The News of All 1 Pages T( The Township Snorting News, Page' •ol,. V, No. 52 .WOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, SKPTKMBKR 1G, 1927 PRICE THREE CENW Prominent Men, Movie Actress to Woman Fined $50. for Buying WIDE DIFFERENCE Stolen Lace; Thief Is Jailed MARKS BIDDINGS Help Dedicate New State Theatre Judge Censures Purch»M> of $50. Value for * Dollar and a Plate of Soup, Discounting Plea Store Proprietress AVENEL SEWER Public Service Buys Out Did Not Know Box of Curtains Were Stolen Impressive Ceremony to Precede Hansen A Jensen's All Bus Routes in This (,'harged with receiving stolen Officer Ben Parsons led to Dunn's Do Work for Two Third, i Regular Program Monday Night Vicinity; Pays $500,000 -,'odds, Mrs. Julia Gurzaly who keeps arrest. i store at 284 Fulton street, was Under questioning Dunn admitted Next Lowest Figure P Welcomed enthusiastically by the business interests of That the Public Service haR ar- ined $50 by Recorder Voget Tues- he had been given a drink of hootch Contract at $6,686.70. tr.wn because they aee in it a possibility of stimulating commu- rived one step nearer to controlling lay morning. The woman admitted as further payment for the curtains. all bus transportation in northern •>aying $1.00 and a plate of soup Mrs. Gurialy denied she knew the I OTHER IMPROVEMEf -,;tv pride to the extent of keeping local residents from going: ^New Jersey was made evident yts- curtains had been stolen but the ] for H box of lace curtains stolen by per cent. , it iif town to seek amusement, the new State Theatre will be terday in its announcement of the Edward Dunn. The latter was sen- judge declared her previous admin- \ purchase of the Perth Ambny-Wood- sion that she had known Dunn for 1 the next bidder, the firm ! ivcn its grand premiere Monday night before an'audience 'enred to 30 days in the county and Jensen was awarded the bridge-Carteret, the Fords-Iselin, workhouse. quite some time convinced him she Miiit should fill every one of its 1,25(1 seats. and the Perth Amboy-Rahwny routes knew Dunn was not in the business tract for building section three of i Avenel Sewer System after An impressive ceremony will attend the opening with State from tne Middlesex Bus Owners' As- Sigmund Manuel of 62 Court of selling curtains. To Mrs. Our- >treet, Newark, appeared as com- zaly's protest against being fined were opened by the Township Senator Morgan F. Larson as master of ceremonies. Rev. J. sociation. Bus permitB, gnnri.'.uill ami mittee, Monday afternoon. Tha , all equipment are included in the plainant Rgxinat Mr*. Gurtaly nnd Vngnl claimed: "You are getting ntT i:,•njaniin Myers, rector of Trinity 1 Dunn. He told the court the cur- easy, but if you don't like it you cessful bid Wag IM8B.T0'and- ,,, , .,, i H. Doyne, a concert organist brought transfer. No price was mentioned otters were: George l in the announcement hill it it un.liT Owner of New Stair Theatre who tains, valued at $50, were taken can go before the grand jury and Churoh, will pronounce, „„ (rum phMmie,pnlll *T(, ,,mrk ^e nvltei public to h* prenrtit Monday from his MnnHny $9,-100.10; George Milter, •he invocation promptly at 8 o'clock. 'occasion Doyne has arranged a stood the owners were paid approxi- night to judge whether he hat kept while it was parked on New street. "All right," said the woman, pay- Wen W<fs were Then Senator Larson will introduce apedial medley overture. mately half a million dollars. promise to give Woodbridgr tl,e finrit He reported the theft to the police ing the fine from a prosperous look- curbing, guttering and grading! Mayor William A. Ryan who will theatre in the Stnte. and an investigation by Motorcycle ing roll. ingston avenue, it was found .vclfump the guests and evpress hi? was only one, that one for $9,1 Rotary Players, "Mere Shells" 9fi by Owen S. Dunigan. Thifl J • riitiment toward the n?\v enterprise. Avenel Boy Badly Hurt tabled for further consideration He will be followed by County Of Former Selves, Lose to Lions When Struck by Auto Balky Engine Spoiled the possibility of readvertising Prosecutor John E. Tuolan. Two Young Ladies to should be decided the bid is too i This part of the program com- Like Tilden, Local Athletes Blow Up in Closing Stanzas After Six year old Edward Clancy of to the appropriation to be pr Avenel street was badly injured Fri- able. y pleted, the audience will be mado Open Restaurant Coast-to-Coast Effort Ferocious Assault in Second Inning Scores Eleven Runs day afternoon when struck and Residents of the Grant avenue I acquainted with Miss