22. Life Processes
MODULE - 5 Life Processes-1 Nutrition, Transportation, Respiration and Excretion The Living World 22 Notes LIFE PROCESSES-1 NURTRITION, TRANSPORTATION, RESPIRATION AND EXCRETION The activities by which living organisms take in food, derive energy, remove waste from their body and respond to changes in the environment are called life processes. In this lesson, you will learn about basic life processes, namely nutrition, respiration, transportation of nutrients and fluids in the body, and excretion. OBJECTIVES After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • emphasize the need for energy requirement for life processes; • explain the steps in photosynthesis; • appreciate the various modes of heterotrophic nutrition in living organisms; • realize the importance of the process of nutrition in humans,identify nutritional disorders and explain the concept of balanced diet; • outline the need for and steps in the process of respiration; • explain the fundamental aspects of transport of material(food, waste etc.) in plants and animals (e.g. humans); • explain the process of excretion in humans. I. NUTRITION 22.1 WHY DO WE NEED FOOD How do you feel if you do not have food for a day or two? You may feel exhausted and weak. But if you do not get food for a few days, will you survive and grow? You will probably say‘No’. We know that living beings need food to survive. Food provides 58 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Life Processes-1 Nutrition, Transportation, Respiration and Excretion MODULE - 5 The Living World the essential raw material that our body needs to grow and stay healthy. It also provides energy to carry out various life processes.
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