
The News of All 1 Pages T( The Township Snorting News, Page'

•ol,. V, No. 52 .WOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, SKPTKMBKR 1G, 1927 PRICE THREE CENW Prominent Men, Movie Actress to Woman Fined $50. for Buying WIDE DIFFERENCE Stolen Lace; Thief Is Jailed MARKS BIDDINGS Help Dedicate New State Theatre Judge Censures Purch»M> of $50. Value for * Dollar and a Plate of Soup, Discounting Plea Store Proprietress AVENEL SEWER Public Service Buys Out Did Not Know Box of Curtains Were Stolen Impressive Ceremony to Precede Hansen A Jensen's All Bus Routes in This (,'harged with receiving stolen Officer Ben Parsons led to Dunn's Do Work for Two Third, i Regular Program Monday Night Vicinity; Pays $500,000 -,'odds, Mrs. Julia Gurzaly who keeps arrest. i store at 284 Fulton street, was Under questioning Dunn admitted Next Lowest Figure P Welcomed enthusiastically by the business interests of That the Public Service haR ar- ined $50 by Recorder Voget Tues- he had been given a drink of hootch Contract at $6,686.70. tr.wn because they aee in it a possibility of stimulating commu- rived one step nearer to controlling lay morning. The woman admitted as further payment for the curtains. all bus transportation in northern •>aying $1.00 and a plate of soup Mrs. Gurialy denied she knew the I OTHER IMPROVEMEf -,;tv pride to the extent of keeping local residents from going: ^New Jersey was made evident yts- curtains had been stolen but the ] for H box of lace curtains stolen by per cent. , it iif town to seek amusement, the new State Theatre will be terday in its announcement of the Edward Dunn. The latter was sen- judge declared her previous admin- \ purchase of the Perth Ambny-Wood- sion that she had known Dunn for 1 the next bidder, the firm ! ivcn its grand premiere Monday night before an'audience 'enred to 30 days in the county and Jensen was awarded the bridge-Carteret, the Fords-Iselin, workhouse. quite some time convinced him she Miiit should fill every one of its 1,25(1 seats. and the Perth Amboy-Rahwny routes knew Dunn was not in the business tract for building section three of i Avenel Sewer System after An impressive ceremony will attend the opening with State from tne Middlesex Bus Owners' As- Sigmund Manuel of 62 Court of selling curtains. To Mrs. Our- >treet, Newark, appeared as com- zaly's protest against being fined were opened by the Township Senator Morgan F. Larson as master of ceremonies. Rev. J. sociation. Bus permitB, gnnri.'.uill ami mittee, Monday afternoon. Tha , all equipment are included in the plainant Rgxinat Mr*. Gurtaly nnd Vngnl claimed: "You are getting ntT i:,•njaniin Myers, rector of Trinity 1 Dunn. He told the court the cur- easy, but if you don't like it you cessful bid Wag IM8B.T0'and- ,,, , .,, i H. Doyne, a concert organist brought transfer. No price was mentioned otters were: George l in the announcement hill it it un.liT Owner of New Stair Theatre who tains, valued at $50, were taken can go before the grand jury and Churoh, will pronounce, „„ (rum phMmie,pnlll *T(, ,,mrk ^e nvltei public to h* prenrtit Monday from his MnnHny $9,-100.10; George Milter, •he invocation promptly at 8 o'clock. 'occasion Doyne has arranged a stood the owners were paid approxi- night to judge whether he hat kept while it was parked on New street. "All right," said the woman, pay- Wen W street returned home Saturday and the filing of a third petition the previous claim by the Fords by the young ladies to assure the wart Stern and W ' "i./i" * j j u- a. at a dinner in Buchner's Restaurant J ward Stern and Waiter Hok, both made arrangements to secure an- for concrete pavement in that management that W,ood covers ... neighbors, gave their names to the State, county, and township offi-, .lmme d.. .ly other motorcycle with which to at- between Hoy avenue and Cr nals have been invited to attend the ! , , (). ground than any second baseman who patrons a good time and dancing . . . i diamond battle, be a feature police as witnesses. Mill road. On Jensen's motion premiere and prominent men :md wo-' has ever played in Pords this year. I *"" ' tempt to cross the continent with- The downfall of Rotary's athletes In attorney was instructed to draw men of New York theatrical circles . ., , ., , ., For the losers Lou Neuberg and u «"">»»«•« their enterpnse out stopping—the goal being a $6,- ordinance for this work. arc expected to occuny wuts i.f is attributed to the fact the nine Norman Banks deserve a great deal the young ladies state their aim is players long since passed the peak to provide delicious food. Music for 000 prize put up by the manufacturer Ordinances were introduced honor as personal guests nf Mr. of effectiveness and are now mere of credit, the latter sticking to his $35,000 Home Started Mark Block, the man who has had , , dancing will be on hand every night. of the cycle. construct a sewer in Gordon sfc shells of thejr (nfmfT se vefi as ft task behind the bat in spite of a and curb and gutter the street* the courage to painful "charley-horse" and the lat- 'The restaurant is located on Upper Two other men, competing against -slipping. Main street in what has always been j Todt, were forced out of the race Hagaman Heights. ment on his belief that Woodb , eul in tim(1 to pre. j ham pounded Wayne Cox hard, and Fords, a resolution was passed the enterprise prosper. There will ; ven(. thp ..IjarTUpimr [,;,„„» from ; earned the gonfalon as Fords' hard- render it suitable for the purpose. Site Once Occupied by I ble on Devil's Hill where a cylinder j heated up so badly he was forced to compel property owners on Hoy i also be many friends of Mr. Nuthan converti, them into home runs, est clouter. Great Grandmother enue to lay sidewalks in the n Marcus, former manager ot' W^od- . . I throttle down to a much reduced After the game Cox was one of s lced ln thirty days, sidewalks not laid bridge Theatre, who han been select- the speakers at the banquet and he A twenty-year-old desire on' the i l - Pittsburgh he had to get • , • n , i. ' aid at a jrarnge, inasmuch as the that time to be laid by the ed by Block not only as imnnger •>{ • took occasion to mention his entire Sunshiners Open Year r ship and assessed against the the new show house but of a chain \ Township to Compete in satisfaction at the manner in which part of Irving Demarest to iictiuire ' . t n • • .T . L erty. An ordinance for this waij| of similar houses now either in op- ' the umpiring was handled by Jack By Combining Meeting I rules of the race provided that he passed some time ago but the tlm» cration or under construction. Kgim and Bob Hirner. "Of course the site once occupied by the home JnulH t be chained to the machine and limit was not enforced. Hoy's The picture to be shown Monday Fire Co. Convention s we wanted to v/Yu and we tried hard of his great "grandmother and build'therefor was handicapped in effect- son far asking immediate action night i.s "Alias the Deacon", a pro- on the way toward being fulfilled. the spark plugs started to give trou- based on the need of sidewalks tt to win but the real benefit we have ; And Shower for Bridei thereon a home of his own is well j bli"ge repairsand Tod. t Jusdecidet wesd t thoef machinthe citye duction that has not yet been shuwn Parade aUtlantic City got from this series with the Lions Mr. Demarest announced this week the children going to and in any theatre in New Jersey. This | The first meeting of the season of could not stand up under the gring school. While on this subject ColttfH the acquisition of the property of of a coast to coast run. He had his picture had. a successful run at Five hundred volunteer, paid and , is the fellowship," he said. i tnp sullshinc Class of the First mitteeman Kish called attention Albert Martin on Green street. shackles cut and turned his cycle to- Roxy's Theatre and was selected by ext,m,lt nr(,mon wjU represent Mid-; "That stuff of Wayne's about fel- ] p^sbyterian Church was held at the the lack of sidewalks in St. Sta*3 Block and Mure."" «« the best o[ ward home. i , , n. t. | ,ounty in't'ty street parade 'lowship is the bunk," said Russ Dun- jhom 7 "of" Mrs.' Hr A.'Tappen," the ^™ultanou.sly with the announce hen ve thoroU|Eh are current cinema attractions. Para- ment Contractor B wilI, Todt started from Amboy. He I P * ? T,'. ' / . in connection with the annual con ! ham when his turn came to speak. , class eoll,iSeior) ,£, Monday evening. ! - - George MiileMlller|i wa escorted through the township vcrsed b? chll(iren *°!n* to "*P mount News, a comedy, and a fea- vomm tearin down S His suggestion that the Committ When I was at bat I told Wayne j A deiicioiis mwet was served oni ^^ S by Motorcycle Officer Jack Egan. A ture will round out the show. • vention of the New Jersey Firemen's take the same action as it took During the evening the new $15,-; Association at Atlantic City, Satur-1 right where to throw the ball. He the spacious porch with Mrs. Tap- house and preDaring the land for Raritan Township escort accom- 000 organ will be played by Irving^ September 2-1 The convention ' said he would oblige me and I trust- pen and Mrs. William Rowe as • an old English type residence that panied him to Metuchen. At New Continued on page leven ! : the neighborhood of Brunswick it started to rain and for ~~ willl 'open on September 22 nnd wille d him implicitly, 1 swung my bba t] h| hostessest . FllFollowini g tthhe upp«"supper a . >wil l ««cost t inin the neighborhood of should have ! business session was held with the $35,000. three hours the rider battled his close with the street demonstration. | right where the ball •president, Mrs. Erie Straight, pre- Demarest is said to have purchased way through a downpour. The man- Made License Tags by The delegates to the convention been and it wasn't there." p the property for $13,000. Part of ufacturers of the motorcycle have Arthur Geis Elected from Woodbridge include L. J. Zelir- iSpcakers at the meal were, John sidingthe living. Th eroo meetinm wherg eadjourne a surprisd tce i the present structure has already promised Todt to provide another er, W. Leon Harned, A. Markowsky, Kreger, Wood, Hugh Kelly, J. shower was held for Mrs. John been torn down and the larger half machine and to finance the trip if Painting Old Plates Chief F. Kath and E. L. Romond, rep- Willard' Sweeney whose marriage was an- Cf the house will be moved to a lot he will make another attempt. Todt To Head of Casey* Benjamin Myers, Cox, says he is agreeable and the ven- Bought Cadillac for $65 and resenting the Exempts. Accompany- | nounced recently. The living room on Barron avenue and remodeled. ing the delegates will be life mem- and Russell Dunham, I iwas tastefully decorated in stream- The lot has a frontage of 157 feet ture now awaits fixing a definite Club Plans Mass for Deceased'j Sought to Economize by bers of the organization, G. Blaum, sen, John J. McLean and sev ers of crepe paper in Rainbow colors on Green street and is 200 feet deep. date for the 3tart. Members, Columbus Day, Saving Licence Fee C. F. Turner, VJ. Bergen, E. W. Pet- eral others. The three game se- wilh a gift at the end of tho stream- The property acquired by Dema- October 12 erson and E. M'. Sattler. ries was voted a splendid suc- ers for each of the class members. rest was purchased by him at a tax Police Officer Joe Lewis arrested There will be separate headquar- At the end of the rainbow a basket | sale twenty years ago but the own- cess and plans were made to have Middlesex Council, No. 861 Daniel Shoemaker of Valley, Maine, j ^ers for each county unit. There will was arranged to represent a pot of er redeemed it. Years later Martin Land and Water Club Knights of Columbus, at a meet on Sunday, for driving a cur with . a]30 ^ headquarters for fire apthe clubs meet next year in a seven- gold filled with beautiful gifts for purchased it at another tax sale and held Tuesday evening, elected fictitious license plates. Shoe paratus and for the firemen them- game series. the guest of honor. Each of the eventually effected title. following officers to administer r Members Enjoy Party maker's car, a large Cadillac tour- selves before the start of the parade. JloUry &b; ' h. class members also presented Mrs. When the new house is completed affairs of the organization for ing of ancient vintage, bore plates It is estimated that one hundred B. Sehoder, 3b 5 1 Sweeney a silver spoon. a sunken garden will be built in the The members of the Sewaren Land coming year: of Massachusetts. Although Shoe- and fifty companies will be in line, Kreger, ss - 5 The guests were Mrs. John I rear, adjoining the high school and Water Club were delightfully Arthur F. Geis, grand maker had done a clever job in representing the various departments I,. Rymsha, 2b 4 Sweeney of Roselle, Miss Edith campus. entertained by the entertainment John M. Mullen, deputy changing to 11*27 and had of the state and a majority of the Cox, p 4 Baker of Avenel, Mrs. Chester committee at a bridge p^arty on Sat- knight; Walter S. Gray, chancell«r| ppainte d the pplates a dirty brown companies will have their apparatus Neuberg, c. 3 Young of Carteret, Mrs. Andrew Si- urday evening. Prizes were awarded Lawrence Campion, recorder; WU that closely approximates this year's in line. Merrill, lb 4 monsen and Miss Margaret Gardner the following': Mrs. F. P. Anness, am- iam Coll, treasurer; William markers, the change was diseernable The Middlesex county fire depart- Miller, cf 4 of Sewaren, Mrs. RusDelf Thergesen Officers Elected by ber set of brush comb, and mirror; ton, warden; Michael DeJoy, adv by the officer. ments which will take part in the N. Banks, rf - 2 and Miss Emily Lawrence of Rahway, Miss Marie Robbins, lace doilies; cate; Joseph Flanagan, inside guard j At headquarters Shoemaker told parade are: Woodbridge, Perth Am- Warr, rf. 1 Mrs. Erie .Straight, Mrs. H. A. Tap- Mrs. Louis Neuberg, brass service Jamea Kirby, outside guard; trust a st»ry of having purchased the car boy, South Amboy, Sayreville, High- nderson, rf. 1 Mrs. William Rowe, Mrs. Ed- Congregational Ladies bell; Mrs. H. E. Davis, luncheon set; for three years, Jacob W. GrausatnjJ r Pfn for $b\> of which he still owed $10. land Park, New Market, Raritan telly, If : 3 win Potter, Mrs. Harry Baker Jr., Mrs. Hoa gland, Mrs. Dema- Roger Girabernat, necktie; Charles delegates to state convention, A~ The seller did not give him the bill j Township and Milltown. Mrs. Frederick Schwenzer, Mrs. J. F. Lewis, carton of cigarettes; H. E. thur F. Geis and James P. Geritj of sale but, instead, wrote a transfer According to the parade committee 36 12 14 Lewis, Mrs. William Donovan, Misses rest, Mrs. Osborn, Mrs. Davis, set of ash trays; Thomas Vin- alternates, George O'Brien and Mi(! , , the firemen of- Middlese. _ . . 11 x count.,y ...!lwill „• ab. r. h. Elna Bergh, Daisy Madsen and Anna Harned Are Named cent, deck of cards. ael Conole. i an ordinary slip of paper. Shoe- form at Sovereign avenue. The pa- R. Dunham, c. 3 3 Hart. Those present: Mr. and Mrs. T. The retiring grand knight, Jo* maker was on hi» way to Philadel- rade will start promptly at 2 p. m. H. Sharp, lb. • 5 '4 The next meeting will be held at The Ladies Association of the Con- Zettlemtfyer, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Grace,' has held the office fo>^-, phia to take a position. Wood, 2b - 2 0 the home of Mrs. Russell Thergesen gregational Church resumed their fall Adams, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Lewis, last two years, and through hia The Recorder released the man but R. Liddle, 2b 8 1 of Rahway avenue. activities with a meeting at the home Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Clark, Mrs. F. tiring efforts the council has i held the caf. The latter will be turn- W. Dunham, 3b 5 3 of Mrs. W. L. Harned of Green H. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. How- reased in membership and the ftna| ed over to Shoemaker when he pre- Christenson, If 4 0 ell, Mr, and Mrs. M.i I. Demarest, Newark Lawer Tells street on Tuesday afternoon. The cial condition of the organizatli sents proof of ownership and proper Kaus, cf 4 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Rankin, Miss Ma- far better than anytime since its ; registration plates. Rotary Need for Zoning Dunham, rf 3 1 Woman Missionary to election of officers took place. The rie Robbins, Holmes Cline, Mr. and ganization. The council will Geiling, rf ,••••• 1 1 following were chosen: President, Mrs. F. F. Anness, Mr. and Mrs. J.memorial mass or deceased memt Mr*. Tisdall Entertains . John B. Brown, a Newark at.tor- B. Jensen, p 4 1 Mrs. B. W. Hoagland; Vice President, Livingood, Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Rush, on Columbus Day, October 12. At Club'a Opening Meeting > ji . . i the pending zoning a- Migus, 88 0 0 Speak Here Wednesday Mrs. M. I. Demarest; Secretary, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vincent, Mr. berg will attend the services in ' ney at U3tu ( Peterson, sa. 1 3 and Mrs. B. George Miller, Mr. and _ ,, A, vi,Bi,i mendment before the Rotary Club The Woman's Missionary 'Society W. A. Osborne; Treasurer, Mrs. W. body. : Tin- Friday Auction Bridge (Jlub held ^^ ,,e contended that where- L. Harned. At the business meet- Mrs. Charles Wiswall, Mr. and Mrs. its first meeting of the seison last ] 35 18 17 of the Presbyterian Church will hold Ellwood Johnson, Mrs. Cedric Os- as the courts have held zoning or- its first meetiing next Wednesday in ing plans were made for & cake l'Viday at the home of M|s. F. G. dnances unconstitutional ^>n the Score by innings? sale on Saturday, October 1, at the trum, Mrs. H. Hayden, Mr. and Mrs. Siason Starts for Tuesday) Tisdall on iKahway avenue. One ta- Rotary 0111 000—12 the church. The meeting will open W. Weiant, Mrs. L. Neuberg, Mr. [round a man cannot be restrained with a luncheon at one o'clock. The home of Mrs. W. A. Osborne, from 2 ' Bridge; 1ilr«. Guth Ho ble of Michigan and seven tables of rom doing as he sees fit witn prop- Lions 2 21 436—18 and Mrs. F. A. Spencer, Roger Gim- Summary: Three base hits, W. missionary meeting will open at 2.30 to 5 o'clock. Plans were also made bernat, Mias Eloise Gimbernat, Mr. bridge were in play. The prizes for erty belonging to him, the courts for the annual church supper and The Tuesday Afternoon liitrli stores were awarded as fol- Dunham (2). Two base hits, L. o'clock. Miss Emma Morris, a mis- and Mrs. Wayne Cox, Mr. and Mrs. have ignored the rights of citizens bazaar to be held on December 8. Club held its first meeting of lows: Rym«hft, COK, N. Banks, Sehoder, sionary from India, will be the Jule Grove, Rene deRuuay, Reva whose investment in homes have been speaker. Miss Morris was formerly season at the home of Mrs. Jii Mii-higun: Mrs. Clarence Cunning- Kaus (2), Cljristensen, W. Dunham, Mrs. Harned will be hostess at" the Gems, Mr. and Mrs, H. E. Davis, paired by the building of stores from Perth Amboy and is now home next meeting. Grow of Freeman street. TheM " Imii, Mower basket; Miss Ruth Slugg, Sharp. Strutk out by Jensen (8), three tabjes of cards in play, factories, apartment houses, or gas- by Cox (7). Bases on balls off on a furlough. iimyonaise set. oline stations near their residences. prizes for high score were won,; Bridge: Mrs. A. F. Randolph, ser- Jensen (2), by Cox, (5). Stolen As this is the quarterly dollar day The Frederick H. Turner Co. Mrs. Martin Newcomer, brass Brown cited instances of value re- for foreign missions, th« president, Mr. Charles Stumpf has returned :: Insurance :: viie set; Mias Laura Cutter, six buses, Rymsha, (2), Neubergl R. to Philadelphia after a week's visit dy dish; Mrs. Nevin Guth, f«j ductions in support of his aiyumen" Dunham (5), Wood, W. IVuijhiun Mrs, J. fe. Breckenridge, urges all 459 E«*t Ave., Sewaren dessurt plates; Mrs. G. F. Brewster. tvith Mr. and Mrs, A. R Bergen. ' Telephone Woodbridge 239 flower buwl; Mrs. George J|erriUj in favor of the pussagc of the aun Christensen, Kaus (2), F. Durham members tu be present at the meet- : curd table cover; Mra. Gertrude ing amendment. ceived the consolation prize, a (2), Geiling, Jensen (2), Peterson ing. embroidered apron. Stewart, individual vtea set; Mrs. A. Visitors were Joe Greer and Ca C Walker, Chin* plate; Mrs. S. B- (2). Unassisted double play, Rym-, The other guests present Qlwein of Perth Amboy, O. I. Forbc sha. Wild pitch, Jenten. Passed Thirty-fiVe in Squad^ Striving Urewster, niayonaise set. Refresh- of Syracuse, a guest of r'runk Girl Hit by Motorcycle Mrs. Leon Campbell, Mrs. Cla ment* were served. The guests were ball, Neuberg, Balk, Cox. Umpires, Campbell, Mrs. Harold Stryker, Valentine. An informal report ot Miss Ruth Slugg of Carteret, Mrs. was Egan and Hirner. Helen McCann, seven years old, To Make H. S. Football Varsity Cedric Ostruro, Mrs. Carl Wil A, C. Walker and Miss Daiey Ru«< by Wayne Cox, a participant. of Berry street, waa Slightly injured Mrs. Paul Paulson, Mra. Frank given From Parish House Field these but the team still boasts a nucleus den, Mrs. 'Lee Smith, and Mrs. of Sewaren, Mrs. Gertrude Stewart, Hugh Kelly, a spectator, gave his when struck by the motorcycle of warm afternoons come sounds of of varsity material in Mullen, Lund, Janet Gage Director* At Officer Carl Sundojuist at the corner iam Bartaw of Plainfleld. Mrs. Emil K*ui, and Mra. Clarence impression* of the struggle us he saw cleated shoes pounding down the Fullerton, Brown, Noe, Barna, Cunningham of town. Mrs. J. J. Meeting With the Regent of Rahway avenue and Main street, The nejtf meeting will be _.,T? it. greenward in preparation for the Moore, and others. Brown's ankle, i>ui)ii«! of Green itreet will enter- Monday noon. The little gir,l was greatest of all sport*—.for the spec- hurt last year, may keep him out of the home of Mrs. Cedric Ostrund tain the club on September 27, A meeting of the executive board able to walk home, where she was Dunham place, on September 27." of Janet Gage Chapter, D. A. R., tator, at least—J-'ootbsll, Coach the backfield and make it necessary Master Domara* CfUj examined by Dr. Spencer. Saundero has a squad of thirty-five to play him at guard and if such in Hi* Fourteenth Birthday was held at the home of tha regent, -Mr. and Mri. L. R. Potter and Mre. F. R. Valentine, on Monday husky looking candidates who are the cane there is a possibility of the Mark Birthday being put through a course of train- J>*cJrito)d lining up with Mullen, daughter Sally have returned to their Master Russell DamarMt celebrat- afternoon. The program for the Rug Fall* Fraoi Truck home in Hackensack after a vUit at season was arranged. An invita- ing calculated to harden muscles, Richards, Koyen and Fullerton, a Mr. and Mrs, I, M. Ne|con ot ed his fourteenth birthday anniver- tione up the blowing apparati and fasf but light set of men. Mr, Potter's home, 284 Main itreet. sary on Saturday with a motor ride tion was read to attend the cele- A rug valued at $40 was lost from entine place entertained at y bration of Constitution Day to be the truck of Roth and Weisberg, otherwise render the boys cupabUj uf ' In a bid for support by townspeo- on Sunday in honor of Mm, V ve ht l*t in _Uwib«thUwib«th. MOUSE for rent, corner *• rii'U# actor of Peonies - Blue Spruce - Rhodo<4endi*|a# and DEVELOPED BY NEXT SUMMER ,.'i< I'rurj [•»"' ''• •''''!• Azaleas • Perennials - Japan Maptfl(s '• «• r.e-er ax Fl

