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4,940 Chamberplans Workforyear, Hears Rep(H

4,940 Chamberplans Workforyear, Hears Rep(H

\ }V*

- f - r- >■ -•■—■ THK'WEATRfil&~ • NET m ss s BUn AVERAGE D A niT CIROIJLA'nON; „ PF THE EVENING HERALD Fair and continued cold tonli^t • for the month of Noremheri 1026, and Friday. •-53 4,940 i 's

CIJWBLVE^PAGES) PRICE THREE CENtE Clfwsiecd AdvercMng on Pago 6 MANCHES^R, cbm, 2, 1926. VOL. XLI, No. 5 3 . . ' . !■ v ■ y- ■• " '■ ■ ■ . , . J . . ^ .


Comedian’s Second Mate Has ,1 • WORKFORYEAR, Left Hollywood Home in Ro\7 W B A F T E R T E N After Party. HEARS REP(H!TS Los Angeles, Dec. 2.— Y E A i m Y N E S S Charles Chaplin, film comed­ ian, and his wife, the former Llta Grey, have separated. , As the aftermath of a dis­ Consenratiyes Win an Over- Austin Cheney, Re-Elected agreement at the Chaplin A Wf^ Wasn He In dic'd? home Monday night, when TO Chaplin entertaineij a number whehnmg Victory on the President, Asks For Great­ of guests, Mrs. Chaplin took her two children and went to FROM I S JOB Roars McCarter to Jury er Cooperation— 75 Mem­ the horde of her grandparents, Issue of Government Li­ Mr. and Mrs. William Curry. Neither Chaplin nor his wife BOSTON ADOPTS bers at Meeting. would discuss Just what occur­ quor Control. EPWINES Big Guns of Law red. Mrs. Chaplin today did not deny that she had left ELI AS NATIVE her husband’s home. Chaplin Ottawa, Dec. 2.— ^The province Sum Up,> Accusing Hus­ Manchester’s Chamber oK Com­ Decides Yale Founder Was admitted it. of Ontario, with more than a thou­ CooGdge Decides on Retire^ merce should prove to be a live, “ Mrs. Cnaplin has taken the Born There and Erects a sand miles of Its boundary line band of Dead Woman; At- worthwhile organization, without children with her,” he said. Tablet—-His Epitaph. t touching the United States, today need of “ vltallzatlon” , ;f the en­ “•I have asked t.. . she and ment of SoldmrrGoyerhon they return.” Is wet under government control of thusiasm shown at the adjourned - Boston, ^ Dec. 2. — Elihu tack Gibson Evidence as Rumors of a separation be­ the sale of liquor by an over­ annual meetlpg of the business men tween the film comedian and WadsWrthH^^^ Yale; gbyerndr of M/f»rtraa and whelmingly large majority as the eariy hehefactor of Yale Col­ last night at Hotel Sheridan en­ his wife have been current In theatricals, Charge Thai Hollywood circleF for many result of yesterday’s general elec­ ed Successor; - n lege and for .whom the Institu­ dures. About 75 local “ boosters” , weeks, but both had denied tions. The Ontario Temperance Act, tion '.Vas named, will be hon­ largely business men and Manches­ that such an action was con­ ten years old, isrepudiated. ored here'next month, the Schneider Looted Body of Yaf^e club of Boston announc- templated.^ Premier Howard Ferguson, lead­ ter manufacturers gathered for a Washington,. Dec. 2.-^The ^tur- bd^tbday, by the dedication of dinner, I'stoned to, officers' reports, The Chaplins were married on er of the victorious Conservative Flve million plunks In the hole wasNhe SesquI-CentennIal Exposition Nov. 25, 1924, In Mexico. when It closed In Philadelphia. “ Connecticut Day” was its expiring ges­ bulant iayn of;.-iiepnq|rd j.Wood ; as a.inemorial bas-relief tablet Mimster, Denonnee Gib­ party, intimated that very shortly ‘commemorating the site of his and enjoyed an entertainment that The former Llta Grey Is the dispensing of “ wet goods” ture. . On that occasion, financial difficulties evidently failed to disturb governor-general' of the Philippines followed. ' birthplace on’. Pemberton'hill. Chaplin's second wife. He had would be started legally throughout Mayor Kendrick (right) and. Gov. Trumbull, Nutmeg chief executive. . . are numbered. ' son as “ Satan” Leader of Austin Cheney, president of the previously been married to The . tablet will be placed on the province. His retirement has been delinlte-j • the north side. wall of the Chember during the year past was Mildred Harris, also a motion 74 Out of 112. re-elected to the post, and in his ad­ picture actress. They were ly decided on by thr'Cooll'dge ad­ Suffolk Savings Bank build­ “ Hudson Apay.” The result of the election Is as ing; and the dedication exercise dress gave a comprehensive resume divorced. follows: Conservative, 74; Liberal, ’ RUMANIA FEARFUL ministration,: It was learned today, of the work that had been done, as CUT PERSONNE IS ivl]l be held January 28. 14; Progressives, 11; Liberal, Pro­ and ■ consideration is now - being Delay. - In markiug the site 'nell as a group of good sugges­ gressive, 5; Independent Liberal, There is cbnMderahlej likelihood tions for activity during the coming given to ^he selection of a succes- ol,the birthplace' of so great a USE JOHN MATHER 4; Labor, 1; Prohibition^ 1; two OF OUTSIDE A H A C K personage as uitihu Vale has that the Hall-Mljls casp will bs year. Mr. Cheney’s . complete ad­ still In doubt. Total 112. sor. . • t ; ; • ■Three names are .being consider­ blnged .oh the-absence if doc- tried all over again In the event oi dress will be found on Page Seven One of the surprises of the cam­ oimentary, evidence as to o^ today’s Herald. ed: : . - ' the now expected acquittal of tbs paign was th§ failure of the rural Senator James : ,W. Wadswqrth, Whet,|ier brnot he; was born In Year’s Officers STONE IN T E P L E ridings of the province to go dry. 'WaWift®''’'^“> .;New Haven, or three defendants. Special Prosecu­ The busluess' and entertainment of New York recently' defeated for The Ferguson government was vic­ Safety Men Are Discharged; Revolt Over Succession Un­ Boston.. The late realization tor Alexander Simpson declares his followed a fried chicken dinner. The re-election. t < that.'David' Yale was his fath-, torious fVom one end of the prov­ Colonel .Carnoi. ThQ.m,PBon,' of intention of again going ta tbs nominating committee offered as Its ince to the other. In areas in the vi­ or ‘definitely: settled by long proposals for election the follow­ Trade War^ New Car Are likely in Presnee of Aliep Ohio who has Jupt Supreme Court at Trenton and ask-, Masons Get Hearthstone of cinity of the United States the wet vey of the, islands' for President research'revealed the purchase ing: Austin Cheney, president, W. vote was heaviest. by thei elder Yale In 1645 of ing for a foreign Jury to try Mrs. W. Robertson, vice president, Earl Coolldge. As the result of the outcome of the property, on Pemberton Frances Stevens Hall and her G. Seaman, treasurer, W. George Rumored and Denied. Enemies. Colonel Henry L. Stiinson, of Hill previously occupied by First Member — Work the Ontario vote only three Cana­ New York, seeretafy of war In the brothers, Henry and Willie Stevens, Glenney, Charles J. McCann, Wil­ dian provinces now remain dry. Oovembr John Endicott. liam P. Reldy, Lewis H. Slpe, and Taft admlnistratlo^i.^.. , , . , for the murder of Rev. Edward, W. They are New Brunswick, Nova All yetei«QB . I , It had long been supposed Robert V. Treat, directors lor. two Progresses Rapidly. Detroit, Dec. 2.-—Reduced per­ Paris,. Dec. 2.— PrIncS Carol of that ' the map whose benefac-, Scotia and Prince Edward Island, Other names'haie been suisgest- Halk The present trial Is under the years. ,They were unanimously .tioh was responsible for the and this trio soon will vote on the sonnel may be expected when work Rumania is seeking a reconciliation ed, but It is.this trio,.that,are re­ indictment charging the trio with named. . early growth .of Yale College question of government control of is resumed at the Ford Motor Com­ with his wife. Princess Helen, and ceiving . major. consideration. All the death of Mrs. Eleanor Mills and E. L. G. Hohenthal, chairman of Good headway is being made on the sale of liquor. . wpa borii In New England, and pany’s plants, it was learned to­ is preparing to terminate his are veterans, of the SpaqlshrAnaer- the following, cryptic verse on an acquittal on that charge would the Postoffice committee. Is in the Masonic Temple for' Manchester Expect U. S. Millions. ican war.- A ll‘have a ffibre or .less Washington at present., but he had It is estimated by Ontario politi­ day. The Highland Park and Ford friendship with the. beautiful Mmo. his .grave at Wrexham, Eng­ npt Involve disposition of the other Lodge of Masons. The contractors, intimate khd-wledge . of PhtllpplM land,-bears 'Wltnecs to the fact: indictment which was returned by f'lrnlshed a written report of the cians that residents of the United son plants closed Tuesday midnight Lupescu, it was reliably reported affairs, and.aU are” ayaUable’’ In work his committee had accom­ the Manchester Construction Com­ I^Jltaph , the grand Jury same tiihe as the States will spend in the neighbor­ until next week, 'at least. here today. that they. are gOne^aWy ■ acc'eptgble Born''in America, In Europe plished. It showed that Mr. Hohen­ pany, yesterday moved the large hood of 54,000,000 in the province to party 1 -ders add now' politi­ ops which Is the basis of the existr Althongh officials o f ' the Ford The prince. It Is stated,, has ; bf!^, . ' thal and the other committee mem­ stone step that was used by the cally at liberty. . ^ ' Ing proceeding's.. of Ontario In 1927. Coinpdny refusefi to deny or affirm In Africa. traveled, and In A similar request for a foreign bers were in close touch with the late John Mather at his old home Toronto elected fifteen wet mem­ yielded to the entreaties of friends Col. Thompson’s report, on his authorities In Washington and that the report. It.was learned that the Asia wed, Jury, made before (he beginning of bers, the Canadian capital three, that he end his romance and strive three months’ . WTestlgatloa/of ..af­ •Where long be lived and thriv- Manchester was as liable to get a on Mather street, to the new safety director and 200 other men the trial, was denied, but Slmpapn temple. It very probably was quar­ and so the voting went across the to establish himself on an amicable fairs in the islanils will 'be laid,on ’.ed; ln: London dead. building appropriation from the in. the safety and first aid division preetdbdt CbolfdgisJB dipsk'sBotW it believes that developments in the ried at the brownstone quarries in entire province.- . - of the various Ford enterprlaes basis .with Princess Helen,' s.q-;,that Mttbh gbod,.-some in, he. did; present case, with relation to the next Congress as any town Its size Every Ferguson government cabi­ it is q#.al»ea(^-lA-ltarhaAofc \ , ''so(. Kbjiq 'alTh, even. in New England. Buckland which In later years have-been discharged with e: accepted-hack Ihtltitfaa- Coi.‘^ompsbn'B rapids Isr : aflftude of the Jury, wlW convince wer&r-|caowB as the Charles Wol­ net member with but one. exception ■ ;Aifil''f;htit -liIs sbul "ffiro’ mer- Tell of Hiin.t , !tions that, “ they won’t he^ eistood to.inake.ihe jt^^^^^ the Spprente . Goprt justices that cott quarries. The . stone is 6x8 was retained. any more'.” ' T'ritv goh.e .ibj -tbaveh only a foreign jury can be de^nfi: When the dinner and business Queen Marie, in an Interview^ ommex^dirtti-,-». * Yqp~ thgt ififirriyo' and' read feet and l a inches thick. On the Talk of Ne\V car. with .Prince .Gariol last night, prior 1, Appdihtpaefit .Of a c.lTlLratfl>'ri’ “ I hope, gentlemen of the Jury, any attempts at a coup d’etat is a during,, the , senate investigation plate glass arranged similar to the put to sea aftqr overpowering as­ and according - to the police were It.l8,al8a^weir- Jl^now;m> thkt ,a the distinguished looking dean -of EXTRA SESSION VOTE sistant Prohibition Administrator found to be in; possession' of fire-, general realization that the nation changer in. the-: gO'ylw-por-generalship^ three Years ago In which the cabl- the New Jersey bar said, "that, yfl^ sticks of a xylophone and he played ne^b^riql declared E. B.-McLean, seyeral airs. J. B. Matthews and a machinist’s arms and, hahd-greha'des,' The po­ cannot afford Internal disordefs of the islands WOT^ I* were not fooled by the theatrical mate, has been found since she lice allege-that the men arrested since there are nei'gh'boiW- df Ru- wealthy, publlshor,' had loaned him display'when this pig woman was The meeting ,was considered a Will Block Appropriation Bills the Under scrutiny, al­ escaped in a gale Monday. Com- were making plans for attacks upon '. (Qootlnued -oh Page 2.> ' brousht Into the courtroom to tes­ genuine treat and business success, Unless They Get Chance at (Continued on Page 2.) ’ though-, the c to.that amount tify, placed on a bed and a doctor not only for the spirit of en­ mander J. L. Brookway of the Coast the king and General De:Rivera. Farm Legislation. ■sfoi? never'cashed.-Fall wrote fur- put on one side and a nurse-on the thusiasm it aroused for the Cham­ Guard cutter 302 reported by radio thqrfftp^ h'el-was'tbo HI. to answer a other, to take her temperature and ber’s work but because of the fact today. etthfibpns;; to appear before the Sen.- all that kind of nonsense, i that it brought together a body of Chicago, Dec. 2.— Republican Commander Brookway informed Insurgents will force decision on an \“ Thla theatrical display was business men who can carry out the O. D. Jackson, chief dry administra­ Defies Disinheritence to Wed done to make you Deljeve she was wants of President Cheney. extra session to consider farm re­ tor for his district, that in the forty lief before allowing appropriation' ,waj( on the point of depth. I classify hours since her escape the Arsene SittijlaVri _ „ such a display as humbug.” TREASURY BALANCE bills to be acted upon. Senator J'. has had ample time to reach Broker Once Officer of the Czar Dedendpnt’s Prlendw Brookhart, Republican, of Iowa, Bind Charge by bqeJ..cbUhOcted 'wRh .the , Teapot either Havana or Nassau. ^Pertly Wreck ; Pbine or 'any ■ other leese,’’ Fall Camp chain! were placed inside Washington, • Dec. 2.— Treasury said today. A report that the cutter 302 had of the enclosure near the defense “ We hope to have an extra ses­ StatWn, , v; had Vrlttep. : / ^ „ v * balance as of Nov. 3C: $140,152,- overtaken the schooner only to lose New York, Dec. 2.— ^Baron'fwere married at the Little'Church ■With this, parting shot, Roberts counsel’s .\able so as to aceoinme- 490.10. sion declared and I wish to have it It again when a two line broke was gud’ PoBaerehe'rested and Wilton J. xdate friends of the' defendants. George Tornow, former officer' of Around the Corner. Only a.few In- considered before , appropriation found to be untrue. tlihate friends were present Patohoquo,' L. ;I.,. l^ h q r t ; chief of ' Fall’s counsel, This charge nefcessltated that the bills,” , said Brookhart, who, with Meanwhile fear was expressed the Russian Imperial Guard, now Six months ago, it- is said, Clen- bgndlts e,ariy^tod|yHl.«w ijmqchod Ihto his opening argu- chairs of Mrs. Prances . gtevehs other Insurgents, now holds the here that Matthews and the machin­ a New'York stock broker, and his denln succeeded in breaking his the Lopg. :Ii4aitta ment to .the. Jhi^;‘ Hall and her brothers; WilUam and- balance of power in the Senate. ' Absorbing ist’s mate met with violence at the bride,-the former Florence, Marjorie daughter’s engagement to : Edward here by; hlowiag-ciiwm thp; s*fq: Defense Arguiuent Henry:;Stev^.ns, be moved closer to hands f the nine or ten men who H. Atkinson, Boston society man. dypajnjte. v for-b,U>oM ’ Ikjmberi was. ehtitlbd to 0P®“ ®t‘ the Jury. The- defendant** seemed Clendonin, are . honeymoonlpg to­ around .weye’vststtled byil^ie. expi^ comprise the Arsene’s crew. day as proof of the old axiom that Then, two weeks ago when she an­ this:late date: bqsause the defend-; .to like'their- new nd- closer view , ^ FIND BODY BELIEVED nounced. her intention of. marrying slop,.6nt bo'fore.n^ijle frif^^ 'abts have separht.e counsel. .Frank better. ,: : ' Human Interest! “love will find a way.” Mrs. Hall listened to McCarter’.^ ; The proof was. directed toward Baron Tornow. Clendenln is report­ • yeggs ha^ tabim, xjxk cbAteii& bf*tbo Hogan, •'-first'r Doheny attorney. Had ALBER'i EMERY, NOTED sate and psdapqd. > '. ■ ^ \ ‘ ' addreasod the July at the outset of booming -voice w.ith an air of gray- ; TO BE CLARA OLSON'S INVENTOR, DIES AT 08 the bride’s father. Joseph Clenden- ed to have virtually imprisoned her It isn’t too late to start in the Clendenln home at Ardsley- - 'The' . four'bound ••"and ■ the tridl 'Roberts did like­ Ity. She did not smile when oth­ in, millionaire vice-president'of the ers in the courtroom^ were mo-v.ed .. reading The Herald’s new On-Hudson. Escaping yesterday; she Thomas ‘Grseno, '* ble!|nor,-b'efo!^ wise fqi’ the goyerpqient. Stamford, Dec. 2— Albert Hamil­ American Smelting and Refiniug to laughter by an Incid^t tak^t^; serial Prairie Du Chlen, WIs*, Dec. 2.-^ Co., who had bitterly opposed the . rushed to Hew York and met her •proceeding to -tbHr- work* Tbqy* Lambert epneentrated his early ton Ebery, noted machine Inventor, oft the-cbktge 'jirRn, pojfpr ifrpm.'.wi: fire'.ou bstibllshlhg with' the Jury place in the courtroom. T b e f fe j^ A bod>c, believed to be that of Clara died at his home In.Glerbrook to­ match and announced only a few fiance. no levity shown by Willie,or: - Olson, missing sweetheart of Erd- Bpron Tornow Is said to be one electric light, socte^. The; blaqt; tofe thgt PiaV wab 9ht.’ of Washittgtoj day after a Jong illness. He was 93 hours before thie ceremony that-he' while, the oil leahes apd contracts elther. ‘■ ^ B r o k e n man Olson, Gale College student, would disinherit his daughter if she of the closest friends of'Grand Duke open the ,'safe,' - w^dket-; .the ofiue years of age. He Invented and and demolished- pqtt;bf'the station in ' quearibn yrwe> bejng negotiated. McCarter challenged‘'Bimpson to for whom a murder warrant has manufactured the Emery testing matried the baron. Dimitri, member of the house of 'wdll; ■ ■ ' He: qll^-that the .former seerbtary show in the testimony given that been Issued, was found in a corn­ machine, used in the Watertown, Rushing fropi Clendenln’s office, Romanoff, who -was married re­ Mrs. Hall had any knowledge . of T i i r e a d s ' * cently ,ln Paris to Audrey Emery. The ■ bandits j sped.,away; In ,an was away Ju ly-V 1921 to Ocotber field four miles north of Mount Mass., arsenal, and the Bureau of where Baron Tornow went to ask 17;.Y^^l;4.fitun 25': to 28 the illicit relations between The baron’s -first wife,. Baroness aiutomobilfe. , Page 10 Today Sterling,, Wls., today by a posse Standards at "Washlngtop, as well Clendenin's consent to 'the. mar-f ■Klrlakoff, died in 18lD. He is 8Si unlnjured'by^e nVst of Yhb staffled which had been combing the dis­ as by most of the railroads In the riage and was refused, the coupld ' - ^ (pbnttpued Oh’fa w i S.I (ConUnoed'Oo trict* country, , obtained a marriage' license. They and hiS'bifW® 26»- ^ rwldehts to-arflreV \ ' y-


