

'I (WOCUIPfi "i WWWSitlfrtBUIIfBWMMBWB ffsrvtaa*UTssemxsaiiSfascimvm'aiiteatmiisnximsi Nnn-AdvortiNonieiilN IIIIN WeoU. Shurger's Pnrk will be open July 27th Annual Coniiiiencfliiicnt. Class I'lxerci.scs. Raymond repairs bicycles. * You have NoMccd—10. Onlvor. 'Ith to the public. It wus u huppy Ihoiiglit which con­ .-«~. , Wood AlcDliol—l.on^yniir [iros. Tlie commencement exercises of the Low I'rlco.s—II. Ij. HolVnian, class of 'Of), Mason high school, will be ceived the idea of lioldiiif^'tlie exorcises Cliurcli ami Society, Steele Bros. Post are picnicking at on the lawn, und laat Tuesday after­ Slilrl WalHt.SiilH-aillU Dry Goods Co. Shurger's Park today. given at llie opera house this evening. Presbyterian church-^Andrew S. .'^lieelal .Sale—U. A. ParHluirsl. Following Is the program: noon u large number of the patrons Zinimeriiian, pnstor. Groonrlos—Geo. A. l.ovorollr. and friends of tlie school and class (•loarlnu Onl.Sulii-F. W. Wobb. Anchoras will be for sale at tiie MarBli Thursday—1 p. m,, Y. P. S. C. E. riano I.dKNons—iMlss Wob'iliir. Aluniiii baii(|uet at 20 CBIUH a copy. Invoc'iu.lon gathered to listen lo the exercises. 7;30 p. 111., Prayernieeting, 8:30-Teach- Mn.sUi 'I'lie steps leading to tlio school build­ ers nieoting. We buy and sell our own goods at AdclrosR—"Tlio Anuirlciui School: Il'ri Place ing had been arranged us astage and RBW8 NOTES. one amail profit. No goods aold on and RosiionsUiilltv" was neatly decorated with iialionul Suiiduy, IO:;!(i, preaching service. 12 cuiiiniisaion at Brown Jiros.' * ,Snpt .S. n. balrd,l.an.sing 111., Sunday school, (iiSO p. m., Eii- Mnsic colors and the colors of llie class. dfiavor Society. 7:30 projuching. Vi.'iiL sliirL waist mxW i\[ ilill.s'. * C. W. Whitman has purchased of Orallon—"Livlnp; TlioU(,'lita," and pvoaonla- Tlia exercises displayed a class of lion of .Senior ISnibloni lo the .lunlors M, ]'",. church—W. J. Wilson, pastor. ColJiiiiii bakery hits piiL in tlio city M, A. Beniont a handsome surrey, Gmill Pollolc, '!)!) ability and of wlilcli.i we iiro all proud. wilier tills weel{. rubber tire and bull bearings. Orallon—"The Modin'n 'I'liroo-Pold Kiluca- The ))rograiii was fully carried out. Sunilay morning services al 10:30. lion." and accoplaiifio of SonUu' F.mbUim The "propliecy" by Mias Orplia Gor­ Balibatb school ut ]l;-15, D. .13.' A wilier motor liiis been idaccd In At the 22iid annual seaaloii of the for the .liinlora lay I'loUl, 'UO Walls, Supl. Mnsin don waa read by Miss Mary Tonilin- A. .1. Hail's cold :jtonige. Supreme Council of the .Royal Arca­ rroHcinlallon of DIplciiiia.H Goo. W. liristol son owing Lo the illiiesH of the fornier. Epworlh league at 0:30 p. m. num tlie following aiiieiiilnients re­ liunodkilloM lilvening services at 7:31). rrayeniieeting at tlie I'resbytoriiin I'llOOItAM cliiH'cli la postponed one weelj. lative to benelit certificates were iiinde: Class Song Baptist—Arlliur F. Wliiio, pastor. Tk Most... First, second and third amotihl certill- Aliiiiiiii ]5aii(|iio.t. President's Addres• s Aldrloh G. ViinPatUin Thursday, Junior Union ut 3:'I5. -'Tlieold bell tower on the MoRobert eatea are to be issueil, respectively for lIlMiory Wando Frcelaiid Prpparatlons are nearing conipletlon PliinoSolo .lulia H. Miliar Midweek prayer servieo at 7:30, block has been torn down this weelc, $1,000, ;i2,000 and U,'i,OOU. Plalf-rato for the Alumni banquet to be held to- OratUni .Nettle Thorbnrii Suiiilay—Morning service at 10:30. Six cents alivo for fowls evory day, cerlilicates for ?1,500 oulstaiuling con­ morow evening at the Armory and Vocal Duct Mary and Harriot Luii Sunday school at 12 m, B. Y. P. U. Convincing tinue in force, but no new ones will he every alumnus should do his share ('lass PorMii Chns. Oliamnau at (i;30. E veil ingservice al 7:30. 2\vi) .1. G. DKA.V. issued. instrumontal Duet Hthol Van Patten and to make ibis the best nioeting ever Julia Miliar Tlie W, C, T. U. will meet with Mrs. A now crosswalk lias been built this field by being jiresGiil. Prnpliocy Orplia Gordon Argument weeli at the corner of C and Oak streets. Plomer Mitchell of li'liidlny, Ohio, Orlgliuil Story laiiel VanPiitlen 0. B.Slillnian Friday, June 23, at 3 waa in Lansing last week lo claim the A reception will bu held In the par­ t'iano Solo Mary Leo o'clock p. 111. A new plank walk on Cherry street rig recently stolen from that city and lors at S:OI) sharp. The banquet begins Mabiil Dressor atSi.'SO. Afler tlio haiuiuet the follow­ Vlslcrn WIIIHerzlg The L. A, S. of North Aurelius will We cmi tliinU of ia our PRICKS. COIUO ini|ir(ives llie residence of Mrs. 0. Ji, left in a livery in Lansing. J-Io settled .Song by Young Ladles' Q,uartetle meet with Mrs, H. J. .Bulleii on Wed­ ill luid Huo our due liiieol' Gi'ocuricH. Siillnmn. all charges and iiaid the $10 reward. ing toasts will be given; History - , - - Fred Alton nesday artornoon, June 2S. Everyone We Imve evoryLliing in the wiiy ol' V. y. Millbiir y is iilaeiiiK a stone The animal Is a llioroughbred Iveii- We will sell you a belter paint for is cordially invited. luciky horse. The buggy anil harness Tlio Alnmnns iis Tuacher Ilertlm Fanson 'Gunned G>OO(1H, as well as fresh goods. walk ill front of his residence on The AUnnnns In War Garry H. Sanders less money than any other bouse in •|'Ucliell'« aid society will hold a Come in and see for youi'sell, , are new and never used before. The The Alnnnil Assooliitlon - • Nina lirlslol Ingham county. •> liarnes street. Dnys niAnId Lang.Syno - Junnio ICiirnH Ivloiidiko Hoclal at the iiomu of E. A. thief exercised good judgment In his •H.H. liRADLKYctCo. * Anchoras wi bo for sale at llie selection. Gliis.sof 'On "• • Omill Pollolc Bush Wednesday evening June 28, !! ciuifi TniUHlnos The School Hoard - • [j.W. Mills 1800. I'jveryoiie welcome, li oim.s Keil Ivkliiiii' lioiiii.'i opera lioiiso co ciiient evening. Diiiihulor Maids - • Myi-a Wood Second Matinee. •1 ciuiK I'liiiipkin Price 20 cenis, A new mai) of Michigan neatly Tho Schools - Snpt. I'i. U. Palmer 1 cull Haltud l.ieuns mounted will be given to any teaclier Toastniastor, R. 0. IJart The Second Matinee nf the Ma.'on Excursion to Saginaw and liay City • Micliiiraii will pay no lioiiiity for the having charge of any district school Tickets for the biiii(|iiet arc now on Driving Club will ho held tomorrow, iiuiii niacin re of beet sugar during tlie In Ingham county by calling at the BSile with Mrs. F. h. Btroiid. .It'riday afternoon, June 2Hd. JiMic 21, IS!)!). ncKt two years. following places of buainesa in iMasnir I'lvery alumnus be sure and be there. The events are: Free-for-all, trot or Special Irain will leave Maaon about 8:35 a. m, .Kare for round trip to Sag­ Tbo school ooniinissionera are busy Webli & Wliiiinuii, Millaiiry Goods pace, mile heata, two in three. Co., Stroud & McDonald and 1<\ W. Marriage Liccii.s«s. Green race, trot or pace, half mile inaw $1,00. To liny City $1'20. Re­ over oxaniiimlion papers at their olliee turn (ui regular train No. 72 leaving- 111 this city this week. Webb, provided tiie map be hung In FranK-lln El.sov, Delroli 2fi heals, three In five, with Lake Shore the acliool room and allowed to remain Oriicu Lillian Ogdon, Leslie l« Girl burred. leavlng Bay City at G a. ni,, June 20. Anclioras for sale at Kininiel's, there ijermaiiently, Albert A. r.(!anl)lan, Lansing lit .l.i'arniors' race, trot or puce, hall- KnUirod at. Mio PoRlolllco, Mason, Holmes & Dancer's and Mills Dry LIz/.le A. Thorno, Lansing 1(1 mile beats, three in live with Milo E Mii,«,t Have a Wood Friend Among Tlieni. assoc()jiil-cla«.s iiiauor Goo'ds (Jo. Price 20 cenls. See the liaiiiniocks at The Leader. D, M. SuMidrland, Lansing S7 W. B. KHTCHUK &CO.* and Duvid Crabb buna I. There ia someone in Leslie treading L'uUll.slioil Kvory 'riinrKclay by Francis E, Ivoaniy, .lackson '-';) Mrs, E. W. Sparrow died at lipr ,T(ilin E. O'liorry, Lansing 10 There will also be the ti.snal good bi­ on very dangerous ground. For the home ill LansinR last Friday, after an Meadairies .Henry KiirIz, Frank Pol­ cycle races. second lime within a short period help CAMPBELL & ROSE. ler, Olio Andrews, Homer Whitney, Lucy A. .Selgord, Lansing 20 Illness of over two months. Harry A.N. Slas. Lnn.slng .'!0 All the races are open lo the world, has been furiiialied lo priaonera con­ Willoii Iriuntley, Henry NorLhriiii, prizes are given and there ia no charge Will the parties who have borrowed Nellie Hlanchu Olarlt, Lansing 27 fined in the village lockup to escape. Dno yocr, $1.00; six months, 60 cnnti; Ihroa Fred Hall, Guy Raymond, Carl Loom- Win. Ferris,Honth Ulley 2,S for race performers. A few weeks agou lieuvy stove poker nionlhi, 35 cunts—in idvinco. pipe wnnicbes and tntiys pleiuso return is, Elmer Strope, C. G, Jenkins and Marlhii ICnplar, Lansing 20 The prizes in the.Farmer's Race are: was handed liiio llie cage, with which llieiii atonce to Riiyinond's hardware,* Mi.ss .fennie .Booth conferred the Roy­ ADVERTISING RATES. Stanley Parlrldao, Utah 27 First |)rize, by S. B. Madden, a fine %'A a prisoner broke the lock and escaped al Neighbor's degrees upon a class of Uesslo May Wright, Lansing 'A5 OurailvorURln(,'i'at,o.s mailp liuownalofiloo Mlas Emma Holmes Webster, an iie- bridle. Second prize by Geo. A. .Earle by way of the liose tower. And again B;isliioHHcarcl.s 31 a Uno por'yoar. complislu'd pianist of Lansing, will over 20 at Jackson last Monday night. Rort LelMiul Green, Alpena 2;) the leading hardware dealer, a line Sulurduy night someone bunded u new 1-iiiHlnoNHlooala tlveooutHper line oaohand iibconipany a violin solo by Mr. Green They report u fine time including u Grace Aldrlcli Melton, Alaledon 21 carriage whip. Third prize, the INO- saw file into the cage, to allbrd Melvin avory Insertion. at the ciniimencement exercises. few "lioiirs In the prison. They luckily Elmer P. Gnnn, Aurollns ,11 HAur COUNTY NEWS one year. Briiiik a chalice lo get out. He used .vianiago,bli'l,li,an(l iloalh uotlcOH fvoo, escaped capture. Hardy L. Norlou, Eaton Rapids ; 20 Fourth prize by A. L. Vundereooic the OblUiary notlooH, roHolnlloiiB of respeRt Clareiiee E. Holmes, principal In the Brown Bros, are cloaingout several the inatriimeiit diligently on the lock oacdHorUianlvH otcdveoonlH aUno. A gang of about 75 men are at work busy grocer, 2 Uis of good coffee, Lo the cage but was interrupted before Lansing schools, has been elected as discarded lines of shoes such us the Fifth prize by Luiie & Acker, the superinlendent to succeed S. ]3. Laird, upon tlie Micliigan Central track Thos. G. Plant, C. W, Hughett and he had linlslied his job. The puiiiah- through Ibis city. The old rails are burbers, hair cut und sliuve. meiit for helpiii'g a prisoner escape ia IJiisiuoss Cards. at a salary of !iil,'lOO for first year. others, at about .1 cost und less. These Admission to the grounds 15 cents. taken up, sent to Jackson, where the are tlie back numbers thai make the very severe and meana, If the guilty is Base ball supplies at VV.B. Ketcluim'a. battered ends will be removed. The Everything else free. caiigbl, a term in Jackaon,—Leslie ATTOUNKYS. competilora howl. Call and see them. Send in the entries eurly so they will A game of ball at Rayiier park ia on rails will then be replaced and crop They are going fast. * Locul-Rtpublican. LAWTON T. HEMANS, ends or joints put In with truss rods, appear on the proprum. The A TTORNKY AND CO0N8KL,OR AT the proj^ram for lliisafternoon between club reserves the right to siiy whut the Charleston and the Donnelly ho­ making a truss joint, and it is claimed Urcoii-Meiloii. Eaton Comity Against Local Option. A. law. OlUco over First Slftlo and Sav- this work will greatly ilnprove the horses ure eligible to each race. Come Tlie election in Eaton county last ingHbauk, Stasou, llloh. tels. The losers are to fiu'uish a ban­ At the homo of the bride's parents, and sliow up your horses. It will ed­ quet. track, The work will consume about Monday on the question of local op­ IC. Sanilors, Attornoy-alhuw, Mason, another week in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Mellon ucate them. The horse buyers will tion resulted In a victory for high li­ Mluh. The Sunday schools of the city are of Alaledon occurred the mar­ want them. L. C. WHJHS, Secretary. G, The little daughter of W. H. MIers, cense by about $3U0 majority. It is EO. 11. UlLbHSl'IJS, allornoy at law, at making arraiiKemenIa for thelrannual riage of tlieir daughter. Miss dillicult for outsiders to jiidge as to the excursion lo Grand Ledge. The date wiio lives on the McEuen farm north Grace A. lo Bert L. Green of Alpena, Pttinta of ail descriptions. G ilasou, Midi. of Leslie, \vas bitten on tlie foot one merits of locul option In thut county has notyefbeeu (ixed but will be some at high noon yesterday. The ceremo­ H. H. BRADLEY & Co. * for the reusoii that the best temperance E\V1S B. MOAIITUUK, Attorney at time In August. day last week by a mussasauga, while ny wus porforiued by Rev. A. S. Zim- Law, llason, Mloh. oil her way home from school. Mrs. lieople were divided in their opinion. L niermun in the presence of only rela­ Ilegarding rostage. Tiie campaign caused much bitterness. Cash for butter and eggs at the cold Herrgulh liappened along, bound a Attention is culled by the postoflice UGH B. ROOT, Attorney and Connsolor Storage. * tives and Intimate friends, Mr. and- The claim was made that locul option at law. OlUco ov or First Slate and Sav- siring light about her ankle and suck­ Mrs Green left for Detroit In the even­ nuthoritles lo the rate of posluge to 11H, (,'s liftiilc, Masou,Mluli. (Uyl_ ed the poison from the wound. The did not prevent the tralHc in liquor to It is slated that since last Noyenilier ing and after u trip on the lakes will Cuba, Porto Rico und the Philippines. any great extent. H. AVEllY, atlojMiey at law. OlIIco op- over fiOO Michigan soldiers huveenlist- girl's father was notified, who hurried­ make their home at Alpena, Both are First class mutter is live cents for E, PQHilo Hudson House, Laushif, Mlcli. ed in llio regular army. Many being ly took the girl to Dr. Manly's olliee In well known in Mason and their many every lialf ounce; postal curds ure two ex-volunteers who become fascinated Leslie, who said that he thuiightlhat friends extend congratulations. cents, commerclul pupers are live eents Successful Teaclicrs. Q. A. SMITH. O. .t. HOOD. no barm would come to her, MITH & ITOQJD, .M.tornoys and Coiinaelors. with army life last year. for the first 10 ounces or less, and one At the examinulioii held at Leslie S Uooins 17, IS and 1(1, old V. 0. lildg, Lanslng. Mrs. Julia A. Fogg, througli lierid- Deatli of Mrs. 15. J. Moore. cent for each two ounces or fraction June 10, 1899, there were 42 third Work on the new workshops at the torney L. B. McArthur, has instituted / tliereof. Second and tliird clusa matter grade and 17 second grade applicants RED A. Al-.r,HN, attorney at law, at conn- Tnihistrial School for Hoys will coiii- proceedings against Frank M, Fogg, Matilda L. Park Moore wus born go atone cent for two ounces. Fourth of which the following received cerli­ E ty cleric's odlue. Mason, MIeli, mence immediately, the bill appropri­ publisher of the Fog Horn and well born May 9, IS'lS, in Harrlaville, Medi­ class matter ia one cent per ounce. licates: ating itiH,000 for tills purpose having known lecturer and populist of Ing­ na county, Ohio. Her father was Ro­ Samples of no comnierciul value ure to Third Qrndo-Mollle Bangs, Kate Maltby' I'MTHIOIAMIH. been signed by the governor. bert Park, a farmer, She waa the be admitted from other countries free Nellie Gates, Pearl (Jurry/Edlth l)re8ser,Lanr ham county, ut present located at Les­ third child in a family of five, four sing; Orla Disenrnth, Mabel Tanner, Leslie' CHAS. G. JENKINS. M, D. Mills' shirt waist sale begins Satur­ lie. Intemperate use of liquor und of duty. Four cent stamped envelopes F. W, Kaiser. North Ijansing; Alia Dana' day, See ad. * brotiiers and one sister. The spent are now issued. WebborvUle; Eslelle Phllloo, Jennie Dean' IIOMEOPATir rilVSlOIAN ANO.SUltQK0N, cruelty are the charges. It la also her life on the farm until hermurrluge Ethel VanPattun, Oluva Herizbei-g, Geo" Special attention given to iCye, ISnr, Mose charged that threats against her life Shafer, Jlyrlto Coy, Mason. aud Throat Dl.HcaseH; dlsoasoa of Women Charles Aiidrus, principal of tlie with E. J. Moore, which occurred on Churloiie school, and Miss Maud have been made and lust Friday Mr. Jan. 30,1872, Strictly pure Purls Green ut "grange" Second Third—Jlaud Ferguson, Olteinos; E. • and Kuotul Diseases. ii'ogg wus enjoined by the circuit prices at H. H. Bradley & Co's. * E. Granger, Dansvllle; Francos Ueene, Dans- Omoio IN NKAll IILIC, Hus. 1 lo 5 .t 7 to !1 p.m. Murray last Friday eloped to Windsor court from interferring with her in uny Mr. and Mrs, Moore came at once to vllle; A. O. Potter, Leslie; CoraMeCurdy, Ma­ ami were married. The groom is 26 their home in Aluiedon and,begun son; Ivato Murray, WobbervlUo. GERTRUDE D. CAMPBELL, M. D. luaniter. Complalnunt ulso petitions Mason Teaclicrs. . • . and the bride only 10 years of age, for the custody of the youngest child. housekeeping on what ia now known Did you you lose $5? Made you feel HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE as the Gillespie furm. They lived there The school board has completed the over McCrosaon's drng store, Mason. Will C. Walter, the groceryman, do­ New chamber sets at The Leuder. bad didn't it? Well buy an Anchora PUlllce lioiirs 8 a. in. to 0 ii. m. 2 lo 1 and 7 to 8 nated two dozen potted plauts to Ma­ 10 yeurs and then moved to tlie furm list of instructors for the comltig year. for 20c und your loss will bo replaced p.m. Oountry aud town calls promptly at- W. B.KETOHUM&CO."' where they have since resided —Three The board feels that instructors of abil­ louded. ple Grove Cemetery last Monday. The by a book full of truth and fun. sexton placed them u)iou the several Tlie governor is of the opinion that children were born to them, Clarence ity und experlenue huve been secured. the permanent tux commission bill is Juy, who died in 1890, aged 17, Cluru, « ^ > R. FRANK E. