THE LARGEST £UAeU&T£|p , ,,„ iOCAL HAPPENINGS PAID CIRCULATION CROWS NEST COMPLETELY COVERING , th. NAVIGATOR WOOOBRIDGE, 3EWAREN, A V EN EL. Jl TODAY'S ISSUE Snbepenbent - leaber PORT READING, COLON IA tnd ISELIN -NO. 16 V\UII1I|:KI]><;K, N J ,11 F1VK CENTS r W.HiT GRADUATION Governor Moore Sends Greetings lM OUR SLATEDWEDNESDAY BK S, CARNIVAL RESTRiCTiON URGED IRONT AT LEGION STADIUM mm n ™ BY N. J. LABOR COMMISSIONER [NDOW First Outdoor Exercises In i&KCttxU Late Charlei R. History Oi Town To Local Merchants Alto Ex- BXtOttTIVBDBPABTMKNT Brown; Bergen Named pected To Urge Passage HAT HAS HAP- »SUftAt_6:45 As Vice-Pre»ident Rotarians, Lions To Provide Buses ,l . Woodbridge Of Law To Curb Showi 1( CUSS TOTAL IS 247 ELECTION^LAST NIGHT To Title Tilt For Barton Rooters BOTH SIDES TO GIVE White that unit Dorothy Kuiely And Georfe WOODBRIDGE! - Leon E WOOMUUOQBv-WIUi the RoUry and Liens Class lead!** the VIEWS MONDAY NIGHT f,.w yeir* ajf° it Robinson To Difeaii McElroy, Township attorney, wai war, MereateA ettbena, loya.1 alumni and staunch wpporten of much for the Democracy Threat* elected president of Woodbridge the WeeeVwMfe HU* tehoel team are tfauusftf U> at- Adoption Believed Certain un- comntuiSlty u a fire Company, No. 1, at a meeting tend awl fcvriie traastWleUM for hivji^aclMei studeUte te Uw My dear CharlUt - slate chaosateaehlp came between Woodbridgo and lrvWtea on Ai Momentum Increases ary town, no WOODBRIDGE. - Approxi- held last night at the flrehouse. Monday aftetMon at t;M o'clork *l Ruw*rt Wadta* Newwk. „. mki\, mat • . mately ?45 members of the senior He succeed* th* lit* C. It Brown. claw at Woodbridge High School •*•-*« ti with «tmliM pivfrnrrthat Tht service el»ba, believing that Woodbridge sboald have a For RaoJun Proposal nation to keep'things John Bergen, a member of the will receive their diplomas Wed- I Uarn of your pttr undlrUking. The,Independent large reBceseataUea at the tame, an povldlnf three large hases WOODBRIDGE.-With the De- Townihip committee, was named We su|geat that some nesday nght, June 21 at the first Leader should bi a Me<«nhil enterpri'«» tn4 aa ami which will transvert 151 boys and gtrls. The buses and yrlvate partment of Labor of the State of vice president, the office vacated New Jersey interested in the carJ wire merchant* get to- outdoor commencement exercises to Woodbridge. Ltt iM with you erery tuooeil* cars will leave Woodbrldie High School at tour q'cloek Monday scheduled to be held at the Legion by Mr. McElroy. nival situation and pjblic opinion •irViv* the organlia- after noen. Stadium. gradually rising in favor of the" Kfttptpera h*ye « duty tq, perform Mr. McElroy, who is 43 years As It Is the first thfte that the socsl hlih school hat had a ordinance wj)i

  • •»•• sounded at th« same time as the will crttp your opportunity tad make the most of it* from fire department circles In viling the original by-laws of 1897 Port Beading, Reasbey and Hope-" wsy y«i night before and the program will He was first elected vice president RACE REFERENDUM lawn as those units sponsor car- , your duty, u a then be held, as usual, in the With kindest personal regards, I in THEFT TRIPS TRIO Woodbridge High School auditor- on November 17, 1927, acting in nivals yearly, receiving a percent- i tn the pel age of the "gate." However, to off- ium. that capacity for 12 yean. day. The JM*U win be • ' Sinoerely yours, TAKING TAIL TOUR LAUDED BY COMset any objections, businessmen The complete program for the p, M.,ie»r. M. John Bergen, 66 years old, was throughout the Township anf A commencement will be as follows elected to the hose division on Oc- Democratic Leader Urges planning'to send representatlanf :ll()TARIANS OF Processional, "Pomp and Chiv- 3 Local Lads, Out To See to the session urging the passage tober 19, 1B99, two years after the and Lions are alry," Roberts, Woodbridge High Adoption At Election of the ordinance which provide* fire company was organised. He World, Nabbed For [mended for provid- School Band. OoT^taor. ^ for a license fee of $300 a day fat; became ah exempt fireman on De- On Next Tuesday Iportatton facilities Invocation: Rev. Earl Hannum 0 Attempt To Steal . circuses and carnivals charging, cember 20, 1917, one of the mest twenty-five cents admission aty ndred and fifty Devanny, pastor of the Fkyt Pres- WOODBRIDGE.-Several Demo- active members of the department, JVOODBRIDGE.—T*ee Wood- more and $200 a day for shovrt byterian church. Charles E. Oraforjr, Mitor, cratic groups in the Township this to the champion he wss placed on the Active Hon- charging no admission or leas than Address of Welcome, Robert AI The Independent Leidir, brldge youngsters, Francis Blum, week heard J»hn Coyne, purty ne between Wood bert Menwcg. ., orary Roll on May 17, 1934. twenty-five cents. j Vtoodbrldct, Me* J 14, Frank Hall, 14, and Harold leader, urg« the passage TuowUtv Ii 6ffi President Merchant* flivington High Schools Theme—"Challenge to Democ Bolton, 13, who left home Monday of the referendum to permit pari- racy." 1. "On the Alert", Dorothy With the election,' Mr. McElruy Tlie merchants point out tha next Mondl*. The "to see the world" were picked up mutuel belt! Joan Kniely. 2. "To the Defense,' becomes the s-lxth president of carnivals and circueet are of _ [ who will be playing on LBT at Phillipsburg Tuesday after they Mayor l George Gilmour Robmsnn, Jr. Woodbridge Fire Co., No, 1. Oth- y City, StPte value to the town, yet take thou-< leld, will need plenty Among the many expreasloni of fellottatlon received by The had attempted, police said, to Dem:>cr*ti sands of dollars out of the com-, Clesi Song, words, Gustave Val- ets served as follow: ?hief, nlso has declar- Independent-Leader wa» one from Governor A. Harry MtMtre, munity that could be well spent ltd we hope that other entine Launhardt; iniisiu Charle: James V. Freeman, October 28, steal a rewbpat in the Delaware ed, Jti Ijivor nf the proposal. ear*v for food and clothing. They also tinuutions and private Oarble. whleh is repreduced 1897 to November 15, 1900; T. F. Speaking; before the Executive River. contend that men In business 369 Duiga, November 15, 1900 to Nov- Board of the Hungarian organize- do their part In see- Class, roster, Principal Arthur The boys who, evidently became days in the year, and who pay tax- ember 21, 1901; James V. Free- fi> Mf Coyne declared that pass- fit scores of student ge C. Ferry. Freeman, November 21, 1901 tohomesick, said they planned to 4e of the proposition would be of es, should be given ' consideration Presentation of the Class to theSEWAREN REGATTA PAINS DISAPPEAR November 20, 1902; William Bal- "float down the river and row afematerial aid .to the State since over a travtling show. of Education; Supervising (or John lard, November 20, 1902 to Nov. near as they could to Woodbridge. lje\£f»l millions of dollnrn woulud Several years ago, the Wood- rfncipal Victor C. Nicklag. bridge t Butlnessmen dcr, SCHEDULED JULY 16 SO DOES HIS $9embe!r 17,I9p4; C. R. Brown, Nov. They were'turned over to the stat b« derived tHmuglk li«*Ue- Slid o( Diplomas, Maur 1904 to November 15 police in Washington, N, 5.,'%C franchises. This declaration has Association urged the passage that there we such ice P. Duncan, president of th Turner, November 15 racks where their parents came to: [baenm subjeot of great argument such an ordinance •her Tewia*lf reei- Board of Education. Edggr Hill lfL»,^. ^>w>u_i_ .. -«J MfinIMI i ^IfevemberlBi "ikWuritit e*^ committee "reserved decision n^" to otter"ft »< Miller. the time of his death on Decora- boys a map to illustrate the jour Mr. Coyne aUo asSerted.thAt op- Wallet Stolen ney they had planned. If they hjtc the urdiTance was shelved. T " nomiittUM. Recessional, "March of th tion Day. ening of race-tacks in new Jer- nmlBoat successfully negotiated the Dfla Peers," Sullivan, Woodbridge Hig] WOODBRIDGE."— Local police sey wouty provide a large number John J. Toohey, Jr., Commls-i IH wtH-lfluA "eaJ b ware river at Trenton, theni sti School Band. SEWARBN.—The annual regat- are searching for two men and a of jobs find would greolly rc-lieve sioner of Labor, in a communica- ' capable of fUlIng the would be Delaware Bay and th tion to the editor of the Independ- Claas Members ta of the.Sewaren Motor Boat wcman, 'probably gypsies, who the present unemployment sltua- SURVEYING CRASH, Atlantic Ocean for the entirb ent-Leader, said that he read jway, It Is abett tint Members ot the senior class ar robbed Peter Dalnick, 64," of Cool- ion. Club will be held all day Sunday, length of the Jersey shore to be "with interest" the article in this obtained idge Street, Edgar Hill, of a wallet A number of additional address- as follows: July lAjf at Smith's Creek, here. negotiated. paper on June 2. He wrote in. full llhe county gwern- containing nine dollars Tuesday NEGRO MAN KILLED is will be made* *v. thi; Democrat- Theodore G. Allen, Dorothy A As usual there Will Be races, afternoon-. c lenders over tire week-end. as follows: ' Amos, Marie ii. Anderson, Mar water , sports, refreshments and Saloons Ordered To Close "1 have read with interest your , HOPELAWtf garet J .Andrews, Margaret Archy Dolnick told the authorities that article in Out W-oodbfidge. Inde- g dancing In the evening at" the he was standing in front of Tits Eltiabetb Driver Fatally Dating Voting On Tuesday 7 Bases Required To Take Joseph P.. Arway, Steve A. Bat pendent under the date ot June 2, • I Reading fire con* clubhouse. Phil Raphaelson, the home when a car, with New York ... . . Bar Injured While Standing 1 Seniors On Annual Picnic 1939, with reference to the injury skay, Helen Buka, Anthony plates, containing the two men and WOODBRIDGE. — Liquor cs- xpected to »end cellona, Irene t. Barnu, Lawrence fleet commander, has announced sustained on June 1st. by Joseph ' woman, pulled Up and stopped. On Avenel Road tablishments In the Township WOODBRIDGE. — Seven bus Htionato theTown- A. Bama, Willim J. Baron, Pierre? that the shingle race, which caus- Pridgen of 1515 Salisbury Avenue, The woman, Dolnkk said, got out must be closed between the oads of seniors at the Wood- pont F. Barlow; Anna M. Bedi, WOODBRIDGE. — After figur- Spencer, North farollna, while in j ommittee meeting ed a lot of favorable comment last of the car and asked him whether hours of 1 P. M., and B P. 'M., .-- rr- --'h school enjoyed thu an Wilfred F. Benson, John Benyei, ing in a collision on St. George the employ cf the Art Lewis year, would again be held. he knew of any sick woman in on Tuesday, June 20, when the nnafclasa trip to Luke Hopatcom; op pole the pauJoh- n Bereaowsky, June B. Berndt, Avenue, near Woodbine vAvenuo, Shows, Ine, the neighborhood. When informed polls will be open for voting on, Monday) |ti;ivelllng carnival ord- George H. Berry, Gertrude A. In the meantime cljul> members Avenel, early Saturday morning, Umlsei Chief Keating that he had no knowledge of any the race track ammendment, ac- BIlarcRyk, William P. Black, Dot- arc getting their bO&U In shape William Jones, colored. 40, of 288- The seniors left Woodbridjre at "The accident Referred to In 'xrcateit concern of sick person in the vicinity, the cording to a notice issued this othy M. Blake, Stcnhcn Bonalsky, South 5th Street, Elizabeth, was 8:30 o'clock ami after an enjoy- your article w«j called- to tfie at- for the big day. The "Betty M", woman said: "Perhaps; you are week by Chief of Police George that they will loee Frank J. Breckn, Arlinc I. Bren- fatally injured when struck by a ble day amhevening tit the lake, tention of this office by Chief If that -won several ot the races last sick" and began patting the aged E. Keating. . , • • hundred dollars In rev-nan, Bernice L Brewstcr, David third car operated by Eugene E. left, the latter place at 11:30 Police George Keating, of >^>ur Dolnick. When the trio left Dol- bndgc Fire Company, L. Brown, Ruth Browne, Virginia year, is expected td be entered by Rehrman, 32, of 15 Vernon Ave- This order is in compliance o'clock. city,' on the a'fternoon of the day ' I w them how to make her owner, K. Arnold, of Elisabeth; nick missed his wallet. nue, Kennilworth, with the-state law which says the accident happened. This de- R. Brozanskl, Anna H. Bulhauer, The teachers in" charge were a« that "no licensee shall sell or >ncy and perhaps a Patricia A, Bums, Kenneth Thornton, - cntfimnrtrtra Aeordtnf- to the police investiga- follows: partment made an investigationr, Children's Day Exercises offer for sale at. retail or de- immediately wdwlth the splendid without importing Ruth P. CabiH, Frank R. Chap- of the Sewsren Motor Boat Club, tion made by Captain John Egan, William Bannon, iMiss Arlir.e 1 liver to any consumer, any al- oooperatH^iai*mief of Police character^ and s*la- lar, Bernard (?. Cheress, Paul E, declared toddy that he expected Will Be HellHere Sunday Sergeant Ben Parsons and Officer Corbett, Joseph Ruggiori, Lincoln coholic beverage in any rriuni- George Keating, all of • the facts into the Townahtp. Chovan, George A. Christensen, the regatta this year would be the Leonard, Jones, was driving north Tambeor, Martha Morrow, A'lidu pality in which a general] muni- were immediately brought to light, fcn Girls' VeoatMmal Richard Christie,. Thclmrt L. Cline, best ever. Hej will be assisted by WOODBRIDGE. — Thim at It prizes were AVENEL.—Mr. and'Mrs, Arthur factory buildings of the National WOODBRIDGE.—Max Weiner, GOES TO CAMP • might be a good Idea Nobert was treeted for lacera- FOR NEXT SIX MONTHS ISELIN. — Thirty-four attrac- C. Tucker, ot Gloucester, Mass. Flreprooftag Company at Keasbey of 79 Main Street, this plaqe, re- WOODBRIDGE. — Andtew J. [residents to establish tions of the chin and forehead tions, including a large list of ra- announce the engagement of their according to a report made this ported to the police early Sun- Ruska, of Woodridge Avenue, left li a purpose in mem- whlje MrsMrs. . SlaughteSag r RReceived Avenel Youth Is Ordered dio nets, have been arranged for daughter, Doris Altifta/to Barlton week by Mr. Koyen, the superin- day morning that his registration yesterday for a six weeks' train- ories. • • by Rev. William J. Brennan, pas- tendent of the plant, to Motor- treatment for her knee injury. ing course with the Rutgers Uni- B. Pomeroy, of Avenel, son of Mrs Both Rehrman and Norbet were card was stolen out of .his car that To Write 'I'm Sorry' ' <•' the (Wile* pronw- tor of St. Cecelia's church, for the cycle Officer Carl Sundquist, It is the rear of his versity unit of the ROTC at Platts- Alice M. Pomeroy and the late held on technical charges to await was parked in tn- truffle dlvWon, If annual "Iseiin Country Fair1' believed that boys threw stones a' burg, N. Y. For Being Impudent 1(1 Edward A, Pomeroy, of .Gloucest- home. Uke place at the action of the grand jury. which will be held this year on er. the windows during the night. . netting Monday August 16, 17, 18 and IB. WOODBRIDGE. — For being [thr present writing It rude to members of the poHce de- lf The committee in charge h as rianlndo Zucoiro, partment, Charles Pohero, 22, ol ll follows: Roy Johnson, chairman; Techniqut And Scope Of Education Has Changed Consider ably In Toumhip Since 1794 »t desk sergeant. William O'Neill, co-chairman; Ed- 644 Leesville .Avenue, .Avenel, has thr appointment aa wBrd Breen, treasurer: Otto been given an unique punishment 1 and Joseph Farkai Boehm, general ; Vincent Ai mtnm The Prospectus, Curriculum And Conduct Of Colonial Woodbndge Academy by Judge Arthur Brcwn. Pohero "•1 for th* motar- has to come Into headquarters ev- Grogan, secretary and publicity; Z— — • _— — —• ~ L.,..|,|i,,,. 1 ,,,,,1 frunrrlinim tn thlthe' followinfollowil' g Stryker, A. M., IVincipiil ,nssinlcd | iti« mi'l tuition. Bed anil ery other Friday for six months George Briatln, Hugh McGce, of the WoodbridKc Academy were gentlemen: WOODBRIDGE — Ih another by teachers of uiknowleilned com- 1they fiirnif.h themdi'lverf. and write: I'HAYERS OF Thomas. Maher, Patrick Boylan obtained during the your 1703, and "Reverend William flarris, D. D., week, school will be cloned for the peteticy. Thf course of instruction "The Hituatlnn is pleasnnt and "I hereby UpolOgUe to the police seniors, and Charles Alexander, financial at a meeting of the aubscriberB on President of Columbia college'. sumtnor months, Commdncemont, embraces the llatin, Greek 11 ml healthy—the Hccmnodationn nmpl» department for being rufle and his and friend.1B are .supervisors. June 7, 1704, the following wore R«v, M. Btiien, New York; Rev. baccalaureate tervicen, ilass nights French languagea. Natural anil —and 11 utritl attention is paid to. impudent." ~ '„ •here willTw a 1 chosen trustees: William B. Burton, Woodbridfte, and proms will all be a thing of Moral, Philosophy, Mathematics, the observance of moral and reli- Pohevc, who has a record h °°n kni plenty TO GET DEOBEC • The Reverend Azel Roc, John Y. N. J., Rev. Michael Osborn, Metu- the past. But students who think Rhetoric, History, Geography, gioiiB duties. was ploked up on the compln COLONIA, — Edwntd Philip Wall, Christopher Mar*V .Mhn chen, N. J., Peter Wjlson, L. L D., " 'he outdoof fidm- they hha d It "th"tough"" mighiht ddo English Grammar, Writing1' and "The summer sespion commences William Busweiler, of T. , Anderson) of Colonla Bculcvard, Heard James Paton, John Conway, late professor of languages in Col- a Wedtie»dBy well to looklook- hick througtgh the r Reading find all other branches of on the firm of May and the winter Avenue,, Avenet,, who chargeged thatt Is among the many students who Ebeneier Ford. umbia college; John Ferguson, m.,st likely, iorrf*where pages of history in the Township, education preparatory to a learned. bfcnn th thee firsfirst t oof fNovember N . About the former was shooting a ,22 calif' will be .awarded their dip; or SQffie off the facU cot^cerftln^g 4 Thomas Sttjirm, Eaq,q,,, 'Mew ^ will be inserted the and And otft for themselves what prpfoseiorf or mercantile pujgiuits. tha yiiddle of the months of 4f^ bre rf/leon his property. ,'When wlhd Bbws fn tfie the scnbol<|atescnbol|ater areaffordsarf d by ihe and October, the semiannual'ex- ork; Hiteh TsM, Eeq., 'SparU, •errested by Officer R. fflmonsen, Manhattan at the annual com followingi ; announcementt: Georgia| Hie Excellency, H, John- Pohero accused the police officers f °» sh thai • there wll days of th,e old WoS( "Students .are received lnt« the aminations take place, followed by mencement exercises in the Granl "Woodbrldge Academy, New son, Governor of LouisianalaV of "picking on 'him" and used of mbsqultbes. If e my which was lecated on Rahway family, of the Principal »t the rate the publ|c speaking. Ballroom of the Hotel Waldorf- Jersey: u • "The principal refers parent* 5) qupstionnblp language; d had . better at- Avenue. ' of 912IS yearly, fir hoarrtlrir, , bottles ot cit-Astoria, on Tueaday.evenlng, June SubserlpHlofm fd* "Under-.the dlri-ction of James 27:' QMXW m

    A Lkberma

    LM» tafia* At GRADUATION J—!•

    »-u . n-

    SUBSET to- *< «

    "fti. Tummt torn,



    vvw an. -'-i, ir i* *-nw Ton ¥«crf*.I*E. fill

    as fa lt V

    mm* "Wt mm

    KELLY AWNING, ING n < Graduation Flowers "" From Baumann's


    | fe» u-jvn vt t A St. sort if It rvirMt

    m m ii aaaii i mvm «f IHE10TAIS vt- EALMAAJTS WEDOCHG t EfMsL.: •> - Aaaaj Bmaa aai Xn. uf n* * §>RIC aai an, Baaari : t «ift; MfflML M PWIIIII I «*» 4te SEASOSfS MOST LA'<" fl kiooi- Tat HBV PyKMf af 7rm LRi. TiliaalMja. fJama

    NECKTIES fa»53t wwie * ">| Morrv LaRiiti

    ISHIRTS . . Frw$135 >. ti* kwa ti«)r, I-MfwcFbwcn far afaAi «ccaawa« at ini»iiii*f • * BAUMANN BROTHER! T

    STRAW HATS Fri-Jl» Oi". rj- i •• .*' .: i i. -il iff (UffTElT l«a1i PAJAMAS . Fr—S119 HAVEN OF U£T TEMP-TEE * 25c Tfcer« arc atoy

    for besdacbe Sport Shirts . Fr« -^2?^ V^ *••• Shirts . .. Spec $110 BLANKETS

    fo«r ooctor i prat **] »bo«t tk Manhattan ra. -^10c ia| tron umt trmttmt Shirts & Shorts Th«fv trt > C&UK^I V* •Wai frjc k; do«7t •: 1* Largest *dedi«i •! ttvs rc,jrjin» or "lick A CKM Frencfa Bad. Elastic Side NoButlw S.p

