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PRICP THREE CENTS VOL. XLV., NO. 51. OleMlIled Adrertlatiig on n ^ e 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1926.. (TWELVE PAGES) ,.v ■ r - s ELEVATOR MAN Brilliant Concert Soloist SEEK STUDENT • r>j5 CROOKS, CLUB 49 DAY CROESUS ALREADY Then He Is Arrested for a T H R lL L S ilN $156,000 Forgery; Says He FORMURDEROF Was a Tool. BMNCERT New York, Nov. 30.— Seven MISSING GIRL IS SET TO ACQUIT weeks of luxury as a “ million­ aire” enjoyed by William Rod- del, 43, former elevator oper­ ator in the Capitol theatre No Proof of Death But Wis­ Brilliant Tenor Displays Mar­ building, came to an end today in his sumptuously-furnished FALL TRIED TO Hotel Landlord Charges velous Strength and Tone apartment when police arrest­ consin College Boy Has ed him in connection with a $156,000 forgery on the Equit­ TRANSFER LOAN Its Members Are Biased --Chorus at Its Best in able Trust company. Fled and Warns He Won’t With Roddel when he was ""Fine Program. taken into custody was Nancy Be Taken Alive. Kirby, an extremely pretty girl RELAim SAYS of 19, who was held as a ma­ BANK'TELLER iOedares He Can Name terial witness. DIESLIKEHOBO Richard Crooks, eminent Ameri­ Roddel told police that his Prairie Du.Chien, Wis., Nov. 30 can tenor, as guest soloist of last part in the crime was the ob­ — Erdman Olson, 18-year-old Gale Sought Aid of Ohio Man 1 Rides Freight After Booze night’s concert of the Men’s Choral taining of special checks used college student and son of a weal­ by the Capitol, with copies of Party, Falls Off and Is club of M,anchester, proved to be thy tobacco planter, was being When Prohe Began, Son- Made Up Without Hearing signatures. He was the dupe of sought today in connection with the Killed— Comrade Held the most brilliant as well as most a man who did the actual forg­ notable artist audiences here have ing Roddel stated, according mysterious disappearance of his 22- in-Law Testifies in Pou^hkeepsfe, N. Y., Nov. 30. Testimony— Simpson to yet heard. His delightful, soulful to the police, and received only year-old sweetheart. Miss Clara Ol­ — Thomas Moran, 22, a teller $1,500. son. of the East River National singing was but one of the many Fraud Trial. Bank of New York, was found Ask For Mistrial of Hall- thrills music lovers enjoyed in last The case Is one of the strangest •% in the history of Wisconsin. Al­ dead today at Camelot, near night’s first songfest of the season. here, on the right-of-way of though the body of Miss Olson has Washington, Nov. 30— Beginning' Mills Case— Expert, De­ The club, too, was brilliant. Its H O S P iT A L G ^ not been found, authorities are so the New York Central rail­ today, the government’s criminal road. work has seldom, if ever, been sur­ sure the young woman has been slain that a warrant charging drama" featuring former Secretary Raymond Kaht, 21, an em­ fense Lawyer Squabble passed. young Olson with her murder has of Interior Albert B. Fall and E. L. ploye of the same hank, was So much can be said of the mar­ BEQUEST FROM arrested, charged with car been issued Doheny. oil magnate, on trial for velous ability of Richard Crooks riding and intoxication. It Over Fingerprints. Sweethearts for Years conspiracy, will play both night that the fine, faithful work of the Miss Olson, daughter of a farm­ was learned that the youths ' club is liable to be slighted. Crooks B O Y im N W IIi er, disappeared three months ago. and day sessions. By order of the attended a party in New York sang two groups an aria and two She and young Olson had been court testimony will be taken night­ last night at which there was Somerville, N. J., Nov. 30.— Sen­ considerable drinking, police incidenta^i solos. Described often­ sweethearts nearly two years. Al­ ly from eight to. ten in addition to sational charges that the Hall-Mills times by critics as a lyric tenor the stated, and later jumped an though having the same ~ name, the day hearings. murder trial jury already has made audience naturally looked forward I^hey were not related. Albany bound freight. to hearing some of the artist’s light­ Residue of Estate Goes to In A possee of nearly 1,000 arous­ ■ With the trial thus speeded up They fell asleep during the up its mind, that it stands nine for —Photo by Elite out of consideration for the locked- ed citizens is dragging the Kicka- ride, and Moran rolled off the acquittal and three for conviction er songs and ballads. Crooks fa­ RICHARD CROOKS up jury, the government will dis­ car to bis death. Kaht was vored with "Absent,” and “ Colleen stitution — Reinembers poo river and searching the purple pose of the financial end of the and that it has talked freely of its hills of the Klckapoo valley for the said by the authorities to be Aroon” as encores. His first num­ This photograph was especially posed by Mr. Crooks at Watkins case and begin the work o f trying too Intoxicated for arraign­ prejudice against the state’s case, ber “ O Kom in Traum” was of the body of the girl. Other posses, ment or questioning. today caused a furore in Somerville Friends of Mother— Val­ headed by Deputy sheriffs, are Brothers yesterday afternoon. Mr. Crooks also autographed some "Vic­ to convince the court that the ballad type and Immediately won $100,000,000 naval oil leases ac­ and reports were circulated that searching the woods for young Ol­ tor Records of his own songs while at the local store. his audience. corded Doheny were tainted with Prosecutor Alexander Simpson The Program. ( son. fraud. . plans to demand a mistrial- ued About $20,000. The girl was last seen Sept. .9 The club’s program as a whole Fall, endeavored unsucces$futly Gilbert Van Doren, 78, owner of when She left home after confess­ the Colonial hotel, where the jury was lighter than th.ose which have ing to her father indiscretions of to discharge his $100,000 obliga­ MANY AMERICANS KLAN IS BEATEN tion to Doheny before the transac­ iMARIE DELAYED IN is quartered, and the third largest been presented in the five previous The will of the late Frederick her love. concerts. But, the American Ace, a tion became known to the Senate taxpayer in Somerset county, to­ Hosmer‘Boynton has just been ad­ Flees Again new composition by Stevenson, and After two weeks absence Young Investigating committee, it was tes- day admitted it was he who wrote the last number, gave the men mitted to probate. A hearing on the Olson returned to his studies at IN CHINA IN FEAR IN MAINE’ S m i Ified today by Fall’s son-in-law, C. LANDING IN FRANCE a letter containing these charges to ample opportunity to show their estate wa.T held in the office of Gale College. When the girl did not C. Chase. Ccunty Judge Frank L. Cleary, sit­ Tried to Shift Loan ting in the case with Justice dramatic ability. “ Shadow March” Judge of Probate William S. Hyde return home, her father became repeated from a previous program Chase, the first witness called to­ Charles W. Parker. Saturday. The Hartford-Connectl- worried and went to see young Ol­ displayed wonderfully well Direc­ son. He pleaded with the youth to Appeal For Protection as Gould Wins Senate Election day testified that in-November of Rough Seas Force Tender Won’t Back Down tor Archibald Sessions’ control of cut Trust Company was named by bring his daughter back. Next day 1923 Fall endeavored to obtain a “ I’m sorry i;m dragged into the chorus. The entire song is sung Mr. Boynton as executor. Olson disappeared. loan of $100,000 from Price Mc­ this,” he said today, “ but now that Kinney of Cleveland, but without very softly— in almost a hush— and The estate is composed entirely The youth wrote a note to his Anti-Foreign Strike, Long By 50,000 Over New Back— S b e ls Urged to I’m in it. I’m not going to back requires hours of painstaking prac­ brother, Orvid, asking him to “ live success. down. I thought I could give the of real estate and personal proper­ Fall’s effort to exchange Mc!^n- tice on the part of not only the ty. Mr. Boynton owned two tene­ down the shame I Tiave left,” and information to Judge Cleary with­ chorus as a whole but the Individ­ warning that he would “ never be Threatened, Comes. York Lawyer Redman. ney for Doheny as his creditor cainq Hnrry to Bncharest. out my name getting in the rews- ment houses on Main street and at a time when the Senate commit­ ual members. another house on Woodland street. captured alive.’l papers. tee on pubflic lands was conducting “ I’ve been staying here . at the Unusually fine chorus work was The property is in the tax list for displayed by the men In “ I Wish, to Auigusta, Me., NoVi 80."-80.— Maine a vigoro^fa ^Q'^^Btigatlon into’ his Cherbourg.^ Kov. 30.— Queen hotel all along and could see and Mout $19,000. However it is un­ London, Nov. 30— The foreign private affairs, particularly with, Tune My Quivering Ly^e,” “ The derstood that.there i . a mortgage ROTHCHILD READY hak’^laken oTf^tbe ^ a k of the-Ku Marla of Rumania am ved In the hear what was going on. Three of community at Kiukiang has. appeal­ respect, to the $100,000. It was the jurors are for conriction. I can Four Winds” and the delightful on the property of about $7000. Klux Klan and has assarred reten­ harbor, on board the Berengaria, Olio Speaks number “ Morning.” ed for protection for 400 -American within two months, of this Uffie name them. The other nine are for Residue to Hospital tion of Republican control of the that Doheny came forward—-only at II o’clock todayXA special ten­ Johnson’s Solo TO ANSWER CHARGES and British citizens at the moun­ acquittal.” The Manchester Memorial hospi­ United States Senate. . after Fall had declared that his der was sent out to take the queen, The incidental solos of club tain resort of KuHng, whose Mfe- He said the jurors talked the tal is a beneficiary under the will. These two facts, political observ­ beneficiary waa S. B. McLean, her party and 200 pieces of bag­ case over loudly and freely at the members were well sung, and es­ ty is endangered in view of possi­ wealthy publisher— and annouiiced pecially did Jarle Johnson draw According to the tenth clause, after All Three New York Bankers ers said, stood forth today as the gage to the quay where special fa­ hotel; that they made no secret of several bequests have been made, ble anti-foreign strikes, according that he had made the loan. their prejudice against the state’s forth plaudits when he sang the Accused of Rum Plot Will to a dispatch from Shanghai today. result of the election of Arthur R. cilities.^ were offered to speed her the hospital is to have the remain­ Under questioning by Owen Rob­ case even before Mrs. Jana Gibson solo part of ‘Sea Fever” In his rich Go to Boston. . Naval forces are now concentrat­ Gould, business, man, of Presque erts, government counsel. Chase journey to Paris. strong basso. Harry Boland, ten­ der of all the estate, both real and ing on Hankow, according to ad­ appeared as a witness; that after personal property. The Income from Jslfe, a Republican, to the United testified that, uder instructions The queen will - arrive In Paris she appeared, he repeatedly heard or, and Robert Gordon, baritone, New York, Nov., 30.— ^Lewis H. vices received from Shanghai. Sev­ States Senate over Fulton J. Red­ from his father-in-law, he had gone werj in good voice in their short the property is willed to hospital eral foreign warships are reported late this afternoon and is expected her referred to as a “ liar” ; that he Rothchlld, president of the Chel­ man Democrat, a New York lawyer to Cleveland to see McKinney. to see Prince Carol tomorrow. heard the jurors makd such state­ solo numbers. poor. to have arrived off Hankow, In­ with a legal residence in Ellsworth Chase explained that McKinney The North Methodist church is sea Exchange Bank of New York, General Angelesco of the Ruma­ ments as "Simpson and his Hudson Mrs. Mildred Godfrey Hall, harp­ and his two associates, Harold cluding the American destroyer; by a majority of about 50,000 bad suggested he loan Fall $100,- ist, accompanied Mr. Crooks and given $200 in memory of his Peary and John D. Ford. Other ves­ nian army, who was here to meet county officers have come to Somer­ Smythe and James V. Boise, who votes. 000 with which to retire the Do­ Queen Marie, admitted that he had the chorus in a masterful presenta­ mother who was a member of the sels are enroute to Shanghai. Called Miracle Man » set county to show us how to run with thirty-eight others are under heny loan, and Fall wanted the talked with Prince Carol in Paris tion of Kremser’s “ Hymn to the church for sixty years. The resignation of the Pekin Throughout the Pine Tree state Cleveland man to be reminded of things, but they won’t get away indictment in Boston in an alleg­ and had urged him not to return to Madonna.” Though a comparative­ To Melvin O. Fry of Wethers­ ed conspiracy to smuggle liquor in­ government has added to the com­ today, Mr. Gould was being hailed that fact. with it.” ly short number Crooks and the field, Mr. Boynton gave $500, his to the United States, will return to plicated-situation, but officials of as a political “miracle man.” First Chase gave no reason, however, Rumania. I Van Doren declared he wrote to men did brilliant dramatic work in diamond ring and piano. To Mr. Boston to plead to the indictment the foreign office here were of the a cigar salesman, then a pota.to for McKinney’s failure to "come "The king’s health is not good Judge Cleary because he thought this hymn. Fry’s only child, who haa, been a on any date fixed by federal au­ opinion that there is nothing to farmer, a builder of railroads, a through.” McKinney is now dead. but it is not as serious as report­ 'It was his duty to do so as a citizen Mrs. Hazel Theodorowlcz, wife cripple since birth, he gave $100. thorities. fear, as far as foreign Interests are lumberman, a pioneer in the great The Cleveland man. Chase fu^ ed,” said General Angelesco. “ Nev­ who did not want a stain cast on of the leader of the Boston Sym­ The Frys lived in Manchester some This announcement was made' ‘concerned. north country of Aroostook— ther testified, had been approached ertheless, I am going to urge Her the name of Somerset county, thal phony orchestra, rendered three years ago when the leather Elec­ The landing of the .marines at Maine’s vast potato belt— Mr. by Fall in 1920 for the loan of Majesty not to stay long in Paris, he will take the stand and tell what brilliant movements and one en­ today by Martin W. Littleton, coun­ tric company was In operation and sel for the men following a confer­ Hankow has been effected quietly Gould entered politics practically $ , . but to return quickly to Bucharest. he knows If he is requested to do core in her group of ’cello jolos. 100 000 boarded with the Boyntons. Mr. Fry ence with Assistant United States without bloodshed, the foreign of­ unknown, except to his friends and Daugherty a Witness They want her back as soon as pos­ so. Her encore number displayed her is now a bookkeeper In the state Attorneys John J. Fogarty of New fice was advised today. business associates. Harry M. Daugherty, former at­ sible.” / Constable Gossipped marvelous technique. M.s. Theo­ prison office. York and Hubert C. Thompson of Strike Begins From political obscurity he torney geiteral, himself facing tri­ Delayed By Weather. “ Why, you couldn’t help hearing dorowlcz has appecred in High Boston. Shanghai, Nov. 30— The long fought his way into prominence. He High seas delayed the disem­ school hall at previous concerts. Helped Mother al on conspiracy charges during the what tho jury was saying around To Mr. and Mrs. George F. Borst Thompson declared that the threatened general strike at Han­ was repu(^^ated by the governor of Harding administration, was the barkation of Queen Marie. The ten­ this hotel,” Van Doren said. “ They Crooks’ Voice of Cambridge stree: Mr. Boynton Chelsea banking institution is not kow commenced today. The Chin­ Maine, a Republican, because he next witness. der which went out to take her off leave their doors wide open. Crooks displayed a few acrobatic willed $500, as well as some .took involved in the case. ese customs employes and the ser­ and his friends were alleged to After testifying that he knew was unable to reach the Beren­ “ I was joking with one of them stunts with his voice when he sang and the furniture in his home. The Littleton requested that an ex­ vants and Chinese police in the for­ have exceeded the legal campaign nothing about the Doheny leases garia. The tender had carried a the other day. I said: ‘Well soon, the aria from Bizet’s The Pearl money w’as given in recognition of haustive investigation of the activi­ eign concessions struck for higher expenditure allowance— a charge and had never been asked for an French official welcoming commit­ you’ll he locked up for three oi Fishers “ Ml par d’audir ancora.” the attention paid to his mother by ties of his clients pertaining to the wages. * disproved by the state probe but opinion as to their legality, he was tee, General Angelesco, Princess four days and you’ll have to pay yet to come before Senator Reed’s His range is wide, his tones wond­ Mr. and Mrs. Borst who were ten­ case be made by the government.. excused, but was recalled for cross- Marina Phavphdze and Mrs. Oliver for your own feed.’ The Jurors erfully pure, and his enunciations campaign fund Investigators. He examination by Frank J. Hogan, are perfect, so much so that he was ants and neighbors of the Boyntons was denounced by the • Ku Klux laughed and replied; ‘Don’t kid for several years. defense counsel.. Hogan asked him (Continued on page 3) yourself, we won’t be in there twen­ very easily followed in his English ENGUSH DEAN IN A ALFRED GREZEL SUES Klan and it was stated that the If he had any recollection of Fall numbers. Crooks has been com­ Following Is a copy of the will: Klan had thrown its support to ty minutes.’ ” I, Frederick Hosmer Boynton, of handing him a copy of the oil leas­ “ If Simpsol^ subpoenas me. I’ll pared to McCormick, and some crit­ Mr. Redman. ing act of 1920 at s'cabinet meet­ ics have said his work is better the town of Manchester, Connecti­ • MIXUP WITH CUSTOMS OLD THEATER COMPANY Sweeps Every County give him the name of one of the cut, belng'of sound and disposing ing and asking for an informal constables In charge of the jury than that of McCormick at the But the seventy-year-old million­ opinion on the genefal leasing pol­ HACKS UP A WOMAN, same age. His work here last mind and memory, do make, pub­ aire, in spite of this opposition, who sits in here and talks about the icy about to be put into effect case rigLt along,” Van Doreu de­ night certainly Impressed those lish and declare this inistrument as A suit for $1,500 has been filed swept every county in the state. It “ and you told him. you thought il and for my last will and testament, Penalized For UndervaluaHion THROWS NTS IN RIVER clared. who know McCormick as being ful­ in the common pleas court in Hart­ v/as the death knell of the Klan as was all right?” ly as good as that of the great hereby revoking all wills by me at Of Books Brought Her to ford by Alfred Grezel, local plumb­ a political factor in Maine, said “ I certainly don’t recall anything _ _ _ _ _ I It was reported that Prosecutor Irish tenor. Crooks has a sturdi­ any time heretofore made. Sell For Cathedral. ing .contractor, against the Man­ political experts. , like that,” said Daugherty. “ That ; Simpson planned a move for a mls- ness in the upper register one can­ FIRST— I direct the payment of chester Theater Company. Grezel Mr. Gould’s election means that was a long time ago, though, anA New York Longshoreman Con- t*iai, either today or tomorrow, not feel when listening to McCor­ all my debts and funeral expenses claims that lasf August while he the lineup in the Senate will be 48 a lot of water hn« gone over 'the fessea to Weird Crime After ! alleging improprieties in connec- "Washington, Nov, 30.— ^Rev. F. Republicans, 47 Democrats and one lesses XO weiru conduct of the" jury. mick. His tones are strong wheth­ b3T< my executor hereinafter named. was repairing a gas storage heater dam since.” er high or low, and always of as­ S. Bennett, dean of Chester Cathe­ FarmerTLaborltd. Capture in Chase. I further direct that a proper in­ dral in England, who has been the at the theater he fell into a pit and Simpson said today that, for sev­ tonishing purity. scription, including my full name, hurt his back. He says that the de­ Gives G. O. P. Majority * eral days, detectives for the prose­ guest of Bishop Freeman of Wash­ Washington, Nov. 30— The elec­ New York, Nov. 3 0 .-^Francesco Publishers representatives were be placed on the family monument ington, was on his way to Boston fendants were negligent in failing RICH RETIRED EDITOR cution have been obtaining affi­ present at last night’s concert to in the lot in Buckland cemetery and to tell him of the pit’s location. tion of Arthur R. Gould as Repub­ *rripia was arrested today on a davits tending to show that several today to appeal from the decision The Ma^iehester Theater Com-; lican senator from Maine means homicide charge after he threw a hear lEe last number An American that my remains be buried in a of the United States customs office members of the jury have not been Ace. This Is the firs<' time it has pany operate the State theater here that the Republican party will be bag containing the arms and legs cement vault similar to those used there, which penalized him $750 TMESTOENDUFE of a. woman from the India wharf paying proper attention to the evi­ been presented in full. It was the in the burials of my parents. It is previous to the purchase of that able to organize the' Senate of the dence, and that one of the jurors . most dramatic number the chorus for an error in the declared value property by Hoffman Brothers. Seventieth Congress by the narrow Into the river at the foot of Ham­ my hope and expectation that these of books brought into the country ilton street. Subsequent search of fell asleep— during the testimony of has ever attempted, and the men funeral arrangements will be car­ margin of a single vote. Mrs. Jane Gibson. certainly did it justice. by the dean. Actually, however, the Republi­ the prisoner’s home revealed the ried out by Messrs. Watkins Broth­ Mra. H. B. Cheney of Forest A. P. Cristy of Worcester^ HU remainder of the woman’s body, Minister Accused The books, which were to be sold street had as her guest for the con can victory in Maine means Very Hall Filled. ers of Manchester, Connecticut. to aid Chester Cathedral’s building By Stock Looses Shoote Him­ .andT;ripla is said by police to have Timothy N. Pfeiffer, of defence SECOND— I give and bequeath cert last night, Mrs. Joseph R. En counsel, said that in the event of a High school, an ideal classic ball fund, had been listed at their pro­ sign of Simsbury. (Contloned on Page 2.) self. confess^ the crime. for such a concert, was filled. By to the corporation or organization ducing cost instead of their sale Near the body in Tripia’s home mistrial, the defense would plead, actual count there were 810 in the charged with the maintenance of value. Of the penalty 'assessed "Worcester, Mas?., Nov. 30.—-Op­ police found a butcher knife more at the opening of a new trial, that audience, testimony in Itself that against the dean, $300 was for a ponents in politics and horse-own­ than a foot long and a cold chisel their clients “ have been placed in the work of th e, Choral club is (Continued on Page 2.) fine and thb remainder 'represents Find Heir o f Accident Victim ers on tte race tracks years ago used in the dismemberment. He former jeopardy,” and move that greatly appreciated by Manchester the difference between the cost - were often fooled, at the ele'vontb was captured after a chase ■ along the new trial be dismissed. people. value and the sale value of the hour by A. P. Cristy., founder and the waterfront during which sev­ When Simpson came into the eral shots were fired by pursuing Following the concert Archibald books. Life Prisoner in California for many yearg edltp? and publish­ court room this morning he would Sessions^ accompanist and director er of-the Worcerter Morning Tele­ policemen, but is said to have ad­ not discuss his plans regarding a Dean Bennett took full respon­ mitted the crime as soon as con­ of the club was nearly overwhelm­ Start Reading sibility for the mistake, although gram- ' • motion for a mistrial. It was learn­ ed with congratulations. Mr. Ses­ fronted ' with the body. ed, however that his assistants are he refused, however, to discuss Hartfdrd, Nov. 30.— Eva Cher-^just before her husband’s death to Today,' the man, termed “ the Questioned at police headquar­ sions planned the delightful pro­ actively seeking evidence regard­ other details of the matter. nauskas, of New Britain, whose arrange a permanent home as he quaintest figure in New Englatd ters, Trlpia said he knew the wom­ gram, and it was through his influ­ T od a y newspaperdom',” was todling them ing the jury and that one matter husband Anthony was killed when was( soon to retire on bis savings, an only as Louise Marie. She was ■H-v ence Richard Crooks was brought DASHES IN FRONT OP the roof of the plant of the North i Compensation amounting to more agftln. . , , / being investigated is a'report that about 50 years old, he said, and he a Somerville minister called one of here. The club members all at­ MOTOR TRUCK; IS DEAD & Judd Manufacturing Company than $4,000 was awarded shorWy , Retired and a .mlUionnire at 7 6. met her about ten months ago. tribute the success of the organiza­ collapsed last February, has ap­ after her husband’s death; 'The New Mrl Cristy - was said l)y his friends Last night she reappeared at his the jurors aside the other day and tion to Mr. Sessions’ ability as a di­ Port Chester, N. Y., Nov. 30— pealed to the superior court from Britain conrt ordered the' sale of t‘6 have been hit in the stock apartment, after an absence of talked to him for five minutes. rector. William H. Parker, of Springfield, a decision of the New Britain Pro­ the house, which Is valued at ahdut market. Tie tried to end his life some time, said the prisoner, who is Three Pencils For Diary. Threads** Mass., was today placed under $1,- bate Court ordering the sale ;of a $8,000, mainly because the heirs with a pistol '.in the office of his A longshoreman. They had some August Hartkorn, handwriting 000 ball on a charge of manslaugh­ house at 324 Church street to sim­ are scattered in various parts of the stock broker.-At City Hospital be drinks together, and she fell asleep. expert and “ examiner of question­ ter in connection with the death of plify settlement of the husband’s country. apparently, welcomed. the peace Trlpia thought she was . dead, he ed documents” was recalled to the . TREASURY BALANCE witness 'stand today. Hartkorn, -tL Second Installment Frank Capola, of Greenwich, her* estate. It has been brought out that one which death wonld bring. told the detectives, and tearing po­ during the night. Capola ran for a Mrs. Chernauskas * asks permis­ son, John, is serving a sentence for Today, hQw,ever, came from his lice action if she were found in his state rebuttal witness, had examin-^^ Wsshlnston, Nor. 30— Tremsury ed the diary of Henry Stevens, Page 9 Today; trolley car and plunged directly in sion to occupy the bouse. She is life In the' California' state prison, bedside, the news that “ A. P.” had rooms he, struck her several times balance as of Nov. 27: $137,863,^ front of a heavy truck driven by now living on a farm in tWebste.r, and another, Anthony Jr.,-is in the expressed a detarmination to live. on the head with the chisel and J53,89. Parker. Mass.,! where, she says, she went School for Boys in Meriden. He was flighting-for-life. . then proceeded to $even'the Climbs. F-


