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Year Book 2016 5 U.S. Ambassador to

Dear American Chamber of Commerce Members,


By speaking publicly on behalf of a wide variety of businesses, and by providing clear policy suggestions to the government on how to improve the business climate in Albania, the AmCham has grown into Albania’s largest DQGPRVWLQÀXHQWLDOEXVLQHVVRUJDQL]DWLRQ$V\RXFRQWLQXHWRJURZ,XUJH\RXWRWDNHDVWUDWHJLFDSSURDFK in addressing fundamental problems in the business community. You and the companies you represent have \RXURZQVSHFL¿FEXVLQHVVLVVXHVWKDW\RXZRXOGOLNHDGGUHVVHGEXWWKHUHDUHDOVRIXQGDPHQWDOLVVXHVWKDWLI improved, would help all honest and transparent businesses succeed in Albania.


7KH8QLWHG6WDWHV(PEDVV\LQ7LUDQDLVSURXGWRVXSSRUWWKH$P&KDPDQGZLOOFRQWLQXHWRFRRSHUDWHFORVHO\ with its members to help Albania develop the thriving economy that it deserves.

Sincerely, Donald Lu

Year Book 2016 6 Minister of Economic Development, Tourism, Trade and Entrepreneurship Dear reader,

2015 was an important economic year for QHZ ¿QDQFLDO SDFNDJH WRJHWKHU ZLWK WKH Albania. Economic growth accelerated EHQH¿WV IURP WKH SURJUDP RI WKH 1DWLRQDO due to the increase in domestic demand, Guarantee Fund in agriculture aims to growth of private investment, acceleration of VXSSRUW WKH H[SRUW RI $OEDQLDQ SURGXFWV structural reforms, increased consumption which has been increasing in the last two DQG LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ RI KHDOWK\ ¿VFDO \HDUV 7KH WKLUG TXDUWHU RI  VKRZHG policies. Economic growth in percentage of that the number of tourists has increased GDP is estimated to 2.7% in 2015. by 14.1% compared to 2014, the revenues from tourism increased by 6.7% and the introducing international standards and 7KH QHZ HFRQRPLF PRGHO IRFXVHG number of beds increased by 25,7% in 2014 FHUWL¿FDWLRQV 7KH ODZ RQ WHFKQLFDO DQG on different economic drivers such as compared to 2013. Furthermore the number HFRQRPLFGHYHORSPHQWDUHDV 7('$V ZLOO facilitating outward processing, supporting of overnights also increased by 9.4% in RIIHU¿VFDOLQFHQWLYHVWRLQYHVWRUVZLWKLQWKH agriculture production and development 2015, compared to 2014. ]RQHV WKURXJK GLIIHUHQW WD[ H[HPSWLRQV promotion of the new tourism industry. 7KH WD[ DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ PDGH D VWHS deductibility of wages and social and 7KH VWUXFWXUH RI H[SRUWV EHVW DQVZHUHG ahead by introducing e-registration and training costs. WKLV PRGHO 7KH  GDWD VKRZV WKDW WKH HOHFWURQLF QRWL¿FDWLRQ RI WKH EDODQFH In the spirit of the improvement of the Doing H[SRUWV RI WKH JURXSV RI JRRGV FKDQJHG VKHHW DQG ¿QDQFLDO UHSRUWV $OVR D ORW RI Business indicators and the Deregulation their structure; food, beverage and tobacco efforts were devoted to set up a one stop reform, which aims to reduce and eliminate has increased by 31% compared with year shop registration by merging together the all procedural barriers, the Ministry of 2014; leather and leather manufacturing by registration and licensing of businesses (FRQRPLF 'HYHORSPHQW 7RXULVP 7UDGH  IROORZHG E\ WH[WLOH  7KH JURXSV WKURXJK D XQLTXH ZLQGRZ 7KH ¿UVW and Entrepreneurship has set up a new that lost position in 2015 compared with TXDUWHU RI  ZLOO PDUN LQ $OEDQLD WKH platform of dialogue and cooperation with 2014 were minerals and fuel by 44%, HVWDEOLVKPHQWRIWKH%XVLQHVV5HJLVWUDWLRQ the business community through their followed by construction materials by $JHQF\   7KHVH UHIRUPV DUH OHDGLQJ WR D involvement in the Albanian Investment 35% and wood manufacturing by 10%. sustainable economic development and &RXQFLODVZHOODVWKH1DWLRQDO(FRQRPLF 7KH JRYHUQPHQW UROOHG RXW WKH 7H[WLOHDQG are making Albania an attractive place and Council. Footwear Industry package, giving a strong DQ LQYHVWPHQW GHVWLQDWLRQ 7KHUH ZDV D VWLPXOXVWRWKHIDVKLRQLQGXVWU\7KHJURZWK GLVWLQFWLRQDVVHVVPHQWZKHQ³6WDQGDUGDQG I will use this opportunity to thank the LQ H[SRUWV LQ WKLV LQGXVWU\ ZDV  LQ 3RRU¶V´XSJUDGHGWKHUDWLQJIRUWKH$OEDQLDQ American Chamber of Commerce in Albania the last two years and around 5.000 new economy from B- to B+. for its commitment to concierge, ensure and MREV ZHUH FUHDWHG 7KH JRYHUQPHQW KDV protect the business operators and also play taken care to facilitate businesses through 7KHIROORZLQJNH\ODZVZLOOFKDQJHWKHZD\ an important role to encourage the positive GLIIHUHQW W\SHV RI VWLPXOXV VXFK DV  (85 of doing business in Albania: changes in the business climate in Albania. when leasing from state property, one 7KH ODZ RQ VWUDWHJLF LQYHVWPHQWV KDV 7KH$OEDQLDQ *RYHUQPHQW DQG 0LQLVWU\ RI stop shop dedicated solely to the sector, granted a rapid pursuit of investments for (FRQRPLF'HYHORSPHQW7RXULVP7UDGHDQG LQVWDQWUHLPEXUVHPHQWRI9$7DQGVLPSOL¿HG all investors and it will furthermore stimulate Entrepreneurship remain active partners in SURFHGXUHV7KHJRYHUQPHQWUROOHGRXWWKH and support strategic investments in fast promoting a good business dialogue and plastic Industry package with stimulus that growing sectors such as Manufacturing, improving business climate. has resulted in a growth of plastic products 7RXULVP $JULFXOWXUH 7('$¶V DQG H[SRUWVE\LQ $XWRPRWLYH DQG PHFKDQLF 7KH ODZ Yours Sincerely, on tourism provided a very competitive 7KH³$JUR JUHHQKRXVHV ´LVWKHQHZHVW offer to foreign and domestic investors, Milva Ekonomi government program to triple the surface throughout a comprehensive approach for of greenhouses by the end of 2017, and an integrated and sustainable development WRSXWLQXVHLQQRYDWLYHWHFKQRORJLHV7KLV

Year Book 2016 7 President of AmCham Dear AmCham Members and Friends,

It is with great pleasure that the American ZKR FKDLUHG WKH 7D[ DQG /HJDO +XPDQ Chamber of Commerce celebrates its 5HVRXUFHV ,35 DQG :RPHQ LQ %XVLQHVV achievements and results for the 2015 DQG &RUSRUDWH 6RFLDO 5HVSRQVLELOLW\ FDOHQGDU \HDU  , ZRXOG OLNH WR VSHFL¿FDOO\ subcommittees respectively. thank to the Board of Directors and the members who have participated in our In 2015 the American Chamber of Sub-Committees for their work to make Commerce continued its open and frank Albanian-American business relations dialogue with the Government on issues stronger. I would also like to thank the in Montenegro in 2016. AmCham Albania DFURVV WKH EXVLQHVV VSHFWUXP  7KH $P&KDP ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU /RUHQF *MRQL continues to look forward to the common Chamber looks forward to continuing to and the rest of the staff for their dedication V\QHUJLHV WKDW RXU VLVWHU RUJDQL]DWLRQV have a positive and constructively critical to continue to meet member needs and develop for American business interests in relationship with Albanian leadership DFKLHYH RXU REMHFWLYHV LQ  :H the region. AmCham Albania also continues LQ RUGHU WR WDNH VWHSV WR IRUPDOL]H WKH look forward to continue to invest in our to work with other Albanian Chambers of economy, attract foreign investors and members, the business community and Commerce to advocate for common interest, SURWHFW LQYHVWRU ULJKWV  :RUNLQJ ZLWK WKH Albania in 2016. most recently standing together to oppose H[LVWLQJDGPLQLVWUDWLRQWKH&KDPEHUZRXOG a portion of the penalties applied to the OLNH WR VSHFL¿FDOO\ WKDQN 3ULPH 0LQLVWHU business community, which the Supreme 7KH &KDPEHU¶V FRQWLQXHG FORVH WLHV ZLWK 5DPD )LQDQFH 0LQLVWHU &DQL (FRQRPLF Court of Albania ruled in agreement with WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV (PEDVV\ KDYH EHHQ 0LQLVWHU $KPHWDM &XVWRPV 'LUHFWRUV our common position. AmCham would like critical to our success. For their valuable 6SLURSDOL DQG )DJX DQG 7D[ 'LUHFWRU to thank the other Chambers who have input and support in 2015 I would like to 6KHKDMIRUWKHLUFRQVWDQWGLDORJXHZLWKWKH been very open and constructive in order WKDQN$PEDVVDGRU /X DQG 'U$ULHO$KDUW Chamber, including participation in both to identify common issues where we can outgoing Deputy Chief of Mission Henry public forums and closed door meetings collaborate. Jardine, current Deputy Chief of Mission to discuss member positive and critical 'DYLG 0XQL] RXWJRLQJ 3ROLWLFDO DQG feedback on current policy and procedures. 7RGD\WKH$PHULFDQ&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFH Economic Section Chief John Cockrell, 7KH&KDPEHUZDVSOHDVHGWRFRQWLQXHLWV represents the largest foreign chamber current Political and Economic Section UROHZLWKLQWKH1DWLRQDO(FRQRPLF&RXQFLO in Albania. I’m pleased to have served Chief Peter D’Amico and our long-standing through the end of its term in the summer VXSSRUWHU(FRQRPLF2I¿FHU'RQ%URZQ of 2015 and values its continued role within WKLV &KDPEHU GXULQJ WKLV  ¿VFDO \HDU and work with our friends and partners in the Council of Investments going forward. EXVLQHVVLQ$OEDQLD7RJHWKHUZHDUHUDLVLQJ 7KH &KDPEHU¶V VXEFRPPLWWHHV SURYLGH D As in previous years, the Chamber’s GLI¿FXOWVRPHWLPHVFRQWURYHUVLDOLVVXHVWR ‘grass-roots’ connection for our members interaction with bilateral institutions, such the surface for debate and discussion in an WR UDLVH LVVXHV  7KH &RUSRUDWH 6RFLDO DVWKH:RUOG%DQNDQG,0)DOVRUHPDLQV attempt to increase transparency, stability, 5HVSRQVLELOLW\ LV D QHZ VXEFRPPLWWHH an important element of receiving and DQGSURJUHVV:HDUHJHWWLQJUHVXOWVDVZH established by the Board in 2015, at the providing feedback on the economy. move Albania forward and I look forward to UHTXHVW RI RXU PHPEHUV DQG ZH ORRN 5HFRJQL]LQJ WKDW LW LV HDVLHU WR DWWUDFW continuing this progress in 2016. forward to its role facilitating our members investment from the region than from as they are good stewards of resources far away, AmCham Albania continues its within the Albanian community. I would Yours Sincerely, initiative of bringing together AmChams OLNH WR VSHFL¿FDOO\ WKDQN WKH &KDLUSHUVRQV Mark Crawford from the region and their members. After of the AmCham subcommittees for the PHHWLQJ LQ 7LUDQD .RVRYR DQG 6HUELD LQ  FDOHQGDU \HDU 0U $UWDQ %R]R 0U prior years, the regional AmChams met 'ULWDQ 0HU]LQL 0V 5HQDWD /HND 0V in Macedonia in 2015 and plan to meet /XWMDQD.RQRPLDQG0U*HQF/LNRVNHQGDM

Year Book 2016  Executive Director of AmCham Dear AmCham Members and Friends,

As I mark one year of the challenge and 7KH SDUWQHUVKLS ZLWK WKH (PEDVV\ RI WKH JUDWL¿FDWLRQ RI OHDGLQJ WKH &KDPEHU , DP 8QLWHG 6WDWHV LQ $OEDQLD SOD\V D FUXFLDO &RPPLWWHH WKH :RPHQ LQ %XVLQHVV privileged to write to you about our work in role for the Chamber. I am thankful to &RPPLWWHH DQG WKH &65 &RPPLWWHH WKH ¿IWHHQWK \HDU RI WKLV &KDPEHU 'XULQJ $PEDVVDGRU'RQDOG/XDQG'HSXW\&KLHIRI continue to bring valuable information from this year, I have come to know many of 0LVVLRQ'DYLG0XQL]IRUVWUHQJWKHQLQJWKDW the business community, to offer support you and have seen with my own eyes your SDUWQHUVKLS DQG WR (FRQRPLF 2I¿FHU 'RQ for our members, and to enhance the unceasing commitment to AmCham. It is Brown for his input and close collaboration. connection of the Chamber with the wider that commitment that continuously renews ,QDGGLWLRQWKHFRXQVHODQGH[SHULHQFHRI community in Albania. my own dedication and responsibility to outgoing Deputy Chief of Mission Henry serve you. Jardine were particularly valuable to me 7KH QHWZRUNLQJ DFWLYLWLHV RI WKH &KDPEHU during the early days of my new duties. have also been widely appreciated and Each meeting and activity has presented , KDYH HQMR\HG PHHWLQJ PDQ\ RI \RX new opportunities for me to learn from every As you can see from the pages that follow in DW WKH FHOHEUDWLRQ RI WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV¶ one of you and from the rich tradition of this this Year Book, this past year, the 15th in the Independence Day, the 15th Anniversary, or RUJDQL]DWLRQ RQH RI WKH PRVW HVWHHPHG life of AmCham in Albania, included many WKH1HZ

Year Book 2016 9 Board of Directors As of December 31st, 2014

President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Mark C. CRAWFORD Genti DACI Genci LIKOSKENDAJ Alketa URUÇI Aksioner International ABCom CCS Computer & Copier Systems Boga & Associates Securities Brokerage

Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Adrian SHEHU Aleksandër SARAPULI Avni PONARI Elton ÇOLLAKU T.C.N Albanian American Enterprise SIGAL Uniqa Group Austria Financial Union Fund -Western Union

Board Member Board Member Board Member Executive Director Julia JANECKO Loreta PEÇI Peter CLAVELLE Lorenc GJONI Lincoln Centers of Albania PricewaterhouseCoopers Tetra Tech ARD AmCham Albania Foundation Audit Year Book 2016 10 Executive Staff

Lorenc GJONI Executive Director [email protected]

Brikena KAMENICA Fotini HARISPAPA PR & Publications Membership & Operations [email protected] [email protected]

Ivlin GJATA Executive Assistant & Translator [email protected] Afërdita KOÇI Event Coordinator [email protected]

Year Book 2016 11

Code of Ethics

As an organization dedicated to the development of business relations between the United States and Albania, AmCham considers the establishment of high standards of conducting business and principles of good corporate citizenship as one of its most significant goals. In this regard, AmCham takes an active and leading role in promoting business standards and principles, first by adopting ethical and responsible business practices, and second by encouraging members to aply the AmCham code of ethics.

1. Members shall respect relevant laws and regulations and adherence to the rule of law

2. Members shall respect the highest standards of business practices in dealing with government officials a. Members shall arrive at a consensus position prior to addressing government officials on a specific issue b. Members shall be transparent in communicating AmCham positions to government officials c. Members shall not attempt to influence the government officials through the exchange of gifts, money, or information 3. Members shall engage in fair business practices

4. Members shall follow responsible environmental policies

5. Members shall engage in good corporate citizenship

6. Members shall establish the highest standards for

a. Organization to employee conduct b. Employee to employee conduct

7. Members shall ensure a safe and healthy workplace

Year Book 2016 13 SHQIPËRI KOSOVË MAQEDONI SIGAL Business Center Rr. “Vaso Pasha”, p.n. Pejton, Rr. “Marks & Engels” 3, 1000 Blv.: "Zogu I", nr. 1, Tiranë, Shqipëri 10 000, Prishtinë, Kosovë Shkup, Maqedoni Year Book 2016 14 Tel: (+355) 4 2233 30, Fax: (+355) 4 2250 220 Tel: (+381) 38 240 241, Fax: (+381) 38 240 241 123 Tel: (+389) 2 3125 920, Fax: (+389) 2 3215128 E-mail: [email protected], www.sigal.com.al E-mail: [email protected], www.sigal-ks.com E-mail: [email protected], www.uniqa.mk 2015 Year in Review AmCham Calendar of Events 2015 January 8th, 2015 invitation to establish a new Committee they brought to the fiscal system. The event Permanent Group Meeting of Tax & Legal which will have in focus CSR activities. was characterized by open discussions Committee About 14 members, among them two Board of procedural issues stemming from the Members, Loreta Peçi and Peter Clavelle, and implementation instructions. The first meeting of the permanent group the Deputy Chief of Mission of U.S. Embassy in Tirana, Henry Jardine, were part of the of Tax & Legal Committee for 2015 opened February 8th, 2015 with the discussion for the preparations of meeting which formally established the CSR the Business Forum activity with General Committee and some of its main objectives. Permanent Group Meeting of HR Customs Director, Ms. Elisa Spiropali. At the Committee meeting there was agreed on the main topics January 29th, 2015 The Permanent Group of the HR Committee to be discussed with GCD. Round table meeting of U.S. Ambassador, met to discuss the format, content and details Donald Lu and business community in of the HR Conference. The group decided the January 14th, 2015 Elbasan topic of the Conference to be held in March The Business Forum “Customs and 2015, and prepared the list of special guests, Business for 2015” AmCham organized a round table meeting keynote speeches, and the format of the with the US Ambassador to Albania, Mr. Conference. AmCham members met with the General Donald Lu and the business community in Elbasan. The meeting served to know each Customs Director, Ms. Elisa Spiropali. The February 16th, 2015 Business Forum “Customs and Business for other and exchange information between 2015“ was focused on the new Customs Code representatives of business in Elbasan, Permanent Group Meeting of CSR and summary of legal amendments; the new the American Chamber of Commerce, as Committee implemented provisions of Customs Code, an advocate of business interests, and Mr. The initiative of CSR Committee members to expectations in the Customs area for 2015, Lu., who wanted to become familiar with help the flooded area of the country started reference prices, especially for imports from the latest developments of business in the from a request of the company Philip Morris the US, risk evaluation systems, how they district. Albania, which requested to specify the aid they work and potential problems, and excise tax might give as a company through AmCham. refunds. February 3rd, 2015 Permanent Group Meeting of Tax & Legal February 16th, 2015 January 20th, 2015 Committee WoBAC Committee Training on Permanent Group Meeting of IPR “Developing communication skills and Committee The permanent group of the Tax & Legal Committee met to discuss the approval of cross-cultural understanding” the VAT Directive by the Ministry of Finance During its first meeting for 2015, the permanent The WoBAC Committee organized a training effective January 1st, 2015, and to prepare group of the IPR Committee discussed the with the topic: “Developing communication for the Business Forum with the General conclusions of the IPR Conference held in skills and cross-cultural understanding”. The Tax Director with the topics and issues to be December 2014, listed on the letter compiled trainer was Mr. Andy Zdan-Michajlowicz, a discussed in this meeting. at the end of the conference, which contains native English speaker and teacher of English, the main issues raised during the meeting whose experience in London includes training with the main focus on Market Inspection and February 5th, 2015 diplomats and business leaders on how to Oversight. The committee also discussed the communicate effectively in English. working plan for 2015. Business Forum with the General Tax Director, Ms. Brisida Shehaj March 12th, 2015 January 21st, 2015 The American Chamber of Commerce organized the meeting Business Forum Human Resources Conference Permanent Group Meeting of CSR Committee with the General Tax Director, Ms. Brisida Shehaj, focused on issues related to the The American Chamber of Commerce organized the conference “Reflecting the past AmCham members committed to Corporate implementation by the tax administration of 15 years and the future of Human Resources“. Social Responsibility responded to the the new Fiscal Package laws and the changes The conference was focused on AmCham

