CITY; KILLS500 (Pictures
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CENTS * * PAY NO MORE! 2 WORLD'S NEWSPAPER INAL I REG. U. S. I'A I o~t ICE. COI'Y1UGWl' lllU MO:"DAY. 15, 1941.-38 THIS PAPER CONSISTS OF I~ CHICAGO ELSEWHJ!)RE VOLUME C.-NO. 2H9 C BY 'l'HE I'H lCAGO TIl.TllUNE.1 DECEMHER PAGES THREE' SECTIONS-SECTION ONE PRICE TWO CENTS AND SUBURBS THREE CENTS '- --- .- .----_._------'-- .. --. - .. ------ .------------- SLIDE 150 FEET Mother Slain; HIGHLIGHTS OF 400 TOWNS FALU 'HITS PERU Battered ~ody WAR IN PACIFIC HIGH, ' Is Found In Lot TO RUSSIANS, IN The high spot yesterday in the (Pictures on page. 8 and 12.) war in the Pacific was the damag- CITY; KILLS500 North side police last night began NOW- HERSHEY ing off Legaspi, Luzon, Philip- a hunt for a young slugger and purse WIDE OFFENSIVE pines of two more Japanese trans- snatcher as the murderer of a mother of two children. Her battered body ports by American army bombers, was found early in the day in a va- and renewed attacks by Japanese cant lot at the northeast corner of Water, Rocks, Lava 18to 64 Registration on Wake Island, tiny possession Ravenswood and Thome avenues. Call Moscow Drive Her skull had been fractured with of the United States. The suc- Engulf Victims. a brick after a fierce struggle, evi- Preparedness. cessful attacks on J ap troopships a Hitler Debacle. dences of which were found 30 feet brought the total toll by Ameri- from the body. Clothing had been Washington, D. C., Dec. 14 ()P).-War can bombers in recent days to LIMA, Peru. Dec. 14 (.4'l.-A tr e- torn from the victim and her ankles (Map on pagE 8.) department officials made clear today mendous waterslide which struck the bound with her stockings. Time of four sunk and five hard hit. MOSCOW, Dec. 15 LMonday] (JP).- department- the attack was fixed at about 7 p. rn. that it would be a long time-if American mar i n e s have re- Rampant Red armies declared today; al capital of ever-before any men outside the Saturday, but a physician said she ap- pulsed two assaults on Wake. The they had the Germans on the run in: Huaraz yes- parently had lived six or eight hours 21-35 age group are drafted for the a retreat approaching the scale of terday took second was described as " in great a toll of more, with the cold and exposure army despite the proposal to require Napoleon's cold and dismal retire- more than partly to blame for her death. all aged 18 to 64, inclusive, to register. force." Two Jap bombers were ment from Moscow h 1812 and had Brig. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, selec- 500 1i v e s Another Woman Slugged. shot down. overtaken the backtracking Hitler le- tive service director, warning against and' wiped Less than half an hour before the gions with a headlong campaign of any "hysteria" in connection with Report Subs OFF Hawaii. out the fatal assault another woman was extermination. Soviet broadcasts de- the draft extension, said there was no T d d clared more than 400 villages and city's entire slugged and robbed two blocks away. di 1 way of telling when it might be neces- he navy epartment ISCose towns have been taken in the Red res idential Four other women who have been sary to tap the reservoir of men out- that enemy submarines are op- army's sweep. section, said similarly assaulted in the same area side the 21·35 group. erating in the Hawaiian area and The official communist organ Prav- rep 0 r t s since last Tuesday have given police da claimed the Russian armies al- rea chi n g identical descriptions of the slugger. ••We can meet the situation today said" vigorous attacks are being and tomorrow with the present draft h " ready have destroyed an "entire gen. here today. Chief of Detectives John L. Sulli- made against tern. age limits of 21 to 35," Hershey said. eration of Nazis." Man u e 1 van, who entered the case yesterday 41,000,000 Men Eligible. The situation in the Philippines From one end of the broad snow. Palma, own. afternoon. said the murderer's actions f L' in the other cases and evidence found Secretary of War Stimson requested is "well in hand," the army said. crusted front to the other the Rus- er 0 a ima- Arrow iodicaleo scene of at the scene of the sl.aying indicate congress last week to enact legisla- Three Japanese landings on Luzon sians reported success after success: Huaraz bus etlde. The threat to Moscow eliminated by, line, told the Associated Press he is a moron. tion for the registration of all men Island have been kept localized. from 18 to 64, inclusive, and making