    Uninut Giaduate /•r Mauts t Mi.r^n, of Perth Ambef, MILLER IS CHOSEN STATE CONVENTION"" •in Junt 1 ui tin- Et>eneier M- t J MARTHA & JENNIE -Rev. WltODBMIXiE.- Mr, and Mrs LIIUI L'h in Ha I iv. >. MILLINERY A DRESS SHOPfE AS GRAND KNIGHT unistin, uf St if H.ill. of Brookhel4 Sport taw wlU and complete DRAWS FORDS CLUB Avenue, annnunce th« marriage o| •H BRIDAL GOWNS & VEILS uf\nuunc«d a new schedule of oeveraft of all local actiritlM •• iis To Send Delegation during the summer nVHiths. Uii-ir daughter, Pauline to Hanr) Ui« sport* to Order. EW«I By bights Of Ill 1 IllipeUiun il .Sunday masses, starting jut* 18 t To Atlantic City For Columbus To Succeed will be held *t 7:00, 8:36 an* HI W* lp««UUa* ID Anjr Style PnmiuDl Wi>t, John church. At St. Andrew's church, Avenel,.mass 352 SUt« Street WQODHRIDG& - Henry K Hi >KlVi Member* of the Fords on. Sundays will tie said at 8:30 RITA BEAUTY SHOP ,, Herbert PERTH AMBQY, N. J. Miller wag elected grand knight of l.iin- i Itrtj will attend the state A. If. ',., Herbert U Milton An. Middlesex Council, No. 857, t 'invention In Atantk' City on June Knights of Cokimbus at the ann- vrf |T.H RAHWAY ual election of officers held Tues- 23 umt 24, according to plans made day night at the Columbian club. at ihe regular weekly dinner He sucpeeds John F. Ryan, Jr., neeting Monday night play |h* #90.00 9p««i«l, tfca £ril«*mi of ib».ev*nin(. crossing And bridge along the rence Davidowski, William Dd- satin folded and tied in back with a route from the Perth Amboy City tailored bow, The wrtge sole .is ot ^ vanny, William Distelcamp, Wen- line to the Rahway boundary. loft kid and studded with rhine- D dell Doll, Paul Drtmmond, Theo- stane nattheadi. dore Drummond, Alfred Dunfee, DESTROY SKIN f JAMES' SCHOOL GROUNDS Carter Floyd, George Frailer, WOODBRIDGE.—Local police Martin Ganoian, Edward Grode, As a background for her gold and Behold His Royal Highness t)Y AVENUE WOODBRIDGE are searching for the persons who pearl necklace, Ilka Chaie wean a Julian Grow, Frank Gyenes, Rich- maliciously destroyed' a newly Adminion 50 Cents deep green-blue dinntr dress. The As he sits upon hit throne! [P.M. Sharp ard Gyorkas, William Hansen, greeted sign on the lawrl of the necklaft, sent ftton New York by Franklin Hillman, Joseph Hopta, Barren Free Public. Library on her mother, Is of myriad tiny tatatls Observe his njeot! oppear- INDOOR ANp OUTDOOR SEATING Robert Hoddeson, Orson Hud- Rahway Avenue. in filigree gold crusted with eead son, John Huttwr, John Johnson, S.B. Brewster, of 93 Grove Ave- paaits. 8et «lotely togtthir, the tat- ( Charles Katko, Edward Kaufman, nue, president of the library's ialft art flat and stiff, forming a Hertry Karmatln, John Remedy, board of directors, "informed the typical ruff, reminiscent w_ SJl Hear his domineering tone! HeiJry Koehne, Michael Konick, authorities of the destruction of bethandaya. Victor Krause, Gilbert Krebs, Coii the sign, which he valued at ten He's feeling mighty happy, rad KrieBel, Vincent Kuchtyak, dollars. 5T PRICES IN THE STATE Rudolph Kulshinsky, Andrew Ku- bets, Helen Hofgesang, Rose Hor- BOND CLOTHES helped /ear • Firestone - U. S. - Goodrich • Dunlop rucia, Alex Kuscera, John Leffler, bachuk, Nancy Hornsby, Eleanor BEAUTY SHOPS Murray Lewis, HarrjisXinde, George «m Cord . Hood • Federal - General • McClaren Hrobar, Elaine Hunt, Margaret SUITS him get that way! Markulin, James JilcCann, Peter MAROIE'S PBRpONAUTT, WAVH Hunt, Margaret lllea, Elizabeth 2 for 15.00. Beauty Item* He, 477 McCann, Robert Moser, Richard |ew -Rebuilt -Used Tires * Iszo,, Dorothy Johnson, Elolse hr Avtnu*. Woodbrl^ij jj And now you know what Murphy, John Panto, Zoltan Pat- TIME PAYMENTS Jordan, Anna Jostvay, Nancy Ju- 1SM rick, Peter Pappas, LeRoy Peter- you can do NEW POPULAR MAKE TIRE - <^TH lian, Margaret Kellerman, Irene CHARM cnoQtnaNOLE W. son, Joseph Pincosje, Robert Pol- ' WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MENTION Kerpita, Isabelle Klement, Corinne Charfci Bitaty f hop; IN PRINT DUE TO OUR DRASTIC PRICE hamus, Edwin Fptter, Stanley Main 8t Woodbrldn 8-0J60. Kline, Elizabeth Kormondy, Kose June eighteenth ... Potter, Alfred Rauchman, Paul «-lT-8t Kovacs, Mary Kozar, Marian Price Ntw tube Siie Price New tube Regensburg, Joseph Remenar, BUSINESS DIRECTORY FATHER'S DAY ! $4.25 69c 550x17—$6.69 89c Howard Reyer, Harker Rhodes, KristoflL ,,,, 9 Mary Kuzma, Mary Lahovich, r ~ 4.49 79c 600x16— 6.49 95<; William Ridyard, John Rosen- IRTMAKB 8TOHBB SHLL }9- 95c meier, Alvin Rymsha, Jack Salis- Veronica Lahovieh, Helen Lmola, hari, Vicvium Glefcturs at low- 4.99 79c 625x16— 7.82 Audrey Lance, Margaret Laurit- •Bt term»; larctst aervloa d«pt., h- 5.69 79c 650x16— 8.95 $1.10 bury, Paul Semak. parti, motorsmotor; machines, 2(0 State $1.25 John Serak, George Shaffer, An- sen, Margaret Levi, Frances Ann Btre»t, PertPthh AmboyAby , 4-2262 ^ with. 2 trousers 18- 5.49 79c 700x16—10.50 thony Silakowuki, Paul Siaan, Rob- Lewis, Mary Lomonico, Anna Man- 1Vk MC ATIZFTR ert Stephan, Everett StokeB, Ar- ga nera, Helen Markulin, Olga Mel- .'if /RANTED ^GROOVING" VULCANIZING nold Szeles, T^omqs /Thomps|m nttki Ethod: MesaK/Helen MM/at(i Kugene Urban/ Frartk/Vigh, tthh Ru|jK OBeni^ois PWker, Jane Pat- BOYS to carry ulabllihed new«pa- terson, Gloria Paul, Dorothy Pe- per reutrt. 1» m»a old or older, afr. RECAPPING RETREADING Van Decker, Stephen -Vojar, How- &. aohwMMtst . MO Amboy Ave., or ard Woodruff, Henry White. terson, Emily Pintak, Iaabellee Pln- Independenent-Lt eader, 18 Grebn street, PASSENGER AND TRUCKJTIRES tak, Elizabeth Prion, Edith Woodbridge. Norma Ashmore, Irene Bakes, Randv Ruth Raphael, Ethel Seel, size SED TI Anna Baron," Theresa Behrens, KAOfl *ant»*a»dd for wlperap , Dorothy Silakoski, 'Evelyn Simra, hdkhUf r lar«er." Fie NEW BRUNSWICK FACTOHY Marbara Berse, Irene Borthwkk, WoodbrldfhftndktrohUa Inf d or lar«er.dt " Do 1b. Shirley Spaeth, Beatrice Simmons, Woodbrldfa Independent, 18 Qreun $1.00«P Gcraldine Borgett, Margaret Bre- Ht., Woodbridge. Violet Toms, Elsie Toth, Irene Ht Wdbidge zoski, Jane Brodniak, Audrey VULCANIZING Varshany, Marily/i Vogel, Elsie ROOMS FOR RENT BEMSEN AVE. at HOWARD ST. Brown, Lillian Brown, Lorraine Af\. INCH Varga, Jane Weston, Eleanor Brunt, ftlizaboth Brail, Helen Cos- THHBIB room apartment, private NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY h Wisnteskl,. Nancy Wight, Mferlan Bath, *» Improvements, inquire , „,' ' flAL. CAN ANY 35c SEALED QT. tullo, Dorothy Cannllla, Lucille Woodley, 34FiSnt!oy Ave. or SO Albert Bt.^ MOTOR OIL Canniwaro, Roae ClUii, MSnnie \ I MOTOR OIL QT CA N Cursl, Helen Clnkota, Ann Col- and August, JCut Meets West FO; room home, quiet f, Thursday and; 49c 20c - lins, Betsy Craig, Laur* Dawsotf, 1 American mechanical rnlihid < Cftrtorfit. Respon- Marian Dinklna, Violet Dworak, tiiishborhitod"Mrty only. . KeuoAAbla. Writs 8)30 A.M.uatll 6P.M. -SESEALEA D QT. ANY 25c SEALED QT. can overcome the difficulties inhw- «jbl« 10. aare of thin OR OIL AnnBlitjse Frlesee, Emily From. ent even In so complex a ph*npm-/ Box fa, care o piper MOTOR OIL i-8» , , Margaret Ga'ffida, Emily/Gecwy, ffaoft is Aht gulf between the/OMbf ,••/• 25c l5cQT.CAN Ethel Geesey, AlleU Glllin, Eva ,snd the Occident. One American REFRIGERATORS \ Value Gester, Ethel Gordon, Marie Gres- inventor has perfected ft Chlneie Ouaranteed Bl«otrlo R«frlg«ratora, fhnck, Margaret Grewe, Irene Gu- typewriter which carries the neces- Full allow«nc« on purchaie of jnew •REST TIRE COMPANY iles, ViolotUiyure, Gertrude Hu- sary 4,000 characters yet Is iltll rifrls-eralbr. within ftJWjJJ, • Itor, Mary FTallahan, Anna Haylu, small enough to be practical In • 68» Amboy Ave., Perth Amboy, N. J. BRUNSWICK AVE, PERTH AMBOY business office. COR. ftAD13ON OPI'. CITY SCALES Kliiabeth Hegedus, Augusta Her- h.Hiit,ik*. 'fk'^Mi&MH^ -]^£SMi fWI-AY 1VW If, lft* vuwnr ^LAMHAR SCBOOLS •XERCBES LISTED FOR TAXES D< 3 0. Twain. OtWr. etna J.O.WAY Ota T«GctOUH» tfc» A iccrjirt Tun I4M losepti Andms 542 H. GEOta AVt 1000! ;-*m •f ib. ami FB£C DEUVEBT

    FWBAJ Ml M i.imr TTER taf'tei i tot* l FMCASSEE ro»K J f CHICKTKS tpifiMn, , •• \ dMC^to* «< »- •* *•»• *- *"* LOINS : I] it«*fr MLk. CALIF OOLDEJI PltlH KILLED MELLCW5 KT.A5TAKr$ *T**** ,.- 251 *•. I >«at " ^^w ^WIH^B1* JWMiBI tf 3>f fVBBfVrtl^ H Hi ~77! 1*1 tXXWA LAK.E 0KB ttttNEt PlNIATfUS ^ [SQUASH tolfc* Mr, r*.- *W J' •i*"1'* -1^ ni.!iJy '*» ->< tari


    vfae iptmoicm the */yr ^< J^ *4 ««r pnw* i to 9>e neHy frm wctt. iv. v) 'Jut 'Qinewgsc >b* 'Ctmam' C * V*r, L«- H« H«cid WJO- Inc. M^GrUtAMim mm. Ur% lUtMi St7i«n&. Mf»- 11*4, US»Jle. P Pane, MTK r.'EWH-—A RAHWAY , f jtaaor; f«r»i. »t4 W-v . Janet party 5r Of t.«« EVEJ*I»»CJ / Ctab fnStf HcrWi H«**; M-ffeMM IUlk»*7 J447T I "-*-*1 Mn Edward Gtudt sad ford, Mn TAmtt*. Of/tm, Mi J'rtTJt* KJewrjtfnaiaF.'Wn/it: mihwii; f*A4J», Mn. M. EMK;22. at 130 o'ekrk at lae -'* ;'f* •»••"*• *=• KPTOLING • FIRCPLACZ l«1ze. Mn John Mn. J'JLTH Sct^iier. « Pa r prize, Mis Edvzra # • WOOD 1 i»aid, Mn. PL. fAMOVft ptheji fttandmt were Mn. E. ! W, Water, Mn. A. Kro«h aad Mn. KEADmC COAL At drpararatDi d( COKE ' E D Thipn*' «* Pertb Amtwy-, Kotrers , Mn cWki K>m, „« Metucben; MASON MATIKIALS ; liii- SiJWJti r«r»IL li Wood- FUEL on. -jrvlj*, Mn. M. Me»rr», Mn A. !Ti!Ul«. Mn Ev ,W. W.tUxbert, WARR COAL » jM;t A Beittttn. Mn Albert ft. Lei Stcsknltz ] Hmder»w^Mn.,f5dwyd Scfcufler ! Cbjroi>odi>t ^ SUPPLY CO. Mrt Jjy "ffBfUBWi^'^.Mni1 T"#w(pfc ft CBOMS Qiipponeri Mr*. #chn Morgan, "* Mts Frank Bredn, Mn. Raj Ml estttlder, Mn E r«k«kmr am) M Earl Mullord of AvtneL **r#'*- NEWSPAPER SPECIALS FOR ••r^;^":'--'f;\ '.' FATHER'S DAY Buy it wpere He wooM buy it A REAL MAN'S SHOP h Manhattan Shirts (A ZOO

    f ^»* t 5*J*< lion o NECKWEA1 R ""55 -and Up Manhatlaa Pajamas $165 CkarfeJAkKAr Jota V. rhnrt Herbert Rankin Anderson Victor C.Nickb James S. Swank BetU I And Jewelry Arner C. Fetty V i'. .^ , '...."A. /-./' INTERWOVEN Socks MaffliceP.D Parkef E. Nidsen B.W.Vogd ONlvtTTJiPOnAM 3 pair Heb Brown JwesFOer $1.00 CH Davis William HFrtxpitrick OL9S f JohBer^ THM CA* THAT HAS Purr Linen Handkerchief* Samuel CFtrrd Jamts G. Citir

    f-t f#^'^ /.'#tt temp- Freofnck Sneocei E»*ry Purth.K Naady Packed bumper iu*d* mparm Ferdinand Kub . — *s> T In C-ft Bow* if Mayor Aflwt F, Greiner Moe Davis Marguerite y'* 5nj#rte»t Men'* Shop W00DER1DCE AUTO SALES PO Cherry St> |Ulnr||fil^5i?oAii«ryi4pg, TeLWdge. '•'* .NDENT- FHIDAf, JUNE 1G, 1939 Cat Maniu !K Miljes, Lester Miller. Ruth C.|Palac, Allen Pateman, Walter j Joseph P Ru&in. Helen V. Sala|i, j quist. Helen M Supko. Rpse Tecbiqoe and Scope Millei, Dor-thy C. Mlsdom, Ethel, Patskanick, Henry G Peterson,| Anthony F. Sandeaa, Joseph A.jTaUwka, Stanley TVrp-mii-kW« »nclent super RYAN IS CHAIRMAN 1() the (CnnUnuid b>m Pane 1) A. Mohi, Charles J. Molnar, Marl-1 Kenneth L. Peterson, Ralph Ptter- , Sasso, Robert L. gattler, M»th-i IT Terp^nuk, John Thump ,' (,vii spirits were aW» "The female schpol, under the un Murdock, Marion F. Muchanic, j Kjn. Thomas R. Petrie, Joe Petru- j thew J. Sjuftier, Melvin ScbJu-jElixubeth J \.,i-a. Mary R. ^at> •the form ot black •«•. OF SOCIAL MONDAY j superintendence of the Principal, t'lrtllit. L, i presents additional inducements to Ruth MuUtr, John Kaab, ChacUtjaiek, Ktote* £. Qwadt, LetwiM, IH#« . Kveiy« M Sehmi*, *t*«aj»-j B^ty S. Tight*. >\ llhir. Kli/.rthi'th H.- titeer. parents at • distance. A ladr.Mra. |$ 1,000 In Prim To Be rfcary. Ann M Nemeth, Mar-1 Raphael, Haymund U. Rask, Dor-1 nc J, Schmitter. IXJUIS* H Schneb- t». Alice J. V eat-h«de4 Eiscrd. wall qualified to teaeh-ihe Awarded At St. Janet' «w«to, M»a*»r F.*em-lo«hy H. Rasmuswrn. A^-JkdjfaMMI***^ Schncbbe, Robert | Vargo. Then> . ,,jshi th« mother cat of French and other higher branch*", z, UVerne F Nierii-rau ' Rauchman, Grace M Rayround,iS''hwoiiH-r .Ma, >-Scripko, Daniel j ^rWy M •'i>'.t.. 11' Im f, was said to havt nlfta has opened a house for the recep- A ! ( l tV|1 i !;cS. Church Affair Other Graduate* - j Margaret B Rnd. Mamaiet Rcn-| > ' «"' ' vt ( Am• tion of Young Ladies, who will Howard W. NielsejiNielsenj Rita E.jnie. Robtrl K Kcilly. Jack Ring- Ahri-V sk-.v. .1 im A Subicskl, M. YIHIIDC K l I have the advantage of the most . « >\ 'HHI I)GE.—Over $l,«00 Nielsen, Joseph S Novak, Aim C Soos,: las M improved course of instruction." i,.iiit ^ines will be award- Ontk-6 John (hiuck .1 Hand- John K annuHl monster game •Mast Rite Early' M t.. iit- lit Id Monday night at In the "Female Department" of ' IM .uUxk at the St. James1 WINDOW . the Woodbrldge Academy, "younp and nli mid school grounds under ladies were expected to comply 'in s|ioiis(irf.hlp «f the, church. lltlled «. «« '£ Cheerfully with all requirement* ,1 reasonabl* | >ii(. of the attractions will be n All were expected to rise immedi- . .ii which will be given away on ately en the ringing of a bell early th<> lnp bqarlfi Only ^those who York Wall P»P« rW in the morning and proceed with IIHVO purchased ticket* before ! allj Paint Co., hie. the making of the necessary toilet M miiiy, June 1», «Kll be elig- t58 Slat* Street • then devotion, breakfast and ible tu play the tU) "early bird! school' with the observation of enHI" which will be the first' quiet and strict order; a siniiliar Phomr 4-1 Tt» game of the evening. it.the noon hour meal; The following are the commitec then further punctual attendance Lt, Raymond Peterson chairmen wtio have contacted fto recitation and classes from one their Respective committees: to four; occasional walks "with tu General1 ch,ainrjan, Patrick I. toress; evening; meal and devotion BRIDE, COMMISSION Ryan; financt, Hugh J9. QuiRley, with composed and serious frame persofuiel, Dante) Ccwgrove; pub- kk'sHollywoodlim of mind and'committance tu the licity, Wtnfleld J, Firm; arrange- ST.. PERTH AMBOt safe-keeping of God." WON BY PETERSON sTVrK ments, Owen S. Dunigan, r.iunng Di*i»n«, Singe*, A typical school day at tlu Local Boy Graduates From A Y. N«lwn and Hia Woodbridge Academy is describee in a diary kept by Ann Fit: Ran Weit Point, It Married GIVEN rqlis of Rhythm Oreh. -delphj whe wrote .on Friday, (Mo bar I, 1820 as follows: On The Same Day m l,ol,(iER AT TOUR ON SEWER PROJECT SERVICE i Wettke* Exams WOODBRIDGE—At aimpje, but . "After going through the usua nipKHHivc , Miss Virginia Rolling, the Weekly N^wes, atpeflred Its Un emles. Gradually, the public scho George Dunninfr and Lawrence don on May 111622. boy* were hired GABARDINE SLACKS movement gained tremendou DunniiiK. of Flushinu, L. I.; Mrs. to "hawk" or sell the papers In the streets. The flrst bays to Oil or Worth Largest SeUction fore* and parents gradually took Caroline Petersan, Nels Petersen and Mrs. Clarence. Pcteraen, of deliver newspapers in America were Up to $10 Of advantage of the better educa- those engaged by the early weeklies 5-90 Woodhridgp; Mr. and Mrs. Eliner tional facilities for their children published |n the New England col- The Urgeit selection of gabardine fts and House than could bv obtained in thy local i'aull of Randall Manor, S. I., Slack'! in the state 1 Every color, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Wolny of Fords only »bout 1754. It Is probable that academy. the New York Weekly Mercury was every styl», evry >iie. and J. I), Richardson, a roomate the flrst AtaerUan newtpspar to Furnishings of the bridegroom at West P^int. lourli-sj advertise for boys todeHv*r papers In the County-* Tennylon said; "The greater rnan, Sych an advertl»ernent w*. carried Quality Slacks tht (rnter courtesy," oh September 14. 1761,, T BIG SAVINGS ! AVENEL MAN HELD Sizea To 50 2-90 BE SURE OF YOUR ON ASSAjJLT CHARGE H. S. Commencement T«k» your choice from a full ABil'S Kopik Committed After Al- selection of quality tlack» ... All (Continutd froth Page 1) colors and louis-Furnishinfi BlAKES ter fation; Foel$Stf-' lni, HeieH tit Orofar,'Eliabith "A. and Gift Shop ' T*ui|t vouks rb usi Druisba, Anna Durish. nith si, Perth Asak*f LINlKG - ADJUSTMENTS ionsly Injured Other Members DRUM REFACING Ruth A. Einhprn, GlaoJyiM. Bi- Sanforized Slacks ntpUSLES CORRECTED WOODBRIDGE.—Charles Kop- llot, Janet H. Ellis, Janet Eriksen, ik, 47, of 95Lcesville Avenue, Av-i Lillian D. Porr, Ralph V. favale, Special ,£a«afU Robert SteskotHz RAHWAY enel, was committed to the county Magdalyn B, Faztikas, Sylvia |K injuries sUs- Gallagher, Charles Garble, 1 • Yra. with Blu. Cooia, N.wark li.ui ' st. Perth'AW >7 E. Millok A»a. RAHWAY tnined by Jchn Sindik, 57, of the Roberta A .Giles, Lfedley W. God- Worth $15.00 P. A. 4-0157 ForatrlT AtbiiMrs Oarage same, .who was In a fight son, Eleanor A. Govelita, John D. with Kopik. Oov«lltz,' Audrey M. Grady, Jean Suits that look 2 and 3 tittle* Sensational According to paptain Johjn E^ Grelser, Virginia Grelner,', Anna thii amazing low price 1 All and Officer Fred Leidner ^ho in- Grob, Gertrude Grade, Irma I. are carefully tailored to re- vostigatad, Sindik, whQ''t>n'JM*$ Gyorkor, Yolanda J. GyorkoE, tain their tmartnen through S P O R T > lale- LunHed Time Only -Sale in trouble with the 'authorities Harsld G. Hackett, Maurice J. •welterjnf day». sevcrni times, is alleged to have Hallahan,:George Hango, William COATS picked the .fifih-t ' with-. Kopjk. Hans6n,,Bdlth Hawrylko, Louis C. Both men are employed and live at behn, IJerman A. Hess, Joseph Worth $15.00 the scrap ircn works. According to Hlavenka, Moftis M. Hodes, Ruth [UP COVERS & UPHOLSTERING Kopik, Sindik followed him out- Holland, Jean Hooban, Charles W. Horpef. Eljzabeth Hornyak, Anna TropicalWorsted side, "took a poke at him" and a f 15 MONTHS TO PAY • fist fight, followed on the bank of Hramotnlk. ,75 Upholiterbg K-m*. SLIP COVERS the railroad tracks. After Sindik Evelyn E. Huber, Dorothy B. Worth 2() •Piec© Suite Huht, Emery A. Ivan, Blfen M. Ja- I'.maud. was down, Kopik sa.ld he left- the SUITS * •tparatn ru»hl»n» In cobsen,, James M. Jaeger, Ruth 'ilhrr («vrrli(a, ittff, flow" rwtmiiM scene unaware of the former's .Mr with l)rm»la or plaldi. Uox lilmtril. serious injuries. Janke, Walter Jaworski, Genevi- At $20.00 they would be [lillin, d Frtmei U Taken to the Rah way Memorial eyt «??«, WUda C. Jensen, Elsie "good value*" . . . but at l»nptl. I1O.50UP Elizabeth A. Johnson, hospital, Sindik is suffering from Jogan, M Francis J. Johnson, Agnes Jursik, lliis low price they're 11><- iiiwciit tlylei, the finest Tincture at the base of (heskull, Margaret B. Kalopcs, John J. Kat- nmnzlng! Comervative, i|U«lily jackets you've ever *32 UP Window llrnpf fi-iirtured right hip and lacera- , y»»t st, ko, Genevleve Kennedy, Jack H. tports and drape models sci-n . . . arc included in this c Stool with Free wlthrvrryorili-i li, ns of the head. Kve» Order! " •"•" «"""-" err, Eleanor M. Kllroy, Anna M tailnred in the cooleit, amazing sale of fine tport- Klement, John F. Klug, Dorothy J fineit fabrici you can buy! ennts! featuring chevloti, Knlely, Arthur S. Knies, Matthew Tilt, herringbones and CME OPHOLSTERY CO.. INC. M. Kfiox, Helen C. Komlsky, Carnivals NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS twilli. 253 AM, WOHK ... , ^ AJao On poster WRITE or (Qoui'muei jrpp Pfiy/f 1)) < Ave. GerMCineY. K:muves, Ma PHONE for P. A. 4—2035 et H. Komuve*, John F. Korczow- N. J, s insured to cover damages In case OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:0.0 ESTIMATE if incident. This Question ii of •kr, -Michael J. Koscik, Gregory iinportancs, particularly Koumahoulls, Marian C Kovach, the carnival is from out of Marththa B. Kowalczyk, Margpret i lii> Stale and I personally feel M. KoimasKoimas,, Geruld J . KKreger , Ffir- liiit.ii r*imit should^be denledtin- neat J. Kusy, Jchn K(Ku«m(akk . John | •|'ss the owners of the carnival J. labbanci, Eleanor E. Larson, present to the proper' authorities Gladyai M. Laun, Gustav V. Laun- IEL AND FURNACE OIL Llie workmen's compensation pol- hafdt, Worth N. Laurltzen, Wil- icy covering their operations In the liam P. Leahy, Madeline Lebcdn, State of New Jersey." Albert ,J, Leffter, Florence V. Police Commissioner Herbert Leonard, Ferdinand F. Lsyh, HIGHEST QUAUTY FOR EVERY Uttie, Robert J. Lltts, Itnnkin, who introduced the much- phWleHt. U, MAKE OF BURNER discussed ordinance on June 5, dej Harvey J. Livingston, Eleanor Lo- gan, Alexander Lukaos, Rae Lund- •larcd yesterday that, the "ques- g, Bd 1 C LtlLustlgg , ElElnna tionable shows" conducted, by Wte grert, Bernard C. Magyar, Ken- Prompt and .Courteous Service carnivnls are one °f the rrttany Madsen, Qordon rensons he is opposed to the out- neth Magyar. John fits He pointed out that children fieorge Markulln. > Blrtnor A.,Mar8h.nll,jWalloce 0. frequent enmival grounds and drt Mattanapn, John E. MeCnnn, Lll- nrlniHted without Huestlon. Too llanL. McConnell, Louise McCmi- [FMIER OIL * GASOLINE SUPPLY CO.] often .he claims, sponsoring groups sell. Mary A,' McDermott, RKUNSWICK AVE. RAHWAY, N. "put on the pressure," in order 1o McElh,enny, Charles M. McGcttiK- t;et the consent of the governing ""• K"h. 7-1263 —Night Phono R«h. 7-0424-R an, Robert A. Meiiweg, Rtuh 0. 1 in order bodies to run the shows udr tn mnke *.ar».t *•*».', •,,*;.. •, . -* ,* INDEPHNTDENT •i, -4 PAGE 5IX

