Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine

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Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine 7KH-RXUQDORIWKH6RXWK3DFL¿F8QGHUZDWHU0HGLFLQH6RFLHW\ ,QFRUSRUDWHGLQ9LFWRULD $% ISSN 1833 - 3516 Volume 37 No. 4 ABN 29 299 823 713 December 2007 Diving expeditions: from Antarctica to the Tropics Diving deaths in New Zealand Epilepsy and diving – time for a change? Mechanical ventilation of patients at pressure Print Post Approved PP 331758/0015 9^k^c\VcY=neZgWVg^XBZY^X^cZKdajbZ(,Cd#)9ZXZbWZg'%%, PURPOSES OF THE SOCIETY IdegdbdiZVcY[VX^a^iViZi]ZhijYnd[VaaVheZXihd[jcYZglViZgVcY]neZgWVg^XbZY^X^cZ Idegdk^YZ^c[dgbVi^dcdcjcYZglViZgVcY]neZgWVg^XbZY^X^cZ IdejWa^h]V_djgcVa IdXdckZcZbZbWZghd[i]ZHdX^ZinVccjVaanViVhX^Zci^ÄXXdc[ZgZcXZ OFFICE HOLDERS EgZh^YZci 9g8]g^h6Xdii (%EVg`6kZcjZ!GdhhancEVg` :çbV^a1XVXdii5deijhcZi#Xdb#Vj3 Hdji]6jhigVa^V*%,' EVhiçEgZh^YZci 9gGdWncLVa`Zg &'7VggVaa^ZgHigZZi!<g^[Äi] :çbV^a1GdWnc#LVa`Zg5YZ[ZcXZ#\dk#Vj3 68I'+%( HZXgZiVgn 9gHVgV]H]Vg`Zn E#D#7DM&%*!CVggVWZZc :çbV^a1hejbhhZXgZiVgn5\bV^a#Xdb3 CZlHdji]LVaZh'&%& IgZVhjgZg 9g<jnL^aa^Vbh E#D#7dm&.%!GZY=^aaHdji] :çbV^a1hejbh5[VhibV^a#cZi3 K^Xidg^V(.(, :Y^idg 6hhdX#Egd[#B^`Z9Vk^h 8$d=neZgWVg^XBZY^X^cZJc^i :çbV^a1hejbh_5XY]W#\dki#co3 8]g^hiX]jgX]=dhe^iVa!Eg^kViZ7V\),&%!8]g^hiX]jgX]!CO :YjXVi^dcD[ÄXZg 9g;^dcVH]Vge ').XC^X]dahdcGdVY!H]ZcidcEVg` :çbV^a1h]Vge^Z[5YdXidgh#dg\#j`3 LZhiZgc6jhigVa^V+%%- EjWa^XD[ÄXZg 9gKVcZhhV=VaaZg E#D#7dm-%'(!8Vggjb9dlch :çbV^a1kVcZhhV#]VaaZg5XYbX#Xdb#Vj3 K^Xidg^V('%& 8]V^gbVc6CO=B< 9g9Vk^YHbVgi 9ZeVgibZcid[9^k^c\VcY=neZgWVg^XBZY^X^cZ :çbV^a1YVk^Y#hbVgi5Y]]h#iVh#\dk#Vj3 GdnVa=dWVgi=dhe^iVa!=dWVgi!IVhbVc^V,%%% LZWbVhiZg 9g<aZc=Vl`^ch E#D#7dm&+,)!BVgdjWgV! :"bV^a1]Vl`ZnZ5hl^[iYha#Xdb#Vj3 CHL'%(* 8dbb^iiZZBZbWZgh 9g8]g^hi^cZAZZ E#D#7dm-+'!<ZZadc\ :çbV^a1XaZZ5e^X`cdla#Xdb#Vj3 K^Xidg^V(''% 9g9Vk^YKdiZ E#D#7dm*%&+!BdgZaVcYLZhi :çbV^a1YVk^YkdiZ5W^\edcY#Xdb#Vj3 K^Xidg^V(%** ADMINISTRATION BZbWZgh]^e HiZkZ<dWaZ 8$d6CO8daaZ\Zd[6cVZhi]Zi^hih :çbV^a1hejbhVYb5W^\edcY#cZi#Vj3 +(%Hi@^aYVGY!BZaWdjgcZ!K^Xidg^V(%%) ?djgcVa HVgV]LZWW 8$d=neZgWVg^XBZY^X^cZJc^i :çbV^a1hejbh_5XY]W#\dki#co3 8]g^hiX]jgX]=dhe^iVa!Eg^kViZ7V\),&%!8]g^hiX]jgX]!CO E]dcZ/ +)ç%(ç(+)ç%%)*!;Vm/ +)ç%(ç(+)ç%&-, MEMBERSHIP BZbWZgh]^e^hdeZcidVaabZY^XVaegVXi^i^dcZgh# 6hhdX^ViZbZbWZgh]^e^hdeZcidVaai]dhZl]dVgZcdibZY^XVaegVXi^i^dcZghWjiVgZ^ciZgZhiZY^ci]ZV^bhd[i]Z HdX^Zin!VcY$dgi]dhZZc\V\ZY^cgZhZVgX]^cjcYZglViZgbZY^X^cZVcYgZaViZYhjW_ZXih# BZbWZgh]^e^hVahdVkV^aVWaZ[dggZi^gZYbZY^XVaegVXi^i^dcZghVcYbZY^XVahijYZcih# BZbWZgh]^eVeea^XVi^dchVgZWZhiXdbeaZiZYdca^cZVii]ZHdX^Zin¼hlZWh^iZ<lll#HEJBH#dg\#Vj> ;jgi]Zg^c[dgbVi^dcdci]ZHdX^ZinbVnWZdWiV^cZYWn\d^c\id/ 1lll#HEJBH#dg\#Vj3 dgZçbV^a^c\1hejbhVYb5W^\edcY#cZi#Vj3 dglg^i^c\id/HEJBHBZbWZgh]^e! 8$d6jhigVa^VcVcYCZlOZVaVcY8daaZ\Zd[6cVZhi]Zi^hih! +(%Hi@^aYVGdVY!BZaWdjgcZ!K^Xidg^V(%%)!6jhigVa^V 7KH6RFLHW\¶V¿QDQFLDO\HDULV-DQXDU\WR'HFHPEHUWKHVDPHDVWKH-RXUQDO\HDU ;dgXjggZcihjWhXg^ei^dcgViZheaZVhZ\did1lll#HEJBH#dg\#Vj3 9^k^c\VcY=neZgWVg^XBZY^X^cZKdajbZ(,Cd#)9ZXZbWZg'%%, &,( h^ijVi^dch!lZVg^c\VlZ^\]iWZaiWjicdÄchdgÅdViVi^dc I]Z:Y^idg¼hd[[Zg^c\ YZk^XZl]Zchcdg`Zaa^c\VcYaVX`d[bZY^XVaVcY$dge]nh^XVa ÄicZhh# IdigVkZaidVcYY^kZ^cZmdi^XVcYgZbdiZeVgihd[i]ZldgaY VeeZVahidbVcnd[jh#8ZgiV^can!VhVbZY^XVahdX^Zin! 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