STABl* BOLTON RO1.^ JURY IS PREJUDICED, HOSPITAL GETS FEEDS RACGOQN GRAPES STATE CANNOT TAX [GULL STOPS POWER >SftOPPIN 'SfeHf IF CHRlSTfAAS^ (Continued from page one) Hartford Agent of Italian Gov­ Short-Circuits High Tension Bids were asked for some time ago • tamed. But August Senkbeil, and the road will be pushed to WUZ T*MORRA of Oak street, knows differently. LOCAL CHAMBBt ernment Wins in Attorney- System at Middletown When completion as soon as possible. had testified that in ' his opinion B£ AWRI&HT- - said Buckland cemetery, the sum of He has one which was caught General's Decision. He Blunders Into the Wires. Heretofore a dirt road has been three pencils were used to make IT a in 't / Two Hundred (200) Dollars, the alive last night and says he can the only highway to Bolton. notations under the date of Sep­ income thereof to be used for the tame it to such an extent it will Hartford, Nov. 34).—Connecticut Middletown, Nov. 30.—A gull tember 14, 1922. perpetual care of the above men­ climb onto his shoulder to get Election to Take Place at cannot collect a tax on automo­ flying lazily north along the Con­ Residents of that town have been ^ That is the date of the murder. tioned lot in said Bucklend ceme­ food (not human flesh either) biles owned and operated in this tied up to some extent during th^ for he has done it before. This necticut river here yesterday after­ winter months for the roads then Henry Stevens’ alibi is that he was tery. If said corporation or organi­ state by consuls representing for­ noon blundered into the high ten­ fishing at his home in Lavalette. N. morning, he was feeding it Business Session at Hotel eign governments, Frank E. Healy, are well night impassable. They do zation is not so constituted as to be grapes on the point of a long sion wires of the Connecticut Pow­ not come back to normal until after J., that night and the notations in able or willing to accept this be­ attorney-general, has notified er Co., al\^ve Sumner creek, flapped the diary had corroborated Stevens’ stick much to the delight of the Robert B. Stoeckel, commissioner spring is over for the thaws of the quest for purpose named, I direct otherwise frightened animal. its wings once and dropped to the claim. my executor to pay said sum of Two Sheridan Tomorrow Even­ of motor vehicles. The opinion is early months of the year turn the Tonight he expects to be able given in regard to exemption claim­ meadow In a flash of fire, and- white, roads Into quagmires of mud and Hartkorn testified he was upres- Hundred (200 Dollars to such smoke. The bird’s wings had reach­ water. ent when a photograph of the fing­ other corporation or organization to feed the raccoon from His ing. ed by Ismaele Notarfrancesco, roy­ erprint on the card found near the hand. He is welcome to the Job, al consular agent of Italy, whose ed two' adjacent wires formed a as may. In its opinion, be the most say onlookers. short circuit and stopped all elec­ bodies of Dr. Hall and Mrs. Mills, appropriate recipient thereof for office is in Hartford. was taken. The state alleges the The consular agent claimed that tric service in Middlesex county. It’s bue that sonny needs some shoes. the purpose of carrying out the ex­ In all probability Austin Cheney by virtue of his official position For ten minutes the great Russell print is that, of the left index finger His feet are on the ground. pressed purposes of this bequest. of Willie Stevens. Hartkorn said will be re-elected president of the with the Kingdom of Italy, he Is Manufacturing company’s plant was It sure is to u ^ Uiat he can’t y n k THIRD—I give and bequeath to Manchester Chamber of Commerce exempt from payimg the tax as his at a dead standstill while a tem­ he found the initials “E. H. S.” in my friend, Melvin O. Fry , of the lower right hand corner of the 131 Christmas loHs around. JAN. 1 VALUE OF at its postponed annual meeting autoifioblle is used exclusively for porary power connection was being STATE Wethersfield, Connecticut, my dia­ and election - of officers toiporrow consular business. His stand is rigged up. Other losses were In­ card. Asked if they were the ini­ mond ring, my piano and the sum evening at the Hotel Sheridan. W. NEXT WEEK tials of Edward H. Schwartz, New­ upheld by the attorrey general, who curred. of Five Hundred (500) Dollars, W. Robertson has been re-nominat­ quotes article three of the trea^ Power company officials today SUNDAY, MONDAY ark fingerprint expert, he replied and I give and bequeath to his only BONUS $215,688,616 ed for vice-president and Earl Sea­ that he didn’t know. adopted by the United States and photographed and measured the AND TUESDAY ABOUT TOWN daughter, the sum of One Hundred man for treasurer. These are the Italy in 1878 and which concerns bird whose wings were three feet McCarter handed Hartkorn Hen­ (100) Dollars. Should either die officers who have served during the exemption___ ^___ of consular______offices from tip to tip. ry Stevens’ diary. before me, I give and bequeath to Twd Y ear Old Certificates the past year. They have all agreed! from national, state and municipal “I understand you said yester­ the survivor said piano, ring and tb- serve in their respective eapacl- taxes, day that the entry on September A 7 1-2 pound son was born Sun­ the entire sum of .'5ix Hundred ties find nomination is tantamount 14, 1922 reading “art 1 blue 6 day morning to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Have Loan Value of 81-2 to election. i ONTARIO BATHES ON A. Senkbeil, of 22 Glenwood street. (600) Dollars. If neither survives lbs.,’’ was made with another pen­ me, this bequest shall lapse and The annual meeting was schedul­ cil?’’ McCarter said. ed to bh held November 8 but at PROPOSES STADIUM AT Mrs. Marlon Sharp Lovell, for­ the piano and ring shall be disposed P. Bureau Says. DRY U W TOMORROW “Yes.” of in the same manner as my per­ that time less than a quorum ap­ “What do you base that opinion merly of this town, is the guest of sonal effects in general and the peared, only 17 being present. For CAPITAL FOR FOOTBALL on?” Miss Grace Robertson of Oakland cash shall become a portion of my tomorrow night, however, a more Will Decide Whether to Keep “Because it is made with a soft­ street and attended the Choral club Washington, Nov. 30—World appealing program has been ar­ concert last evening. residuary estate. War adjusted compensation certifi­ ranged. Instead of the regular Prohibition or Go on Basis er lead.” - FOURTH—I give and bequeath cates will be worth $215,688,616 Hartkorn testified that in his routine of reports of officers and Part of Fish’s Campaign to Of Beer and Wine. Mrs. Fred Bendall of Chestnut to George F. Borst and Bertha D. In cash on January 1, to over 2,- election of officers there will be a opinion Henry’s entry of the 14 th Borst, his wife, of Manchester, and 500,000 veterans, the United States Stop ProfiteeiMng on Army- was intended originally for the street had as her guest for the dinner and an entertainment. A Toronto, Ont., Nov. -30.—Ontar­ Choral club concert Mrs. Benton to the survivor If one and only one Veterans Bureau announced today. roast chicken dinner will be serv­ Navy Games in Future. io’s bitter prohibition battle ends 15th, because of a line being drawn survives me, in recognition of their Certificates in force for two tonight with final appeals of can­ under it to separate the two dates. Parker of New Britain, formerly of ed/at 6:30. In addition to other Manchester. loving care and attention shown to years have an initial loan value of entertainment, there will be an il­ Washington, Nov. 30—The didate and claims of great major­ Boomerang Witness my late mother, the sum of Five about eight and one-half per cen\ Army-Navy football ticket "scan­ ities by wets and drys. Tomorrow Prosecutor Simpson was given a lustrated motion picture talk by Mrs. Clifford Cheney had as her Hundred (5,00) Dollars In cash, Policies maturing for loan collat­ President Austin Cheney. He will dal’ ’will be carried before the mili­ the voters will go to the polls to WALLACEffiERT distinct shock when one of his re­ fifty (50) shares of stock in the eral purposes during the year will show films which he took while on tary and naval affairs committees decide whether the province will buttal witnesses called to testify as guests for last night’s concert Mr.! represent a value of $262,538,344. of the House, Rep. Hamilton Fish, return to beer and liquor after ten R/OfMONDHAnON to the character of Mrs. Jane Gib­ and Mrs. Lucius Barber of Hart­ Owen Wood Oil Corporation of Fort a three weeks’ hunting trip in Worth, Texas, if I own said shares I In the subsequent three years the northern Canada in Octqber. He Republican of New York, announc­ years of prohibition. son, declared the woman’s “reputar ford and Professor Henry Perkins ed today. of Trinity college and Mrs. Per-: at the time of my decease, and also, total of 3,048,933 compensation will discuss the various scenes and Premier G. Howard Ferguson •welrejn the tion for veracity” was not “so one old table, one old chair certificates now in force will have his talk should be must interesting. “I think some way can be work­ has staked the life of his conserva­ good.” kins. the following loan values: ed out whereby the sale of tickets tive government on the wet side The “boomerang” witness was made about the year 1790, one old Charles Marshall of Watkins mnrJfi cricket ' of similar .antiquity, all 1928— $370,910,606., ' Brothers will render a grapha- at handsome profits by Congress­ of the prohibition question. If he Dr. J. H. Cooper, of East Millstone, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tolerton o f, men’s secretaries c-n be stopped,” can elect sufiicient wet supporters Alliance, Ohio, returned home to-' articles kept in my sleeping cham­ 1929— $482,048,654. phonlc concert. N. J. „ ber and in general all, household 1930--- 590,983,687. In addition to the election of of­ he said. X in the provincial legislature the Simpson' looked amazed. He day after a visit with their niece, Fish announced nis intention of Ontario Temperance act will be turned to one of his assistants for Mrs. John Pickles of Holl street. i furniture and other personal arti­ The certificates will increase an­ ficers, five directors will be named cles not herein specifically be­ nually in loan value, reaching max­ for two-year terms. The terms of introducing a bill providing for the modified, probably to legalize the a conference. imum at maturity of $3,137,658,- Lucius Foster, W. G Glenny,! erection of a stadium In Washing sale of liquor and beer at govern­ Dr. Cooper said he was Mrs. Gib­ During their stay in town the i queathed, such property to be re­ ton in iVhich all future Army-Navy ment stores. son's personal physician. He had artists for the Choral club concert,' tained o sold by them as they may 062, at which time they will be re­ Charles I. Balch and Fred T. Bllsh, prefer. deemed at face value by the gov­ Sr., expire and all except Mr. Glen- games would be held. He would known her five or six years. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. j ernment. ney will be succeeded by Charles dedicate it to former Presilen’ The witness was a trifle evasive L. Crowell of Highland Park. They: FIFTH—-I give and bequeath to General Frank T. Hines, director J. McCann, Robert V. Treat, Louis Theodore Roosevelt. at first and Simpson demanded: were Richard Crooks, famous ten­ Carile Weaver, daughter of my of the Veterans Bureau, pointed out Sipe and W. P. Reidy. Mr. 'Glenney “Tell me flat-footed whether her or; Mrs. Mildred Godfrey Hall of deceased cousin, Clinton H. Weaver, that the government will not loan will be re-elected oh the board of WOMAN IS CAPTURED reputation was good or bad.” 'Meriden, harpist and Mrs. Hazel if she survives me, the sum of Five money on thq policies, prior to governors for another term as he IN LOTTERY DRAGNET “Well,” drawled Dr. Cooper, “I Theodorowicz, of Boston, ’cellist. Hundred (500) Dollars. cashing them at maturity, but that Is being primed for the next presi­ should say from vhat the neighbors SIXTH—I give and bequeath to banks or trust companies chartered dent. Bridgeport, Nov. 30.—Continu­ say, it was about fifty-fifty.” The membership committee of ray ^cousins. Myrtle B. Wood and ance was granted today In police T oiiight There was more laughter and by federal or state governments STATE court in the cases of five persons the Town Players will meet on Ruth Foujuis both of Manchester, have the authority to make ad­ THREE WOMEN RTT.T.En At 7:00 and 9:00 Simpson himself smiled and con­ Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock in the sum of Five (5.00) Dollars vances with the policies as collater­ IN ONTARIO EXPLOSION arrested yesterday in connection fessed that he “didn’t, know how the School street Rec. each if they respectively survive al. with the treasury balance lottery you got on the stand.” me. London, Ont., Nov. 30.—Three campaign. One was a woman, Anna NORMA Previously Dr. Walter Madden, The entertainment clearing Holders of certificates which ■ women are dead today as the result Lisciewicz. SEVENTH—I give and bequeath were approved by the government SHEARER in former mayor of Trenton, 'N. J.. house recently established at the to the Methodist Episcopal Church on or before Janizary 1, 1925, will [ of an explosion and fire which de- Upstage had testified that Mrs. Gibson’s Recreation Centers is already prov­ of Manchester, Connecticut, the be entitled to use the policies as I stroyed five stores here and did reputation for veracity was “Hne.’^ ing popular, several organizations sum of Two Hundred (200) Dol­ collateral ^or loans January 1, damage estimated at more than Big Prints Distorted having submitted dates on which lars in memory of my mother, Jane $75,000. The dead women are Mrs. they plan to conduct dances and 1927. Over two-thirds of the certi­ Gillman Pines Tomorrow One Day Only Tomorrow Joseph A. Faurot, famous fin­ Hosmer Boynton, who was for sixty ficates issued were approved prior Matilda Crawford, who was burled gerprint expert, was recalled to the entertainments. The service is years a member of said church. to 1925, but another million will in the debris; Mrs. Fred Moriell stand. Simpson handed him three free to anybody in Manchester and and her sister, Miss Minnie Fon­ Double Feature Bill a telephone call to the School ■ NINTH—I give and bequeath to mature for loan purposes at later Special Sunday \ enlargements of “S-17.” Faurot Wadsworth Atheneum of Hartford, dates. tana. .The explosion is believed to RAYMOND GRIFFITH pointed out to the jury the points street building wil^ get dates of have occurred in the basement of Chicken Dinners MATT MOORE AND entertainment for months ahead. Connecticui,, the valuable ,silk hed- m on the card which ^id uot appear qui’.l'made by my mother In the the Crawford Plano Company MARIE PROVOST in In the hugh defense enlargements. building, but its cause is not, LIGHT LUNCHES YOU’D be SURPRISE5J “HIS JAZZ BRIDE” “The defense enlargements are a Two special communications will year 1888. 42JND1CTED ON COAST TENTH^—I give and bequeath to known, AFTERNOON TEAS distortion,” Faurot testified. be held by Manchester Lod^e of ______r We cater to banquets and Country Store and Surprise Night “There are ridges missing on the Masons, the first at 5:15 wh'en the the Manchester Memorial Hospital of Manchester, Connecticut, the: FOR SMUGGLING RUM N. Y. EMBEZZLER CAUGHT small weddingis. - enlargement.” ' Fellowcraft degree will be confer­ ' ^ IN CZBCHO-SLOVAKLl Bigger and Better Than Ever! Don’t Miss It! On cross-examination Robert H. red, and again at 7:30 when the portrait which I own of my Jate Best Service. • _____ McCarter of the defense asked Fau­ Master Mason degree will be work­ mother, Jane. Hosmer Boynton Mabel Willebrandt Heads Big Prague, Czecho-Slovakla, Nov. Give us a trial and be convinced rot if it was not a fact that when ed. aforesaid. I also give, devise and be­ 30.—:Julius Merchaez, former em­ THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY a picture is enlarged the rays queath to said Manchester Me­ Drive to Stop Activities of ployee of the South Side Savings Reservations for Private cause a certain obscurity or failure Miss Lillian Thompson of Flor­ morial Hospital, all the rest, resi­ Canadian Concern. bhnk of New York, was arrested Dining Room. DORIS KENYON in “Ladies at Play” of brillancy at the outside which is ence street was honored m the oc­ due and remainder of my estate, here today, charged with embezzle­ Phone Manchester 1505 not true in the center?” casion of her birthday Saturday real and personal, whatsoever and San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 30.— ment of $30,000 from the bank. He Faurot said “Yes.” Faurot ad­ evening by thirty of her friends wheresoever situated. Including With the return of Indictments still had $15,000 in his possession. 402 Tolland Turnpike. mitted that the distortion he point­ who came to help her celebrate. In any lapsed bequest, to be held by against forty men and two women, ed out in the defense’s exhibit was the party were guests from Hart­ it as a separate and permanent fund alleged leaders of the Pacific Coast C Aets Select Acts C on the outside, not in the center. ford and New York. Mrs. Humph­ and the income thereof to be-used rum ring, the fight to rid this sec­ 8 rHJVissuBJD 9U ‘ao9j;s pjo.j rey favored with an exhibition of for the general purposes of said tion of the country o£*whisky smug­ VAUDEVILLE ^ Carter, Faurot Squabble fancy dancing, with Mr. Sargeni- at Hospital, with special reference to glers was on in earnest today. The McCarter and Faurot engaged in the piano. A buffet lunch was fur­ federal grand Jury returned the in­ the furnishing of hospital facilities dictments today before Judge A. a lively colloquy over what Faurot nished by Mrs. Thompson. The to persons themselves not able to could see by looking through the birthday gifts were numerous and F. St. Sure. pay for '-he services rendered. It is /Headed by Mrs. Mabel Walker j ^ An Exceptional transparencies of the enlarged included a beautiful diamond ring understood and agreed as a provK Willebrandt assistant United States fingerprint by holding them to a from her parents and a silk bed­ Sion of this bequest to said hospital, spread from her friends. . attorney general, the federal forces light. McCarter wanted Faurot to that in accordance with arrange­ have launched a blow which is ex­ look at it this way: Faurot looked ments already Informally made \ Offering at it that way. They squabbled. Mc­ Miss Doris M. Kennedy of 103 , pected to engulf the Consolidated Cooper Hill street was the winner with its officers, the portrait of my Exporters, Inc., a Canadian corpo­ REGINALD Carter wanted him to admit that mother above referred to shall be ration, wWch is alleged to have i two prints, on the transparencies of the ton of coal at the Silk City permanently hung by said hospital been the medium of flooding the were the same. Faurot said they Flute Band’s bazaar held at the in a prominent position on Its walls Pacific coast with contraband li­ i This Handsome Paneled Nickel Plated, were not. McCarter said they were. Army & Navy clubhouse last week. as a further memorial to my said quor. “One is ^ loop, the other a This prize was donated by the mother. whorl and you can’t make me say Sullivan-Hayes-Newell Coal Com­ I Highly Polished any different,” exclaimed Faurot. pany of Burnside. ELEVENTH—I request that the KLAN IS BEATEN IN Fred Drewen, fingerprint expert real (estate now owned by me and located in said town of Manchester DENNY of Jersey City, followed Faurot on The Ladles’ Sewing Circle of the the stand. Drewen also pointed out Concordia Lutheran church will shall, in case of its sale, be sold MAINE,S ELECTION turned water into gold by the magic of his "distortions” on the defense’s en­ meet tomorrow afternoon at 2 only to a person or persons of I Coffee smile in his newest and merriest melange of larged finger-print pictures. o’clock instead qf Thursday. Every American parentage and, as far as (Continaed from page 1) mirth Drewen was excused from the member is urge(Vto attend. practicable, under such ■ conditions stand at 12:30 and court was ad­ as to ensure its continuing in the little. If anything, insofar as actual hands of persons of s'hch parentage. or working 'control of the next c journed for lunche^. Senate is concerned. The line-up Percolator May Sliift Indictment. WELCOME FOR BADGERS TWELFTH—I direct the pay­ stands today: RolUng Home ment of all succession or Inheri­ When he will make a motion lor Republicans, 48; Democrats, 47; -FOR-^^— a gorgeous American comedy of a go-getter a mistrial, or whether he will make WAITS, SAYS TILSON tance taxes which may be payable Farmer-Labor, I. such a motion, Prosecutor Simpson from my estate or from or on ac­ Actual control, if any, rests more who .ran a hard thin dime and a waterfall refused to say this afternoon. It count of any of the legacies contain­ with the Democrats than with the. into a fortune overnight while the girl of his was reported, however, that he But_ Wisconsin Insurgents Will ed in this Will, to be made out of Republicans, despite the figures, heart looked on. It’s a real joymaker if ever has been in touch with Governor A. the residue of my estate so that all for included in the Republican to­ Only $8«75 there was one. See it, Harry Moore regarding the situa­ Be Solicited to Rejoin non-residuary bequests ' may come tal of 48 are fully a dozen senators tion. . Republicans. A^lthout charge or deduction into who as often vote with the Demo­ It was said on good auuiority the hands of the beneficiaries crats as against them. that if Simpson makes a motion Washington, Nov. 30—The Wis­ named. for a mistrial, he will do so alter consin House Insurgents, who wer.i THIRTEENTH—I nominate and CIRCLE Today & Tomorrow he has put all of his rebuttal wit­ expelled from the Republican coun­ appoint The Hartford-Connectlcut PLANS BROAD REVIEW nesses on the stand, which may not sels, will be welcomed back if they Trust Company of Hertford, Con­ come until tomorrow. declare they will abide by the par­ necticut, to be my executor of this It is understood that if Simpson ty caucus, but no overtures will be my will and I give to my executor OF CO nO N FREIGHTS made to them, it was Indicated to-, j[illiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi makes a motion for a mistrial and day by Rep. John Q. Tllson, of full power and authority to sell and the application is granted he plans Connecticut, Republican leader. convey any real estate or personal to go before the Supreme Court at "They took themselves out of the property which may form a portion I. C. C. to Tackle Whole Sub­ Trenton and ask that Mrs. Hall and party by opposing a Republican of my estate should such''sale be ject of Railroad Rates on her brothers, be tried on the indict­ candidate for president, nominated deemed by it to be desirable for the Important Commodity. ment accusing them of the murder on a Republican platform,” said purpose of carrying out the pro­ I t RIALTO 1 I of Dr. Hall. They are now being Tilson, “I always have hoped that visions of this will. ■Washington, Nov. 30.—A gener­ tried on the indictment charging the Wisconsin representatives IN WITNESS THEREOF I have al investigation of freight rates on them with the murder of Mrs. would come back and assume their subscribed and do publish and de­ cotton moving from various points 75 Cents Dowh. $1.00 a Month. Elleanor Mills. clare this instrument as and for my TWO BIG FEATURES TODAY and TOI^OBBOW Endorse Mrs. Gibson share of the party burden and work throughout the country was order­ with it'. ’ last will and testament in presence ed today by the Interstate Com­ Regular price $10.75 and we include one pound of 50 An Outstanding Pictnrizatlon of the Famous Broadway When court, reconvened after of the witnesses attesting the same luncheon, Simpson called John >. Tilson said that he expected Rep, merce Comfttission, In order to per­ Cent Opeco Coffee FREE. YOU SAVE $2.50. Stage Sacbess That Thrilled Thousands Robert Clancy, of Michigan, form­ at my request this 5th day of Jan­ fect plans for the preparation of Hayes, of New Brunswick. He said uary, A. D., 1«22. Mrs. Jane Gibson’s reputation lor er Democrat who was elected in the case and to discuss the scope of This percolator is guaranteed by Landers, Frary November as a Republican, and the Investigation, several members Clark. This offer is for a limited time only. truth and veracity was good. Rep. F. H. A. Guardia, of \sw FREDERICK HOSMER BOYNTON “The R at” Mrs. Christine Schultz was next (L. S.) of the commission will hold a pre­ WITH . MAY MARSH AND IVOR NOVELLO called. She knew Mrs. Gibson lor York, who deserted the SociaIi:,i liminary conference in New Or­ IT PAYS TO WATCH OUR SHOW WINDOWS. banner to run as a Republican, Subscribed, sealed, published and leans on December 17, with repre­ ten or twelve years amd said her would take their places in the Re­ declared by the said testator, Fred­ A FAST MOVING WES’TERN ~ DRAMA CALLED reputation is “good.” publican caucus. sentatives of state railroad commis­ William Watson, a furniture erick Hosmer Boynton, as fthd for sions, shippers and'ihe railroad. dealer of New Brunswick, also tes­ his last Will and Testament, In out* There are imw pending before tified Mrs. Gibson’s reputation for CATCH CONVERTED YACHT presence, who, at hIs request,' In the commlssISira number of formal “King Of The Saddle” WITH ?600,000 IN BUM bis presence and in the presence of truth was good. So did Mrs. Lucy complaints assailing -the rate on • STABBING the Peer of AU Cowboys BUFFALO Bi^L JR. Gatti, the next witness. New York, Nov. 30.—A rum run­ each other, have hereunto subscrib­ cotton from substantially all im­ The Manchester ner, said to be the converted yacht ed our names as witnesses this 5th. portant producing areas to practi­ A Laugh Provoking Comedy. Current News Ev^te. "Consuelo II, with between $300,- day of January, 1922! cally all . destinations, including 000 and $500,000 worth of liquor HAZEL K. DUNN, ports o f, export, to which cotton He looked to see if ribs and kraut aboard, was towed into port here Hartford, Conn. moves. It is planned to consolidate Electric ,Co. 5 TUBE RADIO SET FREE! - Were on the bill of fare. ■ today. Officials announced that MARTHA R. SMITH, these various cases and the New ' AN ATTRACTIVE ATWA-TER KENT RADIO SET WILL But, no, they weren’t. The reason the craft had ueen captured off Hartford, Conn. Orleans - conference will formulate 861, Main St. Phone 1700 BE GIVEN AWAY NEXT FRIDAY EVENING. GET was. \mbrose light by the Coast Guard CHARLES C. RUSS, YOUR COUPONS NOW. They had no ribs to spare, a program for expediting the Inves- destroyer Porter, fallowing chase. H artford, C.osa. tisitio n . rej-'.V'v:-:,