Year Book 2016 16

AmCham Calendar of Events 2015

work since its establishment in influencing permanent members of the CSR Committee, WoBAC Committee met the U.S. positively in the labor market through the Job the values of CSR activities, various ways Ambassador’s Wife, Dr. Ariel Ahart, in a Fairs and recruitment forms. of cooperation between businesses, NGOs Working Breakfast and Government entities, as well as the The Women Active in Business Committee, st current state of CSR activities in Albania. April 1 , 2015 The discussion was followed by a lunch with the support of Mrs. Mirela Arqimandriti, Welcome and Farewell Reception and networking reception, hosted by the organized a Working Breakfast with guest American Ambassador. of honor Dr. Ariel Ahart, Specialist in Public The American Chamber of Commerce Health and wife of the US Ambassador to welcomed the U.S. Ambassador to Albania Albania, Mr. Donald Lu. During the meeting, in a ceremony that was attended by about April 27th, 2015 Mrs. Ahart was introduced with members of 200 members of the Chamber, high-level General Assembly Meeting Women Active in Business Committee and government representatives, members discussed the role and importance of primary of parliament, and representatives of The American Chamber of Commerce healthcare in the society. international organizations and of the organized the General Assembly Meeting with

diplomatic corps. Ambassador Lu addressed the presence of the American Ambassador, th the audience, speaking on the importance of Mr. Donald Lu, Minister of Economy, Mr. June 4 , 2015 developing business and a stable business Ahmetaj, Board of Directors and the majority Permanent Group Meeting of Tax & Legal environment that enables foreign investors of its members. This year’s meeting was held Committee to turn their eyes towards Albania. Mr. Lu on a new and professional format, starting The permanent group of Tax & Legal thanked Floreta for her dedication during her with a discussion about the annual AmCham Committee met to discuss on the 15 years of work with the American Chamber, Business Index, which was introduced by compensation of the prepaid excise raised and congratulated the new Executive Director its compiler Mr. Benard Shehu (Konsort). by the tobacco industry and other problems of the American Chamber, Mr. Lorenc Gjoni. This year, at the General Assembly Meeting shown on excise and VAT reimbursement. members voted for the position of President and a Board Member. April 14th, 2015 June 9th, 2015 Permanent Group Meeting of Tax & Legal Committee April 30th, 2015 Economic Conference “The Challenges and Opportunities facing Tirana” Permanent Group Meeting of Tax & Legal The permanent group of Tax & Legal Committee The American Chamber of Commerce in Committee met to discuss on Fiscal Package cooperation with Monitor Magazine and 2016, the comments received on the draft The permanent group of IPR Committee with the support of the U.S. Embassy in decision on regulations, issues that AmCham met to discuss lobbying with the Ministry of Tirana organized the Economic Forum members may have related to taxes and Culture and Sports about the Copyright draft “Challenges and Opportunities facing customs and the working plan of the law, and the committee’s working plan for Tirana” with four candidates for Mayor committee for 2015. 2015. of Tirana. The candidates brought forth their alternatives for the economic topics April 16th, 2015 May 27th, 2015 highlighted in the questions touching on Workshop on CSR – American Embassy and Permanent Group Meeting of IPR economic development, taxation, business AmCham Albania Committee development, and employment. Between interviews, the candidates of the Democratic The American Embassy in collaboration with The permanent group of IPR Committee met Party and the Socialist Party, Dr. Halim AmCham Albania organized a workshop to discuss on the lobbying for the Copyright Kosova and Mr. Erion Veliaj, shook hands and for members of the permanent group of draft law at the Ministry of Culture and the exchanged greetings. the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) working plan for 2015. Committee. This workshop focused on the

value of volunteerism and the positive impact th of CSR for companies. The workshop was led May 28 , 2015 by Ms. Susan Stroud, who discussed with the

Year Book 2016 

AmCham Calendar of Events 2015 June 16th, 2015 239th anniversary the establishment of Committee met to discuss on the draft law Permanent Group Meeting of CSR the United States, a great nation and one on Personal Income Tax and the draft law on Committee of Albania’s greatest friends. Hundreds of bankruptcy. AmCham members joined by representatives of the American community in Tirana and U.S. The permanent group of Social Responsibility September 16th, 2015 Committee met to discuss the working plan Embassy employees gathered to remember and forms of cooperation that AmCham the most important day in the history of the Working Breakfast with William members will have with one another about United States and celebrate this popular Remington social responsibility. Members present at holiday in American style in Albania. The Board of Directors of the American the meeting have brought their ideas on the Chamber of Commerce met with Mr. William commitment that this committee should July 15th, 2015 M. Remington, the Associated Director of have, which will have as its mission the Revenue Advisory Program at the Treasury development of a culture of CSR in business CEO Forum Lunch with U.S. Ambassador, Department, who came to Albania as a request life. Mr. Donald Lu of the Prime Minister to assist the Albanian The CEO Forum of the American Chamber of government on fiscal issues. The meeting was June 24th, 2015 Commerce was hosted today by the American focused mainly on fiscal policies, the way of Business Forum with Ministry of Culture Ambassador, Mr. Donald Lu, at his residence, their implementation, the impact to the state on Copyright Law for a working meeting focused on the central budget and to the business activity. issues of the financial markets. CEOs from the banking sector, accounting and auditing To open up a debate among experts on the September 16th - 18th, 2015 changes the new law brings, AmCham held studios, and legal studios engaged in cordial a roundtable with experts of the Ministry conversation with Ambassador Lu and with Regional Meeting of AmChams in of Culture, AmCham members and interest each other, discussing important aspects of Macedonia groups. AmCham considered the protection their business, as well as issues related to AmCham Macedonia hosted the regional of copyright and intellectual and industrial the regulatory system, changes in the legal meeting of AmChams attended by the property rights as very important also framework, and the impact of the Greek directors of AmCham Albania, AmCham because of the fact that this affected many financial crisis on Albania. Kosovo, and AmCham Montenegro. industries whose representatives were Executive Directors from these countries AmCham members. August 10th, 2015 shared experiences, challenges, and Meeting with the Consultancy Company recent developments in their countries. June 2015 “Reformatics” from Georgia Discussions focused on the commonalities Europe’s AmChams meet in Washington and differences in the services that each Representatives of the American Chamber Chamber offers and the events they organize, American Chambers of Commerce met again of Commerce headed by the President Mark as well as the economic policies of the in Washington focusing on partnership Crawford, met with the representatives of the respective governments and their effects in relations between America and Europe. consultancy company “Reformatics” from the economic development of the region. AmCham EU arranged a group of AmChams Georgia, who have been invited by Prime Minister Edi Rama to consult the government operating in Europe, including AmCham September 30th - October 3rd, 2015 Albania, in a tour of visits at the Department on Tax and Customs. The meeting was of Commerce in Washington, D.C. and the U.S. focused in the work relations that the AmChams Annual Meeting in Italy Chamber of Commerce. businesses have with the system of Tax and Customs and their problematic. The Annual AmChams in Europe (ACE) Best Practices Conference took place in Milan, July 2nd, 2015 Italy. AmCham Albania was represented by its th US Independence Day Celebration September 8 , 2015 executive director Lorenc Gjoni. AmCham Italy Permanent Group Meeting of Tax & Legal organized a fantastic program of networking The American Chamber of Commerce in Committee events with their members, key partners and Albania has held its annual celebration of high-level dignitaries. Participants attended the U.S. Independence Day, marking the The permanent group of Tax & Legal a welcome reception at the residence of the

Year Book 2016 20 AmCham Calendar of Events 2015

Consul General of the United States of America organized a Business Forum through its HR innovative business center in Albania. Design, in Milan, Ambassador Philip T. Reeker. Committee, with the Director of the State comfort, and the latest word in technology Inspectorate of Labor, Mr. Dritan Ylli and characterize the latest business center built by Lindner Group. October 14th, 2015 inspectors of this Inspectorate. Invited in this meeting was also attended by Mr. Erion AmCham 15th Anniversary Manohasa, Director of Inspection of Labor December 15th, 2015 Relations and Social Dialogue, Ministry of The American Chamber of Commerce in Social Welfare and Youth. Business Forum with Albania celebrated its 15th Anniversary with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Albania its members, collaborators, representatives about Changes in the Fiscal Package from the diplomatic corps, from international November 12th, 2015 The American Chamber of Commerce in organizations, and from the Government. CEO Forum Lunch - U.S. Ambassador Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Peleshi, and the AmCham businesses from production and Albania and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Governor of the of Albania, Mr. Gent construction sector Albania organized a Business Forum on “Informing Taxpayers on Tax Legislation” Sejko, attended the event and congratulated The American Chamber of Commerce that focused in training business about what AmCham for its Anniversary. In this organized a Business Lunch with the US they need to know about their relationship anniversary ceremony, AmCham received Ambassador in Tirana, Mr. Donald Lu and with the tax authorities from the moment of congratulations from Minister Ahmetaj and representatives of its sustaining member registering at the NRC (National Registration the US Ambassador, Mr. Donald Lu. businesses from the Production and Center), until the time comes to close the Construction industries. The meeting focused business and deregister. October 20th, 2015 on the latest developments in these sectors, and how AmCham businesses perceive the Permanent Group Meeting of HR th Committee campaign against informality, changes in the December 17 , 2015 Fiscal Package, and stimuli for development End of the Year Gala Event The permanent group of HR Committee met in these sectors and the economy of the to discuss on the event to be organized with country as a whole. The American Chamber of Commerce the State Labor Inspectorate and the business celebrated with grandeur the end of the forum over the Labor Code. November 20th, 2015 year, with 200 guests, members of the chamber, members of the Board, the Deputy th Business Breakfast and visit of AmCham Ambassador Mr. David Muniz, the Economic November 4 , 2015 Board and Staff at Tirana Business Park Officer Mr. Don Brown and the Political Officer Business Forum with the Inspectorate of premises Labor Mr. Peter D’Amico. Guests were welcomed by the Vice President of AmCham, Mr. Gent Daci What we should know when the labor Representatives of the Board and staff of who recalled the most important moments of inspector comes for an inspection! The AmCham Albania toured the facilities of the the year and wished all the members a Happy American Chamber of Commerce in Albania Tirana Business Park, the newest and most New Year and a success in all challenges.

Year Book 2016 21 Year Book 2016 22 Year Book 2016 23 Highlights

AmCham Lobbying

A vital cornerstone in AmCham’s that stem directly from the fact that WKH0LQLVWU\RI)LQDQFHWRORZHUWKHWD[ work, lobbying remains its members’ the directive goes against the law UDWHVRQSUR¿WVDQGGLYLGHQGVDVZHOO VWURQJHVW ³YRLFH´ JXLGHG E\ LWV %RDUG WKDW H[HPSWV WKH VHUYLFHV RI WKHVH DVRQSHUVRQDOLQFRPH5HWXUQLQJWRLWV of Directors. Industry-related concerns, FRPSDQLHV IURP 9$7 7KLV GLUHFWLYH DUJXPHQWRIWKHSUHYLRXV\HDUWKH7D[ business issues, and principles for may not be revoked by the Ministry of DQG/HJDO&RPPLWWHH±FRQVLVWLQJRIWKH the creation of an optimal climate for Finance, which considers it an internal EHVWH[SHUWVLQWKLVDUHD±KDVDUJXHG doing business constituted some of matter of the issuing institution, while WKDW WKLV WD[DWLRQ OHYHO HQFRXUDJHV AmCham’s lobbying efforts for the that institution itself asks for a decision ¿VFDO HYDVLRQ ORZHUV $OEDQLD¶V FRP- creation of a clear action strategy. IURPDKLJKHUDXWKRULW\7RGHDOZLWKWKLV petitiveness in the region, and fails to impasse, the Chamber continues its stimulate businesses to be registered, 7KLV \HDU H[SHULHQFH LQWHUZRYHQ lobbying effort, which has taken it even UHGXFLQJ DV D FRQVHTXHQFH WKH with new elements in AmCham’s WR WKH 3ULPH 0LQLVWHU¶V RI¿FH LQ RUGHU WD[SD\HUEDVH leadership, has enabled us to have to defend these businesses’ interests. a clear lobbying strategy for each issue. In each applied strategy, the ,Q OLJKW RI WKHVH UHTXHVWV WKH Chamber has displayed its utmost ,Q DGGLWLRQ GXULQJ  WKH 7D[DQG American Chamber of Commerce attention, persistence and commitment /HJDO &RPPLWWHH IROORZHG FORVHO\ WKH has commended the efforts to reduce to achieve its goals. AmCham not only issues raised by the tobacco industry informality in the Albanian market, and gives voice to such issues, but also regarding reimbursement of payments has asked the authorities to implement follows them up by offering pertinent IRU H[FLVH VWDPSV DFTXLUHG DQG XVHG WKHODZHTXDOO\IRUDOHYHOSOD\LQJ¿HOG legal and procedural solutions. before October 1, 2012. Companies DQG WR FRQVLGHU DGMXVWLQJ WD[DWLRQ that import and trade tobacco products levels along with offering positive asked for reimbursement of the incentives for cooperation, which ,W LV WKH 7D[ DQG /HJDO &RPPLWWHH YDOXH RI H[FLVH VWDPSV DI¿[HG WR PD\ DOVR EHFRPH SDUW RI DQ HI¿FLHQW WKDWZLWKLWVPHPEHUV¶H[SHULHQFHDQG products that were destroyed or were solution in the war against informality. H[SHUWLVH PDNHV LW SRVVLEOH IRU WKH declared unmarketable and marked lobbying issues to be raised at the right IRU GHVWUXFWLRQ DV ZHOO DV IRU H[FLVH institutions and to contain the proper Defending the interests of its member stamps that were damaged during DUJXPHQWVDQGWHUPLQRORJ\7KHUDQJH businesses does not always go DSSOLFDWLRQ 7KH &KDPEHU RUJDQL]HG of issues raised by the hydrocarbon through the path of intensive lobbying. meetings for members of this sector sector members held an important AmCham closely follows all draft with high representatives of the place in the Chamber’s lobbying issues law changes and takes active part in 'LUHFWRUDWHRI7D[DWLRQWKXVIDFLOLWDWLQJ during 2015. providing comments and suggestions the solution of this issue. on new draft laws. In order to convey LWV H[SHUWV¶ RSLQLRQV WR WKH UHOHYDQW 7KH 7D[ DQG /HJDO &RPPLWWHH KDV 8QGRXEWHGO\ RQH RI $P&KDP¶V audience, AmCham has participated voiced the concern of AmCham strengths remains the lobbying for the in activities of the Economic Council, members affected by a directive of Fiscal Package. AmCham businesses WKH ,QYHVWPHQW &RXQFLO DQG WKH 7D[ WKH *HQHUDO 'LUHFWRUDWH RI 7D[DWLRQ have once again insisted that the 2016 Council, where it conveys its members’ issued in 2012, which has burdened Fiscal Package be more reasonable as voice and opinions with a high level of EXVLQHVVHV ZLWK DXGLWV DQG ¿QHV WR WKH WD[DWLRQ OHYHO UHTXHVWLQJ IURP professionalism.

