Azđz Mahmud Hüdâyî Dîvâni'nda Dđnî Muhtevâ

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Azđz Mahmud Hüdâyî Dîvâni'nda Dđnî Muhtevâ T.C ANKARA ÜNĐVERSĐTESĐ SOSYAL BĐLĐMLER ENSTĐTÜSÜ ĐSLAM TARĐHĐ VE SANATLARI ( TÜRK-ĐSLAM EDEBĐYATI) ANABĐLĐM DALI AZĐZ MAHMUD HÜDÂYÎ DÎVÂNI’NDA DĐNÎ MUHTEVÂ YÜKSEK LĐSANS TEZĐ Đklima GENÇDOĞAN Ankara-2010 1 T.C ANKARA ÜNĐVERSĐTESĐ SOSYAL BĐLĐMLER ENSTĐTÜSÜ ĐSLAM TARĐHĐ VE SANATLARI ( TÜRK-ĐSLAM EDEBĐYATI) ANABĐLĐM DALI AZĐZ MAHMUD HÜDÂYÎ DÎVÂNI’NDA DĐNÎ MUHTEVÂ YÜKSEK LĐSANS TEZĐ Đklima GENÇDOĞAN Tez Danışmanı Prof. Dr. Mehmet AKKUŞ Ankara-2010 2 T.C ANKARA ÜNĐVERSĐTESĐ SOSYAL BĐLĐMLER ENSTĐTÜSÜ ĐSLAM TARĐHĐ VE SANATLARI ( TÜRK-ĐSLAM EDEBĐYATI) ANABĐLĐM DALI AZĐZ MAHMUD HÜDÂYÎ DÎVÂNI’NDA DĐNÎ MUHTEVÂ YÜKSEK LĐSANS TEZĐ Tez Danışmanı Prof. Dr. Mehmet AKKUŞ Tez Jürisi Üyeleri Adı ve Soyadı: Đmzası: ………………………………….. …………………. ………………………………….. …………………. ………………………………….. …………………. ………………………………….. …………………. ………………………………….. …………………. Tez Sınav Tarihi: 3 ĐÇĐNDEKĐLER ÖNSÖZ ……………………………………………………………………......10 KISALTMALAR .............................................................................................13 GĐRĐŞ ……………………………………………………………………….…14 AZĐZ MAHMUD HÜDÂYÎ’NĐN YAŞADIĞI DEVRĐN ÖZELLĐKLERĐ 1. Siyasî ve Sosyal Durum……………………………………………………...14 2. Kültürel ve Edebî Durum…………………………………………………....18 BĐRĐNCĐ BÖLÜM AZĐZ MAHMUD HÜDÂYÎ’NĐN HAYATI, ĐLMÎ VE EDEBÎ ŞAHSĐYETĐ, TARĐKATI VE ESERLERĐ 1. HAYATI …………………………………………………………………….24 2. ĐLMÎ VE EDEBÎ ŞAHSĐYETĐ ……………………………………………32 3. TARĐKATI ………………………………………………………………….37 4. ESERLERĐ .....................................................................................................40 4.1.Vâkıat (et-Tibrü’l-Mesbûk ale’l-Mâcerâ mine’t-Tâifi Esnâi’s-Sülûk)….......41 4.2.Necâtü’l-Garîk fi’l-Cem’ ve’t-Tefrîk…………………………………….42 4.3. Hulâsatu’l-Ahbâr fi Ahvâli’n-Nebiyyi’l-Muhtâr………………………...43 4.4. Hayâtü’l-Ervâh ve Necâtü’l-Eşbâh……………………………………...44 4.5. Miftâhü’s-Salât ve Mirkâtü’n-Necât…………………………………….45 4.6. Hâşiye ale’l-Kuhistânî fî şerhi fıkhı Keydânî……...…………………....45 4.7. Keşfû’l-Kınâ an Vechi’s-Semâ……………………………………….....46 4.8. Habbetü’l-Muhabbe…………………………………………….…..…...48 4.9. Fethu’l-Bâb ve Refu’l-Hicâb…………………………………........….…49 4.10. et-Tarikatü’l Muhammediyye Vesîletun ila’s-Saâdeti’s-Sermediyye.…49 4.11. Câmiu’l-Fezâil ve Kâmiu’r-Rezâil…………………………….……..…50 4.12. Tarikatnâme…………………………………………………….…….…51 4.13. Hutbeler………………………………………………………...…….…51 4.14. Mi’râciye……………………………………………………………...…52 4 4.15. Merâtibü’s-Sülûk ve Ma’rifetü’l-Hâlık.......................................................52 4.16. Ahvâlü’n-Nebiyyi’l-Muhtâr.........................................................................53 4.17. Mektûbât.....................................................................................................53 4.18. el-Mecâlisü’l-Va’ziye..................................................................................54 4.19. Nefâisü’l-Mecâlis........................................................................................54 4.20. en-Nasâyih ve’l-Mevâiz..............................................................................56 4.21. el-Fethü’l-ilâhî.............................................................................................57 4.22. Tecelliyât.....................................................................................................57 4.23. Şemâilü’n-Nebeviyyetü’l-Ahmediyye........................................................58 4.24. Risâletü’l-es’ile ve’l-ecvibe fi ahvâli’l-Mevtâ............................................58 4.25. Dîvân ( Đlahiyât-ı Hüdâyî ).........................................................................58 ĐKĐNCĐ BÖLÜM AZĐZ MAHMUD HÜDÂYÎ DÎVÂN’INDA DĐN VE TASAVVUF I. DĐN 1. ĐTĐKAT ......................................................................................................63 1.1. ALLAH ...............................................................................................63 1.2. MELEKLER .......................................................................................79 1.2.1. Cebrail............................................................................................80 1.3. PEYGAMBERLER ............................................................................81 1.3.1. Hz. Âdem........................................................................................84 1.3.2. Hz. Nûh............................................................................................85 1.3.3. Hz. Đbrahim......................................................................................86 1.3.4. Hz. Đsmâil.........................................................................................87 1.3.5. Hz. Yâkûb........................................................................................87 1.3.6. Hz. Yûsuf.........................................................................................88 