![Roosevelt Appeals to It^Y to Help Avert Wa Tanmfta Tnaf Baa M T for Us Borne Post on Monday Night at Tba State Mm](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
ilnitfpritirr Stndft WElWEgOAT. ATWIOW » IW i ' Avsrsgt Omp Cireahitioa Ths Wtsthsr hw stoma that furatabad to r m o aarirth at M y . ISSO ta aapa wU T o F o n n V F W I of On oowMe to be Many Dealers I wem Otnatys Market. Moo- T o Hold Legion Fanaaat af O. 8. WmOM .own Legion Elects m In tho im^rm tielalHr ia tba iH kst and Obwald’a fonnatloB o OMatnad f I am tandtad to npoct 61G1 • owty thto attaraaon MosBy ( Btaward Laggatt at tba ____ ig »«abemhlp earda Help Carnival worn that a tbraag or cloae to g,ooo Outin^unday ’ tNdghti Monday Night Tills yaors anoual Matteoal Oon- Boy Corps Here TeatnUvu oOtoen wM-ba toeetid ohOdma woqU to la attoodanea tor ttm cny, H. a. •*• vanUeo in B oston to tbo naataat aver toaigbt amLoutltna of p tim tor the tba fun BiUI frelto that had been ar- Manche$ter—A CUy ef Viliage Charm n-n--^ K n ­ Id In thto Man and It to mpaelad fan and winter ndmdkb of aUiMoa taaged Igr Raereattoa Osatera. it U KMdli Tom* Charled Hollistcr Slat^ tbnt tbs targaat mnrebing group Orgnnigntion to B e Effecle l%mlStaiy traltong wUI bo mndo by Nearly a Doaga Doaate Annual Event to Be HeM lorn tbo post ovar to'attand a major VOL. LVnL, NO. S77 AdveHtolBg a t Fags I0> MANCHESTER, OONN^ THURSDAY, AUGUST 24. 1939 (TWELVE PAGES) To Be Gomlmuider of ratbartng of tho VFW win be ready ed Tonif^ «t Home; G a^ Thiiiga for Di»* At Rod und Gnn Quit PMICR THRRR CRin w tbs pOgrieeaga ta Boaton early 20 SigBM Up. tribudoB at Globe. Pl^ground Show R. Fukoir- Post for Next Year. nest ’lUaadny meming. At Gtveotry. r tn « f aw Wd«nB atTMt and waa Oemmandar Nathan MUtor will M!m Beer Is Guest ItaMM iBa «m y . a n viattbif raU* A slato of omears for ltt»-ao of bead the post’s unit in tho parade The Boya* Corps of Andoraon- Naatiy a deoM local macchanto Tonight at Green The annual outing of DUwerth tl«M friaiW K IfUwaukea, and DUwortb-Oomell Post Antoiloaa and an aSleom of tho unit wni bo Shaa Post, VFW, a youth oeganlaa- At Coventry Party am ooopomting in pravidlag Cornall PosL Amerleaa Logion wQI Lh Imi. haaded by Charlaa RoOlstar In Uno. ttott for tbo tmlMag of boya and friibmwito tor tho huge etewO o f bo htod noat Sunday at tba Maa« of HoHlatar atraat for Oonnaandar, young man In mUtary reutiaa, boya aad glito that lavadH CHubo A cant of thirty boya aad gtrta of cheater Rod aad Qua Club, Coventry JofeB CUnw IWiaaHy of Middla will ba presented for action of the etolly tor theoa arlth spactol qnabA- tbo Maaeboator Orotn Playground Roosevelt Appeals to It^y to Help Avert Wa Tanmfta Tnaf baa M t for Us borne post on Monday night at tba state Mm. Kennoth Bear and her atotor, Holtow thto aftofMon ^ tho an­ Lake. Membem of tho poet, anaO- cations as musicians or advnncod has been rehesrtong tor the peat two la vRubutth, P a, after a abort aUy armory. Officers for the srsar will ,Mancheater Boy Scout training, wiU ba organ- Mrs. Oustava Andereen antortainad nual chUdran’s water dtmlval. The lary, Bona of the Legion aitd Junior be alsetsd by the mambera at tba toad this ovanlag at d:S0 at tbo with a mtocanaaeouB abower last program wan aehoduiod to get un­ wsaks tor a nUnatml show which Olrla will toko part In tba outdoor enwiiei msstlag and will taka thair Daie Book VFW Homo, Manebootor Otaaa. wiil bt pmsiatod tonight nt 3:19 at event. AvnMs Hitting Twa Boys T night bonorlM Mm. Baer’s atotor- derway at 1:80 «yOoek and Inchidad Arrangements have been made by poMs Inunedlately. Ovar 30 young nMn have alrandy the Oman Bebeot Auditorluim. Tka JapsThr^ten Mr. and Mn. Alfred W. Muck- Arrangements arlU ba made at the bi-law, Mias Evelyn B. Beer, wbeae a slate K a^uktle raeaa under tba William PltUn. ebairmaa ef thO Than Dias Front tha Shnek { U. S. Ambassador Checks W ar Situation tow of Haarr atraat bare retunad Nast Wash slgnad up tor tho Oerpa. The Oorpa marriage to Bte^en H. Bmith of program coaMsta ef local talent meeting for holding tba annual Jolat Aug. IT—Amertean Lagtoa fam­ Instructor win ba Captain Marcel dlroctlon of Ufaguard BUI gacbei'ab. outing oommltteo for ewlmmiag, freas tbatr Taeattaa la Middlebury, Taunton, MSas, wiU toko pineo 8op- numbon fi^ tboM ranging from boraeshoes. softball, and other eporto Stamford, Aug. 34.