Tutorial Introduction
Tutorial Introduction PURPOSE: • This tutorial describes concepts related to communication busses, including attributes, functions, and the different types of bus systems. The intent is to provide a baseline of knowledge related to the Freescale product line. OBJECTIVES: • Define basic terminology and concepts related to bus communication. • Describe bus operations and the different types of communication. • Identify the attributes of the main bus types. • Match a bus type to application requirements. • Describe Freescale’s portfolio of bus ICs. CONTENT: • 48 pages • 8 questions LEARNING TIME: •90 minutes This tutorial introduces concepts related to communication busses, including features, functions, and the different types of bus systems. We will examine the main bus types, identifying key attributes for each type. We will discuss how to prioritize bus attributes when selecting a bus for a specific application. Finally, we will introduce Freescale’s portfolio of bus ICs. Although there is no prerequisite for this tutorial, some experience with bus communication would be helpful. 1 Communication Bus • A communication bus, or simply bus, is a one- or two-wire media onto which electrical devices are connected at points on the bus for the purpose of communicating. • The DSI bus, in addition to providing the communication media, also provides operational power for the bus device. • The purpose of a bus is to minimize the wire necessary to pass data between two or more devices. Let’s begin by defining a communication bus. For the purpose of this training, a communication bus, or simply a bus, relates to a one- or two-wire media onto which electrical devices are connected at points on the bus for the purpose of communicating.
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