Broken Reality Crack Pirates Bay

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About This Game Welcome to Broken Reality

It is the future, and supercorp NATEM is now responsible for offering most digital services. Your computer and the internet are all within NATEM's control.

Dive into a full-3D adventure with cutting-edge graphics! Solve puzzles, meet wonderful people, find hidden items and secrets!

Leave all your worries behind.

Welcome to Broken Reality! Features

Find passion in our exclusive Love Cruise, or gamble away in the casinos of GeoCity. Everything you need is one click away!

Cut ads into pieces with your katana, find secrets with your camera, teleport with your bookmarker and much more with our varied set of tools!

Meet a diverse cast of characters and help them along the way!

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Collect likes to upgrade your account and gain access to new levels!

Arcade-style mini games and a variety of quirky quests!

Rich audio environments and dynamic soundtracks that match your progression.

Non violent action!

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Title: Broken Reality Genre: Adventure, Indie Developer: Dynamic Media Triad Publisher: Digital Tribe Release Date: 29 Nov, 2018



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It's the vaporwave game we deserve. Cynical. That's what this game felt like to me. Maybe that was the point, maybe it wasn't, I honestly couldn't tell you.

Playing the whole game, getting 100%, the game felt simultaneously like a scathing parody or commentary of everything it was involved in, but at the same time felt played incredibly straight. It was like it could never decide what it wanted to be, and because of that, ended up just feeling muddled and like there was no point. And yet I felt as though I was being taunted by the fact that there WAS no point, because isn't that the whole point in itself? It was a very confused and twisted message through the whole game.

To be honest, I'm sure most of you are interested in this game because of the visuals. Me too. I can't deny the visuals are a serious spectacle, I really enjoyed them for a good portion of the game, although they definitely fall off in the later half, particularly once you get on a ship and from that point on. However, I must also mention that even earlier on, this game may cause eye strain, as I was getting mild headaches from playing it even for shorter periods of time.

Speaking of the later half of the game though. It feels like the most effort got put into the first few areas to really catch your attention and then it dwindles slowly into a more and more hopeless and colorless game. You could say that's the point, but again, I'd say that doesn't inherently make the game better for it.

The game itself has a lot of jokes that are very hit-or-miss, for a pretty good chunk of them I just found myself awkwardly staring at the joke for a second or two and then moving on to the next thing, which was usually yet another joke. Maybe I'm just too jaded for the jokes in this game, so I'll blame myself for that one and say I could definitely see someone else enjoying them, but I do think the humor should still be brought up for consideration when buying the game.

Not gonna lie though, humor aside, this game has a huge problem with the ol' "oh sorry, this thing I made you do was pointless. ANYWAY too bad" lines, and I don't dig that. It's such a backhanded way of saying that the devs knew they made something for padding and they don't care.

If there's one thing I have to give the game though, the soundtrack is genuinely fantastic. The ending song for the game is a delight and I will probably stick it on a playlist. If you decide to not purchase the game, definitely look into the game's music.. As someone who backed the Kickstarter for this after seeing the demo on a Vinesauce stream, I will say I'm pleased as punch with the final product, minus a few things.

First off, a quick summary of what this game is: a first-person adventuring game with some puzzle-solving (some quick comparisons: /Thirty Flights of Loving and the Portal series) that sometimes relies on figuring out where you should be looking (and verticality plays a major role here), fused with some collect-a-thon elements (lots of stuff to collect, and a lot of secrets to unlock). Your toolkit for progressing through the game is a selection of 6 items that do different things, which sometimes get upgrades to expand their capabilities (though it's mostly the Camera that gets new mechanics).

Also, of course, the most obvious part is that everything is Vaporwave (with a dash of Seapunk). All the colors and color combinations you've come to expect, all the visual tropes associated with it, and a ton of references/parodies of real-life brands, trends, and memes. There's even a clothing store where all the shirts and dresses seem to be compressed images of the covers to actual vaporwave albums. The way you save in-game is by finding one of many "SAVED VIP" vending machines and interacting with it.

Now, the parts I didn't like:

Minor technical stuff, but probably worth a mention: 1: At one point, I somehow glitched the quest log to keep showing up even when I closed it. A restart of the game fixed this.

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2: Towards the end of the game, the inventory selection started getting screwy, showing me having selected one item when I had a different one out. Only way to avoid this was to use Q and E to change items, but I wasn't a fan of that and I would have rather had the ability to use my scroll wheel.

3: Performance wise, it started to chug a bit near the end, but I can probably pin that on the last in the game.

