Tob B . . Claaa R: Gladlolna, one spike, firri was lodged agalBst him and It Bovtat newrapapers launchad a tn BsprfM th» r th«nk« tf» th*ir sail! the prime minister after he had measures taken was considered as 8 month* picture aesnarioa Included "BuU- Donald Woodisrard and Mr. and Mrs. An Inflireet Lnsssn further evidence that Poland wish­ ing tomorrow in Dansl* harbor Safeway Sirs •had— of lavender; 2, Bhiadea of Max Garrett returned from apsnd wraa reported they wrould stand by campaign to Inform their public that e i a t ^ * D*ntal i b - frl.nfii ffir th« kJndnot tVfi Vvmpj r^rlared Britain's obligations to of 1939 toUlled 38 million dollars Dog Drummond," "Condemned,” him tonight “ •"<* rtwom- Pnland "remain unaffected " hy what ed to avoid even the outward ap­ A renort by DNB. official German Schenley D:# . srhlte; 3, Shad— of deep pink; fag the week end there Monday, Germany now Is friend, not potential mend It. ()«la*'s PhamiaeT. S' ih. dm. of Mr. ZImmsrs B.sth. News Agency, that the British con­ Th* value ot alrplaass exported In­ "Raffl— “A Lady to Love.” "The Albuquerqujue, N. M .^ A 19-y Thraugbout tb* nine months b* he called an Imminent peril of war pearance of any movement which Sears Roeb .. creased 42 per cent, and the value Bhqd— ot Hgbt pink; 8, Shad— of Cariton Hutcblna has just ratunwd foe. Th« ZImm.r rsmlly. Shell Un ___ Greeks Had a Word for I t ” and oldId ebargsA with• burning a W H CO trial tha mayor said he "As wa think, so shall we act might consld^r^d Mggn!Miv4* of englaes 32 per cent, over the ispa rod; 6, Shad— of cream; 7, ‘Christopher Bean." from a few days’ trip. Tuasdajr Pftvda spread a feur-eefumn ple- lemnA untnie He waa seen in the city at Socony-Vac .. Bhada* of purple; 8, Shad— of yel­ morning, Mr. and M n . Laatar Hurt- trom defended it as "a laasoi would “nsver realgn’’ and Special rupiiai Is Calm Mme parted of last year. Adapted for Sernaii tompsrance." Despite the tension Warsaw waa noon and the consulate sa'd »h-re Sou P a c ...... low; 9, Shad— at orange; 10, Shad— hurt. thair 2 daughters, Marion and Priiaaeuter Hugh M. Alcorn, refai^ c#lm. Defense precautions were no plans for his departure. South Ry .... STATI of aeartet; 11, Shad— of dark red In 1984, he adapted "Doda- Fanny Balls, and Mrs. Minnie Hurl­ U y dad’s been drinking a lot >ring to this when b* opposed a plea were On* airline alone has 4,200 em­ Th. n.- . "f Fo-rier ■ ve-: St Brands ... 12, Smoky Blades. wortb" for th* stag* from Stnelalr burt left for a yiait to tb* fair. Paul lately,"sly." ba told the poUe*DoUea judge. ludxe. *1"1 for laiUsncy made by Ha.YM’ attor­ carried out without fanfare p l o y e All American airlinea com­ thought burning this big ctom where ow • as a , St Oa* and El NOW PLAYING Stlekara sill b* given la the eul Lewls'a novel and wrote "Yellow Rowland and a Criand fftra Ohio ney, said the chief excutlva’a atti­ only subject of converaatlon. how bined hav* ever 13,800. he could sao it might searo him and ever, revolved around "If St ou cal tursl cla— . A special prla* wUl Jack." the exdtlag story of tho plan to visit It today. - tude waa "a challange to organized I yellow fever commissi on fa Cuba. Mr. and Mrs. Franoaa Hutcblna mak* him quit” government—a cballsnga to th* Personal comes.” St Oil N. J...... The Umltsd Commercial pilot's ba gtvw tor tha b—t bloom of all la Tex Corp ...... th* cultural rlaasaa. His manlag* to Laopoldin* are sntortainlng Mrs. Praneaa Her­ He drew a auapsndsd flna. courts." rnTdica'^'ror**'’ license Is Issued, la Connecticut, af­ rick of Norwrich. To Fat Girls that Forster Timken Roll B .. ter 100 hours of solo flying. With It Blaine Damrosch In 1931 was his " blch , would have dictatorial powers to •sconA Hto firat wife waa Claire MIh Anno Diz and bar guaats, Marah^al Edward Smigly-Rydz at-^ perfect TranMmerIca the pilot may. for th* first Ume’ fla m in g OANGEM Hww 7M mm Utai 4mmm icndM. th" demanded reunion of Eamea, actre—, who appeared fa the Mlsasa Dorothy and Betty Fallor mn witliawt fttiiftt dSoOiM OP Wck*bni^ii« tha Free City with Germany. Un Carbide ...... P«»pl* for hira, although he is s Isstf si sijftlsrv... N t w of the signing of tha Ger­ Union P a c ...... Repeat Appeals hla first hit “Swords.” They v of Montclair, N. J„ and M n. Marl — artlftftft. Jm ti. Utfk m d la in 41la r . atlU must rsmala within 10 mllsa of •er Ifcs swseri el s ksl atto Dalgardo and her daughter, »olA ToUAti 0^7, onoHtoe lo OM #• Soviet noo-aggreMlon pact Unit A lr c ...... divorced In ICarch, 1930. Sh* died fm am man hla home pert srhil* engaged ta Mias Elans Dalgardo bav* raturned Daily Pattern U . ^ Male* thia school y o » s a y«Br cam# too late for publlcarion In the Unit Corp ...... commereUI flying. In London th* followtag November. Mm m Io Tiu«li kmn hmm mM to tto -s - f o o r For World Peace aid— hla widow, Howard after a motor trip tbrengh tbo Cat- P«MIa lor MPA ttoa tM ^ M Tt. Map* thoo o f charm. morning newspapers. Unit Gm Imp . ... tWAAtp m UIIa o kdOMi W aa m a o diftrtWtol Pick W. C. Murray laav— on* child by hla Brat mar­ ■klU Mountains. By CArsI Day There was no Immediate official Uj S. Rubber .... It seems Incredible that a power­ e a e « ria e tW t pAriod. FEATHERS riage. thr— Iqr hia aecond; hla M Am olA 1a OAt latAOdAd AA •ft AAfWOUWsOtl W flip\ reaction but opinion generally ex­ U a Sm elt...... less airplane gilder can fly—and can (OouttaMd Fro— Plage On*) Check our beauty aids before .eumiittunsM mother, Mrs. John U Howard; All aUm Ha. TWa AdAlrtll — lWtIt IU tof—Q pressed here was that th* pact bs- U 8 Steal ...... even gain alUtude. The answer Ucs With a minimum of datatUng ao AOlv fov fAt pATAOBA wko ATA —mml • AM. _ school starta. For HigliKav Pogt tM anam ■tator and thr— brothera. TIRES! came virtually a reality when It was, th* European tension becau—. h* Dictator Dies; tbat you can aaaily hasp it piwMsd Wxltk/ otWrwlAA tod wW aa fftlnn It Vick Chem ...... in iH n u m rising nlr eurtwaU. cntiasd sither AAOiAd W A rfdllAtiAA lO tW HirBtlftO tPAOft The First At announced Monday, midnight that ■ Wsrf. Union ...... by wnra nlr or by reflsctlon of the > WMBMUB ■aid, Adolf Hltlsr would not attend A abort timo before Howard’s and fteah, tbla new design, nttern death, word was recalvad yeatsrday tiM tkprold fflAod (hfPA-ttorretol*) vltli negotiation! ware ilnder way. i West BI and Mfg wuid from ground objects (hills ■qch a conference unle— he could 8828, is a perfect. aoluUoo to day AAAoipAATloi ioftonriiifti MAtaWllA rotoe. Telephone 7484 Current List tAariASr. that Dudloy Wolfe, former hu^ m % OFF The newspaper Gonlec Warsxsw- Hartford, Aug 24- 149-WlHlam Wool worth ridge*, etc.). Th# gUdw always dominate It as be did at Munich laat Called Suicide time frock problama. No oftWr rMUftAtoAfttoo to aodA to tkto band of Mrs. Howard's stator, AUoe tPAAtOMOi AMApe SodAT IW aA AAOIHIaOA OOd P r I e e. The akl declared In big beadllnea: "Po drop* through the air at a given September. aa , „ ...... Murray who for the past 10 Elec Bond and 8h ( curb 1 ’ had been killed on a mountain- The flared skirt la allm-hlppeC AA«ordlA« tor tW doftopA roAooMOAodAd. n 'R R E N T land la Ready; we answer with con- Y**™ ***• adjutant of the — -c:______speed— My, 300 feet a minute. U on The official dbelared the United . W a do not mokA t o / dMpiioAla m tW t to Lily Beauty Parlor Second .At ... climbing expedition fa far-away (Osettoeed P k * Pag* Om ) and plain. The front-button bod' tW fuAAtloO o f poor pOpBlAMO. v W OUNt W tempt the Ftuff of Hitler; any In-1 l^tFlon. will become aaais- the other hand, the air itaeU la rla- Stat— could only repeat iU earnest LIST PRICE! Tibet about July SO. Wolft : tea baa tucks. The smart round AOABoltod fo r tW t porpBAA. T W fonooto to House A Hale Building vaaion will be met with guns " 1 “ ** «*cciitlve deputy hlgh- iBg 6t a speed of 400 or 900 feat a desfai fbr Mac* and ite wUllngna— bosom effect to fuU, aad la fin- liMlodW la OTATT PoeWfA. ilArt wlUi Mor- a summer raaidant et Glen help la roqulrad I srlU give it " Ton OM>tA todop Aod mm tW iltodAp IovaIp New Bonier IncideaU ! about the middle Lion Runs Loose mlauts. It la obvious that the glider . to ceeparuis in tha accnomlc mov— totaad with a flatteri^, taeart- fff.C8 Cove, near Rockland. Ms. > "id . OVA tW t to fftoWfoUp wman. There were reports of new border! . September. It wa* announced to- actuaUy la gatting higher—It U go­ MICHAEL i that might b* required to make riiapad necklla*. For aummar Incldent* The Polish Telegraph' ‘‘ V ' ing away from the ground 100 or W HALEN la peaBble. "to fae* of tbla tragic event 1 can travel, office and steMt srear, It’s LABOR DAY SPECIALS! On Board Vessel do no laaa than can for patriotic Agency aald a group of 10 Germ-ini ‘ ".7 "'’"""'^*"* “ t ' "ppolnlment of . e P*' '“‘•f ‘‘MUi It t h e y a s h e d f o e IT" ^ ^ ■ f T b l a do— not mean that President smart and oomfortabl*. MILLER l.MPERIAL attacked the border station at iL""' Highway Com- Is falling through tha air; ^ ^ ■ fio e c v e lt wrin addre— another ap- U. S. Trayelers common stna* by my fsUow eountiy- -MILLER EXTRA SERVICE nsn. espeeiaUy my poUticat eom- Saw this of gingham, Uaan, You Makoszowa. In Poland', Katowice"'I -Cwt Mid that ^ ^ p e i l for peace to HlUer. Having calico or dotted Bwiaa. Tb* aim' Size 1*1 Tire district. , 00 ‘ lU# for th* position that Mr •loM poaseaffsw ar* earilad avary in*d* thr— aoch appeals In la— than radea. to form a Nattonil Union 2nd Tire Save Size . W ** York, Aug. 14—ppi—The (ovennMnt x x x pUeity of lias makes It an un'uau- 5.50-1 T isl Tire 2nd Tire It asserted that th* Germans TJ" ha* yet b«ei^ 8. •. Amaaan, off Gap* May. H. J„ y«6r in BM-sehadulad fM ag than .6 ymr. offlctala do not beUevs h* Asked to Leave ally pretty atyto for prints, plaids $14.6.7 $6.59 $ 6.06 TODAT • nUDAT "Bottvla. now n o n than ever, ro' .V50-I7 611.20 opened Ore. Injuring on* Polish rail- f* ***” ' Murray, however, wriu w-lreleased today that a hon h',. zro earriad by th* alrllaas. would risk another dirset appeal to and bold strip**, ail sorts of clean- 6.00-16 1,5.95 7.1 K K 77 ».V91 quirea that tbs paopto eubordfaate 6.00.1 R way man and taking another Inliir-1. *" t*** •'"Ftnnlng, broken looae from n cargo of wild the German chancallor. cut, colorful patterns. It’s easy to r/- ■: 6,50-16 I l.l.'i 6.46 •ooo B ig * Om .) private iatorsata to national reeon- 19..35 ed Pole acroM the frontier Into (Jer- I " "'"rk, for the de- animals bouad for Vca'eauela and Might Appeal to Da— _ V, 10^64 6.50-16 17.40 manv. partment. an activity that at prea- structlon." do. Tour pattern inchidca a atep- 7.81 that th* ahlp had no guns on board. Hospital Notes CIRCLE Sen— admlntatratton advlaera be- by-atep asw chart. ... The Polish Embassy In BerUn was L* hantU^d Deputy Com- FABTEF BEEVEE tO LAIHEllI 4#t# that tha Mily affectlvactlva Upaal would b* a ceoMdsmbl* bnrdsiL In Tha Oaaat Guard autloa at Cap* tb# STWt of trouble upon tb* ft- Tbs Boiivlaa pr^aSm ^m iiitatsr, Pattara 8828 la dasignad Jlor Inalructed to protest mlaaloner Olnton G. Nichols. k r paaea tha' ha m a ^ by THESE PRICES MILLER MEDALIST May quickly massaged th* ahlp that aoureas ot a eouat^ ftead with hcoordtoff to diapateboa from La ataes 14. 16. U , 20. 40 and 42. StM Another report was that Ormans "t- it would aead a boat with two lion Nlaa Alice <— PtaMdant would b* on* addre—- 16 requires 2 8-4 yards of 38 or OTHER SIZES *•— “•— • '...... amlnation for publicist recently giv­ Mortoa. 61 Ksw straat, Bdsrmrd Per- frav* prablema of Its osrn. Pas, said Boaeb bad been “mentally l e INCLUDE Size began shooting with machine-gun* tralnera from Clyda Baattya »wi*w«i •d to Pramlar Muaaollni of Italy. , 89-inch fabric with abort alaavca; l»t Tire 2nd Tire during the night at the Polish bor- en by th* state personnel depart Andovor. Daniel Uriaao. loa "A ll tboa* wbo do not bav* aav dtpresaad" baeaaaa of "totona* work ment. circua, playing at AtUaUc a ty , N. It would hava to aak H Dneo to u— I teith long alesvas, 4 1-8 yards. 4.75-la AT atr station of QiaraHomieo, in th# OoagtM* ftrssL ’ ^ inihionoa with bis partner In the ImporUnt nason for ramalaiag are, thittog the paat few days." Tbe YOUR J., and mact th* Amanos at a p W t Th* new FALL AND WIN­ 5.00- 19 8llesia______district._____ **«■• Murray waive* hU righu to today: Onreac* Haugh. SIDMEY mma-Barlla j$xia to prevent war. tbanfor*, urgnd to ratun to tbs fatal abet aatersd bla temple. t 8.60 I3.S7 84.73 below Ckp* May. TER PATTERN BCXIK. 82 pages PROPORTIONATE The, Press conaensu# wa* that " PUbUcUt in the 2 5u£fJi2? J****** Tlanwy, DIapstch— from Rome indlcato U U M BUtes wltbout datoy. Ae- Three days of monrntag was d*- T L B t, : LLM t ,:e\. • v f r w - •(«■ w 4. ■ . 1 ■ a distraaa aaeaaaas eomodatloaa a n now a v a O a ^ on er**d far BoUvl* aad Osneral Culos of attractive designs for every ala* cwtttuynnra propar* ONfTHIRnUF * iiBoncaa Amha—ador FbiUlpa has 6.00- 16 11.95 5.36 ■ING8! ed other position, that of pubUclat 00 aaoat vsmsU. Tb* aam* BMijr ant b* Quintanilla, Htiaf of the' army staff, aad every occasion, to now ready. 6,57 In part M s e m s s s ^ ______NA.nni-: j e - i aMfag Count Clano. Italian th* stat* development eommlaaion. ^ ------‘ Mr v.sest- ...... •aeumed .tba pfoviatonal presidency Photographs show drsaaea mad* Th* Bswipapsr Wieraor W ansaw. "Any ahlp la th* GUARANTEE! aW aaiil tha crIUcal moment might Another eandidat*. hewavsr wras es- Mifkkofkoad • g iv m ia a i Whalaa. 10 W a e d M ^ aat tow weeks. ii>^^^'‘ te a m m 6 »a a tn ta im s s s ’ « t « w lected for the devslopmcst eommla- with guns oa board . ttea partlcularty to tourisU. AH ffeaerala, chiefa of garriseri and a feature you will enjoy. Let th* ^NO TIME OR MILEAGE LIMIT! jxjcur “befora th* forthcoming night - • IMS brokaa Rapstitloa of tb* admlnistraUflii's 11* over. • alon post, but Mr. Murray retained out ..." k • « » »• Mr. and Aiaaileaiia wbo do not Ia«v« art mamban of tha esMset" charming designs in this naw A New Tire Deserves A J it w T ube” M ra B u d l Tzrea, Bast Hartford. i , 'tswa might toko tb* form of aa of- Delays jn normal train acheduls* hU aUtua on the eliglbUlty list and Th* Naw Tork Coast Guard ata* reqnaetad to ftglsU r touawBatHy at .Toro Mid, " I do> not believe the .book hsip you la your sawing. .J?i?S*gS*-*®*ky; «tsphsn Bai. iclal statement not addre—ed to army win eonttoue te attempt con­ indicated either troop or raservist be la now beint appointed from that tion tint get in touch with Frnak tbs naaiftt Anartcan eooaulata if « On* Mttern aad tb* new Ful roster tp the highway post. ("Bring 'am Back AUve") Buck, MBghiri. 193 Sprue* straat •ayono. Offleiala pointod out that tbay bar# set aitooOy dona ao." trol of tbe poUtieal situation but If aad winter Pattern Book — 28 movement* had taken nvnllablc m - CTMted poatUon la the who aald' ,^D*ath: Today. Daalal Uriano. los * ^ hrea*aat to tb* puopl* it dooa it sraB bo only temporartty. cants. Pattern or book alena - gtne* and rolling stock. a G ar-an y aad other Oentzal Euro- «Sbway—depertment-wm-Hre r - "Th*yihhavwtoaboonaB;~CKhn~^’oSIZ.^aii^ I am eenvlDetd that tbo amMOon of . 18 eqats. — Impereoil-ffe«iil(xia a'lao wren pa^ 0 « w m : M patient*. WEB jaon-naMnna firaw vwau« «*-Mnnfl lr_ ■tartlag asinry et SS.400 annually. catch a ttoa aablB.' tbo majert^ of my comradeo is to For a PATTERN af this at- l***™ *^ c4pcI*s ts Lyna* Ovsrwsaa . r. I itraabooig and Leadea. Mr. Murray, who ha* bami aettvs Xb t)M rata ftrever the i M * C W ( r 8•AMO^t~t-r>, ,(.H«v M Oil. - R* m . OU -T I _ d Oil toy* been takes te s *ert*s at *as. .twnacawttya In Tha BWafl Ot Bt Oouil MIBB. — tractlft ftodat-aand-Me-to— OOSfr is actlvltlaa t i tha laglea Is *91* _Or*p*frutt___ -PnHraiiift from poUtieal i lertnecs of goveranMUt Itndir* Ftsrida but has ooMrts SAYsm yt MaaUnga of Mgb ffowaeaaMBt ofll- asMfiag a rnaBilaint aboot a (tla year NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE •U t* alao was fpr ammral ywirt a to eatdi tha Msa alhm. had tta g m x m N UM BER and SIZE to . The UurbuCheut y t^ rd a y asd isto th* jM »M ^ k »«t, la tattha last »10 ytara.ytar*. Aiy-Au. im s w c AEr Irt MoHmiwi'todiv to la.Y the tubaiica to an alley found aix boy* ■ U U hour* of th* sight. member of the cditoilal staff of the A* a praeantioa. th* Coast Guard Sky srrittog waa iaventod during HBRALO. TODArS PATTERN Mattfcrd n s ia i.T M Tssua, chiatly la th* Kin Oraad* *■ "Tm e t e e e o e o r Mr • —cl— of — 4^« to bo :dlatt.^ « J ^ ^ g o rg o a tlw WerM war as a nwtbod ot U g - alM ataaaad ta b t (i« gWM. vaUty. _ t i n y T o g n e BUSSAV, lot SEVENTH AVE- M U^ MEW TOBX, X. E.