- sion. Four new members were ini­ Executive Commlttee-^Drlf]^ Catching Raccoons H^ONKIE IS NAMED tiated. They were William P. Goff; Dr. R. P .; Knapp, v MARIE DELAVED IN MONTH OP NOVEMBER Qnlsh, Anthony Tournaud, James Borowski, William Newman, HAD 4 RAINY TUESDAYS Alive Real Sport Stevenson and Edwin;, McCann. Harry. Maidment. , f, J Local Stocks FimSOFHOWE!^' im coM M ^n^ The list of new' officers for the After numerous short s] IN LANDING IN HtANCE Today the merchants are ensuing year follows: ■' again peeved because the weath­ Says Liocal Hpiiter a rising.vote of. thanks was (Fnrnished by Pntnam & Co.) Commander— Victor,. Bronkie. to the retiring officers: The er jnan has seen fit to be so dis­ Intimate tiiends of Harold Howe H arry Maidment; 1st Vice Commander— ^Walter (Continued from Page 1.) ing: was a most successful Bank Stocks. agreeable to them. However,, Sheridan. ' ’There was free discussion oi the rain abated toward noon xxClty B’k * Trust . .600 ‘‘Anyone can kill a raccoon but 2nd Vice Commander— George ious points of business and Locker Lampson, friends of Prin­ an(| there was s, possibility that’ Conn. .RiTor Bank'g. .250 the real sport comes in trying to Mrs. George H. Howe at .their.home | c d ; Of Offlcera. Cheney. ' of friendly banter. First Nat (Htfd.) ...230 cess Ileana, United States Consul it might continue the sanie to­ on Wadsworth - street. Mr. Howe , , Adjutant— ^Fred Lorch. Samuel \yiley and newspaper cor­ night. catch them .alive”, said August The Post accepted the challMti Htfd Aetna N a tl------400 has'just returned home from; a long j ‘ Victor Bronkie was elected corn- Finance Officer— Robert Hatha­ of the Howitzer Company to' ente Htfd-Conn Trust Co.575 eooxr respondents. a During the month o f Novem­ Senkbell, of Oak street, today in siege of illness "^at','tho H artfor^ ipander of the local post of the way. After a battle to reach the Ber- ber, it rained every Tuesday volley ball contest Friday night Htfd-Conn Tr’t Co r’ht 120 speaking about a hunting trip last, hospital. Thb^, present _in addl^ij^erican Legion last night at the Sergeant at Arms — William 9 o’clock on the floor of the didll Land Mtg & Title ... 65 engaria the captain of the tender night except the last, it was*r6r tion to Harold HqVo'and-Mr. and ^ate 'A.rinory. He succeeds Past night in which he and three other dpmmander Ilarry .Maidment. For­ hall. This will be an exciting Htfd Morris Plan B’k 115 headed his craft for the harbor, vealed today by a local man who hunters succeeded in catching one Mrs. George Hi How’e 'were j Rev. Historian— James A. Irvine. game and should be well attended. 415 keeps close tabs on the weather. and Mrs. Wateon- -Wbodruff, ' Mr. ty-three members attended the ses­ Chaplain— Dr. C. H. Harville. Phoenix St B’k Tr . . 400 while the queen waited aboard the alive. Park St T ru s t...... 410 Berengaria in the storm-tossed In October, it rained on but one and Mrs. C. fflmore-'Watkins, Mr. Tuesday, the 19th. ■ The quartet who went on, the trip and Mrs. R. K. Anderson, Mr. aud do r ig h ts ...... 150 channel. were James Hassett, Prank, Otto, Riverside Trust .... 450 Consul Wiley carried a message Mrs. Christopher Glenney, Mr. and and August Senkbell. They had two Mrs. John Dbwd,tMr. and Mrs. Jos- U S Security- ...... 430 for Queen Marie from CooUdge, dogs with them, one a puppy. In Bonds. which stated: “ Mrs. CooUdge joins NEW UBRARY BOOKS eph H. Russell, Hr: and Mrs. Tim­ Htfd & Conn West 6s 95 the woods near Andover, the dogs othy Holloran, . Mr. and Mrs. Har­ me in thanking Your Majesty for struck the trail of a pair of rac­ East Conn Pow 5 . . . 99 your radiogram of November 25 old Olds, Mrs. Lucy,;Ringrose, John coons, evldentally mates, and suc­ Hart E L 7 ...... 280 2^0 and your photograph which we are G. Pentland’, Joseph Sargent, PhU. ceeded In chasing them up a tree. Conn L. P. 5% s . . . .108 10S% happy to possess as a souvenir of The following new books have Nelson, Franklin Uendeson and One of the^e was killed but the Conn L. P. 7s ...... 115 117 your visit, of which we trust Your been added to the shelves of the Miss Elizabeth Nybnxg> Mr. Howe’s nurse. During the evening Miss Conn L P 4 % s ...... 95 9S Majesty may always retain most South Manchester Public library, it other leaped from the tree and fled. The dogs were on the trail In an Arlene Moriarty rendered vocal Brid Hyd 5 s ...... 103% 105 pleasant memories.” was today announced by Librarian Instant and the raccoon sfiught ahd piano selections. Insurance Stocks. Bnmirs of King’s Death. Miss Jessamine M. Smith: Aetna Insurance ...... 510 Gn the Hungarian-Rumanian A B C df Relativity, by B. A. shelter in a ledge. The four hunters Aetna Life ...... 535 515 Russell. held a consultation. It was decided PRESIDENT WILL NOT Frontier, Nov. 30.— Rumania to­ READ NEXT MESSAGE ] Aetna Life part pd . .425 day is a land where Dame rumor Advanced Textile Design, by Wil­ to try and catch the animal alive Automobile ...... 160 parades openly as a prince’s favor­ liam Watson. but all realized the tough task. One Armstrong Conn G en eral...... 1550 1590 xArt Through the Ages, by Hel­ went to the home of a nearby farm­ Washington, iNov. 30— President ite, with little or no authentic in­ Coolidge will not deliver’ in • person National Fire ...... — 735 formation to say her nay. en Gardner. er and secured a box. Then the men 660 Aritstic Alaphabets for Show- his annual meseage to Congress Htfd Steam B oiler.. .640 A dozen different rumors and re and the dogs started digging about Hartford F ire ...... 490 500 the entrance through which the next week, the . White House ports are atiroad. spokesman declared today.. The Linoleum Phoenix ...... 500 510 raccoon had ■vanished. 81 among these were those that King Beau Sabreur, by P. C. Wren. message will be read ; by ’ clerks, 1 Phoenix rights ...... 79 Ferdinand has been dead since last After much hard •work, the dig- 1145 Behind the Scenes at the Opera, probably on next Tuesday, Travelers ...... 1135 Saturday night, but that the news gers-came to within arm’s reach of Public Utility Stocks. by M. F. Watkins. the end of the miniature cavern. NO 2 HARMONY 520 is being suppressed; also that the Book Nobody Knows, by Bruce’ Washington, Nov. 30— ‘‘Harm­ Conn Power C o ...... 313 Rumanian minister of war, M. Mir- The frightened raccoon, his back Conn L P 7 % ...... HO Barton. toward the utmost end of the hole, ony breakfasts” ' at the White] cescu, is expected to leave Rumania House with senators and represent-1 Conn L P 8% ...... H 8 Blue Castle, by L. M. Montgom­ was prepared to bite and claw In attem tomorrow "for a trip abroad.’’ His Gr’ch Wat & Gas pfd.103 ery. atives will becomeA regular Insti­ trip is believed to have a double his final fight for life. tution this year, the presidential Hart El Light...... 323 Concerning the Nature of Things, Had not August Senkbell been a j motive: first, to give Premier by Sir W. H. Bragg. spokesman declared today. They Hart Gas c o m ...... 67 Averescue an opportunity to take veteran at this sport, there might Hart Gas p f d ...... 48 Cre’we Train, by Rose Macauley. are designed to furnish closer co-1 charge of the Rumanian army as have been a casualty. He fully operation between th President and So N E Tel C o ...... 151 Direct-current Machinery, by D. realized what would happen if he here temporary minister of war, to pre­ / P. Moreton and > thers. the members o f Congress. are Conn Elec Serv pfd.. 67 attempted to put his hand in to pare against a possible forthcom­ Duffer’s Handbook of Golf, by The presidential spokesman said I Mannfactnring. Stocks: take hold of the animal. So he got ing revolution; and second, to per­ Grantland Rice and Clare Briggs. Mr. Coolidge had not thus far Am H ardw are...... 87 89 a piece of wire and prodded the wF YOU still think of linoleum floors as mit M. Mircescu to personally take England, by W. R. Inge. stressed tax reduction in his break­ American Silver . . . . 30 raccoon until he turned around the Acme Wire ...... 10 charge of the Rumanian intelli­ Exquisite Perdita, by E. Bar­ fast conferences but he has receiv­ 1 the old kitchen and bath variety, gence service abroad as a guaranty opposite way.Then,' without delay, ed assurances from . his visitors Billings Spencer pfd. — rington, pseud. then you’ve a treat in store for you! Come that former Crown Prince Carol \Fallodon Papers, by E. G. Grey Senkbeil reached in through the that they will give hearty consider­ Billings Spencer com — hole with his hand and grabbed the Bigelow-Htfd com ... 74 will not be able to return to Ruma­ of Fallodon, 1st viscount.' ation to the adnainistration’s pro­ in and see our stock of the NEW ARM­ raccoon by its bushy, ringed tall. Bristol Brass...... 6 nia, as it is suspected he intends Gallant Lady, by Margaret W^'- posal for tax credits next Year, It] One might suspect that the anl-. STRONG patterns. You’ll say you never Collins Co ...... 140 to do— perhaps in the returniijg re­ demer. was said. . , ^ Colt Fire Arm s ------29 tinue of Queen Marie, who arrives Interior Wall Decoration, by F. mal would turn about in defense Speaker Longworfh will have | dreamed linoleum could be so beautiful. Eagle Lock HO in Paris today. N.'Vanderwalker. but it did not. Instead, the raccoon breakfast with the President to­ Fafnir Bearing ...... 90 The Rumanian newspapers toddy Introduction to the Study of Ed­ dug his sharp claws into the ground morrow. Hart & Cooley .....190 contained no news concerning King ucation, by E. P. Cubberley. to resist being pulled out. H i And you’re sure to find, among the NEW Int Silver p f d ...... 103 Ferdinand’s condition, except foi’ Jig-saw, by Dean Phillpotts. strength was not sufficient, how- BANKRUPTCY PETITIONS inset-tiles, smart marbleized patterns, and Int Silver c o m ...... 90 95 the favorable ofllcial communiques Kays, by Mrs. M. W. (C.) Deland. however, and soon he was locked Jewel Belting pfd. .. 80 issued by the government, and Mathematics of Accounting and into a box and today he is being New Haven, Nov. 30.— Walter H. colorful “embossed” designs, just the pat­ Ln’ders Frary & Clark 91% which the majority of the populace Finance, by Seymour. Walton and exhibited at SenkbeiTs store on Oak Hurd, once a member o f the firm tern and color combination to match your Mann B’man Class A . 19% believe to be untrue. H. A. Finney. street. The dead jaccoon is also on of Hurd & Page, Inc., Shelton hafd- | Mann Bo’man Class B 9 Miniatures of French History, by exhibition. ware dealers, today filed an indi­ hangings and furniture. Nfew Brit. Mach pfd.. 104 Mr. Senkbeil has the raccoon, vidual petition In bankruptcy here Hillare Belloc. showing liabilities of X31,826 and New Brit Mach co m .. 16 CLAUDEL TO COME AS Modern essay, by S. M. Crothers fastened with a collar and chain 1 North & Judd ...... — xMurder of Roger Ackroyd, by and leads it about as one might a' assets of ?2,980. The liabilities Niles Bt. Pond new . 19 Agatha Christie. timid puppy. It was plain that the are in the form of notes endorsed Niles Bt Pond pfd .. 77 FRENCH AMBASSADOR Romantic comedians, by E. A. G, for the Hurd & Page Co., and held raccoon did not like proceedings at by bands in the Naugatuck Valley. J R Montgomery pfd. — Glasgow. all. He stuck his pointed nose Into J R Montgomery com. — Sermons of a Chemist, E. E Alfred Earl Sault, a Hartford j every nook and corner In effort to typewriter assembler, also filed a Pratt Whitney pfd .. 87 [Probable Appointment Taken Slosson. hide much In the same fashion as a Peck, Stow & Wilcox 22 xStories from the Russian Oi voluntary petition in bankruptcy As Meaning Attempt to rabbit does. The animal was very here today with,liabilities of .32101 Russell Mfg C o ...... 55 eras, by Gladys Davidson. much frightened but Mr. Senkbeil Here you get linoleum service Ratify Debt Pact. Story of Philisophy, by W . 2 and no assets; Sault’s liahilitles that includes a fine job of laying Smyth Mfg C o ...... 340 explained that they all are for a are the result of a-judgment ob­ Stanley Works com . . 77 79 Durant. day or two but said in a short time tacks or brads. Instead, the fin­ Stanley Works pfd . . 27 Paris, Nov. 30— Foreign Minis­ Trail-makers of the Middl tained against him by B. ished floor is firmly cemented in ter Briand has been authorized to it will eat out of his hand. D’ZIomba of ^Wllllmantlc, In which I place over a lining of • builders’ Scoville Mfg Co .... 5 6 % Border, by Hamlin Garlahd. However, Mr. Senkbeil stressed case Sault-Dut up his aiitonipbile j emCLE A, Standard S crew ...... — Inquire of the United States wheth­ Wayfarqr in Czecho-Slovakla, by deadening felt, leaving no bulges, er M. Paul Louis Charles Claudel, the point that a raccoon is treacher­ as security for the^ court ebpts of breaks or open seams— a really put Torrington ...... 70 E. I. Robson, ous and Is not to be .trusted. They tho case. . ■> ' Underwood ...... 46 at present French ambassador to West Wind, by Crosbie Garstin one-piece'floor. Japan, will be acceptable as French are all right unless one makes a Our stock is complete. Our U S Envelope pfd .. .108 X— Gift. false move, he said. Incidentally, It Well-known last lines; "It work­ Union Mfg. Co...... 27 ambassador to the United States. prices are right. And remem­ If a favorable reply is received might be Mentioned that Mr. Senk- ed Just fine 'last night until, 2| ber, we’re experts at laying linol­ Whitlock Coil Pipe .. 15 o’clock, but. tonight we dqh’t seem xx-^Ex stock dividend. M. Claudel will be officially ap­ bell’s leg once bore the marks of eum floors to be PERMANENTLY. pointed on Saturday. NORRIS URGES WILSON seventeen teeth as a result of be­ to be able to ;get a thingv” . Beautiful. The appointment of M. Claudel, coming too Intimiate with a raccoon '..MW — a trained diplomat, is accepted here TOFIGHTVARE ELECTION he had captured. Armstrong’s Print Linoleum ....$1.50 to $1.65 Square Yard as indicating'that France does not Mr.’ Senkbeil plans to keep the Armstrong’s Inlaid Linoleum...... $1.98 to $3.50 Square Yard intend to seek for a re-opening of raccoon alive and to use it to train N.Y. Stocks the debt negotiations at the present young dogs to follow the scent. 15 yards or more laid free. Extra charge for cementing. but will attempt to secure ratifica­ Washington, Nov. 30.— Plans Both tho captured racoon and Its tion of the Berenger-Mellon agree­ were being drawn at the capitol to­ mate weigh nearly twenty pounds High Low 2 P. M, ment. day to contest the seat of William apiece. They are of ordinary color, SanitaryiM atket At Gulf W I . 38% 38% 38% M. Claudel Is widely known in S. Vare, Republican senator-elect each having the usual black hair Am Beet Sug . 27% 27 2'7% diplomatic circles, and is also from Pennsylvania. Senator Norris, along the center of the back, a head 83% 85% known as a poet and a playwright. Republican of Nebraska, who Special Prices On Rugs Am Sugar Ref 85% like a fox and stripes of black and Phones 441-442 Am T & T .. .149% 149% 149% spoke in Pennsylvania against white hair about the eyes. The/ are Vare, has advised William B. Wil­ Anaconda ... 47 % 47% 47% WHIST PARTY first year raccoons. Anyone who COME IN TODAY AND SELECT YOUR PATTERNS. Am Smelt ...1 3 2 % 132% 132% son, defeated Democratic candidate to file formal contest charging il­ wishes to see them may have that Amer Loc , . .108% 108 108 Chances of winning turkeys for privilege. LOW PRICES AND 9x12 Axminsters, Regular $50, N ow ...... • Am CarFndy. 103% 103 103% Christmas at the West Side Rec legality in the election. Wilson FREE DELIVERY 9x12 Axminsters, Regular $57.50, Now ....-...... Atchison . . . 154 153 154 are becoming more mure rare. f , There has not yet replied to Norris’ sug­ 8-3x10-6 Axminsters, Regular $62.50, Now...... Balt & Ohio , .105% 105% 105% are only two more weeks or oppor­ gestion. Beth St "B ” . 48 4fr% 48 tunity. Whist parties are held'on If illegality Aere proved, Vare CROOKS AUTOGRAPHS' 9kl2 Axminsters, Regular $67.50, Now...... Chili C o p ------32% 32% 32% Saturday evening and setback tour­ could be .'denied his seat by a ma­ Groceries 8-3x10-6 Axminsters, Regular $42.50, Now...... V' Con Gas N Y .112% 111% 112% j neys on Wednesdays. Winners last jority vote. ^ 9x12 Axminsters, Regular $72.50, N ow ...... Sn Col Fuel Iron. 42% 42% 42% week were David Hadden and Mrs. RECORDS FOR WATKINS King Apples 75c basket. 9xi2 Tapestrys, Regular $35.00, N ow ...... • $24.50 (2 Patterns) Ches & Ohio..158% 158 158% H. Nelson. Frank Kocum of Naubue ave­ 1-8 Barrel Sack Gold Medal Cruc S t ...... 7 4 % 74% 74% nue, Glastonbury, won the Fergu­ Flour 81.29. / $1.00 Weekly Through Our Profit Sharing Plan. son six-tube radio set which was Can P a c ...... 166% 164% 166% The Girl Scout Officers’ associa­ Although it was a busy afternoou Premier Salad Dressing, large I Erie ...... 38% 38 38% tion will meet tomorrow evening at given away by Campbell Council, 33c. K. of C, last night. . for him, Richard Crooks, tenor so­ Erie 1 s t ...... 45% 45% 45% 8 o’clock with Miss Jessie Staye. loist at the Choral Club, concert Carnation Milk, large, 11c can. Gen Asphalt . . 86 83% 85% last evening, found time to drop in­ 1 lb. can Crjsco Gen Elec .- ... 88 . 85% 87% to Watkins Brothers’ store and Pore Lard 16c lb^ Gen Mot . . . . .138 % 137% 139% Ford’s Grandsons have his picture taken. Mr. Crooks Beet Coffee 49c. Ibr G. E. Keith Furniture Co., Inc. Gt Nor pfd ... 80% 80% 80% arrived in Hatrford at 3 o’clock Shredded Wheat l i e package. South Manchester, Ct. 111 C e n ...... 120% 120% 120% and was rushed to Manchester by Kellogg Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. for | Cor. Main and School Sts, Kenn Cop . . . 6 2 % 62% 62% auto. Immediately upon his ar­ 25c. Inspire Cop ..2 6 % 26% 26% rival in town he visited Watkins Yellow Bantam Com 18c. Lehigh V al.. 92% 92% 92% music department where he auto­ Cream Cora Stiarch, 3 pkgs. for | Marine pr . . . 37% 37 37% graphed some of his latest Victor 25c. Miami ...... 20 19% 20 records. These are now on sale Extra Large Fnuqfes 18c lb. Nor W e s t___ 158% 158% 158% as described In an announcement New Citron 49c -Ip. North Pac . . . 79% 78% 79% by Watkins Brothers in another Layer Figs 29c lb. N Y Central .134% 133% 134% section of today’s Herald. 1 Coiifectionci'y Sngar 9c pkg. 5 YES,WE have earned N Y N H & H. 42% 42% 42% Mr. Crooks stated that he has al- j Vlrder Peaches, 3 cpiis for 81. f; A PROPER "REP- XMAS WONDER SALE! Pam Am Pet. 61% ,61% 61% ready completed another series of 3 Cakes Palm OJive Soap i v Q R Penn ...... 56 55% 56 Victor records which w’ill -be placed Creamery Butter 49c lb- OOP COAL. 22% 22% on the market soon in sets, includ­ 7^ DEUVER’^PEP!^ Pierce Arr ... 22% 14- ■ ’ 8 to 5 piece Slip Covers $8.00 Press S t ...... 44 43% 43% ing albums for holding them. Rep Ir & ^t .. 55% 55% 55% Reading .. .. 88 87% 87% Meats HousewivesT— take ad­ Chi R Is & Pa 68% 67% 67% vantage of these wonder­ Sou P a c ...... 106 105% 106 Legs of Lamb S5c lb. ful bargains. Order at 117 Turkeys 48c lb. So Railway, ..11 7 % 117 once and avoid the holi­ St. Paul . . ; .. 9 % 9% 9% BREAKS A COLD Native Fowls 45o lb. Studebaker . . . 5 3 % 52 53% Folk to Roast 33c lb. day rush. Un P a c ...... 163% 163% 163% Rib Roiast Stfic lb. U S Rubber .. 57% 56% 56% INJJDRRY Pot Roast 2fik: lb. U S S teel___ 147% 145% 146% .Bib Lamb C^ipps 39c Ib. U S St p r ----- 128% 128% 128% Lamb Fatses, 3 for 25c. FREE: Round cush­ "Pape’s Cold 'Gompotuid” ifi li- We are constantly adding pleasant and fiords Sausage Meat 35c lb. ions to match with Small Link Sau^ge 39c lb. W hy? Ask Instant SeHef Beef Liver 18c lb> mfiw accounts. every order. ^lir old customers the reason. F a u l ^ dose taken svery two hours |(iUALITY COAL and GOOD E lim ination until three doses S e r v i c e ”, is the'answer. Buy SLIP COVERS to order.. .5 or 3 piece Overstuffed Set m a ^ Should Be Corrected—Good Elitni* are taken will end of 36 inch Cretonne or Striped Belgian Damask. Now only 8*. nation Is Essentictl to Good Healdu grippe misery and Oranges 50c to 79c down. coal here. Value |30. - . break up a cold. Grapes l^ Jb. r you would be well, see to It promptly opens Tange^es 40c dozen. G. E. Willis & Son, Inc,^ your dimination. Faiilty kid­ clogged - up nos­ Bananas lOc .lb. Upholstering rney action permits toxic mate­ trils and air pas­ Mason Supplies. 2 G r^ e Frui.tr:25c. Three or Five Piece Sets. rial to remain in the bl-xx! and sages in the head, 2 M^n-Street Phone 50 upset the whole system. ‘Then; 2 Quarts Ci^berrles 25c. In latest type Tapestry or Idiitation -Leather. Silk gimp. one is apt to have a tired; stops nasty dis­ 3 Qua:^ Apides iSbe. New springs Inserted. Arm chair made into rbeker. . Frames charge of nose languid feeling and, sometimes; /Aiu>1c6« basket, 75c. polished like new. Our price now and ^ 1 R 0 0 a toxic backache or headache; running, relieves sick headache, month of Xmas reduced t o ...... and often some irregularity of Value $60.00.' secretions, such as scanty or dullness, feverish­ burning passages. More and ness, sore throat, VegetaMes more people are acclaiming sneezing, soreness, and stiffness. the value of Doan's Pif/s, a ■ • ™ > ,, .J, Don't stay stuffed up! Quit Snlnach 29c peck. ' stimulant diuretic, in this con­ blowing and snuffling! Ease your parsnips, 4 lbs. for 25c. MANCHESTER dition. For more than forty throbbing head! Nothing else in Canx>tB 5c lb. - > years, Doan*a have been win­ the. world gives such prompt relief Celery 20c btmeh. ning favor the country over. as “ Pape’s Cold Compound,” which Iceberg,Lettuce 10c, 15c, 18c. • Quality — Service UPHOLSTERING CO. Henry Ford’s grandsons; photographed for publlcaClon for tke first 5 ' ' \ and Prices, Aak y o u r m iih b d tl [time, are pictured with the flivver king here. They’re Banson (left), costs only thirty-five cents at any Turnips 29c peck. THE BEDDING STORE 6, and Henry Ford II, 8, sons of Edsel Ford. Not only are the young- drug store. It aqts wifhout assist­ Cabbage 5c-Id. jsters Fords’ grandson’s— they’re his pals as well. Both are keen for- ance, tastes nice, causes no incon- Habbt^4^|iMh 5cjb. ^ 597 Main Street So. JIanchesttt machinery. The great Ford plant at River Rouge-, Detroit, is their venience.’-Be sure you get the gen 8 lbs., Yellow Colons 25c. S^iWamer Oi»tical Co. Sheridan Hotel Building Phone 1743 DOAmV favorite playground. This photo -whs made when Prince Nicholas of nine. Don’t accept something else. 6 lbs. B^'Opions’25c> 42 Asylum St.' Hartford Sthiudtmt Diaretie to the Kidnaya Oysters Every Day'39c pint* F*erM»iBaCe.llfcasa.»uSMI.Yl Romania visited ilia Fords, . — ^Adv,