'case Tias been irregular, Wtep-. ri|f|)EID|7'ri1>lC skelter, a witnessdtness put_ on and drag- v A llir r ilt jb .vU iL u 11UL]| Here For Week End IRUMANU FEARFUL f C hopping' ged off, a bit of evidence. thrown K ABOUT TOWN [FIREMEN TO EAT Local Stocks in here, another there, nothing or­ D a i;# T iir derly about It. (Fnrnlsbed by Putnam & Oo^ / FIRST CEREMUNIAL OF OUTSIDE ATtACK BIG GAME SUPPER I Case pointed out that the per­ The North: End football eleven Bank Stocks. C h r is tm a i/ sons who found the bodies— Ray­ will practice tonlgjit at 7:30. 'The mond Schneider arid Pearl Bahmer (Oostlnued *roin page ]> JDtClty B'k & Trust . .600 ^ u th Methodist Biajich .Also players are_ requested to meet at Tonight Is the date set- for the Conn. River B a n k 's..250 — were not brought Into court by Wheeler’S' restaurant. - 1 the stkte to testify. Initiates Candidates—Grijss- mania that would be only too glad big '“ Game Sapper” at Hose Com­ First Nat (HtW.) .. .230 es Awarded. , to take advantage of internal dis­ pany No. 3 of the South Manchester Htfd Aetna Natl . . . .400 “ I see It,' there are two essentials to the state’s ease,” - he declared. A few business men have been sension. Fire Department. The supper will Htfd-Conn Trust C o.575 600xr attending~ the» gym classes at th«- be served at 6:16. “ The first is this so-called . c^rd, The Gamp Fire Girls of the South — Many Wild Rumors Htfd-Conn Tr’t Co4:’tl2 0 130 Rec on Thursday afternoons bnt •VlennaT-Dec. 2.— Wild rumors said to have been found at Dr. Manchester Methodist "Episcopal . It is expected that there will be Land Mtff & TWt ... 65 Hall’s feet. Director Qhaney wfints more enrol­ Impossible of confirmation, were Htfd Morris Plan B'k 115 church met for their first Cere-, a full attendance. The supper will "The other is the evidence offer­ led. The class'will be In session rife in Vienna today concerning consist principally of rabbit which Phoenix St B’ k Tr . .400 415 monial and Initiation at 7:30 last today from 5 to 6 o’clock. events transplrfng in Rumania. All ed by Mrs. Jane Gibson, the pig night. The assembly room was have been, killed'by the firemen on Park St T r u s t...... 410 woman. • , “ Cfc attempts to establish telephonic do r ig h ts ...... 150 lighted by one candle which was hunting trips. dull Sdineider Thief William Rublnow of Rublnow’s communication with, the Rumanian The supper was originally 'sched- Riverside T r u s t------460 used throughout the ceremony for Garment Center, Is In New York capital were fruitless. Trouble “ How did that card g ef there? the lighting of the three large nled for a month ago tonight but U S Security...... 430 I’ll tell you. I believe that Ray­ today completing his buying of fur was reported to nave already brok­ candles representing Work^ Hqalth was postponed. The regular month­ Bonds. mond Schneider rifled that body, coats for the Christmas trade. j en out there. Htfd & Conn West 6s 95 * and Love which make up the watch­ Among the reports going the ly business will be' transacted after East Conn Pow 5 . . . 99 and be took the watch and the fob th^ supper. ' and the money, except the loose word of the organization, --There will he a modem and old rounds were those that Premier Hart E L 7‘ ...... 280 290 lY ee WnEe’ t making out a list. change.. ■> WOHELO. In answer to the ^ohelo fashion dance tonight at the Rain­ Averescue plans t:i establish ai [.Conn L. P. 6% s ....1 0 8 109% And writing down each thing. “ Assuming that be had nothing Call given by>vMl8s Mabel M. Pol-* bow In Bolton. Al Behrend’s or­ dictatorship. Conn L P 7s ...... 116 118 , Boys’ wfirm Underwear, knit The scribbSng teHs just what he wants to do with the murders, he went laVd, the chief guardian of the local chestra will play and Professor caps, gloves, mittenA, sweaters at Conn L P 4 % s ...... 95 9« ^ S a n t a Claus to bring. throngVoV.'Han’7pockets,\nd°he council, the groups of girls answer- Taylor will prompt. “ PAPER BOX” KILLING Hulttfaan’s.— ^Adv. Brld Hyd 5 s ...... 103% 105 rifled the card-case and threw It on ed from the distance, and then to , TRIAL STARTS AT HUB Insurance Stocks. the ground. The contents of that the sound of an Indian Chant play­ The -Manchester City Club will Aetna Insurance . . . . 510 520 card-case were spilled on the ed by Miss Thelma Carr, ,the Une hold-Its December meeting tonight Major Albert Bate. would have, made Mrs. Gibson show chosen an. Indian name represent­ be a short entertainment and re­ I misery-making gases. Correct youi Manufacturing Stocks. “ For more than a month the the various places “ she claimed she Buy Their Clothes Am Hardware...... 87 89 ing the desires of the girls who are freshments. digestion for a few cents. Eact state has been trying to fasten this passed,” and “ prove the falsity of Its members, and each individual at package guaranteed by druggist American Silver . . . 30 ' crime on Mrs. Hall and her broth­ her various stories.” Acme Wire ...... 10 girl' has also chosen an Indian Mrs. Albert Duncan and Infant GOVERNMENT ENDS to overcome stomach trouble.— ers. They have accused Mrs.'Hall Case accused state officers of son, George Albert, hAve returned George H. Williams Adv. Billings Spencer pfd. — who did not know of the relations name wblell iexpresses her own de­ breaking Into the house of Henry sires. As these names were called to their home on Hartford Road, Billings Spencer com — '6 between her husband and Mrs. Stevens and “ stealing” letters and each girl answered with the word after a visit with Mrs. Dun'’'’ -i’r. ITS FALL EVIDENCE Blgelow-Htfd com ...7 4 Mi^ls, without having given any fish knives. Bristol Brass . '...... 6 consideration to James Mills, the “ kolah” . parents, Mr. and Mts. Frank’Hd!! : •- Case then took up Mrs. Hall’s ter of Hollister street. Collins C o ...... 140 man who knew of the relations of letter to Henry Steven^ He read The business meeting followed (Continued from Page 1.) Colt Fire Arms . . . . . 29 his wife with Rev. Hall.” with many interesting Items. Miss one of them, and urged the Jury to Mrs. Margaret Finley of Rock­ Eagle L o c k ...... 110 McCarter told the intently list­ read them. Thelma Carr gave the account of 1921, from December 1, 1921 to Fafnlr Bearing...... 90 ening Jury that “ Mrs. Hall is as the last meetliiig. Miss Helen Gard­ ville won first prize at the Wednes­ January 27, 1922; from April 13, TODAY “ In these letters,” Case told the day evening whist held last night Hart ft C o o le y ...... 190 innocent of knowledge of this af­ Jurors, “ you will see the outpour­ ner reported for the committee who to May 16, 1922; and from Octo­ Int Silver p f d ...... 103 fair as any one of you or I am.” is working on the Grab Booth for at the White House. Mrs. Winfield ber 8 to Nov. 27. 1922. STATE TOMORROW AND ing of a woman’s heart. Don’t Chace won second prize, Samuel Int Sllve^r com ...... 90 95 In directing ^ e Jury’s attention think that because this woman Is the great Christmas Festival of the The Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, oil ______SATURDAY Jewel Belting pfd. .. 80 to Mills,.McCarter said, “ he is the Ball, men’s first prize and Karl storage bids were opened April 15, reserved, because she doesn’t wear Months which Is to take place on ANOTHER GREAT BILL Ln’ders Frary ft Clark 91 husband whose wif« told him she skirts up to her knees, because sbd the afternoon and evening of De^ Kellar consolation. Sandwiches and 1922, and the contract which stipu­ Mann B’man Class A. 19% cared more for a finger of Mr. acts like a lady and doesn’t wear cember. 8.. Greetings were , brought coffed were served and a social lated that the Doheny interests Mann Bo’man Class B 9 Hall than she did for his whole her heart on her sleeve, that she is ,from the Lohah Council of Camp hour enjoyed. Plans are under way were to get leases in the naval re­ body.” New Brit Mach pfd.. 104 cold, hard. She is a lady, she acts Fire Girls in Brockton, Mass. The for.a large card party at the assem­ serve at a later date was awarded s S E L E C T New Brit Mach c o m .. 16 “ Mrs. Mills,” he continued, “ was the way you would like to see your girls In Miss Hatch’s group are to bly hall of the Manchester Commu­ on April 23. 1922. North ft Judd ...... — a wife, gentlemen, who slept in the women act.'” assist Mr. William Black In the nity clubhouse for Friday evening, Denby Letter attic of her home and who avoid­ ACTS Niles B t Pond new . 19 “ Crook” and “Mar” securing of members for the White December 10. Referring to the return to the VAUDEVILLE ACTS Niles Bt Pond pfd . . 77 ed all association wii her hus­ capital of Fall from the last trip band. Jim Mills read the love let­ . Case claimed It was vindictive Cross, which Is the annual gift of MARTY AND NACY j AL H. WILSON J R Montgomery p fd .,— and stage dramatics, when Simpson the church members to the work of Tomorrow evening at the Whlfe cited— November 27, 1922— Lam- J R Montcomery com. — ters to his wife from Mr. Hall, hav­ house there will be a meeting of said: * SONGS AND STEPS 1 In “ NOW I’LL TELL ONE” ing found them in her scarf. He is placed a “ hideous wax figure” In the Deaconess Hospital in Boston, Pratt Whitney pfd . . 87 front of Henry Stevens and asked Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wright’s group * returned Just two days be- Peck, Stow ft Wilcox 22. a husband who says: Mass. Announcement was made of him to demonstrate on the model the boantlful birch candle sticks of Second Congregational folks t o ' ^°^® the famous letter of Nov. 29 THE 6 ANDERSON SISTERS Russell Mfg C o ...... 55 “ ‘I made a hell of a house for complete plans for the first “ church ^ Trom the pen of the secretary of A MUSICAL RBVUETTE th Mfg C o ...... 340 her,’ when they quarreled about how he cut the throat of a fish. which were used during the cere­ “ They brought H. L. DIckman, a night” supper arid entertainment! navy (Edwin Denby) which Stanley Works com . . 77 Mr. Hall. mony as the gift of the Boy Scouts 79 liar, here, and besmirched the for attendants of this church, to the whole aspect of the AMAZON AND NILE MARINO AND MAR'TIN Stanley Works pfd . . 27 Shameful Money of the church. They are beautifully j situation. character of the late Azariah Beek­ made, and the central candle stick be held Thursday evening, Decem­ “ IN THE SWAMPLAND” WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE THEM Bcoyille Mfg Co . . . . 56% "Shortly after the murder, Jim ber 9. "W e .will Introduce this letter dard S crew ...... — man, our beloved fellow citizen,” has the Camp Fire letters carved Mills finds the love letters of his Case shouted. for your inspection. SATURDAY AFTERNOON TOYLAND for the CHfLDREN! ^ Torrlngton . . . i ...... 70 wife and the diary and sells them upon it. I “ So, too, we will show you -the “ Gentlemen, we men of Somer­ Motion songs followed the busi­ Gibbons Assembly, Cattollc Underwood ...... 47 for $500. He profited by his wife’s Ladies of Columbus, will meet to- concurrence of the President of the U S Envelope pfd .. .108 set county may be rubes and ness meeting, and the girls were dishonor. He sold them for five crooks,, but you can’t tell us tjiat nntrrow evening at 8 o’clock In K. United States, Warren G. Harding. Union Mfg. Co...... 27 then directed through the Initia­ “ You have heard these govern­ Tr; hundred filthy dollars to a news­ the officials of Jersey City didn’t of C. hall. All members are re­ Whitlock Coll Pipe .. 15 tion Service. There were seven sta­ ment officials who have testified. paper and proclaims to the world know that Caprlo was a crooks quested to he present as the elec­ XX—Ex stock dividend. that his wife is an adultress.” tions through which each girl pars­ “ Other government officials will when the state placed him on the ed, each station representing a tion of officers will take place. The Jurors listened to McCarter stand.” appear and offer you evidence with rapt attention. It seemed point of the Camp Fire Law. Every Just as straightforward and Just as Case’s Five Points girl over eleven years o f age was The Cosmopolitan Club will hold conclusive.” • there would be no more charges of Case argued on five points to its regular meeting tomorrow aft­ sleeping. , made a full mhmber of the organi­ prove to the Jury that Mrs. Gib­ ernoon at Center church \ parlors. N.Y. Stocks A ripple of laughter broke over zation. The following people as­ son’s story in court was not true. Mrs. L. A. Thorp will'act as host- COBHAMS f l y ' IN MOTH. the crowded courtroom as McCarter He said he would show: direct oon- sisted ifa the Initiation Stations: ! ess. < turned his guns on “ The Little Seek Beauty, Miss Helen Rich­ High Low 2 p : M. tradlction in her stories that she New York, Dec. 2.— Sir Alan At Gulf W I . 39 39 39 Corporal, Senator Alexander Simp­ had a checkered career; that/ her mond: Give Service, Mrs. Louis St. The Sunday school teachers of Cobham, noted British flyer and Am Beet Sug . 27 27 27 son.” neighbors attacked her veracity; Clair Burr: Pursue Knowledge, the Swedish Lutheran church will Lady Cobham, started for Wash­ With DOiaS KENYON Am Sug Ref . 84 83% 84 “ The officials of Somerset ana her contrar; version of the crlni^ Miss Elsie Lewis; Be Trustworthy, come together for their monthly ington today In the tiny two-seated and LLOYD HUGHES Am T ft T .. .149 149% 149% Middlesex counties,” said McCar­ during the - preliminary Investiga­ Miss Marjorie Crockett; Hold On meeting tomorrow evening at 8 Anaconda ... 47% 47% 47% tion and that the crime could not To Health, Miss Pauline Beebe; “ moth” plane which he brought to ter, “ have been attacked by. an o’clock. this country. Am Smelt . . .135% 133% 134% army of police led by this Little have taken place In the manner she Glorify Work, Miss Alice Harrison; Amer Loc .. .109% 109 109% Corporal— the Satan of this com­ claims she saw It take place. Be Happy, Miss Elsie Harrison. Am Car Fndy.103 102% 102% pany.” Case said It was Impossible for After passing through the stations, Atchison ....1 5 5 % 154% 155% “ Hudson County Army” her. to see anything or anybody In the girls were led to Miss Mabel 894848232323535348232348482323535323235353234848532353482348...... —.-...... J. Balt ft Ohio .105% 105% 105% “ They impugned the administra­ De Russey’s Lane under the condi­ Trotter who taught them the hand- Beth St "B ” . . 47% 46% 47% tion of Justice In Somerset county. tions that prevailed tfiat night. sign of the Fire, and gave them the 010153234823534802485353235348482348232323235353234853485389 Chill C o p ___ 32% 31% 32% They tried to show It corrupt. The “ Her owu statements have been privilege of carrying ihe torch. The SUNDAY, Con Gas N Y .111% 110% 110% late prosecutor, Azariah Beekman, such as to condemn her as a liar!” guides who directed the candidates MONDAY Col Fuel Iron. 43% 43% 43% Is accused of bribery and the coun­ shouted Case. “Hei.' contradictory were Miss Bessie Hatch, Miss Ethel Ches ft Ohio .161% 160% 161 ty physician is called an ignoram­ statements are of the utmost Im­ Brookings, Miss Helen Keith, Miss TUESDAY Cruc Steel . . . 77% 75 77% us. portance, gentlemen of the Jury be­ Florence Metcalf, Miss Eva Met­ Can Pac ------163% 163 163% “ An army from Hudson county cause they want to hang these peo­ calf, Miss Elizabeth Barrett and Erie ...... 38% 38% 38% descended upon this town on Au ple.” Case’s voice rose to a shout as Miss Dorothy Gates. During the T oday and Tom orro w Erie 1 s t ...... 47 47 47 gust 8 and captured It. As Lincoln Initiation the girls practiced motion WALIACE BEERY RAYMOND HATTON Gen Asphalt . . 89 87% 8 8 % said of the southern army, they are he flung an arm in the direction of the defendants. At this. Junc­ songs until the entlr-' group .-had IN Gen Elec . . . . 88 % 87% 87% all officers and no soldiers. They returned to the Assembly rooms. Gen M o t ___ 142% 139% 141% come here every morning headed ture the luncheon recess was taken. The “White Haired?” Miss Pollard then addressed the en­ Gt. Nor pfd . . 80% 79% 80 by the Little Corporal; It all re­ tire group giving the spiritual 111 C e n ...... 122 Case, during his attack upon Mrs. 121% 121% minds me of a^hymn of my Prince­ meaning of Camp Fire, and the KennCop... 62% 62% 62% ton days: ‘See tbe mighty hordes Gibson, went close to Mrs. Hall and moon Camp Fire Girls’ Desire, was re­ /iAVY Mow' Inspira Cop . . 26% advancing, Satan at their head.’ ’’ said: 26% - 26% peated by the new members/ WITH Lehigh Val .. 95 94% McCarter switched to an attack “ Mrs. Gibson said she saw a big, 95% white-haired woman in De Russey’s A very- Impressive service follow­ CHESTER CONKUN Norfolk West 158% 158% 158% on the state’s witnesses. TOM KENNEDY ed the Initiation when leather niunttW Nat L e a d ___ 161% 157% 161% “ What a galaxy of witnesses,” he Lane that night,” he exclaimed. “ Would You call this woman a ‘big uoim iiuM ju ii c utat North Pac . . . 79% 79 79% exclaimed. “ And the foremost of crosses were awarded every girl N Y Cen ... il34% 133% them the pig woman. Think of woman?’ Would you call her who la a church member. Those 134 •white haired’ ?^’ N Y N H ft H. 42% 42 42% them— Mrs. Gibson, Schwartz, Ca- who received this honor are as fol­ Exprexr* “ Her hair Is only grey now, and lows: Helen Gardner, Doris Keenty, Pan Am Pet . 63% 63% 63% prlo, Mrs. Demarest— this . Coxey’s * 'V llih P e n n ...... 56% that was four years ago and she Esther Metcalf, Hazel Russell, 56% 56% army led by Simpson. Shall you let was younger.” aKi EDWARD SUTHERLAND paooi/ct/om Q. Qmmount picture People Gas ..125% 125 125% witnesses of this type influence Schultz, Marion Kellum, Gladys Pierce Arr . . . 23% 23% your Judgment against such per Mrs. Hall, who had stood up, Harrison, Doris Bronkle, Florence I *1 23% quietly resumed her seat. She had Rep Ir & St . 55% 55% 55% sons as Mrs. Hall and. her two Metcalf, Catherine Cordner, Mar­ Reading .. ..89% brothers?” ' been listening t her attorney’s jorie Lyttle, Eva Metcalf, Ethel 89 89 speech gravely. IRENE RICH Chi R Is ft Pa 68% 68% 68% Chargee Politics Brookings, Theodora Glenney, Jes­ Sou Pac .106% 105% 105% .McCarter said that Simpson “ in sie Hutchinson, Bessie Maguire, So Railway .116% 116% 116% ghoulish glee” had cast a slur on WEEK Starting Companion Feature Marlon Wright, Dorothy Lyttle, T w o - Studebaker 55% 53,% 65% the birth of one of the defendants. TO OUST, WOOD FROM Miss Hatch. This group formed an Mon., Dec. ALL STAR CAST Double Union Pac .159% 159% 159% “ If that charge was made below Inner circle around the lighted PARSONS’ Features Feature U S Rubber AVednesday .and ‘^he Devils . 58% 58% 58% the Mason and Dixie line he would candles, and linking the little finger HARTFORD I — Two Bin U S- Steel . .149% 149% ,149% have been knocked down,” said JOB 1 PHILIPPINES with that of the neighbor the group Saturday Mat. Partner’’ U S St pr ... .128% 128% 128% McCarter. “ If the administration of sang, "B less Be The Tie That WestinghousI 68% 68% 68% Justice has sunk to this level,. I Blndz”. ,The closing motion songs SEE rr IN HARTFORD NOW—PARIS 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiifiili thank God that I am old-fashion­ (Continued from Page 1.) were sung, and the girls left the. • krW tour of • ed.” room with the regular Indian step •» ‘fc* Moulin Reuf. Then McCarter turned to the Ju­ f u - K ^ J’*** ^ ppodoetioa tUt Mt CHRISTMAS CLUB CHECKS before the death of President Hard­ In single file. Next Tuesday night at W w New York ou end with ita d y in g innovutione and InUnMlc etod/a rors with these concluding re­ ing. 7:15 the girls will meet again for o^lonoduna. ite rJh ot ^ WINTER GARDEN Uet eeMon. marks : the business meeting. A oerici, revue aver HERE TO TOTAL $115,000 It is not that officials In Wash­ deemed eufficiendr sephutioetad for pre.cntetlou ia the |iv Praneh eitr .“ Shall these people of ' high ington sympathize particularly standing, who have been brought with the" ^native polltlcans who S. A. COMMANDANT DIES. to trial, be convicted on the evi­ have been warring wi n Wood, for \ J/£SS/SS SHUBERT A e s e r . t Manchestsr Christmas Club mem­ dence of this riff-raff of criminali RIALTO they do not. It is rather that thdy ty?” Commandant Alfred Ayres, head bers at the Manchester Savings feel “ ail unfortunate situation” of the Manchester Salvation Army Bank and the Rome Bank and “ It lies with you, gentlemen, to prevails in America’s farthermost free this family from the stigma of corps from 1920 to 1922, died at 2 BIG FEATURES TODAY and TOMORROW Trust will receive checks totaling possession and that it should be his home In Waltham, Mass., on 8116,000 this week, ft was an- heartless persecution which was corrected. . ARTISTS done simply as a means to further Tuesday evening after ‘ a lingering ngunced today. Neither Senator Wadsworth nor Illness. The funeral will be held at U At the Home Bank and Trust, political aspirations.” Col. Thompson is said to be anx­ Case Sums Up the People’s: Palace In that city on checks were today mailed to the ious for the post, particularly the Friday afternoon at 2 "o’clock and The Silent Guardian” 600 persons holding accounts in the Senator Clarence E. Case, .tall former, for both are still ambitious With REX, the CANINE MARVEL, BIACK BEAUTY, and spare, with a clear, resonant burial will be In the Forrest Hills Christmas Club there. This totals politically, and the Islands are tar cemetery. \ MODELS the HOJftSE and LOUISE LORRAINE. It’s • picture about 186,000. voice, begin his summation at away. you won’t want to missl 10:56. HU survivors are his wife, and Dm’i Mitt Aimsrrs and m o d ilsi vou'n Uv« t L , At the Manchester Savings Bank, GoT. Stlmson is said to be an three children, Alfred and Kenneth there are 2,000 accounts valued at He characterized the prosecution avowed -candidate. Since hjs re­ to talk about aU whiter. Tha Iterte fiffttan. by dm vutr taai In this cas^ as "nasty, unfair, un­ and Mrs. George Poster, Jr., of Ita rrankaeiM. will not be provided elaewhere 99 190,000. Checks will be mailed Sat­ tirement from the Taft administra­ just and vindictive. He said he Cambridge, Mass. Commandant thla aeetloa ot New Kaxlaad. urday to all who have turned in tion he has run for the governor­ “The Unfair Sex "despised” the methods used by ship of New York once and was de­ Ayres was in the Salvation work their books. Simpson. for more than 30 years. His son Phil: bak er An ultra modeni drama that settles an ago-ol

y } MANCHESTER EVENING J* ’ / ' / ' ■ --■ -v-. V) ^ -'-'^ V. > ■■V . ■ -^ ]■'* ' . -TV . .1. . ^

Coming to Parsons’ Next Week,

\ \

r •. .« .'. The exceptional values ,we offer are numerous and the store is The tendency agaim this tCtoistoasjis^ ' y 'crowdM with furniture Yn large and small pieces. Come in and buy and we must a 1 admit the g o o d - s e n s e u f ^ h^^ab- ' ' Christmas Gifts of furniture at rock bottom prices and help make t^isN wonderful display f StmL the merriest one in years. . , peal to the practical Chnstma^ ' ■' * ^ ^ ->■■ -Y Use Our Profit Shai’ing Club and have 12 months to pay for your gifts. themainfloor is filled with’Gifts for both old and young. ...5 , u&c vui u &

s a i M i . M o m s ARE SO H W . ,s|s: PRlffi),

Governor’s Functions By the same token the Governor “ ARTISTS-MODELS” MANCHURIA, CRADLE of the Leased Territory has func­ tions closely connected v with the J railway. He is supposed (1) to administer the Territory: (2) to TO PLAY PARSONS OF ASIA’ S FUTURE police the Railway; (3) to execute other administrative acts in ac­ cordance with Imperial ordnance, and (4) to supervise the business Paris Edition of Famous Has Profited By Japanese of the Railway Company. It will readily be seen that the Govern­ ment of Japan, practically owning I Show Coming to Hartford Control — Dairen Fast as it does both the territory and' the : railway, identifies business and ^ (Government with a closeness amaz- 1 All Next Week. FOR XMAS FOR XMAS Growing Seaport. ing to the average Ocojdental visi­ Make Xmas help you complete The fine Gifts shown here just In­ tor. . dicate a few >of the hundreds of The annual coming of “ Artists your home. Use some of your There seems no question but that and Models” is announced for Mon­ wonderful values now on sale. Great This is the second article by Ran­ South Manchuria has benefitted by day, December 6 at Parsons , Hart­ Xmas money for a real Home Gift. Gifts, Great Values, Great Savings, Japanese control materially, just dall Gould, United Press staff cor­ ford. The engagement is for but It’s like saving the money that'you Come Early. respondent at Peking, on the ^eat as the Japanese claim. In twenty a single weel? with the customary would otherwise spend later. posslbUities for good and evil in years the population of the terri­ Wednesday and Saturday mati­ world affairs presented by Man­ tory has trebled, jumping from nees. The bi.g show has in the past ••• j churia.— United Press. 384,700 to 1,032,431. In this per­ met xx-ith much favor on the part iod the Chinese population has ris­ of the beauty minded that the Mes­ en from 368,000 to 846,000 and srs. Shubert attempted to ektend the Chinese have no reason to By RAND.^lLU GOULD the customary run this season. Darien, South Manchuria, Dec. come in if they do not find it prof­ was found impossible due to the itable. The Japanese population in l O i c e 2. (United Press)— “ Ohayo gozai- fact “ Artists and Models” is book­ the same period has risen from uiasu. . ” said the voice of my Jap­ ed'to open a season at.the Moulin 16,000 to 184,000. Rouge, Paris, in February. This anese cabin-boy outside my door Theoretically this city and terri­ early this morning. At the sound IS uie firsc American revue ever Xmas Can Give You This Dining of this salutation I jumped up and tory are leased; practically they deemed sufficiently rare to tickle have become a part of Japan, and the beautiful break^vater and the the blase French appetite. Rooni, $155 well-built wharves that prove that there is no intention of ever'giving Reeking with the atmosphere of the Russian-built city of Dalney them up. Japanese capital secs the boulevards comes this, the Every Xmas will bring ypu rich memories of here one of its most profitable has now, under a regime which is edition, with all its vast great happiness and real 'savings if you get this started during the Russo-Japanese fields; it is doing good work, and of scenic investiture and dearth or new dining room suite today. Xmas begins the war in 1904, become the Japanese receiving very good pay indeed. sartorial embellishment. Not that day you set it aud lasts for years in the newness port of Darien with facilities sec­ the costumes, what there are of Why Not a New Bedroom for Xmas? the rich walnut gives to the whole house. Gift ond to none. them, are not opulent, but they are special 8 pieces for $155. x One reaches Darien in a Japanese bizarre, to say the least. (1 Year to Pay Through Our Profit Sharing Plan.), steamship which is trim and well- FIVE SELECT ACTS ON Famed as in the past for its $175- kept. One goes ashore after polite daring Parisian tableaux visualiz­ but strict examination by Japanese ing in the flesh, with scores of SNAPPY BILL AT STATE It is easy to get this new bedroom set,for Xmas .under .our e l e c t r i c port authorities, and if one’s pass­ radiant mannequins, the current Profit Sharing Plan if you prefer.not'to,pay. cash. 'Three pieces IRONS $3.25 port is not in apple-pie condition cersion is declared to be the last as shown in rich walnut for beauty, 'and' gumwood for lapting one spends a weary hour or two in Big Variety of Vaudeville En­ gasp in sensational display, strength, full size bed, large dresser-and'jfull size Vanity for A guaranteed 6 a Japanese police station. tertainment and “Ladies At I A company of 150 is promised. $175 with one year to pay. ' lb. iron with six feet Then one jumps into a ricsha Phil Baker and the famous Eight­ Play” Here Today, Tomor-j GatelM Tables In mahogany of cord. We hava • pulled not by a Japanese buUby a een Gertrude Hoffman Girls share sold, hundreds .of row and Saturday. Chinese, for after all this is China sellar honors. The cast is identi­ combinaiibn ]-'•••...... $19;50 these irons and au4 the -Chinese do the really bard cal with that seen at the New York Radio TabiM In mahogan finish S5.03 Do you remember what a fine have never had to toil o f the city— and spins off to Winter Garden, Apollo Theater, I. Book. Trough. End T ables...... $4.95 replace one of them. a splendid foreign style but Japa­ bill of vaudeville was presented at Chicago and Majestic, Boston HIGH BACK WING CHAIRS the State theater last week? It was ’Telephone Stods with stool .... $5.95 They are offered to nese managed hotel. where it recently closed the most you at this time as Important Part some show, '. he State has endeav­ successful engagement ever accord­ $34.50 Fibre (Rockerswith spring seats $6.95 At the hotel one gazes out upon ored to obtain another whale of a a gift special at ed a revue. There are forty-one Footstool to Match Free. _ . Red Bird Card Tables ...... $3.98 $3.25. Regular price $4.95 Ihe “ Central Circle” which is the bill this week to uphold the pres­ scenes in the two acts. Serving Trays with' tapestry tige which was set as a precedent ^ heart of the old Russian city plan, Alike, because of its magnitude Made up in, Jacquard velour with l i i h e t *$1.50 and $1.9(.> and without difficulty describes the last week. Here are the acts se­ and its frank adherence to French plain velour on back', and sides. Bed-Xltes with silk shades...... $2.75' coneral office of the South Man­ lected for today, tomorrow and Sat­ lines “ Artists and Models” will not Sofa Pillows covered'Wlth Rayon $1.98 churia Railway. When the visitor urday. be presented in smaller cities. The Spring construction throughout.. A lOxSO’Parlor M irrors...... $2.98 New Home Sewing Machine has done that, he has completed an The first is Amazon and Nile in Hartford engagement will be the real $50 value.; , . ... . Bultet Mirrors, polychrome important part of liis sight-seeing, a sketch entitled “ In the Swamp­ Cabinet Model only one in this section. Mail ord­ ($1.00 Weekly Through Our Pro ' '*-Iromes...... $7.50 for the South Manchuria Railway land.” Plenty of amusement here. ers addressed to the management Hat Boiro with lock and key ... .$2.95 $69.50 is the great governmental, social, Next comes A1 H. Wilson in “ Now of Parsons’, Hartford, will receive fit Sharing Club.) ' 1. . _ , BedsiTT^ds, blue, rose, gold .... $2.98 economic and and political denom­ I’ll Tell One.” A1 takes a partic­ prompt attention. Oral'Wilton'Rags, 27x40 ...... $8.95 inator in the 1,400 square miles of ular delight in ami(slng-hls audi­ OvaLWUton Rn^, 27x48 ...... $10.95 the Kwantung Leased Territory— ence to the fullest. Now comes the headliner. And Boudoir Lampsi com plete...... $2.25 as Japan’s slab to Manchuria is ' rers OP SOME Camel-Hair B lankets...... $5.95 called— and particularly in the what a headliner it is! The Six AOS F!iffl Size Bed Comforters...... $6.93 nearly 700 miles of railways oc­ Anderson Sisters present their Floor Lamp Special $12*50 > V -2 Peppereil, Sheets, 2 Pepperell cupying what is known as the “ Musical Revuette.” This is a c O R 0 ^ ' ' South Manchuria Railway Zone. very pretty act, and once which you pillow. Cases ...... $4.50 Darien lies at the southern ex­ are bound to enjoy. (Put up‘ in gift packages.) tremity of the Liao-tung peninsu­ Number four on the program ■ 2 Pepperell WIIqw-Ca se s...... $1.19 la: it is cleanly and a modern city; will* be Marty and Nancy in an act (In gift package-),. and it has a population of 250,000 of snappy songsvand dances. The of which 180,000 are Chinese qnd last act will be Marino and Martin the rest Japanese, Russian and as­ in “ Wait Till You See This One.” sorted nationalities. So much one Yes, that’s it— just wait! You’ll gleans from the guide-book. be surprised! ■ What is really important is that With the vaudeville comes a Darien is one of the two great out­ tip-top feature picture. / lets of the rich Manchurian terri­ There is a novel twist to the plot tory, and that with Japan’s South of “ Ladies at Play,” First Nation­ Manchurian .Railway as a feeder, al’s c(wnedy-drama featuring Doris it is striving to build itself up to Kenyon, Lloyd Hughes and Louise OUR best advertisements are the practical extinction— if possible Fazenda. The heroine inherits six our satisfied customers. Ask — of the other great outlet, Vladi­ million dollars, only_if she marries vostok, Russia’s port far to the a man who meets witl the approval anyone who has bought coal northwest on the Sea of Japan and of her two disinherited disgruntled from this friendly . coal head­ fed by the largely Russian control­ Puritanical maiden aunts. Made for a Florida dealer whose business was quarters. Our number is 50. Viisit led Chinese Eastern Railway. On Saturday afternoon old Santa wiped out by the tornado. We bought them at a That fact gives the key to the Claus will drive 'down to the State special price and put them on as a gift special for Poo-Bahship of the South Manchu­ to distribute presents to the child­ G. E. Willis & S6n, Inc. . Our $69.50. Regular price $102.00. ria Railway. The S. M. R. is the ren. y great many presents will j Ma.son Supplies (1 Year to Pay Through Our Profit Sharing Club.), “ Lord High Everything” of South be given the kiddies. We have never offered bigger valueXln latnps thaWthls. 2 Main Street Phone 50 Santa Claus Manchuria because it has to be. It Bases are wood witlr.- -.ye’’ ' baish,'’rf»’ad;eg|;a^^^ ^Ik^ ■wltk is a benevolent despot but a despot beautiful trimmings in v combination of -colors; nevertheless because from an eco­ iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii»iiiiii»»i»i»iiiiii“ i'^ nomic point of view there is war in There are two ligbtn • 5 ,\ ’ -ills and the two Mazda ^ DOLL Manchuria already — trade war bulbs are incUul-- ’ , T’llar price of $18.75. CARRIAGES with Russia, underground political Offered as a g’f -• 4i2.30. $5.95 war with various Chinese and even ( ,t..j v/eekly Pays for lt.> a war with nature herself for the he Gift of Gifts . | Children’s De8k',$ets $3.40 This Is what fullest development of the coun­ A •'(B est and. Chair.) the ’ little' girls try in the shortest possible time. Chlldrenls Table and 2 Chairs ...... $7.50 want most from Japan in Control ' (Ivory and Blue Enamel.) Santa. They are Japan had pushed Russia out of Y Child’ s Rocker, lIpi^l8te^ed se a t...... $8.50 more than a toy, the old “ Dalney” , now Darien, a TREASURE CHESTS $16.9.5 made exactly like teby Teniers^...... - $3.95 year before the peace treaty of the bigger car­ Portsmouth in September, 1905, A Watch This chest is 40 inches long, mad® Raby.'IValkers ',7...^....'.....- $2.00 riages and by the resulted in the transfer to Japan of in Tennessee from the finest of red l3iiby"'lV8rdr6bes ...... $12.00 the Kwantung Leased Territory same factory. We cedar and guaranteed to be- moth are headquarters which had formerly been leased For Lady or Gentleman Little R^'il^liiElers ...... $4.45 from China to Russia. This same proof.' Finished in waltiut to mat(^h^ Cipaaler'Wajgjxrts^.;-^^ ...... $6.73 __ as usual for doll carriages and you will find by 'comparison that our treaty gave over to Japan the rail­ Christmas time is gift time and your one desirb is to* ,i the chamber suites. What _ girl ...... $6.00 Scooters Wltli."Btwke .... prices are the lowest. way starting at historic Port Ar­ would not be delighted with one of • • • • • . . . 69c thur and running up through Dar­ give gifts of worth and permanence. When you select dblld’s HfOid Bags,.. . . ien and Mukden tp Changchun. The these as a treasure chest. Our gift •4* . a fine ■watch your gift problem is solved. special price on this chest is only ‘ ^ ---• South Manchurian Railway Com­ A'-. A'- ■ .------® pany was founded by Imperial Or- $16.95. , ^ -AL I .-■/,,■ V . nance in the following year, the Visit our store and choose from the various makes a 'i.' . ■'i.e- " .r., Company taking over railway lines, watch at prices ranging from $10.00 to $125.00. • :■ f - ^ ■ : appertaining property, and rights and privileges acquired fr^m Rus- Make your selection now while the stock is complete. • EARTHEN l^l^A'PCTS Running a railway is only the W ith a small deposit we will hold it to Christmas, attend start of what this remarkable Com­ to the engraving and keep it running until you call for it. FLEXIBLE STEERING SLEDS pany does. The hotel in which we - ’ ' 'r ' ■■■'■ ' sit is operated by the Company; it ‘ Tea - drlnkoi's ■ wilU be pleased A $1.98 : administers the harbor, it handles ' with a" glit ;,Bke this.” They are shipping, it mines coal, it runs , nickel ;tpippae^' and have alUipin- Inc. Graceful racy lines, built for speed, ^ runs iim tea bail euspeede^’from,cover. smoothly, steers easily with either hands or “®ct-r— steel works, it supplies electricity - • ►kU.V , -V?. and gas, it attends to such matters Dewey-Richman Go. I MadiB of the finest of brown earth- CbRNER f^MMN , AND. SCHOOL STS. runners are best crucible spring steel— top.is tough y,:,’' enwafe that Is-guars^teed to.with- rock elm with natural varnish. A high quality, as city planning, building and ad­ i Jewelers — Stationers -4- Opticians,, = ministration,^ it conducts education stapd'tjie heat. -Offe*!e'd.as a gilt SOUi?H:MANGHESTER, CONN. long lasting Bled. Gift special $1.98. ' - and cares for ■sanitation .within the i “GIFTS THAT LAST.” | spedial'for $2.95. , . - « V < .T. whole railway zone. In fact, if I New Store — 76'}’ Main Street. S "5?* there is anything to which this - M ' ' • 1 . . n - ■ ® Company does not attend, I have yet to hear of it. miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniMiiiiMHinyi T'-v-'- iLj .. if ' rV . ’V ■ t'n-. *


