Waacking is a style of dance that came up in the 70's, coming directly from the Funk & era. It was born in gay clubs, but through television show, it became popular.

Waacking is now starting to resurface and it's popularity is starting to grow.

This dance allows you to create a personal style; doesn't matter whether it be sexy, feminine or aggressive, as long as you express yourself and let yourself go to the music.

Movements of the performers were so creative.

This style is often wrongly considered a style oh .

Disco music was the perfect vehicle for this style, with its driving rhythms and hard beats. In the early 1970s in Los Angeles, dancer Lamont Peterson was one of the first to start using his arms and body to the music. Dancer such Mickey Lord, Tyrone Proctor and Blinky fine tuned the arms movements, by making the arms and hands go fast to the driving disco beat.

At the time waacking was primarily a gay black and latino dance. Many people mistakenly believe that waacking came from becouse some movements are very similar. the gay community is soley responsible for the creation of this style. Waacking and Lockinghave some similarities but they are different dances. Waacking is the original name; Punking is a name set forth by non gay community that mixed in movements from Locking.

The Name originated from Tyrone Proctor and 's. Garbo in another name given to the dance.

The difference between Waacking and Voguins is the first became popular in the 1970's on the West Coast. Voguing became popular i the late 70's on the East Coast.