    ^ //ere On rrWneWay MarM Doufc/e Avert*) NotM Tht aepuhecan Club »Ui b ,4 th* P T A ut DM plane recital at the • a turgical Cuasts were Mr* from tb* Masque i* Hewark Tueeaav night i Oil- Jar.*- ft wait iwwrJy-Ftasr as the guest of Miss Martha Mor- R. but *k» iiv, tht 2'uth ana:- f KV of WawMviaat. 4f> of rht granting *f tRt Schiller dbridc». Piteauway, aad ea the s*ert» ua* Henry Jaqee* Jr., auphea ICuMattk, ate. Charia* C. .Weston, Hrt> Paul I*vin mi Mrs | will entarUin frieada and \ There it so rw*rd of the tfear- by the eJeraatM Itnua rim." it., Usawj 1 lasuay w-* the evening Mrs. |Ao*f*w AltoswL i of the PTA at her home Itillcr. of Gcarae Street, was aam- Ur m ike Memorial MoBi<-inJ^_ G««rf« Mmkjnjr next Thursday afternoon, r -Mjsa Paulme Hombeck, elj «d tr* first winner ef the roiatei- fall Hiiia , but runout My* at* tfi* lfo«rc, ;King«t«a. If. Y, hat returned fc>j at 1 i t lub. Mn. Earl Palmar, aridjeHigh^ in the archive* at te*( < Pwrker htr home after ^enaUng a tU will ehauwtaa of the "Good »U) .„ fc-vu-w m Treaty*. Hawevtr.jsix Adt h. WiUiaa S«nes" ann-unced that the third if krowr, that >• Mr*. party would be held next Munday 9". it »»« t>rdtre4 that Democratic Smith Street night at eight o'clock at fhe borne *r,«hip bt will meet nest at awtra^ brtaie Suaaay of Mrs An id Winquicl u> rtth settler and of Mrs. GMSJM were: kfr. aasj htra. Otnen present Mwtdav night qwfkMt out. OR Jvne 1, i«6i, U Aki Wsaata *fw*re. A- P Kjflan, af Rnetja Park. Mr. were: Mrs; John Gardner, Mies S. was er*. . Jtfa WUltakw tiea af c»«rs will ai Mi ana W lira. Uwari QMalna^g. «T ** Rtajan, Mrs. H. J Baker. Mn. Har. wU) *«Clark Townshia saw Mr. aad Mn. old MciUon, hfw Herbert Aaad, C. K. Van Ur, of town, - Mr*. Bay M««»»i»idaj-, Mrs. Ken, JULIUS Bl A KF tobc.fiM IB tk. amf> -lira. Charie* Waston. 0* Madi- -Mr aaa Mn. M Vvap aad reart a*>. iwth Yuung, Mn WiHiam Berth, tfte data* ate C Tkau daughter and Mr and Mn. Joan at Eliu^tMrB, *•»• am Aveawe, was a Mri E»r! Palmer, Mrs, D. P Qa- J*a Lauhtt llticnk tod cfifldTen, of Aveoel Young. Mri. Thonus TborBpaoii, taa frsBtyertatioB industry eoa Jaaa AtenD. Biafley, Oiae^ flf Uak* Cttjr. Straat, «w»t Sunday with friend, Mrs. R-C, Perter and tha boatam Clawsoa hi Morgan. ^BiajM oaMhird «f i*t rirgaa siumi BMI Wuk« to tip tftar it «H Johnsvm d( Park Dennis, —the Woman's CUih will Ir^d a«a pradHced m America, aeeoreV , il m Mi f«dba«4 If Ibg to Cbemical k MetaUurgital En Main S-t flaii. Java Usely. Joha Indian Ibwi Qap, Pa, at a the third of IU "Good Will tnta" cevarag* ef • (be Urd« Prarrirtofii QwKfM Pike and Joha gtoeenng tht esorta aag*. 'tnd B*rk*l»», utii Dmaiw 1, her of tht Hew Jersey StMe.^h of card parties »t th* home of

    Tht following is the list Oaten CHOPER'S DEJT, STORE luppoacd to he actaal seC , (many of whoa* •eafcMf- live in the Towaship todays Tewashia should have the prtf- #7 Main St. Wooabridge to whom patents were granted in ilegt ef fhoo»ing iU own magis- 1G70, for drrarent aawantt «f te aad aainiaten and norainat- land varying from 16 to Sllaerea: ' its awn military officers, alxt Dinit-I Pearce, Jaafcua Pearee, that K should have liaerty of eon- I'ike, Jobs Pike Jr., Rohett «eieaee In religious worship and. lJtniiu, John Biahop, Seer* that in time of war K should eom- CoafraluUti . SUphca Kent, Haga biae with other towns against the and John South, eaaUMn fee. tke At the time of the graaung of GROWING (the original asaotiatieti of Paa- the charter vesseJU roade at aa- ehor in Woodbridge creek, oppo- 240 acres of apland and 40 acres of (salt) meadow, in aaVtt siu the present location of the CEASER VORNOL1 the regular alktmeot); Jean MtAvklge Lumber company v ; Adams, Ephraiin Andrews, Taom- property. The griat null was ereeiaa by Jonathan Dunham on SUtionerV and Confection* j" Auger or Alger; tha ereek near the first bridge . jhamuel Baker or Bacon; after paailng th« Praabyteriftn WITfi | Bradley, John Biahop Jr., chBrea. Deer, wildcats and waives Maia St fiunn, Mariner, Tbainaa Blaom- field, Th«fflaa ir., were very numerous at the time. The deer were caught far tafe\_ steel spring irap»l but this method || proved so dangerous, by reason of the number of m«n also caught, Congratulation* to tke that it was prohibited by law. LESEX COTOTY Wolves were such a pest that two wolf pita ware constructed and maintained by the Township. ' ">, Aa tloe went on wa sad the first .meeting bouse exacted in 1707 «• land in the vklnity of the present Methodist eSfiwh: The WOOOBRtDGE DELIC/ trrt school teacher was James Pullerton, who received his com- Vast progrctt Ins htm made in is for this reason that the county govern- mission on March 3, 1989. The 102 ^ain Street free school land, consisting of lOO acres, was laid out on December WOODBRIDGE It, 1711 and f«r tnuttee, John the deTdopnent af iABttfi Coqnty in KJnsey, James Ciarkson, Henry Rolph and Samuel Ayres were elected to t«ke charge. recent years - both is a center f or bones ment the industrial and residential popu- Then progress definitely came to Woodbridge in 1751 when the first printing press was established lation of the county as a means of iricreas- Congratwletiw to tic in 1751 by James Parker. lad f or bdDstries - and it is with a great Is, FtTt vvilipM* At M of salisfdclioii that the mmct- 3iii)f ptnbf ut Ammd Mmmd Stft/iw AVKNEL-—Members of Avenel (unity and adding to ratables, is anxious Fire Company, No. 1, Inc.; held •ett ii received of the MtabMunenl of LR. FINN HO. their annual memorial service Sunday morning at the First Pres- to keep before all the public tie excep- bjrUrian eauroh. * .. . . TV lD4eptttkfit4«gt^rk H>e third larg- REUTOR Dr. Roert I. MacBridey pastor of the church, conducted t^ie services tional quab'ties of Middlesex. Main St. preaching an appropriate sermon. Special miulc was sung by the est moddpafity of the county, Wood- ehoir. Frank Hacker, stcraUry of the The furtherance of this campaign Hie company, read * poem entitled e Towwhij). "Uniterm of Blue" ' written by a member of Local No. 37, in Mus- will ffboood to the Benefit of an and the Betl Wishe, To Th4 kogee, Qa>. Be also read the roll of deceaaad members at follows: Exempts: John Zombory, Frank part The Independeiit4^ader b equipped gghlener, John Lucas, John Poloni and Mithid CiegoUira. periewed his been (be in BO small part JlrejnW: Rudolph Hrynak, Wl- Uajn Baker, John Semak, Frank to play is vaft. In welcoming this news- Wranlt. Benjamin Baldwin, Sr., Jbmil Echart, Edward Moran, Ar- to the f«?«^b)« figbt m wticb tbf adrtD- thur Lance, George Swetich. Wil- paper we trust it wU accept ftsfuH share ARTHUR H. DUNHAM tbun Bromberg, Thomu Thomp- soa, Sr., Peter Szvergyan, Edward tages of our territory have been por- Ftfan, Harry J. Baker, Sr., Ernest of the task of influencing our present Real Estate and Insurance Kattler, Charles Stern and Frank Hacker, pr^ triyedtothepnblic. In this activity, the M Flrea aa Bear residents to remain with us and building Somewhere In the United States, a (orest flre breaks out every three minutes, on the average, according newspapers have played a vital part - the prestige of the county in attracting She Comes to LA GRACE'S to department of agriculture fig- ures. Average destruction per lire aniouats to 119 acres, and average To Be Made Monetary loss Is fill. and wil continue to play a vital part It new faces, new factories.

    More Lovely! Met* Giraffes, which are generally re B E C A U SE she |»rded as remarkable because of knows that her ap- pjfir long necks, have a much more pearance determines peculiar characteristic. They are htr success, both so- absolutely silent snimali, never having beao known to utter a sound cially and in busi- FafFafl WM*tx Cowry Addre» Peter t Kroefer, IndwtrUl ti any ttaturt, ness. Nt «oll look -; r- "<„--"" ...unattractive hair (* gOcks Per Capita Of FrwUUifi, Ntw Brunswick J. j7 KlKKi-r \V;ii'e, . .". for her! We Americans spaqt at cenU for M Sli^in[*Liu cjui't chang* your itkks of chawing gum per capita X vl'. 1! li^ir- tfc^it present features, but in WT, according, to an analysis of V'J i Hil< we can help you en- foreign and domestic commerce bu- reau statistics. • Mnli • Tm-K. - \\>1' k HI)* ]y, viait La Grace's qiuTtmenU of all of the states It caaurt be more than I feet wide and Middlesex County, New Jersey regularly! Mnn -TUPS- Wed. Mia f««t '"*

    PHONE WOOD. 8-23B4 FOR AmerlcM Purcaaaiag Pawt* (p It mlnutca tha average Amer- M rwtictofl and di.trilxrtion problem, • tot\kv\ to tke priatttry nafketi, New York wd nliladelphii /, l«in workman can earn enough to buy s dozen egg>. while It requires LAGRACE BEAUTY SHOP M sonutes for an English worker and two hours for a German worker 17 MAIN STREET WOODBIUOGE, N. J. to am tha same amount, accord- ing to i recent study. ChrisUnaen Building TEN: FRIDAY, &JNE 16,