) horseback can render service for tient to a pint every ten days, the which there is no sabstitutet” Gen­ Springfield Unibn makes a point eral Craig says with a proud loyal­ that is worth thinking about. ty to the arnf in which he has spent Eurnittg Attention is called to the fact his life. \ “ The airplane ie of great aerrlce PUBLISHED BY that the majority opinion of the m ill Jn THE HERALD PRINTING CO. in scouting. But-it cannot report court is based on the proposition Founded by El wood S. Bla on an enemy’s movements at night. ■ Oct. 1. 188' that it is for Congress to determine It cannot fly oyer wooded country u Every Evening Except Sundays and what “ appropriate legislation” is, Washington, Dec. 2.T-The horse and say certain that no enemy Holidays. , _ is just as essential In warfare !n is there, we welcome the air serv­ Entered a. the Post Office at Man- the court being 'concerned not with this day of airplanes, taxicabs and ice, for it takes pff our hands much ebester as Second Class Mill Matter. Mhe expediency of the particular \ SUBSCRIPTION RATES- By Mall machine guns ^s when Hannibal observation work and leaves our six dollars a year; sixty cents a item in question hut with the pow­ employed his cavalry to strafe the forces concentrated to strike when moiftth for shorter periods. er of Congress to determine ques­ Roman legions. opportunity arises. By Carrier, eighteen eni4 week. tions of expediency for Itself— and i>At every turn of the cycle of “ It might seem that the machine Sl..gle copies. i ree cents. war methods, people have been gun would be fatal to as large a SPECIAL advertising REPRE­ it finds that such power abides in­ ready to say the horse was obso­ target as a man on horseback. “But SENTATIVE. ■ HamIUon-De Llcaer, herently with the legislative body. fan, 15 West 48d Street. Nfevr Vo'h lete,” says Maj. Gen. Malin Craig, remember that-the target is moving and «12 North Michigan Avenue. “ It follows,” says the Union, former chief of cavalry of the rapidly. General Allenby in Syria Chicago. “ that if Congress should at any army. “ They said it when and Palestine charged his cavalry The Manchoeter Evening HotaW ‘ s time modify the law so as to allow powder came into use and^ proved again and again jupon machine on sale *n New York City at Schultzs effective against armored knights gun nests which had defied foot News Stand. Sixth Avenue and 42nd prescriptions of a pint every five Street and 42nd Street entrance of soldiers, and he cleaned them out Grand Central Station. days, or so modify it so as to place almost without loss. This new Hoosler Kitchen Cabinet •'International, News Service h y the no restrictions whatever on medical Advantage Over Infantry. combines the la^or saidng features of exclusive rights to use for . 5^1 practice, it would be ‘appropriate, “ Our American cavalryman is tton In any form all news a kitchen cabinet with an attractive credited to or not otherwise credit­ legislation’ in no way subject th ' really a mounted infantryman. He piece of furniture. $2.50 down and ed In this paper It. Is , afi can travel 30 miles or more day entitled to us- for republlcatlon all judicial restraint. j weekly until Christmas. $2.35 after day over country impassable monthly after January 1st. the local or undated news published “ It furTher follows,” the Union to any vehicle and he has the great liereln.” ______continues, “ that if Coigresp should ■ additional fighting weapon of his horse. Did you ever see a runaway ^ THURSDAY, DEC. 2. 1926. raise the percentage from one-half to one or to three per qent, the horse clear- a street? That is the sort of impact with which a caval­ court wou^d not interfere. Appar­ ryman strikes.” ; ONT.4RIO FOR TEMPERANCE, ently there is no judicial sugges- ^ The romance and dash which * I r\nforinOntario yesterdayvfisterday voted tbs tion of a limit beyond which Con-1 tradition associates with the caval­ fcootlegger out of his job. gress may not go in ‘appropriate . ry is not mere sentiment. General Gifts for Mother should come first - J Ten years ago the rural comniu- Craig insists. Mounted troops from legislation.' ” I their nature must be ready to act ' ' titles of the province, acting as an The peculiar Interest in this instantly, without hesitation and r -T -iHERE’S nothing too good for Mother! Toiling day in and day organized minority much as was opinion of the Supreme Court at-| without fearing consequences so '^he case later in the United States, taches to the court’s position that j long as their object is gained. I out to make our homes better, more comfortable—watching wished the Ontario Temperance Act Congress is boss, insofar as inter-, Sacrificial Hritish cavalry cover­ ^ over us at all times— always thinking and planning for us. A Iph the people. It was a less onerous ed the retreat from Mons in the pretation of the obligations of the World War, the general points out, Christmas gift that will make her work easier—that will give her^ thing than the Volstead law but it eighteenth amendment la concern­ and‘ German cavalry in the face of more hours of leisure, rest and entertainment—will only repay in a tfccomplished much the same result ed. It almost unquestionably con­ airplanes masked the , maneuvers small way for all she has done for us. ■ ■ )f bringing about the resentful hp- fers the right to prohibit the medi­ which led to Hlndenberg’s ''first jbsitlon of the majorify. cinal use of liquor altogether. And great victory over the Russians. t The.four drawer. New Home sew­ For her, labor saving, leisure giving appliances should come first f ■ Yesterday the rural dry commu- ; ust as surely it confers the rfght ing machine is one of our most popu­ :nlties joined with the urban wet to liberalize the prohibitory laws to lar models. It has all the exclusive on your list! A Royal to lighten cleaning—an Easy washer to do the communities in sweeping fanatic any point which Congress deems New Horae features. $2 down and hardest job she has— a Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet to save her thousands prohibition out of existence. By the wise. In other words the Supreme Maj. Gen. Maliu Craig. $2 weekly until Christmas. $5.25 of needless, tiresome steps— a light running New Home sewing m a -, greatest majority ever recorded in monthly after January 1st. Court can be no more depended on chine to help with the mending— all will help make her work more :the dominion Premier Howard Fer- to Interfere with the one kind of But armies learned to use horse­ pleasant. Give her something real worth while this Christmas. |guson is returned to power with a legislation than the other. men under the new conditions, just O talk not to me of a name great backing of 74 Conservative mem­ Inasmuch as the drys have been as I - believe they will continue in story; bers out of 112 in the dominion rejoicing over the prescription deci­ using them for years to come. The days of our y9Uth are the days Join together, if you need to. Pay for your gift on'the Christ­ “ Even in the 'World War with its parliament. Only one Prohibition- sion, it may be advisable for them, of our'glory; mas Club Plan. A small payment down, and small weekly install­ long stalemate in trenches, cavalry And the piyrtle and ivy of sweet lit ihember was elected. before concluding that the highest was used frequently, efficiently and two-and-twenty ments until Christmas reserves your gift for Christmas delivery. Ferguson made his campaign on tribunal in the nation is altogether decisively. In almost any campaign Are worth all your laurels, though After the new year, you have a whole year to pay the balance. Or, if the liquor issue, presenting to the on their side, to give a little if one side has cavalry and the ever so plenty. pbople the alternative of govern- thought to what the course* of that other hasn’t the latter will have a What , are garlands and crowns to you wish to make the payments larger, have your gift all paid for by. bitter penalty when the break the brow that is wrinkled, , Christmas and take advantage of the special Cash Discount I ;jrient control of the sale of liquor body is likely to be, judging from comes.” ! ’Tis but as a dead flower with May- or the continued reign of the hoot- this c^se, when it is called on in Developing Horses. dew besprinkled: \jegger. His program-provides that the future to pass upon a modified The Belgian army recently an­ Then away with all such from the eVery perfeon over 21, with certain dry . law which a future Congres-s nounced that it was abandoning the head that is hoary— 'What care I for the wreaths that obvious exceptions, shall be en­ use of cavalry entirely. General wiJlrpass as'surely as the sun rises can give only glory? Ro'yal Gleaners $48.50 titled to a permit wliicli wUl enable Craig points out that conditions in in the East. that country are entirely different Oh Fame!— if I e’^ertook delight In m ~ I him or her to purchase good llquo from those faced by American sol­ thy praises, Every housekeeper wants the new The Standard Royal Cleaner— gets all the dirt, both surface and at reasonable cost from the gov­ diers. ’Twas less for the sake of thy high- ' Easy Washer with its double capacity imbedded litter— costs only $48.50 now, being reduced from $62.50. A ernment ven-dors. These permit SESQUI. In this country the army is doing sounding phrases, (1 batch washing while the other is Then to see the bright eyes of the complete set of attachments is included. $1 reserves yours on the cards are to be issued by a commls The Sesquicentennial Exposition more today than ever before to de­ being wrung dry). $4.65 down and velop horses for cavalry purposes. dear one discover weekly until Christmas. $14 month-' Blon which will pass upon the , fit­ closed Its doors almost as quietly She thought that. r was not un­ Christmas Club Plan. For the list five years the army ly after January 1st. and as little considered in its pass-' worthy to love her. ness of the holder, and on the hack re-mount service ha:^ been encour­ of each card must be endorsed ing as a ten cent circus busted on There chiefly I, sought thee, there aging the breeding of high ■ type only I "found thee; njemorandum of each sale of li­ a sand lot after two weeks of rain. horses by providing pure bred sires It was a gorgeous misconception, Her glance wasr tiie best of the rays quor. in livestock sections and taking op­ that surround thee; ii I Light beer and native wine, it is perhaps born of the fact that Phila­ tions upon the colts produced. More When lit sparkled 'o',er aught that WATKINS BROTHEI^, Inc. delphia is— well, like the man in than 350 such sires now are owned wa|s bright in my story, itinderstood, are to be treated as by the army, and around' 40,000 the favorite New York story. Ho I kneW'.lit-'vi'aS ldve» ^ I felt it ‘ icpmmodities. colts have been foaled since 1921. was'"'glory. '' ‘ FURNITURE, FEOOR COVERINGS, Pi AN 6s, PHONOGRAPHS f Thus does Ontario, las.t of the .ma­ fell off the top of the Tract Society “The fact that' automobiles fill —-Lord Byron: .All for Love., jor Canadian provinces to get rid of building and, before the eyes of the streets and tractors are com­ mon on the farms signifies little fanatlCi prohibition, dispose of her aghast • and • horrified spectators picked himself up and brushed off against the horse,” says General 'jt«n-year-old experiment in a “ tern Craig. “ There is a doctrine In the iierance” law that bred llitemper- bis clothes. “ D-d-didn’t you f-f-all cavalry which amounts to a.slogan. |ince, crime and social disorganiza­ off’n that ■ b-biiilding?” gasped an It is that a mounted man can ride Funeral Directors. tion. V astounded Gothamite. “ Oh, yes anywhere that a man can go on foot, except where the footman has - The crushing character of the drawled the tumbler, “ but I’m f.rom to use his arms, too.” Srote tells Its own story.' Philadelphia— I came down slow.” The general cites as examples the St. Francis Xavier, learned writ­ grasping .the fish with its curved Philadelphia seems to have everyday performance of mounted er and missionary, died, 1552. forelegs, then biuQSlns Rs large SELLING SEALS. been, in its conception'*of the pos­ troops in army schools and posts, Monroe .Doctrine promulgated to where they travel over ground on IN and powerful beak into the body to If there should be an epidemic sibility of repeating the Centennial the 18th Congress, 1823. leisurely Suck the blood of Its vic­ exposition half a century later, just which most persons on foot would Birthday anniversary of Dr. A TH O U G H T pf prostration among the houso- be compelled to hold on and pull tim, and at the same time secrete Guillotine. a poison that enters the wound. Ijirlves of Manchester today it ought about those fifty years behind the up with their arms. times. It forgot that the American Climb Trees— Almost. Be not righteous oveiTmich- Water scorpions search for and jo occasion no surprise. He would suck out the contents of fish eggs of 192G is not the America of The horsemen don’t quite climb BLESSES BOATS Eycl. T:16. be a crabbed and unkindly soul London.—^Ancient customs are and often attack the young fish. 1876. In .those days a show was a trees. But they scale precipitous fcho would find fault with the pro­ hillsides of rock or sliding sand. still retained at the Isle of Man 1 ------New York, Dec. 2.— The scurry-} Their two front legs are for seizure show and a big show was epochal. while the other four are adapted for ject of selling Red Cross Christ­ They go through swamps and thick­ herring «shery The s* j no man’s conscience can tell him ing, "mauling, heaving subway | b y ARTHUR N. PACK Nowadays you couldn’t hold public crowd of the rush hours Is a *■ walking. mas seals through the agency of ets at a gallop, and whole squa­ fir.V of the 8?a-i the rights of another man; they / ______interest for more than five minutes drons hurdle 3-foot fences almost nervous body that needs but little President, American Nature Ass’n. the school children. But there are ’The bishop of the isle blesses | be known by rational 'iives^ Scud stamped addressed envelope to flare into rebslllon. There are several insects which yays and ways. or draw more than two hundred in step. the boat, net and crew at the opeir- [ f historical inquiry, The other day I happened to wit­ and questions of fact having to having nothing to do with the for-all . that followed at least 10 pierces Ul victim and sucks the his wife. might be just a trifle of system and truth. men took part.. blood or juices foto the mouth. direction in this enterprise— some In the murder case referred to It is the yaunger stage of the Famous- last linies^ “'Wliy, I • water beetle, -an oval-flattened, thought I just put that pie on the BO)rt of distribution of territory above jurors took a solemn oath From the downtown platform, window slU." aipong the little solicitors; and to truly try the prisoners— and then smooth' insect' whose long hind legs opposite the , uptown stop wliere 'are fringed with stiff hairs and thtt there must he, if, in the end. bragged that they were golhg to 'the clash was merrily proceeding, .used like oars- what should be regarded, with the Patrolman Michael Cummlhgs- bring in a verdict to show the fel­ Both .adult and yoqng ,of this \ finest of sentiments is not to be, lows from the other county where “ seen his duty and he done it.'*. PILE SUFFERERS With a bound he was across the group 'are fierce and voracious, con- 'perforce, looked upon as a nuisance they got off. tracb,.figlitlnK hlB way tc the colop^., qumimg 'great quantities o t aquatic You can only get quick, safe and lasting relief, by removing the of' sorts. Such reaction would be Perjury Is the commonest eVime ed youth-.,. forms of life. The largest and per­ bnd Indeed for the Red Cross, committed in the United States-— Elbow ^ went In and out. The haps the most destructive fish-kill-, cause— congestion of blood in the ing Irfseets are the giant water. lower bowel. Nothing but an Inter­ bad in the disillusionment of ^ the commoner than simple drunken­ crowd melted.^It was all over In t twinkling, with MlchadlrCummings 'bugB;, thete- are true sucking lings nal remedy can dcr thlsr^ithat’i why , children, had all around. ness. hustling his man away toward th^ attaining a length- oi nearly three cutting and' salves fall> Dr. Lson- Yet a prosecution for perjury Is station, where- a charge of dis­ inches. hardt’s Hem- ' MANCHESTER EVENING H ERAI^, TEnJRSDAY, PEC. 2, 'P ^ E n i?

Vet their school house on Saturday A Boston. restaurant owner bas­ Baslle Feron, who ran th,e; ternoon, Dec. i ■fr.om jtwo,un.til.Ilye, and family. __ . .noonday eyening, . D,ecendier .6, fo ■initiate a .class of candidates Kjr tafternbon at 2:30". es his daily menus bn the forodasts vatbr in the Eiffel^fo^er for j Mrs. Paul Sheldlck Will ksplst Mr^. Mrs. Oihre Jones will lenve i Miss Elizabeth Noble is to spend WAPPDIG Baker as hostess. /ttat'grange In-the third and fourth supplied him by the weathfer bu­ years, has retired but lives neaS soon for Florida. ■ Aho expects to degrees. fthe winter In Hartiord. WTIC ■ spend the winter ;in‘: Daytona. ; _ t . V • .• . _ reau. His patrons call fflr diffw- because he believes that he'; wo| The Federated Workers will hold Mr. and Mrs. W,pld.ot‘Brookfield ent kinds of food on hot and cold die if he could not see the’ toif Trareleni liunrance Co., b^Ve come to speiiji'tlm winter with The Wapping ' Grange degree The Pleasant' Valley club will gg of good cheer. All roads lead their regular meeting at the home days. ' ‘dailyj Hartford, Qonn. of Mrs. Henry‘Baker on Friday af­ their da>ighter, • Mrs.^Rich’ard’ Jones team are to gO' '^tO'!Hnfield next (hold a food-and fancy articles sal\i'somewhere. a67. ^ ■ 'T .If »

Program For Thursday i- 6:00 P. M.— Dinner Music— ^the Hotel Heublein T rio- Serenade from “ Milenka” ...... 1 ...... Block Suite: A Day In Venice . . Nevin French Silhouette from Suite ...... Hadley Moorish Night Song .... ' Rasch Excerpts from the opera “ Thais’* / ■ ...... Massenet i: 6:25— ^News. 6:30— Cliftonlan. Concert from the Club Palais Royal. 7:00— Mid-week Religious, Sing- ■ , ’ e v e r before were East Hartford Congregational M im dreds of the ' our stoeWs; so com­ Church Quartet— Anna D. Pratt, plete as ,npw Director— . fine furniture for Display of the Famous Te Deum ...... Buck The King of L o v e ...... Shelley every- ropm arid every nook Trio:’ The Wings of the Morning and corner o f every home'...... -...... Scott In brilliant array of period All For Thee ...... Marsh. styles and finishes. Watchman, What of the Night. - ...... Thomsen The IBuiriihating Gift It will be a pleasure for Yea Though I Walk through the yiiu,,we venture to say, to In New England "Vallej ...... Stevenson go through this vast The Quartet— O HOWING th ir season establishment. 'Aside from Frances P. Mann, Soprano. O the greatest collection —a display one whole block long, embracing JS niodels . they Marion Loveland, Alto. the scoresrof gift sugges­ James F. Martin Tenor. of Lamps we" have ever tions .... the display is are astounding values at Garber Brothers’ Everyday Low Prices Harold Welsh, Bass- had. Floor lamps aiid 30 attractive, that you'can 7:30— Staff Artists. Bridge . lamps . . . Table see almost exactly how the 8:00— Outlet Owlets. lamps and Novelty lamps furniture will look in . the 8:30— Capitol Theater Presenta­ . . . with the . prettiest col­ home. And too, prices are tion. FREE ored shades thaf^ soind 10:00— Weather. , different at G a r b e r 10:05— Recital with Helen Virginia forth . pleasing, mellow Brothers. .Instead of the Cain, Contralto, Michael Sul­ lights^ Decorated wrought high prices which you —a miniature chest with every livan, Tenor— Estelle Cross­ metel, turned: brass aDd usually- find around the man, Pianist. polychrome 'sfenids. Shades Christmas season, you will L A ] ^ chest Tenor— of georg^te .aiidjailk ador­ find the same low. Every­ My Lovely Celia ...... '^ilson ably trimmed. Prices are Ah, Moon of My D eligh t...... day prices here. The sftme These are unusuaTcedar chest values'.,.,. • abtoundingly. low. Only a XiOhnsan Here’s . an attractive prices which . have defied and jqst think^i—a miniature chest of Larie^ con­ H om in g...... Del RIego lamp as well as an at­ few of. the hundreds of the keeriest competition Mr. Sullivan lamps are illustrated here. struction with" lock, and. .-key absplutely. "free. tractive value. Deco­ during **^le” months. It Plano— , . A hridge'v lamp as is'more economical to shop •La Chasse (Hunting Etude) ... rated metal' sitahd and Every woman shpUld haye:(;»ie forVhpr-je^hy, beautiful as ;it is sensa­ at Garber Brothers...... Liszt gorgeous georgette tional in value. The handkerchiefs, etc. Worth $5 to any wom^n Butterfly E tu d e ...... Chopin So when we ■ say: “Afeke La Campanella (T h e 'B e ll)...... shade. base is of^.stufdy deco­ but it is absplutely' FREE. ■. N''- ...... Liszt rated metal and the Garber Brothers your gift Miss Crossman shade is o f fine geor­ funiiture shopping center” , -•^3 Contralto— $ 14.00 gette with a novel we say so advisedly . . . . Sometimes I Feel Like a Mother­ pleated effect. knowing that everything less C h ild ...... Burleigh purchased here will be to Goin’ H o m e ...... Dvorak your entire satisfaction. Goln’ to Shout ...... Manney Miss Cain 10:30— Clements Entertainers— 'inm Trio Opening Selection— To be announced. Plano Solo— Here’s/ a real low price Christmas Polonaise ...... Chopin for this lamp. Polychromed Grace Story Penn wood stand and weighted Violin Solos— base with georgette'shade. ‘ CLUB of Negro Spiritual Chant— ^Nobody Knows de 'i rouble I’ve Seen. At G a r b e r B r 0 1 h e r s* ...... White Everyday price of only f h LANE ^ Where Gypsies Dwell (Hun­ foi garian Dance) ...... Nolck $9.85 A wonder value Leona A. Chapman CHESTS Cello Solo-— The finest Tennessee cedar was used in the construc­ Orientale ...... Cul Polychromed stand tion of this chest. Finished in Natural ce- . ^ Hazel Thompson with weighted base and The club plan has dar. It is 33 inches long. Bag o f ced^s , 9 5 ’ Trio Closing Group— One of the nnest floor Indian Summer Suite .... Lake beautifully . decorated been originated. to and miniature chest free. Other chests, fin­ lamps in our large seleo* ished in natural cedar up to $29.50. ; Dance of the Pumpkins georgette shade. A fine give every woman a -i Love Song tion and a marvelous The Nightingale from "The Land value at Garber Broth­ value at the price. New* chance to own a cedar of Birds’’ ...... Klein ers’ Evex’yday price of est styled metal stand chest. 11:00— News. a n d m a g nificently Lovely glazed pottery shaped shade o f silk- MEN! open a'^mem- $ 16.50 vase base, supported by georgette. > bershipr for your metal foot. Unusually, mother, wife oc lovely, too, is the georgette $29.50 RADIO shade. An interesting sweetheart. value at Other Gifts o f PINCH HITTING DE LUXE $ 12.50 Plan 1 By William J. Fagan Everlasting (United Press Staff Correspondent) Select the chest New York, Dec. 2.— (United you like best. . . pay Press).— Adele Parkhurst, whose voice has been heard on numerous a little down and then occasions over WBAF and Its as­ divide yoim payments Outstanding at this price sociates in the broadcasting of the into weekly terras to WEAF Light Opera Company’s This low console is very sturdy and is a positive ,s^e- weekly offerings, saved the per­ Custom-built living suit your conven­ guard against moths. Finished in hard-rubbed American formance of “ Aida” , recently by an room suites ience. ^ exhibition of vocal skill and per­ Another beautiful walnut. It is 40 inches long and 19;' ^ sonal gameness. floor lamp. Also has Dining room suites inches high. Miniature.chest and-bag jfc Frances Sebel, dramatic soprano, The stand is of deco­ of cedars free. Incomparable at this ^ cast for the role of Alda, succumb­ strong metal stand arid Bedroom suites Plan 2 ed to a cold, after the performance rated metal of the new­ weighted base and silk price. bad begun. She announced that it georgette shade. At Gar­ Colonial secretaries est design arid lovely I . Pay a little down, was impossible for her to sing and shade. At Garber Broth­ ber Brothers’ Everyday Colonial desks while Ceasare Sodero and the price it is now, and divide your WEAF Grand Opera Company, as ers’ Everyday price it is A high grade lamp at a very reaspnable price. All Spinet desks \ payments so that well as Arnold Morgan, announcer only for the performance, started the metal handsomely rriolded $25:00 when Christmas Windsor■ - ’, ' chairs.1 ii ^ • i- • customary wringing of hands, stand — and large silk comes you ’ivill Imve Adele Parkhurst seized the score shade m .'a g n ificently Four-poster, beds ind said, “Let’s go!” .50 paid the entire cost of trimmed. SI'.e had never sung it before. Boud()ir chairs the chest, ibhis is a Mucii of the music, except the dusky hcrcine’s best known aria, $22.50 Firesiide'chairs popular plan. ,vas entirely unfamiliar to her She ~f..' * ■■it went on and did a remarkably Cogswell ;chairs creditable job. Her voice, though • light in quality— more suitable to Ci Sewing cabiTipts ...... i f 3 .' ? ■ he lyrics of Sullivan— proved en- Tea wagons •irely adequate to the taxing de- - -Gome in, select ^ e inands of the important role. Felepbone.sets ■ ^ chest now,,, pj^y ,a lit­ WEAF'3 operatic standards are on a high plane, but the Aida of Davenport • tables ’ tle d o;^ ’and; the bal­ Miss Parkhurst needed no apology. ance 'When you’ re- There is more good talent running Scores of enci tables iround loose in our principal broad­ •ceive;.^your Ghrist- casting stations, than is generally )' > • - * Gateleg'tables! m^s.Club check. This . > ’This is a very/^handsome console ^ M appreciated. ijghted Antique walnut. Nojtice the f From this experience, it would STridkers plan will .: win the ap­ seem that WEAF could safely In­ proval of ^tnainy who dignified period' style arid-the .panel efr_ ■ : ^ m m ' This is a'f very pretty Ocjcasional tables feet and the cross bars..-. It is, 4’3'inches ^ vest in understudies. Indisposition The scand.'is of turned Notice S^^ttractive' have Chrislmas club of artists has caused more than one table lamp.Fancy vase Nesta of tables wide .'arid 29 inches ;high., .fejavure .; f ’=afc ornate solid the starid\i?%'. • it kas Savings, accounts. change in the scheduled opera, and base a'appbited. by metal uniquely' isityied base. diiest and bag of cedars.frefe. !;-;-^ ' Y; -r.r at least one on-the-spot defection base and hri^^gpbd sized feet. Bea’jtj^ully shaped Occasional chairs within recent history. The silk sh^de is hand­ shade with handsome shade of trramied geor­ somely tr!to e d . A Banjaclodks V Y ^ flower effect. , gette. wonderfuhvlwP .at this -and 72 other models ranging in price Dr. Fred F. Bushi\eU •-1- at ^ • Mirrors VETERINARIAN \ $19.50 $ 17.50 - $^7-50 Card' tables, apd 494 East Center *5treet, folding chairs and Manchester Green. dozens ,oi other Offlee Honrs: 7 to 8 P. M. items, too niimer- TELEPHONE 1847. ous to mention. FOR S ALE