Year Book 2016 26

AmCham Committees

CEO Forum Tax and Legal Committee Human Resources Committee Chaired by Mark Crawford of Aksioner Chaired by Artan Bozo of Bozo Law & Chaired by Dritan Mezini of DM Consulting International Securities Brokerage Associates Throughout 2015, CEOs of the most prominent The Tax and Legal Committee has had a The Human Resources Committee serves companies in Albania were involved through very busy schedule during the past year. members and representatives of their the CEO Forum in talks and discussions This Committee is one of the cornerstones human resources departments through regarding recent economic developments that provide orientation and direction the exchange of experiences, workshops, and how they are affecting their businesses. to AmCham’s lobbying. In this role, TLC forums, and conferences on topics focused A specific feature of the past year’s meetings received our members’ issues and concerns on management and human resources was that they were held with the presence and properly conveyed their requests to the development. of the U.S. Ambassador, Donald Lu, who relevant institutions, also providing its own opinions and expertise for all the draft laws also hosted a part of the CEO Forum at his Over the course of 2015, this Committee that were brought in for consideration. Residence. Moreover, throughout 2015, focused its attention on issues that its business meetings were organized with all members found most pressing, by inviting the representatives of industries within this During the past year, TLC lobbied for the the best experts from the Ministry of Social group. hydrocarbon industry and solutions to its Welfare and Youth to discuss the Labor Code, VAT-related issues, as well as for the tobacco the changes to social security regulations, The CEO Forum consists of top executives industry and its excise reimbursement. It also and a hot, market-related topic: professional of AmCham’s sustaining members, who scrutinized important draft laws, ranging schools and labor market orientation. also provide robust support for AmCham’s from those on bankruptcy and depreciation to the draft law on foreign investments. lobbying policies as these meetings discuss This Committee was also involved in other – at a top executive level – the real needs of areas in 2015. Having received pertinent the business community as well as AmCham’s The committee experts have filtered and concerns and comments from its members, responsibility to solve them. processed the requests and comments of all it organized a Business Forum with the chamber members on the Fiscal Package, Director of the State Inspectorate of Labor, organizing and leading a highly professional Mr. Dritan Ylli, to discuss the regulations on lobbying process, which, after roundtable which inspections from the Inspectorate are discussions, was forwarded to the Tax Council based and the elements that each business and to all structures where this chamber should know for such an inspection to prove participates to safeguard its members’ efficient. interests. Year Book 2016  Intellectual Property Rights Women Active in Business Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Committee Committee Chaired by Renata Leka of Boga & Chaired by Lutjana Konomi of Tirana Bank Chaired by Genc Likoskëndaj of CCS Associates Computer & Copier Systems The Intellectual Property Rights Committee AmCham’s Women Active in Business The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), is composed of IPR experts, who are Committee is a networking platform for chaired by Mr. Genc Likoskëndaj, has been representatives of several AmCham member women who are actively engaged in running active in several public initiatives, including companies. It was created for the purpose of Amcham member businesses. The committee aid to people in the flooded areas in southern dealing with the problems members face on has focused its activity on the development Albania and aid for children in need. such issues as copyright, patents, piracy, etc. of networking, lobbying, and exchanging of experiences that lead to more empowerment A mindset of Social Responsibility and for women in business. The IPR Committee discussed and lobbied engaging in related activities now take for a very hot topic: the draft law on authors’ an important role not only in foreign rights. This law would solve many issues for Networking and business meetings were corporations operating in Albania, but also in a business sector that, until now, has had to the focus of this Committee during 2015. It Albanian businesses, which are increasingly cope with high levels of piracy and a lack of set out to achieve its fundamental objective adopting contemporary models of economic protection from the state. – the involvement of its women members and social engagement with the communities in the public life – by organizing roundtable in which they operate. meetings to discuss the role that each woman The Committee’s experts not only conducted in business can play in her employees’ a detailed study of this law and offered their The interest of these companies to operate development. comments but, throughout the past year, were with responsibility and accountability led also actively involved in lobbying initiatives AmCham to create a committee for the with the governmental structures – from A Business Breakfast, held at the “White purpose of supporting and encouraging the Ministry of Culture to the parliamentary House” restaurant, with the presence of social responsibility. About 30 companies commissions where this law was discussed – the US Ambassador’s wife, Dr. Ariel Ahart, responded to the open call and brought in order to convey the views and requests of focused mainly on life and health insurances examples of current work, project ideas, as AmCham’s members. for the employees. well as clear goals for AmCham to pursue.

Year Book 2016 29 Alumil eshte zgjedhja me e mire per shtepine dhe biznesin tuaj. Alumil I jep zgjidhje cdo kerkese tuaj, me nje shumellojshmeri sistemesh te certifikuar nga institucionet me te njohur europiane per nje komfort sa me te mire termik. Annual Activities

Year Book 2016 31 General Assembly Meeting

The American Chamber of Commerce in Albania held a General As- sembly meeting for its members to vote and elect the Chamber’s pres- ident and fill a vacancy in the AmCham Board of Directors. The mem- bers gave a second mandate to the current president, Mark Crawford, and a seat on the board to Agim Bekaj of Microsoft.

U.S. Ambassador Donald Lu and the Minister of Economic Develop- ment Arben Ahmetaj attended and spoke at the General Assembly meeting, focusing on the business climate in the country and the find- ings of the AmCham Business Index (ABI), an annual report on the per- ceptions of AmCham members about the business climate.

AmCham used the General Assembly, a meeting which all members are strongly encouraged to attend, to also discuss the key findings of the ABI, which is the third such annual report released by AmCham, creating thus a tradition of seeking the opinion of the members and recording their assessment of key economic indicators.

Year Book 2016 32 Economic Forum

An Economic Forum organized by the American Chamber of Com- merce in cooperation with Monitor magazine and with the support of the U.S. Embassy brought together all the Tirana mayoral candi- dates, making room for all views to be expressed and explained. The two top candidates for mayor, Dr. Halim Kosova and Mr. Erion Veliaj, met and spoke briefly at the Economic Forum, the first time they had done so in person during the campaign and one of the few times this has happened in Albania, offering a new positive element to demo- cratic development and campaign management in Albania. Two oth- er candidates participated, Sazan Guri from the European Ecological Alliance and Arben Tafaj from the Democratic Movement for Values, Welfare, and Progress.

Candidates shared their ideas with the public, giving answers to questions that AmCham and Monitor magazine had presented to them in advance, with economy being the primary focus. AmCham used three of six questions to ask candidates on their plans for economic development in Tirana, the importance and role of the businesses in those development plans, and what potential would Albania’s capital of- fer to investors under their administrations. Hosted by a well-known Voice of America journalist, Armand Mero, the candidates also answered questions about their strategy to increase employment for Tirana residents.

AmCham celebrates U.S. Independence Day

The American Chamber of Commerce in Albania has held its annual celebration of the U.S. Independence Day, marking the 239th anniversary the establish- ment of the United States, a great nation and one of Albania’s greatest friends. Hundreds of AmCham members – joined by representatives of the American community in Tirana and U.S. Embassy employees – gathered to remember the most important day in the history of the United States and celebrate this popu- lar holiday in American style.

The President of AmCham, Mark Crawford, expressed his appreciation for the role that American expat communities play everywhere in the world and the way they are organized, which give meaning and relevance to the Indepen- dence Day, even outside America. Ambassador Donald Lu welcomed all the participants and reminisced on 4th of July celebrations in New York City, where he would go when he was student. The way New Yorkers come together on July 4th unites them not only to enjoy New York’s fireworks spectacle, but above all to give this celebration the true meaning of the community. This year’s celebra- tion in Albania included all the elements and atmosphere of a real American picnic party with typical American food and fireworks that created a pleasant festive atmosphere for all who took part in the celebration.

Year Book 2016 33 AmCham celebrates 15 years in Albania

The American Chamber of Commerce in Albania celebrated its 15th Anniversary with its members and collaborators, as well as represen- tatives of the diplomatic corps, of international organizations, and of the Government. Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Niko Peleshi, and the Gov- ernor of the Bank of Albania, Mr. Gent Sejko, attended the event and congratulated AmCham for its Anniversary.

The President of AmCham, Mr. Mark Crawford, thanked all present, old and new friends of the Chamber, the members and the early leaders of this organization that after 15 years in Albania has written a story of success. In this anniversary ceremony, AmCham received congratu- lations from Minister Ahmetaj and the United States Ambassador, Mr. Donald Lu. In his speech, Mr. Ahmetaj emphasized the role of collabo- ration between the government and business organizations and the continuous mutual dialogue in which they must engage. During the ceremony, AmCham honored with a special award “15-years Member of AmCham”, 26 companies that have been members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Albania since the first month of its establish- ment.

The End of Year Party

The American Chamber of Commerce celebrated with grandeur the end of the year, with 200 guests, including members of the Chamber, members of the Board, and guests from the U.S. Embassy: Deputy Ambassador David Muniz, Economic Officer Don Brown, and Political Officer Peter D’Amico. Guests were welcomed by the Vice President of AmCham, Mr. Gent Daci who recalled the most important mo- ments of the year and wished all the members a Happy New Year and success in facing all challenges in the coming year.

Deputy Ambassador Muniz also wished all participants “Gëzuar Vitin e Ri” after expressing his appreciation for the continuous collaboration between the US Em- bassy and the American Chamber of Commerce and the mutual aid they offer each other. The evening was accompanied by great performances from singer Era Rusi, violoncellist Iljard Shaba, and the orchestra from Shkodra, as well as by a raffle in which guests could win wonderful prizes offered by AmCham members. The Gala Event of this year was organized in the framework of activities for the 15th Anniver- sary of AmCham, concluding a year where every element has echoed this jubilee.

Year Book 2016 34

SERVICE, EXPERIENCE, HEALTH American Hospital, Embrace life! 042 35 75 35 AmCham Publications The Advantage Magazine

“The Advantage” is a periodical of the Am- tory of 11 years in publication. Each month, it Cham Albania, published each month in elec- dedicates the necessary space and attention tronic format and every three months in print. to the activities of the American Chamber and The magazine is distributed to all members, those of its committees. An important rubric civil society organizations, government in- is titled Member News and highlights key in- stitutions, international organizations, and formation presented by members for other diplomatic missions in the country. The mag- members and the wider audience of the mag- azine is conceived as an informative guide azine. This information exchange serves the about the activities of the American Chamber development of better networking between and its members, who can use the special AmCham members. The magazine also dedi- sections set aside for them to announce news cates space to articles by experts who work about their activities, their latest business de- with AmCham Albania to present detailed velopments, and other information the wish analyses of changes in fiscal legislation or tax to share with their colleagues. regulations.

“The Advantage” Magazine has a rich his-

Year Book

The Year Book is one of the most prestigious The Year Book is presented in the meeting of publications of the American Chamber of the General Assembly of the American Cham- Commerce in Albania, published for the ber. It contains the activities conducted by third year in a new format that provides well- the Chamber throughout the year, serves to deserved space for AmCham members and remind members of every aspect of the work activities. Through the Year Book, AmCham of the Chamber, and introduces the mem- is presented to the entire business com- bers to a wide audience inside and outside munity, to government institutions, and to the country. A year of activities includes the international organizations, highlighting for regular annual meetings and events, specific the public the most important elements of events for a particular purpose, and official the organization. As one of AmCham’s most meetings of AmCham leaders, which all serve serious publications, the Year Book contains to develop the network and lobby for the in- economic data and information, along with terests of member businesses. contact information for government institu- tions and diplomatic missions in Albania.

Year Book 2016  AmCham on the Web

The website of the American Chamber, www. cussions and comments, which the Chamber amcham.com.al, has a new look that builds has communicated to the respective work- upon intensive work to embody its informa- ing teams created for those draft-laws. The tion into a contemporary design. The pages website also offers useful information about of this site reflect the essential information joining the American Chamber, lists contact about the activities of the American Cham- information for all members, explains the ber and its structure. Members and all other role and purpose of its committees, and in- visitors can obtain up to date information on troduces the staff and the Board of Directors draft laws being discussed, on meetings of of the Chamber. interest groups with government representa- tives, on organized events and their presenta- tion in the media, and download all publica- tion in electronic format.

Drafts of important laws have been distribut- ed through this page to all members, for dis-

AmCham Business Index

The AmCham Business Index is an annual points, indicating that the business climate publication built upon a survey that collects has improved slightly, but members of the the thoughts and opinions of the members American Chamber continue to be concerned of the American Chamber regarding key eco- by the levels of informality and tax rates. Even nomic indicators. The Business Index displays though their evaluation showed this increase a clear view of the challenges that business in the Index, AmCham member businesses faces, starting from the most important com- who responded to the survey added clear ponents of the business climate, like infor- comments asking for deliberate and clear mality and corruption, and continuing with policy making. According the survey results, government policies that impact business 45% of the respondents consider the busi- activities and business relations with insti- ness climate in Albania as unfavorable or very tutions like the Tax Authority and Customs. unfavorable. AmCham members rank as their The findings of these report are not quickly top three concerns the level of informality in forgotten by the American Chamber. On the the economy, government bureaucracy, and contrary, they are among the most important unfair competition. The majority of the mem- indicators draw up its plan of activities and to bers continued to invest in 2014 and expected guide its lobbying efforts. to keep up the trend in 2015. The results of the new survey are being compiled and will show how that expectation held up in reality. In its third edition, the Business Index brought forth a small increase of about 2.5

Year Book 2016 39 Albania Contact Lagjja "Bishanake" Rruga "Skandebeau" Zona Kadastrale 8534 Fier, Albania Phone: +355 3422 7147 Fax: +355 3422 7979 Email: [email protected] Finances Financial Report 2015

The American Chamber of Commerce in The services category also includes the in the expenses for publications. In 2015, Albania (AmCham) is a private business income from activities for which attend- AmCham introduced the electronic edi- organization, serving its members and ees pay a fee (paid up activities). This tion of “The Advantage” magazine and the business community in Albania. The year, there was a slight drop in member- continued to plan for three or four issues Chamber’s income consists of member- ship fees, which was compensated by of the print edition. When including the ship fees, services offered to members, the generosity of sponsors, with total in- payment for the last print issue, expens- and sponsorship from other local or in- come for 2015 being 1% higher than that es for publications were still lower than ternational organizations, as approved of the previous year. The membership in 2014, equaling 94.3% of the previous by the Board. In accordance with its by- fees made up 55% of the total revenues, year’s expenses. laws, AmCham does not accept funds showing a small decrease from 56.4% from the government of any country or in 2014 and 55.9% in 2013. The services General administration costs were from political organizations. category made up 44.8% of the total rev- 26.5%, down from 28.7% and 32.3% in enues, up from 42.3% in 2014 and 32.1% 2013 and 2014, respectively. The expens- The Chamber’s expenses include ad- in 2013. es in the Services category include those ministrative costs incurred in regular for business forums, conferences, net- operations, the costs of organizing and Publications and Projects are other working and social events, and expenses conducting activities such as working potential sources of revenue for Am- in supporting the activities of AmCham breakfasts and luncheons, business fo- Cham. During 2015, the magazine con- committees. As the data on the next rums, networking events, job fairs and tained only complimentary advertising page show, these costs have remained so on, as well as the costs for producing from sponsors of the major networking relatively stable. Although the figures its publications. events. Work continues on a coordinated show a decrease of about 10%, this cat- approach that will offer opportunities egory also includes one of the transac- AmCham staff prepare a financial report for advertising in print and online com- tions that were processed after the end after the closing of each month and the bined. Regarding projects, as a potential of the year. When that transaction is in- most recent report is presented to and source of revenue, AmCham continues to cluded, expenses for 2015 are 2.8% high- approved by the AmCham Board in every evaluate opportunities for projects that er than in 2014, an expected increase meeting of the Board. AmCham presents would be beneficial for members. While that reflects changes in the market. its accounts on a cash basis. there were no such clear opportunities 2015, the work continues in this area, The closing position at the end of the too. AmCham works to maintain a stable fi- year shows that AmCham continues to nancial situation by keeping expenses successfully maintain a stable financial lower than income and trying to close When it comes to expenses, AmCham is position. Since the membership period the year in a financial position that is committed to administer with account- for most members runs from September at least a little better than the previous ability and responsibility the funds with 1st to August 31st, the closing financial year, which was achieved this year with which it is entrusted by members. The position for 2015 clearly reflects the careful management of expenditures. financial table shows that AmCham organization’s ability to deliver on its The next page shows the Report of In- spent 96% of the revenues earned dur- promises to members. come and Expenses for the last three ing the year. In fact, some transactions years (2013-2015). that belonged to 2015 finished process- ing at the bank after the end of the year. When these transactions are included, Almost all of the AmCham revenues come expenses equal 99.2% of revenues. The from the annual membership fees and effect of these transactions is also visible from members sponsoring major events.

Year Book 2016 42 Report of Income, Expenses, and Accounts as of December 31st, 2015 All figures are in Albanian Lek (ALL)

Year 2013 2014 2015

Opening Balance 15,175,075 15,412,085 15,272,067 Income 25,607,497 24,927,666 25,139,075 Membership 14,302,391 14,059,196 13,834,540 Services 8,212,837 10,546,916 11,266,541 Publications 562,870 151,200 – Projects 2,256,050 111,364 – Investments 130,986 58,990 37,993 From non-main activity 142,363 – – Other – – – VAT––– Expenses 25,353,424 25,140,295 24,146,202 Capital Expenditures 485,735 129,053 190,364 Personnel 8,125,597 8,842,886 10,676,947 Administration 7,262,502 8,118,165 6,393,858 Services 5,926,070 6,703,008 6,017,293 Publications 2,020,627 1,089,982 839,227 Projects 835,274 114,561 – Other 142,363 – – VAT 555,256 142,641 28,513 FOREX Effect (17,064) (72,611) (35,402) Investments 5,915,465 5,973,314 5,956,695 Deposit Account in USD – – – Deposit Account in EUR 2,667,065 2,675,997 2,623,104 Deposit Account in ALL 3,248,400 3,297,317 3,333,591 Cash in Bank 9,496,620 9,298,754 10,272,843 Checking Account in USD 1,137,816 368,860 1,768,796 Checking Account in EUR 2,463,589 2,477,343 1,309,362 Checking Account in ALL 5,895,215 6,452,550 7,194,686 Cash in Hand – – – Closing Balance 15,412,085 15,272,067 16,229,538

Year Book 2016 43 Sponsorship

The American Chamber of Commerce thanks all sponsors and supporters of its activities during 2015 and hopes that the advertising received through AmCham sponsorships affected the companies that tried to promote their business in Albania.

As it has been the case in previous years, also in 2015, members of the American Chamber of Commerce have expressed their interest in promoting their businesses in Albania through sponsoring the various AmCham organized activities. American Chamber of Commerce provides a very good marketing tool for the promotion of the name of the companies that sponsor the activities.

The 4th of July Celebration on the occasion of the United States Independence Day, the Hail & Farewell reception, the General Assembly Meeting, the 15th Anniversary event, the End of the Year Party and the Economic Perspective Conference have been some of the main activities made possible with the generous support of some AmCham’s members companies.

Another great tradition at AmCham is the support of some its member companies with their products at different events where we can mention 4th of July celebration and the End of Year Party.