    ' ill, Ut^ij^' Hjnfrri(im and. i uM-itd From a recent l WOODBKIDGE.—Funeral serv- iit'll they ul stand up .itii ti i- Mr> Kfimctti Vnn *iilrt krpt-t»f writ lumluvn guistj on imnie ices fur Mis. Mary M. Ruddy, 62, Five-Month Tax Collections Drop for each o hti. They ha . t' ' uf Mrs William \in$v- Mrs Jusi-yh Haul and diiugh* • Scott>) Stamatis ha»| of Q2 Garden Avenue, this place, Mflurlien • ler (ituna uf St GtH>rge Avenue, who died Sunday at the Hahway teen receiving postcard* i $24,179.43 Under 1938 Figurt Mi and Mrs Howard Masonjweit dinner guents in New Memorial hospital, were held from Chicago lately. ., . John •r Koad, entertained ohj City on Saturday. ,,: F. Burke WOUUBKIDGE. ustos Jr. is planning to walk hos. Wednesday morning at 8:30 o'clock Mn, Masons brother John; —Mrs Arthur Saywell <( fair- at the house and * o'clock at St. of $U,\1HM in Uu fur til*; own the aidk aliurUy. Buhwit J«me»' church, where a solemn fur Iht firm fivtn wonUi o| months uf ma. N*w Vurk City and Arthur Piter- to he rhotne due to illncu fur U* magg or requiem was eel compared with the wm« Thtt percentage uf 13 TdUVa •on of Elimbeth past wetk. the lttjlji levy to date —-Mr* Jewph Dooehe at 11 • lust year is shown in a statement The Wood Bridie Club ^ 5TA« ITM*T Mr. Trainer has eubmitUd Rted «nd Mn Otuur Wilkeraon it tery. y ackson Jr. WH In on championship game has mat Thursday night at the bvme issued by T«* C«lla«Uur Mfrbei port showing the l«vy, amount «ol- town Woods' Uane w«r# elected vM The late Mrs. Ruddy ii survived Monday night »nd at Hrt J.«eph McAndtfws. JTHf AMiOY, N, I J. Trainer this week., lacttd in ganerit) Ux*s up ' ' ««n postponed from Friday pnatlent and corresponding ieo by her husband, Jogeph F. Ruddy, d , of hjB ,d Ovweta were: Mrs. Eugene Bird, YM the period andiiw ¥w St. fternoon to Monday after- ntary Qf the Junior Servtc*' # two daughters, Mn, Donald Dan- end of May and the Sirs. William Finn, Mrs John By o friends. Harry now u depu- loon-—Let'* go to the Eup- iM|ue of Rah way der, of Runway and Mrs. William t l tiU ban of collections as follows: an, Mrs. Frank Srhaufele, alt of V, CogUllo, Mgr. kit, a total of ty secretary of the State 01 ' «rt Stadium in Newark and Howard Fletcher ,f West HiU Slxton ,of town; a son, Joseph F. Wuodbrid|e; Un. Mm Moe«msn, AM't New Hampshire. ... It will Road was fuest speaker at u mwt- Jr., of town; one grand child and Year (4Vy yive the boys our moral sup- of Rahway and Mrs. Han-y Levin Collected Coliec ing of the Forci.s Women's Uemo- three brothers, Frank Bader, of l°" take 70 cubic yarda of ce-port. . . Two uf the busiest of We* Hill Rued. nu |1,«88.O5T.O4 11,007,281.85 ii- rritic Club un Tueutuy night. ..biUtat*" Woodbridge; Anton Bader, of !"""' ment at eight dollars per persona in the. Township —Mrs. Joseph T»yLr hus 1935 l,!IO»,6ST.a8 r Rahway and John Bader of New- W88 ..:.. 1,891,886.14 ..... cubic yard to tunnel un4« these days are Marie Duni- ark. usajt&o.eo 1,O»T,6I187 71.84 the New Jersey Highway 35 gan Desmond and Irene MJMM4I 1,081,109.88 71.H4 for the sewer disposal proj- . The biggest student tht Inieptnint 868,288.68 24)61 ., i,iii,iu.ta lest 0. J. Morgamon and at tht, Woodbridge High i. " '. 1C.-R, Davis constituted the School passed out from the -Mn. Howard Fletcher of West audience at Township meet- bent it the senior picnic Eye Examinations Hill Road will attend a "Dogfie irtg Monday night. Monday *t Uke 1 Orthoptic Tr«atmMt ol Colonla Ntws Ro««t" gtv«jv by the eenertU W- viwn of the U. C. C, at Roaring! the Eyes. The Colenja DsmeCMtic Wo- Wednetday p gy Now that monster plpe« men's New Deal Club will hold its Glum Fitted. I. MANN A SON New Strwt, was g»du have be«n placed in Heard'* Strawberry Festival on the lawn , rfatlenUi »F» hop«fu Ttrmj Arrant *d. of Mrs. Edward Bchuberg, of that it wilj eliminate floods* Optometrists Road, on.Saturd«y after- dv aflwnoon it tht home ooff Mw.1 f Doctor , in the future),., lf«mbern o Dr. Herbert L. Moss Optonttrut no:n with Mr«. EdwanJ flchuberg PhUlp Den Bleyker of Dover Road Medicine ... Tax Commis-Woodbridgfl Fire Company ai general chairman in charge of and was in the form of a covered sioner J. H. Thayer Martin No, 1 are awanginji for their 113 Main St. Phone Wo. 8-2141 WOODBRIDGE arrangements. Mri, Junes Steel dlih luncheon. Mrs., Gjjorgt Hage- of town, was one of the manj annual earnival to be held will have charge of the children's dorn, vice president was In interested spectator* at th HOURS July 13,, 18, 14 and 15. grab bag. Mn. Bchuberg will be charge In the absence of Mm. AT- JJflw York World's Fai Jimmw Wight looks very assist bi uti» fhomai thur Saywelly, , presidenprnt t who »}»[[ Wednesday afternoon comfortable in slacks and D*tty tt to it, t to 9 ind T to 8 Mrs. Edna Woodward and. Mrs,confined to bedd duee to IllnessIllness, AAii M^I V V-nIin open collared shirt* afte Albert Rehberg. The houri aredonation of cot bUnkeU was vot-l M B Bttl W'nhet to tht WtdMul«r 10 to 13 ody from 4 till 8 P, M. ed'thrKlddirke^'well c'ampTf P»nciPa] of Port •Readlni office hours, . .* Andy Des- -Miss Anne Mttoche of Fords Middlesex County. Mrs. Joseph'school, was also at the fai mond walking home with ic has been numed the new W. P, A. Taylor was named chairman jot grounds, escorting over nine cream cones for his "tw I librarian at the Ooionla libra th« club's annual picnic wKtehty youngsters from his schoo Marys." —A number of Cotomta rail Will be held in July at Rye Beach. . The Pennsy Railroad sta SMITH ST. Td. 4-2027 are planning on visiting the NewThe local unit entertained at a kid- tion has entirely duappeur Last Bat Not Ltatt: York World's Fair on Wednesday, dle party at the iipme of Mrs. Ar- ed. Laborers made shori Boys at The flrehouse are June 18, which hat been declared thur Brown ,of St: George Avenuel k f tearjflH u down HOLOHAN BROS. worK or ieurin WI1 teaching their dog mascot, PERTH AMBOY, NEW JERSEY New Jersey Day at the fair by with the Second Ward Won»n'sj K '<- a° - Governor Moore and will be nRepublican Association ai their Cj--- -/ C. "Ohief," how to stamp out w Woodbridfe, N. J. state holiday. gufsU. The next meeting will be on; *__ Ores with hi» paws, . . Last 330 Amboy Avt. Wednesday, September 8. The boys at the Columbiar Sunday's high temperatures We »pecialize in Fireitone Tirea, Motor Repairs, ^-Forty-sx pupil members of the'clubb seated on rockers on found a lot of swimmers tak- Colonia Junter Safety Council the clubhouse lawn . , . ing advantage of the facili- Brake Work and Ewo Motor Fuela. were taken to Trenton on Satur- Grownups pitching pennies ties at Smith's Creek, Sewar- day where they visited; points,or on Main Street after dark en, The water there seems interest and had a al1 when Joe Einhorn ian't look- to be clearing up gradually. Catawalder Park. They were Earmarked For Fashion drugstore cow- ... Every boat was out on the sound and the. creek WBH Oieti wfco fomprtse the teaching practically empty. . . Billy Good Withtt and Congratulation* to tht •taff of Colonia school. and Corner. Airier has a new railing in -The Colonia Parent-Teachws'jThe heavj traffic on Ambojf his office Himjlar to the police Aiioclation will sponsor a trip for avenue (just try and cross department's fencing. 'he Khool children on Wednesday, the street at a corner without Intopenbent- ieabtr June 21, to Fort Hancock* on Sandy a light; we dare you). terson, Jean Walker, Peggy Krau- HdQk. Plans were made/t an ex-The lovely flowers in Miss er, Lorraine Plnkham, Gertrude ecutive meeting held in the school Drake's yard. Hynes, Muriel McAndrews and on Monday night. The trip will be Margaret Den Bleyker, made by bus by the fifth, fourth and sl*th grades. A picnic for theHer* and T for e: Mrs. Adolph Jaeger and son. CHRISTENSFIS DEPT. STORE first Bnd second grades will be Herb Rankin says he feels Henry were the guests of Mrs. held oa June 22 at the Union at aase now, wonder why? Jaeger'g s mothert, Mrs. 1*heod6re Apponzeller of Irvington on Jounty Park to which the children , . . The high school com- Woodbridg e, N. J. Thursday. 97 Main St. will be transported by prlyate mencement should be a col- —Mr. and Mrs. Jjame Currid of If'-The boys willj North Hill Road Were the w«f!k- (japs and gowns, end guests of friends in the Pocopo •iris' outfits will Mountains. / , There are three Charles Scott and the teachers of£ ? —James Mason, June Walker, the school. A donation of J2 was licensed amateur, radio oper- Gladys Den Bleyker and' Peggy GOOD LUCK a » made to each room for the pUr-! tors among the students at Knauer were guests Friday nigrt chase of cot blankets. A letter was the high'school — George at a party in the home of Miss to the read from County Engineer Markulin, George Rhodes Dorothy Langan of Woodbridge. George Merrill saying that steps and James Livingood, . —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McAn- would be taken to remedy the Customers enjoying the drews of West Hill Road were the hazardous condition at the Reeb tics of the new kitten at Ju- guests on Sunday of Col, James A. cornsr on Dover Road. Moss at the Vesper Flag Service llus' —Mrs, Mable Steel of Colonia, sponsored by the United States Boulevard was a guest at a dinner v li'C-jm,. Flag Assomt'011. in Washington, give by the Middlesex Kennel, T9 " t3wmf' , P. C. THOMPSON FLORIST Club fy Kiefer's Mayfair Grill in' . That a promise made in —Mum* Pattison, of Chaln-o- Metuctin on Monday evening. grammar school days was Hills Rond, entertained at a picnic —The Mothers' Club of the Co-kept Monday when Ray- party in Roosevelt Park on Tues- 87 Main St. Woodbridie, N. J, Ionia Bdy Sc,out Troop 61, met Frl- mond Peterson was married, day in celebration of his eleventh lays Peterson "and birthday. DenBleyker "with the president, Mrs. Sydney Pinkham in charfe. Wolney were buddies James Hynes of Berkley Avenue has returned from a week's stay at It was decided to hold ' meetings they vowed that when the New York World's Fair, where throughout the summer Jto better Congratalatipm to the I he served as senior patrol leader serve the troop when necosary. A Avenue. The meeting was devoted : f Raritan Council Scouts. by-law committee, was appointed O to the final plans for the annual j • _Mr. and Mrs. Christian Jung- by the president with Mrs. Ray- straWberfy festival. It was, decided ^lood of McFarland Rqnd. were mond Rhodes as. chairman assisted to discontinue meetings till Sep- Inliepenbent'lealfer I guests on Sundjay of their by Mrs. Hynes and Mrs. George tember. The h'ostesses for the eve- WICKER Muller, and to have prepared, for daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and ning were Mrs. Adolph Jaeger, Mrs. Louis Kafka of Plainfield. the first reading on June' 22. lite Miss Anna Iorio and Mrs. Henry Shpp at president also appointed a opm- ^Mr, and Mrs. Bernard Schwab Lavio, who served during the soo-f Mantrose Avenue, entertained At Usl, a cftol sujraner color that will mlttee to meet with .the regular cial hbur, wheh followed the bus-' troqp committee at the home of ;heir neice, Mrs. Robert Wocdiey ness meeting. anp daughters of Woodbridge tb« >il with the man who hat- always Raymond RTiodes to discuss send-, S.SJ1IFT Ing the 00)? to the Boy Sccwt —Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lavin of Tuesday. West Hill Road, are spendng the —Mr. and Mr* Russell Feakes ! Mftej pure wbita. It's called Wicker, Mid camp this summer. The committee 80 Main St. WoorW|« as named is Mrs. Howard Fletcher, week-end; in Pennsylvania where of Chaln-o-HillS" Road were visit- they are visiting their son Henry. ors at Asbury Park recently.' •'i. It's neither white nor grey nor tan, but 8 Mn, Rhodes, Mrs. Thomas Hynes Prop. Simon Schoenbrom and Mrs. Sidney Pinkham Th« —Mr. and Mrs, G«orge Hage- •-Mrs. Leo- Terzella of Inman dorn of Dover Road, entertained Avenue is convalescing at the NMwth, aiMhot blend of all thr*. It clicks dirk horse prize was won by Mrs, J Den Bleyker. The third and fourth on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rahway Memorial Hospital where ComptW, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ter- she underwent an operation on • wiA sun-taniwd complexions, looks |r^t — swards were made In the stocking club to Miss Charlotte Rhodes andry of Plainfield; William Comp- Thurday, j Htmtiut Ctugrattlalitu and Bitl W ton, of Oak Tree; Misj Helen Cole- —Members of the Cplqnia JJoy ' next to a bright tie, and radiates a W, Mrs. Floyd Manse. The next regu- lar meeting will be held St theman of Rahway and Mr. and Mrs.Soout Troop No. 01 visited Roose- Kenneth Van Bramer of Colonia. velt Park on Friday night and foftc ^ light-hearted spirit th»t will wptwro »hf home of Mrs. Thomas Hynes of Berkley Avenue 'on June 23, —Judge and Mrs. Arthur Brown Frank Vight, John Ruff and' Ralph and daughter, Milllcent, of St.'Schwartz remained overnight to thi lown Wkkir U —Teddy Albee, son of Dr. and jaunty young m4 »', » ' OeorgB Road, spent Saturday at enter the fishing contest on Sat- Mrs. Albee, is spending* his vaca- the World's Fair in New York. urday, - inbtpftibmt-lmbrr tion {torn Duke .University at the one of an army of new Palm Beach fashion —Janet Ellis, Lillian Farr, Susan Centre of Dr. Albee in —Members of the Colonia Qlrl Schmitter, Elaenn Madsen, Lind- .""ftrity" lb*t -will lure »treams Scout Pine Tree Troop visited the Worid's Fair Saturday, under the "ey Kodson and Gustav Loundhurd Colonia Women's New care of Mrs. Daniel Den Bleyker, all Woodbrtdge H. S, aertiors at' LR. PETOLETH wise men to our doors. p Democratic Club met Wed- of North HIU Road, they were: tended class night in the Wcod- neadlay evening at the home Of Gladys Den Bleyker, Jean Walker, brldge High School. TEL MET. 773 Mm. Adolph Jaeger of Columbia Lyda Volk, Alice-M»n», Jane Pat- terson, and Dorothy Ludvlg. The HOLLYWOOD Oak Tree Road Junior troop mat at the hotn« of Frances Anne Lewis of Fairview BABY CURL Palm Beach *15.50 Charm Avenuo and later enjoyed •» swim- PERMANENT WAVE mng part yat the Rahway Pool. Beauty Shoppe —Mrs. Albert Hutzler of Hoff- In Cool, Clever Slacks $4.75 man Boulevard wag a visitor in Good Withes and Congratulations to the Newark on Wednesday. -. to EMILIE •Mr. and Mrs. Hamlton Bil- CROQUINOLE lings of 'North Hill Road enter- (Jive you the PERSONALITY WAVE 1 tained on Sunday their daughter New Feather Curl and wn-In-lnw, Mr. and. Mrs •3-50 L BRIEGS & SONS, Inc. Oil Permanent Thomas F»y «nd> daughter Mary- lyn, of New York City. OTHER WAVES II.95 UP TAILORS - CLOTHIERS - HABERDASHER* M and Mrs. Arthur Saywel Waves $2.60 up of Fairview Avenue, entertained MORRIS MEAT MARKET on Sunday Mr. and Mn. Edward £ach Item 38c 91 Smith St., Perth Amboy, N.J, Rltt of Newark and Mr. and Mrs TEL MET. 6-1344 George Nevlell of, Irvl(Hfto«. MARfilF'S OPEN MONDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS —Frances Anne Lewis of Fair 79 MAIN ST. BEAUTY SHOPPE view Avefiue, entertained mem Oak Tree Road Itdia 477 Rahway Avenue , W0OP1WDGB, N. I. bers of her stamp club on Friday vypQK.Mtn night. Those present were Jane Pa' PWONK WOQD. I-IWI I J A!, Motion Pictures Are Your Best Entertainmen - •— - ~~ AI I ML KtCiENT THEATRE At The Riti A I I IU NAHWA1 ItW A AT THt Kll/ IHLATRE I A | g's entertain merit awaits yejMMfe^M.- lire "inI 'PO»•"-M» o—f "ttTashingt.^- rT Square,' which m?ke5 its melodi-1 ,us way into the Riti Theatre. Tyrone Power and Alice Faye he romantic stars of Irving Ber- lin s "Alexanders Ratlin* Band ,,c co-starred with Al Jolsrn. •inging again in his inimitable his memory-laden song hits •f yesterday. The story of a woman who lov- ,i tier man and kept on I wing im although he tricked her and vt her and brought heart-break ()'.n them both is thrillingly told ir !hu milestone* of melody of the ,i two decades. Mystery g e* merry when the •til/.' Brother*.• as three' half-wit HjuKsliaws, gel on the trail »I .(.nwthmg Ug »>• an elephant and m tifnp.- a- nasty in "The Gonl- ,j. the 20th Century-Fox fun-and Tright film opening at the Ritz Side of Heaven Theatre. ' Of course, a.Hitz is afraid ufj nothing-bu1, this is something— [ RUFFLED Lunch Basket St olen; o( Washington Square H'l Safe Deposit J IIOGRAFHY GYPSY SKIRT BELLEVUEUE, OH! for SO ytan S^ii i *i'l>> f Georgt Murphy smith, carried s lur. w rank as the nation's A LINE ON Th«y let a pick-and-shov*l mat shop two doori U,.r station. He wti a U filth industry. They afe estimated down into a Pennsylvania coal mini HOLLYWOOD police. 1,1*. f,MiH(,K ItRKNT to have J4.000,000.000 inverted in and when a cable broke btlow, the) But it wss not u!. properties, a yearly payroll of hauled up an actor. 111 MI'HHKV WHiAKT ed the theft of the c $400,000,000 and annual operating Bobtrt Taylor bug Michael Murphy's boy, George, informed police that A » s»\\» BROS. co*U ai 1750,000.000. front all ild«t on k>U ment mar- vh* had grtdusUd from Yali, eami riage to Barbara Stanwyck... ITU- tain lunch but a sa!< —Plu»— up in the bucket, after they dug hirr. (tea Powtll awl Mjrrna Loy getting hii account bocks Hufh H.rb.rt - Americaa (toll ID France out from beneath a fortune of black toftther to go over ti» script on $300 in eash. American soil froqi Bunker HUl diamond!. He ip«nt six weeks in thi 'The FAMILY NEXT DOOR' dwir nttt Thin Mu piettm , . . Police were IK! : was sent to cover the noffln of Gen- hospital and was through with TODAY »d SAT At the Movies Jott Crawford »pp»*ring on "TSM lunch basket w»i t,.k eral Lafayette, and the United mining. "Blond.. M«*U til* BMI" Wornm" Mt with tiit ihort halr-ent ciai hiding plsce i,f: States flag surmounts his grave in George hid $7 and a lot of aches —PJ».— In short, the neroinc of "Jeze- I(M wears In th« film ... J«dy Oar- anvil. At Tbo Rahwajr the Picpus cemetery at Ftrlt.; and pains. The workmen's compen- bel" and "The Sisters" is once Uwd sUrtlng raeordingi for b«r EDW. G. ROBINSON M sation act was s dream in th* minds j Among the more intriguini g tin- p-to-the-year-ar>d-min- in pletnra, In, Arms".., "Confeniom of A Nan Spy" more an U of the visionaries. So Gtorgi got a Gulped S White Mice, ema metam.rphoscs off the past uW Kirl. In "Dark Victory" her Uickey Rooney getting a bra*d MW Rtqueit Sal. Nit* song r»*dy for t)w puWUhtrs . . . job ai a runner in Wall Street. At Now Swallows Ren year .is the current modernization Mest Warner Brcs. picture, which a boy at New Haven he had prac- Don Am*ch* Slm» ens at lhe AU the etadio ntwlywtdi kowmd CHAMPAIGN, ILL : °P Rohway Theatre, the tised running with T*d Meredith, Robtrt Ysy>f it the premier* laowing of "O«od- tion of Pi Kappa !: M£ ^ year, of being \ ~ * the sCreen as a 1939-mod- the great middle-distinct champion, "JOSETTE" cl nelreM bye Mr. Chip." . . . Freddie Bar- brothers had for J : ; hidden away barricades of corset - but his skill got George no money U Or tholomew tt*ruu» . collection of when he gulped live ! , UicoaU and btrrifftdgt of. COTMI, 1-Ke11y, the fashion designe ntitnm, W» fttii itoai twiaf t Wall Street. : turned as soar u UJT . I stays, Miss Davis' figure is being | *h° handTe3~tKe exfcrW decofa tankard more than 200 years old He. met Juliette Johnson, a ekver into which he dunked ' > tion detai of lne emancipated %y the comparatively! 's modernization , . . LaJunU, Colorado, pawing a dancer, and the person who «n-{ University of Himn.. revealing freedom of ijiodernj equipped Miss Davii wth some bill to name on* of tneir itr«fts couraged him to try his own winged i suspended all the 1: - feet. They were 'married in 1927 gongownss. Her personalitpyy is also be- jfRhteen gorgeous outfits. Thej after Eleanor Powell . . , Johnny cial privilegei for the STATE THEATRE run ll%the mivUstyle gamurn t from informs Weiaamuller naming Clark Gable, and presently were teamed in th<| ing freed from thh e conventioti n -imi-' "'" " " student disciplinary WOODBRIDCE, N. J. sports costumes •: formal evenin Cary Grant and Bill Henry u the better Broadway night spots, tht! asked the house pr> posed shackles of Civil War andi gowns. There's also a litVJe item best swimmer* in tae film colony Montmsrtrc, the Lido, Centril Park Phon. Wbdf*. 8.1ZI2 Gay Nineties periods. ^ sign and reprimand? i i I of a $25,000 sable coat which goe . A Wallace Beery off on a fishing Casino, the Club Richmond, the! University Preside: A with one of the more elabcrati trip to Grant Lake in the High Mayfsir in London, the Opera Club termed the stunt i, : TONIGHT «nd TOMORROW Sierras ... Hedy Lanarr adding t : PRODUCTION NEWS ensembles. in Paris and elsewhere. revolting." Casey Robinson, who wrote th brisk hike through the trails of Now George Murphy it under con- Melvyn Douglu hat been as- Benedict Canyon, to htr already "St. Louii Blue." screen play version of the New tract to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Ha signed to the leading male role in crowded daily roatin* . . . Frank Fi.h Nibble*, Light York stage production by Georg first danced and tang in "Jealousy," — Al,o — Metro • Ooldwyn - Mayer's "Niaot- Morgan the victim of a gag by some- Brewer, Jr., and Bertram Bloch •ill Lov* You Alwayt,""After th« Flashes, and—Bi schka" starring Greta Garbo. The one -who hitched a goat to tin an- Dane*," "Public Menace," "Women I ! contributed bright, modern dia WASHINGTON -r "Dramatic School" picture, under the direction of Ernst tique hitching poit in front of his Trsp" and "Top of the Town." j loguc and up-to-date situations fu I now must reel in ••• Lubitsch, will start production soon hoMt ... Aw stetharford bwy In 1928, Murphy appeared on the beautiful but ill-fated youn ' sundown may prnft* at the Culver City Studios, and tfttteflnt' tofttJiif «H all-cottoo Broadway in the juvenile lead of Sun. - Mon. - Tii*«. heiress. Art Director Robert Ha 0 ove0 r Virginia Orey'i two- ; from'a patent issued marks the second appearance »f wardrobe for the summer months, "Good News." Without interruption 'I* '",. ;"u:li of non-cruihtble Douglas as leading mu to Miss built her an expensive, but tasteful including acettaoriea u wdl as linen, in i(l blue and duitjr ION I Goertietr of Ntwu. :•. Jon» 10 . 19 ••*•«> he followed succeaitvely in "Hold fine" h vivid Gsrbo. Others added to the cast are modern home and put the today dresses . . . Bobs Watson telling 1 the sui;t combincombl e outdoor praetlca> '. Ooeruta has pc:!i. Everything" "Shoot the Work*," bllll"" y•" wit" h tuitablllty (or hous* wear fishing bobber with a The Story of Ina Claire, Sig Rumann, Felix touclt to her surroundings. The everyone that he is an ardent rooUr "Here Goes the Bride," "Of The* wlih the donning of the skirt. Either Bretsart and Gregory Gay ... Ad- knee-lencth or. floor-l«nfth sklrta operated entirely '•:• •• rest, Miss Davis attendd to. for th* Hollywood Baseball Club, I Sing," "Roberta," and recently, in ditions to the casts of "These may pe worn over the suit. r-~ switch on'the hVh: ^ Vernon and Irene Cattle of which Robert Taylor li part Henry Dutfy't production of "Any- Glamour Girls" and "Miracles For At The Regent owner ... Virginia Grey wearing a to the hc^k end ' thing Goes," in Los Angeles. Ssle," two new production* at the when, the fish hites ^ Headed by Bing Crosby and brand new off-the-f«« coiffure de- Murphy was born in New Havtn, and it's all set to scare you silly— M-G-M studios, are as follows. Tom signed for her by Sydney Guilaroff light. That'» the y.f ' • rrtll Jo;in Bl^ndell, one of the most July i, the wn of the famous| jt Uiughter! ... Cecilia Parker proving her skill w n In: i Brown, Ann Rutherford, Mary Beth capable casts ever found in a sin- Michael Charles Murphy, Olympic at gardening by bringing armfttlt Hughes and Richard Carlson joined gle ptature wss- Hssembl«d for coach and one time coach at, th« •f fragrant home-grown blossoms flcntj of Boem the former production, snd Gloria Universal's "East Side of Heavn University of Pennsylvania. Tht to the itudio ... Greta Garbo and Appraxiwately one-third of the , Golden, Astrid Allwyn and Cliff which opens at the Regent Theatt; ioy was raised in tht atmosphere of Adrian deep in diesnssioM over the world's 9.BOO.000 miles nf paved I Clark, the latter. Bang and Joan and co-starred i ithletics and rigid training. Ht was gowns she will wwr in her new highwavs are located In the United I i this film which features hit song first-rate mart on tht track at film, "Nlnotehka" . -.. Ilona Maasey State). . ! "Thoy All Come Out," a produc- romanc and comedy aganst and Nelson Eddy busy rehearsing llege and was ranked high at * , tion being filmed at the Culver City. strcng human background. An torig* for their first co-starring football, baseball and basketball Studios with the cooperation of the'thy are surrounded by a. galaxy a player. First Dag Licenses 1 ftM .. Jeaaette MacDonald writ- Federal Bureau of Prisons and the pjjyers who already are knockini Ing friend! that (he will return to He studied for engineering, al- According to Dog World, the first Mi. taw*! Federal Bureau of IflVeStlJatloa, "••' at.yolly.won/Ts carefully guardefl Hollywood, June 1 ... Greer Gar- .hough h(s ambition was to becomi record of a dog license was during 'PlriiMftoflvtryEniii starring; Rita Johnson and Tom portals leading te stardom. Florence Rice wcarn a stunrlnily son captivating all who meet her a great . It was in his capa- the reign of Henry1 lit in England) Neal, hits gone before the cameras. •lenderiilng white silk Jeriey dlnne? city as, a student, actually, that h* when all persons owning mastiffs Edward Small's new romantic gown In thin portrait The hleh with her quiet charm. CARLOS KAUAl| John C. Higgins wrote the story, film drama, "King of the Turf" bodice It Intricately draped «nd »»tn* went to wor]c in the Pennsylvanit were required to take out !icemes. and Jacques Tourneur is directing. cr«d wide over the shoulder*, while which stars Adolphc Menjou in the straight full iklrt (kill in loft coal mine and literally started st Jack Chertok is producer. graceful foldi. . v •ne of his most important roles to 1 ^-Classified Ads. Bring Results— [he bottom. The accident changed HMIMM liiiid—wllk i- Etui date als?/ introduces a young new- the course of his career. • Farm Lands Long term contracts have been LEIA Murphy .received in exctlltnt Texai has the largest .amount of signed with the Metro-Goldwyh- comer, Hoger Dahlet, whose groat M«.HM education at N'ewtoni in Philadel- land devoted to farming of any stale Mayer studios and Fay Holden, who performance indicates that a new IT'S TRUE! By Wiley Padan phia then entered Pawling and in the country—IM.707.130 acres—al- plays the mother in the, Hardy star has been born, * • VO( Peddie Institute and from there most four times the acreage of its Family Series, Leslie Fenton, who "King of the Ttfrf" is a story went to Yale. He has traveled ex- nearest.rival, Nebraska. Thcf Dis- will direct "It Can't {Happen Here," teerhing with action and move- WAIM f>ID6E0N^, tensively through England, Iceland, trict of (folumbia, the »m»ljesl sec- and Ruth Hussey, who will play the ment a^d m\:f. Its background is Italy, France and the United States. tion, Har 3.071 acres devoted to agri- CLINTON AVL, NEW*' romantic ]e«d ppposite Edward G, the exciting world of racing fans When he came to Hollywood.last culture: I * • ' BI 2 9521 Robinson in his new" starring pic- and gambling tables. year, Wurphy agreed to appear in ture ... Metfo-GoMwyn-Mayer has' a screen test with a girl who aspires? ' acquired rrjotion picture rights,to |'»iuf Oflf VUlascr to (.career. At-that time, ht did not "Looking After Sandy," the novel rhomas Painp, revolutionary writ- consider any inch plan for himself. by Margaret Turnbull published er, once lived in Greenwich Village, both here snd'in England, in 1914. Hew York. Samuel- Goldwyn taw tht test and immediately signed Murphy, but did not atcept the girl.' Recently, Murphy joined with MUSICAL RESEARCH IS A Frank Shields, the tennit ice, aid Don't wait until the Courtland Hill, Jock Whitnci's HEADACHE FOR THE EXPERTS protege in Hollywood, to form tht Music, whote authorship ha* been «;uma," the Marine Corps anthem, U first water ski club in tht world, at last minute to pre- lost !n the procew of patting down publio propertjr In this country. But Lake Arrowhead. They ridt on ordi- the years, create* many a headache because the music was taken from nary s|cii behind careening speed FORDS for Hollywood's musical research an obscure operetta by Offenbach, boats,and have challenged the wogld experts. A search of weeks was con- it* copyright remains actively in THE EYFSAIL Of of aquatic sportsmen to organize s pare your cair for ducted by George Schneider, mu- force in France and other countries L€E BOWMAN team for competition, PLAYHOUSE sical research expert at Metro- under the International Copyright M urphy weighs 175 pounds, is five Conference. "The Star Spangled -i. NMV JKKKKT Goldwyn-Maycr, in an effort to feet, 1114 inches iq height, and locate authors and ''dear" an old Banner" is an air hundreds of years •ANN keeps himself in exctlltnt physical that vacation trip SUN., MON., TUES. Western ballad called "Littls Joe old which originated as tht Ana- condition constantly. He has brown .lunr 18, 19, 20 creontic Ode, or son*; of a London TODD •. hair, blue eyes and a ready smile the Wrangler," which Robert W,tt tOM IN $1 Young and a group of cowboys sing club called the Son* of Anacreon, in that goes peculiarly well with his 2 BIG FEATURES—2 to guitar and harmonica accom- 1600. The composer in this case it <.H[ K A FIFTH— T>' name, He has also, two remarkably "Midnight" paniment in "Maisie." The song, not represented by descendants ts gopd fists that fought rigorous nearly as can be ascertained, hence with CUudettc Colbert and mtftg on (he ranges for years, hat ABRAHAM UNOON/^j: ;|' rounds with Lee Ramage, the faciflc innumerable version*, dosens of It is presumed that It* copyright in Coast heavywright contender, in Don Ameche , Europe has lapsed. ! «. 11 stanxaa originated By as many sing- training bouts. Bring your car in to AUo en, bat the actual origin of tht Ont of th* most elaborate searches Murphy and his wife frequently in connection with a musical prop- "Code of the Street*" . song bat nertr been traced. It was VIRGINIA- take dancen' holidays to dance at irty occurred when Metro-Goldwyn- used a* being in "public domain.—1_ „" social affairs and they both swim, Wed. and Thtiri., June 21, 22 Mayer amplified records of the play tennis »nd golf. He is a mem- for a complete tune-ui Similarly several other old rung* ballads, originally created '-y cow- voice of Enrico Caruso in opera ber of the New York Athletic Club,- "The Hound of the boys in the West, w«» >^ed in part sequence* In "Escapade" with Wil- Ht KM NfVEf, the Lambs, West Side Tennis Club liam Powell and Lnise Rainer. PittCTtD A SCENE Baskerville.s" in tht picture, and Dr. William Axt WITH (TOft....'JUST A- in Hollywood, Laheride Gplf Club, The widow and child of the tenor sdapteid a number to tht orchestral WHIN A DIB.EL'IC* NCHlOEp Hf^ ; H£ SAYS' the Cloister Club and other*. and play safe With were located in San Diego and gave Ht collects etamps, maps and store. SIGNED «LR lO A FILM COflTW Richard GT««na, BetillUlh. consent for the recording of the I Old Army sofin, madt up by hats. He once patented s liniment vtice. The operatic copyrights for Mi« mia m A HA»D WfE^TDHf to relieve "charley-horsts" and told bone, Wendy Barrl* , soldiers' in barrad/s, alto present C* MOM r*lAN 3 if^AerowA^owW:>ndiBn^writ1ng«PJay. ed with his joining the Italian array "CUrk Gable .lapped Norma Shearer in 'A Free Soul' and was His most recent screen appeir- Fri. «nd Sat., Jen* 33, U < The music is the principal prob- THE CLAIRE GARAG lem, according to Schneider, because during the World War. He waf catapulted to stardom. Walter Pidgeon is wondenngjwhat t gomg ances bive been in "Broadway neVer located, so after all effort* Melody ofi 1938," "London by ''groadw.y Seremajle" it frequently is an old Earbpean to happen to him. For 'Stronger Than Desire he had to minutfr ttfh>, which remains copyrighted in had been expended it was presumed Night," "Tht Women Men Marry" 493 Rahwav Av*. WoocH'fl* with Je«m>lte MaeDeB*U "•ound spanking to Rita Johnwn, one of the rtudio'. newct many countries as lotig as any de- that he died, and the recordings "You're si Sweetheart" and "Letter Al*o scendants of the coittponer are alive. were made with the consent of the glamour l" ' of Introduction," - , "Pride of For' instance, .."Halli of Monte- relMivc* available. ;DENT—LEADER FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1939 PAGE N this objective we must rely largely on the suggestions and criticisms of those we Upenrjent-Iearjer serve, and while we will strive earnestly SWEETNESS AND LIGHT to do our part we do not feel we are asking By CHARLES E. GREGORY COMBINING lltMttt) too much in_jurging the co-operation of all Have A New Neighbor ; .the publier- Fate, that old prankster, must have had his tongue in - rll,lrr-J«Ufll«l l,lishvd Every rriday by We want everrmriirtod-m important is cheek when he threw ex-Governor Hoffman and'me RIDGE PU|U3HIN6Ca fparT in the conduct of The Independent- on this page, as neighbors. Woodbridge, N. J. Leader, because after all it « everyone's I don't suppose anyone remembers it now, but Mr. ' ||(1)hon Wo»4brirft. 1-1710 newspaper. Thwe are rib •pedal interests loffman and I have never been mistaken for Damon tnd $2.00 P*r Ytr to be served, no selfish domination to be 'ylhiaH. I have had some critftsl thing* to say about him,, r,Tr-LI KBLLY, oth as a candidate and a Governor. That, I understand, Accepted, no censorship exerted for one I,til or and Publisher & explained by the fact that I was never exposed to his |.;. (JKKGORY ...Managing Editor group as against another. Any responsible personal charm for a sufficient length of time. Maybe that ,, „, M-coiid-(ila«) matter March 13, pemoi, within the bounds of decency and ,„, I'onliiffice at Woodbridge, N, J., a so, and maybe it isn't—but now that we're neighbors outside the bounds of libel, can have a me- A,t ,,f March 8, 1879. '11 try to be as tolerant as I would be of the fellow next diurn of full expression in The Independ- do,or who might borrow my new lawn-mower and push it ent-Leader, pver gravel. I will suffer my sorrow in silence. In matters in which we may be called That is, I will until Mr. Hoffman makes me look too upon to exercise editorial judgment, our Dad, If he turns out a whale of a column issue after issue . approach will always bo sincere and cour- and mine, even In the eyes of my best •friends, is lousy, X- ageous. If we err we are willing to be held may have to pick on him a little. If that time comes, I Hoot Them U Victory! accountable. We want only to bfi of service hope he will underetand^-beuuse he has another job and llUh hope there is enough civic tg the Township and to its people. With 1 haven't, Besides, he might be Governor again at $20,000 I,, nl Woodbridge Township to in- the assistance of all we cannot fail. and I have no »ueh prospeets.' I don't know ex«etly wh*t ,„, tentative rooting section at the this column-writing means to him in dollars and cents, and .|;illii,m in Newark Monday when Worninf; Politia Ahead! whatever it in I don't begrudge him it; all I hope is that he ,! ' i h school baseball nine makes doesn't make it,so domned good that he asks for a raise; tl K The strategists are now laying their "i l | the State Championship, because I'll be apt to get caught coming and going; ll( l)r plans for the presidential campaign of 1940 inr i,, probably the most crucial and practically every public act and dec- Hete't A Proportion; , ,'|M,jr iichoolboy careers ami on a laration takes on a political implication. I might even go so far as to make a proposition to him. .hainond, the sound of a familiar If he won't bear down so hard so that I'll fade by compari- About a year from now, the air will be son, I won't run for Governor or try to be chairman of th§ ,l,,. appearance of a familiar face filled with alarms as members of our domi- Unemployment Compensation Commission.-This might not . |M rfie difference between success nant political parties denounce each other. look like a very good bargain to him, but you can never tell :,iirto these flue boys, We hope The country will be doomed "unless," etc. Other Editors Say what I might be able to do with a few funny stories and wilj be near at hand to and etc. interest and their pride, an Irish dialect. Many a politician has been born with It is jutit as well to warn people a full 'It Costi Too Much' Of All Things- nothing to his name but a good tale about Pat and Mike, time, too, we want to extend to year ahead Chat every presidential cam- Hardly a day goes by without The only one I know, you've probably heard; and be- k I'risco our sincere appreciation our seeing something we want to By Harold G. Hoffman paign develops the same symptoms of the sides, Mr. Hoffman has used it several times himself and painstaking: and pa- purchase—bu( don't, because "it ^^"^s^sf^s^s^^s^s^^s^s^^s^tf^s^^^s^s^^s^s^^s^s^^s^s^ utter collapse of civilization. It is refresh- costs too much." 1 tfue.sM has priority. There are others, though, and while which he has worked with TRENTON—This, they tell us, is an uniomuirtic world. They say I would much rather stick to my typewriter if it's all |r, ,„„,•!• in ing, however, to observe that, following It may be a suit of clothes or a we live by piecing buttons, that wo rick" helplessly in our seats in the and tf) them for their loyalty cloctionH, regardless of whether Democrats household convenience. It mayroutine and that nobody does anything of any interest to anyone else— with my neighbor, he mi^ht force me to go dig them up h,,il whosecolorsthey.wear, Hoth or Republicans win, the nation seems to live be somwthinp special for dinner. unless it be in the movies. and run for something. Whatever it is, the belief that "it l(, and his team hare brought and progress. People who think the world is in a rut plod their way with preju- costs too much" blocks the pur-dice shutting out everything but what ia straight ithead, liktua florae Another Concwion! tiiuiion to Woodbridge TownHhip. chase. And we customarily blame in blinders. The romanticists who accuse us of monotony are them- I'm willing, furthermore, to concede him that half- licarls iind our thoughts will be the merchant. selves the most monotonous of people. Even their column cut of himself. 1 confess this really Isn't genuine ,.,„ today us they battle for high World War Not Fa tilt The merchant may be at fault in repining over lost romance ia monotonous. some cases, but not in the majority. charity on my part. I've only seen pictures of two column- " Thh- richly deiefv* lo win it Mr. Witiiair. C. Bnlrttt,- United States He sells as cheaply as he possibly There is romance and dat'inf, eouwfje »i«l Ists, that I tan remember—Mr. Hoffman and Walter Wir* """ Ambassador to France, speaking recently can, knowing better than you do determination, in the most commonplace occupa- chell. Both wear snap-brim hats as they appear befow at the dedication of the American Legion that high prices do more than any- tions. Life gives no one any more than he brings their public in print. lam fresh out of "snap-brim hats, Money Isn't Everything Monument in Neuilly Cemetery, differed thing elite to build up sales resist- to it—but it him all of that. ance. Believe it or not, legisla- having only tho one with the hole in the front and the Bwell- with "shallow critics who are saying that Take the truck driver for example. He drives iv n| the firo companies, we learn, tion in many instances, is more di- a motor truck—a lumbering, comnionplace, and est topper you ever laid your eyes on, Neither would do, the World War was Useless." rectly responsible for high prices IN,mi; to voice strenuous opposition coarsely-material vehicle, to the eye of the ro-1 fear. Mr. Uullitt, we beljeve, made a telling than the people who make., handle, manticist. .nliiuime offered by.CommiUeeman and sell commodities. It isn't because of any innate modesty that I give up, Yet he lives a life far more masculine and colorful than the book- which would have the practical ef- point when he said that if the result of the A large number of states, for w,orm who pores over old tales of Ulysses or the Spanish Main. the illustration" of my physiogomy, either. I'm kind of . liJnj; the Township door* totruv- World War had been different, the world example, haw passed so-called fair * << ¥ * vain in my way, but I'll sacrifice my vanity to Mr, Hoffman's ,,1'iiivHls. The proposal is to be given would be in a far worse condition today. Jrade laws. These laws vary In detail, but all are about the same Captain of His Craft position as a former Chief Executive of New Jersey and hciU'injr next Monday before it is The World War may not have made the Once he pulls'away from Ms loading point the truck driver is as 1 in principle. They effectively block grant to him certain privileges which I cannot claim. Thte ''••I I HI a final vote. world safe for democracy and it certainly honest competition by preventing much the captain of his.cnift. and his fate as win Jason when he netwill be one of them, • ' 4 merchants from selling certain »r- sail for the Golden Fleece or Columbus when he sailed from P»los ,n-i' well aware of tho fact that the did not end all wars,'but undoubtedly jt I feel impelled, however, to give him a little friendly .huh object tf> 'the restriction prevented Germany and her allies from im- tides below a specified minimum westward^ toward unknown dangers. On his brain, his eyes, and his AS a result, they place a promluro hands there depend not only his life and cargo, but the lives and cargoes advice at thia point. When I waa first scratching; around i•'• ('{innidcrably affected financially posing severe peace terms and German on waste and inefficiency. The in thousands of other cars and trucks he meets on the highway. in the newspaper business and had reached the point We wonder, however, whether they domination upon the world. high-cost dealer is allowed to be The truck driver is usually a careful man, and a practical man, where I thought I was. worth more money than I was get- the arbiter of price and value. And the trnie at which he must arrive at his i. •i tliey plan and wage their stand the peace negotiations between Russia and cut the price, even though it wants a prompt and sizeable increase.' He listened very patiently thje wawaysidey . Germany, when the former power col- to and could do H> and still make a to my story and said he would, take it up under the head I satisfactory profit. < Being a practical man, he knows that he must bring his mechanical impahies hold an important lapsed, during the (freat struggle, will find ship and cargo to its port intact as well as on time—Smj the perils of new business at the earliest,possible time. •i l he community lift1 of the town. some inkling of the terms'that Germany Various local surveys concern- l il. ing thf t'coniiinic effects o,f these of thei rpad are many, But tiny after tho h« fiudii hi* way through uJI Instead of A Raise hf'lii in hiifh regard by the peo-would" have imposed upon the defeated na- laws have been made. And inhis obstacles in safety. He must be pilot, mechanic, diplomat and laborer, all in A few days later; 1 got an assignment which was con- \i<\ >i;nid ready to protect arid CIT- tions ft) the west. We suspect that a Ger- every instance, the surveys have He has no qiiBi^teidtck from which ho can shout orders to an obe- shown that they rai^e the cost of siderably better than was my custom and I turned to with , v deserve well of the public. W< man victory would have developed a world- dient crew; whatovcv must be done he must do himself. living, arid reduce sules. The aver- great'industry to wrap up a good yarn. It appeared in ''• the high calibre of their service, wide regimentation along lines that might I • * • age family .spends about all it re- Whether he be grinding along- slowly in u double lane of traffic the paper with a by-line. I was so proud that I forgot |l not like such entertainment papers and economists, indicate that the that his loads are the solvent of commerce—goods going to market to fore the ball towers of St. Mary't with the New York Yankees of the PROMPT ACTION ;iway, 1H sound. The patrons in- be paid for so that pay envelopesKt both ends of the line (including his at Maurer yesterday by a 3 to 2 revenue promised to the State by the pro- American Baseball League—all of Mayor William A. Ryan criti- own) may be filled. count in a bitterly fought diamond 'lildren who are not capable of e regular scheduled games that cised the improvement committee ponents of the proposal are extravagant He knows that the wares riding behind him are just as much In clash. Wnkovets pitched in top- >*•' vhat they should or should not do, ofcas played during the past of the Township .Committee Mon- and highly improbable. It has been the notch form and held the St. Mary's thirteen years and a little more— hi« care as is the cargo of a transoceanic liner, with a brass-bound cap- day afternoon at the meeting of y should see or what they should batters to seven well-scattered experience in other States that the prom- Lou Gehrig decided that the time ;ain in the charthouse, the latter body for failure to get We can well imagine them reason* hits. ises of filling the treasury by the introduc- had come to call a halt. Since he A Man on HU Own prompt results in adjuatng a dif- if the firemen approve it, they became a- regular with the Yan- ference between certain residents I He knows, too, that he has his responsibility, to all other vehicles tion! of pari-mutual betting on the races kees in 1926 Gehrig has been in of the Fords section and the Mid- Five Years AfO Me a care.. who travel the highway he travels—that, no matter how gTeat the need have fallen far short of being filled; that uniform and played in all or part dlesex Water Company. It ap-VOTERS REFUSE PLEA 1 Relieve those who are going to for haste, he must give, as well as take, his share of the road. FOR FILLING STATION the permission to gamble has wrecked dis- of every championship game the pears that the Fords residents; in '• Raiikm's plan to keep this sort club has engaged in to establish a He is a man on his own and he has to be a good man to hold hit question laid their own water pipes The Board of Adjustment will job. It is his wits against time and circumstance and fortune, both astrous results on farmers, tradespeople consecutive game record which ex- some time ago in order to obtain report unfavorably to the Town- 'K "lit of town,,.should carefully re- ship Committee on the long-stand- 1S( and family life; that the betting machines ceeded the previous one of Everett good and bad. • water. Subsequently when th^de- *" ' angles. The Woodbridge Fire Scott's by 823 games, at the same Ev'ety turn of the rpiring wheels is an adventure. mand for water increased, the wa- ing attempt to secure permission have attracted an unwholesome clientele for • filling station on the Did J"y promotes its own carnival, oper- time setting an example of good Romance isn't dead, It has just begun to live. ter company used these private- Barcellona property at St. George leaving crime and criminals in their wake. clean sportsmanship which has eeli owned pipes to supply water to own members and offering to adju* their differences. His f collective.bargaining, but from and Aniboy Avenues. Thom,aa consumers but has continued to it fun' for all—and it is well New Jersey's history with racetrack dom been excelled. ' elogrspbed appeal niay be taken a« Mr, Lewis's demand for either a Moran and Williim O'Neill voted It was significant that when Geh- closed shop or a revocation of charge owners oi the pipe at the psii-il. We believe the other c'oin- gambling is much^the eame story. It was i prelude to positive action if Hie against the petition of Jay Ve-' rig came to the end of his string two sides, do not come to terms penal ties,, iqr strikes called in vio-regular rate without making any 111 rebate for the «iae of their pinei,' r Grove Avenue, at a meet. their own section*, cffUld dupli- because of the sordid association between he made the decision himself. He soon.. This is implied from the lation of a contract. The demand ing: of Che board Wednesday over'"« f ^pq of the Woodbridge unit. the gambling interests and politicians that had hoped to continue his record President's closing statement: has nothing to do \Wth protection ' * * I hlcti Ignatz Lustgarten presided. through the current season, but of the^workers, Its real aim is t*HOOVER PLANS WORKS * • » '. horse betting was prohibited. While there "Time is now important and agree- 'submerged his own Anbitions in ment must'be reached promptly." prevent the Progressive, Mine AT LUMBER CO. 268TH BIRTHDAY TO Thanks A Million! is ho direct indication that this situation the interest of the club—a char- Stoppage' of work in the Appa- Workera of America, affiliate of Practical evidence of one ofBE OBSERVED HERE • acteristic that has marked most A. F. of L. fronj further invasion Herbert Hoover's standardization l(1M will be repeated if the referendum on June lachian area since April 1 ha* al- Woodbridge Township celebrates P'»nse which greeted the first great athletes—when failure to ready caused widespread distress, of territory that Mr. Lewis claims pplicies when secretary of com- its 28&th birthday Thursday, f d I w 20 ts adopted, we can see no real reason in H'k of The Independent-Lea,der strike his usual stride this season .slowing up Industry in many lines *s exclusively his own,. He wants merce will soon be in local build" comntemonte. the occasion; the II its favor unless either the 3t»te or its people caused him to step off the bate he and causing thousands' of workers to keep the mine Workers under a ing circles according to an an-merchants of the municipality- will ''xreedingly gratifying,, offering had guarded so capably these many domination of his CIO union—a |in are to have some measure of benefit. outside of mining to he laid off. nouncement of the Woodbridge conduct special Mies, » monster "'f that the merger of the two yean. Lou Qehrig's stature as a The climax' dime with John L. position that cannot be lijuared Lumber Company thst they are torch-light parade will be held in earryirtg the trade, prid gra/le- I'M" ThUs far we have found no such assur- great athlet* and good Bport wil' Lewis's order, effective today, td with the principles of the Wagrier the evening, and a block dance wiU will fill in th£ community the marked American Standard "Tree- be enhanced by this decision.-*- shut down also all mines outside Act. culminate the celebration. duvinghegotiatiomi. ance