\R adiola Super [ f f l i i We NEVER ^ Hetrodyne have -sales'' r» 6 tybe, large cabinet, built-in loop, original cost $435. Will We sell at a sacrifice. One Block F^om Main'Street hart^ ep \ For further particulars s e ll fo r less. Telephone 538-3 '■ iv.

\‘ M' 1 - K > ; yu-


Sketches by Kroesen, Synopsis by Brauchef Chaise in Rates THE ROMANCE OF AMERICA:' tldgec Williams ( 7) V.J.. For Herald Oassifijed Adve^sing r On and after June 1, 1926, the following rates for Classified Advertising will be in effect; All For Sale, To Rent, Lost, Found and similar advertising on Classified Page; First insertion, 10 cents a line (6 words to line). Minimum Charge 90 Cents. Repeat insertions (running every day), 5 cents a tUlh line. THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH WITH COPY. An additional charge of 25 cents will be made for advertisements charged and bilfed. . A government ,o«(rn-t The new settlement etlll was «« of an Indian outbreak threatened all New England. Having' chosen Providence as the site of his home, In the summer of 1636 pact was drawn , up by Williams bought the land from the Indians with money Mrs. yVifiiams and her the ssttlars by which The powerful Pequot tribe had^ been 8U«P«ct«f I murder of several traders, and a force sent to b n ^ TO RENT and gifts. Ho had mortgaged his house in Salem to two small c h 11 d r en church and staw were FOR SALE natives to terms burned the Indians wiS^am s and make the purchase. A steadfast friendship sprang reached Providenoe and separated. Men could the TO RENT—5 room iflat. first fioor. tip between Williams and the Narragansett sachems, the future brightened fpr destroyed crops. . FOR SAR12—Steel raiiKO. with hot all modern Improvements, 3i!l Bast worship nera a s . they Center street. Inquire 41 Bigelow St. notably Canonicus. her husband. pleased. etM« av M* I wntcr taiih. nearly new. ri’JceManchester ihle. Thomas .Sullivan, TO RENT—5 room tenement, fur­ Breen. nace. gas. 7 minutes from mills. 30 FOP SALK—A beautiful collie dog, Essex street. Telephone 1337*13. four months old. Price. $10. FOR RENT—Four room flat In new time at 117 Ridge street. liinoth> house, all improvements, at 170 Oak Frawley. street with garage; also three room “ PUNCH AND JUDY” flat. Inquire 1C4 Oak street or call 11IR1UJNG DOG V P I A FOR S\LE—Vulcan gas range. In 010-5. I VltTt£ jO £ rood condition. Inquire SGI Center Michigan and Northwestern Itreot. Phone. 3213. ____ FOR RENT — Three, and four AT RIALTO TWO DAYS SHOW PLEASES KIDS room apartments, heat, Janitor ser­ FOR S’ALE—Fancy Green Mt. pota­ vice. gas range, refrigerator, tn-a* OU'LL NeVeR. HAVE To Two-family house In a convch toes. Frank Williams, Buckland. Tel. door bed furnished. Call Manchester Chicago, Dec. 1.— With Mifhigan^squeaks in Big Ten competition g e t OliT OP Tr o u b le , The Rialto, “ Manchester’s ' Cozi­ nient location, poultry houses and •JJ'J-'JG. ______Construction Company. 2100 or tele­ and Northwestern sharing WesternWnivonnesThe Wolverines whipped whinned Ohio StateStat( IP Yoo DOM-’T. G-er phone 73‘3-2. est Theater,” offers a jiQuble fea­ A1 FIosso’s Entertainment at garage—price only 56,500. FOR SALK—White birch wood Conference footbail honors for the and Minnesota (second tilt) by one M-4. point'each. Northwestern’s tough­ t ------— ture program that should .appepl tq Hale’s Attracting Large ($7.00) a load also trucking. Tcl. ' F ^ r e n t —Heated apartment of 1920 campaign, a resume of their Two-family house on Plowot 5 or S rooms, with nudern it-.prov- est battle was with Iowa which It the majority, of theater, goers Ip^ . Crowds Daily. records iigainst Big Ten teams is this town. The two i^lctitres being street, 14 rooms, furpace heat, gas, FOR S.VLK—Apples, the best flavor­ r.-.ents. Robert V,qfrreat. I’boiie 4«s. exceptionally interesting. defeated by seven points. ed apples in the world grow in New • No common opponent Was en­ shown today and toniorrow arb • Manchester children are. enjoy- etc., price only ^ ,6 0 0 , terms. -ISnglahd. Manchester is in Now Eng­ FOP. RENT—In Greenacres, .first Each met five conference aggre­ “ The Silent Guardian” a4d “ The land. Wc have the apples, Ldgewood and second floor flats et 73 and 75 gations. The Purple scored 114 countered by Michigan and North­ .ing Punch and Judy shows these Good slngleoalx rooms. Summit Benton street. Call S20. ______western so the relative merits ot Unfair Sex.” Either one.' of these days in Toyland at the J. W. Hale Fruit Farm. 401 Win>dbridgC sticot. points to 13 for the opposition. street, steam heat, etc., extra build­ Tel. W. II- Cowles '-iiri. Michigan rang up 94 to 22 for the ; the joint titleholders cannot'be de- Mtractions would be conpidered a company’s store. The shows, which WANTED foe. Northwestern scored the ' termlned by the comparative scor.q headMner in the average theater are attracting large crowds, are ing lot all for $7,o0o. f o r S.VLK—Bring your baskets and needless to say wheh hpth of and get excellent windfall apples at highest total in the game with Chi-1 method, put on by. A1 Flosso of New York, Wadsworth street two-family, 10 WANTED—By a gentleman, room Michigan, however, in sweeping 1 o O o them are offered on the same pro­ an entertainer who has appeared 2oC a'basket. Applccroft, oO- .Vest and meals in private family. No other cago, getting 38 points. Michigan’s gram there shbuld be w bumper rooms, improvements. It ought to Center street, ______boarders, willing to pay good price best effort was against Wisconsin— throu,gh its Big Ten list, trimmed ■OfQ in every good sized town and city be a good bargain at $7,000. for the right kind of accommodation. four strong teams in Ohio State, turnout to see them. “ The Silent in the United States. ^FO R SALF.—Doctor McIntosh’s one Phone 1104 or call 109 High street. 37. ^Guardian” ,is another one of the Store and Bungalow on Bigelow strap cushion sole, health pumps for Each team scored three shutouts. Illinois and Minnesota (twice). The Mr. Flosso, who is also a magi­ Purple, on the other hand, chalk­ sp-called dog pictures which ar^so cian of note» says that there is not street, both buildings exceptionally 12.25. Homespun blue overalls WANTED—To buy a good used Michigan blanked Minnesota, Illi­ much in vogue at the present tline. ' Stuarts tube flavors. 27 kinds. 2oc. nois and Wisconsin. Northwestern ed up four of its victories against one town in. the United States of well' built' ah'd mCderni.' Ptlce and boys' bicycle. Call 475-2 after 6 One of the priuclpRl characters is James N. Nichols, Highland Paik o'clock. did likewise to Indiana (twice) the three weakest elevens in the more than 5,000 population that he terms reasonable to right party. ; Store. ^ organization, beating Chicago, Rex, a m arvel' of canine intelUr has not appeared in. He has cross­ W.ANTED—Housekeeper for three and Purdue. Ohio State counted . Green section. Kensiogton Street, IG points on Michigan and Minne­ l9wa and Indiana (twice). These ganqe, whose acting before the ed^ the continent three times and FOR SALE—Heating? stove, nearly adults. All modern conveniences. T. camera would shame many human Bungalow of six rooms, modern le-w, price reasonable. Ca 3oG-C after Ellsworth, Warehouse Point, Conn. sota (second game) six. Chicago three teams didn’t win a confer­ has played in every large city In stars. Nothing is left to bne’p imag' conveniences, also 2-car garage aUd five. stored seven on Northwestern and ence game all season: in fact, Canada. He plhyed in the moving extra building lot, price only WANTED—Salesmen In Connecti­ scored but comparatively few ination .by Rex. He ju$t seeins to Pictures at one time in support of FOR SALE—New $150 Edison cut territory to'take orders for men's Iowa six. i slide thru one scene after another $0,700,...... " phonograph and records. Big bar- suits and overcoats. Instructions free Michigan had two narrow points. WE’RE IN THE NAVY NOW Mary Miles Minter, who was star­ ealti at $40.00 cash. L. Carron, 0 Tix —largest made to-measure company as if to say “.why there- ft nothing red .'in, “ Nurse Marjorie.^’ ter street. in the world $35.00 to. $50.00 vs,lue for much to this mo-vie 4ctipg;as far As He h u been at two local schools $23.00. Our tailors here give free ser­ AT STATE NEXT WEEK I can see.’l The plot eiaiployed Is with bit little stage and will be at p o ^ SALE—Hardwood. Reo truck vice to salesmen. Nationally known a good one. It tells the stOsy of :,n Robert J. S n ^ $9.00: nard slab 8.00: hard Pin« an® as "Golde.i Rule Nash Co.” Onl.v men the Barnard school tomorrow. The enestnut mixed $6.00 a load. Virpo, j7 of good character need a, ply. The A. You Should Know About Tumors eternal trlangW which is brbhen kindergarten of the Lii-calu school 1009 Main Street Wells street. Phone 154-3.______Nash Co., J. H. White, Branch Mgr., Beery and Hatton, Famous up when. Rex, to save his mastery saw his show on Wednesday and he New Britain, Conn. unpaasks the rs^-TilUan. Loiifte Heal Estate ~ Insurance FOR SALE—Good .cooking Green Comedy Team, Attain New showed at the Nathan Hale school Mountain potatoes, $2.00 bushel, de­ WANTED—Repairing or installing Lorraine heads the supporting cast this afternoon. . . Steamship- Tickets livered. James Callalflan, Wapping. radio receivers, work guaranteed. By H. A. WHITEMARSH, M. D. <^3ician and viewed from the surgi Heights fn Latest Photoplay. of human players and -Black His show will continue at Hales telephone 102-3. ____ Kinsley Kuhney, 14 Hudson street, cal standpoint. Beauty, the horse who ha's built Up tomorrow and Saturday afternoons, •Stanley Parker, 905 Main. Tel. 397. Member Gorges Memoiiak Institute quite a following also appears. Fbr " f o r s a l e —Chestnut wood, hard It is the wife and mother who is They went “ Behind the Front” starting at I o’clock and being re­ •wood, and hard wood slabs sawed to WANTED—Boarders wanted, slcam sheer thrills and .entOrtalnm^t ARTESIAN WELLS order. L. T. Wood. 65 Blssell street, Chicago, Dec. 2 (United Press). more subject to cancer than'men. to amuse you before, and they’ve peated every few, minutes. heat, 2 men or girls, 66 Ridge street. She has more organs particularly “ The Silent'Guardian” , will be a The puppets. Punch and Judy, telephone 496. — Regard tumor for the present in gone “ In the Navy Now” to make hard picture to surpass. The second Drilled Any Diameter— WA.NTED—To repair and clean liable to malignant growths espec­ a side splitter. Beery and Hatton have been the favorite entertain­ Any Depth Any Placi sewing machines of all makes. All its simplest, broadest meaning, ially the breast and the uterus. feature is “ The Unfair Sex,” It is ers especially with the younger are the people in question, and a tale of ultra modern ‘ life ahd REAL ESTATE work guaranteed. Tel. Manchester namely, a swelling. All tumors sure And a woman Is more patient and folks, in England and Continental No. 715. Go anywhere. R. W. Garraid. they’re the funniest comedy team balances the program admirably, Charles F* Volkert 37 Edward street, Manchester. not cancers. Each is a growth; tu­ willing to suffer In silence what In the whole wide world. They mer Europe for over 300 years. The The age old question of which 1" character of Punch and his associ­ FOR SA' Several nice new sin-- mor the genus; cancer the special man is unwilling to bear. Moreover ited this reputation by their per­ the-unfair sex ft settled .-in An ett- WANTED—To buy cars for lunk. she is a victim of that psychology, ates originated in Italy, where he Blast Hole Drilling gles of 6 rroms. Sacrifice price. ''''H Used parts for sale. Abel's Service ki-nd of growth. formance in “ Behind the Front,’’ tertaihlng manner in this phiMo- be pleased to show you them._ Fur­ Station. Oak etreet, TeL 789. so difficult to understand, which 'and make it secure by their latest was known as .Punchinello. With Test Drilling for Foundation ther par'lculars of Arthur A. Knolla. Minor swellings of the skin, such playv A splendid cast inpltidlng I^ta the first bright days of spring, the fears to mak? known her condition farce,'“ We’re In the Navy Now, ’ Naldi, Holbrook Bl|nh und- Hope Water System? TeL 782-2. 876 Maim______WANTED—Some pleasure these as abscesses “ pimples” of young lest it be pronounced cancer.. Punch and Judy' showmen with long'evenings? Why not have tha'' peoplOj^ boils, carbuncles, ^ .are In- which will be shown at the State Hampton is employediin .“The Un- Pumps for All Purpose.?. f o r SALE—New single, just off E. phonograph fixed and enjoy the old Too often the absence of pain ;theatbr for three days only, next their portable stages qn their Ceater street. $6900. Sm all amount leetlonV fixim without, and due to ‘ fair Sex.” Shorter subjects include h ig h l a n d p a r k P. 0 . favorite records once again. Brallh- lulls to the belief that there cap Sunday. Monday and-Tuesday. backs, make their appearances upon .cash. Modern Improvements. Six .arge walte. 150 Center street. germs gaining contact with the akin a comedy and a news rael. Toaior- rooms. Arthur A Knofla. Tel. 782-2. be'nothing serious; whereas, this ■ It’s “ slack off that line for’d” the streets of the principal cities o/( \ Tel..l375-.y, and being rubbed, in by )the cloth­ row eY®ning marks the end of the -Europe, as well as in the villages,' very absehce of pain in an evident contest for the handsome five tqbe ing, especially the tight collar. and "ease your ’midship.” Then where, rain or shine, youngsters MISCELLANEOUS growth should arouse suspicion ahd “ halfspeed” and “ full” on the dial. In enlarged glands of the neck drive her to the doctor. Every lurajK grown-ups ^gather to qee'their TO RENT A compass swings in the wheeU by nianag6iuei^t p* tnis tlisaipn favoYlt® villain eo thrmiah hia fnn- Direct to •wearer. «English Woolen germs gain entrance through the or swelling should receive Immedi­ At that time the prflsentat|op 'will vuiam go tnrougnthrough nis run Company, tailors since 1898'. Harry nose and throat. They are harbored house and— “ We’re in the Navy ny antics. Anderton representative. 38 Church ate medical attention. Apparent be made to the person ^ h o' hpldB, chiefly by diseased teeth, tonsils, Now” takes to sea. He is an amusing villain. Robert A U T O TO RENT—6 rooms, all modern im­ street. South Manchester. Telephone good health is no guarantee that Such was the scene which usher­ the lucky number. The priter'is; gn provements. Inquire 24 Clinton. Tel. Manchester 1221-2. and adenoids. That these properly Louis Stevenson delighted in him. ELECTRIC4L SERVICE cancer 4s not present. ed Wallace Beery and Raymond exceptionally wdrth while, gift 867. NOTICE—Money to loan,on first and glandular swelling subsides. Pubch and Judy puppet shows were R 5 PA 1IR WORK OUARANTOO Any Irregularity at the “ change which anyone, no matter ^hd't their and second mortgages. P. D'. Comollo. If the germs are tubercular, ab­ Hatton, erstwhile prize fighter and a favorite entertainment with the FOR RENT—Large furnished room. Real Estate and Insurance. 13 Oak of life” should be reported to the manager. Inttr-Uncle Sam’s great station in life may be, 'thlght well ^ NORTON street. Tel. 1540. scess formation is tardy and tends ■Court of Queen Elizabeth, and in­ eiX C TR lC A I. INSTRIMC^NT c a "With or without m X-ray, or oth­ Punch and Judy shows in the let­ blood or a leucorrhoea, consult the “ We’re in t)ie Navy Now,” with ence to'receive his gift. , month. Apply to Aaron Johnson, 62 gifts. er means. doctor because this very often ters and books bt great English Linden street. People . erroneously think these Beery and Hatton starving under travelers and writers of the precea- S OR.VGK—For furniture in our means cancer. He will apply the Edward Sutherland’s direction. General TO RENT—4 room tenement, new warelu use, sprinkler tire pro eo- conditions are due to “ poor blood” tests until suspicion of malignancy ing century, and despite his antiq­ modern Improvements. Apply t! . low i ur: ncG rate. Manchestfr that they need a “ blood medicine.” The two dumb doughboys of uity, he continues a -iniversal fav­ Public Warehouse Co., 16 Apel Place. is allayed. “ Behind the Front” fame have no'^- Auto Repairing and Walnut street. (jountless thousands make this mis­ M.4iXIMS orite. I Plione 1275. . donned naval blue; While the“ L. FOR RENT—Five room flat in take and hundreds of thousands of Submit every, swelling to the do'c- Overhauling practicalLv new house; steam heat hags, magazines, bundled paper dollars Are worse than wasted In tor at once. For neglect of cancer S. S. Louise’’ plied the waters of and all modern Improvements. Locat­ and Junk bjught at big' est cn'sh San Pedro, Beery and Hatton en­ OVER NORWICH WAY FULLER TO HE.4R FRENCH SHELDON’S GARM iB prices. Flione 843-3 and 1 will call I. •medicines which do more harm more than cancer itself, for cancer Rear of 25 Hollister Street. ed 163 Maple. Inquire 165 Maple. than good. is conquered if discovered early acted the lavish rumor of the goj SOCIALISTS IN SACCO CASE Ktsenbeig. Paris, Deci 2 — A deputation of Phone 2328-2 Residence 2S28-1 TO RENT—Cheap, 8 room modern Knowledge Is power. If one enonghi for the screen. Instead of “ Sunny house, hot watej» heat, all con­ Highest prices for rags, papers and France” and the front line trench' Norwich, Dec. 2— Good business socialist deputies has made a re­ magazines: rags 2c lb; bundled paper kno-ws about diseased conditions Surgical operations in this day exists among textile mills In several veniences. Applyi/netween 2 and 5. and what to do about them, most are rendered painless, and safer es as a locale, these inimitable fun­ quest' upon Governor Fuller of Cor. Haynes and Main street. 30c per 100 lbs; magazines 40c per sters sea-legged'their way o er the points in the Norwich district. The Massachusetts that he grant tnem lUO lbs. oall 21IC. 28 Oak street. of them are robbed of their terror through improved anaesthetics. at Ashland Manufacturing ' (jompany. FOR RENT—Three rooms on first and countless lives are saved. This Dread of hoipitfil has given place decks of a transport, “ looking a hearing relative to the Sacco-Van- floor, all modern improvements/ at 5 Suits, topcoals. overcoa's. ''’all :•* the- world through portholes. at Jewett City, is operating day and zetl case. The governor is expected Ford street, near Center, inquire of made $35. R. H. Grlmason, r,07 Main is true even in cancer, but time is to s-i'atefu'. appreciation. night. Grdsvemordale mills are at the Center. the important element. Never allow “ change of life” to to receive the deputies aunng tue Arthur A. Knofla Mrs. J. F. Sheehan, 11 Knighton forking from 6:30 a. m.,'.to 10:30 week end. street. Phone 2108. Cancer is, at the start, A local explain any ailment whatsoever. p. m„ and the mills iat Wauregan F IR E and FOR RENT—94 Holl street, first disease which immediate and radi­ The/female meast should be uni- and the Union "Cotton Company’s Boys’ Overcoats, $9.45 up. Boys’ i LOST cal removal can permanently cure forpil>'v_soft with no lump discover­ AUTO INSURANCE floor, new five room flat, beautifully FINE DOUBLE FEATURE plant at Moosup, with about 1,200 Suits, $11.95 up at HuUman’s. 1 finished, very latest Improvements, if not too far advanced. The card­ able in It. Seek medical advice for hands-in the/two towns, also are -^Adv. j 875 Main St. Tel. 782.1 stelim heat, shades, well built. House LOST—Llywellan Setter; liver and inal point is, that any swelling in any continued or recurring abdom- 'having overinae wqrk. must be seen to be appreciated, rent white. Answers to name of Rod; col­ any part of the body, whatsoever, ina) enlargement, tenderness or PROGRAM AT CIRCLE reasonable. Mrs. J. F. Sheehan, H lar and Hartford tag. Reward. Return Knighton street. Phone 210C. should be seen by the family phy- pain. to 12 Haynes street, town. ------RAINFALL SHORTAGE TO RENT—G rooms, all improve­ LOST—Light tan cat. Valued as ments, steam heat, on Madison street. child’s pet. Please telephone 714. “Honeymoon Express” and Inquire 100 East Center street. CONNECTICUT EXPORTS HIBERNIANS ELECT “Devil’s Partner” Showing NEARLY FIVE INCHES TO RENT—Two front room heated Today and Tomorrow. npartment. ,also ofTice looms, in Or- PROFESSOR-STUDENT OFFICERS TONIGHT Invest Your Money ford building. Call 1925-4. $23,468,554 IN A YEAR November Showers, Above FOR tiENT—5 roo:iT flat, all iin- * proveiiiR'’ tu oti troUov line. Station 62. Two smashing big features are Normal, Fail to Make Up For Apply 598 Center street, H--UTison's GETS BAD BEATING The annual meeting and election being shown at the Circle tonight the Year’s Deficit. store. Pitono 569. Boston, Mass., Dec. 2.— Massa of officers of Manchester Branch, chusetts. held the leading place and tomorrow. They are “ Th3 A. O. H. will be held this evening Honeymoon Express*' with Willard New Haven, Dec. .-2,— A defleienr 1b Good Mortgages TO RENT—Garage. 58 Oxford St. Texas Educator Found Uncon­ among the states of New England at St. Jame’s hall on Park street at > In foreign trade shipments for the Louis and Irene Rich and “ The cy of rainfall amounting to 4.71 FOR RENT—Six large rooms, scious in Cambridge Room 8 o’clock. Devil’s Partner”, starring Philo inches is reported by the Federal \ steam heal, all accommodations, at 12 After Obvious Assault. first six months of the current year.- P. E. MeVey, president ahd John Trotter- street. Apply at 16 Doane McCullough. Edward Hearne and Weather Bureau office here today I We are alwajis ready to give advice— and place Exports from the Bay State had a- P. Foley, vice-president, are the Nancy Dealver. The first ft an Btrcet, Manchester. Phone 904-4. total value of $57,307,429. The to­ highest officers serving at' pres­ for the eleven months of the year your money without charge in good First and Second Cambridge,. Mass., Dec. 2— amusing comedy drama of poqi*'' elapsed to December 1. November TO RENT—-Desirable - 5 room flat, tal exports for New England were ent. In addition to the election George 'W. Jordan, 40, formerly -a marriage tangles, -and the latter a had nlne^teTnths of an inch more Mortgages— Yielding interest at 6% to 10%. all tniprovements at 12 1-2 Church professor at 'Wiley College, Mar­ valued at $9(;,874,'§44, divided as of officers, the committee in charge street. Apply at IS. Church street or follows: Connecticut. $23,468,554; of arrangements for the fiftieth than normal rainfall and so helped phone 661. shall, Texas, and at present student Is -fotty-five 'ihe indifferent relieve the situation. November, We have several now on hand. Inquiry places you at the Harvai’d Graduate School, is Rhode Island, $8,136,866; New anniversary of the order will re­ age? This is the question , pro­ TO RE'.'JT—C room t-enement, newly Hampshire,-$823,085; Maine, .$2,- port. however, filled to supply, any snow under no obligation. in a serjous condition at Cambridge pounded in “ The Honeymoon Ex­ while the average November snow­ renovated furnace, new set tubs. Call City hospital, apparently the victim 740,309; Vermont. $1,408,761.. 283 Spruce street. press.” the 'Warner Bros, film.- Wil­ fall In this district Is 2.2 inches. of a serious beating. Authorities lard Louis and Irene Rich with a While November, was warmer ~ T o” r e n t —Desirable flat of four are unable to account for the cause MANCHESTER FEELS host of other Warner Stellar -play­ rooms and bath, on second floor, with of his injuries but are waiting until STING OF WINTER than the normal by over one degree all Impr.ovements; also gas range and PINOCHLE TOURNEY ers are featured. o f temperature, the'year . to date heater, hot and cold water, good fur­ he regains consciousness to disclose The story deals with tho discon­ nace. With or without *:arage. Suit­ the mystery. Manchester today felt the first tented parents of three New York has bean colder than normal with Quish and Gleason are leading a totali deficiency of 228 degrees*, able for adults. Henderson Chambers, Jordan was found unconscious by the Army and Navy Club pinochle real sting of winter weather which yonng people and, with the youths 12 Pearl street. Phone. 1123. waF due to strike the East today. -or ■ an’ average o f. seven-tonths of a EDWARD J. HOLL his landlady, when the later went tournament which will convene for themselves and their vAriotts love Biting cold, weather prevailed and degree/'p'or day. TO KENT—Five room apartment In to his room after he had' failed to Its 'fifth sitting tomorrow night at affairs. Willard Louis plays John respond to her calls. Jordan is suf­ temperature of 18 degrees ' above Lambert, the husband who seeks 865 Main Street. practically new two-family house 7:3Q. Turkey? are being awarded . 'WORK ON' ANDOVJflH RASl with furnace, gas. etc. With or with­ fering from a dislocated right for high scores, chickens for second zero and lower were reported. Yes­ primrose paths and pretty dolls far. out gar.'ige. Rent reaso.iablo. Inqulra terday the mercury crept up around i of B. L. O. Hoheiithal or his sons. shoulder and numerous cuts and and cartons of cigarettes for htird from, his own fireside. Irene Rich bruises about hl» body. the sixties. as Margaret, his wife, contents her- The Andover dam ^ which is be­ during this round of the tourna­ ing built by the Manchester i n ­ TO IlENT-T-December 1st. new five ment. Telegraph reports from the west chlldren’s sake. room flat, all modern, on Florence told of extremely cold weather in self with conditions solely for Ahe' struction Company for the Andpw street. William Kanehl, 519 Center The scores: * ■ ' er Lake Corporation is nea$l# c6n^ 004823485353232323484853484848485323532323535323484853482348...... : ■ ...... “ I some Instances 26 degrees below In “The Devil’s Partner”; ,G|en g. ,, ■ ' '-S street. Qufth-Gleason ...... ; 1110 pleted. ' State Engineer Chw»dftr F. McCaughy-Hultgren ...... 1081 zero. Many trappers and hunters Wilson set out to capture a d'arlng TO RENT—Nice tenement, 5 rootrs. T ype writers have been snowed in by the storm band pf cattle rustlerH, who. had was at-ihe site yesterday-and -ap­ S . We Recommend The fJse Of | McNally-Chase ...... ;.... 1073 proved tho w ork" ' ^ hot air heat, $25 per month. Arthur A. Hayden-Chambers ...... 1044 •which' accompanied the cold weath­ made his ranch their chief-?target. Knofla. Tel. 782-2, 875 Main street. All makes. Sold, rented, ex­ er in Nevada. ' But before he could cayry out hla The dam ft ,640 feet long and^ft Stevenson-Yocke . . . I • • • • .1024I one.of. the biggest jobs o f the kind: I Keacs Pipe and FitOngs i FOR RENT—Ono 7 room tenement. changed and overhauled. F^ye-H. McCormlcn . . . . .1010 plans, suspicion was directed at Maple street. Apply to H. R. Tryon, GRASS' CLO’THES him as the outlaw leader andwhe ever undertaken by the local com­ 1 , ' For Water Supply ! in care of W. Hale Company. Special Discounts to Students. Hartnett-J. McCollum . . . .1004 pany. ' It has a conqfets'core. ■$v,alU Lampreebt-Mathiason ___ 1001 WB3 jailed. A fine cast plays g ' and carry a stock on hwd. Call on us ; London.— Dr; lAnshaw Nanji of this picture; with concrete fill on botb apatrehm FOR RENT—Three room tenement Scott-Sonikson ...... 964 and'downstream sides. The, qp- •with all Improvemente. 73 Blssell Hope-Pearson .. .v.. 952 Birmingham University has found a street, aleo furnished i^oma for light Telephone 821 stream. side 1$ paved ■vfItS- stette'jlS Rady-P. McCormick . 797 nnW; process foy ..^turning tropica: housekeeping^______graw into clothing., Chemicals are inches thlcit from' tbS watdrtsl e d | f Joseph Co’ Wilson Donze-Schields ..... 987 Men’s suede jackets, sheepline^ "^TO BENT—Tenement of • large used to separate the fiber from tbq to the tqp. < . 28 Spruce street Phone 641. rooms. tern improvements, corner Kemp's Music raw material.^Yhe fabric may take coats, lumberjack cackets, reefers The lake will covbr many acres »V . ; Ridge and Pine, $3.00 per month. In­ Men’s Leather Army Jerkins, the;ol„iiiuiiUiUimiimiiliHI|^^^ X i Vt, •S