1 B F A a r o c i KABCiuro injiw u h ib k a t a . o a m t ^ m m s D A T . a o t o b t t A i f M UANCHESTEH EVENING HERAT,!). MAVrUESTER nONM, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 198S Daily Raidio Program^ Reserve Troops Difficult to Find Room Hearings Held Nazi Qtizens Puzzled Are Moved Up For Chicago’s Art Gift OnBarreStrikel 1:10—ifualcal Interki^ 1:10—U fa Out Bd BaauUful. By Pact With Russia 1:S0—Mato Btradt—Hartford. National Guardsmen Pro* WsMUngtea, Aug. 34 - m oakAbawity eUlMS mads by Um 4aear% No Violence Reported for ^ i e p l i t o f t d S A V S FIRST NATIONAL 1:40—Tbia It Oura etala la etaargt of Washlogton’a eivle Oaagnas said tbay ooulda't piaea pare to Move Against tha Onltiinlitan b s i^ la any t i tba wnc 3:00—Doc Banday’t Oaufbtart. baauty aurvayad today the graat 2 4 HooFBt Labor A c d o n , T c D S e Swift Twist of Diplomacy 3:19—Ufa and Lore of Dr. lutaa. “Foe” on Broad Front. following ebolea a p ^ : 2:30—StHcUy Swlnic-On Bajrck. vtstaa ed marbta ganarals and atooa a Mall, Board on the Scene, CL * • Bewilders ATcrage Ger­ 1^ ' r A S A/£!^ER BEFORE / Ru-tford, Casa. statasmaa and *oggedly sought to pltol Hin. ^ e^ Lce STO RES 8:00—11. 8. Martna Band. Flattaburfb, N. T., A«g. 34. — S V. IM * K. a ts.1 at Sad rodm to wtdga la aaotbar Ubimry of Ooograaa grounda. South Barra, Maas., Aug. 84.—« f ) • ^ O O t S 111 11111 man; Give All the Cred­ ■ OajflgM BivN (JTi—Rcaersa dlvlatona of an biTad- status. Tba tidal basin. lag "Black** anay of National —Peace eafoaead by deputy ebatlSr _____ it to Der Fuehrer. I f a Bot a bronaa battler with up­ Moat of tba city's parka ara fair­ Unr laa re p ta ^ beUigereaee today I Guardsman movad Into tba Itha raised sword, or a llmastona statas- nraradar, Amg. !|4 today in an effort to dislodge a ly briaUing with gtaarala and ad­ BerUn. Aug. 34—(IP)— Rad RuMta 4:00—Saelutaft Wlfa. man peinttag with prida. but a huga mirals. Tha city la so erowdad srith i®**'? • * " « ” *«•»" • s i.^ ’ Radio niimarlcally Infarlor "Blua Corps" aeulpturad bargt eallad Tba Colum- lOMlara faced assault and i 4 :lB -«telU Dallai . of Regulars holding a 14-mllt statuary that tba bronaa. likenaas of of the Sudan; Accom'- "g « 4:30—Vie and Sadr. / bisn. which la about to aall In from William Janntaga Bryan, Probibt- chargee and a Labor Board aide i , ^ , Eastern Standard TInaa front betwaen tha Saranac and Chicago. sifted cemplainta of unfair labor! U o m e d v . diplomacy at a moment whan a dark 4:40—ICidatream. Ausabis rivars. tiontat, bad to ba set up near a menace hangs over Europe bsf be­ COFFEE SALE Roughly. It la a gigantic mixture brawary. Upon eomplmlnta, how- praetlots by tbs firm. ------W t N J o y SKM)—Tba OlCetl'a Tha movement, begun under wildered the casual German, New York. Aug. 34—Short wave of fUt and marble-a costly repro­ 0:10—Olenn MUlrr'a orehaatra. cover of darknesa, was complatad aver, Bryan's back was turned on fP®!*****.* shifted from the | M a ^ of the wild Dervisbea who Mr. John atlsen of Berlin at Um 0:40—UtUa Orphan-'Annla. signals from < verscas, ao poor for shortly before dawn and tha duction of Fredariek Macmonntaa' tha baer bousa. raw gate to the twm hea^gs. dep- appear in "Four Feathera," AlesaO' same time Is more than ever Im' 4:00—Newa and Weather. about 13 hours that reception for fountain which apoutad gentla Tha Columbian needs room. A of*riotenM**u. '**”ir* Technlooter advestura reased by ths wtoardry of Adolf Blacks" prepared to move for­ watara over the occae at the Ooluro- ** 0:10—Strictly Sporta with Bob network relay was almost impoaal- ward In a general attack all along description left with Congress says SllUer. The pact eigned to Moeoow 7/,c FINEST ICED TEA Steele. ble, seemed to have msum^ tta Man Exposition of 1838. of It: .r nnne, wnicn resulted from refusal at the State Theater war*were rrequired M iii^ KYBO tha Una. of the wool firm to re-htre four die- ' * *oa«wr, were reoulred early today la regarded as a diplo­ 0:80—Tba CbotloeDtale. normal alatua from noon on yester­ In accepting tba statue gratia "Columbia satUng > aloft on a *rha advanca. Involving a pro­ charged women employes at the da- to charge down on the man of the matic roup which definitely esUb- THAT MONEY CAN BUY / 4:40—Loyrell Tbomae. day. As s result program after jected crosalng of the Saranao from an art-loving group of ^ iea - barge of atata, heralded by Fama at East Surreys, draaaed In old-faah- Ushes Hitler as a political miracia 7:00—Ffed tV»nnR In riraatira pragram dealing with tba ciisla was goana, tha 7«tb Congress did not mand of an A. F. l l union. At least A CUPFUL OF river by the Invading forces, the prow, oarwl by the Arts and In­ a dosea persons have been hurt loned uniforms to represent the man. 1 LB TthM. produced. promlaed to he one of the htgh- specify where tha barge was to an­ dustries, guldad by m raa at the BriUfb troops who defeated the "He's too slick for tbs EngUab," -Luther Laymen fllntten. chor. One of the men called before Dle- SATISFACTION BAGS The difficulty encountered, due to llghta of the first army manauvars helm, and drawn by the Saaboraea triet Court Judge John L. Smith on MahdI. These Dervishes were large­ Is to be heard everywhere,—on the -Big Town—Edward O. Rob- magnetic disturbances, was not It did specify, bowevar, where It 2 In which 83,000 troopa — largaat of Oommerca.'* ly membere of the Sudan Horse, one streets. In the cafes and on park Inaon and Claire Trevor. nearly a dosen eomplalnta brought nearly to prevalent for the greeting concentration In the nation's was not to go. Columbia had batter hold tight__ of the smartest regiments in the banchaa wbera old man get together vch 1:00—Rudy V’allee'a Variety Show. by the head of a rival Independent laiieless O of King Leopold of Belgium to the peaee-time-hlstory — are Involvad. Although Impraaaad with tha It looks Ilka rough aalUng ahead. union was Anthony Valenta, secre­ country. to dleeuaa every new headline. •d)0—OonneetlCTif Nelghbora arltb •even-power peace conference In HOMELAND Jerry Belcher. The 4Srd New Ehigland division tary of Uie United TexUle Workera For the film thay agreed to dis­ *T!ie Engltih tried for many mid-aftemoon, or for other pro­ was assigned the dangerous rivsr Union (A. r. L.), who was charged card their uniforms and drtas In the months, but the Fuehrer brought 4 W BMUnr IUB813 PBM ta I or Pot loMt 3:30—Ouy Hedlund and Company. grams, Including "The Covers I crossing In an attampt'”to turn the JO H N ALDEN wlUi Inciting to riot Velente and aeaaty clothing of tbs Dervlshea of the Rusatana Into camp In a tow 10;00—Bob Buma and Johnny Tmt- the Crlsle’’ at night The forecast left flank of the '*Bluef’', resting on ter'i Orchestra. Three Killed Connor Praises bis fellow defendants were given a 40 years ago. But -bars was great hours," they say. CO LOIN Is that reception will continue fair the stream, piellmtury hearing last night and difficulty In making them agree to But the new notion that Russia, A NEW ENGLAND IIKM)—Newa and Weather 1 LB 11:10—King's Je.stera Orchestra to good the rest of the week. AU Trucks Dead released to personal recognisance, "die" for tbs camera lens. In fact, aralnst whose Ideology Germany i FAVORITE FOR OVER Today the chains arranged to oon- To move the 48rd from Ita poet- O tapUata Heard most naUvas object to "play" at dy- fought to Spain, la not auch a bad BAGS 11:80—Jan Savltt's Orchestra. In Auto Crash 2 State Cities The 30 YEARS 13:00—Ray Noble's Orchestra tlniie as desirable their cancellation tlon at the hamlet of Brnkman NaUonal L«bor Relations | tog, probably beeauN of fear and country after all is disturbing. Many HEAVY CORN-FED STEER REEF 13:80—Roy Eldredge's Orchestra of regular programs to.let In over­ town, 18 mllei hack of tha front, ***** *“ ’ ■ avparsUtlon. It always takes high a German Is shaking hla head, not 245i lb 13:00—News. seas hroadcasta This morning close Lieut. Gen. Hugh A. Dnim, com­ •Otoat the I powered diplomacy to persuade sure what to make of It. bag attention from 8:30 on was being mander of the First army and lead Trn Ton Truck and a Se­ New Britain ami Torring* IVell DIeeJpUned PILLSBURY’S nouK 1:00A. U.—Silent A iSS^larriMv!!!? ~ tha% #w i^nt of toe pic Tomorrow's PragTmm paid to Prime Mlnliter Chamber- er of tha "Blarka", called Into serv dan Meet in Bay State; ton Cited as Outstand* » Myers, regional director ture-makem But the average burgher Is by A. M. laln'i addrees to Parliament, follow­ Ice every available truck In bU •imoat at toe sama | ones having ..greed to die. toe now a thoi oughly disciplined citizen command. Urns U. T. W. A. leadera asked toe 24^ lb RICHMOND ed by the acheduled 10-mlnute state­ living under an authoritarian -2:5‘ 4:00—Revollle. RIB ROAST Two Are Injured. ing in Safety Work. iMFolletto Civil Liberties commit' Derrifhea did toe job ao thoroughly bag 4:80—Francis Cronin. Organist. ment at 8:80 p.m. from London on The mission of the 48rd was com tost when toe charge was over and regime, and he folloiva the sure GOLD MEDAL FLOUR tee and both Maasachuaetta aana- 7:00—Morning Watch. sll networks by Foreign Hecretary plicated by the fact that tba Hartford, Aug. 34 — (f) _ Col. tong after tbe cameraa bad stopped leadership of Hitler without worry­ Halifax. A r^ rd ln g of thla aUte- ''Blues’' theoretically had destroy­ Auburn. Maas., Aug. 34 —(IP) tors to tavestlgsta tha strike situa­ ing too much about tbe seeming A POPULAR COFFEE 1 LB 8:00—Nows and Weather. Three persons were killed and two Michael A. Oinnor, commuirioner of tion. they ramatoed lying on toe ground. FANCY TINDER LIGHT MEAT 8:10—HI Boys menl Is In be ' rebroadcast by tbs ed during the night all the hrldgea contradiction of Nazllam and Com­ PAsnv 24!,it.^Or AT A POPULAR PRICE BAGS arroaa the Saranac, naceasltating Injured when a 10 ton trail truck motor vehicles, cited New Britain Tbsy charged the deputies had No amount of prodding or tooutlng P I O I 4:40—Radio Basaar MBS chain at 8:18 tonight and Torrington today as "outsand- made any difference. They had to munism getting together. ■ 1 % f a m il y bng 9 0 C O L D HOMESTEAD bag The advance schedule for tonight conai^ructlon of temporary bridges and a sedan collided at Drur Square, ■'unmercifully gasaed strikers, es­ "T fought the Russians at Tan- 8:40—Rhythma of tha Day. Ing among all Connecticut commun­ corted strike breakers Into ths be picked up eventually by the other 8:00—Fo^s In Season. has these broadcaata: WEAF-NBC by engineers undtr covering fire on the state highway here early this nenberg, and then I helped tbe party from the ''Black" artillery. nioiqjlng.- ities for effective traffic accident plant and Itvelled riflsa at our nao- Derviahaa. who had survived to the •rtlO—The Oleander# Male Quartet, ,8 30, .lohn (binther from Riga, Let prevention during tha Best atx ple." aeane, and carried back to the'start- run the OomraunlsU out of Berlin," The threat of the ape^y mech­ Thc dead were tentatively Identi­ one war veteran observea •2 8:10—Mualc Whila You Work vis; W.1Z-,NBC 0:4.8, Yvon Delhos LAMB LEGS 3' months of the current year aa com­ Quiet nenvUMtratltm tog places before they would con- 8:40—Rambling Cowboys from Paris. (Ither hrosdensta are anised ravslry, which Is part of the fied hv I'r. Ernest L Hunt, medical "Now, overnight and Just at a PURE LARD 2 15c The cloeeet any of the, crowd aent to live again. 10:00—The Man 1 Married expected. "Blue" corps, promised to sdd examiner, as Almnn S. Farr. Wor­ pared With the lame period last time when he were going to cele­ year." came to a demonstration at the mill “ Four Faatoera," diracted by Zol- 10:10—Jobn'a Othe^Wlfc Programs tonight: to the difficulty of the crossing. cester letter carrier; Ernest F. Tes- brate that victory at Tannenberg. "These two cities," the commis­ gates last night was a proceaalon of tan Korda for Unltod Artists re- •ONID and ROLLED IF DESIRED 10:80-Juit PUln Bill WEAF-NBC — 8:18 Luther-Lay- Oonaolldato Fbreas slar of Worcastsr, and Mrs. AnnIs the Russians have become our bud­ SODAS strike sympathizers aa ahlfta 10;4S—Wottan In White Wblla tha "Blscke" wera moring Medina of Shrewsbury, all sedan sioner said today, "are tha only two Iph Richardson, dies! It must bs all right, baeause man singers: 7 Rudy Vallee Hour; c h M ^ shortly btfors midnight Juna Duprez, John Clements and C. CRISCQo'SPRY ‘>n18c 11:00—Daeld Harum. up their rrsen'es. Major General paasangsrs. large Connecticut communities to ths Fuehrer eajfe eo." 8 Lost play "MUtreaa Nell;'' 9 Bob Ifd byay twoiwo girls,gizjs, tbaUM group walkedwalk Aubray Braltb. ll:l^Loraaao Jonas Bums ahow; 10:18 Dance tunes. Jamaa A. Woodruff, commander of Injured was Pater Stamulls of IU» show reductions In traffic accidents, The first announcement that tba vara, driver of the heavy truck, and psrsonal injuries and fatallUaR" as along a street seDarattoaseparating thstot mainma Laughtar, youth and mystery fea­ 11:80—Toung Widow Brown WABC-CB8—4:80 Joe E. Brown; the "Blues”, spent the night con­ non-aggretalen pact was abeiit to solidating his forces. an iinldentifltd woman, who may be Judged by a review ot the motor plant from a warehouse, singing a ture "Thay Aakad For It," tha aae- MILLBROOK 11:40—Tba Road of Ltft. •1 be concluded, after giving Germany 3‘ 7 Jim McWllllame quis: 8 Major LAMB FORES marching song aa It want, 'rta 18:00—Beauty News and Hints. For the purpoaas of the tactical Teisler's wife. vemcls situation in the etate iust ond feature, starring Joy Hodgaa. SLICED 21c an emotional jolt, brou^t a great Bowaa amateurs; 3 Workshop play Stamulls was trapped In the cab was no attsm'pt to toterfsre with r. u. "Meridian 7-1313." problem. It Is asaumad the "Blacks" completed by the department workera William Lundigan and Michael sense of relief. 11:10—Day Dreams. have landed on the Maw England of his truck for mors thsn an hour. Torrington, during the period eev- Wbalaa. Olng«r Al«-Pal« Dry WJZ-NBC—7:80 It’a Up To You: Tha marchers broke up at tba rt- i ‘'Surely." it was said In many U. S. No. 1 151b MILDLY CURED CORNED IIIF 18:30—Hoosier Hot Shots. coast and ara attempting to se­ First eoniclous. he talked with ered by the report wae the largeet quarters, “thara won't ba wak now 8 Toronto symphony: 0 Drama, 1001 rescuers who tried to hew sway the ' . and oth GRADE peck or Oeldon, Limo 18 80—Tour Family and Mine WIvsa; 3:80 Grant Park concert. cure Plattsburgh ss a detraining community in the etete credited 3epartede^‘rtfd ‘ahortl'^’' shortly afterward' when I ^ vuTdo^ becauae England wanted to keep us POTATOES 33:40—Ringin’ Sam. center preliminary to moving on steel sides of the cab. Later ba laps­ with no fatalltlee during the first young aetresses on tot screen, baa busy on two fronts. " MB4-chaln--8:80 SInfolnetle; 8;8o| htaw'vnr’k ed Into unrnnsclousness. tbs night shift ftlled to leave toa Rickoye Club Seda 1:00—Newa and Weather. Weber concert revue, ' ata months of either 1984 er 1383. plant at toe scheduled time. toe role of a girt reportsr who out­ But ths firm reaction to Sngland SPAM or 1:10—Your Neighbor—Grace Mur- tuo- City hospital said later hla con­ The department in a bulletin aalii smarts Ihs police and a band of has dampened tbe hope that Buropa 12 oz and all Radio Flavort WBAF dition was m* serious. The Injured The (leputlss took no chance that lay WilUamaon. which de- that traffic hazards exist la Tbr- unwieldy crowds might gather and crooks to solve a mystery and win can get out of the present tight fix chn LEAN ENDS •2S' l:80-Mar)oHa Mills. woman was In critical condition at HORMEL’S SPICED HAM the rtngtob "la greater degree” than her man. without bloodshed. the hospital. surprise them. UntU tbe pickets de- ' 8:00—Taboea—Gerard L. Neefue. columns In would ba eatimatad on a mars basis partsd, they, sent up pereehute MIehasI Whalen win be seen as The average German, ae ofton 3:00—Alee Randolph Quaitat u*'?" <^»-ch»ln- wWh thay were advancing con- The Impact threw the sedan bodily of Ita 80.000 population. flares at Interrals to fight a hill tos handsome young attorney whose alarmed to the past fsw yeara and Mokos Fluffy 44 oz 3:1S—Newa For women Only. 3:80 Herbert Donaldson, coneerttactad...... tha Invaders' advance guard. Into the air, witnesses told police. FREEH - TO DROIL or FRY - Li AVG. piano; 4:30 Ds\1s Cup tennis; 8:48 In addition, Torrington was the. where strlkere and workers clashed , quick - thinking saves bir own repu so frequently worried by tbe bold Oiflcuitfl pkg 3:80—The Career of AUee Blair. The plan of attack today called TTien the sedan spun aevaral times. largest city In the state to ba cred­ In a rock-throwing battle tha night 8nd toe life of pretty Isabel strobes of the Nasi government, BISQUICK 8:40—Meet Mice Julia. WIghtman Cup tennis (also WJZ- for the 26th .Maasachusatta and 3Tth The truck swerved down an em­ ited with no resident oparatlone In­ ^toro. Jewell, who has ronfaseed to mur- now has become raalgBad to wrhat- GRAPEFRUIT NBC .8:18), W.IZ-NBC—11:30 a m. 8:00—Tba Story of Mary Marlin. New York divlalons, holding the bankment and crashed Into the side volved In fatal aecldenta during the Tha town's polios force, number- "Ju4f for a thrill,” Lundigan, ever the fates may have In atora. 