; c ::•*=. fr"-n Upper H. :> T .f eV't :r*i tive call by appointment Yerdrt tere Rook. :t c:xXh risy of A.P. L*ke Larding, to H« fr tar.ee ;f five mil**, - EJward A. Kath if petitioner and you PLAINFIELD NURSERY, Scotch Plain., N. J. bt vaiaable not on' aroew are defendaat. you Are required to Tel. Fanwood 1493 a ha''. and fr- T. the Hsrft-— J •c the beiche*. emir. , s o - appear ar.d plead, ansnf r and demur to pe'itioner'f petition pn or before ei ir. the strip alorv :h* t-e'v^rth day of November next. •*:!! add ar.other in • or in def&u': thereof ?uc>i de;,:< Park K,r.J r jles on the west V CKATicf-Mor shall thinlc equitable and .-.n. It will aim m«k «•*>-.,-.e. tht :r-. .-'.••r:r. 4 •„ -.hjert •'! ?a:d fjit if to o^- P*r C«tt aad >tir M uT- -^.r, a dfcref of divorce, diwolvinp FLIT Prevent infection! Treat To BuilJ Dock ?:•:-.-.<•• -r. -a-.'.". »i> he ir.id* for :rr- 'air; Bridpe appro- - : : ;t »':!' :hf marriape between you and the j DESTROYS r every cut, wound or , . .jf '--lVt." ;0 thi? <--""i' •» ' ;T-ved sect?? by rr. "'tor;«!«. At pr*-?- have as its for»jr the » lie .taid petitioner, on the pounds •.•{ v scratch with this power- •'.A-;' r '*!• '> ari' : tr.a* er.: :h* 'h'-re -jfi^er Hook Mountain Tspp»n Zee, and :• At^tfhefttr deieVtion. ful noo-poisonous anti- Moths, Roaches . .".".'. .'r "-,-';:' jn.-r. V •>»•£•.- .« :r.s. rc^ibje !r the ir.'ist par- hi!!» ar,d af il* hack*-' : •:< s:c*T THOMAS L. HANSON. septic. Zonite actually ••' a-'-'Jt a rr..if r. --. • ' •-*:~r : • i1-*' »"• 3 r ••jpr. talus f!'-jr-*•?. mountain front, -..,-• #te» i Solicitor of Petitioner. Bedbugs,Flies - kills germi. Helps to • • ',-»• [j'ii;rie. at the '•it- *\;'i at **aoh«-f ar.d c&mpir.jf place? ci:ff? where the qtMrr »ire open- p. 0. Address. 214 Smith Street. Other Hocuehoki lmects •»• odlar^K Perth Amboy, N, J. heal, too. - ^i>i.rr^-TK«r. tt-h.-i« >ff •.•:ir>ff f !':>•? \i-acV. ur.der the Verdreittce cf miied b'rthrood i f.T.:..-k. P-16. 23. 30; 10-7. .

f-.r-- •••/.•«-. k.V:r;'.r. a-d

V--: ••'•-.::. ".r,t -ur. -:r>'i™- 1 ir;(r i . :hr urn *r,t n\ :..-;-.•-*•. ;:'• —' pk-a^r.'.t?: rrita; :" tr.f a,y. A -reak^-: s'..--vt. f Prow NEWARK,

O-jr mary £-.:-;•. w* c i &*a.: y.-r .'J-T*.'.'. : PLAINFIELD or ELIZABETH



Seecnd Liberty L**t" t ix*n called

LiLrrt; !>•»* f 1«.v<-rt*'i -!.••« ;#r rent b-jjij!». Tli* ,-;«» u •:*-« »:!(i* -lin-i r*pit.'i.kr 1.5. Vl'/l, K>ri viil U*i n.Ure*' fr ji.'j ti.nl dat* fct the rate o* 3J* ;*r c*at Tlit r^t** mil fnfttim IB five yun but ;j-hy b* efcli*] [or redemption aitti thm T^r* iBterwt L/'J F^:> ii-1 Liberty IXAD ConTfrt*d 4H per cent vj* full surr#-f.«it-r«] and wwptwi in elchuigt *U! U \Ai\-i 11.. Sovenitjrr JO, 1U/7. Tb« rJo« r/f the i.*-« >.-'ie • ( wjt«. l* 1 'JO H- Hold- «ra »ui11ii'icniijE Stt--..ft(l I-ib«-(y !x«ii Convert- ed 4 V» i«f ctjjt fx^rrUjn fxchaiijfc Mill rtetiTt, ttt tb* tiu.t nt O(-livi-r> '»f the new nulea, intt-rf»t on attcL S«-C'i!i'I I.ifnTty I/jtn f.'-onTtrtfJ 4 ^» [*rf sent b'/niltfron. Mnj 1r >. 19^7, U> N'jveint>er l-\ 19V7, li-aa Ui* [Wfinium f'Ci tht new nolesiMucd, Hol'U-rn 'il S«i»nd Li'*rty Lunn C*«ivertM 4W [#r ^f'1 t^^flii WIKJ ')«-.iru to take &dv»lith«e o( this "[•JiHrf'tunity to ^Uair; 1 rt*turv iioii* <>f the iscw iheut, thouH »rr;iii»e j*iih t'^ir hank for uarli ttfrli&iitfr at tti* rartiwt ptjeeible d»t«-, &A tlni "flrr mil roiuiiii <


Direct and dependable connections at Chicago and St. Louis for all points in the West, Southwest and Northwest. To Chicago with the tnavel comforts of The CAPITOL Limited j TELL us what |>ru]«Tly you want and v.u (»H si'duunj; fur you. \\v iiiv rt-liabli- and wtll To Cincinnati, Louisyille an4 St Louis on The NATIONAL Limited inforint-d ami we makt uioiu-y by saving munty for our Two trains noted for their outstanding "on-time" records and the conven- clients. ience afforded by their modern equipment and special service features. WELIXMJ.GROHMANN REAL ESTATt & Train Connection Motor Coach Service takes passengers and their hand- * INSURANCE /J89 ROOSEVELT AVE-- baggage from Broad St. Station (Jersey Central), Newark, direct to the PHONE CARTERET 476 " CAKTiftcrHj trainside at Elizabeth (Jersey Central Station), connecting with all Balti- more & Ohio trains. No added charge fpr this convenience. And, in addition, the Baltimore & Ohio is the only railroad providing When You Need • j Newark with its own through Sleeping Car Service to Baltimore and Feed, Coal Washington. Sleeper open for occupancy in Brbad Street Station (Jersey and Central) at 9:00 P. M. (Standard Time). MASON MATERIALS PHONE All trains via Washington with liberal stop-over privilege Woodbridge 4 55 W. T. RUDDY, Pass. Traffic Rep., Jersey Ccatral Station, Broad St., near Market St., Newark. Telephone t Market 5300 Our Motto: QUALITY HONEST WEIGHT REASONABLE PRICES WOODBRIDGE Baltimore & Ohio FEED & COAL CO 18 2 7-100 YEARS 0 F S E R V ICE • 1927 Office and Wu-diouw Sewaren Woodbridgs ^jsrm7WW^-

ln'rl Rnnkin pntrrtiiin- •M II. \\ Vim lircmon \v:\s Two Authors by 'i^ <>f th«» Kewaron TIMES SQUARE New York visitor mi We Same Name ! h*'r home on Wrdncs- 'A ^nm!iy.nr'ln<'o Uf,.. wo pny nnd ulch, -Mrs. »,l. CoddinRton Vot why do we slut, i13 >ve BJiy? Phono There wore five t,a- nf • iftITIIU'HI. l'h« c(nnnii)n|il."((. 8lm In Hie nniinon- Open Evening* ton, Pa., is visiting at the home Perth Amrmy 3138 204 Smith St., Perth Amboy i,f liriilR1'- Prizes were awarded place nky By DOROTHY DOUGLAS Mrs. F. T. Howcll, Mr. and Mrs. William Voorhees Malfen up tin- nnmnionpltire day. r(1||..win((: Hie moon ami tho nturs »re common- !;ihlc Mrs. Krod ,T. Adams, lin- Darron avenue. place things; lmi.|i lnth, Mrs. Louis Npuberg, l'h« flower thdt blooms and the bird —Mrs. H. W. Dueruiil of (hat KlnK»; ARY MARDKN nihlileri her pencil ; |1(.ll; Mrs. Russell Burke, tn- fuse, N. Y., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. But »nd were Ihe world and dark the M as persistently as the young ] Miats. lot, Innibs nibble the Hrst succulent grnss I P. R. Valentine of Green street. "I'lic m of .St. John's Guild I* the flower fulled nnd the »un shone on the hillside In sprint —Mrs. Hampton Cutter of Green not. , enlc this week at the Her story, the one she must Ret out street has been visiting her mother And God, who tees ench neparnte aoul, Mrs. J. W. Foster. Plans Out of commonplnre lives makes * before the end of the week, or- have ,,iv by in HuKhaonvillo, N. J. (.ry interesting program of beautiful whole." the wrnth of the big eilUor down on You will n Ml A J Regular $25-00 ;1 V —Mr. and Mrs, John Moll anrl cli work was formulated. her fair head, tvus going along TUBES Utf daughter Eleanor motored to Tren- THEDTNNER ' smoothly and excitingly nnd Mary hurt "B" BATTERIES Mrs, James Clark Of Elizabeth, ton on Sunday. great hopes for It. fofckafd • Ir ;md Mrs. Kmmons and son, Mr, —Mrs. Dean and Miss Dean have tpon the beginning of a dinner there As a matter of fnrt, the hoped It tTwk* I Mrs, Mallon of Boston, we,re the 1 COM returned to Amherst, Mass., after Is nothing quite so refreshing its would prove one of her best. She hail rkciul quests of Mr. and Mrs. T.spending the summer vacation with a fruit cocktail, with fresh citrus signed a contract to give all her sto- "B" ELIMINATOR Speaker hii'V. Mr. and Mrs. S. Pew of Grove ave- fruits as well as the luscious melon*, I ries to one very large publisher, nnd Mrs. Fred J. Adama was a New nue. one need never fear monotony, | she wanted to produce only her bMt, n Heavy Duty 45-V. $2.79 rk shopper on Tuesday, —Miss Lou Woardell visited Mrs. _.. i since they appreciated her stories to SIS Tomorrow night Monroe Weiant V. Schmidt at Nutley on Sunday. Cantaloup* Cocktail. I such an extent as to nlpi her away Regular $1.00 ,11 lie the host at the last Land and —Mr. and Mrs. J. Breckenrirljrr Cut the edible centers of mnakmelon \ from all other publishers. Water Club dance of the season. and daughters Marion and Harriet with a «mnll potato scoop Into balls. So Many nibbled away most ot tier VOLTMETERS Mrs. F. H. Turner spent "fuea- spent the week end at Mt. Virnon If the fruit and glasses are both pencil In her effort ,lav in New York. N. Y. chilled, the fruit Is much more appe- The telephone rang nt her side. STORAGE BATTERIES -Mrs. A. W. Scheidt spent Tues- —A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. tizing, l'our over a sauce which has "Drat!" said Mary, startled out of Genuine AERODYN ,|a> in Now York visiting her fath- Joseph Andrascik of St. George ave- been made and chilled as follows: her splendid trend of, thought, FOR AUTOS FOR RADIOS 6 voU 40 amp . . i ,, \V. Walters. nue on Saturday at the Perth Am- Take the Juice of a lemon, a quarter "Hallo 1" 6 volt 11 pplat e ..,$ $9.91 5-TUBE SET j 6 rolt 1J pUt« tpec 10.9 5 6 volt 60 imp . . . N.nj a dream ship out? he quite raked me over the coals $16.45 31x5.25 <©, 1937. by Western Newspaper Union.) when be thought I hud sold you a $17.95 30x5.77 Advertised II we haven't had a certain gonl story," she conllded. AIM] kept the goal In view, "And I don't blame him—I wish $20.95 33x6.00 Kellpvlng In It and In our power What Does Your ChUd we'd been the lucky tirm—you've got $3.00 To make our dreum come true? a mighty fine pen, Miss Marden." •1.50 AUTOMATIC Article Want to Know r\ Pretty much nibbled, thought Mary, WINDSHIELD CLEANER TROMPET HORN HI-POWER We hnven't nny right to expect Answered by and wrote her note to that other Mnry if one in which the mer- That somehody else—or fate, BARBARA BOURJA1LY asking for (in Interview. $169 .79 Is R»lng to do our work for us She bad a letter back, In which the chant himself ha« implicit Wlillu we sit down and wult. writer suggested a meeting at a-small bohcmlnn cafe called the Blue Hat. faith—else he will not ad- "I will be seated at the table In the We cjm't cet anything worth the left-hand corner as you enter and will vertise it. You are safe in Or that we'll he proud to win, be wearing a small nosegay of a few Unless we pitch In and do our part patronizing the mer- violets and a single red rose. If you To make that ship come In. chants whose ads appcaT wear the same emblem we will have no dlfliculty In recognizing our name- For only by giving the best you have in this paper because their sakes." Will your highest dreams come true, goods are up to date and Mnry laughed when she read the DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS And for every slilp you're sending out A ship will "come In" for you, letter. No doubt that other Mary was not shop worn. : : : 23 Schools In (OpyriBhu also a writer ot good stories—the let- 100,000 ter suggested to her that she and the the V. S. Drake other Mary would perhaps llnd much and Europe Students in In cqmmon. 19 Drake MIDDLESEX PRESS — Mention this paper to advertisers. Money- Two* evenings later Mary Marden Bureaus of WOODBR1DCE INDEPENDENT it helps you, it helps them, it helps Making Employment sallied forth, daintily frocked In 20 Gr««»O Street, Woodbridite vour oao«r. Positions in Metropoli- mauve and wearing the few violets tan District aud u single nil ruse that were to in- HOW DO LEAVES SHED RA1NJ troduco her to the other Mary Marden. THOMAS JARDINE & SON Upon reaching the door of thfe Blue The outer covering of a leaf Hat -she hesitated for the fraction of Is waterproof and tight you know, MONUMENTS a second on the threshold. Some Why Not a Business or Secretarial Course In One of It keeps out all the water, save funny little sensation made her heart And Cemetery Work of Every The bit it need« to grow. beat rapidly—after all, there was a Our Fine Commercial Schools ? Description (Copyright.) bit of real adventure In what she was doing. She half-way wished she had WORKS; brought some one else along. FALL TERM SEPT. 19th to OCT. 21st New York's Rapid Growth She smiled to herself, however, and St, George's Avenue, Near The census of Nfw York city In went boldly In and turned to the left Grand Street, 1850 was soinetliliiK over 000,000. Seated at thnt table In the left- hand corner was a young man with Positions QUARANTEED Qradtuttesl RAHWAY, N. J. while li| 1800 tli» population had In- creased to more than a million. a few violets and a single red rose In Clip nnd Mill TtaU Coupon his lapel. Executive Offices and School DraUe Colleg., Dept W. I. Mnry blushed hotly, but it was too 155 Market Street, Newark, N. J. 217 Smith Street, late to turn buck without making her- WM. C. COPE, President P.rth Amboy, N. J. self conspicuous. Besides, the very Yuur NeAreii School) GEHTUMIN t Without obligating me In any way, good-looking young man hafi 4arlsen plcflae send me your FREE BOOK on CommeccUl obviously to greet her and she took 217 Smith Street SecretttUt Training. 1 want to profit by it 1 her seat opposite him as If they were Perth Amboy, N. J. USED CAR SALE very old friends.* Mary hoped the other guests In the restaurant did not Drake Schooli In ThcK Cilia i SlKCt notice anything odd about the meet- ORANGE, MONTCLAIR, ELIZABETH, PLAINNBID, NEW Ing. BRUNSWICK, PERTH AMEOK Cto Stole 1926 CHRYSLER 38 SEDAN Other Drake Schoali throughout the Metropolitan DlBtrltf * 1925 FORD COUPE "I'm Mary Murden," said the young Union Cltv. Jersey City, Bnyonne, lamaicu, Bronx, Wouii- man and laughed. "I am frightfully haven, Brooklyn, Lon){ Island City, New Yoik City and. $125.00 Like New—Only eUewhere. sorry you thought I was a lady—but $650.00 I can't] help that now. I'|e been writ- NOT THE BEST BECAUSE LARQEST BUT LARQEST BECAUSE BEST 1924 FORD TOURING Ing udder the name at IJlary Marden Drake Business and Secretarial Colleges and Scliooli of New York, New Jency and Central Europe Nice Running Order—Good Tires 1925 CHEVROLET TOURING for a good many years out In the far its West—so—what are we going to do $50.00 Repainted—$200.00 about, )t?" He laughed again and Mary smiled. 1927 NASH SEDAN 1924 WILLYS-KNIGHT TOURNG "I was just—surprised," she finally said softly. "My publisher was so Four Door Advancjed Six Repainted—$300.00 cross with me when he saw what he Thi» car is only 10 month* old. Cost supposed wns one of my stories In a when new $1795— 1924 DODGE SEDAN rival publication." "I'll punch his head—for being cross "THE NIGHT OWL" Now Only $950.00 Repainted—New Tires with you," snld the other "Mary" In $400.00 a very threatening masculine voice, 1924 STUDEBAKER SEDAN "but first, before we discuss what wfcil do about our names In duplicate, let's RESTAURANT 7 passenger 1927—7 Passenger BUICK SEDAN order dinner—I'm hungry, aren't you 7" $600.00 ' $700,00 And eveu before the dinner was half finished they both came to the "conclusion that collaboration in tho Opens Tomorrow Night 1925 OAKLAND SEDAN 1926 OVERLAND SEDAN literary wurlil would be a very dimple Nice Shape, Finith Good Good shape—Used only a few months and natural course to follow and that Almost a New Car—$450.00 the two Marys would marge luto one $500.00 being—also quite naturujly. Saturday, Sept. 17 1924 JEWETT COUPE 1924 STAR SEDAN New Tires— Re-Ducoed $100.00 $400.00 Excellent Accommodations for Parties Our Specialty—Delicious Food; Eagfe Brand has raised more THOMPSON AUTO CO., Inc. healthy babies than till Dancing Every Evening other Infant foods comblatd. Ch«rle. Loichle, Manager Na.h Distributor Show Room and Service Station: 940.Madison Ave., Near Market Street 300 Main St., Woodbridge Open Evenings Until 9 P. M. ' EAGLE BRAND H. A. WHITE R. S. UQVl Phone 1018 - CONDENSED MILK I.:; 16,1 J