    Banff >p)ingv dull I.rgeud HI.U-MI,; Divclupment lid ii lis-'.-.-l ploul a t>ad-tem | Pr.f W J Krt-k-H <.( Columbia FARMERS CAPTURE o I battlt *,;,, [.•<•] . o Mr ' ,u in she UJcc that liei univiTt.ty s;.,iis that synthetic PT. READING KEEPS BROOKS SIGNED UP hrid Cornell |i,; n-f '-i- ;,r>d green 611 the thort j build::. >-' ir:.-'t iiai.- made fr.>m sugar Job Insurance h New Jersey ''I ter's home port • ' i ( the BiinIT Sprints goal ; cane stulks fler ihe raw sigartias 3 OVER WEEK-END . ^ ^ j^ 4^%A /**^ •• n of the claimaata were an improvement of the genera 13 safeties. spring, but he has whipped hiaaaelf found to be ineligible for fceaeits economic picture, for nuca pay- into shape by playing with several ments are u.*t'd to purchase food CONRAD RESSNER The Green Steeet department of —half, because there were no local sandlot nines. and duthing and to ptiy fur tbe Iselin fin Compaay, also out- wafe credits, aad the other half, Rasakek Mar Hurl shelter." REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE May w* join with th« many other ielvle- hit by the eppositioa, treuaced the because the wage credits were not Avenet sef&aHen 13-8. Raphael More;an, »t ftrst, and Whitti, at TEL. MET, 6470M minded citizame ajid organif tioai in »x- I. was the big ana it* the widow*, ahtirtstop, cumplet«8 the Legion in- that he step down in favor of par tending to the INDEPENDENT-LEADER collecting a double, triple aad rieid. Barcellonv, Delaacy a«d Golden will stait in the outfield. YEARS AGO tjsan peace and it is undmtooi Oak Tree Roa. beat withe* *ftd to iU publishers and their hamer in five trios to the plate to knock in seven tuna. Hansen had Either Georpe Ruaznak, who; has (Continued from Editorial Pa§t) that he b completely willing ti aaaodatot the tucceia to #bich they are a perfect day at the plate for Khown plenty of ability the past way which extends through Wood- forsak« in an effort to restore har- Avenel, getting to Lesko for a few week.", or "Logs" Kocsi will bridge Township, Township Cons- mony. (Mr 6f (tetrbiei'and a pair of sin- UJte the muunit with Bodnar be- mitleeman Harry U. Gerns today • • * The various sections of Woodbridge Town- himl tin' piuic. gles. stated he would Heck cooperation HOME EMPTY WHEN MAN ahip may well unite in giving to the INDE- MtinaKfr Jnhnny Hoffman has of the State Highway Commission, Iselin did its hig+i scorins; in the s not announced a starting lineup 11 the State Police and the Depart- RETURNS FROM WORK PENDENT-LEADER the kind of support fourth inning by denting the plat- yrt, but that may indicate a re- ment of Motor Vehicles. Mr. George 1'ritula went to work ter gix times. Three runs in the that wiH enable it to grow and thus be a vamped nine or a completely new Gerns plans to seek the aid of Monday at !l o'clock. When he re inbepenbent-leaber third and two in. the second and dominant force of goodwill in our munic- rornbttiF, Whichever w the case, these State ageaeiea at a confer- turned six hours later to his bonne sixth completed the scoring. Hoffman will do hjs best to stop ence within the very near future. at 662 Wooilhridge Avenue, i'rt- ipality. Ford. (8) the IifKion forces Sunday after- tula tuid police that night, he THE ISELIN 5 AND 10c AND Ab R H noon. Threw Yt*rt Afo could not find his wife. Neither HARDWARE STORE J. Warren, c 4 0 2 could he find any trace of his two lUck Terrapin LOCAL VETKKANt TO Rodacr, lb 4 12 children, aged 7 and H. Noj was Sandorf, 2b 3 10 flight inch diam'*n(l back torraplni RECEIVE BOftUS DRY GOODS - SHOES - CROCKERY -PAINT; there much left of the furniture Matusx, as 4 0 J ,ncc sold for ?9fl a dozen on the Woodbridge Township veterans AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS 1 with which the* house hail lieen Elko, 3b 3 1 3 New Y"' ' •" ' '""' will receive in the aeiejhhorhood ef equipped when he left' JAMES F. SCHAFFRICK Fischer, If 3 22 a quarter «f a asillioa 4ftUan in U.lin St. (13) OAK TREE ROA© 1SE Kranaa, rf g 1 1 bonus payment '.,'.>.~liy. While " Ab S P»gtmaater Jama J. BuaM made FwaMwe faoU WsnctiBTit, IT lo n ASSOCIATION Sedlak, lb .... 4 elaborate plans for luftdliac the With more than tl.WO.MO.OQO Balint, rf _. 2 11 Mowartli, If . task of diatributing the Federal •pent annually In the United States FORDS, NEW JERSEY W. Warren, sf 3 0 0 Remato, 31) . gratualities, various service organ- tor furniture and household appli- E. Krauss, p i 0 1 Raphael, ft ... izatiou estimated that approxi- ances, according to a recent trade Jensen, p 2 l i Heartiest Congratulations md Btst W'nhn j v Funk, c mately 500 men Would benefit. survey, Jt is Indicated that the av- Holub, us They figured that the avenge pay- erage American family spends ap- proximately »45 a year furnithing totki 31 8 14 Roloff, cf ... ment would be |500. " its home. Pert Readini (12) * Cooper, rf * • * ,Ab R H Mastraxl, 2b PETERSON MAY QUIT . C. 8. Wiae Drinking Lew Kollar, rf 12 1 Lcsko, p TEN-DAY OLD JOB Statistics revea) that America's B. Minucci, rf a 0 0 Disseoaieii within the ranks will annual wine consumption is about Ciuffredo, lb 3 2 1 40 13 14 probably result in the resignation two quarts per person. This is only Zuccaro, cf y 4 2 1 2 Arenel (6) of Peter Peterson from his ten- 2 per cent of the per capita wine Simone, ss ....„ , 423 "Ab R H day old job as b«ss of the First consumption of France, where the M TOBROWSKY Barna, c 3 fl Z Russell, rf -1 ,2 2 Ward Democrats. Friends of Mr, average is 45 gallons per person Dapolito, gf 40 0 Hanson, p 4 2 4 Peterson have suggested to him annually. McDenell, Ii 4 0 1 Sw*tilf, 2b ,....., 4 0 Groceries Fruits and Vefetablei J. Kollar, 2b 5 1 0 Rosenbloom, sf 3 0 0 T. Kollar, 8b 3, 1 1 Tuttle, 3b 2 0 1 Main St. Woodbri Libani, p ,... 2 2 2 Petras, 3b 1 0 0 Covina, p -10 0 Azud, lb 4 0 1 WE SALUTE Herman, c. .' 4 0 1 34 12 13 Urban, If : 4 0 2 Ww«Mf«'• New Eiterpriie E. Krausa for Jensen in 4th. Hacker, ss 4 0 1 TV Libani for Coyina in 2nd.' itchnRpV cf 3 2 Score by innings: Forlds 026 000 0— 8 " • * 37 C 16 Port Reading 310 20G x—12 Tuttle foil Petras in sixth. Winning pitcher Covina, losing Iselin Green St 023 602 0—13 pitcher Jensen. Avenel 120 300 Q— Woodbridge Flower Shop CtHrgrahdatwos afiOir Best Wishes Bride's Pie—Dainty and Delicious Tel. Wood. 81222 546 Railway Avt. , N. J.