Louise Glaum, And Has Lions Gasping for Breath' "Night Owl" Announce! De- knocked down by the ear of-Nels Rudolph Todt, of Hopelawn, tion of Sewaren, in a petition, known by all movie fans for her but Tomorrow Night; Plan Johnson of Park avenue, Avenel. The Plant to Start Again on quested the Committee to place After enjoying a lead of U-2 as Such fast base running as displayed cinema work in "Sex," "The Leopard To Have Dancing boy was taken to Railway Hospital New Motorcycle ders in six blocks of that street. An«,J h e r 3U t f h ct c ni c by Bill Wood had the Rotarian out- in Johnson's car. Woman," "Sahara" and several! , D « ' ° " *, ' ™ ^ '"« other petition asked for concratil ! "HdaBean BalHall BenHan" Jensen'lanoan'isi offering(iff(irin*os fielders confused and Bill often dash- ether long ran pictures. Miss The "Night Owl" Restaurant, a According to Johnson the little (Special to the Independent) curb and gutter, cinder pavement,] werce boundenu d around the lot for ed around the bases several times, (ilaum will tell of her experiences 7" ™ " 'T r\T ^ u new venture sponsored by thfelloe w was crossing the street with HOPELAWN—Forced by engine and a sewer in Van Buren aventt^l ... 11..11 ™,i ™A A<,«»^ -„..„ „, | eleven runs, the Rotary Club baseball each trip counting a run, before the Misses Helen Anne White and Ruth his sister, Sylvia, when apparently Two conflicting petitions from at Hollywood and describe many of. , , ball was returned to the infield and he became confused at the approach trouble to turn back after reaching th, e interestin. ' ,•g detail, , .s, connected, , 1i, tea. ,m ost th,e. ,,gam , e .18-1 2 and th,e Love, will formally open its doors dents of Fairfield avenue, Fo .i . , • cnampeenship by two games to his marathon race ended. His show- at 300 Main street tomorrow night. of ,,._,,the car, separate. ., d. from his sister, Pittsburgh, Rudolph Todt of Juliette filed previously, were reconciled with the great moving picture in- '. ,' , / .. ,, ,. ._ing throughout the game confirmed and d cd dlrec tl " ' ono. As a forfeit it paid the tariff Extraordinary efforts are being made , . " J > street returned home Saturday and the filing of a third petition the previous claim by the Fords by the young ladies to assure the wart Stern and W ' "i./i" * j j u- a. at a dinner in Buchner's Restaurant J ward Stern and Waiter Hok, both made arrangements to secure an- for concrete pavement in that management that W,ood covers more ... neighbors, gave their names to the State, county, and township offi-, .lmme d.. .ly other motorcycle with which to at- between Hoy avenue and Cr nals have been invited to attend the ! , , (). ground than any second baseman who patrons a good time and dancing . i diamond battle, be a feature police as witnesses. Mill road. On Jensen's motion premiere and prominent men :md wo-' has ever played in Pords this year. I *"" ' tempt to cross the continent with- The downfall of Rotary's athletes In attorney was instructed to draw men of New York theatrical circles . ., , ., , ., For the losers Lou Neuberg and u «"">»»«•« their enterpnse out stopping—the goal being a $6,- ordinance for this work. arc expected to occuny wuts i.f is attributed to the fact the nine Norman Banks deserve a great deal the young ladies state their aim is players long since passed the peak to provide delicious food. Music for 000 prize put up by the manufacturer Ordinances were introduced honor as personal guests nf Mr. of effectiveness and are now mere of credit, the latter sticking to his $35,000 Home Started Mark Block, the man who has had , , dancing will be on hand every night. of the cycle. construct a sewer in Gordon sfc shells of thejr (nfmfT se vefi as ft task behind the bat in spite of a and curb and gutter the street* the courage to painful "charley-horse" and the lat- 'The restaurant is located on Upper Two other men, competing against -slipping. Main street in what has always been j Todt, were forced out of the race Hagaman Heights. ment on his belief that Woodb , e<J by the ter banging out the hits that brought On Green Street Plot Mutt L»y Sid«w»lU§ and the surrounding territory will• Thjs fc()m ition wa.f,eiders aRKravats to return j in the Rotarian runs. Willard Dun- known as the Walsh house. Half of! before Todt succumbed. Todt snys j inabi jty (lf out the house has been remodeled to ] Irving Demarest to Live on he experienced the first engine trou- At the request of William Hoy, provide patronage enough K: make , s[ ]ef.
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