!*paratply and PelliBC Pl«c«: Memorial Muni-rip,- LEGAL ADViamSEKEKT BIDDERS SHERIFFS SALE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT b;it lio ild VIP! K*"K\ ' ' MM' i\ I* AN ORDINANTE TO PROVIPE NOTICE ; -,,v irT •<* :.- '. A. <- ' submittevi FIRST WARH. 3rd Dintrict: A" FT'R THE 1551 ANi'F OF Gt* v •c -,= A. ">r --*.-• ha-i that tract betwefn the Pennfylvani.-i FRAI IMPROVEVFM BOND? P rf ( :vr ;i' • • i 1 Railroad (on the caft) arid the <-fTi1<-- PRO . IDING THE TERMS * ^•-pTlt >• F. I ;: V MOL NTS THEREOF V. ,, H*>: • •i v.r~.: ps,T.f; 8ny amendment where th" drawn midway b'-tween New jr,d , 'J . lit 'ii1.' r. • .ifi 1 w.l. r-,-er sha'l have omitted affirmatively Second Streets, and projecting ea- • -,* '• r . • biylic'-.t \\ l-i or. -.-, v-i-f f;.r or against si;:h ameid- arly to «aid railroad, and the Per-j Tim<- N. .1.. for WEI'NESI'W. SEPTEMBER Amboy City Line (on the south). •*' rsr ordinar.ee, at T-.VEVTYFIKPT NINETEEN ! place objection? : Shall thii •mendmtnt refnlaliflf Pollinr Place: Memorial Monicip,] Hl'NT'KED AND TWENTY-SEVEN 'r.<- p'<*s«ntfi by any ts J ?-;nr'n Crr- iab«rqneBt amendm*n»« to tk« Con- Bnildinf. - •-,-. ' ,. ,; :- the nft*rr..- • r. -f the •t Town«hip. ititatioD b* iJopteJ? v-ij isy at trt 'henT? ,*.:.•* in the try -M L Fourth Amtndment FIRST WARD, 4th IWrtrict: A B. J. D'*MG. :• > v.gU Lijrh- • C .kTTtrr'.tTt. City :' New Fr"r.*™ick. N. J.: tMe A-n>;--.d paragraph three, fecti'n i^' part of the Firft Ward iy; ; -i If'" Turtk - W. :':.*• npht. title and interest of •of f ".r*-cie IV. o' the Constitution south of Heard's Brook and wc«' the ifU-dar.t. Wi'.iism R. Sr>dah:. ' 'f ; ••r,!r AN ORI'INANCK TO PP.O •' State rf Nrw JerM-y. read he center l;ne of Amboy Avenui '••f-i-.r '"ith Clli • • : r TD' jr. •r.z iOk THK TEMPnf.ARY • 1;>W« 1 Polling Pla«: N». 11 School. rrf-T.Ff; ::•• wit: NAN''.'Nf; fif CEMAIN I. Members of the Senate and Gen- A!! t*?.t c-rt.f-.::i tract, '.••t or T>nr- FIRST WARD, f>th DUtrict-. f rrr.er S: A N I' GENERAL fr Av^mhly -hail M- elected every F. i. p. s- -e! r-f laid and jirrnti?*?. firaate. -' that part of the First Ward i\ T:-TJ .VENTS HERETOF AVTi fc • d year b.eg.r.r.ing with the year r.o Wh**l TT .yir.fr a-.1 beir.p in the Township of ' north of Hoard's Brook and we • MAKiNG A n th»usar.d r..ne hundred and twen- rr-'Vfr1 K> THERE}'.'K •ft'. .•••:': r-ifT*. County rf Mid^ie'ex * the center line of Amboy Aw: "NHP.MING A< TS HF.I.E- ..-. i S-..-= of New Jcr^y. •?'•' and a!«o all that part of the I J 7 Peeries? S Fvc "ir.fr fit a point in the ea=t- T TOF HF. IfNE '.',<: •L u ii _ .>».„,, Ward lyine west of the center l~: • r.c F-re Alans ;• 'er'y '^P of Wi'.ljam stref* di^tar.t -••.•-:•:.4" »ME. tr.f two houses shall meet separate- , , , , • _.. ; Svwart Pow 4.'^ fttt south* rly from the corr^T F KE iT ORDAIN'EI '..'if Tovr :>- ir. regular session on the second drawof Linden parallen Avenue^n^l with Greed nortn Streeth of a, •• : 4-t\rca:t S-a f rrr.ed :y the intersection of tht tht ; th« T••.<-,?"-. ; T.:<>-day in January nri! af'er the •fr.-.me j^sid sir i.-sii • the purpose of acting in the call. d between the center line of Fr. -. te ' -r: . G.'.'f .r a a'Jan*red-<«».. i-ourff and along the center of ]'•'. i d+tenni there matter; as paragraphare de: s one and two man Street (on the northt. and , <• :r.;r -.tTr.tr.t. f ft: table d««ip: Nr. 7? a? jhovcr. or. ?aid r.inp 1%J ht* T TUT.s f section two cf Article IV. :s rend the south') a line drawn parallel u.- f si.d rr.rr ••'- e: v'r.h nil the - fe-et to the easterly side c-f "Witt*^* 8 foj]OW5. Green street, and 100 feet mrth and devices for Ftreet; therioe southerly alc-rg the H-n-dre-i F: the n r he Iine lK ard i;?f.nct cir;. •axe 37 "'i feet to the point or place Y The "senate shall be composed p " ' ^ M\ * F ct Hlf L :- ir: strie*. of beffinr.ing. f one Senator from each county in ""'"' " re«pe::.vt the State, elected by the legal vot- 2 1:;'. E-.id e'ia!; have n. t th*re;r. the Bour4ded on the north by tht- re- SECOND WARD, 1st District: ; ers of the counties, respectively, for f'.I!owir.g- apparat : jt^ces: maining part of let No. 7 . on the Comprising all of Keasbey. v. r- 1 Double pok fe f-A-itch for east by lot No. 46 and by the '••••Jth- four years; proTided, howerer, the H -j-eii -.1 •', Wats-.- System All of the ward south of the ! T •.-•".-:.t E-; tontroiling the et.:-.- z ,-jrrer.t. w:th er!y half of lot No. 47; or. the so-th term of Senators elected in the year Aver.*! ffjttr Sy-tV::: - .t high Valley Railroad Tracks. ;Ojg fu?e? of su.- .apacity. by lot No. 80 and on the west by ice thousand nine hundred and twen- F:r-i ;k**r,ue Pavir.tr - 4 ;' Pelting Place: K.aibey School. -. • =- r r.-tr.-^er. 1 Manual relay i-t-'.-mat-icaliy ty-six shall be extended to four yers Place Pa-.-.r.e William street. Ti.'daif •y :er"nir:Ei:? from the commencement of their or s'-icr. le-^-r irrH'-r.: a? up ' :ri Avenue Pav.r:g i'.02i' Judgment amounting to approxi- SECOND WARD. 2nd Distric G: .-• fr ••rr. each other a: the same terms. The term of Senators elect- H r .-: y Street Pavir.g r> ** ;- 7.73 mately $500.00. Comprising Hopelawn and F t.t y tiT.f- diF/Connectir.i' :harg-.r:g cur- Together with all and singular, the ed in the year one thousand nine : FL.:-. r. Street Paving 17.3?.' . '•',.' eights. eii " GENERAL IMPROVEMENT rtr.t whenever tia' rrer.t :? inter- hundred and twenty-seven shall be Tr.rd Street Pavir.g 0.045.71 r;ght=, privileges, hereditaments and Al! of the ward north of thi BONDS, k-.ii shall '** in F-cr. de- rupted. extended to five years from the com- I--• F urt:-. S:r*p: Pavirig ~i" ~ . -4 •-' Valley Railroad tracks east r.•ir.r.at.-. » a.ri J-'.'nn aid payable. 1 Weston Voltr- '.r sr.d 1 Weston Arr:r.-!.- Avt-r.uf and or in anywiie appertasr.mg. the center of Crow's Mill Rf>ad a: arr.rr.eter, with ja. >i ::•.-e and ?prii!g« at tht Seriate shall me«t after the Sm: tn Street Sewer . 3.io: 71 WILLIAM S. HANNAH, election to be held in the year one south of the center oi King Georg- f.T testing the w::-i'..'.s and charging Sheriff, Post Road from --aid Crow'3 M :•- .:=•:er Plaie Sewer . .• i -' •"4 thousand nine hundred and twenty- SrlC- tr- r-.idwav. batteries for a.'. uits with' a R M. DUBROW, ."•! re Aver Jt Sewer 1.J20 JIM ISID0 seven there shall be selected by lot. Road easterly to the boundary ^rojr.d and line *.• -' switch, with '{24.36. Attorney. t: Street E.\ter.si:-r. under the direction of the Ser,?*.e, the First Ward. -Te-.-." and "Mef.-- •r" .-witches to 8-26; 9-2, 9, 16. Pollinf Place: Hopelawa School. cor.r.tct the voltr.-: T three counties of those counties the r -; : the pur- .'tv-e . Aver.ue Sewer pose of mectsurir.j •.-.- Sattery p...-j term of whose Senators expires ir. the SECOND WARD. 3rd District: Tr.r Fr-'-.-r.nr. Street Sewer teritia;? and for :••'• .;•;• :ne lints-. ; Township of Wo dhridpe years one tho-isand nine hundred and lL'.-'*-.i Street Sewer SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE twenty-nine and at the election to Comprising southern Ford?. rtr. a 1 Set of cornbir.;.'. r. r-witches shall" I.e r.e .Street Server he held in the year one tho-isand All that tract lying north ••'. -'- •ea 1 of 'the Twn- he p.aced on the -i • ;.trr par* of the '. Ilahway Aver.ue and New- nine hundred and twenty-eight the- Lehigh Valley Railroad tracks: «( • feet re 'hi". s for • • fay- -v of arranging Xotice is further given that th Street Sewer Extens'n 3.2''' Senators from these three counties of Crow's Mill Road, and south c: r. be at ta ih? d t.-.'-y the batteries in ;.-.:••sllel. series, or . said Boards will sit ir. the p'.ace \Ve'i?(-»•••.'..d A v e n u e ne shall be elected for two years uni: King George's Post Rttad. b y the r-.-'.rr.l'e -f-rit.—r^arallel to n..-.:.'. the semce hereinafter designated be'.w-:tr. Sewer hours of Six A. M. ar.d .v-ve P. (the remaining four Senators shall l.i Polling Place: Smith A Oster- T'J •WT;-fli p rrta-> To:ta|fe to charp* j • attery voltage. elected for a term of four year?. If gord'i Car*|e, Ford*. bt- C-.-T. Evcr^ret-r. Ave-.je Sewer 1 Lightning arrt •-.• :; 1 set of tw M. (Standard Timei or. TUESDAY. vacancies happen, by resignation "r 4. The- !•*•-,-hiID Com mit tcc- f •irace Stre'.-t St-wer f-j-e* with bevele: -•...-- covers, and SEPTEMBER 20th, ll'J7. for the 1 otherwise, the person.- e'ecttd t. SECOND WARD. 4th District: -.v - M.r. l:..ad Water ••••.'.• re*, of line rhe -. :.:- .f nine steps purpose, of conductir.g a Spt-ciiti supply .-uch vacancies shall be elect- Comprising centra' Fords. opert M hereby deti- r ..- :- Pi.ik S'-.ver Cf-n- : r each circuit; i-...k • lamp rhe;»st:.t E!'-c*.ion or. the p:opo.-ed (""••'r.-titi:- - ed for the unexpired term only. All that tract lying north of K: :' r the repulatior. - .-harping i-jr- ti'jnal Amcndm*r.;s as :M11. .V= : Amend paragraph one, Section George's Post Road, be'we- lai That average proba': Sewer : r.t .••••nji.-ting of • r..'••.-•:• lamps ar.d Firtt Amendment c the Raritan T-'wi.ship Lire and *.-. - Sev.-t •rvi-ii-.-'ei) double .. 3. T". section -lx of Artl/iL IV -.'. thrvl-: .r,- of Chapter Street. Port -•:;• '•.; f.vitche?. -.-• -I-*, beir.p i'. '"live" which -ha ! read as 1 •.•'.", >ws; 1. The Genera! Assembly shall be de^-nbed as follows: •i. The Lep-islature may enact gen- composed of members biannually Beginning at a point ract and i* *hr- I -a 'l''. :».- amend- the purp •v .f putting iv"; the r.t of Port eral ....'•s under which municipaiitie elected by the legal voters of the Raritan Line 100 feet, north uf fro ^-d, i • "1 jit:-.: :-c .nd street. c:r-uit.- series • - parallvi. Tne t h I- 1 -V. ss otn-.-r "..an counf.ts. may adopt zon- counties, respectively, who shall be the northerly line of Fifth 1 h i That av(-r;i?<.- a e--ed val- I;- ..dir.tr . .. . i.ther set being pr•• .-led for the pur- ii.ir : iinar.'-f-- limiting and restrict- apportioned among the said counties Street; thence easterly and 10<) :• ':••' be •jut/ >. r.f •the taxabl'. rc-a'. property •nham Pla -e Pavir.i* po.--e '.I • the urTice as- .1 »'r.f. ing :•! speci;;.ed districts and regu- as nearly as may be according to the feet north of Fifth Street, cross- : r. c jdin? ini ir-vr-n-.c-:.t~ '•:" sai'i ••-.-. !;i:.ii Kiv.-t- Piiv:::g . . pai'atu*. luting there;"!, buildings and struc- number of their inhabitants. The ing Grant Avenue to the north- ' of t r. t- •,v-,rk Tovn;.-liii-. COImpufed upon the next I':--: and Fifth Avenue Tht re siiall oe provided gar'-' tures, according to their construction, present apportionment shall continue erly line of Fords Terrace. No. not three vahatior. thereof. 4,0 0'.'. 17 switches optratr .1 by a pini^r. ..•.-uv.1'1. and the nature and extent of their until the next census of trte United 1; thence northerly along the g -aid impr'.'Vtn;ert. in the jirovided in Sect: A. tret: Wat 1.002.K1 i.-'X the purp.' -e of controlling thu use, ar.d the exercise of such author- States shall have been taken, and same to an angle; thence east- Or ::'•• tr.<- y thereof, benefited 12 of the -aid ;>.:•: 1- S13.O.'{1.'".2«. Flf: . Aver.jt- Curb and duplicate se ••f batti-rics. Tn'.--t iiy shall be deemed to be within the an apportionment nf mem'w-rs of erly along a northerly line of or irxrea-e ii/je thereby, to the It i The net debt of the said (irade devices will ..-.--••nnect the chi.rK-' -' police power of the State. Such laws the General Assembly shall De made1 Fords Terrace, No. 1, to the cen- extert -,? i:t-fit. in addition to Towiiihip competed in the mar.r.ei- Itijipan Street Walks set from tht- nursing line, and p .1. • r.:ul ',•: sub'i-ct to repeal or altera- by the Legislature at its first session. ter of Mary Avenue; thence any :< -t grading and sidewalk provided in -aid Section 12 i.- St>ll.- T;.lid Street V them on th- •x signal or gong cir- 1 t;.-in by the Legislature. after the next and every subsequent northerly along the center of before :i.<--r:tioT.td. 1M.0O (fl.22^.. F •urth Street Wai',;- "10.00 , cuits, as tr.t ast- may he, and iil-j Shall this zoning amendment be enumeration or census, and wher Mary Avenue to a point 100 feet 'J. All ••'.her matters involved ir: idi That the annual and supple- • lumbus Avt-nut Water place then. r. the charging line adopted? made shall remain unaltered until north of the northerly line of the said in.provemeiil, including such mental debt statements required by , without ;.tr:..;.;r any of the circult- Pitman Avenue; thence easterly r Second Amendment another enumeration shall have beer. variations, if any, from the plans ?aid Section 12 have been made am: $255,000.00 ii.g :. .'.- system in any way. and 100 feet north of Pitman and .t- .l-.i bids will be re- tricts' and meadow reclamation dis- members shall never exceed sixty. nprovements, Sepwate L ' Amend paragraph three of Article First Ward. 10. The sum of Eighty-five Thou- 1 manner and at the same time as oth- ClTor ,in caicasee nfn,o appropriatioappropriationn nahass Deebeenn cejve(j tricts; to alter and change the boun- ; V of the Constitution of the Stale Polling Place: Fordi School. sand i^S.-.OOO.O'ij Dollars or as er taxes, a tax upon all the taxable madf, that the entire amount above j <>• j>-,!\-r daries of any such district or districts jf materials. so established; to provide for the of New Jersey to read as follows: much thereof a.s may be necessary, , real property of said Township suf- S€.: ff,rth <>r the excess over appro-I 0 1' !-'\rt of system, to .be is hereby appropriated to meet the ficient to produce the amount of prin- • • ... - n' a..a.. election of commissions for such dis- 3. Each Governor elected after the SECOND WARD, ;.th District: priationi previi.^sly made be and the jma,jt - tion and supervision cost of carrying out said improve- <-ipal and interest to become due in ,y t.-icts and to prescribe the organiza- adoption of this amendment shall hoId Comprising both sides of M.i same i> hereby appropriated. j of an engineer to be furnished .by Street including r.orthtrn Fords ;. ment, the succeeding year. Section :j. That said bonds or tion, jurisdiction, powers and duties off.ee f/r four years, to 11. Temporary no es or bonds are (]. That all acts and proceeding- r.ote-- snail h t- dated the tenth day of | .. . I, .of such commissions; to vest in such '-"> the third Tuesday of January Ufayette Htiffhy. No bid w.i! C...V- All of the ward lying between • hereby aa'iiirizc-d to be issued from of the Township (.'ommittee and oth- cons^ered unless cott)m:^on, powtrs t0 undcrtakei r.ext ensuing the election for September, 1!<27. shall be due and, acc<)mpan:ea 3 certified check for time to time, in an amount not to - officers and agent? of the develop, c-ontplet* and operate any trnor by the people, and to end northerly line of District No. i .;• t r payabje the tenth day of April, l'J^H.'j,; 0* r^t ., : t of the bid and a exceed to sum ab'.ve appropriated, ship in and about the purcha.-e of th/ public work .-r improvement for wa the Monday preceding the third T the Port Reading Railroad. at -omt u<.e i.f payment in the i l ist <.,.- en towns or cities rJa of Janu: Polling Place: New Fordj Schoc pursuant to the- provisions of Sec--health and road equipment referred • :ty of New York, and shall bear in-! ter supply- sewage disposal, drainage y ry. four years thi-re- wriere a cm has been in suc- .-,fter; ar.d he tion KS, of Chapter 'l:.i of the Laws to in (section one hereof, to wit r tere.-t at r.ut mure than five per nd meadow reclamation, to shajl be incapable of I'.ilO, at amended, which notes t>r one automobile and one motor truck cessful/i.tra-.:-: for! a period of rive- .;ndel):'tdne5S therefor,"which said in- h-lding that office fur four years net* SECOND WARD, oth Distrkt. all. pel annum, Said notes or j- Ev d bonds shall bear interest at a rate be and are hereby ratified and cop- ear:> of satisfactory fa- devjtedr,e$s .hall be the debt of the his term sh:t'.l Comprijii.g I-i'.in. u<>r..is shall be signed by the Chair- , ' \\\y;^ c an responsibility diytrk.._ ,0 fund SJeh debt arid lu pr(l. expired: and if a vacf-ncy h1.; follows: not to exceed six per cent., per an- ifirmei and insofar as the sum specl- of the Township ^ num. All other matters in respect fiod in said section f.ir said purposi- man <•< the Township Committee , tf m4nufa,:.Jr:..K everything hereby ;id"e''V' '"t'C'Vvv" ^"Jm^V rfsignati-'i; or 'therwise, the All of the ward north of the I' and by the Township Treasuret^nd:^^.;^ ,:.,:»,, riled with each bid. JjJ l* ^ ^' ^iM6M of said notes or bunds shall be de- hat nm been appropriated the same special l;mion o{ special benefits and eiected to supply «'.ich vacarcy «ha!l Reading Railroad and south attested by the Township Clerk un- Specification- for the above items payment, of any such be elected fc^r the unPtpirtj term northerly boundary line describt termim-'i by the Chairman* of the js appropriated ht-i'eby. der the seal of the Township, and mes for tne Township Committee, the Township 7, jhis ordinance shall take efTe." may fc s*--n at the office oi G. Will- indebtedness so incurred by su'ch appoir.tmer.t or noinina- lieginnmg at the JUrr.av. f.afd officers shall have power to de- ForKs. N. J. Clerk, and Township Treasurer who. upon its publication as provided by iam fM ( trict. tyjn Uj ^.fij-e >hall bf ri:ade by *.hc- Township line mid-wsy b*twf2 'f the All y dUtrici.G,vernordur;ng^he '*.