CHINA’S LONG MARCH TO SAFE DRINKING WATER Hongqiao Liu Photo Copyright © Debra Tan A China Water Risk/chinadialogue Report 1 March 2015 — This report is funded by China Water Risk and forms a series of investigative reports into water in China. Report author: Hongqiao Liu English translation: Hannah Short Contact us For any enquiries, please contact:
[email protected] About China Water Risk China Water Risk (CWR) is a nonprofit initiative dedicated to addressing business & environmental risk arising from China’s urgent water crisis. We aim to foster efficient and responsible use of China’s water resources by engaging the global business and investment communities. As such we facilitate discussion amongst industry leaders, investors, experts & scientists on understanding & managing water risk across six industry sectors: Agriculture, Power, Mining, Food & Beverage, Textiles and Electronics. CWR has also been commissioned by financial institutions to conduct research analyzing the impact of water risks on the Power, Mining and Agricultural sectors. These reports have been considered groundbreaking and instrumental to understanding China’s water- energy-food nexus. Join the discussion at Report Partner This report was supported by chinadialogue. China is growing fast and, as it grows, it is faced with urgent environmental challenges. Climate change, species loss, pollution, water scarcity and environment damage are not problems confined to one country. They are challenges that concern all the world's citizens, but the rise of China gives them a new urgency. Tackling these challenges will require a common effort and common understanding. Here at chinadialogue, a nonprofit organisation, we aim to promote that common understanding.