8:10—Ma Perkins. Farm and Home Hour; 1:30 p.m line for the "BKarks", to advance of a wooden business building. The 8:80—Pepper Young’s Family. Rhythm school; 3 Club matinea. first six months of both yearn. tog fewer than a dosen men, turn- on®« Hated among the ten handtom' Germans have fallen Into tba BtmulUnaoiialy aj, tha 48rd attempt­ building side was crushed In. ed back curious motorists on high- *st man to New York Btate, and habit of latttog Hitler de tba think. WHEATIES 8:40—Tbs Guiding U ght MBS-chaIn 3 Salxburg music fee. •2 ed Its enveloping movement on the State Motor Vehicle Inspector CHICKENS 5* JI^YS entering the town. Btate po- Lyle Talbot win be aeen In toe to­ JUICE tIVBl. north. WtHlim T. Burke was called to In­ Ing. Thera was no douhttog that ll e# heads Burveyed the etrike area, tereatlng east, they would march tor him. If ba Aprkoti, Fesciie*, Cherriet. Some Friday short wavsa; HAT4 The suns In which the fighting is vestigate. Fireworks Display Budapest chance troopers might be Comedy to toe story revolvas commands. Fean, Fruit Cocktail, Budapnst 7 JZL TokyoM:*bt*>'*‘> Mproxlmately 10 miles neeaeo, and reported to Governor about toe efforts of three college Flneapple TMbHs er Cnifbtdl m 8:18 Choral selections; DJD Berlin hara. 'The llnaa. aa they were So, while there wras a good deal of B u f f e t F r u it s first N atim al Brlags Y T h e B e s t ! „ _ ------— ------— ------— they were At Compounce Reltonetall office toe situation ep- chums to show the reeldenta of their general narvouanasa, tbars wara no WDRC n Zeesen Women's nub; o s i q s d ®°b*Ututed at daybreak, ran rough- Roval Visitors peered to be improving. GRR l^ndon « eld heme town "bow Uilnga should outward signs ot alarm. 2^" 25c 4 ”"? 25c 1:18 More food for|bofthweal to southsaat, with There was marry ebattar in dia FINAST » OayUght Raring Ttane thought the "Bluea" to the west a really ba dons." 888 Hartford, Uoaa. isso Rivera OH the Unas Expcct€Ml Siiriflav A fireworks festival that U ael- Frank McDonald directed from restaurants, and no mere than tha P e a n u t B u t t e r 2 Ut 2 9 c The Saranac river euta tha lines dora aetn In thla land of steady Question Sanity a screen play by Arthur T. Horman. usual scolding about tha scarrity of . . . ..Tbwsday Ang. 84 on the north and tbe Auaable on the habits wUI highlight the JOUi annual Max Golden was toa asaoclata pro­ some foods. There was l l ^ t murie 4:14—Ray Woek's Variettea. south. Midway Itetween them sig- Washington, Aug, 24.—(.Fl—Un­ celebration of tha Batot Dronzo Bo- ducer. to tba cafM- O pen Forum like other royal visitors. Prince elety at Lake Compounce Saturday. Of Young Slayer A popular melody la "Bilks.'' FINAST—PREPARED 4:48—Deep River Boys. tags ihs Salmon river. Consort Felix and Crown I’ rlnee 8-®0—Ad Uner—Dance Progrua. The regular troops suffered one The society has built up a atate-wtda Body to IdentUlad which la tba name of a girl or s MUSTARD BAKED BEANS Jean of tiny Luxemburg will dnd no reputation for Ita elaborate fire­ flower, tha song baa about as raaob 4:00 — Eaao Reporter — News, sharp reverie yesterday during the bit of home soil when they arrive Dartea. Aug. 34— —A body weather. Initial, wlde-o|Mn aklrmlahtng when work# ditplaya, and no effort or ex- found Monday to the Stephen ■SBse ss "BsauUful Katy" wbleb Explains Legion's here Sunday for a White Hniiae penes l » i Angeles, Aug. 34.—(#1 — A . , 4:05—Sport and Baseball Scores a mechanized "Black" patrul sift­ wdll be spared this year to psychopathic examination was nrdtr- Mather pond here has been IdenU- American soldiera sang In the W ^ d posrs Pkgs visit. make Baturday'a epectaqle ' one War. 4:18—Console Reveriet. ed through tbs lines and ambushed King George VI and Queen Eliza­ of ed today for a 14-year-oldyearrtild boy who,who ***** ** *"** JoRo BvaUk, 54, who BRAN FLAKES ths finset sver preesntsd. '« An imdartona of concern oxistofl. 4:80—Edwin C Hill. Fireworks Stand the car of Brig. Gen. Walter C. beth of England had the massive qusatlonsn aald, deaeribMl hammer^ worked on tbe Mather eatate for 32 4140—Baseball Bcore.s. Short, commander of the First Ut- A Bolsmn high mass to St. An- tog, atabbtog and choking a play­ yeara. Almost averyons bad at least as BrtUah embasay for their famoun thony'a church at 4:80 a. m. will offl- 4:48—Judith Arlen, songs. vlelon. a mile behind the front. mate to death "beeausa ha called rna Dr. Ralph W. Crane, medical acquaintance somewhera la tba FINAST garden party. Prince Frederic and olally open ths csisbratlon, followsd Army. QUAKER pkgs 7:00—Amos •n’ Andy. Bleating away with blanka, the Prtnress Ingrid received capital ao- an ax-convlct." examiner, aald tha man probably Editor, The Herald: by a display of aerial bomba at 13 Jubilation over tho pact with CORN MEAL 7:15—Matty Malneck’s Orchestra, "Blacks" theoretically riddled the elety at the Danish I.egallon, Prince A superior judge, decreeing the drowned accidentally. IdentlflcaUon 7:30—Joe E. Brown. In order that the people of Man- general e car with machine gun hr#. noon. At 2 p. m. a parade wUl Russia popped up to a surprising Olev and Princess Martha lived at form In front of the church and pro­ 7’®'’*?,’ **•*■ » besting tomorrow was mads bv a brother, Adam, of 4:00—.Ask-lt-feaaket. cbtatar may know the wbyi and Umpires decidad he had been the Nonveglan Legation. tor Richard Jensen, former tomato Bridgeport, by means of a pboto- place—among Um vary few OannaBS HIRE’S 12 oz whareforas of 'the poor fireworks "wounded." and penallzao the ceed through the principal atreeta who atill dare to eonfaas to old ao- 5'I®— Aa It May Seam. But Luxamburg.^qp independent of the city, headed by the Briatol ® L * ".JiiH*. **®*!2n" aiTsatod graph. ^ 26 ot btls 25c btls B®****’ Amateur Hour display on July fourth and what Is "Blue*" by ruling him out of action grand.duchy of 939^uar« mUas bor­ after Wtlltam WiUlama, 18. waa qualBtaneos that they are. at baart, ROOT BEER GRAPES City The evening’s program 10.00—Columbia Workshop festival being done to protert their Inter­ for so minutes. dered by France, Oermany and Bel­ found d ^ g to tha baaamant of the Dlvaa And BmakaNaek OommuBlsta. / 10:80—Danes Music. ests, I nm writing this letter with In another part of tba Itna, a at Lake Compounet eenslsts of a Janaan home in nearby Mentrom ‘1 guaso thara arw ’t 03 lorgo gium. has no diplomatic rsprsMnta- band concert from 4:30 to li:00 New Tork. Aug, 34—(in—Mlehaal m w ot RED W IN G FRIEND’S 1J:00 — Esso Reporter — News tbe hope that you wiu publish It In force of 128 members of the lOlst tlon hare and tiiua has no ambeasY An iMuaet also was eallad tomor­ Power. 84, of 1117 Planbrook. lift, but wo'ra foritng batter today," waatbar. >*our columns. New Torh esvslry, assigned to the p. m. tegeUier with dancing to the ■aid oea. can t SEID CiSS or lagation. Ita only Wasblngton music of toe Hal McIntyre erehaatre. row. Ths bey was beekad at Gon> Bridgeport Oeim.. waa Idllsd party GRAPE JUICE ribii 2 5 e 11:84—Forest Fire—Weather Fore­ First. I want to thank everyone "Blacks', succeeded to delaying for repreeantatlve ts Cemaltus Jacot^,- *"*i.**®*^*** *"*■ teYoatlgatloo o t In- o r B A M FANCY for their generous response to our three hours the advance of a strong and from I I to 18 midnight ona of sanity. today to a plunge Into aballow cast and Baseball Scores. a raUway company elvU angtoaer the largest and moat artlaUo dla- wntor of Baxter Creak, at the toot CALIFORNIA 3-19 request for donntlons and to the I firce“ of to#the isth18th InfantryInfantry. Large Hardened tharUTa dapuUaa beard 11'10—Main Street—Hartford. who aarvaa as consul for his motbsr playa of flreworka aver preaantod of Milaa Brenx. His 17 OK 11:39—Count Baalt's Orchestra. •Manobester Herald for their help In ""Ponalble for thla feat w „ country gratis—to spare time wilh amaaamant tba youtb’a taarfaaa oronuo, tho at the lake. In eeee of rain tola Back was brokao. Fritnds said they PEAS GREEN GIAF CMIS 11:80—Harry James' Orchestra fuitherlng our efforts. The members *'*Jor F. A. VIetor of the 101st. who "I'm glad to do It," Dm friandly, program will be postponed to Batur- statement, then diseumad proeeduro 18:0^DeI Courtney’s Orchestra. of the Dllworth-Cornell Post, and ®°"’ '"**':****^ * combat car, ctgly-halred consul said today aa to the unusual ease. I f be to tried and Power had da^ad - t o awlm day. Sept. 3. shorUy after nddniglu to 18:80—To Be Announced. eioeclally the committee, were not directed It to ahow Rnelf at widely he glanced up from his bUieprinta. Mai Hallett and hta orchestra on a murder charge, the atata eeuld Tomorrow's Program only keenly disappointed at the PotoU and tricked the "'There Isn’t very much travel or only ask life tmprisenmeaL Tha Unaware tba Uda was out and Ula. maka tosir Initial appearance of ths water aballew, Powtr plunged la ZA-RBX 7:00—Just Music. qiiullly of the display hothut were also "Bluee Into believing they were ♦rnde, but one* in awhile someone season at Laks Compounce Sunday d^th penalty qannot ba fixed under FRUIT SYRUP MAYONNAISE California law until a juvanUa at- bead first and struck bottonu 7:18 -■ Esso Reportsr — News greatly Inrcnsrd at the loss of a opposed by a large force of raeehan- dies In Luxemburg and leavea an aa- night Mai has jun oomplsted a Weather. reputation which years of g'-od dis­ lze«l cavalry. tate to someone here—or vice versa.” taliia the age of lA most aueesssful angagsmsnt at New Jnepector WUUam J. Panpraaa YELLOW 7:30—Just Muatr. plays had estahllahed for us. The 16th Infantry gained revenge At the State Department pivpara- Jersey'a Msadowbrook. The con­ FINAST 7:89 — Esso Reporter — Newa To those who are not familiar on tbe lOlit, however, by capturing tlons for the visit followed Ihs gen­ cert Sunday afternoon will ba pre­ who eondwtod queaUentog for the L A ilL Weather. ' iI with the details 1 would like to ex- two troops which It found dismount­ eral pattern set for royal entertain­ ■barlira offlca after tbe boy*# arreat LIPTON’S TEA ment. sented by tha Meriden O ty Band, 4:00—.Shoppers Special I plain that the manufacturer agn-ed ed to a wooded area. with vocal salaetlona by Kenny. yesterday as he rode bis bicycle in CALIFORNIA 4:80 ■ Es'o Reporter News i '> fireworks displev equal Tha tanse European situation George Bummertto. protocol Ven*ce' 85 mllea from hla home, MED SIZE Weather ■ito or hotter thiui any we had ever cauecd Lt. Col. Andrea Cbromleoo, chief, ^11 go to. Montreal to meat quoted Richard aa aajlnz: Am j^g Safety Discovery- HEINZ C pint q u art 4:86- .Shoppers .Special i had before and gave us a signed Polish army attache and ona ot 17 Felix, the dark-haired Bourixm Decision R es erve /.I '^*u* '*** “ P the body FRESH CUCUMRIR c 3:00—Richard .Maxwell I contract sperlfylng that If the ,1|,. foreign ebaervere at tha war games prince who married Grand Duehaaa with a biitehar knife because 1 read i o r l - r I play was not satlafartorv to ths to leavt tbe mock battla sons hur­ Charlotta, LUxamburg's ruler, and I". * "'•f*«in a smuggled PICKLES 3:18—Meet The Dixons their 18-year-old son. Jean, har hair Into V ^tU er (thd reform echool) 3:80 H>sn Reporter -ewq. 1 ,committee m money Dcr«l be paid riedly last night. In Used Car Case Weather to him NeeilleiN...... to ...,i«y th*' . --- that cutting 'em up was a good wav New Brake-Action Tread 'to get rid of bodies. ORANOI JUICESSlr3SJa5c|llMON JUICE SS, 3%? 25c ' f BANANAS 3:S^Safety Talk- Major Harold satisfied and have C r a C f * H l t a S ll* « s a a B. Plnney , P»to no money. The manufacturer ^ a g llB O lr C B B Finish Adams St. Bridgeport Aug. 14—<#>—Judge "1 flUM I ’ll get what’s coming to 35 4:40—Horae Folks Interlude brought suit agalnj»l the post for Edward J. Quinlan had under eon- me. L«t em hang me, electrocute £E£L It Stopfl Qnidter sidaraUon today the grantinff of a me, (M me, whatever they wanU LAVA SOAP 4:44—Us On A Bus pajTTient and haa tied up the money I^icI on Grid Play Bridge This Period not afyald to die. 3 16c 10:00—Pretty Kitty Kelly that our plan of putting on an- temporary tojuncUen raatralning CwmlaMSarlRab 10:18—M,vrt and Marge the atata from anforctog a law re "NsW' I'm not sorry I did It. Ha FLAKES gr GRANULES SALAD other dieplay in ImpoeMhle until got what waa coming to him. "Braks-AcUeD" CHIPSO 10:30—Hilltop House. Work was reaumad tola morning qutrtng used ear dealero to pay i 41c APPLES Tttad. Actadly JW 10:48—fitepmolber. which will he aometlme in Septem* Greenwich. Oonn., Aug. 84.—r swwy tta Hire 11:00—It Happened In, Hollywood. i>er. Df. Alonto 0. Oftdf. tlatt •duca Adams etreet Part of tbe flooring bought for reaala in Oonneatleut. iMavtag for Boms drictr e» lu aew- SELOX ll:lS4-ffcattergood Balnea. Theseae public fireworks displays H ®^w*talonar, was on Hcrord bras eoaipictsd when tba W PA work- The court reaer red derision after type. eherp-edsid 23c DRESSING lI;30_B lg Sister. were inaugurstad by tba Dllwortb- I , H oppotad to traiweenttoen- tog period ended on Monday - and B hsaring yesterday. Faria Aug. 84.—(IPH-Mra. Sarah 11:45—Aun.t Jenny's Stories Cornell Foat some years ago and Used car daalara behind tba to 11 Post soms yaars ago and “ L *f*P« for Oeanactlcut with proper weatbtr tba floertirg Delano Rooaavalt. motbor of The DoSMe Actiofl Tread CUSTARD 18:00—Joyce Jordan. Girl Interna lued avary every year atoeeitoce thanthen to *nd favoring a shift of will be finished within tbe present junction petiUoo argtiad that tba praaldent, packed up calmly ■»»«< RAISIN BREAD — 8c GREEN PEAS ✓ 12:15—When a Girl Marries lin« with the Community 8«rviea ^ lutrn-mural ipos^ In working parted. Thla wtU roaka poa- act effeettva aa o t Jidy I leaf, w her ria t? s anartiMatto Parto Has 2500 Extra Grippers 13:3^Rnmanea of Helen Trent work of the American Legion with n**! **. 4**^ ••’•Y P*’’* albl^the reeiimpUon of bua aarvtca vioiataa tbs eommarea elauaa o t tba by ButomoWle for U Bnvra Aa yoo apply lbs brakes—2300 lUra ANGEL CAKE quort 3Ji45—Our Oft] fluod^. absolutely no profit going to fha ^ '.E ? ” ' , through Adams street to Hilliard- United StaUa ConaUtutlaa, to UB''’ •JK* Uie Noqr Tork bound Untt pipping .. built iate famooi U. & POTATO BREAD *-10c •IlM O N T fa r 1:00 — Eaao Reporter — News Post. As the money wae ilonatad bv J *u*re Is apparently too much villa, which baa not been possible, lawful and void and la a burden and Wubtogton fair which har grand- vegwbeil Iraed... go into iaXeaf aetlee. Waotber. the people of Manchester they have r * * " ’* ***• toUreated cltl- stoec toe bridge washed away laat obatruetlon to totarstata eomnaarae. aon. John, hU wife and haiaalf baM Thay epaa u p ... grip^ heM . . . stop •“* 25c 1:08—Conn. Froduce Market BuUe- a^ght to know what la being done I ,V* P*^**®* -Rdltotog {eams. SepUmber. Tboaa praaant at tba baartag In round trip UckaU. .John left bv year ew qu ite, eriw, eirelpMw. PARKERHOUSE R O L U "• 9e ' CELERY tia. vWli It and 1 want to assura them for ulUrlor motives." Dr. Oonaldarabla troubli. was axperl' Buparier Court aaM if the act ware boat train for U HavtaT ' that tba commlttae la doing all It Ihe OoBjiaetleut Racrea- eneed to Mtttog to tha abutments enforead thay would have to go out 8 ^ Dalm FortoA Um nraM- ■Mw Tea Bto A w Tka...THINK 25 of buaiBam. ^ rJ S *?ii***L* tht^^tm a^ 1 dma^bata**^**” **** *" “ beeauas of tba water being high and flM ta aunt, atone to ramra in Ota yaa aSord to to Withsat worth and, with tha always haln- It waa neceaaary tor t time to Itova Aaatotant Attomay Oanarol Fraak FbrU wbara aba to n ra at •Mtioa sr iWt toe's «flcton eaocmvmiat imcnvi m au sMNCHima noari ful oooperaUoB of the Herid. o lu l. ‘ **?. *?*?*H***?^ ®PPo«»4 to work atart at 4 e'dock to tba mom- J. Dtflaat, rapraaanttny Motor least for tba Uma baing. TMadf tioeM wat t i orm m uaioAT NtoHit to keep them advised ct future^de- *^fc“*'****f2S2.*** *"*«*4ll trtpa or tog getUng tba coffer dam to while Vehicio 0)HimiM>onai’ M ln u l A. Specializing velqpmanta. wlUeh will permit Um river was low. Wbsn tbe Adame Connor, alae nnmad 43 n datondwt 0 W. Henry Weir. • ««• • • tn oommerdal en- street bridge la finished it wlU com- In Um netten. aaM Um net was To HoM Titolo Self-Sarvice Stores located at 22 EAST CENTER STREET I for the benefit of one - 169 No. MAIN STREET ’ In Ototmwi nreworke Oemitottea ato tba rabulldtaff o t bridgaa^to drawn to i c e t ^ UM atUnmn o t Um ‘fiSSXaBBTisiig* DUwortb-ComeU Foot, A. U 'I Mott^,"„t|ta.ri¥*mlealener' e«B«»etor-awt'wwetofleBadWiw tfitoto W 3 S i8 fM r SHStorlBlllifliMi ___ _ "84.— HI Um flood laat Baptamber. Brldgea complalo bUki of aote akowtofl elanr ■ a-*— O f DmiMiATInCigHDB iaOtaga Are toitay^ He teams Rodto^nrice have been en Blreh Mountata UUo eo an cart brmigM Into tha * StapsQrietor * tkwrimrteisi SSTiJS?*—y** *• 4>rtda and read. Farher atreet and a lan e col. atata far raanli. M d ««w eves emtsider an * WemaLotaw * tteflUMete 1 * T m t i T E s p a i t M ! itosM. Aug. 34— <#>-eimngi ot SSSSS *T vert baa been buflt en Benton atoeat Ha aaaattod that tho net farotniio Italian > . r e , ConU Dl Savota | *“ beatdea aevaral emanarjeba. aato a( ilolaa can and aravidaa 4od Augustua from Gsme raoorda whkfli may ba naad to traea S K ! ^ S 3i.£ ?r~ * Win. E. Krah mSM to Ja imtof vehtcita. -’&'Ssrttrosaus Atiff. Bavaa, Tha aetlen arlidaany aaia toMMi trial The Bonfly Oil Co. niMHMHtSt Franek aewe------to Now RavaaTuto flfl hadoN Atoehea. W. w. Foster T«L &2SS FIRST NATIONA idav 1 totk ai tor UM STORES Main MAIfCNSSTSK WIENUK} BlCIULn MAKCHEITE*. OOffll. TRUWDAT, ACRIUBT t4. Ifi* MANCHESTER EVENING HERAtJ), HANCHElihrEIL CONN. THURSDAY. AUGUST 24. 19SS C 3 I '