.' 1 - J m - j - p

PAGE FOUE MANCmSTER BOTNING H ^A ID , TUESDAY, NOV. 30, 1923: g T'- —■ .------order to get Vpre into the Senate, And yet'mine out of ten Amedcana 4Kmul|»Btrr in order to throw him out again, it will not read a word ot the pro­ Evenfns IBi^raUi will be necessary for the same Re­ ceedings. publicans, who would like to eject It is not so much Indifference as PTTBIiISHBD Bt him in favor of an appointee, to a sort of discouraged sickening that THB HBRALD PRtNTlNO CO. causes men'and women to'turn LtTTB Founded by El wood S. BHa vote for him as against WHson- , Oofc, 1. 188 • It promises to be a curious mix- away from this case. It suggests Xvery Bveninar Exoept Sunday* and Bolldaya up. too poignantly to them the possi­ Washington, Nov, 30-—The aver­ Entered at the Poet Office at Man* bility. ot their closest interests be­ age senatorial secretary works for obMter M Second Claae M«il Matter. MAINE. ing raided at any moment by mis­ a man who remains just a senaton SOBSCRIPTION RATES- By Mall The state of Maine took the Ku takenly trusted individuals— and But blessed is he— or she— ^who aUt dolUrs a year; sixty cents a manages the office and correspond­ inontb for shorter perloda Klux Klan over its knee and pad­ they see no way of protecting thpm- ..Br. carrier, alghteen enti weeh. ence of One who becomes a nation­ Slagle copies, t ree oenta ded it to a fare-you-well. A plurali­ selves. It is something like the war al or International personage and vSPECIAIi ADVERTISING REPRE­ ty Of approximately fifty thousand — they hate to think of it. has no worries abont the fickleness SENTATIVE. Hamilton-De Usser, The human ‘ creature is not^ so of his constituents. Xno., 35 West 43d Street, -Jew lo^-k for Arthur R. Gould, Republi­ very different from the ostrich, Miss Cora Rubin of Boise, Ida., and 618 North Michigan Avenua can candidate for United States secretary to Senator Borah, is the Chicago. senator, in a light vote, constitutes after all. The Manchester Evening Herald is envy of scores of men and women on sale 'n New York City at Schultz’s a stunning rebuke to the Klan and of similar status in the Senate of­ News Stand. Sixth Avenue and 43nd its reckless and untruthful meth­ CONCERT. fice building. Street and 42nd Street entrance of Miss Rubin is clerk of the ini- Grand Central Station. ods of attack on the party’s candi­ The Herald takes the liberty of portant Foreign Relations Commit­ “ International News Service has the date. speaking for the people of Man­ tee by virtue of being secretary to exclusive rights to use for republlca- tlon In .any form all news dispatches Maine contributes one more dem­ chester In expressing to the Men’s the committee’s chairman. On each credited to or not otherwise credit­ onstration of the fact that it is no Choral Club, to its .individual of these jobs she ^has replaced a ed In this paper. It Is also exclusively longer possible to destroy a public members, to its brilliant director, man. entitled to US'- for republlcatlon all She has been with Bora'h since the local or undated news published man by raising the wolf cry of Archibald Sessions, and to the un­ herein.” he first ran for the Senate. That “Slush!” The courts may not be identified "defilcit” man, sincerest Vas 20 years ago. TUESDAY, NOV. 30, 1926. able to protect a political candidate appreciation of tie great privilege Girl secretaries 'were almost un^ from inexcusable libel, but the vot­ conferred by the organization, of heard of then, «.nd she came here last evening’s concert. as Borah’s personal stenographer. ers are. Those o f Maine have ad­ She ascended to the secretaryship REALTY LICENSESr ministered a rebuke to this sort of It was- artistically excellent, it seven years ago, taking the place If the realty dealers of Connec­ campaigning. was Inspirational, it was an extra­ of Earl Venable, who now is secre­ ticut hiope to obtain the.passage of They have also shown with com­ ordinary thing to take place in a tary to the Republican congression­ al committee. , a ;hill prohibiting every sort of town no bigger or richer, than plete conclusiveness that it is no Sessions of the Foreign Relations brokerage and agency in real estate longer possible ^o wreck the career Manchester. The only regret Is that Committee, are executive, but Miss trm^sactloBs by everybody except­ or prospects of a citizen by charg­ if the Choral Club Is going to pro­ Rubin sita through them all, listen­ ing A group of licensed .dealers they ing that he once had a half pint vide such remarkable affairs in the ing to the Unraveling of important wfll have to present a measure that future we haven’t a hall five times international situations and inter­ of whiskey in his possession. esting behind scenes details vwhich will stand the closest kind of scru­ There is a lesson in the Maine as big so that five times as many people might attend them. tiny. ^ election not only , for religious Enduring Charm in Gifts for the Home Connecticut people are not like­ bigots but for prohibition bigots. ly-to fall over each, other in their The day of both is about past. enthusiasm to lend support to a u r in g the holiday there’s the Christmas tree “with its silver stars and tinsel, its colored, lights and, law Which, ostensibly framed to MISTAKE. popcorn strings, to remind us. But after that—-what 'will you have to show that. Christmas ever protect them from the operations A. P. Christy, ,one of the most Old Masters D came? Why not plan to make your home a better place to live this Christmas— a more comfort­ o f: irresponsible and untrustworthy picturesque figures in New England able, more beautiful, more up-to-date place? A new living room suite— or just an odd chair or a piano— p^sons, may just possibly fall newspaper life, shot himself in a that new bedroom outfit you’ve always needed— or the new rug for the dining room— Why not get them how sl^rt of complete protection the broker’s office at Worcester yester­ Mine be a cot beside a hill; for Christmas and pay for them on the Christmas^Club Plan? while it is creating a' snug little day, at the age of 76, because he A bee-hive’s hum shall soothe monopoly of the real estate busi­ had been losing money in the stock my ear; A willowy brook that turns a mill. ness. I market. That was an extraordinary / ■Any such measure, in order to With many a fall shall linger thing for a newspaper man to do. near. The Christmas Club stand a chance of passage by the But Christy has ever been an ex­ Always Something New Select your gift now for legislature, will have to. provide, traordinary character. The swallow, oft beneath my, thatch Christmas or earlier delivery. first, and foremost, th^t tevery li­ A member of the bar with ntf Shall twitter from her clay-built Have the whole family join to­ nest; New suites and odd pieces of furniture arrive daily at this gether in purchasing it. In­ censed realty dealer, old. or new, practice, he started a Sunday news­ shall be free from any taint of Oft shall the.pilgrim lift the latch. store, to take the places of suites and pieces that have found their stead of making one big first paper in Worcester many years ago And .share.my. meal,, a welcome permanent home. • So there are always new things of interest. payment at the time you make shaiT dealing— and we fe^r that — 42 years ago to be exact— on the guest. your selection, pay only a small there are some pretty'well estab­ Here are brief descriptions of a few you should see. veriest shoe-string. Soon afterward sum down and easy install­ lished realty men in ^his state ments until Christmas. (These he turned his Sunday' paper into' a Around my ivied porch shall spring A new bedroom suite of highly figured, straight grain walnut whose methods would not stand too . Each fragrant fiower tlmt drinks payments will then be used as daily and in the course of time built and gumwood is in a rich warm, highlighted finish with floral deco­ a first payment.) After the stirtot a scrutlny-r-and^ini the, sec­ the dew; Cora Rubin up, in the dally and Sunday Tele­ And Lucy, at her wheel,^ shall sing ration in subdued tonesi Bed, ,4 Sinch dresser, 34 inch chest, $159 new year, pay the balance on ond place it will have to leave the easy monthly terms. gram, a highly valuable property. In russet-gown and apron blue. are highly secret but which must New style toilet table, $56. business open to new comers on a A few years ago be sold out, re­ often be considered in the making reasonable and not too costly The village church among the trees. , A living room group of two new pieces— sofa and arm c h a ir - tiring from business 'With a hand­ of treaties. She takes care of both basis. Where first our marrikge vows come with fancy, solid mahogany frame, upholstered in taupe mo­ f some fortune, being rated as better records and' treaties. There is no more reason for cre­ were given, | The task of obtaining publicity hair with damask cushions, /$259. than a millionaire. With merry peals shall' gwell the ating a hard and fast monopoly of for her senator never bothers Miss That is a mistake for any news­ breeze Rubin. Borah makes his own pub­ real estate offices than of shoe or paper man. When one has come to And point with'taper spire to licity. This Is one o f the bugbears grocery stores, ' Heaven. ' the ripeness of life in a newspaper of existence for some secretaries in There may be and' probably is — S. Rogers: A Wish. the building . who must become shop he cannot cut away from thp room for state scrutiny of the pro­ press-agents for their employees, clatter of the linotype and the smell with all tlfe headwork afad effort ceedings of fly-by-night realty gyps of ink altogether, and be happy. which that entaiis. ^ who flash into and. out of the busl- Christy, needing nothing in the Miss Ru^iii has no, need to flood WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. ne^ as opportunity pTesents Itself the newspaper and press associa­ world that he did not have, save to atihg some unsuspecting custom­ tion offices wUh the mimeographed excitement, sought that stimulus FURlilTURE, FLOOR COVERINGS, PIANOS, PHONOGRAPfiS er; and If the respectable dealers utterances of-BOrah, for the news­ in the brokers’ 'offices. They were papermen beat a path to his door 'dan formulate a measure which not his game. He should have stuck without, coaxing. Sonia senators will clip the wings of these gentry would cheerfully sacrifice a right to the thing ffiiat was his game. without unfairness to legitimate, if Today is feast day of St. An­ eye for similar popularity with the - Now he is. dying or dead, and only part time traders, perhaps drew, apostle and brother of St. correspondents. in a way to leave unpleasant mem­ Peter. Neither must Miss Rubin carry a they can get favorable considera­ ories behind. All a very great mis­ Birthday anniversary of Mark heavy hod^for her ‘ senator when Funeral Directors. tion for it In the judiciary commit­ Twain and Cyrus W. Field. take. _ elections approach. Campaign tee. Euripides, tragic dramatist, died speeches and political mafieuvers 406 B. C. ■Thei whole thing is, however, one are the least o f her troubles. In JURIES. Edmund Ironside, colleague of 1924. Idaho cast 125,000 senatori­ of greaf'^delicacy, and. should no't King Canute, assassiated, 1016. al votes and Senator Borah receiv­ ^ra Briggs, who, I am told, came birds in newly fallen snow, and by There are a great many persons' make as many addresses as are re­ be too strongly encouraged until ed 100,000 ot them. ' quested of the powerful senator 4rom the choir of a church in Hor­ this alone may name the walker. the real .estate men have submitted In America who believe that the The constituents refrain from from Idaho. ton, Kas. Horton, I am further The pheasant’s foot is typical of told, boasts a flag pole', a library.'a their scheme for public discussion. jury system is the very keynote of pestering his office after electing the zallinaceous bird, a walker of freedom, and -that whatever its him, which also makes life bright­ postoffice and everything. She was the highest order of skill. er for his staff. Of many other given her chance. Were it not that their owner had faults we cannot any more afford A MDC-UP. ATHOUGBI solons this is far from true. IT HAPPENED Tomorrow her name will be In to fly occasionally to escape a A very curious situation presents to do away with It than we could Borah’s mail perhaps is more In­ the big lights. swift-winged hawk, or to reach a afford to^ scrap the constitution in teresting than that of any of his BY GILGERT SWAN. roosting branch out of reach- of itself in the matter of the Pennsyl­ He that todcheth pitch shall be New York, Nov. 30— The de­ faTror of a fascist dictator. That defiled therewith.— ^Eccl. 18:1. colleagues. It cornea from all over “ Jans proposed to me on a motor prowling fox, it would be ladepen- vania senatorship to which William the world, from statesmen and mand in the large department dent of wings, so well do those ser­ juries often do things revolting to tour.” stores of Manhattan for salesfolk of S. Vare was elected early this Our sins, like to our shadows other important persons. viceable feet, backed by a pair of month. the Intelligence, that they aifa A large part ot his domestic mail “ What was the result?” “ungual personality” is proving a strong legs, carry their owner when our day is in its glory, scarce life-saver this winter for scores of sometimes stupid, sometimes dis­ appeared; toward our evening how consists of invitations to speak. *T accepted him In the hospital.” about'his daily round of food-get-* There are a great many Repub­ actors out of work. honest, frequently mediocre in men­ great and monstrous they are!— •Miss Rubin estimates that more — Karikaturen, Oslo. ting. licans in the Senate who do not Suckling. than 40 men would be required to Not long ago the employment The strong claws are efficient in­ want Vare there— some because' tality, ,does not„ to these people, chief of one of the biggest stores struments for scratching for food v they conceive the odor of slush afford sound reason for displacing concekred, the bright idea that men hidden in the mopld. Such a.pair of and women with stage experience^— clingln'g to his garments to be un­ them by the greater . Intellectual More Target Practice feet wiirseldonar'leave printe beside powers and superior wisdom of a particularly women— 'would prove NATURE each other. They are used mainly’' beatable, others because they re­ an asset to any sales force if they for running or walking, rather than gard the Philadelphia boss as an judicial bench. They see in the Jury wofild but project the stage smiles By ARTHUR N. PACK hopping.-The hind toe, used only as system the very essential of-demo­ Insurgent o f . sorts and likely to and bright talk over the counters President, American Nature Ass’n. a prop, is relatively Insignificant; take the bit in his teeth at any time cratic government. as they had over the footlights. Here are three rather distinct the spur is often present. If the charges brought against Several theatrical agents were Strong Claws without regard to national party types of bird feet. A glance at the membrane be­ the jury In the Hall-Mills case— advised and told theatrical folk The crow’s foot first of all is Interests. It will require a two- seeking work that here was a new tween the bases of the toes of the charges of predisposition, pf local •a perching foot. Three toes in front 'g u ll’s foot will show how, In all thirds vote of the Senate to unseat way of keeping the wolf from the well-clawed are opposed by a fourth him, once he has taken the oath, prejudice, of intention to disregard door.’' The more temperamental' probability, the webbed foot has equally well-fashioned. A bird with been evolved. ThiS is nearly or but Jhat fact has no particular ter­ the jutor’s oath— are proven, the sneered, but many felt the actual such a foot may not only ait in pinch o f necessity and volunteered. quite the highest type of ■swim­ rors; when all the Democrats are jury system will have been dealt a ming foot. stiffer blow than it has ever experi­ In one store. I saw a former dancer bound to vote against his retention In a vaudeville team, a light come­ Opposed to the water, the feet anyhow- and a number of western enced in this country. dian and a couple of ingenues from spread to their fullest extent; when If a number of these jurors en­ “ straight” acts. drawn forward, they fold and offer Republicans are committed to. do little resistance. Both this type of likewise. It Is confidently believed tered upon the trial of the case I was told that the stage may be foot and that carried by the pheas­ with full determinatiMi to bring in minus a number of second-rate ac­ ant admit of perching on limb or that, thpre are enough mor^ Re­ tors for some time since steady publicans ready to do their share a certain verdict, regardless of the rock, but their owners attempt lib­ work, even in shops, is not to be erties when so engaged.- toward bouncing Vare to make that testimony, then they have gone far frowned upon by those accustomed toward undermining the whole, Send a stami>ed addressed envel­ proceeding easy, because it is not to. pounding the pavements months ope and questions of fact having to on end. as though, by such action, the party theory of jury trials. For, though do with Nature will be answered this would not, by any means, be The “three-card monte” b'oys, would lose the senatorship. It by the consulting staff of Nature the first time that juries have been once the fabulous figures of coun­ Magazine of Washington, D. C., would simply be a case of Gover- ty fairs, are^at it again right id the packed, never before has the spec­ throngh arrangements made by this nor^elect John S. Fisher naming an­ heirt of the Times Square section, * « as tacle been presented to such a tre­ other Republican to take his place, I am told. mendous audience. It was the old fairground custom among those mentioned for the job If this turns out to have been a for the sharper conveniently to being former Governor- Sproul and crooked jury, millions of Ameri­ bend the corner of the "pay card” James Evanson, publisher, of the so that the victims would few thOy cans will jump to the conclusion T 0 M Philadelphia Enquirer— good, re­ bad a sure thing within their that the right thing is to get rid of spectable men and standard Re­ reach. Of course they would piit their money on the bent card— SIMS publicans. all juries and let judges, at least honest if wrapped and tangled In and, of course, they would lose. The feet of three birds are shown But there intrudes a device of In the modern Manhattan ver­ here. Above is a pfiir of crhw’s feet; SAYS the minutiae of legal quibbles, de­ sion of the grand-old-army>‘gaQie in the'center, a pheasant’s, and be­ the Democrats to contest .the elec­ cide all trials. That would be a sor­ tion In the Interest of William B. the sharper tears off a eorner pf low, a.gnll's. Now we learn that the Maharajah ry consequence. the eprd, having dexterously palm­ Wilson—7-and this puts a new face ed the “ pay card.” I am told that comfort on a limb, but he^ may of Indore has been in this country three weeks without indorsing a on the matter. They will contend FALL\pOHE^. $50 was clewed up in a few mom­ Jump fropi-^IJtiranch to branch, grasping with sure grip his succes­ single cold cream. that Wilson was defeated by frauds There is a curious apathy on the ents of operation the other .night. Yes, right here in wise old NOw sive perches. and will take their case to_ the Sen­ part ot the public toward the Fall- Famous seats; Stock Exchange, y York., Foot That Saunters ate committee on contested elec­ Doheny trial. There has never This is the way the girls from He can, moreover, Use th^m ef­ Board o f .Trade, Senate, pants. tions. When that committee re­ been a criminal oase in the history the. “ tank towns” get the Broadway fectively on the gTQUod, saqntering ports, and no matter how it re­ breaks: • / here and there In search of cut­ Sir Harry Lander Is In America of this country touching more in­ on a fardwell tour. These annual ports, it- will only take a majority The other evening one ' pf the worm, or beetle, or even on occa­ timately the vital interests pf the most Buccepsful, musical shows on sion, on the newly-pla&fed corn. In occasions are getting to be quite a Tote to not only oust Vare but to pleasant custom. . . whole people than this one, la y the big street awakened to find this particular type of toot it 'will put a Democrat in his place. which It is maintained that a high­ that the prlma donna bad walkod be noted that the two outer toes Headlines you never see: i. Of course the regular. Republi- ly placed ^public official conspired out into the night. V^lked right are joined together for a part of “ THBRB’S NO CURB FOR IT," ‘ OaniAra not going to vote for any out andJiadn’t come back, their length. with a rich man to steal hundreds "What to do? The management A sharp eye inay note this, pecu­ SAYS CRIMB PREVENTION i puch.;pxoceedlng as that. But in of millions of the public’s 'wealth. looked about. And up stepped One liarity in the print left by the L E A D ^ , ■ ..- ., ., =/'N'^ ■ . ■ , - ^ i - ■■. '.. ' .',. - ■■• ' ■'•■-' " ' - ^-' - ''^-: >Jst l^C H E STE R EVENING HERALD, TUESDAY, NOV. 80, WAPPING GILEAD ANOTHER BIG “COUNTRY APACHE HffiLODRAMA The Christian Endeavor society There was no service at the STORE” TOMORROW NIGHT AT RIALTO THEATER ^as largely attended about thirty- church Sunday evening as the En five young people being present, deavor society accepted the invita- The leaders were the Misses Helen tion ^om the Westchester society Lane and Adelaide Marshall. Miss to join with them In a union meet­ Immensely Popular Feature ; ^^ere will'be another, double Kate M. Wetherell spoke about the ing. ' There were representatives Night to Be.One,of Beat Hiis fealrure program offered at the Ri­ first Christian Endeavor society. from six sbeieties frbin adjoining W eek. ^ alto'theater today and tomorrow At the second meeting there was a towns present. The speaker - for chief of which Is .‘■'The Bat:,” pic- fine sermon by the pastor, Rev. the . evening' was from Middletown. tnrization of the famous Broadway Truman H. Woodward and two so­ After the service,, there was a social The State theater’s going to .put etige success which thrilled thous­ los were rendered by Robert Von hour and refreshments were serv­ on another big “ Country Store and ands of blase New Yorkers for Deck of Manchester. ed. Surprise Nlte” tomorrdjv night! months. The film version Js: said;tp. ■ Mrs. Donald Grant entertained The Young Women’s club of He­ ■What a time everybody had last be even better than the play and if the Eastern Star whist at her home bron will meet with Mrs. Clifford week, laughing, .getting Jots of free this is the case then If is certainly .i here on Saturday evening. Mrs. R. Perry Thursday afternoon. presents, -and , generally enjoying worth^seeing.' The plpt is' laid In 6ne It Edgar J. Stoughton and Louis , Merton Hills and his daughter, themselves for three solid hours. of Jbe most picturesque under’- Grant of Buckland captured the Laura entertained several relatives Fun, double features, surprises ;and wprids in Europe, .namely that of first prizes while Mrs. Raymond H. , at dinner Sunday. gifts are always to be had in abun­ Paris, and Its four central chara,c-; ■V; Burnham and Charles Hevenor re­ The Ladies’ Aid society will meet dance on Wednesday nightsj and tfirs are an Apache, aiad his wif^; ceived the booby prizes. with Mrs. Elton W. Buell Wednes­ tomorrow night will not be an'ex­ ahd: a!man of wealth and his jhate;- The Christmas entertainment day afternoon. ception to! the rule. Rather, it will ■Phrough' .a strange trick ! of fate be a bigger Country Store night committee, Mrs. Clarence Johnson, Mrs. Emily Ellis and her daugh­ they are thrown together, the imiecit'-. BOYS’ T O S O R IV E R C O A T S . : . ...:;/...... t o $ 1 8 .0 0 Mrs. Asher Collins, Mrs. Raymond ter, Miss Clara, spent Thanksgiv­ than ever. Presents, fun, surprises IhK resulting in a murder,-that for' Geer, Mrs. Henry Nevefa and Mrs. ing Day with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur in a bigger and better way will , be a ^me furnishes enough' exciteme.ht. HOUSE’S SPBC1I 4 S iaiS OR OVERCOATS W. W. Grant are to meet at the B. Ellis of School street. South the rule' tomorrow night! *• ;f.or severar- photoplays. Aside Yrdm. home of Mrs. Clarence Johnson to As usual, a tip-top double fea­ Manchester. the excellent plot the acting’ is epn^ r plan for the Christmas entertain­ Eugene Platt of Wapping gave, ture wilT accompany the Gpuntry. sldbirably" ahoye : the' average,, the- ment on Tuesday evening* of this Store program. The first feature an aluminum demonstration at Mrs, cast:employed seem to-actually liVe- V e i t s Bath Robes week. Charles Fish’s Monday afternoon. will be Rayomhd Griffith in biq parts a.nd this fact no.^doubt is reir Pajamas Mrs. Fred H. Adams - returned latest side sp litter,Y p u 'd , Be Sur­ Mptor Gloves Mr. and Mrs. J .Banks Jones sponsible fon the crowds which' $ 6 J o $ 1 2 * 5 0 •N from a visit at her fathers, J. F. spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. prised^” and the other will be Marie have jammed evepy house In which $2 to $3.50 . $ X50 Wooster of Goshen on Sunday even­ and Mrs. George Loomis In West­ Prev^t and Matt Moore in “ His t A'ThP, Rpt” has been exhibited. lypr '■' Tuxedos ing. chester. • Jazz Bride.” Both are excellent fea- Ngvello, Mae Marsh, Isabel Jeans Mrs. Gertrude Holister and Miss Mr. and Mrs; E; E." Foote spent tnres that could stand as sepa^ete .ah.d Robert: Schblz have featured- $25 and $35 Hats GI p o s Nellie Hollister of Marble street, Sunday afternoon with Mr. and shows any time. roles. • . , ■ ; Manchester, spent the day with Mrs. George Miller in Colchester. A. riot of humor froin start to Another picture being shown oh $2to$5 $3;50to$6.00 $2 to $6- Mrs. Erwin F. Stoughton and Mr. and Mrs. A- W. EUis and finish, has never been excelled. Shirt Jie^elry daughter last Sunday. these two, days Is "King of the Sdd-!' family spent Thanksgiving . Day Dorothy Sebastian supplies > the, die,'” .a fast' action western dramg Mrs. Elizabeth J. Smith, wlfe^of with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, ‘‘heart balm.” Rarle 'Williams and , '$ l i .5 0 A. G. Smith from Allston, Mass., /replete, with fa.hcy r id i^ and. hair­ ,JChflte;Setg Frank Waldo in Hebron, Edward Martindel have'important breadth escapes,' as all western who died on Thanksgiving Day, was Miss Eliza oeth iHllls has received roles in the picture. .r $ 2 t o $ 5 ' brought here for burial in the fam­ dramas shQUld be if they are to , Scarfs word that her friend, Mrs. Jacob “ His Jazz/ Bride,” the. Warner prove Interes'tihg., The leading phif ily plot in the Wapping cemetery Betts died Saturday. Mrs. Hills and picture starring Marie Prevost. and on Sunday afternoon. Rev. Tru­ is portrayed, by no less a person l & e P i n s Mrs..Betts have occupied adjoining Matt Moore, is a screen version .of than Buffalo,Bill,,Jr., himself and' man H. Woodward had charge of cottages at the Wllllinautic Camp the services at the grave. Beatrice Burton's newspaper serial, like his. illustrious, namesake his Ground for many, summers. < ‘‘’The Flapper Wlfe.’.’ The adapia- The Pleasant Valley club held Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Post; and all tWhgs. western ;Is soniO- •'I.V ‘I? their meeting at the home of Mrs. tion-Was made by Charles Logue thihg to thriir 'at! There' is a' pretty! Mr. and Mrsl, CJharles Fish ^nd and,the picture, was directed by. Louise Johnson on Wednesday af­ daughters, were dinner guests ■romance Inter^^ in the' nfaih ternoon. Rerman Raymaker, ' , ' •* ' theme that sh'puld Ule.ase‘!thbbe Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Earl Post’s It' tells the story of a -stenograph­ • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shildick h|id in East Hartford. must have something fomaritic ahd as their guests on Thanksgiving, er who marries a young lawyer ahd the red-blooded elements are also a: Men employed by the state high­ trho proceeds to run him into debt $2 ana $3 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Barnes and way department are stoning the -ihnbh fn',evidence.' The comedy be-* family,- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence by following the advice of a friend ihg shbwn provides sufficient humv H osiei^ I road from D, H. Hodge’s residence who urges her-to‘win the‘first bat­ Denslow and family. Miss Emma south for some distance. That piece or and: current hews-1 events vrllV G olf H osiery ^ ‘.'5 1§cto$l,50 I Shildick, Miss Irene Drummond, tle, keep hubby’s'nose to the griridT also be shown. . , of road has been a source of much stone and to treat herself luxuri- t o $ 3 ,5 0 and Miss Elizabeth Kitchen. inconvenience during the tpiud Another Radio set will be given The young people of the Feder­ seasons. otisly. • _ , away. at the'evening performance DECEHBER- Saeae Coats I ated church will give their three- For the last times tonight at 7 this coming Friday. It Is ah Atwa- GoH Knickers //a ii act play, “ The Path Across the and at 9 j o’clock, Norma Sheareris ter'.iKeht, 5 tube set, bn etof the 8k5 0 Hills” at Gilead haP and Thursday latest photoplay, “ Upstage.” is best commercial sets .'being market- $ 5 t o $ 1 0 ; evening of this week. The cast is showing at the State. This is a! ^ed and; its ownership would ba as follows: Samuel Croford, a COLUMBIA truly remarkable picture of the life something for the most critical ra­ 13 M I ? 17 Cuff grandfather, Alfred Stone; Robert of vaudeville actors in thler life off dio fan to boast about. When the G o l f C a p s 20 21 2 2 2 3 241 5 0 c t o $ $ : S 0 Post, a visitor, Ralph E. Collins; The regular monthly meeting of the stage. If you have not yet seen fact that it. costs nothing to enter Walter Conrad, Ruth’s brother, Ed­ the school board was held Friday it, be sure to do so: tonight. It’s; the contesl is taken into considera- $1,50^12,50 ward Sharp; Dr. Jimmie Reed, with evening at the center school, five Norma’s best. tipn it is. easily seen why so much ambition, Williapi Foster; Salman- members being present. interest is- being shown la the af­ iS e H d ia * ^ der Alexander John Henry Jones, The young people’s club rec | tly fair. Coupons may be secured at. G olf Suits colored, Levi T. Dewey; Mrs. Dav­ formed met Friday evening at* the any evening performance by adults.. 35c to $1 is, grandma, Edith Lane; Ruth hall, 19 beipg present. It was vot­ BEERY AND HATTON Conrad, boobie, Lois Stiles; Flo* ed to call the club “ Quien sabe,” Union Gray, Ruth’s cousin, Mi^s Frances which is the Spanish for' “ Who . Suspehaers Stoddard; Lutie, a neighbor, Clara Knows.” A program was presented “ IN THE NAVY N O r $1.50to$5i50 Chandler; Znzu, the cook, Mrs, by the young people as follows: 50 c to $i,00 > Henry Nevers. Reading, Clayton JIunt, Jr.; vio­ 'About twenty-five young p^ple lin solo, Gladys Cowman; debate, Movies’ Greatest Comedy Team Bill Folds called on Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Elizabeth Bertsch and Gladys Rice, Coming to. State Theater CHRISTnAS SHOPPING Fancy H dts Platt last Saturday evening and ^‘Resolved— that the young people 7$c to $3 gave them a surprise linen shdwer. Next Sunday, Monday and $LOOtO$2,50 of the 20th century have more en­ Tuesday. Games were played and a general joyment than those of the 18th;” London, (United Press).— Queen good time enjoyed. Refreshments selection by the orchestra; reading, S l i c k e r s were servd consisting of sand- The two biggest laugh makers on Mary is “ doing Ijer Christmas shopT Sheep^Sdnea^-^oahs Laura Mathieii; saxophone duet, witflies, cake, candy and nuts, and the silver screen,. Wallace. Beery ping early,” enjoys going about tbp Trunks $ 1 0 t o $ 4 0 William Macht. and Frederick $5 ana $0 Traveling Bags they departed for their homes at Hunt. * BSTOona who toado.. a late hour. you roar when .you; saw them in . in social life, $OtP$l0.50 $10 to $20 Mr. and Mrs. George Champlin: The QUeeh does her-shopping in Umkreltas Sili>pens: spent Thanksgiving Day in WIlll- “ Behind the Front’’ have made ,;mantic as the guest of Mrs. Alice and .< a .a .o r^ „S ^ , $1,50 to $6 ‘ $1^5tb*$4 “ !V^q’re In the Navy Now,” ' ThIS: .Turner- - movement of, the throng. Her fa- Rubbers Suit Cases T A L C O m iL L E feathre will be shown at the State A family party’bf 14 met Thurs­ vorlte;practiG6 is to. use a limousine Sweaters day at. the Collins homestead,- con­ theater for three days beginning ^ l t 6 $ 2 $4 to $20 The Christian Endeavor society next Sunday. tb get to a store and, accompanied, sisting of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert .only b^. a lady-ih-walting, to walk $ 5 ^ $12 mbt at 6:4S on Sunday evening. Two little bpys in blue.* That’s $ 5 t a $ 1 0 - Miss Dorothy Wood was the leader Collins of Willimantic, Mr. and in unannounced. She is soon Ipst Mrs. Ernest Collins of East Hart­ how Wallace Beery and Raymond among the other shoppers and nev­ an® the subject ‘.‘World Wide En­ Hatton appear in their Paramount Handkerchiefs Tim^s.Caps ' Knives deavor.” ford, Mr. and. Mrs. Raymond Ly­ er attempts to exercise her high es­ O x f o r d s man and',family of Columbia, and co-starring comedy; “ WeXe In the tate at the bargain counter. 15e td$1.00 At the evening church service. Na-vy Now” . You see, the erstwhile $1.50 ahd $1.65 $1,50 and $2 Rev. Paddock of Weiser, Idaho, Cleveland Collins and Miss Lura , Occasionally a shop girl, during $6 to $10 't" Collins of Wfndsor. doughboy pair of ‘‘Behind the her drab^ routine, will look-np and gave a very interesting account of Front” are In the Navy now! . his experiences as missionary in the Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Lyman and recognize the royal patron. The, re­ son of Willimantic spent Thanks­ And their naval career Is Just one sult is usually disastrous for coni- tar we^. giving Day at the home of Mr. and long laugh. Neither-of them r'had Next Sunday will be observed as petitive customers, but the aston­ Mrs. Dwight Lyman. any intention of enlisting until they Golden Rule Sunday and all money ished counter-girl always, finds Her Miss Harriet Fuller has been vis­ wandered into a training- camp. Majesty patient and kindly. .. outside of the pledge envelopes will iting her sister Mrs. Davoll of Lib­ Then, on trying to. get out, a burly Christmas, is not an easy busi­ go to Near East Relief. Recent erty Hill. guard stopped them with' a dirty earthquakes in this section have ness for the Queen. She is devoted Rev. Duane Wain preached Sun­ laugh and a command to ‘‘fall In.” to her friends £md never fails io raised a serious need for immediate day* morning on the parable of the Before they haxf time to turn A . E help among the 'orphanages con­ femember them-on such an occa­ talents. He was also the leader of around, the; boys found themselves ducted by the Near East Relief. the Christian Endeavor Society on sion. It is necessary for her to, dp aboard an army transport— bound her shopping early because she' has So. Manchester Store Miss Alice Talcott of New York Sunday evening fiavn;g as his sub- for France! City has been visiting at the home so much to do and many of her joet “ World Wide Christian En­ 'T h e trials and tribulations of Hotel Sheridan Bldg. of her father M, H. Talcott for sev­ deavor.” - gifts' must be sent overseas,* requir-i- this cpmic ^team’ on their trip; INC eral days. 1 he Ladies’ Aid Sodety will meet ing considerable rime for delivery. with incidental-comedy heing sup­ She is further human in that she 2-7171 2-7171- Miss Christine Bacheler, a stu­ Thursday afternoon at 2:30 at the plied by the featured players- dent at the Yale University Art home of Mrs.-Fred Hunt. .carries a; shopping list and, woman Chester 9bnklln and 'Tom Kennedy, like,' checks it off now and then. School has been a recent guest at H a rtford the home of her parents Rev. and and a love theme enacted, by Donald Keith and Lorraine Eason;— com­ Mrs. F. P. Bacheler. TAYLOR, BANTAM KING, Mr. and Mrs. Valmore Dumas and BOLTON bine to.,make “ We’re in the Navy Now” one of the season’s funniest DRUBBED BY SANGOB family of New Britain, Mr. and farces Santo Claus, With His Reindeer, Dmider and BUtz^, WiUl B eat Mrs. Edward Frazier and family Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lawton and son, Edwin, of Hertford, spent Sun­ Milwaukee, Wise., Nov. 30.— and Mr. and Mrs. Don Hatten and Boxing fans o f Milwaukee were Tb;^land Every Day Until Christinas, 10 a. to. to'5;30 p. ni, “ family- of South Manchester were day at their cottagn. Miss Dora Pinney of Manchester still pop-eyed with amazenlent to­ G: Sunday guests of Mr. and'Mrs. John day bver Joejr Sangor’s surprising Frazier. spent the week-end at the home of her parents,! Mr, and Mrs. Charles BOY SCOUT O m ciA IS defeat of Bud Taylor, synthetic' The December meeting of the Pinney. bantamweight champion' from Terre Ladies Home Missionary society Schools in town opened Monday Haute. Sangor had a clear mnrgin will be held in the church assembly after the Thanksgiving recess, also TO MEET FRIDAY in eight of the ten rounds, giving! rooms on Thursday afternoon at students attending Manchester Taylor one o f the worst drubbings 2:30. Tea will be served, High school have returned to their An assembly of all the scout 61 his career. '' Mr. and Mrs. William Frazier studies. masters, assistants, troop and dis­ and family of New Britain* were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Strong of trict committeemen as well as the Sunday guests of Albert Lee. Hartford spent the week-end at the fathers of scouts has been called, William C. Monaghan has had a home of his parents, Mr| and Mrs for Friday evening at 8: 00 o’clock- five tube Grebe Syncrophase radio Frank Strong. at, Cheney Hall. A roast beef and receiving set installed at his home. 'The Ladies’ Aid will meet Thurs­ scalloped oyster supper will be day afternoon at the • basement. .served, promptly ,at, 6:30 p! m. 'The Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Griswold of senior patirol leaders of the' eight y Hartford spent Sunday at their trobpX ■will be asked to serve as V ANDOVER home here. waiters. Pride of CelRmbia Mrs., R. >,K. Jones held a club Fre'4erlck ,G., HiR, scout, execu . Charles Phelps was home from alumium demonstration- at her tly;e .qf Hai^bfd Cbiincfl will deliv­ ie^ Yale o#er the week end. home this week. er a; short address illustrated by' Judge Sumner made*;,business motion pictiires. Mr. Hill :wil.l tell T a -: G l ^ yotqr. bowels . Miss Florence' Potter of. Mans­ trips to Hartford and Columbia ^ U$sortment of spft warn; blanH^ is- field was the week end guest of of his plans for the Scq,utlhg: pfo- UM |tp| > b^wiiaobe, c t ^ , this -week. graim. for the coming yea,r! * ^ | p p | e te both as to variety and range o f! Miss Esther Jones. Miss Margaret Danehy, school sour sto^eb Recent visitors at A. E. Frinks HaroiR,■Williams, scout' executive nurse; visited schools in town this o f Provldehee will be the‘'8pbaker .f. were Mr. and Mrs, E. H. Frink and Get a lO.-c^t .box.' / .i week.. of the evening. Mr. Wlliiame is a PlridManketo son of South Manchester, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Alvord and very enthusiastic booster for scont- a Gag^caret,. tpnlght. to Agnes Finnigan of Ruthland, vt., son, Morgan, spent Thanksgiving Ing and in addition to being a olpanae'yo,i^ L|'*'®r.! Stomach - arid Mr. Eugene Platt and Mrs. Wallace at their home here. splendid speak®r he has proven to Bpwels, , and yon “will : sprSly •|l;:>*!$11.00]Pair , '' $19,00 told iffto o la c ii Platt of Wapping and Mrs. Harriett Mrs, James Conners entertained be' an' entertainer as well. great by mc^fning.: You inen _ap'd Ladd of Willimantic. her sister, Mr. and Mrs, Vande- Letters have been sent out to all women who^ have headache, coated V^ite bb^ets^ . Mrs. Ward Talbot arrived home clock, and family Thanksgiving. fathers and sconts and scout-olJi- tongue, a bad cold, are bilious, ^jlUsbol, in rose, blue or tan plaids. size 7&84. ” Sunday evening from Atlanta, Ga., Mr. Brown of Hartford has pur-^ clals. However if by any chance nervous, npsqt,: bothered wii'th a ' > ■ where'she has been spending the chased the Doolittle property and someone has been overlooked sick, gassy, disordered stpmaAii.' or past two weeks, the guest of her plans to make repairs In the spring. please accept this invitation by no- have backache apd feel all ^ r n daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. tiitylhg any of the following cbhi- out. Are ypu keeping jrjpnr .bowels RDud Blankri s 'White Blankets BbifalBIimkets G. W. Wllliains. Mr. Williams Is a nbittee that he will be present-at clean with ’ Cascarets— or. merely professor In Atlanta University. the supper. , ^ forcing a pagsagew^ every few # 3 .5 0 P a ir $13.50 Pair $ i k o o # i ^ At the business meeting of tie TEST ANSWERS The price o f the supftor.Is 75 days with salts, cathartic pills dr D. E. S. last evening the following cents, Get your rickets at the. door. castor oil? officers were elected: Presi.lent These are the^co’rrect answers to, supper Ichqimittee: Clarehbe P. ; GaBcarefs *Imm^ia1faly cleanse and ’All Wool blankets, size _George Nelson, vice president G’ly the questions which appear on the Quimby, .Tel, No. .1454,; G. S. Roh- regulate the kbmach, remove the 70:x80; Plfuds^iri rose, blue, Bartlett, Jr., secretary Beatrice comic page: llh, Tel. No. -1548; Leonard Readle, sour, undigested, and fermenGng There’s a PHllUps Hamilton, treasurer Evelyn White, 1— ^Locise Brooks* Tdl. No. ’ 114-3; Earl H; Chan^, food and foul gases; dake the ’ ex? auditor Charles Wright; commit­ 2— ^Autombblles. Tel. No. 1078; Frances Lee, 67 cess bile from’ the liver and carry tees: prayer meeting, Mrs. F. L, 3— Jack Sharkey* Glen wood street. off the constipated - waste matter Hamilton; lookout, Eugene Thomp­ 4— Dancer. . and.poison from the;bowels. son; missionary, Mrs. W. B. Tal­ 5— *Ty Cobb. A French professor ; has sfco'wn •Rembmbar, a Oasca?st , tenlght bot; music, Mildred Hamilton; that in France, where, the *p»puli|i- will straighten you out by**" morn, 6— ^Lookout-,Monntain, Colorado. tion In cities almpist equals'that p* locial, Malcomb Thompson; flower, 7— “ S>offi^r“ -state. ing. A 10*c.ent box from ypur!dru6L>f Dorothy Cooke,' ushers, Carolyn the rural districts and viRages gist means hbalthy bowel action; a 8— Nevada. combined, the cities have fprnlsbed White, Persis Allen,* Russell 9— An Eagle. clear head apd pheetfulness fpf 13 times as many men jot genius as wobths. Don’t forget the. children. Thompson and Da'vld Yeomans.' 10— -3VhIte. has the wuntry. in Rates For Herald Cfassified Advertising On and after June 1, 1926, the following rates for Classified Advertising will be in effect: All For Sale, To Rent, Lost, Found and similair advertising on Classified Page: First insertion, 10 cents a line (6 words to line). Minimum Charge 30 Cents. Repeat insertions (running every day), 5 cents a line. THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH WITH COPY. An additional charge of 25 cents will bis made for advertisements charged and billed.