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN decoration points as Mr. Walters de­ Following Is the list: Kotlcc. and surgeon, Olllooovor Webb iS Whll the most Important measure passed by who died In 1802, aged 1(5, and Eugene, 018NTUAI.. Hunting on my promises Is strictly for­ Dman's clothiuB store. sired. the legislature, us It Is to see that us- aged 11, wlio with his father survive Superintendent—E. D. Palmer. bidden. J E. TASSWBI.I.. SW Shoes sold for iJS.SO elsewliere are sessnientsall over Ihe slate are equal­ the motlier. Principal, Latin—M Iss IduOodfred, a grad- W. W. ROOT, M. D., nnte of Albion College. IXMNnliiliou of XMiriii(!rNlii|>, HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE $2 at Brown Bros,' These are facts. * ized, and to see thut locul supervisors Mrs. Moore hus not been well for a and usaessors obey tlie iuw. Under long time. Two years ago she begun Assistant, Mrtthoinatlcs —Miss I.ora A. Notice is hereby given that the copartner­ P liourB from one to two. and from six to The baecalaurente address to the Mursh, a graduate of Hllladale College. ship heretofore e.xlatlng between Hiram ajvonp.M. the agreement made with tlie senate lo fail and slowly grew weaker until Assistant, 8lh grade and aorinan —Mlas Child and KItile Rice of Mason, under the class of '99 was given at the opera Grace Thayer. • •• — ^ tlie governor is not to appoint any of two months ago when lier disease be­ linn name ofChlld & Oo,, Is this tenth day of FARMERS' MUTUAL house lust Sunday evening by Eev. A. Assistant, 9th grade—Miss Uerlho Wellman Juno, 1808, dissolved by mutual consent, 8. Zimmerman. 'J'he house was filled the assessors named under tiie Atkin­ gun to make rupid progress. Friday, Sixth and Seventh grades—Miss Ollle Fan- IRE INSURANCE COMPANY 0*' ING- son iuw. As the senate lias adjourned the IGtIi, she was unuble to rise from son. 111 HAM Onii,D, F liaraoounly,' Safest, olieapost,be«t. For and all listened with marked alteulioti k Fourth aud PillU grades—Miss Pearl Lang- KlTTlKRlOlli. in formation write to J. H, Sliafer,aeorelaryi to the able address, the governor can appoint any old her bed und the end came Tuesday ley. The business will bo contlnncd at Mason by Mason. FranltSeoly,Pi>«8ldenl, Mason. Op- commission he wants, to hold till the evening, June 20, at 9:30o'clock, when Second and Third grades-Miss Julia Rart- Rico ifc Co who aro authorized to seitlo the posllu court house, Williams' block, 2d floor. Capt, Bell of the recruiting olTlce at next regular session.—Lansing Trib­ she quietly slipped out of life and Ictt. all'ali'sof the said tlrni. First grade and Sub. Primary—Miss Winnie Alason, June 10,1800. .Tackson, last week forwufded to San une. I went to join lier children and the Titus. ~~~~ cTl. CA8TERLIN, Franciso, en route to Manilla, live re­ Savior she hud trusted, in one of the Itliicli 3Iuro ikiKi Colt lor Niilo rii«nii, We liear many encouraging com­ SKOOND WAliD. AiiTitDBOAKN, Mason, OAN, CODLEOTION,INSURANCE AND cruits for the army: Can Connors, ments from our friends about the muny mansions He hud prepured. Real Estate Brokers, Ollloe In the now Harry C. DuiHiing, .Tames Toole, Ar­ Third, Fourth and Flfh grades—Miss Alice LawrencL e block. Mason, Mloh. county upon tiie proposition of the Funeral services will bo held at tlie Corliss of Cedar Springs, %,. I', VaiiI>

"\ '. aa—aiMKCTHOMH^WtM SiBiUWi' ATTIWBXtl mmirdtmusatxaoiKiatirsmniBim •' i rwwiu with frishmen nearly In tho proportion of MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE. KILLED .BY HIS WIFE, BLAND IS DEAD. two to oao. It was a hatile to become fa­ SUCCESS OF LAWTON. mous in ooUego annals. There wore cries Dally .Suaiinai'y y Noted .m.sSDiii'i CongressinMa I'n.t.-ica and shouts, and tho waters, so peaceful Over •^^HW lieliels Are lillleil, Wimntl- AVoiiiaii In Olihi ,1]iiriIerN llcr IIUK- llii.' LawniakrrH In tlie Sen­ I'eaecfiill}' .Vvniy ii I 11 is liiiiiie and apparently pure a fow minutes bcforn, uil (11'CajitufiMl ill a ilol Elattle liii nil >*'illi a CliiJi—'rniw^c(l>^ lle- ate aiiit lliiuue. .Near Ijcl/aiuin. woro a roily expan.-;e In which men splarihcd la Cavile I'nivliiue. Nult of Unnicotic 'I'malilc, and wallowotl, and which some of them swallowed la uasoemly quantity. • • • • Lansing, Mich., ,Iiino l,"i.—Tho senate yes- Lebaiioii, .Mo., ,'li;uu 10, — lion, itich- It Is Pictured by Stanley Waterloo, A lull came, and as the two classes stood Wasliiug'fon, .liinc 16,—Clen, Oti.") Port Clinton, 0., ,lune lli, — Fred tcrilay, by a vote of 0 to 21, refused to re­ anl t'arl<>1- famoaaly dry ones, and they wore liustled of the proiiosllioa to assess city taxes upon forces occasloaally. liihabllanis In Uial ''""i ^^''^ I'•' ''''l'''^iml '"' l''l' tn ' I"''l""''- liiill III Ut«; .Sl.vllc-ii—DfsiTlplliiii 111 10 the water and iiliinged hencath its the land viiliios, upon petit ton of 20 per rout, couairy rejoice at deliverance and welcome jMi's, SeliaL'. llieii drugged her liiisbanit liloiighl lie would mil survive tlieiit- of tho taxpayiM'S of tho city, which had murky Hood. This iiunltivo performance tiuds frniii ilic lirst, and showed his a "KiisM" iiad ii lliiscliull (iniin? passed tho senate, was defeated liy a vote wlih cntliusl:.'nle deinoastralloiis arrival ; (jownstairs. lli' died i11u1 I.I iiiiiiiltes. was observed Instantly liy the frcshmeii 01 our troops. <;ivi'ii ill n IMiMisiHB iiiMi lliili'i'- iipnn th(^ olhru- side, and with a roar they of ,W yeas to 11 nays, fd being a nui.lorlty The woiiiiiii b roil I'­ ll and Ihoroiigli knowledge of his eondit inn. laliiiiiK' .tliiiiiii'i'. (Micircled their ov.-n recreants. It was a of tho members-elect. (Signed) "OTLS." jaileil. t)ii the ,'!il of,ihe miiiitli .Mr. lilaiid sud­ line and I'dlfylng pcrt'ormaace, a carnival Ijansliig, XVhdi., ,liine Hi.—TlKMinuse yes­ Loiuiuii, ,fiiiie J7.—'I'he l''ilipim) Jiiulii denly grew worse, uiiil his sons, \\\o terday passed the Siiyre anil-trust hill, of sanguiiiiiry baptism, and all were happy iiei'c says tjiere is no I mill iu I lie report I'liinree ('i'lllc)sea (lie l.i'gi.sla 11: re. ISpeclal Corn/si)OiiileMco..l save the anfortuiiatos who had hei'ii lag­ which was |iiissi>d in tho siuiato several were iu school, were siiiiimimed lioiiio Lansing, .Mii'li., dune 17,—(lov, I'in- Aim Arliiir, Midi., .Iiiiif Jl.--Among- gard la the late encounter. • • • • And weidvs ago. If coastltulloiial the net will idreuliitc'l lierc anil cabled lo the and for the tirst time llie public was the .sun dried the comtiatMUts for a long grec marked the closing day of liie leg- tlic |iiM'H(;nl. (Iiiy wi-ilrrs who iWi' L':r.\i\\i- very effcciiially shut out of the state all t'nileil Si-ate.--, that .\giiiualdo lias iiecii informed of liis crilieiil com iit ion. I'.alf hour, until class time came and they trusts and coinblna»loas. The special com- assiissiiiiiti'd. isliiliirc by sending' in veto iiicssages ati'K of I he I'liivorsily of Mii'liiKini is er.lerud tho recitation rooms still steam­ l''roui lime lo lime since then Ihe pa­ luiltee appoinleil several weeks ago to lii- which were made iiicidenlaliy a me- Sl.iinliiy WiiliTJoo. Ilo I'nU'i'ril llii; lil- ing. 'I'lK! professors made ao comment. vestigale charges of ermd ti'ealmcat of lii- .Nfauiia, .liiiie 17. — A iter cull lug liic tient showed signs of improvemeut, but diiiiii for holly criticising I lie legisla­ criii-y (Icpiirlini'iii ol' lln^ iinivci'isi ly as .\ot theirs to regulate ihe bathing lluius niati!S of the industrial hoini- for girls rc- railroad uiiil lelegriipli at .\palit, seven of their pupils. poi'teii that all the charges had been sus­ ture for alleged failure to carry out a ri-usliinini in llie fall of ISC.,', laking' miles soul li, for ihe purpose of severing' tained. 'I'hese were extreme corporal pun- the people's wishes. Tlie goverunr ve- lliu scicnililii: cuur.sf, Altlunii;h in 1lu' eoiiuecl ion, llie rebels altaeked Geu, A Ilaacliiill (;jiiiw. Ishmout, ]iiiildliiig, solitary conlini'inent, 1neil Ihe niiieudcd lieet sugar hoiiiily miiveixily Inil. Iwo years, lie loul< an reipilrlag girls to wear badges marked jMiie.Ai'lhiir's lilies at .Siiii l'\'i'iiiiiiilo Amilher ineiileiit whieli .Mr. Wali'rloo bill, and also ii bill appropriat lag $1(1,- iu;liv(! [liiiM in c:oll('n-i' alVairs. In his "Liar," "Thief," etc., and giving lint baths t'l'lday moruiug. 'I'liey mel willi an lias ileserilieil ill u |)Ieasiiig- way is ii as means of punishment. The commlltce mid for a slate liiiildiug and exhibit at froshinaii yciir lu' was honiii'cd with liiicxpecleilly 'ivariii reecpliiui and were biiseiiall ifiiiue lit DcH'oit lietweeii the recommembMl that .•\lrs, A. 'I', flliss, of Sag­ the I'au-.Americaii exposition nt lliif- Ihc posifjon of clnss scoi'clai-y anil was inaw, and Mrs. A. II. Smith, of l^liiit, mem­ repulsed with a loss of 7;') l and ndsscd. Jle seemed whose supervision tlie alleged piiuishment ever, in llie ameniled bill, wbicli rp- (he olliei' of secretary of the Alplui .\u ila;:i'd a little and set his teeth. The shad­ was liillieled. The house adopted the re­ tiic town ilcserleil. 11 hail iieeii iiailly rfs 'Y ^> diiceil the niaiiiiractiirer's boiiiily from soeio.ly ihiring- Ihe (irsi seniesli'i-. ow llitled again, and again he missed. port, wrecked by the liiiiiibai'iliiieni of ItiC Then his fai'e whitened a. Utile, and tho Gov. i'lngrce has vetoed the bill limiting n cent lo half a cent a pound, warships 'I'liesdiiy. 'I'wo siiKiol h-bore A i:rclll lielKler. iniisclc.^ ami veins stouil out well where to $7.,'0 a weel-: Ihe portion of the wages of I eaiiiion and a f|iiiiiitily of iiiuiiiiiiiitiiin As a sliulenl -Mr. Watei'loo was not, liie hilt v,-as chisiied. The pitcher, big, a. lioiisohoider tliat shall be exempt from itlol In lliinalo. sler.dy o( nei-vc, and line, seat aauiher garnlslimeiil. were foiiiiil eoueeiiled ill the town. f.illTiilo, .\. '';'.,,liiiie II.—.\ gniigof be­ }' X. tV (•onspieiioiis for his hrillianey. The tw!-li'a.L-, invlsMile splieri' toward the man l/inslng, .Mich.. ,Iiine 17.—The legislaliiro The ioi'cc;', of {'icii. Lawtoii iiiive all g'roafer part of his linii; ho spent, in Ihe at Ihc liat, and the mail seiMued to spring censed cioiiig business at I2:;:0 p. in. last tween ,'10 ami -Id stevedores ami fri'iglit mo veil up to llaeooi'. wit li t he exeepliou library, ilevnnriiiH' ^'olnnie aflcr volume. all apart as ho struck with tlie homo- night. l''i!iiil adjourninenl will bc.luacil. liaiidh'i's 'i'liesilay uighl eliiiil;ed aboaril stndii'. of 1 lie rear gi ill I'd, which renin ins at Las iio.M. HICHJ\RD H. BLAND. The eoIloM',, |ir(> of thi' linn' etin be 'I'lic prinli'iiai business transacted hy the ihe whalebaek Siimiiel .Miillu'i', lyiiig'-al. There was a crack as when Ughlnlng seiiale yesterday was the passage of tim i'iuiis. learned from his recent novel, enlit led has slnick soinelhing. There was an up­ Iho .Minncsola iron ore docks, and the physicians in clnirge \\-iiiiid oll'er Orcn peraiaiicnt tax eominlssiuii hill and 'I'lie .American ollieers esliiiiate that "The l.aunchinn' of a .Man." In I his the ward looking of all eyi'S. lifin;! a great Ihe hill rcorgani'/.ing llie state milltiii. lioth np.eiii'd fire on a gang' of iilioiii 'ill iron very little hope iii his family niiil gre.'ii sward, men were running like bouses passed a Idll ei-caliiig a eoininissiou 1(H) iiisiirg-eiils were liilleil and tliiil :;()i) ore iiiiiiiller.s who were worlviiig iu the friends, lie eiintiaiied to lose his vigor "wliUe heads." Ilelweeii the hasi'S other for the iihlo eenleiinial, and also a substi­ were woiinileil iluring- the engag-emenl. liolil of Ihc vessel. Ilelweeii i.-il) luul and grow weiiUer. On Suudiiy and .Mnti- niea were ruaiiing. The alidienci'of lliou- tute sii.gar liounty liill, giving the factories Miiuilii, ,liiiio Hi.—'I'he l''iiiirtii reg- saads w.-is i-,aiiposeil no longer of anything 1 ;.'nO sliols were lirci], .iollii .Mah-ek, ilO iliiy he preseiiled an improved coiidi- $2ri,oriO a ^•ear eacli, hut tlie senate ailded an iilar inl'aiilry and the Wyoming regi- j ^,,,.,,,„ „|,|^ „..,^ ^,,„, ,„ ,|„, |,;,,,|. ,„„, , 111 parlicuhir. It was a bawl! And, wlnai aini.'ndmeiit lo the effect that the provi­ liiiii and his family tool; new lio|ie, tlie roar slackened for a monient, high nicnt liin'c been added lo (leii. Liiwlon": sions of tlie bill siiall not become oiieratlvo not expected to recover, ,liisepli .Mu­ and hue .Monday 11 flueiiooii there weru aliuve ,'verylhiiig could ho heard the ear- until lOiil. 'i'he bill so amciuleil did not coiniiiand, and Tliiirsday they were pU'i'cing si|iiall of Hilly llariics, and his riel; wasslnd ill I lie slnmliler and Al il;e many expressions tbitl, iliiiiid was get­ reach the house in time for action and coii- towed across the bay in caseoes to Las cry: --This is a re.l-lclter day, to he seqiieaUy the preseat hoaiity of one cent Siiiilh rceciveil ii biillel in the riglu. ting iielti'r. marked with a v.^lilte stone!" riniis, preparatory lo rcino\iiig to per pound slands. lioth houses also passi^d shoulilei'. 'I'lie injuries of liie Iwoliil- .\biiiil ten o'clot'k Tuesday night, l:. .11. Kl.SWORTll. tile Sayi-e anti-trust hill i-ecomnier.deii hy liiius, iivC' miles iiiiaiid, where the tor men lire mil seriniis. Sixteen of Gov. I'iagi'ec. A bill approjii'latiiig .^lO.COO linwever, he fell ijsleep iiuil eoiitiiiiii'il •|''vbels are reported to have an arsenal Ihe at liieliiiig party were arrested. The SCHOOL LANI/S. for a state bulhling and oxhlblt at the I'an- and 11 large ipiiiulity of supplies. ill lliiil condiliiiu iiulil ilealli ri'Iie\ed .•\merlean I'Xpositlon at llulTalo was vetoed 1 tiTiiible -was caused bv Ihe ore handlers him. by the governor. Manila, .liiiie^ l-l.--lufornintiou, be- i p„|',,,,-big lo ihe freight hiindlers as .Wcliii^ini Slill lias 171,-li-l Aereii UU'lianl Harks Hiaiiil was iiorii near licved lo be reiiiilile. has reached here Wlilcli Wil.l lie A;)iii'Hise hut lliiiidiiig- 'l.'i'iides eoiiiK.'ii anil allilialeil 'i.iriiuiuion Coal eompany, at (llnce Hay, t'iernniid, of this city, iircsided, ami a short tini!' anri again niov,?d. This time not -worth ten cents. 'I'he lauds will lu; unions, a siroiig' prolest was niaile Cape ilreloii, there wt'vc. two explo­ AInj. (leorge .Mason, of Cliieago, is scc- he went 10 Ciillforala mid later to Virginia Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity House, r-eappraiseii aiul olTered at ])riees which ngiiiiist Ihe iiiaiuteuance of niiliuiry sions, the first Idlliiig' six men and flic Ciiy, Ni'V, In ISdO he setlieil la Lebanon, reliiry, Tliere will ben general monu­ wlicre he followed his profession. tliey are really worth, 'l.'here are but -10 rule at Wardiier, Idaho. Addresses were second five. I'ire starled near wliat is 'horo, l!ol.)ei-l, Sarc'cnt, is ii stndcnt :iL ment to cost $1,(1(1(1 niid ;;7 moniiiiients In IS7;i he v.'as eieclod to ih.e l'"'oi'ty-lhlrd acres of university laud renuiiiiiiig- in UIIRIO l>y ex-Cougressinau .Magiiire, known iis the decji ])iiiii]-i, the cause be­ the Univer.sity of ,Michin'iiii. ^Ilis ad­ lo the infiiulry, ten lo the cavalry, aiul eoyigress and v,-i'.s r."»tiirai'il lo Ihe h'orly- ])OSKession of the sink', this being lo­ Judge llighton, 1'. 11. :MeCarlhy and ing iiuknciwii, Hi.K men wlio were on fourtli. l.''oi'ty-lifth, 7'"orty-sixth. I^'oriy- ventures as a .sophomore, junior and 12 to the arlillery. cated in K'alaunr/.oo county. Tho state otlioi's. Aiuyor I'ludan and C.^ L. I'at- Iheir way out were overcome by an ex­ sevr-nth, l'''oi'ly-elglitli, p'orty-nintli, Plf- senior ffive a g'ood picture of Ihe, stu­ Cloudiiiirst In 'l'a-.\ns, tleth, I'^lfty-nrst, li-ifty-sc-conil ami i.'lfiy- still has 171,2111.."ill acres of school land, ton scut letters of regret, expressing plosion of iire dump and siilVocatod dent life daring' the latter half of SI. Louis, ,liiiie la.—.\ special lo tho third. Me was not 11 member of Ihe Kii'ly- apiiorlioiied as follows: synijintliy with Ihe object of the meet­ where they fell. Thrco-quarters of an foiirth congress, but was electeil lo Iho the 'liOs. ing. Ttesoliilioiis were iidopled in'o- Ifepublic froiii San Aniimio, 'I'ex., snys: .•\lcona county, 2,72,1,.fil acres; Alger, 12,- hour later a ]iarty of men were on their ]''lfty-llftli as a silver democrat, lie v.-a.i l<'i-i>Hliiii:ni >vllli a t'aiie. i"il1,1.71; Allegan,-ISO: Alpena, H,•MO; Arenac, tesliiig' agaiustidllie aels of Cov. Sleiin- ,A (duiiilbiir.sl oeciirreil iu the moiiu- also elt'i'lod to llie h'itty-sixth congress, way lo the scene of the (ire, headed by The freshniiin's jihice in Ihe stiuleiit r.an.aO; llarnga, 7,10."i,ll,',; T:iarry, llS.hS; Ben­ cniierg' and fleu. Alerrium; culling' on tiiins norlli of SpolTord .liiiietion Tues­ la hSilfi he was a eamlklate for tin:- aomina- zie, IfM; nharlevoix, SO.'i.-l.i; C'helioygaa, Thomas ,lohnslon, the underground tioii for president before the demoeralia •world lit that time is well illustrated I'resideut AicKiuley to "order llie ces­ day night iilmiit uiirmiglil. The im­ •l,2,"ii;.i;2; Clare, lli,72l).riS; Clinton, ],7;!7.77; inaiinger when iiii explosion of gas ne- nalloaai coavenilon, lie was defeated by hy the followiiip; ineidiMit, j'elated fiy Crawford, 2,1110,70: Delta, (1,002.,"i7; Dickin­ sation of llie iisitrpul.ion of power by mense vidiiine of water rushed down ciirred, by which llicy were killed iii- \\'llliani ,r, Bryan, Mr, Bland was om' of !Mr. ^Vaterloo, -wherein the soplioinore son, 2,1120; I'hnniet, 7l'rO; Gladwin, 77-I.7.S; tin; military" mid i'ei|iicsliug' Ihe C'lil- j the moil 111 ain side, sweeping everything' the original sliver men and was tic.' author slaiitlv. Oogohic, -1,1120.1)7; Grand Traverse, -I-IO; ifornin re)n'ese,uta.tives iu (aingress lo before it and converting dry iirroyas of tho famous Bland bill. Siirg-cnt spiies a freshman witli a eanc; l-foughtoa, '1,1110; 1-luron, 70,liri; Ingham, .10; "riQly Moses! 'i'here's a little ilnffor Tosco, ;!,.|;i;i,ll; Iron, 3,-riS.(:,'i; Isabella, 120; ask for n congressional investigation. liccliiroi'lty Treaty SUvncil, ajiil small creeks and rivers into raging- The Worlil's Wheat Crii.-i, -n-illi a cimo!" ,Tackson, '100; TCalkaska, 1,2-21.12; .Keat, S:,; Wnsliiiigion, dune I.7.—A new treaty j torrents and compfetcly Hooding llie Sargent .stepiiod forward and deftly Wasiiing-toii, ,liuu' Hi. — The iigri- I'.'eowceuaw, ,'i,-Hl.rin; r,nko, H,3,'n.0."i; Lee- OUTBREAK IN CHINA. betw-ccii the United Stales and Great j valley and level country lieliiw. Five •twllelietl from the liamls ol! a, natty ycinnB la ami, ,S20.nri; Luce, 1,'I,2.S(1.02; Mackinac, 12,- ciillnriil deparlmeiit issued a circular froahmaa a llKhi rattan whicdi ho wa.s r.ritain, eovcring reciprocity with the j jiersons are ri'|ioricil killed, •17-1.22; Maalsteo, ,''.Sl.;.:2; .Marquette, i;i,- giving- llie siibstanecof rcporls received twirlinpr In all lanoceaco. "Don't yon know II.SS.1'7; .Mason, alM; Menomluoo, 1,720.