the rout of the Nazis in the greatest by telephone that conditions were The victir•. was Mrs. Berglt Kyvik, those from 19 to 44, inclusive, subject Japanese flyers in a raid on the debacle yet to befall Hitler, his ef- "indeScribable "; that the slide of ·43 years old, 2125 North Central Park to military training and service. This Manila area at noon yesterday forts to encircle Leningrad smashed, water, mud, rocks, and volcanic avenue, mother of twins, Audriana his hopes of getting at the Caucasus' lava was 150 feet high and more than and Curtis John, 12 years old. Lieut. registration, Hershey said, would ap- dropped bombs in the vicinity of rich oil fields thwarted. half a mile wide when it hit; that 500 Michael Ahern, of the Summerdale ply to 41,000.000 men, including the Nichols air field. bodies were in the local hospital and police, learned Mrs. Kyvik had been 17,500,000 who already have registered. Foe's Loss 6,000,000 Men. But the program as of today, Her- Forty planes were lost by the hundreds of others were strewn along on her way to the home of a former Since the start of the German in. the roads outside Huaraz, Bodies brother-In-law, Gunnar Kyvik, 6159 shey explained, calls for the induction Japanese in their week long at- vasion last June 22, the Russians re- were being brought to the hospital in East Ravenswood avenue, to see her of the remaining 1,000,000 in the 21 tacks on the Philippines, Lieut. ported, Hitler has lost 6,000,000 men4 27 truckloads, he said. divorced husband, John, 46, who had to age brackets; then eligibles in more than 15,000 tanks, 13,000 planes. the group from 28 to 35, will' be Gen. Douglas MacArthur an- been injured in an automobile acci- and 19,000 cannon. Cause of Disaster a.Mystery. dent. called up, and next the 1,000,000 who nounced. [The British. radio reported. last ••No one living in the northern resi- Beaten 'on Both Sides of Head. .WIFE OF DOCTOR become 21 each year. Dutch Sink Two Ships. night the Russians have driven th •. NEWS SUMMARY "Having done that, you ought to dential section is believed to have Bloodstains under the North West. Germans from three more key point~ oF tHE TribunE have a full year's supply of men," The Dutch navy reported sink- escaped alive," said Palma. He added ern railroad viaduct on Thome avenue SLAIN; QUESTION on the railroad linking Moscow wit~ (And Historical Scrap Book) that so far it had not been possible to at Ravenswood indicated she had AIRPORT SENTRY Hershey said. ing a J a pan e s e tanker and a the Caucasus; The broadcast did not ascertain the cause of the catastrophe. been attacked there, Ahern said. Ap- Reexaminations Planned. .freighter off Malaya, in the 'same Redondo Beach, Cal., Dec. 14 (lP).- -Monday, December 15, 1941. name the points. Another Moscota First reports said it might have been she broke away and fled In the meantime there will be a Police Chief D. L. Evans said today a announcement said the entire line ali due to an eruption of the nearby into the vacant lot with the slayer continuing reexamination of men de- area where four Japanese trans- soldier, whom he did not name, had WAR IN PACIFIC. WASHINGTON. communications between Moscow anti Rataquenhua volcano, but Palma reo close behind her. Mrs. Kyvik had ferred because of dependency, ern- ports were sunk previously, with been turned over to military officers For the summary of yesterday's Hershey doubts draft will get men Leningrad soon would be reestablisheti ported the volcano showed no signs been beaten on both sides of the ployment in vital defense industries the possible loss of 4,000 troops. after the fatal shooting of Mrs. Adele action in Japan's war on the United over 35. Page 1. by advancing Red forces, indicatin!1. of activity. head. Brandel, 52 years old, socially promi- States and Great Britain see column 7, Jap journalist calls Nippon's attack and minor physical disabilities. Japan increased its pressure on the siege of Leningrad might thereby. He said many small Indian cornmu- The stained brick was lying nearby. "We must go at this thing calmly . nent wife of a physician. this page. blackest page in its history. Page 7. be lifted.] nities had been wiped out, and that There also were cuts on the legs and and coolly," Hershey said. "v'-e must IHongkong WIth a general land Evans said reports indicated four FOREIGN. Turkey stays neutral, Rumania Pravda attributed the German fail. the tons of rocks and mud had thrown bloodstains were found on the grass not take every man regardless of his and air offensive.