a w a y Om t a4.—(F)« — A Bewgljf . . Imegteed _ euffertng.’* The drug Diet In Nepfciltls drug hee benuhed petn from the:which makea ahert work e f pain ican dtlacna Uvtng In Europe par- and their eeered boner to keeping In yaeterday's arUcle I dlaeuaeed Oasl s f Chnraetsrs Athittg could happan to any one on denttat's chair— but not an oecaaleo-. haa . thia chamleal Hama: T m - aome of the 'changes seen la Octekcr 1. lilt manaatly. And If our opinion wert the rect of us ellve, eerefree end In CRBISTINE TBOBEN80N — I this Boardwalk, and no one else al "ouoh!" amine, mone-leobutyl bensoete by- ncphrltia or Bright's Oisaase and came Sa viall her ooustn, found sought In tha matur it would ba the enjoyment of ell the good Mora than 8,000,000 Injactlone e f drochlerlde. would avan noUea.” ■VCIT cn«»t premised to teke up tbe diet to be ■yatary. Latar, In tba crista that rushed ■«an «M mlMm'S * I M ^. ~ at a a that a pretty large part of these thlnge ef life. the recently-daveloped enerthetlo Other health krlafe. froRi the A. used In -the treatment of thli dis­ Miar. Oaaa, aa hava proyad It to ba a "daAnita Itn- M. A. joumal; B O X Y A B O LE T—iMd a raoa upon them with such cruel inevita­ ’■Amarieana" might vary weU ba Either thet or for doing tome order In the article for today. tor watching Ctarlsttne. bility. Chrlatina waa to remember bis liar. provement" ovar othera, tha A mart- I f your noat runs all tha time, or Before any drastic change In left wbara they are, baeauaa tha thing about their book-keepers. can Medical Aaaoclatlon’a health you hava a paralatant to rt throat or OEOROB WTLMET — anployad.’ words. Ownfd nnd Opcrolrd Ly Thr Girat AMomi.c X Poi.lic li-u ( o diet la made. I And that the best ChrlstbM aa a Boardwalk artist. | Whan thay finally reached Christ— 0 . only thing American about them la magazine. Hygela, said today "atuffy" tars, It may ba alltrgy—not plan In the average case la to keep Tha report, made by Dr. Fred R. a chronic cold. Or. Georgs Rincta C H AND RA— looked Into tbe fo- Ine’a doer. BUI took her almost rar Moau hr Uall . . .I •« their eltlrenihlp papers A few of the paUent on fruit Juice feedings ■laaia Coar *i “ S even ty DiviNionH** Adame, e New York dantut, said; lend X>r. Hyman Miller o f Doe An- twfw - n d lirta tba past. roughly into his arms again. OaUrar*« Oaa T a a r...... them, a very few, were bom here "Until reeanUy patniasa dentistry ! false reported "allergy alone may for about 8 days. Ills fruit Juice "I wish to God I didn't have to Assuming that war between Is axcellent on several points: It ta a a m n o r aMOCIATBP and )iava bean living in Europe he- waa letgtiy a myth ,a phrasa uaad almulata many e f the eirmptome end Vaaterdayi Jasper eaeapM from leave you alone." ha aald. his voice Oermany and Roland la to start by charlatans and quacks to lura un- aigna of aeuta or chronic tnfaetlen dota net eontali. salt, ft la easily the poHoe and tha others aru allow­ hoarse with trouble. "Promise me eausa they can put on mors dog on dlgsated, and It has iittla or no Tba naoatataila< rnm la M.laaivalr ertthin a few dairs—of eoure# with witting victims to their Ay-by-nIght of the respiratory tract." ed to go botne. BUI tells Ctarlstina that you’ll be careful. (ThrisUne— If aaOiM 10 Um aaa al raaabltaaUaB tha tame amount of income; or p^teln. WhIIs tha patlant la bo anw WUmet nsar tbs atudle at of oU B.W0 ai.Miakoo oroaiuf lo II ofAcea. I ------you hava any idea what the word 717 MAIN ST. the Osrmans on the offensive—It ■■ using It. ths kidneys experisnea a or aoi stbairHao oroaiiof In ikla even, possibly, because they gen "But today, every major dental' Collapse of the lung (Spontaneous • iSO. that Jasper waa tralltag her. means." paaor aad alaa Ika local n . « i nah< Interesting, even to tbs civilian, to operation can be performed without pneumothorax) occurs aomeUmae In period of rest which la often high­ She rentlaee tbe liupeeter wfa ecr- Ones la own room. (Christine uloaly like It betUp over there. her 1 ll.htO h.roliL speculate on tha use which can be the least pain to the patient." healthy persons after laughing, ly heneflrlal. In taking tha fruit tala aba knew Jaepar. ■at syatcmatleally about the exam­ All naiii. of roonkitaailoaa of But many mors art European-born Jutca, tha beat plan Is to taka an made of the overwhelming masses There’s still an outcry from the coughing, sneezing or running and ination of her baVonglngs. •paela) dltiiateb.o b.r.lii cr« cIm ro> Indlvldualf who lived for a time In most expert denttat's chair once In ■ Isn't necessarily of tuberculoela 8-ounca glass of tha Juloa evary 3 CH ARTER X of men and military materials I'm a suparstiUous fool, -she this country, obtained eltlsanahip while b^auee, he said, of "the origin. Dr. Stalge D. Blackford of hours. A dally enema should also ’Than." Christina said slowly, "if thought In the release of her new rnU'aorolao oll.m of H. e A. aorr- you'ra right, BUI—if ha Is sulking hare and than ratumad horns, earS' which the aggressor nation la sup­ phychlc reaction of fear and entire- University, Va.. reported. be used. happiness. But I've got to he sure. .100 Inc. Between the fruit Juice feed­ In the dark somewhers— and If ha fully preserving the protection of posed to have at Ita command— A t length she found It— In a big Self Service Grocery Store ings, distilled water may be taken, does kill some one else. I'll he—wall, PoblUbon BopraoooUlloM: The and In the Arid. manlla envelope into which, before Jallna Kalhowa apMlcI Aa«ner— their synthstic AmarieanItm. Is given over to textiles. A person many, if not greater than any of­ although the water intake should a sort of accomplice, won’t I— be- PRICES she had left New York, she had Tork. Cbiooao. P«troli anO ao.ton. The entire Oerman-Rollah fron­ Only about aa.OOO tourists from would think that there. If any ficial In the department. ba checked In each ease; If tha eausa I didn't tell the pollea who ha hastily stuck aome canceled checks waa and have them lock him up?" MKMBBII ADOrr BIIIIEAD OF the United States are ballavad to tier, even Including that of East placa, a lltlla work could be done There is a atiiklng difference be­ water produces dropsy It Is advts- she didn’t quite want to throw aWay. "Nonsense! Not telling all you cmcoLATiuwa______Pruaeta and that of all of what waa In designing a non-bIndIng air­ tween the situation here in the abls to cut down on the mount of " It" waa a thick sheaf of thou­ ba In Europe thia aummar, a vary present crisis and that which pre­ water, or to omit It snttrely. If know doesn't constituts you a The RoralA PrlBtlnf Coapanr Ina. Czechoslovakia, probably does not cooled shirt. But no. sand dollar bonds. There wss noth- much smaller number than In the They'tell women how to make vailed at the time of the Munich there are no 'ropsical symptoms criminal. It It did. most e f ua would ing to Indicate whose Ihey were; aaaoBi.. no Bnanelal rcpon .ibilllr present more than four or Ave hun­ ter trpocrapbleal error, app.erina In summer of T4. So. at a pinch, we simple household garments, how to meeting last fall. Then, only one then tha patient continues to use spend a lot of Ume behind bars." and Cliristlne did not look through airertlMment. In tbe Meneb.itet dred miles of border on which mili­ rig up a low-cost oiitAt for the envoy of the Intersstad countries the water. But In spite of BiU's light words, 213 No. Main St. ran claim credit for being able to the bundle to find out how many Y E R Y m Crenint BeralC his voice waa tense with worry. tary operations of any size c^uld youngsters. They pioneered In de­ was at bis post bsre—Sir Ronald After the fast the patient Is there were. After the first frighten­ gamer aenae from aarller laaaont. LIndaay, tha British ambassador. given a non-protaln diet consisting A newsboy came along the Board­ possibly be carried on; and prob­ signing and popularising the sun ed look, she dropped them aa If they Thuraday, Auguat 24 To be sure. 26,000 tourlsta In Eu­ suit for tiny tots. They publish .VII the others ware on laavs. of a non-starchy vegetable , soup. walk shrilling. "W iixtry! Read all burned her flngei-s and sat staring, rope this August la just about 2B,- ably a good deal Issa than half of Illustrated pamphlets telling wom­ Now, however, all high-ranking The soup Is prepared by using spin­ about Itl Moldar on tha Boldwalk! her shaking bMda tight at her Wuxtry! Wuxtry!” 000 more than have, under the cir- that would provide real opportunity en how lo spot fraud In a piece European diplomats are here with ach, ealery. parsley and small throat. A&P Quality Meat Department SpeciaU The Showdown of textile and how to dstert sllp- the exception of Constantine carrots. These are cooked together Bill nought a copy. rumatancea of thsoa recant months, for Germany's campaign. Her first Impulse was to call Bill; nhod tailoring In a store cost. But Oumansky, Soviet ambasador, and until tender and the patient Is "Here’s a good light." he said: Tbo -Ilu aao^m iaji non-aggroa- There Is a good deal of looea talk but there waa no telephone in her any valid enciiaa for baing there. not one room Is given over to fash­ Hans DIsekhoff, German ambaaaa- glvan any desired amount three and they stopped to read. room. To reach one. she must go And lontinst BUTTER aloo pact haa boan aigned. It doca They are 25,000 of those eheerfiil about tha Reich being able to ioning a pair of pants that won't dor who waa recalled ahortly after Umsa a day. In between tba soup Most of tbe first two pages were Into the puhUc hall and risk being not, aa waa generally antirlpated. throw the full force of seventy di­ need pressing every 48 hours. the recall of Ambassador Wilson meals, distilled water la taken. In devoted to the aensatlonai murder .... Chueh Roost |b. so\ila who never believe "It can overheard. Cheese .Sir Ronald Lindsay Is here waiting preparing the soup, th smallest of the wealthv and axclusive widow, onfilain an "eacapo" claiiao pro­ happen to them" - whatever It la. visions against the Polish front She did the only other thing that Hs Orts Hympathj- replacement by hla Bucceasor, possible amount of salt should be Mrs. Emms Talbert. Rrlmo Stoor viding for Ita deniinrlatlon at any One wonders what could poaathly occurred to her. Making sure that &.-,(um2 u .SS c 2 5 * Well, when the first hig gun goes Thers wss sympathy for the lyird Lothian. added, and no further salt is to be At ona of tbe Items Christine her rather nimsy door waa locked, Roof tUne by either party. A a non- off they will try to gat onto the first be done with any surh number of Idea of doing something' for used at the table. stared with blanching cheeks. ■he pulled the heavy bureau In front aggraalOB treatiea go It la unuaiial- mankind. A young woman, head of A fter about 4 days on tha soup "You said awhile ago,” she falter­ Rib R oast troops and equipment as seventy of It. and went to bed. ship for home; and aa many of ed at last, "that not telling all I Ijr atpong. a division, explained, however, regimen the urine is tested again, Christine did not hope to sleep; Fresh Mild them aa happen to be broke will divisions constitute In a theater of that there never had been an ap­ Labor Outing to see what I’egrea of Improvement knew didn't make me a criminal... but after a while she did. But It would not have a atraw'a ■ ■ war aa restricted aa tbla one would mob American eonaulataa with de­ propriation from Congrssn for It. has taken place. In the event What would this make me?” She was hardly dressed next morn­ Frosh— lb. weight with either Hitler or Sta­ mands for transportation We shall necessarily be. "Did anybody aver ask for onsT" there haa been a noticeable im­ "An iinkQsvD person," the item ing before aba was summoned to the read, "has mailed to this office a lin If It aerved hla purpoac and have to aend Mr. Hoover over All other things equal, a great we asked On Saturdayprovement the patient la started on telephone. It was BIU calling. Broil or Fry document purporting to be the will advantage to diaregard It utterly. "I don't remember. If they aver the following dirt: Breakfast—Ona "BIU," ChrUUna said swiftly. ‘T v e CRISCO there again nr And anothar Hoover army can always beat a email Muenster did." she replied. agg, dish of stewed fruit, 3 slices of of Mrs. Emma Talbert. According got to saa you. Something—” It nuat bo admitted that here- army In a limited war area, even if Vegstsbia to be papa to th f sunny optomlsta. 8he was cool and comfortable Melba Toaat. Lunch—Ona or more to that will, tba dead woman's en­ "LIstea!” BUI'S voice was sharp C h icken s tefore tha Union o f Soviet Repub- And moat of tha "permanenta," only a small part of the former can while wa talked. She wore a Commissioner Danalier cooked non-starchy vegetables, to­ tire fortune—axeapt for a substan­ with warning. "Don’t use words that Skertenlng ‘c itd fe tial bequest to the butler who has Ilea haa - dlatlngulahed Itaelf by be used In combat at any one time, striped cotton shirt open at the gether with a large salad. Dinner— mean anything over the telephone. toe, will ba Alltd with a sudden nea- To Head List of Guests; served her for years--is left to her !b Gonuino never breaking an International throat, a skirt and doubtlass a Ona-quarter of a pound of lean beef You've probaSy got a reporter In talgla for tha "dsar old United beeauM Ita reaarvaa can be brought only relative, Mlsa ChriaUne Thor- Domestic Swiss angagement. But Stalin la dealing light slip and other hidden essen­ To Be at -Meriden. or of chicken, one cooked non- each p o tta t---- And don't be wor­ States" and will be Aghtlng for the Into action grediially and the tials. That was all—except, of starchy vegetable, salad of medium aason." ^ ried when you read In tha paper 1939 with a notorlua liar and compact beat staterooms or perhaps even smaller force will eventually be course, ehhas and stockings. size, and dessert of gelatin or "It couldn't iqske you anything that the shoes of one William Tard- Hartford. Aug. 24.