> week of Oak Tree Road and New Dovrr to fix U t: and is.iui; said temporary notes or Laws of HUG a; amended, togeth- "° «- , m,.rked "fire Alarm etc., amendmendJ t be adapteddtd? ? N saiid tterm . * Road; and thtnee easterly ak.nc bonds. er with the statement required by herein fixed. Proposal" ar.d ,e name of the bid- TKitd Amendment Shall tkU ajnendvent providing for th* nortflerly line of Blocks 4-1", Section 4. The Township Treasu- dtr t]ja]j a]a0 pear on the outside 4-11, 443, 447, 446 and 44'J t • 12. The average assessed valuation said [section, and the Township Clerk Amend .Article IX of the Stay- biennial legislative testioiu and — .u.,11 jjayg power to dispose of ((lj t^e envei changing ter mi of office of Governor Pennsylvania Railroad and cross- of the taxable real•-.roperty- linclud- shall have the power to select the i(] nc b d y. j. , - ^ - Constitution so as to read as fol- ing improvement.-! of the Township newspaper in which it shall be pub-1 ,1 . . ,, ' . lft£ K0'ira u\ "re lows: and membert of toe Legislature, be ing the same; thence southeast reject any or adopted?, erly along the northerly line rf of Woodbridge in tho County of Mid- lished and ;o specifpy y the date after accrued interest Any specific amendment or amend- all bids. j ments to the Constitution may be Fifth Amendment Blfick 428 to the center of Cham (dksex computed upon the next pre- which the bonds shall be issued and Jt u hweb determined I ceding three valuations thereof, in : delivered. Dated|, September 14th, 192 ; proposed in the Senate or General In Article VII, section two, para- of IHill* Road; thence easter'.y that none impf0-vemenls wai! j Signed: aloha the same to th« westerly the manner provided in Seotion 12.; Introduced and passed on first leted t0 the tenth d of i Assembly, and if the same shall be graph t«*o, strike out the words, "be Chapter 2.V-; Laws, of 1910 as amend- reading: August 22,,1927. , J ** l- i further deter Board nf Fire Commission- agreed to by a majority of the ^inem- appointed by the Senate and General line df Block 387; thence south- s erly »long ^ie lire of Block 3^T ed and .upplemented, is S13 031,- j Advertised Augud 26 and Septem-: ^ l^^^JLl^nl ^ - ers, Fourth, Seventh and bers. elected to each of (the two Assembly, in joint meeting. They vv Eighth Fire Districts, of houses, such proposed amendment or' shall" so that the paragraph will to Bl/(Kk 3p5; ih«me westerly 626.00. Ihe net debt of said Town- btr 2, U'27. with notice of hearing: menta' l debt •statements required to ship computed according to said Sec- September 12, 1U27. the Township of Wood-, amendments shall be entered on; their read as follows: and southeitly along Block 3y'>, be riled by Chapter 252 of the Laws tion 12, including the debt hereby Passed sccund and third reading fcridgi-, County of'Middle-'journals with the yeas and nay: tak- Judges of the Court of Common ' and continuing the last cour.-c of New Jersey of 1916 have been authorized is $»ll,184.00, being , and adopted SeptemU-r 12, lt»2T. sex and State of New Jer- en thereon, and referred to th* ses- , Pleas shall hold their offices for five 1 in a straight line to the IVr: i made and filed as r*quired by said 6.22ft. A supplemental deb't state- . Advertised with 20 day notice sty. sion of the Legislature then next to! years; but when appointed to fill Reading Railroad. The blocks ment showing the same has been September 10, 1927. Law. &-16, 23, 30. be convened otherwise than in spe- vacancies they shall hold for the un- above mentioned being thusi- made and filed with the- Township W. A. RYAN, Section G. That any and all acts, cial session by call of the Governor, expired term only, shown on the Township Asse.-s- of the Chairman of the Township Clerk as required by said Act. " Chairman uf Township Committee. and shall be published for three ' Snail tkia amendment relating to ment Map. Committee, tht Township Clerk, the Introduced arid passed first read- 15. j. DUN1GAN, months prev. .js. to metting in such term of office for Common Pleai Polling Place: Uelin School, Township Treasurer and uf this Com- r ing: September 12. 11*27. se^iiiiu m-xt t i be convened, in at i judget be adopted? Township Clerk. mittee in and about thti issuance of Published September li! and 23, :.-.- iit-« -:,a;>tr in each county, The boundary lines and polling nates or bond- .herein authorized. y, y pg SECONECOND WARDWAR , fth District: 1927, with ii'.tite fif hearing: Sep- The foregoing Ordinance was though done prior to the tailing ef- Save Pennies- if any be published therein, at • least places of the various districts are as , the County Line. tember 2fi, 1927. | , adopted or. the 12th day of Septem- fect of this ordinance, be and the I.MV .r. each month; ar.d if in th. e , follows: ' ComDrisin. r CoColonil i and north ' B. i. DUN'IGAN, ber, 1!127. .The si-rla! b'i!nl.- author- satae art hereby confirmed. of the Legislature .next to be FIRST WARD, 1st District: All Ail of thekvard north of the nor:: Township Clerk, ized thereby w.!l be i^ued and de- Waste Dollars c >'.'.vt ed as aforesaid, such propos- that tract lying between the Pcnnsyl- erly boundary of District No. ti. Section 7. That this ordinance take livered afler the Cth day of October, endment or amendments, or vania Railroad (on the east) and the /, Polling Place: Coloaia School. effect after its, p&ss&ge and publica- ! NOTICE 1927, and any BUil, actiM. or pro- any ii, jhall bt agreed to .by center line of Amboy Avenue (on the i tion pursuant to law. tt Some users of prating cteding to set aside or vacate this a . n.i • ntv of al! of the' memben west); and between Heard's Brook' THIRD WARD, 1st DUtrict: Con. Introduced and passed on fir=t Notice is, l,i-rt-by given that the , ordinance iiiJst be btgjr, wi(;:in •" save pennies by get' elected to each hojse then it shall be (on the north) and (on the south) a prising Port Beading reading: September 12, 1!>27. Townshij) Committee will hold a ' twenty days after the publkatiorj of tins inferior work and lose the duty of the Ivegislature to sub- (line drawn mid-way between New and ; Polling Place: Port Reading School Advertised September 10 m;d Sep- meeting at the Memorial Municipal ! this statement. Such bondb will nut •mt such proposed amendment or Second Streets, and projecting east-! . t*raber 23, 1927, with notice, of dollars through lack of ad* Building, Woudbridgt, on September' be ibsued if |>rottits againsf the amendments, or such of them as may erly to said railroad. THIRD WARD, 2nd District: 1»- l vertisng value in the work R 26, l j2T, at 3.3U o'clock in the after- same are filed under Section it of they get Printers as a rule have beer, twice agreed to as afore- i Polling PUc«: Fire Home, Wood- c In ding Avenel and northerly to t' ' noon Daylight Saving Time, to con-': Chapter 252 of the Laws of 191C, ah 3- id ' tthh e peoplel , in buch manrx-r , bridgebid . Rahway River. a- the eider the final passage of the fore-1 amended, and supplemented, Towns'iip Clerk. charge very reasonable Iytjfi=!ature shall prescribe, at i —- Polling Place: Aveael School going ordinance, at which time and j a proposition for the issuance there- prices, for none of them the e< election to be held thei FIRST WARD, 2nd District- All first place objection thereto may be pre-1 of shall be adopted at an election un- act rich although nearly rst Tuesday after the first Mon-, that part of the First Ward east pf THIRD WARD, 3rd District: Com- Romantic Dayg d,ay .ii .November; and if the pe.opi ] the Pennsylvania Railroad; and also •ented by any taxpayer uf the town- der said section. al of them work hard e prising Stwaren. •hip. : Dated .September l'C, 1927. No n>nii U a ueru to liU valet, bui hall men approve and ratify buch all that tract between said railroad Polling Place; Sewnren .. Property owners wishing to object i B. J. DL'NIGAN, a jumignitt would like to be a Moral; Gii* your printing h amendment or amendments, or any (on tbe east) and the center line of 10 Ilia bero. tin-in, by a majority of the elec- Olty file a written objection with thei Township Clerk. Amboy Avenue (on the west), and THIRD WARD, 4th DUtrict: In- sn * good prtoltt and taor tmnty. tor.-: qjaiiried to vott for'members of T Clerk. In produdne the -M-I-I ,n* nf the line drawn* parallel with Green Woodbridge Creek. |.r..vtd ratified chall become part rij* (Wiiiit>lb tniiil'iue ii)ltit-|j<-. u Oar Printing Is Sueet, and 110 feet, northerly ship in the Independent, the ui t) • < (.nsti'.utioii; provided, that if Polling Place: Par lib House tar Uisllllme wlittli siweiln iikt g from the northerly line thereof, in- N«Vi of All Woodbridge ToA»hip in Unexcelled ihan one amendment be »ob- (Woodb.idge). mott widely re*d paper Hue, uiiti ililorluK, u [MJUHHI war cluding all houte* fronting on tha tba lodependont, U>» mo»» wid«l-f they shall be uibtmitM in oQd treat U wiUi Wthtt yo- - - " " tide at • - lyiD I ^ •auuer WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, S6FTEMRER U5, li>27 Says Fluctuation in Jersey's Clay Products Show Gasoline Price Due to $1,827,625 Increase in Year Reynolds Bros., Inc. Rapid Production Rate TUKNTON. N. .1.. Sc-pt.Mnl.er K. face, enameled and hollow brick, various kinds of hollow building tile, "D»p*rtm*itt Stor. of D«p«nd«M« M.r«h«w*l««" I'rico i>f jjasolino nt filling Ktti- in the manufacture nf clny products floor tile, ceramic mosaic, faience tions is found to vary in different and non-clay refractories reported tile, drain tile, flue lining, wall cop- Perth Amboy cities and oven at different filling •for the year of 1 <»•_'•'. n total output ing, as well as other refractory pro- stations in the same city, while be- valued at $50,01)0,1H'., an increase | ducts. Seventy establishments re- NOW OPEN tween states variation in price is of 11,827,626 compared with $48,- ported production. 122,862 which was the total value The pottery products from an im- more marked due to state gasoline for the year 1925, according to data posing list from red earthenware to % PERSHING & ROOSEVELT AVES. taxes which run from one to five collected at the annual ennvasj made flower pots to decorated bellock ware In K27 by the New Jersey Depart- CARTERET, N. J. cents. worth a hundred dollars or more? for 28th "The production of crude oil dif- ment of Conservation and Develop- a single piece, Porcelain plumbing fers materially from that of any oth- ment working in co-operation with fixtures valued at $6,063, 604, forms Quality Foods * Economy Pricet er baric commodity," says the New the United States Department of the largest single item with porcelain York Times. "Ordinarily; when over- .Commerce and made public today by electric supplies valued at $4,362,- the State Geologist, This represents 263, vitreous china flush tanks and Anniversary production occurs in any Industry, 10 per cent, of the production of lavatories valued at $4,494,438 and operations can be discontinued until the entire country. Woodbridge lies See Specials the market catches up with supply. vitreous china closet bowls valued at in the center of the State's clay pro- $4,401,824. all a close second. Clay In the oil industry, however, a new ducing territory and yearly supplies mined by others than manufacturers Sale Below well is drilled and turns out to be large quantities of clay for brick and and sold by the miner totaled $261,- ;i producer. Immediately the owners pottery uses, 941, which of course represents only • BEGINS SATURDAY of surrounding property put down The value of New Jersey's clay a very small part of the clay mined wells to get their share before the products and non-clay refractories in the stat«, AND CONTINUES ALL NEXT WEEK oil which may or mny not underlie for 1920 is made up as follows: New Jersey holds fourth place in brick, tile and other clay products, the country for the number of estab- except pottery, $23,040,180, or 71 lishments producing clay products per cent.; pottery, $21,406,328, or 27 and non-olsy refractories, having PREPARATIONS were made for t»cp cent.; nort-clay refractories, fB,- 187 pl»nU, and bainff »x«e$«Ud only •*• this event months n^o. Won- .137,971, or 10 per tent, of the entire by Ohio with 381 plants, Pennsyl- OVER .country. vania with 329 plants and Illinois / derful values gathered from the IOOO The first group includes common, with 165 plants. markets of the world, to make it the UNITED STATES STORES FOOD greatest sale in our entire history. their lands is depleted by the original t vicinity is due to difference in mar- keting facilities of the various pro- well. j Remember the Date* "Once produced, the oil must go ucers. Strong companies with es- into consumption. It cannot be tablished distribution systems are September 17th to 26th Announcing the Opening stored indefinitely without heavy able, within limits, to maintain prices loss, and, vast as are the facilities :hat will yield sonic profit, or nt of the industry in taking care of the least, prevent actual loss. Other of Another surplus, the oil market must be kept companies not so favorably situated, moving from wall to consumer, prac- find themselves with incrensing stocks 'tically regardless of price, or chaos of gasoline which they are compelled will result. to move even at a loss. TEMPLE "Over-production naturally forces 'down- the price of crude, but it has —Pleases mention this paper whei AMBOY COTTON STORE OF no influence on the cost of refining, I transportation and marketing, which purchasing from our advertisers.— • make up 75 per cent, of cost of The Best and Most Popular Store ECONOMY and CLEANLINESS i gasoline at filling stations. It has ; been figured that if crude petroleum i in the Mid-Continent field were given Babies Love It Located at away free, gasoline could not be pro- in Town for Shoppers duced and sold in Washington, D. C, For all stomach and intestinal for less than 14 cents a gallon,. troubles and'diaturbancea due Pershing and Roosevelt Avenues "That is the principal trouble with to teething, there is nothing 201 Smith St. Perth Amboy, N. J. the oil situation today. Too much better than a sale Infants' and crude. Competition between gasoline Children's Laxative. CARTERET, N. J. producers has forced down prices '< until motor fuel hus become the cheapest of the lending staples, and Mas. Manager Mr. GEORGE SAYLOR the end is not in sight. Classified Ads Bring Results "The variation in gasoline price SYRUP as between filling stations in the same QUALITY GROCERIES at For Good Housekeeping, Quickly Accomplished, ECONOMY PRICES Make Use oj Numerous Electric Conveniences lbb CERESOTA 12 "'59c GOLD MEDAL $5 Down ®5 a Month s PILLSBURY w&fl HECKER'S lb baB " Soon Pay for the Use lamps of high wattage where FLOUR 98 $4 sewing, reading or dose work is to be done. Use lamps of less wattage for EVAPORATED CLOVERDALE or cans New HOOVER lights. Whether strong or \4 VAN CAMP'S 3 25c powerful lights are needed, M;uda in- MILK side frosted lamps are best, because You should have this TOMATO their light is well diffused. A carton splendid cleaner. It will of six lamps (up to 40 watts) sell for CAMPBELL'S cans $1.38. SOUP and BEANS 3 23c take all the dirt from your \— '—< PEAS, CORN BENEFIT rugs—some of which has Popping corn at home is good fun and may be easily done with an Excel been ground into the rug and is cutting the .nap, and TOMATOES BRAND 3 ""128c electric corn popper. Attach the pop- although you may not know it is there. per to any electric socket. The corn HANCOCK will pop evenly and quic-kly. Priced SLICED large can fa/C PINEAPPLE We will gladly demonstrate the action of the New at 52.75. DEL MONTE Hoover on your rugs. Telephone us and a representa' The American Beauty iron is priced PEACHES BRAND_ large can tive will pall to show you how efficiently it works. regularly at $7.50, but it may be pur- chased for $6.50, if you trade in your CLOVERDALE MACARONI The liberal allowance we make for an old tfld electric iron. This offer is for a SPAGHETTI' BRAND 3^'" -25c limited time only. $1 down and $1 electric cleaner turned in substantially re- a month. NANKE BRAND duces the price you pay for a New Hoover. Orange Pekoe, India 1/4 " 15c Have an electric motor attached to your seeing machine and sa.ve yourself Ceylong, Formosa, lb TEA the labor of driving it by foot power. Oolong, Mixed y2 - 29c When the machine is run by electricity, you need only guide the material. The Benefit Brand speed can be regulated as you wish. OUR FAMOUS per lb 33 c KELVINATOR Is the Place to COFFEE BRAND Pan American per lb. . . • • . 37c Store Your Foods lb b 8 CLOVERDALE BRAND 5 - " 25c Violet Ray Machines Kelvinator (electric refrigeration) keeps the air AT SPECIAL PRICES lbb g Priced from $12'50 Up, ; TO INTRODUCE TO YOU 24i * 99c dry and frosty, which is excellent for keeping 1 FLOUR THIS WONDERFUL FLOUR lb b 95 foods fresh and tasty. There is none of the damp- Violet Kay treatments are effective in .3 98 " $3 ness which causes foods to spoil. relieving many ailments. They help to stimulate the circulation, refresh tired VALLEY A Kelvinator means a saving of many steps. nerves and often prove bene- BRAND PEACHES 3 "" 50c Its shtjlf room is sufficient to hold a generous ficial as a substitute for physi- BENEFIT pl supply of food. Des- V cal exercise. ^ BRAND 2 "' 13c serts may be frozen in CORN FLAKES the Kelvinator and' the Public Service sells models PUREST lbs. t trays provide ice cubes for private and professional MADE 80c LARD of a si^e convenient uses. 13 "— P. & G. for table use. WHITE NAPTHA 7 """' 25 c SOAP If tlie refrigerator ytju REAL BRAND have is in good condition, BROOMS 75c VALUE each 55 it can be equipped with n Kelvinaior unit or you lb> cm purchase a new Kel- SOAP FLAKES 2 25c vinator equipped cabinet by paying just a small GRANDMA'S -i wm sum down with seventeen 1/c months to pay the bal- Washing Powder , '"'••"" ance. FINEST TUB BUTTER and EGGS ALWAYS FRESH P R U N E S SUGAR PVBLICraSEKVICE LargA and Mealy Finest Granulated rt .7 WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT FRIDAY. SEPTEMRFR 1<5. 1927