-If); niissloiiai'ie.s li^oreeil in Flee—'I'lielv llritisli West liulian colony of the liar- lUddlcd ivltli llnllel.M. that yon are Imiilousand immodest'.'" tlie l*r(i^ierl>' Oi^.sl ro>-o(l—'S'wo \a- by it up to dune ill on llie condition of .Midland, r,li..",(i; Mi.ssaukoe, 77.'1; Moatmor- liadocs, was signed at tlie state de- | ]\roreboiul Cilyj .\'. C., dune Hi,—Late sophomore roared In the uiiir, oC tho hue micy, ,'i,,'dS.20; Jl.uskegon, 2-10; Nowaygo, live l\lls.sionin'le.s Ivilleil, foreign crops. It siiys a llritisli cnni- parlmelil fridiiy iifferiioou. This | Wedticsdav iiigiil near the scene where •caao-bcaror. "A rresliman with a cane! ilSO; Oceana, 200; Ogemaw, 1,022.(11); Oa- mercial eslimale teiiljitively puts Ihe .It's a woiulor the lIshtahiKS don't fall from tonagon, •l,6?;tl(i; Osceola, 223,117; Oscoda, is the iirsl reciprocity treaty under , ,5^ 11, Weeks was murdered last week. Shanghai, dune 17.—.A dispatcli to world's wheal crop of LSIH) at ;J„''il,'4,l)l)0,- lioavon and lick yon npl Young maa, I've •1,200; Otsego, 1,210; Ottawa, ]12.;i(; the i'eci]n'oeity clause of the .Ding- saved your life!" ihc tlnily .News from '.I'^oo Chow says ],i-iilis I'litriek (colored), who hiid been lilll) bushels, against ;i,74,S,(l'()(),()fK) bindi- Presquo Islo, ;!,fi70..';7; noscoiTtreon, 2,327.i(i; ley t.arill', as the previous agree­ I'^oolliall Iliile.s, Schoolcraft, 11,500.01; Tuscola, 32o; Wex­ serious iinli-forcigu trouljles have oe- taken from I'.eiiiifort jail the ])i'cvioiis eis iu 1i)i),S—a reduction of :M4,()(lll,(l(10 ments have been under a sueli-on iillow- In ISlKJ footba.ll was but r.-rowinfi' in ford, 1,030.00. cnrrert at J'rion,g'-Ning-l''ii, province nE night, was liillcd. Seventy-live shots ilig "reciproeily arraugeinents," by bushels, or nearly ,S,1) per cenl. An-' fii.vor. Then Ihere \vas not as nuieh Ngnn-llwei, 'I'lie cliureli iiiiil mission were lircd, ami his liody was riddled THE HOMESTEAD BILL. proeliimalion aiul without the formal­ other estimate makes a reduelion of have been burned, but Iho iiiissionnries iwith bullets. The negro imidicated Importanee attached to it as now. The ity of a treaty. It is Ihe iirsl of the ;;:i2,00(l,()0ll Imshel.s, escaped to Xiiig-'iVha, on their way lo otiier parties, but the lynching ])arty game had not been lievelopeii and Ihe Gov. lMi>,'j;ri!e Sluas (lie JleaHiU'c IS.v- series of treaties wliicli (he llritisli l;'oo Gliow. thought he -ivas lying, nnd gave no rules were few, as is shown by the I'ol- peeled to Open TIIOUMIIIUIH of West Indian colonies—.Tniiiaiea, Gui­ Aiiollii!!* A'ictiiu of the I'^eiid. Loiuloii, ,Tniu: 17,—The Clnireh Aiis- weight t.o his win'tls. lowint;- lines: Acres lor Sedleiiicii t. ana and llermiida—are sopking, ijondon,. .Ky., dune 1(1,—News waa sioiiary society uoiilirms the report oil "Asked what the rules were by a R\iR-hy Ocalli lit a Kami Veteran. broiiglil liere late 'rhiirsdiiy night to man who had entered the ualver.sity, the Gov, I'ingrcc has signed the Gillam tho troulile at i'Cieng'-lCing-l.i'u, adding Wntsoii 'I'aUus Coinniand. AVashiiigton, dline Hi.—Itear Admiral the ell'eet ,iiimes llowaril, 11 iiicmlier captain of one team responded, blithely: liomesteiid bill, under ^vhicll it is ox- that 1\vo native missionuries were AVashiugloii, .liiiie Hi. — Admiral . Pierce Grosliy, retired, one of the last of the eelebrated I'aker-Uoward feud, "There are none to speak of, save that Iiected that mnny thousands of acres oC killed. Walson has arrived at liong-l'Coug, and j „|' Kin.rjignf'.'^ aelivc ollieers in Ihe stir- no man Is allowed to use an ax." laud will be opened for ,settloment in was shot- from aminisli and killed near A Collen-i! "IliLsli." lliis stale, Tho bill provides a.s follows: ^lIulilKaa to 'I'nku I'arl, Ijciiig on Ills own slation, took com- j ,,|ng sen'lights of the civil war, died Jiiaiiehesler Thursday evening, How­ 'Where taxes have romalaod unpaid mand of the Asinlic sipiadron, relieving j i^jre Tliiir.silay night of diabetes, aged ard belonged to the White iiiul Howard The rivalry between froshnnm anil '.I'oledo, 0., .Tiiiie 17.—The Alicliigan sophomore classes was e.xtrenioly bit­ for lU'o years, wdioro the lands have been Cnpt. ISarker, of the Oregtm, who has 7,; ,.y,„.,,., H;,' |,,„| ,, „n,j,i ,„,|ivo naval faction of the linker-Howard feud ami sold to the stale, and where no application legislature on Friday passed a bil'i been in ehiirgo since Admiral Dewey has been suspected of having Hred Ihe ter, especially iit tlie bog'inning' ol! the has lieon made to set aside the state's tltlfc creating' a commission for tho Oliio een- ciireei', figiiriug in (he capture of bloek- sailed from Abuiila. Capt. llarkerwiil ade runners and assisting in tlie rediie- shot lust week- that killed 'l.'oui linker coUog-e year. The so]-)homoi'es, -who to tho land, tho state is to bo given a deed, tennial, ami it is nndorstood that (lov. which Is to bo registered In the olllce of the rcliiru to the liiiited States on a mail tiou of river forts, |)nr1iciiliirly al New wdiile under guard in the coiirlhousB \vore more or les.s org-anizod, Averc con- Pingree will sign it, Thi,s is the last oil timially taking' advantage of their or- register of deeds in tho county where the aleiimer and will probably be placed on Orleans and Alobile, tie also saw serv­ yard. lands may he situated. Any person may tho states in the northwest territory to g-aniintiou and rushing' the freshmen, leave and then on waiting orders, hav­ ice in the 'Alexicau w-ar. make aiipilcatlon foi those lands and got authorize conunissions, the nicasiires To AA'eiuve llrollu-rN ileall). who, lit the, bcg-jnning' of the year, did them, upon iiaymonc- of ton cents an acre, ing seen nnich arduous service for the liaving been ap])roved by the rcniaiiuler 'I'liii'ly l.ivcM l.o.st. ColTeyville, Kan,, ,Hinc 10, —Among • not, understand how to condnot u sno- though the amount to bo granted Is limited past four years, twice iu command of during the winter. Col. 'Kilhouriie, A'ancouvcr, 1.!, C, ,'iiine L"),—Alail ad­ tlie men enlisted for service iu Ihe cossful rush. Mv. Waterloo describes to lliU acres, and If within the limits of any the Oregon and as a member of the war city or village to one block, Tho home­ president of the Ohio eeiitenuiii! com­ vices from give delails of tlie regular army was Hnniel .AieTaggart, one of these inceting-.s as follows: board. steader Is to live on tho land for live years mission, will, in the near futiirf, call a loss ol; tho llritisli sliip Locli SI'oy and ,Tr,, son of the Inte Senator Haiiiel Atc- jrrom tho bulkllags near eneh end of the and to Improve it. Land Commlssloaor ICIdnnper ,Seiilen('i.(). meeting of nil tho conimissiouers to bo ?,n lives on Knngaroo island, news ol 'I'aggart and brother of Second Ident. lonii walk, -which because of recent rains rrrencb says that thoi new law will bring New A'oi't:, .luue 17.—George I'.eauro- •n'as a bridge across a lake, tho waters many thousands of sol:tlors into Michigan, held in Chicago to form a iVoithwest which wasbrielly eoveretl by calile from AV, A, ileTaggart, of eompany G, Twen­ .o-ard Liirrnw, the ])rineipal iu the l

»» mmmmmMmmmm& mmmmmm maanattOitaomm ooLaUDTotKnnuKNSAUJUifi

E.ililliit>i «t PnriH. A SWEET REVEHGE. were i)ut in line, illustrating, display­ What a preparation for the wear and THE MISSIOiN OF ART. There will be a large exhibit from this ing, dramatizing, irradiating liible tear of Hie day a live miniiles' look in couatrv at the Paris exiiosilion in liWO, Clnroiict AViiK AVi'nU on SpellliiHr nnd truths until the Scriptures are not to­ the morning at some picture that will whieli will prove very intereslini; lo nil wiio She llroiis'ht U Ui> in day so niueli on paper as on canvas, not open a door into some larger realm tlian may attend, but no more so than the news that the famous .•\mcriean remedy, llostel- ULMI Ink, A Potent Factor in Uplifting the so mueh in ink as in all the colors of that in wliicb our population daily ter's Stomach Hitters, will posilivdy euro Human Race. the spi-etrum. In ISa!) forth from Stras- drudges. Ov what a good thing the half dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, bilious- "Oh, I'lk'anoi', ] am so glad to find you biirg, Cermaiiy, there came a child that hour of artislie opportunity on the way ii'ess and nervousness. To ail snllerors of liorc. 1, wuiil tip to your Imusc, iiiiil yotir was to (idiiise in speed and boldness home in the evening from exhaustion tlie above coniplainls a trial is reeomnieiul- inolhpr .said you liad uoiiuj liufu lo lir iittiid," od, wilh the assurance that wiien honestly and as I'ilcanor uraspc-'d lite spualu'r's liand Dr. TiilmiiKe PrcjiulicM on llie Intlii- anything nnd everytblng that the world that demands recuperation for mind used a cure will be elTected. U also tones the dri'ssiiiakof I't'owiied, fof sliLMJidii'L \viuil L'Jice of "rii'iiNiiiil I'UrliMi's" In liiid ever seen since the first color ap­ and soul as well as body! Who will do up the entire system. the III of the new nowii ijilei-lefcd willt. tile IJcvc'lniimi'iil ol' C'lirU- peared on the sky at the cieation, Paul for tiie city where you live what W. W, "^\•L•II, Daisy," said lOlcaiidf. "I am ^hid, Gtistave Dure. At 11 years of age he loo, I'of I scM.' liy yoiif eyes tlial yoti've suiiic- llan Cliiiriic'ler. Corcoran did for Washington and what GenliLi. lliiiiU' lo lidl inc." publislied marvelous litliogra|ilis of his Gibers have done for I'liiladclpliia and "How i.s it Wilkins over there looks so "Ve.i. 'I'his niDniiiiK I woiil over lo Ece own. Saying nothing of what he did cool when evorything else is sweltering''" [CipyrlKlit. ISOD, liy tjOtils Klopsdi.] lloston and New Vork'? Men of wealth, Kit, iinil 1 ran up lo her rnoiii, as ivo for .Milton's "Paradhse Host," ambla/.on- ".Ml, Wilkins is smart. Do you see those Poor clothes cannot make Wa.shlnglon, .luno 18. if you are too modest to liuild and en­ old papers he i.-i reading'? Weil, tliev contain always do, yon know." ing il on the attention of the wiudil, lie you look old. Even pale "Vvf." assi'iilcd lOleanor. ijr. Talmagc shows in this discourse dow such a place during your lifetime, the account of I'^ebrnary's blizaird. ICvery lakes lip the book of books, the mon­ time Wilkins begins to feel the least bit checks won't do it. "Anil slu; was ('fyiug. All around heron liow art tuny beeoine one of the wdiy not go to your iron safe and take Your household cares may the floor \vi'i'(,' letters, and on the hed more arch of literalnre, tho I'.ilile, nnd in his •warm he reads about the Iwenly-sonie bo- iiiiHliliest agencies for the elovatinn out your last will ami testament and be heavy and disappoint­ lellers. I saiil: 'Merey, Kit, wliat's tlie |)ictiires, "The Creation of l.igiil," "The low zero and shivers. Idis scheme is cooler uialler?' lu-ery now and then she would and hiilvaticii of llio biinian race. 'J'lie make a codicil that shall build for the than faii-s jmd cheaper than ice."—Cliicago ments may be deep, but niidii.' a vicious jab at a letter and appear to re.Nt is l.sainb 2:12-10; '••.I'lie day of the 'Trial of Abraliam's health, I'hc lliirial city of your residence a tlirono for Evening Xcws. they cannot make you look he wrilim;. Lord of Hosts shall be * * *' upon of Sarah," ",Toscph Sold by Itis Hrelh- American art'? 'Pake some of that old. "•(Ill, Daisy! I am alino.?t wild! J'mso f!i%-<' tin; Gliildreti 11 Tlriiili all |)lensaiit pictures." ren, I'lie llrazen Serpent," "Koa/. and money that would otherwise spoil your One thing does it and busy.' liiitb," "David and Goliath, i'lio called Clrain-0. It is a delicious, appetizing, never fails. " 'What are you doinf!?' 1 asked. I'ietures are by some relegated tolhc children and hiiild an art gallery that noiirisliing food drink to take the place of " 'Well,' said Kit, 'yon know Clarence and realiii of the trivial, iieeidenlal, .senli- Transfiguration," "The Marriage in shall associate your name forever not coiree. Sold by all grocers and liked by all It is impossible to look I have hail a iiiiarrel—ami I'm i;lad of it'— uieiual or worldly, but my le.xt shows Cniia," "I'.abylon U'allen" and 20.") Scrip­ only with the great mastersof painting wild have used it, heeanse wiieii jiroperly young with the color of and here she sohhcil the pladdcsl kind of a. tural scenes in all, wilh a boldness and prepared it tastes like the finest coffee lint seventy years in your hair. that Coil Mcnitini/.es pictures, and who are gone, but with the great mas­ is free from all its injuiious )n'iiper(ies, .'••oil—'and—and—he sent all my Idlers hack a grasp and aliiioM supernatural af­ —iuiil the silver liookmark—and llic iovely wdietber lliey are good or bail, whetlmr ters wdio arc trying to live, and also win (lrain-(,) aids digestion and slrenglh.ens the )iipe I ^ave him with his name en^rraved on used for right or wrong purposes, is a flatus that make the heart throb nnd the admiration and love of lens of thou­ nerves, il is not a stimulant hnl a liealth it--anil—oh. Daisy! I can't use any of ihcm the lirain reel and the tears start and hnilder, and ehildren, as well as aihills, IMU matter of Divine observaliun and ar- sands of pei.iple, who, unable to have —how can !':•—and so I'm (.'cltini,' his leMers the elieidis blaiieb and the entire nature drink il with groat benefit^ Costs about P, as veaily lo reliirii. I'm—I'm eorreetinn them,' raigiuneiit. '.I'lie divine missiiin of pic- line pictures of their own, would be ad- mueh as eoll'ce. b'i and Line. quake with the tremendous things of and then she laughed and made anollier jab lures is my sutiject. That the artist's vanlaged. P.y your benefactions liitild God and elernity and the d.ead. I ae- wiih her ]ien. jieiieil and ihe engraver's knife have your own monuincnts and not leave il AVouiii He ISau l>"<>rni. tiially staggeri'd down the steps of the " '('orrcciing Ihem':'' 1 fjasped. soiiietiiiuis been made subservient to to the whim of olliers. Soiiie of the "Ko real geiillenian, Mr. Hopkins, would " '^'es—cmrei'ting iheiu. Von know Clar­ rjonibui art gallery under the |)inver of the kiiigdiun of the bad is frankly ad- best people slee[iing in Greenwood have ever have his photograph taken in a dress ence is a terrible speller, so 1 have gone over iJore's •'Christ r^eaving llie I'raelori- suit." c'lch idler in red ink and made him see that rniiteil. After the ashes and scoria no luoiiiimeiils at all or some eriimblini^ um." Profess yon to be a Christian man "What do yon mean. Miss Simlikins'?" MM it was inlentiim.'il. Iliinijih! I'll bet he-won't were reiimved from ilereiilaneum and stones that in a few years will let tlie "In order lo do so he would have lo wear icll iinolher man he broke il oil'!' or woman, and see no divine mission in I'ompeii, the walls of those cities dis­ rain wash out name and epitaph, while it in daylight."—The llival. 1"^ "1 couldn't help langhini:, but wa.eii't it a covered to the explorers il degradation art, anil acknowledge you no obligation fine revenge';"—London Tii-llits. some men, whose dealh was the abaie- either in thanks lo God or man'' Do A'onr F):!'! Aelii' lUicl llnrnf in art wliieh cannot be exaggerated. nient of a nuisance, have a pile of Aber­ Satan and all bis iinjis have always 'The world and the church ought to Shako into your shoos, Allen's Pool-Ease, TRULY EXASPERATING. deen granite high enough for a king a powder for the feet. It makeslightorNew wanted the fingering of the easel. They come to the higher appreciation of the nnd eulogies enough to embarrass a Shoes fool Basy. Cures Corns, Hnnions, \vould rather have ]iossession of that He Unleil I'ocnile ^^•|l() Wvn- So I'oK- Divine mission of |iieliires, yet the au­ seraph. (!)h, man of large wealth, in­ Swollen, Hot, Gallons, Snro, and Sweating than the art of ]n'intiiig, for types are Fool. All Druggisls and Shoe Stores sell lllvo Vet lie l''iilloil to I.oolc " thors of tliem have generally been left stead of leaving to the whim of others not so potent and (piick for evil as pic­ it, '2."ic. Sam (do sent FliliH'l. Address, to lloM)t^ to semislarvation. West, the great your monumental commemoration and Allen S. Olmsted. Lo Roy, N. Y. tures. The ])fiw(;rs of darkness think liainter, toiled in uiiaiipreeiatiiui till, I'pilaphology, to bo looked at when peo­ they have gained a triumph, and they \o AVomler. "lly dem'gc!" said a llydc I'ark man wlio lieiiig a great skater, while cm the ice he ple are going to and fro at the burial of was riding downtown in an early trtiin. "J. have when in some respectable parlor "She has a remarkable voice." formed Hie aerpinintanoe of Gen. Howe, others, build right down in lite heartof ddest people wdio are so blamed positive or |iiiblio art gallery they can hang a of the ICnglish army, who, through "In whicli respect'?" ahoni cverylhiiig." our great city, or the city wlii;rc you "In timlu'c." canvas embarrassing to the good, but coming lo iidmire West as a clever V[ permanently postpones tho "It is a disagreeable habit," the pas­ live, an immense free reading-room, or "No wonder. She used to call a logging I tell-tale signs of age. Used faseiiialing to the evil. skater, gradually came to appreciate as senger wdio sat next to him admitted, "and a free musical conservalory, or a free cniiip to dinner."—(^'levcland Plain Doiiler. according to directions it it always pleases me to see such jieople eon- ranch that which he aeeoniplislied by 11, is not in a spirit of prudery, but art gallery, the niches for sculpture and gradually brings bock the I'ronled wilh proofs that ihey are in the his hand as liy bis heel. Poiissin, tho Unll'N CiitniTli C«rc wrong." barked up by Clod's eternal truth, when tho walls abloom with the rise and fall color of youth. At fifty your mio-hty iiainter, was pursued and had la taken lu';enially. Price 70c. hair may look as it did at "Yes, it docs me, too. !My wife's cousin 3 say that, yon have no riglit 10 bang in of nations, and lessons of courage for has heen visiting ns for several days, and nothing with which to defend himself fifteen. It thickens the hair your .-irl rooms or your dwelling bouses the disheartened, and rest for the lie's one of those know-it-all fellow,-;. Von tbnt wbieb would be olTeiisive to good against the mob but the artist's jiort- also; stops it from falling nTA'rC)l';S—.\uw (per bill.) 1 •la II!' : -1(1 cnlaling would he have mnrdered his wife, J'ORK-.liily S 1,' • ('(• S L'll and .