—SUta Labor but what you are." BIU tried to eay breakar In Hitler — and nobody canceled out. But this is condition­ Opposite her we aat S itin g la stawad fruit. In tlie preparation of lay have bean found to fit Into ona Spring for Aral grab at Uncle Sam'S free Commlsslonar Comallua J. Danahar raassurlDgly, "sw tet and good and Ib knowa It any better than the three layers of cotton. Including a these foods, as little salt as poasl- p ^ r of footprints found by ths Lam b Le g s paaaagea. ed on the supposition that the re­ will head tbe list of guests at tha honest." Sandwich Loaf coat, ahirt and undershirt, two of bla should ba used. poUce." RuaaUn dletater. There era a fsw Americana In serves can be maintained. Which Is annual outing of tha Connecticut A good deal e f space was given NUTLET OIsEO thsm tight woven. Our shirt was Generally speaking, the patient And the other pair, Christine re­ It la not uaraaaonablo to be- Labor Dspartment Association Sat­ up to tbe mysterious beach-comber Mineod , Europe, no doubt, who could pro­ another way of saying that tha tightly biittonsd around tha throat urday at tha Highland Country with Bright’s Disease will do membered, were Oiusin Emma's. InCeavenlsnt Uavo that tha pact aigned yeaterday vast military organization of Oer­ to stop vsntllatlon. Besides, we wall to avoid the following: beans, tsiio was arrestsd In eonosctlCB with (T o Ba Coattnned) vide sound, aubatAntlal and unaa- club, Msrldcn. the ease. The rumors ware (1 ) that Honb— l-LbsPrlnfs la actually a aervlea of notice by sallable reasons for being there many. If It Is real,- could beat the had on tightly-woven trousers and Other guests Include executive peas, asparagus, prunes, cranber­ Brick Loaf 2 K>. k»( 39i S a - 2 5 * some more gear underneath. ries, pepper, mustard, salt In be waa a kotorious underworld char­ ftuaata on Oreat Britain and Polish army In a long war by wear­ director of unemplc^ment compensa. acter; (2) that he was an anarchist after the lapse of all these perilous Why the dickens doesn't some­ large amounts, and rich desserts. Bologna Franco that when they tried to out- tlon Howard E. Hausman, deputy who hated the rich; ( I ) Uikt ba was PWA Projects montha But you could probably ing It out despite Its own losses. body do something about It? labor comrolaaioners Morgan Moo­ In tbe milder type of casa, a F r ankf urts a homicidal maniac. amart her, and persisted after due But that Is not whet the Ger­ We did have one advantage. The careful dieting schedule may do an bring them all home In lOna ahlp— ney and John Raady, Major Leonard A great deal of slgiitflcatiea was warning that their game was well young lady began fumbling around tnormoui amount of good. In tba and not one of the biggest At that mans think of. They do not even J. Malon^, dlractor of tha Con­ attached to the footprints leading Well Advanced In a purse and then In s drawer to more severe cases, attended by nadantood. they made a vital mli- pretend to be able to sustain a long necticut ftata Employment Service from tbe rowboat toward tha booth Frosh— Getting the Americans home will And a match. We had pockets. and James J. Graham, director of considerable kidney damage, diet­ taka—and that I f . In tha future where the body waa found, m m pair be, for the moat part, a good deal war. They arc putting all their ing will not be able to restore the PILLBBURT'B the Unemployment compensation of which, police wars reported to there are any more attempts to dap^tment. Injured kidneys to normal but will Those in Mansfield Area Slicod MSr t4lb«lb.MM like the task of tha Ufa saver who eggs In the baskst of "lightning at­ have said, had bean Identified as obtain Ruaala'a aid In preventing The program arranged for the be of value in prolonging the has to risk hla own to haul out of tack." And how they are going to u.s. Diplomats Mrs. Talbert’s. Ahead of Schedule; Sw ordfish afternoon includes a gob' tourna­ a ooa-sided domination of Europe employ any such vast masses of life of^t-he patient, and the physi­ Ona Item told of a strange sea­ F L O U R ** an undertow aome fresh kid whom, ment, swimming, athletic contasta, It win have to ba with that fact cian having the walfara of the pa­ going.launcb which the Ooaat Guard Nine Projects Needed. c only tan mtmitas bsfort, ha had sol­ soldiery as we hear about. In any entertainmant and dancing. Grftftn Giant P«os Can 14 tient at heart will Institute some lights had picked out. apparantly distinctly In mind. such attnek. Is pretty nearly In­ Are Very Busy Tba eompleta committee In charge tjrpa of dietary restriction. l b . 1 2 c S p i c e d H a m l b . 2 5 e emnly wariied against Ita dangers. drifting at anckor a mile or so off Storra, Aug. 34— Tha PuhUe Nor does It In the least alter the is as follows; David B. Ring, New c ■ ■ ------AM In the day's work, even If comprehensible. Seventy divisions I therefore idvise that if you shore, directly opposite the booth Works Administration wtU wind up DftI Mail NiMets 3 C.SI 29 Haven, general chairman; Edward hava Bright's Disease and your aelf-«vldef>t fact that Ruaala can­ tough. on tha Polish frontlsr would almost where the tragedy had occurred. Ac­ Its activity on 13.081.892 worth of HAMS lining Phones ami Cables Malloy, Norwalk: Ethel Crawley. doctor tells you to follow a strict eonatructlon work now under way riM IYI^ SWsiHilf » 2 3 < B A C O N not afford to have Oermany for a undoubtsdly so overcrowd the situ­ Stamford: Joseph Kennedy, Bridge­ cording to the newspaper, a detail Dieod Carrots 2 c«si 15c ^ 1 ^ 1 9 . diet, that you obey his oVdera to from the C ^ s t Guard had motored on four projaeta In Mansfleld-WUll- border nalghbor—and. haa no no- ation that thay would be In eech To Aeqiiaint State De­ port; Vincent Reilly, Danbury; to N.. 2 the letter. out and boarded It, only to find It mantlc Area not later than March Sosist GOLD MEDAL tkm of doing ao. Great Hamanitariaita other's way, complicate the prob­ Isaac Zlochiver, Mary Lenoff and Questions and Answers 18. 1940 If preiant constnictlon A&P Wholft Boats m C.SI 2fc SHOULDERS » 1 4 < BOILED HAM m .k 3 9 < KHdMa partment With News. Stephen J. O'Brien, Waterbury; abandoned. ToiM 'Tha pact la beat asplalnad, par- Sometimes wa art bacoma almost lem of supply tremendoiiely and. (M ilk Diet and Cataract) A laat-minute story told o f the schadulas pravall, R L Feaney. Charles McCarthy, Anaonia; Marion Question: O. K. writes: "Would Travallng Engtnaar, said today. Praneo-Amarieon a R A S H tm )e hape, by tha theory that Ruaala la revaranUal In our admiration for Into the bargain, present them­ Washington. Aug. 24 — (/Pi — Tracey, Torrlngton; Herman Dress­ finding of the murdered woman’s 3 C.M 2 FLOUR a milk diet be harmful to an old car, and the discovery In It of The status of construction in *- 7 9 * sure there wiU ba a war now, that the public spirit displayed by soma American envoys In Europe are ier, Meriden; William Bascha, Bris­ l b . 1 9 c S a l a d s 2 l b s . 2 5 c selves as a targst for wholesale person who is developing cataract hypodermic naadle and a quantity ef Mansflald-WiUimantlc Area. R L Oormany will althar ba defeated or of our moat Important clUsana. For slaughter. sending a steady rlream of cable­ tol; Allen Ruderman, New Britain; on the right eye?" Feanay sutsd la aa follows; Hermal's Spam C.S 25c John Goodwill, MIddletowTi: Charles a powerful drug. ao weakanad that aha wlU ba easy fifty ysara wa hava marvslsd at tha grams—and occasional trans-At- Answer; I see no reason to be­ Unlvaralty Buildings— Stoira— 4S It there has baen any such lantlc telefdione Calls—to the Stata Torre, Thompsonvilte; Gsntvlevs "So tbe Inspeoter's key did open to destroy later, and that In any aalf aacriflclng dsvoUon of tha lieve that a milk diet would be the car," Chbristine said. par cent eompletad, contempletad Hermart Spieod Ham C.S 25c crowding of troops Into that re­ Department about the grave Inter­ Hart, Hartford; Wilbur Markham, harmful titader these circumstances. completion— March, 1940. event. If she herself keeps out of PennayU-anla anthracite mine own­ national altiiatton. Danielson; Frank Rlnella, Norwich; "K e y ? ” echoed BIU, who was Largo Stio ib. stricted area we may be very cer­ However, on tbe other band, it la frowning over the ttam. Bridge— Eootford— completed. that mesa and takes advantage of ers who, In good times and had, in Every ambastnilor In Europe |s William Murray, New London and Suecotash B&M 2 C.M 21c 6 Lb. Avg. tain Indeed, that no responsllilllty unlikely that tba milk would prove In a moment be added, "Ob, those Bridge— Tolland — Wllllngton — Roasting Chickens Arthur Nlchola, Hartford. IBLETS tha unroar to eliminate the Jsp&n- at hla post with two exceptions __ beneficial In the sense of stopping eompletad. fair waatber or foul. In peace or In for It rests with the professional The Connecticut Labor Depart- boys uss can epaosrs": but hla volet to 14-01. eaa danger on her Asiatic front, Joseph Dsviss, who la finiahlng a the development of the cataract, or Bridge— Ashford —87 per eeni Compball't Tomato Juiet to CsM c war, coma hsU or high water, have strategists am^ tacticians of the vacation In the United .Statea be­ ment is composed of about HOU sounded flat and strained. 13 in the sense of Inducing a "curt." Aside from tbe spaee given Jas­ completed—anUdpatod compleUon— Russia will emerge the one great unremittingly luppMad the people old German Army. fore returning to Belgium, and office and Aeld workers of the stata oouiu wRAms PH MAn S - * (Soft Card .MUk) Sept. 18. 1*39. 1 9 power remaining In the Eastern Hugh R. WIlaoD, who waa recalled tabor department. per, BUI and Christina recaivsd tha Sunnyfiald Com Flokos 14c TO HOID IT* k Bakery Speeiala of the hard-coal consuming region Question: P. G, inquires: "There lloo'a share qf publicity. BUI cams Iheaa represent, for the moet part FMJHN01 hemisphere. with fuel —at a loss. They have al­ from Berlin last winter for rs- Is a firm In our city now selling a completion date' well In advance port and consultation. of* with flying colors The impres­ KoBo^'t Shroddod Whoot n,. H Stalin, Red Russia, are ruthless. ways loat money. Their hooka. In soft curd milk and the claim Is sion conveyed waa that be had pur­ of that specified by Congreee In the ^ ftt. 9c 1 Amhaasador Joseph P. Kennedy act under which moat P W A con- uwt Dote and Not Leaf Cake And utterly cynical aa to any bona mada that this type of milk U mors sued the kUlar along the beach In iwv OEVOR Mygfo voiiBreiii niM wifB ^^ft b w any year of the half century, will hastened back to London from the atrucUon work is being carried on WhaotUsv V I f V U I I V B GP OHAMPKHIB suoo Quotations- easily digested than ordinary milk. an heroic attempt to prevent tba PH. 10c fide friendship among the capital­ ■how It. Washington French Riviera, and Ambassador Tha soft curd milk Is being advised ertms In the area. Tha tow spedfisd that ufisi va b o k C William C. Bullitt recently ra- istic nations, whether totalitarian Toil can't help feeling well nigh for the feeding of babies. Is there But ChriaUne was horrified to the 81.600,000.000 program must ba RM. 38 01*401 Fmif Oroepe loisGa ^ t t lB turned to Paris from a vtalt to tha Little things make people happy; Yonkoa Ovtn Baktd Boons! 21c21c SPRY or damocratlc. The Soviet la pla.v- completed not latw than Juna 80. overcome with gratitude to people and little things make us misarahls. any basis for a claim of this sort?" find herself jjilayed up In lurid colors Daybook United Statea Answer: Soft curd milk Is gener­ 1940. Ing an entirely selfish game. In like that. There's simply no use in Life for moat ef us most of the time as tba "Boardwralli Uyatory G irl". .. Stondord Dill Pieklos Ambassador William Phillips Is ally considered to be more easily lion H ew s Gelden Orange Layer ShaHanlRf ^ ^ ^ 1 8 ^ which respect she so closely re- By PRESTON URUVEB •WHY.’’ one headline screamed. wondering whether they and tpeir keeping In close touch with the la made up of little things digested than usual milks, espe­ When completed these projects — Bav. Dr. Jaaapta Fart Mewton, 'WAS THE COUSIN OF THE asmblcs every other power of famlllei have ever bad enough to Italian foreign offics. He Is to cially In tbe sense that the former will repreaent 493,000 man hours of R&R Chicican mnsb A blab ItHar MU WM Oor OapHal Coireepondent take leave Sept. I to return to the RhUsdelphla. WEALTHY MRS. TALBERT MAS- 2 ‘v*15' S M .| / < Byrope that the only difference be­ leaves the stomach more quickly local labor In the buUdlng trades. eat or anything at all to wear. le Hot Under The Collar United States, hut may have to QUERADmO ON THE BOARD­ than tha latter. However, there is a WALK UNDER AN ASSUMED Thay will repraaent two and ona Armour's Roost Boot Cs. A Y V tween her and them la In color. How could they? And whan It postpone his trip. Sometimes when eblldren are conflict of opinion on- the subject NAME?" half tlmaa this number of man I There la one thing about this oomes to Aguring out how they Washington—The government haa Ambassador Anthony Drexel naughty, they have to be spanked. boura, or 1,332,500 man hours. In tha spent millions In designing, battle­ and some authorities report that There wras a gruesome deacripUon Ahnonr's Comod Boat 2 £ ^ S l e Proat Pmltt and Y fe h ih h t German-Russlan agreement that Biddle U in Warraw. Amhaasador — Brtm Hayaa, actresa. Induotrlas In supplying materiaU manage to dig up the dough to ships, roads, low-cost houses, kitch­ tha soft curd is not digested with of tbe finding o f the body, graphi­ t O W H C U ft commands soma maaaure of re­ Laurence Stelnhardt recently ar­ any greater completeness than or­ which went Into the conatrucUon. Ranay pay the losses-well, that a Just loo en aprons, drug-store glassed-ln rived In Moscow, and la seeking to cally contrasUttg Mrs. Talbert’s Crobmoot S :'‘ 3 »c Ann Page Beaiui spect. It contains not ona word Hitler cannot get away with arhat dinary milk. Such authoritlss be­ rigidly cloistered life at exclusive In raiponaa to Inquiries. Mr. Feen­ much for ordinary minds. They are gardens, and fuepenslcm bridges. Interpret for Secretary Hull the ha got away with before. England ey said that, in the absence of legis­ e W f i E R M I . Tsadar Cittof* . t Jk. ^ Init not one dime has It laid out In lieve that the soft curd variety may Beaehmont with th# tawdry setting about friendship. It avoids that genlusea aa well aa,angels. Russo - German non - aggreaslon 1a on ft wftT hftftlM lation granting Fadaral aid In tha 40 Fothem Pish Cohos Cs. Taitod aad Apprond h ^ fashioning a comfortable suit of pact. be digested S little sooner, but la of her violent death. ^---fi a-8----i.r.:#-- to.----- EMIE H H mawkUh fraud. It makes no The steel business Is another that —M r WUUsms Wlssmai. Mtafww- not any "better." Others insist that Over that, Christina shad her first eonatructlon .ot, public projects, ha clothes for a man. Is Cleared for Action pretenpe to anything but the self- Moosl banlMr. the soft curd milk is preferable In tears. did not faal frae to make any predic­ Ann Pogo Stuffod OHvat obviously is oj>erHted by martyrs For seven cents, or maybe It la The State Department la literal­ the diet o f infants. "Oh. BUI." she choked, her voice tion In connection with the future of interest of both parUes. This U to a aedae of public duty. .Not qulls 13, you can get a pamphlet on win­ ly rleaied for action. Most of the JIttarbug dancing may be enjoy­ (Nfvk aiknds Sore) breaking at the stafk pathos of It. such construction in Tolland County. not a matter of any real Import­ dow gardening. Experts will help major officials took fhelr vacations Pobst-ott Chooto •asSLr ^ 1 3 e No sitiiicsl lavenne such miracles of self sacrlAce aa ed by youngstera, but it It neither Question:' N. N. writes: "The ‘all theae years she hasn't bad any "I believe that there le still a vast C. S. No. 1 ance, save that It may Indicate that you Agbt the Japaneee beetle. Con­ early and are bark at their desks. graceful nor btautlful; certainly net wsU of public construction ready to No sdtfieal aaloriiis the anthracite operators because sular agants will sweat through a past day or so a gland in the aids one but me. and I— I navar reaUy C h O a t O HIM Oara u , Grade Ugrar Sgeeleh •* A6r§ Feekege tta text is a Russian version, for Undersecretary Welles haa not .vet dlgnlAed for anyone past thsir be undertaken which to capable of once in a while, like when there la steaming summer In Java endur­ ef my neck has been sora and twol- tried to ba nice to her.. .And now I taken hl.s viu-ation- because Hull teens. taking up any slack In tha con­ the Soviet Union Is strong for a a war on, the nteel plants do regis­ ing malaria and chlgger hltea to Isn. How long la this probably go­ haven't any one eitbar." Sferm had been awny until this weak, — Irena Castle, one-lime qoeen at ing to last? What can be done?" struction and building trades Indus- Homoten Sodo Crochorf 2 u, [M PtM gTtaVlM certain quality of harsh dignity help you sell an Iceleas refrtgerA- BIU drew her to one of tha bsnehaa ter a little proAt. But the awful and as a rr.suU. may not get one tbe Amerlcasi ballroom. Answer: The swelling will prob­ tries as wall aa tba capital goods In­ tor or a nsw brand of aoda-water. soon. that lined the Boardwalk and gath­ hitherto unknown in European ilelicit years are to very many and ably go down In three to five days. ered her genUy Into hla arms aa if dustries supplying them and which Ann Poga Prasfrvts Stoat Kinda ^ But DO government Anger will be The services of Ambassador W il­ Old Menoreh diplomacy. Our principal product la sugar. Try using dry heai. sha had b ^ .a very little girt, and might ba anticipated by the reduc- the break-even years ao few that riUaed to work out a new arheme son have been requisitioned at the if there la any appeasement ad­ —Oov. Joenli B. Peindegtar of she sobbed against his shoulder un­ Uon of the Federal program” “ * tears come to the eyes as we think for clothes that, at the end of a Hfet State Department. He has at S'4toho Poonut Buttor 2 1 ■awaH, H s fsHlng a pliiaapple til gradually she found relief. Feeney said. Sweet Potatoes vocacy left In Britain or France of the unrequited labors and heavy day, won't hang on you like a po­ great an acquaintance tsdtil Oar- Craig's Seeleli tato sack. Presently he said, close to her ear, Neodad Pniaeto l&M ond Fritnd't Bo^it 2 ^ this pact win bring It out today. i "In Tolland County alona, losses of the great anuU whose We want Into this thing with Dfiaihg Last Night “ You’ve got me, CbrisUne. You’ll But It la doubtful Indeed that • only concern la that the people always have me— If you want rra... authorities have Indleated a public moderata thoroughness, conaldar- naed for nlna projects, many of them ih Salmon OaMMsaam ^ It oould again prevail. Whether Ing the temperature. In fact, the didn't maafi to teq you—not for Abeii leelli m shall have their automobiles, their it . Paul— Dr. JAmas WaUaoe, SO, undoubtiedly o f vital naed to the A NAT10NM. fAVOKin tba war la to start now, at once, or temperature drove us to It. It seems montba 'beeauaa 1 didn't dare think bridges, their skyscrapers and their Red Cross Could Mobilize president emeritus o f Maealeater conuBunlty. A Uat published as a Rod Solmen •aNana g;, ba again deferred for a few to us that of all the services the College. you’d believe m e .. .1 bard^ ballavad Iceberg Lettuce razor blades. mysaU that It could happan all at public docunant by the United NswI BMoths, untU Oermany haa become government la ao anxioua to render Larchmoat. N. Y— Harry C. Statea Senate Indlcatea that on Jan­ Alliarlen Rye And now we have the word of Baker. 