Chamber deslghcd entirely to in­ demand Its attention, hurt the con­ form or benefit th^ public during tinuing need of the organization is Pres. Austin Cheney \ the past year were: not In my opinion, lessened be­ The public meeting and forum in cause of that fact. the State Theater bn the World I feel thnt the Chamber has fuuy- Cburtl Geh. O’Uyan'spoke. jttstifled itii existence during the J o^ on ’s Electric & Hardware Co. Urges Cooperation The iectui^e by the* well-known past three years; that It. Is more authority' on Town Plabnlng, firmly established in tbb minds o{ Charles W. Elllbt. the townspeople than some 'of ui O f C. of C. Members Co-operatibd. with the Southern had ever, dared hope, in conse-. England Telephone Company, quence of the direct 'and personal Are Pleased To Introduce To and a demonstration of a telephone service which it has rendered to hundreds of Manchester people exchange. Following ie Prealdent Auatin < A Burns Agency day at the through our Investors Protective Cheney’fi address before the Man­ Chamber of Commerce rooms and other services which the Sec- ploy Counsel to put the views ex­ reta^'s report will explain. chester Chamber of Commerce an­ pressed at that meeting into a con­ where a representative of the Bums nual meeting at Hotel Sheridan* crete bylaw of the town which Agency held audience ' for thirteen I would likiB to ispeak for. Just a last evening: might be acted upon at a future consecutive hours, during all of moment, of the National Chamber I am very fearful that you may town meeting. The lawyer Into .which time jjeople. were Waiting' to of Cofiamefee,'of \^lch your Cham­ think, that I think I have a mort­ whose bands this was placed has consult him. . . ber is a branch. I have had tboMirlr gage on the Job of being the Presl^ not as yet submitted a proper by­ ' A public meetipg and forum on vllege of attending the last two dent of your Chamber of Commerce* law for the approval of our com­ the coal situation, and a public meetings of the National Chamber I most emphatically have not. For mittee or the Board of Selectmen. demonstration of the use of low- of Commerce as a delegate. I have the past six months I have been We hope, however, that, this will violatiie semi-bituminous coal. been, on both occasions,. tremen­ patting myself on the back and tell­ soon be put in order, and approved All outing.trip to Storrs College. dously impressed with the type of Inspection of the Orford Soap ing myself that next year I would by both the Selectmen and the men who make up the personiiel, take It easy, but t have literally Board of Directors of the Chamber Company. that is, the delegatee to the Nation­ A joint jneetlng with the farmers been drafted and told that it was of Commerce, after which time we al Chamber of . Commerce.NThe com­ my duty to go on for another year with a view to learning what could plete representation at these meet­ Electric Refrigeration A t Its Best hope very much to call a town be done tb help them solve the because I had started things which meeting to act upon it- ings cover every section of this it was thought I was the one to problems of production and distri­ country from Maine to California, In this matter, as in every other bution, and co-operation with the and from Texas to Illinois. Every finish. So I accepted with very great What maiTor woman is there who can resist thd-appeal of There is a Coldak model for the smallest cottage, or the reluctance, and now before I go on public matter, there has been a State Chamber of Commerce In a state in the Union has been repro.- with my report, I wish to again diversity of opinion as to methods. 'elmilar meeting in Hartford; look­ sented at both meetings, and I electric refrigeration? largest mansion— and for all sizes of houses in between. Each state my conception, my Ideal, of Three years ago the simplest form ing toward a diversification of might also claim that most local .to have foods always in perfect condition, perfectly pre­ is a complete, self-contained unit— nothing to do but pluk into an what the Chamber of Commerce of a Town Plan would have suf­ crops in-place of the widely preva-^ chambers- have been represented. served bV a dry. healthful cold which never varies in temi^rature ficed for Manchester, but even in lent tobacco crop then being raised; . . . .to have all the original flavors retained in full, with one should be and do. Unless one has tbe experience of electric light socket and' refrigeration be^ns immediately. this brief period conditions have so A joint meeting with the milk food never absorbing the flavor of another... .to know that you The Chamber of Commerce in my attending dhe of these meetings, changed that I personally believe producers and distributors of this one can scarcely envisage the politi­ need never chip another piece bf Ice. yet will always have on hand opinion is an organization or public that at this time a majority of those vicinity and co-operation with cal power and prestige which such all the ice cubes you can use----- to be able to make frozen aw- Each contains the simple Coldak machine with its patented spirited men who are seeking for who were considering this matter them in presenting their case to the sorts and salads you have never made b e fo re ... .to know that the right answer to questions of an organizatibn has, and tbe effect are now becoming convinced that State Association. which its deliberation must have on there is nothing to forget, or remember— that all operation is two-stage gear compressor. It is connected direct to a 1-4 h. p. first— the welfare of the Communi­ in addition to the Town Plan, the Thirty-seven directors and com­ the minds of the legislators at automatic... .these are some of the advantages electric refriger­ ty as a whole, and second-—the wel­ town of Manchester also should mittee meetings have been held Washington; Some of yon.way feel fare of groups or sections of the ation brings you. have zoning powers under the during the year fbr discussion of that the local Chamber of Com­ Community. They should never, Of course, you want electric refrigeration. But you went same commission. Your directors various subjects. merce, your own'in particular does under any conditions, favor th^ to know that the system you buy js a permanent inst^atlon In Coldak jiabinets are as . outstanding in appearance and con­ have approved In principle “ Zoning Connecticut Company’s Removal not accomplish some of the things your homo— that years from now you will be as. satisfied Wlth_ selfish Interests of one group to the for the Town.” If, in the near The Chamber joined with the Se­ which you wish it might, and some struction as is the Coldak machine in performance and quiet-, detriment of another. The Man­ it as you are today. future, this sentiment seems to be lectmen in its investigation of the of you may feel that' its existence is chester Chamber of Commerce Coldak is electric refrigeration at its best: I* ness. All Coldak cabinets have cork board insulation. They becoming crystallzed, your direc­ proposed removal by the Connecti­ not worth while, but let me im­ should make its first duty to find cut Company, of its local headquar­ the pioneers of this rapidly growlngjndustry. Tbs first Coldak tors will place before you this plan press upon you that the National machines,'installed six years ago. are still giving unlnterrunted are built of steel, or of solid bait or ash, finished in white Duco. the right answer to matters of pub­ in the shape of a Referendum.. ters and parUcir.ite'd in the various Chamber of .Commerpe is entirely conferences which were held with service. What It has done in other homes you know it do Each cabinet has aluminum nickel trim and fittings that never lic interest and should then try to In connection with this subject, made up of small units, such as the Connecticut Company’s officials in yours. . ' shape public opinion that the ques­ and by way of encouragement I your town. They have, of course, tarnish. The Inside lining of each cabinet is of one-piece, por-. tion will not have to be fought for to determine what, if anything, Other than an occasional oiling. Coldak requires no attention might say that Greenwich, "Con­ delegates and representatives from whatsoever. Installation is simple. Coldak is simply placed celain enamelled steel, with rounded comers— easy to clean. The but will be welcome. could be done to secure a continu­ necticut has just adopted a Plan­ tremendously larger chambers, in your home' and connected to an electric plug. Most of our troubles are due to ning and Zoning Ordinance for ance of the pivfcent arrangements. two cabinets De Luxe Nos. 1112 and 1121 are endorsed especially Representation at Outside Meetings such as New York, Philadelphia, Coldak can be purchased either as a „ lack of understanding of the prob­ their town which is the result of Chicago, but on the whole, the for electric.refrigeration by the National Association of Ice Indus­ lems of government and business; 'ibe Chaniber was represented chest with self-contained refrigerating machine and cmillng unit seven years constant agitation." Chamber of Commerce is made u]p — or the machine and chilling unit can be bought separately and but I believe that if our motives If Manchester accomplishes their during the year at the First New tries— the finest that can be built. .England Govemor’s Council at of towns about the size of Man­ installed in your own refrigerator. are not selfish, and we take the purpose during the next year, they Worcester; the New England Con­ chester, and although you your­ trouble to inform the public as to will have done very much better selves may not feel that you are of what we want, and why we want it, ference on Town Plan at Boston j than other towns in the time taken Governor Trumbull’s Conference of any influence, you are in the last S a lie n t we will always get what is best' for to obtain a Town Planning Com­ measure just as much of an influ­ Poihts In Ice Versus COLDAK Electric Refrigeration the majority. Connecticut Tobacco Growers at mission. Hartford; the Chamber of Com­ ence as any other town In the Na­ I do not think that the Chamber Community Advertising tional Chamber. Not one of them A Ice Never Melts in a Coldak of Commerce should be a busy merce of the United States Annual When the Chamber was reorga­ Meeting at Washington; the Con­ by tbemselyes would amount to a As Ice Melts Refrigeration body, constantly pushing its nose nized three years ago, many of us bill of beans, but as a whole they in where it is not wanted or needed. necticut State Chamber of Com­ Grows Less and Less Efficient Coldak creates a -dry cold. Flavors do no mingle. There thought that it would be a fine merce Annual Meeting at New Lon­ amount to a very great deal, and I have seen too many communities thing to start a campaign of com- often have a very deciding factor Is never an ice box odor. don; the farewell dinner to Vice- Melting ice creates damp cold. It lets food flavors mingle. damage their own names and repu­ ipunity advertising. A committee President George B. Chandler at on legislation which is before Con­ tations by absurd boosters who was appointed from your member­ gress. It causes Ice box odors. ^ , , .. . Coldak maintains average temperature of 45 degrees— Hartford, aod is regularly repre- The average temperature which ice creates In the food com­ were looking for quick results, ship and a good deal of investiga­ Therefore, it at any time you feel the ideal temperature to preservoyfoods perfectly and healthfully. senied on the State Chamber Board partment of your refrigerator is 55 degrees. Not low enough. without thought of the future or tion and research was made in re­ of Directors. that your Chamber as a local or­ consideration of- the problems gard to experiences of other towns The secretary has represented ganization Is not. moving very fast, which would immediately follow. in advertising their communities, the Chamber at the New England I beg you to remember that it is a There have been two types of and the report was made to yOur Credit Grantors Arsoclation meet­ small part of a great orgahlzatioa, C o l d a k — the only system of this type criticism of the. Chamber most pre­ directors recommending a modest ing at SprlngtieM, at National each part of which is functioning valent during the past year; first, scheme of cominunity advertising. meetings of Chamber of Commerce And progressing no more rapidly that the secretary is not active After the committee of the di­ Secretaries at Kansas City and than the Manchester Chamber of supplying 25 apartments from one machine enough, and is not starting new rectors made their report, our Pittsburg, and New England meet­ Commerce is functioning and pro­ things. My answer to that is that secretary made additional studies ings at Salem, Mass., Boston, New gressing, and that the mother or­ stage, helical gear compressor. No other can be like It. Coldak supplies refrigeration in the same way a heating sys­ It consists pf a housing in which are four gears mounted on the secretary is hired to do what he ■and analyses of still further com­ Haven, P5rovidence, Hartford,. ganization could not for a moment tem suppSs f f i - f r o m I central plant located in the basepient. is told to do, and that your present munities and classified his studieSj Portsmouth, N. H., and at Storrs exist without the local Chambers two shafts. One of these shafts is-directly, connected to the mo­ Presidents and Board of Directors and the net result proved to your College when Connecticut Secretar­ of Commerce. .One Coldak machine supplies as tor, and runs at motor speed. ThsTfour gears run in a stream of have held his nose strictly to that 1 have purposely made this re­ over four to six times as many as any similar wstena.^ And the oil which has to be changed only once every two years. directors that a very large amount ies met at that institution. Coldak sy#tem can be expanded lndeflnitely~2 machines lor 50 line. Theirs is the resjponsibillty. The Chamber has actively co­ port before the Nomination of Offi­ There are no pfitons, no crank-shafts, no reduction gears, no of money Whlpb I^ad.been expended apartments, 3 machines lor 75 apartments, etc. The only thing that Mr. Rlx baa In other towns on community ad­ operated during tbfe past year'With: cers and directors because I want­ reciprocating parts, no. belts or pulleys, ho complicated parts of been given more or less a free liand vertising had been absolutely lost Thb Hartford County Y. M. C. ed you to vote, w ith. your eyes A Lifetime Machine any kind. in the past year has been his at­ —-that harm had been done, and A.; The School Street Recreation' open; you now know my views and The heart of any electric refrigeration system Coldak Nee most worth while thing that has been abandoned. Union Telegraph Company; ' New In closing I wish to express my been done by any local chamber in Students of this subject and ex­ England Coal Committee; Connec­ appreciation for the continued sup­ Connecticut this year. perts on civic development agree ticut Agricultural College; Co. G. port which the organization has The second type of criticism has that this decision was a wise one Auto and Industrial Exhibit; Local been given during the past yehr, Milk Dealers; Christmas Relief HARDWARE CO. been that the Chamber is domlnat- It Is Usually conceded by those and particularly for the loyalty of !d by Cheney Brothers. My answer who have made a study of the sub­ Fund Colledtion; the local farmers. the directors In their attendance at to this is that the only, statement ject that the most permanent and And have rendered direct service meetings, and their cheerful service South Manchester Cheney Brothers made tb the di­ desirable/ results, along this line are of a highly personal nature to sev­ whenever called upon. 35 Oak Street rectors this year, either directly or obtained by selling ones own com eral hundred Individuals, in pre­ venting fraud and fake stock sales. Indirectly, was in relation to the munity to itself, Ijy the creation of KEEP IT SHINY. This latter feature of the Chamber Federal building, and that your di­ a positive rather than a negative Go over the gas stove occasion­ work is a very potent factor in cre­ rectors instructed your post ofllco civic spirit and by making the com ally with an oiled cloth to prevent committee to continue its work and ating good-will, as each individual rust. munity so attractive physically and is thus thoroughly sold on the efforts for a Federal building. so well governed that the towns­ Chamber of Commerce, and will Please do not assume' that I people will be proud of It and usually tell his or her friends. Today’s Offer To All uiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiHiiiiiiHniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimMMWM'iww*” ” ” ' ” ” ” " ”! mean that the Chamber has done strangers will, be impressed with it ' FnbUclty all that it could have done in the BO much so that they will move Through the courtesy of the past year— it hasn’t of course, but their families to Manchester. “ Manchester Herald” generous Who Have Stomach Agony 1 challenge anyone to name a City Glassification BUFFALO MARKET CO.' publicity has been given the Cham­ Read What. Magnell Drug Co. Has Chamber of Commerce in Connecti­ We are all familiar with the fate ber activities, particularly in con­ Phone 456. = cut that has made more progress, of Manchester’s City classification to Say About Dare’s Mentha s Phone 456. 1071 Main Street. nection with the Investor’s Protec­ Pepsin. and is working on more worth during the Connecticut legislature. tive Service, which has come to oc­ while things during the past year. At the time the legislature turned cupy a large portion of the time of When you have any trouble with Some outside organizations have down the bill which was introduced eur office force and which I am go­ your stomach such as gas, heavl given more praise to our Chamber through the auspices of the Cham­ ing to. ask the Secretary to explain tor its program and work, than we ber, I was personally very muefi more In detail later,. ness and distention, why fool with have ourselves. disappointed, .because I felt that I We have not tried to maintain a things which at besj can only give A careful analysis of the past had in some wiy failed the Man­ feverish semblance of activity relief. I Strictly Fresh Mackerel three years’ work of a long list of chester Chamber of Commerce. merely for the sake of creating Why not get a medicine that will i CHILLED MACKEREL • ••••• • • • t • • t 20c lb. communities, approximately the I do not, however feel that any publicity and calling attention to build up your upset, disordered . . . 25c size of Manchester, throughout the great harm has been done. Some ourselves. The Chamber of Com stomach and make it so strong and I FiRESH SARDINES, 2 lbs. vigorous that ■H will do'its work .. 25c Pastern and Middle Western states people’s feelings were hurt, but we merce, is in a certain sense, a pro­ I h a d d o c k , 2 lbs...... disclosed the fact that only about acknowledge that the Town of Man­ tective agency, for use in an emer­ without any help. 25c Such a medicine Is Dare’s Men i HERRING, 2 lbs. «••••• t 2 per cent have to their credit one chester has been honestly and gency, and to. carry on investiga' 25c lb. tion and research, ahd'to keep alive tha Pepsin, a delightful elixir that s STE AK COD major accomplishment in the past efficiently administered and that • • • • • 40c lb three years. for the present we are getting along through its various committees, is sold by Magnell Drug Co.', and all HALIBUT .. live druggists with the distinct un­- B 45c lb. With this as a background, let us very well as we are. work that could not be performed SWORDFISH ...... • • consider our program. It is periectly evident that the by any other agency. This last 1 derstanding that if it doesn’t great­ ly, help you your money will be re­ s SALMON...... The Federal Bnildlng public opinion of the town, was not feel that the Chamber has done The government has owned a properly crystalized to back this It3 ,Inve8tlgations and research have turned. ~ E SMELTS...... {“• It has helped thousands— it will . plot of land at the Center since measure before its introduction in­ saved us some serious blunders. No i BOSTON B L U E ...... • * * ' ^ I 1911, where in all probability a new to the legislature. This is a mistake great emergencies have arisen to no doubt help you.— Adv, I postoflice will some day be built. which the Chamber must avoid in lASTlIralGci-AMSAOTW ...... For the past twelve years no gov­ the future. ernment building,, except in the Dis­ Highway Entrance Signs I m e a t SPECIALS trict of Columbia has been built or During the past year the 6ham- authorized. Your postqffice commit­ ber has had constructed and placed, tee has been on the job, and in con­ two additional highway entrance I For Friday and Saturday ASPI Rl S A Y “ BAYER ASPIRIN” -! stant communication with the pos­ “ ship” signs; these signs have D d iv ^ es at 8,10 and 3 o’clock. tal authorities and our Congress- been the subject of much favorable nen. Manchester is on the preferred comment by passing motorists. The Vihea the Thermo­ Roasting Chickens . .35c lb. Unless you see the “ Bayer Cross” on tabletsij^you arc not list, and you have just as good a Chamber has received letters of 50 Fowls ...... 32c lb. gettini: the genuine Bayer Aspirin prescribe by physi­ chance of an appropriation as any comment and commendation from V e a l town of your size in the country. several motorists in distant'states meter Goes Down BEEF cians and proveefsafe by millions over 25 years for Town Plan who, , in passing through the town, Legs of Veal ...... 24c lb. Veal ^ops 30c lb. At no time during the past three were Impressed with the unique and 30 You will begin to worry if your coal Poirterhoime Steak 35c lb. Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago years has 4here been a cessation of striking town markers. Many bin is empty. We should like to Sirloin Steak...... 30c lb. Forequarter...... 20c lb. S activities, looking forward to the Chamber of Commerce have asked fill your order for next winter’s coal Short Steak ...... 28c lb'. Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism establishment of a Town Plan in permission to copy these signs, and 20 NOW— and while our information PORK Manchester. pictures of them have been printed may be premature, we believe that Round Steak...... 25c lb. Short Cut Rump At the last session of the LegisU' in many Association papers. ‘ iO the price of coal will be ,po lower Fresh Shonlders . . . 24c lb. ture House Bill, No. 383, was paiS' I Tonrist Information Bureau next Octobep and No­ Steak : ...... 38c lb. Smoked Shoulders . .20c lb. DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART _ A committee has been appointed vember than it is to­ ed, entitled ‘‘An Act Authorising Shoulder S t^ .... 20c lb. Smoked Ham ...... 25p lb. 3 the Town of Manchester to Raise a to investigate and report to the DI- day. In fact, we hon­ Sirloin Roast, boned 25c lb. Commission on Town Plan reefors on the advisability of erect­ estly believe It will-be Sugar Cored Ham . .35c lb. Since this act was passed, there ing a permanent Tourist Informa­ higher. The time to S^onlder Roast .... 20c lb. *-1 •. j .Accept only **Bayer” - package ^ have been several conferenaes be­ tion Headquarters 'in some cen­ buy coal Is HOW. Boaton RoU .... .15c lb. FrU ltS ailCl which contains proven directions. tween the Committee ' on Town trally .located point,. preferably at Eutdy "Bayer” boxes of 12 tabletik^*^ Planning, the Directors of the or near the Center, where touHsts THE Vfi G. LAMB Vegetables Als^ Dottles of 24 and 100—^DmggiprtA ' Chamber of Commerce, and. the may be directed on their way, and 4«izlB is tts ttsds BMik at Bsne llsneHetw ot UtMMcUeaetdMttr of SsUeriies^ - Board of Selectmen of the Town of where autborlative information re­ GLENNEY CO. Legs of Lamb .... 35c lb. Manchester, trying to harmonise lative to the community can be Allen Place, L ^ and Loin ^ 28^ lb. Fun Variety Fresh the slight differences of opinion given out. Manchester Shoulder l^unb . . . .23c lb. which existed on both sides. At the It is felt that this will be one of % 5 Loin Lamb Chops • • 35c lb. Every Day*. last meeting between these tliree the most effective forms of Com­ a Loin Roast, boned . .25c lb. groups, a unanimous opinion was munity Advertising th $t^ could be reached, and the Towi^ Planning adopted. CoiQmlssioh WM authorized to em­ Among the activities of the / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, THURSDAY, ,DEC. 2, 192«. PAGE EIGHT Mother o f Brightest Child KEARNS AND WALKER