    May (he cmUmd Arb •( your tof

    N the "marry marry" month or Softm gelatine in cold water and I June, bridal Bhowers occupy the dissolve over hot water. Beat egg center of the entertainment calen- whites until stiff and (old In sugar IMAGINE dar, gradually. Add dissolved gelatins Since white It the traditional slowly to beaten egg whites and (old WESTINOHOUSE QUALITY rmlt n die develapneat aad progress color (or brides, keep that In mind In whipped cream and vanilla. Pour when planning your menu and table into chocolate crumb crust and chill, at this fecontlou. But an all-white menu Juat before serving, garnish with wool* ba a little monotonous, so whipped cream. A tiny gu iaae taka the place • NO MOVING PARTS hi lt» add a bit of color by means of gar- Striking new Westinghouse design,.. of wearing pans . . , producing nishes and perhaps a colorful Jellied Chocolate crumb cruet: 114 cups all-steel cabinet...long-lasting, high-take salad. fo<>4-protecting ctfld and ice chocolate wafer crumbs, tt cap but- Dulux finiih . ,, all-porcelain interior ... Here if a suggeitlon tor a menu ter, . 3 tablespoons confectioner'* WwAridge Township cube* silently ttoa ^cooomicaily. that would do nicely for a luncheon scientific shelf arrangement . . . plus BUKsr, Cream butter and sugar to- • PCRMMENT SIHNZ or trafet sapper. « H >• * bridge the famous Westinghouse ECONOMIZER Serrel can save you eitoogh on gether arid blend with chocolate or late aftersooa aerty ywi have in Sealed-in Mechaniam with forced-draft mind, then the salad and pie alone wafer crumbs, Pat mixture Into pi* • •*'" • ¥ food alooe to pay for it*d& cooling, lifetime lubrication, and backed • cwnmiED LOW OPQIT* would do the trick. Assorted open- pan and chill. Whether yon'r* tbiaking of face sandwiches could keep . the by a 5-Year Protection Plant baying yoar first au(oki»ric rc- W6C0ST salad company. Plajtapple Strawberry lalad You're) money ahead with a frigentor, or replaclag yoar traam of mmhroom MU» v (Semi 8) CMrfce* « U King In rif e ring1 presfut ut)«, don't decide on • MORE YEMtS Or DEPEND- r.r—ua. % mt u»M >las>. * Idliei ph*Mprlf«rm*rrry utad flivorid geltUn» r tpph, cut 1a amj make until you sa> Servcl AH£ SERVICE BitUtnd asparagai tip* Hot re/U V, nip told wtttr, ., uull ikoei tmd uoderttBod bow it works. 'BWVPfBWeV'Pfee tot" l tup t»i MUT ' f awnhauuks/t. N(, The Bride'e Pie ii the "Trylon and v< eup ctnnr* plot-k In m$li PIMM Yooil sure mote —for more • eONnNHEDSMIWSTMT applt juice Vk 0m «trub«trl«i, Per(Bphere" or theme center of the V. cup tanon lul«V> tutlnniiBplKtl fcacs—if yos dol PAY FOB IT menu. Its imowy white filling, light y. teipew lit/ \¥t m ihasiills,/ and delicate as a piece of chiffon, Is UPPER'S FURNITURE •et In a chocolate crumb crust- ) Tot n«d nerer have any tetn 283 MADISON AVE., PERTH AMBOY mixmt earrings ot this dainty dessert dissolve In hot water, Add sugar. collapsing or running out of the lemon juice, pineapple Jutco and crust. Till! ]>lsilu, unlluvijrcd Ri'lntlnc MIL Ullr Ihuruvghly.' Cool aitd PERTH AMBOY With which it in ninde Insures clean- when otartlnK to thicken, (old in cut scrvinuB thul will alwuyK btMHl pineapple, murthmallows, strawber- up in all their fluffy glory. ries dml nlmiinda. Pour into Individ- Westinghouse Bride's Pie GAS LIGHT COMPANY le iiiil molds thai hnve been rlaned out (Fillinp l»r Ont 9" V ) 1 ermlopt' plnin. un- 1 nip err«m •bipptd in cold water fint, and chill. To 2U SMITI+J5TREET PERTH AMROY, N. J. (Uvuitd Kluihit ". alp niir serve, unrnoid onto lettuce and gar- REFRIGERATOR V, cup cold wtirr 1 l»ttpoan rtnlilk I r|| whllfi, Mttm lUtl tnd dry -1 nlsh with mayoirt^ilie dressing. DENT-LEADKR !!•> ! .MORNING, JINT .( f',1

    i[ v A N N I V L R S A R Y •^•.^ , •':•¥ i.i ) FOUNTAIN SPECIALS! "Phone 8o8o9

    yconomy THE SALE OF HIE YEAR FinHrmurr Strawberry Doublr Dipped DRUG CO. ENDS JUNE 21th Wff eat In Town 95 Main St. SUNDAE ^ Woo*!bridge, M J- AT PUBLIX 12c THIS GIGANTIC SALE turn* knottier Uaf in our his- Friday * Saiurdar tory ... To commemorate thit occttioa and to vxprwi out- gfttChuda for th« faJth which you h*ve placed in our Dolly tag. Bte organization, wo art happy to offer- you thU opportunity ICE CREAM (• Tk* r»v»rilf At to obtaJo eitfa value for tvtty dollar tpaat. It will pay you Etwry Horn* SAVE SUM TKV A UAKI.KNE AT to antkipatc your future requirement* and buy them now! PACHAliK WBI.IX GLASSES iVmix GYM Full niton Pic- COVPOfl! or nic Jut! Insu- 29* Traveling lated to keep Eaci llqntdB. hot or cold, •Wide choice of4 BAGS breakable handle. Don'l styled k colors be without. It during Other fliMK •ununer! from 79c' LATEST STYLE •10c up $1.9B< FREE! VALUABLE BATHING CAPS SOUVENIRS! A Favorite With Extra Thick! Colgate's Gardenia Toilet Water Iha Klda Electric Fans SAMPSON ... Face Powders ,.. Utility Dish- LurKy Strike* Extra Rich! Safe-Flex • Chenterfleltb - Delicious .RUBBER BLADED es... First Aid Kits ,.. and many - Camel* - and JUMBO CONES other interesting gifts upon pres- - Old Golds - Malted Milk SI.29 Fans* 8 Of. 2 Scoops entation of this Coupon, packare ihrr Fans Up Te •BABY 4 <•>*» $4.98 c •-J3.49 tattles VAUUABLE COUPON! *4. ANNIVERSARY SALE OF • • I Lifebuoy Soap • 2 for 7c INSECTICIDES LARVEX, qt. 41.11 FLIT, quart 26* '0N5.O BOtTLE MOTH BALLS or Flake*, box. 6c WOODBURY LOTION Rubbing Alcohol . ARADICHLOR- with purchase of NZENE, \M....SSe UGINE Roach der 2Se 3cok

    10c ANNIVERSARY ANNIVERSARY Probak Jr GIFS f»r Hie Blades O FOR SUPER VALUES! GRADUATE SUPER VALUES! 50c SOSBORSZESZ 33c 50c PHILLIPS' milk of magnesia $1.90 200 100 CARO1D and bile sails tablets 74C Guaranteed 10c B. C. he.idacho powders for SQU1BBS 3Bc FREEZONE fur corns 50c PEPSODENT alitiscpiic 2 51c Alarm Aspirin 500 CLEANSING tissue .*....' 75c BARBASOL jars 45C CLOCKS both for 59c TablfU $0c HENNAFOAM shampoo , 5"c MIDOL tablets 32C MAX FACTOR'S 50c WOODBURY" civam and .) both $1.00 KREML liair tonic :.- : 59C 75c tOLOR-HARMONY 59c 10c WOODBURY noap j for 35c WILDROOT hair tonic 17C 50c MENNEN shave cream and \ both 500 Fitch's Mi 100 DR. BR6WN'S aspirin MAKE-UP Box 25c MENNEN skin bracer ' j for 49 Woodbury Shampoo 60c CALIFORNIA syrup of figs 3<)c C Shampoo r. K'nigr and Lipilick in 0 S«o "Urtoiiri tllil h»rmo- MOTH 5 lb». EPSOM salts .- 25c VENIDA sanitary napkins : 2 f * 25c in- » nli rjin-li lype of blundr, bolli or flaket 1000 SQU1BBS Saccharin tablets % gr...... 10c HEINZ baby food 3 for 20c Scalp • 50c DR. BROW^'Sbaby oil 29c 2£ $1.00 BEEF, IRON & WINE ll . Hi>y|« . 10o 30c EDWARDS* olive tablets 50c ZONITE antiseptic and (both Wash Both for 25c $1.25 LYDIA PINKHAM veg. comp. 50c BARCELONA shampoo j for '. 59C 60c JAD^SALTS condensed 3gc CLOTHS Phillips' 50c GEM RAZOR and blade 3 FOR Milk of Mft tablets P^i^tfviza^cs&a^^ J L10o Sulphur Candles 6O^DRENE|5HA A Llfe-lonit 25JDANYA Gift for Father Electric 3 FOR Dry Shavers $2.85 Bullet Camera ., $1.80 MOO Value 10c • Slx-20 Brownie Jr H-80 glx-16 Brownie Jr $2.12 Pocket DAVOL 9 UP Slx-20 Bull's Eye Brownie $2j48 Pint U. S. Sunl-tab Selection of Slx-16 Brownie Special .... S^*~ BILLFOLD Schick - Packard $1,00 Baoy Brownie J, M" nipples Traveling Milk of Remington, Rand Six-20 Kodak Jr. folding JbJrt 16< 3 for MILITARY intilvcrsary Gem, Qto, Slx-16 Jiffy Kodak fl4S sale Magnesia lie {1.75 Kodak Bantam 13.56 BRUSH SET 49c CIGARETTE CASE $27.50 Bantam 4.5. lew.... $20-51) Other Billfolds up to Noxzema $5.00 AND LIGHTER Eastman CINE KODAK UP CREAM 2 FOR Athletic Combination Movie Cameras IZ6.10 UP Supporter? A FRESH SUPPLY A TIMELY GRADUATION GIFT 1 ALWAYS ON HAND WRIST WATCHES 25c CIGARETTE CASES 39c up 179 U 25c UP LIGHTERS 89c 5 P

    English Lavender °P and golden-lopped « >' P- Vfl »> of authemie English <$. lender. &O- ^4

    l,ur laboratory work Is done by PEN and PENCIL Ni'iv Jersey's foremost master A tt"iil SI.00 Cutex ortllazn \r:iliU' iihot-i-l'InlshtT. whose labora- SETS PIPES MANICURE SETS in; I.TXK We Cany" Inrv is cciulpPfd to do the most • THK FINEST rtUiate miniature work, en- Hair VARIETY UP TO Ul J \A Complete line largements contact printlnf, Vacuum IN TOWN 47c T0 $5 A vnrlcd srlrction of the Brushes \nvd colorlnt, hpaquelnc etc. , Handsome xlft cases famous Bottles NO EXTRA CHARGE lncludine all essentials SCHAEFFKK. PARKER FOR PANEL ART WATFRMANS, ctr.% YARDLEY'S both tor 49c for a perfect manicure j 39c 25c ro WORK REPARATIONS 59c ^ 95 MAIN STREET THESE MONEY SAVING WOODBRIDGE.N.J. 'MIS OBTAINABLE AT. PUBLIX DRUG STORE WtH.DIUtllXii: H 080(1 : , 7 PAf!E TWELVE FTIII)AY, JI'NE 16, 1939


    'i;--. •'-.•«/."•• ••''1>+«1- ' • • • • For Better BRIDGE

    The comnAnky can well regard the ask more than that it unite those tig which bind in close hanaonj establishment of The Independent-Leader present in its news columns a true picture, the hopes of a community. On the otto band as a significant step in the advancement of without bias or prejudice, of life as it is. it can point out frankly the mistakes which Woodbridge Township. , The Township Committee takes ex- may jeopardize the interests it is dedicated Many notable achievements have treme pleasure in welcoming this kind of to serve, and can sound the warning for dan- been accomplished in recent years to place newspapertetoke its place as acme leader, gers which from its vantage point it may this town of 26,000 inhabitants in the fore- to stand for those things which will encour- foresee. front of modem, progressive municipalities age both the officials and individual residents In the place it has elected to fill, the in New Jersey. Attractive as a residential in promoting the welfare of their home town, township Committee wishes to The Inde- center, convenient for industry, Woodbridge and to oppose selfishness or greed wherever pendent-Leader every success. The reward )ids fair to witness within the next it may appear. To accept this responsibility, for public service is high, May your reward few years the greatest growth in its history. as has The Independent-Leader in establish- be richer beyond your highest expectations. Of vast importance in this develop- ing itself, is a profound and sacred task August F. Greiner, Mayor. menUs the existence here of a newspaper which we feel will be met with courage and Frederick A. Spenrtr, i sincerity. which will reflect the true spirit of the com- There can be no doubt but that the John Bergen, munity and its people, will advertise its ad- Usefulness inherent in an independent news- < James Schaff rick, vantages to all who may come within its •i • • • Charles J. Alexander, paper is of incalculable value to the munic- • * • * reading public. The Independent-Leader is -—~ Samuel FarreB, :—^~ equipped, mechanically and in personnel to ipality and all its people. It can promote 5.-V •':••• Herbert Rankin. ?t perform this service with distinction, Neither neighborly, inspire public service I

    •' V *' \ * \1 .,_•« ,.„,;. CONGRATULATIONS to the FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE ie, 1939 PAGETHIRri

