\ }V* - f - r- >■ -•■—■ THK'WEATRfil&~ • NET m ss s BUn AVERAGE D A niT CIROIJLA'nON; „ PF THE EVENING HERALD Fair and continued cold tonli^t • for the month of Noremheri 1026, and Friday. •-53 4,940 i 's CIJWBLVE^PAGES) PRICE THREE CENtE Clfwsiecd AdvercMng on Pago 6 MANCHES^R, cbm, 2, 1926. VOL. XLI, No. 5 3 . ' . !■ v ■ y- ■• " '■ ■ ■ . , . J . ^ . S > ' CHAPLINAS WIFE $5,D00,M(> D d M t ? - R a ! H a! CHAMBERPLANS QUITS WITH TOTS ( M A R I O 0^ Comedian’s Second Mate Has ,1 • WORKFORYEAR, Left Hollywood Home in Ro\7 W B A F T E R T E N After Party. HEARS REP(H!TS Los Angeles, Dec. 2.— Y E A i m Y N E S S Charles Chaplin, film comed­ ian, and his wife, the former Llta Grey, have separated. , As the aftermath of a dis­ Consenratiyes Win an Over- Austin Cheney, Re-Elected agreement at the Chaplin A Wf^ Wasn He In dic'd? home Monday night, when TO Chaplin entertaineij a number whehnmg Victory on the President, Asks For Great­ of guests, Mrs. Chaplin took her two children and went to FROM I S JOB Roars McCarter to Jury er Cooperation— 75 Mem­ the horde of her grandparents, Issue of Government Li­ Mr. and Mrs. William Curry. Neither Chaplin nor his wife BOSTON ADOPTS bers at Meeting. would discuss Just what occur­ quor Control. EPWINES Big Guns of Law red. Mrs. Chaplin today did not deny that she had left ELI AS NATIVE her husband’s home. Chaplin Ottawa, Dec. 2.— ^The province Sum Up,> Accusing Hus­ Manchester’s Chamber oK Com­ Decides Yale Founder Was admitted it. of Ontario, with more than a thou­ CooGdge Decides on Retire^ merce should prove to be a live, “ Mrs. Cnaplin has taken the Born There and Erects a sand miles of Its boundary line band of Dead Woman; At- worthwhile organization, without children with her,” he said. Tablet—-His Epitaph. t touching the United States, today need of “ vltallzatlon” , ;f the en­ “•I have asked t.. she and ment of SoldmrrGoyerhon they return.” Is wet under government control of thusiasm shown at the adjourned - Boston, ^ Dec. 2. — Elihu tack Gibson Evidence as Rumors of a separation be­ the sale of liquor by an over­ annual meetlpg of the business men tween the film comedian and WadsWrthH^^^ Yale; gbyerndr of M/f»rtraa and whelmingly large majority as the eariy hehefactor of Yale Col­ last night at Hotel Sheridan en­ his wife have been current In theatricals, Charge Thai Hollywood circleF for many result of yesterday’s general elec­ ed Successor; - n lege and for .whom the Institu­ dures. About 75 local “ boosters” , weeks, but both had denied tions. The Ontario Temperance Act, tion '.Vas named, will be hon­ largely business men and Manches­ that such an action was con­ ten years old, isrepudiated. ored here'next month, the Schneider Looted Body of Yaf^e club of Boston announc- templated.^ Premier Howard Ferguson, lead­ ter manufacturers gathered for a Washington,. Dec. 2.-^The ^tur- bd^tbday, by the dedication of dinner, I'stoned to, officers' reports, The Chaplins were married on er of the victorious Conservative Flve million plunks In the hole wasNhe SesquI-CentennIal Exposition Nov. 25, 1924, In Mexico. when It closed In Philadelphia. “ Connecticut Day” was its expiring ges­ bulant iayn of;.-iiepnq|rd j.Wood ; as a.inemorial bas-relief tablet Mimster, Denonnee Gib­ party, intimated that very shortly ‘commemorating the site of his and enjoyed an entertainment that The former Llta Grey Is the dispensing of “ wet goods” ture. On that occasion, financial difficulties evidently failed to disturb governor-general' of the Philippines followed. ' birthplace on’. Pemberton'hill. Chaplin's second wife. He had would be started legally throughout Mayor Kendrick (right) and. Gov. Trumbull, Nutmeg chief executive. are numbered. ' son as “ Satan” Leader of Austin Cheney, president of the previously been married to The . tablet will be placed on the province. His retirement has been delinlte-j • the north side. wall of the Chember during the year past was Mildred Harris, also a motion 74 Out of 112. re-elected to the post, and in his ad­ picture actress. They were ly decided on by thr'Cooll'dge ad­ Suffolk Savings Bank build­ “ Hudson Apay.” The result of the election Is as ing; and the dedication exercise dress gave a comprehensive resume divorced. follows: Conservative, 74; Liberal, ’ RUMANIA FEARFUL ministration,: It was learned today, of the work that had been done, as CUT PERSONNE IS ivl]l be held January 28. 