Because of Williams’ illness-tfie time limit.of his ban­ Through the trackless snows Williams and four otiier A small sailing vesssl When tha captain «r- men vyho belleyed as ho—Wiiiiam Harris, John Smith, FOR SALE TO RENT ishment was extended to spilil'g- When it was discov­ / was sent to bring him t6 rived $tlem ,. Mrs. Frajicif Wi<^os and Thomas Angoll—journoyod toward ered that he wac bikiing meetings in his own house the Williams informed him FOR SALE—Doctor McIntosh’s one day of exile waciMctened. Williams was siwnmpned Boston. It was./intended Norragansott Bay and a refuge among the Indians. On strap cushion sole, liealth pumps for FOR RENT—B room house, all Im­ to send him back to Eng­ that her husband had the east bank of m o Seekonk river they finally halted to $2.35, Homespun blue overalls $1,50, provements Inoludlhg steam heat. In­ once more beforfe tho Boston court, and replied that)ve beeh gone throe dayo. -Stuarts tube flavors, 27 kinds, 25c, quire 134 Birch street. ' was unable to at^nd. land. make their home. ' (Continued.) ; James N. Nichols, Highland Park or’«M aotMCX. mo______. ’ '______' '' , Store. TO RENT—6' room tenement, newly renovated furnace, new set tubs. Call FOR SALE—Bull dog, mixed with 2S3 Spruce street. Fox Terrier, 5 months old, $10 if taken at once. Telephone 182-2, TO -RENT—Desirable flat of four rooms and bath, on second floor, with FOR SALE—7 horse-power wood all improvements; also gas range and MISCELLANEOUS KIND HAND IS sawing outfit, also 2 good farm heater, hot and cold water, good fur­ horses. H. Floto, Vernon. nace. With or without aarage^ Suit­ Highest prices for rags, papers and |l RADIO }| able for adults. Henderson Chambers, magaziagazines; rags :2c lb; bundled, paper DHALT: LOCAL FOR SALE—Heating stove, nearly 12 Pearl street. Phone,.1123. 30c per 100 lbs; magazines 40d per \' luu lbs. CaR 2UU. 28 Oak street. new. price reasonable. Call 330-6 after ATHER *rtMN FOR SALE—Fancy'Green Mt. pota­ with furnace, gas.'elc! With or with­ made $75. IL H. Grimason. 607 Main BY ISRAEL KLEIN f nient location, poultry houses anu out garage. Hlont reaso.iablo. Imiuirs at the Center. □ By William J. Fagan toes. Frank Williams, Buckland. Tel. SO HE CAM PUT ^6^ ■ • ■ ' ^ ------9S9-23. of E. L. C. Hehenthal or his sons. (United Press Staff Correspondent) garage-^prlce only $6,500. LOST UP IN T liE SpRlNS — New York, Nov.-. 30 (United This story might aptly be headed, FOR SALE—New milch Guernsey, FOR RENT—FIve room second V/hlle oil la lighting for its life “ When a Fellar Needs a Friend.” Two-famllja bouse on Plowe: Press).— Radio. Broadcast Maga­ in the. ' diminishing sands . of the Jersey and Holstein cows. Herd under floor apartment practically new, It has to do with a local cast ot street; 14 rooms, furpace heat, gai, supervision E. A. Buckland,, AVapplng. strictly modern at Greenacres. Rent LOST—Masonic watch charm with zine for December, through the country,^ coal is coining forth vltb Tel. ■»7-6. $40.00 will! or without garage. Apply owners name on It. Finder please players and Rev. Joseph Cooper and etc., iiHrice only $8,SOO, terms. : to Wallace D. Robb, 363 Main street..' medium of a staff writer, takes, fur­ a strong bid for populpritY.. notify 161-3. ther opportunity to hurl vitupera­ Stuart Vennart play the leading FOR r'.L E —Oil heater, child rock­ Coal is trying to vindicate itself roles. Good single six rooms, Summit er, high clialr, mirror, beds, tables, TO RENT—December 1st. new five LOST—A blue overcoat at the Rec. tion at Thomas Alva Edison for .bis of its black record— its smoke and The scene '^ s laid at the Soqtn street, steam heat, etc., extra bull4*' rug, small kitchen stove, library room flat, all modern, on Florence Center Friday night. Please return to ill-advised and poorly considered grime, its menace' to the health of street. IVilllam Kanehl, 610 Center 9 cross street. . - , • • Methodist - church bn the night . of table, 29 Strant. 850-4. remarks about the quality of radio cities. It promiies to be good. lt |ng lot all for 97,000. }■ street. the Father and Son banquet. FOR SALE—Now $150 Edison FOUND . broadcasting material and recep­ promises to be; less wasteful and Wadsworth street two-family* 11 phonograph and records. Big bar­ ' TO RENT—Nice tenement, 6 rooms, tion. The Vennart boy, as the stpry gain at $40.00 cash. L. Carron, (i4rro‘ - hot air heat, $25 per month. Arthur A more, productive, and It offers itself rooms, improvements. It ought tc FOUND—Monday mornlHg an over­ It’s time this issue should be laid goes, was Invited by a certain, mem­ be a good bargain at 97<000. ter street. Knofla. TeL 782-‘2, 876 Main street. in far greater abundance.-than the ber of tbe church to go to the ban­ coat. Owner may have same by apply­ in a long delayed grave..Nothing world could expect from oil. FOR SALE 2 horse Uumpeart; also FOR RENT'/-Onij 7 room tenement,- ing to Joseph .iZalewslii, 95 North quet as bis son. Stuart was natural­ Store and Bungalow on Bigelow 76 Maple street.'Apply to H. R. Tryon, street, proving property end paying can be gained, by bringing it to llfp Science has come to the rescue of street, both buildings exceptioball; shod roof 18x22. S. G. Bowers, for this advertisement. ’ • ly greatly elated. Deming street Tel. 648-4. In care of'». W. Hale Company. so long after it has been practically King Goal, in this respect- Methods • The iffght of the long-awaited well'built and modern. Price and forgotten. have been invented'by which this TO RENT—4 room- tenement. First FOUND—Apgora cat. Telephone banquet finally came. Stuart was terms reasonable to right party.\ - FOR SALE—Hardwood, Reo truck 630-4. However, the method employed abundant product o t earth can bb 40.00: hard slab 8.00: hard pine and class condition. modern improve­ ©NEAr happy as a lark. He was supposed Green section, Kensington Street: cnestnut mixed $6.00 a.load. FIrpo, 07 ments, also garage, 238 Oak street. by the writer of the article; to bally­ utilized to greatest advantage. tq meet his “ father” at jthe church. Wells street. Phone 154-3. hoo radio receptioa over th.^ art o f Bungalow of six rooms, modern FOR RENT—Three room tenement Legal N otice Some of the men responsible for So he "dolled” , up In his best the recording studio Is amnsingoms for light AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD worthy o f note. A Vadio. engineer in America lb. connection with the whistling gayly. livered. James Callahan. Wapplng. housekeeping. at, Manchester, within and for the played two records for him, both. of. international conference on bitu­ 96,700. telephone 102-3. ___ District of Manchester, on the 27th. ' At the church, he waited for bis TO RENT—Tenement of 8 large day of November,.A. 1?., 1926.' the same selection anQ: both uung minous coal at the Carnegie Insti­ “ father.” The delay vras not long. ' FOR SALE—Seasoned hard wood, rooms, tern Improvemei.ts, corner ' Present, WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq.. by a -“ noted artist.” The first, re;- tute of Technology. at Pittsburgh,. Presently the man entered the $12 a cord $13 split, $8.00 truck load. Ridge and Pine, 33.00 per month. In­ Judge. ’ . ' ' Traveler!*' In.'turanrc Co., corded by a talking machine com­ $8.75 split. Call S. Anderson, telephone quire 58 Pine street or telephone Estate of Frederick Hosmer Boyn­ Hartford. Conn. Pa. There, ^ ey .described their s ; ^ church, but with, him was another Robert J. Smlb 477-2. 1232. ton late of Manchester, In said Dis­ • 67^ pany, proved inferior to the second, terns and showed hqw- hqw'coal can ha ‘■bov.boy. ^_The b e man axnlalnedexplained tbit thdt tblathis trict, deceased. recorded from a radio recital of the of considerable use to civilization. . 'i’O RENT—5 room flat, flrst floor, boy, a relative of his, had decided 1009 Main Street FOR SALE—Chestnut wood, hard On motion of The Hartford-Conn. artist, according to the writer sim­ Waste to Bnim It;. to go and therefore he took him. , . 4 wood, and hard wood elabs eawed to all modern Improvemunts, 321 East Trust Co., executor. Real Estate Insurance Center streeL Inquire 41 Bigelow SL ply due to the fact that the artist Of greatest' significance is the order. L. T. Wood. 65 Blssell street, ORDERED:—That six nionths’ from Tonight’s Program. . Boor Stuart! Imagine bis disap­ • Steamship Tickets telephone 496. the 27th. day of November, A. D„ visualized the millions clustered fact that coal—liltumlnous or soft pointment. It was llkb waking np in TO RENT—6 room tenement, fur­ 1920, be and the same are limited and 6:00 p. m.T-rDjnner Music. The around loud speakers and threw coal, especially— can best be atlllz- nace, gas. 7 minutes from mills. SO allowed for the .creditors: within ■ Hetlbleln Trio—^Russian pro­ the middle ot a million dollar REAL ESTATE Essex StreeL Telepbope 1287-13. her soul Into her singing. ed without being burned directly. which to'brlng In their claims against gram— " I r dream. But Stuart was not the kind TO SETTLE AN ESTATE—Two 2 said estate, and the said executor is An artist who. can throw her soul It is a waste to burn any kind of to cry. He was mad from head to General FOR RENT—Four room flat In new directed to give public notice to the a. Reve Angellque from Kgme- into a song in a broadcast studio is .coal. By varjous processes, coal cab family houses. - rooms to in apart­ house, all Improvements, at 170 Oak creditors ,to bring in .their claims fiol Ostrow Series .Rubinsteiu foot but be did not say anything. ment with all Improvements, three street with garage; also three room within said time allowed by posting eminently capable of doing the be baked o r pre-heated to ebt the That would not ,bave been polite. Auto Repairinsr and minutes from mills, Incomi $960. p^r flat. Inquire 164 Oak street or call b. Valse ...... ^Cui year, price $9,000 for quick sale. Small a copy of this order on the public same thing In a recording room. 'most out o f It. ~ So he stood for few minutes for 616-5. • sign post nearest to the place where c. Melody in F ...... Rubinstein There is such a thing as indisposl- By such. pre.treatmsut; ecal fur­ ^ Oyerhauling amount of cash. Wallace D. Robb, 858 the deceased last dwelt; within said d. Ggsisbek Lullaby .. . .Jiranek hit temper to cool down. Main street. ' ____ FOR RENT—2 room suite and town and by_ publishing the same In tiqn In artists to account for vagar­ nishes gas for home heating, coke In the, m'exatime, along came SHELDO.VS GARAGE single room in Johnson. Block,' jult- e. Sbhg of the Volga Boatmen Rear of lift Hollister Htiwet. ' ”” NORTH ~ END—At trolley, lur some newspaper having a olrouldtlon ies in expressiveness and interpre­ for heating; or steel treatment, Coal Bdv. Coopbr. able f.r light housekueptng. Apply in said probate dlstrl,ct,f withinT ten. ^ i .... Russian Polk Song tative power. tar for a basis of lasoline aad .other Fbone 110-8. Residence 603-9. acres of land, two acres of apple Aaron Juhnsor 62 Linden street or to f. w aha . from “ Serenade"; for "What's the matter, son? Walt orchard, all young healthy bearing the. Janitor. days from the date of'this Order,’ and Mr. Edison is wrong in condemn­ oils, ah d other , minor products for return make to this court of the no­ "string Orchestra' ...... j. lng..for your dad?” tbe minister " ' ■ ' ■■■ .... !'■' ' " trees, about 100 In all. Balance good tice given. ing radio because of certain stiipid different purposaa. There is a tre­ tnible land, large barn, garage, FOR RENT — Three, and four k ...... TschalkoTjrsky asked.' - chicken coop. Six room single house, rpom apartments. < heat, lanltor aer^ ’ ,A\!ILLJAM,:3. HYDE, ! v practises of certain stupid people' mendous saving by sneh...process, ■ “ No,“ declared, Stuart emphatl? strictly modeVp Including steam Heal. g. AutoQUi and Winter— Bacieba* and ciyiltsation' benefits f r ^ the WINTER APPLES vice, gas range, refrigerator, in-u-' H-11-30-26 nal^ bm “ The Seasohs” V.. and radio» defenders are. wrong' in rally. ’.‘I’m, waiting unUl I get over ,'OK SAI.E A wonderful dpportunliy for an In­ door bed furnished. Cali Manchester minimizing the effectlyeness. of the lack of smoke and. coal' dutt.|; come in spare tli e and a beautiful Construction Company, 2100 or. lele- being inad anjl ; then I’m' ' going 93.00, 94JSO atid 90JH6 -ilief barrel. place. Price right for quick sale. -Wei- p'hone 782-2. ' . ™ perfection In acoustlcfii peculiar to ' One suggestion at the coimrisQce .kome.’' Stuart then .explained what lace O. Robb, 853 Main street. covered the nse of'.palyerktcid coal 6,;50— Be;i. Rosenberg and Jack recording people alone. As RelnaH bad happened. W.H. Cowles FOR RENT—Heated apartment of STATE MAKES SURyEY, Werrenrath so sagely remarks, "A os., a motor fuel, okeaper, je t more n o r t h e n d —Wonderful location,., 5 or 8 rooms, with modern li.iprov- ’ Nuii(eSit— Popular Entertain- "CXb po, you’re not;” said Rev. BDGEWOOb FRUIT FARM six rooms single, strictly modern, in­ r.-.ents. Robert V’. TreaL I'lioiie 4B8. record may be made and remade powerful than; the gasoline:near in Cooper. ".You're going to bo my son Telephone 0 ^ . . ' cluding furnace, all In the pink of nntIMt is perfect, but k slip on the use. That .is, a step in advance , bnt fo r ,the evening.” condition. Garage, plenty of fruit, FOP. RENT-^ln Greenacres, flrst QF ROAD TO BOITON air may never be recalled.” the hfajoritj of ;ooal acientists lopk chicken coop, half acre o. land, all for and second, floor flats at 73 and 75 a. Will O the Wisp ....S p ross Imagine the chan$(e, which came the' low price of $4500 with small Benton streeL Call 820. b. Mlllsande in the Wood .Goetz even farther- ahead. ; . bvet* Stuart's, face. He was too sur-* amount of cash. Wallace D. Klfbb, 853 ------Coal shonld not be- used directly prised to speak. It. was too good to Main street. Orders have gone .out from t^e c. Villanelle ...... Dell Acqua Arthur A . Knofla WANTED d. Mammy’s Song ...... Ware IltTER CASE DRAWS for any purpose,': -they apgue.' It be true. Quite, neturtilly, ha accept­ office of the State ^ghw iiy. der shouid be pre-treated for He- oils ed the generosity of his new “ dad.” FDR SAT " —Several nlcb new sin­ partment for a survey from Man­ e. Waltz Song (Romeo' and \ I FIRE and gles of 0 rooms. Sacriflee price. Will WANTED—Salesmen in Connecti­ Juliet) ...... Gounod’ and coal-tar and ammonia;; leaving '. But the best, was yet to come. be pleased to show you them. Fur­ cut territory to take orders for men’s chester Green thrbugh to the rail­ BIG CURIOUS CRDWD ther par‘ lculars of Arthur A,. Knofla. f. To a Messenger ,. ,'.La Forge a,residue coke just as usefu]:, if Pot For. whom did be meet but His Ex­ AUTO INSURANCE suits and overcoats. Instructions free road cut at. Bojton .Notch, it was more, than fhe pdgin’al-coal in cellency, Governor John H. Trum­ TeL 782-2, 875 Main. • largfst made to-measure company given out today by Commissioner Emily W. Richmond,, soprano . 875 Main S t Tel. TSS-S in thevvorld $35.00 to $50.00 value for Helen Gauntlett Wllllamqi,'ac^m- home heating aud steel production. bull. Stuart sat at the same table \FOR SALE—New single. Just oft E. $23.00. Our tailors here give free ser­ McDonald. This is a continnation of Chicago, Nov; 30-^Joseph Leiter Oli. Dies Hard . .. Ce.iter street. $6900. Small amount panlst. ■ , and, waS' introduced to hind. The vice to salesmen. Nationally known the survey made when work of re­ was called to the witness .stand to? cash. Modern Improvemeiits. Six large as "Golde.i Rule Nash Co.” Only men 7:00—rTrInity College Course— Coal still is. to be in|ned in. trer governor talked freely to him. rooms. Arthur A, Knofla, TeL 782-2. paving Center street from Adatnd day for cross e.x^inatlon in the of good character need apply. The A. “ What is Underground 'in mendous .quantiUes. But. so- long as “ Gee, Ma. he's a peach pf’a guy,” ARTESIAN WELLS - street to the Center was 'being resumption of hiii trial for alleged Nash Co., J. H. White, Branch Mgr., planned. Conn>ecticut”— Prof. E. L. we cfn get olfi direct, from tW Stuart sfild .afterward. ' ♦’ TO RENT New Britain, Conn. mismanagement o f the estate of his gfound.' it. can’t pompete; with this ^Drilled Any Diameterr— The new survey, which will be Troxell and. President Ogllby. father,. the late multl-mlllibnalre WANTED—Repairing or installing finished as eoon as possible by the 7:3 0— Great Moments In History. mineral for fuel and > other pur­ Any Depth ' Any Place L. Z. Leiter, (Chicago merchant. , poses, • - ^ ’ Hens scra|cliing in a sandpit on FOR RENT—Five room flat In radio receivers, work guaranteed. highway department engineers 8:0 0— Brass' City Quartet. practically new house; steam heat Kinsley Kuliney, 14 Hudson street, A battery of legal talent and a ' - Oil won’t give upi even .t&ough a the golf liuks at Fleetwood; Eng­ Stanley Parker, 905 Main. TeL 397. does not mean that a new road will 8:15— To be announced. Charles P. Volkert and all modern improvements. Locat­ courtroom thronged with . sight- government cOmmisBiOn given it land. recently caused the discovery ed 183 Maple. Inquire 165 Maple. be built to Bolton immediately. Ap­ 8:30— Tenor Selections with Ar- "seers, anxious to' catch a glimpse of of-400 Roman gold coins. . WANTED—Return load from New propriations must be made before mond Gauthier. only-six more years'tor profitable Blast Hole Driliiiig; TO RENT — Attractive, pleasant Haven, for small truck, Wednesday, the titled Leiter girls who figure sands. Measures are being taken to rent of 6 rooms, all conveniences, December 1st. L. T. Wood, 55 Blssell the department can go ahead with 8:45— Baritone— actual construction. prominently In the suit, marke,d’ extend this.estimate. Test Drilling: for. Foiin&tion new condition, moderate, on trolley, street. Phone 496. a. Sometime ...... O’Hara to.days’ court session. W ater Systenis near mills. Inquire rear 323 Center" St. With a concrete base, asphalt b. The Little Irish Girl ..Lohr Engineers, of the -U. S.'Bureau of WANTED—Boarders wanted, steam road from Bolton to Manchester, Suit against Leiter was institut­ Mines are co-operating, with pri­ TO RENT—Cheap, 8* room modern heat, 2 men or girls, 66 Ridge street. c. Somewhere ...... Harris Pumps for All Purposes. the roads from Hartford to Bolton ed by Lady Marguerite Hyde, Coun­ vate engineers'in their, search for house, hot water heat, all con­ d. The Preacher and the Bear tess of Suffolk and Bergs, his sis­ AUTO HIGHLAND PARS P. 0. veniences. Apply between 2 and 5. WANTED — Local married man would be as 'good as any in the ...... Arzonla methods by. which the: olf left’in the ELECTRICAL SERVICE Cor. Haynes and Main street. wants silent partner for local busi­ state. East Center street, howbvei', ter. Siding with Leiter was Mrs. 1375-.5, e. Paying More For It, Lieurance sands after the,, usual methods of atrAHI OUAItAlnVD ness, with no competition, about $300 stiri remains in its old conditior. Nancy Carver Campbell, another FOR RENT—Three rooms' on first needed. Box D, Herald. Bruce F. Young, baritone sister, of Boston. production has become unprofitable NORTON floor, all modern improvements, at 5 and residents of the town say that may be-extracted-«t-n-profit. It is cuenlMMi. Mcrmaam CO. Thirty years will be required WANTED—Position as chauifeur, or Norman D. Hovey, accompanist Th^ case was adjourned June 16 Ford street, near Center. Inquire of it should be re-paved"’ before any perhaps the greatest problem in the rttoHK for the restoration of Rheims ca­ Mrs. J. P. Sheehan, 11 Knighton truck driver, by reliable young man, work is done on the road from the 9:00— The Travelers Symphonic after three months of litigation. street. Phone 2108. best of references. Telephone 135-3, Ensemble:—Dana S. Merrlman, oil industry todays they agree. thedral. y after 5':30. Green to Bolton. FOR RENT—94 Holl street, first Judging from the time which Musical Director of WTIC A Japanese pearl firm, believing floor, new five room flat, beautifully WANTED—Experienced sorters on elapsed- before Center street was Conducting— Irene B. Bourk, that p ^ e r s have souls, hag built finished, v/ry latest improvements, broad leaf tobacco. Good pay. Apply Soloist. a miniature pagoda as shrine to W4pity4MftMnaoaoaocKtoooe3t3083^^ steam heat, shades, wjell built. House to Jacob Kalian, Vernon, Conn. TeL improved, it will be some time be­ tOLUNGHOME’ FEATURES must be seen to be appreciated, rent Rockville 563-5. fore any more new roads will be ■ - ■ - I* placate the spirits of btValves from reasonable. Mrs. J. F. Sheehan, 11 built in this sectiou of Hartford Excerpts from Ten Victor Herbert which pearls have been extracted. Knighton street. Phone 210S. ' WANTED—To repair and clean county. Favorites. SCREEN^ m i COMEDIAN sewing , machines of all makes. All \ n TO RENT—6 rooms, all improve­ work guaranteed. Tel. Manchester Two Fold Mission ■ ments, steam heat, on Madison street. No. 715. Go anywhere. R. W. parraid. a. Black Eyes .... Herlick-Stone Invest Your. Money Inquire 100 East Center street. 37 Edward street. Manchester. W ell A gain b. Two G uitars...... Herlick III Reginald Denny at Cirele Thea­ TO RENT—Two front room heated WANTED—To buy cars for Junk. apartment, also office rooms, in Or- Used parts for sale. Abel’s ' Service Soprano— ter Tonight And Tomorrow ford building. Call 1925-4. Station. Oak streeL TeL 789. a. Someday from ' “ Vagabond ■King” ...... Friml As the Hiek Who R < ^ Home FOR RENT—Six room bungalow,, WANTED—Some pleasure these In Good near Center, steam heat and fire long'evenings? Why not have that b. Only & Rose from “ Vagabond Ih a Rolls-Royce. place, large living room, should be phonograph fixed and enjoy the old King” ...... Frfinl seen to appreciate, ready December favorite records once again. Brallh- Miss Bourk. 15th; also 6 room tenei..ent at 454 walte. 150 Center streeL . . ------' We; are'always ready to give advice— and place Main street. SeeTil. Benson or call 170. “ Who’s the funniest man in the Overture “ Oberbn” . . . .von Weber movies?’! Everybo,dy-f-“ Reginald youT rrioney without charge in good First and Second AUTOMOBILES POR^ RENT—5 roo:n flat, all im- V Denny!’’When. Denny comes to Mortgages— Yielding interest at 6% to 10%.. ' • proveme-its on .trolley line. Station 52. town theater-goers know that they Apply 59S Center street, Harrison’s FOR SALE—Chevrolet touring oar, Sbprano— store. Phone 569. price $175.00. Apply Manchester Lum­ Glanlni Mia from “ The Firefly” are in for one : grand . laugh-fest. . We have several now on hand. Inquiry places you ber Co...... Friml That .means that those who go to TO RENT—Garage. 58 Oxford St. Miss Bourk. the Circle tonight and tomorrow under no obligation. * / FOR SALE—Ford sedan, motor are In for just such' a good tluie, FOR RENT—Heated apartment of good, price $25.00. Ford touring 1922, VI 3 rooms, modern conveniences, avail­ 4 new tires, new battery, price $70.00. Ballet Music “ Naila” . . Delibes because the pular Unive'rs'al star able at once. Wm. Rublnow. TeL Burton Keeney, 596 Keeney streeL is here in bis latest rib- tickler, 825-2. TeL 1194-12. vn Soprano— ’’Rolling Home." ' TO RENT—Dowmstairs tenement, a. 'iThe Bubble from “ High Denny, with all his recent, farce- hot and sold water, toilet, bath, gas. MISCELLANEOUS /Jin k s” ...... Friml successes, has never been funnier near trolley and school. $25.00. 29 b. Vodka from "The Song of the than In “ Rolllhig Home.” It is, a Strant, 859-4. Direct to wearer. English Woolen story ideally suited to Us talents EDWARD J. Flame” .. ..'. . .Stotiart and Company, tailors- since 1898. Harry as a farceur,. and he makes the FOR RENT—Tenement of six Anderton representative, 38 Church Gershwin 865 Main Street. rooms, all Improvements, 135 Main street,' South Manchester. Telephone Miss Bourk.- most of every opportunity. He street, telephone 626. Manchester 1221-2. ^ should add hundreds .of. admirers NOTICE—Money to ,loan on first vn i to his large army of fans with FOR] RENT—Six large rooms, and second -mortgages. P. D. GomoHo, American Fantasia . . . . Herbert steam neat, all accommodations, at 12 Real Estate and Insurance, 13 Oak Us work in this picture. . ' ''Trotfer street. Apply at 16 Doane street. Tel. 1540. 10:00— Weather. . Dainty IRtle Mariqn Oixpu plays 10: — Club Palais Royal Orc^es- street, Manchester. Phone 904-4. the feminine lead ojipoiiica the star, niiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiniiiihtiiim iHiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiyviiiiiiii Hosiery with runs can be satisfac­ If United States Senator James and provides an excellent reason TO' RENT—Desirable 6 room flat, torily repaired at the Mary Ellen News. A separation from the former all improvements at 12 1-2 Church Gift and Craft Shop, over Miner's E. Watson, of Indiana, suffers any Millicent Rogers, daughter of Col. for flenny’s waUiAg'to'go back to —street. Apply at 18 Church street or Pharmacy. Also charming handmade after-affects of his recent severe' ill­ H. H. Rogers, Standard Oirinillion- the old home tojwn. ^ . We Recommend The Use Of phone 661. gifts. ness they are not evident in this OLD PENALTIES aire, . and American citizenship, “ Rolling Ho.me” does tHeT’oftSfi- FOR RENT—Six room tenement on Orders taken now for wreaths for photo. It was taken when he visit­ brought. C^unt Ludwig von Hoog'- cdlt trick of AuriasBlng Denny’s 1^ Brass Pipe and Fittittgl St, John streetrall improvements. Ap­ Christmas, 25c. Delivered anywhere in ed President Coolidge at the White straeten back to the United States. other scresmiiygly funny ' farces, ply at 389 Lydall street, telephone town. Telephone 980-32. Peking.— Under tbc stress of .. For Water Supply . 1372-4. House, one of the first things ne civil war China is reviving several He is seen here as he reached New “ Skinner’s Djess Suit,” “ What S 'ORAGE—For furniture In our did upon regaining Ifls feet. ‘‘Cal’’ ancient forms of puniskment. One York on the S, S. Homeric. Of his Happened: tp .foues” and others, If '-'-^ and carry a stock on hand. Call on os ^ - FOR RENT—;One 4 room tenement new warehruse, sprinkler lire pro'ea- and “ Jim,” whose life was la dan­ form, known as ‘-^erchien’* consists- separation action the Count said lit­ sUch. a ■ thing/is possible. on Cepter street, riear_mllls and trol­ ti . low i ur: nee rate. Manehest'r ger at mofe than one stage tjf'his ley, modern improvements, rent rea­ Public Warehouse Co., 16 Aoel Place. o f piercing thk' ears wlth.^ arrows, tle, although he expressed a hope , With ad (excellent farce plot, sonable. Apply at 178 1-2 Center St. Phone 1275. illness, swapped lies in gehersil and six arrows for each efir. The vic­ that he would soon see his young situation, is piled, on situation with W t i l i o t i v discussed the political situation and tim is then forced to parade the son, Peter, now with the Countess. a speed tbi^t is. dazsling s»d the TO KEJW—H< a house, modem, Rags, magazines, bundled paper plans for the forthcoming session of Salm’s title is Hungarian, but he is near mills, on trolley lino, opposPe and Junk bought at t>ly’ est oish streets under police guard to show laughs coma more furiously as each I 28 Spruce Street 'V * . •. i*ho®« 6iL South Manchester Garage. Apply 476 prices. Plions S49-f and 1 will calL J. the Senate in which the Hoosler So­ that he is a Red propagandist or a German, and it was under that new incident involves th9 hero, in ^onter street. Eisenberm lon is an outstanding flgurh. Irreanlsir BQldi.er. , quota he entered. ibarrasBlnig posttloiu* MANCHESTER EVENING HERAliD, TUESDAY, NOV. 30, 192«r 1 AGE Yfes—It’s Suzanne THREE IN ROW MAJOR n n s CONDUCTS DD6LAN TO BUILD Pennsylvania played three games She’s Coming to See Us COVENTRY in a row, in which the final result was 8-0. After losing to Illinote by S. A. SERVICES SUNDAY 3,000 NEW houses a field goal margin, the Quakers 'Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Pike and swung around and tripped Penn .There will be special services at daughter Mayy, o f Danielson, were State and Columbia in like manner. ^S'55\?t '^vf the local Salvation Army citadel Dublin (United. Press.)— Homes Thanksgiving guests- with Mrs. Paul Scull accounted for . Penn’s 'SS'SSv.\ next Saturday and Sun'’ay. The for 15.000 people who are In need Pike’s sister,'' Mrs. H. P. Pomeroy. two vlctorlouB field goals. ■ » l attraction will be the< official wel­ of accommodation in Dublin are to Ml^s. Eunice Pike of Hartford also come to Major and. Mrs. Bates, and be provided by the city’s' housing ''V'J'' spent the day with her aunt Mrs. Ensign and Mrs. Pickering of Hart­ commissioners. .In adtlition to the H. P. Pomeroy. Varicose Veins Reduced ford. shortage of houses d o^ to the ces Major Bates has recently been cation of building dunng the war. John* E. Kingsbury and three appointed district officer to the tbo commissioners have to face the children .spent the holiday with Or Money Back, Say Southern New Bnglan^. Division fact tl i-t a large amount of pld Mr., Kingsbury's sister Mrs. H. B. with headquarters at Hartford. He tenement properr.v, built 150 and Elliott. . has been connected with the Sal­ 200 years ago, is in a state of decay imd MrW John Wright and Local Druggists vation Army almost all his life and and is ‘dangerous. They are, there- fami^ spent, the holidsy with Mrs^ for a. period worked' at. the Inter­ f(»re, providing for the construction^ H. B.'Pomeroy. national headquarters in London. Simple Home Treatment That of u,000 houses, many of which are The Ladies’ Fragment society Later he came to this country and being liuilt of concrete. ^ Is Giving Amazing Results. XsviS i has filled various offices of import­ will meet Wednesday at the par­ ance at the different centers. His sonage to finish up work for. their The world progresses. Today ail­ last appointment was assistant field annual sale to be held Dec. 8. ments that took weeks to cure can secretary and worked under the di­ Mr. and Mrs. Shaw -who have now be ended In a few days. .If I rection of Commander Evanigeline moved to the Old Btewstw place, yon have varicose veins or bunches Booth at New York City. He is a UBitod with the church Sunday. you can start.today to bring them! fine musician and while in New T’hnrsday- evening Coventry back to normal size, and If you are Grange No. 75, P. df H., vrtll ob­ frSSK York was a member of the National wiser you will do so.' Staff Band. Although not a strang­ A d d ^ m a d serve Past Masters’ night. Just get an original bottle, of er to Manchester, having been here Everyone who ean Is urged to at­ Mdone’s Emerald Oil at any dis­ on two previous occasions, this win tend the annual. Farm Bureau pensing' pharmacist and apply it be the first time -he has conducted **PhiUip8 Milk of MagneiU’ meeting to be. held Thursday at night and morning as directed ‘ to services in the local citadel. He Westelyn hall, Kockvllle. the enlarged veins. It is very pow­ will be accompanied by his wife Better Misa LUlle ffill and sister Maripn erful and penetrating, and only a who is also an ■ officer of long also Lawrence Hill, spent the vaca­ standing. little Is required. -.1 tion at, homeu After a few days’ treatment the Ensign-. Pickering. who has re­ Here after, instead of soda take, Mifs Dorothy Wood has return­ cently been appointed over the veins 'will begin to grow smaller a little “ Pbllllpa Milk of Magnesia'^ ed, .having spent the vacation at and by regular use will soon reduce young people’s work came in con­ in. water any time fpr indigestioa her home in Taftville. tact with the Army when vary to normal. or sour, acid, gassy atbhiach. akd Miss Ruth Taylor was home t o r People who want to reduce varl- young as his parents are both offi­ relief will come instantly. cers in its ranks. The Ensign has the week-end. cobe veins, or get rid of running For fifty years genuine "Phlllipa just Iwen transferred from Pitts­ sores, ulcers, or piles in a few days burgh, Pa., where he had. charge o f Milk of Magnesia” ' baa been pre< should' not hesitate to get a bbttle one of the Army’s leading corps. scribed by physicians bctluise it Thd-boy stood OB^-the burning deck. at once. It is so powerful that a overcomes three times as much add Expression was not grim. small bottle lasts a long time. Any in the stomach as a' saturated aolu- Why should be worry when the pharmacy can supply you. North TRANSPARBjNT METAL * tlon of bicarbonate of soda, leaving ship End Pharmacy, South Manchester the stomach sweet and free from Delectable? Exactly! She is Miss Isabel Jeans, English beaub Did. not belong to, him? agents, Magnell Drug Co., sell lots ^ o with scores of other specimens of British pulchritude will come tc Now Haven, Conn.— A process all gases.- It neutralises acid fer­ o f it.— ^Adv, •for making metal foils less than a mentations in the bowels and gent­ the U. S. to compete for honor of appearing In an Am eriSS e. ' millionth of an inch thick has been ly urges the souring waste from the developed in the Sloane Physics system without purging. Besides, This is the sport that made her famous— but Suzanne Lenglen, famous laboratory at Yale University. Dr. It is more pleasant to take than professional tennis player, likes to play golf to help keep in trim. She’s William Swann, pTbfessor Of phys*- soda. Insist upon "Phillips.’* shown on the Mission Hills course at Kansas City. Ics says these foils are perfectly Twenty-five cent and fifty cent bot­ uniform and nearly completely tles, any drugstor#.' "Milk .of lia r tfo n t transparent. The foils are hoins Magpesla” has 1>esn the U. 8. Regis­ Hartford used in investigation of the rela­ tered Trade Mark of The Charles French Girl, Murderer tive ease with which electrons of H. Phillips Chemical Go. and its different velocites pass through predecessor Charles H. PhilUps metals. since 1876. o f Betrayer, Acquitted THE 4^G E ST SPEQALTY SHOP IN CONNECTICUT— PHONE 2-4206

