THE LARGEST £UAeU&T£|p , ,,„ iOCAL HAPPENINGS PAID CIRCULATION CROWS NEST COMPLETELY COVERING , th. NAVIGATOR WOOOBRIDGE, 3EWAREN, A V EN EL. Jl TODAY'S ISSUE Snbepenbent - leaber PORT READING, COLON IA tnd ISELIN -NO. 16 V\UII1I|:KI]><;K, N J ,11 F1VK CENTS r W.HiT GRADUATION Governor Moore Sends Greetings lM OUR SLATEDWEDNESDAY BK S, CARNIVAL RESTRiCTiON URGED IRONT AT LEGION STADIUM mm n ™ BY N. J. LABOR COMMISSIONER [NDOW First Outdoor Exercises In i&KCttxU Late Charlei R. History Oi Town To Local Merchants Alto Ex- BXtOttTIVBDBPABTMKNT Brown; Bergen Named pected To Urge Passage HAT HAS HAP- »SUftAt_6:45 As Vice-Pre»ident Rotarians, Lions To Provide Buses ,l . Woodbridge Of Law To Curb Showi 1( CUSS TOTAL IS 247 ELECTION^LAST NIGHT To Title Tilt For Barton Rooters BOTH SIDES TO GIVE White that unit Dorothy Kuiely And Georfe WOODBRIDGE! - Leon E WOOMUUOQBv-WIUi the RoUry and Liens Class lead!** the VIEWS MONDAY NIGHT f,.w yeir* ajf° it Robinson To Difeaii McElroy, Township attorney, wai war, MereateA ettbena, loya.1 alumni and staunch wpporten of much for the Democracy Threat* elected president of Woodbridge the WeeeVwMfe HU* tehoel Baseball team are tfauusftf U> at- Adoption Believed Certain un- comntuiSlty u a fire Company, No. 1, at a meeting tend awl fcvriie traastWleUM for hivji^aclMei studeUte te Uw My dear CharlUt - slate chaosateaehlp came between Woodbridgo and lrvWtea on Ai Momentum Increases ary town, no WOODBRIDGE. - Approxi- held last night at the flrehouse. Monday aftetMon at t;M o'clork *l Ruw*rt Wadta* Newwk. „. mki\, mat • . mately ?45 members of the senior He succeed* th* lit* C. It Brown. claw at Woodbridge High School •*•-*« ti with «tmliM pivfrnrrthat Tht service el»ba, believing that Woodbridge sboald have a For RaoJun Proposal nation to keep'things John Bergen, a member of the will receive their diplomas Wed- I Uarn of your pttr undlrUking. The,Independent large reBceseataUea at the tame, an povldlnf three large hases WOODBRIDGE.-With the De- Townihip committee, was named We su|geat that some nesday nght, June 21 at the first Leader should bi a Me<«nhil enterpri'«» tn4 aa ami which will transvert 151 boys and gtrls. The buses and yrlvate partment of Labor of the State of vice president, the office vacated New Jersey interested in the carJ wire merchant* get to- outdoor commencement exercises to Woodbridge. Ltt iM with you erery tuooeil* cars will leave Woodbrldie High School at tour q'cloek Monday scheduled to be held at the Legion by Mr. McElroy. nival situation and pjblic opinion •irViv* the organlia- after noen. Stadium. gradually rising in favor of the" Kfttptpera h*ye « duty tq, perform Mr. McElroy, who is 43 years As It Is the first thfte that the socsl hlih school hat had a ordinance wj)i<li wtll practically case of inclement weather, In fcivlnf their re«deri the truth and the tssentltl old, was elected to the truck di- ehanoe at Hie state crown and as the team will be playing In make it prohibitive for traveling [OUr blasts will b sounded on the and ill the U- e f»ote of news erenle tod- publlo affairs. Thus they vision on November 19, 1011 at the strange territory, the loyal support of rooters would be appreci- carnivals to lix-iite here, it is ex- «Ud fire alarm at 5:19 and 5:46 o'- beoone In a lense t plblio utility serHpe In the inter- ated, Cltlieji who are pUnnlnf to attend and who will volunteer pected that the measure will be clock Wedneiaay evening and the ag* ot 21. He. became an exempt est of oonmunUy" Welfare lad ??ood (joTernnent. fireman on April 19, 1937. He hag to transport high school student* or others In their can are ailed pasted b'x the Townihip commit'-" »•« exercises will be postponed until tee when it comes up for hearing done much for the fire company, to call the Independent-Leader oMlce, Woodbrldge 8-17H, and Ihe. following evening. If the Reoalilng ny ymrs of tieootation next Monday night. \ weather Is still unsettled on serving on many important com- all necessary arrajurmenU will be made. hit Um» with you here •« the Utate House, I Am confident you Some opposition Is expected' Thursday night, four blasts will be mittees and recently assisted in re- I or aratari it. Ne> •»•• sounded at th« same time as the will crttp your opportunity tad make the most of it* from fire department circles In viling the original by-laws of 1897 Port Beading, Reasbey and Hope-" wsy y«i night before and the program will He was first elected vice president RACE REFERENDUM lawn as those units sponsor car- , your duty, u a then be held, as usual, in the With kindest personal regards, I in THEFT TRIPS TRIO Woodbridge High