^•^^^%^ VOL. XM-NO. 25 MASON, MICH., THUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1899. WHOLE NO. 3009. 'I (WOCUIPfi "i WWWSitlfrtBUIIfBWMMBWB ffsrvtaa*UTssemxsaiiSfascimvm'aiiteatmiisnximsi Nnn-AdvortiNonieiilN IIIIN WeoU. Shurger's Pnrk will be open July 27th Annual Coniiiiencfliiicnt. Class I'lxerci.scs. Raymond repairs bicycles. * You have NoMccd—10. Onlvor. 'Ith to the public. It wus u huppy Ihoiiglit which con­ .-«~. , Wood AlcDliol—l.on^yniir [iros. Tlie commencement exercises of the Low I'rlco.s—II. Ij. HolVnian, class of 'Of), Mason high school, will be ceived the idea of lioldiiif^'tlie exorcises Cliurcli ami Society, Steele Bros. Post are picnicking at on the lawn, und laat Tuesday after­ Slilrl WalHt.SiilH-aillU Dry Goods Co. Shurger's Park today. given at llie opera house this evening. Presbyterian church-^Andrew S. .'^lieelal .Sale—U. A. ParHluirsl. Following Is the program: noon u large number of the patrons Zinimeriiian, pnstor. Groonrlos—Geo. A. l.ovorollr. and friends of tlie school and class (•loarlnu Onl.Sulii-F. W. Wobb. Anchoras will be for sale at tiie MarBli Thursday—1 p. m,, Y. P. S. C. E. riano I.dKNons—iMlss Wob'iliir. Aluniiii baii(|uet at 20 CBIUH a copy. Invoc'iu.lon gathered to listen lo the exercises. 7;30 p. 111., Prayernieeting, 8:30-Teach- Mn.sUi 'I'lie steps leading to tlio school build­ ers nieoting. We buy and sell our own goods at AdclrosR—"Tlio Anuirlciui School: Il'ri Place ing had been arranged us astage and RBW8 NOTES. one amail profit. No goods aold on and RosiionsUiilltv" was neatly decorated with iialionul Suiiduy, IO:;!(i, preaching service. 12 cuiiiniisaion at Brown Jiros.' * ,Snpt .S. n. balrd,l.an.sing 111., Sunday school, (iiSO p. m., Eii- Mnsic colors and the colors of llie class. dfiavor Society. 7:30 projuching. Vi.'iiL sliirL waist mxW i\[ ilill.s'. * C. W. Whitman has purchased of Orallon—"Livlnp; TlioU(,'lita," and pvoaonla- Tlia exercises displayed a class of lion of .Senior ISnibloni lo the .lunlors M, ]'",. church—W. J. Wilson, pastor. ColJiiiiii bakery hits piiL in tlio city M, A. Beniont a handsome surrey, Gmill Pollolc, '!)!) ability and of wlilcli.i we iiro all proud. wilier tills weel{. rubber tire and bull bearings. Orallon—"The Modin'n 'I'liroo-Pold Kiluca- The ))rograiii was fully carried out. Sunilay morning services al 10:30. lion." and accoplaiifio of SonUu' F.mbUim The "propliecy" by Mias Orplia Gor­ Balibatb school ut ]l;-15, D. .13.' A wilier motor liiis been idaccd In At the 22iid annual seaaloii of the for the .liinlora lay I'loUl, 'UO Walls, Supl. Mnsin don waa read by Miss Mary Tonilin- A. .1. Hail's cold :jtonige. Supreme Council of the .Royal Arca­ rroHcinlallon of DIplciiiia.H Goo. W. liristol son owing Lo the illiiesH of the fornier. Epworlh league at 0:30 p. m. num tlie following aiiieiiilnients re­ liunodkilloM lilvening services at 7:31). rrayeniieeting at tlie I'resbytoriiin I'llOOItAM cliiH'cli la postponed one weelj. lative to benelit certificates were iiinde: Class Song Baptist—Arlliur F. Wliiio, pastor. Tk Most... First, second and third amotihl certill- Aliiiiiiii ]5aii(|iio.t. President's Addres• s Aldrloh G. ViinPatUin Thursday, Junior Union ut 3:'I5. -'Tlieold bell tower on the MoRobert eatea are to be issueil, respectively for lIlMiory Wando Frcelaiid Prpparatlons are nearing conipletlon PliinoSolo .lulia H. Miliar Midweek prayer servieo at 7:30, block has been torn down this weelc, $1,000, ;i2,000 and U,'i,OOU. Plalf-rato for the Alumni banquet to be held to- OratUni .Nettle Thorbnrii Suiiilay—Morning service at 10:30. Six cents alivo for fowls evory day, cerlilicates for ?1,500 oulstaiuling con­ morow evening at the Armory and Vocal Duct Mary and Harriot Luii Sunday school at 12 m, B. Y. P. U. Convincing tinue in force, but no new ones will he every alumnus should do his share ('lass PorMii Chns. Oliamnau at (i;30. E veil ingservice al 7:30. 