I \ Paris (United Press).— ^Nov. SO. recognise as his and he announced —~The woman usually paim». hut a his intention to seek a divorce. 1 CARL W . LINDQUIST,! French Jury turned the tables on The girl then obtained an. auto­ this principle when it acquitted a matic pistol and *went back to see Beginning To-marrow—Important 4-D a y seventeen-year-oId farm girl on a Houy who was sitting with his Watchmaker and Jeweler chaiYO of murder, she had been family at the supper table when the 18 Asylum Street, Romn 104 betrayed by her employer, whom girl came in. Putting her child on Hartford-Aetna Bank Building. Hartford, Ooan. she killed after the birth of her the floor she drew her automatic baby. and fired the eight shots whic^. it In September, 1935, Tberese contained. Seven of them went Lrue. Marechal sought work of Arthur Kouy dropped dead with three of “G ifts That Last” Houy, a wealthy married land own­ the bullets in his breast. Another CLEARANCE SALE' er near Montargis, and before long shot passed through the body of FOR LADIES FOR MEN an attachment sprang up between the farmer’s'SOU who .died shortly Watches-' strap Watches them. When at last the girl found after, another struck the kitchen ’ Stone Rings she was to have a child and told Pocket Watches maid and yet two more, penetrated Fins Chains ,.Houy Of her fears, he made a brutal the arm of the farmer’s wife. Bracelets Kulv'es comment on her condition and told The girl told her story very slm^ Mesh Bags Belt Buckles her that in consequence she could ply to the jury and It was confirmed Pearls Cigarette Gases do no more work. ' by witnesses. Her counsel pleaded Cameo Brooches Rings Subsequently, in February, 1838„ that it was unfair that the woman Pen and Pencil Sots Cuff Buttons she married a young mason. In ^ e should always pay, and the Jury, Dinner Rings Stick Pins AT DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTIONS! foUo.wing June she gave birth to a after a brief deliberation, freed then Watch, BU’etUOs' Fountain Pens child which the husband refused io girl. i — '• ------■ - -- ' W i n s t o n Churchill Celebrates DIAMONDS Every Dress of typical Steiger QualitjF and Style-taken from regular stock and drastically Open Satunlay Evenings Until ’Christmas. .Other Evenings reduced for quick sellinip. Sale includes Dresses for afternoon, street* business and sports wear. , His 52hd Birthday Today by Appointment. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiuiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii ...... I ...... for Churchill purchased It with the per cent of the receipts are donat PMA ooventheopcoinc announced intention of “ making it in (M freezin g compart- ecT to a fund which takes care of Pn^dbue a teal 51 Dresses Formerly Up pay no matter what it costs.’’ injured pla.vers. Other first round Vhich otmrwlowcr <»• games are Scandlas of Hartford at $34.75 Waterburx and Clan Campbell at ■ s s ijs a a r Bridgeport against the team Man To $59. 7 5 . . . . . Chester trimmed Sunday. . . . . s toe lU^daire’a ew iwiiotiwyiiw Manager McCollough also an­ 0 “popularity is the fk etm t itfieeseamon leewfagr nounced that he had been notified Ktual weight,^ahan orixer dectrie zeftigeratow o t FourtK Floor by Joe Booth that the suspension ol' the^saroe Sid Bloxara, local crack player, has The Frigddairefiee^^ t t v s are itrif ssaHni; The been lifted, and that he will be able white enameled firants o f tbe4ee tnira to play within at least two weeks ovalto ^ tray openinga; t^srsH ng itha 1 cold of th&frort cw within Che tn a S Bloxasn is one of the best Maaches- Prigidaire O S m ter players and will Jump back In­ meat.' Fripdaire fireeces ice quid^ Lift Off-No Pain! M ore to his favorite position of inside fo r h a s regardleas o f room temperatures. teft when he receives notification New Low Long ago; Friiddaire dlacinded tiia brine tank in Substantml Savings in the He was suspended several months PRICES fikvwo£thembree£5d«tftDftc(dL Thefteeteoa ago for playing with a team not af­ Vb^tfslia MadmMMl MdM Maasurea -ouk_ — - ——-rimpler; ----- * - —__ quickerJ ^ temperature_____ eoatrol,•___. whichm filiated with the league.« ^ it“ncver hm to be IM M-t.1 MiO oMm, adjusted once it has been propoiy set. ^ HAPPY-GO-LUCKY GIRLS ■fluSfenSli $225 ' Fri^daireisaiqwridrMkeifiteediigcapacity,fbod PLAN CHRISTMAS PARTY 5 ° ” ** <8>eririing coat and quiet epeta-. DECEMBER COAT SALE sSfc-i£r$3io non. rriipdaite offers mmanoiiid atuidioesa of copstniction and b e a u t y ^ derign. Frigidaite The Happy-Go-Lucky Girls met oOem a permanent and tborou{^l^. trained and at the White House on North Main mtabhrixed service organizatian. It is the only street last night for their regular ' ^ —7 yoiiin«— w eleetric refrigerator guaranteed t y General Udtera. supper and business meeting. Mary McLagan was chairman for the sup ALFRED GREZEL . per and planned a fine repast com Blstlng of meat loaf, macaroni and 829 Main Street So. Manchester cheese, pickles, rolls, cake and A t Compelling Price Reductions cocoa. Several matters were discussed OW at the height o f the eoat>weuring sessoai come these sharp CSearance Reductions. You regarding the Christmas party.' The N have your choice of the season's leading'materials, fabrics and furs at substantial savings on Doesn’t hurt one bit! Drop a lit­ girls are giving a Christmas tree to every garment* with almost a full season ahead in which to wear and enjoy a new coat! tle “ Freezone” on an aching corn, the Community club and are hold­ u o r t t m e instantly thqt corn stops hurting, ing a food sale at the White House then shortly you lift it right off on Saturday, December 4^ to raise Alfred .A. GrozoL Steigofa-—Fourth Floor with fingers. money for same. So. Hanehester. Tour druggist sells a tiny bottle Utiaem sso/ioot Pkuewid me eeepbti Miieetiei ihnatodltiWf President Mark Holmes was the odastea A# «hfeh 6f “Freezone” for a few cents, suf­ guest for supper and spoke to the N a m e ...----- ... ------^ ______ficient to remove every hard corn, -«ab» chmIm PiWdriw esa t/m - girls In a-very fitting manner. Aft­ A i i t t a ______'____ - „ soft corn, or corn between the toe.l, er a rising vote of thanks the meet­ ALL SAL^S FINALrr-NO RETURNS—NO BEFUNDS and the footcalluses, without sore­ ing adjourned, for the work and ness or irrltation,.«-Adv, x" ' -X social hour* < •A ' W- iik" MANCHES'rBR EVENING ]^RALp/TOESDAY; NOV. 30, I98ff. Sfc- PAGE EIGHT PUCE KICK SAFER C.B.A.A.T0H01D Professkmal ^ khIs Cleaner SMOKER ON DEC. 15 THANADROPIQCK Now Than Ever Says Farrefl T^e Directors of Cheney Broth­ Bob seyefal Zuppke.’.whoh hot-eoachlng^!adhesive tape for inches ers’ Athletic Association have vot­ above the top of the hose. punts. When the ball Is deep football at University o f Illifipis, is ed to hold a smoker, consisting of By THOMAS R. CURRAN SAYS JIM THORPE an artist. He'is said to-be as skill- There is no doubt about the ef­ Stanford territory, Hoffman ahoots ficiency of the stunt. Incidentally, twenty rounds of boxing, on "Wed­ Pasadena, Cal., Nov. 30,— ^With | an unorthodox forward pass fot fu r with the brush as lie is on the nesday evening, December 15, in Betting Losers, However, O C M T T T gridiron. Zuppke specializes in ‘ma­ there was-the psychological effect the too-short “ regular” football forty-five or fifty yards, therel^ J Cheney Hall. season now drawing to a close, in­ rines. ; on Michigan, the element of sur­ apparently violating the convention ' prise, as the Illinois squad appeared Boxing fans of Manchester and terest the country over has begun This Has Been Proved By It was Zuppke who first brought that'it is madness to pass when Always Squawk, ^ on the gridiron stockingless. vicinity, whether members of the to jquicken in the great Tourna­ near your own goal line. - The the artistic temperament into the Then to make good Zuppke s A. A. or not. will have an opportu­ ment of Roses east-west football stategy of football unless I am pi'Ss sails so high and so far, how­ "Fradne-Up” When Dope CMCKI Gamel This Season, Billy stunt, the fleet ‘‘Red” Grange en­ nity of “sitting in” on this Smok­ classic on NeW; Year’s.Day. ever, that, if interpreted, it is, as Joe mlrinformed. ^ ■ joyed the most sensational day of er for a nominal price which is "With ■ a natural dislike for' good as a punt; if. caught by a Knowing the v-,lue^. nf colors, his illustrious career. barely sufficient to cover the lunch­ clambering put too far on the Stanford end it nets a long gain Evans Finds. Zuppke used them to excellent ef­ Rockne’s Scheme eon. This will be served after the limb, officials in charge of the and possible touchdown. Is Upset. SHAW VS. TUNNEY fect in helping his forw pd pass bouts. Association members must A great many of the present day tournament are reluctant to state .In case Stanford refuses to play game. bear in mind that this is not the offiically their earl> selections for the New Year’s classic, there are (The satirist and the sockist en­ backfield, star's are strong for the p,sual winter smoker to which they By HENRY FARRBLIi gage in one of those wrangles By BILLY EVANS One' year when Illinois caine on the post-season clash. It was several other possibilities on the half hosd, rather than the long are admitted by showing their learned, however, that Stanford, (United Press Sports Editor) of the century) the field to meet OhioState, you stockings. \ This is mostly-true of coast, including Washington State, New York, Nov. 30.— (United Which is the safer way to try could tell the Zuppke' players a the fast men. So that Zuppke s membership card. if it rides through the rest of its the Oregon Aggies and the Tro­ Press).— Gene Tunney surprised to score a point after touchdown, mile away. stunt has been widely copied. Before entering upon this prop­ schedule without a defeat, will be jans. The Trojans, however, play ROUND I osition the A. A. secured assurance the favorite eleven to represent two continuents when he gave Jack the dropi or' place kick? Several Running up and dO'Vfn the jer­ Knute Rockne, not to be outdone Notre Dame on December 4 and it Dempsey the worst beating he had Mr. Shaw: If that young gent from Secretary E. M. McLaughlin the west. doesn’t like the way I’ve written years ago that thought came to me seys were vivid leather'8^11003 sev­ by Zuppke, went the Illinois cqaeh is Improbable that Coach Howard ever suffered and took the world s eral inches wide. TliO helIt^t9\of of the state boxing commission that Brown Preferred . my play, let him rewrite it. and I put the question to Jim one better this fall by equipping Jones will wantXo keep his team heavyweight championship from the players eligible to-receive the his varsity squad with rainy day the smoker would not come under The eastern team, oq the face cw on edge for an additional month. Mr. Tunney: I do not wish to re­ Thorpe, one of the best kickers the the jurisdiction of the commission him. pass were of a brightprShue. than early conjecture, will be either Previous Scores The result was so much a sur­ write Mr. Shaw’s plays. It is tough game has ever known. uniforms. . x,! ,, » providing the participants did not Brown University or the Universi- “In trying for a field goal, two any; of the others. ■ ; ... The ordinary football ouuit prise that there were whispers that enough to look at them. receive money for their services. ; / of Alabama. Due to the fact If Washington State and Brown Mr. Shaw: As I understand it men have a better chance to suc­ Springs-Innovation; quickly absorbs moisture and be­ were selected it would'be an anni­ the fight was, as the boys call it, comes very heavy, the pads in par­ This condition will be met honest­ that Alabama come west to trim “ in the bag.” that young gent is disappointed be­ ceed than one,” was Thorpe’s re Zuppke’s innovation' cauaptL ^the ly and prizes will be awarded, to all the "Washington Huskies last yeah. versary contest na thesis teams ply. Asked to further explain, he spectators to gasp with' astonish- ticular. ^ , played the first east-west classic The world’s series between the cause the fight character in my play I. Rockne, a great believer in winners and losers as well. Brown may be slightly preferred St. Louis Cardinals and the New does not resemble him. This may be continued: ment as the Illinois team trdtted on » There will be five four-round, ten years ago. In that game Kicking a stationary ball, prop- -t ' , ispeed, evolved the oilskin pants and as never in the history of Rose York Yankees went to the limit of explained on the ground that I am bouts on the program, which is rap­ Bowl game has the same eastern W..shington State turned back ,erly helped, is certain to .produce rubber pads, both being moisture seven games and the wise boys n o ^ a realist. There Is n o. question bttt^hat it idly taking shape. This program team played twice in a row. Either Brown and the migjity Fritz P ol­ more accurate results than kicking ■-proof. ^ » lard by a score of 14 to 0. ded their heads and insinuated thax Mr. Tunney: I am pleasantly sur­ helped the passer in'ideki^ «ut:his ' This feather of football dress 1s will be announced as soon as com­ team, however, would be a great it had been arranged to get in the prised to learn that Mr. Shaw is a a ball that is dropped to the eligible men.. Coaches'noyr resort pleted. Smokers conducted by the attraction. The recollection of the The scores in following years ground with a chance that it mhy sure to become standarcUfor rainy were ao follows: maximum number of games “ for realist. From his pictures I had to many different arUtibbs*'t<); pro­ •weather and muddy fields. , association have drawn crowds of personal clash between George bound badly. duce the same' resultv between 300 and 400. The directors Wilson of the Huskies and Pooley January 1, 1917— Oregon 14; tllG S&t©.** thought he was Santa Claus. “ I regard the place kick as al­ Jack Sharkey followed Tunney's Mr. Shaw: I do not care whether Two years ago when ''Illinois feel that an audience of at least Hubert of Alabama still stirs, the Pennsylvania 0. most two to one safer than the drop 1918r^No game. surprising victory over Dempsey by that young gent accepts the lead­ played Michigan, the-, game in 500 will witness the show on the soul of Southern California Toot- kick in attempting a goal from l a s t NIGHT’S SIGHTS 1919— Great Lakes Training Sta­ beating Harry Wills clear out of ing role in' my play or not. In fact which ‘Red” Granger ran wild, 15th. Cheney Hall will seat at least ball fiends. the pugilistic picture and stories field.” Stanford, by virtue of its. re­ tion 11, Mare Island Marines 0. I’d rather he did not. I’d prefer to Says Jim Thorpe scoring four touchdo^s in 12 800, everyone of whom can see ensued that Wills knew he couldn’t minutes of play, Z u l^ e phlled clearly the ring, which will be markable upMll fight to victory 1920— Harvard 7, 'Oregon 6. see it a success. Since getting the low-down on At New TSork— Mike Ballerlno 1921— California 28, Ohio State get a crack at Tunney and the Mr. 'Tunney: Why should I play another stunt that har-sinQe been "former junior-lightweight cham­ pitched as usual in the center of over the . University of Southern the matter of drop and place'kicks California Trojans, is considered d. championship and folded up for a a leading role in any of Mr. Shaw’s widely copied, pion, defeated Georgie Balduc, ten the hall. ^ from so eminent an authority as the best team on the west coast. 1922— California — Washington price. plays when there are other and less Jim Thorpe, I have kept a close rounds. Johnny Pilucci of Ne . The association feels that it A German and a French channel Tagging behind by two touchdowns ai^ Jefferson, scoreless tie. painful ways of attaining obscuri­ tab on results in games that I have a York won decision over Spencer should not affiliate itself with the 1923— Southern California 14, swimmer beat the record made by State Amateur Association because “ Pop” Warner’s eleven had deter­ ty? S6GH* was ______-Gardner of Providence, ten rounds. mination and strength enough to Penn State 3. Gertrude'Ederle and Bill Burgess, My figures show the pliace kick considered perfect for jMseball but At Jersey City— Charley (Phil) of the many obstacles it would en­ 1924— Navy 14; Washington 14 who trained the American girl, far too warm for -the ]0Hd SPort. counter in its other .branches of earn the needed points and kick a Time Is taken out while Mr. to be a far more efficient method Rosenberg defeated Gteorgle Mack goal after touchdown for a 13 to (tie). said the time was “ funny business” of trying to score a point afterj About an hour before’game time, sports. 192 5— ^Notre Dame 27,. Stanford and that neither swimmer was Shaw has his loins rubbed with of Jersey City, ten rounds. K. 0. 12 triumph. tincture of sarcasm, extract of touchdown, or going after three Zuppke, I am told,, gave a rush Phil Kaplan o f New York won on 10. within an hour of the accredited order to the football manager lor EVERYBODY SCORED HERE Stanford Good Team cynicism and oils of banana. Mr. points. While the odds are not technical knockout over Freddie The "Hanford team is not only a 1926— ^Alabama 20, Washington time. two to . one, they the mighty close several dozen half hOSe. ■ 19. These 4 are the penalties that Tunney retires to his comer to Kelly of Buffalo in- first round. One of the oddest scoring games good team, 'it is a team that makes punch the bag with Keats, shadow- to it. , Element of Surprise At Toronto—Joe . McKeon of every contest reek with dramatic The count is thus four games have become a heritage of athletes Recently in two very important The football manager,-schooled of the football season was that for the-east, four games for the In professional sports. box with Byron and jump the rope Scotland won on foul from Alex played between Mhskingum and incidents. Warner’s reserves and with Milton. Big Ten games I had the ppportunl in Zuppke discipline, -wais-mighty Burlle of Toronto, in third round triple pass plays are as thrillin,g as west with two ties. This year’s The fellow who bets the wrong ty to appreciate, the difference be­ curious but didn't a«k.-thPr reason.' Kenyon, two Ohio colleges..^ The game will flit the balance. way or the wise guy who knows it - At Milwaukee— Joey Sangor of old-fashioned melodrama. tween the two methods. It was given when inijlois"i’a^ oh final result read: Muskingum 39* The Cardinal team this year, in all starts the stories and the saps There are cries from the gallery Milwaukee won decision over Bud Kenyon 34. Obviohsly, Ihq ball was of «‘make ’em fight,”- “throw the Concrete Examples the field to start the game, Taylor of Terre Haute, te nrounds. fact, is the* same team as last year pick it up and peddle it around. When Meyers Clark of Ohio Heavy Woolen stockings absorb behind the goal lines. most of. the In all seriousness a college man bums out,” “what do you think At Jamostown, N. Y.—^Tommy •vrith the exception of Ernie Nevers, FINALLY GRAB GAME ' State had the task of evening the much perspiratlotJL and have a ten­ time. the ripping plunger. “ Biff” Hoff­ and a sport enthusiast told the this is, a cake-walk?” and “who count between Michigan and State dency to make the legs feel Mitchell of Toronto won decision writer a few days ago that the told you you could fight, anyway?” over Ray Romney of Niagara Palls • i man, however, of dhot and discus put up to him, he failed, dismally heavy. It is-a reality,' not pure im­ HEIGHTS PRACTICE fame, is a fair substitute and After dropping seven games in a ' Dempsey-Tunney fight was the with his drop kick effort. Benny ten rounds. row, Lehigh’s gridders finally broke climax of the most gigantic frame- Howls from the concessionaries: agination. .. , At Indianapolis— Tommy Lough- throws the ball all over the field Friedman of Michigan had made The Illinois players had discard­ _ The Heights basketball- team on forward passes. As a matter the jinx by defeating Rutgers, 14-0. up that had ever been pulled off. “ Here you are, gents, the life his two goals from placement. ed the heavy woolen stockings, put ran of Philadelphia won decision During the i>eriod of reverses, Le- . He said he knew positively that stories pf both principals in to­ over George Manley of Indianapo is will practice tonight at the School [ of fact idoffman’s forward passes A week later, with Minnesota on the half hose, and the various street Rec from 9 unlU 10. 1 are frequently used instead of high failed to count in four tilts. Dempsey had held up Tom Gibbons night’s windup, with illustrations, leading Michigan 6-0 and only a trainers bound the bare; legs, with ten rounds. In Shelby to make Gibbons look autographs, and the favorite chow few minutes to play, Oosterbaan good; that Gibbons took a dive yneln recipes of the two battlers', recovered a fumble, ran for * with Tunney to make Tunney loos all for ten cents, one silver dime. touchdown and tied the score. god and that Demrsey had hit the Who’s next, gents?” ' With a Big Ten title hanging ■ oh tank for a fortune, fie insisted that Friedman’s effort to score the ex­ Dempsey, for his act, demanded Babe Ruth, Jack Kearns, Knute tra point on a goal from placement, knd got Tunney’s share of the the Michigan captain came through purse, a percentage of Tunney’s fu­ Rockne, Peaches Browning, Benny Friedman and other well-known with a perfect kick. ture fights and that he had bet Line Plays Pa’rt . one-half of his money that Tun- members of the literati arrive at the ringside, are Introduced, and I have heard the drop and place­ hey would win. ment kick debate discussed by a This is too absurd to be worthy issue challenges to the Avinner, toasted on both sides. number of players noted for their^ of an audience but a lot of fans be­ ability as experts, and • the conten­ cause they do not trust professional tion made by .most of them is that' ■ports in a money mad day. ROUND n the line has much to do with any The only major sport that has Mr. Shaw:jpy that^d Marston (192.3), Bobby Jones Choate was accompanied

•p. > ' ^ /

MANCHESTftE EVEKtNG HEBALD, TOSSBAT, NOVi J!0, M M .' Imiffessive 1926 Mid-West FootbaD Forward Pass Guides Produces No Unusual Kickers Walsh in Picking His