School auditor- on November 17, 1927, acting in nivals yearly, receiving a percent- i tn the pel age of the "gate." However, to off- ium. that capacity for 12 yean. day. The JM*U win be • ' Sinoerely yours, TAKING TAIL TOUR LAUDED BY COMset any objections, businessmen The complete program for the p, M.,ie»r. M. John Bergen, 66 years old, was throughout the Township anf A commencement will be as follows elected to the hose division on Oc- Democratic Leader Urges planning'to send representatlanf :ll()TARIANS OF Processional, "Pomp and Chiv- 3 Local Lads, Out To See to the session urging the passage tober 19, 1B99, two years after the and Lions are alry," Roberts, Woodbridge High Adoption At Election of the ordinance which provide* fire company was organised. He World, Nabbed For [mended for provid- School Band. OoT^taor. ^ for a license fee of $300 a day fat; became ah exempt fireman on De- On Next Tuesday Iportatton facilities Invocation: Rev. Earl Hannum 0 Attempt To Steal . circuses and carnivals charging, cember 20, 1917, one of the mest twenty-five cents admission aty ndred and fifty Devanny, pastor of the Fkyt Pres- WOODBRIDGE.-Several Demo- active members of the department, JVOODBRIDGE.—T*ee Wood- more and $200 a day for shovrt byterian church. Charles E. Oraforjr, Mitor, cratic groups in the Township this to the champion he wss placed on the Active Hon- charging no admission or leas than Address of Welcome, Robert AI The Independent Leidir, brldge youngsters, Francis Blum, week heard J»hn Coyne, purty ne between Wood bert Menwcg. ., orary Roll on May 17, 1934. twenty-five cents. j Vtoodbrldct, Me* J 14, Frank Hall, 14, and Harold leader, urg« the passage TuowUtv Ii 6ffi President Merchant* flivington High Schools Theme—"Challenge to Democ Bolton, 13, who left home Monday of the referendum to permit pari- racy." 1. "On the Alert", Dorothy With the election,' Mr. McElruy Tlie merchants point out tha next Mondl*. The "to see the world" were picked up mutuel belt! Joan Kniely. 2. "To the Defense,' becomes the s-lxth president of carnivals and circueet are of _ [ who will be playing on LBT at Phillipsburg Tuesday after they Mayor l George Gilmour Robmsnn, Jr. Woodbridge Fire Co., No, 1. Oth- y City, StPte value to the town, yet take thou-< leld, will need plenty Among the many expreasloni of fellottatlon received by The had attempted, police said, to Dem:>cr*ti sands of dollars out of the com-, Clesi Song, words, Gustave Val- ets served as follow: ?hief, nlso has declar- Independent-Leader wa» one from Governor A. Harry MtMtre, munity that could be well spent ltd we hope that other entine Launhardt; iniisiu Charle: James V. Freeman, October 28, steal a rewbpat in the Delaware ed, Jti Ijivor nf the proposal. ear*v for food and clothing. They also tinuutions and private Oarble. whleh is repreduced 1897 to November 15, 1900; T. F. Speaking; before the Executive River. contend that men In business 369 Duiga, November 15, 1900 to Nov- Board of the Hungarian organize- do their part In see- Class, roster, Principal Arthur The boys who, evidently became days in the year, and who pay tax- ember 21, 1901; James V. Free- fi> Mf Coyne declared that pass- fit scores of student ge C. Ferry. Freeman, November 21, 1901 tohomesick, said they planned to 4e of the proposition would be of es, should be given ' consideration Presentation of the Class to theSEWAREN REGATTA PAINS DISAPPEAR November 20, 1902; William Bal- "float down the river and row afematerial aid .to the State since over a travtling show. of Education; Supervising (or John lard, November 20, 1902 to Nov. near as they could to Woodbridge. lje\£f»l millions of dollnrn woulud Several years ago, the Wood- rfncipal Victor C. Nicklag. bridge t Butlnessmen dcr, SCHEDULED JULY 16 SO DOES HIS $9embe!r 17,I9p4; C. R. Brown, Nov. They were'turned over to the stat b« derived tHmuglk li«*Ue- Slid o( Diplomas, Maur 1904 to November 15 police in Washington, N, 5.,'%C franchises. This declaration has Association urged the passage that there we such ice P. Duncan, president of th Turner, November 15 racks where their parents came to: [baenm subjeot of great argument such an ordinance •her Tewia*lf reei- Board of Education. Edggr Hill lfL»,^. ^>w>u_i_ .. -«J MfinIMI i ^IfevemberlBi "ikWuritit e*^ committee "reserved decision n^" to otter" ft »< Miller. the time of his death on Decora- boys a map to illustrate the jour Mr. Coyne aUo asSerted.thAt op- Wallet Stolen ney they had planned. If they hjtc the urdiTance was shelved. T " nomiittUM. Recessional, "March of th tion Day.
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