hscription $1.50 Per Year NewsfromThe Churches EJitir Cong r?(ationnl r Trinity tpiicopal PubH-W 9.45 A. M. Siiiniuy S.hnn!. ! H A. M. <"t'tclit-nti«m of Holy F. i A Repre«<>nta!]ve 11 A M M. ni;i:p Sermnn. 7 V M. i'hri-tia!i Endeavor: 1(1 A. M. Church School. 13, 1919. at the "Whal's Rieht nnd What's Wrong 11 A. M. Holy Eucharist a, | f March 3. 187!'. With the Movie."?"' Miss Anna I.. .Sermon. Johnson. St. Matthew1* Day, 9 A. M. O|,. MTIOTU 4ITOTOPS ItfttSfTTlIUfl T.J.i P. M. Evening Sermon. oration of Holy Eucharist. Hf * JUHY KWAHK. hK. ' Tuesday. 2 P. M. Ladies Associa- Thursday, 8 P. M. Choir Pra . lam; C. W««. tion meets with Mrs. J. Edward Har- tice. ned. Friday, 7.30 P. M. Boy Sc • Wednesday, 8 P. M. Prayer Meet- Meeting. IHS PI'FILI''ATI'"IN i« committed to no political. M>cial, reli ing. " rs a ?r Jf ?r organization. Iu aifn is to allow in M«tho4Ut 10 A. M. Sunday School. j;rr; n,-:hing that it knows to be untruthful. .' A r.afjre to offend a proper .sense of delicacy. 10 A. M. Sunday School. 11 A. M. Morning Sermon. "Tr. -,, :r-.'far a» a sincere endeavor can serve to pre- 11 A. M. Morning: Sermon. Spe- Religion." Mr. Norman Senedik< r ...prear ir. the news, bjt is confined to tie space set cial music. Boloist of Trinity Lutheran Chur< •. • i.:orial column. In this column it is pledged to 3 P. M. Junior C. E. "Zacheus, of Newark, will ling. considers worthy, and to condemn and fight 7 P. M. Epworth League. "Leaf; ^ ' ; !:i which it sew evidence of insincerity, injustice. Public Officer Who Entertained the, public welfare. It? column? at all times are Jcsun." Ideals in High School." Miss Ev.- at:'n "i communication? on any subject, although 3 P. M. Advanced C. E. "How lyn Schoonover. jncati'T. w;li be considered that is palpably bitter or ma- Tan the Movies Be Improved?" 7.45 P. M. Sermon: "Living Wa- r which 1= r.ot signed by it* author^ In <«!w whwe it it fi.45 p. M, Senior apd Intermedi- ters." :. :he name if the author of a communication will be ate C. E. "What's Wrong and in publishing. What's Right With the Movies?" Colored Bapti*t 7.45 P. M. Evening Services. 11 A. M. Horning Sermon. •Special music. 1.30 P. M. Sunday School. 7:00 "Young People's Bapti=; WAS OR WASN'T IT PROMISE"? Wednesday, 1 P. M. Luncheon. 2.30 P. M. Missionary Meeting. Union." 8 P. M. Prayer Meeting. 8.00 P. M. Evening Sermon. i'ri-sident «imple declaration "I do not choose Wednesday, 8 P. M. Prayer Meet- ing. ?.. nil: in 1928" h i> stirred up reams of interesting and scme- —Say "I saw your advertisement in the Woodbridge Independent". —• v. hid remarkable •.-.-wspaper comment. CbrUtUn Setance Society Dt-nioi.Tat'.c I* adtrs whi> had despaired of finding a stand- The Christian Science Society of ard bear.-r capa'1' f 'i running on even terms with the pre.<- ADVERTISING COMES INTO ITS OWN USING AMERICAN MONEY 5ewaren is a branch of The Mother e hailed his declaration with delight. Re- Church, The First Church of Christ, ent chief ext-i.,'..". Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Service! publican-. <-v- r. : *.":".f dis-onters who ordinarily take deligh' '"Public utility companies will spend $28,0'"\'"""i for ad- The outbursts in America as well as the rest of the world are held in the church on West ave- in tmi.i;»rr;i?.>;!.t' * :.vir party with the threat of a bolt, werc vertising this year". Here, in this news it err., is food for during the Sacco-Vanzetti incident ought to be enough to con- nue every Sunday morning at elev. jarred. thought. It makes one wonder if there are sti:'. reactionaries vince the most skeptical that the Red menace is something en o'clock. In the ?£'V-.-r;i ' -.vtek? that have passed since Coolidge is- who insist that advertising is useless and a waste :' investors' more than a creation of fancy on the part of the American na- Subject of Lesson-Sermon this •.: r-nu'iit prominent men have voiced th the stu- i the Democratic daily press into de This stand has excit*-. dent of modern industry and business. In the pas: : .venty years And incidents continue to occur showing that the headquarters clarinjf the President's 'I do not choose" amounted to a solemn it has unquestionably doubled itself many times. Through the f the Communists at Moscow are by no means inactive. readi borrowe(ji or purchased, Y--.; [ ii"w keep or expose his soul to hell- promise which l.t- must various mediums, and most important of all, the newspapers, A recent Associated Press dispatch from Berlin ought to are invited to attend these service- after. and t0 use the fire torture "• the here advertising and publicity have grown to proporti' :.- where they urnish food for thought to those Americans who, undoubtedly | Reading Room. the President's statement was merely A:- we interpret it. are among the greatest forces known for furthering progress apitalistic themselves, insist that we ought to recognize the So-! • I- the ..xpres.M"!! of preference. Having served one fuli term and ;JH1 forwardness. The recent unprecedented growth of the viet government in order to do more business with Russia. The ££j\§§IFIED ADS part of aiK'ther ir. a job that takes tremendous toll of physical public utilities are directly traceable, in a lar^-.- degree, to dispatch quotes a Russian democratic newspaper to the effect Classified advertisements only OBI and nervmis resni'-ces, he does not actively seek another nomi- the effect of wide and intelligent advertising. F. r from being that the German Communistic party has been enjoying an al-' cent a word: minimum charge 26c nation and would be just as well-pleased if his party could ; •i waste of investors' money it is a safeguard in tha: if the com- lowance of $200,000 per month from Communist headquarters j A PAYING POSITION OPEN .select aii"thiT representative. j pany or product advertised is honest and worh-while, that at MOSCOW for the purpose of fomenting unrest. But the signi- to representatives of character. Take But what if the party cannot settle upon another candi- j ders dire t t company's business or sales will increase in direct proportion to ficant statement is to the effect that this money has been taken °£ ' Q™^™*^ p er ma^nt" date? The implication is President Coolidge would allow hi? I 1he amount of advertiing. from the receipts of Russo-American trade. j Write now. o. L.' Gonzales, n party's interest to overrule his preference. That is our in- It would seem, therefore, if this charge is true, that Amer- .Fourth avenue, East Orange, N. J. Progressive business is learning that the only :hing better terpretation of the President's stand. We can see no solemn ican capital in going to Russia to promote commerce in Russia , 8-5, 12, 19, 26; 9-2, 9, 16, 2o, 30. for business than extensive advertising, is more extensive ad- promise not to run in what he said. has been used in turn to spread Communism in other parts of j LOST vertising plus a good product or service. the world. Here is something for American capitalists, who de- LOST—Woman's pocketbook, grey ,, ii.ii -i- J*_L i leather, lost Sunday between Port ZONING AMENDMENT IMPORTANT pend on orderly government for their lives and fortunes, to'Reading and Cart€ret. containing a THE IDLER LOSES OUT think over seriously. l>pair of glasses and photos. Finder Unless New Jersey voters are concealing a deeper inter- j return to 48 Chrome avenue and re- est in the coming special election than their placid exterior Glenn Frank, president of the University of Wisconsin, ' eeive reward. PEOPLE MUST LEARN TO VOTE HELP WANTED—Female indicates, only a pitifully small proportion of them will go to says in a recent svndicate article: "Societv is unconsciously the polls, September 20. And this condition exists in spite of working towards a system of compulsory labor by making the When the average man and woman gets to realizing ^T^ZZ itfrtr and parasite a less and less popular f.gure." Here Dr. the fact the ballot contains, amojig other things, a proposition mportance of voting there will be some hope for lower taxes urday mornings. 528 Alice place, Frank points out one of the fundamental principles of Ameri- to empower municipalities to zone themselves into distinct resi- and a lower cost of living. We must have improvements of i"Woodbridge, Tel. 771. can security and prosperity. dential and business districts. course. The people demand and are entitled to the latest and GIRL—Young colored girl for Up to the coming into being of America, wealth was al- For years Woodbridge Township has had its troubles with best things in hospitals, schools, libraries and other institu-, housework. Apply 206 Green ways regarded not as the means toward progress or improve- industry encroaching upon territory devoted for the most pari lions. But all expenditures ought to be scanned carefully and street-Woodbridge- ^J ment, but simply the agency by which the possessor could live to fine residences. At one time a local zoning ordinance war- ve ought to see that there is a real need for the improvement GIRL Wanted for housework. Ap- luxuriously and prodigally without worry or work, at the ex drafted but, like similar ordinances in other municipalities of hefore it is made. Each year now more and more of our roads ! ]Jl ^^J* o'clock'lk . pense of others. This attitude caused the full f Rome and the 519 Tisdale place, Woodbridge. 9-t) near 5c fare to Amb'oy EU,t._ In its twenty-six square miles the township has plenty of room Too many of the people who have to pay are pacified by itrieity, water in kitchen, jig. oru- being of all. In hort, his mojiey is to him the means to a very for factories and plenty of room for fine residences but un- the belief that they can pass the burden on to someone else. | month'quire Amess ren,t neafreer stationif take.* now. in- certain end: Ultimate perfection of his product or service. 9-16. 23, 30; 10-7* 'less a means is found of keeping factories in sections set aside If all the advice being handed auto drivers was enacted — for them there will be no incentive for a prospective home Perfection is not yet here, but'we can r>e sure that in into law the volume would be a big one but a little good com- 0NE or. two f"r"!!h<\d .,")OmSl builder to put his savings into a fine home whose value may America we are nearer it than ever before, anywhere in the , ,. , ,, , . , , ; conveniences, J. H. Stillwell, li mon horse sense on the part of the drivers would cover the Grove avenue, Woodbridge, N. J. be cut in half tomorrow by the building of a factory, garage world. A.nd one of the greatest factors is what Dr. Frank entire field and leave nothing to be said. |l'16' or warehouse next door. speaks of, the discouragement "of slothfulness and the ten dency of wealth to use itself for the gbod of all. -FLAT, 5 rooms and bath, all im- The rank and file of property .owners and voters have for Beauty is only skin deep, but as far as that is concerned, I provements. Located in good res- a long time been demanding a zoning ordinance and a major- homeliness is no deeper.—Atchison Globe. • •• 'i idential section. Inijuire at 93 Cen- ity of them have never fully understood why they didn't get TIPPING THE PORTER tral avenue, Carteret, N. J. 9-2, J it. Now is their chance to do ttye job for themselves. The spe- Mayor Walker of New Yorlf City is touring in Europe STORE and flat in Port Reading cial election on Tuesday is their golden opportunity. Woodbridge avenue. Official reports show that there arare 10,000 porters em and the farther he goes the more he ought to feel at home— 8-26; 9-2, 9, 16' ployed in the service of the Pullman Car Company, and care on the lower East Side. - I'ul count shows that 96.^ per cent, of the passengers whose FURNISHED ROOM—with break BUT WHAT OF IT? fast if desired. Inquire at thi.-s shoes are shined, and clcithes brushed by these faithful men, Most of those who curse the courts get justice in spite pf office. : The growing seriousness with which these annual b»th- call all porter^ "peorge". The highest pay received by anj all their lawyers could do.—Buffalo News. porter te $72.00 a month. The patrons of the railroad add $7,- APARTMENT of 5 rooms, unfi.r ing beauty contests at Atlantic City are being taken may yet 1 nished, every improvement, P)u>m lead enthusiastic Chambers of Commerce, Rotary Clubs and 000,OOfJ in tips eich year. Who remembers the ojd days when a prohibitionist was 267, or call at 539 R»hway avoruu . similar civic bodies into engaging coaches and (providing train Th)ese faithful employees of the Pullman service recent!; merely a fellow who had got sore at the Republican and Dem- Woodbridge. • *wr'^ W INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1927 Langdon, Kara Jftar as Security Beats Cable Woi Keasbey Firemen Repulse Hopelawn 1 'THAT LITTLE CAfflE^nur.n,nc.rtoo.co.,w,f,-By B, Link I Steve Pitches Superb Game to In Decidingjiattle of Big Series Give iniustmiTeam 3-2 Victory Hoys From Moriarety's Section Suffer in Throes of Orf-Day Second Baseman Langdon G«t» Three of Winners' Five HHft| And Are Unable to Cope With Fullerton's Pitching r\ Gooto SOH Pender Connect* for Triple; Powers Prore* Fleet on Winners Hammer Sabo for Twelve Safeties fcoT - della mi touched for one more. 'our errors by the cable makers in Mnrmrety would say. A shott series 82 S' 8 ab, r. h. no way helped their cause. C»bU WWorks ab. r. b, would have to be played to Bettle su- L premacy. Parsler, us 3 2 1 For Avenel Langdon wai the bit-' Rock, ss. 8 o- ting star, making three of his team's Lyons, lb 2 Snho'n pitohing effort* were no Fullerton, P ; 5 j 3 0 liarrior to Keasbey. The boys got Pfeiffer, 2b B 1 1, five hits. Powers' base running was GardelU 0 feature, this speedy boy sc'orthg tn him early and kept at it long, J. Romer, lb 2 1 1 fiaumltn';&:: Parsler, c 5 12 two runs. Avenel trailed until the Barber, 2b. twelve hits ringing out to disturb eighth when a two-run rally gave the championship aspirations of the Katransky. 3b 3 3 1 Hull, cf. Griapart, If 2 2 1 them a lead that was not relinquish- Jogan, 3b. Kiiminsky-Kochick cohorts. Fuller- ed. tnii nailed three of these; his battery W. Romer, cf 3 1 1 Herman, c 4 mate. Parslcr, getting two. Frank Lovas, rf 3 0 1 Jorgenson, rf 2 Kaminsky was the only Hopelawn Sabo, rf 1 0 0 Smith, rf 2 player to distinguish himself at bat. Steve Kara Pitches 1 rank got two hits. 32 12 12 31 2 4 Score by innings: No-Hit Shut-out Cable Works 001 100 OOfl Avenel 000 001 02*—H'f Football Men at Sea Sports Fan Claims Only Twenty-seven Men Face Summary: Three base hit, PendeiV' Giant Twirler as Keyport j Struck out, by Kara 14; by GardelUi i 12. Bases on balls, off Kara 3; tf Over Radical Changes Title forPor t Jrs. Loses by 5-0 Score Gardella 2. Says They Have Beaten Both Steve Kara realized the chief am- bition of all pitchers when recently Made in Playing Rules Tigers and Bears and he scored a no-hit, no-run game a- Unless tin- I'notbnll Rules Com- Deserve Rating gainst the Keyport Aces. Steve was Fords Boys Win Easily initH'c smvecds in clnrifyimr the in- working for the Woodbridge Spurts Editor: (iiants who won by a score of 5 to 0. Icrpivtation nf several of the now Last week I noticed in the paper Besides perfect work in the box From Pennant Winners rules devised last winter, not only that the Bearcats and the Tigers are Kara hit a tremendous home run. I hi- fans hut the players and the ref- engaged in a series to determine the IN LINE with the SPORTSMEN "Sabo did likewise. In Playground League erees themselves will enter their first heavy junior championship of the ' Un another week end game th« By the Sports Kditoi Giants downed the Linden Phantoms rimtost.1 "II «t sea and pretty much township. Down in Port Reading Roll Up Winning Total During in n muddle. >y 3 to 1, Nagy doing the twirling, the Port Reading A. €. has a team Balog crashed a homer. Early Innings, Hank's Pitch* Chief among the confusing regu- of juniors that beat the Tigers 2 tn A Great Season in Prospect markable and they well deserved to be reliev- The box score: ing Quelling Efforts of Land* lations is the one pertaining to hack 1 a week ago Sunday and last Sun- Mild lateral passes. It used to be that ianti ab. In spite of the recent uprising by school ed of further responsibility for upholding r. ings to Score Tallies when one of these passes was in- day defeated the Bearcats, 10 to 1. . Kara, p 4 2 completed, or fumbled, the bull went Where do they get that stuff in men who have become convinced that football America's prestige on the courts. We saw A. Balog, If 4 1 The Fords A. C. stepped into the to the side recovering it. Many of Woodbridge? The championship signs of Johnston's decline at Sea Bright two Karu, 2b 4 0 spotlight on Sunday by winning a goes to the Port Juniors and in the is being given too prominent a place in school the most spectacula'r runs of the sea- years ago when Dr. George King defeated Sabo, c 4 2 to 4 victory from the Landing*, senior division the Ports' big team activities the season now approaching seems A. Gregus, r. 3 0 this year's pennant winners in the non were made on recoveries of this him. We saw what we thought was further kind. Now, should any player ex- •claims the championship, too. Their certain to be the biggest football year on rec- Nagy, ss 3 0 Perth Amboy Intermediate Play- cept the passer-back fumble such a record will bear out this claim. Hop- ord. The supression of football at an early proof the little fellow was slipping a year ago J. Nagy, 3b 3 0 ground League. The Landings were ing you will consider them as cham- B. Gregus, lb 2 0 expecting a tought battle and bol- pass behind the line the ball is de-. . date is not in prospect. It is extremely duubt- when Harada took his measure at the same dared dead at the point where it jpion8 ' ' hristy, cf 2 0 stered their lineup by adding three A Square Baseball Fan I ful whether the game will ever become docile tournament. But in both years Little Bill strong players from the Crosswords. hit the .ground and the defensive f side retains possession. This rule ia of WoodbridgeWdbd . check-reins the alarmed school masters fou^nt back int° f°™ &nd «Pheld his end in Keyport ab. r. But Fords was not to be stopped. intended to apply only to occasions P. S.— We don't hear from that the Davis Cup Challenge round. His debacle Grigga, p 4 0 Sandbeck had more than he could "Tank Wagon" Moriarety guy from would put upon it. There is certainly very lit- G. Griggs, 38 4 0 handle in trying to quell the Fords where a backward or lateral pass struck Thursday when he fell an easy vic- was attempted but who ia to be the Fords any more.. What's the mat- tle sentiment among rabid alumni fans for cur- A. Pine, lb 4 0 batters. They got to him in the sec- judge whether the fumble was com-ter? Did Port Reading prove too tailment of their favorite sport. Unless hu- tim to LaCoste. , Maloney, 2b 4 0 ond and when the wreckage wai mitted whilp attempting that play much for him to chew on? Tilden's defeat by LaCoste last Satur- Bombus, 3b 3 0 cleared away Fords had amassed a (Editor's Note—Certainly the man nature changes the alumni will continue four-run leajl The Landings count- o? whether it was just an ordinary day was caused not alone by LaCoste's fine Shrimp, If '. 2 0 Port Juniors cannot be left "out of jto demand their fall spectacle and the chances Maki, c 2 0 ered in the third by scoring three fumble due to a tackle breaking tennis but by the superhuman task assigned through and spilling the formation any controversy to determine the are the colleges will continue to supply it. Stark, rf 2 0 runs but thereafter could not fol- for an end rtfn. There's where the township heavy junior championship. the veteran American by the defense commit- Franklin, cf 2 0 low the scoring pace of their hard- What does seem probable however, is that at hitting rivals. referee will have to have the wis- By defeating both the Tigers and tee. It was asking too much of ivrVn to re- I the Bears the Ports have proved some time, not so far distant, perhaps, there dom of a Solomon. 27 0 0 On iSunday Fords will play either mettle and must be given cred- will be modifications tending to change some quire his participation in such strenuous com- the Perth Amboy Crosswords or the A feature that will at once catch * T nk the eye of spectators is the placing ]' ' ° " » Wagon" of the features now deemed to be the cause of petition on three successive days. The first Woodbridge Bearcats at Fords Oval. i>f goal posts ten yards behind the Moriarety, we hereby specially com- day he was a veritable cyclone sweeping Ford. A. C. ab. r. h. e. mend this communication to his nt- the controversy, namely the outlandish bid- H. Wissing, rf 4 1 10, Koal line. This was decided upon as Cochet before him by the severity of his game. Tigers Tear Feathers ii moans to eliminate injuries sussus-- tention and invit., e a. .reply ,, . Fro, m I ding for high priced coaches, the sub-rosa G. Augustine, ss 4 . . , .. • source s unusuallJy reliable we bear He held his resources together for the dou- T. Massagli, 3b 4 tamed by players crashing agains t > "hiring" of star material, and the long trips J Out of Ambpy Hawks N. Albany, lb 3 , ..•> 1. i i . ^ .i.- * ' thnttha-t "Tan"Tankk WntrnnWagon"" iiqs ntat vjnrVwork oonn Ji nan bles on the following day when he and Hunter that take the players away from their stud- Guffre, lb 1 the upnghts and also to _ dweount, clubbed out victory over Borotra and Brugnon. The Perth Amboy Hawks had all the advantage one team might have, J ^ r ' an earl•y ies. But even without these things football 'Mi Pucci, 2b 4 date. Nu word concerning this un Jut flesh and bloqd can stand only so much. kinds of trouble with Pokol's pitch- S.Hank, p. 2 in an oxceptional field goal kicker. would be a great game to watch. ing Sunday afternoon and aa a re- Heretofore a team that ceased, to dertaking has come from him but Tilden could not cope with'a refreshed and de- sult the Woodbridge Tigers breezed P. Sackett, e 4 •advance the ball on the opponent's 1 we attribute hia silence to his deep Balla, If 4 termined LaCoste. through to another clean-cut victory fifteen-yard line used to prefer a cer- preoccupation in the task at hand.) G. Wissing, cf 4 tain three points in lieu of gambling The Blow Falls by a score of C to 3. Marsicano was fur six and would send its kicker | just as chary with allowed hits as There will be rejoicing along the Riviera was Pokol but the Woodbr-dige bat- 34 9 12.0 back to the twenty-five-yard line for j L*nding> ab. r. h. e. ii try at goal. At such a distance and in Paris when the Four Musketeers of The Davis Cup was donated by Dwight ters connected at times when,, their F. Davis, present Secretary of War, in 1900.wallops did damage. On the other Trout, rf 6 110 the feat was more or less easy. Now, France return with the Davis Cup, the most Cassidy, 2b 4 1 2 » standing on the twenty-five-yard The famous Doherty brothers came over from lhand the Hawks were able to use prized trophy in the realm of tennis. And by five hits to no better effect than three Oslislo, ss, 5 0 0 0 line, the kicker will have to lift At Busy Session England in 1903 and carried it away. In 1913 Bensinger, cf 4 0 1 0 the ball ten yards further'to make the same token there is a great deal of long runs. Jordan made two of his team's Continued from page ont Maurice McLaughlin, Harold Hackett and hits and scored three runs. Reton, c 5 0 0 & the goal. faced gloom on these shores at the loss(of the Cooper, 3b. - 4 120 With the new rules governing pass- the case of Hoy avenue drew forth a silver plated goblet which, after seven years Dick Williams brought it back but the follow- Box score: Caryell, lb 4 0 1 0 Tiger* ab. r. es mul recovery of muffed piints, the reply that no petition had been re- of successful defense, we had come to regard inK year the immortal Brookes and his part- Callahan, If 4 0 2 0 spectators are likely to find their Dunham, c 5 ceived from the property owners and ner Wilding lifted the cup in spite of Mc- Sandbeck, p. 3 110 first few games difficult to follow. that such a petition wa3 improbable as our own. 'Jordan, cf 4 Undoubtedly some of the potential- in that the National Fireproofing There is no call for moist-eyed regret at Laughlin's wonderful singles #ictoBJes in itsGursley, If 3 88 4 10 0<<<] Milano, lb 4 ities for thrilling runs from recover- Company owned most of the land the passing'of the cup. Had it been full of defense. During the War competition stopped. ^ ^ ^ ^ Score by innings: 'Laquadra, rf 4 ed fumbles have been eliminated. in front of which sidewalks would In the 'Fords 041 020 0'2x—0 be laid. "Well then", suggested something worth while drinking we might be . meantime a little lad by the name of j,Huntj 2b.'....".....'...„' 'Z... 4 0 Bill Johnston had come out of California to Landings 003 001 000—4' t. Kish, "why can't Committeeman excused for mourning its departure. But the Pochek, 3b. 3 0 Summary: Struck out, by Hank S;,',Ji Grausam, as chairman of the im- startle the American tennis world by the se- "Witheridge, se. ! 3 1 r Sandbeck 6. Bases on balls, cup was empty—and moreover it really be- 'Pokol, p ,. 4 0 Ports Vanquish Bears provement committee, "call on the verity of his forehand. At the same time Phil- "Hank 3; off Sandbeck 4. National people and try to get their longed to France because for the past two adelphia had produced an elongated, hard hit- 34 6 Consent to have sidewalks laid?" years she has had a better Davis Cup team Fords Firemen to Play By Timely Hitting "You're committoeman of that than our own, She would have taken the tro- tin« marvel thev called "Cyclone" Tilden. Hawlci ab. r. L. Paone, If 4 0 Two Games on Sunday TW Port Reading A. C. second ward," rejoined Grausam "Why This air was phy last year had her team arrived in this P dispatched to Australia in; 1920 Kafton, 3b., 4 1 n guineidd a 10-4 verdict over the , don't you see the company?^ and there hfted the CU in five Fords Fire Company wilLsettle th» ^| Inaivats in a week end game. Both | Kish replied to the effect that he country long enough before the matches to P straight vic- Ludwigson, 3b ;.' 4 1 J ioi es AnAnd [ti tba has s beebeen nthl this stea team mwhi whichh f, rfor Flynn, 2b 4 0 'question of baseball supremacy witl) •" 1 > urns hit frequently but tte win- had not been named * member of 6hebecome acclimated. ^ two major rivals this Sunday. In the n.rs managed to bunch their bflowa improvement subcommittee. In the the past seven years, has shouldered the bur- D. Paone, cf „ 3 0 jBy adding, multiplying and dividing to Anderson, lb 2 0 morning Fords will meet the Hope«''S II. better fashion. Dave Gerity step- end the Committee agreed on the ne den of its defense. i lawn Fire Company team at CoppepJ i»'.l -ul of his accustomed infield role cecity of sidwalks m the section get at the net results of last week's activities Olsen, rf 3 D Smith, c. :' 3 1 Works Field, P«rth Amboy, and tyjif »iid a^umed thee pitching burdebur**n for and MMayoy r yByanff offered to accom- at Germantown, we find the once unbeatable the afternoon the Oceanpqrt firen * • . .. * • . r\ .. „.. .^ l-jii o uniifiii'onffl until Marsicano, p 4 0 Will invade Fords. •cursn. Vernillo was in the box ' P«ny Grausam tot a conference with :ombination of the two Bills, "Big Bill" and Youth Not Always Served Ports. Gerity and Hughes the officers of the concern owning the To date Pords has played Hope-i ,i; 1 Little Bill," no longer are able to carry the 31 3 5 tlu'ir team at bat while for tho landld. A striking contradiction of the axiom that Jawn four times, each team winnin^f < Anzovino, with four hits out doling Importsnt Bridge burdeji of Davis Cup competition on their age- yQnt^^^ overr oldageTnathTeticold age in athletics s wawas s —Ifention thlB caper to advertisers: twice. Two contests have been play' iiw tries, and Pellegiino with Notice from the Pennsylvania that ing backs. Johnston must be definitely count- American polo it helps you. it Helps them, it helps ed with Oceanport, the result it would like to close the bridge over furnished in the victorv of the one less, were the batting ac«s ed out while Tilden, if he is relieved of the roue caper. an even break. ir the victors, its tracks at Spa Springs for five days team over the British. Millburn, Stevenaon score: in order to effect much needed re- burden of playing doubles, may be able to and Webb, all old timers, completely out- Port ab. h. pairs was accompanied by a report handle a singles assignment next year. But played their younger British rivals. 3 from a sub-committee that the Fed-the cup won't be brought back next year nor eral Terra Cotta Company objects to The fallacy is this: The effect of old age Zull o, c 4 the complete closing of the bridge the year after. It will remain in France, we be- on an athlete is to rob his legs of their Crescent Theatre Huriui, cf 4 iiapol-ito, 2b 4 fofthc length of time mentioned be- lieve, until LaCoste, Cjochet and Borotra| pass spring and stamina. In polo the player needR PERTH AMBOY, IN. J. Anv.ovino, 8b & cause it would be cut off from its the peak of their present |orm and start the source of clay supply and would be no .spring and stamina in his legs, the pony Il lb 6 same inevitable decline thai is now accounting TODAY and TOMORROW— •Sitniolle, if. materially embarrassed. The im- supplying those qualities. *"" Zuccaro, rf 4 provement committee waa instructed for Tilden and Johnston, That day may not Reed Howes in "THE RACING FOOL" to get in touch with the interested come for some years. It will be when the . . . also . . . Vi'rnillo, p '__3, | parties and make arrangements Buit Looks Like Yanks Versus Pirates 12'able to all concerned. Doegs and Lotts or some others of our promis- Episode No. 3 "PERILS OF THE JUNGLE" jf 37 As the week closes it begins to look as ' A bill from the freeholders for ing youngsters reach the heights they seem Umrctti ab. r. though the Pirates are pulling away from the SUNDAY «nd MONDAY— "*; 2 half the cost of resurfacing Main destined to scale. 1>. Gerity, p. 4 1 ! street was placed in the hands of the l 1 bunch in the National League and will win the Vera Reynolds in "CORPORAL KATE" •I. Kemting, c 4 improvement and finance committees 1 MeHsick, ss 4 0 to check up before payment, Tilden and Johnston pennant. The Yanks have already copped in I- Gerity, lb. 3 1 1 TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY—^ 1/ ' i Kish asked Grausam, as chairman It is natural to regret the passing of such the other circuit. The Giants fell down when K Gerity, cf 4 0 o ! of the improvement committee, what Joseph Schildkraut and Bessie Uve in "YOUNG APRIL" champions as Tilden and Johnston—for they a pitching staff, already ahaky, was forced to Hughes, 2b 4 0 1' had been done in regards to the re- . . . alto ... meet St. Louis in three successive double H. Keating, rf 4 0 11 queated improvement in Juliette have been great champions and courageous Leo Maloney in "TWO-GUN OF THE TUMBLEWEED" Hedi, If 4 1 street. "Nothing," the other replied. fighters. Their reign has been long and re- headers. Mullen, ss , 4 0 "I don't believe it i» possible for the THURSDAY— work to be done tab y«ar and next 85 4 11yeir both Douglas and Hanson bad condition between the tracks of A letter from th« Perth Amboy constable, his Mquest being turned | Roy Stewart Starring in streets in that section will have pri- the trolley near the White Church Gas Cpmpany acknowledged com-'over to the police committee. Tht "WITH GENERAL CUSTER AT ority over Juliet l*r««t." ft and WH told tin frwholcUr* fewplaint of low In 8a- mwttnf untU 6 P.I WOODBRlTJGE INDEPENDENT TAC.1 FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 16. 1!>27 YI ; <]'\ scd jirovidcd lha! il ia prop- thnf nil other persons operating rim Senator Larson Urges . rlj i nf'.rrr']." lor vehicles shtjiild duly respect t),; Jl,< f^PiroinR- •iUti'inonl was made new i-ITort to reduce the present t\\, Q lling record of accident, injury Itfl :.y S'-"i;it.»r Morgran K. I.nr.--'ii in thp As Winter Approaches, Heed His Advice arul death. r Home Cheerier Motorists to Live Up ,..'.,r^. f an inlcr^icw with a rppri-- ~f.::.\\'.\v .•( I hi- Ilariinn Automobik1 'F)urin(j the sension of the I^KH 'lature at which this new measure of M't PI"! :.>•:. iii.ii protect y : v- pt r'y To "Full Stop" Law Tho Senator said: "Every police •public safety was made a law, thm Fall and Winter was an unusual unanimity of opinir,. •Thf 'Kiill S: >y Law", which ?*ip- officer, every magistrate and every .lustici' of the Peace should famil- ambtjg the members of the .Senati- L:i-: year over Sl.i'oo v. crth of properh * a- burned ni.nof that ail T, *•"> enter a mnir. traveled thorough- iarize himwlf with thp exact word- fare from » side t'reet or roadway ilifr of the Isw and fully understand "Having been placed upon th. W o Wouse P/anf or statute books it should have equalh, ( lean property seldom burn*—do aw«.v with rub- • Careless smokers burned S30.000.000 w rtk of prop- fctrcam of traffic on the more con- percentage of accidents which ha, gff'.ti highway, will become one of or snyS^ib affiliated -with the Amer- erty last year. ican AutoThobile Association, should reached sue ha large volume through- Flowers the he?", safeguard? against accidents, Keep matches in metal boxes where chiuiivn cannot acquire a similar kr»wle\V' and i^p intended pro- •y, . . -,,;-...• •.,-.. •!;•.:->; '.i.i.v- ••!' late fall and winter reach them. Township Clerk prior to that date. tectiw to the public. —Mention this paper to advertiser:!. Don't keep ashes in wooden boxes or d-, posit them B. J. DUNIGAN. "They should not only Rive obedi- It helps you, It help* them, it htlps . ,..••; -.. ,,;.. v;. rt.r ,.; •:...-•. plants. They bring the at- i Township Clerk. ence to the law themselves but insi&t vour rm!«pr.*'e •'• -;-:r-• .!.: fr.r chill winter days. against wooden buildings or partitions. Don't change your electric wiring witl. .'- consult- N..w\ ;>.. : -,• • prepare while it'? . ;- ..• .. ;. way of becoming acclimated in the Don't hang electric light cords on nail- Be careful with electric flatirons and a'.ways use If You Cannot Call In Person with signal light. Use metal protection under all stoves a::d protect PHONE 711 woodwork where stoves or furnaces are Close ' • walls. Don't pass stove pipes through ceili:'.IT. roofa or WV Will D»liv«r Where and. When You Say wootitm partitions. Have all flues cleaned, examined and repaired at least once a year. Every "pen fireplace should have a Bcrc-cr.. Don't connect gas stoves, heaters or hot plate* with JOHN R.~BAUMANN ruotier hose. Don't use gasoline or benzine to clears clothing Greenhouses: St. George and Hazel wood Avenues near an open flame, light or fire. Use a non-ir.tlammable cleanser. It is significant R A H W A Y Don't use kerosene, benzine or naptha ir. lighting fires or to quicken a slow fire. Don't use liquid polishes near open HjrV.:-. Many •••that the users such compound- contain volatile inflammable • •:!-. . Don't go into closets with lighted matehe- • r candles. V Remember that there is always danger in the dis- oFStandard" ote the carded tijrarette and cigar stub. Constitutional Amendments Gasoline „ j AN' ORDINANCE TO I'ROVIDK cx:«-nili!ig along t:,, .:.uv line of liv vntir.jr "Yi-s" t>pi><'>iu each of the proposed TOR A SKWEC SYSTEM TO Hv. Gordon street app. \.::ur,cly about' ;.rrn i.. >:'- ' ']:<• Ni-w .It-r-i-y Constitution when you KNOWN AS THE (JitUDOX :?''•" feet, with thV i.ni-sary man-j jT'> ;•> th<• ;niil> Si'i'ttniin-r -!". ii will mean an economic STREET SEWER SYSTKM. | hV.es and appurter...;..-.-? thereto, all I -aviii^' t" yursi/if. vn'jv community, and your State. 1!1 outnumber the Tie i: Ordained by the Tiwnship', .i«'ordance wiv: :':.t plans and j ZONING 'AMENDMENT—Will pn>tett_ vour home ('•iinmitti-f nf the Tutt nshiji of j speeillc-ations mat;- l>y George R. j a>raii>t undesiral'le iiusiness and industrial en- W Hiridjrp, Middlesex County: |Merri:i. Township E: tint-tr, now on croachments. It will maki- your city a more attrac- A ..over tn li<- knuwn as the Gor- file in hi? office. users ofany tive iilau- in which to live. It will guarantee econ- iii Siri'Pt Sewer System, \YOIK1- The location of .:.;,• part of said omy iif development. or the portion thereof here- system may be ch,. ,^'filNjn the said matter M-; ..nt, shall 1M> ccmstrucU-d,r]aii or departed U •:•:•. by resolution YES a- a i.iciil imprnvement pursuant v, of the Township C .mriiittee within tilc limits of the a other brand ., Shall this zoning amendment Article XX of Chapter 152 of tht' : priatkin here- be adopted? NO •J.iiws of l:>17. as amended and sj;.- i in provided for s as may be I'.U-inciitcd. t provide _.for. th...e. sani- ' necossarv in the act carrying out 1 1 DISTRICT AMENDMENT—Will enable several towns or tary ilispi..-»! nf sewerage in the- fnl- '^ improvement bt-Lau-t- of difliculty more than two cities to combine for the purpose of securing ade- 'imviiijT dtscriheil street in the Town- <'r in the «'urk of c -!..