Special thanks to ABCom, which provided to AmCham free Internet service for one year. AmCham Sponsors of activities and publications Ranked by contribution:

Bankers Petroleum Albania Birra Korça Alumil Albania Hail & Farewell Reception Hail & Farewell Reception General Assembly Meeting American Independence Day Celebrations American Independence Day Celebrations 15th Anniversary of AmCham 15th Anniversary of AmCham End of Year party 2015 Antea Cement End of Year party 2015 Alba Skela Construction American Independence Day Celebrations Tranzit Hail & Farewell Reception End of Year Party 15th Anniversary of AmCham Albanian Duty Free Distribution Coffee Club Albania Unioni Finaciar Tiranë/ Western Union Hail & Farewell Reception 15th Anniversary of AmCham End of Year Party Hail & Farewell Reception Bërdica General Assembly Meeting Hail & Farewell Reception NOA Economic Conference “Challenges & Oppor- 15th Anniversary of AmCham tunities Facing Tirana” American Independence Day Celebrations End of Year Party 15th Anniversary of AmCham 15th Anniversary of AmCham TCN Erbiron Ekspres American Independence Day Celebrations General Assembly Meeting 15th Anniversary of AmCham End of Year Party American Independence Day Celebrations Miell Tirana Microsoft Albania Intersig Vienna Insurance Group Hail & Farewell Reception General Assembly Meeting American Independence Day Celebrations 15th Anniversary of AmCham 15th Anniversary of AmCham Rejsi Farma Hail & Farewell Reception Alpha Bank Taçi Oil Internacional General Assembly Meeting General Assembly Meeting Tirana Bank 15th Anniversary of AmCham CCS End of Year Party

Year Book 2016 44 Europetrol Durrës Albania Eco Mat ABCom End of Year Party Hail & Farewell Reception General Assembly Meeting Korsel Grant Thornton Philip Morris Albania End of Year Party American Independence Day Celebrations General Assembly Meeting S2 Global Inc. Jordil Tirana Business Park End of Year Party 15th Anniversary of AmCham General Assembly Meeting Sigal Uniqa Group Austria Pelinku Jeans Turgut Ozal General Assembly Meeting 15th Anniversary of AmCham General Assembly Meeting Simmons Edeco Limited Ulysses Enterprices TUV Austria Albania End of Year Party American Independence Day Celebrations General Assembly Meeting Ande LM University of New York, Tirana World Vision Albania Hail & Farewell Reception Hail & Farewell Reception General Assembly Meeting Boga & Associates American Independence Day Celebrations

AmCham Sponsors in Kind

B & B Food Service American Independence Day Celebrations Birra Korça American Independence Day Celebrations Coca-Cola Bottling Shqipëria American Independence Day Celebrations End of year Party Ermira Lulaj American Independence Day Celebrations Kantina e Pijeve Gjergj Kastrioti Skëndërbeu American Independence Day Celebrations RC Cola American Independence Day Celebrations Stefani & Co American Independence Day Celebrations Uji FAB End of year Party Woodrow Wilson School American Independence Day Celebrations ZICO American Independence Day Celebrations End of Year Party

Year Book 2016 45

Important Informations and Addresses Government of the Republic of Albania

Albanian Parliament Ministry of Environment Ministri of Interior Blvd. Deshmoret e Kombit, nr.4, Tirana, Albania Bulevardi Zhan D’Ark, Nr. 23, ish ATSH, Sheshi Skenderbej, nr.3, Tirana, Albania Phone: +355 42 228333; 42 227673 Tiranë, Shqipër Phone: +355 42 258625; 42 233540 Web: www.parlament.al Phone: +355 4 222 4537 Web: www.punetebrendshme.gov.al Web: www.mjedisi.gov.al Council of Ministers of the Republic of Ministry of European Integration Albania Ministry of Finance Blvd.Deshmoret e Kombit, sheshi Nene Blvd. Deshmoret e Kombit, Tirana, Albania Blvd. Deshmoret e Kombit, nr.3, Tirana, Tereza, nr.1010, Tirana, Albania Phone: +355 42 277444 Albania Phone: +355 (0)4 2228623; 08000809 Web: www.kryeministria.al Phone: +355 4 223 0803 Web: www.integrimi.gov.al Web: www.financa.gov.al Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Ministry of Transports and Infrastructure Development and Water Resources Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sheshi Skenderbej, nr.5, Tirana, Albania Sheshi Skenderbej, nr.2, Tirana, Albania Blvd. Zhan d’Ark, nr.6, Tirana, Albania Phone: +355 42 225 196 Phone: +355 42 226551 Phone: +355 42 364090 Web: www.transporti.gov.al Web: www.bujqesia.gov.al Web: www.punetejashtme.gov.al Ministry of Innovation and Public Ministry of Urban Development Ministry of Health Administration Rr.Abdi Toptani, nr.1, Tirana, Albania Blvd. Bajram Curri, nr.1, Tirana, Albania Blvd. Deshmoret e Kombit, prane KM, Tirana, Phone: +355 42 257026 Phone: +355 42 376178 Albania Web: www.zhvillimiurban.gov.al Web: www.shendetesia.gov.al Phone: +355 42 277355 Web: www.inovacioni.gov.al Ministry of Defense Ministry of Culture Rr. e Dibres, Kutia Postare 2423, Tirana, Rr. Aleksander Moisiu, ish-Kinostudio Ministry of Energy and Industry Albania “Shqiperia e Re”, Tirana, Albania Blvd. Deshmoret e Kombit, 1001, Tirana, Phone: +355 4226601; 42226602; 42 224974 Phone: +355 42 271324; 42 222508 Albania Web: www.mbrojtja.gov.al Web: www.kultura.gov.al Phone: +355 4 22222 45 Web: www.energjia.gov.al Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Justice Tourism, Trade and Entrepreneurship Blvd. Zogu i Pare, Tirana, Albania Ministry of State for Parliament Affairs Blvd. Deshmoret e Kombit, nr.2, Tirana, Phone: +355 42 259388 Web: www.kryeministria.al Albania Web: www.drejtesia.gov.al Phone: +355 42 223119 Ministry of State and Local Government www.ekonomia.gov.al Ministry of Youth and Social Welfare Blv “Dëshmorët e Kombit” Këshilli i Rr. e Kavajes, 1001, Tirana, Albania Ministrave, Tiranë, Shqipëri Ministry of Educations and Sports Phone: 04 450 4950 Tel: +355 42 277455 Rr. e Durresit, nr.23, Tirana, Albania Web: www.sociale.gov.al Web: www.ceshtjetvendore.gov.al Phone: +355 4 2230198; +355 4 2222260 Web: www.arsimi.gov.al

Year Book 2016  Albanian Representative Offices in the USA Embassy of the Republic of Albania in United States of America in Washington 2100 Street, NW, Washington DC 20008 Phone: (202) 223 4942 Fax: (202) 628 7342 The United States Email: [email protected] Government In Albania Albanian UN Mission, New York U.S. Embassy Tirana 320 East 79 th Street Rruga e Elbasanit, No. New York N.Y. 10021 103, Tirana, ALBANIA Phone: +1 212 2492059 Phone: +(355) 4 2247 285 Fax: +1 212 5352917 Fax: +(355) 4 2232 222 Email: [email protected] http://www.tirana.usembassy.gov U.S. Owned and Affiliated Companies, Operating in Albania

ABCOM ALBANIAN AMERICAN AUTO STAR ALBANIA Genti Daci/General Manager DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION Musa Kastrati/Administrator Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Green Park Complex, Martin Mata and Aleksander Sarapuli/ Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, km 7, Kulla 2, Kati 2 Interim Co Chief Executive Officers Contacts: +355 44 500 333 Tirana, Albania Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Green Park Complex, www.mercedez-benz.al Phone: +355 44 501047 Tower 2, Floor 12 Fax: +355 42 247002 Tirana, Albania AVIS ALBANIA Web: www.abcom.com.al Phone: +355 42 268209/10 Fax: +355 42 271953 Rogner Europapark Hotel AMERICAN BANK OF INVESTMENTS Web: www.aadf.org Bulevardi “Dëshmoret e Kombit” Tirana,Albania Andi Ballta/CEO Phone: +355 42 235011 Rr. Kavajës, Nd.27/1, Nj.B.10, K.P.1001 ALBANIAN PARTNERS ABSORBER Web: www.avis.al Tirana, Albania Bedri Buzi/Administrator Phone: +355 4 2258755 Rr. Sami Frashëri, Nr. 41, pranë Universitetit AVON COSMETICS ALBANIA Fax: +355 4 2240752 Marin Barleti Web: www.abi.al Tirana, Albania Aleksandra Kasmi/ Director of Sales for Phone: +355 44 251111 Albania Web: www.albpartners.com Rr. Themistokli Gërmenji, Pallati Ambasador, ACTAVIS ALBANIA Kati 7, Zyra 8/2 REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE Tirana, Albania Fatos Rexha/Manager AMERICAN CHAMBER OF Phone: +355 42 258663 Rr. Xhavit Shyqyri Demneri, Pall 35, kati 1, COMMERCE IN ALBANIA Fax: +355 42 258663 Tirana, Albania Lorenc Gjoni/ Executive Director Web: www.avon.com Phone: +355 (0) 68 20 85914 Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Sky Tower, 11/3, Web: www.actavis.com Tirana, Albania BAKERY ADRIATICA Phone: +355 42 259779 Ilias Katsouris/CEO Web: www.amcham.com.al AKSIONER INTERNATIONAL Rr. e Kavajës, Dyqani Cinnabon SECURITIES BROKERAGE Tirana, Albania Mark Crawford/ Chairman AMERICAN HOSPITAL Phone: +355 46 305465 Web: www.cinnabonadriatica.com Address: Rr. Qemal Stafa, Pall. 31, Njësia Klodian Allajbeu/CEO tregtare 2. Nr. 20 Prane Spitalit Ushtarak Tirana, Albania Tirana, Albania BIO-MICROBICS Phone: +355 42 357535 Phone: +355 44 400600 Edmond Caushi/Administrator Web: www.aksioner.com Fax: +355 42 357634 Web: www.spitaliamerican.com Rr. Luigj Gurakuqi, Pall 15/1, Shk. 6, kati 2, Apt 41 ALBANIAN AMERICAN ENTERPRISE Tirana, Albania FUND APIA WEALTH MANAGEMENT Phone: +355 42 226535 Fax: +355 42 226535 Martin Mata and Aleksander Sarapuli/ ALBANIA Interim Co Chief Executive Officers Aleksander Prifti/ CEO Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Green Park Complex, Rr. Perlat Rexhepi, Pall. 12, pranë Hotel Tower 2, Floor 12 Presidencës Tirana, Albania Tirana, Albania Phone: +355 42 222408 Phone: +355 69 87 95 536 Fax: +355 42 271952 Web: www.apiawealthmanagement.com Web: www.aaef.org

Year Book 2016 50

U.S. Owned and Affiliated Companies, Operating in Albania

BGP Products Switzerland GmbH DDB ALBANIA HERTZ ALBANIA (Mylan) Juela Isaj/CEO Sheshi Skenderbej, Hotel Tirana Denisa Bixheku/ Business Unit Manager Observator Business Center, kati 13, Rr.e International, Tirana, Albania Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Sky Tower, 6/1, Tirana, Dibrës, Tirana, Albania Phone: +355 42 262511, (0)69 20 58775 Albania Phone: +355 42 419461, 2419462 Web: www.hertzalbania.com Phone: +355 (0)69 40 30073 Fax: +355 42 419461 Web: www.mylan.com Web: www.ddb.al G&H PARTNERS Brandt Hoffman/COO BUDGET CAR RENTAL DELOITTE ALBANIA Rr. Mustafa Matohiti, pallati me birila, Blvd. Dëshmorët e Kombit, Rogner Hotel Maksim Caslli/Country Leader Tirana, Albania Europapark, Tirana, Albania Rr. Elbasanit, poshtë Fakultetit Gjeologji- Phone: 0693325088 Phone:+355 44 505555 Miniera, ngjitur me Lion Park, Tirana, Albania Web: www.ghdesigned.com Web: www.budget.com Phone: +355 44 517920, 4517990 Fax: +355 44 517990 GRANT THORNTON Web: www.deloitte.com/al CENTURY 21 ALBANIA Kledi Kodra/Managing Partner Jonian Antoni/CEO Rr. Sami Frashëri, Compleksi T.I.D, Pall. B, EcoUCD USA Albania Rr. Abdi Toptani, Kulla Torre Drin, Kati 5 Kati 1, Tirana, Albania Tirana, Albania Gjon Gjoka/Administrator Phone: +355 42 274832 Phone: +355 42 250599 Grykë lumi, Tale, Lezhë Fax: +355 42 256560 Fax: +355 42 257829 Phone: 0673770377 Web: www.grantthornton.al Web: www.century21albania.com Web: www.ecoucdusa.com IBS-INFORMATION BUSINESS COCA-COLA BOTTLING SHQIPËRIA FINANCIAL UNION OF TIRANA/ SYSTEMS Luigi Verardo/General Manager and Ad- WESTERN UNION Dhimitër Kekezi ministrator Elton Çollaku/CEO Rr. Rruga Haxhi Dalliu, P2-K1, Tirana, Albania Rr. Kombëtare Tiranë-Durrës, km 5, Kashar Auto City Park (City Park) Phone: +355 42 247260 Tirana, Albania Tirana, Albania Fax: +355 42 223854 Phone: +355 48 200431/32/33 Phone: +355 42 250653 Web: www.ibs.al Fax: +355 48 200430 Fax: +355 42 250654 Web: www.cocacola.al Web: www.unionifinanciar.al JOHNSON & JOHNSON Sazan Celiku COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL ALBANIA HARRY T. FULTZ FOUNDATION Rr. e Elbasanit, Pall. Edil-Al-It, Tirana, Albania Stela Dhami/Managing Partner Arjan Kapedani/General Director Rr. Abdyl Frashëri, Hekla Center Section B, Rr. Mine Peza, Tirana, Albania KODAK DISTRIBUTOR Kati 4, Tirana, Albania Phone: +355 42 222008 Phone: +355 42 400471 Fax: +355 42 222008 Dhori Jano/President Fax: +355 42 400470 Rr. A. Goga, nr. 359, Web: www.colliers.com Durrës, Albania HAVAS WORLDWIDE TIRANA Phone: +355 52 25340 D&A Fin Partners Rr. Kajo Karafili , Tirana, Albania Fax: +355 52 22395 Phone: +35542 223102 Dritan Abazi/CEO Web: www.havasworldwide.com Rr. Teodor Keko, GBA Complex, Kati 2-të Phone: 0674080686 Web: www.dafpartner.com

Year Book 2016 52 KPMG ALBANIA NOA SH.A REGENCY HOTEL Heris Jani/Senior Partner Herjola Spahiu/ CEO Niko Nuke,/President Blvd. Dëshmorët e Kombit, Kullat Binjake, Rr. Tish Daia, Komuna Parisit, Haxhiu (Kika 2), Rr. Ismail Qemali, No. 7, Korca, Albania Kulla 1, Kati 13, Tirana, Albania Building No.2, 1st floor, Tirana - Albania Phone: +355 822 43868 Phone: +355 42 274524, 2274534 Phone: +355 42 403764 Fax: +355 822 43870 Fax: +355 42 235534, 2274524 Fax: +355 42 403765 Web: www.noa.com.al Web: www.kpmg.com.al SAN Jordan Caci/Managing Director OCCIDENTAL OF ALBANIA LAMSIA CORPORATION Rr. Pjeter Bogdani, 39/1, Tirana, Albania Albert Fundos/ President David Grellman/Vice President Phone: +355 4 2257150 1850 Lansdowne Avenue, Merrick, Rr. Jul Variboba, no. 11, Tirana, Albania Fax: +355 4 2257152 New York 11566 Phone: +355 42 248484 Fax: +355 42 248487 Phone: +1 5162232191 S2 GLOBAL INC Fax: +1 516 379 0098 Ilirjan Zylyftari/CEO OGILVY ALBANIA Rr. Egnatia, Nr.21, Kashar LINCOLN CENTERS OF ALBANIA Theodore Politis/General Manager Phone: 0697035600 Aida Repishti/President Rr. Abdyl Frashëri, EGT Tower, Pall 11/1, Kati 3 Web: www.rapiscansystems.com Rr. Qemal Stafa, Nr. 184, Tirana, Albania Tirana, Albania Phone: +355 42 247533 Phone: +355 42 230880/+355 68 201 0607 SHERATON TIRANA HOTEL Web: www.lincoln.org.al Fax: +355 42 262419 Web: www.ogilvyalbania.com Jose Pinto/General Manager Sheshi Italia, Tirana, Albania LOUIS BERGER SAS ORACLE ABANIA Phone: +355 42 274707 Genci Xhillari/Representative Fax: +355 42 274711/80 Rr. Naim Frashëri, Nr. 57, Tirana, Albania Albert Kola/Business Development Man- Web: www.sheratontiranahotel.com ager Phone: +35542 237494 Web: www.louisbergergroup.com Rr. Bajram Curri, ETC Tower, 13/4, Tirana, Albania TPA HORWATH ALBANIA Phone: +355 42 254172 Ilir Binaj/Administrator MICROSOFT ALBANIA Mob: +355 692073418 Rruga Reshit Çollaku 44, Tirana 1000, Sokol Vladi/Country Manager Tirana, Albania Rr. Abdyl Frashëri, Pall. 11/1, Kulla EGT, Kati PHILIP MORRIS ALBANIA Phone: +355 42 234568 2, 1019 , Tirana, Albania Web: www.tpa-horwath.com Roman Khrushch/Managing Director-Alba- Phone: +355 42 274516 nia/Kosovo/Macedonia Fax: +355 42 253587 TRANSATLANTIC ALBANIA Ltd. Web: www.microsoft.com.al Lorent Gordi, Corporate Affairs Manager- Albania/Kosovo Vice-President Rr. Murat Toptani, Qendra e Biznesit Eurocol, Address 1: Rr. Fier-Patos, Km. 4, Fier MONSANTO Kati 10, Tirana, Albania Address 2: Rr. Abdi Toptani, Kulla Torre Drin, Bruka Seedling, Divjakë 2, Lushnje, Albania Phone: +355 42 276691 Kati 4, Tirana/ Albania Phone: +355 371 21 41 Web: www.pmi.com Phone: +355 385 40386 Web: www.monsanto.com Web: www.transatlanticpetroleum.com PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS NCH ADVISORS AUDIT TRANZIT SHA Andi Ballta/CEO Loreta Peçi/ Country Director Igli Sulaj/Administrator Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Sky Tower, Kati 7, Nr. 72 Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Sky Tower, 9/1 Rr.Ibrahim Rugova, Sky Tower, 7/1 Tirana, Albania Tirana, Albania Phone: +355 4 2249136 Phone: +355 42 247022/103 Phone: +355 42 242254 Web: www.tranzit.com.al Fax: +355 42 247022/107 Fax: +355 42 241639 Web: www.nchcapital.com Web: www.pwc.com/al

Year Book 2016 53 U.S. Owned and Affiliated Companies, Operating in Albania

ULYSSES ENTERPRISES Ervin Aliaj/Administrator Rr. Mine Peza, Nr. 2, Tirana, Albania Phone: +355 42 253203, 2253630 Fax: +355 42 253630 Web: www.fedex.com

UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK TIRANA VISTA GROUP SH.P.K. Andreas Galatoulas/ President Mimi Kruja/CEO Rr. Kodra e Diellit, Tirana, Albania Mjull-Bathore, Acacia Hil Phone: +355 44512345/58 Tirana, Albania Fax: +355 4 2273059 Phone: +355 69 20 65 911 Web: www.unyt.edu.al Web: www.vista.al

UPS-UNITED TRANSPORT WESTERN ATLAS INTERNATIONAL Niko Leka/Administrator INC. Elvin Plumbi, Country Manager Petrika Kerenxhi/Customer Service Rep Rr. Ismail Qemali, Nr. 32/1, Tirana, Albania Rruga Semanit, Km. 1, fshati Afrim i Ri Phone: +355 42 259742, 2263407, 2256970 Fier, Albania Fax: +355 42 259743 Phone: +355 34 232155 Web: www.ups.com Web: www.bakerhughes.com

VALU ADD MANAGEMENT WRIGLEY ALBANIA SERVICES Rr. Ibrahim Rugova/Blloku Green, Kulla 2, Philip D. Giantris/President ap. 2 Rr. Pjeter Bogdani, Pall. 39/1, Apt. 4/2 Tirana, Albania Tirana, Albania Phone: +355 42 262444 Phone: +355 42 242599 Web: www.wrigley.com Fax: +355 42 258379 Web: www.valu-add.com

VERNON PUBLISHING Lee Church/President Rr. Selitë e Vogël Tirana, Albania Phone: +355 42 322732, +355 69 22 65 149

Year Book 2016 54


Year Book 2016 56

Membership Directory MEMBERSHIP

MEMBERSHIP AmCham Albania is the voice of U.S. and Albanian business interests in Albania and works for specific economic devel- opment incentives, more effective import and export support policies and a better business infrastructure. Being an AmCham member empowers businesses to lobby in a group with leading companies, to extend networking to influential circles and to participate in events tailored to their needs.