    NOTICfc "I Cl Take nutlet lhal MA tit HA OTHER EDITORS SAY Anicric* spends m" «» "• *°f IKl'KI mixtiria i« apply in llw- T«n, Lorentz Cites cucb jear th»n It do«s lor shots, «l,1l> iiimmiiiee uf th* TowiishUi "' anurdini to • rtcent survey which U (HKllirulKr fur a Plenary Iti-tmi 1 Th. a.M> I y, lAltHi '" illtrl •I opression, ipecylation and perni- Conjiutnpii.iB llttnac For prprrim» ' W Preacher. stitutions. They would choke the thuws that 1000 tW.OOO U »p#nt tor nlu»tf ut Wuwl r <" • '•I'' Msl r , „„(. hundred years ago brW*;». N J I ,,i ti> Hi. UWSMf i wealth. Th«y cry out loudly streams. In a country where prop- purrhast of do0 It is estimated Olijtn Hi,It*, if any utioulil l» made Hi -I. 711 £ r |V.-b»ter. one of the gro»t- «l»,l. J,: against all banks and corpora- erty is mure evenly divided than Wantoneu, Crime, Fol- that th* dof population tl nm*fll«tfly in wrltln*; t« B i :ii iu Ual 'uiiigan Tiiwnclilp Clerk, Wuutl V ii.i ".(.• i" winning aat which tion! and all *MP .' ^-a)iMUBi# anywhere else, they rend the air rlilff. N .1 i. ,.- :l I 8u*t- agrarian doctrine*. In a low /n Wake, Say$ S«n-Ta» m ISslgajsaa*- '-.ii* ifignrdi MAItY HAIKOKI ii,I Mi,,,I. Mn-i'i kiwi ef- capiUlinU become unite(f in order r I ( », it r «. ..[ i V T «*1 from , chiffers, I dll- t» produce important and bene- country where wages of labor are I,, I M>k i- II,TI by sjB- pressed star*. - What ean auek-aun L^rents, organiser of the local • inilticf uf tW Tunn»lit|i of Wood long known that Bowers of Ufehur It* for « i'lmary IttUtl I'un want? What jo they mean?' They committee working to defeat the umpllun Iktlii* inr memlnen »it« applied to expo**d parts will act » tad at 4<4 N«w Hrunawl. k Avtnur, Vhr want nothing 'but to ,.fftjoy the referendum favoring pari-mu- an effective datarrenl to *• but- Ko»S. Township of Wouaibrlritr, i,u acquire Mid (>i r fruits of anotW man't labor." tuel betting next Tuesday, is N. J, lulled in P*rnfra|ih* tin and ftMf" ruwer—Brimslefi* Brevities, Objection*, If mij atmultl I,, tnude ifmif ahall hr ptiti In i lurk uio» Have you Iward similar itat«- sued the following statement laantdlattlv in willing iu U J Tnwnahlp I., DIP <>i(lrlM. Jyne 1Mb, 1 our social owr it* better than brings with it every undesirable hours to cook tn a gaf oven, can no* Httetjr Elaine Bbepard, Dim ac- 17PM IE 8 Tl, •( the Mau^ democracy, • ', , element, the racketeer, the dop- bt roasted In V mtnut" by Ugh ll Bulldlill Wmidfarldge. (NH, wearing the new standard , Tune iCh. im ster, the petty thief,, the fttick- ltt«e Will M*t fit The fact that the American sys- * if the llnteperwlenl up man, the prostitute, the, book- Meviiton makeup. F*r good W§- In the ConMUtet tem hasirfetn th»--htfhett stand- >«WM pndactlra H waa fviad j MMMRlHI and j^na Wtft, ,IM». ard of living on earth ii disregard- ie anfl many olhatt. THIRD: Effect on the Home. aceetaary to ate white hlfh-Mgatlag Take nolle* I^VMIU. HART MOL ed. The fact tha,t the American arwai tt» aMtaU* nn and throat NAR Intend* to apply to th* TowntatP hlgitiwt blddjsi aorardikk to turn* of Hundreds of people spend their nlttee of Jh« Townihio of Wood- workmen have luxuries, enjoyed httltwt. LI*, webrowi aid «T« islo on fiUwlth the VmaaMp Cterk LEGAL NOTICE money on the race*, and there- j* for a Plenary Retail Consump- to InioKtlon and to ^* public! wily by the well-to-do or official laihea sra Ww-black. Cheek* hav« tion llcenie tor premise* attested al ._„ or t-o ,ail s Lot* I *ad J la T*i W-II7 IM- by are unable to pay their tax- r clans abroad is covered up. For- t alalah ttage. Ordinary types *f New ana! William Streets, Woodbrldge Block tn, Woodbrldge Towaship A* es, their Installments pn auto- Townahfp of W>4>ri«lg«. N J. .. seaaimni, Map. tunately the American people, se- makeap have bwi l««nd Impnoti- Objection*, U any,,«houkl be mad* Take further not lot that the town ftt a regular nuetln* of f cure in the knowledge of their mobiles, radios, furniture, etc., cal fer television reproduction. Immediately In writing to: B J ship CommittM hw. »» feeolitlloh *»d tp CoatmiUee uf the Township thus losing these things, caus- Dunlnn. Townahlp Cterk, Woodbridg* •ursuaat to Is*.. MM t *' ' oodbrldge. held Munday. Juaa hrritHgc, do not seem to be fooled New Jersey. MM, I wa* dlrrrted to ailvvrllM ing disruptten -in the home, very easily by these detractors and (81/Md) MM, MART MOLNAB tifh* sou to»itplr>wi •« nt that on Mrmtlay evening. leading to divorce and other ev- — Plaaie mention ttft paptr ti iSh, "IMS, the Tnwinlilji C their awwrted "iimt." Thut far we W. ].-£-«: I. II, Woodbrldjje. |O Itlls perthwnl, Wifl meet at 7 F M IRST) ,i L._ ...„., i.iiH.M^i.jrti.-.;..i4.;.-;.r •-! *—•—•—r have been able to keep our feet on ito. FOURTH: Taxes and Employ- NOTION Building, New the ground, but nevertheless we ^ WBTICE Take notlo* thai . and *uM*a and **ll <>t publblj] should be alert and ever watch- ment. For eleven months the Take notice that PAUL PALKO in tend* to apply to tae lw highest bidder anor State Chamber of. Commerce tend* to apply to tht Township Com mlttte of the Towtabli ^ a«lt on til* with the ful.— Ramuv Journal. mlttee of the Townahlp of Woodbrldge (or a Plenary tUtai . T\ open to lnap*-tlon has been making a survey in publlrly re«d prior tu sale^ Lot a Plenary Retail Consumption II- cense for lE™j'**J •'* eleven states which have legal- for premise* situated at «I2 Rah Block UlB, WiKKlbildli Judicial Duhonaity way Avenue, Woodbrldge, Townahip of Woodbrldge, N. J. ized Pari-Mutuel Betting at Woodbridfe, N, 1. Objectioha, if any, should bt.made nolle* that the Democracy cannot withstand lilt** has. by reiolutlutlol n race tracks, to ascertain, what to Objectlona, If any, ahould be made immediately in • wrUwr]tlDjj to: • J, rigt .. p C(«ri, «M to law, fixed a mini* considerable dishonesty in any actually .happening. From this Immediately in writing to: B J DunlKtn, r««ct any «n« or all kid* (44 to Wilgui, Township Clerk. Woodbrldge New Je'rae . at which,Mid lot in i liranch of government service, that wlth M «|M lota to said W«* to MM| \M D* (old together with ,- this study they sax lew Jersey. may **leot, due retard VH** W ». "s pertinent, aald minimum but there is no branch of govern days of racing at three tracks (Blgfted) PAUL PALXO, . inWOO plu» coat* of pr merit which requires more char- in New Jersey that from $22,- W. I.-L.-*: ». 1«. Woodbrldge, N. J, and adtorttshig this sal*. N0T1CB 't» said block, if sold on terms) acter from the men who serve it 000,000 to $30,000,000 would Tike notla* that MIIUAM I, SA Upon acetftUnw of. (he ntnlnus) bid require t "down payment of " • NOTICK ir (Id above minimum, by,(he Tewh- than Ihc judiciary, It has been have to be wagered to yield Take notice that JOSEPH H LO-SON Intenda to apply to the To~ (he bahiiwe of purchase price to I Committee of the Towmhlp of •Hip Onrnmlttee artd lbs -MysVpehl ' i « I. .*««. wtfW judges. The same political sys- «•" '.ikmci'"" "'' ' " notice. /*rlc« inc/udei tem which results in corruption ing the racing season, far from NOTICE Take notice th* MWMil »» an Bel«r Tei W-WS DkeM IIMII ploy 6t banks and business tends to apply to the TownshiD Com- laxnayelwr r iiiai tthh e Ttownthlf nhip I Fortunately, there is a time- NOTICE NOTICK Of HIBLIC SALI houses are known to have em- mittee of the Township of Woodbrldcr , Objectors may Die > writlen objec TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: honored tradition in the United Take notice that MICHAEL HKGE far a Plenary Retail Consumption 11 tlon with th« Township Clerk prl»r t bezzled money and to have lost At a regular meeting of th) _,.. Suites that a man act like a Judge DU8 intenda to apply to the i'ownehlp cenae for premises situated ut 74. AI tfuit date, •hip Committee of the TownshlBi it at the tracks. The amounts Comm.tte* of the. i'ownahip nt Wood- bert Street, Woodbridge Township o B. J. EUNIQ\V, Wi»dbrlds;e held Monday, Jti" when he becomes one. , New Jersey brldgf for, a Plenary Retail Conoump Woodbrldge, N. J. Township Clerk. have run from a few dcllars to ttw, I waa'dtreded to advert has hud little corruption exposed tion llceaae for pi-anilses sltiiatPd at 47 Objections, If any, should be madt (act that im Monday eventl as rfcuch as $100,000. Cutters Lan«, Wooabrldge, Township Immediately In writing to: B. J, IPth. 1W1, the .Township C< WOOOBJUOGE AUTO SALES amonjf judges to date. On the ot V^xxibridge, N. J. Dunlgan, Township Clark, Woodbrldge, -SEVENTH: Effect on Politics. will meet al 7 P. M. IB8T) 475 RAHWAY AVE., WOODBRIDGE, N. J. whole, the standard of service has Objections, if any, xhould be made New Jersey, Commlttfe Chamtier*, Memorial . Tul. Wo. 6-0100 Every effort is made bv the pro- Immediately In wilting to: B. J (Signed) PAUL CINKOTA, RIGHTS IN OR ARISilN rlptl BullJInr. WQOdbridge, New been high. This despite the fact Dunigan, Township Clerk. Woodbrtdgc, W, !.•£-«; 9, 18. Woodbrtdge, N. J, moters of this form of gambling AOM THE DEDICATION Or OR tty, and expoie and sell at that, the appointments have come New. Jeiney. ANOfc BTRSKT. AVENBL, Bt REA •ale and to the highest bidder I to control State Legislatures and (Signed) JMICIIAEL HEOEDUS. NttTICK SON OF THtKia DBblNEATION UP ing to terms of Mle on file wit! from political machines which have W. I.-L. 6: 9. IB. Woodbrld&e, N, J, ON A CKHTAINMAP KNOWN A! Tewnshlp Clerk open to !n*p*ctlonpa a all public officials as well as the Take notice that MICHAEL ALMAffl TH1 KILBY MAP (duly Bled In th. shown but scanty consideration for Intenda to apply to trie Township Com- blicly prior tn sale, courts. In one iState, New Hamp- MWdl»«x County Clerk's Office), .34 In B k 838. Woodb the welfare of the people in other NOTICti mittee of the Township of Wood brId if BE IT ORDAINED by the ToWnshto shire, every member of the for a Plenary Retail Consumption li- awnihip'Aaa nt Vap. • Take nolle* that JOHN BALGA In- Coltimltlce of the Tow.o«hlp <* Woo* Take further ce that the Tow*; respects, State Legisalture, is in the em- cense for premises sltutted at 78 Main tiMdara Ih the Cqiinty of Mlddlue: Ijy ifsoliillon aha tend* to apply to the Township Com- Street, Woodbrldge, Townahlp < of •Hip C6mmltt«e One has only to read a few line* mittee of tile Township of Woodbridge Vial: pursuant to law, ru n minimum prat ploy of the track, it is said. fgr.s Plenary Retell Consumption II- Woodbridge. N, J, said block will 1M uf the arcounts of cases which are Objections, If «ny, n|iould ba mudi: Section 1. It appearing to.the Town *,L which Mid Intjri EICiHTH: This special elec- censo for promises ailuhted ut 303 Main •Dtp CoMhmwe ibt -tr* Tmrmhlp ni soldldMi' tnMtheh r wtttthh nil oUiulr dt INCS MENS SHOP isoitiK 1 rti to understand the possi- Street, Woodbridge, Township of immediately In writing to: B. J. WodbrldgWoodbrldgBB ' ththata- the ppublic Inters MMIntnt, sKld minimum prlc« Dunlgan. Township Clerk, Woodbrldgei tion is costing the taxpayers Woodbrlrlge, N. J. will be bettbetter serveedd_ b_by , vKatlntingg amn WOO 00 plus costs of preparing del bilities for graft among the judi- New Jersey. r $400,000 to $600,000. If the Objections, tf uny, ahould be made (Signed) by reltaJinf and ettelttlnvulsolnl g th and advertising this aale. Said lots tl* |66 SMITH STREET PERTH AMBOY, N. J, ciary. They are stupendous. It is immed lately In writing tn: B. J. publi lht ii ffrom t*e fledlM «Ild bl»»k. i< sola on u rnvwlli amendment is passed, it must re punlgan, Township Clerk, Woodbrldge, r*sjulre> M down payment ol-180.00 scarcely surprising that a few men main for seven and cne half Ns# Jeraey. iUddleae tht balance of Purchase: price to bbe r" have slipped. The important thing (Signed) JOHN BALGA, khown as in equal riionthly Inetallmonta of ' years before it can be repealed, (Iha interest a,nd other terms ' W. !.-£.-«: 9, 16. • Wobdbrldge, N. J. Take notice that PETER (JBI8 In dloatlon itne 1 to do now is tp find exactly how no matter how. bad. Therefore i accepted < ed Tor. In contract °f wle. Tale further notice that at said many have slipped.—Somtriet VOTE NO, on June 20. Forty p,'therefptfi thi NOTJCK . it7*!* date ifl .'whkh « majy Mettenger-Gasttte, (ll years ago it proved a« Dad in Tak9 notlcf that WILLIAM J. KATH cujarlyd'escrll Journed, the Township Commit! IRASHC PRICESLASHES serve**.rvest ttithee right In ItIt* dlscrediscretiol n New Jersey as it is today in oth- Intends to apply to the Township Com- Woodbrldge Avenue,, Port Reading, - Ii herevy vacate mittee of the Township of Woodbrldgc Townahlp of Woodbrldn. N. J, public, jbaretn ai r«3ee' lt s^krany, ononee o orr M M| lbid bids s anandd tf tih _ A LINE ON er states. Texas repealed her for a Plenary Retail Consymptlpp li- Objections, .If Any, shouU be. made , released and e.. •aid lot* In Mid Mock to such -bl law last year. cense ffcr premises situated at Super- Immediately In writlns; to: B. /. •Bd by virtue of th as It may select, due regard bel HOLLYWOOD highway, near Grepn Street, Wood- Dunlgsn, Townahip Clerk, Woodbrldge. »»,.(,»«. by THle 4O',«7-l (b), en to terms and manner ol p*.. WILL ENABLE YOU TO briosje, Township of Woodbrldge, N. J. New Jereey. aed Statutes of New Jerity, lm In cascutt onone or more minimum bids Objections, If any, HIHIUIII be mud* (Signed) PETER OBIS. The portion of Ortnce. Street sffecteit be wcilved. VERSATILE CLIPPER, Immediately in, wrftlnz to: B J, W. I.-L.-8: 9, 18. Port Reading, ti. J. by the termi hereof Is. shown and d« .jptsnee of the mtnimiM Nonna Shearer giving over htr Uneated on a map attached hereto and ove minimum, by the 1 Dunlsan. Township Clerk, Woodbrldge, mittee and the pay ' Santa"Monica home ibt Btrmudl lo- K*w Jeney. made a part hereof, marked "Behedul- > pareel to 4w rdaatad. 1 the purchaser accordll HONOR YOUR FATHER (Signed) WILLIAM J. KATH, of purehaw tn wro cation scenes' for "Tha Woman"... . Take notice that ERKBST L. BEROBR ilarly described as follows of »*lth and June Ing' to play a trumpet and a saxo- along Uttne ssoutherly;.sldoouthe y aid«e t ooff /OrangOrange l tltukfied at 93 Main Street, DunlgDunlgan,, Townshio p Clerk, Woodbrldge, Street,.NorStreet,.Norttthh 7744 U' Wufc 4SI» tetettt Itth. 1D39 In the, Independont-L*ad«r. phone for his n*w rolaa in "Babes Kc Township of Woodbrldge. New JeracJeracyy . * to an iriroon pipei ; thsneeh . Nortthh M" 4141' IK (HAIVCHU* tlF NEW Jldl(8t!t New Jersey. EHNK8T L,, BBRQER, in Arms" ... Judy Garland's mail (Siged(Signed)) Weat, 70.7707 1 feel to an old Iran pipe III Objections, if any, ahould bn made W.,I.-,£-«:'»I£« , 18 AlAvenel,M. M. J.-the southeaaterly corner of lands of MEN'S WHITE SHIRTS Immediately in writing to: B. . J. To Httldotin-ro V. Soiitn Hlul Jean- ' doubling from .ntw fans won during Perth Amlroy Oa» -falgM Cftitipahy and Duncan, Township Clerk, Woodbrldge, nettti Liralxe flmllo, hla wlfs. "" of the better frad*. A superb gift her personal appearance tour in NOTlCt; ' also In the northerly side of Orange By Vlrtiiu of an Order of the Uourt New Jeiwy. Take notice" thafCLirfTON A. BAK-Street: thorn* South 74' M' East am' of Olmpierv nj New 3er»ey, made on New York... Freddie Bartholomew (Signed) ABE DUFF, ER .(Ray's Hut) Intends to apply to thealong the northerly side line uf Or tiie'tlHV of tin; dnte hereof, in a oauae worrying over th« fact that he rtay W l.-L.-«! II, 16. Woodbrldge, N. J. Committeemen of, the Township of -Inge Street 37B feet to ah iron pi WheVeln liftn-p Hrewnter Smtj* i* l«lton la the wealerly tide ,11 »i ol Waehir have to dye his hair blond (or a nev, WoodbrldfVfor a Plenary Retail Cpn- Complainant and HnWluniern V. BoulO sumptlon licenae tor..pranjMs iltoil- ton Street: thence Douth 16' U'TBl. ami Jeannelle Louliie Hrmto, III* wife £s£r*' Special $1,19 VOTICK picture role . . . Boialina Ruitell ed at Syperhlghway, flajibrldft, and along the side line of Wajhlnctoi anil John Dnyton, are ilrfendanta^t on White Broadcloth busy attempting to put on the Tnkti notice that JULIA SIPOS ln- N. J. Street fifty feet to the point and plac you are required to HPPtar And ah- ti-mls t<> apply to the Township Com- Objection*, If any. should be made pf beilnnlni. nwer the Kill of aulri Comphi^nant. Reg. $1.95 weight she lost doing strenuous «et- rnittei- of fh» Township of Woodbrldgo Immediately *' In writing (6 B. J, Seoflon 3. This ordinance ahall teJe on or liefnre the ^tli day of July, ' ting-up exercises for a film role... for a Plenary Retail Consumption II- Dunlgan,iT0wnihla Clerk, ot the Town- effect ImmediaUtV upon passage *n< next, or tlie KHIII BUI will be taken M nsr fui premises situated at 837-820 ship of Woodbrldge, New Jersey. publication In accordance with law conffumMl itgalnst you. ' Joan Crawford'introducing a new Fiillwii street, Woodbridge. Township (Signed) CLINTON A. BAKER, all ordinances and part* of ordinances The aalil HIM Is filed to rorei'lo** . form.of badminton, namely, Bounc- of WiKKlhrlda-o. N. J. (Rsy'n Hut) Superhighway. Inconsistent with the provisions hereq" a n-rtaln mortRage given by Mary Objei'tlong, If any, should be mad"! WoodbrTdge" N. J. are hereby repealed. C; AtoddHrt and TliomiiH A. Htoddart, ing Badminton, to her friends.. Immediately In writing to: B. J, W, I.-L 6: 9. Id. Notice of.Hearing, June 19th. 19W hi* wife, Hole heirs anil (lcvlnees at ENSEMBLE Leni Lynn autographing a picture DuiiiKan. Townnhlp Clerk, Woodbrldgt, jt 7 P. M. JK,.B. T.L.J4 the Momorl law under the Ij(»t Will and t«slH- MEN'S WHITE to her screen mother, Phyllis Povah New Jersey. NOTirB Municipal Bulidinf, ridge. New inerit of .lumen H. Hloddart, dei.'e»»w)u I iHlRned) ' JULIA SIPOS, Take notice thnt JOSEPH OALAIDA Jeraey, tinted June 211th, 1108, whli'h mort- Fine Broadcloth SLACKS and SHIRTjS .., Nelson Eddy recording songs for W I.-L—6: 9. 1«. Woodbrldge, N. J. intends (to apply to the Commltteemen Advertised In ikn Independent-Leadii gage wna thereafter Hnslgned to the his new film "Balalaika" ... llonn of the Township of Woodbrldge for a June 9th and Juhe 16th, IMS. Complainant, ttrjue Brewiter Smith, - VOTICB Planary Retail Consumption llcanao W. I.-L. «: 9, !«.. tin TlndH In Ihe T<>wn>hlp of Wood- , TO MATCH Masaey popularising the suede baby for premises situated at 122 Main bridge, In the County or Middlesex Woven Materials bonhet fashion . . . Greta Garbo Take notice that OEOROB BORBAS Street, Woodbrtdge, N. J. •Ad State nf New Jeraey; and yoU. SHIRTS Intonda to apply to the Township Com- Objections, if any, should be made LEGAL NOTICE Haidomero V. Sou In, are made u bringing a thermos kit and luncheon mitts* of the ToWnshlp of WoodbrldRe immediately In writing to B. J. fundant becauae you are the o Value $3.95 to the studio on days when, she is for a Plenary Retail Consumption li- Dunlgan, Township Clerk, of the Town- of the BHIII iirvtnliieK and you, Whether it's rultlnK tne garden cense for premises aituated at 904 Ful- M0T1CK nette Loulhe Sou to, are made 8, required to report for fittings . . . ton Street, Woodbrldge, Township of ship nf Woo'lbrldtre. New .'erasy. NOTIQB IS HEREBY OIVBN thi Wilt Collars. Special $2 47 hrdgr, sheep's wool or a head of (Signed) JOSEPH OALAIDA. the foUowlnr Ordinance Mi Hit rod tic fenilunt litrHUKi' you nrr the Wife 87c Dobs Watson thrilled over the gild Woodbrldge, ff. J. 133 Main Street, ii V. Hniitn, owner M, 1 ed and paued on first Reaflnt •imnteed for 1 Ye»r. hair, It's all II" same to Mr. E, Ohjectlonn, if any, tbould be' made Woodbrldn. N, J. In (|tieatlon, unrt clt' engraved watch presented to him by Immediately tn , writing to: B. J, th* Townihlp of Woodbrldgi, 1 SUMMER HATS . tioddard, 60-ycar-old Teftont, Eng- W. I.-L. 6: 9, 16. . . Jersey, at a Regular Meeting held . havnave aoniminipe Interest In tthee nnlrnalrti r, •S« COLOREOL D SHIRTS AT Lionel Barrymore at the dost of Dunlgan, Township Clerk, Wooilhrldp', land, rarmer. Me Has been cutting New Jersey. JunJufle i{, \m, *T the Memorial Muni gugi'd premlaon liWcaua« of y»[)ti r| THIS LOW Pj|UCE. "On Borrowed Time" . . . Myrnn eipaj BuBulldlngtl . ' / ' Of illiWtf ''' ." hmlr for 40 yean with his lon|,«Je«l (Signed). QBQROE BORBAS. Dated M«y 34Mi. IMD. STRAW or BANGORA Loy spending^ day off from another W. I..C.-4: % H.^ WoodbHdji*rN, J. Take- notlo* that, mnk 'J V Inlands TAK'"E" FUHTflER NOTfCB that the ToVnahl_ ]pp Committee wftl meet oi A. J. A .1. H. WK1HT. m iheMt-tne same lenrttt Of tmt to apply to the CommltteemeRacni of theh* V«lue> $2.27 studio visiting her friends On the JunJ e I1t* Un, at the H*m6rlal Muni Hollvllora fur ('omplninant,* •> tJ spent In clipping hedges and sheep. NWTICK Township of Wocflbrldn tor a Plen- ! M-G-M lot.... Spencer T»cy off on ary Retail Consumption llcenae for clpaf Building. Woodbrldge, New Jnr- 31A Htnto Blrpft, '"'7,l73 [MEN'S FIVE FOLD He Is proud of,hls.»blllty and claims Take notice that WALTER B. HAB- sey, T D. m,. S. 8. T.. to consider the Perth Amlioy, N, J. ' •'••"iji Special $1 17 n week-end cruise to Esenada .. . premises situated at MM Fulton Btreet, W, I, t-2, », H, 2J ' -••••• nil work Is Just a« rood as that done ICH Intends to apply to the Tttwnahlp WoodVldgK, New Jersey. final plaaate ol th* following Ordi- INED OR UNLINED Florence Rice taking advantage of Committee of the Township of Woocf- nance st which time and place objec- by the city tonsorlal expert*. Objections, If any, should be made M1UDL.KHKX C(»UNTY the first summer daya to entertain bridge .ffir a Plenary Retail Consump- Immediately Jo writing to B. ^J. tions thereto may be presented by any ATHLETIC UNDER- tion license for premise* situated at Dunlgah, Township Clerk, of the Town- taxpayer of the Township. QATK'H IMHIIIT at her beach home.. .Robert Young 416 Amboy avenue, Woodbrldge, Town- Vhlp of Woodbrldge, New Jersey. » Objectors may Ale a written objec- lfOTiriO TO UIKDITOKS ,,„ First Ungtlih Theater < ship ot Woodbrldge, N. J. (Signed) FRANK RACt, tion with the Townahlp Clerk prior to WEAR busy,over weekends putting ftnishr Objections, If any. ahould be madit ( that date. , ' August F. Orelnor, Adminl»trmtw\'M ins touches on the garden on hit The nfst English theater was COD- ' aot rurl*« Street,' ot Annie Hagvdiirn, ili-ieniii'il. by dt**Ei ledlately In. writing; to: B. J. „ ^Woojbrldge, K.-J. -' " B. J, DUNIOAN. rerllon ol Frank A. Cnnnnllv, riurro>- ' Value 65c Woven Madras new valley estatA,.. Virginia Bruce itrUcted at Shoreditch jn 15711, I gun. Towiubtp Clerk. Woodbridge, W.- I.-L. S: 9. If Township Clerk, rate »r the County, of Mlilitle**X. •'• Or|La|l introducing a new shade of make-up r Jersey. • hereby glv-CH notlrn In the ireillti French Back — Please mention tlib P»P« to »«| | Hcial •dmtlsers. -• . ,. Leslie Fenton directing hit wlf* Take notice that the ?RA1 AVENUE, WOOD! •jralnHt the estate of HHII! ilei-eased, Value 5Oc ' NOTICE Club Intend* to apply to the Commlt- MEADB STRBBT. under oulli oriiinrniaihm, wjtliln Ann Dvorak, in a lova unit, with NOTICE teemen of the Townjnlp of Woodbrldge TKE TOWNSHIP _, month* from tills date or they WL. Take notice that MRS. MARIE Special 27C Walter Pidgeon in "Stronger Than notice for a club license for presnl*** situated BRIDOE AND TO PI(6VIDE be rorever barred «f any action] , FLYNN intends to apply to the Town- at ISO Main Street. Woodbridin. N. J. PATMEKT THBRBO^ " " tliernfor ngalnst, the Hald Adralnls- , Desire"... Robert Taylor still n* ship Committee ot the {Township ol Objections. If any, should be made tnilnr. SWIM TRUNKS Woodbrldie for a Plenary Retail Con- BE IT 0R.pA.lKBp by the Township ceiving counties* wedding gifts, tfph •—-"-'.ely In writing to B. J.. i Committee of the Townahlp of Wood- Dnteil June IHI 19' An sumption license tot preinl*M «Hua.t*l Townihlp perk, of the Tawn- AITOIWT.F. | Wool, Standard day from friends as we'll as fan),., it*% Avenel /Street, Avenel. Township *Sm Uhlp^rko -Urldjre in the County of Middlesex: SHORTS ihlp ol»Wotdbrld|4jl«w Jnw^ (fThftithe w\n*f Sflwur Inld »«i». con , , Ailminlatrgtoi', Brand* Muriel Hutchinaon Introducing her oo of Woodbrldge, N. J. • «• i (Signed) FRATlRNITT COT I strticfeo' and paid for by Ihc owner of HYirtt A AMMxrhma, fcugs., /. / Broadcloth, Double Crotch Oblnrtlona, If any, should be mad< WIMIatn D. Boylan, Pres. , Lota V77 ttoo' 86 iJn Block se7567.. on Carroll CminHi'lclfK ut IJIW, • . coupe, recently arrived' from Nwr.| ' W inr, ihould b« m»d« IromeriliUdlv In wrlllnt-, tu: B. J WIMIatn D. Boylan, Pres. Vl1 ly In- wdtlnf "»:•;'• Patrick L Ryan, Vloe Pres, Avenun In tho Townshiwnshp of WoodnrliliWrie 32 Vnlil •mni'p- , York, to friends on th« lot. The ~ ' iwnnhlp Clprk, WiHHl|jrlilKe Pik L R Vl P Ituliwnuy, N, J. | "- $1.95 to $2.96 DUBl Tnwnihip Clerk, Won«lbrid*>, JohJh n M. MullenMlln ; BoBtcTreasc TIVHB . ammii t a mnnholhln In ttlicl j »n, Woodbrlitg*. N Illje KMRi'ilnli- «n«l ^riM'lora. fiiiipc boar* the name of Countesd MRS, MARIE TLVNN. N S ' JO8BPH WKINBH, W. I.-L. ft! f le; R.« nil H" , V. T. W. I. «•», l|!.l,fl«<7 7 19c ft, 1H Avenel, N, .1 W. I fl: ». 16 Wnodbrlog", N. .1 4,