THE Shall this amendment pro- A Qood Ye». viding for biennial legisla- Yes. Shall thia zoning amend- tive sessions and changing ^Housewife ment be adopted? terms of office of Governor No. and members of the Legisla- No. Paulus Dairy delights in serving those appetiz- ture be adopted? Main Office: 189-195 New St., New Brun»wick, N. J. ing dishes so easily and conven- ~- THIRD AMENDMENT iently prepared on the Thatcher Phone 2100 Established 1890 Twin-fire Range. Its beautiful gray and white porcelain enamel finish is Shall this amendment reg- ulating subsequent amend- DON'T BE MlSLEDf-BE SURE IT IS PAULUS' MILK easy to keep clean. ments to th* Constitution be adopted? Your dealer carries Thatcher Twin-Fire No. Ranges in stock,or will order one for you. SECOND AMENDMENT .AULUS' /or l FIFTH AMENDMENT THE THATUHER COMPANY IOSITIVELY Of T^I.rUT ERFECTLY Tu tr.-ftu Range* and 171 Yes. USE MILK ihit Thau JUT jn ihiuk u Sam,— Shall this water supply Shall this amendment re- Ye». ASTEURIZED district, etc., amendment be lating to term of office for Addrtu ... _... adopted? Common Pleas Judges be No. adopted? No. Paulus' Pasteurized Select Milk Walker-Gordon Certified Milk Governor Moore, in denouncing the so-called Republican' leader* Wendmece Farms Raw Golden Guernsey Milk Smokeless Soft Coal who sponsored the Amendment, said: This is a vicious piece of partisan legislation, and the same group of Suydam's and Rutijer's Special Raw Tuberculin politicians responsible for it have been planning for several years to repeal the direct primary law mid to return to the long-ago discarded Tested Milk Is Good Fuel convention system, *o they might be able to control nominations of candidates for office, without giving the voters a voice in the matter. I cannot conceive of a more dastardly plot against the integrity of the Constitution or the State, and a» bitterly as I am against this DISTRIBUTION COVERS We Have It invasion of State rights, I would oppose this trick political amendment just as strenuously if it were sponsored by my own party. New Brunswick, Highland Park, South River, SayreWUe, GWfc U» A Call 13 13 Perth Amboy H«l» Uo»«rw.r Moore prgUet tku SUU Mt4 all it* pwpL \>j 4*fa*tiai Uw Fourth Parlin, South Ambojr,. Perth Ambo?, RYMSHA & CO., Inc. Woodbrt4v», Ford* mi ftffftnchwi, N. J. INDEPENDENT * » "<* , FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1927