1.3.7. Hz. Eyyûb.........................................................................................89 1.3.8.Hz. Mûsâ............................................................................................90 1.3.9. Hızır (a.s)...........................................................................................91 1.3.10. Hz. Süleyman..................................................................................92 5 1.3.11. Hz. Muhammed................................................................................94 1.4. ÂHĐRET VE ÂHĐRET ĐLE ĐLGĐLĐ KAVRAMLAR ............................101 1.4.1 Âhiret.................................................................................................101 1.4.2. Kabir.................................................................................................103 1.4.3. Berzah...............................................................................................103 1.4.4. Amel Defteri......................................................................................104 1.4.5. Kıyâmet.............................................................................................105 1.4.6. Haşr, Sırât, Mîzân..............................................................................105 1.4.7. Cennet...............................................................................................107 1.4.8. Cehennem.........................................................................................110 1.4.9. efâ’at...............................................................................................112 1.5. MUKADDES KĐTAPLAR .......................................................................114 1.5.1. Kur’ân...............................................................................................114 1.6. KAZA VE KADER .................................................................................116 2. ĐBADETLER ..................................................................................................117 2.1. Namaz ve Namaz ile Đlgili Kavramlar.......................................................118 a. Namaz......................................................................................................118 b. Kıyâm, Secde..........................................................................................119 c. Duâ..........................................................................................................120 2.2. Oruç.........................................................................................................122 2.3. Hac...........................................................................................................124 2.4. Zekât........................................................................................................126 3. DĐNÎ AHSĐYETLER ...................................................................................127 3.1. Dört Halife...............................................................................................127 4. AYET VE HADĐSLER ..................................................................................129 4.1. Ayetler.....................................................................................................129 4.2. Hadisler....................................................................................................148 5. DĐĞER DĐNÎ KAVRAMLAR ........................................................................153 5.1. Mi’râc........................................................................................................153 6 5.2. Ölüm-Ecel................................................................................................155 5.3. Günah, Cürm............................................................................................157 5.4. Nûr...........................................................................................................159 5.5. Elest.........................................................................................................160 5.6. Şeytan......................................................................................................161 6. ÇEĐTLĐ DĐNLERLE ĐLGĐLĐ KAVRAMLAR ............................................163 6.1. Din............................................................................................................163 6.2. Đman, Küfür, Kâfir...................................................................................164 6.3. Mü’min, Müslüman, Đslam........................................................................167 II. TASAVVUF .......................................................................................................169 1. TASAVVUFÎ KAVRAMLAR ........................................................................169
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