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GPS Shield Development Kit Quick Start Guide


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MCU Board Introduction

CSR has verified the GPS Shield on three other MCU platforms: LPCXpresso 1549

http://mbed.org/platforms/LPCXpresso1549/ Please use the USB interface highlighted with the red circle ST Nucleo F103RB

http://mbed.org/platforms/ST-Nucleo-F103RB/ ST Nucleo 401RE


Please install all required drivers before using these boards. To get the UART debug port working, the mbed Windows serial port driver needs to be installed.

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CSR GPS Shield Introduction:  This board supports Arduino headers:

Figure 1. CSR GPS Shield Development Kit Board

 There is J1 jump pin that needs to be used and it must be connected with a jumper cap to be able to supply power to the GPS module. It can also be used for current measurement.  CON1 is used to connect the GPS antenna.  In current version only two protocols are supported in the CsrLocationDemo application the NMEA at 4800bps and OSP at 115200bps.

 The CSR GPS Shield may then be plugged into a mbed MCU board using the Arduino headers interface.

Figure 2. CSR GPS Shield plugged into a mbed board

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Mbed online compiler

1. Visit http://developer.mbed.org/

2. Click on the Compiler link (upper right corner).

3. Enter your name and password to log in.

4. You can view the online compiler interface as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 3. mbed Home Page

Figure 4. Compiler interface view

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How to import CsrLocationDemo to your mbed online compiler

1. In your online compiler interface view click the platform select button (upper right hand corner) to select your platform. In this example LPCXpresso1549 is selected.

Figure 5. Compiler interface view: Import

2. Click the Import button.

3. Import Wizard will appear as shown below.

a. Select ‘My programs’ in the program workspace panel.

b. Select “Click here” to import the program from the URL.

Figure 6. Import Wizard window

4. Import Program window pops up, as shown in Figure 7.

a. Input URL: http://developer.mbed.org/teams/CSR/code/CsrLocationDemo/

b. Choose Program:

i. Input the import name, default name is CsrLocationDemo

. Click the Import button.

d. An Import program progress bar will appear as shown in Figure 8.

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Figure 7. Import Program window

Figure 8. Progress bar

After a while the program is imported to your online compiler.

Figure 9. Program appears in your Program Workspace

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Compile CsrLocationDemo program

1. Select the imported program in the Program Workspace panel, then click the Compile button.

2. The compiling progress bar will be visible.

3. After compilation has been successfully completed the build image file will be prompted to download. Please save it to be used later.

Figure 10.Progress bar

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Downloading the image file into your mbed MCU board

1. Connect the MCU board to your PC via the USB cable, typically a removable disk icon is shown. 2. After connecting MCU board to your PC, you can see a new UART port appear in your device manager, please use any UART software tool (e.g. putty) to connect to the new port. The UART parameters are 115200 bps, 8 bits, parity none, 1 stop bit, no flow control. 3. If the removable disk or UART does not appear, it means a driver has not been installed correctly. Please refer to the MCU board on the mbed website for assistance. 4. Copy the image file into the root directory of the removable disk. After copying, the mbed board will reset itself automatically 5. The UART tool will show data output from the MCU board after inputting the command “help” and pressing the Enter key

Figure 11. Output from board to the “help” command

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How to use the CsrLocationDemo application

Architect Overview

 CsrLocation Library provides function implementations for GPSProvider. The CsrLocationDemo application is based on GPSProvider API. Both are maintained by CSR.  GPSProvider provides a unified API to application. It is maintained by ARM.

Functions overview

• Support console commands.

• Support NMEA protocol at 4800 bps.

• Support OSP protocol at 115200 bps.

• Support full power mode and Push to Fix low power mode.

Please note, when you run CsrLocationDemo application, you must first plug the CSR Shield into the mbed MCU board. Console commands

• help - help to show supported commands.

• start - begin location request.

• stop - end location request.

• fpm - full power mode.

• ptf - ptf low power mode.

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• getpos - get location immediately in low power ptf mode.

• osp - OSP mode.

• nmea - NMEA mode.

These commands are for internal debugging purposes

• wakesta - get chip wakeup status

• onoffon - pull high onoff pin

• onoffoff - pull low onoff pin

• onoffpul - pull onoff pin high and then low

• reseton - pull high reset pin

• resetoff - pull low reset pin

• teston - pull high test pin

• testoff - pull low test pin

• testpul - pull test pin high and then low

Command sequence

• Default command when you just power on the device.

• Start

Location information will be outputted in the UART tool once position is fixed.

• Working in full power mode, OSP protocol.

• fpm

• osp

• Start

The fpm will be used if you set low power mode in the previous session. You don’t need to input this command if the previous session was in full power mode.

The osp will be used if you set NMEA protocol in the previous session. You don’t need to input this command if the previous session was in NMEA protocol.

Location information will output over the UART upon position fix

• Stop location request

• stop CS-322268-RP © Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited 2014 Page 10

At any time, you can input stop command to stop GPS module from working

• Working in full power mode, NMEA protocol

• fpm

• nmea

• start Command sequence

• Working in PTF low power mode, OSP protocol.

• ptf

• osp

• start

• Get position in low power mode.

Once the CSR GPS chip has collected all the required information, it will enter into hibernation mode. After 30 seconds, the chip will wakeup automatically and report current position and then fall into hibernation again.

During hibernation, if a position report is needed, either of the options below will trigger a position report immediately.

• Command in console: getpos

• pushing the button(SW1)

Please note, whenever you want to change protocol or power mode, you must first issue a stop command. If you don’t change any of the settings, you can just stop and start again.

Figure 12. SW1 button

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LED indication

• LED1 will be ON when the GPS chip starts to work.

• LED2 will flash once when getting a position fix.

• Fix LED will flash when getting a position fix, which is controlled by the GPS module instead of CsrLocationDemo application

Figure 13. LED1 & LED2

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Unsupported features and known issues

• GPS chip cannot be stopped in NMEA protocol which is a known issue. A workaround is added:

• Application will check the status of GPS chip’s wakeup pin after stop command is sent.

• Application will trigger GPS chip’s reset operation if the GPS chip is still awake.

• GPS chip will stop to work.

• Low power mode is not supported in NMEA protocol.

• Power mode and protocol parameters can only be set after stopping location request.

• Support NMEA protocols at 4800 bps and OSP at 115200 bps only.

• On LPCXpresso1549 board, the debug port and GPS port must keep the same baud rate, which is a known issue reported on mbed community http://www.lpcware.com/content/forum/serial-malfunctions-when-changing-baud-rate- other-serial-port-mbed-lpc1549). So we can only support OSP at 115200 bps, cannot switch to NMEA 4800. If you want to get position fix report with NMEA protocol on LCP1549, you have to set the debug port at 4800 baud rate firstly and then set use the command sequence fpm/nmea/start

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