New State Theatre ^ Opens With Picture "Alias The Deacon" What gives promise nf being one GRAND GALA OPENING of the most unusual and appealing ti 1 in productions nf the your is "Alias the Denrnn." starring Joan of Heixhnlt, scheduled to open the new Stale Theatre on Monday. Directed by Edward Sloman, noted for his human and intensely veal pictures, "Alias the Deacon" t<'11s a simple Rtory of a picturesque character. The story proved a tremendous success in its long stage presenta- tion in almost every city in America, and with Jean Hersholt, one of the The State Theatre must cotehrnted actors of the screen, in the rich role of the gamhlerwho covers his real occupation under WOODBRIDGE the benign exterior of a dencon, a very worthwhile picture should he the result. In addition to tho character star, the cast of the picture includes, • Kalph Graves, .June Marlowe, Monday, Sept. 19th, 7:30 P. M. 'Myrtle Stedman, Lincoln 1'lummer, Ned .Sparks, Maurice Murphy, Tom Kennedy and others. State, County and Township Officials will be present "AliuH tho Deacon" was udaptatl !>y Charles Kenyon from the stage to dedicate this "Theatre Beautiful" success by John B. Hymer.

Thrilling Sea Drama Revives Louise Glaum, Famous Vampire of the Screen. Romance of Clipper Ship Days "The Blood Ship," Columbia Pic- will appear in person and give a fascinating and entertaining tures' great sea special, which come to the State Theatre, Wobdbridge, on talk on Hollywood and the Creation of Cinema Masterpieces Wednesday, revives the romance o the bygone days of clipper ships, when these speedy vessels carried thi flag of the United States merchan Louise Glaum, who will speak at marine to the four corners of the Opening Night Features world—and the captain was mon arch of hia domain. State Theatre Opening Adapted from Norman Springer' MONDAY AND TUESDAY novel of the same name, "The Bloo "The Better 'Ole" Is staKe-play revolving around the Ship" scenes are laid along the wa Bij^War Picture character of Old Bill Buaby, the ter front of San Francisco in tin Don't miss this big heart throb picture— Mritish Tommy, is staged in the war early '80's, in a sailor's lodgin While Warner Bros.' production of zone in the front line British trenches house run by "The Knitting Swede the picturization of a stage drama that "The Hetter '(lie," starring Syd or in the French village or country- (a real character who lived in Sa * played to full houses on Broadway for Chaplin uncl directed by Charles F. side just behind them. Francisco in those days), and nearly a year! It's got a story packed to Ucisner, has lu-i-n hailed as one of "The Hetter 'Ole" is in no sense board the old clipper ship "The the brim with love, adventure and human the greatest comedies ever filmed, it a burlesi|ue. Kverything is as near- Golden Bough." philosophy that'll find its way down to i-; also one of the big pictiins of ly technically correct and like the To give the required realism in your heart and move your emotions as few the World War. real thing »ve r there as real Ger- setting, the Upper ship "Bohemia" photodramas have it in them to do. Unlike most wnr pictures; every man and British soldiers who srtr-1 was rented by Columbia Pictures, liit of "The Hetter 'Ole", which is ved during the war, an unlimited n- rechristened "The Golden Bough," the pirtiirization of Hruee Rairns- mount of research, a French design- for the purposes of the picture, and father's world-famous cartoon- and er and several military technical di- provided the setting for the clew's mutiny, a memorable battle on shipboard, and other highlights of the plot, "The Bohemia" is a real clipper % *m ship, having been built in 1S7S, lit fe I!ath, Me., by the firm of Hnughtim 4J-1 Brothers & Co. For 21) years she was engaged in intereoastal freight- /•#12? A , ing between Atlantic and Pacific coast ports, and later became si carrier for the Alaska Packers As Miriution. She has had a notable career on the seas, and is a good iSSfes example of the speedy and hand- V^ some clippers that helped to make. 1 the clipper ship era the romantic period it was. SHOLT "The Blood Ship" was produced RLOWE- by Columbia Pictures at a cost of ^DEACON a quarter million dollars, and was CrRAVfcS i Mirected by George 15. Seitz. The cast is headed by Hobart Bosworth, Paramount News "THE EYES of THE WORLD" who plays the role of James New- man. Jacqueline Logan is cast as the heroine, Mary; Richard Arlen i courtesy Paramount) is the juve- UTUC CI AP" A TECHNICOLOR nile lead and Mary's sweetheart. Tin- supporting players include: lilL FL/IU SYMPHONY Walter .lames, Fred Kohler, James !!railbury Si1., Ai'thur Rankin, Syd Crossley, Frank Hemphill, Chap- Charley Chase in "THE STING OF STINGS" Comedy pell Dussett and Blue Washington.

rectors could make it.V Nothing ia Solo Recitals on the Mammoth Organ at Every Performance tar fetched or ridiculously improb-

Keisner has simply taken the war as it was, left out as much of the Wednesday, Sept. 21st Thurs. and Fri., Sept. 22nd & 23rd tragedy as possible, and emphasized WARNERBROS- its humorous aspects. "The Better f rt it nt. 'Ok'" has thrills, suspense and men- ace as well as every kind of laugh- ter. Is has some of the greatest battle scenes ever made, and sonu-' of the most idyllically picturesque rura settings. It is not just a loose-knit SVD CHAPLIN stringing together of irrelevant gags but a logical, articulate, absorbing OS OLD BILL stony told from a humorous view- point. m Mr. Chaplin is supported by Doris Hobart Bosworth Mhc BETTER'OLE" Hill, Harold Goodwin, Theodore Based upon the play by "Directed by Lurch, Ed Kennedy, Charles Ger Jacqueline Logan rani, Tom McGuire, Jack A'ckroyd RjchardArlen Bruce Bairnsfathcr Charles Reisner Tom Kennedy, Arthur Clayton, and a-notabU can V and Kewpie Morgan and 500 ex-British and German soldiers. Arthur Eliot "The Better 'Ole" comes to th njew State Theatre, Woodbridge, ne\ 'lfhursday and Friday.

Ancient Proverb "Whom the pits would destroy, the) llrst iinike mad," Is un ancient proverb SoV'WU'K guiilen It: "Wlmnl .Jilplle would destroy, he first drives (o iuiUee) mini." It Is found In man.v 1 SyDCHAl'UN in ancient wrHers.

&EOR6E V. SEITZ Fr«4fWtion WARNER BROS PRODUCTION BRUCE SCENIC Paramount News "The Tenants of Marble Canyon" "EYES OF THE WORLD" METRO-GOLDWIN NEWS CAPERS OF A CAMERA Cameo Comedy Mermaid Comedy HIGH SPOTS "THE MOVIE HOUND" FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1R. 1027 Simple Outfit | Ring at Sltuttry for* K H. wrh<-« A limn r.mlii «tnrl | Tli<> \H\ecr ring. *ny» HIP l»(>nr!>nrn riM.']:|li..|i '}•' •••• ' ••' !!•" • Si.Will j !lll|i'|»'ll'l'Mlt. is lielU'lCll til hllVP lllWtl mcrl'iin I'IMIMMI - »hi. ii iiiiifunn ' lir-t usnl us ;i H.vinliol of Hliivery, DIP THEATRES • n,| n t'tin.'li nf llrivni.'kers."-r.oMnn iiiiisifr pintini; Ills ring on nil his ' houneli'iM. lii''lii(llri(S Ills wive*



w • • • •.••• l'vi f'!H|'. •>• ir" •« • CONTINUOUS 1:30 to 11:00 P. M. n,i -:.y -Tha V (,'VC r f.>r a t>(f in, fur ycf.crda •'s hiph : !• -p-J !ar:;y i> ' •• cuntitrtic. Pret- CAfJMEL K- IIS nJ DW--O.M NO/A2f30 - 'BEN MuQ TODAY and TOMORROW- . ,v '.ai k ^f them can do nothing ; krvw '.he whimsica ::\ei of "ROLLED STOCKINGS"

FRIDAY AND SATURDAY With Louise Brooks and James Hall

Continuous Performance Saturday SUNDAY— The Screen's Foremost Male Star Richard Dix Welcome to Woodbridge! BEN- and that fine technician of the screen who directed "IT" and "SENORITA" CLARENCE BADGER HUR Combine to make a great picture The One Mighty The Woodbridge Businessmen's Spectacle! MAN POWER A tale of Christ by A smashing, Crashing Drama Gen. Lew Wallace . . . Companion Feature . , . Starring Ramon Novarro, Azure Skie* . . . Swaying Palms Betty Bronson. May Mc- Sun-Kissed Sands . . . and Love Association Avoy, Francis X. Bush- man, Carmel Myers and The Enchanted Island others. SUNDAY—CONTINUOUS ALL DAY Extends Best Wishes for MONDAY, TUESDAY and Wednesday— GEORGE WALSH "LADIES AT PLAY" ... in ... Successs With Doris Kenyon and Lloyd Hughes "Broadway Drifters" , ... also . . . KEITH-ALBEE VAUDEVILLE JACK HOXIE to Every Day Except Sunday ... in ... CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE Matinee: Adults 3oc; Children 15c. Evening: Orchestra, Adults 50c; Balcony, Adults 3">c; "Grinning Guns" Children 25c. BLOCK'S Saturdays and Holidays;. Adults, GOc; Children 25c. MONDAY and TUESDAY Sundays: Adult? iSOc; Childron20c. That master of the gruesome and grotesque, The man of a thousand faces AT ALL PERFORMANCES STATE THEATRE READE'S MAJESTIC NEWS Lon Chaney NOVELTIES ORCHESTRA ORGAN —READE'S MAJESTIC READE'S MAJESTIC- Has given the screen another circus masterpiece in his portrayal of the deformed, mysterious performer "The Unknown" The second leading character in that splendid fellow and fearless fighter NORMAN KERRY / STRAND Both of whom are in love with vivid, alluring JOAN CRAWFORD THEATRE The girl who laughed at and daily defied death . . . Companion Feature ... PERTH AMBOY JWS93 If she's collegiate you just know she wears 'em! w CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE Maiir.et: \'K\ line, ;]i.k-. N.jthts, Siiiurday-, Il'il;d:iys: i:,c, 25c, 40L'. "Rolled Stockings" Sundays: JOc, 4Ue. Don't turn this one down if you're looking for TODAY AND TOMORROW— peppy entertainment . . . with . . . Dolores CosteDo in THE PARAMOUNT STATE JUNIOR STARS " OLD SAN FRANCISCO Give 'em a hand, folks! Each one is full of THEATRE -WOODBRIDGE With Warner Oland and Charles E. Mack vigor, zip and "IT" I

James Hall Louise Brooks SUNDAY— Richard Arlen Matt Moore in WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Coming Soon at Popular Prices Why should that regally beautiful, superbly "MARRIED LIFE" poised, light comedienne Florence Vidor SEVEN DAYS BEGINNING MONDAY And hi-r handsome, sophisticated leading man CLIVE BROOKS Be sitting in a corner—yard* apart? They're "Afraid To Love" And we dare you to refrain from laughing . . . Companion Feature , . . The World1* Greatest That very funny fellow Show! Three year* in the mak- Harry Langdon ing—at a coat of more Is donning his first than 94,000,000. A cast "LONG PANTS" of 180,000 persons. For our benefit. You fellows aH know C-O-M-IN-G— how they NEW YARKPARS FASHIONS j THE PERTH AMBOY Beginning OCTOBER l! GAS LIGHT COMPANY f A proved investment endorsed by thousands KM SMITH STREET of New Jersey people will be offered to the public H—tins —* Cootfan ApplUnc- V *—* Antowtfc Ukd 3tor»f Watw H—iw<

K N«w Pronw GM

CdsvOm-Rit Radiant Lag*

i \ (MwrUat—Efficient Preferred stock of Public Servke Corporation of New Jersey has established itself in the confidence of investors, a fact established by a constant Increase in the number of stockholders.

On August 31, 1927, some 54,000 individuals owned this security and 13,000 more owned Telephone 143 Perth Amboy common stock. Every new stock offer adds largely to this growing army, -

Beginning October 1, and until 50,000 shares are sold, you can buy through any Public Service employee 6% Cumulative Preferred Stock, Public Service Corporation of New jersey at $100 (Par) per share. The Finish That Stays New Stock may be paid for in full or under the terms of Our Customer Ownership Plan,—$10 Have Your Car Painted Now and Receive Our down and $10 a month, interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum to be credited to you on all Special Season Prices installments from the time that they are paid in. Ro«dit*ri Touring Coupet Sedan* ALTHOUGH the big hat with floppy FORD $30.00 |40.00 *55.00 $66.00 Public Service Corporation of New Jersey is one of the largest bminess enterprises in the world. brim hug taken the eye of a few, Chevrolet, Dodge, Essex, Durant, the newest Btyloa from Paris show Star, Overland 4 40.00 55.00 65.00 75.00 In 1926 combined operating revenue of it* subsidiary operating companies was $106,303,209. that the French designers are In Buick 4, Cleveland, Nash 4, Stude- / agreement with ths Fifth Avenue baker Light 6, Oldnmobile 4, Jewett 50.00 65.00 T5.00 85.00 Income available for surplus and dividends at the end of the year 1926 was $12,704,904, more than •hops In stressing the mode of the Buick 6 Studebakeer 6, Chandler, three titnet the amount of Preferred Stock dividends. 'tight liat which came In with bobbed ' hair and seems likely to continue ID Hudson, Moon, Nash 6, Hupmobile, popularity. Auburn,Reo.Oakland, Jordan, Paigre 55.00 65.00 75.00 96.00 OsU J Here we see, at the top, a felt with Cadillac, Marmon, Mercer, Peerless a medium brim developed In black. Franklin, Stutz, Packard 6 65.00 75.00 90.00 M0.00 Beneath Is a new Paris chapeau of Lincoln, Packard 8, Locomobile, SuBi!.,. iheau poll with peaked front augKoit Pierce-Arrow 75.00 85.00 95,00 110.00 H:::.::uiiiiii! |lve of the foresters1 peaked caps of "•"SI! Robin Hood's day. And the third picture showB another Purls skull cap G. T. D. AUTO PAINTING *jf;S of dork maroon velvet. Afentt for Moon and Diana Can One noticeable feature of all three Telephone 196 hats U the delightful' bright hued 721 St. George Avenue Woodbridge, N. J. •hell decoration, the top one being Public Seirice operating companies supply electricity, gas and local transportation to the most popu- trlfoll and the one at the bottom lous section of New Jersey—260 municipalities containing nearly 3,000,000 people. showing a decided Egyptian motif. These many shaded shell hat orna- In 1926, more than One Billion kilowatt hours of electricity was sold, an 152 per cent increase in five I merits are Quite a feature of the Fall years; Twenty-two Billion culiic feet of gas were sold, an increase of 33 per cent.; nearly Six Hundred showings. RABIN0W1TZ HARDWARE "If It's Hardware, We Have It!" Million pasBengens were carried, an increase of 37 per cent. HATS FOR FALL Full Line of Six Per Cent. Cumulative Preferred Stock of Public Service Corporation of New Jersey is a The new {all hats arc now on safe investment paying an attractive rate of return. display in all of the shops and de- ' HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, VAR- partment stores. NISHES, HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Our Popular Ownership Plan permits the investment of savings as they accumulate, | The County Extension Service is ( prepared to give instruction to 553-555 ROOSEVELT AVE. CARTERET, N. J. those women nf the county who are Tel. Carteret 312 and 1018 1 interested in making hats. The snug, small hat and the me- dium brimmed type dominate retail Th<- most popular color just, now, NOTICE millinery aniiouni'i'iiients of yester- uiwe'ver, seems to be pale beijre and All persons concerned may taks day and today. he tan tones, with the brown tonea oticc, that the Subscriber, admlnift The skull rap type is still conspic- jaining us fall advances. Mnny of f nUrix etc., of Mary Huber, deceas- uous, du iris more variations than he browns are of a copper and to- tl, intends to exhibit her final ac- the ?ki;ll I'll,) nf spring. The plum- jacco tone. Royal blue is good and ount to the Orphans Court for the ape pad is still in evidence in this •rayed tones of green. County of Middlesex, on Friday, the type. thirtieth day of September, 1927, at Felt hats are more popular than 0 a. m., in the Term.of September, Ask Any Public Service Employe —Please mention this paper when ever if that is possible and are mying from advertisers.— 927, for Settlement and allowance; found with velvet insets and bands. he same being first audited and The velvet hats shown are soft also, itated by the Surrogate. so that frames are a negligible item Dated August 19, 1927. Public Service Corporation of New Jersey this fall. 666 CATHERINE HUBER, it a preicription for A most noticeable feature is the Administratrix. predominance of black velvet, which Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, 8-2G; 9-2, 9, 16, 23. 1 thrt'ittons to become a keen rival to Bilious Fever and Malaria. It kill, the germ.. the popularity of black felt. WOODBRIDGE Modern and Antique FURNITURE Repaired, Refinisheo1 and Upholitered NEW YORK CANDY KITCHEN Slip Covers Made to Order Manufacturers an3 Dealers in From $20- Up Strictly Pure Box Spring! and Mattrei«e$ CANDIES AND ICE CREAM Made or Remade 73 Main St., Woodbridge. T«l. 43 Carpenter Work, Screens, Garages and Porches Painting and Paper Hanging GUSTAV BLAUM CHARLES SERMAYAN 1 Fifth Avenue, Avenel Groceries and Provisions Tel. Woodbridge 1217 •7 MAIN ST. , Woodbridge

MACHINE SHOP A. H. BOWER MACHINE SHOP No job too large or too small Freeman Street, at P. R. R. R. A. HIRNER Tel. Woodbridge 565 Funeral Director anJ W00DBR1DGE, N. J. EST. 1915 Export Embalm* :: n By Charles Sughroe Callers The only fully equipped and up-h MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S « W date Undertaking Establishment 1 town. AklO \ GET A LAUGW OLFT OF THE. AMQRN ^TWeU VJE HAVE THE LAPY WHO ASKS V«W> HER. BESIDES ^r^' auv WHO ASKS FOR. A COPV OP A GREAT VA.IUETY OF VSITORS OOAAE? IUK& MAO VUWO 9AVS \ UAO HlWi IU MUD VJWB4 pArfTV WA4 &ARE1-V AAE/JrtO/JEO WHILE MRS BiAMKS •TWe LATEST ISSUE 6OT OoeSUT OFFER.T& t Fair Treatment to AH. A uevfifAPeu OFF ice = ni PUU ID arc Af "»v*is oesv. (-WROTE K PIWSC ABOUT KUOCKEBS, SO I GST VJA.S PeSfifU^EO FUUV, AMD I PoW OWT TMM PAV FOR. if - AMP -TrtE 9O(tEM5AD \W(T»A A YAUK- TO 'E»A= -WPRE^ TV*1 AMATEUR POETS' Office Phon^—264. d M0 -M> sow AUD umeu He 6KES HUSFROM AM MRS. BLAWOUMOLV

r>i BY A. SNYDER Auto repairing quickly and cxm'rtJy dune —-See j i


ByOiborne . , THE FEATHERHEADS Foul Ball FOLLOW this help- ? ^-y- I rout BALL ' ful auto suggestion , and study out the Economy of visiting 5s A> this auto repair shop. We arc experts «nd do not lose any time looking for something that's wronit- "Suyder's ia always • 1 \ good auto suggestion" SNYDER'S COME- GARAGF FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 16. 1921! WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT Marks Epoch in History of Town's Theatrical Facilities Huge List of Prizes Miss Carolyn Tier Rewards Patrons of Becomes Bride at Rosary Card Party Pretty Home Ceremony

Thf R.isary Society of St. Jamo^' A pretty home wedding took pia Church held a Kiirressful card party Wednesdayy afternoon when , . „ . . Carolyn E. TierTi , dht ay evenm* ;n St. Jame, ^ l torium. Mis? Jane Finn- avenue, became the bride of Mr. H*r; tajr tft" igan was chairman. The door priie ry Schoeffler of Rahway. The cerr «-a« won by Mr=. B. J. Dunipsn, u mony w«s performed by the Rev The bot-k prite? were awarde.i V\*ilbur Saunders of Brooklyn. Miss Sifie Murphy, a buffet set. The The bridal party entered the to the strains of Loh<-'t H «'vfio Co!d piece went to Drew Moss- ing room T-- of Rahway. grin's Wedding March played • score in bridge: Mis? Elsie Schrimpf. The bride v - T-- Prizes for high v K • i:.-. -> Anna Punigsn, cream whipper; groom stood under a white wedtl I y. T Mrs. S. H. VS'yld, towel set; Miss bell suspended from the ceiling, j- t:ir.- '• f', K! 7Sheth Peterson, custrtrd cupf; bride was (riven in marriage by r.