—<F1—Two VaaaMait. Tbejr also rialted tbair irutallatlon of offlcera with the aus' ily outing at Rod and Quo chib, Jobert of this town, an effloer of tombor 3. The Bdyar FnUt and Preduco boya on a bicycle swung out of Ulary unit during Bmtember. throughout the day. Bqaket luaebaa < The Shanghai W ill Stand By Poland Oovoatry. the Coast Artillery Reserve Corps Oompaby suppitod tww watemMioM pra-aehoel age, through high acbool aeaa tMaa tat Burlington and Al­ Tbo-party wsa bold at Mn. And- will be taken and the eommittoa baa a aide street into an automobile bany, nT t . Leon Bradlay of Wadsworth Aug. 3g-8ept. 4—Knights of Co­ atUI an anport on anti-aircraft artU- araen's eottaga at Oovantiy take, and bananas, Bvarybedyto Market age. The totow‘mew hasaemm beenM wuas arrangedmt ■ driven by Frank Johaaon, 96. o tj atraat Is tba post’s retiring Oom-’ lumbus carnival at Main atrsot ftoktobed a large bag ef peanutoi arranged to supply hot dogs, ham- tory. Captain JebaH plam to con­ and was attended by loeal friends by the boys and girto of tbo play- burgera, lee cream aad eold drtaka Foreign Area this city, but apparently were mandar. grounds. duct tho Oorpo on tbo Woot Poipt and former neigbbon of tho brido- luttto’a Market, Manchaster Publle ground and dlrectod by Dorothy unhurt. S r. RalpH Thrall of Depot Squara, M arket and the Ftarat Nq|Ueaai tor tba gatberlag. Mr. and Mrs. Cbria Cariaon of Oendag Evanta eyntom o a a will later soloet clasneo eloct wboH' eba lived In Hlgtalnbd' Dowd. Transportattoa wrlU be supidied to I Johnson reported the accident Sept 7-0.—Flower show of Man- for gpoelal atudleo on Important Park and young peopla of tbo South denatod a wratonneton aptoeo and ’rickata may be purchased at the I to police, went home and later IftobOI's atora and Mr. and Mra. Hethodlet church. Tbo docorattons cooktoa an wMl. tba Royal Ica Cream those planning to go by eaUlng- 6.000 Nippon Soldiers fraak Tbbmaaa and daughter, June, eheator Oarden club, Masonic Tem­ mtntam subjects embraced ta the door If not already securod. Carxiy Chairman William ntkin, Ruaaeil I complained to his wife of fodH Plans Complete ple. No admlaelon. Want Folat system. used worn bliM and aUver and A fea­ company gave twenty gallona of Ico win be sold during the latermtoelon. j tng ill. at Oakland street, are touring ture of the buffet lunch wmi a wed­ cream and a supply of cooaa the Pitkin or David Thomas. Landed for **Action*' Oaaada and the New England states Sept. 33 — District qieetlng of Any tormar member of tba C JI. Proceeds from thto ontortalnmont I That waa Tuesday night. The Order of Vaaa at Masonic Temple. T.C, Bpy Seouto, or any local mo- ding cake with mlniatum brldo- Mancbeator Dairy pwvidad 900 pop- wfll go toward tho aimual outing of Against U. S. and , next day be was dead. thia weak. groom, in blue, wrhite and allver.' ‘nio aiclea. Popular llM kot ooatrlbuted For VFW Trip tho piaygrounda to h i hMd a t Rocky ' Dr. Ralph W. Crane, medical gifts wrere numeroue and beautlfuL 1800 hot doge and U watotmalOna Nock neat week. Reed The Herald Adt European Defenders. In Commons Speei| examiner, aald death was caus­ H m oaicars and group ebalnnen t V " ' ' of the Biotberbood of the Emanuel Shanghai. Aug. 34 — (F) — Six ed by a heart attack traceable Lsitbaina church ars reminded of a Now Taking Applicationt to/ihock and worry over the tbouaand Japaneao^aoldiom were I accident maattng In the cbureh parlors to­ Of Memben for A^ ■t— ----------------------------------------- - D eebres Hitler night at 7:W 0‘etoek. HALE'S SELF SERVE reported today to bava baan landed tendance Next Week. Ths OrigiBsl la Ntw SuglBail in tba Shanghai area la preparation carman Troops Ready Free Hand and for “aomo acUon” agalaat tba Inter- Mlaa Evalina Bantlaad of Eostor Fmhion hy the Yard Country . W kidb atraat and Mias lilUan Reardon of Applications are being taken at natlewal Sottlament, garrtooaed by Little Powers Want O ntar street, left today for the VFW Hodm, for members plan' AND HEALTH MARKET nearly B.(W0 American, BriUah, To Back Up Hitler^s feres WUl Be to Blai a tkraa day motor trip around fling to attend tlio National Oonvaa- New fabrics that wUl laad tor FaU. MagnlBceat plaida. pi.te French and Itolinn aoldicra. Capo Cad and otbar parts of East- tloo of tbo Votsrana of Porsign and priatod apun rayoM, cotton priaU! Tho toureea ef thto report, the Parley Lasts Ten Millioa Men sni Maaaacbusetta. Wars In Bootoa noat areak. lataraat .moot relUbte foreign quartern, aaid •f (Pictorial Review Pattern T ro o with each dreaa laagtb. ’Thto Now U nder, .-jlifal of leeni mombtra la eantarsd prinel- THURSDAY SPECIALS apgl^^only to styles and tlaes In stock — any ra-ordera at regular the landing took place yoaterday Demands bn Poland MMs Kao Mutton, whoaa mar- pally la tba Oonvaatlon parade aad that tba Japaaooe had been Oniv 4 Hours Europe; Warsaw riaco to WUUam J.
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