52. who developed amuse­ oRca that way. But this Is what Pva Tomotoat Com It should be most eager to provide In a Few Hours in U. S. uary 1. 1989, Federal aid on theae 4 IwMSU wi m w absolutaly uncenquarable, depends ment parks and invanM many ride wanted from tba ftrat" Slate Milk Administrator 8. Mc­ an Improved dreaa for men, of projects was sUIl acUvaly daalred by i OB Ppland. I f Roland makes good which there are an awful lot. dcvlcea for them. Baeauaa toa had. been so. aura SunnyiRald Whoot Puffs Lean Buckingham for the fact that the local community and. If brouiTOt Jofftrson Rye bar thousand-times repeated de- Washington, Aug. 24.— War^fulflH. it is ths only voluntary aoeM- WtchlU, Kas.—Ralph Baker. 68 from tha baginning that Bill was DESSERTS Tomotoot fJlg btkf.39c Poochot SST 5lbt.25e not one of the four milk distribut­ in Europe, whether or not it involv­ ty authorised to render aid to the who sounded the bugle call that safe and wholesome aa the fresh aea Into eonatructlon, they will provide flanea, the showdown will be now. He Seeks Aaslatance $764,P70 worth o f eonatructlon work Sunnyfiold Rico Puffs 2 & ^ 0 e ing companies that supply the bulk W# toured the Department of ed the United Stataa, would find Um Army and Navy sanitary aarvteaa sent American troops on the cha:charge air and sunshine; and beeauaa abe 9kga- to the aroa. 3 \ 0 * of New Haven's milk maks a nickel Agriculture almost from cel­ A merican Red Cross far better pre­ (Medical departmental and M at the battia of Ban Juan hUi1 In tha raaUaad aU o f a auddtn that tbla was Yollow Onions, 10 Ibt. 19c Applot 10 Ibt. 25c Pilgrim Rum pared to mobilize Its forcea of mercy recognized as a means o f communi- Spanlah-Amertcan war. what she bad really wanted from the Theae projects Include; Groo^fruit Juieo of proAt on* their entire dealings in lar to . garret. That department School. Vernon. S80.000; Street Im­ I q ukx SIMW to ^ ^ Getting 'Em Home above all othera la charged with than at the opening of the World c a tiw betwsen this countty'a peo- beginning, too. Chrlatina did bsliave lYOUt lAMllT TO HAl Grade B. War In tPl4. pla and Its annsd forcaa Ttaa tm* him, and clung to him as tba ora provement. Oalumbla, 883,808; AAP Phitcqgdo Juieo tha task of looking out for msn's Stroct. Hebron. 358.840; School El­ I m am te t cmam. Rod Crown Gin m io eaye era can't learn from Somehow or other aemathlng most elemental nae^. Chairman Norman H. Dnvta couM Kunlty which only Its Sag holds sura, apna refuga in a world aud- R p CIRCLE lington. flOO.OOO; School, Columbia, A ll YOU eKperttneel ought to be done about thia. We They can tell you how to hake praaa a button, Ernest J. Swift. In w o i^ aaauma graat laporUuica. A Thought denly gona insane. AAP Fruit CoehtoB charge of foreign operation, aaW In contnut U) Um SMiaUaMsiy V And because this waa Barf Cltr. 888.000: Dtoooaal Plant, Roekvl<’e, 2 ^ ' 2Sc' When the World W ar Iltarally put our great soldiers and great a bluabarry pla, roaat a duck, mix 8138.360; Oiuithpusa. Rockville. a cooling summer drink inon-ln- today and the entire drganlaaUon-i- 300 chapjara It had at ths opening concernad first and only with Ita Town Okib^Glii broke out—tt came, after all. with poUUciana Into Halls of Fama and tralned by about ISO pancatlma dla- o f Um World W a r ttaa Awofloon Hod own taitanatR Ita owa nmuaaiwaiit. S18S.800; Mnakjmta^BuUdlngs. An- toaleattng), or prapars a school } S c ■te^-tke'^evereg y INM ki4Ufy‘ Bbt)U|, biH"WV'4kl^ fi» d>inttajdar»y growing tan. weMUatfi.i£tawi ita . /Mnt/- daBsaa^' tha B eeatuM k t ‘ within a faw'daya or hours." - oaa to a eowrtjr) with broaelK >wd addlad and paaaad wtttaoat a |54.S>TB. This mafeaa a total o f 8734.- Pa Oa Na BOOT . •"* ••• weiigd dUaen—« hundred and fifty tba first thing tor thass uaoensidsr- Down In tha baeament ragions P it G liioij^ Soap IS 10* A in ths avant o f war hatwsan othar ww ww4 ft liftil IlftA IMftBbftVft. backward flaacs. 9TOOO. , T tbeuaaad AmarlagBa.. ware caught Um daparUsant'a arehltacU and ed philanthropists who oparats powers, with tbs United Btetw Thoro art 800,000 vohmtwr work* mot Saati ay my aama aut af mgr A t laagtta CtaristtaM M t up, pro- " I f tboan rommunitlea decide to phUosophara hava drawn many •OKAR tat the Enropeen t r ^ and the Unit­ many o f our greatast public serv­ nsutrnt. Swift said tha nrooMufo tnUnad bgr pw o ttim a notmasa tatberia bimaa Samuil S4ft l. teatlng batw iro tsara and laughter. gn abend with their cosutraetlcn Poeffle ToHot Tbsuo htsk Uc Brg-taloy plans for low-cost bomss that to *ar. ed Ite te e had ttaa Mg and tzpan- ices out of sheer hunualtsrlanlsm would ba to aW Rad Croaa w e M lw M dS paid worhara tat tha "BUI—an tbaaa paopla I oouldn't througta todivtdua) financing I am c o m would nMks faym life a thing of a Not tor all Um sun ataa, or Um 8 O'clock 2 ^ 29c WmUm atva job on Us bands a f getting on both aldaa If thay nasdid a«- QftUftBftl ftffMiSftllDII M d tIS dlftp* bavo balltrod r s aror do a ttaiag lika sura that tba tarmtoatlon of the A&P MotebOS m b BanSto Mpgad h g^ss IBC FwOTBIV B iW i and s breodiag loVe of thsir fallow bMiuiy. aisUnoa. twk. Itaa rwtar of Had crow Bursw eloaa anrtb wombR or tbs profound them e a t WMeta job, ineldentaliy, tb la" - Fafiazal aid program win aot be men—nothing except, ao we are l o food gnfi Hietter thay hav« If thla.eountry w m nt wnr. Um la St « sU-tinM - paak o f 41.S00. aw hidas In unknown fhawnm. attandad to. And Bin aald. a UttK .unsteadily netlcad taaofar aa Ita affect on local Lux ond Ufobuey Soap I Cstoi 17c Herbert Hoover to tha told, taitaff thOB cmiaUjr oa the Fadarally-chartarsd M Crow would commparad wttii 8,000 S.0M St ttao opwm g brmOi ttaoa tktns nstb. oMatf, *Be fa r aa thayYa eoa- awfilo y i Bt and trade are coceara- X hugs wing « tiM deaax^rw-r tanva-n-wott dMtottgr nhmstt8B’'m «fi tfeaWMi^Rrsiir

....i_ -

• i t : * . / ‘j-* r . . -MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD. IIAN’CHBSTBB, OQNN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24,198f MANCHESTER EVENINO KERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. iHURBDAT. ATOUST *4. 19SS X 2Ummer Candidacy Market Flurry Public Records Obituary Pope Airs New Chamber of Commerce Demonutratioh Home Lupien Named r Doubly Proposed AppUcatloa Peace Appeal To State Pos Yankees Need Only to Play .500 Ball to Capture Pennant Ends Quickly Application for a marriage license has been filed at the office of the DealhM With two propoaala filed today Town Clerk by Shirley E. Gfjode and endorsing hla primary candidacy as Reminfls That it h Not selectman on the Democratic ticket, Former Loral Man to Di Ifar Scare Selling Marks Richard William Thoms, both of Mra. MarU A. Wbllcly Hartford. Mrs. Maria A. Wbltely of 129 Oak Yet Too I>ate to Avert Theodore C. Zimmer enters the Ilata rect Gvil Service II Opening Hours But the Permits street. East Hartforu, HlUatown dla- again. He waa a contender for elec­ PA’s Outhit Bluefields But Lose Twi Tilt, 4-2 New Coaching Staff Molds Building Insr«-ctor Edward C. trict, died early this morning fol­ The Horror of War. tion last year. Propoaera on the taro Mass, for 5 Years. Take 12 of 15 Games, Losses Mostly Regained Elliott has granted to Allan M. lowing a long lllnoaa at the home of separate papers this time are Hayes who Is contracting with the Walter Hills. f Castel Gandolfo, Aug. 24— — Catherine A. Holloran and Charlea Bolton, Aug. 24.—(A5—Ulyaaea . Detroit Lions Grid Array ICwir York. Auf. —(4^ n u r - Holl Investment company, permits Mrs. Whitely was the wife of the Pope Pliui XII tonight broadcast v J. Uagnell. Signers on the Holloran Lupien, of the Induatrli Champs Garner Night Gaines to rlM of "w*r »c*re” s«Uln« in for the erection of four new single late Jerome Hllla, and later mar­ ndw appeal for peace, reminding proposal are Emma Sueas, Oorts M. relations division of the Pacific mill Batter Chisox l\^ce and buying in commodities, quickly houses, two on Porter street to cost ried Henry Whilely of St. CTIoud, governments and peoples that It.wdi Keefe, Irma B. .lulllvan, Mary If. at Lawrence, waa named t(Xlay t Local Sport Chatter Bloomfield RtUa, inch.. Aug. 24—kAmerieon; Rowla Walas of Wiecon- subsided in today’s speculative mar- $4,500 and $4,7.50. and two on Brook­ Florida. She was bom in Coventry, not yet too late for negotlstlona to HpUoran, Dorothy If. Murphy, Mary the $6500 year post of state directc But Four Raps Draw a Million (-PI—A brand nea- coaching staff, ala, BIU Oaljlham ot Ntbraaka and D o u s l d ]| )M oad Jlamw Brown, k ja a i to kets, but bonds, including B. Gov- field street at the same figures. Ruffing Pitch V. August 29, 18,50, and la survived by avert war. E. Mariconi, Margaret A. McHale, of the civil sendee. headed by Elmar (Ous) Henderson.(raon. (SordonGordon G Goreafs VnAmfrom Handaraon'sHandaf-ann'a Losr>.« 4 a ooUtaloa tho omt haftoA won sot enunent issues, remained under Trustee’s Deed one slater, Mrs. Caroline E. Brown Jeanne E. Fitzgerald, Anne If.. Lupien, former director of the Ir Sunday’s game between tbe O r-|.wbom they played. Cacb squad baa la working the largest squad in the Angelas Bulldogn. of action. According to a trustee’s deed re­ "Let men return to mutual un­ Victories for Leaders, pressure. of Portland, .Me ; one daughter-in- derstanding, let them begin their Barrea, Valerie F. boland. Muatriat relations division for Che ^ Off Bycholski mans and Paganl'a West Sides baa plenty of fight and pep. Fans This Yeai* Detroit Llona' hiatory to pollah r Tnliy A Star Paaoer Pitching moatarpUeo Of tha day corded today St the office of the I Morning losses of J1 to W In law, Mra. Walter Hills: two grand­ negotiations anew," the Pope Im­ Signers on the Magnell proposal ney Brothers. South Mancheste ^ atlrred up ■ let ef interest in thii tha trtclv running atUck that Dsrrall Tully, passing quartar-1 7-2, 16*4; Reds Drub waa turned in by oallec BUI Pokodol shares of leading corporations were Town Clerk, the Martford-Connectl- daughters, .Mrs. Calvin A. Wea,son are Walter C. Olson, Edward J. Conn., n’ss imantmoiisly named b Wise money is appearing_ on tbs a'lll be Detrolt’a chief threat to tba cut Trust rompanj as trustee under plored. happy hamlet Both squads wlU be back from Cast Taxoa State Teach- snd hla dallor with a okoddttar, largely recovered, or converted into of Manchester, anu .Mrs. Klfonl He declared that "empires which Murphy, Harold Keating, Timothy a five man commission vhlch cor Bluefields to repeat their last year's 1939 National football league race. Phils as Dodgers Top which gave tha Bootok Boon k 1*0 gains, and wheat lost early advances the will of the late Janes M. Pres­ Concentrate Attack in 1st in fuU force for this contest as the triumpb ovsr Morlartys and gain Nocturnal Baseball Fills I era. balled oa a pasaar squat to Jarman of F.ast Hartfont: also three sre not built on Justice are not P. Holloran. Harold W. Oarrity, sidered scores of candidates for th Henderaon and bla ■aatitinta. line Davey O’Brien, will bs reckoned Cards for Third Time. dectaton over tbo Plttabutgb Pbklasi at Chicago and Winnipeg. ton has conveyed to M. Louise Dart George A. Calllouette, Thomas J. post. winner will probably get into the sols iMssesalon of tbs cup. Holland property Iocate

RED RYDER Y'aquI Goes For A Rid* . B U i r SELLCLASSIFIED BY H i BD H A IIU N ^idQg) hbo Mf,BUT xbu NOT s o ‘ *eV4«T-' P£.tXZO AN D S\v BANOdfl AlBhAW M AMeUtd EgmjKJ*Mi ^WMud mwMicwf mvarwt^ i d m i - £ M i£ y ^ M f a a V SeVD 1WMS4 A N O Secret* Of Soeeem Sambo wanted to be a junk deal- 1 Arctic Explorer It was so cold \ OFTAtN riSsfDtX’ S 0 L ^ «J A r* "yes man” raall/ dumb indeed? er. but he had no money. He there­ where we were thst the candle froze Is that the way they earn their fore went to the village banker to and we couldn't blow it out. dough 7 see If he could '>orrow some capital' Rival That's nothing. Where ANNUUNCSMBNT8 AUTUMUHILES FOR SALE 4 ROOMS WITHOUT rural secUotis. Thla la la three days I f they are aaked why they eurreed to start in business. The banker we were the words came out of our TWO, 1988 O LD lbfO B IU ; sedans. BOARD S9 only. Whan aalied if (ha would ba They smile and say. "W e never listened to the colored man's case, mouths In pieces of Ice, and we had XF t o n AlUB S U im U N O from Tolland able to supply the foreign language dig Mtea p»»M of Aithntta 19M Ford sadan, 19M Ford coach, FOR ^Rla^—FURNISHED front •No.’ " and heard that he required a hun­ to fry them to see what we were «an St Bdward J. Kurphy'a or The 1984 Chevrolet coach. Gorman Mrs. John H. Steele books called for JKise Avery said she Examination Ordered dred dollars: talking about. room, In Selwita Building. Apply hoped to be able to do eo through Owtar Phamwey and a^ for In- Motor Sales. 288 Main. Tel. 7220. 1178-8, Bockvllld The bride of a few weeks noticed Banker—But don't you think you Apartment No. 1 the Connecticut State Library Com tai aatlnr frta Sulpbo-Kapa oookJat could manage on leas than that? ."inME POLITICIAN.'^ KICK UP 1937 CHEVROLET Toulinf sedan. mlttee, sponsors o f the project. that htr husband was depressed, | « a Naw Colloidal Sulpbur matbod Sambo— No, sub. A horse and. 1937 Ford Cbacta, 1938 Pontiac Mrs. Laura Judgon who has been The teaching staff and aKlcers of For P. O. Job Again She— Ernest, dearest, I know A DUST, OTHERS THROW MUD ^ lia a lliii thla painful allmaat. APARTMENTS, FLATS. Judaon Strong and one of his sons wagon would cost mos' of that. aedan, 1933 Pontiac coach, 1938 III for several weeki la now able to the oburch school met at the home from Great Neck, L. I., are spending there Is ■omething troubling you. Banker— Well, I must have some Plymouth aedan. Cole Motors at tha TENEMENTS M ba about again. of Mrs. R. K. Jonaa recently, for the a vacation thla week at the S tro w aad I want you to tsll me what it EASY MONEY IS THE KIND FOR RANT—FOUR ROOU tene­ On September 6th a members sup­ guaranty for the money, yoii^know. AUTUMUBILES FUH 8AI.E 4 Cmter.