T v TRY A COMEBACK Finds^little Mills Cirri Once Manager of All, Now Grown Too Sophisticated N ^r Obscurity, to Attempt W31 SeB Poptihr Electric to Jockey Old Mickey. Refrigerator— V k to r Anne Anstin, Trho wrote Btndy of Charlotte'MUla, principal not keep from conjlng my way? HY DAVIS J. WALSH Johnson, S e i# e Man. living victim of the Hall-Mills trag­ c£^n sell my story to the papers. In all the big parade of literature edy, is particularly fitted for the 7. N. S- Spoils Editor . *' y.. there have been but a half-dozen Why not? I need the mbney, don’t writers who managed to capture, task. Not only has she the technical I? And it Is not dishonorable to New York^, Dec. 2.— In Mid-Vic- Johnson’s Electric &,,, Hardware qualification of a fiction writer, be­ tcrian fiction, it was the last chip. Company of this-l6wn has been ap- without blundering mawkishness, write for a living, even if I write the true pattern of childhood’s ing the author of the current my most secret thoughts and flung desperately in the pot, that j pointed sales agent- for to schoof along New Brunswick’s whatever it may be, she will, for gentleman from Georgia ait the that relieves the owner of all worry. Booth Tarkington survived the the second time in her young life, Chicago Coliseum tomorrow night It is adaptable to any place, where test with considerable rationality prosaic streets, she hugged the un­ ice is being used for refrigeration have to start all over again. in a bout for the middleweight both in the “ Penrod” stories and in believable secret to her foolish now, no matter -how'large or„;,smaU ; “ Seventeen.” Through Penrod he breast, chanting in a low voice that It is rather sad and rather terri championship and, off-hand, the the proposition may be. - I emphasized more than oncer (just ^ tantalized the other girls, who hie to picture what the next four writer would venture that Kearns needs this one more than the ave- Coldak is being- featured exten­ ho,w violent can be the feelings of I Maintains a direct wire to Manchester hadn’t been paying much attention years of her life will bring ^ her. sively for apartinent refrigeration the child, whether it be in the mat­ But I believe the strength which age man needs a windpipe. A to Charlotte Mills; “ I know some­ as it is especially'.■well fitted to op­ ter, of a dose of castor oil or in-re- thing I’m gonna tell! I know some­ kept her from being crushed these manager without anything in par­ for the convenience of its Manchester ticular to manage is not far from erate a series of'refrigerators from sentinent against the double-deal­ thing I’m gonna tell!” last four years will see her ^rough ing' youngster across the street. obscurity. one central unit inj-the basement. Maybe she did tell, for the secret the next four and the next and the Victoiv . Johnson the Johnson Sherwood Anderson, whose liter­ Customers with no cost to you. was too romantic and thrilling to next, provided she can forget her There is a lesson in human falli­ ary niieasure has now been well es­ bility somewhe're in this proposi- Brothers, ’ spent' seylghl 'Weeks in keep all to herself, And if the other unfortunate notoriety and be co ^ New York at the plafft stiifiylng the tablished and who is critically ' ac­ girls knew, they’d think she was tent with an obschre life and rather t'on. Two years ago, Kearns had cepted as an outstanding American everything including the world’s manufacture' of Coldaks , and the “ somebody,” not just “ that little less than ordinary happiness. But installation .process/;-He ^ is )thor- taleteller— if only in “-Wlnesburg. that is a. very big if. heavyweight champion ,^.nd one of Ohio,” “ The Triumph of the Egg*' Mills girl whose papa is a janitor.” oughly familiar • vrtlh the Maybe she whispered to her chums, the most popular boxers-the welter­ and other short stories— sat down weight onampionship has known. A and will do'the-" installgjdq^^ and “ Dr. Hall is just crazy about my service worl£.,6ne-pf^thepp-.machines a couple of years ago to tell the mama. And my mama writes love turn of the wheel and all was gone. story-of his own childhood. Dempsey married, turned on his is now operating in the display win­ letters to Dr. Hall. My mama Is dow of Johnson’s Electric-& Hard­ Instead, he wrote “ Tar; A Mid­ superior heel and left Kearns stand.- west; Childhood” (Boni & Live- better than your mama. She sings %NUT ware Company on Oak street. PHONE in the choir and she’s awfully pret­ ing w'ith his hat in his hand. Walk­ right). He admits in an introduc­ ty and young,_ and the grandest er tried to win the middlev/eight tion to this latest work that he man in town is’ just simply crazy title from Harry Greb, to k a beat­ could not write h^^ own story. He LOCAL BOYS STAR started again and again tore up about her.” ing and then survived the Dave She sat in church, a demure, JoeWIiams Shade issue only because the Judges paper and made new beginnings. knowing smile lurking in her wide pulled one out of the hat Early IN HARTFORD LOOP He reflected that he should set last summer he blew the welter-/ down the truth. But where was blue eyes that are still like wood Mickey Walker won a fight the truth? He gave up finally, and, violets, dewy with youth but a lit­ weight title to Pete Latzo and, iff' other night. . . . This probably in­ trying a come-back, was stopped by A basket from mid-floor by instead, set down the story of Tar tle hard and cynical and bold now. dicates he has finally become ac­ “ Barney” Kwash and a “ succer” Moorhead which is, perhaps, a She sat in church, hugging her de­ Joe Dundee. * claimed to Mr. Kearns’ perfum­ Kearns, now, only had a shouting shot by McCullum paved ^he way little of the boyish Sherwood An­ licious secret to her heart, not eries. for a Connecticut Mutual to de­ derson and a lot of the grOwn listening to the sonorous preach­ privilege with Dempsey and vn ex­ champion, who couldn’t win. H.ow- feat Connecticut General 23 to 21 Sherw09d Anderson fumbling back ments of the town’s most aristo­ Who can remember the good old in a hair-raising game, yesterday to boydom. cratic, most “ looked up to” minis­ e\er, few managers past or present, MANCHESTER days when Harry Wills used to afternoon in the West Middle gym The total is satisfying only in a ter o: the gospel. could have Jockeyed an ex-6ham- be looked on as the downtrodden. pion. into a title match in another in Hartford. It was the opening literary sense. Anderson has writ­ “ Crazy About 3Iy Mama.” game of the Insurance league and ten beautifully and, in one or two “ You’re almost like God, but class within six months of his of­ the two Manchester boys featured scenes, he has conceived superb pic­ you’re simply crazy about /ny ficial decapitation, as Kearns had their team’s • victory.. ■'Von Deck, tures— one in particular wherein and you have our store in Hartford. mama. If I told papa and— Mrs. done with Walker. Say what you another, local boy, played a strong Tar and hlls sister, Margaret, their Hall, who-vsits over there so grand will. Jack Kearns can talk his way defensive game. mother lying critically ill, spend and proud, something exciting and in anywh.ere and out again if he Connecticut Mutual the night, waiting for the newspap­ terrible and thrilling would hap­ doesn’t like it. B F Pts er train to arrive, delivering their pen. But I’m not gonna tell— I’m Just how much he may have done Case,. Jf ...... 1 1 3 papers In the terrifying hours of not gonna tell.” in reclaiming some of Walker’s McCullum, rf . . . . .2 3 7 the night and actually braving a For two or three years Charlotte lost ability will be answered tomor­ Bores, c ...... 0 0 0 short cut across the cemetery. We Make Regular Deliveries To Manchester Mills watched her mother’s ro­ oppressed representative of the row night. Gray, c ...... 2 0 4 In such as this lies the fine bra­ mance with the great Dn Hall with Negro race feared by all the Cauca Flowers is hard to beat and prob­ Von Deck, Ig .... .‘.0 1 1 vado and adventure of childhood. approval and fascination. Perhaps sian heavyweights? ably is In better condition than he Barton, Ig ...... 0 0 0 But, for th'- most part, he is rhap­ she even knew that her mother was last year. If Walker is right, Kwash, rg ..;,3 2 8 sodic or poetic, after the fashion . — — planned to go away w'ith Dr.^Hall By arranging to hold their golf it will be a great fight. If he isn’t, of his writing in “ A Story Teller’s and desert her and Danny and champio]mhip at the same time it will be nothing of the kind. Totals ...... *.. . :8 .7 23 Story.” All this is excellent dream Connecticut General papa, just as soon as Charlotte was Americans holding hers. Great stuff; lovely, diffused prose pic­ B F. Pts tures— but it is to pastel.- old enough to keep house and take Britain has hit on a practical plan THREE BOYS IN A CAR O Shages, rg ...... 2 ■4 - O Perhaps one may capture a bit care of the men folks. And prob­ to keep the silverware away from DRIVE TOWARD JAIL. Britt, Ig ...... 0 1 1 of his idea in his own foreword. ably her romantic young heart ap­ Bobby Jones and Walter Hagen. Horan, Ig ...... '. .1 0 . 2 Describing his futile efforts at writ­ proved and applauded. Maybe she New Britain, Dec. 2.— Albert Scheller,. c ...... 3 0 6 ing of his own boyhood he says: reassured her mother, “ I’m a big It is reported Benny Friedman Mamkus' and Anthony Fedorezyk, Russell, c ...... 0 0 q “ Sophistication is something to be girl now, mama. I can keep house turned down $50,000 to play pro­ each 17, were arraigned in police Naiva, rf ...... 0 1 1 soi’,-5ht for, but Innocence is sweet­ for papa and Danny. I want you to fessional football. . . . If this is so court this me—I’l - v.-’th K'alber, rf ...... 0 0 0 er.” be happy, and Dr. Hall is simply the young man’s reputation for the theft of a physician’s automo­ Hearn, If ....'...... 1 1 3 Anderson, strangely enough, crazy abou’t you.” v- brains has been grossly exaggerat­ bile here. They wer^ aeia lor ir^al Woods, If ...... 0 ■ ,0 0 once wrote one of the very fine Then, four years ago, the secret ed. in the Superior Court. A third lad, short stories of youth: “I, Want that had been so deliciously roman­ 14 years old, went to the juvenile Totals ...... - . 7 , . 7' 21 to Know Why.” tic, the secret that she had hugged It all depends on the circum­ court. They dro-ye the car as far as; Score at half,time, Mutuals 11; This is a leisurely book. One that to her own heart, tl^e secret that stances. . . .-For instance, it takes Bridgeport and' admit robbing a i Generals, 5. Referee Huband. Time falls easily upon the ear and eye. had thrown, a halo of romance over important dough to talk turkey to store in Milford while on their trip, i four 10 minute periods. ' . We do not place it among Ander­ her own uninteresting life as “ that the butcher about this time of the son’s important writings, but it is little Mills girl,” suddenly was a year. Really Very Sporty one that no doubt you will enjoy secret no longer. And her pretty reading. mama and the great Dr. Hall had Among others, the Yale footba*!! indeed gone away together, hut eleven loses Mf. Switz, a halfback A book about-which there has not to Japan, to kiss and wrile this'year. . . . Now all together, been much prefertory huzzahlng is poetry to each other amid the cher­ mates, “ Oh, -how I miss'my Switz!” Frances Newman’s “ The Hardboil- ry blossoms. ed 'Virgin” (Boni & Llveright). Not Allowed to Forget. One of the drawbacks of these James Branch Cabell has brand­ ed it -“ the most brilliant, civilized, Charlotte could not run away and cage seasons is that they never re­ NEW -BE a'^OT;Y —NEW ' CdLORS —NEW COMFORTS wipe out the horror with new, won­ sult in caging the insects that ought the most candid .e t c .. the most derful sights. No one would let her to be caged. profound book yet written'by an forget. For four years she walked American woman.” Fine words the streets of New Brunswick, a ■ California will not get to see the these, indeed! We happen to dis­ marked girl-woman, the pitiless finish wrestling match between' agree, at least in part. light of notoriety burning always Lewis and Stecher. . . . -God’s To begin with, we should never upon her. During those four shy country is right. become accustomed to those Mara­ years that bridge the gap between thon sentences which is the “ start­ adolescence and young womanhood, ■We note that the William and ling new style” so loudly blurbed upon the cover. The editors ex­ ESSEX SIX she was forced to precocious ma­ Mary eleven scored 141 points this turity in the hothouse of sinister season, and being interested in the plain that this new style is admir­ equality of sex, we’d like to know ably adapted to the content-of the fame. If she turned her blue eyes story. There may be something a F O trS d oor upon a boy who pleased her fancy, how many of fhese Mary made. to this. Considering that it takes there were a hundred whispers to the young virgin from the south hiss about her— “ Like mother, like Headline says; “ Yale Opposes an entire novel to alter her status, y daughter.” Football Loop” . . . If you had it-may, not be unbecoming that it Now she is twenty, and she sits been knocked for as many loops as take the author almost a full page every day in the small theater of Yale you’d oppose it, too. in which to write a single sentence, the court of Somerset county, her broken only by a comma here and bright blue eyes no longer shy, a A man’s importance in the world there. ' . now self-conscious gratified smile upon these days seems to be measured -Now there can be no argument her lips. rega'fding. Miss Newman’s erudi­ t •• ■ . * Charlotte is the swagger flapper tion. She has long since won her Answering an insistent demand for a beauti­ type, a little pert, a little too so­ laurels on that score. Her compila- ful, wcU appointed'four door, five passenger phisticated to win much sympathy, tion- of “ The Short Story’s Muta-- a little too adroit in making the' Dims tloHs” was a brain’s sized job. ' body on the smooth a.rid nimble Essex most of the opportunities that have! Within the past few years the ch a^ , the Sedan is now being shown for come to her through her dreadful Sentimental South has been sub­ the first time. ' / notoriety. ' jected to all sorts of realistic Inva­ But I study her pretty face and sions. Mrs. Glasgow took “ realism It haB in made it plain that they latter quintet. year, and next season, there will be served as a sparring ring at the been submitted: AViU Use Regulars accommodations for 15,000 rnore. often exceedingly temperaniental Pool: (Manchester) Heron, Hart- did not care how much expense was and has a tendency to take matters Atlantic City dog-track and raced involved as long as the men were The two other regulars will bp The University of Chicago shift­ ^ When Football Rides Men Convene to his dressliig room under the netT, Bensche, Lorch, Gardner, P- Laraon and Blank, the latter a ed its gridiron from north-and-, Into his own hands when he thinks Ballsleper, Brennan, Ferine; neutralr'Such suggestions as French - he isn’t getting a square^ deal. On grandstand. Once there he stripped and Hah'^.M'eriden, Keane,' sports Willington player- south to east and west and built a and stepped on a small floor scale. (Rockville) Jesanes, Munro, Am­ Manchester will use its regular new block formation stadium oU his ability to refrain from becom­ Football \^ii: b- tho recipient ofIt Is suggested IhE rule make It brose, Kiersbad, Dans, Labelle, editor of the Hartford Courant, ing pugilistic, depends, to a great legislation mandatory that the ball travel It registered 1^6 pounds. Guyer, of Con'necticut Aggies, team of Mantelli and Kerr or Lutz the old site at Stagg field. more revolutionary “Fine!” smiled Dempsey. "That's Bonan and Orlawskl. in the forward court. Captain Nor­ Indiana, Purdue and- Minnesota extent, the chances of the Cubs to twenty yards ------beyond . the. line „ of . Bowling; (Manchester) Wilkie, Springfield Y. M. C. A. officials, emerge victorious. The player when the rules committee convenes Just what i wanted to weigh when ris at center with Slavnitsky, Mad­ had new stadiums ready for the in its annual session If coaches scrimmage on every punt and that Suhie, Schubert, Canade, F. Ceryi- Wesleyan University officials or 1925 season. The one at Minneap­ who can receive a clip and control the three backs on the kicking side I finished training. 'I ’ll probably Trinity officials, were refused by den and Boyce at guard, ^ust which sponsoring several rather wide­ drop a pound doing light road work nl and R. Sad; (Rockville) Reid. combination will start the game has olis accommodates 55,000 persons his temper, thus staying in the spread movements for changes in automatically become offside when Milanese, Fiske, Jajets, Lynch. the Cloverleaves on various rea­ not been announced yet by Coach and the two hoosier Bowls are game, is much more of a hero than the national code succeed in forc­ the punt falls to travel that dis­ in the meantime and come in the Checkers: (Manchester) Phan- sons. On the other hand, the Cubs comfortably filled with 25,000 per- the! inan who strikes backback. That tance. ring at 195, my normal fighting would not agree to let any out-of- is Mistretta’s 16ne fault and if he ing adoption of their proposals. enf, Smith and another to be chos­ Dancing will follow the main sons* 1 Two of the outstanding proposals Coaches differ on tho possibili­ weight.” en later; (Rockville) St.'' Louis, town newspaper make the selec­ Wisconsin can now seat 45,000 | can keep cool with Coolidge in the counteract each other as being per ______That was the last the news- Dunlap and Thorne. tions while the Cloverleaves also encounter. Tbe Laurels will play in battle Sunday, the south end fans ties of onside men getting to a hounds saw of the champion until the preliminary game. persons at Camp Ran'-all, and in- a ] tinent to the welfare of the game, | pynt before it has been fielded by Tug-of-War refused to let Central Board men pinch can make room for more. 1 will ask no more of him. according to the observation of a defense under tlxe 20-yard pro- Thursday.at noon the day of the Tug-of-wtir: (Manchester) Earl handle the game. It was finally The Wisconsin stands went up on McCarthy Rates High fight when he weighed in at his Ballsleper, R: Schubert, W. Mahon­ GOLF Now for the merits of the Clov-. few noted mid-western mentors. , I posal, but this would be of little agreed that three men be secured the process of a five ye^ series of These are the abolishment of import since the rulo had its Incep­ home in the presence of the Penu; ey. G. Giorgetti and Richardson; from either Amherst or Yale and games with Chicago—all played in ei’leaf ends. McCarthy is playing sylvanla boxing commissioner's. His (Rockville) Miller, Schreiter, Sim­ much bette" ball this season than the shift aqd the placing of cer­ tion in a desire to enhance inter­ the sports editor of The Herald was Miami Beach, Dec. 2,-—(United the Illinois metropolis. tain playerO ii kicking team est in the game from a spectator’s weight at that hour was 18^ mons, Tatorack, Webber and Bar­ authorized to secure the men Press).—A1 Espinosa, scion of four Michigan is now working on a his more experienced team-mate, Skoneski. He appears to be almost onside on punts. viewpoint rather than aid the kick­ pounds. Thus, from Monday at 5 ber. through that source. generations of California Spaniards, stadium to be erected on Ferry Both of these suggestions appear o’clock when he ended trailing un­ /Horse-shoe pltchin,g: (Manches­ Stratton Barred. and known from coast to coast for Field, and ready for business next on a par with Mistretta and a shade ing team. above Mozzer. McCarthy, like Mis- to have recruited their staunchest More action is promised if de­ til Thursday at 1/ o’clock, 'iirhen he ter) Lange, Gibbons, Lamprecht Then came up the question of eli­ his brilliant golf records in club season. The Wolberine structure support in the east, particularly weighed in officially,. he lost ten and Leggett; (Rockville) Reid, will be modelled after the Yale fensive backs are aware that on­ gible players. The Cloverleaves an­ and championship play, has been V the latter, which is also viewed by side opponents arE bearing down pounds. Regan, Ryan and Webber. nounced their intention of using engaged to act as professional dur­ Bowl—set in the ground like a Big Ten conference officials and Obviously any fighter who loses In the last meet, -Cheney Broth­ deep dish with the top on the level the field to vie for possession of the same players as have ing the coming winter at the Miami coaches as being worthy of adop­ the ball, since such a situation ten pounds in three days’ time DQt ers were victorious in bowling, with them all season. The Cubs Beach.Golf Club, the oldest of the with the earth. - , tion. The abolishment of the shift would automatically make it im­ ING NOTHING can’t be right. basketball and setback but' lost in three Fisher courses on the Beach. Iowa by adding concrete grand­ however, has few proponents in nool and checkers. There was no agreed the same way with ®^“ stands to its football auditorium, perative that all kicks he caught. Why did Dempsey lose weight horseihoe pitching event on the ception. They wanted Jack S His championship record includes this sector. The matter ot safety for the like that? The answer is that he ton to play tackle in place ot ‘Red the Washington State Open for can take care of 25,000 persons The outside amendment proposes program. comfortably. secondary defense, which often had a complete collapse of nerves Happeny, who is reported to be out 1922 and 1923, the Missouri Open to declare outside the three men prompted backs to let punts roll He “broke” under pressure. The old of the game with water-on-th^ for 1924 (from an exceptionally In five years the Big 10 has back of the line of scrimmage, ex^ more than doubled its seating ca- when surrounded by opposing iron left him. knee. After much wrangling, Coach strong field, including Hutcheson, a t tretta, has a knackoflow tackling eluding the kicker who would not players is adjusted in the fair are sold in most down to perfection, and for that be onside under any consideration. Why did he break? Moonan said he would absolutely Hagen, Farrell, Cruickshank, Me- schools in three divisions. catch, which would become more Was it the result of the continu­ refuse to play the gamE If Stratton Donald, Diegle,\Mah:horn, Brady, matter, so has Skoneski. However, Under the present ruling no mem­ popular and quite often is better Local Sport 1 ous harassment caused by Kearns’ played. He claimed Stratton was a Kirkwood and French) and the 1. Students. neither one has flashed the^same ber of the kicking side is onside football than ignoring soaring 2. Alumni and townspeople ability on snaring forward passes until the punt has been touched legal tortures or c growing con­ “ringer” on the grounds that he Chicago District Open for 1925. v/ho support the university. kicks. viction that he wm abcut to meet a had not played a single game with- As a participant in the Western as the Mistretta-Mozzer combina­ by a member of the opposing team. 3. The general public. tion. Perhaps it is because the The new idea would eliminate The shift question is best ans­ superior ring foe? Chatter the Cubs this season. Open in 1924-25-26, he finished The first group get the fiist Cloverleaves seldoni have to rely the quarterbacks who allow the wered in the words of Jimmy Phe­ Dempsey’s Answer “Don’t think we are afraid ot 4th, 8th and 5th, respectively. In chance at the choicest seats. The on the aerial route because of thoir ball to strike'.the ground and lan of Purdue, and Referee Dempsey was asked to answer Stratton,” Moonan emphatically the National Open he finished 6th Schrommer who declared the abol­ second get the next pick, and the powerful offense. bound along in,\ an amateurish that and he replied: “Yon may be­ CUBS VS. CLOVERLEAVES declared, “but we have to look aft­ in 1925 and in the following year Most of the stands have capaci­ ^low on Pnnts fashion. With three men eligible ishment of this offensive weapon lieve it or not, but I didn’t figure er the Interests of our team. There 7th. ' ty crowds for the last two games a Another conspicuous fact Is that to recover the ball bearing down would make the game a bore to Tunney had a chance with me from last is-iio denying that Stratton Is ® Ttther records, amateur and pro­ general sale absorbs the rest, the average fan, because It would Now that the game has at while McCarthy and Skoneski are on the safety man, or whoever is the start. I never gave him a turn been settled, the air Is filled with goal kicker and punter^ What fessional, speak equally well for season, and are more than half fil­ unusually good ends, they do not in a position to retrieve the punt, Inadvertently deliver defensive ble. I don’t know why I fadedj- but would-the north end fans say If Espinosa’s superior play. He is ex­ led at the rest of the games. football to a dominance and curb discussion as to the relative merits get down the field on punts with It would be necessary for the de­ worry over Tunney ’and what h e, of the two teams. The consensus is Stratton pldyed and succeeded m pected to arrive here in time for In addition the Big 10 layout, quite as much alacrity as the south fensive to recover immediately. sensationalism. might do to me was. csytainly not winning the game by a field goal. the formal opening of the Miami Notre Dame at South Bend has a end wingmen. Skoneski, especially, that the Cloverleaves will, retain the the cause.’’ town championship. However the Who would they blame. It "would Beach Club course on Dec. 15. grandstand for 25,000 persons. is a little too ^ax ia this very Im­ You can take that one or leave be Griffin and I and you “ • portant factor. On the other hand NORTHWESTERN COACH REALIZES two teams appear to he much more it. It may be 100 per-cent truth or evenly-balanced than the average Manager Angello agreed to drop it is a fact that Skoneski always It may be Just as much resurfaced Stratton’s name but Assistant Man plays much better in championship rwwRTSHRn g o a l LONG SOUGHT fan realizes. If for no other reason Something to Kick About hokum. thhn that the aspirants for any ager PEntore held out for some battles. It must be said, never­ Whatever it is, the ballyhoo im," .sially atfla- 1 1 3 HelShth ia a theless, that Skoneski is not as bril­ 'By BILLY EVANS . signed to play Michigan at Ann Ar­ barons .vUl make the most of it if liant a player as he used to be with bor in the last game of tha season, title game. the Pirates. But perhaps that is Mr. Tex Rickard carries out his manager had acquiesced. prior to the annual meeting of the threat to reassemble the principal because the Cloverleaf players ^ e Coach Glenn Thistlethwaite of Big Ten coaches, at which time It must be remembered that on a par thus camouflaging his ef­ Northwestern, after five long years characters for an encore next sum­ this Is the year of sport upsets and hind but had he not been, It would most 0 1 the schedule is made out. mer. forts to a certain extent. has realized his ambition, the win­ When the coaches "got together, more unexpected things have hap­ have been a different story today. Very Little Difference ning of a Bigv Ten champlonsmp. At any rate Dempsey wasn’t right pened than a Cub victory over the Herb Kerr also missed a field goal ThesE comparisons must not be With Michigan, his eleven shares it was found; that Minnesota wes when he tacedf Tunney. He wasn’t unable to schedulf f o required Cloverleaves would be. Paige Knute which, if made, would have brought taken as meaning that Mistretta the premier honors of the Western right because he had lost ten Rockne and his Not^e Dame teani the title to the south end. and Mozzer are far ahead of Mc­ four games. Tberei n. Coach Yost pounda in three days. There is at Conference. ‘Requested Northwestern to release on its visit to Carnegie Tech’s field. Carthy and Skoneski. Far be that It has been no easy task for the present a reasonkble doubt as to That’s just one Illustration. There, However^ there Is no denying the from our thought. In fact the Purple coach, for ho has gon^ Michigan frofm its contract, so that why he lost them; hut there will bq he might play Minnesota twice ana are countless others. fact that the Cloverleaves complete­ two teams are the best equipped through several lean ; cars, but his no doubt nt all when the ballyhoo ly outplayed the Cubs, in the second with end talent the writer has seen efforts^ d strategy have at last complete its schedule of four, con­ barons get through with the pros ference games. In turn, Iowa The game should be a close one game wlnplng 19 to 0. The Cubs local town championship contend- Keen cro'^ed in the final season of pectlve customer®, x ^ oh tho grounds that the Cubs will fell completely to pieces. Then to erAhave In some time. They are agreed to play Northwestwn In the W oi^ over Tunney winning? his flve-y^r contract. final game if It would release he fighting every Inch of the way top off thelyear in true north end all exceptionally good players and Alumn^ and uridertomduates at Don't he dumb! because' of being the underdog st^le. Bill McLaughlin ^organized an both backflelds should come to Northwestern feel that Thistleth­ Mlchigafl. . ,, Irwas that egg Kearos Vhb cans? that realization long before the There "was ■ no other aolotion .f while there will probably be a ten­ Alt Star team and won a 6 to 0 vic­ waite ha4 instituted a new era of ed the great champion io; (St3pftpe&V dency to be-over-confident among first quarter Is over. ] athletic^at that institution. He Is Minnesota was to be kept' In the tory over a sojith end All Star conference ■- and Northwestern fn ■ And will the customers^ike that? the champions. Let’s all hope It Is team, thanks to the unwilling gen- a mighw popular man about the They’ll LOVE It. ' f e .< a clean, fast, and well-played game campu/ and It is almost a certain­ sportsmanlike, manner agreed to qrousity of the writer who missed ty that a new contract calling ifor Michigan’s request. In so doing, with/ the better tEam winning. That an attempt to Intercept a forward what would have been.the biggest la all anybody can ask. pass which Billy Skoq^skl turned five more years of service will be game of the Western Conference TEST ANSWERS tendered him. SET DOO DERB( Into a touchdown for the only score Only a fortunate break that season was eliminated from the Th’e Cloverleaves can wqll .ifford of the game. TheAe are the correct answers to came Michigan’s way In the Minne­ sehednle. ~ ' . Quebec^-r-Thy ------Eastern------Interna^ to bear In mind the lesson taught the questions which ^ppear^ on the sota game, kept Northwestern from Northwestern’^ great showing of tlonal Dog 8ieo Derby will be run them last yeal^ whEn the Cubs bat­ comic page. having a clean claim to the Big this season hasi- .made It a much Feb. 21 to 13. The derby'wlU close tled them to a scoreless tie in the . HUNT HOGS Boughk'-lter eleven for 1 9 y . i with. a.taaE4ue ball atv Cha’tesu ■first game. In that particular con- Augusta, Kas.-—A hunt for fotf^ 1— Benny Friedman. Ten title. Recovery of a fumble by Frontenac, at which the" prisEs will 2— Brazil. Oosterbaan, followed by a long ran hive it on good authority t w the tEst, no, better Illustration of over­ razorback hogs that have gone wild schedule, of the Purple will.he^far be awarded. Forty-mile, la ^ are to confidence could be found. Neither was being planned here recently 3— Philippine Islands. for a touchdown and then the ex­ more pretentious next year, /paying- be run on each of the three dayo. 4— ^Norway. * tra point by Benny Friedman, kept team threateited to-spore from line- a group of farmers whose . conw^ Michigan In the running. both Michigan and Illinois^ hOoked. hh»nglng'hut the Cubs had a won­ fields and gardens have been mo*’ 5— ^Lansing. The winning of Big Tot' honors 6— Canada., I Just learned a very interesting derful opportunity when Billy Wol­ lested. About a year ago tour r a t * by Northwesteru- will do much to The discover^' that 17 ^rops of orbacks escaped from a shipment 7— South. story In connection with the North' solder, and not 18, were needed In fram recovered a Cloverleaf fum- of These three members.of the S. S. Majestic’s crew, ’tls said, were unable we^tem-Mlchlgan game that might stimulate new interest In athletics e' wlth.-h clear field via front of imported animals." Hounds were t8 find anything to kick about on shipboard. So on shore leave at New 8— Australia. at the university as well as In the closing a can, saved an^pll company 9— No. ll&VG 1)6611 • $40,000 In- one year. He was over taken from be­ be used In the chase. York, they went to Central Park and took it out on a poor, unsusnecting It seepus that Northwestern had Big Ten. soccer ball. Sea legs can sock. tool. 10— Dover. ' . , jb^NGi^S^risR E^NING h e r a l d , THURSDAY, d ec. -2r PAGE TEN t .T