LOBBYING NETWORKING BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AmCham lobbies successfully on AmCham is a place where U.S. and Al- The American Chamber gives the op- behalf of its members with the Alba- banian businesses can network, look portunity to its members to develop nian Government. It is determined to for business partners, and acquire in- and to introduce their business by continue to be a serious contributor formation on specific business oppor- utilizing the network created within to the public discussion on fiscal and tunities. the Chamber. At the same time, mem- economic policies in Albanian, being AmCham is devoted to promote busi- bers can develop their businesses by a strong voice in protecting the inter- ness for its members by organizing benefiting from their participation ests of its members and the Albanian events that allow them to establish at business forums, meetings with business community in general.It contacts among themselves as well as heads of institutions, business after also serves as a forum for interna- help them to meet up with important hours, B2B meetings in Albania and tional visitors who want to address guest. in region and trade missions to US or Albanian business and political Europe. leaders. The Chamber is working to Cham Albanian offers four build a better business climate and increase incentives for foreign inves- tors to Albania.

Year Book 2016 60 levels of membership: Sustaining Companies Small Businesses Individuals & NGO’s Participation at CEO’s Forum Company Logo at ‘The Advan- tage’ magazine and at Year Book Invitation to special events Invitation to all regular events (3 Invitation to all regular events (2 Invitation to all regular events (1 Invitation to all regular events (1 persons) persons) person) person) Eligible for election to the Board Eligible for election to the Board Eligible for election to the Board Eligible for election to the Board of Directors of Directors of Directors of Directors Eligible to chair and to participate Eligible to chair and to participate Eligible to chair and to participate Eligible to chair and to participate on committees on committees on committees on committees Company Logo and listing at Am- Listing at AmCham Webpage Listing at AmCham Webpage Listing at AmCham Webpage Cham Webpage Membership is approved by the Membership is approved by the Membership is approved by the Membership is approved by the Board of AmCham Board of AmCham Board of AmCham Board of AmCham

SERVICES General Services: Publications: As part of the AmCham, members can: ■ Business partner identification assistance ■ The Advantage Magazine ■ Lobby ■ U.S. market information ■ AmCham Business Index ■ Network ■ Albanian market information ■ Year Book ■ Find new clients ■ Lobbying efforts ■ Sponsorships & Advertisement ■ Advertise their business ■ Business opportunity alerts ■ AmCham Interactive Web Site ■ Work with groups of industry/interest ■ Interactive AmCham Web Site ■ Tax & Legal Bulletin ■ Get updates with what’s new in economy and business ■ Further develop your business and …. Have fun

Activities and Meetings: Committees: AmCham Albania is Member of: ■ Networking activities with high government ■ CEO’s Forum (Sustaining Members) ■ U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington officials, diplomatic and international lev- ■ CSR Commitee ■ AmChams in Europe els ■ Tax & Legal Committee ■ National Economic Council ■ Business After Hours-Company member’s ■ HR Committee ■ Tax Council at Ministry of Finances presentation ■ WoBAC Committee ■ Investments Council ■ Job Fair ■ IPR Committee ■ MoU with Regional AmChams (Albania, ■ Participation in international trade shows Kosovo, Macedonia & Montenegro) and conferences / B2B meetings ■ Seminars and training courses ■ Business Forums ■ Business Luncheons/Breakfasts ■ Business Roundtable ■ General Assembly Meeting ■ Social events (4th of July, End of the Year Party, AmCham Anniversary, etc.)

Year Book 2016 61 Sustaining members

Marketing & Distribution ALBANIA

Dimapak Sh.p.k. Adamb


Tirex Exploration

Fusha sh.p.k.

T endence 3A

Year Book 2016 63 Members by Business Activity

A Advertising & Graphic Design Bereqet Consulting – Legal Services AIM Advisory Era 2000 Boga & Associates DDB Albania FAFA Bozo & Associates Eyes Advertising Nov Hotel D&A Fin Partner McCANN Tirana Pianeta Deloitte Albania Fatmir Kazazi Airline Beauty Salon Kalo & Associates ‘Deutsche Lufthansa’ Albania Branch Bukuria Shqiptare Beli Laura Pustina Loloçi & Associates Airport C Car & Vehicle Trade Net-SFS Tirana International Airport Adi Company Optima Legal & Finacial Artinel 95 T.A. Law Firm Agricultural Machineries and Auto Star Albania Tashko-Pustina Attorney Equipments Porsche Albania Tonnuci & Partners Albania Adi Company Tendence 3A Zaka-Kosta Attorneys at Law Jordil Cleaning Services Communication Agrobusiness Albpastrim A.E. Distribution AlbGarden Fusha ABCom Agrotal 1 Korsel TCN Jordil Telekom Albania Clothes Production/ Confection Vodafone Albania Aluminum Foundry (underwear) Construction Marlotex Rametal Alba Skela Construction Melgushi Auditing/ Accounting/ Bookkeeping Alb-Star Ales Construction Avanntive Consulting Consulting – Business Amined A & B Business Consulting Boga & Associates Brema Ambiente AIM Advisory Deloitte Albania FAFA Ande-LM Agency Ernst & Young Albania Fusha Avanntive Consulting Grant Thornton Gener 2 Balfin-Balkan Finance Investment Group KPMG Albania HGH Engineering Boga & Associates PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Jera Construction Deloitte Albania Kika DM Consulting Services Albania Architecture & Design Korsel IDRA G&H Partners Kuel KPMG Albania Mara Garden City Hotel & Residences NCH Advisors B P.V.N.- Hotel Colosseo NOA Alpha Bank Prespa 2000 PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit American Bank of Investments Salltik Regional Development Agency, Korca International Commercial Bank Tirana International Airport Valu Add Management Services Intesa Sanpaolo Bank of Albania Trema Engineering 2 Procredit Bank Tirana Bank Consulting-Engineering Projects Construction Materials Production Alb-Star United Bank of Albania Adamb Brema Ambiente Veneto Banka Alumil Albania GSA Antea Cement HGH Engineering Bar/ Restaurants/Catering Fushë-Kruja Cement Factory Trema Engineering 2 Bar-Gallery-Art Cubi Mifol Inerte Bar-Restaurant Shqiponja Renova Year Book 2016 64 Construction Materials & Explorations & Researches Services Funds Machineries Trading Adriatic Ventures-Adi Albanian American Development Founda- Adamb Bankers Petroleum Albania tion-AADF Antea Cement GAEA-Green Alternative Energy SHAFP Sigal Life Uniqa Group Austria Eco Mat Tirex Explorations Llambi Karbunara Furniture Production Mermer Balliu F & Institutions Beta Prespa 2000 Ak-Invest Dajti Construxion Renova Albanian American Enterprise Fund Tafaj Z Teknoxgroup Shqipëri Albanian AmericanDevelopment Foundation Alpha Bank G Gas & Oil Cosmetics Trade & Esthetics American Bank of Investments Alkan/SH AVON Cosmetics Albania Easypay B & A – 02 Bukuria Shqiptare Beli Ernst & Young Albania Bankers Petroleum Albania Financial Union in Tirana/Western Union Europetrol Durrës Albania Customs Agency International Commercial Bank FAFA A & A Group Intesa Sanpaolo Bank of Albania KDF/Jorgo Kore KPMG Albania Ksamili Investment D Dairy NOA Kuel Albael PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Phoenix Petroleum Procredit Bank Simmons Edeco Limited Tirana Bank Taçi Oil International Duty Free Services Tirana Leasing Transatlantic Albania Ltd. Albanian Duty Free Distribution United Bank of Albania Western Atlas International Inc. Veneto Banka E Education/Private Schools H Hospital/ Medical Services Albanian International School Food and Beverage Production Hygeia Hospital Tirana American Training Center Albael American Hospital Andela (Woodrow Wilson School) Bërdica GDQ Foundation Best Alb Group Hotels Harry T. Fultz Foundation Birra Korça Mara Garden City Hotel & Residences Lincoln Centers of Albania Bozgo FAFA Playground Albania Coca-Cola Bottling Shqipëria Nov Hotel S.T.A E.H.W. P.V.N. – Hotel Colosseo Turgut Ozal Egnatia Group Sheraton Tirana Hotel University of New York Tirana Erbiron Kantina e Pijeve Gj. K. Skenderbeu I Insurance Electrical Applications & Appliances Miell Tirana Intersig Vienna Insurance Group Abiesse Pianeta Sigal Uniqa Group Austria EcoUCDUSA Albania Relikaj Sigma Interalbanian Vienna Insurance Group GSA Stefani & Co Pianeta Teuta Durrës International Inspection Services Tona Co TUV Austria Albania Embassy Wine.Al Embassy of the United States Internet Provider Food & Beverages Trade ABCom Employment & HR Services Albael Starnet Ande-LM Agency American Noble Coffee TCN DM Consulting & Services Albania Best Alb Group KPMG Albania Elledi ITC Systems/ Equipments/ Soft- PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Erbiron ware Development Kuel A.E. Distribution Pianeta Energy Supply ABCom Devoll Hydropower Zico Bilanc KESH CCS Communication Progress

Year Book 2016 65 Members by Business Activity

Facilization Small Business Association, Korça Textiles First Tetra Tech ARD Co Casa Infosoft Systems World Vision Albania Marlotex Intech + Jupiter Computer Systems Ltd. Optic Services/Medical Devices Tobacco Konsort Omega Optikal British American Tobacco Microsoft Albania JT International Tirana Printec Albania (Cyprus) Limited P Packaging Materials/ Packaging Philip Morris Albania S & T Albania Machineries Tobacco Holding Group TCN Dimapak Tech360 Everest IE Trade-General Antoneta Gjeçi International Securities Brokerage Pharmaceutical Trade Beta Aksioner International Securities Brokerage Bayer D.O.O. Representative Office Bindi BGP Products Switzerland GmbH (Mylan) Coffee Club Albania Individuals Farmatech Dajti Construxion Llambi Karbunara Florifarma Dinamo SH.A Saimir Ivziku Fufarma Enrico-Marinelli Vasil Shandro Dompe Albania Ermira Lulaj GSA J Judicial Execution H Hoffmann – La Roche Iris Vasil Shandro Rejsi Farma Marketing & Distribution Albania Trimed Muça Logistics Nov Hotel A & A Group R Real Estate/Property Assessment Pelinku Jeans Albeno Sila/Real Estate INF 93’ Tafaj Z M Medical Plants and Herbs Brema Ambiente Zhan 92 Filipi Co Century 21 Albania ZICO Relikaj Tirana Business Park Transport & Courier Services Medical Equipment Provider Security Screening Provider A & A Group Fedos S2 Global Inc. DHL International Albania Ulysses Enterprises N Notary Services S Security Systems and Services UPS-United Transport Laura Pustina Abiesse Studio Mallkuçi & Sadushaj ICTS Albania Travel & Tour Agency Kuel AlbAtlas O Organizations/ Associations/ NGO/ Albtours “D”-VAS tour operatore Projects SH Shoe Production Tours Albania & Balkans ABC Health Foundation Ambra GDQ Foundation Donianna TV & Radio Station Gender Alliance Development Center Jordil Harry T. Fultz Foundation T Teleferic Services Instituti Jeta e Re Dajti Ekspres Junior Achievements of Albania Lincoln Centers of Albania Telephony Services MRDC Telekom Albania Professional & Business Woman Association Vodafone Albania Regional Development Agency, Korça

Year Book 2016 66

Contact Information

5. Company: ABC Health 10. Company: Agrotal 1 Foundation Representative: Artur Dojaka A Representative: Kreshnik Grezda Head of the Supervising Council CEO Address: Rr. Pjetër Bogdani, N. 13, Tiranë 1. Company: A & A Group Address: Rr. Qemal Stafa, nr. 260, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 265547 Representative: Aliona Zeqiri Contacts: +355 42 234105 [email protected] Executive Director & Partner [email protected] www.naturalfarming.al Activity: Agrobusiness - extra virgin olive oil Address: Rr. Brigada VIII, Pall. Teknoproject, www.abchealth.org production and trade Kati 2, Ap. 5 (Vila Plus), Tiranë Activity: NGO Contacts: +355 44 503832, 42 257671 11. [email protected] 6. Company: ABCom Company: Ak-Invest Representative: Ilir Adili www.aa-group.net Representative: Genti Daci Activity: Customs brokers-Logistic-Transport- General Manager President Shipping-Consulting Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Green Park Address: Rr. Ded Gjo Luli, Nr. 213, Tiranë Complex, Kulla 2, Kati 2, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 240147 2. Company: A & B Business Contacts: +355 44 501047 [email protected] Consulting [email protected] www.akinvest.com Representative: Arta Gurabardhi www.abcom.com.al Activity: Financial Institute Partner Activity: 3N1 service Provider (TeleCommunication / Internet provider/ TV) 12. Company: Aksioner International Address: Rr. Themistokli Gërmenji, pranë RTVSH, Kati 2, Tiranë Securities Brokerage 7. Representative: Mark Crawford Contacts: +355 42 258326 Company: Adamb Representative: Amarta Ndoka [email protected] Chairman www.abkons.com Administrator Address: Rr. Qemal Stafa, Pall. 31, Njesia Activity: Business Consulting Address: Kompleksi Adriatik, Shengjin, Lezhë tregtare 2. Nr. 20, Tiranë Contacts: [email protected] Contacts: +355 44 400600 3. Company: A Bi Esse Activity: Aluminum and glass facade works [email protected] Representative: Raf Pilika www.aksioner.com Business Administrator 8. Company: Adriatic Ventures (Adi) Activity: International Securities Brokerage Representative: John S. Ross Address: Rr. 28 Nëntori, 73, Kashar, Tiranë 13. Contacts: +355 42 407090/1, (0) 69 40 65 800 CEO Company: Alba Skela [email protected] Address: Sheraton Tirana Hotel, Tiranë Construction www.abiesse.al Contacts: +355 42 379607, (0)694094340 Representative: Petrit Nikolla Activity: Trade of electrical materials [email protected], [email protected] Administrator Activity: Mining, export of nickel-chromium Address: Rr. Dritan Hoxha, Ambjentet e ish 4. Company: A.E. Distribution concentrate Shkollës së Partisë, Tiranë Representative: Elton Kuka [email protected] Administrator 9. Company: AIM Advisory www.albaskela.com Representative: Mirela Pacani Address: Rr. George Bush, Kulla 1, kati 2, Activity: Scaffolding Services, sale and Tiranë Executive Director rental. Contacts: +355 42 261100 Address: Rr. Naim Frashëri, Pall. 60, Apt. 10, [email protected] Tiranë www.aed.al Contacts: +355 (0)682049966 Activity: NGO [email protected] Activity: Consulting & Marketing