—8483. Mr. Kgvalerlch Is having a new purpose of making plana for tha hunting lodge In the eastern part New Applications Must Is; your worries are not your wor­ USUALLY THAT GETS OUT OF ment, garage, etearo heat, modern per will be served at six o'clock fol­ What can you offer ? barn btillt to replace the one re­ opening of the school. Sept of tbe town near the Columbia line. ries DOW— they are our worries. YOUR POCTtET.S AN D NOT INTO POIt SAJ^E—19S7 NASH sedan, Improvementa. Adults only. 238 Be Filed With Gvil lowed by the regular meeting. The Sambo (after thinking a minute 1 cently destroyed by fire. Grading and grouping of-pupila b Mrs. Walter Wright and her aunt, He—Oh. very well then, we've THEM. 10S4 D odft Sedan, 193S Urabam HEATING - PLUMBING -> ' pak street. George Stofan la making several following committee will be In Just had a letter from a girl, and Well, suh. I eotild have your name m been perfected. Teachers have Mlsa Fanny Wright, and Mrs. Philip eoaeta, IBM Naab aedan, 1V91 Service Board Again; charge of the supper. Mrs. Roje painted on the wagon. OUT OUR WAY RINIFING AND SIDING 17 Improvementa on hla bam and Hat of pupils entering, aad have Mots were callers Tuesday at the she's suing us for breach of prom­ Teacher How old Is \-our father ? BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUK HOARDING HOUSE Cbevrolat aedan. Usaaier Naab. lu FOR R E N T—THREE room flat, other buildiogs on hla farm. aechowskl, Annie Neff, Jennie Mey­ Junior—Thirty-eight, air ...... WITH...... MAJOR HOOPLB with all Improvementa and garags, been asked to make home calls home Of Mrs. Ida Hack in Union. Sept. 12 Is the Limit. ise. Handaraon Road. Pbona 72U. WE SPECIALIZE In applying roofs, Mrs. Mary Shaw of Springfield ers, Agnes Quinn, Mary Quinn and Neighbor Did you make any baat furnished. Telephone 8910 or possible before Sept 7. Younger Mra. Wright has one thumb In a Tearher—Well, I «•( your 1 ASK ?OU T'SCRAPE A and asbestos aiding. WorKmansbip and Wales, Maas., with Mrs. L. Hazel Roy. money on your tobacco ceop this e<9At>,5iR,REa«»T th* »^T*U9I04J, a u t o b a r g a i n s - 1930 Cbevrolel Inquire at North End Package teachers who attended summer plaster cast, as tbe result of an In­ Rockville. Aug. 24.— (Speclsll— MOST PEOPLE ARE STEP- homework more ontted to hU Offe. l it t l e 8UCMT TOAST AKJf guaranteed. Estimates freely given Attend Plenle Store. Emeat Hall and Mr. and Mrs. John achool have many excellent Ideas jury received In a fall recently. PBIRS. E ITH ER OF THE "HIOH " year? VSWAT CO KCXJ DO BUT BUT cou LP 1 B ca jLow ,'rtxjia, CaATMNLV, 55A210M UOOm.*/ eoaeb. 1929 Bulck aedan. 1931 Naab Also carpentry, painting. A. A ElTcamlnatlons for the postmaster- Members of the Textile Workcra aedan. 1929 Pontiac coach. 1930 H. Steele were callers In Ellington for the coming year. Pupils the OR "SIDE VARIETY." Farmer P Yes. T made Just WotiMn't It bo pitiful If on ef|i SCRAPE A HOLE c l e a n LEWSPAPEB.TD PRBB hEU UP AM-BR, M V 4JA55K IS Dion Inc., 81 Wells. Tel. 4880. The Rev. Howard C. Champe and ship here will be given again. It waa Union, C. 1. O. from Rockville will FOR RENT—THREE AND four yesterday afternoon. enough to keep my boy William In rienry expert were rompeDod t h r o u ijh rr.' it o n Ford coupe. Brunner Salea Co. 80 coming year will remain in their family are on a motor trip to Mr. learned at the post office thla morn- A B TOnnSkiN p e w d l Etcai p i l c h — TMB room apartments, furnished or un- Mr. and Mrs. Tllden Jewett have join with members from Thompson- Judge - W hat le the defendent's cigareta for another year conduct ■ biuiinoM of hlo own. Oakland street. Open evenmea class rooms, until dlamiaaal, which Champa's former home In Indiana uig. The new examinations are QUCTATlONS? 0OVS Ca l l m e W n m v p i u h ^Irnlabed. Call 3737 or 8333. had aa gueati Mrs. Jewett’s this week. vllle, Somersville and Manchester at MO VI NG-> IHIICKING will be from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. made necessary due to a ruling of reputation for veracity? MV Fiajy\ HAS Q U IT* AN INVCCTP- «-*-aLA p TO M BIT \t5U—. VOO nephews of Brlmfleld, Mesa. the outing to be given by the com­ Witness—Excellent, your honor, STORAGE 20 ParenU calling for their children, Mias Lillian Amldon and her sis­ the post office department that bined Textile Unions of Northern MOLD EVERYTHING BY CLYDE LEWIS MGNT IN oaCBAMMlR RUBBROi 0O4JT HAPP*N TO M QUO Mima Helen Clough, R. N , of are asked to do so at 11 p.m. ter. Mias Abigail o f Wllllmantlc. Tve known him to admit that he Manchester BUSINESS LOCATIONS Hartford. Conn., la spending some more than two applicants muat be Connecticut on Saturday. AND T ASA ALSO a NVIOO&TO OP t h o s e B(S INTflRNATiaNAl. AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Mlsa Claudia McKee and Mias were callers on Hebron friends qualified to take the exams. had been fishing all day and hadn't Local A Long Distance Movere FOR RENT 64 time with her Tolland relatives. The event takes place at the Ar- BTUC7V THE TRE1-10 OP T H * JA55SLCRS I'VE SEEM RB50- Velma Munro have purchased books Tuesday. Mlsa Ulllan Amldon lived The last examinations were given got a single bite. Eveninx Herald Tel—8280 88 Hollister St. Mr. and Mra. Aaron Oourrier beiter Liedertafel Grove In Ea^ Mb t a a B — KAFP-Ka F P — -W ITH lUa SO MUCH ABOLir— -HA- FOR RENT—STORE, also rooms, to start the long talked at library, I**™ * yeara ago as companion on November 19, 1938, and at that Hartford on Saturday, August 26th. T hOUS^DS T»0 u p in QUICK’* CLASSIFIED have returned from a alghtaeelng BRIGHTEN THE mRNER HAj HAV* A CnSAR. f cantrally located, heated. 509 Main auto trip. from funds not needed at Lake to Mrs. Etta Rathbona and to Mrs. time only two quallfled. It haa since There will be a program In the aft ADVERTISEMENTS street. Call at 513 Main street or Roaella Waldo. been decided by the post office de­ WHERE YOU ARE WITH OPTIM- HELP WANTED— Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Usher have Wlnnepesaukee Conference. The noon which will Include vaudeijf PMCDN 55V APPASGUT SAaBRMSSsf Opsat au avprwa werda to a ima telephone 8277. Mias Catherine Woolley of Pas- partment that no leas than three had as recent giieata several of new books In the library, are baseball, boxing bouts, drum c f UHUala. ••Bdara and aDoravlaiiona FEMALE 35 "Faith Why Not Try God" by B, ^ c . N. J., spent a night recently at can be entered In competitive -xam- aacb aonai aa a ward aod aompouna their out-of-town relatives. drill and other attractions. In -MacFaddtn; "Teaching Primaries In the Robinson cabins on her way inatlon under Civil Service regula­ (e ahort-alghted man went into vorda aa two worda HlatmoiB ooat la W ANTED —EXPERIENCED wo­ HOUSES FOB KENT 6.^ Joseph Brlerly of Rockville la va­ tions. evening starting at eight o'clock arloa of thraa (loaa man for genera] housework, stay The Churdh School,” by Ethel L. ^ m e from Maine where ehe had there will be dancing. 'shop for a pair of cheap spec- cationing In Tolland at the Steele Postmaster George Forster con­ t_lat raraa oar da? for traoaiaot nights. Write Box J, Herald. FOR RENT OR SALE eingle 8 house. Smlther; "The Story of the New b ^ taking her parents for a vaca- Elks to Meet taeles. He tried pair after pair un­ tinues In the office although hla term til he got one which suited him per­ room, new house, all Improvements. Rev. Leonard Stryker of Youngs­ Teatament,” by Goodapeed; "High­ Woolley was a member There wlU be a meeting of Rock­ It, tOdf W ANTOD— C APABLE housework- of St. Pater's summer achool here a eicplred some time ago. New appli- CaaO Caaraa 84 Tanner street. Apply after 5 p. town. Ohio, who has a summer ways of the Spirit,” by Dwight J ville Lodge. No. 1859, B. P. O. Elke fectly. He put them on and walked er, 1-2 days only, 8 days per week. Bradley; "The Junior Department of few years ago and Is known by cations muat be filed with the ClvU Into the atreet. First thing he saw a OoBOaaouva Uaro V of*l * tta m. Phone 6720. home In Tolland will be the preach­ Service commissioner on or before this evening at tbe Elks Home with t CoaaaeoClva Oara •.) t otat tl aia Telephone 600i. the Church School," by Una R. Hebron friends. Elxalted Ruler Paul J. Roden presid­ was a hawker .selling grapes from a t Uap ...... I n otai ii ata FOR SA LE — SEPT 1ST. aingle 8 er at the Tolland Federated Sept. 12. church Sunday morning. Smith: "Our Pupils and Tow They Lucftie W. Robinson and sons, ing. Reports will be presented at cart. AIJ ardafa for irraaalar tnaariiona room house. All Improvements. Lucius, Jr., and Donald, have been In Court Today will aa atersad at tba ona tima rata Tollajpd will be repreaented at Learn,” by F. McLeater; "A Un- this time of the summer activities Short-Sighted Man I think I’ll WANTED— GIRL FOR general Centrally located. Inquire at 24 on a trip to tbe World’s Fair at Thomas J. Maloney of 78 Black •ooetal rataa for tong tarm aaarv housework, $8. Call 3353. ' the Wales, Mass., Old Home Day at coln," by Lockridge; "Jerusalem A which Include the moat successful take a bunch of these balloons honie day adoartlatna aivao oooo ragoaat. Madlaon atreet. New York for the past few daya. Rock avenue. New Britain, was be­ Nature'a Own Park on Monson Historical Sketch," by B. Fletcher fore Judge Thomas Larkin In City clambake. Plans will be discussed for to the children. Ada ordarad Mfora tha third or dfib In addition to the bearers men­ day will Oa oharaad only for iha aa- HOUSEKEEPER, Undej, 43; unin­ "APE COD^5\ROOM ejl year road, Aug. 26. and 27. The Sunday "Attractive Parties for Children,’ court today charged with operating the fall activitlea at tonight’s ses­ tsa) aumbar of clmaa tba ad appaar* cumbered; reliable: cbpablr; good services at 10 a. m. at the Old by L. Fitch; "Y ear Book and A l­ tioned as acting at the funeral ser­ a motor vehicle while under the In­ sion. Little Boy - Between us, my house, with Abedrooms. at Colum- vices for Mra. Edmund H. Horton aC dbardins at tba rata aamad bui education. Muat be good cook, will­ biV^Green. Rent^25 to right party, Baptist church. Rev. F. J. Dark, manac of the Holy Land” ; "M y own fluence of intoxiettnts. He was ar­ OlUng _____ father and I know everything In the BO allewaaea or rotunda eao ba mad# ing and able to keep home «cru- •Tueeday at St. Andrew’s Catholic The roads in the southern part of world. • B ala tlBM ado otopoad aftar tba ■kppljf . to Mr^^ Smith, Columbia, speaker. Book of Prayers," by Mary Jonea; rested following 4 slight accident •nil da^ pulouBly clean, and give girl, age Cbnn.^ : ■ J Mrs. Aaron Pratt, Aaron. Jr., '•Prayers for U tU e Children," by church, Colchester, were her broth­ last Friday afternoon. After hear­ the town of Vernon are being oiled rompanlon All right then. Va n|U Corbtda^t diaplay Itaaa aot 12, motheri care. Write Box K, care Mrs. Marlon A. Baker and Mrs. Mary A. Jonaa. Alao two pictures er-in-law. Arthur V. Linde and Wal- ing the testimony Judge I.arkln this week, putting them In shape for SBiarty. Where's Patagonia ? J t of The Herald. SEVERAL MODERN SIX ROOM Lucille Agard visited the World's were purchased ;or tha class room. ter C. Hewitt. Many Hebron people found Maloney not guilty. John B. fall and winter. These Include the Little Boy—Well, thAt’a one of Tha Baraia will set ba raapenaible attended the services In Colchester gar aara lhaa ess Ineorraat laaeriioB ilngle houaea, alao two family llata Fair at New York yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Munro and Taylor of Ellington faced Judge roads In the Vernon Center, Ogden’s the questions my father knows. af aay a8>srtlseasBt ordered fat ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 In excellent loeatlona Apply Ed­ Mr. and Mrs. Horton Chapin. family, and other friends and rela­ also the committal service at the Larkin this morning on two counts, Comer and Dosbonvllle sections. f j F more tbaa eaa tisse. ward J. Hell. Triephone ^nchea- Mlsa Helen Chapin and Charles C. tives pleasantly surprised R. Knee- urave at St. Peter's cemetery. for Improper use of a motor vehicle RE.AD IT OR NOT Tha laadeertent emisaloa ol ineer- ter 4642 or. 8025. Hebron. In charge of the Rev. registration and for driving while Boliva has the smallest stamp of THE thccouc-m -V J tOd< nMlaatlaB si adesrllalag will ba FOR SALE—PURE apple elder Talcott spent yesterday at Nlantlc, land Jonea recently In honor of hla MSlliad ealy hy 'eaaeelialioB el toe vinegar, 3 years old. 20c gal. Come Conn. birthday. All sat down to a bounti­ Father Carey o f the Colchester under the influence of intoxicants. iny country In he world. church. Mrs. Hortoq had a very He was fined (28 and costa on the abaraa amde ter the aerviea rcbdercd and get It. Bolton a d er Mill. Jlr. and Mrs. Charles Broadbent ful dinner, which waa brought by All adeartlaameaia aiaet eeafarn SUMMER HOMES large circle of friends here who most first count and Judge Larkin noUed Stafford Springs had as guests yesterday several of those attending. Friends were BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Her* It Comre m atyla, ssay sad tyyesraaby wii* -FOR RENT 67 sincerely mourn her loss. the second upon recommendation of BY BDGAB MARTIN their relatives from ' Northfleld, present from West Hartford, Crom­ Joka a NeMe vagalatlsas aafereed by ih# yabiibb- ELECTRICAL Miss Marjorie MarUn. who has Prosecuting Attorney B. J. Acker 8TUKIES IN STAMPS ara sad they raaerve iha nghi to FOR RENT -COVENTRY LAKE Mass. well. Hebron and Bolton. A ham­ l^en having throat troubles through man. 4TS, Staffarfl . NOO IMPotJtviT ij OH YOU ddll, raelaa er ralaet say eeay eos- APPLIANCES—RADIO 49 water front cottage. Telephone Mrs. Virginia Fulinwider and | aldared sMectlonabla. mock was presented to Mr. Jones. the anting and summer, has had her Manchester 8182. sister, Zoe Beakiry had as guests eiiOBIWO ROUII8—Clsaallad adr FOR EXPERT RADIO rtpalrs call The Grange will hold Its regular vacation from duty at the Dalton. RockvIUe, Aug. 24— Stanley Do- ta be ••bllahad eame day mast be r#' friends from New York City thU meeting Friday vaning. It will be The third aimual Stafford flower 8685. Rallable, reaaooabla B«n- M m ., Public Ubrary, extended for bosz Unit No. 14, American Legion g N o d by It a’aloek aeoai 8aiardeye week. In charge of Mrs. Viva Maasey. Tha •how aponaored by the Currant apn’d Radio. 718 Main strseL hlRVOR PERMIT a longer time. She has been under Au3dllary will bold a joint Install* Evenu club wUl be held tomorrow nOTICR OP APPLICATIOIV Juvenile Grange will also meet Sat­ treatment by a specialist while here tion of officers with the Post on afternoon and avenlng In tba auifl- TELEPHONE YOUR This Is to give notice that 1 George urday afternoon at the regular time “Wlio kiiow.H anylhiiifi about (l.sh7 We had to take over Poota of 111 Walla etreal. Manchoiter. and has gone to Hartford now to Wednesday evening, September 18th tortum o f th* Warren Memorial WANT ADS HOUSEHOLD G4N4D8 51 Conn., have niad an application dated and place, vrtth Mrs. Ulllan Hutch­ nave tonsils removed, hoping thla In the G. A. R. hall. Hall. This year the committee haa 10 curloads of .sardines this morning!" inson aa matron In charge. aeeeatid ever the Miepaoea FOR SALE — FAVORITE GAS MIh of Auautt, tti> with tha Ulquor Ellington win relieve the difficuitv. A t the meeting held last evening arranged for 34 claaeea In the ex­ LABdB tRATS given above Control Coininltslon for a Club f'or- M)m Lydia Young Is attending the following officers were elected: ga g asavsalsaes to advsrtlsars. bai range, cabinet model. In excellent mll for tha aala of aleoholfc liquor Mrs. Avery West of East Hamp­ hibit and aU flower growera In Staf­ FLAPPER FANNY S a ] o A a RATBS will be aaeepied as condition. (20. Call 4784 after 5;S0. on tha pramlaaa of 73 Maple atreet. The Ellington 4-H Foresters club the New England Grange Confer­ ton was a visitor Tuesday at the President. Mra. Anna Mae Pfunder; ford and surrounding towns have BY SYLVIA FOIXT a TMRNT U paid at tha buai- ■Mancheeler. Conn. The huelnees la ence at Rhode Island home o f her mother, Mrs. Marv E first vice presldenL Mre. Amelia been Invited. The stow la strictly owned hy British-American Club, In­ of which 8. Henry Seften Is leader, ■Sps aCIss aa ar bafors the eeveota 3 ROOMS UNCLAIMED was named grand champion of the Mias Mary Kurya, who graduated Oimralngs Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gworek; second vice president, Mrs. amateur and no admlaeion win b* dag taUdwIag the trat Ibsertlob ol corporated of 73 Maple etreet. Man- at the Birch Mt. school In June, Helen Rothe; secretary, Mrs. Chris­ agab ad atbarwtas tha CHAHUR FURNITURE1~(155 cheeter. Conn . and will he rondiiclrd agriculture clubs for Its exhibit at Beyin of East Hampton were also charged. Judging will begin at 1 p. BATS win 8s aellaeted. No roeponai —Customer Paid Depoatt—(72. hy George Voote of 113 Welle etreet, Vernon Center. In the dairy division, has been accepted In the Hartford callers here Tuesday. tine Mead: treasurer. Miss Jennie m. and the ahow wUl be otien to the Andrew Jackson Was hOHy gar arrara la tolepboood ads — Pay Balance—(10 Down, (2 Week Mancheeter, Conn., ae peruilttaa. Ellington Dairy Ohib received sec­ Connecticut Trade school In the Batz; historian, Mra. Mae Chapman; public from 3 to 9 p. m. Six Judge* tiKonOF; I'OOTS Mrs. p a r ie s C. Sellers haa receiv­ wtU ba aasamad aad thair aoeni —Free Delivery—Free Storage ond award with Vernon flrsl. Rich­ Dressmaking department. Her ed word that a second edition of chaplain. Miss Anna Martley; ser­ win award the prize* and the Judgee "Fighting President" On June 23. 