Tk Most... Convincing Argument
^•^^^%^ VOL. XM-NO. 25 MASON, MICH., THUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1899. WHOLE NO. 3009. 'I (WOCUIPfi "i WWWSitlfrtBUIIfBWMMBWB ffsrvtaa*UTssemxsaiiSfascimvm'aiiteatmiisnximsi Nnn-AdvortiNonieiilN IIIIN WeoU. Shurger's Pnrk will be open July 27th Annual Coniiiiencfliiicnt. Class I'lxerci.scs. Raymond repairs bicycles. * You have NoMccd—10. Onlvor. 'Ith to the public. It wus u huppy Ihoiiglit which con .-«~. , Wood AlcDliol—l.on^yniir [iros. Tlie commencement exercises of the Low I'rlco.s—II. Ij. HolVnian, class of 'Of), Mason high school, will be ceived the idea of lioldiiif^'tlie exorcises Cliurcli ami Society, Steele Bros. Post are picnicking at on the lawn, und laat Tuesday after Slilrl WalHt.SiilH-aillU Dry Goods Co. Shurger's Park today. given at llie opera house this evening. Presbyterian church-^Andrew S. .'^lieelal .Sale—U. A. ParHluirsl. Following Is the program: noon u large number of the patrons Zinimeriiian, pnstor. Groonrlos—Geo. A. l.ovorollr. and friends of tlie school and class (•loarlnu Onl.Sulii-F. W. Wobb. Anchoras will be for sale at tiie MarBli Thursday—1 p. m,, Y. P. S. C. E. riano I.dKNons—iMlss Wob'iliir. Aluniiii baii(|uet at 20 CBIUH a copy. Invoc'iu.lon gathered to listen lo the exercises. 7;30 p. 111., Prayernieeting, 8:30-Teach- Mn.sUi 'I'lie steps leading to tlio school build ers nieoting. We buy and sell our own goods at AdclrosR—"Tlio Anuirlciui School: Il'ri Place ing had been arranged us astage and RBW8 NOTES. one amail profit. No goods aold on and RosiionsUiilltv" was neatly decorated with iialionul Suiiduy, IO:;!(i, preaching service.
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