14; Progressives, 11; Liberal, Pro­ and ■ consideration is now - being Delay. - In markiug the site 'nell as a group of good sugges­ gressive, 5; Independent Liberal, There is cbnMderahlej likelihood tions for activity during the coming given to ^he selection of a succes- ol,the birthplace' of so great a USE JOHN MATHER 4; Labor, 1; Prohibition^ 1; two OF OUTSIDE A H A C K personage as uitihu Vale has that the Hall-Mljls casp will bs year. Mr. Cheney’s . complete ad­ still In doubt. Total 112. sor. • t ; ; • ■Three names are .being consider­ blnged .oh the-absence if doc- tried all over again In the event oi dress will be found on Page Seven One of the surprises of the cam­ oimentary, evidence as to o^ today’s Herald. ed: : . - ' the now expected acquittal of tbs paign was th§ failure of the rural Senator James : ,W. Wadswqrth, Whet,|ier brnot he; was born In Year’s Officers STONE IN T E P L E ridings of the province to go dry. 'WaWift®''’'^“> .;New Haven, or three defendants. Special Prosecu­ The busluess' and entertainment of New York recently' defeated for The Ferguson government was vic­ Safety Men Are Discharged; Revolt Over Succession Un­ Boston.. The late realization tor Alexander Simpson declares his followed a fried chicken dinner. The re-election. t < that.'David' Yale was his fath-, torious fVom one end of the prov­ Colonel .Carnoi. ThQ.m,PBon,' of intention of again going ta tbs nominating committee offered as Its ince to the other. In areas in the vi­ or ‘definitely: settled by long proposals for election the follow­ Trade War^ New Car Are likely in Presnee of Aliep Ohio who has Jupt Supreme Court at Trenton and ask-, Masons Get Hearthstone of cinity of the United States the wet vey of the, islands' for President research'revealed the purchase ing: Austin Cheney, president, W. vote was heaviest. by thei elder Yale In 1645 of ing for a foreign Jury to try Mrs. W. Robertson, vice president, Earl Coolldge. As the result of the outcome of the property, on Pemberton Frances Stevens Hall and her G. Seaman, treasurer, W. George Rumored and Denied. Enemies. Colonel Henry L. Stiinson, of Hill previously occupied by First Member — Work the Ontario vote only three Cana­ New York, seeretafy of war In the brothers, Henry and Willie Stevens, Glenney, Charles J. McCann, Wil­ dian provinces now remain dry. Oovembr John Endicott. liam P. Reldy, Lewis H. Slpe, and Taft admlnistratlo^i.^.. , , . , for the murder of Rev. Edward, W. They are New Brunswick, Nova All yetei«QB . I , It had long been supposed Robert V. Treat, directors lor. two Progresses Rapidly. Detroit, Dec. 2.-—Reduced per­ Paris,. Dec. 2.— PrIncS Carol of that ' the map whose benefac-, Scotia and Prince Edward Island, Other names'haie been suisgest- Halk The present trial Is under the years. ,They were unanimously .tioh was responsible for the and this trio soon will vote on the sonnel may be expected when work Rumania is seeking a reconciliation ed, but It is.this trio,.that,are re­ indictment charging the trio with named. early growth .of Yale College question of government control of is resumed at the Ford Motor Com­ with his wife. Princess Helen, and ceiving . major. consideration. All the death of Mrs. Eleanor Mills and E. L. G. Hohenthal, chairman of Good headway is being made on the sale of liquor. wpa borii In New England, and pany’s plants, it was learned to­ is preparing to terminate his are veterans, of the SpaqlshrAnaer- the following, cryptic verse on an acquittal on that charge would the Postoffice committee. Is in the Masonic Temple for' Manchester Expect U. S. Millions. ican war.- A ll‘have a ffibre or .less Washington at present., but he had It is estimated by Ontario politi­ day. The Highland Park and Ford friendship with the. beautiful Mmo. his .grave at Wrexham, Eng­ npt Involve disposition of the other Lodge of Masons. The contractors, intimate khd-wledge . of PhtllpplM land,-bears 'Wltnecs to the fact: indictment which was returned by f'lrnlshed a written report of the cians that residents of the United son plants closed Tuesday midnight Lupescu, it was reliably reported affairs, and.aU are” ayaUable’’ In work his committee had accom­ the Manchester Construction Com­ I^Jltaph , the grand Jury same tiihe as the States will spend in the neighbor­ until next week, 'at least. here today. that they. are gOne^aWy ■ acc'eptgble Born''in America, In Europe plished. It showed that Mr. Hohen­ pany, yesterday moved the large hood of 54,000,000 in the province to party 1 -ders add now' politi­ ops which Is the basis of the existr Althongh officials o f ' the Ford The prince. It Is stated,, has ; bf!^, . ' thal and the other committee mem­ stone step that was used by the cally at liberty. ^ ' Ing proceeding's.. of Ontario In 1927. Coinpdny refusefi to deny or affirm In Africa.
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