•Vniorieaii cities, in which the low text as "pleasant iiicttires," Ob, the {•'1 Id 1, Hill; as he is accused of doing'? Would he not LARlj-.luly ••' theaters have sometiines liting long The oldest picture in Kngland, a por­ power of pictures! 1 cannot deride, UlUfc;—.Inly •! i|i /JII •1 7il father have spared her in order that she Ui{AI.\'—\/ln'al, .luly : ill ',,1, ;'• .III might he here at this trial lo weep for him lines of bra/en actors and actresses in trait of Chancer, though now of great as some have done, Cardinal Mazarin. ".-,• I'l.li, and inniience your verdict with lu'r tears'?" style insulting to all proiirioty, have value, was jiiekcd out of a lumber gar­ wdio, when told that ho must die, took yi •..«.'' -'•i';» (•i I.I 1';: (Inly the thoughtless think lawyers do not Itye. July made a broad path to dealb for multi­ ret. Great were fhe trials of (Jiioutin his last walk through the art gallery linrloy, Kcrecnlr.gs l/l assist the ends of justice.—Detroit dournal, u ;-;.', a tudes of people, lint so have all the j\ratKys, who toiled on from black­ of bis iialaeo, saying; "Mustl cpiil all MII.\V.''.1IKK1-:. other arts been at times suborned of smith's tinyil till, as a painter, ho won this'? Look at that Titian! Look al (tTL-M-V—Wheat, .\onhern.. .1: ri ((••i (!l A hloodhoniid is noted for hi.s dog-gcd ',r(. 211 perseverenee.— b. A. W. liiilletin. evil. How has music been bedraggled? wide recognition. The lir.st mission­ that Corrogio! Look at that deluge of le:si 'ji:i (ii Is there any )ilace so low down in dis­ aries to Me.vico made the fatal mistake Caracoi! Farewell, dear ])ictiires!" ;-.!i •in soluteness that into it has not been ciir- of destroying pictures, for the loss of A,s tho day of the lortl of hosts, ac-. KANSAS CITY. 711 •••: 701:1 ried David's harp, and llinidel's organ, A!N'-\\'heal, .liily ? Great Tammany Leader. wdiieh art and religion must ever la­ eoi'ding to this text, will scrutinize the ;-;i-;'.:'y i •<,•! The Stella Music Box,, and Gottscli;ill\'s piano, and Ole Hull's ment. Hut wdiy go so far back when in pictures, 1 implore ail parents to see Li.-iis, .No. :; Wldle III' •^I'A • <,i TUNED LIKE A PIANO. violin, and the flute, which, though •y. a\ this year of our Lord to bo a painter, ex­ that in their households they have PT. LOUIS. named after so insigiiificaiil a. thing as CHEAPEST AND BEST 1 cept in rare exceptions, means poverty neither in hook nor newsjiapor nor on r.VrTfJ^—Native Steers. .... ,1-1 (;r. (ill .-,;;« the Sicilian eel, which has seven spots and neglect, poorly fed, poorly clad, canvas anything that will deprave. la 1(1. •1 HI Indestructible records of on the side, like flute holes, yet for •/,^ .((( ;i Sa all Popular Music, ])oorly housed, because poorly appre­ Pictures ai'c no longer tho exclusive Sll (11 1! IK) tbousands of years has had ane.Niilted Old and New. ciated'? When 1 hear a man is a painter, possession of the ainnent. There is not Slil'HOP—.N'atlve .Muttons... .'( ti, «•;•• •17,'i mission'.' .'Vrchilecture, born in the T have two feelings—one of admiration a respectable home in these cities that OM.\!L\. C?rSIHND l^OR CATALOGUE lieart of Him wdto made the worlds, un­ eA'J'TLIC—.N-atlvo Steers .... $1 to il' .", :;o for the greatness of his soul, and the has not specimens of woodcut or steel .M) 'ii. •1 IM der its arches and across its floors, wdiat other of commiseration for the needs ot engraving, if not of painting, tuid your Sloe!:e!'S arc! Keedern ;', .•li .", llll SPAULDING & CO.. 1:11 f('i( bacchanalian revelries have been en­ :' Kt'M JF.WELI:RS AND SII.VnRSMlTHS, his body. But so it has boon in all dc- wdiole family will feel tho mural uplift­ l-i. (le fi nn acted! It is not against any of these SIIKJ'IP—VVeslurn Muttor.s.. d partuients of noble \voidt. Some of the ing or depression. Ilavfi nothing on arts that they have been so led into Jackson Blvd., Cor. State St,, Chicago,, mightiest have been hardly bestead. your wall or in books tlmt will familiar- captivity! 01iv<;r Goldsmith had such a big patch izQ the young with Rcevies of cruelty and J^^^g•^C^S^^ ^^ ^^"^^^Ci^- -;"''K=T,' \^L*. , "vi^ w../ (H=/, on his coat over the left breast that wassail; have only tliose sketches made Wliul a poor world this would be if it when he went anywdiero ho kept his hat by artists in clovatcd moods and none were not for what my text calls "pleas­ in his hand closely pressed over the of those scenes that seem the product ant iiietures!" 1 refer to your memory patch. The world renowned Hlshop of artistic delirium tremens. Pi,-tures and mine wdicn 1 ask if your knowdcdge Asbury had a salary of $5-1 a year. arc not o»!y a strong but a universal ".li'ler 1 Wiio Initiiucd to try CA80A- of the Holy SeriiJttires has not been ItUTS, I will novorhu wllhoiit, ihum In tho hoiisD. mightily augmented by the wood cuts Painters are not tho only ones wdio have Inngtiagi'. The human race is divided .Vy llvur was In a very bad Blmpo. iinU ray liond endured the lack of apiireciation. Let into aknost as many languages as there iiohnd luid t hull sloiimch Ireiihlo. Now. Klnoo Uik- or engravings in the old family Hiblc Inc CasRiirots, 1 ftiel line. Jly wifi) has iilso used which father and mother read out of men of wealth take under their patron­ arc rintions, but (ho pictures may sfieak tlioiM with hoiioUolal rosnils lor sour stomach." Jos. ICaisui.iNQ, net Congress St., Bt. Louis, Mo. and laid on the table in the old home­ age the suffering men of art, They lift to people of all tongues. Volaptik many stead when you werq boys and girls, no complaint; they make no strike for iiavc hoped, with little reason, would Congressman Amos J. Cummlngs, Tho liiblc scenes wdvieh we all carry in higher wages. 'Hut with a keenness of! boeome a worldwide language; but the Kcw York, Oct. UtU, ISOS. our minds were not got from the Bible nervous organization which almost al­ ])ictorial is always a worldwide lan­ Po-rn-n.a Drug- WVg Co., Columbus, 0. typology, but from the llible i)ictures. ways charticterizes genius tlicso artists guage, and printers' types have no em­ Genlleiimn—I'e-ru-iui is good £or cn- To prove the truth of il In my own case, sulTer more than anyone but God can phasis compared with it. We. say that tarrh, 1 liuvo Ivieti it ancl kiiow it. It the other day 1 look up the old family rojilize. children arc fond of pictitnss; but ;io- reliuvcd mo imnionscly on my trip to Hiblc which 1 inherited. Sure enough, ThereueedstobeacoucevSed effort for tice any man when ho lakes up 1 book, Cuba, unci .1 always have a bottle in what I have carried in my mind of .la- the stilVering artist of America, not scn- and you will see that tho .Dt-st thing he All Excellent Combijxiitioii. rosorvc. Sinr.c my return I have not cob's ladder was exactly the Hiblc en­ ti'nental discourse about what we owe looks at is tho pictiU'Ev;. Hare only The pleasant method and beneficial sufl'uvcd from catarrh, but if .Tdolshall gravings of .Tacob's ladder, and so with to artists, but contvacts that will give those in your house that a].>pe:tl to the cfcocts of the well hmown remedy, Ploasant, falatablo. l^olcnl. Tnsto Gooil, Do Good, .NuvurSlcltun, Woakon.or Gripo, lOc, aOo, 60c. use I'c-ru-ua , again. JMcautiuie you Samson carrying olt' the gates of Gaza, them a livelihood; for 1 am in full synv bettor mi 111 re.. One engraving has some SvRui' OF PIGS, manufactured by llio CALIFOUNIA Pto Sviiur Co., ilhistratc might send mc another bottle. Elislia restoring the Shunammilo's times decided nn eternal destiny. Un­ ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... pa thy with the Christian farmer who the value of obtaining- tlic liquid lasa- Yours, Amps ,T. Cummlngs, if, C, fllcrliiii; Ili'tni'(Iy_l!,inntiilir, riilcnfrii, Mnidrt'nl, Nuw Yorlt. 3IS the massacre of the innocents, Christ was very busy gathering his fall apples der the title of tine arts tliofc htivo come tivc principles of phints known to bo Summer catarrh assumes various blessing little children, the crncifi.>:ion riSni.Ti^.Hflf Sold and ennranlocfl by nil rtruK- and KOiue one asked him to ]U'ay fur a here from Prance a class of pictures medicinally laxa.tivc and presenting UU' I U-Bflfj Ricis to ClJitKTobacco Habit. forms. ]t produces dyspepsia and and the last .iudgment. My idea of all poor i'aiv.ily, the father of which had wiiicli ehiborate argument has tried to thorn in the forin most refresliing to the bowel conii)laint. It.causcs biliou.suess these is that of the old Hible engrav­ broken his leg, and the busy farmer jirove irreproachable. They would dis- taste and acceptable to the system. It is tho ouc perfect strengthening laxa­ tnid diseases of the liver. It deranges ings, which I scanned before I could snid: "I cannot slop now to pray, but graee ti barroom, nvid thoy need to be the l Furlhermorc, lot all reformers and liver and bowels, without weakeuing TEIUOK. Ottawa. Uanaila. Address Dr. Hnrtman, Columbus, Ohio, reading of the book, for the majority hnard scores of sermons for all olhc or to t. .1. unuUtSJHI. all Sabbath school teachenj and all or irritating thoin, make it tho ideal 'J'OX, 1 :ja,'l .Itonadnocic for a free bool< on summer catarrh. of the people read it hut little, if they kinds of sulToring men and women, bii? i Christian workers realize thnr, if they laxative. lllk, Chloaw. 111.; 't'. 0. read it at all, but'ali the sacred scones OtnuiiK. Stevens Point. Wl.s.i M. V. MctN-xus, No. 1 we need seriuons that make pleas fo^' would be effective for good|-ihey must In the process of manufacturing figs Morrill Bin. IJetroit. J). IJ. CAVK.V. Uad Axo, nud have been put before the great masses, .l.i.MKS GiunvK. Mt. rioasnnt. Mloh.i.N. UAU- the suffering uien ajid women of Amei' make pictures, if not by ebalk or black- are used, as they are pleasant to the Tnoi.OMKW, IMl Mh Slront, Dos Jloincs, loiva: and not printer's ink, bat the pictorial ISviaiETT & KAXTZ. Fort Wayno, Indiana. lean art. Their work is luore true t..i boardw or kindergarten desigus or by taste, but the mctlicinal qualities of the art. must have the credit of the nehieve- remedy arc obtained from .lenna and nature and life than some of the mas­ pencil on canvas, then by words. Ar­ A. N. K.-A 1766 IS a I mcnt. Kirst, painter's pencil for the other aromatic pl.aiits, by a method terpieces that linve become immort::-.! guments are soon forgotten, but pic- iavored few and then engraver's plate known to the CAMFOBKIA Fto Svnur on tho other side of the sea. but it is tliii tur^is, wiiether in language or in col­ Co. only. In order to get its beneficial lass pi People I or wood cut for millions on millions! fashion of Americtms 10mention foreig;i or!;, are what produce strongpr ctVcets. eitects and to .n.void iiiiitatiions. plea.sc S "VSTio tiro injm-ed bytho mo of cof- = remember the full name of the Company What overwhelming commentary on artists and to know little or tjothiiis Christ was always telling what a thing K f 60, Recently tboro has been placed 3 printed on the front of every package. the liible, what reenl^oreement for pa­ about our own Cojiley and Allston an.,^ was like, and his sermon on the mount C in all tho grocery stores a now pre- S triarchs, prophets, apostles iiiid Christ, luman and Oroenough I'lnd Kenseli, I was a groat picture gallery, beginning CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. S paration called GEAIK-O; made of i what distribution of Scriptural knowl­ Let the affluout fling out of their wioi- } wU'i " sketch of a "city on a hill that SAN PBAKOISOO, CAL, TVIIEV WICITINQ TO AllVERTISEK* £ ptu'o grains, that takes the place of 5 LOtnaVILX.!!. KY. NEW TOP.E, N. Y. Ulcuku ntiitc thilt s'UU inw Ihu Ailvci'llsG* edge of all nations in the paintings and dows and into the back yard valuelcjji [ cannot be hid," nnd ending with a tern- For sale by all Druggists.—Price £0c. per bottle. E coffee. ' « luvut 111 thin iiiitivi'. •• • ' *• ' engravings therefrom of finlman daubs on canvas nnd call in these sideii- i pest beating against two houses, one on ft Tho inost delioato Btomnoli re- 5 Hunt's "Christ in tho Temple," Paul did but unrewarded men and tell theci M-hc rock nnd the other on the sand, Veronese's "Magdalen Washing the C coivos it without distress, and but, 2 to adorn your walls not only with thru , The parable of the prodigal son, a pie- (» £ few can toll it from coffee. 3 Feet of Christ," riapbael's "Miebael the which shall please the taste, hut en- ! tare; parable of the sower, who went .T0 LOOK Ol?^ TE-3E BRIGHT Archangel." .Mbert Uiirer's "Dragon of large the minds and improve the morals i forth to sow, n picture; parable of the & E It does not cost over ^ nsmuoli. S . SmE. OF' TS-IBWGS, (& t Children may drink itwith groat ben- 3 the Apocalypse." '.Michael .'Vngelo's and save the souls of those wdio gaze j unmerciful servant, a.pictnre; parable ^ £ efit. 15 cents and 25 cents per pack- 3 "Phigiie of the Fiery'Serpents," Tin- upon them. All American cities need [of the ten virgins, a pieturo; parable USE £ ago. Try it. Ask for GE^UN-G. ' loretln's "Flight Into ICgypt." Ktibeus' great galleries of art, not only open nn- of the talents, a picture. 'The world "Deseent froui theCrosa," I-eouiirdo Da nunlly for n few days on exhibition, but \ wants pictures, nnd the appetite begins Vitid's "bust Supper." Cli-.ude's "Queen which shall stand open all the year with the ehihl, who consents to go early |Try.Qrai!i=Or.' of Sheba." FJellini'.s "'.Madonna," at .Mi- round, nnd from early morning until to bod if the mother willsil beside him Z InslstthalyontftrocerglvcByouGEAIN-O 5 Z Accept no imltatiun. :• Inn; Orcagna's "bast .lutlgment" and ten.o'clock at night, aud free to uU who and rehearse a story, which is only f hundreds of tuiles of piciui'es, if they would come uud go. picture. •^e€:CSeC€G@eeeSS€Ge6:6e6Ge4;e8i@6GG€6€!€€Villiaiii EUcry to llie cellars when they saw us com­ Clniimini,', ing, Tiiey live in cellars under the Engine CuiiAN soldiors are acceptins Ihe ijiTu I'>ery luimaii being is intended to stores, some of them tiireo stories un­ in American gold as fast as the ]iay- luive a character of bia own; lo be wiiat der the sidewalks. We did not ven­ Cpmc and see us when in want of mailed ivnislcrH can hand it out. The agitators no other is, to do what no oilier can ture down liiere, but could see fi'oni anything in the grocery line. free. who tried to stop tiie opcralioii look do. the streets through amall grates which on in rage, lint their inllnence is gone. ^i^very mind was made for growtli, gave them a little daylight. Some iQov2iSQO(3QQaaQQ{3Qgoe3QQe3a«3a«3S3Q.{. vulaions in young children inlo febrile, Tarlles disposing of mares buforo foaling Iliiiii. ClIiiiiiiKT 2:!«);(, by Gi'<-i;iibii('liN 'IMiree are a few reforms that would Detachment last week. I was in will be liold for service money. Proporl.y of 2i2;tM. "'I'" «••' 20 wiHi reeoniN of 3;1S0 benefit our systems of Himnco, per­ reflex and toxic according as they are charge of a fatigue party today, live or bi!t(<'i', haps, but we want no political experi­ Indicative ot the beginning of a fever, negroes and live white'nieu, MYRON C. ROBINSON, MASON Glonarlton has rich speed inherltanco ments with the money of the people of or are tlie result of some irritation of WM. A. OLDS, Ho has proven lilmsolf a llrs.t,-oli\ss trotter the skin or mucous membranes, as in and capable of trotting In 2:15, llo should the United States, nor any tinkering ORTGAGE SAIJB. DofiUllt hnvlng boon slro speed. Has already proven liimseU'one GREENBACKS theirwith. Tlie people of the United children who are cutting teeth or who M miulo in llio condUlons of a certnln raort- of the best general purpose sires ever In this haye worms,—or are caused by tlie ac­ Had Kidney Discaso 'J7 Years. giigo (luted .lamiury 2.')d, A. D,, 18113, made by section as bis gotnreuulformly larue, strong- RACE EECOED 2:23T^. States had a sad experience with tlie Sidney lifti'ljrlclc (iiiimiirriod) to 'I'hoodoru l., 2d dam by Marshall Chief, 3d dam by Old Sir lic to know of one concern in the laud child's clothing should be examined to FARMERS ! 18ll(>,ut one o'clocU in the al'toruoon, at the Charles, Breeders will do weil to loolt this four year,« old, produced ia this coun­ who are not afraid to be generous to make sure that there are no pins front door of tho Court House in tho City of horse over before breeding, llo will be in ty from bini. less than teu remalu un­ the needy and suilering. The proprie­ Mason, County of Ingham, State of Michigan, sold. scratching it, and no strings lied too In order to increase our circulation (thatbotngouoof tho places whore tho Circuit tors of Dr. King's New Discovery for we will ofler the * Conrt;for said county is held), said mortgage IIOI.T Moiuliiy GREENBACKS was foaled in 1882. Coiisijmption, Coughs and Colds, haye will bo foreclosed by a sale of tho morkgaged pro­ IIASI.KTT PAUK Tii«mliiy His get will soon be even in grenter given away over ten million trial bot- mises, and these will bo sold at public vendue to I.GSME ThiirMilny demand than at present as the supply the highest bidder, to satisfy tho amount duo on will ceaae. llesof tills great medicine, and have said mortgage together with a statutory attor­ MASON, liftlaiice of llift time, at the the satisfaction af knowing it has ab­ North Lansing Record ney foe of flfloon dollors therein provided for, solutely cured thousands of hopeless CASTOR IA the premises In said mortgage floscrlbod as fol­ Owens' Burn. I'crm.'^,'? 10 to insure. lows, lo wit: Lot number 8 In lilock number cases. Asthuma, Bronchitis, Hoarse­ Tor Infauts aud Ohildren. ' to new subscribers, and for n limited thrcoofthc City of Mason, County of Ingham, SERVICE FEE $20. ness and all diseases of the throat, time only for 50c per year. StiivoofMlclilgan, JOHN T, Iloi.LY, Chas E. Ball, Propr, cliest and lungs are surely cured by it. Cash must accompany order. QKO. W, BMSTOI,. Assignee. With return privilege until a Hying Call on F.' H. Fields, Dansville, and The Kind You Have Always Bought Attorney for Asaicnoo, Dated, May 22. A. D, 1899. WAYNE HOTEL. DETROIT foal. Address Longyear Bros.,' Mason, druggists, Bears the /''y ^/^Jo', T** Address— and get a trial bottle free. Kegular AMEfl/CAW ANP eUHOPEAN PLAN, size 60o and $1. Every bottle guar­ Signature of C/a^^^/JTf&^C^^ Illt;COai),.NortU Lansing, Mich. $a TO »3.B0 ti.oo TO *a.oo , anteed, or price refunded. 3 E. D. ALtKN, Proprlotor. Subscrilie for the News. SirSOLB UBAUa.BOQ. UP TO O^Tfi OAPBO A. I. BARBER, Mason.

