De Lima questions Chinese Duterte ‘in tears’ when 49ers lose to Rams Trump to bolster Robin Padilla still STEALING FREE NEWSPAPER national as gov’t official told to see psychiatrist nukes after treaty pullout supports Dutertes IS STILL A CRIME! AB 2612, PLESCIA CRIME PH NEWS | A2 PH NEWS | A4 SPORTS NEWS | A5 LEGAL AND LAW | B4 ENTERTAINMENT | B6 INDEX Business & Tech News ................. A8 Community Awareness ............... B3 Entertainment ........................... B6, B7, B8 Health & Lifestyle ....................... B5 Legal & Law ............................... B4 Opinion ..................................... A6 PH News .................................... A2, A3, A4 Sports News .............................. A5 Star Access ................................ B2 Starliner .................................... B1 World News ............................... A9 WEEKLY ISSUE 70 CITIES IN 11 STATES ONLINE Vol. IX Issue 498 1028 Mission Street, 2/F, San Francisco, CA 94103 Email:
[email protected] Tel. (415) 593-5955 or (650) 278-0692 October 25-31, 2018 After ICC, PH eyes withdrawal from parliamentary union By Daniel Llanto I FilAm Star Correspondent HE Philippines may soon withdraw its dent Vicente Sotto III. Arroyo said IPU should be membership from the Inter-Parliamentary punished for suggesting that the Philippines does TUnion (IPU) after the Geneva-based or- not protect the rights of its lawmakers. ganization (IPU) expressed deep concern over “Since this is the second time they did it (to the “persecution” and continued incarceration