Year Book 2016  14. Company: Albael 19. Company: AlbAtlas 25. Company: Ales Construction Representative: Kostika Zguri Representative: Alma Kraja Representative: Esat Noka CEO General Manager Legal Director Address: Rruga Muzakajt, Korçë Contacts: +355 42 224446 Address: Rr. Teodor Keko, (përballë Contacts: +355 698297207 [email protected] Karburant Kastrati) kompleksi Ales 2, Kati 1, [email protected] Address: Rr. Mine Peza, Nr. 2, Tiranë Tiranë www.albael.com Activity: Tour & Travel Agency Contacts: +355 44 307244 Activity: Diary/ Milk plant [email protected] 20. Albeno Sila/Physical Person www.ales.al 15. Company: Albanian - American Address: Sheshi Avni Rustemi (Pazari i Ri), Tiranë Activity: Construction Enterprise Fund Contacts: +355 42 230515 Representative: Martin Mata and [email protected] 26. Company: Alkan/SH Aleksander Sarapuli www.inf93.com Representative: Albert Marku Interim Co-Chief Executive Officers Activity: Real Estate/ Brokerage & Appraisal President Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Green Park Address: Lagjja Ndoc Maziu, Rr. Edit Durham, 21. Complex, Kulla 2, Kati 12, Tiranë Company: AlbGarden tek Karburant AKE, Shkodër Representative: Pjetër Trashaj Contacts: +355 42 222408 Contact: 0692075153 [email protected] Owner Activity: Fuel Trade www.aaef.com Address: Lagjja Skëndërbeg. Superstrada Activity: Financial Institutions Lezhë-Shkodër, Km. 1 27. Company: Alpha Bank Contacts: +355 215 23801 Representative: Periklis Drougkas 16. Company: Albanian Duty Free [email protected] CEO Distribution www.albgarden.com Address: Rruga e Kavajës,Qendra G-Kam Representative: Elona Caushi Activity: Production & trade of seed-plot Business Centre, Kati i 2-të, Tiranë Administrator Contacts: +355 42 278511 22. Company: Albpastrim [email protected] Address: ABA Business Center, Rr. Papa Gjon Representative: Valbona Begolli Pali, Tiranë www.alpha.gr Administrator Contacts: +355 44 500621 Activity: Bank [email protected] Address: Rr. Tish Daia, Kompleksi Kika, www.albaniadutyfree.com Shkalla 6, Apt. 1, Kodi Postar 1023, Tiranë 28. Company: Alumil - Albania Activity: Duty free-Airport Contacts: +355 696058155 Representative: Sotirios Boulios [email protected] Administrator 17. Company: Albanian International www.albpastrim.al Address: Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km. 7 School Activity: Cleaning services Contacts: +355 48 300230/1 Representative: Michel Demyen [email protected] 23. Company: Alb Star Ltd. www.alumil.com Executive Director Representative: Idajet Ismailaj Activity: Construction Material Production Address: Rr. e Elbasanit, nr. 24, Tiranë CEO Contacts: +355 42 273488 Address: Lagjja Skëndërbeg. Superstrada 29. [email protected] Company: Ambra S.r.l. Lezhë-Shkodër, Km. 1 Representative: Xhemal Berxulli www.ais-tirana.org Contacts: +355 215 23801 Activity: Education/International School President [email protected] Address: Rr. Aleksandër Goga, Lagjja 15, www.albstar.al 18. Company: Albanian-American Durrës Activity: Engineering/Construction Development Foundation Contacts: +355 52 227936 [email protected], [email protected] Representative: Martin Mata and 24. Aleksander Sarapuli Company: Albtours D-VAS tour www.ambrasrl.com Interim Co-Chief Executive Officers operatore Activity: Manufacturer of clothes Representative: Enver Mehmeti Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Green Park President Complex, Kulla 2, Kati 12, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 222408 Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, ish blloku, [email protected] Tiranë www.aadf.org Contacts: +355 42 253343 Activity: Foundation [email protected] www.albtoursd.al Activity: Travel Agency

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30. Company: American Bank of 35. Company: ANDE-LM Agency 40. Company: Avanntive Consulting Investments Representative: Luli Makashi Representative: Laura Qorlaze Representative: Andi Ballta President Partner CEO Address: Rr. Ismail Qemali, Pall. 34, Kati 3, Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Sky Tower, 8/3, Address: Zyrat Qëndrore, Rr. Kavajës, Nd. përballë Piceri Era, Tiranë Tiranë 27/1, Nj.B.10, K.P.1001, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 229724 Contacts: +355 42 268079 Contacts: +355 52 227936 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.ande-lm.com www.avanntive.al www.abi.al Activity: Employment Services and Activity: Audit, Accounting & Bookeeping Activity: Financial Institution/Banking Recruitment/ Exchange Student Progress Services 41. Company: AVON Cosmetics 36. Company: Antea Cement Albania 31. Company: American Hospital Representative: Adamantios Frantzis Representative: Aleksandra Kasmi Representative: Klodian Allajbeu CEO General Sales Director for Albania / CEO Address: Kashar, Katundi i Ri, Autostrada Administrator Address: Rr. Murat Toptani, Gjergji Center, Tiranë-Durrës, Km. 7, P.O. BOX 1746 Address: Rr. Themistokli Gërmenji, Pallati Kati 7-të, Tiranë Contacts: +355 (0) 44 502427 Ambasador, Kati 7-të, Zyra 8/2, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 200241 [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 258663 [email protected] www.anteacement.com [email protected] Activity: Hospital medical services Activity: Production & Trade of Cement www.avon.com Activity: Trade of cosmetics 32. Company: American Noble Coffee 37. Individual: Antoneta Gjeçi Representative: Gjok Popaj Address: Rr. e Kavajës, Pall. 146, Shk. 3, Tiranë Administrator Contacts: +355 42 235435, 42 260230 Address: Malësi e Madhe B [email protected] Contacts: +355 692084627 Activity: Apparel trade [email protected], 42. Company: B & A - 02 [email protected] Representative: Albert Gruda 38. Activity: American Coffee Company: Artinel Administrator Representative: Ariana Berberi President Address: Blvd. Bajram Curri, Europian Trade 33. Company: American Training Center, Kati 13, Tiranë Center Address: Muçaj, Vorë Contacts: +355 42 274786 Representative: Adeila Makashi Contacts: +355 47 800551 [email protected], [email protected] Administrator [email protected] www.bp.com/sq_al/lubricants www.artinel.al Address: Rr. Ismail Qemali, Pall. 29, Kati 2, Activity: Wholesale and retail of lubrificant Activity: KIA Motors Corporation, oils Tiranë HYUNDAI Distributor Contacts: +355 257075 [email protected] 43. Company: Balfin-Balkan Finance 39. Company: Auto Star Albania www.atcentre.org Representative: Musa Kastrati Investment Group Activity: Education, Training Center Representative: Samir Mane Administrator President Address: Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, km 7, 34. Company: Amined Address: Rr. Papa Gjon Pali II, ABA Business Kashar Representative: Pranvera Meshnuni Center Kati 12 Contacts: +355 44 500 333 President Contacts: +355 42 389250, 42 389284 [email protected] [email protected] Address: Rr. Mbreti Gent, Shkodër www.mercedez-benz.al www.balfin.al [email protected] Activity: Vehicles & spare parts Activity: Construction Activity: Consulting office

Year Book 2016 70 44. Company: Bakery Adriatica 49. Company: Bërdica 54. Company: Bilanc Representative: Ilias Katsouris Representative: Behar Bërdica Representative: Erion Tushe CEO Administrator CEO Address: Rr. e Kavajës, Dyqani Cinnabon, Tiranë Address: Rr. Lek Dukagjini, Nr. 225, Tiranë Address: Blv. Gjergj Fishta, Qendra Alpas, Contacts: +355 46 305465/ (0) 692090109 Contacts: +355 222 44425 Kati 2, Shk. 2, Apt.3, Tiranë [email protected] [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 274427 www.cinnabonadriatica.com www.berdica.al [email protected] Activity: Bakery Coffee Shop Activity: Additives & Chemicals www.bilanc.com Activity: Software, IT Services 45. Company: Bankers Petroleum 50. Company: Bereqet Albania Ltd. Representative: Ali Onat 55. Company: Bindi Representative: Robert Carss Administrator Representative: Hysen Ruka CEO Address: Artan Lenja, Vila 3 Katëshe, Kati 3, President Address: Blvd. Bajram Curri, Europian Trade Tiranë Address: Rr. Vaso Pasha, Nr. 8, Kati 4, Ap. 10, Center, Kati 13, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 235399 Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 274786 [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 250715 [email protected] www.bereqet.com [email protected] www.bankerspetroleum.com Activity: Catering Activity: Trade Activity: oil & gas production 51. Company: Best Alb Group 56. Company: Birra Korça 46. Company: Bar-Gallery-Art Cubi Representative: Besnik Zahoaliaj Representative: Evgjeni Koshuta Representative: Ada Cubi President Administrator Administrator Address: L. Kryengritja e Fierit, Pall 117, Fier Address: Blvd. Fan S. Noli, Nr. 1, Korçë Address: Rr. Myslym Shyri, Pall. 46/1, Tiranë Contacts: +355 582 326095 Contacts: +355 8225 4033 Contacts: +355 42 258013 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Activity: Import and distribution of consumer www.birrakorca.com.al Activity: Art Gallery packaged goods Activity: Brewery

47. Company: Bar Restaurant 52. Company: Beta 57. Company: Boga & Associates Shqiponja Representative: Bexhet Kapllani Representative: Genc Boga Representative: Hysen Isufi President Managing Partner President Address: Autostrada e Metalurgjisë, Km. 2, Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, P.O. Box 8264, Address: Lagjja Ajasem, Rr. Rozafat, Shkodër Elbasan Tiranë Contacts: +355 222 41625 Contacts: +355 582 326095 Contacts: +355 42 251050 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Activity: Bar-Restaurant Activity: Furniture manufacturing and trade www.bogalaw.com Activity: Legal, Tax, Accounting 53. 48. Company: Bayer D.O.O. Company: BGP Products Switzerland GmbH (Mylan) 58. Company: Bozgo Representative Office Representative: Tritan Bozgo Representative: Orjana Janushaj Representative: Denisa Bixheku Administrator Managing Director Business Unit Manager Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Sky Tower, 6/1, Address: Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km. 3 Address: Blv. Gjergj Fishta, Kulla Gora 1, Kati Contacts: +355 42 227784 4, Apt. 17, Tiranë Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 267120 [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 241988 Activity: Food Production [email protected] [email protected] Activity: Pharmaceutical Representative www.mylan.com Company Activity: Pharmaceutical Representative Company

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C 59. Company: Bozo & Associates 63. Company: CCS 67. Company: Coffee Club Albania Representative: Artan Bozo Representative: Genci Likoskëndaj Representative: Andrea Zaja Partner General Manager President Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Sky Tower, Kati Address: Rr. Sulejman Delvina (pranë Address: Rr. Myslym Keta, km. 4, Komuna 10, 103, Tiranë stadiumit Dinamo), Tiranë , Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 268048 Contacts: +355 42 259004/5 Contacts: +355 44 803700 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.bozolaw.al www.ccs-albania.com Activity: Lavazza Coffee Activity: Law office Activity: IT system, Photocopier system 68. Company: Communication 60. Company: Brema Ambiente 64. Company: Century 21 Albania Progress Representative: Selim Bregu Representative: Jonian Antoni Representative: Gentian Likaj Director Executive Director President Address: Rr. Komuna e Parisit, Tiranë Address: Rr. Abdi Toptani, Kulla Torre Drin, Address: Rr. e Durrësit, Pall. MC Inerte, Tiranë Contacts: +355 0698775458 kati V, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 413901 [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 250599 [email protected] Activity: Consulting-Engineering projects/ [email protected] www.commprog.com Construction/Real Estate www.century21albania.com Activity: IT Services & Communication Activity: Real Estate LLC 61. Company: British American Tobacco Albania 65. Company: Co Casa Representative: Milorad Krstikeski Representative: Arion Muçaj D Country Manager Al, Ma, Ko Shareholder/President Address: Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km. 1, Address: Rr. e Kavajës, ish kombinati 69. Company: D&A Fin Partner Tiranë ushqimor, Tiranë Representative: Dritan Abazi [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 255084 President www.cocasa.al [email protected] Activity: Import Export Textiles Address: Rr. Teodor Keko, GBA Complex, Kati www.bat.com 2-të, Tiranë Activity: Import-Distribution of Cigarettes 66. Company: Coca-Cola Bottling Contacts: +355 0674080686 [email protected] 62. Company: Bukuria Shqiptare Beli Shqipëria Representative: Luigi Verardo www.dafpartner.com Representative: Beli Cafi Activity: Consulting President Administrator Address: Rr. Mine Peza, Pall. 102, Lagjja 4, Address: Rr. Kombëtare Tiranë-Durrës, Km. 70. Company: Dajti Construxion Tiranë 5, Kashar Representative: Kujtim Baholli Contacts: +355 48 200431/32/33 Contacts: +355 42 256699 Administrator [email protected] [email protected] Address: Rr. e Kavajës, ish Misto Mame, www.cocacola.al Activity: Beauty salon, trade of cosmetics Tiranë Activity: Manufacture and wholesale Contacts: +355 42 232121 distributor of Coca-Cola beverages [email protected] www.dajti-construxion.com Activity: Furnishing

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Contact Information

71. Company: Dajti Ekspres 75. Company: Devoll Hydropower 79. Company: DM Consulting Representative: Muhamet Malo Sh.A. subsidiary of Statkraft AS Services Albania President Representative: Tom Kristian Larsen Representative: Dritan Mezini Address: Linzë, Qesarak, Stacioni i poshtëm, Chief Executive Office/Country Manager Managing Partner Teleferik Address: Rr. Papa Gjon Pali II, ABA Business Address: Rruga Luigj Gurakuqi, P.4 Apt. 7 Contacts: +355 42 379111 Center, Office 1204, Tiranë (pranë Sheshit Avni Rustemi), Tiranë [email protected] Contacts: +355 44 501413 Contacts: +355 69 20 31581; +355 69 2031583 www.dajtiekspres.com [email protected] [email protected]; eljana@dm- Activity: Cable Car Service www.statkraft.com and www.dhp.al consulting.biz Activity: Energy www.dm-consulting.biz; www.duapune.com 72. Company: DDB Albania Activity: Human Resources Services, Representative: Juela Isaj 76. Company: DHL International IT Consulting and Software Solutions, CEO Albania Ltd. Management Consulting Address: Observator Business Center, Kati Representative: Qirjako Koçollari 80. 12, Rr. e Dibrës, Tiranë Country Manager Company: Dompe Albania Contacts: +355 42 419461, 42 419462 Representative: Roland Xhafaj Address: Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km. 8 [email protected] Country Manager Contacts: +355 42 406666 www.ddb.com [email protected] Address: Rr. Papa Gjon Pali II, ABA Business Activity: Communication/Advertising agency www.dhl.com Center, Kati 14, Tiranë Activity: Express, Logistics, Overland Contacts: +355 44 54070 73. Company: Deloitte Albania Transport Services, Air and Ocean Freights [email protected] Representative: Maksim Caslli Activity: Promotion & sale of pharmaceutical Country Leader 77. Company: Dimapak products Address: Rr. Elbasanit, poshtë Fakultetit Representative: Fatbardha Dibra 81. Gjeologji-Miniera, ngjitur me Lion Park, Presidente Company: Donianna Tiranë Representative: Donika Mici Address: Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km. 8, Contacts: +355 44 517920, 44 517990 Administrator Kashar [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 406765 Address: Rr. e Durrësit, pranë kthesës së www.deloitte.com/al [email protected] Kamzës, Tiranë Activity: Consulting, auditing, financial www.maillis.com Contacts: +355 42 357583 advisory services, tax and legal Activity: Trade of packaging machineries [email protected] www.donianna.com 74. Company: Deutsche Lufthansa 78. Company: Dinamo SH.A Activity: Shoes production for export Albania Branch Representative: Roland Hysa, President Representative: Alexander Tolweth Nexhip Meçi, Manager Country Manager Address: Rr. Ferit Xhajko, Tiranë Address: Hotel Rogner Europapark, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 253798, (0)682057244 E Contacts: +355 42 235028 [email protected] [email protected] 82. Company: Easy Pay www.dinamo-sha.com Representative: Lindita Shomo www.austrian.com Activity: Trade center and Mechanical CEO Activity: Airline, Air transport Manifacture Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Green Park Complex, Kulla 1, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 264982 [email protected] www.easypay.al Activity: Non-banking financial institution

Year Book 2016 74 83. Company: Eco Mat 89. Company: Enrico-Marinelli 95. Company: Everest IE Representative: Arjon Muçaj Representative: Selamije Dinaku Representative: Vullnet Haka Administrator President General Manager Address: Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km. 1 Address: City Park, Kati 2, Dyqani Enrico- Address: Rr.Yzberish-Mezez Komuna Kashar, [email protected] Marinelli, Tiranë Tiranë www.ecomat.al Contacts: +355 42 248901, 42 271436 Contacts: +355 42 357967, 42 357969 Activity: Import-export of construction [email protected] [email protected] materials www.enricomarinelli.com www.everstie.com Activity: Men’s clothes retail shop Activity: Packaging Materials 84. Company: EcoUCD USA Albania Representative: Gjon Gjoka 90. Company: Era 2000 96. Company: Eyes Advertising President & CEO Representative: Abedin Gora Representative: Rudina Hoxha Address: Grykë lumi, Tale, Lezhë Administrator Administrator Contacts: +355 673770377 Address: Rr. Perlat Rexhepi, Pallati Unicom, Address: Blvd. Gjergj Fishta,Kulla 1, Kati 2, [email protected] Tiranë Ap. 1, Tiranë www.ecoucdusa.com Contacts: +355 42 264475 Contacts: +355 682000453 Activity: Green energy, xenon lamps [email protected] [email protected], eyes_ www.era.al [email protected] 85. Company: EGNATIA Group Activity: Bar Restaurant/ Catering Activity: Advertising Representative: Perla Kociasi General Director 91. Company: Erbiron Representative: Vjollca Ferra Address: Ish Uzina e Traktorëve, 100 m mbi News 24, Shkozë, Tiranë President F Contacts: +355 542 40161 Address: Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km. 5 [email protected]; Contacts: +355 48 200349 97. Company: Facilization [email protected] [email protected] Representative: Gjergji Guri Activity: Wine and other alcoholic drink’s Activity: Trade of food goods. General Manager production Address: Rr. e Barrikadave, Pall 118, Apt. 15, 92. Physical Person: Ermira Lulaj Tiranë 86. Company: E.H.W. Address: Lagjja Apollonia, Rr. Petro Sota Contacts: +355 42 256006 Representative: Luan Leka (pranë shkollës jopublike Bota e Diturisë, Fier [email protected] President Contacts: +355 342 27637, 0674712301 www.facilization.al [email protected] Address: Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km. 4 Activity: IT Consulting, application & SI Contacts: +355 42 407250 Activity: Import-Export of stationeries [email protected] 98. 93. Company: FAFA www.ehwgmbh.com Company: Ernst & Young Albania Representative: Fatos Çerenishti Representative: Anisa Jasini Activity: Meat Processing & Salami Administrator CEO Address: Kodër Kamëz, Tiranë 87. Company: Elledi Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Sky Tower, Kati Contacts: +355 (0)692096833 Representative: Defrim Hyseni 6, Tiranë [email protected] President Contacts: +355 42 419575 Ext.112 www.fafa.al [email protected] Address: Rr. Ali Kelmenti, Nr. 78, Shkodër Activity: Bar & Restaurants, Construction, www.ey.com Contacts: +355 222 41620 Gas & Oil,Hotels. [email protected] Activity: Certified Auditing Activity: Production of grocery products 99. 94. Company: Farmatech Company: Europetrol Durrës Representative: Elvis Kena 88. Company: Embassy of the United Albania Administrator Representative: Frident Kuqi States Address: Rr. e Barrikadave, Tiranë President Representative: Donald Brown Contacts: +355 692035135 Economic/Commercial Officer Address: Blv. Zhan D’Ark, Pall 5, 1/1, Tiranë [email protected] Address: Rr. e Elbasanit, Nr. 103, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 347686 Activity: Pharmaceutical trade Contacts: +355 42 247285-0 [email protected] [email protected] www.europetrol-sg.com www.usemb-tirana.rpo.at Activity: Trade of gas, Construction Activity: Embassy Year Book 2016 75 Contact Information