ttkJ-t:,.^^.- jm^'M-n-rr^rafnf;rrJt ?JT-iBgKygFCSgCSaffirgy^«^agargEggi3m^^ TjOTigj«r.»MpnRaai\r;iKij:rrji3 g'srsafT^asaa^^ a:rA::iKffS333smnBiiDi:x!xazjxxrJu:sx)ir:ru^^

X,' ^iiuajjjKaisuaa^aa r.-'\iLT;ffa'^'':i''*iT"'"'^"''''^^^ nt^j^ti-! if^ iiuitcuacsurutffvcKiansutm*^ Truths Tersely Told. ii'oley's Kidney Cure is a safe sure remedy for all kidney and bladder dis­ eases, Guuranteed. 50c. W. M, Mc- Crosen, * _ ^».. .^—.—. (;oinin(nt (Joimcil I'rouoeillngs. iOFinoiAi,,! MA,SO.N, Micir,, Juno li), ISfli), Is charcteristic of this Busy Store. These offer­ Council met and waa called to order ings are for liy Mayor'J-Iemails. I'n.'s'c.nt, Aliiennen I'^ckharl, Ward, ..MANUFACTURER'S SAMPLES.. Smith, lii'mcnt, and Randall, SHTURDHY and MONDAY Mimilea of last meeting read and ap­ as example: pro veil. A Cure for Constipation. RUr'ORT 01'' COMMl'l'TEHS. 1 have liooii tronhled witli constipation for MQTSI!E--Oti Ssiiiriay, Jiiii@ 245 The linance eommidee reported the years. It was nilnliii,' my lieallli, my eoni- S- and 9-liieli Glass liorry Dishes, beau- Wire Hi:g I'.calersoach follinving claims and rec Rli'i'l l.'ryini; I'nns -1(1-1,'^ W, A. Kiiwo, Kiii'v(iyiii(,' roi-cil.y I 7.5 te 11 every sull'er Ink'woman wliat Celery I\ Inn ellies at 'Pea and I'dlten i'ot K'liobs, one .,., ;ic of the liirgei-cities. Now don't tliink we :ire cy;v/.y for I,. 1!. McArllnu', '1 days iiii hoard review .S iiO lias done for mo,—Nettle Clonld, iMoillua,Ohlo (llasR lUiller HislK^s, each lOc iidoz. L'tiitlics t'liia ,.., f*i enuiity, New York, hie removed to Mrs. n, h. KoBe(U'aneo and son are visiting stj'lc stuIT that would be detir at any price. IneldeiUiil <» lier parents near I'lnc i,alio. Horsemen, Dairymen, and Michigan in 1S;!lituul in IS-lo he inar- Ponltrymcn ried Mar^arei Hays. Two .suns were • Total Sl.Vl 01 M. II. Oiiatlordoii and son Floyd of Lansing KUNNlN'd U.VI'UIS'SBS, were In the city last l''riday. born to them, Chester H, and Harvey DR. HESSE'S D,, of wiiiuli one, Harvey, Burvives .Salaries 8 StU Of) Misses Fannie iiiui liorlba Howard of Attiiou Fuel IHI 20 aru visilliig llielr .Mason friends this weetc. tlieiii. on 27 .52 He aniiffht the jjold fields of Call- Mrs, d. T, Ciimpbell and I'roseotl Hunting- tun spent Sunday with frioiids In Lansing, Stock' Food I'orniu in 1850, returning in 'S,<5, After Total SI,'1S2 72 51 IKCF.r.h.WNBOUS KXl'KNsra, Poultry Panacea and Instant Louse an illness of several weeks he died at C, V. Mieltolsnn relumed Friday from a Pniiiphouse IS 211 77 two woolis'vacation In norllieru IMlcliigan, Killer. llie luipie ofliia son in Alaiedon .rune .Still take the lead over all advertised lines. .Sold M.l.SO'J. The Cunoral was held at the Frelglil •Hi Pliililp Taylor is enjoying a visit from Ills Kepalr.son main i! 7!) brother William of Merrill, Saginaw county. exclusively by liouse ilie followiiif,' day, where many ttepali'fi on (•oiinoellons (i Vi frieiula luul iieiyhbora paid their last llcpatrson fixtures !i Us Miss May Gleason and .Miss Cora Wilcox of Inloreston boiul.s 1,750 llll Leslie wereat II, W. tirown's over Sunday, re.siieels, He was laid at rest in the tiieldeniats 20 7'J L'.ek cemetery. iMr, and Mrs, 11. V. Taitnian altended the reunion orilio8tii Mich. liifL at Flint Juno GREGG & BENNETT, Total 1,01)0 02 10, HEADACHE should never be neg­ GASH ItEaUIVKP AS KOW.OWS: Mr, and Mrs, W- VV. Terwltiigor of Lansing MASON, MICH. lected. It means kidney disorder for water 81,021 19 Kor taps 92 iiO have boon llie guests of .Mason Irlends this whieli, if allowed to run too long will ti'or lneid(!iitals •! 2.'! wcelt, result in Hright'a diseased, diabetes or i.'or Penally 2 00 Mr, Albert Kdmond.s and wife orniisslietd other serious and often fatal eoni- visited Mr, and Mrs, lion WUcOX part ol'lasl plailitH, Kolev's Kidney Cure is Total S1,7I0 72 WoeU, Oii.'ih paid oily treasurer 51|7I0 72 For all Building Purposes guaranteed for kidney disorder, W, ti'uol on haiKl May I, 'ilS 21! IiO HerbortKnapp and Miss Myrtlo Elinor of M, MeCrossen. * l.'uelon liaiul May l,'i)!l (10 00 t'^aton liapiUs were guests at 0, D. tCuapp's B m .Material on hand May t, 'OS (i SH last Sunday, The Best Quality of Halcrlal on hiinU May 1, '1)9 l-l 01 Mrs, B, li. iSmilli, who lins been spending Whealfieid. No. Kiillons water pumped ivom May I, '08 to the winter Willi tier son at Oniatia, Mob., re­ turned homo Friday, To Be Successful The sofiial for the benelit of Whit- May 1, '00 ^1,815,752 comb S, S. netted about four dollars,— ToUil cxpondllurea, ineUuUng Interest on F. E, Searioa aud wlfonf Wobbcrvltio have Must Be bonds *3,.t;t5 07 boon visiting relaUvos and frlonda lu Mason .1. E, Polter and wife of White Oak Total tteeclpta 1,710 72 ami vicinity this weolc, visited Belle Putnam Tuesday,—Elder gl,7t.5 (15 Capt, Asa G, Dailcy, Iraottmastor of Hie M, Walker of Perry exchanges pulpiis 0, U, U,, made tils old nomrado, Col, L, H, wdlli Elder Weidenlioel'i, at the Wliit- Aeeopted and adopted by water board, May Ivus, a brief call yesterday. V——»_—t-—ris the Cheapest comb Sunday,—Ed bloller is home 31, IS'JO, 0. h. CASTKUiti.iN, aeorolary. H. 0, ("all left Monday niplit forPetoskoy to Attractive. from college.—Tlioa, Ijambert has the all ond llio National Eneampinent as a. dele- Our Lumber is all good, and our prices exceedingly low. uoiilraet for a large amount of build­ To Uic Jlotinmblc the Mciijor and Comieil of the gate from Steele Bros, Post, Cili/ oj Mumn; {TImVs Our Mm.) ing on theBowerinau farm near OUe- ,T,E, Tltns of Bunlcerblll and Mrs, Nellie mos.—l-Jiiying lias eoinmenced here.— Incomplhinco with tbo elty ordinance I Mellztevof West Urlgtiton, New Yovic, were have Iho honor to .submit (or your consldor- guests of Mason relatives tills wooic, Millie Odell of Kendall has been visit­ olloii Iho report of llio expenditures for eoii- ing her aunt, IV'lrs, M, C. Odell, the HANSON & MICKELSON C ATTUACPrvK GROCERIES Blrueliou, ropiiirs and oporalint; eleetrle light H. M, ^'lllmoro ol Lanainglwasa gnost at past week.—Gns 8mith has the eon- plant IVuui May 1, 'OS to iilay I, 'OU. D, U, Klngabury's last Tuesday, Mr. Fill- } ATTUACTIVK QUALITIES tract for repairing the roud east of more lias boon appointed by Gov. Plngruea Total coal of plants to May 1, '98 Jll,.172 '17 member of Hie atato barber's commission, ( AT'I'UACTIVE PRICES. Gibbons' corners,—We are wondering L'onstruciiou I'roin May 1, "JS to if the $50 raised two years ago for the ilay 1, '0!) ,.. 7M 21-) G, 13, 8andels, Fred lirown, F. E, Milifl, 0, purpose of lixing the road north of the S. Clarlc, Dr. 0, K, Jlondorson, Dr, Wood- Wc are prepared to meet any and Total m,180 S2 worth, Franlc Taylor and T. W, Hanson al­ GET A SILK DRESS FREE ! Whitcomi.) will ever be used for tliat CONSTUUCTION ACCOUNT, tended llio U. of M, ball game at Eaton all competition; our stock is kept llaplda last Monday. Tlio old rolialilo publisliers of tlie well-ttnown and liiulity interpsling Family Magazine, purpose. Supplies and labor 87M 25 to advertise il.aroollerlng llA.ND.SO.in.; Sll.lt I>!ti;.«*.S«;.S-full 1(1 to 1,5 yards. This offer fresh and new. Ol'KllATING KXl'KNSES, iHopen to any rellabto p(;rsoa wlio wilt send for Itiitunce and proinlsfi to show 11 M'ltb iho paper. II you wish to talto advanUige of above sill', dreas otter, you must first send'23 Coiita Wc also have a fine line of can­ Salarloa Sl,-t7-l .So AVorlilng Kiglil and Day, —silver or postage slaiiips—to pay for liaiidling and po.itage on the paper we send lUroo Onondaga. Fuel 1,050 50 Tbe busiest and mightiest little moiitlis on trial, niid you will receive it by return mail, dies, Peanuts, Cigars and Tobacco. E<1. Williams and landly, May on and waste .10 8,1 Mrs. Flifubo Nasli, Wiiliamstowii, Ta,, writes; ,liisl reciveil Ihe liiacli sill: dreas—it tiepalrs material liO (IS thing that ever was made is Dr. King's Bring us your Butter and Eggs, yards—y(iu seiilmo. The riiinlily Is niagnilkmnland I lliault you a Ihousand liiiieaovor. Park and Ella Andrews are camping Repairs labor '15 OO New Life Pills, Every pill ia a sugar- at Portage lake,—Mr, Schall, a former Tools 't Ki iMrs.'Kllza lirown,New Haven, Conn., writea: 1 scarcely bellevi-d It, but Hits morning We always pay tho highest market coated globule of health, tliat changes niyslltc dress arrived, 1 iiavjaliown it to a dozen iieiglibors, Tliey ail luieiid sending lor school teacher hero, is clerking for W. Carbons 01 '10 price for all Farm Produce. Ollieo supplies 8 12 weakness into strength, listiessness in­ ouo. It is certaluly boautllul.and I will do alt I can for your paper. E, Wilcox,—A number from liere at­ Wo can show rr"ol of thousand" or dr(;ss(>s glvenaway to tl.oso wlio have answered pur Uardwaro supplies 13 7-1 to energy, bi'ain-fag into mental power, Berries received fresh every morn- tended the ball game at Eaton Rapids advorllsomenls, All drosses sent promptly. Address; Total 82.848 10 They're wonderful in building up the hig. Yours with respect, last i>Iouday.—A few took hi the ex­ IIOK.SKHOM) .TOtlRSf.VI, rUJtr.ISIIIXO C'«»., l.ocK Ilox n<)8, l>Uniitllilii, I'll cursion to Grand Rapida last Saturday, lucldentals $109 83 health. Only 2.5c per box. Bold by —Neta Williams visited at Grass Lake CAST! UlSOULVKh, [jongyear Bvna., Masou, aud F, H. Moezatti / r •nmjmr.T KM n Sunday,—Mrs. Kitclien went to Grand For material and labor,, $ 316 01 Fields, Dausville. .3 Rapids Saturday to live with her son, Fer Uiiiips 2!l 71 Stockbridge. For coat 9 .19 Stockbridge is enjoying the novelty GOODS IN CHICAGO -Mrs, Draper left Saturday for Petos- For ourrout 2 00 key to spend tlie' summer with her For meter llghl 1,180 SO Free ol Clitirge. of ft new train serviueon the G. T. son —Tlie Children's Day exercises at Por arc light 030 07 E. that gives our citizens the privilege For lucandoscent llgtits; 711! 7-1 Any adult sutFering from a cold set­ 1 the cluu'ch were pronounced line,— of going to Detroit and baok in tlie tled on the breast, bronchitis, throat ,iie«?f.M Mr, Monson's Musical Euiertaiumeut Total S2,8S7 .12 or lung troubles of any nature, who same day with live hours stay in De­ atthooluirch last Tluirsday evening Paid City Treasurer 82,S8" -12 troit.—-Stockbridge has a second nine will call at Longyear Bros,, will be iy"^**;ifttl®a'^«i.|l%ntlt|. was enjoyed by all. He is a master,- Street l.lgliling S1.2ii0 00 base ball club tliat would like to hear Material on hiuul May 1, 'OS $10;! -12 presented with a'sample bottle of Bos- The Knowledge Seekers spend Thurs­ Fuel ou band .May 1, '98 23 CO chee's German Syrnj), free of charge. from Dausville or Meadville They day on the island at Eaton Rapids, Only one bottle given to one person, are capable of niakingsomeonehuatle, Totnl 5;i27 0 at Oansville They liave done some good work since and none to children without order -All roads lead to Stockbridge the 4lh, they organized,—New sidewalks are Miilortal on liand Mav 1,'00 S3'20 03 Is still in the lead in making Low from parents. A great time is assured,— A. L, Forbes being built on did'ereut streets here,— Fuel on luuul iMay 1, 'ilO 57 70 No throat or lung remedy ever had of Jackson was in town Tuesday,— Onondaga is growing. Tlie next we Pi'ices and selling more Total '. i!;n7 3S such a sale as Boschee's German Syrup Clarence Leo, one of the tinesi IK-JS IU need is (ire protection. We have lots Total receipts 81.110 78 in all parts of the civilized world. our high school, died Tuesday niglit. of water, \Vliy not dig u reservoir, Total O.tpouso 3,732 18 Twenty years ago millions of bottles —Stockbridge will have a grand cele­ put a good lever force pump into it, 'Total 8 .105 00 were given away, and your druggists bration the 4th, Eev. Carl .lone.i getsiiine liose and build a house to is orator of tlie day. A game of ball keep the ladders, buckets, etc, in. Aceeptod and adopted by eli^clrto tiglil will tell you its succe.ss was marvelous. board ,\lay 81, ISllO, 0. L. OASTHIU.T.V, See, It isroal'ly the only throat and lung liiHween the .J, A, 0. and Stockbrige Thinis and, decide. — Fourtli of . •> • remedy generally endorsed by physi­ nnd one between the high schools July Onondaga will almost set the There is atimu for all thinzs. The ...Subs of Chelsea and Pinckney.—The Havo you tried the Cataloguo system ol buying world aflre. Plans are nuule for a cians. One 75 cent bottle will cure or time to take DeWitt's Little Early Ijiidy Macoobees took in L5 new mem­ EVERYTHING you use at Wholesale Prices? Wo large crowd. Lots of room, shade and prove Us value. Sold by dealers In alt Than any ether dealer in this Eisers is when you are suft'ering from bers last Friday eveuing and the K. can save you IS to 40 por ccnt.onyourpurclmses a large list of games and snorts are on civilized countries. eow conatipation, biliousness, slck-hea^j. 0. T- M, will take in 20 Weduesday UVe arc now erecting and vyill ov/n anil occupy thb part of Michigan. on the bills. Come early and comB ache indigestion, or other stomach Q,. evening witli 15 more later on. hiflhcstbuilding in America, employ2,000clorlis prepared to »tay all day. liver ti'ouliies, Lotigyear Bros, * iilling country orders exclusively, and will rclun'' Furniture has gone up, but our aim —. » # « purcliaso price It goods don't suit you. is to hold prices down. Maple Corners. You get up ill the morning tired, a Our General Catalogue—1,000 pages, 16,000 IJravo Men Fall Mis3 Fraukie Harris closed a very Owing to... and taste In tl\e mouth and a headache. llustrations, 60,000 quotations—costs us 72 Come and see our nice, large Victims to stomach, liver and kid eucjessfui term of school at the Meech Numerous inquiries— Know what's the matter? Bilious­ tents to print and mail. Wo will send it to you line before buying. ney troubles as well as women, and all the 21st.—Geo, Traver entertained ness! Take DeWitl's Little Early ipon receipt ofIS cents, to show your good tallli. feel the results in loss of appetite, Jackson and Mason relatives recently. Bisers. Tliey regulate tbe liver and Make our Furniture stone your poisons in the blood, bnckaube, ner­ —Nellie Traver is viaitliig. friends in Miss Emma Webster cure constipation pleasantly aud MOmOSilERY WARD & GO. headquarters when you come to vousness, headache and lued, listless, Ithaca.—Guy Litchfleld an wife are promptly. Never gripe, Longyear MICHIGAN AVE. AND MADISON ST. celebrate the Fourth of July. run-down feeling. Bui there's no vlsititij; at Baginaw,—Children's Day of Lansing announces that Bros. * need to feel liKe that,, Listen to J. W. CHICAGO. at the Meech next Sunday evening.— she will be pleased to see We have plenty of nice Rockers Gardner, Idavilfe, Ind. He says; Eliza Becker closed her term in the "Electric Bitters are just the thing "for all who are interested in to sit in and good cold water to Lee district Friday,—James Ruuci- Olilobeiter'ii EniUah lllimonil Dnnd. a man wlieu he is all run down, and man is painting his barn.—Will and drink. doi^i't cars whether be lives or dies. It The Study of the Piano Eve Swarlz have returned home. /:: nut Our fiuuou.i JtKljn did more to give me new strength and •-.»-. . brliilnaliuidUnlrClcnutiio. ^ lAKKI. Kit A XI). Welcome. at the close of the Com- SArc, tlwATN ri^liftlilB. LADIC5 aak It'i tbo best In tbo good appetite than anything I could \V. M QalluRher bfBryan,Pa..8ays! Droggld for CMclutler't Knallili Bio-. BINDER world. Prloca will aur- mmi Brand ia lied inil Ooid moulllox prise you. Wa ileUvcr take. I cau now eat auytldng and "For forty years I have tried various mencemeut exercises at the IboiM, BCftlod irlm bloo ribbon '^»t-? H. L. HOFFMAN have a new lease on life." Only .50 'no other. i!«/ui(ielon(|M-ointi. ..i.;ii- '• ii-atlmonlUA anA WtHo tot tirtcos imi\ oniiiplM. DAKSviiitiK, alien, Cure is best of all." It relieves in­ "Hellof for Ladled" In !• •. •'J i. : -- P. H. Field's,, Danavllle, drug stores. stantly aud cures throat and lung . Termsf etc. will be • ' r Mull. lOiUOOToaUinonlMi, jrMu/Vi>i! M Iioo00»ul DtOBSllMDtDBSllu. . • .... i"lliIi..J-.!A..- Georpe fi. llurrniig-hs has given in his A iinwdcr magazine blew up in Pe­ THE STRICKEN TOWNS. TRADE REVIEW. king, Chiiiii, killing 200 ]iersoiis, and SIlui Jmihaiii (il'Oiinln Diuut:J rcsig-nalion as president of "Wnbasli (liui.) college, to take elVect on Octo­ houses by the hundreds were dcmol- Demi 111 NiMV ISiclnsuuHl, A\ls., Will Tlic i!iisl)U'SS .Sltunl itiii UN ^]ccii ' ''Better Be Wise \ CAMI'IIKIJ, & ItOSIC, l'iililIsU(T.-i. ber 1. isbed Itfiieli 111(1—Tlie Sllundiin at Amei'Icn's l.ciiiIin^A' Commer­ At Los Angeles, Cal., I'.;arl Tlniu lieite . .Manila advices say that the denioval- lirnuiin, .*- ilt-Ki,. Ceorge Taiiric and his wife, an ag'cd piiiiy liavi' sold iill ( heir holdings to an UiiiU'd Sliili's nil Ilii' 12tli was: AVlieiil, A'ia llig i''oiir and Chesapeake &Ohiii lly'j. ;;7,(l()l,nill)hiisli(ds; corn, 111,IJIIIi.nnil Im.sli- couple living near Jl unlingtoii, Inil., easterii syndieiite lieiided by 'johii J). One l''are Ihiimil Trip; tickets onsale.riily s llie world's assault. PriiKio.s.s Anililtlon. wheat crop of l.slll) at 2,r,li-l,0n0,0n(l bush­ During a rreshct at iiosiilia, '.r(^x., Tlic reeeiplsof I lie l''iiz.siminoiiR-,lef- "Did you see lliiil pale young man palling' fries (iu'lil lit .N'i'w "^"ni'ls Avere, ."jiCn'.OOn, of els, iigaiiist ;.',7-1S,(111(1,Onn bushels ill bSOS. eight families, iiniiibcring' 27 pcofile, cut 'Ca.