BY GEORGE A. STRIC3KLER All-American Teams STANFORD, ALABAMA l ^ m n Chicago, Nov. 80.— Mid-western misted hla' dinner on that day ia football this year produced an Im­ WHAT HAS GONE BBTORE ' CHAMP CONTENDERS June of the year 1916. . pressive array of stars and excep­ By DAVIS J. WALSH To th« home of PROF mid MOL> • tional teams, but it has brought to LIE BLWBLL In Otmdeaville. j ' I. N. S. Sports Editor Life is a parade of years and a suo- the front no unusual klekers. They Will Meet New Year’s Ind., one night in October of 1898. While one can hardly pass wlt>T conies MARTHA DALTON, 0 cession of incidents. And I’.ttle hap­ penings age us just as much as time out remarking that the punting In Day in Pasadena—^Lafayette ALL AMERICAN SELECTIONS nurse, bearing wUh her n woman Ranks High. who had fq|nted on the CtA^go- does. It was that way with tho twins the Big Ten Is better than the (Copyright, 1926, by International News Service.) and Jim Elwell. . . . average in general, and a few dan­ Indiampolii train on'Which Mar* gerous drop-klckers have-^struck By DAVID J. WALSH tha had been traveUng. Betty Blwell J^rkcC; open tlie Position First Team . Second Team Third Team Prof BiwOli if an artiat. He has screen door opening onto the porch fear Into the hearts of opponents, I. N. S. S|)orts Editor End ...... Hanson, Syracuse Shlpkey, Stan. . Llndenmeyer, Mo it takes a long ride around the con­ New York, Nov. 30— Destiny a five-year^ild aon, JIM. Prof and of the little Camdenvlile cottage one pulled Its invisible strings between T a c k le ...... Stiner, Neb. Yoder, Ci|r. Tech RaskowskJ, O. St. MoIIie taka tho stranger in and, Saturday aftemo<}n and came rush- ' ference circuit to uncover the equal ing into the sitting room wliero Prof of Kipke or even Layden of Notre the rise of one sun on Thursday Guard ...... Shively, Illinois Connfiiightoii, Gn Swan, Stanford late that night, twin giris are bom and the setting of another on Sat­ to the woman, who diei a few and Mollie were talking. Her hair Dame’s famous Four Horsemen, Center ...... '. . . Boerlnger, N. D. Cravath, So. Cal. Butler^Penn. was flying In a giiitcring spread of who probably was the west’s great­ urday and the football teams of hours iater without ieaving a trace Guard ...... Smith, Brown Hess, Ohio State Mayer, No. Dame of her identity. She bad men* coppery floss. Her checks were est kicker Since the immortal Notre Dame, Brown and the Navy, ' puppets all, danced obediently into Tackle ...... Wicldtorst, Navy Dixon, Ore. Agg. Kivorkian, Br’wn tloned the name JACK and babbled aming and her eyes glowed. George Glpp. End ...... Wlnslett, Ala. Broda, Brown 'Hubbard, Geneva of leaving a husband who was un* The door banged behind her and Two of the outstanding punters the wings and the shadows beyond where fame is not. Headliners al­ Quarterback . . . Friedman, Mich. Spears, Vander. Gatmoraon, Wh. true. Her apire bad indicated her she drew up in front of Prof and in this year’s campaign are Gilbert most to the last, their act proved to be a person of wealth and enl*' Mollie panting and greatly excited. H a lfb ack ...... Kaer, So. Oal. Mtehel, Brown . M. Wilson, Laf. 5 1 of Michigan, and* Baker of North­ something of a "flop” at the grand tore. western, while Friedmann of Michi­ “ ’Whsre'a Jim? I ’ve got soins- finale. H a lfb ack ...... H. Wilson, Army B i^r, North’em Rogers, Penn. The story then moves forward to thlng to tfll him—quick! " gan, and Peters, the Illinois Sopho­ The tournament of Rosfs com­ Fullback...... Joestlng, Mlim. Amos, W A J Karow, Ohio St. June of 1916. The allies are do* more ace, command a realm of their mandlng that the United States Prof and Mollie Elwell s^red in mittee at Pasadena,' California, has amazement. oVn inasmuch as drop-kicking is lined up Stanford and Alabama, Join hands i^ h thorn in the war/ concerned. ^ Cagle, Army; Hamilton, Navy; "Quick!” repeated tills flame of two of the three unbeaten college New York, Nov. 30.— Capitulat­ and in Prof Blwell’s workshop, Gilbert Leads football teams of the first rank Kutsch, Iowa; Morton, Georgia; where he paints. sidewaHs and frenzied excitement. "I’ve got some­ Gilbert Is a consistent, steady ing to the ahhual impulse, the Slagle, Prlnctoo; Lewis, \ North­ theater cortMna, the reader is in* thing to tell him that won’t wait!” surviving the regular season’s end, writer today has selected an All- punter, who lifts his kicks and for the New Year’s day game on western; Brown, Alabama and troduced \o Jim Blwell, now 22, . Jim, his mother managed to gasp, places them well. Ends get ample American football team tor the sea­ Daughterly, Illinois, among others, and his father’s partner, and to was out in the woodshed. She be­ the coast. That game, therefore, son of 1926' and, in all due modea* I J time to cover-up for his punts, will establish the winner as more were so efficient that it seems like the twin girls, who have grown lieved he was shining his shoes. “But which have averaged approximate­ ty, he cohnot resist the convictlota -cruelty to undergraduates to leave up in the family and are. now 17. what in heaven’s name Is the mat­ deserving of national recognition that it 1s truly representative of ly 40 yards beyond the line of them unn^tloned. Slagle was one ter? What’s happened to—” than any other contender. It will all the virtues and few, if any, NOW BEGIN THE STORY scrimmage in aU games this year. be the undisputed champion of the of the gp^t backs of the country But the Flame was blazing Us way foibles of your modern eleven. CHAPTER II Ba^er is supwlor to Gilbert in South and Far West while Lafay­ for a comparative few minutes this through dining room and kitchen, every respect but consistency, ette, the third unbeaten team, can Forward passing, in spite of leg­ season. But that was all he played u y erou'RE Just in time, my the sheen of coppery hair trailing which alone makes him Inferior in claim nothing beyond the purpling islative efforts to the contrary, was during the. campaign and one tenor dears,’’ was Prof BIwsH’s out in its wake like the spai4c-blown the- soul of all versatile attacks the main. His kicking In the Notre shadows of the Alleghenies. voice never made a quartet. greeting to the twins on this tail of a fiery comet. Mollie turned this year. The team has the two to Prof, an Inquiring look in his eyes, Dame game was one of the out­ Mid-West Has None day In June when he had quenched standing elements of Northwests As for the Middle West, Notre greatest of the day and age, Wins- but his smile reassured he’^ and she Dame’s disturbing defeat by Carne­ lett, of Alabama, and Friedman, of his thirst and wiped off his Ups. “You remained In her chair. ern’s play. His kicks, when they are Michigan. not bobbles, are high and travel ifar. gie Tech on Saturday left that sec­ BOWLING must have bad a bunch. Here, Jim Elwell, all fixed up In his Palm Can Yon Beat ’Em? Edwards of Notre Dame, failed to tion without an accredited national Rusty, you’re firstoby reason of bs* Beach pants, bis nlne-dollar shirt, Pass catchers? Hanson, of Syr a return Baker’s punts a yard in three contender for the first time In HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE soft collar and fancy necktie, with cuse, is a genius, the equal of Ing fifteen minutes older than.|Betty. Whereas Jim? Vve got something to tell him-^quickT S J quarters against the Purple. some years. The Navy’s 21 to 21 tie Wet yotir whistle bu6 bs very ckre* one tan shoe only half polished, was Outside the conference, Zuzer, with the Army on Saturday must Oosterbaan, -of Michigan, in this Cubs struck breast-on ' by the onrushing department and his superior In all fiii. The can only bolds a quart, you and who knew perfectly well what than Mollie had bben when she mar­ captain and fullback at Kansas, he regarded as an act of self-elim­ Stanfield ...... 69 72 the picture represented. ried him. And both of them were comet and,knocked halfway across ination and the same thing applies others, while Friedman, Harry Wil­ know.” the woodshed. paces the field at even a faster clip Smith 50 57 Jim eyed her with keen approval. eternally petting and kissing Jim, to Brown’s ten to ten tie with Col­ son, of the Army, and , Kaer, of Loomis 55 71 Rusty, more formally known as “just like Betty was vamping me He protested that he was not In I < than Gilbert or Baker can main­ Southern California, are almost “You’re gettln' on great,he stat­ tain naturally. Nemeic of Notre gate. Steinberg...... 61 76 Margaret, ' accepted the proffered as she calls It.” ~ the mood for playing new and,. The writer cannot rouse himself equally adept. ed with comradely familiarity. “As a Dame, is also a punter of ability, Robinson ...... 7.6 65 “can” and claniped her Ups over Its . They were like a brace of “darn” Strange games. There was a time to three ringing cheers for the Open field runners? They don’t olaesy little liar I’ve got to band it for all things and— ^ but when he is not kicking, often come as good-as Wilson and rim. Her gravity made It all the to you. You're learning fast. By kittens with Just about as much of Rockne’s ends find it almost Impos­ Navy’s claims when that team plays 311- 341 an idea' of the danger concealed in But the comet went with him, hold­ a tie with the Army, which lost to Kaer. Line cracking? Joestlng, mors ludicrous. She made funny the time you’re twenty you’ll be well sible to drop the opposing safety Clams fitted to realize your life’s ambition their soft little paws as kittens ing him In its burning clutch. It Notre Dame, which lost to Carnegie that’s all. Generalship? Benny, Johnson ...... 62 41 noises in her throat for some ten seemed to have. How did Jim really wah saying things with a tongue that man in his tracks, the rest of where are thou? to be a vamiSire queen of the movies. Tech, which lost to New York Uni­ McNally ...... 68 69 seconds and then passed the pail to/ stand and where? Did he really like worked like forked lightning. She Rockne’s punters getting nothing versity, which was beaten by Ne­ It would bie difficult to believe You're pretty near able to pass mus­ but distance, and not much of that. Wlppert . ; ...... 81 67 Betty, who just as gravely went ter right now." them both just the samexJust as they might calm herself, Jim advised, try­ braska, which, In turn, lobt to Mis­ that such an attack could he de­ Woodhouse ...... 57 69 would if they had been. In fact, bis ing to keep his feet, and finally the No Drop Kickers souri, which lost to Okla’-oma, through the same motions. Jim Betty bowed. Friedmann and Peters, while tained even, temporarily but If that Boyle ...... 62 60 slstera? tumbling words began to drop into a which lost to Kansas, which lost to looked on and waited. Jim tpld her there was someone foi'matlon that carried a vague hint they are drop kickers to be feared, remote supposition became, finite, “Great Snakes!” he burst out lud* “ No use to ask him; they’re still nearty everybody and so on, and 330 306 present on whom she might practice of what it was all about. pack nothing much along the line infinitum. either Friedman or Wilson could denly, “Don’t you ever come up for his kid pals. How can a boy of her wiles. “Go vamp Prof Into fin­ twenty-two be that way with two "Quick, Jimr— c’monl C'mout’n of a threat beyond the 35 yard line. In the same way Brown’s tie with and would oblige with a field goal a little air? V^ere d’you think you ishing the border on that curtain and Unlike the great Glpp, who kicked Colgate-on Thanksgiving Day clear­ ONE SHUTOUT VICTORY are—in a brewery?" and ho reached such glorious girls? I’ll have to talk punch his nose for us! He got fresh the "point, after touchdown, which I’ll doll up and take yez over to the with Mollie'on this.” with Betty an’ me! ’We were out In from mid-field with regularity and ly leaves New England 'Brithout a for the pall, a fierce scowl accom* Palace for dinner.” He Inquired of They also would be available for Stagg’s Chicago Maroons experl- the back yard under the trees diyin’ whose freshman efforts were cli­ contender, Colgate having lost to reached the maximum of its import­ panylng the. nipv$tpen^.. He knew Rusty whether his brogue was pass­ But still he remained seated, lost e'hced one of the worst football sea­ our hair. He cai^e along by tho maxed with a 62 yard drop kick, the Navy. At this point, you repeat ance this year. There is no out­ that boGi detested the taste of beer able and then went on to explain in the hazy mists of the summer sons this fall in the wily mentor’s noon. He was dreaming a summer alley fence. He's bigger’n you are" these two must be within the the foregoing pa-.agraph until ex­ standing punter on this team but it and only made a pretense of drink* that he had heard the Palace had a long regime at the midway school. noon dream, living again through —that made no difference to Jim he shadow of the uprights before they hausted. you think the hoys would need one, ing because they thought they were new string orchestra. “How does The Marobns won but two of their the days that had passed. On the told her, beginning to roll up his are much of a menace. This does As for Boston College, if its tie that's your mistake, not mine. fooling him. . And of course; he must that suit you kids?” eight games, failing to win j^ in gle let bis pals “do their stuff.” It would lens of his mind he saw the years sleeve—“an’ he startqfi makin' smart not mean that either Friedmann or with Haskell Indians didn’t weaken Defense. “Kids!” Ths twins snorted in uni­ Big Ten clash. Maryland'was the be unsportsmanlike to call their pile up one by one and the ^gradual cracks at us. Betty told him to go Peters are absolutely unable to its claims, the scoreless affair with As for the defense, that well son, Margaret adding, “ ’Where do only team that didn’t score on bluffs. . ' change take place In the growth of on about his business or he’d get Bcorei from mid-field and that they Holy Cross rnost certainly did, for may he left in the capable hands of you get.that kid stuff, Jim? We're thrashed. He said^ our whole family' Holy Cross was beaten by Boston Chicago. “Goodness sakesl” exclaimed the twins. Across that lens flitted might not do it against some un­ such as Boering^, the roving cen­ nearly eighteen.” aq’ al! our friends couldn’t lick him suspecting adversary. University, which previously had Betty, and she looked much ag- pictures of the two as they looked at ter; Friedman, 'the star ' safety gnieved. “ My but you’re stingy with Jim grinned tolerantiy and ad­ different periods in the seventeen an’ he’d go on when he got good an’ Outside these two, there are no lost to all manner of sap teams. LOST TEN GAMES ready! So Betty is tryin’ to keep No, this national sweepstakes man; Joestlng, a fine man. behind your old can. Ask a lady in to have mitted that he expected they’d grow years since that night in October accomplished drop-kickers in mid- the line, and the two tackling ends, ■■■ up some day, and turned toward the him busy till I got you!” clearly is a miss-and-out affair. Princeton, Y^le and Harvard lost a drink and then jerk it out of her when they had come into the world. western circles this year, or at least Hanson and Winslett. The latter basement to change bis ciothes. Jim needed no further enlighten­ none worthy of being brought Stanford, Alabama and Lafayette 10 football games between them hand! Haven't you any manners?” They were children playing with didn’t miss! so they still are in. are the most versatile pair of wings during the recent season. The Crim­ The apswer came from Jim Jn Betty^ started in at once on her Jim about the house and yard. Then ment. Some bum had got smart forceably to the attention of your football has known since Brick with his kid pals. That nas enough. son dropped five, Yale four and the gurgles. And there was no bluff assignment of vamping Prof Into do­ came their~ school days and Jim’s favorite coach. Notre Daihe fs pafr- Muller’s day, Wlckhorst was a fine “ Lead me to ’im.” ticularly handicapped ^ this de­ Tigers one. The Qrange and BlMk about that “funny noise.” The suds ing Jim’s work. Her efforts seemed graduation six years before. Then offensive and defensive tackle all were going down; the tide waafalling to have an Immediate effect. A iit; the twins’ own graduation in the pre­ In the back yard, with a space partment. This is emphasized by the FOREIGN SOCCER was also held to a tie. ' season and his single lapse In the fast. tie bite of his paint-flecke^ cheek, a vious June. Then came the visuali­ divided off for croquet grounds, was frequent failure on tries for extra Army gaihe was to be expected “Got plenty of manners," gasped little rumpling of his Iron-gray hair zation of the girls at the age of a clump of maple trees. Under one points after touchdowns, a glaring London, Nov. 29.— Soccer foot­ since none of us are 100 per cent. Jim finally when he had pulled his and a little kiss on the corner of bis seventeen, their birthday celebrated of these treek farthest away from i J Notre Dame weakness this year. ball games played in Great Britalu- -Gtlner just carried the Nebraska nose put of the pail. “Just didn’t lip and the Vamp bad her subject by a visit of the little family of five the alley stood Betty quivering with / Scarcity of Punters Saturday resulted as follows: team and it was quite an outfit, at Claims Record want yuh to get tight, that’s all," He purring and grinning ike the famous to Chicago, where they had gone to indignation. Her wealth of hair, like V The scarcity of the old sixty and English League that. Yoder was little. If any, be­ winked at his father and'set the Cheshire cat. the opera and seen Mary Garden and Rusty’s, spread like a shimmering sixty-five yard punter, if there ever First Division— Birmingham 2, hind either of the first two. • empty can down on a nearby table. But the treatment appeared to heard her sing. From that time on, cloud, of russet gold over her shoul­ was such a punter after the dis­ Leeds United 0 ;. Blackburn Rovers Mentions Sturhahn. “What do you think of the cur­ have a narcotic effect on Prof for he be recalled, these two girls, brought ders. , Leaning against the back tance from the scrimmage line to 2, Manchester 1; Bury 0, Liverpool The guards were extremely diffi­ tain?” he asked the twills, waving a remained seated after the trio had so early and so strangely Into the fence with an amused grin on hia the kicker had been deducted, en­ 2; Everton 1, Bolton Wanderers 1; cult of selection, once 'more pro­ hand toward the big canvas. “Know gone, a fond, retrospective light in lives of Mollie, Jim and himself, had lips was a person of decidedly tough • ♦ V i S%Ww aspect, with the cut and trim of a genders considerable comment Huddersfield Town 4, Derby Coun­ gressed beyond Smith, who was tho what It signifies? Who is the dusky his eyes. The painting he ignored. been dreaming their dreams and yegg. Jim opened up on him from among coaches nowadays. ty 2; Leicester City 5, Aston Villa most efficient workman the position bird in red tights kowtowing to the “ Gad, what girls!” he soliloquized talking of the day when they, too, A number of prominent mentors has known in several seasons. Hess, >tv5v old geezer with the whiskers? You softly, his mental gaze turning back might see their names flaming in the a distance of twenty feet. 1; The Wednesday-Cardift City, «:♦♦♦♦m “ Say, you,’’ be barked, “ what’s tha bemoan the passing of the beauti­ postponed; Sunderland 3, Sheffield of Ohio State, was a hot choice last ■CwH tell us, Betty; you know your down the years. “Both of ’em. Just white lights of fame. ful boots that seared far down the ?%%v Shakespeare.” like Mollie was at their age.” Rusty—Margaret—who saw her­ big idea, gettln’ fresh with a couple United 0; Tottenham Hotspurs 1, year but those who saw both in 1% of little girls in their own back yard? greensward, but the more modern action declare Shively to be__ the Betty studied the picture with a He stared reflectively at the canvas self as a dancer of classical parts, a 3 r* Newcastle United 3; West Brom­ .great pretense of puzzled awe, purs­ delineator of legends. Betty—Eliza­ Tryin’ to stir up some trouble for tutors see advancement in the de­ wich Albion 1, Arsenal 3; West better man. Connaughton attracted and Jim’s unfinished work. He asked fensive side of football with the ing her pretty lips and signifying by himself, “ What about Jim? Where beth—who dreamed of singing before yourself?” Ham United 2, Burnley 1. great attention because of his size (To Be Continued) passing of the distance kickers. and speed. He tore the Navy apart, elaborate grimaces that she was con­ does he get off at? He seems to con­ •the crowned heads of Europe—when Second Division— Barnsley-Pres- centrating very deeply. They point out the fact that ends but some of his Idte games were sider them kids yet just about the the war w^s over, of course. And ton northend, postponed: Blackpool “1 never could guess, Jim," she same as he did five years ago. Kids who would consent to being a movie Jim gets into a fight, encounters a have more chance to cover up and 2, Port Vale 2; Darlington 1, Hull not so Impressive. Sturhahn, of see much importance In prohibiting made answer finally with an un­ nothingl” queen. tough customer and help arrives City 3; Fulham 2, Clapton Orient Yale, played magnificently with a from an unexpected source in the the safety man from getting a fif­ ruffled sweetness—she who had read He told himself that seventeen and And BO it was that Prof Elwell, 0; Manchester City 1, South Shields losing team: Mayer was consistent­ I the story of Desdemona many times past was older by some three months himself a dreamer of artistic dreams, next chapter. I s Sx teen yard start back down the field. 2; Middlesbrough 3, Southampton ly good and so was Swan. Lovette, A long punt hustled down the field 1; Notti^jgham Forest 4, Chelsea 1;_ Michigan: Taylor, Southern Cali­ ahead of ends enables the runner Oldham Athletic 5, Notts County fornia, and Carey, Cornell, were al­ to attain his top speed before he 2; Portsmouth 2, Wolverhampton, so among the outstanding candi­ meets a tacklef, which in turn en­ >• Wanderers 1; Swansea Town 1, dates. hances his chances for eluding the Boeringer was the center of tho %SX%SS%S9SS%SSSiSSSSSS9S%SXSS%S%SSXiSS%SSS%SSXSS9SXSSSSSiSStTi defense. Bradford City 0. Scottish League year with no rival very close. The In the conference, all coaChes ap­ Aberdeen 1, St. Mirren 0: Celtic nearest approach was effected by AUCTI ’-i ^ timing and distance but Mack gave ' Mahager Angello announced yes­ motor vehicle department recOds, sold at these stations in the past At the Cent a disappointing exhibition, fighting, terday that he was negotiating with 22-24 Maple Street Phone 2017 approximately 4,000, placeq in Con­ fiscal year amounted to 130,653 1-2 Chicago has the largest blind only in flashes, and Rosenberg won the Hartford Colored Corinthians necticut where one 'may bu^^gaso- gallons, making the aggregate sales colony in the> world, with-more all the'way. for a game here Sunday, line. The’ number at the .close O of the average station about 33,000 than 2.000 persons. Herald Advs, M m / FAGE TEN LTURE ^ LATEST FASHION HfrpRESTlNa HINTS BY FOREMOST WOMEN AUTHORITIES ETHEL— M e s s L dV t » FU?T Otti FO QNIrtH- "OHNU? .•■Xi TO -PIHIM* CAH . y'FO'WAHOr