100. Physical Person: 105. Company: Florifarma Representative: Fatmir Kazazi Representative: Franga Marku Address: Blvd. Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit, kullat Address: Blvd. Zogu i Parë, Tiranë G binjake, kulla 2, kati 4, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 267703 Contacts: +355 42 370178 [email protected] 109. Company: G&H Partners [email protected] www.florifarma.com Representative: Brandt W. Hoffman www.kazaziconsulting.com Activity: Pharmaceutical distributor CO-Founder, COO Activity: Financial & fiscal consulting Address: Rr. Mustafa Matohiti (Pallati me 106. Company: Fufarma Birila), Tiranë 101. Company: Fedos Representative: Isuf Berberi Contacts: +355 693321342 Representative: Fatmir Struga Head of Supervising Council [email protected] Administrator Address: Rr.Qemal Stafa, Nr. 7, Tiranë www.ghdesigned.com Address: Rr. e Barrikadave, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 363172 Activity: Commercial Furnishings, Workplace Contacts: +355 682076261 [email protected] Design & Strategy, Ergonomic Consulting. [email protected] www.fufarma.com Activity: Trade of medical equipments, Activity: Pharmaceutical distributor 110. Company: GAEA-Green consulting-engineering projects Alternative Energy 107. Company: Fusha Representative: Gledis Shehu 102. Company: Filipi Company Representative: Shkëlqim Fusha Administrator Representative: Filip Gjoka President & CEO President Address: Rr. Donika Kastrioti, N.1, H.5, Ap.5, Address: Rr. Murat Toptani, Nr. 25, Tiranë Tiranë Address: Auto City Park (City Park), Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 268557 Contacts: +355 69 2089925 Contacts: +355 42 257374 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.fusha.al www.gaea.al www.filipicompany.com Activity: Construction Activity: Research, development of Activity: Export of medical & aromatic plants alternative fuel substances & flowers 108. Company: Fushë Kruja Cement 111. Company: GDQ International 103. Company: Financial Union Factory Representative: Charles Bouri Christian School Tirana/Western Union Administrator Representative: Roger Pearce Representative: Elton Çollaku Director CEO Address: Rr. Abdyl Frashëri, 11/1, Kati i 7-të, Tiranë Address: Rr. Don Bosco, Tiranë Address: Auto City Park (City Park), Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 243936 Contacts: +355 42 448113 Contacts: +355 42 250653 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.seament.com Activity: Education/ International School www.unionifinanciar.al Activity: Cement Distribution Activity: Financial Services 112. Company: Gender Alliance 104. Company: First Development Center Representative: Gëzim Hoxha Representative: Mirela Arqimandriti Executive Director Address: Rr. Dritan Hoxha, 33, pranë pallatit të sportit Asllan Rusi, Tiranë Address: Rr. Abdyl Frashëri, Pall. 10/1, Shk. 1, Contacts: +355 42 255641 Apt. 3, Tiranë [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 255514 www.first.al [email protected] Activity: System Integrator www.gadc-al.org Activity: Association

Year Book 2016 76 113. Company: Gener 2 118. Company: Hoffmann – La Roche 123. Company: Instituti Jeta e Re Representative: Bashkim Ulaj Representative: Ilir Minga Representative: Ilir Stavro CEO Administrator General Administrator Address: ABA Business Center, Rr. Papa Gjon Address: Rr. Brigada VIII, Pall. Jeshil Address: Rr. Themistokli Gërmenji, Nr. 6, Pali II, Tiranë Teknoproject, Tiranë Tiranë Contacts: +355 696003059 Contacts: +355 42 255937 Contacts: +355 42 274660 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.gener2.al Activity: Pharmaceutical representative www.albaniaccc.org Activity: Construction office Activity: Religious Non-Profit

114. Company: Grant Thornton 119. Company: Hygeia Hospital Tirana 124. Company: Intech + Representative: Kledi Kodra Representative: Maria Driva Representative: Sokol Sinani Administrator CEO General Director Address: Rr. Sami Frashëri, Complex T.I.D, Address: Autostrada Tr-Dr, Km. 1, Tiranë Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Green Park Pall. B, Kati 1, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 380640 Complex, Kulla 2, Kati 3, dera 1, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 274832 [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 241929 [email protected] www.hygeia.al [email protected] www.GrantThorton.al Activity: Hospital medical services www.intech-al.com Activity: Audit, Accounting & Bookkeeping Activity: System design & development

115. Company: GSA 125. Company: International Representative: Serafin Orgocka I Commercial Bank President Representative: Gideon van den Broek Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Pall. 30 (pranë 120. Company: ICTS Albania CEO Karlsberg), Tiranë Representative: Panagiotis Fistedis Address: Rr. Murat Toptani Eurocol Center, Contacts: +355 42 226010, 42 250620 General Manager Kati i 7-të, Tiranë [email protected] Address: Blvd. Gjergj Fishta, Alpas Center, Nd. Contacts: +355 42 256254, 42 254372 www.gsa.com.al 146, Kati 4, Hyrja 2, Tiranë [email protected] Activity: Trade, Production, Engineering Contacts: +355 42 270936 www.icbank-albania.com projects [email protected] Activity: Commercial Bank www.icts.al 126. Activity: Professional security services Company: Intersig Vienna Insurance Group H 121. Company: IDRA Representative: Gentian Sula Representative: Auron Pasha CEO 116. Company: Harry T. Fultz Executive Director Address: Rr. Ismail Qemali, Samos Tower, Kati Foundation Address: Rr. Siri Kodra, Pall 94/5, Apt. 49, P. O. 2, Tiranë Representative: Arjan Kapedani Box 1730, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 270576 General Director Contacts: +355 42 253352, 42 253288 [email protected] Address: Rr. Mine Peza, Tiranë [email protected] www.intersig.al Contacts: +355 42 222008 www.idra.org.al Activity: Insurance [email protected] Activity: Consulting Services & Market Activity: Foundation Research 127. Company: Intesa Sanpaolo Bank of Albania 117. Company: HGH Engineering 122. Company: InfoSoft Systems Representative: Silvio Pedrazzi Representative: Alketa Hasanbelli Representative: Armand Sharra President & CEO Administrator General Administrator Address: Rr. Ismail Qemali, Nr. 27, Tiranë Address Rr. Themistokli Gërmenji, Pall Address: Rr. Murat Toptani, Gjergji Center, Contacts: +355 42 276103, 42 276000 Pegaso, Apt. 2, Tiranë Kati 8-të, Tiranë [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 2433200 Contacts: +355 42 251180-1 www. intesasanpaolobank.al [email protected] [email protected] Activity: Banking services Activity: Consulting, Engineering projects www.infosoftsystem.al Activity: Trade products in the field of information technology, information solutions Year Book 2016 77 Contact Information

128. Company: Iris 133. Company: Jupiter Group 137. Company: KESH Representative: Arben Hoxha Representative: Gjelbërim Hajdari Representative: Agron Hetoja President Administrator General Director Address: Rr. Isa Boletini, Nr. 28, Tiranë Address: Rr. Haxhi Dalliu, afër Stacionit të Address: Blloku Vasil Shanto, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 349380 Trenit, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 259729 [email protected], [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 416052, 0682020767 [email protected] Activity: Trade [email protected] www.kesh.al [email protected] Activity: Generation, transmission, Activity: IT & Computer Systems distribution of electrical power J 138. Company: Kika Representative: Avenir Kika 129. Company: Jera Construction K Executive Director Representative: Bardhyl Jera Address: Rr. Komuna e Parisit, ish SMT-ja, Administrator 134. Company: Kalo & Associates pranë Universitetit të New Yorkut, Tiranë Representative: Përparim Kalo Contacts: +355 42 265168 Address: Blv. Zogu I, Pall. 12, Apt. 13, Tiranë [email protected], avenir@ Contacts: +355 665026103 Managing Partner kikaconstruction.com [email protected] Address: Rr. e Kavajës, GKAM Business www.kikaconstruction.com Activity: Construction Centre, Kati 4, Tiranë Activity: Construction Contacts: +355 42 233532 130. Company: Jordil [email protected] 139. Representative: Dilaver Kamberaj www.kalo-attorneys.com Company: Konsort Representative: Benard Shehu Administrator Activity: Legal Services General Director Address: Lagjia 29 Marsi, pranë frigoriferave 135. Address: Rr. Bardhok Biba, Galeria Tirana, të bananeve, Patos, Fier Company: Kantina e Pijeve Gj. K. Pallati “Conad”, Kati 7, Tiranë Contacts: +355 382 540092 Skënderbeu Contacts: +355 42 260944 [email protected] Representative: Krenar Hasanaj [email protected] Activity: Agrotrade General Director www.konsort.com Address: Rr. Bajram Tusha, Durrës Activity: IT Consulting, System Development, 131. Company: JT Internacional Tirana Contacts: +355 52 264628 software, Distribution, Training Representative: Përparim Tushaj [email protected] CEO www.kantinaskenderbeu.al 140. Company: Korsel Address: Rr. Milto Tutulani, Ndërtesa 6, Hyrja Activity: Wine & Alcoholic drinks’ production Representative: Maksim Fejzulla 2, Zyra 3/4, Tiranë President Contacts: +355 42 274989 136. Company: KDF Address: Blvd. Gjergj Kastrioti, ish Kryqi i [email protected] Representative: Jorgo Kore Kuq, Korçë Activity: Tobacco Company Administrator Contacts: +355 8224 2094 Address: Lagjja nr. 1, Sarandë [email protected] 132. Company: Junior Achievement of Contacts: +355 852 25809 Activity: Cities Cleaning, Manufacturing & Albania [email protected] Electricity Transmission Representative: Suela Bala Activity: Gas Station Executive Director Address: Pjeter Bogdani, No 36/1, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 259108 [email protected] www.junior-albania.org Activity: Non-profit organization

Year Book 2016  141. Company: KPMG Albania 146. Physical Person: Llambi 151. Company: McCANN Tirana Representative: Heris Jani Karbunara Representative: Suela Shtylla Senior Partner Address: Lagjja 11 Janari, Rr. R. Aranitasi, Managing Director Address: Kullat Binjake, Kulla 1, Kati 13, Pall. 7, Fier Address: Blv. Gjergj Fishta, 146, H. 1, Ap. 12, Tiranë Contacts: +355 342 2918 Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 274524, 42 274534 [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 258808, +355 44 504074 [email protected] Activity: Trade of hidrosanitary products [email protected] www.kpmg.com.al www.mccann.al Activity: Auditing, Accounting, Bookkeeping 147. Company: Loloçi & Associates Activity: Advertising agency Law Firms Representative: Krenar Loloçi Attorney at Law 152. Company: Melgushi 142. Company: Ksamili Investment Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Pall. 1/1, Kati Representative: Ferdinand Melgushi Representative: Rebani Bocaj 2, Tiranë Administrator Address: Zona Industriale, Karburanti Alpet, Contacts: +355 42 250736 Address: Lagjja Ndoc Mazi, Sheshi Isa Gjirokastër [email protected] Boletini, Shkodër Contacts: +355 694011111 www.lolocilaw.com Contacts: +355 222 42143 [email protected] Activity: Law firm [email protected] Activity: Tourism, Real Estate, Gas Station www.melgushi.com 148. Company: Mara Garden City Activity: Confection (underwear) 143. Company: Kuel Hotel & Residences Representative: Mike McDougall Representative: Hadi Fitrianto Hartoyo 153. Company: Mermer Balliu C.O.O. President & CEO Representative: Jorgji Balliu Address: Rr. Shkëlqim Fusha, Pall. 3, Zyra 2/2, Address: Kompleksi Garden City, Kthesa e President Kodra e Diellit, Tiranë Kamzës, Tiranë Address: Zona Industriale, Korçë Contacts: + 355 44 504444 Contacts: +355 42 221213 Contacts: +355 8224 4530 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Activity: Consulting-Engineering projects, Activity: Trade, Marketing, Distribution Activity: Marble Processing Construction, Food & Beverages Trade, Gas & publicity Oil, Security Systems 154. Company: Microsoft Albania Representative: Sokol Vladi 144. Physical Person: CEO Representative: Laura Pustina M Address: Rr. Abdyl Frashëri, Pall. 11/1, Kulla Address: Rr. Abdyl Frashëri, nr. 31, Hekla EGT, Kati 2, 1019, Tiranë 149. Business Venter, kati 3, Tiranë Company: Marketing & Contacts: +355 42 274516 Contacts: +355 42 261909 Distribution Albania [email protected] [email protected] Representative: Vilma Nushi www.microsoft.com.al Activity: Legal Consultancy & Notary Services President Activity: Information technology/ Address: Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Katundi i Information solutions Ri, Kashar, Km. 7 Contacts: +355 48 202336/7 155. Company: Miell - Tirana L [email protected] Representative: Roland Hysa Activity: Trade, Marketing, Distribution Administrator 145. Company: Lincoln Centers of publicity Address: Rr. Teodor Keko, Tiranë Albania Contacts: +355 42 271777 Representative: Aida Repishti 150. Company: Marlotex [email protected] President Representative: Gazmen Toska [email protected] Address: Rr. Qemal Stafa, Nr. 184, Tiranë Administrator Activity: Production and trade Contacts: +355 42 230880, / +355 682010607 Address: Ish Kombinati i Tekstileve, Berat [email protected] Contacts: +355 32 238368 www.lincoln.org.al [email protected] Activity: Educational Development & www.marlotex.com Workforce Training Organization Activity: Textiles Commissioning

Year Book 2016 79 Contact Information

156. Company: Mifol Inerte 160. Company: Net-SFS 164. Company: Optima Legal & Representative: Anest Bezhani Representative: Rezar Llukaçej Financial President Address: Rr. Milto Tutulani, Pall. Representative: Ilir Daci Address: Kutia Postale 4356, Vlorë Albmillenium, Kati III (përballë Fakultetit Managing Partner Contacts: +355 332 22714 Juridik), Tiranë Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Sky Tower, 8/3, [email protected], mifolinert@ Contacts: +355 692094490 Tiranë hotmail.com [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 221666/151 Activity: Sand & gravel quarry, production of Activity: Accounting [email protected] inert materials www.optima-al.com 161. Company: NOA Activity: Law Firm 157. Company: MRDC Representative: Herjola Spahiu Representative: Charles Linderman CEO Executive Director Address: Sheshi Karl Topia, Qendër Biznesi, Address: American Hospital, Tiranë Kati 3, tek Zogu i Zi, Tiranë P Contacts: +355 684066894 Contacts: +355 42 403764 [email protected] [email protected] 165. Company: P.V.N. - Hotel Colosseo www.mrdc-al.com www.pshm-al.org Representative: Niko Fushaj, Valter Fushaj Activity: Micro finance & small business Activity: Global Medical Support Administrators finance Address: Rr. Kol Idromeno, Hotel Colosseo, 158. Company: Muça Representative: Muhamet Muça 162. Company: Nov Hotel Shkodër Representative: Artan Çeço Contacts: +355 222 47513, +355 682052862 President Administrator [email protected], Address: Rr. e Kavajës, përballë me ish [email protected] Address: Rr. Gjin Bue Shpata,(pranë parkun, ngjitur me ABA Call Center (Dyqani www.colosseohotel.com Stadiumit Selman Stërmasi), Tiranë Melvinflex), Tiranë Activity: Restaurant, Hotel & Construction Contacts: +355 662085096 Contacts: + 355 42 274902 [email protected] [email protected] 166. Company: Pelinku Jeans www.melvinflex.com www.nov-hotel.com Representative: Shkëlqim Pelingu Activity: Hotel & Trade Activity: Trade & Production of mattresses. President Import-Export Address: Rr. Branko Kadia, Nr. 6/1, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 347425 O [email protected] www.pelinkujeans.com N 163. Company: Omega Optical Activity: Trade of jeans Representative: Ardian Njehrrena 159. Company: NCH Advisors Inc. Administrator 167. Company: Philip Morris Albania Representative: Andi Ballta Representative: Roman Khrushch Address: Rr. Hoxha Tahsim, Pall 103/1, Tiranë CEO General Manager for Albania & Kosovo Contacts: +355 42 241907 Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Sky Tower, Kati [email protected] Address: Rr. Murat Toptani,Qendra e Biznesit 7, Nr. 72, Tiranë www.optikaroma.com Eurocol, Kati 10, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 247022/103 Activity: Optic services, medical devices Contacts: +355 42 276691 [email protected] [email protected] www.nchcapital.com www.pmi.com Activity: Private capital Activity: Marketing support for sales of Philip Morris Cigarettes

Year Book 2016  168. Company: Phoenix Petroleum 173. Company: Pricewaterhouse 177. Company: Regional Development Representative: Naim Kasa Coopers Audit Agency, Korça Administrator Representative: Loreta Peçi Representative: Aurel Grabocka Address: Rr. e Elbasanit, pallati i ri pranë Country Director Director fakultetit “Gjeologji-Miniera”, kati 2, Tiranë Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Sky Tower, 9/1, Address: Blloku Demokracia, Korçë Contacts: +355 42 468473 Tiranë Contacts: +355 8225 2835 [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 242254 [email protected] Activity: Oil & Gas business [email protected] www.rda-korca.org www.pwc.com/al Activity: Business Center/ Business 169. Company: Pianeta Activity: Accounting & financial consulting, Consultancy Representative: Armand Pashnjari auditing Administrator 178. Company: Rejsi Farma Representative: Merita Sheqi Address: Rr. Faik Konica, Nd. 23, H.1, Tiranë 174. Company: Printec Albania Contacts: [email protected] (Cyprus) Limited Administrator www.cobaso.com Representative: Adrian Shehu Address: Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km. 8, Activity: Coffee machines distribution General Manager Tiranë Address: BLV. Zogu i Parë, P. Edikom, Kati 10, Contacts: +355 42 374925 170. Company: Playground Albania Tiranë [email protected] Representative: Luli Makashi Contacts: +355 42 258065 ext.101 Activity: Pharmaceutical trade Manager [email protected], a.shehu@ 179. Address: Rr. Ismail Qemali, Nr. 2, pranë Hotel printec.al Company: Relikaj Representative: Vjollca Likaj Grand, Tiranë www.printecgroup.com/ www.printec.al Contacts: +355 692053253 Activity: Offers solutions for the financial Administrator [email protected] services institutions, petroleum companies, Address: Koplik, Malësi e Madhe www.fastrackids.com large retailers, government organizations Contacts: +355 211 2388 Activity: Education/ Private Schools (public and private sectors) [email protected] Activity: Production & Export of Medicinal 175. 171. Company: Porsche Albania Company: Procredit Bank Plants Representative: Gentian Bushati Representative: Adela Leka General Manager Head of Executive Directory 180. Company: Renova Representative: Sulejman Lani Address: Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km. 3 Address: Rr.”Dritan Hoxha”, Nd.92, H.15, Mëzes, Tiranë Njësia Bashkiake Nr.11, Kodi Postar 1026, CEO Contacts: +355 42 407430, 48 202971 Tiranë Address: Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, fshati [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 389300, 42 389389 Picar-Vorë www.porsche.al [email protected] Contacts: +355 48 301909 Activity: Vehicle and Spare parts www.procreditbank.com.al [email protected] Activity: Bank Services www.renova.com.mk 172. Company: Prespa 2000 Activity: Construction materials Representative: Nazmi Prespa President R Address: Rr. Sami Frashëri, përballë Drejtorisë 176. Company: Rametal S së Policisë, Kati i 10-të, Tiranë Representative: Elman Abule Contacts: +355 42 254766 Investitor 181. [email protected] Company: S & T Albania Representative: Kleanthi Prifti Activity: Construction, Import-export of Address: Autostrada Durrës – Tiranë, Km. 5, construction materials Xhafzotaj, Vrrinë, Durrës Managing Director Contacts: +355 52 900996 Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Sky Tower, 11/1, [email protected] Tiranë www.rametal.al Contacts: +355 42 274641 Activity: Aluminum Foundry [email protected] www.snt.al Activity: System integrator