Speaking of that last level...hoo boy. Now, looking back, my excitement peaked around midway into GeoCity (trying to get to some secret spots wore down on me a bit), but Innernet was starting to squander my enjoyment. It's one thing to throw the player into a dire-feeling scenario, it's another thing to feel like the modern equivalent of Half-Life's Xen. I legit got stuck at two points, and a playthrough I had to pull up got stuck at those same two points.

There is a Hyperlinking and Glitch Lens puzzle that is infuriating to do, and the reward for that is a maze, at the end of which is a portal to a small desert world that feels like it could have had more. And the portal out of it spits you out into...a place you'll likely have already hit up, with no real reward. The second part comes after a whole other segment fetching the last of the Glitch Children, and it's where you are given half of the portal configuration out, but it turns out you need to go back to the garden- tower to go through another portal and get the other half. There is no indication of this other than your own will to explore, but at this point, that has probably been sapped from you. The amount of retreading/backtracking in Innernet is hair-pullingly frustrating, and the last challenge is mercifully easy by comparison--aside from another Hyperlinking sequence that might have taken me four tries had I not gotten lucky.

The actual ending, though, did get to me. That really says something about this game, that, after traveling through a funny, if snarky depiction of the modern internet, and after enduring the confusing slog that was Innernet, I was still affected emotionally by seeing the actual reality of the player character. The game's title has more than one meaning, it seems. Sure, the ending might come out of nowhere in some regards, but it still makes you...well, think, I guess.

Overall, Broken Reality has something for a lot of people, from genuine/ironic Vaporwave enthusiasts to hardcore completionists. I actually wish this had a soundtrack release (even though chances are I probably do have a few tracks in my collection already).. It's kind of like , but instead of a noire/coldwar aesthetic, it has an A E S T H E T I C aesthetic. It's good.. I was expecting a rushed for the price, but this game blew my mind. It exceeded all of my expectations. My one problem is that there are a few glitches, but that just adds to the theme, right? 11/10

Can anyone figure out the meaning of the ending? . uhm. this is way better than I thought it would be. Get it

10/10 vaporwave simulator. A short but amazingly fun experience. Reminds me very much of LSD Dream Theater. I highly reccommend this game for anyone looking for some trippy times. Quick Note, the ending to the game does not work at the current time, I will update it to reflect the fix to the ending I am very much looking forward to finding out what happens.. Grab your Stock Photos (C) and 4Chola, add some Dorados (tm) (blueberry flavour)! buy some sick shades at the store, maybe even pick something up at the floral shoppe and go to the beach with your phone. Lay on digital sand, tune in to high corporate music (C)- beats to buy/ consume to. Take #pictures as you observe the beautiful #sunset. Get likes.

Living in the digital void has never felt this pleasant... Thank you, Natem!

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I love vaporwave and this game is phenominal!. Incredible game. You won't regret buying it. I played the demo from last year ago and instantaneosly fell in love with it. Im so happy this sort of game does exsist. I found this game once upon a time on ichio and I was smitten. This game is an absolute delight. Its like vaporwave mixed with pop culture and video games. The mechanics of the game are great and theres just little things here-and-there that you really enjoy. They really expanded on the demo and everything is much more fleshed out and polished. If you like adventure/exploring, this is great game to pass the time.. what a great time! Broken Reality is the first (fully released) game to take the 'vaporwave' aesthetic use it as a tool and a world and a design philosophy, rather than an audio/visual 'skin' for a half-baked game. the vaporwave aesthetic is a very specific set of colors, images, and sounds from a very specific era used in a very specific way, but this is the closest analog to Tron (a dystopic fantasy world inside a computer filled with trash) that today's internet has. if you want the REAL world inside the computer you'll have to dig into some much more disgusting and hate-filled corners. broken reality is the only game in which the irritating movement quirk many worse games have, wherein moving diagonally is noticeably faster than just pressing forward, is totally okay and justified and don't change a thing please extremely good games to which I'd liken Broken Reality:

1) Mario Odyssey - both take place in a series of ecclectic worlds in which you have a very specific tool/movement set with which to explore them, and the basic thrust of the game involves searching every nook and cranny of every world, and talking to nice weirdos who have things they'd like you to help them with~

2) Anachronox - one of my favorite games of all time (im broken), both games refuse to take any mechanical/narrative element of their world for granted - the main story of Anachronox is fascinating and fun, but the real magic of the game is the little (text- only) interactions with side characters that explore the nature of the world

3) The Hex - recently released, both games have to do with an author's creation taking on a life of its own, often to an unsettling degree

My biggest (and still minor) gripe about the game is the Bookmarker's controls - having the left mouse button be both place and teleport is extremely counter-intuitive and made me lose progress many many times - there's no real reason to delete a bookmark (but it could be bound to a separate key), and i'd really really really love at least the option of having left mouse button Always be place/overwrite bookmark, and right mouse button be warp!!!