^h!' at the ribbon counter';'" uliicli I^it/siiniiioiiK frets .$2.-i,ono, tlie Street ear slrik'crs in Cleveland were drowned. "A'ps," oliib .$3ri,000 iiiul ,leiTries.$l.'i,Ono. cri.'iited several riots and a number of Louis Fat rick (colored) was taken "l''iile's awfully funny, sometimes. Ten noil tin inn men were hurl, three proba­ from (he Beaiiforl (X. C.) jail and years ago, when we "were boys together, hi.';: 'l''or tlie II moiitIKS of till'|U'('scnl: fis­ one ambition was to lie a mighty linnlerand bly fa tally. killed by a iind), licing accused of the cal yo.Tr 1lie exports of domestie prod- ealcli lions with a lasso."—Berlin (.Mil.) Her­ murder of K. B. \Veeks. nets iimoiiiitod to .$0(i7,.Si.i,'i,2Sl, .'itjaiiisl, The nieinlicrs of the commission a]i- ald. pointed by the president to examine ,1'ciliiniy Storcr, the new .American .$7-17,50"),,SOT for tlie. correspond in j>- ]ii'- I.niie'.s Frinilly Tilodlcliie, into the (piestion of Ihe most feasible ininistcr to Spain, was received by the riod last,year. r.VIlTS OK WISCONSIN AM5 MINNESOTA VISITED ItY :»IOND.VY'S STOUM. Jfovos tlio bowels each day. In order to '.I'liroe boys, lifted 11, 12 and 1-1, coii- roiilc for a ciiniil across the Isthiniisof (piccii rcgiMit and presented his ci'cdpu- bo healthy (his is necessary. Acts geally on if'c'ssed to robbing;' the post otlico at Taniinia met in AVashinglon. (iiils lo her majesty. The most cordial the liver and kidneys. Cures sick li'cid- diicllon and consumption, limited only by The AVcstern llascball association has salutalions were exchanged. charily for sustenance and a cliancc lo ,aclio. Price 25 and 50c. r-cni, 111. the obtaining of suiJ|)lles. Advances all disbanded. .A new (rciity bptween the United begin life over again, The few who Scores of ]iersons were liillcd—tlu; along the lino arc again a feauu'o in this Fur 11.1 ck, escaped without injuries or loss of 'jiiimlicr may reaeli into the bundreds,— The navy de|)artnieiit has received the Sillies iiiul Creat Bridiin, covering rc(.'i- trade," Grocno—What a iar-.avvay look that poet property arc so com plot ely diizcd (hat . and liiindreds of tlioiisiinds of dolbirs 1,70(1 bronze medals authorized liy con­ procity with (be BrKish Wc«( Indian Train IColiltell. hns. Do 'iVitt—Yes; lio's thinking of his last wortli of ]iroperty destroyed by a ry- gress for the ollicers and men wlio par­ (;olony of (be Barbailoes, has been they Icnow not Avliiit to do. Kansas City, Aio., ,luiio 17.—.\ special meal.-Cleveland Leader. ticipated in the battel of Manila bay. signed, to the Star from .Mciia, .Ark., says: clono tliiit swept across (lie I^li.ssissippi IiMood ifi Te.vns, valley, pracliciilly anniliilatinfc Ibu vil- I'rcsidenl Jifels'iuley and bis •\vi fe left .•About 2;-l5 o'clock l.'''ri(iiiy morning (lie Wo hcliovo, ia spito of statistics, that ri51!.S()XAl. A.M) I'Or.l'l'lU.VI,. Laredo, Tex., .iiiiie 17.—'I'he Bio bifjc of New liiebiiiond, ^Vis., and eaiis- W'asliington for tiolyokc, Nortliiiiiijiton south-bound passong'or I rain of the more girls kill llieinselves eating pickles Miss ,lane Sniilli cciebrated the one Grande readied (he highcsl stage since inji' great jiroperty loss also at Hudson, and other points in IMassaclinsetts. Kansas City, Pittsburg & Gulf railway. tliiin kill themselves skipping rope,—Detroit hundredth annivei'snry of her birth at lS7(.i. The wiiterwork's and ice pliinis ,loiiriiiil, AVis., and at .llastinps, ]\Iiiiii., and in the George ileiiiii'cg'iird Barrow, (he prin- No. 2, was held up by throe mnsked men her home in iMarshiilllowii, la. of both Liircdos were both Hooded and .section of country lying between. cipiil ill the Isidiiiiping of .Marian Chirk, at a curve about ii mile south of Shady, 'I'D Cure IL Cold In One Jliiy IMrs. Stewart L. Woodford, wife of compelled to shut down. This ciinsed IC. 0. Krag'iiess, of San Francisco, has (he infiinl danghler of Ardiiir Clark,of I. 'f. 'I'he exact iimonnl of booty se- Take Laxative Bronin Qniiiino Tablets, All the former l.'nitcd States minister to a susiiension of work at the iMcxieaii broken the American 200-milc bicycle Sew Vork. has been sentenced tol-t (tiirod is not k'tiown, as (ho express eoci- druggists refund money i f it fails lo euro. 25e. Spain, died in New/York, National iiiachinc sliops and such other road record by malciuf,'a double eontiiry years and ten months' imiirisonmeiit. )iany ^vill not give out the amount of coneurns as get their water troiii tlie Some people are like clocks; they show by The Maryland democrats will meet The. trans|iort Sherman, having "on around San Francisco bay in 11 hours cily mains. Many lioiises of jioor peo- its loss. their faces what sort of a time' tlicy are in Hallimore .August 2 to jiominato board fhui. l^'rcd H. Grant, Ccii. t'atcs, and .'!7 minutes. ]ile along the l.ianks on both sides were luiving.—Golden Days. enndidate for governor. a large niimlicr of other ollicers and Sldrcr i<*()ritiall>' It t'(.'el veil. A piissenR-cr train on the l^oek Island flooded or washed away, and their eon- liicliard Parks tilaiid, a member of L,''00 cnlislcd men, arrived in l\liinilii. .AIndrid, .liiiie 17,— The newly-ap­ Some things arc better than olliers, hut road .inrnped the track near Geiinseo, fonts swept down the river. congress for 2,| years, and in ISOO n caii- pointed niinisler (o Spain, -Mr. Bollamy n.s a general thing man wants the others.- !lll., and one woman was killed and m Tom Biiick. a negro I ill years old. a Boston Courier. didiite for (he deiiioeratic nomination Storcr, was received in formal iiudioiice other ]iersons were injured, two fatally. pioneer of 'l.'eniiessee, was killed by a (iov. .Scoliclil's I'l'dcliiitiutinit. ti for ]ir(.'sidciit, died at his home near by the ipicen regent i''i'i(liiy. There Clyde I'orter and Calvin S. Hart were cave-in at Conl Crock, '.Madison, AVis., .Iiine M.—Gov. Seo- I cannot speak too highly of PLso's Care Lebanon, .Mo., aged (i-l years. were no speeohes, only a few cordial blown to atoms in an explosion in ator- \Vliile; a party Avcre in bathing at field '.l.'uesdny issued a prooliimiitioii for Consaminion.—l\trs. Frank Mobhs, 215 Lear .Admiral Fierce Ci'osby, retired, phrases were exchnnged. The queen \V. 22d St., Now York,' Oct. 2!), l«tU. ]iodo factory in iMariotta, 0. Galveston, Tex., iOtta 'I'horn, aged Ft, calling upon (he people of Wisconsin one of the naval heroes of the civil war, regent was very unliable and comjili- A dis|)atch received at AViishiiiR-ton Mirrian Howard, LS, and Jrene Laiidcr- to coiiie (o (he aid of (he ciiliimily- Laziness makes afi tasks senm hard; in­ died at his home in Washington, ageil meiitary towards Air, Storcr and iii- .•mnonnceslhesafearrival of the crniser dale, 10, were drowned. slrio.k'cn jicoplo at NewFiclimond. 'I'ho dustry niukos ihoin seem light.—L. A. \V. 7(J years. ipiircd cordially concerning' the health liallotin. •Kcwark .it Ilocanco i.sUmd, Chili. The one hundred and twenty-third supplies of money collected should lie Feiinsylvaniii. denicjrats in conven­ of I'rcsidont .McKinlov. ,, C. A. Larson and his oiffht-year-okl nnniversiiry of the bat t lo of Bunker Hill sent as promptly as possible (o i\Iaj. Dreamers are the world's groat archi­ tion in Harrisburg nominated 0. h fion were drowned while !i(tem]iting to was cclcliratcd attioston. M. 1!. .Doyon, at New .itichnioiid, wliom To FLulil 'I'lii riiilii 'rriiHt. tects; the toilers are its builders.—L. A. W, Mestezrat for sii]ireiiie judge niid W, lUilletia. cro.ss the river at La Crosse, "Wis. ICx-Seniitor I'enjninin H, Harding, the governor lias aiiiiointed to take Chicago, June 17.—Senator W, A. T. Creasy for state treasurer. Fonr small children named Christen- who was elected to (be LliiKed Stales charge of relief uiKil local eonrmitteos Clark, of jMontaua; Charles Fdwiii It is not croditablo for any girl to have Hcn were drowned in the Tlatto river Miller, of New York, and ,1, H. Sliaw- iroHlilfiX. senate in bSl'i2 (o till out the uiicx|iircd are able to do i(. sevoriil young men "on tlio siring."—Atch­ •while attempting' (o rescue one of their hiin, of San Francisco, had a consuKa- ison Gloho. jranilaadvices say that Gen. Lawton's term of Senator Bak-cr, died in Cottage .iniinber. 'I'lie S(ree( CKI- HlrlUe. tion at the .Auditorium Friday looking eoliimii, now .oceu]iyiiig (he towns of Grove, Ore., aged 07 yciirs. The foot of other people help tlio cobbler Cleveland, 0., .lune 17.—After a quiet (o (lie formadon of a combination to I, The supreme lodg'o, Ancient Order of Faraniupie and Las Finns, will eontinue Kiiviscd (ig'iires from Now Fiielimond, to get ahead,—L, A. W. Bulletin. morning, rioling on (be part of sym­ tight the till plate trust, it isjiroposed to i. ^United Workmen, i.s in session at In- (be advance into Cnvite province, Cii- 'Wis., show (hat about 125 persons lost tlianapolis. pathizers of the street railroad strikers establish a ]iliint at .loliet, HI., with Drift: it is jnst ns plea.?ant down the river \ito is .Aguiniildo's native province and their lives in the recent cyclone. as up,—Atchison Globe. , Over 200 steamtitters in Cleveland, 0., broke out about noon in various sec­ a capital of $.1,000,000. one of the chief seats of his strength. \Villiiim H, t'''iso,lior, a biiilderand con­ Jirc on a strike for hifflier wap^es and tions of the city yesterday. Many im­ The secretary of Gen. Fio delFilnr, who tractor, shot his wife after brutally The fence COIU'IM'CIICL'. 'Sov amiiform scale for Cleveland work­ ported motormen and conductors wore is next In Aguinaldo in eoinmand of the beiiHng' her in .N'cw Orleans and then The Hague, .lune 15.— It is now ex­ men. injured by stones thrown at the cars. A insurgents, has deserted him and come fatally •wounded himself. pected that the pence onafcrencc will 1 irolman Shotfield, a hermit aged CO, iiiimbor of arrests were made by the into the Ainerican linos. Henry Lee and family nf three died not adjourn before (he middle of July, <^rom Tfrs„ Sunier Hivinff near Toledo, 0., was found dead. police. A terrible famine ]irevails among the at Oiitbrie, 0. T., from caling toad­ as it is thought (he labors of the dele­ Slobbery was evidently the motive of Indians near the upper waters of the stools, mislaking tlicm for mushrooms. MMrtlKluiiki! nl Hollo, gates will not be finished before that ]iis ninrdcrers. Stewart river in British Columbia. Howai'd Bliickbttrn, of Gloucester, !>raiiila, .lime 17, IJ.MO a. m,—An time, and there is the additional tpies- ^' Two negroes were, lynched at Dnn- 'File Aincrienn forces under Gens. Mass., set sail alone in bis little sloop- eartlu|iiakc shock was felt at Hollo at lion of the iieeeptance by the jiowors •Ticlon, li'ln., by a mob of their own color [LETTER TO Mils. riNKHAM NO. 7(J,=,|,l] Law(on,^Vhea(on and Ovenshine fought rigged four-ton boat, the Great •West­ throe o'clock Friday afternoon. 'I'he nf the decisions adojitod by the confer­ 'or shooting a colored man. "One year ago last Juno three doe- and won ihe liercost engagement of Hie ern, to cross the Atlantic. •iiihiibitaiits say it was (he severest ever ence. . The town of Herman, Neb., was en­ war at Las Finns. The rebels were tors gave mo up to die, and as I had at The village of iJingess, W'. A'a., was known.. It is sii])posod that the shock tirely destroyed by n tornado. The finally driven back to the Zaiiote river I.iiiulKlIdu KIII.H TAVU Jlcti. different times used your Vegetable almost totally wiped out by tire. was caused by tlii! volcano Conloan in town lind liOO people and 300 liousos. with considerable loss. The American Florence, Wis., .ItinclO.—.A landslide Compound 'with good results, I had too Fire in Omaha, Neb., eaiised a loss of Nogros in eruption. An oxjilosion was Not. n lionse was left standing, and it is loss is estimated at about 30 killed and occurred in the Florence mine Tiiurs- much f tilth in it to die until I had tried $250,000 to the wholesale grocery'firm heard apparently under Hoilo, followed estimated that 20 are killed and 40 or injured. day, killing two men, named Cook and it again. I was apparently an invalid, SO badly Inirt. of Allen Bros., and six tiremen were in- ;!0 second later by shaking of the earth. I'lrietzmaii, and anodior named Arthur 3\L l^oincare has declined to aecopt was confined to my bed for ten weeks. 1 It is now estimated that the loss of jared, one fatally. Kbnr is missing and is supposed to be the task of forming a new ministry of­ I.yiicliud. (I believe my trouble was ulceration of life in the storm at New Kiohmond, The funeral of Congressmiin Fuehard under the debris. fered him by President Lonbet. Now Orleans, .Ituui 15.—Kdward Gray, womb). Wis., is nbont 100, while nearly 200 P. Bland took iihiec at Lebanon, :MO. Dr. Lawson Tait, the iiioneer of nli- a negro who -^yas arrested in St. .lohii CIIICII^'U'M l*ii|iiiliitlnii. "After taking four bottles of the biiildings \ycrc destroyed, and a loss In tlic towns of ^fontiina.lMarmandce, dominal surgery, died ia London iii his parish about a year ago with Charles Chicago, ,'Iuiie 17.—Cliicago's popula­ Compound and using some of the Liver entailed' of over ,$500,000. The'entire Bethany and Lewiston, in Jlinnesotn, fitty-first year. Morrelle, another negro, and charged tion, according to Chief of Police Kip- Pills and Sanative Wash, at the end of business portion of the.city is devns- a cyclone wrecked many buildings and The village of Bay of .Islands, in New­ with a. series of bnrglai-ies, was lynched ley, has linally passed the 2,000,000 two months I had greatly improved, .tatcd. Reports from other points in tlie injured severnl persons, foundland, was destroyed by forest •\Vodncsdny morning after having been mark- and is now 2,0SS,04,1, '.I'he figures and Weighed 155 pounds, when I never stricken district tell of soriou.s dam­ Lawrence Townsoud, the new United fires and 57 families rendered homeless. released by the authorities because are the result of a census taken by the befoitj v.'eighed over 13S. Lydia B. age and many deaths. States minister to Belgium, was re­ Gen. Antonio Luna, the Filipino rebel tlicre was no evidence against him. police force. Finkhain's Vegetable Compound is the •.••:.Mvs;, Maggie Nenl, of'Des Ji[oincs, la., ceived by,King Leopold in Brussels, chief, and his adjutant. Col. Kamoii, Set Krc'c. I'lcniiai't !i Kree JIaii. best medicine I ever used, tind I reoom- and n, farmer named Vossler arc dead ' Fiov. IL S. Fhillips, his wife and Jliss were murdered by mcmbci-s of Aguinal- London, June 17.—"Joe" I^ruUctt, the Paris, June .14,—The chaniber of in­ jnend it to all ray friends."—MES. ANNA nnd four others are very seriously ill Soir, missionaries, together with seven do's headquarters guard. Irish political prisoner, sentenced to dictments decided that there is no ease EVA GUNTEK, HIGGIXSVILLTJ:, MO. from drinking wood alcohol at a picnic uiitivc converts, were massacred by a The Filipinos retreated several miles imprisonment for life .for attempting against JJeut, Col. .Picquart, charged nearJfingo,la, ,,.;ft^ ' Chinese mob at Kien Yang. southward after an engagement to the Mrs. Barnhart Enjoys Llfo Onco More. Three well-known men of Cottage to murder a juror Who convicted Mich­ with forgery in tli'e Dreyfus case, or • 'A plan has been arranged whereby strongly fortified town of Imus., The' "DEAR Mr.s. PINKUAM—I had been City. ..Afass., Augustus W. Leigh ton, Jo­ ael Welsh, was taken to .Dublin Friday against IMaitre Leblois, his counsel, jtho:Americanfighting^prce:intliePKii-; shelling of .the Ainerican warships- sick ever since my marriage, seven seph Bernardo and David Kvaus, were night and liberated. He is in a dying against whom chai'gcs were also made ;• i.ppin es .'wp 11, be inercasecf.to'35,p0"m years ago; have given birth to four drove the insurgents from Bacoor, so drowned while on a gunning tri]i. eondition. in connection witli the case. . rnll';regnlars^j3y,:itho' beginning.of- the that the Americans control several children, and had two miscarriages. I Princeton college won the intercol­ AluKkiin (liicKtlnn SL'ttlcof ^.sbirie clistitiction,;'Js,,tlead. .at New wrecked on and 30 nervous trer!«?)ling of the stomach. Jii a collision otlMrriedrichshaven bo- just received from the foreign ollice a the Jilauchu powder magazine, located •!.;YdrJ{'6ity,,ag'ed,40 years. ;'••• • lives were lost. \ . Now 1 have none cjf these troubles and ;weon the Gorman steamer ArtushoC communication on the Alaska question in the western part of the city, has been .'^''-Euclyard Kipling, his father, wife, Eleven w^orkmen wore burned to can enjoy my life. ' Your medicine has nid the British steamer Jfauritius the which, it is understood, is a satisfac­ blown up by an explosion. It is be­ •• son nad daughter sailed from New i'ork' death in a fire that destroyed a dwell­ worked wondars for me."—MES. S. Vrtushof was sunk, ton of her crew be­ tory temjiorary arrangement of the af­ lieved that 200 persons have been killed ior Europe. ing house near Fvybiiisk, Uussia. BAKNUAET. NEW CAfiXLi^ PA. ing drowned. fair. and' wounded.