Year Book 2016  Contact Information

182. Company: S.T.A 187. Company: Sheraton Tirana Hotel 191. Company: Simmons Edeco Representative: Ines Dika Representative: Jose Pinto Limited, Branch in Albania Address: Rr. Sami Frashëri, 23/9, Tiranë General Manager Representative: Ron Waddell Contacts: +355 (0) 692061713 Address: Sheshi Italia, Tiranë Country Manage [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 274707 Address: Lagjja Bishanake, Rr. Skënderbeu, www.sta-edu.com [email protected] Zona Kadastrale 8534, ndërtesa në të djathtë Activity: Education/ Country master www.starwoodhotels.com të karburantit “Bolv-Oil”, Kati 2, Fier distributor of ETS tests Activity: Hotel/ Bars & restaurants Contacts: +355 34 504144 [email protected] 183. Company: S2 Global Inc. 188. Company: Shoqata Kombëtare e www.simmonsedeco.com Representative: Ilirjan Zylyftari Grave Profesioniste, Afariste dhe Activity: Oilfield services/ Onshore drilling General Director Zejtare Address: Rr. Egnatia, Kashar, Tiranë Representative: Flutura Xhabija 192. Company: Small Business Contacts: +355 48 244107 President Association, Korça [email protected] Representative: Albert Nasto Address: Rr. Mujo Ulqinaku, Pall. Kristian www.screeningsolution.com Konstruksion, Kati 1, Apt. 9, Tiranë Executive Director Activity: Screening and inspection solutions Contacts: +355 42 235726 Address: Rr. Konferenca e Pezes & Ndre [email protected], fluturxhabija@yahoo. Mjeda, Pall. i ri, Kati 2, Korçë 184. Individual: Saimir Ivziku com Contacts: +355 82 257954 Address: Rr. Bardhok Biba, Pall Hodaj, Tiranë Activity: Association [email protected] Contacts: +355 672096498 Activity: NGO [email protected] 189. Activity: Independent expert Company: SIGAL Uniqa Group Austria 193. Company: Starnet Representative: Dritan Vreshta 185. Company: Salltik Representative: Avni Ponari Representative: Skënder Gazheli CEO Administrator President Address: Blvd. Zogu i parë, Nr. 1, Kutia Address: Rr. Dritan Hoxha, ndërtesa 203, Zip 1023, Tiranë Address: Rr. Themistokli Gërmenji, Nr. 11, Postare 2387, Tiranë Contacts: +355 682059503 Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 233308, +355 42 253407 [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 233745/747 [email protected] www.starnet.al [email protected] www.sigal.com.al Activity: Internet Service Provider www.gazheligroup.com Activity: Insurance Activity: Construction 190. Company: Sigma Interalbanian 194. Company: Stefani & Co Representative: Stefan Pinguli 186. Company: SHAFP Sigal Life Uniqa Vienna Insurance Group President group Austria Representative: Qemal Disha Representative: Naim Hasa General Director Address: Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km. 7 CEO Address: Rr. Komuna e Parisit, Pall. Laura, Contacts: +355 42 364063 [email protected] Address: Blv. Zogu i Parë, Nr. 1, Tiranë P.O.Box. 1714, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 258254 www.stefani-co.al Contacts: +355 42 253407 ext. 240 Activity: Brewery [email protected] [email protected], www.capital.com.al [email protected] Activity: Private Institute of Pensions www.sigma-al.org Activity: Insurance/ Financial Services

Year Book 2016  195. Company: Studio Mallkuçi & 200. Company: TCN 205. Company: Tetra Tech ARD Sadushaj Representative: Adrian Shehu Representative: Kevin McLaughlin Representative: Mimoza Sadushaj/Arjana President & CEO Chief Of Party Mallkuçi Address: Blv. Zogu I, Pallati 13 katësh, Përbri Address: Rr. Dervish Hima, kulla 1, kati 10, Address: Rr. Vaso Pasha, Pall 13/1, Tiranë Fakultetit të Shkencave dhe Bar New York, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 266242 Tiranë Contacts: +355 44 504150 [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 258418, 42 257711 [email protected] Activity: Notary Services [email protected] www.plgp.al www.tcn.com.al Activity: USAID Project Activity: Communication and Information Technology 206. Company: Teuta Durrës T Representative: Eleni Babameto 201. Company: Tech360 Administrator Representative: Erjon Curraj 196. Company: TA Law Firm Address: Lagjja15, Rr. Aleksandër Goga, Representative: Kristaq Traja Administrator Durrës Address: Blvd. Zogu i Parë, ndërtesa ‘Zëri i Address: Rr. Abdyl Frashëri, pranë Librit Contacts: +355 52 223094 Popullit, Hyrja 6, Tiranë Universitar, Tiranë [email protected] Contacts: +355 662021540 Contacts: +355 692022229 www.teutadurres.com [email protected] [email protected] Activity: Import-Export, Production and trade www.ta-law.eu www.tech360.al of food items Activity: Legal & Finacial Services Activity: Communication, IT Systems, Software Development, Security Systems & 207. Company: Tirana Bank 197. Company: Taçi Oil International Services Representative: Dritan Mustafa Representative: Rezart Taçi Acting CEO 202. General Director Company: Teknoxgroup Shqipëri Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Nr. 1, P.O. Box Representative: Gent Gogaj Address: Rr. Siri Kodra, Nd. 185, Hyrja 1, 2400/1, Tiranë General Manager Njësia Bashkiake nr. 8 (ish godina e Albanian Contacts: +355 42 277618 Screen), Tiranë Address: Rruga Nacionale Tiranë-Durrës, Km. [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 421465 16, Fshati Muçaj, Vorë www.tiranabank.al [email protected] Contacts: +355 44 504747 Activity: Retail & Corporate banking Activity: Gas and Oil [email protected] www.teknoxgroup.com 208. Company: Tirana Business Park 198. Company: Tafaj Z Activity: Caterpillar brand construction Representative: Etleva Sakajeva Representative: Zenel Tafaj machinery and associated tools General Manager President Address: Rinas Road, Building 07, Tiranë 203. Company: Telekom Albania Contacts: +355 44 415154 Address: Rr. e Kavajës, Nr. 27, Tiranë Representative: Dimitris Blatsios Contacts: +355 42 262482 [email protected] General Director [email protected] www.tiranabusinesspark.com Activity: Furniture Trade & Production Address: Rr. Gjergj Legisi, Laprakë, Tiranë Activity: Real Estate Developer Contacts: +355 42 275300 199. Company: Tashko Pustina - [email protected] 209. Company: Tirana International Attorneys www.telekom.al Airport Representative: Flonja Tashko/Floran Activity: Mobile telecommunication Representative: Rolf Castro-Vasquez Pustina Chief Executive Officer 204. Partners Company: Tendence 3A Representative: Oltion Murataj Address: Tirana International Airport Nënë Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, nr. 5, Sky Tower, Tereza, Rinas, Tiranë CEO 13/4, Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 381600, 42 381556 Contacts: +355 42 389190, 42 389192 Address: Rr. e Durrësit, përballë ish Doganës [email protected] [email protected], Contacts: +355 45 800900 www.tirana-airport.com [email protected] [email protected] Activity: Concession of Tirana International www.tashkopustina.com www.tendence3a.com Airport Activity: Law firm/ Legal Services Activity: Import-export of vehicles

Year Book 2016  Contact Information

210. Company: Tirex Exploration 215. Company: Transatlantic Albania 219. Company: TUV Austria Albania Representative: Përparim Alikaj Representative: Douglas Nester Representative: Prokopios Papagkikas CEO Vice President General Manager & Representative for Kosovo Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Pall. 30, Shk. B, Address 1: Rr. Fier-Patos, km 4, Fier Apt. 4, Tiranë Address 2: Rr. Abdi Toptani, Kulla Torre Drin, Address: Rr. Ibrahim Rugova, Pall Leskova, Contacts: +355 42 249903 Kati 4, Tiranë Kati 5, Ap 19, Tiranë [email protected] Contacts: +355 385 40384 Contacts: +355 44 500523/4 Activity: Research, explorations [email protected] [email protected] www.transatlanticpetroleum.com www.tuv.al 211. Company: Tobacco Holdings Activity: Oil & Gas production Activity: Audit, certification, technical Group inspections and training services Representative: Lirim Fezollari 216. Company: Trema Engineering 2 CEO Representative: Ilir Trebicka Address: Rr. Kavajës, ish Kombinati Technical Manager Ushqimor, Tiranë Address: Rr. Bardhok Biba, pas godinës së U Contacts: +355 42 263089 Hotel Tirana, Pallati i Bardhë, Kati 2, Tiranë [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 266618 220. Company: Ulysses Enterprises www.thg-shpk.com [email protected] Representative: Ervin Aliaj Activity: Import-Distribution of Cigarettes www.tremaengineering2.com.al Administrator Activity: Construction & Maintenance works, Address: Rr. Mine Peza, Nr. 2, Tiranë 212. Company: Tona Co Architectural Designer, Developer Contacts: +355 42 253203, 42 253630 Representative: Nikolla Tona [email protected], ulysses-fedex@ Administrator 217. Company: TriMed icc-al.org Representative: Shani Peposhi Address: Zona Industriale, Korçë www.fedex.com Contacts: +355 82 248535 President Activity: Postal Services, Air Transportation [email protected] Address: Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km. 10 Company www.tona.al Contacts: +355 42 228833 Activity: Meat processing & salami [email protected] 221. Company: United Bank of Albania www.trimed.com.al Representative: Muhamet Prlja 213. Company: Tonucci & Partners Activity: Pharmaceutical Company General Manager Albania Address: Rr. Dritan Hoxha, Nd. 11, H. 3, Njësia Representative: Neritan Kallfa 218. Company: Turgut Ozal Bashkiake Nr. 7, Kodi Postar 1023, Kutia Representative: Yakup Arslan Address: Rr. Abdi Toptani, Torre Drin, Kati 2, Postare 128, Tiranë President Tiranë Contacts: +355 42 404575/6/7 Contacts: +355 42 250711 Address: Rr. Dritan Hoxha, nr. 1, KP. 143 (ish [email protected] [email protected] shkolla e Partisë) Tiranë www.ubaal.com www.tonucci.com Contacts: +355 42 234716 Activity: Banking Activity: Legal services [email protected] [email protected] 222. Company: United Transport-UPS 214. Company: Tours Albania & Activity: Education Institute Representative: Niko Leka Balkans Administrator Representative: Shkëlqim Lama Address: Rr. Ismail Qemali, Nr. 32/1, Tiranë General Manager Contacts: +355 42 259742, 42 263407 [email protected], Address: Rr. e Durrësit, Pall. 118, Shk. 1, Apt. [email protected] 1, Tiranë www.ups.com Contacts: +355 684029914 Activity: Courier and Transportation [email protected] Services/Local service provider for UPS in Activity: Tour & Travel Company Albania Year Book 2016  223. Company: University of New 228. Company: Vodafone Albania 232. Company: World Vision Albania York Tirana Representative: Dietlof Z. Mare Representative: Philip Harris Representative: Andreas Galatoulas General Director Director of Operations General Manager Address: Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Rr. Address: Rr. Jordan Misja, Kompleksi Usluge, Address: Rr. Kodra e Diellit, Tiranë Pavarësia, Nr. 61, Kashar Tiranë Contacts: +355 44512345 Contacts: +355 42 283313 Contacts: +355 42 258333/4 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.unyt.edu.al www.vodafone.al www.wvi.org Activity: Education Institute Activity: Telecommunication Services Activity: NGO V W Z 229. 224. Company: Valu Add Western Atlas International Inc. 233. Company: Zaka & Kosta Representative: Petrika Kerenxhi Management Services Attorneys at Law Representative: Philip D. Giantris Customer Service Rep Representative: Tefta Zaka/Vangjel Kosta President Address: Rruga Semanit, km 1, fshati Afrim i Partners Ri, Fier Address: Rr. Pjetër Bogdani, Pall. 39/1, Apt. Address: Rr. Murat Toptani, Eurocol Business Contacts: +355 34 232155 4/2, Tiranë Center, Kati 2, Tiranë [email protected] Contacts: +355 42 251156, 42 242599 Contacts: +355 42 242932 www.bakerhughes.com [email protected], [email protected] [email protected], vangjel.kosta@ Activity: Gas & Oil www.valu-add.com zakakosta.com Activity: Advisory firm www.zakakosta.com 230. Company: Wine.Al Activity: Law firm/ Legal Services Representative: Iljaz Mehmeti 225. Physical Person: Vasil Shandro Administrator 234. Address: Blv. Zhan D’ark, Kulla 1, Pall Company: Zhan 92 Teknoproject, Shk. 1, kati 4, Apt. 10, Tiranë Address: 11/4, Rr. Asti Gogoli, Lagjja 14, Representative: Edmond Kristo Contacts: +355 42 278031 Shkozet, Durrës Administrator [email protected] Contacts: +355 (0) 682044014 Address: Lagjjja Skënderbej, ish Magazinat Activity: Private judicial execution [email protected] N.T.SH, Elbasan www.wine-al.com Contacts: +355 54 246677 226. Company: Veneto Banka Activity: Winery and production of alcoholic [email protected] Representative: Pierluigi Caferri and non-alcoholic beverages. Activity: Grocery trade General Director 231. Company: Woodrow Wilson 235. Address: Blv. Dëshmorët e Kombit, Kullat Company: ZICO Binjake, Tiranë School Representative: Artan Kadriaj Representative: Lulzim Masha Contacts: +355 42 280555 ext. 422 Administrator [email protected] President Address: Km 7, pranë Urës së Beshirit, , www.venetobanka.al Address: Përballë Parkut Kombëtar, tek Tiranë Activity: Banking Services Liqeni Artificial, Tiranë Contacts: +355 48 520038 Contacts: +355 42 266902 [email protected] 227. Company: Vera Qerrushi [email protected] www.zico-sha.com Representative: Alfred Qerrushi www.wilson-school.com Activity: Trade/Transport Services Administrator Activity: Trade, Private School Address: Ndërtesë private 4-katëshe, përballë rajonit të Policisë, Fushë-Krujë Contacts: +355 688102431 [email protected] Activity: Trade of cosmetics

Year Book 2016  Ambassadors to Albania

Donald Lu Alexander A. Arvizu John L. Withers II Ambassador Extraordinary and Ambassador Extraordinary and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Plenipotentiary Plenipotentiary Presentation of Credentials: Dec. 17, 2014 Presentation of Credentials: Dec. 6, 2010 Presentation of Credentials: Aug. 25, 2007 Termination of Mission: Jan. 11, 2015 Termination of Mission: Aug. 13, 2010

Marcie B. Ries James F. Jeffrey Joseph Limprecht Ambassador Extraordinary and Ambassador Extraordinary and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Plenipotentiary Plenipotentiary Presentation of Credentials: Oct. 30, 2004 Presentation of Credentials: Oct. 22, 2002 Presentation of Credentials: Sept. 8, 1999 Termination of Mission: June 15, 2007 Termination of Mission: May 2, 2004 Termination of Mission: May 19, 2002

Year Book 2016  AmCham Albania thanks the Ambassadors who have worked in Albania these 25 years of restored diplomatic relations and have supported and helped to nurture and strengthen this organization

Marisa R. Lino Joseph E. Lake William E. Ryerson Ambassador Extraordinary and Ambassador Extraordinary and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Plenipotentiary Plenipotentiary Presentation of Credentials: Sept. 4, 1996 Presentation of Credentials: Oct. 17, 1994 Presentation of Credentials: Dec. 21, 1991 Termination of Mission: May 20, 1999 Termination of Mission: Mar. 15, 1996 Termination of Mission: Oct. 13, 1994

Founding Members Honorary Members Gary A. Moinette IDA Charles Levesque Economic/ Commercial Officer, US Embassy Lorenzo Roncari American Bank of Albania James Jeffrey Former US Ambassador to Albania

Nick Karas Panamerican Jeffrey Griffin Former AmCham President John L. Withers Former US Ambassador to Albania Charles Levesque Economic/ Commercial Lorenzo Roncari Founding Member Officer, US Embassy Marcie Ries Former US Ambassador to Albania Krenar Loloçi Loloçi & Associates David Anderson Former AmCham President Alexander Arvizu US Ambassador to Albania Floreta Luli-Faber Former Executive Director Henry Jardine Former Deputy Chief of Mission

Year Book 2016  Publisher

American Chamber of Commerce in Albania YearBook 2016 Publisher American Chamber of Commerce in Albania Design/Layout by: PAS+P Printed by: Gent Grafik

AmCham thanks all people and companies who have provided materials and information for this YearBook. The content of this publication cannot be reproduced in full or part without the prior written permission of the publisher.

© Copyright April, 2016 Rr. “Ibrahim Rugova”, Sky Tower, Suite 11-3 Tirana, Albania Phone: +355 4 225 9779 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.amcham.com.al

Year Book 2016