304 Index Index Index
_full_alt_author_running_head (change var. to _alt_author_rh): 0 _full_alt_articletitle_running_head (change var. to _alt_arttitle_rh): 0 _full_article_language: en 304 Index Index Index Adamson, Robert (1821–1848) 158 Astronomische Gesellschaft 216 Akkasbashi, Reza (1843–1889) viiii, ix, 73, Astrolog 72 75-78, 277 Astronomical unit, the 192-94 Airy, George Biddell (1801–1892) 137, 163, 174 Astrophysics xiv, 7, 41, 57, 118, 119, 139, 144, Albedo 129, 132, 134 199, 216, 219 Aldrin, Edwin Buzz (1930) xii, 244, 245, 248, Atlas Photographique de la Lune x, 15, 126, 251, 261 127, 279 Almagestum Novum viii, 44-46, 274 Autotypes 186 Alpha Particle Spectrometer 263 Alpine mountains of Monte Rosa and BAAS “(British Association for the Advance- the Zugspitze, the 163 ment of Science)” 26, 27, 125, 128, 137, Al-Biruni (973–1048) 61 152, 158, 174, 277 Al-Fath Muhammad Sultan, Abu (n.d.) 64 BAAS Lunar Committee 125, 172 Al-Sufi, Abd al-Rahman (903–986) 61, 62 Bahram Mirza (1806–1882) 72 Al-Tusi, Nasir al-Din (1202–1274) 61 Baillaud, Édouard Benjamin (1848–1934) 119 Amateur astronomer xv, 26, 50, 51, 56, 60, Ball, Sir Robert (1840–1913) 147 145, 151 Barlow Lens 195, 203 Amir Kabir (1807–1852) 71 Barnard, Edward Emerson (1857–1923) 136 Amir Nezam Garusi (1820–1900) 87 Barnard Davis, Joseph (1801–1881) 180 Analysis of the Moon’s environment 239 Beamish, Richard (1789–1873) 178-81 Andromeda nebula xii, 208, 220-22 Becker, Ernst (1843–1912) 81 Antoniadi, Eugène M. (1870–1944) 269 Beer, Wilhelm Wolff (1797–1850) ix, 54, 56, Apollo Missions NASA 32, 231, 237, 239, 240, 60, 123, 124, 126, 130, 139, 142, 144, 157, 258, 261, 272 190 Apollo 8 xii, 32, 239-41 Bell Laboratories 270 Apollo 11 xii, 59, 237, 240, 244-46, 248-52, Beg, Ulugh (1394–1449) 63, 64 261, 280 Bergedorf 207 Apollo 13 254 Bergedorfer Spektraldurchmusterung 216 Apollo 14 240, 253-55 Biancani, Giuseppe (n.d.) 40, 274 Apollo 15 255 Biot, Jean Baptiste (1774–1862) 1,8, 9, 121 Apollo 16 240, 255-57 Birt, William R.
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