Inter 1991/92 Profile of the Tyne Class Lifeboat Construction of the Atlantic
nal of the al National Lifeboat Institution ime 52 Number 518 Tie Lifeboainter 1991/92 Profile of the Tyne class lifeboat t Construction of the Atlantic 21 A message from the Director I Drinking Tea Saves Lives! BOAT] BOAT TEA TEA BAGS No, this is not a new medical discovery. But it is true, bcc.uise every time an 80-tea bag packet of Lifeboat Tea is sold, four pence is contributed to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. And evervtime a 125g packet of loose tea is sold, two pence is donated. As for the life-reviving effects of Lifeboat Tea on the drinker, that tact was never in question. Warnford Tea Unit Bl, Tmvnscnd Estate, 7 Portland Close, Moughton Regis, Beds. Tel: 0582 664440 Fax: 0582 664405 Available in larger Sainsbury's and RNLI shops, please telephone for direct delivery from our factory. The Winter 1991/92 Lifeboat RNLI News 146 'oyal National ^^^3X What's happening in and around the Institution A Message From the Director 149 Lifeboat The RNLI's Director Brian Miles looks back on a successful 1991 tistitution Ceremonies ISO Contents Naming and dedication ceremonies around the country Built To Order, Built To Last 153 /blume 52 The construction of the RNLI's Atlantic 21 rigid inflatable dumber 518 Lifeboat Services 157 Notable launches around the coast hairman: ICHAEL VERNON Membership News 162 irector and Secretary: How the RNLI can make your subscription go further f CDR BRIAN MILES RD FNI RNR Your Letters 163 On all aspects of lifeboats and related subjects Bookshelf 164 litor: MIKE FLOYD Books of RNLI and maritime interest reviewed distant Editor: CLAIRE JUDD litorial Assistant: MARY GYOPARI The Fund Raisers 165 Ivertisement Manager: Some ways of raising money for the Institution \RBARA TROUSDELL assified Advertisements: Past and Present 169 ARION BARDSLEY From THE LIFEBOAT of May 1916, and one of today's lifeboatmen Looking at Lifeboats - the Tyne class 17O :adquarters: Continuing our series of lifeboat profiles >yal National Lifeboat Institution, est Quay Road, ole, People and Places 173 >rsetBH15 1HZ.
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