    • j^SWLi,. ••*'''ri ••' '4


    nor rmwrv __ FSIDIT. W w w._ __ _^CT^-.-. '^PENUKV Woodbridge-Irvington Game Monday To DecideJN. J. 1 DEFFAT OF KEARNY T Annex IANDS PRISCOMEN ° STRAIGHT TRIUMPH A-FieldtmdA-Stream CHANCE AT CROWN AGAINST CAfiTEKET :* Bass Chapla/ Slated To Hurl |0wii Two Bow> We have been unable to get any results of the opwi For Barroai In Final he U ing day, which was yesterday, but from the Fish and Gam. Tournament Game Newark tourney ,„,. Winning 5 M o'clock at Rup St. JSlias • 8' l>rrHi»Dt,retoi ii. deeuion over South JMver, will b mutes puund«d piloh»ra Terebet- Lake, near Branchville; (.'^anbury Lake, near Newfound WJH pullin, |,,, , BJ ald mi Masluok for It hrtt to heavy favorites Monday afternoon ,and; Greenwood Uk«, war Btov/m And A.BW»|u«; MSi ',0 win Monday, il,, y t «« a result of their greater ex peri ieKi»tLi a 13-0 win. As I tttult, • nrf sir, h 1 ence. The Barrons, unimpressive the Owls are p«rch*d in first place, wood Lake, near Dover; Lake HopaUoqr, near Hopat in many of their scheduled ganu* a half game la -front of the Eylka cong; Mountain Lake, near Bridjreville, and SwarUtwood iraund ptrfarntm,, •\.A - tfeis spring, ar« "mon«y player*" Ukranuini. Lake/ near Sw«rtnwood. The small-mouth bass in found and should give the defending Sumutka, formar Carteret high Champs a real tussle. Howevi/r, principally in the strenms and rivers. The South Branch of clytch. .!„ . school catahcr now with the Owls, both ti>ams hpve been charged the Raritun and Musconetenng contain baH.i, but the Dela than paced the Woodbridge nine at the With an overwhelming number rl from the lo<,,l , plute with three hits in six tries. ware River above the Water Gup is probably the best place •rrors in tourney play and the One of his blows went for a home *UtM"( "r»>/id steadiest team will more than like •for this species of fish. run. Al Laffler also connected out it Ikair n«d, ly bring home the bacon. u ••'•til H*re they are, those bombini; fiarrom who will tangle with Irvingtnn hi*rh ichool Monday afttr- safely in three times at plate. Fish and Game Legislation kl(«r«oon when ilic t ChapUr to Start noon at 5:30 at Ruppert'i Slaflium in Newark in the final conteit of the Greater Newark Invitation The Owls went to work'on Tere- Nine of the fish and game bills at Trenton have taken on lb* •!»•» ia lh< ., 1 Frank Chaplar has been noml Bateball Tournament. Coach Nick Pri»co gave hit imiling alhlclej leveral workoutt this week and betski in the first frame for a •U .ni the road of least resistance and have ended up in the so Ip f««t, Coach Prin., ,I,,H nated to °tart on the mound for It confident th«jr will wrctt th« "B'T'^'cal" itatr title from the Camptownen, defending ckampioiu. run and followed up with another tk« IVixunitH), Gheplar has been Pictured above, Firil Row, ivim l«ft to right: Watilek, Gurney, T. Barcellona, ChapUr, Uffl.r marker in the third Inning. Tere- called morgue. Some of these bill« were no good at all '• MM with colt,,1 , . successful in disposing of all three •ad. Si«jBPA»n. '' betaki faltered in the fourth when and some should have been ucted upon by our august body nali* wouldn't mill, In,,, ;„ tournament foes to date, nlpv Sacond Rowi Kprcaowiki, Molnar, Svmak, Barcdlona and Bothwell. he walked tw» 'men and s>How«d l»»l 1* Ncwurli MnnMf Trenton, Carteret and Kearny, and of law makers. Third Raw: Glllu, Barry, Ja«(*r, Bama, C. B edi and Bartba. Leffler, Sumutka, 2ick and jtfolfiar ckt*r th* boyi on ID >,(I,.,, the Barron star shoukl impress Fourth Row i M«Ua\Itf SattUr, Maoagar Kociit ami Co*en Niek Priico. hits which woduced four runs. Below are listed the nine that have taken the long one- wiH b* ikair firtl <.mti .0 , "tournament nfnernir •s^he-'W ' The Carteret nurier retired in way ride: bai*4>(ll litIr in U ,,.,,, valuable player" should he pitch favor, of Masluck lo the seventh Irviiiffton into submission. Coach 3 • Woodbridge Fire Company Title after the Owls scored their seventh A-50 which permit* owner to designate type of lure U*TtHII:, : John (Doc) (lalitz will choose from run. " to be used on stream. plenty of cumin.;i;"• either Frank Miller of Charley his section of il, ' Masluck retired the side in order Zjober in order,to bring the Baseball, ct'U-tiialn £IVES HOLY NAME in the eighth, but the fireworks A-5G which increases combined license fee from $3 champiorlshlp back to Irvlngton. Te Be Decided In Contest Sunday niverury this urn flared u> the ninth when the Owls to $4. , Hillcr, although he in bothered around, and Huf • atted around to wore six runs. With a sore arm, will use his fast WIN OVER KEASCEY Tracken And Hose Divi- A-^24 which provides for a $1 salt water license. eagues, is beini: • . ben bpbbjed two grounders to • ball if he stur's. Ziober is more ftfvnatiles by tlie "> , lion To Have Annvd BARRAGE OF add to MaajuckY |>ad luck. A-407 which permits hunting in a tracking snow. like Chaplar in that he depends RecoTenFrwn Shaky Start pro and uindlot b;i-. Zambo fanned ejaven batsmen A-160 which protects crabs. • upon curves and control to pull Bank At Stadium new low in inton FMI and didn't allow » a«ige walk while him through. And H«W- li MARKS GIRLS'CAME A-165 which provides for licenses for gill netters. ceipts. it'r uviilnii < Tajebetski and Muluck combined The Barrons, in defeating'Kear-, Pt# Oj Hand WOODBRIDGE, —- The Wood- A-282 which has to do with ahad fishermen in the outback yani. II bridlfe-Irvington baseball ch»i«i- to fflii four and walk seven. ny lajit Saturday, stopped the win Iselin Club Clouts 33 To OwU (U) Hudson River. forced to cancel Sm nil}£ streak of speedbflller Bob WOODBJUDGE. — Eddie Zullo piortship shindig at Newark Mon- he high schoul >' pitched a brilliant three-hit game day will not have anything on 1h'? Beat Hopelawn; Pt. AB R H A-453 which prohibits,the carrying of firearma in Pprfar at 15 games. Forfar went Barcellona, as 8 financial %'uu^ .- ver the weekend to pace bis Holy diamond attraction slated for t':e TSijc innings against Coach PriBco's Uffler, cf , 6 woods and fields from December 31 to November 10. However, if .-mil. • > Name mates to a 13-4 victory over Legion field here Sunday morning Reading Defeated bombers and gave way to Captain Sumutka, c * A-524 which prohibits fishing in trout streams between shortly to sluw •;• •• he Keasbey F. C. in a scheduled Not that it makes any difference— ISELIN—The Iselin Red Devils Chet Landers, regular first base Pochek, 3b , the uiin • Heavy. Senior league tilt. A shaky but it has been announced (for and the Woodbridge Alley Hawks January 21 and April 14. (nan, who stopped the locals in the Ziok, rf greatly. "We r^ M tart by Zullo. gave the Keasbey what reason, no one knows) that' compiled terrifically high scores run? produced column. tfolnar, 2b Odds and Ends pitcher's box lie i nine three runs irj the first inning, the Truck Division and the Hos«; this week over thfeir opponents to filek, if least eight fut Poeheb Pole** On* but the Port Beading lads settled Division of Woodbridtfe Fire Cum- continue in a first-place tie in the New York's New Fees Sabo, lb ... four m i. "Porky" Pochok started the down and held the opposition hit- No. 1 will tangle at the dctiR- Township Girl's softbal) league. The 'non-r<-sident fishing license fee remains $5.50 Barrons in scoring when his,single less until the fifth stanza whqn Zambo, p . spot for the horsehidt' su- Iselin batted out 33 hits, almost a under New York's new law. A combined hunting and fish- The New ,l.r . . in the first frame rolled through two hits produced another run. Ur, If uremacy of the department. That's iiew record, in the league, to d,er scholastic A«s'n «ii , outfielders Pachuckl find Mnder- Uhe Holy Verne batsmen broke a ing license may be obtained for ?10.5.0. The fee for trap- something, if anything. ' fiaitiJte. Hopelawn Starlets by 'a flipplftCl1 Ili'M 1 !• aki to account for the first run. -3 tie in the fourth by blasting 41 13 15 ping is $25. If you recall last yeM^-totjJ*-^ 2!>-9 count. Anne Ontkos and L. betng whispirid lli .1 :: Kearny came back with two mark- Bucko for three doubles and a but who wants to do that, tiic CJ ill is showed rfancy stick work as CarUtet (0) ingle lor two runs. The Holy AB H H The law provides for separate hunting, fishing and 'ry to iron mil iL. ers in the second inning as a result Truckers barely nosed out the they paced thiir mates to a 27-3 of ,ihree hits and two errors.' For- Nlame nine scored at least one run Hamaldyk, Sb 4 trapping licenses for residents, the first two for a fee of once and for nil. li Hose lads at the historic 'Grove win over Port Reading.. The Wood- ffr, first up, singled and werfjj to' n each Inning to top Keasbey. Wadiak, rf, cf cessful, the ntri lim street field. The boys of the Hose bridge lasses collected a total of fl.65 each. The trapping license will cost $4.25. rom 20 to Hi yru < ; «Jcond on Pochek's bobble. Thong- Bucko farmed pine while Zullo nine are still smarting from Masluck, rf, p n 3!) hits .in submerging tho Squaws. a more romuU-ti- < "'i|r advmceri Forfar and waa safe sent only four, to trie bench y4a defeat. However, no on Dpbrowski, c, 2b ... Tlje fish at Bakersfield, California, will get some rest ! the route, At the present larticipatiiigliitliK ; ;»i first.on a delayad play. Forfar to care a^bout that. Lorraine Raphael pitched and M, Boben, gs aoon as motor boats have been banned from Kern Park finger prinLs, phui i* acored on another error and ime the Holy Name combine is 1 Sunday's skirmish, scheduled to did some heavy hitting to lead Lake for two weeks. iwiue mhouliFnii'i 1 • Ftjfhonper crossed the dish on Cpr- ied for second,place in the league gel under way at 10 a. m., is' ex Iselin to its third win of the. sea- Ginda, T: : obatruction, siiu> i kin's . with the Seweren Blue Birds. petted to draw several thousand son. Helen Kane starred at the Ohanek, if : The Board of Supervisors decided upon the order to small perci'iituK1' Charley's Cafe gained a 13-10 fans—or flies—to the Legion sta plate with five hits, all extra-base O«yp, lb 8 give the fish some peace and quiet, when anglers com- Woodbridgp went out iit front od over the Wolverines in a slug- tligh gchoiil .slay > dium. Well, -at least there knocks, Gutwein was tops for the' Gural, rf ..„ .".....;.. 8 in the fourth when Simonsen est at the Parish House fielf plained tha.t the bass were too frightened to apawn. The new rulinjr ^ be eighteen folks on hand. losers with three hits in as' many walked anil stole 'pecond. Barcsl- However, the victory {ailed to lift Recently we saw several Albino Trout in a spring fed entering hitfh --i-i>••.' nwd that many io play the gams. tirnoft at bat. The second inninjf • lana'R y,'\ng\v ticored Simonsen. the locals out of their filth ber of tjiis y I ! with the third run of the frame to to operate a successful ball club. Starlets (,o overcome, despite their icked for a total of 13 base fall, pitched in l'.>- give the ISiirrons a 4-2 lead. Managers George "Two-Ton" five-run rally in the sixth. is considered a graver crime than robbing the local bank. knocks.', • • he Barruns bif'i . Twd more Woodbridjte runs Van Tassel and William "EigHt Anne Ohtkos pitched a flve-hitj Both niqes scored heavily in the Tabl* for New Jfersey Coast I ne. . . Frank k • trickled ac'i'oss the plate in the jarly innings, the Wolverines lead- Brill" Fltipatrlck, pibt> of the game «ftainst Port Heading while, m (Eastern Standard Time) ' ever and ha shniih ' • flftb.when Leffler doubled over the ing 9-? nt the end of the second'. Truck and Hose units respective- the Alley Hawks reached Margaret Sandy Hook toPrikco. next s|iiin>-. : left field fence to scoreBarcellona harley's Cafe came back with ly, are silent as to the starting Zullo, usually a very effective AM'n goftballers t..1 • ••' ' and Knrezowiki. Lefflerjs blow '(Continued on Page 16) (Continued on I'aye 16) pitcheV, -for 39 h*t«. QiUia starred' WOQPBEUX1E.—Sarrtuel Gioe, June A. M. P. M. A.M. P.M. sheet after beini; i' " :, would have been a home run were at tho plate for the winners with director of lltf U>wn«hip"WPA Re- Saturday .'. „ 1..17 7.20 7.3«- I '• locals sforeleB*. WOODBIUDCR- -Following an- tli0 .schedules j-.nci the standings The schedule is as follows: June (Continued on Page 16) ne of the townslni' ••• (Continued on Page 16) l! , Fail to Rile ChapUr is of Wednesday night in the various bascbiill and sudtmll leagues 18, Yankee vs. Detroit at Yankee in, was feti'ii !»' n the- Township, as announced by Samuel Gioe, direct; r Stadium; June 80, Yankees vs. bachelor diniur l'i|l! *" The Kearny farm -hooted and Township Heavy Senior Baseball at Yankae stadium; New- Willie will abamlnn I howled to give Chaplar the jitters V1 Week of June 19th SOCCER CHAMPIONS ark Bears vs. Metres] at nup. 250-Mile StocUar Race Carded >er» within R f('« '' in the seventh, Cowel singled and port's Stadium and August 21, Gi- eavy- senior .«ofilia- Tuesday —Charlie's Cafe Vs. Keasbey F. C. scored when Ohaplar threw wild nnts vs. Chiopgo at Polo Grounds. 0 a nice Rtiirl tin- " to first on Corkin'a infield tap. Holy Name VB. Wolverines ii Chaplar's wild heave to board to cover all conditions of Yankus Ewdtd To Sign.dulphla on Tuesdsy, Juiv 4, when' tiMn, th» bH the platter. KEAJJNY—An interesting game First Half Complete. Postponed Ctemef To 8ie Flayed. Hankinson Speedways wlir stage a coropetitioH. ' will bn offered the soccer fans br!4(* 40 Woodhrldgc threatened to score jKoadbrMpe Junior Baseball 250-ini|e stock car race, open to Safety for the motorists Inex- when the ScotB Americans, of — According i in the eighth when- Tony Barcel- the yrorlil, for n ijiU'si1 of $ri,.ri00, rinnrd in raoinrr who will enr Kearny, will dash with th* Tren- to I - „.•.!•. loaded. I.andei-K forced Barcellona First Half Comptete. Rostpoiwd Games to Be Played. 11 IIHi'nii'le/ Ainnt'Mir* °" S"1 '\*. b.">tt"n iC.r\)\'itrp t«ll 'lie Nl'W Yullt Diiwliuir thin uni<|ii.' • j,r,) l l 1 to ground out to retire thn side. i Pi fltftyll 'l ' ''•" "".v i'i Mir ii'mi Trial of h(i"' l iH "ifllf word i • IT diiviT of Ilu-jc d c ;|'r ,. m | ••••In** if"' 1' Kt'irtly tl'ii'd d "iipr.'itelv to 'lu ! 11' 1 in f>r>«i fioni"i. t!l1jon. l»l> fp'oi'ir'l \\> 'H,i|, p f s ftijtot .nrilu cniirao", i" "'em's tho •*"' •' ' the rmii't in t><' liiulli li'it. I.i'r"- " '•"X 1 • Invi'j •:)' bfi crown- 51* Jn-l|,p ili'i'.liiwilion of Loin by 111" "«- foot Imnk unil 'he i.*K.,.,>. •i- flei'-. '•!•'! on Mud .vk'.'s pip A| s vs W. F, C. ^t iii llio ,Yanl:rc b'tsi'liiill |w,l fur t'iR third successive ohnin, .Mobli; A^ociu- if 'harp curvo* mwidoa mnxlmutp Coif (Tlkir," i I lie uii In . "—*ted Onions v#. Shell j who onrm'd his SMMV ytf UwWcJJ»(O. T ,voir. while the iqn, nutipnpl KoveintiR body of Kifi'lyitf a UwWc:JJ»(.O ThtiaU ll over thf < T-he "iiiiii' M'miiy aftvrhi-QpJict. il th BlWd ,bovb e .witith the Woodbridjce fligh school — Ut Ward Rep. vs. Avtn« Democrats _-cord ot noarly 183 fluleg pal ihe Hikri'uns and win •ton won top honors In tlje fe.nn«yl- Barronii, .the ni^e and P«n- >momohllo raciliic, < whick Cupt. 16M«'»(rradiiir'''in *• ' Townphlp iQWs' SottltlJ E(|(lie {lickonbueker, wurlil whr hour wair wr last yoar by Bob Sail I hi' slule championship; va.nlo League for their third ningtoii n Prep, captainedl) thhe Man- '! ', . TtiHnlar June Mnd. Hj jice, is chairman. PatMion, .u. j., profeuion,] 9 really joinj; Hi ''"•' '•ist contest of the junson for Xttalffht season as well as holdthg hattan Collage nine Ibis past sea- driver. • ' .the amateur championship, of thp son from his MQftnd base post. .pjr *nd:thc Hoinv.' tennis. A Urge dii)cguUon of lit will be th? drat race of ita llr Woodbrldje at foelln : The lait taqctloned stock car ,i ,run,for ' " dgo fnns is exp«itod to be state ;or the same parloit, fha The YftjtalS Wprovtif of Jost's kind BVyr. wnctioQflfl(by the A. A. U ^t Jeg^Gerok, i' ' Q1J b,an. Allen, nationnl secretary. Prc! ( pures nho.ujr] be selUad with this, 0' |)ie b«(ter Y*niee farm clubs. Ha,, once scene of the world land •lenion thin CdH Beai'8. J Tuesday -HJliflonh vi. Bea»i • r vioia stock e»r *vent« have been game as each team is the cream of Durtyg the «nit aevo,n at M»nhat held over rbud or beach ooumeH. Tave peorpo W;i • Woodbridfe (7) • Marlon of St. Albari,, L. * ^» !;1 iheir^espoctive crop. tag, joat proved hi* versability he ; The only restriction* applied to Mon when Ihr l. ;' ABB laflUtock car event, which was for 11 l The game will start fit 6:45 and Playing Several Wield portion? 'intrieahytheA, A.A.requireBthe d! tq the ifii"! ' ' JKolnar, ^h B ^ Port Reading at Ktashey profeaalongl drivers only, was rtj 1 •Ihe winner will face the Irish and baUlng wall over 4hfl 30(| applicant to be able bodies, men- D [own, \he dimi' ' ' Pochrk, ,U B ' t ftt JlwWl* (Green Street) at Amatol in 1927, near Atlantic mbankment. v Americans in the final. tally iQund and at least 21 ye«n Lilly. ii* • UCuntiiiued on Page 16) }€ontmufd on Pagt 16) . . .-Bo loni; , JUNE 16, 1939

    Sneezing t'aatan Cad OUT «MO «**.& SLIM Ve+CM MM}- 1 ibh story you avar mI & ,IHM1NDED1OT m

    . r us hava any laureli i


    Ml (1IANCB NOW

    .1,1 the congressmen who f:•'(• seeds expect to grow

    .till Why, t crop ol



    WtLl TURH IT the Statue of Liberty INTO A NICE C • • !i in her hand; ' doesn't have k> pay ,! son." ' '; 0MBOY Mr COULD DO WITH mar ft

    •:,, my little twwtia and, ''V ••'••£! t» make each other


    i'-vuhad a very sUmulat-!! Mm. eh? What did you!


    •'inn barrels whisky It

    I ».n»ll Supply | * f' ' "•» poundi of ruiium. i' f- |y '""'I nt $15,000,000, has j since 1MB \ ' '"•'"I (Irut made their l Anproxlmataiy " »5 ."' llj"llt « third at the •'•- Is believed to ba In

    ;,L.»k -N^&iih^^A^a^^^ '-.•',S*'i:/if^.; ^.J^ \ A INDBfeNDEh , JUNE 16. 1939

    HOBBIES OF A-FteW And A-Stream Continued from Sport Page Continued ft0, THE STARS M, Pogany, rf i For Tide, at the Fallowing Pon*» Eft** AjMor G. Vargo, cf „ Indicated To,«r frofa Sandy rKwfc H. M. Ajbury Park 26 Waretown —^^ *° C , Barnfif at Inlet PalamboLaf CONGRATULATIONS! South Amboy ....-• +* (Jetty) , + 0 16 Beach Haven Kollwr, if" Key port .'..+1 Znll| p ' . (Inside) + 1 J£ JCopeha. tf "Z .iBht ..-0 16 Cowon Inlet .. —« g To The , lb . Scbednks Continued from Sport _ ... I«B«r.....'." Itwaafcia Heavy »>BI« f*«ban Week af Jane «•»•• Monday —Red Ghoita v». farmers at taelin Port Hw4uif Tuesday Fraternity vs. W. F. C. H Wednesday -Avenel Denwerati va. Red Gho»ts Thursday Fraternity vs. Red, Onlom _ t. Ambreai, p ! Friday Farmers vi. Flrat Ward Iteiwblicin Club 14 Kamliwliy, 3b

    Vlr»lnl» Bruhi«l, ib J. Zulo, cf S 1 4 Hillbillies -t 2 Simonsen, If hf. 4 11 A. Fundbek, 2h E. Eechliko. If 4 0 0 Barcellona, ss 5 2! A. Zuccaro, ss 4 1 1 Dog Patch 1 J. Predlcb, If Korciowski, lb , 8 8 1 J. Genovese, 2b 3 2 1 Bar Flies : 2 M. Fundock, cf J. Bylecki, c 7 Hopelawn Wolves 0 Ltfftar, e , t 0 2 M. Kane, c . * * IH«inse Wasilek, rf 8 0 0 Kontav rf DaPrile, rf 3 2 1 Intermediate Baseball E. Zullo, p 3 1 0 Gurney, cf ,-.. * 1 2 Ramblers , Chaplar, p , » 0 ° Clovers Totals 34 13 11 Hopelawn . o 2 n F. C .Jayvees 84 7 12 Iselin „, i io ; KEASBEY F. C. (4) Wanders I (i; MAY IT EVER AB R H K*«ray («) A. Ontkos, p , I Homesteads ii 1 1 AB R H II. Nemeth, lb Sebesky, rf 4 1 1 Boys Club Pachucki, rf 5 0^2 i Charonko, 2b 3 1 0 ! Junior L Gillla, 3b { Wagonhoffer, ss Flannauah, If 4 1 0 B. Lauritsen, c II Konowitz, If 5 «S**Crusader» s 2 Landers, p 5 0 1 A. Dvrlath, c 3 0 0 -- 4b - Farmers •.., 2 Muderski, lb 4 0 1 Payti, lb -.- 3 u 0 F. C. Juniors 2 Forfar, p, cf 4 1 1 Cyrus, <=( 2 0 0 Ramblers, Jrs 1 Phowrer, 3b *»..., , 4 11 Zambo Hurls Whitney, c 1 1 0 P. R. Comets 1 Oowell, 2b 4 1 1 Buchko, p 3 0 1 Township Senior.Softball Corkin, ss 2 11 Continued from S|,,,n Farmers 1 Bowland, c 4 12 WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP Totals ...:... . 23 4 3 W. F. C. Score by inninKi- Holy Name ..:.. 122 221 3—13 Red Onions 1 36 8 10 Owl» Kii niD Keisbey F. C, ... 300 010 0 4 Fraternity 0 Score by innings: Carter^ (HMI mm i CHARLEY'S CAFE (1.3) - | Shell Compound 0 Kearny 020 000 400—6 Errors: BatceHnna. 1',,,-t AB R H Red Ghosts 0 Woodbridge ... 100 321 OOx—7 ben, 2. Home run- s F. Golden, 3b 3 2 11 Republican Club 0 Errors — Pachucki, Landers, ThfM-base hit;Os\|) T fcajnbo^ 2b ,. 4 11 Avenel Democrats 0 Muderski, Molnar, Pochtk I, Lef- Sumutka. Sacrilice tut. REPUBLIC AN ORGANIZATION 3 j 21 - Township Olrli' Softball fler, Chaplar 2, Uffler 1, Gutney, diak. Double play: B,. P. Zick, ss ... Lomonico, p . 4 12' Alley Hawks . Muderski. Sacrifices — LefTler, browaki to Osyp, Strueh Tobak, If 3 J 2 Red Devils Chaplar, Flanrtagan, Corkin. By Zambo, U; Ti-rrli.t t,;; J. Bcka, lb ... 3 f 2!P. R. Squaws Struck out by Chaplar 3, Forfar 5, luck, 2; Bases on K,,> uii\ Sabo, c 2 0 0 Starlets Landers 6." Bases oh balls—off betsM, 5; Masluck,:: !l:t, Qatar, rf -.. 4 1 2 helln Ufht Chaplar i, Forfar 4. Hits—off •r; By Masluck

    r C,ontinue4 from Sport Pfcge fans! the personnel of the two teams. The, provable starting lfncupp are; Joins The Truck -Division Fred "Chick" Witheridge, 3b-p; Hark "Brifks" McClain, c; Gor- don, "Girdle" Hunt, lb; WilHani r "Monk Messiek,. »; Art "fainf Gardner, cf; Louis "1 gotta gn home" Malon, If; "Two-Ton" Van Tassel, rf; William "Steel" Pridn, p; John "Come on home In Congratulating The Louie" Kara, 2b, and thirty-one other guys in case it takes' a fight to win. Hot* Diviiion James "Spllnt*rs" Jardot, p, Steve "Stretch" Boniilsky, c; Val "Arab" Brown, rf; Frank "Two Pieces" Boka, 2b; Anton "Tony" Andersch, 3b; James 'Chief" Zehr- er, lb-p; William "Hot fetuff1 Pitzpatrick, ss; Julius "MsH Rus- sian" Prohaska, If; Whitman 't)ownwind" Campbell, cf, and six- teen others—\t needed. William "Apples" Applegate, of the Truck Division, is the only holdout. Whether or not he Signs the Truck contract before pme time worries the'Hose rtn'it more* than the Truckerm Police Chief George Keating and •will station his entire department, •'. ¥F you have wedding gifts on your mind, why not settle the at strategic points around -the Stadjum and bases as a, precau- ' 1 question now by seating electric appliance? Every day tionary measure to stop possible riqting. •'" . »nd several times a day,;hese gifts will faithfully perform their lineups. Because of the import- jervices. WhY not look over the selection at our showrooms? ance of the gamer it was vitally important that a couple of • th\J fric<58 we moderate and payment terms are easy. Small carry- members be bribed in order to give the thousands 'of interested , ing cWge added if you bay on ternw.

    81* aa Hoor by Alr( . With Miami, fla., the hub1 for air- lines converging from northern stateg and from the West Indies and Latin America, traffic statistics •how that nearly six persons an hour arrive there by air in an aver- ago year.