There Are Plenty of Jewish Roots in Africa I
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There are plenty of Jewish Roots in Africa I A few webs that consider the Igbos & other Africans & Blacks as Israelites:,,,,, Although there was much sympathy in Europe and elsewhere, only five countries (Tanzania, Gabon, Côte d'Ivoire, Zambia and Haiti) officially recognised the new republic. These are important west African cities that had Jewish influence: aGaDez (GaD), KaNo (CaNaan) ibaDaN (DaN)...not to talk about the Senegalese JuDdala which is clearly related to JuDah. There are many African ethnic groups with interesting pre-Christian beliefs, many of them being monotheistic. Some have pre-Christian beliefs in a great flood like Noah's. The Baoule are aKaN (CaNaan) & believe in one god called Nyamien, similar to Yaweh as several scholars pointe before. The name Akan might come from Canaan, their land of origin. It's considered that Igboland had a very ancient civilization. Ebri is an Ibo or neighborly tribe's last name strikingly similar to Ibri, Hebrew in Hebrew. Abiriba, an Igbo village, might have the same root. The Balanta Council of Elders takes all important decisions. That the Balanta have a Council of Elders (including the importance given to this council) & that they have "sacred woods" resemble the ancient Israelites. The KaDaru are 10000 thousand people. Are they GaDites? The Ivorian department of Rubino may have taken its name from the tribe of Reuben. Other interesting toponyms are Lakota, like the Amerindian land in the USA & SiKensi, that bears the consonants of iSaaC. Does the Sout Sudanese GoLlo people receive its name from GaLut, diaspora in Hebrew? The name of the African country Gabon is strikingly similar to Gabaon, a biblical Israelite city. It's interesting that even the Wikipedia affirms the Orons are Israelites, being reinforced by the same wikipedia when it quotes their language as to have Holy Land influence. It's not coincidental either that the two "Oron" (toponyms) in the world are found in Nigeria & Israel. Mwari, the only Lemba god is strikingly similar to the Aramean word Mari, meaning "My God". Awlad Mana is a people in Sudan. Their name means something like "Mana people". Is this the "people of the manna", or in other words "the Israelite people that bwere fed with manna"? Are the KaLigi & the KaLiko (or KaLiko) Israelites of the GaLut? Would there be a day that world Jewry would talk about Afriki... as today they talk about Ashkenazi, Sephardi? Are the Pari people related to the Parisi Israelites? Are the Ruweng Reubenites? It's interesting that both peoples are in Sudan close to each other as theoritically the Parisi & the Reubenites are. The Sara Gambai bear the name of Sarah, the matriarch. The Selim bear the Semitic root for peace. The CaNing have CaNaan's name as part of their name. The Shatts may have the origin in an Arab or in a Jewish last name. The Sinyar people may have originated from the hamlet of Ein-Sinya, next to Shilo, Israel. Have the sunGoR Israelite origin in the GoLa, diaspora? Are the taGaLe part of the diaspora too? Do they have any relation with the taGaLa people of the Philippines? The TiNGaL might be the diaspora of DaN, according to their possible meaning. The TuNjur or TuNGuR might be DaN's diaspora too. The TuNGuRahua Ecuadorean volcano would come from the same roots too. Do the Tumma come from the Hebrew Tumah & taharah meaning "impurity & purity"? Does the Rubatab tribe come from the tribe of Reuben? Are the Manasirs from Manasseh? There are countless of oral traditions of countless of ethnic groups all over Africa describing an origin in Egypt, Ethiopia, Arabia, Israel... I think there are too many testimonies to deny these origins. Many of these ancient peoples were Israelites running away from their dwelling lands. There are many reasons why they ran away from these & other areas: conquests, pogroms, antisemite decrees, trade... No wonder why there are so many peoples in Africa (& all over the world) claiming Israelite ancestry. Many people, especially in western countries don't even conceive the idea of the existence of black Israelites despite the many undeniable facts supporting it. They're used to two kinds of Jews: Europeans & Middle Easterners. Both being two hues of the same white skin. I would say that their Judaism or Israelism is rather different from the normative one because of their long isolation from their fellow Israelites. Is madagaSCaR an iSsaChaRite area or simply Israelite from iSaaC? Does makGaDiGaDi (in Botswana, close to the Zimbabwean border), have GaDite roots? Moxico, is in anGoLa. If México comes from Meshiah, then Moxico would come from Mosiach, another name for Mesiah. Is it a coincidence that diaspora in Hebrew is Galut & in Haiti , the eastern coast of the USA … some black people speak a language called GuLlah? To me it sounds as they are part