Can ;>•! . Mrs. S. Rhuska. cusUrd cups; Marie father. Miss Ethel Tier, a sister res:ij, n. lunch cloth; Mrs. R. An- the bride, was maid of honor. 1 . lunch cloth; Mr*. J J. Dunne, groom was attended by his brotl d; -.van- pet; MMis s B. Deianey. bath August Schwffler. MIM Tier ma powder; Mr?. M. P. Schubert, bath a charming picture in a drcs? powder; Mrs. M. Christie, coffee. • '•.'••" ••' J .- tr f'T.vi - white satin and Princess lace. S'- Whis-.: Joseph Somers, salt and ti-'. • • - • t* '. •: '.! .-• yea r. Mr wnre a picture hat »f satin and l.v ; p.-p?if-r thakirs: Mtf. Frank Mayo, Bat-.- ' :•:••••• 'g f" T'! a: tr< \ carried a shower bouquet m:rror; Mrs. J. Co«.grove, towels; an< white rows, lilies of the valley ai k Mrs. H. Romond. towels; Mrs. M. w • • • • .•'•.:»• •'" j'r ••rn \V •:' bafty'y s breath. Her maid ooff h.n. l.r: v ;•:• •• . :•-...... <- a • ••'•jr • ! 0. : Dunigan, deck of cards; Mrs. J. wore an orchid georgette dress w* rn - •••-•. I'tr mark ^r.ciar >i Mo!!, tumMtrs. *iiat to match ami carried n ar •.•.-;.••! Mr BapXT ' \ Euchre: Mrs. E. Falconer, pyrex bouquet of pink rose? and delpr,:r

r' ' :• • :•' h• ;• Hi. 1 «;i- j'-'.r.i ilarly nn en' "• • ' •.•-:•-". !i , ine <-v'T.t'.i:iI:\ being ptr. t'i an"tht'r 1 towel set; Mrs. S. Dwyer, six tum- 'ifi riay:r.g games ard dar;:mg. I't •...»•.• n '.f H! ,k'- >:;iu- Th'-•hi1- VAVT: theatre. Ama'vur thi-;r,':- i-f •'(Ju.i Vadis". purpose. The Wwdbridee Theatre Guests from New York, Pc-r blers; Andrew Kath, towels; Ray- jhmtnts were served. The hv'- , a 1 gp up-- -taged mary sULce>se- Af:<-r that loca :•• >ts r;ve-:- was built six years ago, and now Amboy, Rahway and a'.rt- M :.(iay r.iirht will rt-tai; ;" '.hv mond Anderson, towels; John Ein- t*fs received many u.«efui present?. in the meeting tor>m on the second ed in a moving pi •.r.eatrc near with the dedication of the larger and were present lit the reception. Mr horn, basket of fTuit; J. McCullaph. Those prtH-r.t were Mr?. M. Wa'.:- older resident! the successive stages floor and, occasionally, a capacity the corner of Mai: *•'. and Rah- ' more sumptuous State it is supposed and Mrs. Schoeffler are spt.,^,,,t ing. Miss Catherir.t "Eaumgarten, audience was drawn out by the an- way avenue. It wa- od the Mon- the older show house will be re- . L. Krebs, towel; their honeymoon at Delaware Wa;< through which the town's theatrical glasses; J. E. Horner, , , , Edward Anderson. William Greene, nouncement of the coming of a mnv- ument Theatre and -.ad a short and modeled into a store or other busi- Gap Upon their return the> wj socks; Mrs. J. Rhode, salad d*sh; i(j i their recently complete! Charles Cottre!!, E. Turlington. Har- facilities have passed. ing picture. The writer remembers not too prosperous i r, the build- ness structure. reB e n old Wooley, Henry Downey, Joseph Mrs. P. W. Murphy, towels; Mrs. home jn Hanry Stmmuns, Warren Nelson, cake tins; Lester Krebs, Harry Dufour, Clarence ence, of Union, Mr. and Mre. Theo- Sorority Has Meeting boudoir, ^ip; F.lbert Coley, milk dore Stevens of Perth Amboy, Sun- shaker; Jessie Rechnitzer, toilet wa- Mercedes Name Committee Duf"ur, John, Thoma=, Stephen and Avenel The first regular fa!! meeting of ; Iselin Benjamin Kelly, Mrs. John Kelly. day. ter; Mrs. P. Campion, towel; Mrs. For Big Benefit Party —The Rosarv Society will hold a j the Sigma Alph* Phi Sorority was —A birthday party was Biven in: Rickwood , cans cream. T Mr* P. Dunn, Edward Kelly, all of I ^Mrs. Mervin Jewell and son, hn d 3 C& Cream T card party on "Tuesday evening at held Monday evening a: the home of j honor of Mrs. George Shult, ,, Mr ^ ™°h°a i; "* ' ' Richard, and Chris Corbin of Rari- Ka h b tle ha A benefit card party will be he'•! New York, Al Tierney and Mike '" , A G. Browr, : Main street, i Shultz's home on the corner of Hill-! ^, - 5 " McGregor of Bayonne, Joseph Rid- tan Manor visited Mr. and Mrs. R.the Avenel Tea Room Mrs. Mary er of Staten Island. Mr. and Mrs!. Riley Tuesday evening. is Dockstader were hu A number of rela- Robert Travers of Perth Amboy, —Mrs. Sorenson, Mrs. Anderson ssted by the following committee: Columbian Hall. All games will Mrs, J. Suchy, Mrs. J. Jaeger, Miss, was decided..... to ho>. : a covered dish ' tives and friends were invited, ''ake Miss Bertha Bkbolt, Fred Wisa and land Miss Johanson of Perth Amboy Martin Kath, combing jacket; Mrs. in play. Mrs, Morrison Christie, gen- C Hughe* Mrs M. Buchanan Miss' luncheon at the mx: meeting, Sep- | a"d refreshments were served. Sing- Raymond Stryker of Keansburg, twere the guests of Mrs. P. Peterson T. F. O'Brien, scarf; Mrs. Mary eral chairman, will be assisted }<•; Ciegatura ' Mrs E Moran Mrs iv:»ber»6. Twelv, • T.embers of the ! '"K and dancing were enjo\ed until. y . MUs Helen Peterson, Miss Helen Wednesday. est of Kennedy and Mrs. Charles Flynn. Sorority were pres- the early hours of the morning. The "•aln . » bowls; Mrs. A. Bau- the fol^ng ladies: Mrs. Fra Deitrifh, Misses Rose and Ellen Kel- —Mrs. Rudder and Mrs. Martin guests were Mr and Mr<= Fred mann' toastel'; Mrs. L. Campion, May°. Mrs. J. J. Grace. Mrs. L. ly. visited at the home of the latter's Vne committee have secured many Sevieth and daughter Rose. Mr. and|towel; M^ Hibbits, butter dish;. ft™. Mrs. Thomas Gerity Mw M. beautiful prizes. 0 —A birthday party wa? held Wed- son Monday. Mrs. Michael Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. J_ «P»«?« Somers, aauce dishes; Mrs. . £• Dunigan, Mrs. Arthnr_GeiS,_Mrs. E. L. Boat Excursion Conra. \ ni MrB J ter UiVernc who was .six years old. Spent the past week end at Beach f the Ehrabeth d:-:nc: will go oi, Mr ,nd tionery; Anna McDonald, tumblers; K- - - Caulfield, Mrs. J. M,i'- er Sr. i Jos J, s an(, ri|a,.v len Mrs Games were played, refreshment? '/Haven, fishing. ;a boat ride up the Hudson on Sat- 0,hers fMm Mrs. Mary Klein, toilet water; Mrs. : . - °- S. Dunigan. served. Miss LaYerne received a • —Mr.s. Herbert Peterson who has The Christian Endeavur Society •unlay, September ^!. I nose who A. Osborne, towel; Henry Miller,! ~ " ~ —Mrs. Georgianna Andrews at numbr of pretty gifts. Those pres- I been spending htr vacation at Mt. held a meeting on Monday night at wish to take the ".rip can secure towels; Mrs. Thomas Somers, r-ibber statfbnery; Owen Dunigan. tout! the home of Miss Wilhelmina Smith tended the meeting of Rep"blican a ron ent were Margaret Rodders, Mr=. j Vernon, X. Y., has returned home. their tickets from Mi>. A. R. Berg- P - 'set; Miss Jane Flanigan, silk slip: 'chairmen and vice chairmen of all Joseph Niedcrau and son Joseph of T-Jlr. and Mrs. Chris Hoyer and on Burnett street. Plans were made en or Mr. Edward Augustine. county committees at Republican Non-Players: Mrs. John Kelly,; Mrs. J. Ryan, sandwich plate. Perth Amboy; Henrietta Dunback, Mrs. A. Hover have returned from a fur a food sale to be held on Sat- rheadquarters in Trenton on Thur?- j Tommy Kyan, Miss. Julia Zandeleria, ! two weeks' motor tour through Can- urday, October Ut. Mrs. A. M. | day. The object of the meetinis was Edward NivdeTau, Mrs. M. Rochell. ! ada. Smith i< chairman. The society will Plan Benefit Party for final discussion of the proposed —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens i —Mr. and Mrs. Karl Miller and give a play in November. Constitutional amendments to be entertained Mr. and Mrs. Wyberg son Melvin and daughters Eleanor —The executive board of the Wo- There will be a bi-r.ent card party voted on next Tuesday throughout and daughter Agnes, Mr. and Mrs.and Vera motored to Lake Hopat- man's Club met at the home of the S on Saturday night, September 24, at ! tne the State. Among the speakers of Byron and daughters Elsie and Flor- cong Sunday. president, Mrs. Forest Braithwaite Sewaren Land .tiid Water Club to arrange the club program for the under the direction of Mr. and Mrs.the evening were Senator Bdgc and year. ' F H. TurnerT . ThThe memberb s of thhe ex-Governor Stokes. HARRIS —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Egnor of club are asked for their support in •—There will be a special n-.oetitig Jersey City were the guests of Mr. this affair. of the Iselin Free Public Library Department Store and Mrs. G. C. Holmes last Thurs- i Association tonight at 'J o'clock in 1 Successor to Engelman's day evening. the Library on Oak Tree road. AH ANDERSON'S MARKET —The Taxpayers Association held ! members are requested to 'be pres- an enthusiastic meeting on Monday Hopelawn ' ent as business of great importance 128 Main Street, Rahway, N. J. evening at the A. A. club house on i will be discussed. New Brunswick Ave. < Fords, N. J. —The fire c-mr.pany will meet Mon- _ ,><, Pennsylvania avenue. Donations Th(J udies Aid Society of Rahway's Most Popular Store were received to carry on the work day evening a; H o'clock. A drill was Union Protestant Church will hold Telephone Perth Amboy 3185 in connection with placing the in- held on Tuesday evening by the fire- an oM fashiOned Saturday night jup- junction against the building of a men, in charge of Chief Frank By- ;pe r tomorrow night from 5.30 to FREE DELIVERY fire house. ack. The drill was a how laying, 10 p. M. Horn* made cooking at —Miss Catherine Christman of practice for the purpose of getting | reasonable prices will be the chief Woodbridge is visiting Miss •Wilhel- in trim for the contests to be held feature. The Harris Dep't Store mina Smith while her mother is at the firemen's celebration at Atlan- —Miss Mary Sidore of C'.iftor. is spending a few weeks in Waterbury, tic City next week. visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. SPECIAL" SALE FOR Conn. —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rudder of A. Volters of Pershing avenue. —Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Ber- i May street were guests of relatives —Miss Florence Leahy of Silier FRIDAY -SATURDAY - MONDAY nard were in Asbury Park on Wed- , in Stanton, last week. avenue spent a week at thesumm'er now offers better goods for nesday. j •—It is understood Florida Grove home of her aunt, Mrs. B. Bouttlliere —The Ladies Aid of the Presby- road will be paved and curbed some of Beachwood, N. J. terian Church held its first meeting time next summer. The improvement -The conference of Democratic j the same money and the of the season on Tuesday evening ; is to extend from Spa Spring to Women of Middlesex County was Tub Butter, 49c lb. at the home of the president, Mrs. j Smith street, it is, said. It is to be held at Hotel Pines Tuesday evening. D. P. DeYoung, in Manhattan ave- paid for by Perth Amboy, Wood- Many prominent speakers attended. same goods for less money. nue. Plans were made to hold an bridge and the C-'jnty. Commission- among weire Hon. Mary T. entertainment in October at tha ' er Smith of Perth Amboy made this y Norton, Member of Congress, of Jer- home of Mrs. A. Pomeroy. Mrs. A. statement during a conversation here sey City; Miss Emily O'Connor, M. Smith was appointed chairman. recently. State Committeewoman of E»sex Tomatoes, 5c a lb. The members will renew activities Start of the Season —A daughter was born to Mr. andCounty; Hon. Frank Dorsey, Mayor to raise money for the church build- Mrs. Frank Vtrlinehock. of New of Perth Ajnboy; and many others. ing fund. The next meeting will Brunswick avenue last week. Dinner was served during the even- be at the home of Mrs. Mitchell in —Miss Lulu Barrett has recovered ing. The following Iselitiites were SPECIALS . « Burnett street. from a short illness at fier home. present: Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott, Fresh Roasting Chickens, 38c lb. —Members of the Rosary Society ; —Mr. arid Mr.-, John Angressia of Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidt, and held a surprise and farewell party Florida Grove road entertained rel- daughter, Agatha, Mrs. F. J. Bur- >on Thursday evening for Mrs. S. atives fronj New York on Sunday. gesser, Mr». Elizabeth Clancy, Mrs. Homestead Wool and Cot- Polar Fine All Wool Butter, a society member who movs» ! —Mr. and Mrs. William Munn of M. Richheimer, Mrs. R, Burmeister, ton Blanket*. , ed to New York City with her fam-1 Kinsey Corner were guests of friends Mrs. M. Brashing, Mrs. P. Novak, Pretty Blanket*. Big Value. i!y on Tuesday. The president, Miss in Perth Amboy last Saturday. Mrs. W. qonnolly, Mrs. M. O'Neill, dftignt M 66x80 A£98 Armour's Star Ham, 0?H°lu 29c lb. Catherine Hugljes, presented Mrs.* —Mr. and Mrs, Edward Pfeiffer Mrs. S. Brinkman, Miss Molly Bar- __—. . . _ _ _J r_ Butter a beautiful set of Rosary: of James street were guests of rett, M. Oliver, V. Ciccone, Andrew 66x80 $4 Special beads as a parting gift from the so- j friends in Penh Amboy last Sun- Moscarelli and Joe Mastrangelo. ciety. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. day. —Mr. and Mrs. James Elliott of Lorenz Butter and daughters Eliza-' Auth avenue spent the week end at beth, Helen and Eva, Mrs. William —Mention this paper to advertisers - Atlantic City, Carter's and Muntingwear Root'* and Rie* Under- P. & G. Soap, 6 cakes 25c Brunberg, Mrs. J. Suchy and daugh- " | ter Marion, Mrs. William Kennedy, Underwear for Every wear for Men and Boys Mrs. Julius Jaeger, Mrs. Murdock Member of the Family All Size*. Large Variety. Buchanan, Mrs. Mary Welch and daughter, Mjss Mary Ciegatura, Mrs. Japanese Toilet Paper, 5 Rolls 25c Edward Moran, Mrs. Wukitch and I take this opportunity to extend by most cor- Mrs. George Aimer. —Mr, and Mrs. Day fYitts spe,nt dial and sincere ; ; Just Received-A beautiful line of the week end on a camping trip to Philadelphia. CHARMING NEW FALL FASHIONS -|—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lance and) new Charmueses for the Fall daughter Emily and Mrs. A. Probst Distinctly New—Decidedly Different are spending a vacation trip to Wal- CONGRATULATIONS THE MODES FOR AUTUMN ton, N. Y. •—Mrs. Charles Senft is entertain- Special 69c the yard ing her mother from Lancaster, Pa. to Fur Trimmed New Autumn —The Woman's Club will hold its regular meeting at ' the school 0.^1 Wednesday evening. Letters have Special for Tuesday, September 20 been sent to all members from the Mr. NATHAN MARCUS civic department urging them, to COATS FROGKS come out and vote for the first and his associates on the opening of their new SASH CURTAINS For Women and Misses amendment at the election on Tues- For Every Occasion day. Novel, Stylish and Quality Bearing $19.75 up 4.95 9.9514.95 Peru's Pottal Sytttn STATE THEATRE ID 1'eru I lie ixmUl syttteiu in owned fry private Individuals «ud nut by tfce in Woodbridgre, New Jersey Tuesday only CTOLLMAN'C govern nieu I. —The first meeting of the sea- ROBERT UNGERFELD son of the Fords Woman's Club was 13981 wa* the winning number lut w«*k in L/ STYI.F SHOPPF L/ held Wednesday Afternoon at the Manager of the Empire Theatre, Rahway, N. J. 1 138M»inSt. iUhway, N. J. home of Mrs. A. Liddle. Harri. D«pt. Store Frimd.Maktng Contact Th-