mm mmsmmm m^^'mm ONLY A QRAKEMAN. A.iide from this, there lay Mduen close ot yellviw above tho heii^ht of Brookland (aotl' The «pot was but a otep from h^jdcft, bat PRICES AND PROSPERITY. THE COMING SPEAKER. hand £»()(), and none, save Lounsbury, had Brooklyn). a great place for miwdi coming and going and Off ^Vall street lay many of Howe's fleet, hearing the news; and then 'twas near thti Awful the shock when thn enRlno.smat; fathomed the secret. It was my all, barring The AViiK^i'H of WorUlsiKitii'ii AA- Clol. llciMliTSiin I.s in Idiie widi (li« llio Bohortiier, though that was not'a total though tho largest number was posted south shipyard off which lay the LTiantom. Ncvci All wiiH lorror, confusion, Uln; viiiioeU t'liiliT (he llepulille- Vital I'riiidiile.s ol' (in; Itc- None who tiaw II will o'er forsot loss, as the admiralty jiapers in my pncket of Nuttens island (Clovornors island), in a day passed without one broil, and often an .\i(rutIon. puldlenii rai'(y. The plciiiro thiu dayllylil ushered In. bore witness. No man willingly foregoes readiness to oppose tho French, v.'lio wero two or throe, most of them ending in mors two thou.sand four hundred'and odd dollars daily expected. or lesij bloodshed, am! one of them put n Bhrittornil frnRinonts of iron and steel, in gold rightfully hi.'? own, unless he bo a Iiut in the fair harmony of sky and land stop to Ihe life 1 wa.s then leading. Ctirrcnl iliKpalclios report soniolliiiig Col. Uavid U. Henderson, of Iowa, will SpliiUored wood and liiutorod brass coward; and that, 1 maintain, 1 am not. 'ind water there was one discordant note. 1 mind me it was on a cloudy Saturday aliin lo 11 fniiiiiu' in tho iron market, 1)0 I he speaker of I he next house of rep- Jilinfrltd with liroUen rod and wheel '.I'he horrible hulk of tho Jersey, within easy forenoon early in August, though througii resentativos. 'I'his was iirobable before And Home one'H hlood slnlned the wiynido Am] so by my fortune I determined to stand wilh n i'iirres|Kinding adviuu'c in the the wet in the .•iir and tho veiled heat every srass. until it should be sunk, blown up, or otlier seojic of the eye, was directly opposite, and price, and of all inaniifactiired iirlirli-.i the nelioii of the New ^'orl^ delegaliou more than once did 1 see her unload her pore oozed as if one Had raced. 'J'hcre had •wise lost. in which it i.s II fiK'lor. A.s this iiudiidi'S Tuesday, nnd was certain after that ac­ Borne ono's body, all crushed and torn, dead, and could almost hear the cry of been but few about. I was half dozing un­ 'I'lierc was more than this pecuniary inter­ hidiinnlivos, rolling .•ilool':, ninl, t'oiisi.'- tion. • Covered with wounds, beroft oC hroath, est'which sealed my determination to stay "Down, ye reliols, down!" as the patriot der a locust in tho tavern yard when I be­ (luontly, trniis]iortalion, logcibcr wil b 'I'welve of Ibe 15 members of the "vV'tta found 'noath tho wreclc; the Jacket where I wa.s for a space aud risk the future. prisoners were driven below at suuflct. came conscious that two men had but just worn ICxcepting in tho shipyard and through settled themsolves at a small table near mo, nil iigriciilt Ileal iin]iloiiiciit;-i, nil nia- New ^'ol•lc dclegaliim were for .laniesi H. Told litiw a brakemnn had met his death. And that—the war. Lest my reader think I bad been a laggard the sparsely built district lying betwixt the and was thoroughly wiikcned by hearing tho cliinery, loolsanii biiililing iiinioi-inls— Sheniuin for s|)eaker. Hut iinfortiinate- Home one wept when thn news was borne; in the conlliet which had now been on better lino of fortifications and the city proper lUi niunc of "Seaiiiinoll" in connection with in fiu'l, iilVocling ovcrylhiii,^^ diri'idly ly three were persistently for the en ml i- .•some matter they had been discussing. Some one niourned o'er the niaUKled dead, than two and a half ycai^s, let it he known the westward side of the island, llicro was or iiiilirpclly. il probably iiicaiis a I'Or- daey of Sereno I'}. I'ayiie. 'fbe division 3n lino of duty from sonio onii torn— Olio was a boyish-looking naval olficer, that I hail been active against the enemy, scarcely a rood ot land to which I could lice ri'Hponilin!.;^ IIIIVIUUM' in the pri(His of nil eiinscil by the per.'ist.ence of Ibis small Yet "only a brakeman," tho papers .said. and not come in contact with the evidenco seated with his I'aeo toward me, the other both afield and allnat; uotieeably in the coninioililieM. 'I'his accords with es- niinnrify preventi-d the prompt nnd har­ whalebnat warfare on the coast. of war. The quiet dosoliition or barrcnnos;i being in a dress a cross betwixt a soldier aud Sadly thc-y buried hiin 'neath tho sod, tablisbcil priiicipli'S of pniilicnl ocoiui- monious aelion lo wliieli New Yovh was I had made nuu'e than one lobslcr-hack of the former and the broad, green mead­ a civilian. .Like the ollieor, ho wore a sword, T!\(.'n look tho crapo from tho cottage iiiy. 'flic ridntiiHisliip luMwi-eii priis- entitled, and which would have made door; wish he had stayed in Msrry I^ngland (un­ ows, the song of birds, the haiiiioiiious hush but 1 could see no more of him than the Over a K'"IVO tho roses nod— less be was at once set past wishing), and of nature and calmness of the evening skies lirnad of his hack. pcriiy nnd wiigos, cdiisiiiiipiiiiri iiiul lb'.' slate a form ii table fact or to the very Tho Kravo of a brakeman whoso run Is helped dig a mighty hole in the king's o.t- lit tho latter point wero in marked eoutnist Using hd the tail of my eye, L ni::rkcd ])l'i('cK, i.s KO I'lnsc lliiit ils (iperiilioil linu' of the balloting. Hut the union of o'er. chequer by destroying his property, lint with the hell lying close at hand. Had the them begin ts game of cards for stakes, for I can always In' Iriiced from DUO to llio the west upon Col. Ilemlerson enipha- —W, 11. T. Shade. devil come on earth in bis pniper person, as that was in the past, and runs not with this could hoar the clash of coin, and after a otlu'i' and pmlii'li'il wilb npprnximiiU; si:'.t'il Ibe disagreement in New ^'ork tale. some poet has made him out to have done, band oi' two he of the back spoke. certainly. I'rosporily briii.ys biglicr slate upon Ib.is stale's enndidate, and and laiulod in New York, he would lia\o "Does Clinton know the man'?" I could illy abide the discipline of the wages, higlier wagos bring groalor secured for the ilistingiiishod lowan a army, though with the (latviots discipliuo rubbed his hands and switched his barbed "Nay, but he knows of him and what hu coiKsiiniptioii, increasing llio iiiiniln'r support from enstc.rn stales Ibat. re­ ^\as but a triUe more than a name. It suited tail in glee at the work of his cmi.s.saries who I'as done,''' was the answer. "I was told moved from bis supporters any imputa­ me best to be my own master and light in my wero serving him as but few so-called Chris­ last night tl'at ho has been about. 'I'bcre's anil oapiiciiy of imrcdiascrs, niiil this in own v-\y (not that I quarrdi with the mode tians servo the Almighty. .something afcot outside, and lio'll be need­ turn causes liigber prices. 'I'bus an tion of sei'lionalisni. of another man, and armies are necessary), Harefaecd inhumanity stalked before so­ ed. 'Tis a wonder he has not turned up for era of prosporily is generally an era of .Vevertbeless, tbniigb ft had been inib- and never would 1 have more than oarneil ciety aud Ciuised a laugh. Cruelty had be­ another job; Clinton is liberal with the I'ompnralivcdy bi.gli prices as well us lislied tliiit the eonferenee of iS'ew '^'ork come a paiitimo. Uomestieity was dead. king's cash! I'll give you a pound lo find tationa had I stood in tho ranks and movetl of good wages. 'I'liero is no barilsbip state cong'resMiieii was to indorse iinan- forward or backward on the word of com­ Piolibery seemed set lo the music of a pop­ him." 10 1 he people in this. Motrorhigli ]irii!cs iniously Col. Ilpnderson's eandidaey, mand. ular song, so universal it became, nor was 'fhere was silence for a moment or two with good wiigos than low jji'lers and the New York delegation insistetl upon Determined then not to run, it tool: me but it confined to the confiscation of prn))erty as the ollieor drew in a stake and dealt the siip])orting its first choice aud niiloi's- a short time to conceive that in my present belonging to patriots. An uninitiated stran­ cards. no ^vng^'S at all. High wages, high position .1 could well servo the great cau.so ger would have found some dillieiilly in dc- "I wish I could gel fingers on thirf .same IH'iees and good iiionoy Nvilh high piir- ing Mr. Sbe.riiian and biseanvas. llwas FOEE-LAMCEl which to no man was dearer than to me. lermining whether this brilliant assem­ king's cash!" the unknown remarked. cliiisiiig power are signs of high pros- 1101 iiiilil Mr. Sherman, reeogiii/.ing the 'Washington, 1 knew, had few agents within blage -ivas exerting ilscif a.s much toward ''Card-playing for shillings is small truck for lierily, such as tlii' Amoricnn people dillieullics of the Kitiinlion, witlulrew Uy CHAUNCY C. liOTCHKISS suppressing a rebellious iioopio as it wa.s tho lines of the city, and those ,1 might never a man, and ye have laid all the luck. Could arr now enjoying. liis name that his slate associates ilt in making war on the king's treasury. (CopyrlBlit, ISO;, by D. Appleton & Co. All hope to Iciiow, tluiy, like myself, being hood- I pn.ss my.self nIV, d'ye think, an' do the congress ennsenled to |ilcdge theirvoto riuhts rosurved) There may have been honest men in New work instead o' the cti«p yer after'?" Till' iron Iraili' is a tradilioiial biironi- rtl umlcr the mask of toryism. to Col. Henderson. This last fact was a hitch. I might become York during tho sumnicr of 177S, hut as yet "Nay, you're no saMor, and have Init a oli.'r of industrial silnnllons. Xcilhcr 1 had failed lo strike llieiu. Kvevy one with shady record for pluck." of Ihe so-ralli'd |irccii)iis nu'lals fur- Mr. Shenunii's aelion was ereilitable. CnA.PTIJr. ni.—Co.vTixuEn. r. storehouse—a very mine of infarmation on the strength, weakness and contemplated whom 1 had lo do was a gambler, a Lliicf, or "'I'licn 'lis a sailor you want! As for nislu's as sure a crih'rion for Juilgiiig Ill liiin. Indorsed liy V'2 of the l,") mem­ Of llie younger lady 1 luid never heard, movements of the enemy, butlfo without tho a dninkard~-frcqiiently all three—and f .shades an' records, 'lis but a ease o' the pot of nulional prosperity as dors i be cnni- bers of Ibe Now York delegation, and dare swear that, worn tho truth known, one jior, after .uiy liootin« glimpse ot'her, could moans of uiiloadiug my knowledge. 'I'o force an' kettle! It's the way ye naval chaps inonest and cbeapest of nil r.ietnls. 'I'lic with the wrilten promise of support term or the other applied to the whole have of robbing a man of an Ininest livingl I make myself bcliovu that her uiiLtux'Was (I way through the lines \yiis to take one's eonsiiinplioii of iron. and. enuseqiienl- froiu ;J11 re|U'esental ives from 1-t dilTer- tainted. Scaninicll was the olliciiil guanl of life in one's lianil •with small chances of keep­ army, from Sir Henry Clinton In the la.st Now I've lost time with ye because I fan­ ly,,its price, are an niifniliii;; inilica- eiit stiites. not incliuling Ts'exv Vorl-:, be- tlie two fnr Uio trip, which accounted for llic aulmllern, and from tho bowellcss villain of cied I scented cash. All la.st night 1 won ing it, and this would become necessary in sitles mil liy friend ly expre.'isions from Olil ;\Inii Had a Good llunson foi and throiigbout tlie country of several lessness, but Rave liiiii a drink and saw him bo. times Ibat niimbei'. 'I'liiis we liave a lielil. 'I'biit did not prevent him from started for bis own craft; then, goltiiu; tho 'relllins' (lie Traveler to nitllcultics and obstacles were forever ob­ new deinonstratioii of the fact that lighting with one leg Ibe last year of crow together, I set thorn to work, and in truding themselves i'n my mind. The dan­ AVnlk On. prosperity, high wages anil high prices the war. short order wo wore under way. ger I iiut aside, for war being no pastime I 'J'lu! surgeon's words had not tended to must incur danger in any active hostility It .\viis an old man in Sweden who go bund in band.—Indianapolis .loiir- Col. Henderson is a ready and vigor­ depress mo. Tho passion possessiui; mo or sit at homo and play the boy. Loth duty fiave lo a .strnnyor nn ansiver that •\v:is nal. ous oral.nr, a man of chariniiig genial­ w hen I struck my mate had passed away, and sclf-inlorest demanded my standing wiser than il appeared, '.fho stranger, ity ami whose lirinness is untom.'heil by and if ho ivould livo and remain "fashed" where the force of circumstances had placed one ot a pi'os])eoting' party searching A RARE INSTANCE. asperlly, and it is safe to say that no until I had cleared from the muddle into nio, and I hailed my determination with for gold, bad wandered nway from Ihe choice for Ibe speakership voulil bo which I had boon forced I would pray for grim joy. Three years agono I •was a col­ One Dciiiocratle Orftan'riin( Su]>;i()rt;< made thai woulil be more satisfactory his final recovery. onist—which had been a small matter—but rest, to find h.iniself at Iast-\vith a fair (he I'resldenl In IJis I'iiil- to bolli sides of the bouse. The presi­ It was an easy matter to sail for Now York. since th.o Declaration I had been an .-Vmer- pieco of qiiarl.-', as a reward for his '\a tho schooner now bore, wing on wing, lean, a title to bo proud of, and now, Ihongli pains, in a region ho knew nothing of, ippiltu PI)UL*>^. dential bee will not worry Col. Hender­ that port lay fair off tho end of tho jib not in tho field, I would provo worthy of the with no guide, and night coming on. son, for he was born in SeoflantI, and boom. The Sprite sailed something leas than nama. 'i'bere are sonic dcnioeratie newspa­ I be heat her is si ill tin e.\-nlie in the white "Friend," ho nskod of an old man half a luilo on our larboard beam, and thus pers wbich not only have no syiiipa- bouse eonservntory. smoking in his doorway, "how long wo wont for hours, each liolding her own. Iby with Ihu attempts of tlioir anti-ex­ 'I'he ne\v speaker is in line with Ihe, CIIAPl'ER IV. will it lake me to walk to the next Jn tho early light of tho following morn tho Taking root to the bottom. pansionist colleagues to niak-c political NEW YORK IN 177S. vital priiieiples of the i'i']iiil)lican parly wind suddenly liglitonod, then shifted to town?" caiiital out of censure of the ndminis- Now York at this period was a scene of under ground by this, for I had heard noth­ aud the lofty purposes of the national the north, and by tho time I had mnde 'Tho old man eyed the speaker quiz- tration on account ol! its policy In the Sandy Hook, where the bulk of IIowo's Hoot confusion. ing of him, anil if the negro W'.as a jiris- adniinisti^alion, and rcpublieanism tvilt zienlly. Philippines, but which cniplialically lay waiting the arrival of thoBrili.sh army, Tho fear of the li'rench, which had occa­ onor in a hulk ho might as well have been have in his bands tho use of a gavel "W.;ilk on," ho said, with, a wave of ])roteKl against untl denounce sueli it the Sprite was some miles to windward. sioned the evacuation of Philadelphia, had in a tomb. whose sti'ol;es will be lik-o Ihe sounding hi.s hnnd in the right direction. course. Among such tho New 'I'ork I had forgotten tho race. Tho sick man brought a horde of 12,000 soldiers to bo sot Of •what was taking place in the world out­ of a, reveille and not of "lights out."— "Yes, I kii'Ow which road; but how Times is conspicuous. .Iti^ccognizes the had most of my time and attention, lor ho down among 5,00U others, wdiero but scant side I knew nothing save from rumor, and Troy Times. had taken to raving, and was finally la.shod preparations had been made to receive uimor oft contradicted itself. The only long -will it take me to walk there',^" fact that to attempt lu mala' iinll-e.\- (0 his bunk. ITis speech was but an uncouth them. AVhat with the sniart^of tho lashing report seemingly sure was that 'Washington nsked t,ho stranger again. pnnsion it cainpnign issue is a eolnssnl OPINIONS~OF THE PRESS. mouthing of words that meant nothing, and administered by Washington at Monmouth had sat himsolf down on the Hudson just '•Walk on," repeated tho smoker, slol- l)lunder, and is frank enough to say so when at last, in the lower bay, the schooner on their march across New Jersey, the north of tho Harlem (the very spot from without beating about the bush. It [DWny gnimbier enn find fniillwith 'ivaa formally taken possession of, I passed weakness of Howe's licet, the fear ot a sud­ which he had been driven two years bo- points out that tho president's task is "But can't you tell mo how long it tb(^ lioliey of the government; in deiil- tho care of hira to others, and began to look den movement on tho city by the Americans, fore), and was there awaiting tho arrival of not an easy one, but exerts itself pa­ will t/il;e 7na to reach the towu'i"'pei-' >ii;f Willi the Filipinos; it would beliard sharply to my own alTairs. r.nd the intense heat of tho weather, the the French fieot in order to strike a blow. triotically to bold np bis hands in a try­ army was in a state bordering on panic. sisled the other, impatiently, for a stntesmiin even lo lind a hetler It was two cbvys after tho moss on tho And there he remained inactive, for the ing time, and calls upon him to be not I'rench did arrive early in July, and, find­ one.—United Hresbyterian. Phantom before wo droi)ped anchor off tho It was an army, too, that through rank "Walk on," a. third time directed Ibu disliea.rtened by Ihc censure that has and file had been demoralized by inactivity ing Howe's licet drawn up to rocei\''e them, city, coming to a (imil rest near the upper old man, and the stranger did walk on, been heaped upon him by unscrupulous [i3"l'bo real crime of expansion, so far limb of the bight of the small bay Ijclow and debauch, and nothing could have been but peered into the bay, and then turned inwardly anathematizing the stupidity aa William. .lennings Ilryan is coii- more apt or prophetic than tho remark made tail and sped away to Newport on the fruit- representatives of its party. Corlcars Hook, on tl^e Sound river (East of tho smoker. C'.'rned, is the fact that expansion is river), by Franklin when it became known to him leas mission of blockading that port. "Young man," called the resident,' the policy of the ])resident whom Mr. There had been more than a little Cuss and that the Delaware had boon ojiencd by In tho seemingly open yet wholly secret In a Icadingeditorial in tlie'l'inics the li'.'yan wants to defeat next year.--Kan- many quostions put by tho authorities be­ Howe: "Philadelphia has succumbed to tha life I led I made many friends-mostly pot­ when the stranger bud gone a ievi jirosidcnt is commended for the stand fore I stepped ashore. Answers, too, wore British, but they in turn will succumb to house companions—to wdfom I listened but yards. which hu lias taken, for the firmness sas City .loiirnal. given, which might have been picked full Philadelphia." spoke little, fearing to be recognized as an He turned impatiently. wiiich he ha.s displayed, for the un- ID'Jifr. florman declares that silver of holes had suspicions ari.son in the niinda It had been even so, buf, the effect had be­ imposlor. I kept both ears and eyes on "I just wanted to tell yon, th.atif you sweryingcoiirsc toward the right which will not cut much figure in uext year's come apparent in New York. The civil law tho alert the while, fighting shy of broils, of tho reigning pov,'ors; but owing to tho keep up that gait you'll get there in' bo has held, and he is warned that "be eam]iaign,and the iiniutei'rtipted llonr- disorder duo to the retreat of Clinton from had long been prostrate; the military au­ jet holding the respect of tho roughest of half an hour." should not be dhsboartcned liy these ishing condition of trade shows that Philadelphia, and tho arrival of his array, thority lax. Now the Britiidi were •waking the •camp ofi'scouring, owing to niy size and "Why couldn't you say so before'?" symptoms of dissatisfaction, he should which had now boarded tho fleet at Sanuy in tho condition of a man aft«r a night's dis­ apparent strength. I even dared make a business men taU'e the same view.— 'Hook, confusion ran riot in all branches of sipation, battling with a muddled brain, and map of the lower defenses of tho city; but it demanded tho S'lrnnger, hotly. not be misled by an inevitable diversity Kansas City .fournal.. of opinion." aovcrnmont, and saved mo from much fine feeling the internal economy fairly out of was so disguised, so crossed, and recrossed The old man removed the pipe fro^ra IC''..V correspondent refers to the lying. gear, Fraud, fear and inoompetonco reigned in a manner clear only to myself that I his mouth, blew n volume of smoke Such a warning is not I'lccessary, and Chicago conveution. as the occasion There had never been a moment when I in every branch of tho service, and betwixt would have trusted it to tho eye of any of skyward, aud answered coolly: (ire, vandalism and tho necessities of war, therefore has no particular value, cx- •when "Stone nailed Bland to Bryan's tould have gotten at tho gold in tho cabin them without fear of their coming by its "E'Ow did I know how fast you could No^w Y'ork, which had never knoivn and was true nature. ce|it as a gratifying evidence of good cross," and Ibat wns the impression, without exciting suspicion. In fact, I had walk?-"—Short Stories. but littlo time to study tho papers I had ap­ never lo know tho dignity ot battle, suH'crod This I did not to bo idle, for nothing linp- will on the part of a political opponent. made upon those who were present.-— propriated and still had on my person; and as no besieged city cotdd suffer more. ponod In tho way of military movement, or It is a plea.sing jirool; that there arc St. Louis Globe-Dcinbcrat. Clre(im>((tincoN Alter Ca»cn. now, well-nigh destitute from want of cash, All this suited my purpose, as well as di­ even threatened to, for some WOOIM after yet democrats.who.take pride in mak­ pFIt is.slated that somO;Soldiers dis­ rectly favored my interest. The influx of a 1 had the mi-sery of seeing the king's broad my arrival. By then I was iiractio.ally a pris- Lady (excitedly)—Have you filed my ing it known to all who read that they honorably discharged from Ihc Amor- arrow painted on tho bows of tho Phantom host of newcomers saved mo from being ,oner, for without a pass and a clear state­ itre unwilling to subordinate the wel- appUeation for a divorce yet? lean army in the I'hilippincs are fight­ and of finding myself turned ashore. prominent as n stranger, and the extra prep­ ment of business I coidtLnot have gotten ,faru of the nation to a seeming advan­ Lawyer—No, madam; but I am at ing in the ranks of the insurgents. I was not greatly troubled by my lack of arations for tho defense of the town, to­ beyond tho-linos, which now extended acro.s3 tage to their party. And the 'fimos gether with the, knowdedgo that tho French work on the papersinow. They miist'have imbibed their idea oi! leady money, I hold indorsement docu- the island from the heights of C'orlears Ilook ',^ocs oven 'further, It adniiiiisfers a were at last upon tho sea, diverted atten­ Lady—Thank fortune, I am not to-o patriotism nnd loyalty from reiiding At- oionta for a olain^ on my own ship for prize, to the Hudson (on about tho general lino of .direct rebuke to it.s,party and declares tion from small naval ventures. tho present Grand street), late. Destroy all papers and evidence money for capturing hor, and could easily that'it has weakened itself b,^\' opposing .kinsonian literatn're.