I would also extremely dig it if we could use the mouse wheel to change tools. buy broken reality at its full and reasonable price so dynamic media triad can keep making good messed up worlds for us to explore!!!!. This was legit the best experience I've had in 2018. I don't know if it was because I was going through some difficult times, but this game spoke hard to me, and I'm glad it did, because it's beautiful. Seriously, just buy it. It's incredible.

New and Improved Demo Just Uploaded to !!!: Hello from Mexico.

We are thrilled to announce that we have just posted an updated version of the demo for Broken Reality. The demo is essentially the first level of the game and is a much better representation of what we want the final game experience to be.

We are working hard to put the final touches on the game including testing. After you have played the new demo we would love if you can share your thoughts but more importantly make us aware of any bugs you encountered so we can quickly address them.

The development journey for Broken Reality for the most part has been amazing, and we are super excited to be able to share the full game with you shortly in the near future.

We apologize to our fans that have been anxiously awaiting the full release, that you will have to wait an additional 45 days. But in the meantime, we hope you will enjoy the updated demo and appreciate our effort to try and make the full game an amazing experience.

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*Added the ability to save your data, even within the Demo! *Made great improvements to UI and graphical animations *Re-hauled our character animation system *Re-organized and improved audio engineering *Re-wrote some dialogue

All of this to reflect the evolution of the game's quality. Improvements still coming to both the demo and the final release.

Thank you for your patience, more news very soon! . Digital Soundtrack available NOW!: Greetings, users! We are happy to announce that our OST is now available on the Steam Store!

You can buy it as DLC for the game, which will download the music files on your game folder!

The OST includes all music made by featured artists, and will be updated with Broken Reality originals within a few weeks! Thanks for being patient as we "songify" our real-time soundtrack!

Here is the release track list for the OST:

Amantes del Futuro - Zombies en la Lacandonia (MP3) BROKEN_CANYON - Nameless City (MP3 + FLAC) BROKEN_CANYON - Stratosphere (MP3 + FLAC) BROKEN_CANYON - Promise (MP3 + FLAC) death's dynamic shroud - ℬÆ (MP3 + FLAC) General Translator - Departing (MP3 + WAV) General Translator - Back Again (MP3 + WAV) General Translator - HD Memory Projector (MP3 + WAV) General Translator - Virtuanimus (MP3 + WAV) 猫 シ Corp - 都市フォーラム Consumer [kahvi] (MP3 + FLAC) CYBEREALITYライフ - We Own the Streets (MP3) CYBEREALITYライフ - (Hope to) See You Again (MP3)

Stay tuned as more news come along!

. Game on Review! // Get ready for launch on November 29th!: Greetings, users!

After such a long journey (one that is still far from over) we are excited to announce that we've already submitted our full build of Broken Reality to Steam for review!

That, and the current state of our internal build, lead us to confidently announce that the game will be ready for sale on Steam on November 29th!

After release, we will work on providing quality Mac and Linux builds through Steam, so expect those to be delivered before the end of the year!

We want to take a little moment to thank all users who have been giving us invaluable feedback these past few weeks. Your passion, curiosity and downright thoroughness, helped us achieve the level of stability we dreamed of. Again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts! <3

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See you soon on the other side! ^_^

-DYNAMIC MEDIA TRIAD-. Demo release & Kickstarter Campaign: Greetings, users!

Thank you so much for being here. For being the first few to try out our game and specially for all your wonderful feedback. It really makes it all worthwhile when we read such beautiful comments and messages.

So, big news! We launched a Kickstarter!

We're doing it for a variety of reasons, such as assuring the quality of the game by expanding our team a bit, and being able to develop for major consoles.

If you liked our demo, you can secure a copy of our full release at a discounted price, while helping Broken become the best it can.

So again, thank you so much for being here with us in these important days. It means the world to us to have such an amazing community, and we won't let you down, neither here nor in future projects.

Dynamic Media Triad . Game is OUT!!!: Wonderful users, the day is here! Broken Reality is out NOW!!

Te celebrate, we're doing a 10% discount that will be running through December 6th!

We really hope you will enjoy this adventure, share it with friends and tell us what you think about it!

Backers: We highly reccomend deleting your older Backer Build datas because of changes done on the save database, and various fixes that we did on the game throughout the month! Having said that, it may work, it's just less risky to do so! Plus, you gotta check out what we did to all levels! :P

Hope you will all enjoy the game! Thank you all so much for your support, feedback, bug reports and awesome vibes!


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Broken Reality Crack Pirates Bay