^ © I 9 2 6 V , ^NEASERVICEINQ ViiginialS«eiinF djed dovra, and tor a moment there WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE Was a heavy aUenee. . , War races In PenMeton Univer­ Then babel broke loose, and Judith sity between the student radicalsi stood in the torchlight on the sUge. led by ERIC WATERS, and the • • • conservative faculty, led by DEAN It had been going on for years— TIMOTHS BROWN. this riot of voices and dizzy flicker-^ — VVllEli^ ' Ing of UghtB. The road ran by. under JUDITH MARTIN, young In­ -WM structor, sides with the students, them like a smooth ribbon of steel. Vfc Y/fPEr- to the horror of DR. PETER Winding after their car came the D itliH G r VIL Ai?t- DORN, serious-minded young pro­ cars of others, and the taxis they had IPM/HLING- fessor, who admires her. gathered up on* Main street. They G irr; r a n o MTRA ALDRICH is in love with were all singing—each car a differ­ Eric and Jealous of Judith. ent tune. “ KlTTT” SHEA, town bootleg­ Judith opened her eyes from the ger, is found dead after trying to (jazo in which she had hung sus­ blackmaU Mrs. Brown. Judith, be­ pended, On her left was Eric, friending her, had asked Eric to placid, silent, bonding his handsome silence Shea, and now thinks he head over the steering wheel, so that ‘OB.HOtltY— may be implicated In Shea s death. glints from the speedometer light I’Vt ‘PllPttEO Tte. Mrs. Brown obtains Eric’s re­ caught In his green e y ^ On the H’ TM&- lease, after his arrest as a matfr other Bide was w ^ o d Will Weth- rial witness, by offering an alibi erel. He was bending ruefully over ^iCCUlTo' ^Pg- that endangers her own his green thigh. "Damned torch FUT-eUT-^ The dean tries to bully Judith bearer singed my pants," ho mut^ Into taldng part In his mammoth tered. “Ruined this suit. I’m reform campaign. Dr. Dom also afraid." urges licr. firlo spoke up. "That suit has Dorn and Eric tight over some served Its, purpose anyway, Wotherel. accusation that Dorn h4s made, 'When I used to razs It, I never concerning Judith. thought It would lead a crusade t o ' Eric persuades her to Join ms my rescue!" party the neat night, to spoil the "Neither did I," answered WUl. dealt’s revival meeting, to which “But don’t take too much credit to the state legislators are coming. yourself. I got a kick out of the He sends a taxi for her, and she torches and songs. Qad! How the arrives at the old theater where dean will rtlgel There weren’t fifty ^WlfcN Eric is to hold his 4^ p le at hla rally." INEr'Pfc r .iWE'PtOtl the dean’s revival. KLVANA, They were turning In now at the Ajor W H ^ ^ Russian bolshevist. Is the Sigma Psl fraternity house, with a HONlfc- J l f c - At the hour for opening, Erics long line of machines behind them. auditorliun is almost empty. Erie threw open the door, and they NOW GO ON WITH THE STORT found the hall swarming ^ th atu% dents—mra and co-eds. “Poole talked CHAPTER XLiVll to empty space,” was the cry that CutMt sight Ever h e scarlet shades of the rear greeted them. Now, I wish you could see the lamps threw the pit of *the Someone made a diva for the piano 1 picture. it's the cutest, prettiest T theater Into red gloom. and struck up a syncopated version thing you ever saw! Mrs. Milton' Judith looked uneasily at Er^. of “The Marselllal^.’’ Feet began has all the plumpness that the 60’s Stephen Klvana, after the first to tap and throats to hum, and Brio are heir to. her white hair is bob­ bed, and her legs beat any flapper glance at the held Judith close in an Improvised This And That hi danca “ We’ll celebrate our wedding MMNS legs I have ever seen, with the j tonight, Judith." he whispered, his daintiest ankles Imaginable. It’s a A stooped man carrying a violin refreshing dhange from the flood emerged from the musicians door Ups against her vivid hair. "We’U of usual bathing beauty pictures. under the stage. "My men are all run out to Earlbam after the party.” Feminine Lore She made no articulate reply. A Of course, she’s right! How silly here, sir," he said to Eric. vague sense of discontent tugged at she would have looked posed be­ The boy nodded. “ Better have her. But she danced close to hls> side her cups as she wore black vel­ them-practice the tunes once or heart and smiled up Into his eyes. vet with her pearls! twice, until the crowd begins to The music stopped with a bang “BLUB IS FOR-BOYS’’ come." He spoke with a desperate Nasty-Nice Ones! Just as they neared the great oak Zion Lutheran church women^ spoons milk, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon Continued discussion of science’s And it certainly Is too bad that courage. , table in the ball. And Eric, with a dHppingS. near solution of how the sex of, a aiiy body of women can Instill such . The musicians began discordant mighty swing, lifted Judith till her have their annual Christmas sale at T wq large apples, 1-2 cup sugar, child may be controlled befoi^ nasty-nice ideas info the minds of i tuning of their instruments. Klvana toes touched the table top and she the church, corner Cooper and High, tomorrow at two afld .4 tahlfispoons water, 2'tahl^poons birth, arouses interesting specula­ their daughters, trying to make laughed. “ Spiritless music for a stood high above the shoulders of tions. And since any speculation throughout the evening. The lemoil 'jhice, 1'teaspoon grated lem­ them think that there’s something red meeting,” he said. "1 Imagine them all. only becomek interesting ■when it indecent about the sight of mother this venture will fall through I’m The men began to laugh. “Give Ing Club has made gift articles ga­ on rind.. ■ ' ■ f Put pork through. food chbijper becomes personal, let us personal­ in a bathing suit! truly sorry." us a dance! Give, us a dance!” The lore. There are many wohderfi}! cooks over that way and the-good and combine wlth^ crumbs, milk ize it now. Listen, parents, you A Bouncing Girl "W hat are- we going to do?" she pianist was banging his'chords. And. ■who are fi^ng up that half-httshel things they have baked for the food: and egg; Segson - with a- scant tea- Here’s a new profession open to whispered to the man beside her. Eric held Judith close in an improvised darice^ Judith began to laugh uncertainly, pkabh basket, with satlnCtte for a As if in answer to the question, seeing only the green eyes of Eric table will go quickly.'■ Invite your — spoon salt and, 1-4 teaspoon pepperv w.omen— that delicate one know n' The .egg is not beaten before, adding bassinet, you cankave „ boy or girl as “bouncing.” For the benefit of Eric appeared In the wings stralehtened his shoulders and took feet, and tlia dancing light of torch^ greedily upon her. friends, it won’t cost anything to which will-you; have? He was striding toward them Wttn Straigntenea a halt- »«.es, and forms thronging Inin througtthrough Someone running from the muslo drop In, but be sure to. take a bas­ to the, meat mixture. Mix thorough-. those unfamiliar with the term, be a step forward. There was a ket and a fat purse for you will ly. Form Into flgt;llltle>-cakes and If you’re Average, tbe chQlce it now explained that “a bouncef" an Intent frown on his face. hearted clapping from a dozen pairs the doorway, ny one whdse room tdssed a mandolin to her, “ We'll begin,” he said, going up not be able to resist the temptation saute In hot didpplngs. Pa^* aisles Stuna you. In the first place, you Is a gentleman— or lady— who sits torches were carried by others on "Give tis a Garment Give us a Car­ as A ifiemher of the human species, to Klvana. "As soon as the orches­ of hands. to buy, and buy and buy. and.cut In; Inch.sHcep. Make a thick, or stands on the outskirts of a either side of him. men!” She laughed again, excitedly. are not accustomed td being forced tra has played Its opening number, Kivana began to speak. She could Then she realized that they were She was holding the ‘ mandolin syrup: ^ sugir^, wi^er,-lemon Juice: dance floor, usually, and ejects hear his rich, clearcut enunciation to. make such a choice." Second, forcibly any person whose presence^ I'll go out and Introduce you." singing “ The Marseillaise.” The de awkwardly, hesitantly, when the clever I and 'grated le^qn: rindi Remove Klvana nodded and walked toward with Its hint of European precision.- Here is a rather new, cores from, apple .sljces and.;Slmhier it’s such a choice! Suppose you seems undesirable in the house. mon music was; the brassy song of front door opened and, amid a sud­ 'Style is tbati choosera “boy” anA he turps out to a table on which a pitcher of water There was movement in the gal­ saxophones, and it marched to the den hush. Dean Timothy Brown definition of style. in syrup, until clWr. Drain from There. are bouncers for theaters,; lery. the vague stirring of a stolid feature of a dress which enghlcs be a burglar. It’ll be Justice on you and a glass were standing. rhythm of muffled drums. stood there with a gargoyle face of „ . V 1 Syrup and'brown.;quickly ^Ih:-fat in too, but the dance-hall bounce^ is “Eric,” said 'Jildith. “ how did you audience that finds Itself moved The music reached higher cres contorted stone. Others were behind you to sell it to a woman because | ^jjjch pdrk T?as cooked! ;Serve ,each ■for making' so bold as to choose, the most cojnmon member of the and if you say “girl” , and the girl advertise this meeting?” against its will. But the rows of cendos as the head of the column him. she thinks it will enable her to sell j on.an appie; ring., ■ ' species. Now it seems some halls] He answered, as though against red-lQoped. seats In the pit yawned neared the stage. Then Judith, The dean paused but a moment. herself.” The fat shoidd be.^'very, hot when “ turns out wrong,” there you are are employing “lady bouncers” fori his will. “ I had a delegate In every emptily. grasping for Eric’s hand, shrieked In Then, taking in the tableau, bis lips the pattys are finit pjjt’ih. Brown again! Here's wagering thgt prove the benefit of female guests whose frat and sorority that 1 could trust. Judith leaned forward to catch a a voice that reached him only as a writhed and he sprang for Judith. . Gone are the days when a fur quickly flygt oh' oho side, and then science what It wfll, things will be delicate sensibilities object ta be-1 Just about where they were before I spread my hints broadcast, without glimpse of his body. She saw him whisper, “ It’s Will!” "Get. down, you shameless hussy-^ coat was worn for years without on the other.. T'h^ reducefheat and ing bounced by a member of the op-f] unless women get rumors of anoth­ ever committing myself. 1 had leaning far over the edge of the plat­ Will It was, In the green riding you—’’ Ho grabbed for her wrist, an alteratlM. Lines change with cook slpwly'for SO minutes,". po.site sex. them all lined up to strike tonight form, hurling words into space, the suit, hat off, marching solemnly and Judith recoiled. every seasOn. and now they are de^ er war^—then. If they are canny, Ifote, College Maids! at the dinner tables all over Pendle­ red spots on his cheeks aflame. ‘’ amidst: the capers of his followers, But someone behind the dean had cldedly slim,. The cut of the coat m Ar y t a y l o r . they’ll be all girts! I recomniend to the physical edu- Wfithliig Beauty Teo-Old.^ ton. 1 thought I'd picked good men And as she looked and listened, a flanked by torch-bearers and singing moved—even more quickly than ho. today Is as im p^tant as the. fur. cation ' department of our ■ colleges to marshal ’em in. 1 evidently faint sound began to weave in and lustily. A long arm flashed out and the flat Some of the women are wrapping Is It because the; silver-haired that they train their maidens for picked spineless fools." through the cadences of the “ My God!” said Eric, and It was it propelled crashed violently again^ the ample coats of other seasons Mrs. Samuel Burleigh Mlltoh,. erst­ this lofty occupation. Teachers, it I out A- COAJi; MliJE while member'in good: standing of Then both men were stepping out speaker. It was music, far off, and hard to tell what emotion the words the dean’s' Jew. And Timothy fell tightly around them and trying to seems, for which profession, the ma-' the United Daughters of the Ckin- Into the center of the stage, and the the tune was nameless. expressed. like a log, bis bead bumping solidly hold them there, as it wOuId: ap­ jority of our college girls are train- ] music stopped. Judith could see federacy, has curves and nbt anato­ She strained her ears. The music Tramping, shrieking “The Mar against the red tiling. pear, while they walk. The collars In tbeso days; df coal short^ep It ed, are a drug on . the market. Eric taking his stand near the flick­ war unmistakably drawing nearer. seillalse,” the throng was filling the Once more dead silence filled the would be-wls6 for you to 'buy an mical slats thgt^ she . is no longer Thousands of college - trained i ering red candles, while Klvana this year seem to be more a part a member in good standing? The Klvana reached glowing period, theater pit as rapidly as salt from room, to be shattered by a pieroifig of the wrap than ever before. ashsifter! The dost pl'the sifter. a,nd teachers are out of jobs. Here’s stood a little back. tossed his curly hair off his forehead a bag pours into a salt shaker. Ju­ shriek from one of the girls. story goes like this.' The lady in a solution. Make ’em bouncers! “ Friends,” said Eric, "I am here the time spent in silting thb^asb^s qpestion, Bpiember of said ■ august and stretched out an arm to his dith was clutching at Eric’s hand . (To Be Continued) The govemipent 'would be grate­ to introduce—” will be ’paid by tlie large amount of body, woa five cups for swimming meager audience. Then there was a Kivana stood by his basket of flam­ ful if you ^ u ld shop early, w)^ap His voice blurred In Judith’s ears. ing roses, dark eyes glittering in the Coal that you will be able'to rescue and life-saving. That Was all She stood In the wings, straining her clatter at the great central dborg, ' The bridges are buroed behind Ju«Jn« carefully your Christpias packages, from the ash heap. ' , ' NATURAL ICE BOX which burst open, to a fanfare of candle light, lie- a right, but she had. her “picture eyes for newcomers In the pit. She ditb now. She is through at Pendle­ address them plainly and mfiil them took.” That would have heeU|^okay, braying music, and the head of a The Bijou theater was flUlng to ton. But she finds her love—andind i I tried to hear his words, but they capacity, with a .standing'shrieking promptly. The stores -would be even too, If she ’had wojrn, as all. good slipped Into one another and rolled strange procession thrust itself into happiness—in the concluding chapterIter I more grateful, and If you shop During the. cold wintry months audience. The saxophone. pla.y.ers'.in U. D. C.’s should wear under speh the Ice hill can be cut do^wn. If the' I away. the back of the theater. tomorrow. early you will be apt to select care­ circumstances, a neat but hot There were shouts and trampling front stopped, gasping. The voices Shdk’s Spirit air is cool enough to keep butter j I Then the tall man behind Eric fully and thouglitfuUy. The, result gaudy, hot-too:-Iow and not-toor from melting when you place it in HPIIOipUilUHIUIOiliPIlIHlI Mppj will be that you will be gratified as abort dress. But Mrs. Mlltpn deeply as will the recipient. thought that since she would .pose the windo^w ice box, you can safely ■with her cups It would be errant leave any foods exposed outside and ^ / The Old Wood . Shop, Pitkin ‘aliines's -to wear, anything hut the th^y will not spoil. "H e had married a girl younger^ street at East Center carries unus- -bathing suit ■which helped her win than himself and then after mar; al and distinctive gifts that are the cups. Home Page- Editorials riage decided to spend his old age sho-wn nowhere els.e Jn town. Ob­ (jrandnia Wore Bustles I JoEiis Hartt School o f Hnsic| Good N ature in the country. jects, artistic, unique and from for­ Then,! It^ seems, the war broke. Stabbomhess - “His wife spent four unhappy eign climes are here for your select- “Conduct unbecoming a lady and Ida Levin, Teacher of Pianoforte. a n d years there. Then she took her tlpn. a U. D. C.” clarloned past presi­ Alfred Cohn, Teacher of Violin. j\ child and left. dents of this body, who called up­ Stndlo:' in Marriage, You will, like a good Grange on the shades., of their'feipale afa- “ ‘The fault is probably with me,’ STATE THEATER BUILDING marmalade on tjie griddle cakes or cestors who..-would no, more have By Olive Roberts Barton she acknowledged. ‘But I hate the For Appointments Call country. I hate country life, and waffles quite as well as on the beisn' photo^aphdd In a ■ bathing Good 808-5, 659 or 2-5010. at first is friction with snow or cold the constant effort.. It brings out. toast. Try it In place of syrup. It ,sult .than have' eaten raw ■wqrms BNOW>COLD WATER BEST every bad trait that I have! I can!t orange mannalade is not at hand, water in a cold room, the changes A Judge who had granted 375 di- IN TREATING FROSTBITE to a warmer atmosphere being go on.’ ^ quince, peach or any of thosef rich vorces""ln one week remarked,.- "I “ The man considered. ‘Very conserves are delicious. brought about gradually. wish there was another word for BY DR, MORRIS FISHBEIN After the friction the feet or well,’ he said. ‘It Isn’t, fair for me ‘incompatibility’.’^ , to try to make another person over.' o 7/tw Y o r K hands should be swathed in cotton­ If oranges do not figure in'some O o u r\ ‘‘Men and women who can’t'^et I am «8ure my ivlfe cares lor. me; waj^ on the breakfast fnenu, serve lay- tje Fntici with more enjoyment Editor Journal of the American wool held in position by loose ban­ along seem to think thdfe Is some­ but Ibire dies under constant Irrlta-l them as a salad, or cut up with a if you secure accommodatlons ar .the Medical Association and of Hygeia, dages. If there hre blisters or any thing unusual and rather fine in tion. I do not dislike city. I custard at tea. For salads the navel the Health Magazine discolorations of the tissues, a their make-up when the word ‘In­ can get alon ______ficiently intense and the expsoure. cases out of eleven, apd;: cussed Sitting RoQm,^droom with J Sittinj [ Room YdouBTe bediJrooms.____ , stubbornness at that. Is sufficiently prolonged, the part Chilblains “ The Voice on the Fountain,” a privaft Datn.(XDersonsl with lirivate bath (z » 4 person^ Chilblains, which also are asso­ becomes frozen. “ it’s a great thing for any man BETTER TASTE IN VBGETABLfiS. novel written by Marie of Ruman­ ciated, with a sluggish circulation, per datf When the circulation of the blood or any woman to be. able, to put ia, is to be adapted to the screen S im ile K i usually produce burning heat with him or herself injo the other’s place by a British firm of film proijucers. V F Tu,— ------^7 Is sluggish, as In the very young, Soak all vegetables In cold water' the old and the sick, suffering from itching and redness, and are likely and try to see things from ano£her before cooking. This will make the ' A state department'of education cold is likely to be more severe. to follow prolonged exposure to angle. It is foolish'forf,two PS.0P,le to take A stand on .opposite slde^ of vegetables erjsp and mar's tasty anA’ received the rhyme below with the In the same way those parts of cold combined with dampess. a house and shout that it looks ■vrill also remove all insect eggs and suggestion that It be printed Ip the body in which the circulation They may be prevented by wear­ thus and so, and no otheri^w-ay but dirt that still remain on them. textbooks to meet “ present condi­ Is least active, and which are least ing warm, loose woolen stockings thus and so. ■ tions,” evidently thinking, it more protected by clothing, as the ears, and warm shoes. The feet should be batjied in warm water daily, and “ As foolish,” went on the Judge, up to date than Whittier’s “Bare­ the hands and the feet, are most “ as the. four :hllnd;beiggars "whO' de­ likely to be affected. after the bath should be rubbed BAKING MOLASSES CAKES foot Boy.” briskly, quickly dried and dusted scribed an elephant. -One jut.;out ______;| “ Blessings • on. . thee, little dame,. 'Blisters May Form his hand and said, Tt’s. a .Tfiralll’ . bare of nteck and kfiees the eanie; Pasteurization with a plain dusting powder. cakes containing, molasses burn; In mild frostbite there usually is ‘No,* said another tauehlrig the With they rWled down* silken hose, merely tingling and slight pain. If tail, ‘It’s a ropek’ , ‘W rong!’ cried easily. They shpuld be baked in; tins, and $hy ';''thln> • transparent lined with greased paper and in'an the cold is more intense and the ex- a third who ,-had explored a leg. clothes; . Milk is a Safeguard pbsure more prolonged, blisters FREQUENT AIRINGS ‘It’s a tree!’ while the fourth, ' you oven that is not. tob hot. . v; With thy pretty made-up face, and form with serum or blood Inside of may well.guess, declared that an thy bobbed hair’s Jaunty grace; for Public them. elephant was nothing but . a snake, With thy red lips reddened ipdre If the freezing Is still further as he had grasped its trunk. f. It Is well to remember that the HOT WATER “ OR TEA - with thy lip stick from the store. prolonged, the entire part becomes “Breadth of-view is a great thing! W ith all my heart I give thee Joy, ThrougF’’"- ■• ‘ .-'flsediHni; • '-rliratacha closet as well as the bedroom needs And narrowness of view a'foolish RamboVa,'; forip^f . ^j^lfe- of .the late gangrenous because of the congeal­ When you are making tea he sure; Thank the Lord I was born a boy. S. H. HEWITT ing of the blood within. Then the airing. Leave the door open fre­ thing. Rudolph *6as' -commiunl- 40HoUSt. T^l.2058, “There Is one case I . have In that the water is boiling hot, beford! tissues appear bluish, shrunken or quently and open those wlndoiys you poiir it over the tea leaves,' Pork Pattys .with, Apple Rings cated -*ith l)l^i lA* the >sttal, world, wrinkled and are ■without sensa­ mind 'Where a dlvofce was averted Three-fourths pound lean pork, 1 she sdid upon* her murn^ from Eu­ which will ventilate It most thor­ by the man’s ability and hianess Water below the boiling point wilt tion or the power of^motlon. give the tea li flat, bitter taiste. cup itale bread crumbs, 2 table< rope tlbcfve.). w e The best treatment for frostbite oughly. and wUllngnesi to concedo a point. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, TUESDAY, NOV-30, 1926.

FIAPI^FAN N ^ sovvi; GAS BUGGIES—Lesson Number One By f^ankBeek NO NO W ONDER AFTER READING THIS NO DOUBT WHERE MOST OF _ . W E LL-iI*M I'LL SHOW YOU. WHAT HURRY, OTHER GUYS LOVE-ELLY BOOK "HOW TO SELL , ABOUT IT. THESE DEALERS FALL GLAD TO HEAR : MEAN. WE'LL SUPPOSE THANKSGIVING THANKS DOWN IS THEY'RE you ADMIT IT YOU'RE A LADY'PROSPEC1V MY GOOD G E T A H E A D yW E T H U H , ■SUCCESSFULLY? I FEEL ALL YOU'D OF M E IN There’s frost upon the window pane :NEED IS A n o t h e p t o t h e AT LAST. AS> WHO HAS COME IN M A N . I LIKE I COULD TAKE CAN WAIT THIS WORLD. MON-SHOOREj A gleam In ev’ry flake; ON A LINE OF ENOUGH PRINCIPLES OF LONG AS I V TO SEE THE CAR. There’s ice upon the weatherVane, < TILL YOU'VE THEIR WIVES SNAPPY CARS AND SUCKERS AS SELLING. THEY CAN REMEI9(^ An’ icin’ on the cake; FINISHED -ARE A HELP LOVE - ELLY. KEEP THE FACTORY^ SOFT AS YOU DON’T SAVVY THIS > YOUR BUY.ING AHMADAME — . There’s 4ce cream in the freezer, WASHING S T O 'E M g o in g DAY AND WERE WHEN / PSYCHOLOGY STUFF. A CAR MEANT LOVELY WETHAW An’ there’s ice upon the ground, YOUR V N O T A NIGHT SINGLE YOU b o u g h t ! THEIR METHODS MY SITTING UP WE AH HAVING — An’ each gust o’ wind’s a WHEEZ- NIGHT AFTER CAN I SHOW YOU/ '.HANDS. HINDRANCE } r it) nnruumvl '' ...... //.i. I / m . " iiuIjl Makes him HUNGRY through and h /2-/ CIS2S BY NEA SERVICE. INC. through! r d . Pretty nearly time for DINNERI The best tii) to one who has to Soon the folks will gather ’round. mend socks is— do your damdest. An’ the ‘‘outer” man, an’ “ inner,” SKIPPY by~T*ercy C rosby In life’s blessin’s will abound! Aiv’ w'e’ll all be glad we’re LIVIN’, U)HV^ ITJ A ------— 5 INTELUGENCE TE STS" On this good earth here below. You MUST Be MI5*rAKeH- As we feive thanks for THANKS- U)<3N06f?FUC C ^ V S 6 A POPULAR STAR • GIVIN’— Aiirr c o r NO yiQOsr A NO I ALWAV^ w e seeMs Litre a uet^y Hearts with gratitude aglow! X'MAS' F i v e !OnO o l d ^ 6 NT OOtTH Girls who long for a Cinderellas J O O tC A R S* line should go to the beach and sit 5eACS?i LUOR.TH in the sun until they get a good Browning.

The crowning achievement , of the five-and-ten will be the instal­ lation of ,a divorce department. I H ^ Clarice: You used to weat cor­ sets. Why did you give them up? Gladys: I had a coilple of com­ plaints.

“ Y/e used to make flaming youth flame with a shingle In the woodshed, and now we do It with an amber cigarette holder and an eight-cylinder motor car.” © EDITORS' FEATURE SERVICE. INC. There seems to bd nothing that n-so will dim the shining lustre of some men’s brass. SALESMAN $AM Good Riddance By Swan IME GdT TUST^ “ How nice it would be if nobody I'u i. &oT *m’ WITH n e . pa'i FoR Trt’ -’T'^KE. TH' BNO VOO CAN VlAUE. VJA60N-60T \ r fMN.T MO CsOoV \AVlHZ5Ut Pi HoRSE- ever made a mistake.” HORSE WITH TH* VOHoLE. “ I don’t know about that. I man PICKING- ’UJPi6rON------S o O ------ufacture erasers.” o o T ftN Hovo nocH Vo OLD Woo WAHY FoK, This actress has appeared on the Bi,g men are hated, little ones WPiVFLE. •' *1 WORSE.? stage and In photoplays. Do you capsized. W^60N , FRoca know her? The correct answer to AN this and the following questions The, physician’s maid had been summoned to the fr9nt door by the AGTO appear on another page: TONK «> * « • # %, O I B 1— Who Is shown in the accom­ringing of the bell. “ No, sir,” she • « <. panying picture? said, in reply to the caller’s query, we. ’ 2— What class of products are“I don’t know how long the doctor FIND , will be. He’s been called out on advertised by th,e slogan, “ Ask the ■s>Arv an eternity case.” BACK GWAGE—, man who owns one” ? ON TrtE- 3— Who won the recent Harry SCeNE. Charles Sweet says he can’t re­ A6A1N , • Wills-Jack Sharkey fight? call ever getting any cheerful news 4— Who is Gilda Gray? out of one of those envelopes with Do Not O o T 5— ^Who is the baseballplayer a sun parlor in'front. OF that resigned as manager of the HfiNOLE 0?TOEt*^ Detroit Tigers? What’s a home without sl thor­ I'liijj 6— Where is Buffalo Bill’s grave? oughly comfortable chair. m ] 7— What is the popular nick­ n name for the state of Oklahoma? Landl/dy: You seem to be musi­ ImTn MCA SERVICS. INC) 8— Which state of the Unitedcally inclined, Mr. Jones. I so often L States has the smallest popula­ hear you singing when taking your By Blosser tion? mornin,g 'bath" - - - - PRECKLES AND HIS ERIENDS Tag Knows His Grandpa 9— What figure is on the back of Roomer: I do enjoy music, in­ a United States Liberty 50-cent deed, Mrs. Smith. But the reason IT WAS Alice OP 6QA^^'^ /VOLD OZ-o TAERE/.^ AFTER 6RANDfA WAS 60CX> IF 1 SET IT FIXED, coin? I sing when taking my bath is that TO 6JAM6 7W.IS OLD.VJATXA' \J0AAT ARE VOO 60INS - 1EAiouaA' 70 swjs IT 70 you. 10— What color is meerchaum?the door won’t lock. rM SOMAA S6T "TK MMMER TO DO TO -WAT y o o VUAAJT TO ROIAl IT ? GRAN’PA /AI6AT AN’ SCREW DRIVED AN’ \WATCA? WAy DOM’T you -ja k e w A A ir rr Many a merchant’s financial back “ Here’s where I set the table in SES WAAT'-S INSIDE/ ITTOTttS OEVWBUSy SACK'/ has been broken carrying too heavy a roar,” , said the wife as she un­ STORE AND MAslE a load of deadbeats. packed the lunch at Niagara Palls. & ■ IT FIXED? .f Ti


3oV AAeiaas BY I«A ywvicc INC ' //-ao //-so J WASHINGTON TUBBS H Aunt Eppie Hogg, the Fattest Woman in 3 Counties by f^ontaine Fox By Crane Au/^T ^PPIE I«hV A5 CKAXi ABOUT ^^€I«IH G ?^eWS0MlK. ■SifriMG R a c o o ^ . Co a t ’Shb- Wa s - r YGNS OF H h OOSMDS IN N Uf-reD -levNEL^N NOrtHibi’ YO \norR i f^b d u y. NOBODY'S eecoG N izep OS— N060WS SUSPICIOUS — OR. NOlHiN’/

\ . ! ^ p -4 o


(READ THE STORY THEN COLOR THE PICTURE). The coal man shortly drove away, hand and pulled it up so they could N’COSHI ^ stand upon it so’s to reach the tub. ■ / O A CL’6^^l and Scouty loudly shouted, “ Hey! 'HefwieMsl A peYicctwe/ Just look at all our clothes. This plan they thought was best. I A AMD HSRe VMS Then Coppy shouted, “ Sakes alive! \l\SttlNCi M 0 0 ^ YvJ(' GOV YwW They’re just as black as they can I 0 0 < i This sure, is fun. Now watch me M \c-nu's VePM HONAt, woNve he. Our sliding in the coal was fun, dive!” and, as he hit the water, It VNl-fH G o z r s but goodness, something must be splashed out on all the rest. IV^$OL0'CeLN SKFG dape to get us rid of all this The others joined him in the tub, I 1 smudge. There’s soot all over me.” and started in to briskly rub their And all the others, too, were little arms and little legs to get the black, from bead to foot, from front black soot loose. Said Coppy, “ This to back. They glanced at one is sure a fright. The coal dust sure­ another, hardly knowing who was ly sticks on tight.” But they all who. “ Ah, here’s a tub, and here’s found it helped a lot when soap was a sponge,” said Clowny, “ let’s all put to use. take a plunge.” Of course they all They played about, and near got agreed that was the proper thing rojigh ‘till Clowny said, “ I’ve got to do. eiTough.” And, as he jumped out of Off came their clothes, and very the tub the others trailed behind. quick they put on bathing,garment They scampered near the furnace tA slick. Then Scouty turned the water

PAGE TWELVE ’s described. The book is brimft|l the authors to the following peo­ ' Miss Sarah McKinney, presidant HISTORY (V MANCHESTER of old cuts, some of which were ple: Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Moeser, of the Girls* Friendly society wm Old Fashioned and Annual phristmas Sale CARNIVAL DANCE ELIS LADIES NIGHT .made from photographs and others Miss Cheney, H. 0. Bowers, F. A. have charge of the entertalnmont| from newspaper clippings. . Con­ Verplanck, A. F. Howes. Fred H. Mrs. David Robinson heads thd' Modem Dancing Wednesday, 7.30 p. mi. a t ' t h e r a i n b o w TONIGHT AT RAINBOW READY BY TOMORROW temporary history Is ^ e n in sever­ Wall, Frank H. Anderson, Frank fancy article booth, Mrs. Jame« City View Dance Hall TOMORROW N IC ^ al instances in clippings from The Cheney, Jr. Burdick, home-made candy; while Keeney Street Second Congregational Church Evening Herald. the mystety booth for tbe children' ' Ladies’ Aid Society. TaslUo’s Orch. l^odem hanclng. WEDNESDAY EVG., DEC. 1st Admissirlc tor slips as It is noted for its wearing qualities—will not style notes are found in this Black Charmeuse street this morning in the Man­ Game club, when a venison dinner the book is Its section devoted to whjch we have put a low price on for a few Welcoming Hand lo the Manchester Centennial obser­ cling. Colors: green, tan, navy, white, hen­ chester police court. He was placed will be the attraction, made possi­ days only. under arrest by Sergeant William ble through.the courtesy anr skill vance of 1923. Practically every­ na and copen blue. Barron who testified the man was at hunting o: Nate Richards. thing that happene' at that time You and the Children running his Ford sedan at more than forty miles an hour. Carra You will be interested, the youngsters delighted, said he did not rejallze how fast he with the holiday showing of Christmas toys and joys. as going. $1.98 Crepe Satin yard $139 See Santa Claus wonderful work shop." His sleigh and Mrs. Oliver Bingham and Miss the reindeers. Come see the toys and -toys and toys for Helen Morlarty will be hostesses One of the most important fabrics of the season— sponsored by every fashionable wo- ■ every little boy and girl. for the regular whist that is to be Now It’s held at the White House tomorrow man in a quality that would be unusual at a higher price. Lustrous sheen on one side COME MOTHERS AND FATHERS, BRING THE evening. The public is most qordl and heavy crepe on the other. All the new winter shades. LITTLE ONES. YOU WILL ENJOY IT, THEY WILL ally invited and a good time is as­ sured lor all who come out to play.^ ENJOY IT AND IT WILL BRING A GLOW OF HAP­ 'WINTER SHOES PINESS TO YOUR HEART TQ SEE THEIR EYES AT.T. WOOL FILLED GLISTEN AT WHAT THEY SEE. This weather demands Electric Trains with their automatic stops, signals, Typewriters etc. Dolls, Doll Carriages, Doll Houses, Games, Bicy­ All makes. Sold, rented, ex- heavier, cold and drnnp cles, Velocipeds, Sleds and the thousand and one things irhanured and overhauled. proof shoes. They are COMFORTABLES to make joy for the children. Special Discounts to Students. the best health insur­ S IZ E 72x78 Telephone 821 ance. REGULAR INCHES Do Your Gift Buying Early PRICE $6.98, Kemp'S Music Our line of Winter high cuts and Oxfords includes the Excellent comfortables— made to give the maximum In wear. AH wool filled with a Pari­ popular Imported Scotch and Norwegian grains at $8.00. House sian pattern covering with a 1,2 inch sateen border to match. ^ Also tan and black calf Shoes and Oxfords in blucher sure and come downtown tonight and buy one as they are offered at this price for a few days FOR SALE and bal, newek lasts at $5.00 to $8.50. only. '' OUR RUBBERS 'THE BEST -1925 FORD COUPE We carry only the very best grades of Rubber Foot­ Good mechanical condition, wear such as (Gold Seal and American. It pays to buy New Books! Quality Rubbers. Sanitar’y Goods Good tires. Good buy for cash, j At New Low Prices - In Our C^culatinf Library* Can Phone 1268. Little French CUrl...... by Anne Sedgewlck ^Ii^chelop ilushand ...... hy ftl. Ayree Arthur L. Hultman Beloved W m nan...... hy Kathleen Norris Ideal Sanitary A p ro n s.. . 50c, 75c, $1.00 VISIT OUR NEW BOYS’ DEPARTMENT. Brains of the Family...... by E. J. Rath Clondod P eart...... by BeHha Ruck Ideal Sanitary B eits ...... 29c to $1.00 RICHARD Goahtry Beyond ...... by J. O. Cnrwood CROOKS Ideal Step-Ins, Skirts ^ Unndleligbt' by R. M. Ayree (TENOR) Knchanted H ill...... by P. B. Kyne Bloom ers...... 75c, $1, $1.50 ! Lucky in Love ...... by Bertha Rack Littl’st Lover ...... by R. M. Ayree K o t e x ...... 39c box Peacock Feathers ...... by T. Bailey Autographed Records Sanitary Napkins ...... 39c box Re-creations...... by G.. L. Hill A limited number of Mr. Crooks’ Victor Records, autographed by hli., yesterday afternoon when he visited our Music Department, are now available. Come harly BRINGTHE CHILDREN IN'TO SEE if you want one of these personally signed records! A Severe No. 45373 COLLEEN A R O N N ...... (tl' Winter«Maybe IRISH LOVE SONG ...... The Punch and Judy Show ‘ • . Ro. 46422 FOR YOU ALO N E ......

t.-V X ^ V,’;


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