„•.■ • -j>'i FE^fURE ARTICLES ABOUT INTERESTING LATEST FASHION . V- .HXVv"- _ ■-vy'-'i-f-v-.'/i -WOMEN . - ->4 HINTS BY FOREMOST FAj*' _•'U -"r-,, * 0t” AUTHORITIES -H“-‘ ■.•;,<>-!■» w : '• ■ir/- '-JS2 - t»jT ■ U

Scout i.r i?'. V.

© 1 9 2 6 ' CliflCTd L^ifeU)»!>^Eme9t Ijnm ^ s'. • » ' ♦ NIA SERVICE INa n..., scarves wound around their heads to MIsg 'B v rJ et' Congdonv -Miss Qil- WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE keep their glorious hair from, flying, -n-fc- litt ha.ve Down, Rolled Hose!. To the home ol PROF and MOLr climbed Into tho side-extension of consenti^'''d|)ract.'aa-,judges In the l i b ELWELL in CamdenvUIe, Jim’s scoot cart,: an. extienslpn built rag idjSnjiOTtil^^;'''; All/ifolis are to, The pretty daughter of the Sul­ Ind., one night in October of 1898, for two small bodies. , Jltn dropp^ have ‘ address 'and' troop tan of Sulu,- Princess Tarhata Ki- comes IVLARTHA DALTON, a hls straw'hat at their feet and swung Mrs. Carrie J. Anderson, 21 Ed-a aUpng \9. ■ 5® a log over- the saddle. Tflen- he tin­ girVf emnofed ■ in snvel-j, j-am, a graduate of an American nurse, bearing with her a woman muhd street, reports wonderful | .wtth.a. ope a^jU^hadr th dpess, and- left at who had fainted on the train on kered with a mysterious contraption sticcess with the Prairie - Window. rant-'tfea.': ______university, has. given up her occi­ the 180 dental ways of rolled hose, and which Martha had been traveling. that brought forth a mighty roar Ventilator for home or offi<;e, made M ain;ifii^'Oh oV'bpfdre Saturday, bobbed hair for the ways of a girl Elwell is an artist. Ho has a and the scoot" cart began to Scoot. of durable metal, enameled in ’rhd;glkfi At Cdhnqci^t"G$^^^ December .. -l^?^^ ' Tbe doll^ will be of the harem. Tarhata went"'home son, JIM, aged 5. Late that night They were on their way. brown, green , gray or. white. People fo r ! .Women.>•-Ut.: .]^ew>-..-Lpudon S’ judgh^.^lhfl^’€?v6hiug and will be not long ago to become a member twin girls are bom to the woman, Step on It!” advised Betty from are c-von ordering them for thdt have adW li^' > A .athiirtic 1 who dies without revealing her her precarious perch at. his side. Ho garb,' whlph', is ^to stay vput and- h ot, on e'xbiw the Oak of Data Tahil’s harem, whoever he' “ diffe!'cnt” Christmas gift. Phone streefl’y^'^dOW” of tbe J. WJ Hale identity. Her attire had Indicated was not, he told her, In need of any ba-ohhiig^' 'atethe ‘ Whim of the is. But when the Sultan sh'W his 1179-5 and she will gladly give co m p a s y .''"> .‘V..'-"-; she v.J’-s a person of refinement and gratuitous advice, but when he had studfliltB.\ Buccftedihg daughter, the product of a western you particulars or ca'jl with a sam­ university, he held bp his sultanic wpr.';^ stopped the machine at the path Into ple. wear the nest .tiiuope’d . cpstijiffe o f T-'p . tory then moves forward to Fenton’s Woods and looked at his havy blue.-witH.^hitp ^blouse tvfilch . The .io^wbars ^ot ibis'troop filled hands in sultanic horror. Npw tti® June, 1916, and in Prof Elwell’s watch, he announced that they had has been adoi^t^.- The instructors twelve t^hets with fruit, nuts and princess 'haa adopted the - more workshop the reader is introduced been "going spme." .They had cov­ Black taffeta relieved with white will wear black,in contrast. | candy, 'a^d sent tfiein’ to-sick peo­ modest ways and garb of true Mo­ to Jim Elwell, now 22 and his ered the twelve miles In tvyenty min­ is considered very smart. White ple fbr'i|feuksgiyjiqig. ■ The troop hammedan .women. It would be in­ father’s partner, and to the twin utes flat. , ' organdie and black taffpta are meets 'Ii^ d a y at 4 p.' m. teresting to know what its. com­ ; A' different YfV tp':ptppate‘' cauli­ , 'Js ‘Trocfl>/No. a girls', who have been adopted by He backed the 'cart Iqto the shrub­ classical. For evening all the pas­ pensating joys and charms^ are. the Elwells. They are now 17 and flower-Is a'parboil ■ in “SSl^d. watpr Trbbp,?|2 bas eight new members. Must be pretty good to effect the bery. The, trees In'thelr^een'dress tel shades in taffeta are fashion­ arid separate /the^fldwerets- Dip one of them has been named of summer, the profuslbn of big able, with emphasis on the blue The nert|meetiug. will be Monday exchange. . ' .1 M A R G A R ET and nicknamed into an-egg hotter arrd-fry in deep ferns growing all around, the cool shades. Moire silk Is proving very eveniug ■ dt 7 d'clPck. 1, Selecte to sist one good big: carp at this- select NOW BEGIN THE STORY brown sugar, 1 '’Up flour, 1 tea­ let mo shoot sump’n-^a calf or a spoon soda. 1-2 teaspoon cloves, dress.'ipdpe . dis^otively.; committee. It. savors to me of the CHAPTER IV bear. If we ran Into one.” teaspoon cinnamcn, 1-4 - teaspoon iy '^d'd^ark - reds; a Shade, or-'two RiftHghShod utterly presumptuous, as any move IM'S mother looked up at him and "B u t that was neither calf nor salt. 4 tablesp'.'om melted shorten­ off the chanel, are the choice of the is presumptuous "which attempt to bear,” reminded' Jim. ” It’s a bull. fashioiiahle. Greens in’ the various say “what is good for me, is also quick alarm leaped into her eyes Do .you think you’re qualified to ing, 2 tablespoons milk, 1 cup seed J ed and chopped raisins, 1-4 cup soft shadfs continue in import­ good for you. What I enjoy, you V.’hat on earth— handle tho bull?” - Ho was reaching sliced citioh. ance. 6ccasiona]fty . three different must enjoy. What harms me, will "Oh. nothing much,” he told her for his gun, shades are used in the sarnie gown harm you.” ; -Betty cocked the small weapon Sprinkle 2 ta’olcrpooiis flour over carelessly. "Somebody got hit with rai.sins. MI.k grat'-d carrot, potato Marine blue is ■ one of the newest You and I and aimed It at tho frog on the log. shades emphasized with the blue We are all such creatures of our a croquet ball, that's all. Such things and sugar. Mix and sift flour, salt, ' .r . ' <• Then she turned her head half pencil of fashion. inheritance and experience. We see can happen, you know. Betty Is now around, shut her eyes tight and soda and spices. Melt the shorten- ' l l , in.g in the mold in ^ruich the pud­ a movie'. It's setting is the. sea goin' to make me forget my suffering pulled the trigger. The frog still pounding on a rocky coastline..The for a while by singing 'The End of a ding is to be* steamed. This greases Halibut is a .fish that is liked by sat on his log; the pond unruffled by everybody. 'Try; baking it sandwich very spot where we lived as a child Perfect Day'.” a. ripple. the mold as wfill s.f prepares the The day. Prof observed, would r.h(!i l<;i>ii!g fer 'Jie pu ■'ding. Com- fashion with a bread' stuffing and before inland life was our lot. She. shot like a ‘Chinaman, was aerved with an e'ggvor oyster sauce, There is a bad hold rum-runner in 1 seem to have been imperfect, Judging Bettij cocked the weapon and aimed it at the frog on Jim’s comment as hq took back the bip'i all the ii gia'itr.ts.. mixing from the appearance of the eye. thoroughly. Turn into gi eased mold or 'ln ileii of a sauce, serve scallop­ the story who smuggles his' loot pistol. "Who ever heard of shoving ed tomatoes. Have the steaks cut into the many caves of the coast­ "Who got hit by a croquet ball?" the log. your gat up against. the mark and and steam three and one-hali asked Mollie. "Jim, tell me—" hours. Serve with a hard sauce. about % inch thick. line. We hardly notice him but that is beginning to worry me con­ afternoon!” then shutting your eyes and pulUng watch the flickering film breath­ Jim grinned. "Not me. Ask the Jim Elwell touched his mouth gin­ This pudding can be reheated MARY TAYLOR. siderable.” the trigger?” , lessly, eyes upon the sea and the ball player over there." He nodded gerly with two front Angers. Biting and used the second day. The quick answering pressure he 1 think 1 came pretty close to the crags and the crested waves.- toward Rusty. 1 and kicking and jumping on a man’s A lemon sauce can be used if a felt told him that another, top, was frog, Just^ e same.” “ Not Nice” His mother's Ups moved with an­ back were barred In the wrestling less rich sauce is preferred. beginning to worry about something Jim turned to the other twin. No member of , the “selecting other question, but Prof, with a game, he chanted with slow delibera- • • • THere, Rusty,’! he said, putting the committee’’ ever lived by the sea. touch of his hand, silenced her. His }:|on. ■"Ain’t I got you two aiiy bet­ Long gloves are returhihg to pistol butt In her hand, “you take a They all see only the plot—the eyes were smiiing. Jim Elwell was In the woodshed ter trained than to pull a stunt like shot at him. Knock hiip off that log fashion’s favor which will add to rum-runner. He might teach the "Ail right, let's hate the music," wiping his face the following Satur­ that?” and I’ll buy you both a. nejv pair of their expensiveness. We all lilred trickb of rum-running and deprave ho said. "It's all right, Mollie.” day afternoon when the twins came There had been no btflng and no­ silk stockings for the' Fourth of the little short gloves so long styl­ Jim grinned, glad to be rid of ex­ tearing in on him in their, usual Im their children and themselves. They . body had kicked him.. protested July!” : . ' ish. PIS®' Etp GLOVES planations. No one yet had ever ex­ petuous rush. ~ Betty, her eyes glowing, and Rusty Rusty took the pistol In both hands bar the picture. That Is, they rec­ “Listen, you chickens,” he told ommend that their member.^ do n ot' plained a black eye satisfactorily. added darkly, "You better' be good or and stopped forward two slow paces. The artificial flower for both them, "quit tearin’ around and tell , -Glovjei for :dybnlflg'. w.par;i.)ere^t«d see it nor- permit their children to A few moments later the musical you'll get some more.” She pointed It somewhere In tho gen­ day and evening wear holds its im­ twang of a softly touched harp came me what you say to a scoot after d(n by a famous FfeneK-.gl6.veniakef-.dre see it, and thus even a child whose The voice of Pfo'f. Elwell floated eral direction of tho frog. Then,. Just portance. Those for the street may out of the settling shadows of early ner down the river to Fenton a acr,os the yard from ihe kitchen Pf;;pi^k;;kid hpUbC^ '*«i® ...f,ur:Wp,(f a mind has stored up from history 3 as she pulled the trigger^ the muzzle be of feathers, fur, rubber dr leath­ litfld''darker.'than.,the kid..' twilight from the parlor and brought Woods? I'll take my twenty-two gat dooi'way. "Well, that'd* what 1 call if ted to an upslant of some 45 de­ books a vision of .the sea, might be Prof and Mollie into the room. along. 1 got a coupla boxes of eprt er, while those for the evening-are deprived of his own picture because tough lines, Jlin. Gettln' thrown grees. usually fashioned of chiffon, silk, Jim lay stretched out on his left ridges on the way home. If we run, down an’ most scandalously kissed ■' :-''':]iinEiYV' CLOTH c p ’A lis :, 1 of something he will not see at all. KerplunklThe frog was gonel velvet, gold or silver cloth, and side on a sofa, his head resting on a into a bear or a farmer's calf I'll let by the two prettiest girls'In ■ Indl I ' ■ ? : -V'? 'I ' . . . 'i . “ Meddling BKsy-Bodles” “ There!” squealed Rusty. 'T range in size from the tiny foygdt- pile of soft pillows. Rusty was Betty shoot it. We prob'ly won't; ana!’’ Somebody; he added, oqght to . V Panels ai:^,'j,abot. e ffe ct afe fea? Individuality, personality, is too knocked him off tho log!” me^not to small sized sunfidw'ers I camped on an ottoman on tho floor run into any prizefighters today, if hang crepe on Jim as the finest liv­ “ Knocked him off!” Jim mocked. tnred dp tbe^Rewes't;,%<^^^^ coats. precious a thing to “ monkey with." : close to his side. Her head with its we do. I'll sic Rusty on him!” ing example of hard luck In its most (Jfteh; too; ' 0^ ' see's a 'oirCulpr After all, natural selection protects, "Good Lord, ho fell off laughing at Massage is beautifying as -well i cloud of rust-colored hair, now show- Jim's proposal was a popular one wretched form. you.” floun'ce or a tiered effect. .• • • ns and our children about as well and it brought forth considerably as physically*stlmuiating to the tir­ . - •> • • • • h . »■ >. ■ . . J I Ing dark in the deepening gloom, "He’s had It coming to him for a Rusty tossed her head. “Here, as any outer interference. I regret more than half-hearted response. ed,'nervous Woipan. It makes the i rested agpinst Jim's chest under his week. Prof, but you don’t know take your'old gun/’ she pouted and ' , ; POPULAR SH Al^ , this move on the part of the good skin glow and the tissues become I chin. His right hand lay across her Two Joyous squeals rent’ the air and why!” declared Betty .with a gull^ handed It back to Him. '‘I’m going club women. It’s so silly and Irra­ I throat. Estty with her' harp sat in four pretty arm? bare to the elbows less candor that Prof,: lo.oltlng .Ipto over there to that other pond to firm. Try a facial at Mrs. jRobin- Among the new-pantel shades are tional, and ono more reason why were flung, around, the big palnterls' son’s Lily Beadty parlor in the I a rocker drawn up as close to._the her ehining eyes, felt carrlpd nothing shoot a lily with my bare hands!” queen , blpe,' patadjse' green and club women are laughed at as I sofa as possible. neck from behind. A- knee pressed save the; bubbUng overflow of youth'e She started off through a Jungle of Ho^use & Hale building. Phone Goya fed, and new variatious ^ot the “ meddlers and busy-bodies.” I Prof Elwell took in the scene and a suddenly against the base of his effervescent spirits. He^sfnlled,;but weeds, Betty and Jim followlrig. beige" and ’ rose’ tones. A Christmas Book I faint smile flitted across his lips. spine and a lusty pull, brought him, agelh jthe question came to hiip,-hpw Suddenly Jlin stopped short and No one- would say'that Mrs.. Frank If your child loved the book of I "Looks as it ho was suffering in- down to the floor flat on h(a baclt. . , . Whft| you have plenty .of time, “Pinocchio,” and you’ve read it could "sifeh a 'thing he and' wasn’t listened, and his face was deathly ■. - x ''' CSBHCiwW^r '■ ■ . L. CheeklB heavy fdptgear detracts' I tensely, doesn't he?" he whispered to "Just for that you’re going to get Jim dde.'fdr an awful jolt some .day white. A metallic, whirring sound, embroider the ever-pppuiar monq- over and over to him until it’s a double-barrelled kiss,' . Jimmy . A French importation has'> from her/ chic appearance- The I Jim's mother as they sat down. Mol- when he.wpke up? . . , heart-stilling, deadly, struck on his gram to give the individual'touch worn out, buy him for Christmas \ I lie Elwell smiled a puzzled smile. darling!” panted Betty, and.suiting bodice of ,white ’chiffon embroidpted latWt dtumrgay-PSriee,' she displayed ear. to your gifts. For the girl away'at “ The Little Blue Man, ' by Giusep­ I And then a sweet contralto voice, the. action to her promise she flopped , "Well, Mollie says for you kids, to in' sequins,' -and a skirt', of tlejed them'^llpyudiy . npon' her return to get busy get Into the house for "Hey, get out of therp - weeds, you . school monogram ope of the little . white dstrick'fripg'p. ! /. pe Fanciulli. It’s a darling.. I a vpice that with early cultivation down on her knees and cupped a pair kids!’’ he yelled shrilly. "There’s • stepin, drawers and brassiere sets. New'’York/'./:: ___ _ I might have been magnifleent, was of red Ups, fragrant and moist as e, dinner;” ^hp ahppuhced as he turned and started' bapk toward the fUplng rattlesnake In there!” -. Mdpogrammed scarfs make.Ideal I lifted in a song that is known the dew-fllled rose, over the mouth of ' His'.warning cry was answered al­ gifts for men, as well as fine white i 'world over: "Oh, Promise Me." Jim Elwell. He made a pretense 01 roorp.’ . 5 “ If you had'seen wha^t I ^Just saw most Instantly by a wild scream' linen handkerchlfs. Household lin­ ■ • -.v^l I They were all very still as the struggling but the next Instant the ens of all softs are monogrammed. operation was being repeated by the ydu’d bo, guessing baWfer than ever,'' from Rusty. 1 sweet sound filled the room. Then, (To Be Continued) Everybody who receives a gift of other twin. He made a wry face, he said a moment Iater‘ to the wo’jpSn Pasteurization 1 as the last notes died away, Prof this kind appreciates the personal “There, that's what you get fpr who' had .given, him the bwt ihat life i Elwell leaned over and laid his hand . Jlni shows the stuff he’s made of touch. 1 with soft pressure on that of his being such a good guesser,” breathed can give to a'•’ man for more than Rusty as she and her sister let their twenty-three Years. in tbe neat bpt- something of Milk is a Safeguard I wife. far more orntnous' than rattlesnakes victim up. ” We already had' It Rusty and Betty, decked but- for A visit to Mrs. Elliott’s Rug & g "I want to talk to you tonight, Mol- silk is waiting to claim its victbns. Gift Shop, 75 Henry street, will g He.” he whispered, “about something planned to do that very thing this summer ; comfort and with I solve many of your Christmas prob­ for Public Health.'. iliililllllliliiiiliiiiiliiiillliiiiiiiiliiiiiiliiiijiililiiliiii lems. She does everything in hand \ work, as well as, hemstitching, ar­ tistic hand weaving and painting. Catherine the Great had all the J. H. HEWITT ’ attributes of a queeu, but whs pq- Rich fruit cake, should be baked 40HbU S t Tei. 2056. . Home Page EditpriplB . lltlcally unscrupuldv.'s and had a nearly three weeks before Christ­ flair for conquest. Her airmi'^' .-.'f GcDd mas in order to. "ripen,” but the .Greater}- .werfe . legion, her,' court the most a n d b-l jna^ificent' of its age..Her egrona- eggless varieties fdr which there tion crown is worth fifty-two mii- are many excellept recipes," will'be S e r v i c e lion’,'dollars. good in a week’s time. If you are racking your brain to think- By d iv e Roberts Barton One great with-wisdom,-humiMr something to give some friend.who Hiiraw . ' . ' ^ Good ty and kindne8S--the other great has everything,, why not make a " .1 ajimrwr 'winter - w ' hair Js j ALL PAINS ABOUT HEART the various valves in action, mak­ with-,a.comiu.p’:or’s-grj0atness^,- -i. rich fruit cake for her Christmas flver' 'coyTyi 5 -is tidy, k«t ^yKu tleanets i d a i 'Clean ing an investigation of tbe bipod NOT HEART DISEASE The Russian, crown jewels have Which is the true:' patriotism-:^ remembrance? From the chain ;it' has' a gjpw.. AYet .1 - never ;.v . ■ pressure, and measuring the size of .. . » - ' . , come to Ainerica'.to be sold. In­ sacrifice and service, or material­ stpires to the exclusive shops the. Athaiedres^, kayfe, a Harcet the heart, bo1;h by tapping on the istic gain? > -Is not the';,absence of Bv DR. MORF.IS FISHBEIN cluded in the coileqtlqn'is the fam-r price of fruit cake apes'up .eyery, 'i-'-'V -i- Editor Journal of the American | chest for areas ^of dullness, and ous crown of'Catherine the Great, * jewel! belonging to Peter the First, year.'/It surely costs money, tjine are duo; te a h ^ , Medical Association and of Hygeia, by the use of the X-ray learns many of Russia. It contaifls over fifteen significant, and work to make-fruit cake, but dr«^‘ great- Utmost Courtesy things that are of importance.- the Health Magazine. hundred diamonds and is valued it is so delicious to feast upon and .e^cially.fpr I.apply ^ twice He' is able/ then to determine' A person who suddenly has a at fifty-two million, dojlarsl There have on hand, and^a Very little, goes -a,werfe It doti^,iM whether the pain associated with pain in the heart or in the region are other jewels equally magnifi­ -imau hour. -^ 4 .wave K 'l'"' 'is extended to our customers by all our cm- the disease of the heart is due to of the heart is likely Jto become cent that belonged to different' Many piamdhds aM,sheen, re m ^ i . - . ' an actual physical change in, its frightened because of the import­ members Of the Rpumanoff family. Now you can ohtam safnc; ^ I»oV W . The girl who answers when you tissues or the result of nerve re­ .product AU toikt copnbws sup­ ance which this organ has long held But one hears > littlo of ^ Peter the Jidiiis Hartt School of Hosic in the public mind in relation to di­ action. Great in the, list of O'wners. 'Who ply-it as Cd^i Wallace Hoppers ; - qiU 1 5 1 0 is promjpt, courteous, heipftil. The sease and death. Overeating, "Worry, Cold wore the greater crown7 ' , .Wave and' Shew. .The pnee » Ida Levin, Teacher of Pianoforte. 75c. My gwa’antce comes with --drivers are just as obliging. Everybody at Dr. Alexander Lamber pointed In many cases, persons who suf-' ■When: merely a-boy',; i^eterireal- Alfred Cohn, Teacher of Violtp'. out 'that neurotic pains and pains of fer pain from heart disease have .each bottle, sd^yoix^e - ized;. the. savage cphdltlpa ■ o f ' ^is , Studio: •v This is a q£ tly.i beat,. ■ dtor' itiaht is taught that the easterner Is the slight degree originating elsewhere severe attacks when they pat too subjects.. The lyorld arPUnd" them si’ATB THEATER BPILOING .Ihfflp I ever fonM for wo(iM«, .MpoeW- In the body may be referred to the much, when they are subjected to was'clTdllzed and Peter dete'fmined . ly w§i Xa shaaaec boss. ■ region of the heart and may easily unusual worry, or to cold. For A{ipbintinents .Gall .it is epscBl^ .(g p ^ ... to learn the sec.rjet• ■.of ■* thgt. civiliza­ ^ 808-5, 689 or 2-50X0. j - bring about a condition of fright or Emotional excitement alone tion add teach it to his ■peop'le^ worry. They arouse fear of sudden ou Ydu’U like our ideals of s ^ i c e ! combined with extra physical exer­ . Hei wenj to Anisterdam,, called death, which is common in many tion Is likely to bring on an attack hindself-Peter Zlmmermfliih,.', and nervous persons. of pain. hired as a ijhborer in a shipyard. He Hard to'Distinguish lived ii> a grarret,'mended his own Physicians understand that all Leaving a warm room and go? TH* ing out into the 'cold may start the clothfis,-jCPdked his own food. He^ pains in the region of the heart are lOarned .Whit he could of manufac- not necessarily due to heart disease. pain, and in other Instances undres­ 001IGAN DVE W ORKS sing in a cold room may be respon­ tuHng;. he leairhed'to shoe a- hqrsa, INC* Pains du« to heart disease and to .make shoes fpr > hini‘9elf; those due to other conditions In the sible for an attack. .1- HARRI.SON ST. Above all other diseases, there­ bp al^o picked' uq a' certk&' khow- region of the heart cannot be dif­ ledge of. surgery. W ith this k'nbw- SOUTH NANCHESTER, ferentiated, however, except by of the heart demand the highest CONN. type of scientific Investigation. : ledge cff'people and . hings' he-re- some one with scientific knowledge, tufned to Russia and started his iB- of body structure and the symp­ fprms. V ■' toms of heart disease. He Introduced arithmetic IntOj In cases in which the heart It- SPANGLES ABE BACK eelf is affected, there are likely to 1 business. Heretofore acepuhts had been kept- with— balts~ 'flttuhg' . on be physical symptoms related to .per day •Sir the accomplishment of work, to j Spangles have returned to the •wire. .He..set .up.^printing presses IIM breathing, and to body nutrition. and foifhded' schools and hospitals. The formal seuBon brings with it I mode but they are small and made He died dbipg-an'.,'ct;of m'ercy , l!!l this-hqw-type'of tiarh fashioned oj «>■“ '— rescuing, some shipwrecked sail- y iin g to .the sounds given off by i tints pi the rainbq5r» -• Oj^a. . . ■ . . ------. -V...... 'A ■■ ^ r .« L"’ • » ’’6 I' • ' « r. ■ . ■ . _ J ' -s • i- '-t 'i-Xii A- • ts • <*-.-••. ,

