1 2 J 4 5 6 7 SHORELINES HEARINGS BOARD 8 STATE OF V/ASHINGTON 9 DR. DONALD DAVIDSON, GEOFFREY l0 BIDWELL, BUILDING A BETTER BELLEVUE and KEMPER No DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, A W ll corporation, PETITION FOR REVIEV/ 12 Petitioners, 13 VS. 14 THE CITY OF BELLEVUE, through its l5 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT, Decision Maker; and TRANSIT ANd ELLIE ZIEGLER t6 SOLIND FOR SOUND TRANSIT, Applicanl, I7 DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, l8 I. PETITIONERS 19 The Petitioners are Dr. Donald Davidson, Geoffrey Bidwell, Building A Better 20 Bellevue and Kemper Development Company, Petitioners are represented by: 21 22 Keith W. Dearborn Alison Moss 23 Troy D. Greenf,reld Schwabe, Williamson & V/yatt 24 1420 5Th Avenue, Suite 3400 Seattle, V/A 981 0l -401 0 25 Telephone: 206-407 -1581 26 Facsimile: 206-292-0460 SCHWABE, WILLIAMSON & WYATT, P C PETITION FOR REVIEW - 1 Attorneys al Law Pacwesl Center 121 1 SW sth Ave , Suite 1900 Portland, OR 97204 Telephone: 5O3 222 9981 PDX\t 27954\200497\KDA\l 5 138887. I I Email :
[email protected] [email protected] 2 tgreenfi eld@schwabe. com J II. DESCRIPTION OF PETITIONERS 4 Petitioner Dr. Donald Davidson is a resident of the City of Bellevue with a strong 5 history of public service to Bellevue. He sat on the City Council for more than25 years and 6 was the mayor of Bellevue for four years. During his time on the City Council, Dr. Davidson 7 served as Environmental Services Commission Liaison, served on the Metropolitan Water 8 Pollution Abatement Advisory Committee and on the Regional V/ater Quality Committee, 9 chaired the V/atershed Resource Inventory Area 8 Forum, served on the Cascade l0 Water Alliance Board and its Resource Planning Committee, co-chaired the Puget Sound 11 Salmon Recovery Council, and served on the Shared Salmon Strategy I2 Development Committee.