1939 we cold a irouDg Dated nth of Aug . 1>3». geant at arms, Mra. Margaret Mebr; H-l-3t-34. ard Hamilton of Ellington won lirat teacher Mrs. Rtith Keith Interceded, m*’ 'hlldren's book "The Oo-TM- win be dlilded into two groups. Ed­ T ^O one can deny that Andrew INDEX OF couple 3 complete rooms of furnl- prise In the senior woodchoppfng and la contacting several organiza­ assistant sergeant at arms, Mrs. ward Braun o f the Stafford con­ w *- •’bought out bv Jackson, the seventh man''1a tura. They paid a deposit and con­ contest and was a member of the tions for a place for Mary, so that Louise Blair; tmstee, Mrs. Augusta servatories, P. J. Burke of RockvUia CLASSIFICATIONS Oompony. the hold th* highest office in United tinued to make paymenta until re­ team winning first prise In the sen­ It witl be possible for her to con­ PItkat, Mlaa Lucille Brigham, and and Mlsa Annie Watten o f Suffleld WASH TUBUS Trouble Keepe Followiat Th*M publishers. The book has proved States, was a "fighting President.” BY ROT OUNR cently when they decided that they ior sawing contest. tinue her education. popular among small readers. Miss Emma Batz. win judge speclmenA Mra. John U From boyhood, in the battle of a a a a a a • • weren't getting married. They paid L. Wentworth Cross, principal of The Auxiliary haa Just completed Waterbury of Stamford, Mrs. Wil­ PLCAM.UVeWUT M 60URM UOT, MW CARLWe. money on their furniture amounting Overnight News Mrs, Ruth Keith, who signed her Hanging Rock, in 1780, until his the Ellington Center school, and contract for the Birch Mountain most succesnul year with Mra. liam W. B>Us of Manchester aad HIPnA-HULATMl (ICMT VOO wciirr\ N fil * 0 U4M»tAMUAffi.l. to (72.00. The new lucky cuatomer organist of the Ellington Congrega­ Christine Mead as president There Mra. Florence Williams o f Stafford death in 1849, Jackson demon­ MLV. WtHOUTtVCU ■vtu m i gets the benefit of the deposit made Of Connecticut school for the year 1939-1940, has strated his courage on the battle- PMCu«s ir.0M,4itvier tional church, is spending a abort tendered her resignation to the will be a program following tbe in­ Springs win Judg* arraagamants. Ml INMAT< by this cuatomer. Included In this 3 Or ASHOCIATCD PBBliM stallation of officers and refresh •fleld, in politics, in barroom quar- rriGTo I vacation In Binghamton, N. Y. Supervisor I. B. Dunfleld. Super Mra. Lewis McLaughlin la chair­ g room outfit la a complete bedroom Miles H. Aborn and his sister ments will be served, full details to man of the committee la charge. K ls and on the duelling ground. aulte, living room suite and kitchen vLsor I. B. Dunfleld has a cimdidata Quick to take offense and slow Miss Mary Abom, of Main street for the school. be announced shortly. Her aaslatanta ar* Mra. FYank U datamnsilaa ter daia ...... « aeL alao many other acceseorlea to Hartford—Governor Baldwin will sre visiting their sister, Mrs. Louis Tbe Auxiliary la planning to en­ Andeioon, Mra. Charle* B. Plaaey. to forgive, Jackson fought per­ Ratamohllaa tor Csehango a complete the home. Don't wait too not stay long In Connecticut after Schools In town will open Septem­ Rate Aaaoaaorloa—Tlroa ■•••••• J. Hollands, of New Jersey for a few tertain their Junior members, and Mra. John A . Winiama, Mrs. Robert sonal enemies, Indians, British, Rata Ropalrlag—PalDtlBg long to ace thla value. hla return Saturday from hit trans­ days. ber 6th, alao those attending Man­ also the members of the Sons of G. W am er fo r th* dub aad EMward J^Iitical fees and social leaders USE OUR FREE "COURTESY continental trip, hla engagement chester High school will resume Rata 8ohoola ■••,,•*•■••••••••• f—R M ra Empson H. Abom of Maple " • Stratton. 77, o f South Legion who assisted in selling the Braun, Raymond B. K ela ^ , W alter with equal fervor. He faced an Ralaa—dklp by Trash a AUTOS" schedule revealing here that he la street Is entertaining her sister, their work at that time. WtndTOr. died Tuesday In the Hart­ popples last May at a hot dog roast Scott and G. Raymond 'niwn* for assassin calmly, escaped death Rataa Far airs ...... a Phone or write and we will send due In Boston next Monday and Mrs. Everett J. Coulson. Mr. Coul ford hospital after a short Illness. at Oystal Lake on Wednesday eve­ other flower groivera la th* com­ When the pistol failed to fire. Oaragaa—terries dtorago ...... iv one of our "Courteay Autoa" for you. Mstorsysisa—Rtayelos ...... U Tuesday to apeak at the national son and their son. He was a naUve of Grafton, Maas. ning, August 30th. Tbe young peo­ munity. His duel with Charles Dicken- - Waatad Ratos Motoroyeloa , . n II It makea no difference where you convention of the Veterans of For­ M ra Irving L. Smith of Long He spent practically all his life In ple are aaked to meet at the Town M r: aad Mra. Earl M. W itt aad son is the encounter most fre- live. We will call anytime you say, eign Wars. Hill U visiting at the home of her Andover, coming here a few years Hall at five o’clock and transporta­ family of High street returned yea- uently recalled by biographers. Msaas gsrvisos Uftorod . . .. IS morning, afternoon, or evening. No Hartford—Tha Smith Construc­ lister, Mrs. Francis M. Charter of ago. He leaves his wife, Mrs, terday sffter spending tha past Sdekensen had made a slighting R Bseheld Sorvlaoa Ogsrod ....ll- R obligation whatsoever. tion will be provided to Crystal Lake tion Company of Derby filed the ap­ Main street. Sarah A. Stratton, and a son. Wal' where a swim will be enjoyed. TU s month with relatives In North remark about Mra. Jackson, then Baud lag-CoatraotiBg ...... It ALBERTS FURNITURE OO. parent low bids on contracts to buUd Flonata—NorsoHes ...... » 14 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Luginbuhl An "All-Star" softball team of will be followed by the dog roast Brookfield, VermonL apologizad. but a meddlesome Hartford—48 Allyn St. two new state police bsrracka Wapplng. Funeral Faaaral Otrooiara ...... 14 and three children of Roanoke, Ills., picked players from Bolton and Mrvlce.s win be held at the W P and games. FYancia Ferrenca lua returned to troublemaker kept 111 will be­ Baatlag— PIsmblBg— Rooflag ...... II (58,387 for a barracks at Canaan Vernon, was defeated Monday In a are visiting at the home of relatives Quiah Funeral Home. 225 Main Catherine S. Keraan hla home on Prospect street after • tween the two men alive. laaaraaaa ...... IS FOR SALE—CROSLEY Shelvsdor and (86,188 for a building at Daniel­ twilight game with the Hebron ALLEY OOP llltaary—UroasmhiBg ...... — IS ll» Ellington and Rockville for a street. Manchester, tomorrow after­ Mra. Catherine Sullivan Keman, spending two weeka at Manana They met on a Xenhieky fleld. n * Asked For It S Refrigerator, Completely over­ son. Grange softball players at the Bol­ noon. BY V. T. BAMUN svlag—^rueSlag—dtoraga -... 14 hauled. Like new. (40. Lessner'a short vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Lugin­ of 23 Hal* street, died at the Roek- Island, Myatic. Dickenson/ an excellent pistol thot. Hartford—SUlua Revlalon Com- ton field by a score of 6-8. Thla UNDER THE, Fablla Psaaaager dorvleo ...... ta-R Wayside Furniture. 45 West Cen­ buhl will leave next Wednesday for Miss Itorothy Slmler. daughter of illle City hoapital, early today. M * Henry and Win lam Bchwaada, A n d f ln t Jackson, struck in the WHIff A8AN ^ faiattag—PsBortag ...... ii mlaalonar Frederick A. Scott said Krogan, N. V. game was played In place of the •ona o f Mr. and Mra. Henry T. OOP DECIDC:Wttawa,»aaaaT______Ffafaasioaal Sorvleos ...... II ter. Tel. 7170. Mr. and Mre. Anton Slmler of Wan- was bom In Vernon tbe daughter of chest, kept M r feet, then calmly •flJBAnOlWgw ’nuffiMIIWH CwMTUHiVese** A O A A isr aSb n o w T v the n*wcat supplement to the state s Mlaa Olsella Grohman of Hart­ Hebron-Wapplng champlonthip con­ plng. has as her guest this w e ^ Jeremiah and Julia Murphy Sullivan Schwanda of Jackaoa Heights, L. Rspatnag ...... is general statues. Including the •red, mortally wounding his ene­ Tallartng—Uyelag—Cloaalbg ... It STORE W ITH O IL burner, also ford Ik visiting at the home of Mr. test game, which will take place at her cousin. Mlsa Marion Zirkenbach and wras a llfejpng rasldenL I., are spending a few wreeka with SOMTHIP______changes made by the sesalona of the my, OUkm uen died beliaving his Tsilot deeds and •erv le e...... 14 sewing mublne, very reasonable. and Mrs. kforton E. Thompson of a later date not yet announced. Tbe or Glastonbury. She leaves two sons, Thomas iuid ***•• Mrs. Joseph Schwianda of •hot bad missed. • AS eem sA ’mudVRWMhS Wanted—Rasineae aerviee . . . . . H 1939 and 1937 leglalature. and ^y Main street TKOJAM• ramrvp* w w ABIJMAL G. E. Hutchinson. Vernon Center, reason the Scheduled game dlil not Morse and Arthur Keman, o f Rockville, and StaffordilUe and Mr, and Mrs. Bene­ Jackson is shown on the 3-ceat RdaeatteeeJ Rockville. the special sesalon of 1936, would be take place was on account o f some '‘Confidentielly, the raaeon we’re eclliiiff the treiler eo cheap Oaarsod and Clasiei ... . Herbert Schelner. prominent In of Salem. Mass., are spend- twro brothera, Patrick H. Sullivan o f dict Schwanda on Highland terrace. V . & stamp ahoye, purple, e ( f t * . it published about September 20 and Young Republican circles, and an of the Wapplng playera being awray Wallingford, and Timothy Sullivan Mr. and Mra. Fred Horsman and Frtvate Instraellons « ... II would be 794 pages long. •54 *,r**** •>o“ie of Mr. and imtw *< 16 A Utamoode— Watebae—dawalry .. ta ROOMS WITHOUT B ri^ t Orange have Invited Wap­ Main street driven by Rasnnond DEM. WITH A Slaeirlcal Rppllanoa^—fttstc ,. t» vention of the American Hellenic by Willard F. Hawley of Mancheater BOARD 5 9 plng Grange to neighbor wltfl them Hartmiui of 40 Windsor airenue. Mr. •AlUmBMlAN PnM aad Peed ...... Education Progressive Association In the capacity of driver. Miss TMeettoy evening. SepL 19 and fur­ ANO Y —- i - Oarden-Perm — Dairy Prodneu 4« Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 24.—(Ah— here last night, declared that Greece A veiy Is an automobUlat beraelf but Jakiel waa taken to hie home after T t S ' “ • “ •held deeds ...... », nish two numbers for their pro- being treated for the bmise*. TTie weu.— 1 FOR RENT—TW O funUohod roonu, A 26-year-old store clerk who ad­ la fortified to defend neraelf "but said’ she would hesitate to taka the gm m . Marlborough s o l o IH B I Mosiaal laatrpmeats ...... mitted, Police Chief Henry Lynch hopes for a neutral position In any responsibility of managing ao large police ara conducting an Investigit' 41 ■team heat. Write Herald Bo* C. 14rj. Addle (Foster) Congdon. tlon. CAMunrao! • ‘• '• . “ • • '• “••bt . . . . 4t said. Jhat he attacked and killed his European conflict and heavy a truck aa tha one In Mra. Haward Lard Saaeials at tha M ta ^ ' has been spending a few days Survey Streets 70-year-old a'mt with a carving Other speakers last night Includ­ which tbe booka are carried, eepecr at tbs home of Mrs. May (Foster) 8S4-2. wasrtax Apparel—Fara Mayor Claude A. Mills, PoUee Knife becauae "ahe wouldn't let me ed Archbishop. Athenagoras of the tally aa the varioua tripe are likely BArtar letf yesterday for her home Waais4—To Boy Captain Peter J. Dowgewies, Aider- ■i go to a sanitarium," waa held under Greek Orthodox church o f North to take heD on all kinda o f roa^. In New Haven. She has been call- police guard la a Jioepital todav on Thus far the route haa not taken man William Scbmals, chairman of The woman o f the towm have been « wttd and South America. Mayor William ttfa week'*^ friends and nelghbon the Police committee together with Invited to meet with Mlaa Ethel Baama WUfeeai Boar« Let*s a murder charge. A. Bennet of Worcester. Oongreas- her off the hard roads but will pro* «*-ga-A repreaenUUvea of the State Traffic Wadsworth o f the Hartfcrd Onunty Lynch' said the nephew. William man Harry Sandager. of Rhode Is­ bably do ao later on. (Morgte Collins, youngest OsMiry M oar«-^^ k Ray, had talked incoherently but OommlBslon and th* Stat* Highway F^trm Bureau «a Wedneaday. Bsataar— ta ...... g| land, V. 1. Chebithea, supreme presi­ She la finding an enthusiastic •00 o f Mr. and Mrs. Aaher J L ^ l - WsRlai Baama Buard ti Get Together had admittad slaahlng hla own wnsta reapotue on tha part o f patrona all I^ . celebrated his fourth Mrthday Department inspected aeveral of th* August 80 at T:S0 p. m. at the Wa Need Moitey — Ton Need dent of the Order of Ahepa; Chiis streets here on Wednesday prepara­ . __ ■ llaaBaa PM Raat aRer a tta c k li» the aunt. Mlsa Mary along tha route. AU kinds of books Tliesday when fourteen of the chil­ libiwy, th* ptirpoa* of th* matting SCORCH Y SMITH B bbmH Sbb* K bow A Bett^ Car! Ray. The latter died at a hoapital J. Tetrow, supreme president o f the tory to drafting further reeoip- being to find if th* wroman ara In- BY JOHN C TBRRR A M ftM R tA PlslA TaaeaiaBts _ ta Sone of Pericles and Mrs. Emanuel are called for, including biography, dren o f the neighborhood held a I L»«B« fAa lor Real ... at a (aw hours aftar afiival. She had traval, history, booka on antique*, little party at bis home. mendatlona for th* handling o f traf' tareated ih forming rlaaaaa la Hobm 1938 HUDSON— 118*’ Whaelbaae. ApoatoUdes, first president of the fie. a wound In tha abdomen, and neck on bird and butterfly life, and of Economics during th* trintar. 1B87 TERRAPLANB HUDSON— and head Injuries. Grand Lodge of the Daughters of course fletlon. Wastema ara In de­ Speed limit eigns were recently Mrs. Chari** lAtham and sea 117" Wlieelbaae. Pericles. p l a ^ on a number o f streets and Tha woman waa found uncon- mand alao standard Action, includ­ Harold S. Latham, of Arlingtan. N.' t e b r a p l a n e — n r * SldUanoa said that Greece's In­ U*a Modem Metlwda scloua on a parlor couch. Tn-o raxors ing Dickens. Cooper, etc. A man who after a study of tha report of the J-. former racldenu of tUa plae*, Wheelbaae. tegrity bad been aaeured by Italy state offlclalA the two atat* depart­ .. 44 lay on the floor, and under the la reading ’^ein Kam|^’ in a have been recent guests o f Mine kitchen linoleum police eald they since that country took over Al- AUsnaville, Pa.. Aug. 24. ments will make further reoom- o » a m a -m s u - tranalaUon wanu It In tbe original Faimy A. Bllah. Meimanltas usually shun modem roendaUona for regulating the traf- ft ______the EngliaUlynch and German so he can get the idea bet- T he Dorcas aodejtir nbentr^ asaerted R av was sitting on a i t < ^ ■ ???•**•**"” *’ *•••* • few-membera I'M i-ja ? — ...... o Wa Will CoRBtdar A a j Fair Offart 433’"f2ssi*f2Mi'''f56if hue which waa wall near thetna homehoma whenwfii officeri Greece of their support If she Is at­ a Din year wlihmt a traffic fatality. held Saturday afternoon. arrltred. A t the hoepital, doctors tacked by tha Aida powers. A v e iy e copy la auppoaad to ba■------anairplane for the church’s world oon- Haa AetivUiea u SEE H. A. STEPHENS exact tranelatlon o f the origtaial, im- ventlon In saaslon jMra today. Mr. aad Mra. Hanry J. Blakaal** ■aid hla wouads made hla condition "That doesn’t mean we have aa Burpee Woman’s Rcliaf Oorpa la aad son Joim W. Blakealae, and Mm. SBBRPOBBaOTk crlUcaL expuigated. A life o f MuseoUni la Daniel Hartman, of Harrlaon- making plana for an aetlva season. ^ JOE’S GARAGE allegiance with England and alao called for, and patrooa ara ask­ Buflea* T. Oudciklrk have bean ra- Tha chief declared Ray told in- burg, Va., pUotad hla own plane to On Wedneaday evening, Auguit •«••••••••••«• T9 ' bM T e m i ^aM Frmace." he said. "It maana that ing If thay caimot have books In the cent gueets at tha Gould Farm, TMtUgatofa ha quit hla Job Monday a tlay laadiag field near tha tented SOth a public whist and setback Greace la raally a nautral state. French a i^ Italian laiiguagea. Maatm iy, Maaa hseauss or iUnaaa and a physlcUr conveatkM alt*. Another plan* ar- party will ba bald in the G. A. R. "The Greek people want aeutral- Before going to Jones street Mlaa Tte aaaual birthday party lor tha ■ m i B o a r A ^ A.-9Wltarl«m but tt^ u t.lf we aif .atUcked we wUl rlv«d later srith * small group of hall starting at eight o’cloek. Prize* A.very reported 150 booka already Its* from an undetermined Twaeflt o f Rlehmond Metnevlal rt let me go." MNBd oimelvea to the utmoaL" win be awrarded and refraahments Ubrary will be held Friday ( taken out by tba Bebron loaders is he-aervad:------r ■t-thn-llhnqrc-