Vi. i V>. PAGE ELEVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HEJRALD, TU E SD AY, DEG. 2, 1926. By F ^ k Bedt FANNY S&V5 G AS BUGGIES— ^Who Is Denton Fender? SENSE AND nonsense HE SAID HE KNEW r . THINK IF ^JOB! WHAT'RE -YOU- W A N ^ *pb L i. I WENT AT IT D E N T O N "WELL! WHAT DID TA LK TO ME, CUT ^OUfT LOTS OF GUYS WHOSE Somebody says kissing Is a relic YOU DO DOWN TOWN. YOU TALKING MAKE-UP WAS A HANDICAP', RIGHT' I COULD I ABOUT.... I TH AT TONE OF VOICE. GRAB OFF HIS FENDER!? of tbQ dark ages. Also of dark TODAY? DIO VOU .I'M NO LACKEY WHO'S COMPAliEP TO MINE AND HEARD OF A BUSINESS. HE'S nights. HEAR OF A N Y JOBS? 'MIXED UP ;HIS SPOONS. THEV'D RETIRED AFTER < WHO IF YOU DON'T FIND PROPOSITION, .WELL! SELLING CARB- A FEW ,5 THIS, GOT A SWELL I KNOW ALL I HAD ^ A -TALK WITH PLACE. HIS ABOUT HIM. “ What’s this I tear about Alec? S0METHIN6 SOON ^ IF THAT'S ONE OF THE BIGGEST« YEARS, IN .FACT. HE'S w iz a r d ! WHAT YOU r I’m , . N A M E IS NO WONDEP we’5 Has he taken a new wife?” YOU'LL HAVE A MEN IN THE AUTO GOING TO RETIRE m e a n ? , WAITING ’ DENTON FENDER. GOING TO RETsFE. “ Well— er— not exactly. She STEADY JOB toAME. HE .SAID I'D ^SQ9N .HIMSELF*: 'w as'a young widow, I bfelieve.”. LOOKING FOR h HIS WIFE HAr / BE W ASTING M Y LEFT HIM ANr A JOB. PERSONALITY IF, I 'm A business man succeeds in pro­ SHE H A S Atw .DIDN'T ENTER THE ) portion to his ability to satisfy his SELLING FIELD./ THE M O M E y . customers. , Builders’ Foreman: Excuse me, but are you the lady what’s sing- ing? ■ ■ Lady: Yes, I was singing. Why? Builders’ Foreman: Well, might J I ask you not to hang out that top note so long. The men have knock­ ed off twice already, mistakin’ it for the dinner whistle. O t.Wf “>nNERAL, IklY MINERAL’’ ^ f ■ (Air: “ Maryland, My .Maryland” ) %j8pyfipE#.iy«L's^^cwwpoiKiR r*cw^ap^ acrwcc OIS26 «T WtA SCBVICg. IMfe Sing out this song in efery clime Mineral, my mineral. - T i l \ f B y Percy Crosfty Offering to help with the dishes There’s calcium and'lodine. is the easiest way fo get into hot Mineral, niy mineral. SRIPPY |l"C0M6 NOW, MA, VOO KNOW water. We cut away potato peel * (3 h , .lofT cieeAore D *e And. from the spud the good we piuiH \» I. tirjn Ji>hii«tn KwimtihIm “ Don’t shoot,” said the rabbit, ‘It’s such a bad habit. ; B y S w a n Although you think it good fun; ?ALESMAN SAM One on Konrad But you think it less funny if you were the bunny. N’OO'RE (5o DUMB YoJ y NO Yoi) D O H T — IF "FiPiT. aiNiT r\'i NAneJN DO«V Know HOW nRHY RIBS HOW MfNtss R ib s And I were the chap with the «MNT KONRPiD gun.” K MonKt'l Wfr 6 oT Hft> K MOHKE4 All the questions of this test G o T T with the exception of the first deals A lot of money is wasted in try- with facts of geography. The cor­ , iug to give a musical education to n rect answers to the questions ap­ children who have no,, musical tal­ pear on another page: ent. 1— ^Who is shown in the accom­ panying picture? Herbert; " If you refuse me, 2— What is the largestcountry Gladys, I ..hall never love another. In area in South America? Gladys: “ Ah, that’s all very well, 3— In what country is the city ofbut does the promise hold good if Manila? I accept you?” ^ ‘tbo Teoote. UlRFFt^S HOU) lOLU.- YhP’T'J kIIT 5—Wharirfhrcaoital of Michi- s4t on the car firrft, not because . Know PiH'lIHlNb- — 5^^ What IS tne capital or ivucni poUte, but because it’s a treat. ------5 ;^ , gan? are the // 6— In what ' country ‘■“You told me you hadn’t any -Caribou mountains? / hcQ« 2 - ^ 4 .' „ T .T, -o- mosquitos,” said the summer boar- // IT KILL^I N)Bl) -7— Is the Panama canM north ori der reproachfully.” / / , ft south of the Tropic of JZancer? “ I hadn’t,” replied Farmer Hay­ ' ,' v*J& 8—^Is Australia or New Zealand] rick. “ Them you see floatin’ the larger country? around- oome from Si Perkin’s / 9— Has Bolivia, South America,place. They ain’t mine.” an ocean port? B y B l o s s e r 10— What is the capital of Dela­ No doubt you think most of these FRE(^KT.I^S AND HIS N ot a Bit Convincing ware? paragraphs are punk. Well, we P&xxjd, m is s KAAirz ? “ . ./'are willing to admit it If that will 6EE! you 6Cfr MORE iWELL^-TMAYS Children are such disappoint-___ „„ ___ }jelp any. XYEU-VA!! OAtL v j m a t l _ VNAYMYSOM ISM’7 700 BAD-\MMO LockxserriM’ exixjsed ments. Mr. Coolidge’s father want­ UP TU: TEACMER ’ A)OVO? VWMAT,S - IS -TWIS 7r- MUMPS AN’ AiOW FEEUMS VMEU- AM’ /W/ FA7W6R ed him to be a doctor. She: "What happened to you? Tfi: AM’ PRETEMO IT5 • /MOMBEC VOU DOM’7 MAFIA 60 UAM’T COME ro SPEAKING? Were you in an accident?” yoOR POP taukim ' a n ' SCHOOL TODAY.' Him I Hate He: “ No! I was being shaved by •70 SCAOOL,-«6eE.' X TEIA MER VOU'EC A man I hate is Herbert Pyle; ' a lady barber when a mouse ran VMISM Z VWAS YOU. SICK-'7REN you He always wears a patent smile. across the floor.” AA)' ME’LL. PLAY.'

i V: GY

ei»M BY fiea scbvice. wc.* r-a-z. ^

by Fontaine Fox WASHINGTON TUBBS II "Stinky” Davish B y C r a n e DAVIS HAS A ACH op A H e v / DOG

r ONES ME AM 'OEA. HE BUT IT Won't h av e a n y t h in g To do WiTH HiM YESSiRf mA-t GUYS viONT SEAE.CH SOUE "ROOM A, YmeF m n r .xqKT-', i^MVCE. AND H6 MVOHT SEARCH OUST FCXJNO h im 601N* a n O v^oov; o u r jew elry < « « .0 MY t>1^€sses. MO\M, VF NOU'U. KEEP ^uRe.

' « ' ft/ O'

/ i /

O (READ THE STClyY THEN COLOR THE PICTURE). } The Tinymites were l.appy now. joke, but when he told them of his r ^ A . V.A SURE. \f Th at DEteciwe They’d cleaned their clothes of soot plan, they very much agreed. It ‘’‘ stuff/ let CATCHES h im — vuiLLf t'f’S somehow, and now we find them happened that upon a line there Tv? D0N»*6£LLS Tu6e>s tkat’S Got stolen ,oV sitting close beside the furnace hung a blanket very flne, and when goods o n H\S HAVlPS -^NOT old Clowny fetched It he had turn­ TAKE Th’ door. Said '’ -rubby, “ Well, I’ve US. 'VMG N6VER SAiM 'EM done my I nd now I’m glad to ed a noble deed. get this r^. ris evening, and the “ Ah, here you are,” he cried BEFORG , EH, BABY f evening hours bring sleep on, more aloud. “ There’s room enough for :.ll and more. our crowd.” And then they*helped him spread the blanket out upon “ Lbt’s all flop down and take a 6 P nap. I rather fear my strength will the floor. "Now this is what I call o snap, if I don’t close my eyes awhile real fiin,” said Scouty, when the and drift to slumberland.” The job was done. “ We’ll all climb In others too, were fairly tired and and cover up and get tn sleep, once new, with Scrubby’s words inspired, more.” they also dropped down on the floor, It surely was a funny bight to see Just too worn out to stand. the little fellows fight, to get the The furnace heat was nice, of warmest spot they colild,' away from course, but didn’t-seem to have cold and harm. Then, after awhile, much force, anij after-they had slept they all were still, and so we’ll POOR. 0NS0SP6C1\N<1 a while wee Coppy jumped and leave them there until the coming cried, “ Say, I’m as cold as I can be. of another day upon the wondrous VJA^H OSUGIN&LY FALLS iH tb *fH e If all the rest are Just like me, let’s Xarm. , NCA scRvicc. me. try and find a blanket so wo all can (To be continued) crawl inside.” He yelled.so Jffnd-they all awoke, (The XlByniltes leave the farm in

’ "*‘\' THUKSDAY, DEC. 2»: PAGE TWELVE i 9 » r a Q

MODERN-OLD FASHIOM M FOOTBALL DANCE TONIGHT '*10 BENEFIT TOWN TITLE AT THE RAINBOW Prot. Taylor Fromptor. (Mdrenoffw Cloverleaves A1 Behrend’a OrcbMtra. ST’ - ( vs. Admission 50 Cents. South End Cubs / SUNDAY Old Fashioned and AT HICKEY’S GROVE Modem Dandng: Kickoff at 2.15 city View Dance Ball \ Friday and Saturdayy December 3 and 4 Keeney Street. SATURDAY EVENDIG, DEC. 4tb The Educatloni^l Cliib of Man­ We have gathered to gether throughout the store a n ^ b er of Basketball and Dance A1 Behrends’ Orchestra very fine and unusual values which we are o ffin g Friday and Satur­ Admission 60c. chester, under whose awpicos tl^e ST. MARY’S Town Playeys will < present' the day at the popular pricei Of one dollar, ^ o s t of the assortments are vs. Dancing from 8 to 12 p. m. ELMWOOD ENDEES three-act comedy "Dulcy*’ at the limited and we will not be able to obtain any more before C?»ristmag. i School St. Rec Circle theater, Thursday evening, If one dollar is about what' you want to spend for most of your gifts it THURSDAY EVENING The Army and Navy club auxil­ December 9, today placed the tick­ Admission 50c. iary will have its regular meeting will be worth your while to simp here Friday and Saturday, x at the clubhouse this evening. Tlie ets in circulation. A nnniber were meeting was postponed from last mailed to local people whom they, week on account of Thanksgiving. believe will be " interested in the Odd Fellows’ Hall object for which the iday la given, ------!— “ .1 namely for the milk fund, and for SATURDAY EVENING, DEC. 4th Mr. and Mrs. Archie Palmer .dt DARIES PERFUME FANCY ^ Lydall street have as their guests, .corrective work among the chil­ PUBLIC DANCE Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Evans of Wash­ dren. ’ DROPPER ...... $ 1 GLASSWARE ...... Modern and Old Fashioned ington, D. C. ^ ^ Tickets will be 'available frojn A dainty amber colored perfume drop­ For the married, .woman, , for$ ' 1the Dances. 'members of the Educational club per filled with Jesmin or Narcissus de> bride-to-be this' colored glassware' will Admission 50c. Mrs. Mabel Latham Gregston of and the Town Players. They have chine perfume. This would make a make a useful gift. Your choice of Kelsey Point, Westbrook, is the also been placed in 'th e hands of ' $1.49 and $1.98 dainty little gift for one of your girl fruit bowls, vases, candy jars, relish some of the school children. There friends. dishes, sngar and 6rehm sets and han­ Splendid Assortmoit guest of Miss Emma Colver of will be about BOO seats reserveid Woodbrldge street. BOUTON’S BATH ^ dled cake trays. " 'and tickets for these may bb ex-^ ^Lunicheon Cloths stationery ABOUT TOWN The Woman’s Foreign Mission­ changed at the storp of the Dewey- SALTS ...... $1 ary society of the North Methodist Richman company. An attractive tall decorated contain­ SMOKING church will meet with Mrs. Le The Educational club which was er. Assorted odors. This would suit, SETS .... .$1 The Ladles’ Aid society pf the organized a. number of years ago $ 1 •N Swedish Congregational church Verne Holmes, 267 Main street to­ $1 your girl friend to a T. . As'ah extra' "surprise gift" for Big morrow afternoon at two. has upon its membership roll many Neyer before have we had such an will meet at 7:30 tomorrow even­ of the public school teachers and^ Brothers or Dad this four piece smok­ ing with Mrs. S. A. Rosendahl of Tn.thls lot you will find a 45x45 HUDNUTS BATH ing, set has no ri'val, consists of a brass assortment of stationery at |1 . At Frank Palozl has sold his house representative women who believe this price you will find Eaton, Crane 17 Hackmatack street. that there is no work more worthy Inch, all linen luncheon cloth in beau- SALTS...... tray, ^clpar holder, match box-holder at 93 Glenwood street to Antonia ;tlful colbrs; also a 58x58 inch mer- We have a large assortment of$1 Hud-- and ash tray. and Pike stationery In' linen or kid Agostlnelll of Birch street who in which they can engage than finish in white or colors. Keith’s Miss Harriet Condon, art instruc­ welfare among the children ‘of the .cerizdd cloth with colored borders nut’s bath salts at this popular price. will move into It shortly. The sale and scalloped e ^ e s in rose, blue and Assorted odors. Chec, RIpplemark, Highland Linen tor in the High school will repeat was made through the Stuart J. community. They give generously BOOK and Eaton’s Club Letters. Station­ her lecture on “Pictures for ,the Wasley agency. / . of their.time and ' money for the gold. T- ,EITOS..,.'...... ery for both men and Women. Home” at High school hall this purpose of providing funds to car­ POWDER 1 $1 evening at eight. All lovers of the The annual Christmas sale and ry out the advice of local physi­ JAR ...... 3 ) 1 .Bpqk ends to hoM favorite boo^s. best in art are cordially invited. entertainment by the ladles of Sec­ cians, the parents bear tbe expense, Beautifully colored powder jars In Br^ze.finlske^ in the well known sub­ Miss .Condon gave her lecture yes­ ond Congregational chureh last ev­ there are many children who h a n d embroidered rose, yellow, blue, gold, etc., containing jects-^- 'The Thinker, Abraham Lincoln, terday afternoon and evening un­ ening was a deqlded success. The would be obliged to 'struggle on body powder and a large puff. The Indian^ etc. der^ auspices of the Mothers dub TOWELS...... BOXED various booths were well patroniz­ with their handicaps were it not All hand made and/hand embroider­ of 'Manchester, and her address, ed, and the entertainment, featur­ for. Just such a fund as the Educa­ NOVELTIES...... together w.th the art exhibit at the ed tdwels, made by the natives of POrto WILLIAMS’ SHAVING SMOKING $1 ing a playlet “Local and Long Dis­ tional Club provides. Rico, Many beautiful patterns to j ’ACKAGE ...... All boxed ready to give as a gift. Franklin school, attracted more tance," by members of the Girls A recent report of Miss Isabel STANDS...... than fifty of the.members yester­ choose from. What housewife doesn’t For dad or brother. This set$1 con­ $1 Your choice of glass fruit knives, color­ Friendly society of St. Mary's Moore, the school nurse in the An lnexp.enslve but useful gift for the ed bud vases, painted book ends, colored day. Tea was served by the fol­ church, and musical numbers was Eighth District listed a total of 14 like to receive linen towels. sists of Williams’ shaving creamr aqua smoker. An. all metal stand with two lowing committee: Mrs. Jack Mil­ velva and jersey cream toilet soap. I Wall vases, decorated castor sets, color- enjoyed by a large au'v fence. tonsil operations, 10 cases which brass trays wjth Insets of glass. I ed' perfume droppers and amber ciga­ ler, Mrs. Bert Andrews, Mrs, Allan required treatment by a skin spe­ Coe, Mrs. Royal Webster and Mrs. night the Endeavorers will servdib. LACE TRIMMED rette holders. Gifts suitable for both supper at 6:30 to all those who cialist, 5 children had ' their eyes MUSLIN men and women. Elbert Shelton. The exhibition of are to engage in the Every Mem­ corrected h7 glasses, 6 required the PILLOW CASES...... $1 GOWNS...... CONSOLE ‘ pictures will be open to visitors ber Canvass, Sunday, December 12. services of an aurist, 1 child was These pillow case's are made of good These are the well known and$1 na- SETS ...... _ _ this evening. sent to the Home, for Crippled quality cotton and they have a dainty , tionally advertised Wllla Loom gowns— These console sets are duplicates$1 of at Newington, one was X-rayed for lace edge |u d set-in motif. Size 45x36 all hand made. They are daintily trim­ much higher priced ones. Your choice $1.49 ROCKING The Parent Teacher association hip trouble, 2 were treated by an inches. med with Irish crochet and hand em­ of amber, green or plum colored sets. HORSES ...i...... hdd another large whist last night orthopedic, specialist and two minor broidery. White only. $1 at the Buckland school, 18 tables A rocking horse will give him hours FORD TOPS surgical operations were necessary. PYREX • 4 of pleasure. Your choice of two styles being filled with players. Six priz­ These are all cases that would’ PART LINEN HUCK MUSLIN —^horse’s head or horse with saddle. es w'ere given, three to the three I PUT THEM ON have received no attention had It TOWELS, 2 fo r ...... g l a s s w a r e ...... 3) i persons holding the highest scores depended upon their parents aWne, Size 25x35 inches. This is one $1of the BLOOMERS...... What housekeeper wouldn’t appreci­ and three to the lowest. Andrew Runabouts $7.50 but when tl\e money Is advanced, best assortments of buck towels we have Plain white. Made, of good quality ate Pyrex ovenware as a gift, especially Healey headed the committee of they are often able tp pay It back had in, years. Plain white with hem­ muslin and have a dainty lace trim­ a pie plate or a baking dish. $1.49 MAMA „ arrangements and Mr. and Mrs. Touring $10 stitched, bordered or checked hems. ming. Sizes 27 and 29. Il^)IiTiS ...... Healey donated all the prizes. Mrs. In smajl sums. The refund is imme­ $1 diately used on new work. Colors guaranteed fast. Colors: rose, Darling little dolls dressed in pretty David Armstrong received a bush- gold, blue and lavender. si of apples, P. F. Hannon a half frocks and sun bonnets that cry "Ma­ bushel potatoes and Mrs. Ruth Charles Laldng 25c ma.” Reynolds a quart jar of home- 314 Main Street TURKISH TOWELS $1.49. canned cherries. The low prizes Read Herald Advs 2 f o r ...... were awarded as follows: Jame| Good, heavy large size towels,$1 size Percales $1.49 DOLL Quinn, bushel of turnips; Mrs. Eli­ 25x49 Inches. White with colored bor­ CARRIAGES...... zabeth Pallier, jar , grape jelly; niiiiliiiiiililiiiliiiiliiliiliiiiiiiilitllllllllliilliiliiliilliliiiiiiiilimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Pie Servers, $1 Walter .Jostello, a large cabbage. 2323534848539048010100534853534823485353534853485348ders of gold, blue and rose. The little mothers ifiust take their Crullers, cheese and coffee were 5 Yard $1 make believe babies ont for an airing on served and a social hour followed. nice days in one of these doll carriages. TURKISH $1 There will be no more whists until TOWELS...... after the New Year. Some of these Turkish towels are the Light and dark patterns suitable 1 NOTICE I well known Marte.x towels—guaranteea for both house dresses and aprons. $1.49 BABY King David Lodge of Odd Fel­ A nickle plated, frame with a glass DOLLS...... lows in conjunction with Shepherd fast color. White with beautiful jac­ Mother would appreciate receiving $1 Encampment will hold another of quard borders of blue, green, pink and enough percale to make two or three baking pie plate inset. The little miss will delight in receiv­ ing one of these 18 inch baby dolls their popular public dances on Sat­ orchid. house dresses and aprons. urday evening in Odd Fellows’ hall. I All Christmas Club Books Must dressed in a pretty long white frock. There will be modern and old fash­ WOMEN’S SPORT . ioned dances. HOSE, P a ir ...... $ 1 I Be Returned Silk and wool sport hose in smart $1.98 DOLL ^ plaids in all the wanted colors. For CHILDREN’S RUBBER ^ BOUDOIR CARTS...... skiing, skating, in fact, for all winter APRONS...... 3> 1 PILLOWS ...... $1 The older dolls must have' one$1 of I AT ONCE sports you will want to have a pair of The young miss will want a rubber A sheer lace covered pillow with rose, these doll carta to go riding in these nice these sport hose. aprdn just like mother’s. Two models blue or green lining. Comes In three winter days. • Finished in white enam­ to choose from—one has cretonne trim­ popular shades—oblong, heart or round. el. ming while the other has hand painted WOMEN’S SILK AND decorations. All colors. DOLL LAMP I Savings Bank of Manchester ; WOOL HOSE, pair . . . $1 $2.49KIDDIE What girl wouldn’t lofe to receive a TEDDY BEAR FRAMES...... $1 f pair of these beautiful silk and wool i Why not make a doil lamp for one. KARTS : ...... $ 1 I ■ -&L ■ v' ■ sport hose in the plain colors of parch ! BLANKETS ....____ $1 of your friends.X Hand made gifts are • What youngster doesn’t like to re­ A Baby blue or pink background with always appreciated. ceive a kiddy kar for ^Christmas and ment, beige and French nude. | all the well known nurkry ^ u re s In daddy can a ^ r d one at" this price. white. Webbing edge. I Manchester Trust Co. SILK AND FIBRE HOSE RUBBER < . : mm P a ir ...... VELOUR APRONS...... 3)1 MECHANICAL $1 A gay colored rubber apron will be A Kodak For s Your choice of Miss Vanity or Phoe­ TOYS...... $ 1 TOYS,2for...... nix silk and fibre hose, or Blue Crane appreciated by tbe housewife. We 50 c IliilllilllllllllllllliillillllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillliiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiii The youngsters will cry with delight Wind up toys for good boys and girls. Christmas pure silk hose. We carry a wide range when they^see one of these fluffy tops have dozens of different^ patterns to. In this assortment you will find Girard’s of all the new winter shades. Christmas morn. Your choice of a doll choose from in beautiful models. All the wanted colors. air mall, aeroplanes. Ho Bo trains, Coon A Kodak continues to give, uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii or cat in either white or colors. All Dancers, racers, etc. during the whole year. Re­ CHILDREN’S WOOL hand made and hand painted. ’ U member this Christmas with SOCKS, P a ir ...... INFANTS’ pictures of the family. This Is the well known Phoenix$1 NOVELTIES...... $1 GIFTCANDY I PtQN brand. Checks and plain colors in all DRESSES...... $1 This is' the famous Hickory line of BOX ...... the wanted shades. The young miss Surely there Is a baby on your list holl'day merchandise. We have a very The boxed dainties consist of$ . ona 1 ' KODAKS will surely love to receive, a pair of that would look darling in one of these good assortment of shoe trees, novelty . pound'of salted peanuts, one pound of these socks for Christmas. sheer muMin dresses which are dalntly garters, powder puff cases, rubber apron ■chocolates and one pound of assorted $2 to $30 trimmed with lace, feather stitching and and handkerchief sets, and shoe trees hard'candies. THINGS TO CAT hemstitching. Infants’ long dresses, 6 and garter sets. KODAK ALBUMS GOOD WOMEN’S RAYON months, 1 and 2 years. BLOOMERS ...... 54 INCH INDIAN NEEDLE 75c up The new flapper bloomer—fits $1 snug. WOMEN’S BOXED Gomes in white, peach and pink. Silk h e a d SCARFS, 2 for BOOKS...... FOR FRESH FISH HANDKERCHIEFS .. 'Plain white Indian head scarfs$ with 1 Your choice of a leather needle$1 book Developing and Printing. underwear always pleases. Regular What girl or woman doesn’t like$ 1 to 91.25 a pair. blue and white, rose and white or plain containing 200 needles or a needle receive handkerchiefs. This box con­ white lace edge. booklet with assorted needles. sists of three lovely embroidered hand­ CALL 2000 kerchiefs. KEMP^S SILK WQJPIN’S HAND ^ FILET OF COD , ' VESTS ...... $1 BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ FILET OF HADDOCK Picoted top, with shields under arm. WOMEN’S HANDKER- A

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