—'.froy Tinics. •turn it into gold by allowing a liberal dis- I had feared the Phantom •would bo im­ Aly •wound healed in tho space of two or at onec, please. the administration's conduct of the war C7W. J. Bryan regards the silver is­ •count; but it went to my heart to BOO tho mediately refitted and armed for sound throe weeks, but still I kept the arm in a Lawyer—A reeonciiiation has been and;denouncing its aecoptance of Ib'j sue as the old lady did her famous the­ broad an-ow (which marks the king's prop­ or river cruising, and •svas miohtily pleased sling, using it in privacy that the muscles brought about between you and'jour to have tho days go by and see her, aa tho res]iQnsibilities. that came to it as the ological plank. "I don't care so nuioh," erty), and know the craft was, by hook or by might not Avoaken or stiffen front lack of husband, I infer? ,^' . crook, a prize in possession of the ononiy. saying goes, "taking root to the bottom." exercise. Tho sling saved mo from many result of that war. It sa,y.s: she said, "about predestination and free Lady—Gracious, no! He was^jun But if ray comparative poverty caused mo Never did the sun sot without my having awkward questions, for when asked why I • "The quornlou.si voicS and unreasonable will, but if they take away m,y total de-. over and killed by a freight train;this no great uneasiness, I was worried over tho 0 look at hor swinging at her anchor. She did not join the army or apply for a berth in attitude oi: antl-lmperiall.sm do: not reflect pravity'I shall'feel ns though.T hadn't morning, nnd I want to retain j'ou iu •fact that I had two living witnesses against lay off the half-deserted shipyard, which be- tho fioot, I had but to point to it, gently mov­ the .temper ot the American people. Tho nn~y religioii left at all."—Minneapolis! me, one of whom, tho negro, was capable cftmo a favorite haunt of mine when I tired ing the limb, and'say: "All in good time," my suit against the company for dam­ democratic part^,' discredited anc] doiiper- Journal. ' of damning mo with his evidence could he of tho mask I •wore and wished to ease into adding for weight that I had no call to fur­ ages.—Chiengo iJaJly Ne^NVS. '' ! '; '' • afo,! groping wlldlj;,for'an,Issue,', Is weaker . in7'.L'he. democracy is iu much tho. but obtain the ear of an ofTicial, Itatnick my true self. ther serve his majesty until ho paid me the now .than It was three'years, ago, whoniMr. same condition now th.at it,was-10 yettrs me forcibly, too, that I was fairly within the And there I •would walk up and do^\'n. money I had already earned.' Moru'.Tlinn E.qritiW,I't. I ' '.,. '. MoKlnley' dero'ated, its'i'cahaidato. Tho en«my'8 lines and under a false name and and each day vfaich tho growth of tho muck But for tho arm, backed perhaps by tho iigo. 'i'iiea'angry factional influences "What can,equal the wamth.of a.true, president has the'great mass o£ vlie people eharaoter. . It wero ona. thing had I been that bad fouled her cable on tho eb'o and way my musele.filled out my coat sleeve, 1 were ait ..work, A\ytbin the party .woman's love?!', askedi.the dearegt girl. at his back.' He.has •ndth him the strong caught at acting a part on the high seai and flow of-the .tide. She had not oven been would have been pressed into tho service throughout the country, rendering har- on my o^vn schooner, but tiuito another to bo dismantled, and, for aught I coidd'soc, was I" ''Her; temper;''!'replied'.i the., savage leading: men of I thGi country. "He,|ls tvrmed Avhother or not, and tho sling being a safe­ uiony and success at the ue.xt presiden­ •discovered under tho existing oiroumstdnces. without a guard save at night; but to have guard.! let it bide, .,,: ''' ' bachelcir.—Tit-Bits. .•''; . ; j.i';'. for advance.'.'.' ,,;• , ... i;,.. . .,!'.,in tial .election impossible.—Chicago In­ The first could have, made mo a prisoner .of gone out to.her and.worked upon the cabin I had taken quarters in the t'averii bf'thc '1 ,,- It is extremely unlikely that this, or bulkhead would have been impossible, The anything of likenaturetbatithc Times ter Ocean. ,•, , war at most; tho aeoond would damn mo aa "King's Arms," on .King street i (now-Pine' .' '.'•".•'"''Next'Tliinpfto:!!. '!''''" ft spy, and give mo short shift to the next boat from her larboard davits 'had • been, I street), near .'the Broadway, making terms or ^nn.'y other fair' nnd just democratic P'Whonever anything happens that "Yoiir htisbiiiid doesn't snialte, Mri., .;\*'9rld;by,, means of a.ropo;^; i-- J''Y' | taken away,!but'-1110' 'drngeyistill hung over on^'credit, (a'nieasy matter',withimyl prize- pnp'iir'hiny 's'ayi' •\vjll turn the clorainant the deinoci-atic leaders do'not relisli Price?:V,, ~ .,.:-;,,:r;' ;,. ,, ,;'.^ , , ,,/! ' ,',f|At v'their par­ tjhoice of Col. Henderson'for speaker, .'II ,••-.:' •report'of'havihg'forfbifed evorytliing,sii,\>' broad river well from lafid',.t-ho'f.air light^pfi Broad .street;; i'.i ••I'.i; ;••; ,>;j:,;,.'; ' ' •' Xo Compulsion. ' ' ty's, :def eat wdien,it.comes'.,next year, .ilibcrtj'.;and life, !^yith a.woaldingit woiiid, tih'eTCtirrig.'ovei' her, 'mellowjing her litics:andi 'iButiuxv time;.wa3 not.apentihero.l !Twos which the demo9rafs'insist,\yill be par­ ,0'j •'^i(iks•--^^^l'at'was it; "anyway, that with the equanimity of those who have have passed;"with rae''tw6uld look aajthough' 'dimiriishlhgihe rustirios's of her sidM. Be­ tho "Bull's Head,lljon .the Bow.qryjLano (on ticularly bard f6r Presidisnf McKlnloy drove Browne to drink? •'"' ' nothing for which to.reproacb. them­ I. had thrown away all for the sake of light- yond her was the bald work of Fort Sterling the siteof tho old Bowcrj' theater), and 'to recover from.—St. Louis' 0 robe-Dem­ Wicks—I never observed that Browne selves and are conscious of having done •cning my heels, and would likely injure my (built and deserted unharmed by the pa- near tho inner lino of defenses, that saw ocrat, ;^, icputfttioa. trioti two years before)/standins c'.car and tho most of me.' had to be driven.—Somcrrille JouraftL their highest duty.—Albany Jourual,. Special Selllne of Agent for DRV.... Steindeird GOODS F*eitterns There will be many a Bargain for yon at this store this month. In every de­ B^ ea partment we are determined to reduce stock. Goods must be sold. Your oppor­ tunity is right at hand. That people who buy our "Union Made" cloth- hv^ anil LIp-lo-Datc furnishing- good?, always Ijpf L^ot of- pe^-p- come hack again for others. A pi'elt3',t,nrl lo draw attention, a mule to draw a cart, a l)ankru])t sale vo draw a crowd, but Honest o-oods to dra/iv the trade. •['hat's the kind we sell—the kind that l.>rings you back "for nioi'e." ]';xmend)er we yuarntee our y;oods to give satis­ faction or money ix'turned

ClDtlniiif it .((MVisli'y J louse. JS."W (<) l.T l>(!r

at little prices, 25c Cliis|) and aia L^m^ and 50c for i3-yd. Itiittou pieces. These are pcrsonnlly selected A. special purcha.so ot 2^ dozen enables us 'J'n(!iire piles, strike at the root— patterns, and the best that we can get to to make a special price on a regular ,$i that's Ihe way. DeWitt's Witch Haz­ .sell at the prices. Glove. These are new col- frQ^ ,0.,^ el Salve strikes at the root—it reninvi's ors forsummcr wear; price Oo'U fJI Ihe cause (piickly and jieniianenUy. A good cut in all our Tiuirsdny, .linift ii, 18!)!). Don't S(|uander time and money in a ]$ Ginghams. Neat vain ellort to remove the elleota. de- Jjongyear l?ro,s, * Signs in .Stripes anc' Checks .Special ftclling ot Holl. Shirt Waists these scasonah c .Tcssio Sniilli siient a itart. cf last at ... 6c yd. Commencing tomorrow, Friday, June week in Lan.sins.—]i're(l .Parlcor of ~'whiTe~Oak. Thc best, lo and i2i/^c cpudity, nt Qp z.cid, wo will sell as follows: EVERY goods will be taken advantage of by Leiiuwei! oounly was homo to allfiud Mi,s.s Grace Wood has returned home MORNING for one hour only, between many. Come early and be one of the Ilia falhcr'.s I'untral.—J\l r. and Mrs, from a visit with her sister at J-lailo- the hoiir.s ot 9 anil 10 o'cloclc, and EV­ hrst. way, Lenawee county.—A. G, I'otter Mary May of I'latnu Jlapids wore Just bought ERY AFTERNOON for one hour only 50c Waists 35c cue.s'taol' Mr. and Mrs, Geo. I'ryur is Working at the carpenter's trade 75c " 59c Monday. witli his brother. C. M. Potter, at Wil- Kmm mimm at special between the lionrs of 3 and 3 o'clock, wc liamaton.—.1, W. Wolcott has a new prices Formerly worth loc yd, but now will sell 5c Fancy Prints $1.00 " 79c West Delhi. carriagu,-The W, C. T. U. will be they ti re out for quick scl- held at the M. E. church Thursday Mr. and Mr.H. (Jhn.s. Gnnu attended lin<-. .yd. ,S. Fitch recently.—Alon/,o Miller and A special value ICiu UlUna.SlIU, '2-1 la. wlilu :«!)(! j'» Ledu Robiiiaon speut Friday with spent Sunday at his old home.—Tlie price. May Milner.—M, D. Frederick and Ingham County Pomona Grange held wife and Mrs. .Teasie King visited nt at the burg Thursday and Friday was Jim Swan's Thursday.—Villa David- a decided success.— Tlie McCreery y^-^^>^kpf-^^>'^f^^^>t^^^^'<^^^;^^^^^^^''^^^^^^^ goLi is vi.siting her sister Mrs. E, Sled- family held their annual reunion at jnau in Williaiiiston.—Martha Wauvle tlie grove at BateeseLake VVeduesday. Agricultural Coiiogo' •was in the vicinity Ibis week. Dansville. , , Over 50 were present,—Corn grows Ingham-Vevay. Gome to Dansville to celebrate and Commencement week is over and a REMEMBER THAT slowly and oats iiromise a greatcrop.— Children's Day was observed at have a good time. The several com­ deserted air hovers around the recently J, A. Scliear of Sedalia, Mo,, saved The Hawley and Duwey families held Etchell last Sunday. The little ones deserted balls.—The attendaneo dur­ his child from death by croup liy using mittees are doing everything in their 0. C. HOYT HAS their aniuial gathering at E. R. Haw- won many compliments.—Mrs. Bates power to make it a sucoe8.s, Hon. L. ing llie year just passed exceeded One Minute Cough Cure, It cure.s ley's farm, June 10.—J. E. Titus and of Wheatlield is visiting her son Bert that of any previous year,—M. A. C. coughs, colds, pueumoniii, la grijjiie T. Hemans will deliver the oration niece, Mrs. Meitzler, are visiting in and family.—liarvey Curtis is linnie and the Dansville Cornet Band will was iigaiu at the head during-field day, and all throat aud lung troubles. Mason. from Ann Arboraud Ollie Hanna from our athletes scoring more points tliaii Longyear Bros. " * discourse patriotic music during the Grand Rapids for vacation.—Neal day and evening. Tliere will be an any other three colleges onmbined. The Best Klink. VauHorn has the frame up for his new imposing street parade at 10 a. m,, the Tlie all around medal was won by West Aurelius. Born, to Mr. and Mrs, Willis Bush, house.—Tommie and Bertha Barr each chief feature being a lady and gentle­ Russell of tliis college.— Tlie heating Geo. Fountain is making the imple­ June 15, a son.—Herbert Buileu of have new wheels.—John Becker grad­ man representing each slate and ter­ systems of Wells and Williams halls ment business hum and can get you Lansing spent Sunday at Henry uates from the Lesliesehoels this year. ritory on bicycles. There will be a are bciing replaced liy new ones,-.A anything from a rivet to a threshing BunUer's.—All are invited lo an ice IV'lr. and Mrs. Geo. Blakely of Pleasant horse race, bull game, three bicycle new artesian well is being put down inaeliine,-0. BneUingham made a cream social at Mr. Wyant's Friday Lake speut Sundav at John Bacon's. races, foot race, aud u concert by a to meet the increaaiiig demands on the business trip to Marshall lust week.— evening of llila week,—Mesdamea R. • .^ • minsl,rei company in tlio afternoon. waterworks system.-Several changes Clyde Hogoboom fell about sixteen' Bush and W. Bunker were in Char­ North Leslie- The whole to conclude with the finest have recently been made in the facul­ feet while working on H. Bunker's lotte last week.—James Hodges of Mrs. Geo, MeArthur and daughteri display of fireworks ever seen in ty and toacliing force. Professor C. D. COFFEE! Wauseon, 0., visited liis father, H; liouse but was not seriously injured.— Mrs. Minnie Allen visited iu, Jackson Dansville. There will also be a 10c. Smith, former bead of the agricultural Mrs. Jane Freeman and baby visited Hodges, last week,—J. M. Thompson dance at the the rink.—A merry-go- department, will give his whole time at Chas. Sinirisou't, hist week,—Bessie and son returned from Lansinir last last Friday, to the short courses and the experi­ Kemember the L. A. S. meets with round will be here the Fourth to amuse Bolter closes lier scliool with exercises week.—Miss Annie Schrleber of Ma­ the children.—Lew Stevens aud Geo. ment station work, of which he is di­ next Friday evening.—0. M. llobert- son is spending the week at Bert Top- Mrs. E. P. Blackmun June 29th. Foster were arrested Monday for being rector, while Prof. H. W. Mumford In the Gifty sou was at Charles worth all last week liO,s.—Judsou Davis and wife of Lan­ Mr and Mrs. Fay Bondy of Albion disorderly Saturday night. Foster will take charge of agricultural deiiart- helping John Robson of Lansing take sing are visiting atMllo Thomnson's visited at N. VauAuker's over Sunday, paid his fine aud Stevens stands a ment. Prof. L. B, Taft will do exper­ iu wool. They look in four carloads —'I'he Bunker, Petreville and Tolea Mr. and Mrs. Munley VanAuker trial on Friday.—Ed. Divine and Mrs. iment station work. Prof. D, P. Pled- in two weeks.—C. J. Whitingaud wife schools picnicked at the Park Friday. visited the hitter's parents in Eaton Wm. Eberbach of Jackson were guests rick of the Oregon college of agricul­ For the LEAST MONEY. of Mason are witli friends here. —Mrs. .1. W. Miinger, son and daugh­ liapids last Sunday. at Chas. Hurst's over Sunday.-Cordy tural, will be at the head of the Horti­ ter and Mrs. T, L. Gillette of Charlotte Bashford's horse ran away Monday. culture department.—A new resi­ A good Mocha and Java CofTce for What you want Is not temporary re­ siient Tuesday at A. Stringham's,— The ice cream social at the school dence is being erected on the Delta by The horse was injured some and the 30c per lb. Try it and be con­ lief from piles but a cure to stay cured. Mrs, Nettie Williams of Mansfield, 0., house was well attended aud all en­ rig damaged slightly.-The baud boys Mrs. Mary Jeiiisoii^ DeVk'itt's Witch Hazel Salve cures is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. joyed a good time. will have a play at the rink on Satur­ vinced. > piles and thoy stay cured. Jjongyear G, Ayery.—Car'ds are out announcing Miss Edith Taylor of Leslie'visited day evening, June24th entitled "Three Bros, ' * tha marriage of Miss Ida Norton lo El­ her grand-mother, Mrs. David Blood, Glasses a Day or The Broken Home." Cash Paid for Produce. „ .— I... —-.,# ig •» mer Gfuuu at the residence of Geo, last week, Admission lOc. Turn out aud give Aurelius< Norton, on Wednesday evening, June PAY WHEN CIIIIED Bunkerhill. the boys a benellt.—Frank O.tis of The Baptist ladies' aid met with 28th.—Mrs. Sallie Kingman of Benton South Dakota called on friends here Mrs. J. W. Freeman \Vwlne.sday.— is spending a few weeks with her son, Hon. Frank Fogg and family of Les­ last week.—Alta Lawson is here this r. D.ARTHUR, M.DMB.S. Josio Isham traded lier organ for a J. R. Kingniau.—John Gillette bus a lie are spending a few days with Orrin week on a visit.—M. M. Joy thought u piano.— The Misses Gowdy and new carrsage. Fogg of this place.-Mrs. Ellen Ma- his horse was stolen sure Sunday but the Eminent Specialist Ferguson of Mason were guests of goon and children of Jackson are was afterwards found all right.—Some who h.T.s diplomas from Mable Cook the last of the week.— Itctl riot froiii the Gun spending the summer witb her par­ prospects of a newspaper being started Europe and America, O. e. Hoyt School in district No 1 closed Friday Was the ball that hit G. B. Stead- ents, Mr, and Mrs. L. Morse.—Hay­ here by Eoy Vandercook of Mason.— with an exhihiti(n) at night which man of Newark, Mich., in the civil ing has commenced but the crop School closes Friday for the summer can name and locate a wanapprcfdiiled by a goodly number v.'ar. It caused horrible ulcers that Is light.—Bailey Bros, are framing the vacation.—Chas. Hurst and daughter disease or weakness ef people.—?Jark Bussel was agreeably no treatment helped for 20 years. store.—A young man who had been to Nora were in Jackson last week Thurs­ without asking ques­ Notice to TiLXimyorN of Vovny, surprised Friday night by the young Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured take his girl home last Sunday night day.—Dr. C. L. Randall requests the tions and will guaran­ Notice U haroliy Klven of llie appolnlment, people. Games and refreahnienEs fill­ him. Cures cuts, bruises, burns, boils, ran into a buggy belonging to Orrin boys and young men to meet with him by tlio towuslilp bourtl, of tho townslilp of ed the evening,—Scott Wagner visited felons, corns, skin eruptions. Best Fogg and smashed a wheel. Now tee a Cure or no Pay Vovay, of Oscar W. Priest, to be oominlBSloii- here Saturday and he and his brother over G. W. May'.s store on Saturday or of noxious weeds In antl lor snUl township; pile cure on earth. 25 cts. a box, there is trouble by the carload. The evening to organize a brigade to march and no Pay asked until Cured. and the altonllon of Iftucl-owuerii Is called to Glenn rode their wheels to their home Cure guaranteed. Sold by Loiigyear young man was asleep.—Morris De- the following Sec, 3, Act 2J0, Public acts of in Gratiot/ county.—The graduates at Bros., Mason, and F. H. Fields, Dans- in the parade the Fourth.-G. G. Carter U/C niIRP AU Chronic, Nervous, and M lob,, 1807. Camp has his house enclosed,—E. H. visited his wile at here Sunday.— the Eaton Rapids high school Monday ville, druggists. 3 Augell is quite poorly again.—Geo. llUUUnt Private Dlseases.CaUrrh Sec. 2—It shall bo the duty of every owner were Sara Jennings, LovlauEorabeck, E. Z. Strong is having his store build­ Asthma, Rheumatism, Pimples, Bc> oooupantor person having charge ol lands Dunham is drawing milk for the Les­ ing repainted.—Willie Eberback and in Uils slate, to out down or cause to be cut Jerome Waggoner and Joseph Swart- Worth Alaiedon. lie creamery.—Barman has moved his zema. Scrofula, Ulcers, Tumors, Can­ down all Oanivda this les' ralUcwoedHo r other out,—M, L. Sweet of Elves was on our Frank Lee of Jackson were in town noxious weeds growing thoicon, orou lands Edwin Potter la spending this week sawmill to Fltchburg. Monday and Tuesday. cers, Ruptures, Varicocele, Epilepsy, between the center of any highway passing streets Tuesday. through tho same, in each and every year so with T. A. Phelps, his tent mate The class of '99 were entertained at Pits, Paralysis, Heart,' Lung, Skin, often as shall be suffloient to prevent said lu the Civil war, near Grand Rapids. Southwest Wheatfleld. the pleasant home of Miss Allle Dens- Blood, Kidney, Bladder Diseases, Etc. Canada thl8tl08,.mlllnveed8 or other noxious —The peaceful slumbers of Loyd Lay- weeds going to seed; and If any owner, occu­ Mrs. VanVulkenburg was called to more at her pleasant home on Monday No matter WHAT your disease, or who pant or person having chnrgo 'Of such lands liu were disturbed last Friday evening Ohio last week by the serious illuess evening, June 19. Music aud games shall knowingly sulTor any such Canada by a party of tlilrty-flve friends who of her father, Mr. Whitman,—Mrs. E. occupied part of the evening. Mrs. E. has failed to cure you, consult us. thistles, mlllcweed or other noxious weeds to thought he ought to he reminded of grow thereon, and tho same to ripen ao as to G. Blauchard, who bas been taking A, Densmore took several flash-lights cause or endanger the sprciul thereon, ho his birth-day. A good time was en­ care of her daughter, Mrs, Irvln Sher­ of the class, Ice cream and cake were Consultation Free and lonfidentlal. shall, on conviction, be punished by u flno of joyed by all, He was presented with wood in White Oak, returned home served. "This is almost the last time ten dollars, together wlto costs of prosecution a' large dictionary and standard as a Rotnombor it costs you nothing 11 not Cured. and In delaultof payment of the same bo Im­ last week.—The social at Wesley But­ the class will meet together aud it will prisoned in tho county Jail of the county present from Mrs. Laylin and he ler's last Friday night was well attend­ be a pleasant memory of their later thought that he was well reminded To accommodate patients and others where tho land is Ritnaled for a pariocl not ed and .about )i5 was realized for the years.—Oscar Allen killed a 5-fopt DR. ARTIIIR can be csuBulted at the fol­ exceeding twenty days. .that the years were passing,—Leek Sherman Sunday school.—Children's blue racer.—The W. H. M. S. met at 3w V. J. BROWN, TWP, oioric school doses oa Friday.—Mrs, Henry Day will be. observed at the DuBols the home of Mrs, John Allen June 14. lowing hotel parlors. Erwiu visited at Harvey Feltou's last sohool bouse Sunday evening, June There were52 present. A good time is If iapossibla to see him, 'write fully, Sunday.—Many from this vicinity en­ 25,—The Misses Etta and Ina Tobias taotlier's Friend joyed the promotiou and comnience- reported.—By request we ask through enclosing stamp for information circu­ are visiting in Saginaw,—They went the columns of the NEWS the G, A. R. lars, etc., to DR. H. M. HARPER, OP , MADE ME A MAN Is a liniment for expectant mothers meut exercises in OUemoB last Tuesday on their wheels.—Born, to Mr. and AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY onUE to use externally. It softens the muscles and Friday evenings.—Mrs, Wm, to take part In the parade the 4th of /I t£ ycniolut D( Send for a FREE copy of our illustrated Wagar the last Thuraday afternoon tn United States should discover the vir­ Both have gone to Ann Arbor to at­ or retofld tno monoy, Price 00 centa rar jiaokaka«a,a< t tue of DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve for langiiiir. Hudson House, Saturday alXBOoltngoa (full ttootmontl.for f 8.6,01}> mmaila , la book about MOTHER'S FRIBMD.' June.i—The exerolaea at the Alaiedon tend commencement.—Geo. Long of July 15. |ilafnwr|)pii«r,nponrosoljit of price. Olronlnr tn». Center sohool house were well render­ piles, rectal troubles and skin diseases, Toledo is here buying butter.—Joy & AJAX REMEDY CO., '»SSIS"^l^ iftBradfleM RognlatorCo.|AtlanU|Ga. ed and well attended. the demand could not be supplied, Dayton are repalriug and repainting DIHI—Call or send atanii) for lllits- Longyeur Bros. * their barber ehup. tratcil Uaok ou rrlrato Diseases. For sale^by H. H. Bradley & Co.,,

\ ,