2\vi) .1. G. DKA.V. issued. instrumontal Duet Hthol Van Patten and to make ibis the best nioeting ever Julia Miliar Tlie W, C, T. U. will meet with Mrs. A now crosswalk lias been built this field by being jiresGiil. Prnpliocy Orplia Gordon Argument weeli at the corner of C and Oak streets. Plomer Mitchell of li'liidlny, Ohio, Orlgliuil Story laiiel VanPiitlen 0. B.Slillnian Friday, June 23, at 3 waa in Lansing last week lo claim the A reception will bu held In the par­ t'iano Solo Mary Leo o'clock p. 111. A new plank walk on Cherry street rig recently stolen from that city and lors at S:OI) sharp. The banquet begins Mabiil Dressor atSi.'SO. Afler tlio haiuiuet the follow­ Vlslcrn WIIIHerzlg The L. A, S. of North Aurelius will We cmi tliinU of ia our PRICKS. COIUO ini|ir(ives llie residence of Mrs. 0. Ji, left in a livery in Lansing. J-Io settled .Song by Young Ladles' Q,uartetle meet with Mrs, H. J. .Bulleii on Wed­ ill luid Huo our due liiieol' Gi'ocuricH. Siillnmn. all charges and iiaid the $10 reward. ing toasts will be given; History - , - - Fred Alton nesday artornoon, June 2S. Everyone We Imve evoryLliing in the wiiy ol' V. y. Millbiir y is iilaeiiiK a stone The animal Is a llioroughbred Iveii- We will sell you a belter paint for is cordially invited. luciky horse. The buggy anil harness Tlio Alnmnns iis Tuacher Ilertlm Fanson 'Gunned G>OO(1H, as well as fresh goods. walk ill front of his residence on The AUnnnns In War Garry H. Sanders less money than any other bouse in •|'Ucliell'« aid society will hold a Come in and see for youi'sell, , are new and never used before. The The Alnnnil Assooliitlon - • Nina lirlslol Ingham county. •> liarnes street. Dnys niAnId Lang.Syno - Junnio ICiirnH Ivloiidiko Hoclal at the iiomu of E. A. thief exercised good judgment In his •H.H. liRADLKYctCo. * Anchoras wi bo for sale at llie selection. Gliis.sof 'On "• • Omill Pollolc Bush Wednesday evening June 28, !! ciuifi TniUHlnos The School Hoard - • [j.W. Mills 1800. I'jveryoiie welcome, li oim.s Keil Ivkliiiii' lioiiii.'i opera lioiiso co ciiient evening. Diiiihulor Maids - • Myi-a Wood Second Matinee. •1 ciuiK I'liiiipkin Price 20 cenis, A new mai) of Michigan neatly Tho Schools - Snpt. I'i. U. Palmer 1 cull Haltud l.ieuns mounted will be given to any teaclier Toastniastor, R. 0. IJart The Second Matinee nf the Ma.'on Excursion to Saginaw and liay City • Micliiiraii will pay no lioiiiity for the having charge of any district school Tickets for the biiii(|iiet arc now on Driving Club will ho held tomorrow, iiuiii niacin re of beet sugar during tlie In Ingham county by calling at the BSile with Mrs. F. h. Btroiid. .It'riday afternoon, June 2Hd. JiMic 21, IS!)!). ncKt two years. following places of buainesa in iMasnir I'lvery alumnus be sure and be there. The events are: Free-for-all, trot or Special Irain will leave Maaon about 8:35 a. m, .Kare for round trip to Sag­ Tbo school ooniinissionera are busy Webli & Wliiiinuii, Millaiiry Goods pace, mile heata, two in three. Co., Stroud & McDonald and 1<\ W. Marriage Liccii.s«s. Green race, trot or pace, half mile inaw $1,00. To liny City $1'20. Re­ over oxaniiimlion papers at their olliee turn (ui regular train No. 72 leaving- 111 this city this week. Webb, provided tiie map be hung In FranK-lln El.sov, Delroli 2fi heals, three In five, with Lake Shore the acliool room and allowed to remain Oriicu Lillian Ogdon, Leslie l« Girl burred. leavlng Bay City at G a. ni,, June 20. Anclioras for sale at Kininiel's, there ijermaiiently, Albert A. r.(!anl)lan, Lansing lit .l.i'arniors' race, trot or puce, hall- KnUirod at. Mio PoRlolllco, Mason, Holmes & Dancer's and Mills Dry LIz/.le A. Thorno, Lansing 1(1 mile beats, three in live with Milo E Mii,«,t Have a Wood Friend Among Tlieni. assoc()jiil-cla«.s iiiauor Goo'ds (Jo. Price 20 cenls. See the liaiiiniocks at The Leader. D, M. SuMidrland, Lansing S7 W. B. KHTCHUK &CO.* and Duvid Crabb buna I. There ia someone in Leslie treading L'uUll.slioil Kvory 'riinrKclay by Francis E, Ivoaniy, .lackson '-';) Mrs, E. W. Sparrow died at lipr ,T(ilin E. O'liorry, Lansing 10 There will also be the ti.snal good bi­ on very dangerous ground. For the home ill LansinR last Friday, after an Meadairies .Henry KiirIz, Frank Pol­ cycle races. second lime within a short period help CAMPBELL & ROSE. ler, Olio Andrews, Homer Whitney, Lucy A. .Selgord, Lansing 20 Illness of over two months. Harry A.N. Slas. Lnn.slng .'!0 All the races are open lo the world, has been furiiialied lo priaonera con­ Willoii Iriuntley, Henry NorLhriiii, prizes are given and there ia no charge Will the parties who have borrowed Nellie Hlanchu Olarlt, Lansing 27 fined in the village lockup to escape. Dno yocr, $1.00; six months, 60 cnnti; Ihroa Fred Hall, Guy Raymond, Carl Loom- Win. Ferris,Honth Ulley 2,S for race performers. A few weeks agou lieuvy stove poker nionlhi, 35 cunts—in idvinco. pipe wnnicbes and tntiys pleiuso return is, Elmer Strope, C. G, Jenkins and Marlhii ICnplar, Lansing 20 The prizes in the.Farmer's Race are: was handed liiio llie cage, with which llieiii atonce to Riiyinond's hardware,* Mi.ss .fennie .Booth conferred the Roy­ ADVERTISING RATES.
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