of the Israelite diaspora. Under the Hebrew rule of vowelization it doesn’t mind what the vowels are. BeN is son in Hebrew. Other names with BeN: BeNin (son of Nun like Joshua?) BenGaL (son of the diaspora), BaNgladesh, BeNi, BeNimámet, BeNidorm, BeNicàssim, BeNicarló, BeNifaió, VaNuatu, VeNice, VeNezuela, VeNeto, BeNjamin, BeNson (son in Hebrew & in Indoeuropean), BaNdung, caBiNda, masViNgo, BiNga, inhamBaNe, BeNguela, LuBaNgo. Senghor, former Senegalese president, admitted his Jewish origins. There were also Jews among the Ibadyah (the d & the r are very close in some languages, so Ibadyah could give iBaRya, or iBeRia, or Hebrew land, or simply iBRi, Hebrew), Wolof & Mandingos. It's also interesting that seneGaL & senGhoR have the consonants gl-gr of diasporain Hebrew & sen, seine, sene, sena was also an Israelite name. The river Seine (the one that splits Paris), originally Sena, has also this origin. The fact that certain inscriptions in Carthage indicate origin in the Israelite tribes of Asher & Zebulun gives further weight to the conclusions afirming the Israelite origin of many, if not most, of the colonists of Phoenician & Carthagenean empires. Are the GuLle & GuLud Israelites of the GoLa (diaspora)? There are claims of a historic presence of Jewish communities in certain regions of Africa ... such as the Malinke, Peul/Foulani, Mossi, Fanti. Do Bozos have any relation from the Buzi Israelite priest?They, the Bozo people as well, have the exact consonants of Booz (also known as Boaz), husband of Ruth & ancestor of kings David, Solomon, Jesús Christ...Is it a coincidence? Maybe the Bozos come from Boaz, one of the columns of the Temple of Solomon, the other being Jachin. Are the Evalue, Akans from Ghana, an Israelite people? Is Evalue a corrupted way of Ivri? Is Ebrié (part of the Akan people) a corrupted way for Hebrew? Are the Mosse (or Mossi) people of Moses, (Moshe in Hebrew)? Is the Yerwa people called this way as People of Yehowa? The Hidden History Of The Biblical Jews Of The Kingdom of Cacongo. Kingdom of Cabinda or En-Goy. A fact worthy the attention of travelers is, that, according to Oldendorp, The kingdom of Loango contains black Jews, scattered throughout the country ; they are despised by the Negroes who do not even deign to eat with them ; they are occupied in trade, and keep the sabbath so strictly that they do not even converse on that day; they have a separate burying ground, very far from any habitation. The tombs are constructed with masonry, and ornamented with Hebrew inscriptions; the singularity of which excites the laughter of the negroes, who discern in them only serpents, lizards, and other reptiles. M. Ehrrinann, finding it impossible to explain the origin of these Jews, doubts the reality of the fact Busching, however, Michaelis, and Zimmermann, do not hesitate to admit their existence; Bruns considers them the descendants of the Falashes of Habesch, or Abyssinia, and Sprengel wishes them to be considered as the descendants of Portuguese Jews, who, having quitted their country, are no longer afraid to profess openly the religion of their fathers. Five leagues to the north of Loango is Quilonga, a river of very difficult access, whither trading vessels sometimes go. The pair of consonants GB & KP in the iGBo language The pair of consonants GB & KP are often interchangeable sounds & in the iGBo language are pretty common: eKPeye, oKPu, afiKPo, aKPati, UkPuru, oGBa, aGBa, uGBua, eleGBde, uGBo, aGBani, aGBo, oGBo, aKPabuyo, oduKPani, oGBete, oKPoro, mGBoko, mGBo, leGBo, ugwanaGBo, iGBojiakuru, nKPoro, oGBU, oGBUru, aGBoji, mGBala, aKPor, mGBuakara, oGBonda, esoGBue, iGBuzo. oGBoli, oGBogoro, isioKPo, eKPe, eGBara, aGBoha, ameKPu, aKPaa, uruKPan, usuKPan, aKPugo, ekweGBE, umulumGBe, aKPu, oKPatu, nKPoghoro, aKPoha, ehuGBo, akamKPisi, oGBuGBu, oGBunike, oGBodudu , eGBema, akamKPa, afiKPo, iGBanke, atoGBuo, mGBe, GBara, eGBe... I wonder if the very word Igbo turned into iGBo because of the large extension of the "GB KP" ibo sounds. Igbo Nationalism and Biafra It is common in northern Nigeria to see the Igbo as representatives of Western civilisation and to involve them in wars by proxy. No other people have so fervently striven to acquire Western education and lifestyle, and when judging global events, the Igbo are generally more supportive of Western policies than are their fellow-Nigerians. Although the Igbo still tend to side with governments in North America and Europe when global conflicts are concerned, they are more inclined to identify with the Jews who seem to have suffered a similar fate since they were also abandoned, without protection, in the face of genocide. It has become common to assume that Jews and Igbo share basic historical experiences and that their traditional cultures bear many striking similarities, as can be seen from Biblical descriptions of purity taboos, circumcision rites and animal sacrifices.